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We met at church. She was 20, short, cute, had Asian plus Latino features, and flashed a great smile. I’m 60 and fit from an active hobby but currently unattached. Our deep discussions after service led to dinner followups which we both enjoyed. It’s fun to make cross-generational connections.

As I talked about the many challenges I’d taken on in my decades as an adult, Brittney was fascinated since all that was ahead of her. She kept saying, “I could do that!” and would relate whatever she could come up with to support her statement. It was mostly intellectual until spring arrived.

I needed to get my sailboat cleaned and checked out for the summer season so I invited her to help me on a Saturday. She took the challenge and it was done in record time. Then I asked if she could sail. Her reply didn’t surprise me, “I can learn it in twenty-four hours.”

That was a challenge to me too so I put out there, “I’ll trust you to not start until next Saturday noon and we’ll come down here after church to see what you know. Deal?” We high-fived the agreement and I gave her a couple of my best books on sailing. She gave me a little kiss as I dropped her off. That was a first and I liked it, not having any for way too long.

She had a duffel bag with her on Sunday and we grabbed a quick lunch on our way to the marina. I quizzed her as we got the boat ready and she named the lines correctly, even the trick question about the difference between a “rope” and a “line”. FYI, the latter is a rope with a purpose.

I was a bit distracted when she took off her outer clothes since it was a warm day. She was wearing a rather brief bikini under the conservative clothes she’d worn to church. I hadn’t appreciated her more heavily clad body but got a very revealing look as she scrambled around the deck. Her skin was a beautiful bronze.

It brought back memories about girlfriends who had displayed themselves on a boat like she was. That often led to getting laid down below deck before we cast off. They did it on purpose, I completely realized and enjoyed. But those days were long ago.

The was the most intimate physically I’d ever been with Brittney and I played the gentleman Captain, giving orders to cast off and later raise the sails as we cleared the breakwater. I was impressed since she fumbled only a little but never asked for help. I kept the helm and set the course while she trimmed the jib and mainsail, building our speed as she got some practice. It wasn’t a race so I just let her learn.

We dropped our hook in a secluded cove I’d visited many times. The water was still cool but she wanted to swim and I put the boarding ladder down. Too cold for me. She dove off the stern and was a good swimmer. On her second dive she came back to the ladder and handed me her top, claiming it had come off in the dive. She raised her firm tits above the water as she handed it up to me, displaying her dark areolae with firm nipples standing out in the cold.

She didn’t stay in long and I had a towel to wrap her in as she climbed back into the cockpit dripping. “Dry me off,” she asked and I rubbed her down, feeling her body through the towel. It was sunny so she’d warm up quickly. There was no attempt to put on a cover up as she soaked up the rays, keeping her lovely breasts on display. Not covered either as we prepared dinner together. I felt the press of her tits against my thin shirt in the crowded confines of the galley. We would eat up in the cockpit.

“So, how’d I do? Am I a quick learner or not?” She got rightfully deserved accolades and then, as we sipped on some after-dinner rum she looked at me with a grin, “What is my next challenge?”

I couldn’t resist, having been teased for a while, “Can you revive the sex function of a man 50 years your senior?”

“THAT I don’t need to research,” was heard as she went down the cabin ladder. I was following, as curious as horny. My feet barely hit the cabin floor when she turned around and dropped my shorts. Her hands and mouth were quickly making my maleness feel better than it had in way too long. “Nice,” was all she took her mouth off long enough to say.

She sat me on the navigator’s seat, straddled my thighs and dropped her twat on my rod, just like that. It was hot and wet and she pulled my head down for a kiss that matched. My hands instinctively cupped her breasts with hard nipples that jutted out. When I pinched and tweaked them she squealed into my mouth which she hadn’t released her liplock on.

Pulling back a bit I asked, “Could we use a berth?”

She bounced some more as she replied, “Why? We can do that later. This is fun because it’s different just like your dick.” Who was I to argue?

When I mentioned I was going to cum she shot back, “I can tell. I like complete fucks and that’s part of it. Give it to me.” It hurt a bit as I released some long withheld fluids into that wonderful young place. She gave me a deep tongue kiss when she felt my warmth painting her insides.

We moved to the berth and her mouth worked on me again. I wondered if it could be resurrected but she mastered that challenge to our mutual delight then mounted me. It was a longer and wonderful coupling.

