Nancy s Vacation
- 4 years ago
- 34
- 0
July 15, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written July 16]
I woke to the mattress moving under me. I cracked my eyes, but I was facing away from the motion. I turned my head and saw roughly what I expected to see. Heather was on hands and knees, her ass in the air and her face buried between Rhee’s legs. I decided to help things along by slurping Rhee’s right nipple into my mouth. Rhee let out a sigh-moan, and her right arm came around and held my head to her tit. I put my right hand on her left tit and squeezed and pinched that nipple, all while sucking on and nipping her right nipple. Rhee started moaning, the particulars of which suggested to me that she was going to cum soon.
She did. It wasn’t a loud or spectacular orgasm, but I was happy for her; morning orgasms are a wonderful way to start the day.
From the hall, we heard, “Did I hear what I think I heard?”
Liya’s form followed her words into our bedroom.
Rhee answered with a smug, “Yep.”
Behind Liya, I could see Gracey just hitting the doorway.
“I have two things ... no, three things. The first is that if we stay here, then we can be naked for the entire day.”
Various forms of approval met my suggestion; Rhee’s was a lying-down, one-armed hug. Heather’s was a loud affirmation.
“The second thing I have requires a motion from the floor. That motion would be an official proclamation that, given appropriate house circumstances, and unless modified by vote of the gang, the entire Saturday – or whatever is the first full day – of any two-day sleepover will be spent naked.”
“So moved,” said Gracey.
Heather raised her hand and I acknowledged her.
“I just want to be sure that the language of the motion could allow for the all-day naked-fest to happen at a place other than Beth’s house. It’s my understanding that we might be able to do such at Rhee’s, though they don’t have as much space.”
Gracey replied. “I agree with the sentiment of the member from Bastion Street, and amend my motion to insert a clause to provide specificity that any location for such would be defined as suitable when only members of the Gang of Five are present at the locality and that nudity would not bring negative consequences down on any member of the Gang of Five, their parents, or other relatives.”
“Further discussion?”
“All those in favor say, ‘aye.’”
Ringing endorsement.
Utter silence.
“The motion carries as amended.”
“So, what’s the third thing,” asked Rhee.
“The third item also requires a motion from the floor, one that proposes that for today’s all-day naked-fest, Heather Wilkerson will serve as official sex doll for all other Gang of Five members for the entirety of the calendar day.”
There was a deafening quartet of “So moved!”
“Umm,” I said, “does at least one of you care to retract her motion offer so that we can get a second?”
“I so retract,” came first from, as expected, Heather’s mouth. She followed that up with, “Second.”
“Discussion? I have some thoughts.”
When heads nodded all around, I continued.
“As we touched on last night, the parameters of Heather’s being a sex doll rules out degradation – of her or anyone else and anyone can object to some act as degrading. No pain, no grossness. Again, anyone can object to anything that she considers gross, whether involved in the act or not. Anything and everything that is done needs to stay inside the house with the outside doors closed fully. Heather is given carte blanche to refuse to do anything that she does not want to do. Heather would be a sex doll, not a slave or a servant. Anything that anyone demands or asks of her must have at least a sexual component, though it need not be a strong one. Having her serve you lunch in the nude is not of sufficient sexual content for an order to Heather, but almost anything that involves touching the body – either hers or the dominatrix’s – is. Finally, Heather serves as our sex doll only with a unanimous vote, no abstentions allowed, and that any Gang of Five member may immediately call a halt to Heather’s ... ummm ... sex-dolliness by withdrawing her vote of approval.”
I looked each girl in the eyes. I had certainly stepped on the frivolity. I wanted this as much as anyone here. Well, anyone other than Heather and, possibly, Rhee. I continued.
“I wanted all of this in the open before we all agreed to rule Heather’s sex life today and making all of us aware of the seriousness of this endeavor is very important to me. I love Heather and I do not want her hurt in any fashion, even unintended fashion. I am fully aware that she truly wants this. However, having gone through something like this a few times already – granted, none were day-long affairs, I know from personal experience how heady it has made me to do what I want with her. It is powerful, so I just ask that all of you keep some focus on making this fun for Heather, and to not give in to the tin god that is part of each of us.
“Any further discussion?”
Again, Heather raised her hand; I recognized her.
“This is not discussion, per se, but, thank you, Beth.”
She followed that by bear-hugging me.
After she released me, I asked, “Anyone else?”
“I, too, thank you, Beth,” said Liya. “I have gotten carried away in the past, and I appreciate the reminder that what we propose has consequences and that we want all of the consequences to be good ones, happy ones. And that we particularly want Heather to have nothing but a good time today.”
Liya hugged me, then Heather. Rhee pulled me into a Rhee hug (it’s even tighter than a bear hug).
“I love you,” she whispered in my ear. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I have further points or questions.”
I nodded at Gracey to continue.
“I don’t know if Beth has thought about who gets to give orders when, but I see three options on how to decide, though there are probably quite a few others. The three I see are that we take turns, with the first ... uh ... dominatrix chosen in some fashion, random or otherwise. The second is that we assign individual hours, starting at the top of the hour, in some fashion. The third is some random method, though I want to remind us all that random does not necessarily allocate goodies evenly. I don’t see that last as a negative feature. I think that we’ll all have fun, regardless of how we divvy up control of Heather’s pretty titties and lovely ass.”
There was much chuckling, though Heather didn’t laugh; she just turned pink at Gracey’s compliments.
“However,” Gracey continued, “I think that it would be more fun to do it randomly. I certainly found last night’s game fun at least partly because of that randomness.”
“I agree,” Rhee replied. “I like the idea of playing dice for Heather’s favors.”
She said that straight-faced, and then pulled Heather into a hug.
“Oh, baby, I’ll win you back. I know I will. The dice will turn my way and we can ride off into the sunset together.”
We all cracked up. You can always count on Rhee to lighten the mood when it needs it. God bless you, Rhee.
