Doc Ch. 13 free porn video

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When I woke up the next morning my wives were snuggled warmly about me. I just lay there like a sultan of Araby, soaking it up. I drowsily considered the most cost effective way to do my work. If I continued to stay in hotels as I made my rounds, it was soon going to get very expensive.

Even if every hotel gave me the same type of excellent discount Mr. Wagner had here, just the rent would exceed what I made as a deputy marshal, leaving me and mine prey to the vagaries of the medical profession. With the added expense of eating in restaurants the cost of doing business quickly becomes prohibitive. I would have to come up with something more economical.

If I could manage to use my camper as a mobile clinic, and traveling home, I’d save a lot of money. With its modern bunks it would be more comfortable than these rooms. The formica and metal surfaces were a lot cleaner and easier to keep that way. All I had to do was figure out a way to use the thing without it drawing a whole lot of attention.

My bladder did its usual morning insistence that I rise and drain it. Thus, I got up and went out back to the privy to attend to my morning ritual. When I returned from communing with nature, I found my wives were up and dressed.

Standing Bear, that walking appetite I loosely but still proudly called a son, declared they were all ready to go eat. I suspect he said that to divert attention from himself…

I washed my hands and face from my trip to the facilities in the basin provided by the hotel. Then my family and I moved from our rooms into the dining room. I ordered breakfast of bacon, biscuits, and rice for all of us. The biscuits were Aunt Lou’s special, and I have no idea who consumed the most, Bear or me. I figured those biscuits should be required to be licensed – they were so good they were addictive.

As we ate, I told the girls, ‘I will see patients until about noon. Then we’ll head back to the ranch. We have a lot to do back there.’

When I had to pay out $10 for our breakfast, I was even more convinced to figure out a way to use my camper. I had already decided that using it would save us a lot of money for a place to sleep and receive patients. The price of restaurant food drove home to me just how much additional savings could be had if we cooked our own meals. But, not only would we be saving a lot of money on accommodation and food, we would have the added convenience of being able to stay where ever we might stop – no rushing to get to town – no worrying if they had room, etc.

When we left the restaurant, I took my family back to the general store. I gave them some money to do some shopping and reminded them we would be returning to the ranch that afternoon. I also told them they should buy whatever we would need to set up housekeeping. They should also pick up whatever they felt might help Red Cloud’s people in relocating their camp to the ranch. Then I left them busy in the store and went back to the office to receive today’s patients.

When I arrived, I found a dapper little man waiting. He reminded me of some kind of dude dressed up to play cowboy. This gentleman wore a spotless suit of buckskin with two nickel plated revolvers belted about his waist. His head was adorned with a huge hat. In my time we would’ve called such a fancy dresser a ‘goat roper’.

This apparition introduced himself as Charlie Utter, the man who led the wagon train that brought Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane to Deadwood. As I talked with him, I determined that Charlie was not a ‘dude’, but likely suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder. He was deathly afraid of getting sick by being dirty or being touched. He said he bathed at least twice a day, but was still afraid of sickness. His excessively neat and meticulous appearance was just another symptom of his condition.

Charlie was aware his obsession and subsequent compulsions were not ‘normal’, but that still didn’t help him with his anxiety. More than any other in this time period, I realized that despite his irrational fear of dirt and disease, his compulsion for cleanliness could very well save his life. Therefore, I was careful in how I addressed his fears.

‘Charlie, I know you’re concerned that your fears are irrational, and to an extent they are, but I also know that keeping clean is still the best way to avoid disease. There’s nothing I can do at this time to help with your anxiety. However at the same time, I think that while your behavior may seem odd or crazy to others, as long as you can continue to function more-or-less normally, it is still a safe practice. Therefore, I suggest you continue what you have been doing – stay clean and avoid contact with sick people.’

Charlie looked relieved when I finished my little speech. He appeared to be about to say something more, then abruptly changed the subject. ‘Do you have time to look at something? I think you may be interested in what I have to show you.’

Just the way he said it, and from his slight smile, I was intrigued. I knew from history that Charlie Utter was an honest man. After all, he had been Bill Hickok’s best friend. I had no fear of him leading me into an ambush or the like, so I figured he must be offering me some sort of business proposition.

