Clementine in HellChapter 19 Back in the Clearing
- 2 years ago
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The dreaded time of her fourth anniversary came around. It was a Friday and that meant her usual one hundred and a further five hundred from Rashumba. The guard gave her the hundred and wanted to go easy, in view of what she still had in store for her later in the day when Rashumba and James came visiting, but she knew Rashumba would spot it if she hadn't given Clemmy her due and so she was sore and softened up for Rashumba's marathon session.
Rashumba prefaced her whipping with her usual insulting remarks about Clementine's rank stench and verminous condition, which made her feel low and despicable even though it was hardly her fault. Then came the five hundred lashes. Rashumba might have put on weight and be too slow to beat Clementine in a fight but she was still strong. She paused after every fifty in order to recoup her strength and get her breath back. When she had finished she was near to collapse and went straight to bed as soon as James had driven her home.
"I am getting a bit too old to whip that bitch, darling! But I did a good job on her, didn't I? She was out cold at the end. That'll teach her to cross me. Next year I'll get the guards to share the task with me. And that silly little whip isn't heavy enough for her. She needs something a bit more cutting. Something longer, not like the one Viola and I used for our act, but better than the one we use on her now. It's getting too easy for her!"
"She did pass out, darling."
"True. But I want a bigger whip for her, all the same. These Friday whippings are a joke, James. The one she got today before I really laid into her, had hardly broken the skin. I want blood on a Friday, James. Blood! Her blood! Do you hear me?"
James indicated that he heard her only to well.
As for Clementine, Rashumba had indeed been laying into her unconscious body for much of the last hundred, despite constant dousing with ice cold water. When she was cut down the wretched girl collapsed, unable to move. It was obvious that she could not work next day. To her surprise, when she regained consciousness, she saw that she had been brought into the sanatorium rather than being unceremoniously dumped back in the cage. They allowed her a week to recover and treated her back with something which stung at first and made her scream but took away all the pain within minutes. Alexia told her that, although still scarred, her skin looked better than it had for years.
Then she was told something that made her exult. Rashumba was to be her next opponent! This was a stupid move on the African girl's part and James knew it as well as Clementine. Even if she got badly flogged before the fight, Clementine was sure she would still win. And, in any event, the authorities would almost certainly not allow her to go into the ring showing fresh scars. Even her regulatory weekly whippings, of which she had now received over forty, were always suspended the week before a fight and doubled up next week. There was no way she would lose!
James and Clemmy were right! Although a naked Rashumba was still a great sight, she was not the Rashumba of four years ago. That ridged abdomen was fleshier and she looked to Clemmy like an easy opponent this time. It would take more than a few visits to a gym to get her up to Clemmy's standard!
All the horrors of the last four years and two months were expunged from her mind when she stood in triumph over her unconscious tormentor. She had worn the black girl down with a merciless attack and suffered very little herself, being almost unmarked and Rashumba was a mess. Clemmy could have knocked her opponent out in seconds if she had wished, but chose instead to inflict dreadful injuries before delivering the brutal but merciful sledgehammer blow that finally felled her. Rashumba thought of giving up but her pride would not let her. So she vainly tried to avoid Clementine's fists as they aimed blow after punishing blow and her feet as they slammed into all parts of her body. She was knocked down many times but kept getting up again in the vain hope of getting back into the fight, but it was hopeless and finally she went down and stayed down. After ten minutes, Rashumba recovered consciousness and was taken away by James, sobbing in rage and shame. On getting home she took to her bed where she spent three weeks recovering. Clementine went back to the cage and the applause of all the other women, who knew too well, just what this had meant to the tortured girl after so many months of humiliated agony.
Clementine overheard from a conversation between two of the guards that Rashumba had gone away again, presumably to Paris and wondered when or if she would get to revisit the city where she had met Viola and so painfully won her love in that wood. She was beginning to doubt it, knowing that she would never get another chance to escape. Her only hope was rescue and everyone at home thought she was dead. All her thoughts these days were concentrated on survival. At the end of her sentence, if her behaviour from now on was satisfactory, she hoped to become a guard herself. But she would never forget Viola, even though she no longer had any hope of seeing her again.
