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Williamson had just played a glorious cover drive when my phone rang. Since I could see that it was Brian, I was tempted not to answer. On the other hand, I knew that he would just keep pressing redial until I did.


‘Where are you?’

‘At home,’ I said. ‘Watching cricket. On the box.’

‘Good,’ he said.


‘Yes. I thought that you might have been doing something important.’

‘Watching cricket is important,’ I said.

‘You can watch the highlights package later. That way, you won’t have to watch the boring bits.’

‘The boring bits – as you call them – are what cricket’s all about.’

‘Whatever,’ Brian said. ‘Anyway, I need you to come down to The Squirrel. A-sap.’


‘There are a couple of women here. One of them is definitely my type. I might even have to marry her.’

‘So, why do you need me?’ I asked. ‘Sounds like you have it all sorted.’

‘Easier if there are two of us. You know … in case we have to split them up. Divide and conquer.’

The bowler lost his line, and I watched as Williamson tickled the ball around the corner and down to the fine leg boundary. Beautiful. Effortless. ‘Oh, OK,’ I said. ‘You’re buying. See you in five.’

‘I’ll have a small shandy waiting with your name on it.’

Even before I got to The Squirrel’s Drey, I knew what Brian’s ‘my type’ woman would look like. Somewhere between 25 and 35, skinny, probably blonde, and wearing the kind of designer clothes that would have cost a fortune but didn’t really suit her.

‘Those two,’ Brian said, nodding not very discreetly towards a table in the corner. And, yes, I was right: blonde, skinny, etcetera, etcetera. At least one of them was. The other one was dark and … well … plump. Although I have to say she was by no means unattractive. I followed Brian across to their table.

‘Evening, ladies,’ he said. ‘I’m Brian. Mind if George and I join you?’

The skinny one – who clearly considered herself to be ‘in charge’ – frowned a little, looked Brian up and down, and then said: ‘Yeah. OK then. I’m Janey.’

‘Nice to meet you, Janey.’

‘And this is Eloise.’

Brian smiled and nodded. ‘I don’t think I’ve seen you lovely ladies in here before.’

‘Umm … no,’ Janey said. ‘Not really our neck of the woods. Just been looking at a flat along the road. Thought I needed a glass of fizz.’

‘Any good?’

Janey looked at her champagne and frowned.

‘The flat, I mean,’ Brian said.

Janey shook her head. ‘No. Terrible. That’s why I needed the fizz.’

Eloise frowned. ‘Oh, I wouldn’t say terrible,’ she said. ‘Just not … quite … what you were hoping for.’

‘That’s what I said. Terrible,’ Janey repeated.

‘Are you looking for a place to rent?’ Brian asked.


‘Oh. Right. Buy.’ Brian’s older brother, Terry, was an estate agent, and I could hear Brian’s brain going into overdrive at the thought of a handsome referral fee. ‘So … what exactly are you looking for?’

As Brian and Janey got down to the business of discussing Janey’s rather demanding property needs, I thought that I had better do my best to pull Eloise into the conversation. ‘And are you looking for a place, too?’ I asked. ‘To buy, I mean.’

Eloise’s face lit up and she laughed as if I had just told a particularly good joke. ‘Around here? Are you kidding? A bit out of my league, I think.’

And then, suddenly, Brian and Janey were getting up from the table.

‘Just going to take Janey to meet Terry,’ Brian said. ‘We’ll be back in half an hour or so.’ Oh well, he did that it would be easier if there were two of us. ‘You know … in case we have to split them up.’ Yeah, thanks, Brian.

‘Well, Eloise, your drink seems to have evaporated. Perhaps I can get you another.’

For a moment or two, Eloise looked as if she was going to say no. But then, once again, her face lit up like the sun breaking through a bank of clouds. ‘Why, thank you, George. That would be very nice.’

I returned the cooking lager that Brian had bought me and got the barman to pull me a pint of Pedigree. ‘And whatever the young lady’s having,’ I said.

‘That’ll be Bacardi, lime, and soda,’ the barman said.

I also bought a couple of bags of salt ‘n’ vinegar crisps. ‘I didn’t have time for lunch,’ I explained to Eloise.

‘Oh, you don’t need an excuse to eat crisps,’ she said. ‘At least I don’t.’ And she laughed again.

For the next 20 or 25 minutes, Eloise and I sipped our drinks, munched the crisps, and chatted like a couple of old friends. And then my phone rang. It was Brian. He was half whispering – as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear him.

‘Terry’s just going to show Janey and couple of flats,’ he said. ‘And then I’m thinking that I might see if I can get my leg over. We seem to be getting on rather well.’