There were no other patients waiting, and no one had appeared and left while I talked with Mr. Utter. I told him it looked OK, but I should check. I excused myself and went out to the lobby where I checked with the desk clerk. He had not had any enquiries today either. I advised him then that I would be leaving and had no idea when I would return. I returned to the office.

‘I am at your disposal, Mr. Utter. Lead on.’

The dapper gent then led me to where his wagon train was camped, about a mile north of town. He pointed out a couple of wooden wagons.

‘These belonged to a snake oil salesman who got caught messing with another man’s woman. He did not survive the encounter. Because they were part of my train, and still owed trail fees, I seized them against the debt. Would you be interested in them? I’m selling the whole rig.’

Would I? Even from this distance, if they were even close to what I thought they might be, they could answer my dilemma about using my camper. It almost seemed as if there was some Force guiding me at every step so I could make a difference in this timeline. I tried to conceal my excitement – for the sake of negotiation, I should try not to look overly interested.

‘Hmmm… if they can be suitably modified, they might fit into an idea I have been kicking around. Mind if I take a look at them?’

‘Be my guest! You won’t know if they are suitable unless you check them out. Here, I’ll give you the tour.’

As we approached them, I examined the two wagons more closely. They appeared to be set up like gypsy caravans. As we stepped up into the first one, Charlie pointed out that it was set up like a doctor’s office. There was a lot of medical equipment. Although crude compared to my time it was the top of the line for now. There was even a small laboratory set up at the front. Too bad the previous owner had been such a cad and charlatan – he had some good ideas.

After poking around in the medical van, we moved over to the second wagon. It was set up as living quarters. It also was quite fancy for the times, but like the first one, was in serious need of a good cleaning. Dust covered everything. It was obvious that neither caravan had been looked after.

‘They’re pretty dusty. They’ll need a thorough cleaning.’ I observed.

‘Yes, well a few weeks on the trail will do that, Doc, if there’s no one to keep them clean. Normally we would have left them behind and just taken the stock, but they looked like they might have some value. The drivers were paid up and agreed to stay on because they had already promised to get them here, but that was all they did. As soon as we got here though, they lit a shuck for the gold fi

Charlie Utter looked to be taking exception to my observation, given his obsession with personal cleanliness. Before he could take umbrage, I explained my position.

‘I understand, Charlie. I wasn’t saying anything about you or your people as housekeepers. I was just making an observation from a professional viewpoint. You know, of course that even if they were clean enough to satisfy either you or me, my womenfolk would still want to clean them.’

I must have said the right thing to ease the tension because Charlie smiled and commented, ‘Of course, Doc! Women can be a holy terror when it comes to cleaning! I remember my Ma… well, let’s not go there, and just say I probably come by it honestly…’

I waved my arm toward the two vans. ‘You don’t know the half of it, Charlie, until you have three wives. But, like you said, let’s not go there. Anyway, yes, I’m very interested in them, but I don’t have the tack or the stock to move them.’

‘Oh! They come with eight strong mules and tack. When I said ‘the whole rig’ that’s what I meant – the whole kit and caboodle – tack, stock, the works. I thought you would understand that. I was wondering when you were going to ask to see the stock.’

I had to cover my ignorance of the way a package deal was described in this time. If he’d said ‘kit-and-caboodle’ I might have understood, but I missed on ‘the whole rig’. Sometimes I could be so dense! I should have known that in this time, wagons and stock from wagon trains, when sold, were usually disposed of as a unit. I grew up on those stories…

‘Charlie, I might have grown up on a ranch, but I was never directly involved in any of the horse trading before I went off to medical school. Then I went straight into the army. I certainly never dealt with wagon masters selling off surplus equipment, either. Please forgive my ignorance. Now, we’ve established just what the package includes and that I’m interested. How much do you want for ‘the whole rig’?’

In the tradition of all good salesmen and horse traders, Charlie Utter went into his spiel and started the bargaining/haggling dance.

‘Well… let’s see… I have the outstanding trail fees, the feed charges here for the mules and… a man should make a bit too, don’t you think? I gotta have $250 for the whole lot.’

I thought about it for a minute but realized that $250 would make a serious dent in my reserves. I also had no idea how big a bill the girls were running up at the store. That storekeeper was quickly becoming a friend who wouldn’t gouge us, but this was a boom town after all, with the prices to match. If I paid Utter’s asking price, I would have just under $100 left – not much of a grub stake.