We had to use the motor to return the marina since the wind had died as it often does in the evening. She snuggled by me as I steered. It was cooling off so we were dressed. Her landing technique was good and we quickly secured the boat so we could head home. She’d left her car at the church so we went there although thoughts of asking her to my place for the night were sure running through my consciousness. We agreed to go sailing agin next Saturday and I got a chaste kiss along with a thank you for a delightful adventure.

We met early at the church parking lot since it was apparently on the way. As we drove the half hour to the marina I inquired about her week and got some stuff. I was semi-retired and did some consulting from home. She did say she had to be back at the church by seven since she had a date with her boyfriend that night.

“You have a boyfriend?” was my surprised response considering what had happened the last time we were together.

She gave a little laugh, “And you think a cutie like me wouldn’t. Does it concern you? It doesn’t me.”

I didn’t know what to say but wondered if I’d get laid again under these circumstances. The subject got changed to where we would sail. She mentioned the cove and I also suggested some other places I knew about. The wind was moderately strong so maybe we would see what my boat could do on different tacks.

That was fun ad a bit tiring so she suggested we anchor for lunch. I busied myself in the cockpit while she went through the cooler and basket I’d prepared. A naked server handed out the drinks from below and brought the plates of food up to join me. I decided to strip my older body to match hers. She grinned when she saw that.

Her cute butt put on a show as she gathered the lunch remnants and took them below so I followed. She was rinsing the plates in the tiny sink as I came up behind her and pressed my erection in the crack of her fine ass. She reached around and pushed it down to fit between her thighs. Her pussy was already wet as she rubbed it along my shaft with small hip thrusts. No words were necessary as we went to the main berth. I slipped in as easily as the second time the preceding Sunday.

She was watching me closely. “Do you like how wet I am?” she inquired. I nodded and took another stroke. “I had my boyfriend get it ready for you this morning.” I shot my load in with his upon hearing that and she giggled, reaching down to diddle her filled snatch to a climax. “Now do you see one of the reasons I have a boyfriend? I’m not in love but I like adventures in and out of bed as you already know. Companions make those better experiences. Let’s get you going again. The berth doesn’t have enough headroom for me to ride you or even do doggy so let’s use a scissors position. I had to be shown that and it was great, allowing lots of access to her body without having to support my own or her weight. This girl was something!

As I got hard and slid in and out of her slowly she commented, “I’ve never had a man anywhere as old as you are and this is delightful. I like you a lot and you can fuck real well. My boyfriend is a bit older too. I gave up on younger guys after too many disappointments. Someone else is going to have to teach them how to please a woman.”

I had to ask, “Will you fuck your boyfriend tonight?”

She squeezed my cock with her cunt muscles, “Why shouldn’t I? I’ll be horny again by the time our date is over and I’ve never found a limit to how any times it can take dicks in a day. I have wondered though but don’t know how to arrange a gang-bang, I think that might be called. Have you ever been in one?”

I told her about one hot woman who invited me to her house to screw and her husband was there. We took turns and team-fucked her all night long and on a few other occasions. Brittney began squirming on my dick and muttered, “I’d like to try that.” Filed for reference!

From then on we often fucked on the boat or, if the weather wasn’t good, at my place but never hers. I didn’t ask but wondered why no invitation. Didn’t matter as long as I was getting laid frequently enough.

One day she informed me that her twenty-first birthday would be on an upcoming Saturday. Could we celebrate it on the sailboat since the weather looked good? When I happily agreed she asked, “Can my boyfriend come along. He’s agreed to do whatever I say. This might be the chance like you had.” Of course I said he’d be welcome. Shades of the past!

Tim was a bit taller than me and in his mid-twenties I guessed. He watched as the cutest deck monkey ever showed off her barely covered body getting us ready to sail and then hanging out the canvas when in open water. She dropped her top as soon as we were a bit away from the marina and grinned that sexy one I loved to see. It always meant she was wanting to fuck. I’d agreed to head for the cove we’d fucked in the first time.

Once on the hook I popped some champagne and we toasted her birthday with her first legal alcohol. She peeled of her bottoms and did a little dance on the cabin top before diving over the side. I got naked and Tim was right behind me as we joined her in the water. I’d tossed a couple of floats in too and us guys hung on to them as she went underwater and swam through our spread legs. The water was clear enough that I could see her fondle and suck on each of us in turn as long as she could hold her breath. Finally, she asked if we could re-board followed by, “I’m so horny I can’t stand to wait any longer.”