‘And so when are you planning to be back here?’ I asked.

‘Umm … probably not.’

‘Not at all?’


‘Gee, thanks,’ I said. And I pressed the Call End button. ‘It seems that we have been abandoned.’

‘Abandoned?’ Eloise said.

‘Brian and your friend …’


‘Yes. Janey. They’ve gone to look at flats. And they’re probably not coming back. Well … not today, anyway.’

Eloise briefly frowned – as if she was having difficulty in making sense of it all. But then her smile returned and she shrugged her shoulders. ‘Oh well … in that case I’d better buy you a drink. What was it? Pedigree?’

A few days later, Brian told me that his attempt to help Janey find a flat to buy turned into a bit of a nightmare. ‘Boy, that woman is high maintenance,’ he said. ‘Buckingham Palace wouldn’t be good enough for her. Just because her family owns half of Bedfordshire.’

‘Do they?’


‘I take it that you didn’t get your leg over then.’

Brian grunted and took another sip of his beer. ‘Oh, and sorry to leave you with her fat friend,’ he said.


‘Was that her name?’

‘Yeah. And she was actually quite nice.’

‘Really?’ Brian looked surprised.

‘Yeah, really.’ I didn’t mention that Eloise and I had sort of hit it off and that we were going to catch up for a drink at her Shepherd’s Bush local on Saturday afternoon.

‘OK. Whatever,’ Brian said. (Brian often said whatever.) ‘But I still feel bad about it, so I’ve bought us a couple of tickets for the Middlesex match on Saturday.’

‘This Saturday?’

‘Yeah. This Saturday. They’re playing Sussex.’

‘Yeah. But no, I can’t do Saturday. Sorry. Not this Saturday.’

‘Why not?’

‘Umm …’ Why couldn’t I? Good question. ‘My aunt. Aunt Gemma. Yes, she’s coming up to town. It’s her once-a-year thing. You know how it is. Wants me to have lunch with her.’

‘Well, why don’t I see if I can get another ticket, and then we can have lunch at Lord’s.’

‘No. That wouldn’t work. Aunt Gemma hates cricket. Look why don’t you take your new friend Janey. Give you another chance to have a go at getting your leg over. Not at the cricket, of course. That might be a bit unseemly. But afterwards perhaps.’

‘I gather she only likes sport if she’s watching it from a corporate box. You know … a glass of fizz, some smoked salmon, a bit of caviar.’

‘Take a hamper,’ I suggested.

On Saturday, I made sure that I was out of the flat just after midday. I also turned off my phone. I didn’t want Brian catching me out. I ambled down New Bond Street, Old Bond Street, and then across to galleryland. Moseying around some of the smart dealer galleries used up close to two hours, and then I burned off another three-quarters of an hour – give or take – at a half-decent coffee shop. From there, I headed out to Shepherd’s Bush via Bond Street and White City.

From the Tube station, it w
as about a five minute walk to Eloise’s local. And I must say that it was a pleasant surprise. It was one of those traditional pubs that had been modernised – but not too much. It was like a cross between a traditional London pub and an All Bar One. And it had two big-screen TVs, both showing the cricket.

It had only just gone four, and Eloise and I had agreed to meet at 4:30, so I ordered myself a pint and sat down to watch the match. Middlesex were 198 for four, chasing 278. The required run rate was just over 8.

‘A doddle,’ said a voice behind me. ‘Still six batsmen back in the hutch. It’s a done deal.’

I turned around and there was Eloise. ‘So you’re a cricket fan?’ I said.

‘Oh yeah.’

‘Well, in that case, you keep an eye on this and I’ll go and get you a drink. What will it be?’

‘Thank you. A pint of Stella would be nice.’

‘Not Bacardi, lime, and soda?’

‘Only when I’m drinking with Janey. She doesn’t approve of women drinking beer.’

Eloise was right. Middlesex got home with nine balls to spare. ‘What did I tell you?’ she said.

‘You said it was a done deal. And you were right. I think we should celebrate.’ I gathered up our glasses and headed back to the bar.

‘You missed a good game,’ Brian said when I caught up with him a few days later.

‘Yeah, it looked like a good game. I caught the last hour or so on TV,’ I said.

‘Right. And how was your aunt?’

‘Oh, pretty much as always.’

‘Pity she doesn’t like cricket.’

I nodded. ‘And how are things going with the lovely Janey?’

‘They’re not really. I think I’ll have to mark that one down to experience. But I met this real stunner at The Volunteer. On the way back from the cricket. She was with this bloke. But he was a bit of a damp squib. And I managed to get her phone number.’

‘So … all set then.’