“I’m good with random.”
I said, “And I agree with Liya. Heather?”
“Oh, random is just fine. Actually, it’s very fine. I like it.”
“If there is no more discussion...,” all heads shook, “I will recap. The motion on the table is that Heather will be the official Gang of Five sex doll for the entirety of this calendar day. That the motion requires a unanimous vote to pass and that any vote for the motion can be retracted at any time during the day by any Gang of Five member, the retraction causing an immediate end to Heather’s submission to the rest of us. That nothing painful or gross or degrading will be asked of Heather or anyone else today. That Heather has veto power over any order, command, or suggestion.
“I add one more item, though the item is multi-parted, and it will become part of the motion if there are no objections. Heather will roll a six-sided die to determine who will be her dominatrix of the moment at every changeover of control. We will use the same numbers that we used last night. Specifically, Gracey is 1, Beth is 2, Rhee is 3, Heather is 4, and Liya is 5. I suggest that for her own number that Heather pick her dominatrix. I suggest that if Heather were to roll her own number twice in a row, she may pick any number of the others to be dominatrices. However, if she rolls a 6, I suggest that she becomes the dominatrix and can pick not only a task, but which Gang member will be the submissive for that turn. If she rolls 6 twice in a row, she can not only be the dominatrix over any of the others, but over all of the others. Finally, if she manages to roll 6 thrice in a row, she is the dominatrix over us all for however much of the calendar day remains.”
“Wow,” Gracey exclaimed, but she donned her thinking face for a moment, then continued. “I think that that’s eminently fair. I also note that the double 6 should allow Heather to not have any direct involvement with the task she assigns. That is, she could order Liya and me to double-team Rhee in some fashion.”
“Yeah, I can see that,” responded Liya. “I also agree that it’s fair that Heather can be the one in control at times. However, one point that you didn’t make is a time limit. I think that we need one, and I propose 15 minutes.”
I looked around; all agreed. Liya continued.
“I think that we also need breaks. I propose that meals and, perhaps, snacks could provide well-timed breaks. Obviously, individuals will also need bathroom breaks, just make sure to wipe really well.”
There was much snickering.
“Okay,” I said, as I took the floor again. “I have a final proposal that I wish to insert as the first command of the day for Heather. Since I know that I am in need of a shower – and I know that some of you are in the same need...,” and I pinched my nose closed, which got smiles and snickers, “I propose that Heather’s first task is to give each of us a sexy washdown in the shower.”
“Oh, yeah! Dibs!”
I grinned, but said, “I think that Heather should roll the die to determine who goes when, rather than Rhee deciding that she’s first.”
I then stuck my tongue out at Rhee. Rhee rolled her eyes, then agreed.
“But no washing Rhee’s hair!”
I paused after that exclamation, then continued as Chair.
“If there is no objection, I hereby close discussion and bring the motion to a vote.”
No one objected.
“All in favor, say ‘aye.’”
Needless to say, the motion passed unanimously and vigorously.
I suggested that the living room be the center of festivities and that for the morning showers, the upstairs and downstairs showers be used in turn, starting upstairs, so that the water heaters could replenish hot water between showers. After that suggestion, Rhee looked at me with that loving expression that she sends my way on occasion. I love it when that happens. I then suggested that the three of us that were not in the first shower make breakfast for all of us.
I picked up the die from where we had left it last night on the coffee table and handed it, in a very official manner, to Heather. Heather was vibrating, she was so excited. She dropped the die at her feet before she could roll it but reacted quickly enough to snatch it back up that no one saw which face landed up. She rolled it on the table.
“Yeah! I did call dibs!”
Rhee hugged Heather and then started tugging her toward the stairs. We all laughed.
“What?” asked Liya, “One morning orgasm isn’t enough for you?”
Gracey and I laughed. Rhee just led Heather to the stairs.
As we’d agreed, Liya, Gracey, and I headed to the kitchen to make French toast and bacon. We were just dishing up plates for the three of us, when Rhee and Heather came into the kitchen.
“Good timing. We can all eat together. I’ll make another griddle full of slices, then someone can take over from me.”
As I was dipping more bread in the eggs, Liya asked the question that I knew she’d ask.
“How was your shower, Rhee?”
“Oh, it was fine. The water was warm,” she responded calmly, with a straight face.
I rolled my eyes to myself and continued putting egg-covered bread on the griddle.
“Come on, girl! Give!”
“No, I don’t think that I should,” Rhee responded calmly. “You shouldn’t know what to expect.”
Then the wicked Rhee grin came out to play. “You’ll just have to find out when you find out.”
Nearly 30 minutes later, we were all back in the living room watching Heather roll a six-sided die. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen so many girls watch the roll of a single die so intensely.
After rolling the die, Heather said, “Well, Gracey, would you care to join me in the downstairs shower?”
Liya cackled, then followed with her tag line, “You go, girl.”
I was pretty sure that she intended that line for Heather.
A variable set of three girls sat around the kitchen table chatting about a variety of topics, the foremost being what today would be like, if Heather would get tired of being a sex doll, of how the team would fare against GV next week, of inconsequential things. I was last for the shower and headed off to my parents’ bathroom with Heather.
Once Heather got the water temperature to my liking – something that she insisted on doing, she beckoned me to enter.
“First, Beth, thank you! Thank you for thinking up the plan for today. Thank you for being so wonderful to me and making me do what you want.” With that last, she grinned at me. “Thanks for the shower idea. I’ve been loving it! It’s been so fun. Now, Mademoiselle, let me cleanse your beautiful body.”
She soaped a loofah and washed me from stem to stern. After rinsing me off, though, she then soaped up her hands richly and proceeded to wash every part of my skin again, with extra and special attention paid to certain areas, such as my neck and shoulders, breasts, ass, pelvis, backs of my thighs, and feet. She even inserted a soapy finger into my rectum and wiggled it around.
