Tristane Of Eloise free porn video

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Doctor Tristane Janelle had seen some sad cases, in the many months since she had arrived here, just after her graduation, with honors, from the prestigious Université Montpellier and her internship at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. But nothing like the girl who had been brought in, three weeks ago, to the psychiatric ward here at Eloise, the name given to the complex that was the Wayne County Mental Hospital.

The girl, to all appearances, was in her late teens – maybe seventeen or eighteen years old. She was blonde and frail-looking and so feminine, with her thin waist, rounded hips and firm-looking breasts. She had wide blue eyes and a pert nose above her full, rose-colored lips. She was more than just pretty.

A couple of Detroit policemen had found her wandering the streets, at two in the morning, barefoot and wearing nothing more than a full slip, crying her eyes out as she stumbled around aimlessly in the dark.

Taking her into their squad car, they tried to question her but got nowhere as she seemed unable to hear them or respond to their questions. Doing nothing but continued crying.

For her own safety, she was brought to the Bedford police station where she was again unsuccessfully questioned, given hot chocolate (which she managed to hold and sip down) and then taken to a holding cell where she was given a blanket and spent the night sitting upright on a hard, wooden bench.

There were no missing persons reports on her and inquiries turned up nothing so, that next day, she was brought - as all county indigents were - to Eloise.

Dr. Janelle had been given the girl's case because of her extensive training and her past experience with drawing responses from catatonic patients.

Tristane Janelle was a slight but shapely young woman with long legs and thick, unruly brownish-blonde hair that she kept parted and cropped short, to just above her shoulders, so that she didn't have to deal with it. Being attractive, to her, was an unnecessary chore that she had no time for. She did nothing to enhance her appearance ... no make-up or jewelry and nothing done to hide or augment that fact that she had such petite, girlish breasts. Despite her efforts to the contrary, she had always been considered demure and very pretty, with her doe-like brown eyes and her full, cushiony lips. Her unmistakable, natural beauty had misled the men of the world into believing her to be far less capable then her strong male counterparts and that was one of the reasons that she had abandoned her native France, and it's bottom pinching chauvinists, to come to America.

Being female had kept her from landing the more prestigious psychiatric positions in places like Boston or Philadelphia or New York City and even the likes of Belleview Hospital had rejected her. She had landed (and then lost) a position at the Royal Victoria Hospital in francophone Montreal before she was accepted here at Eloise. She took the staff position even though Detroit was not a place that she had dreamed of residing in during her girlhood in Neuilly-sur-Seine, a posh suburb of Paris. It was a job. It was another start. It was a place where she could maybe finally prove her-self to be as competent as any male in her chosen profession.

Dr. Janelle had visited the girl many times, since she had been brought in, either in the room in which she had been placed or in therapy sessions here in her office. She had tried so hard to get through to the girl and was always disheartened when she did not respond to her soothing words or the soft touches to her arms or her cheek.

"'Ow you are feeling today, sweet'eart?" Dr. Janelle would ask, in her thick, French accent while the girl just stared forward in her chair. "You 'av been ear almost a whole monse, vous jolie fille. Won't you speak wit me today? Tell me please what 'appen to you?"

The girl still uttered not a word but, as Dr. Janelle watched, a large tear appeared in the corner of her eye and then dripped down over her cheek and off of her chin to the front of her flower-print hospital gown.

That tear was a response, Dr. Janelle's training told her. Despite what all of her colleagues here had been telling her, this girl was hearing and thinking and remembering some-thing inside of her head that brought on that tear and Dr. Janelle was determined to find out what it was.

"Please, tell me," Dr. Janelle, wearing her usual white, starched lab-coat over her plain, white blouse and dark-navy pencil skirt, said as she dropped to her knees, not worrying about the effects of the dusty floor on her sheer nylons. Leaning to the girl, she spoke gently, close to the side of her face saying, "I know you 'ear me, ma belle amie. Say som-sing to me."

But, even though a few more tears appeared, no words came from the girl and soon her hour of useless therapy was over and Darnell, the huge black orderly, came to put her into a wheelchair and take her back up to her room.

Dr. Janelle wrote a prescription, on the yellow page of her chart, for an increased dosage of thorizine to be administered to the patient just as old Dr. Bloom, the head of the psychiatry staff, came into her office.

"Any words out of the Jane Doe yet?" he inquired.

"Pas de mots," Dr. Janelle replied, lapsing into French as she often did when she was flustered. "She jus sit sare and say nussing but sen sa tears come, Doctor."