‘Yeah. I just need to work out a bit of a plan. Shouldn’t be too difficult.’

‘Good luck,’ I said.

I wasn’t really surprised when Eloise phoned to invite me for supper.

‘Say seven o’clock?’

‘Yeah, fine,’ I said. ‘Can I bring anything?’

‘Just you.’

‘What colour wine.’

‘Up to you,’ she said. ‘I’m thinking that I might do something with duck. But, as I say, up to you.’

Duck? I immediately thought pinot noir. Full of flavour, but not too heavy. I was pretty sure that I still had a couple of bottles of gold medal-winning New Zealand pinot noir in my mini ‘cellar’ under the stairs. Yes, one of those should do nicely.

More by luck that judgement, I arrived at Eloise’s Shepherd’s Bush flat pretty much on the stroke of seven.

‘Gosh, is it that time already?’ she said. ‘I was going to have everything ready for when you arrived but, as usual, I’m a bit behind.’

‘That’s OK,’ I said. ‘I could just hang out here in the street for half an hour or so.’

Eloise laughed. I liked that about her. Eloise laughed a lot.

‘You’ll just have to come into the kitchen and supervise,’ she said.

I thought that my kitchen was small, but Eloise’s galley kitchen made a telephone box look spacious.

‘There’s beer in the fridge,’ she said. ‘And glasses are in the cupboard in the living room, just around the corner. You’re in charge.’

I grabbed a couple of glasses and a couple of bottles of Peter Pickleman light stout from the six-pack in the fridge. ‘I assume that you’d like one.’

‘Does that Pope fellow have a balcony?’

I poured two beers and passed one of them to Eloise.

‘Cheers,’ she said.


Eloise took a sip (well, a draft, really) and went back to chopping (with considerable expertise) a couple of shallots and an assortment of mushrooms. And then, from a pot of barely simmering water, she produced a couple of bright green plastic-wrapped ‘sausages’.

‘Looks interesting,’ I said.

‘Duck breasts,’ she said, ‘wrapped in savoy cabbage leaves.’ She stabbed one of the fat sausages with a meat thermometer and watched, intently, as the needle rose. It stopped at 55°C. ‘That should do it.’

From the unsteady stack of pots and pans atop the refrigerator, she took a couple of medium-sized pans and placed them onto the gas hob. Into one of the pans she put a slosh of olive oil and a knob of butter. Then, when the butter had almost melted, she added the finely-chopped shallots. Three or four minutes later, she added the chopped mushrooms and a liberal grind of salt and pepper. And then, after another couple of minutes, she added half a cup of cream.

‘Damn. I meant to add some thyme,’ she said. ‘Oh well … better late than never.’ And she plucked a sprig of fresh thyme from a pot on the windowsill and stripped the tiny leaves into the gently simmering mushroom mixture.

‘You’re quite the little Master Chef,’ I said.

Eloise laughed. ‘I wouldn’t say that. But I do like food. Which is probably why I’m not the little anything. I thought you would have worked that out by now.’

Like food? Yes, one only had to see her at work in the kitchen. But more than that, I got the impression that Eloise liked life. And she liked it in generous portions.

‘Right. Off, off, and down,’ she said, turning off two of the gas burners, and turning the third, the one below the empty pan, to its lowest setting. ‘I thought we’d finish off our beer with a few oysters – au naturel – and then we can move on to the duck.’

‘Hence your choice of the Pickleman.’

‘OK?’ she asked.

‘Oh, very OK,’ I said. ‘Very OK indeed.’

Eloise produced a large platter of chilled oysters on the half shell. I gathered up our beer and followed her through the living room and out onto the small flag-stoned patio beyond the French doors.

The oysters were delicious. ‘And I love this dressing,’ I said. ‘Sort of sweet and hot and salty all at the same time. And yet it doesn’t overpower the oysters.’

Eloise smiled and nodded. ‘Basically, wasabi, Mirren, and soy. As you say: sweet, hot, and salty. It works well, doesn’t it? It also works with things like tempura prawns.’

There must have been about 18 oysters on the platter, but it wasn’t long before it was just a platter of empty shells. They were perfect.

‘Right, now let’s go and finish off the duck,’ Eloise said. ‘Or you can just sit here if you like.’

‘No. I’d like to watch,’ I said. ‘I’m intrigued.’

Back in the tiny kitchen, Eloise turned up the heat under the empty pan. Then, with a hand blitzer, she reduced the mushroom and cream mixture to a smooth sauce. Into the heating pan she tossed some thin strips of something. ‘Duck skin,’ she said. ‘It makes a nice garnish.’