After she rinsed me again and turned off the water, Heather began lightly licking the water drops from my skin. She particularly made sure that there were no water drops on a few certain places: my nipples, ass, pussy, and thighs.
The whole process, though it might read as somewhat mundane, was simply exquisite; a sensual treat. Though sexual at times, it was, overall, more sensual than strictly sexual. It was relaxing. It was wonderful.
As we exited the bathroom, Heather stopped me. “Dad sleeps on the right side, right?”
I nodded.
The “ohhhh” that followed was slight, but intense, as if she didn’t want anyone to know, but was putting her entire essence into the mental image that caused that exhalation.
“Yeah,” I said, “it turns me on, too. Rhee and I once had sex on his side of the bed.”
Heather’s eyebrows flew up. “Really?”
“Yeah. She had lain face-down there and was gushing about smelling him and was probably imagining him in the bed with her. So, I took advantage of that and laid on her and attacked her pussy, talking to her as if I were Dad. You should have heard her cum that time. It was great. It was also one of the first times that I realized that sex, at least sex with someone about whom you care, is great. It’s great even when you don’t orgasm as long as the person you love does. I love making Rhee cum, just as I love making you cum. I still have no real clue about why it is that Rhee and I have this need to make you orgasm, but I find it so fulfilling.”
“I kinda like it, too,” she said with a grin.
She then pulled my head down and kissed me lightly on the lips.
“Again, Beth, thank you. I am having the time of my life and it just keeps getting better.”
Then she looked down but raised her eyes to mine again. She swallowed, then took a deep breath. I knew that something of import was coming, so I locked my eyes on hers.
“I have...,” she inhaled again and released it, then continued. “I have thought about ... suicide, more than once. I’ve not come close to acting on that thought, but I’ve been trying to find a way out of my life’s mix of boredom and fear. From reading, I knew that running away, particularly at my age, was likely to lead to prostitution or drugs or both. I thought that a sport, perhaps soccer, would help. It did, but not in any way that I would have guessed. I had almost given up on soccer being a useful outlet, a way to ... I ... I don’t know. I don’t know, but it wasn’t working, whatever I thought that it could do.
“Now, I’m here. Now, I have teammates who seem to like me. Now, I have friends. Now, I’m in love.”
Tears began filling her eyes, and she inhaled deeply again. I felt that she thought that she needed to finish what she was saying, so I just continued to look into her eyes, waiting.
“I know that I keep thanking you and Rhee, and you must be getting tired of it.”
I shook my head emphatically.
“Well, you ought to be getting tired of it. I know. It just ... it just hits me every so often, how different my life is, now, and how quickly it changed. You do know, right, that tomorrow it will be two weeks from the first time that you invited me over. Two weeks, and almost everything is different. My home life hasn’t changed but it is so much easier to deal with knowing that I have friends and a life outside that house.
“Okay. I’m okay, now.”
Heather inhaled, released it. Then she smiled at me.
“I’m more than okay, now.”
Then she wiped her eyes with the heels of her hands. I placed my right hand on her shoulder.
“Why don’t you go take a shower for yourself. You’ve spent much of the morning making all of us feel wonderful. Go take a shower for yourself and join us when you want. Or ... I could do for you what you’ve done for us.”
She smiled, her blue eyes dancing.
“No. I’m fine. I’ll take the shower and clear my eyes, and I’ll come join you in a few. Thanks.”
I joined the rest of the gang in the living room, where the TV was showing a YouTube video about the Voyager spacecraft. I mentally shook my head. I cannot imagine any other group of four girls from our school where such a video would even be playing, much less being watched avidly.
“That was the most relaxing shower that I’ve ever taken. Ummm, if I didn’t do anything, did I still ‘take’ the shower? It’s more like the shower was given to me. Did you guys find that wonderfully relaxing? That is, assuming that she did for each of you what she did for me.”
Gracey responded.
“Yes. It was relaxing, but in a sexual manner. She had me revved a bit, but it was also so relaxing that I didn’t feel a need to do anything. It was ... wonderful. Simply wonderful.”
“Yeah,” Liya said. “I’m not at all suggesting that she should do it, but she could probably be successful, wildly successful, at what I’ve seen termed ‘a high-priced call girl.’ Of course, I don’t know how she’d be at sex with guys but given that she’s been sexually active for only two weeks and given how good she is at getting girls off, I don’t see her having any problem at figuring guys out. Of course, that would be a horrible waste of that brain. However, I’m pretty sure that guys would go gaga over her. She’s cute, has spectacular eyes, and lovely tits and ass. And those legs.”
Liya shook her head in wonder.
“If I were a madam, I’d want her in my stable, as she’d make me rich. But, again, that would be a horrible waste of that wonderful brain. Beth, Rhee, didn’t you say that your parents were looking into something at the university for her?”
“Yeah,’ Rhee answered. “However, Dad’s meeting with whomever is the first step there had to be canceled when ... the person ... man? woman? ... I don’t know. But the person had to go out of town. Beth, do you know if the meeting was rescheduled?”
“I don’t, but I should ask Dad. We did tell Heather that we would know something soon, so we should tell her that we don’t know anything, yet.”
“What don’t we know,” asked Heather as she entered the living room.
“We don’t know about what the university might be able to do for you, because Dad never had the meeting that he told you and us about, as the person had to cancel at the last minute. I’ll try to remember to ask Dad tomorrow.”
“Okay. That’s fine. Meanwhile, I have a question that I meant to ask last night. Beth mentioned that most of Liya’s classes were above your grade level, and then Liya said that Beth was taking such classes, too. I’m curious about what classes, if you don’t mind sharing.”