"Yes," he sighed deeply in agreement. "Something awful happened to that girl, Tristane," the grizzled old head of staff observed. "I think it's time we try electro-therapy on her."

"No," Dr. Janelle turned to face him and stated firmly. "Shock 'er brain to life? She ees much too frail for sat. I 'ave tole you so. She can't take sat kind of treatment."

"Insulin shock then?"

Dr. Janelle closed her eyes, thinking of the dreadful pain and stress caused by such arcane therapies. Patients restrained with leather straps and injected with high doses of insulin causing their bodies to go into such extreme convulsions that wooden pegs had to be forced between their teeth to keep them from biting off their own tongues. "No," she said. "Sare 'as to be sumsing else we can do for 'er."

"I'll give you another couple of days with her," Dr. Bloom said before he turned away from the pretty, young doctor and left the office for the rest of his rounds.

Darnell Loomis loved his job carting around the loony females here at Eloise. There were normally no men allowed in the women's ward, other than the male doctors. But there had to be at least one male orderly strong enough to lift the women and girls into their beds and wheelchairs and Darnell was the lucky one.

Don't think that he hadn't learned how to take advantage of that situation. Lifting and moving the women presented him with plenty of opportunities to touch and feel places that he wasn't supposed to touch or feel but the women never reported anything and who would believe them if they did? After all, they were crazy.

Having to live at the hospital when he was on duty gave Darnell a chance to make his own kind of rounds, late in the evenings. And he would go from bed to bed, of the sleeping females who were the most crazy, and he would fondle a tender, warm breast or put his hand up under the hem of a hospital gown and feel up between the delicate, hair-covered cushions of some white woman's pussy, his stinky finger becoming a trophy for him to take back to his room and sniff while masturbating himself to a spurting climax.

When Darnell first saw the lovely blonde teenager he knew that he had hit the jackpot and he could hardly wait to get his meaty black hands on her supple-looking, curvy white body.

The first night, when he had observed that her eyes had been closed for a while, and that the sedative medicine they had given her was in full effect, he crept to her bedside and pulled down her blankets. Her alluring feminine curves were evident even within her hospital gown and they beckoned to him as he stood menacingly above her.

Cautiously he set his large hands upon her, feeling her curves and supple bumps through her gown and luxuriating in how warm and soft the pretty girl felt.

Her eyes not opening or reacting and his building lust gave him the courage to place his hands on her legs, just above her knees, and then he ran his hands up her silken thighs until he came to the prize waiting for him at the juncture of her limbs.

This girl's pussy was downy-soft and its outer lips pillow-like and dainty under a soft covering of thin, straw-colored, almost-straight hair.

Darnell let his hand play over the alluring mound of her pussy for a time, watching the lovely features of her child-like, sleeping face all the while as his finger found the moist cleft between the outer lips of her vulva and he probed inward, feeling the moist, supple protrusions of her delicate inner lips and rubbery clitoris within.

He toyed in the warm slickness there for a time and was thinking of pushing his long, thick finger right into the wet opening of her heated vagina when he heard the sounds of the cleaning crew in the hallway and quickly pulled his hand from her and covered the girl back up, leaving before he was caught with her.

Going back to his room and laying on his bed, Darnell placed his moistened, middle finger to his nostrils and deeply sniffed.

He was not disappointed. The drying evidence, that the moisture of the girl's pussy had left on his finger, was sharply sweet with her intimate feminine fragrance and Darnell wasted no time in using his free hand to extract his hardened, black cock from the waistband of his scrubs and he began frantically masturbating as he sniffed the girl's intoxicating sexual odor. It took less than a minute before he erupted, spewing his copious seed all over the shirt of his scrubs and the woolen blanket covering his cot.

His mind reeled with ideas of just how to use this beautiful girl for his future carnal pleasures.

When the time was right, he decided then and there, calming from the height of his lust, he was not going to miss this golden opportunity with such a pretty, white girl and he was somehow going to maneuver her ass over to the side of her bed, jam his rigid cock deep into her delicate pussy, fuck her hard and deep and then blissfully get his nut off inside of her.

After the next day's early staff meeting and completing her morning rounds, Dr. Janelle sat at the desk in her first-floor office and thought about the lovely blonde girl on the third floor and what she could possibly do to help her.