As the duck skin strips started to crisp up, she undid the cling film wrap from the duck breast and cabbage ‘sausages’. She trimmed off the rounded ends, and then cut each of the sausages into three portions.

Two warm plates were produced from the oven and a generous sweep of the mushroom sauce was spread on each plate. The duck and cabbage rounds were placed – artistically – on top of the swooshes of sauce.

‘Oops! I almost forgot the spuds,’ she said, reaching for the Start button on the microwave. ‘I know that some people look down on using a microwave but, for some things, I think they’re brilliant.’

Another couple of shakes of the pan in which the duck skin was crisping, and it was time to spoon the contents out onto a stack of folded sheets of paper towel. ‘Almost there. Have you got the wine open?’

From the microwave, came what appeared to be a perfectly reheated pommes purée. Eloise grinned. ‘See. That’s what a microwave can do.’ She spooned some of the purée onto each plate, and then scattered the slivers of crisp duck skin over the top of everything.

‘Right, time to eat,’ she said.

And so we did. The food was excellent, the company was delightful, and the wine choice – even if I do say so mys
elf – was spot on, the Central Otago pinot noir complementing the duck and mushroom perfectly.

‘Tell me about your friend Janey,’ I said as I scraped the last of the delicious sauce from my plate.

Eloise frowned slightly and seemed a little disappointed. ‘Did she phone you?’

‘Did she phone me? No. Why would she phone me?’

‘Oh. I just thought that she might have. She asked me for your number.’

‘Oh,’ I said. And then after a while I said: ‘Are you sure that she didn’t mean Brian? Are you sure that it wasn’t Brian’s number that she wanted?’

Eloise laughed. ‘No. She had some … well … not very nice things to say about Brian. It seems he may have misread her intentions slightly.’

I nodded. ‘He does sometimes rush in where angels fear to tread.’

Eloise laughed again. ‘So, what do you want to know?’

‘Well, for a start, how do you come to know each other?’

‘We met at Cambridge.’


Eloise nodded. ‘And then when I had been at GSK for about six months, Janey turned up there too.’

From Eloise’s smile, I think I must have looked a bit surprised. ‘I see. So Janey works at GSK too?’

‘Yes. She’s also a biochemist. We even worked on the same project for a year or so – although she’s working on something else now.’

‘I didn’t realise,’ I said. ‘I mean that she was a biochemist.’

Eloise laughed. ‘You thought that she was just a lady who lunched?’

‘Well … I certainly didn’t pick her for a scientist. From what Brian said, I got the impression that she was … well … yes, a lady who lunched. I suppose. I gather she comes from a rather well-to-do family.’

‘With her champagne tastes, it’s probably just as well,’ Eloise said. ‘But that doesn’t stop her from being a bloody good biochemist.’

‘So, is she … umm … Doctor Janey?’

Eloise nodded. ‘Penelope Jane Mathilda Morris, PhD.’

Eloise’s revelations were interesting. In fact, they were very interesting. I had completely misjudged Janey. As, indeed, it seemed had Brian.

But the ‘Janey diversion’ had also introduced a moment of hesitation into the course of my evening with Eloise. I was no longer sure where it was headed. Eloise and I had hit it off from that first half hour in The Squirrel – the half hour in which we had been abandoned but hadn’t yet realised it. And things had just got better from there. But now … well … I suddenly started to worry that perhaps I may have misread Eloise’s intentions (as Brian had misread Janey’s). Were we heading for Eloise’s bedroom? Or were we destined to become ‘just good friends’?

Janey did phone me. ‘I need to talk,’ she said. ‘That place …? What was it? The Squirrel’s Drey?’

‘The Squirrel. Yes.’

‘Seven o’clock this evening?’

By the time that Janey arrived, it was more like 7:30. But, hey, that’s London for you.

‘So what are your intentions?’ she said, as I placed a glass of the house fizz in front of her.

‘My intentions?’

‘You know what I mean. Where are you going with Eloise?’

‘Oh,’ I said. ‘I think that might be up to Eloise.’

Janey tilted her head back and looked at me down her elegant patrician nose. ‘Up to Eloise?’

‘Well … sort of,’ I said.

‘Do you like her?’

‘Do I like her? Yes. Very much. But, look, I’m not sure why we are having this discussion.’

‘Because Eloise is my friend,’ Janey said.

‘I rather gathered that.’

‘And I don’t like to see my friends being messed about. I don’t like to see them getting hurt.’

For a split second, I was tempted to say: ‘In that case, maybe you should look the other way.’ But I didn’t. Whatever it was that Janey was trying to say, it seemed to be really important to her. ‘And so what does this have to do with my intentions?’ I asked.