Two weeks after Rashumba had hauled her disgraced carcass off to Paris, Clementine was in the ring again, this time fighting a new opponent and in a fight with new and exciting rules. She jogged up and down and watched her latest foe. She was a big girl, this one, and it looked like she was facing a real challenge for once! She was glad about that. The danger of losing and the pain of being on the receiving end of good hard blows was all part of the thrill! She looked down at her hands and her stomach churned inside her.
"That sort of glove is called a heavy cestus, darling" Alexia had told her. "The Greeks and Romans wore them in their boxing contests. They do awful damage. Aren't you scared? I am. I'm bloody scared and I don't mind telling you. But I'll fight bravely, darling, as I always do. I just wish it wasn't Olga again!"
"Nothing scares me, Alexia. Only losing and being thought a coward." Clementine spoke the plain truth here!
These gloves were going to wreak havoc on that body in the opposite corner! And then she looked at the other girl's hands and wondered what a few good punches from them would do to her. She was soon to find out and she couldn't wait to get started.
For the first time in her fighting career, Clementine was not to fight bare-fisted. Her hardened, scarred hands had gloves on this time - and what gloves! These were not only leather, but studded with metal and designed to cut skin and break bones. As long as the broken bones weren't hers! Then the bell went and both fighters stepped into the middle of the ring.
James was alone this evening and he was relieved not to have Rashumba's voice next to him, hysterically urging whoever was up against Clemmy to knock her out. He no longer expected Clementine to be defeated, sensing how vital it was for the girl to keep winning in order to stay at the top. This new refinement had been suggested by the company marketing the fight videos. The earlier fights had sold well but not well enough. James had been told to spice them up by fitting the women with these lethal gloves and that Clementine's fights must be included in any future videos.
"She's far and away the best, James. I can't think what it is that makes you leave her videoed bouts off the final product. From now on, she's the star. OK? And clean her up a bit before future bouts. The wild look's fine up to a point, but can be overdone!"
James was forced to agree, although he was not too worried. It was highly unlikely that Clementine would be recognised. She had few friends and none of them was likely to buy a video and see one of her fights. It was very much a minority interest and the chance of Clemmy's death being questioned after four years was not worth losing sleep over.
He watched apprehensively as the two fighters came to the centre of the ring and circled each other tentatively, each trying to get the measure of her foe, now that they were facing each other for the first time. Clemmy struck first and the other girl moved her head in time to avoid the blow, at the same time lashing out at Clemmy with her left and bare foot. Clemmy was not so worried about feet making contact but she winced as this particular foot struck her. It was not going to be a walkover for her. She staggered slightly and then the other woman's glove rammed into her.
Clemmy had the merest split second to dodge that flying fist and the impact was a fraction of that intended. It hurt, though and that wretched cut had been opened again, and only seconds into the fight! This was a poor start and she could feel the disapproval of her fellow cage women.
"Come on, Clemmy" muttered James. "You can do better than that!"
He was soon reassured as his former girlfriend got into her stride and landed a beautifully timed straight right on the other woman, making her blink and drawing a stream of blood from her rather experienced looking nose. James could see that both these young ladies had seen plenty of action in their short lives. He judged them to be about the same age. The other girl was called Amanda and she was a visitor to Abhlovia and here by courtesy of James's boss. She had only agreed to take part in the fight on condition it was time limited and broken into three minute rounds with one minute intervals. She had reluctantly agreed to the absence of both seconds and a referee. The two fighters came to the end of the first of fifteen rounds with honours even. Clemmy had a cut over her eye - again - and Amanda had a bleeding and possibly broken nose. Both looked as if they couldn't wait for the bell to sound for the second round.
The crowd were not as noisy as some that Clementine remembered. But this was because both girls were being cautious. They both knew, after the first exchange that it hurt to be hit with the gloves they were wearing and were less keen to trade punches than they might otherwise have been. It seemed that the old bare fisted fights were better and more full of action. Then Clementine decided she was bored with this pussy footing around. She liked a proper fight, not this tentative stuff, and if that meant getting hurt, then so be it! She opened up with a series of four rapid-fire punches, all of which landed on various parts of the fast moving Amanda, although not on her jaw where Clemmy was aiming.