She must have parents and family somewhere looking for her, she reasoned. A familiar face, or the encouraging voice of a loving family member, could be so helpful to her right now. So why hadn't anyone seen news reports of her or heard about missing person's notices from the police?

Though not any of her business, Dr. Janelle picked up the phone and placed a call to the detective bureau of the Detroit police department and was directed to Sergeant Trombley in the missing persons bureau.

"No," he said in the telephone receiver, "we have had no missing persons reports involving any teenage girls. Not in a long while."

"But someone mus be looking for 'er," Dr. Janelle insisted. "She ees such a lovely, young girl, Sarshent. Some-one, somewhere mus be worried about 'er."

"Well, if they are, Miss, they haven't contacted the police or I'd have it on the wire. Nothing from Ohio or Indiana either. But I'll tell you what ... I'll contact the State Police and I'll stop by your hospital later and have a photo taken of your Jane Doe. We can put that on the wire and see if anyone is looking for her."

"Je vous remercie beaucoup, Sarshent. Sat would be mos 'elpfull of you."

When lunchtime arrived, Dr. Janelle ate her tuna-salad sandwich and her apple alone at her desk and reviewed her patient charts and case papers before she had to attend the afternoon staff meeting.

It was there, at that meeting, that Dr. Dickman spoke up about Dr. Janelle's Jane Doe patient before the other members of the staff.

"Dr. Janelle has badly dropped the ball again as far as this girl is concerned," he said, standing from his chair with his beady snake-like eyes squinting at everyone from under his freckled forehead and its hanging shock of riotous red hair. "I have talked it over with some of the other doctors, on the staff, and we feel that this girl requires the normally prescribed, immediate use of electro-therapy to set her mind straight and get her returned into society."

Dr. Janelle was used to Dr. Dickman's pushing of his archaic methods on all of the male staff members and she had a distain for him that was becoming increasingly hard for her to conceal. "Dr. Dickman is not correct, chentelmen," she told the gathering at the long conference table. "Sis girl, she need ferry delicate care to bring 'er aroun'. Zis ees 1969 and not se dark ages, Doctors. I am making progress wit 'er and I feel it ees only a matter of time before..."

"Dr. Janelle has always had a problem with being far too soft on the patients here at Eloise," Dr. Dickman said now, "and with little success to show for it. She is far too concerned with a patient's "feelings" and with being "gentle" to be an effective member of this hospital's staff. Oh, it's not really her fault, gentlemen. After all, women should never try to compete with men in a professional atmosphere. They're way too weak and naturally incompetent."

"Come, come now," Dr. Bloom slapped his hand on the table to gain everyone's attention. "There is no need for a personal attack here, Dr. Dickman. I have always stated my support for Dr. Janelle and her methods."

"Well," Dr. Dickman said to the other doctors at the table, "I have had about enough of her ineffectively effeminate ways and I am writing a letter to the medical board to have her put under review."

Dr. Bloom bristled at his subordinate now. "Only I have the authority to do that, Dickman. And I don't feel that extreme of a measure is required. I have faith that Dr. Janelle is about to have a breakthrough in this girl's case."

"Merci tres bien, Dr. Bloom," she managed to say while, at the same time, frantically struggling against the tears that were about to erupt from her eyes in front of all of her male colleagues.

"I'll agree to hold off until this "breakthrough" happens or doesn't happen," Dr. Dickman said now. "But, when it doesn't happen, I fully intend to contact the board and report her European-bred, female-induced shortcomings to them."

Dr. Janelle had heard enough and, despite her urge to verbally attack the pompous braggart, she instead stood and rushed from the room, holding her hand above her eyes to hide her tears until she could be alone in the outer hall.

How dare he? she thought as she grabbed a wrinkled tissue from the pocket of her lab-coat and dabbed at the salty drops that were now uncontrollably gushing down both of her reddened cheeks. Had the other doctors seen her start to cry? Were they against her now as well? Was she going to lose yet another position for appearing too weak compared to the men?

Dr. Janelle turned her body to the cold, hallway wall and cried a bit more before she felt the large hands on her shoulders. Quickly turning, she looked into the kind face of Dr. Bloom.

"Come now, Tristane," he said in the same voice that her father - now so very far away from her - had used to comfort her when she was a little girl. "The hospital is no place for tears and we can't let the patients and other staff members see you like this."

"I am sorry," she sniffed. "It's jus sat Dr. Dickman, 'e 'es such a bess-terd."