In the cabin she said, “Captain, you go first. I’ve been fucking Tim a lot longer and he’s never seen me get laid. Then you can switch.” I was quite ready and mounted her aroused body. I briefly wondered if she’d screwed him already today but then concentrated on what I was doing. We hadn’t coupled for several days and I was horny too.

It was as I remembered, seeing a hard cock sliding into the cream I’d just put in that pussy. She stayed aroused after an orgasm with me and had two with Tim before he lubed her up some more.

“Anyone want to eat a well-fucked slut?” she inquired. I’d done it way back when so I dined at the Y and she kept praising me, telling Tim he had to get over being squeamish.

We all laid in the V berth on our sides. She was facing Tim and they were making out. I spooned up behind her and she put her top leg over Tim, inviting access. It was delightful to have a slow and slippery fuck. I could reach her top tit while Tim enjoyed the bottom one. Her hand was on his re-stiffening cock. There was no rush and when I came she did a 180 degree roll and I made out while Tim filled her. We slept that way. She thanked me at the church parking lot as I dropped them off, now realizing that they lived together. She said it was a memorable special birthday to which I completely agreed.

Out next time together was at my place after doing a museum visit. After I got my horns clipped I asked her how she had met Tim since they obviously got along well. She paused for a bit and said they’d grown up together, then added he was her brother.

My first response was they sure didn’t look it to which she explained she’d been adopted by his parents as an infant. They had died in an auto collision when she was fifteen and in their grief they had become lovers. Since they were living together in an apartment, their parents having been renters, they sometimes wore the wedding rings they’d inherited both as memorabilia and to deflect any comments about their cohabitation.

Tim was her only lover until me. His good looks had previously gotten him seduced by a couple of older women who taught him a lot which he passed along. They both agreed it was time to branch out a bit which led to her reaction to me. I hugged her and said I was pleased she’d shared that big secret with me. I really cared for her and would do anything to help her.

She asked if I knew any good older women that her brother might like to know. I thought a bit and said I had a five-years-younger sister who was widowed. Ellen lived a distance away so I didn’t know if she’d started dating yet. She was kind of conservative though. I’d invite her since we were way overdue for a reunion.

Ellen was pleased to visit for a week and I met her at the airport. We had lots of catching up to do and I told her I’d planned a sailing trip for the next day. She’d been out with me once a long time ago and had fun. She needed some excitement in her life. I had to suppress a grin knowing the excitement I had in mind for her.

When we picked up Brittney and Tim on the way to the boat she was puzzled. “The boat sleeps four and these are fine crew.” She got in the back seat with Brittney and visited as we drove.

With so many hands, getting the boat loaded and away from the dock was quick. Ellen’s eyes went wide when Brittney stripped to her barely-bikini and even more when her top came off as we got away from the marina. She looked directly at the rest of us and said, “Y’all are wearing too many clothes for a warm day. Tim and I had our Speedos under our shorts and Ellen went below to change into her very conservative two-piece suit. She’d barely gotten back to the cockpit when the irrepressible crew-woman got behind her and unhooked her top announcing, “These need sunshine for good health.” Ellen tried to keep it on but I reached over and pulled it away from her. I used my Captain’s voice, “I’ve been wanting to see those beauties for years so I order you to unhand them.” She dropped her hands, beet red and we all made admiring comments. They were firm and beautifully rounded with large nipples that stood out in her tense state.

She was served some rum and lemonade by Brittney as was Tim. At the helm I said I’d wait. My sister soon asked for a refill and blushed again when she noticed my gaze as the boat motion made her bosom move nicely.

We soon got to our favorite cove and the next step in loosening up Ellen was to skinny dip. Her drinks helped and she finally peeled off her bottoms but jumped in quickly, giving us only a quick look at her bushy box. I was in the water with a swim ring for her because she wasn’t a good swimmer. Brittney made sure that she was near our guest in the clear water as she did her submarine sucking thing on Tim and me. Ellen was speechless.

When I heard her squawk I looked over and Tim was under water attempting to eat her pussy. She resisted the first time but he persisted and she got a strange look on her face. I swam over, “Are you OK?” She nodded but it was clearly an event for her. Had her husband ever done that? He was a conservative type so maybe not.