Liya spoke up. “We’re all taking advanced English classes, with Beth two years ahead; only one year for the rest of us. We’re all ahead in Math. I’m also ahead in social studies/history. Gracey’s two years or more ahead in science. The four of us account for most of the girls that are ahead in even a single subject, much less in multiple subjects. I’m surprised that you’re not. You know tons of stuff, some of that Beth doesn’t even know, and hers is probably the most well-rounded brain of the four of us.”
Heather looked at me and I blushed. I started to object, but Liya cut me off.
“No, Beth. We know it, and you certainly know it. You just hate to put yourself ahead of your friends. Too bad, we put you ahead of your friends. Gracey can kick your butt in science, but you can hold your own in every other sphere of study. Besides, you’re also the natural leader and the most stable of us.” She turned to Heather. “I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that our most-stable gang member is the only one still with two loving parents at home. She hates to put herself forward, so we just let her lead from the rear.
“You have to have noticed that we speak differently than nearly all the kids in school.” Heather nodded. “Some of that is that we’re all kids of professors at the university, but quite a lot of that is Beth. She convinced us that it would help us, in school and in later life, and both Charlie and Sandy have driven that point home with each of us. Sandy’s degree is in English.”
“You also must know that tight cliques tend to develop their own ... patois, a way of speaking that sets them apart from other groups. Our patois is simply a more-robust vocabulary. Beth’s a word freak and she happily shares new vocab with the rest of us.”
“Wow. Thanks, Liya, for the explanation. I’ve known Beth, really, for only a few weeks, and I’ve been impressed with her from the start. I had no idea, even yesterday, how impressive she actually is.”
“Quit it,” I exclaimed. “I’m just a girl like you all. I’m no different from you guys. You’re embarrassing me.”
Rhee quietly said, “Bullshit, Beth. You’re not like the rest of us. Oh, we’re more like you than most kids at school, but you’re still another step or so up from us. We all know it, so apparently, we’re smarter than you are. You should listen to us.” She then grinned at me.
“Okay, Beth. Forget that I brought the subject up and delete the last few minutes from the videotape. I’ll start fresh by rolling the die.”
I missed what she rolled, as I was pondering Liya’s words. Is Liya right? Do I really lead? I rarely put myself ahead in social situations. Of course, I’m the captain of the soccer team, so I certainly lead there. However, ‘there’ has an elected or appointed hierarchy, of sorts. School cliques don’t have an ‘official’ system to appoint leaders. Is that the difference?”
“Mistress Liya, what may I do for you?”
Ah, Heather rolled a 5.
For the next couple hours, the tasks that we demanded of Heather were mild. We also agreed that we’d actually time the activities, so we set up my phone’s timer. Liya wanted a pedicure [yes, Mom has the appropriate implements]. I asked for a backrub. When Heather rolled my number again, I asked for a “frontrub.” That was wonderful and got me revved, only to wait through nine more die rolls before my next turn. Rhee then turned things around, somewhat, by asking Heather to pleasure herself for five minutes, while we all watched. That shifted my motor into a higher gear.
Heather rolled a 6.
“Rhee, you need to keep my motor running by continuing for five minutes what you made me start.”
Rhee proceeded to rub, kiss, and suck various of Heather’s body parts.
Heather rolled a 6. Again.
“I want a photo of all of us all snugged up in our current state of undress.”
That caused a discussion to break out.
“I’ll vote against that, if I have to, and end the game. I don’t want to, but I really don’t want a pic of naked me making the rounds.”
“It will be okay, Gracey,” Liya responded. “I know a great app behind which we can each lock a copy of the photo, because I want a copy of a pic of my crazy best friends on a naked sleepover.”
I butted in. “Does that assuage your concern, Gracey? I agree with you that security of something like that is of utmost concern.”
“Umm, yeah. I suppose. Do you already have that app, Liya?” Liya nodded. “Then, if no one objects, we’ll take it on Liya’s phone. Also, I don’t think that the photo should ever be emailed or texted. Any transfer should take place via a hard connection to a computer or, at worst, via Bluetooth. But I’d prefer the former.”
“Okay,” I responded. “If no one disagrees, Liya will take the photo. I think that since Heather is the dominatrix of record, she be in the middle. I also suggest that we be scrunched up as closely to each other as we can get, as I’d like the photo, despite its titillating aspect, to show the love.”
“Hear, hear” Rhee replied.
As one might have expected, the two couples – well, one couple and one semi-couple – were on either side of Heather, and there were no spaces at all from Rhee’s right side to Gracey’s left side. I love the photo; the love shines through. Everyone loved the photo, and we wound up taking a break for everyone to download the app that Liya suggested, transferred the photo from Liya’s phone to her laptop, thence to each of our phones.
“Ummm,” Rhee started tentatively. “Do you guys think that it would be okay to use this app to store ... umm ... other pix of us?”
Before anyone could get her back up, she hurried on. “I’d ... umm ... like to have a pic of Beth ... you know ... a kind of ... uhhh ... sexy pic. And I think it would be fun to have at least a couple pix ... of ... you know ... something that ... uh ... might happen today.”
Gracey started to object, a fricative escaping her lips, but she pulled back in thought.
“Yeah, I can see that,” she replied calmly. “I would like the same. But everyone has got to agree that any such photos, including the one that we all now have, cannot be passed on. Orrr ... cannot be passed on without unanimous consent of the Gang of Five or any subsequent version of that gang that includes even one of the current gang, no matter who is – or, who is not – in the photo or photos under consideration. In fact, I so move.”
“Second,” Heather said immediately.
“Discussion,” I asked. Four shaking heads.
“All in favor, say ‘aye.’”
Our five lives just changed again, even if in an indeterminable way. It seemed inevitable that we would all have kiddie porn on our phones; in the near future, even if our current group photo did not qualify on that charge. I just don’t know the specifics of that legislation, so I don’t know, but I suspect that pix of 14-year-old girls making love to each other would be classed as such.
“Are we finished with pix and discussion thereof,” asked Heather.
After we all nodded in agreement, she rolled a 5.