"Yes," Dr. Bloom agreed, trying not to chuckle at her use of the fractured curse-word. "He is that. But don't let him get to you. I'm on your side, Tristane, but I just don't know for how long I can hold out against him and the others on the staff. This girl is your test. You have to bring her out of herself and show your own strength and abilities to these doctors before he turns them all against you."

Dr. Janelle stood erect, as she watched Dr. Dickman pass them in the hallway, staring back at her the whole time, and then she said, "I 'ear what you are saying, Doctor. I am seeing her sis afternoon."

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Just Ask Nicely

Marnie didn’t get asked out. She was passed over for girls with more beauty or breasts. But she had the same needs for companionship and passion as they did, just few opportunities to get those needs satisfied. She was in her first year at the community college where she got more respect than high school. Her brain was sharp and had gotten her good grades and a small scholarship. A great enjoyment was the debate club where she had some interactions that made her feel better about...

1 year ago
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How I fucked my neighbors incredibly hot 16yearold gymnast daughter Pt 1

How I fucked my neighbors incredibly hot 16-year-old gymnastics daughter. (I wont post pictures of her, but I can tell you she looks a hell of a lot like Sasha Rose.) I posted this last night, but I didnt get to format it correctly and work out all the typos. A more complete version for your pleasure): It was the beginning of summer, and I had just moved out of my parents house at 23, having founded a successful web startup company earlier on with the help of a few friends. I bought a house...

4 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 58 Not What I Expected

July 3, 1996, Chicago, Illinois I blinked several times and took a breath before responding. It didn’t help. The best I could do was contain my visceral reaction at her completely out-of-line request and her wrong-headed assumptions when she had NO idea what had happened in my life the previous eight months. “What makes you think you can make that request after refusing to talk to me for nearly eight months? And equally importantly, without explaining Alexi? And without giving me the first...

3 years ago
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Youthful Lust and Curiosity Part 1 Naked Obsession

Brian settled into his college life with an overwhelming workload, by day and by night. He was so thankful when all options for college accommodation were exhausted. His parents were left with no other choice but a one bedroomed furnished apartment, across the road from the college.Frankly, he missed the freedom of home and especially mother’s cooking. Whenever his heavy study schedule allowed he scampered home for a long weekend to enjoy real food.Their neighbours of twenty years were informed...

College Sex
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A rental with secrets 3

It was official. I was addicted to masturbating to watching the Waters' videos. Holy FUCK had I watched a lot in the last month. Enough to know I wanted to be in that house when the family came home. I watched as Mr. Waters used RED for his personal fuck for a few months, every once in a while bringing another woman in the bed with them or in the hot tub and RED was forced to eat Mr. Waters cum out of the other woman. She actually loved it. I was certain some day I would taste RED.Mr....

4 years ago
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The Enslavement of Rose

The Enslavement of Rose   by Tiff Baker . Feedback and comments welcome at [email protected]   Chapter 1Rose Hoffman sat at her computer bored again.? She was done all her homework and like most high school girls her age, she had more important things in her life than school. She loved to play field hockey, and hanging out with her friends, but she had another interest that she didn’t share with anyone.? She loved to read S&M stories. She had been secretly been reading them since she was only...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 16

Jeff tried to stay a couple of steps behind the women as they walked toward Doctor Boswell's apartment. Diana and Laura glanced at each other, grinned, then Diana said, "Okay, Big Boy, we do appreciate you checking out our asses, but you need to get up here and put your arms around us. You can look at our rear ends, anytime." Jeff laughed as the two women stopped momentarily for him to catch up with them, then snuggling into his arms as they started on. "I may be able to see sexy ass any...

2 years ago
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Fantasy about my wife and a black cop

Back before my wife retired and was still working as a mental health counselor, she traveled to several counties doing assessments for state agencies. She came home one evening and told me a young, handsome, black, county officer had pulled her over for speeding but when she told him she worked for a state agency he let her go with a warning.Here is what I am imagining really happened, He walked up to the car and she gave him her best sexy smile and told him she was sorry for speeding but she...

1 year ago
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Show For The Neighbor

Tonight I was all alone and looking for a thrill. I got out an old t-shirt, and cut out the neck so that it barely covered my nipples. I tried it on and bent over, pleased that when I did, my tits would “accidentally” fall out. I then cut a pair of old jeans short enough that the bottom of my ass showed below them, and when I bent over again, the seam went right into the crack of my ass and between my pussy lips. I couldn’t wait to go out in my new outfit, but first I had to shave that pussy...