When we climbed the boarding ladder I was right behind her and had a close up look at her tight buns and labial lips. She looked much younger than her age and I felt my pecker swelling. I’d always wanted to fuck her.

Tim toweled her off and insisted she do him. His pecker was standing straight out, not completely full but certainly sexy looking. Ellen’s eyes could hardly stray from it.

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Lovely Ms Erryn

I had not known her name, at least not as she stood before me, working her way through her own internal dialogue with a stranger poised before her. I wondered as I spoke what she must be thinking behind her bright eyes. ‘James Wilson,’ I offered my hand, ‘ I’m in charge of the museum here.’ She did not take it at first, there were still lists of questions behind those intelligent eyes, most of which revolved around why she had been singled out by me, with so many around the museum. ‘Nice to...

1 year ago
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Sharing my Chinese wife with another man for the f

I've always had the fantasy of watching my wife being pleasured by another man. In fact, it's my ultimate fantasy. After almost a year of convincing my wife to do a MFM threesome, she finally agreed to it. It took another several months for us to find the right guy online. Although my wife and I are both Chinese, she was always into white guys. We are both in our late 30s now. In the past, I've asked her about her sex life before we met and got married. Of all her previous sex partners, one...

4 years ago
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Catcher CultureChapter 6

Clark Stevens was a pillar of society; a well-known financier looked up to by many with envy, but he had a fetish which no amount of money could pay for. He had a daughter of his own, and had had more than a passing interest in the friends she often brought home with her; the pool in the garden visible from an upstairs window, where he would nurse his erect cock to many a satisfying orgasm as he viewed the pert little bodies of his daughter's teenage friends. Pyjama parties held a particular...

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The Maligned Kiss

I write here of romance, intimacy, sensuality and erotic suggestion. The stories are written quickly using a great deal of imagination and improvisation, this time with text instead of music. (Improvisation = let the heart speak before the mind?) Why did I initially choose this subject matter? A search through the bestsellers on the web classified as romantic / erotic left me disappointed and unconvinced with the extracts I was reading. Yet these books sell successfully in huge numbers (51%...

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Training my daughter to be a bimbo part 7

Part seven of my story.I came home to be greeted by Cindy standing at the door. She looked stunning, obviously she had been to the beauticians that morning as everything about her look perfect, her gorgeous platinum blonde hair, her nails, make up a slight pouting lips hinting at some Botox and of course she was dressed like a complete slut.She took me by the hand and led me into the living room where she sat down and looked up at me "is daddy hungry?"This was now part of our routine, any time...

2 years ago
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Capes and Crepes

Disclaimer: If you are under age, not a fan of mind control, enslavement, and a bit of bimbofication, or otherwise not permitted to read ahead, this is your warning. All characters are 18 or older. ***************** I’d just like to say that the following story draws a lot of inspiration from the works of Handcuffgirl, Madam Kistulot, and Trilby Else, along with a slew of awesome authors I’ve read over the years. Thanks to all of them for all the great stories, and sorry in advance for what...

3 years ago
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Love as if mom

Hello ISS hi aap log kasa hai I think theak honga may aap logo ko ak new romantic story likh raha hoi mari yaha kahni mar dost ke maa ke hai mara dost ka naam asif hai jo 12 ma padtha hai woh mara ghar aksar aya jaya kartha hai or mana bhi uska ghar jana shoor kar diya us ka ghar ma us ke maa or rathi hai daddy uska bahr raha tha hai month ma ak baar atta ratha hai. Asif ke maa sunder or moti hai us ka gol nipple jo kafi bada hai gand bhi moti hai height 5’8″ hogi dekhna ma sunder hai. May bh i...

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The following was originally a story written back in 2008 to help a friend raise money for her Roleplay site ( for her promised 'The Island' game which is still in development... For a long time I only had it there. Recently those forums crashed, and I thought the story was gone forever. The way back machine luckily had recorded it once. Once was enough, so I copied it, pasted it, and here it is. I had fun writing it, hope you enjoy reading it. Disclaimer: This...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 36 Iron in the Soul

June 2nd, 2009. Bourne Mansions; Iver, Buckinghamshire. I rolled off a star-fished Annamarie and got to my feet. I was covered in sweat, confusion, embarrassment and depression. It had started so well. Then, about five minutes into what had been an experience of supreme bliss for us both, my tungsten steel prick melted like a snowball in a furnace. One minute Annamarie was moaning in mounting rapture as I ravished her G spot with every thrust, and then nada, zilch, sod all. I stared...