Liya wanted to French kiss and the turns rolled on. Rhee got an ass massage ... with Heather’s face and hair. Gracey wanted an all-over body rub for 15 minutes.
“May I take a picture,” interjected Liya.
“Umm ... it’s okay with me,” Gracey said. “Heather?”
Liya waited to take the pic until Gracey was on her back and Heather was straddling her hips, with her hands rubbing Gracey’s boobs.
Heather rolled another 1.
“Heather, dear sex doll, I want you to rub your pussy anywhere or everywhere on Liya that you’d like for five minutes. And, may I take a picture?”
Heather and Liya both nodded. Libidos were rising. Kiddie porn was imminent. Gracey waited until Heather’s crotch was on Liya’s face. Kiddie porn obtained.
Heather rolled a 4; she picked Rhee. No surprise there; Rhee was the likeliest to push the envelope.
“Get Beth’s engine roaring. You have 10 minutes.”
Oh, god. I realized at that moment that we should not have permitted third parties into the tasks, as that made the third party a sex doll, too, if on a shorter time scale. Too late, as Gracey’s task was already complete.
Heather did as ordered; I was on the verge of coming when the 10 minutes were up.
Heather rolled a 2.
“Finish me off. Make me cum.”
Heather did just that, and it didn’t take her even two minutes. In my haste to reach orgasm, Rhee had requested permission to take two pictures. Of course, I had agreed. Just give me my cum. Heather, too, had agreed. Rhee now has a picture of Heather’s face in my crotch, her tongue on my erect clit. The other photo is from above my head looking down my body, Heather’s face in my crotch, her hands on my breasts. Oh, they’re hot! I shouldn’t have allowed them, but once I saw them, I couldn’t ask Rhee to delete them.
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Once upon a time there lived a lovely young planet named Earth. She was an attractive young lass, and many a planet tried to court her in her first billion years of life. Earth enjoyed hiking in the mountains and volleyball. One day, Earth was out for her early morning walk, in space, when she noticed a huge orange orb only a few billion kilometers away. She decided to go see what this monstrosity was. She flew her way there, this took her 40 years, but this is a mere blink of an eye for a...
Erotic FictionBack home, in the days to come, I found it difficult to think of anything other than Barbara. My fiancé noticed that I seemed to be aloof and my desire for her body had faded somewhat. I had taken to frequent masturbation sessions as I recalled what Barbara and I had done. To make a long story short, I caught the whore who was to be my wife out on the town with another guy. I was saddened, angry, and pissed. But at least now I knew that I could see Barbara again without fear of...
I just can't believe how it happened or what happened and neither will you, but still... My father died when I just had turned six years old so I dont remember more of him than what mom have told me. He left a good insurance and a rather thriving business so we were well provided for, but mom worked half time anyway. Ever since my fathers death mom never have showed any interest in any other men. I think she is a beautiful woman and Im sure that many men have approached her, but as far as I...
Night shift was a pain in the ass. There was nothing to do and the time hung heavy on my hands. In the back of my mind I had the Gypsy Allen thing and my little sideline business venture to think about. Those two were all I had the energy to think about with that midnight shift draining me. I definitely did not have the energy required for posing for pictures. No I wasn't doing anything but sleeping and researching things in the net. But I considered both more important then having my...
Angela exited her Gmail account after making the final arrangements. It had taken a while to convince her husband that they should experiment. Try out new things sexually, that is. She looked over the top of the laptop to where he sat, watching the late-night news on the television. A smile crept across her lips and anticipation grew in the pit of her stomach, the intensity of which she couldn’t quench.Her nostrils flared as she recited the words she had written in the email, she slipped her...
FetishHi this is the true story which is happened in my life. My name is Malik 22 years old and i came from typical south Indian Muslim family. My mother’s name is “Yasmin”, her age is 38, she was married at the age of 16 and after I born my dad went to Saudi. My mom is very fair and beautiful lady having chubby figure with size of 38-26-40 and especially her butts are so fleshy. My dad worked in Saudi and one day when he was in work he slipped from steps and got hit in head and died there, the...
I have been passed from Alysa's family to Adel's. This happened the very week I learned I was pregnant with Ray's child. Ray knows I am pregnant and seems quite happy about it. I hate to disappoint the boy but I will seek an abortion shortly. Adel tells me I am to spend a month with her family and then I will be passed to another family. I like the idea as I will get a real close look at a number of the families and get a chance for some real serious field work. Adel has been in the USA...
Hi friends. Hope enjoyed my previous stories. I am back again with another episode of my interesting experience. Would appreciate your feedback and comments. Thank you! I came back to my room after lunch, only to face the probing from Sharath and Suraj why I was delayed inordinately. I satisfied them with my convincing reply. Meanwhile, my mind was reliving the ‘morning show’ I had with sir. I was still unable to believe it really happened. Our academic schedule was hectic throughout the week....
Gay MaleTeresa and Jim had the weekend to themselves. Their k**s were staying with their grandparents and they wanted to do something just the two of them. They decided they would go fishing and try out the new boat. So they loaded up their jeep with a 2 man boat, tent, ice chest and fishing poles. Jim headed to a small secluded spot on a creek he was told about hoping not to have to many others around. They got there and were surprised that they were the only ones. "I'm glad no one else decided to...
Athena Rayne and Miranda Miller are two deviously sweet teens who never follow the rules. This is especially hard for them since both their fathers come from military backgrounds. After a long night of partying, the girls snuck upstairs to Athenas room to try and sleep off all the debauchery they had partaken in. Meanwhile, their dads were downstairs trying to figure out how to set them straight. They decided to use their military expertise to get them back on track GUNS BLAZIN?! They rushed...
xmoviesforyouMegan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twenty minutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face was peaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down around her waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to her breasts. They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mind to wake them up. I slowly began...