‘Eloise is a good woman,’ Janey said. ‘Intelligent … warm … witty.’

‘You and I are on the same page,’ I told her.

‘But for … well … for almost as long as I can remember, she has struggled with men. She has always been what might be described as a big girl. At university, there was a certain coterie that always referred to her as Ellie. Not Ellie for Eloise, but Ellie for elephant.

‘And, as Ellie the Elephant, she was always accepted at the pub and, often, as the object – and, yes, that’s what it came down to: object – of an after-pub fuck by some chap who should have known better.’

I said nothing.

‘The point is … most men seem to have a preference for … well … less generously proportioned women than Ellie. Your friend Brian is typical of that kind of man. He keeps referring to Ellie as ‘the fat chick’.’

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(Conclusion) It was one of those winters that folk remember and talk about for many years later telling exaggerated tales of frozen water wells that refused to melt until the sun was almost down and beloved pets with frostbitten paws that were eventually destined to fall off as useless lumps of waste. It was a year of increased faithfulness of the bewildered flocks of common people whose prayers wafted high into the cloudless skies like some mindless chant of pagan hordes. Wives and lovers...

1 year ago
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The Monstrous Regime

THE MONSTROUS REGIME By Heather Alexander Chapter One To us it was all just history, what do they say that history is written by the victors. I wasn't one of the victors, I was cursed, born male in a society where to be born female was to be given a winning lottery ticket, they were smarter, taller bigger and far more aggressive then us poor boys. Oh how I hated that phrase, 'poor boy.' It really got up my goat but here I was looking into the mirror. I pulled my long black...

2 years ago
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The breaking of ino yamanaka

I wake as the sun rises, I must have dosed off right after getting home. The exams were brutal but our entire team became chunin, the first in many years. " I'm only eighteen and already a chunin" I say to myself confidently. Our sensei ino awarded our official jackets and congratulated us on our accomplishments yesterday..... I walk over to the sink still naked and look in the mirror contemplating the day ahead... I stand at about 5'9, 240 pounds... Heavy for a ninja but my jutsu demands it.....

3 years ago
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It was late and the house was asleep, all except her, of course. Being asleep at 3:00 a.m. might be an option for everyone else, but she had long ago accepted her nocturnal nature and had even come to love the long hours before dawn. This was her alone time. Her only complaint was when the insomnia kept her up for more than three consecutive nights. Seventy-two hours without sleep tended to depress her and, on those lonely nights she would often stand at the door staring endlessly into the...

1 year ago
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Julias Suprise

Julia and I first met in Cambridge Massachusetts. She was working as an administrator for a local college and I was over at MIT doing research. She had just completed a long divorce so she had been sexually starved for a very long time. When we first met, we basically had sex anywhere at any time. At 40 years old she easily had the amazing body of a teenager. Shoulder length brown hair with a wonderfully proportioned trim body, small but perfectly shaped breasts, a pussy she allowed me to keep...

Group Sex
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His Struggle

The motorcade slowly made its way across town. Not because the occupants of the cars were not in a hurry, they were. Not because of any trepidation about the destination, for, a nation was waiting to change hands. The motorcade crept at a snail’s pace, because the adoring fans of an occupant packed streets He gave no outward sign that he even noticed them. He was lost in his own thoughts. Still they waved as his limousine passed. Giving cheers of support, trying desperately to catch a glimpse...

2 years ago
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Teachers Pet Ch 9

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

4 years ago
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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 24

Mission Log: Summary The elevated stress levels in Cadet Solon since the introduction of the improved pheromone adjustments warrants a change in the nanomites programming. His constant discomfort and above average blood pressure readings point to mental anguish over this adjustment. The observation of large clusters of females around him during our sample measurements confirm my current strategy is at fault. Version 3 pheromone coding is deleted from the download task list. My game theory...

2 years ago
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My first Big Black Cock1

It was a few weeks ago when I decided I wanted to go out and have a good time my wife was away so I had the house to myself. Well before I went to the bar I had to get ready because in my mind I knew what I wanted that night. I have had Sex with guys before but nothing like what was to come. So in the shower I cleaned my self and then gave myself a enema I wanted to be clean for just in case I found a guy that was down to fuck the shit out of me. So it was a few hours and I drove to the...

3 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 14

"So, this is quite the big, happy family, I see," the cruise director, a sultry Asian woman in what looked to be her early forties, smiled as she saw us walk onto the cruise ship. "I'll say," Rachel laughed, winking at our hostess in a surprisingly risqué manner ... I assumed that it was only playful, of course. I didn't really get a good look at our director right then, as Shelby kept groping me and Katrina provided her own share of distractions by dropping things and finding excuses...