2 years ago
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Straight Circles

When the discussion was at its hottest, when she wasn’t sure if I would even stay and listen, in desperation, she tried one last time ‘I’m your mother, Greg, I love you and I have never lied to you except for this one thing. Please give me a chance to explain.’ I had just confronted my single-parent mom that I new I had been misled about my ‘dead’ father. I truly was so pissed. I wanted to get up and leave, but she actually was all I had. At eighteen, I was an adult – but in reality I was...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 23

"The frontis piece of the QR&AI carries the maxim: quote 'These Regulations and Instructions allow for the harmonious interaction of all ranks to provide an efficient service to the Realm's external policies' unquote." TJ was declaiming on one of his favourite subjects; "it is generally accepted that the Regs are written for the advice of the commander and that tends to be confirmed by the fact they are only trotted out when either 'harmony' or 'efficiency' is compromised."...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Tana Waters 04022020

As all our devoted fans know we here at ExCoGi are all about genuine authentic and unscripted porn, wanting to highlight the models real personalities that we feature. That being said… CALLING ALL STRIPPER LOVERS! And if you’re a fan of gentleman’s clubs and getting the “stripper experience” than we bring you 20 year old, 3 year stripping veteran Tana Waters. You can tell this girl’s been around the pole and stage more than a few times and knows what guys...

3 years ago
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Shower Erotica

It was a late Friday night, James and his sister Courtney and her best friend Roxane had gotten back from a baseball game with James’ and Courtney’s parents. His parents had left the house to go stay at a resort hotel theat is being payed for by their work and wouldn’t be back until late Sunday night. James was watching tv in his room. Actually he was watching a XXX porno. His sister and her best friend were out in the living room watching a movie with naked people and a lot of sex in it. They...

1 year ago
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The Vice

My ball crushing experience My ball crushing experienceby Aliquis I had been contemplating testing a ball crusher ? on myself.  Honestly, I have wanted to experience both the method, and the effect of this dreaded torture device. Eventually, I had a chance to do this. By coincidence, I found the name of a childhood friend in a CBT mailing list.  Since we had last met, Mark had become a doctor ? a general practitioner.  After a few faint-hearted mails we arranged a personal meeting.After a...

2 years ago
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My Sister Helped Me Overcome My Breakup

Hi guys, I’m Shiva this is my 1st story. It’s an incident which happened a few years ago. Without further ado, we shall get into the story. I was an athlete. I’m good at 400m hurdles, 800m, 1600m, and high jump. So I had to maintain my physique. I am 5.10 feet tall. As I said I have an athletic body. When I was 20, I was studying 2nd-year mechanical engineering in a college 8 km from my home. I have a cute adorable sister. Her name is Sudha. In simple narration, she looks like Aditi Rao...

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One?Please?, she said, ?I want you to come with me to pick out a new dress.?Kathy knew that I didn’t like to go clothes shopping with her.  She always took so long to make a decision, always having to sort through all of the racks of clothing, always asking my opinion on one or another, and always ignoring my advice.  I quickly scanned through a laundry list of excuses in my mind, but before I could utter a protest she said, ?Look, I need something new to wear to work, and besides, you could...

3 years ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 21

Meanwhile, over at the Boston Common Hotel and Conference Center, Jack and Lee were now fully naked and were running their hands over the still-clothed, but willing ladies that had chosen not to wear the 'protective' ribbons. This event could now technically be characterized as CFNM--meaning 'Clothed Female Naked Male.' The two young men danced around and waved their erect cocks in the faces of the seated ladies while there was much clapping to the music to which they danced. Lee had set...

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Valentines Day Rimjob

Introduction: The first time I pleasured and worshipped my wifes ass. The first time I rimmed my wife was an experience we both will never forget. It forever changed our sex life for the better. This event took place on the Valentines Day before I proposed to her. Let me explain a little bit about us. For a very long time, I had sealed my heart away. I dated some fucked up bitches when I was young and dumb. I was raised in Hawaii with influences from Eastern culture. The whole concept of...

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How I Became a Whore

     This story was written for the enjoyment of  adults only.  Please send any comments to [email protected],  I love hearing from you.                                        How I BECAME A WHORE                                                     Written by 4playMy girlfriend Mary and I had been living together for over 2 years when she found out I was cheating on her with another girl.  We had a terrible fight that night and I wound up sleeping on the couch.  Several days went by without us...