After Tracy mouthed, “I love you” to me, I knew right then and there that Tracy not only loved me as a male but also me as Jessie. I could feel my cheeks get warm and flushed from her comment and my thoughts. This was turning out to be the best day of my life. My thoughts were interrupted when Mark’s cock softened to the point that he slid out of my backside. Now my thoughts were replaced by something totally different.It was the thought of sudden emptiness. Something that truly belonged, but...
CrossdressingNow it was the month of September. As I told you all, I have temporarily lost my job. I needed one as I realized that I couldn’t depend upon the profession of a Gigolo alone. I decided that I would also do something else to have full-time employment. Working as a gigolo will add to my income and be a source of my fun. I searched for a job and got one at a call center. I joined that job and started to work. The pay was less, but the chances of incentive were great. As I joined this job, I...
We lay in bed shortly afterwards. I had given Liz a good spanking; made her cry, gave her release and left her marked. Before fucking her across the table though, I had knelt down behind her to enjoy her cunt with my tongue and compare her taste to Amy’s, I immediately encountered the remains of Joe’s fucking.I told her that I could taste him and she just groaned that he did cum a lot. I should have been put off but I found myself getting more and more aroused and continued my deep penetration...
IncestMarty Learns of the Marcolina/Gentner Meeting ‘Marty…’ K.C. said excitedly, ‘I think I’m on to something important.’ ‘What is it, K.C.?’ ‘One of the girls works with me at Dockside Dolls named Star was telling me… well I should start with the fact that she’s also dated Gentner. Anyway, Star’s standing in line at the bank when she saw Gentner come in and sit down at Joe Marcolina’s desk.’ ‘Did he see her?’ ‘Um, I did ask her about that. She seemed positive he didn’t recognize her. Said he...
"It's not going to go any faster by looking at it," the older man admonished Ellie as she stared at the clock on the shop's wall. "...Sorry, Chris," Ellie replied to her manager as she tried to stop her cheeks from flushing at her telling off. "I get that it's the summer holidays and it's hot and you'd rather be outside," Chris said in a calm, understanding voice. "God knows I did when I was eighteen. Then again, when I was eighteen, I couldn't afford to take weekends off to go to...
I knew something was up as soon as we got home Monday and was afraid it was bad. Mom, Jane and Gail met us in the driveway and grabbed my hand along with Tina, Angie, and Kathy. We asked what was wrong and felt relieved when They laughed. Jane said "words can't describe it. This is something you just have to see for yourselves." When we got there I had to admit they were right. The children were all over the living room table. They were talking and drawing on large sheets of paper. This...
My sister and I have always had a love hate relationship. I love her only cause I have to and I also hate her guts. OK maybe I don't hate her, but I sure do hate the things she does sometimes. Like for instance the other day the whole family went to a football game and she wore my favorite sweatshirt. It is my only team sweatshirt and I wanted to wear it. I was really pissed at her. She knew I was mad, but she just laughed at me and said I was welcome to anything in her closet. That made...
Hello indian sex stories dot net friends ,I am rohit.Me maharashtra me rahta hu.Indian sex stories ki site se me 2 sal pahle juda.Meri age 23 he.So mene bhisocha kyona mere sath jo incidence hua wo apko share karu.Apko storykaisi lagi jarur batana.Mera email id he .com ye story tab ki he jab me 11th me tha.Tab mere ghar ke pas ek hotlady rahti thi .Unka nam hemlata tha.Wo dikhne me behut sexythi.Sawali thi unki height 5.8 ft thi.Boobs behut mote the.Or gand topucho hi mat.Unka fig 43-31-45.Tha...
The complication's name was Eduardo Gonzalez. Sophia met him in her calculus class-he was a math major. A native of the Dominican Republic, he had lived in New York City since he was thirteen. He was dark, and oh so gorgeous. Every girl in the class had been trying to catch his attention for a month. Sophia was bemused by it all-especially since Eduardo seemingly had eyes only for Sophia. He had made some sort of suggestive comment to her, a week into school, and she had just giggled and...
I'm not sure how this happens to me but here another true story in my life.I love playing and watching soccer (as it called in America)Every where else in the world its called FootballEvery four years they have the World Cup.Were the best 32 teams in the world compete.I was born and used to live in Germany.I know a little German but not much.I always cheer for the German Football team and Team USA.The German team (Deutschland) as its better known is very good in FootballI watched all most all...
"You're awake. That's good. Your mom is a deep sleeper. She won't hear us. Oh yes I locked your door too," Charles heard someone whispering on his ear. It was Ivy. He could make out her figure in the darkness. "Don't bother screaming!" Ivy warned him. She moved her fingers somewhere around his neck. "I studied martial arts. One strike from me and you will only have thirty seconds to live. You will have a hard time breathing. You will be suffocating and eventually will die a...
The world has changed since Evie and I were first thrown together back in the summer of 1954.Father was in the diplomatic service and served the hon Charles Bainbridge as administrator to the District Commissioner in the Kumbala district in the disputed territories of Eastern Africa, disputed in the sense of impending independence.But I knew little of this, my life revolved around school, where I boarded from the age of seven, initially near Sevenoaks and later near Windsor in England and Aunt...
Hell yes. I’ve been reviewing niche porn for a few days now and I gotta say, it feels really good to get back to basics. Gangbangs have been a staple of hardcore mainstream pornography since the fucking 70s. I love this shit and I can’t get enough of it. I do have my personal preferences, because I’m a picky-ass fapper, but overall, gangbangs are absolutely my shit. PornHub is… well, it’s PornHub – the most popular porn site on the planet. They’ve won that game a long time ago. This is a...
Gangbang Porn SitesThis story starts on an August morning about 2 years ago. My cousins name will be changed for safety reasons. Her name will be adrina She is 5 ft. 2 in. she is skinny with breast you just want to rub your face in as soon as you see them. She has an okay ass but i still like her figure. She has brown eyes and curly brown hair. she dresses very provocative. which is why i cant help but fantasize about her. So anyways my cousin is cleaning the house (because i don't like to). She washes...