1 year ago
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1994Chapter 26 Karen plays the piccolo

I learned two very valuable lessons that night. First, it's not smart to park an expensive car on a dimly lit street in a poor neighborhood; and second, it's almost impossible to change a tire with a hardon, especially in a downpour. In addition to a slashed tire, the door on the driver's side had been damaged by a rock or a sharp object. Fortunately, the top had not been punctured. It had been years since I'd changed a tire. I cursed the rain and the person who had vandalized my car,...

3 years ago
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Rideshare Driving seems to Have its Perks

I started giving the ride share thing a try on weekends because I wanted to save up for a nice trip this summer. Friday and Saturday nights are usually slow for me and I figured I may as well use the time productively, rather than out drinking and spending money on $4 beers and $10 mixed drinks. I also figured driving the partying crowd around could be kind of fun. So far I’ve been right. I’ve met some interesting people. Most of them have had a few drinks in their system, but none have been so...

1 year ago
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A Roomie Roomie

I was lying in bed for the third night that week with my trusty stainless steel vibrator working away up inside my pussy listening to my roommate Roxie get off for the fifth time in the last two hours. She was so sexy. A petite blonde with full breasts and long shapely legs and the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen. I could just imagine her straddled across Chris's hips riding his thick cock like a professional cowgirl. Just the thought of what was going on in the next room was enough to...

2 years ago
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Anns sitter

Ann complained while her mother was on the phone, I don't need a sitter she argued. Her mother said, I don't care, you're not staying by yourself, and that's final.Hanging up the phone her mother told her to take her bath.While Ann was bathing she got ready for her date.Finishing her bath Ann put on her nightgown and clean panties.Coming out front, her mother was talking to Mary. She explained how she was. Mary smiled and sad no problem.Mary asked Ann what she liked doing. Movie and video...

4 years ago
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SlickChapter 11

How is it that in the modern age of DNA, cameras everywhere and CSI, we were chasing a ghost? Eight rapes, the level of violence escalating with each one and almost no clues as to who was behind them. The perp was very careful not to leave much trace evidence, and we had no witnesses. We had two small samples of DNA that came from two different crime scenes. They matched each other, but we’d never been able to connect them to a perp. It was only a matter of time, but how long? And now,...

3 years ago
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Sissy Tales

The Reprogramming ClinicTwo dominatrixes have been capturing men, reprogramming them as slaves, and then selling them on to Mistresses. They have found the market much more buoyant for female slaves and so now first transform captives at their special hospital. They use special masks and tight rubber to create the female look and correct the body shape however, what is essential but often forgotten is resetting the mind of the male to that of a woman. They have a computer that can reprogramme...

4 years ago
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I love my wife but she would be the first to admit that she has a naughty streak that demands attention. On our honeymoon she explained that she needed a strong hand to control her and that she wanted to be spanked whenever she misbehaved, the harder the better. Clearly, my beautiful,blushing bride was very kinky and spanking was her biggest turn on. She reads romance novels: The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm, The Pirate and the Beautiful, Young Stowaway, The Handsome Teacher and the Naughty...

2 years ago
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Confession Chapter 11

Over the next week, the excitement built in me. A nervous energy seemed to have taken over the whole household. On top of that, I had received the package from eBay and was very keen to try it out. I helped Jerome with his packing and found it hard to contain my excitement. I was all but skipping around the house naked almost all the time and, when Cathy caught me hanging the washing naked again, I didn't feel embarrassed in the slightest. In fact, if anything, I found myself strutting a little...

3 years ago
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Becoming a HuCow part 2

Chapter 2 My mind has long since been bent to My ranchers will as I feel him pumping inside and out of me. It's Milking time at the moment which occurs twice a day once in the morning and once early evening. This is the best part of us Cows day. The formula that we had been injected with, my Ranchers own design, I think he must have been a doctor or scientist in his previous life but I digress, means that us cows produce a huge amount of milk every day. By the time milking...

3 years ago
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OopsChapter 3

Suddenly everything snapped back into focus. I knew who I was and where I was. But it was in a detached other person way. I could see Wally/Lucy Pull the Gun/Knife. I felt the bullets/blade puncture my chest. I could feel the blood drain and my body grow cold. Then a voice, “Want to try it again?” Before I could answer there was a laugh straight from the pits of hell, followed by a blinding flash of light.