"It's been a month since your last flogging, Clemmy" said Alexia encouragingly. As she spoke, she was looking at that strong and much whipped back, running the tips of her fingers down the ridge of the spine, making Clementine shiver pleasurably. Her skin might have been thickened and desensitised after the savage treatment it had endured of late, but she could still enjoy those sweet caresses from Alexia! No matter what abuse had been heaped on it, Clementine's back was still a very...
The young, innocent Clementine and her new partner in crime, the happy, dancehall girl Emma sat in the rudimentary restaurant next to the saloon eating prime steak and biscuits with an attitude of youthful sensuous gusto and lots of lip-smacking movements to show their full satisfaction. In Emma’s case, it was simply her normal display of unladylike attitude, but in the case of Clementine, it was an inspired act to convince her new friend the amorous trail hand she was just as committed to...
"And what do you think of my second home, Clemmy?" "You mean Abhlovia?" asked Clementine, as the couple prepared to go to bed at the end of a hectic first day. " It's clean and well run to all appearances. I'll say that much. But I get the impression of a place very much under the thumb. I'll be glad to get up to the mountains and breathe clean free fresh air! It's great to be with you again, though. I'm glad you still like me without my thighs on public view, but I think I'd be...
"Thanks for the dinner, Rashumba. It was lovely to talk over old times. And I'll think about coming to see you in Abhlovia. Now that the pain of losing Clementine has gone away to some extent I think I would like to see where she spent her last days." "It's been my pleasure, darling Viola! Quite like old times - minus the flagellation! How about a goodnight kiss?" Viola obliged. It was horrible. She expected to see Clemmy when she opened her eyes and instead it was her former lover...
"I still can't believe we saw that savage whipping last night. That poor girl - she looked so lovely and delicate. But I suppose she submitted willingly, as James said. Didn't she?" Stella sounded doubtful! Clemmy nodded. "I guess so, Stella. There are certainly twisted people around who love pain. I've even fantasised about it myself before now, though I hope these particular dreams never come true! We just can't get inside their minds to see things their way. But I would rather like...
"Nice breakfast, girls?" asked an excited Viola. The four were seated around her dining table on the morning of the Great Fight which was to decide who of two strong and lustful women was to be her mistress - the young and fair Clementine or the mature Rashumba, with her muscular body and excitingly cruel ways. She was clearly looking forward to the coming contest, no matter who won, unlike Estella, who was dreading it, and Clementine, who was beginning to have butterflies in her stomach....
"Why have we driven out here, darling" Viola asked Rashumba innocently. Inside her heart was working overtime. Could this be it? She had been here for a week now and Rashumba and James had treated her magnificently. Had she not known of his betrayal of Clementine, Viola would have been happy to meet James again. He had great appeal and was still great to look at. She understood very well how Clemmy had succumbed to his charms. But James was busy today and Viola and Rashumba were alone, and...
"We've been friends for nearly two years now and in all that time I never knew you could fight, darling! At least not like that - you are something else. Where the hell did you learn? I mean that was just tremendous the way you took all that punishment and still came through it all to win. You must be made of something more than ordinary flesh and blood to have kept going against that woman. Because she was tough too. I should have thought you'd both have been unfit to go on after a couple...
"Well, they certainly taught you one hell of a painful lesson" said Olga, the ugly tough who had just whipped her. This seasoned prisoner was sweating from every pore after her exertions, despite the night chill. She was standing over her recent victim and examining her handiwork. The new girl was certainly in a bad way. Clemmy had been warmed up herself, but she was still shivering feverishly from the after effects of the beating, which had brought her out into a cold sweat. "You must...
"You still miss her don't you, Viola? Even now, after all this time?" Estella and Jules had flown back from the States, where they had been living since just after their marriage. The couple had brought their two sweet little children with them to start a new life in Estella's native town. Little Estella was getting on for three and already as lovely as her mother. Little Jules was six months old and adorable, smiling delightedly whenever he caught anyone's eye. Estella was clearly...
"I suppose you know what you're getting yourself into, Amanda" said Jeremy. "And you'll have to tell me what to do. I'm a bit new to this." "You are totally new to this! But it is in at the deep end for you! Just give me some water to swill my mouth with and the bucket to spit blood into at the end of each round. Clean up any cuts - and there will be lots! These gloves are lethal mon ami! You can't do much else. And wish me luck, because I fucking need it!" Jeremy sighed. This...