I was very embarrassed as I sat down I had never been treated like this before in my life Leon seemed to get enjoyment out of showing me off and bragging about what he was doing and as far as Al I wasnt sure about him, he didnt seem to smart but he was definately enjoying what Leon was doing.As we sat there Leon said yeah shes shy but she sure is a hot little bitch once you get her going. Al said she sure is the prettiest girl ive ever seen. Leon leaned over and whispered in my ear, Big Al has...
After years of dealing with her own issues with intimacy, Olive is faced with the ultimate choice when the man she has been lusting after, her therapist Chad, is finally expressing interest in her. Despite her reservations and fears, Olive throws caution to the wind and kisses him. It’s the feeling she’s been craving for a long time – another man’s tongue in her mouth. Things quickly escalate as their pent-up urges take over. Soon Olive is naked, legs spread with...
xmoviesforyouHi to all Indian sex stories Readers, I’m Rakk from Bangalore . And This is my First story about me and my girlfriend , it happened. About me now completed my graduation looking to start a business with the help if my dad. My age 23, height 5.10″ and 6 inch cock ( i don’t want to lie). Any girls or aunts contact me to this Well, Let starts the story, We are well know about each other..we are in love with 3 and more years. This story happen in first year of love. We both were studying in pu I...
Nobody warned me that my days would be turned on their head from this day forward. Our relationship was what you could consider “normal”. We enjoyed our ventures out to the pub, to cosy nights in with nothing but a movie and a blanket to keep us warm. While we both had our moments of living on the wild side when it came to set it was all pretty normal there too. Janice had recently turned 28 while I was fast approaching 30.She was slim but, as they say, had curves in all the right places. Her...
All the way home the car was almost silent. Rose sat in the seat beside me buried into her own thoughts. Even the back seat was calm and quiet. Whatever magic Yvonne had performed on Mo had certainly worked as she sat with her eyes closed and a quiet smile on her lips. Yvonne stared out of the window, oblivious to her streaked lipstick. Every so often I caught her licking those lovely lips and giving a secret smile to herself.I was grateful for the peace as I had much to think about. My life...
After our first innocuous, though very flirtatious date he invited me for dinner at his inner-city apartment. Before I arrived I had decided to play the vamp and seduce Zac. I had phoned one of my my experienced girlfriends, Meg, earlier in the day for some advice. “I want to fuck him tonight, what should I wear to make it happen,” I asked her. She offered to call around to help choose a suitable outfit. “Show me what sexy lingerie you have. Try that one on for me. You are a very fuckable...
I wouldn’t say I had a fetish.Isn’t wanting to look fabulous perfectly normal? I hate to say, but when you are the wrong side of middle age you readily grab any potential advantage with both hands. Particularly when you were born a male and your feminine side finally, finally, wins the identity battle.And that’s despite the cruelty of the rolling years removing the last illusions of youthly glow. I never used to believe the cliché that ‘youth is wasted on the young’. In my humble opinion, it's...
CrossdressingAfter courting Shawna for a few months she announced it was time to meet her family. She had already shared many of the familiar family secrets. I knew her mother was recently divorced. She had told me that she only married Tom for the money and the stability that came with it. Her mother had grown up very poor, with little stability in her life. She had become pregnant with my wife at the age of only sixteen and had two more children with Shawna’s loser father before she was 21. She longed...
By: WowImBigThere I was, wading in the shallow end of the pool, with my fellow classmates at our senior year pool party; trying to act normal while I was hiding the biggest dirtiest secret ever. Last night, I was pumping my pussy with the monster pump cup I made... and I fell asleep with it on me... suction was strong as ever. 7 hours later I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock, screaming at me to wake up for school. I tried jumping out of bed like usual, but the monster cup wouldn't let me. I...
Mary Ann said, “We’re OK but it’s been a long day and I need some alone time with Tony right now.” Jessica looked at her face and said, “I understand, have a good night sweet girl.” We went into her room, closed the door and lay down in bed. I took her in my arms and the tears really started to flow. “I’m so sad right now Tony,” she said between sobs. “You haven’t done anything wrong and it’s not your fault but I’m still so sad. Please just hold me tight for a while.” My heart ached as...
You frantically try to pull away from the succubus that has assaulted you even as her thick tail plunges into your pussy. You attempt a shriek which is in turn cut off by the serpentine tongue forcing it's way into your mouth. The crimson demoness is much too strong for you to throw off and soon the creature has taken you down to the ground. The Succubus breaks her forceful kiss and straddles you, keeping you pinned as her tail continues it's assault. "Don't fight it," The succubus hisses...
FantasyThis is the true story of one of my recent Friday afternoons. I have tried to relate the events as accurately as possible without embellishing any of the details. If anyone finds it interesting I might write about other Fridays and maybe tell the story of how this all began.I came in from work and was excited to find that my girlfriend Sherry had already made it back from picking up our special friend, “Mouth Whore”. Her real name is Amber but I thought the name I picked was a more fitting one....
Nick Fitzgerald, a balding, well built thirty-four year-old former guard for a UNCW college basketball team, sat in his plush leather recliner. He was staring at the architectural drawing of a huge development pinned to the wall on the opposite side of his office. He was richer than he'd ever thought he would be. He had a great looking wife in Janet, and a secret lover in Harrison Von Damm, who he was helping to get rich selling his real estate properties. Nick had a good thirty minutes...
Most women love Valentine’s Day. Their lovers buy them flowers and chocolates. Some go out to dinner and receive sexy lingerie. Some men write poems and songs for their loved ones. For Katie Smalls, her husband is really into sex. During the year, he doesn’t bother Katie for doing crazy sex things. Katie is a bit timid and only likes to do the missionary style of lovemaking. Her husband Max is fine with that, except on Valentine’s day. On Valentine’s Day, Max likes her to masturbate with toys...