4 years ago
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A Very Provocative and Loving Marriage Part 6

Michael was going crazy waiting at home and imagining what Michelle might be doing right at that moment. It had been over an hour since she had sent the text and his mind was filled with erotic images of her and Brandon. He had already had a couple of beers and even smoked a joint yet he felt like, instead, he had drunk five cups of black coffee. When Michelle left the house he became hard and even now he was still that way. He tried to somehow relax but inside he knew that she could walk in...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Second Hand Rose

If you shouldn't be reading this, don't! Second Hand Rose by Vickie Tern Well I can't figure out how I got stuck in this story, as the main character no less, and I sure can't figure how to get out of it. I don't remember a lot of what happened. It was just supposed to be an ordinary party, and we were getting dressed to go there and my wife says to me "Now this time you do your drinking in moderation, the Andersons are cultured...

3 years ago
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A guy and his 54 Remembrance

Gen - Jakes first Jinn                                                                Tina - Rita's daughter Jinn - What the genies are called                                             Trully -  second Jinn doc Rasmir's little sister Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake's and fellow worker           Nyrae - Juno's powerful Jinn   Mary - Boss's daughter                                                              Nuha - Leader of Deadly Trio     Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary's...

1 year ago
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Pados Bhabhi Ki Chocolatey Chudai

Hello dosto mai smarty aap logo ko meri life li real story batane ja raha hu he story meri aur meri bhabhi ke bitch ki hai Mere pados me ek bhabhi raheti thi dikhne me bahut khubsurat thi uski age 34 hogi bilkul hoti uske boobs dekhte sath man karta abhi chus lu pura use dekh kar kisi ka bhi land khada ho jaye jab wo chalti thi to uski gand kyaa lagti thi man karta abhi apna lund daal du uske gand me Chaliye aapko bor na karte hue sidhe story per aata hu unka pati din bhar kaam per hota tha to...

2 years ago
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When Husband Neglected Me I Took Out My Frustration With Someone

Hi guys, Kartika Sharma from Mumbai is here bringing one of my recent experiences. I am a married woman of age 30. My husband runs an enterprise so has hardly time fo me. It is the main reason why we still did not have kids. Keeping this in mind, I had informed him about one of my close friend’s anniversary party and nearly begged a week before to have time managed. As usual, he had to attend some kind of business shit and instead wanted me to go with him. I got so frustrated that I literally...

1 year ago
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Abbys New Power Chapter 2

Kenny woke the day after his mother assumed a new control over him. She had laid down the rules of the house in no uncertain terms. He was to do the housework and improve his grades or he would not be allowed out of the house. His humiliation the day before caused him to consent to the conditions, not that he had much choice. He rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After taking a piss, he checked his ass in the mirror and saw that it was still red from the punishment Abby had...

3 years ago
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Andy TaylorChapter 5

"'Drea Taylor, who is that exquisite thing you're sponsoring for the cotillion!?" Sarah Conklin gushed. "She is utterly fabulous! Do you know what she gave me last night as a hostess gift? My God," the woman interrupted herself, "I think it's the first hostess gift I've ever received! Where was she educated? If you know, please tell me! I'll ship that spoiled little bitch of a daughter of mine out to it in an instant." Then she related how Kelly had given her an exquisite cloisonné...

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hotel colleagues part one

I work at a hotel/resort as a manager. Since I’m a manager I live on property. The office is open 24 hours a day, so sometimes I’m called to help guests in the middle of the night. It works out best that I stay on property. There’s an employee that’s been working at the hotel for almost a year now as a front desk clerk, named Colton. When I first met Colton he seemed a little bit different than the rest of the guys that worked the front desk. Not in a bad way, he was just quiet and not as...

2 years ago
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Jessie Gets The Big One Opening her mail one evening Jessie saw that she had an invitation to visit Mimi Echols a friend she had met at Ft. Belvoir. One night Jessie and Marshal had engaged in group sex with Mimi and her husband another Colonel who was since gone missing in Viet Nam. Mimi was at her home in Vermont and wanted Jessie to come up for some fun, and she hinted at a big surprise. Driving up on Saturday she was impressed by the beauty of the fields and farms. Finding her turn off...

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Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen The Cameo Murder Part 1

Street and Smith's _New_ _York_ _Weekly_ is proud to present the latest addition to the amazing legend of Eerie, Arizona. Jessie Hanks Outlaw Queen: The Cameo Murder By Nicholas Varrick As Told by Ellie Dauber and Christopher Leeson © 2016 Part 1: On the Trail to Trouble Chapter 1 -- "Prolog: September 1871" Tuesday, September 12, 1871 A chunky, sandy-haired man walked into the Prescott, Arizona...