"It's time you snapped out of this, Clemmy my love." murmured Alexia to her brooding, withdrawn friend and lover. It was now two months since the prison guards, sickened at what they were doing to Clemmy, but under orders to spare her nothing of her punishment, had finally got to the end of chastising her for her attempted escape. It was two weeks since she had been the given the last painful instalment of two hundred lashes on a back still raw from previous sessions. Now she was healed...
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Living alone in a city where you have come to work is exciting but it gets boring after sometime. the few initial months are fun, the whole living alone experience is very liberating and fun but only for a few months but then your daily life becomes monotonous and boredom takes over. You start search for hobbies but none come to rescue. Your mind wanders specially if you have a mind like me which thinks about sex 24 hrs of the day either you spend time masturbating or watching porn. Either...
It was just like all the other Fridays that had passed this year. School was done for 48 hours, and the repetition that had become her weekend would set in. Most people would view their weekend as a time to get out and have fun, Naomi on the other hand viewed them as tooo long and boring. She didn’t have a lot of friends in this new town and didn’t drive so she couldn’t escape to the beach. Weekends had nothing in store for this her. Naomi pondered what she might do to entertain...
I was cleaning the kitchen in my sissy maid outfit when the phone rang. Seeing it was Lina, my wife, I immediately picked it up. "Hi Cucky, are you finished with your chores?" she asked. I could hear music in the background, so I knew she was still at the club."Yes Lina, I was just finishing up the kitchen. I am almost done." I replied"Good, because I am gonna be coming home with Brad and I want the bedroom neat and clean. There will be hell to pay if I find anything not up to standards. Do...
FemdomIt was late on Saturday night when Jess decided to get the train home after a long day at work rather than have to take the never ending bus journey home. It was cheaper but it took longer to get home, normally it would take her an hour but with the train it took her two. She had never been on a train before until she moved to the city but it wasn’t that exciting compared to what everyone used to always talk about. Waiting for the train took forever, she couldn’t help but notice how half the...
It's hard to remember that it was just a a few years ago, that my friend, Greg, admitted to me that his biggest fantasy was to watch me in bed with 3 or more other men. At first I was surprised, but as the thought worked in my mind, I got more and more turned on by the possibilities of it. I had enjoyed anal sex for a long time, and I've always loved feeling, hearing and seeing the pleasures that I'm able to give a man by sucking his hard cock into my lips until he cums deep down my throat....
I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal’s pussy. She was the second daughter I’d fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their underage cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They’d changed my mind, allowing me to rewrite the brainwaves of others and control them. I imposed my will upon two of my daughters and Crystal’s friend/lesbian lover Jessica. First, I deflowered...
She hesitated just a little before crossing the restaurant's door. Immediately she felt of the stares of the people in the nearby tables. She felt her knees weakening but continued her march to the hostess. But before she arrived to her desk, the hostess walked to her and said politely but firmly. "Sorry Miss, no sellers and no beggars allowed." Lillian felt deeply ashamed, but resisted her urges to turn and ran away from that humiliation. "No, ma'am. I am sorry for my attire. I ... I...
The Grand Duke returned to the castle in a foul mood. During his trip he had discovered the awful news that the entire western half of the Duchy was under threat and that most of Horkustk Ris province was not under Danubian control at all. The only enclave remaining was the provincial capitol, and the only reason that city was still under the Duchy’s control was that the Kingdom of the Moon had not yet sent an army large enough to conquer it. Horkustk Ris was the only major Danubian city to...
It was in the summer holiday and just after my fo**teenth birthday and I was spending a few weekends doing odd jobs for local elderly people and started getting on well with one of the men who lived a couple of streets away and who I'd been helping to clear out his garage which had become filled wit boxes and junk. Tom was in his early 60's and had retired and lived alone as his wife had died a few years before and his c***den had moved away. After a couple of weekends we were getting to the...
my grandmas been dead for like 6 years now so me and my grandfather has now been diagnosed with dementia. I always feel bad for my grandad. And always wanted to take care of him the way my grandma use to. All of his needs. Even the sexual needs. I cook for him. I do his laundry and clean his his house. I write all his checks and make sure all his affairs are in order. I take care of his cock very well. When I see him drinking is always our signal. I hear him stumble to my room at like 12 or so...
HH12: Charli's boyfriend TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about women becoming...