Be Careful What You Ask For Even before we were married, my husband wanted me to allow other guys to see my tiny boobs and hard nipples. I didn’t understand why he wanted me to do this and I didn’t think other guys would be interested in seeing my minuscule breasts. I did notice how excited Dave would get when I would go braless in public and leave several buttons undone. I began to feel more comfortable going braless and did so almost all of the time. While we were still in college (we met...
I am from Bangalore and this happened 2 years back when I was working with a man. To describe myself, I am a medium built person with a good height and age 34… Being in good senior designation, I was always behind my carrier as my first preference. I used to stay in a rented apartment, there were more than 13 flats on my floor and since I used to leave early in the morning for work, I never got to know anyone on my floor, on Sundays, I used to have a walk in my society and play with the kids...
Hi mera naam Satyam(of course not real) hai Mein Jammu ka rehne waala hoon. Aur Jo story mein aapko batane ja raha pichle saal ka ek incident hai Jo main share karna chahta hoon ..around last year Feb so yeah maybe whole year back Mein uss ek relative ki marriage pe gaya tha..mein apni poori family ke saath gaya tha ..par hum actually late ho gaye so jab hum pahunche to mehndi raat thi ..ek baat bata doon which may help you to better understand situation.. Actually marriage do thi ek...
The room was cold. Of course, that might have been because Megan had stripped and stood completely naked. She shivered and thought, you’d think they’d keep the place warmer, you know?The man walked into the room. She had been told that he preferred to be called, “Sir,” and she felt her nipples harden as he entered. He was a solid six feet tall and wore a leather mask that hid his face and leather chaps that covered his legs but left his cock dangling free.Megan considered it for a moment. ...
TabooThe next night I was sitting alone at home, thinking about all the sex that I had enjoyed over the last few weeks. I realised that I no longer wanted Sarah back, at least not on the same terms as before she walked out. I did still miss the companionship that we had shared over the years of our marriage. Just then the phone rang, I picked it up, it was Sarah. “Hello Phil, I hope that you are well?” “Hi Sarah. Very well thank you. What can I do for you?” “I would like to talk with...
Monday morning found me slapping the alarm trying to find the damn shutoff button. After a big breakfast I scooted on over to the rink. It was almost an hour early for the usual morning free skate since the coaches never specified how early to come in. I looked around and tried to find Frank or Fred in the normal lockers and then went down the hallway to the rooms I had never looked at before. The Wolverines men's and women's team each had a locker room and there were also equipment,...
(Author's note: All people are fictional characters and actions in this story are completely fictitious, they do not really exist and have never happened.) More 120's Mentor: Part I By Verna Benson I'll never forget the first time I met the woman who changed my life. I was a paperboy and frequently I would stop at a liquor store on my route to get change and a soda. One of the first times I went in, I noticed an ashtray next to the register containing a smoldering More 120...
First let me say a hello to all the readers and let me admit that I have been a reader of sex stories for quite a long time now. Firstly let me introduce myself as JAMIE from Punjab. I am a Engg. Student by profession. As a guy I am 5 11’ with a good physique . Now this is true story of mine with my girl friend SARA (name changed), she is from Punjab too.I was involved with her for at least 2 years and we were very close to one another. Now this was the first of experiences what I am narrating...
Only in San Francisco. Only in San Francisco could you find five offices in the same block, each one openly advertising the services of a castratrix. I chose the one with the humorous shingle: the image of a large, pendulous scrotum and a pair of stainless steel scissors open and poised to close on the neck of the scrotum. A lady's elegant, manicured hand is shown wielding the scissors. Embossed on the shingle are the words "Ms. Veronika van Gelder, Certified Castratrix".The waiting room is...
“Ohh, that was hot,” she said! “Believe it or not, that was the first time I’ve played in front of someone like that. Not even my husband has seen me do that and cum in person.” She finally used the word! “Really?” “Ohh, that was really good,” Rachel said as she lazily continued to caress along her pussy lips with one hand and up and down her belly and over her breasts with the other, catching her breath. I excused myself and went to the tiny bathroom to clean up. When I returned...
Victoria's Future London, 1806 Henry was scolding. "That little love pat was nothing. When I really spank you, I will place you across my lap with your drawers down to your ankles, your dress and petticoats, if you're wearing any which is doubtful, up to your neck. I will spank your bottom without mercy from your knees up. You will scream and cry, sob and beg, tell me how sorry you are and how you will do better, but I will keep spanking until your cheeks are the color of a ripe plum. Then I...
BDSMHi friends. Thanks for liking my previous 2 experiences. This motivated me to write about my next experience. I am a bi-male-bottom. The previous two experiences were about my experiences as a bottom before marriage. This is my experience after marriage where my wife was had by my MD. My name is Arun and I’m 43 years old, 5′ 8″ tall and 70 kg. My wife Anjali is 38 years, 5’3″, 36-28-34 with C sized boobs and 58 kg. She is beautiful and being an extrovert she makes friends easily specially with...
Having just left Amanda’s, my very first shemale, I found myself still lusting for more. I had just cum twice, (the joys of being young) but wanted, needed more. I quickly flipped through pages of my adult personal newspaper and found “Jennifer.” She looked beautiful in her ads picture. There is nothing more attractive, nothing sexier than a shemale and my lust for them seemed to have only increased. Jennifer lived in a busy apartment complex and I nervously searched for her door. “Paul” I...
At the fire …After today's sightseeing flight with Karin I prepared the machine and after the final check I pushed it back onto the turntable in the hangar and secured the wheels of the main landing gear with the blocks.She said I should bring a bottle of red wine for dinner. That might be a bit tight, I'd rather get two. In the wine shop, I finally chose a Château Lafitte from the Médoc. What a luck that there was a flower store next to the vinotheque. The pretty, friendly smiling saleswoman...