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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 12 Correlation

The next Friday, Sally had convinced her mom to let Lenny borrow the station wagon to go to the movies with her. Amanda had been impressed with the sudden maturity her daughter had shown of late, beginning with the thorough cleaning Sally gave her bedroom while her wayward brother was being delivered to his college boot camp.Sally stopped whining about her chores, and even took on a few extra tasks, like vacuuming and doing dishes without being asked, and cooking dinner a couple of times that...

First Time
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The Masters House Part 1

She was only seventeen, with brown hair and brown eyes, one of the seven girls who lived in my house, and the youngest. She was my fuck toy, my personal plaything. I had given her a name once, but I had forgotten it. I only ever called her “Toy”. My toy licked the cream off of her lip and gulped audibly. She knew she was going to be punished. I never let my toys disobey me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I demanded. “I just wanted some cream, Master….” She looked at me...

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Affirmative Action Part 3

Angie hadn't spoken to Stephen for over a week. She'd seemed completely on his side about the whole 'sexist boss' issue over dinner, but no more than two days later, she'd tarted herself up along with the other women in the office, and had actively started flirting with the man she'd claimed to despise. Stephen had wondered whether Angie had got into a fight with Andrew the night after their dinner, and whether her supposed loathing of Michael had just been a front for her boyfriend,...

2 years ago
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Friday night at the Cock Ass Tavern

The Cock & Ass tavern was undeniably the most popular pub in the valley. Everyone for miles around, old and young, would gather there every night to unwind from a tiring day in good company. Well, not exactly everyone. This pub was really only frequented by the men in the valley, and the reason the public house was so popular with them was also the reason women tended to steer clear - the landlady, Erica.It was 8pm on a typical Friday night at the Cock & Ass, the bar was reasonably...

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The Awesome Teenage 8211 Life Of A Medical Student

Hey Indian sex stories readers this is Prateek Kaushik , this is my first story so please mail me on .. Starting from the story – ek normal Indian ladke ki tarah m bhi 12th ki studies, pdhai ke pressure or parents ke taunts se tang tha jiske kaaran m kaafi stress me tha , love life bi kuch khaas nahi thi or recently hue breakup se or bhi pareshan. Ek din evening me jb m akela baitha tha to mere papa mere paas aake bole ki sad baitha h , chal evening walk pe chal. I agreed , as I live in...

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Pandoras Box 2

After the night of Debs taking her first BBC she changed towards sex and became even more wanton. Debs wanted sex all the time and loved me to use the new large black dildo on her pussy as I described scenarios about her taking BBC. I couldn't believe my luck after taking years to get Debs to have sex with another guy she was now hooked and wanted more. What really sold it for her was a huge black cock. Debs favourite scenario for the first few weeks after the night with Andy was me to use the...

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Empath Telempath Leader GodChapter 24

James had reservations about 'performing' in front of a group. It was different when it was him and the three lovers, that was a group activity in which they all participated. This was going to be a performance, and in front of three relative newcomers, one of them who may be completely innocent. He paused before he reached the bottom of the stairs and cast his mind out, reaching into the minds of Doris, Angie and Scarlett. Doris was watching the porn video with avid interest. She was...

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Educating Cathy Chapter 12

Sunday morning and none of us wanted to get out of bed. Eventually I dragged myself out and put the kettle on for coffee, very strong coffee. Shortly after Cathy and Ruby appeared. There is something nice about getting kisses from two naked women. Cathy kicked me out of the kitchen and she and Ruby put together breakfast. It must have been fun as I could hear them giggling. We sat down and ate it. Cathy said I should get dressed and do the shopping. “What are you going to do?” I asked. “I...

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Demons in the Citadel

1 You are the youngest of five, and you stand to inherit little of your family’s property. You know that you were conceived as a potential replacement for the more sickly of your older brothers, in case he didn’t survive to adulthood. Not only did the sibling in question grow into a man, he is the next in line to take over the family farm. He runs it already in all but name. Now as you approach adulthood, you’ve decided to eliminate the unspoken burden your existence has been on your family for...

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The Heist

21 year old Brad Burns worked at a cooperation lab known as Burbank Enterprises in Arizona as a security guard for the past couple of months now. His job was pretty easy and never had much trouble besides a few teens from here and there trying to pull a prank or the occasional protesters. Brad had the night shift along with Brock Ford, a fellow security guard in his late-twenties and a good friend of Brad for several years now as they had been neighbors in their suburb neighborhood and also due...


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