1 year ago
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The sleeper

"I'm sorry, Miss Ross," the conductor explained, "I know you have a reservation for a private berth, but due to over booking all we have left is a compartment for two. Your berth mate is a very attractive young woman , so we hope you can see your way clear to accept these alternate accommodations at no cost to you of course!" The train was about to leave the station and Melanie Ross was just finding out that her reservation on the Overland Chief from Chicago to Seattle was not being honored...

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My first sex teacher

I must be about 16 or 17 and we were staying at our ancestral home and there was no TV there. So, I used to go to my aunt’s house to watch TV. Her name is Sheela. I am not sure when my aunt started to seduce me, but one day when I was at her place and none was around, she asked me whether I like to a watch an English movie, and I happily obliged.She played an English porn in the VCR and sat just next to me. I was not expecting a porn movie and was so embarrassed though I enjoyed what I was...

2 years ago
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Maa Chudi Gair Mardo Se Part 8211 5

Namaskar mitro aap sab ne meri kahani maa chudi gair mardo ka 4 bhaag padh chuke hai ab mai aage ki kahani is bhaag me batane jaa raha hu. Aagle din mai roz ke bhati subah uth ke school ke liye chala gaya pure din mere dimaag me bas yahi sab chal raha tha aur mai prey kar raha tha ki dadi ki tabiyat jaldi se theek ho jaye taki jo sab in dino ghat rahi hai vo na ho mujhe bilkul acha nahi lag raha tha ki meri mummy ek gair mard ke samne apni tango ko khol rahi hai shayad maine aisa nahi dekha tha...

1 year ago
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Roasting Both Siblings

Roasting Both SiblingsBY: Londebaaz ChohanTyron James and Brent Meshi not only were the next door neighbors but also the best of the best friends. Now seniors at their school, were the class mates from KG class, then in elementary school and middle school. Both of the Brent’s parents worked and were never home before 6:30 PM, and his sister already out to college, the house was usually for him alone most of the days. Just innocent enough that Tyron after dropping his book bag at his home, will...

3 years ago
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StopwatchChapter 10 Shopping

We removed ourselves from the premises ... arranged ourselves in the Mercury and began to leave. "Charles ... you did ask me to call you Charles," Wendy said. "Charles, I'd like to go clothes shopping." Daddy made a U-turn and headed to Sears. "Oh, No. I want clothes, not seconds." Wendy confessed, "I like Neiman Marcus or Arbaugh's. If I must wear jeans, I want only Levis. "Charles ... we, David and I, have a great deal of money and I want to spend some of it. I feel it's my...

1 year ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 64 Itrsquos Just a Party What Could Happen

The week of practice started with a few announcements from Big John on Monday morning. Big John had canceled morning practice with a sign written on the giant dry erase board along the long wall in the locker room. He didn’t cancel all practice, but it would be just no helmets or pads. That meant a full hour of lifting weights rather than working out on the practice fields in full pads – a day off for sure. Before practice would have typically begun, the Roosevelt football teams met in the...

1 year ago
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BangBus Katia Katia Enjoys Spring Break 17 With The Bus

We are once again on the hunt for some fresh girls on spring break, this time we almost got lucky and got two. Well only the blonde chick by the name of Katia decided to come with us. She was really cool and down for the fun from the start. Needless to say the cash was a big help on that. Her friend didn’t want to let her come with us but Katia decided to leave behind in promise of money and a great time. After more cash offerings we get her to show off her great body and wonderful ass. I mean...

3 years ago
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Little girls do grow up

Little girls do grow upThis is quite a longish story so I hope you don’t get bored, it all started a few years back when our c***dren were younger and we holidayed with friends and their k**s..Two weeks camping in France was the usual; all the c***dren got on well and usually bought along a friend. As the k**s got older then people dropped out of the camping holidays but one family and their 2 daughters and one of their friends remained until the eldest girl was 16. We were always at the beach...

3 years ago
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Punished by the in Laws

Jack turned right onto East St. His son was on an extended business trip and Jack had promised to stop by Jason's house to replace parts to fix the running toilet that his daughter in law Katie had been complaining about. He parked on the street since there were already two cars in the short drive way. Jack recognized the shared car of the young couple and an older Cadillac that he couldn't remember seeing before. Jack exited his car carrying a small tool box and a bag of parts from the...

4 years ago
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Pamela The Minister Recruits The Army ChiefChapter 2

The Minister looked doubtfully at Pamela, who buried her face in his strong hands and burst into tears. He grinned. He had the girl just where he wanted her. Looking at Joanne he caught her silly smirk and frowned. Immediately she regained her composure. He pulled himself free. "Nasear, the diving board." He commanded quietly, nodding at his niece and then at the board. Pamela struggled tremulously to her feet. What was going to happen now? Nasear looked very nervous, her eyes darting...

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