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Bhabhi ko wife bana Ke rakha hai

Hi friends, main ISS ka regular reader hi nahin hun bal k iski kahanian mujhe inspire bhi karti hain kisi ke sath sex karne ko. Before to share anything, let me introduce myself. My name is arun(name changed) and residing in punjab(now in haryana). Meri umar 32 saal ki hai. Mera lund 8.5 inch lamba hai aur 4 inch chaura hai jo ke kisi bhi ladki/aurat ke liye swarag se ziada sunder ban sakta hai. Aaj main aap ko apni sachi kahani batana chahta hoon jo ke karib 10 saal pehle shuru hui aur abhi...

4 years ago
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Christian Wife Defiled

Melissa Morgan's female intuition sensed something about this new parishioner, a huge muscular black man named Reggie Johnson, which made her very uneasy. Her husband, Bill, failed to notice Reggie make his way beside her during the service. All houses of worship carried in their air that same musty stench Reggie despised of old prayer books and Bibles. His eyes contemptuously beheld the obnoxiously large cross – symbol of suppression, sexual inhibition, the eternal opposition – suspended...

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Heaven or Hell

Copyright© 1996-2003 "There was a young woman of Sydney Who could take it clear up to the kidney But the thrust of Alphonse Barely reached to her mons So he left her unsatisfied, didney?" Intro "Where am I? How did I get here?" Jacob's eyes were filled with a stark whiteness. He lifted a hand up to his eyes, confirming its existence. Below, above, and to all sides the bright whiteness filled his vision. There was no seams, gaps, or form to his surroundings. It was almost like...

1 year ago
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Tribal Calls

Tribal Calls“Honey, can you hear me?“ Michelle’s voice sounded out of Bastian’s laptop.“Yeah, darling, I can hear you perfectly,” Bastian answered, waving back at his young wife on the screen before him.“We’ve finally arrived in the village, and everything is set for the wedding the day after tomorrow. Two weeks are over, only two more to go until you’ve got me back in good old Germany!”Bastian smiled at her and once again he became painfully aware that Michelle had been gone for 14 days...

2 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 8 Open Doors

Our morning began with meditation. The meditation chamber was the optimal location for that activity, so to save time I simply jumped us directly there. The hour seemed to vanish in a swirl of thought and emotion. I felt Eru make an effort at one point, and I fed him energy, as I had before. I felt something opening up between all of us, similar to what had once happened with Ginny, Con, Eru and I. I pulled in more energy once I could sense the opening and reinforced it. We finished the...

3 years ago
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Culture Shock Ch 20

Dated this day, the 5 th of May, 2006   For the purpose of providing a framework over which both parties have equal control, this contract informally binds the signatories below to its contents.   Either party may ‘opt out’ of this agreement at any time.   ‘Opting out’ may be defined as ceasing to observe this contract in any way.   It is binding only insofar as it is accepted to be.     Gary Paul Duke (known in this contract as ‘the Dominant’), hereby offers Elaine Milanovic (known in this...

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Moms Drive

It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full, and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42-inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...

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How Lucky Can You GetChapter 3

The saloon was pretty quiet when I walked in. This was in the middle of the week, so most people would have to get up early to be at work as soon as it was daylight. That kept the crowd pretty thin except on Saturday night when people could sleep late on Sunday. Hell, a lot of men slept as late as 7:00 AM on Sunday morning! Thank God, I led the carefree life of the self-employed, so I could sleep late if I wanted to. The only restriction on me was getting up in time to make it for breakfast...

1 year ago
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The Nature of the Game4 Inadvertent Bullying

Taylor was standing with Boomer and John Brooks, another football player, by their lockers. It was only a few minutes until the next period, when a small freshman walked by. He was focused on his schedule—marking him as a new kid—and wasn’t paying attention. He passed the three guys, crossing closer than most students did. Boomer grinned, pointing him out to his teammates. When he was directly in front of them, he stuck his foot out. The boy tumbled, his schedule flying as he tried to halt...

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Karen AO

I was attending a film opening, one which I did part finance for my good friend Richard. We were good buddies from school and both have just turned 20. Richard was the curly hair musician and I was the class nerd. The four of us which included Keith and Paul were good friends in school. When I left school at 17. Planning on nothing actually, I ended up writing a computer game that went ballistic. This did make me a millionaire many times over. I never told anyone of my success fearing the loss...

2 years ago
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My Second Time

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my first time would have been with a woman.  I was born a genetic male, but growing up, I always knew that my body didn’t match who I am.  My early life was miserable as I was always ridiculed by my classmates in my little home town.  I finally graduated from High School and moved out of that horrible place and started college in Seattle.  College was so much better.  My roommate Kasey, was a beautiful red-headed woman who just oozed...

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Glassy Eyed Little Old Lady

After John retires he starts drinking wine all day. His wife tells him that he is starting to look like a glassy eyed little old lady. She requires him wear the clothes of a glassy eyed little old lady if he continues to drink wine and eventually he becomes one. Chapter One John and Teresa had been married many years. They never had children but took in some foster kids over the years. Teresa had always been a stay at home mom for the foster children and became very involved...

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Sisterly LoveChapter 5

I wasn’t surprised to find Candy waiting for me at the Penn Station Terminal when I left my train’s platform the next afternoon. Needless to say, I was tired from all the sexual activity of the previous day, but just seeing Candy again got me all revved up again; and there I was, walking toward her trying to hide the telephone pole in my pants from any curious bystanders. Although from the smirk on her face, Candy noticed it immediately and when she slowly exaggerated licking her lips, I...

1 year ago
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Graduation from Fag School Chapter 2

Good morning class. I am the school's co-owner and a shemale with a very large cock that we will use in a lesson in a few days. Today, I am going to bring some of my boyfriends over for your fag lessons. You will just love kissing them, dancing with them, slowly undressing them. Then you will get to suck their beautiful cocks and swallow their cum, load after load after load. For one special person in class, I will bring out his boyfriend for the day. That man will have a romantic encounter...

2 years ago
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Oceans Apart

I remember the day as clearly as if it was yesterday. I had been living in Florida with my wife and son on what was meant to be a year long sabbatical. We had enjoyed a wonderful, restful 4 months in the sunshine, swimming, fishing and sunbathing. On this particular night my phone rang and woke me from yet another erotic dream at 4 in the morning. The graphic detail of the dream was intense. I was in a seedy nightclub toilets, with my trousers around my ankles and the tall, muscly German guy I...

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My Stepmom Girlfriend and I At the Pool

My girlfriend, Tori, caught me cheating and immediately had me feeling like shit. As I already felt depleted physically too, I fell back into the pool. I was down under the water for about thirty seconds. During that time, I felt much better physically. As if I went from massive pain, to none at all in a matter of seconds. I came back up to them both glaring at me on their knees. Tori put her hand out. "I think we need to talk, Eric." We exchanged looks. Her eyebrows were down and her teeth...

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Marys Summer Camp Adventures

                       Mary's Summer Camp Adventures                                                                               by                                  Lex Ludite                                Chapter 19        Yes, I know that chapter 18 said "The End", but the momentous revelations that have occurred concerning the Church and its priesthood, not to mention the installation of a new Pope was a temptation that I could not resist. So without further ado let me reintroduce Mary...

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Dogging comes to America

I thought about my own past of years before when I was a single male traveling around the country. I was never in one place long enough to meet the nice girls. I also went into the army at fifteen and my formative years were spent learning how to kill other human beings. For sex I found it expedient to visit adult bookstores and adult movies where guy always gave me a blow job. I actually earned a little cash this way. One night I sucked my first cock and from then on I was hooked. For...

3 years ago
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How Could You Chapter 2

How Could You Chapter 2 Author's Notes: All of the last names and male first name came from centers from the Pittsburgh Penguins or Steelers. My mom was a huge sports fans and I do not want anyone to think that in any way I named any of my characters after them. ********* As Leah and Ron were driving home, from his unjust and unwarranted punishment of having to wear women clothing in public and let Vi hike it up, the shameful mother thought how could the night get worse. Then...

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Dont Miss He Said Ch 03

Here it is: the next exciting chapter of ”Don’t Miss,’ He Said.’ I highly recommend you read the first two chapters of this story before continuing. If you don’t, it’s like dividing by zero: either your head explodes into many little logical fallacies, or your eyes turn black. The following takes place about three days after Alphonse and Elena moved in together. So, here we go. Alphonse, they’re all yours. ************* ‘If life ain’t just a joke, than why am I laughing? If life ain’t just a...

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