I made my opening counter offer. ‘$150 for the lot.’

He thought for a while, hemmed and hawed, then declared, ‘Let’s split the difference. Final offer. $200.’

I couldn’t explain why he was doing it, but I sensed that Charlie was giving in far too easily, and that I really was getting one hell of a deal. I can be very dense at times, but even I knew that at this time and in this place, eight strong mules were probably very valuable. I remembered reading somewhere that the price of mules was relatively steady at between $100 and $125 each all through the last quarter of the nineteenth century. You do the math for the animals alone – no rolling stock and no tack.

Regardless, Charlie must also salvage his pride and make it look like he bartered well. Whereupon, in the spirit of the game, I did my own requisite hemming and hawing. At length, trying to sound defeated instead of elated (and a little confused at his generosity), I groaned, ‘OK, Charlie, you’re killing me here, but it’s a deal. $200 for wagons, mules and tack.’

Mr. Utter said, ‘Done!’

We shook hands and I counted out $200 in cash to him. No paperwork. No lawyers. Just a handshake and our word to each other. After the legal shenanigans I left behind, man! Did that ever feel good!

I was quite convinced that not only did I get the best of the deal, but that Mr. Utter had manipulated it so. However, he did it in such a way it made him look like a businessman. From the grin that threatened to wrap all the way around his head, I suspected that I was right in my assumption, and for whatever reason, Charlie Utter indeed thought he had made out the best.

No matter, the deal was made and I had other, more pressing, things to consider. Among them, I would have to make arrangements to pick them up or have them stored at the stable.

With the deal closed by a handshake and the money paid, I thought it was safe to enquire, ‘Charlie, don’t get me wrong. I think this is going to work out really well for me. Still, you seemed to be in a bit of a rush to sell this rig. How come?’

‘I had thought I might keep the living quarters for myself, but I thought the other members of the train might think I was trying to take unfair advantage, so I decided to sell them quickly for whatever I could get. Then I discovered there was a doctor in town that planned on making regular rounds through the local area. I thought you might be able to make good use of them.

‘That snake oil feller was a shyster, but he had the right idea with his equipment. I figured you might be able to make better use of his idea, so I approached you. I liked your professional manner and felt that you really care about your patients. I decided I was right to sell them to you if we could make a deal that didn’t break you completely and didn’t make me look a total fool as a business man.’

‘I thought I got a better deal than I should have. But I’m not one to look a gift horse – or mule – in the mouth. Thank you, Charlie. You’re a good man.’

Charlie laughed. ‘You might not think you got off light when you hear the rest of why I did it. You realize I also expect to be able to come to see you for any doctoring I might need, don’t you?’

‘Of course, Charlie! Sounds fair to me, but I would have done it anyway for a friend. I hope you can stay in good health for a few more days though. It’ll be that long before I get back this way. Oh, I don’t suppose I can ask your help to get them over to the stable?’

‘Glad to help a new friend.’

Charlie had a couple of his teamsters help me hitch up two teams to the wagons. The extras were fitted with their tack for easy carrying then two were secured to the back of each wagon by their lead ropes as spares. It was highly unlikely we would have to change them out, but if we did, we were ready.

I wasn’t familiar with mules, so the men spent a few minutes showing me the differences, which were relatively minor, between driving mules and horses. I learned straightaway that mules are a LOT smarter, stronger and more durable than horses. They were the perfect dray animal for what I had in mind.

When all was ready, Charlie himself tied his personal mount to the back, then mounted the driver’s seat of the living-quarters wagon and followed me as I drove the medical van, to the stable. When we arrived at the stable, Charlie and I parted company with a warm handshake. Like his ‘pard’ Bill Hickok, I thought I had made a real friend.

After saying goodbye to Charlie, I asked the stable master to inspect the wagons and mules. I wanted to make sure that the wheels were sound and that the animals were properly shod. I didn’t want any breakdowns or animals fetching up lame, even on the relatively short trip home.

I left him with instructions to repair any deficiencies he found, but to keep a list as I would be checking before I paid the bill. I told him I wanted all the repairs done today if possible, but I might not be leaving before tomorrow because I needed to arrange for another driver. I appreciated the man’s integrity when he observed that both doors on each wagon were equipped with a hasp that could and in this town, should be locked.

Thinking he gave good advice, I diverted to the gene
ral store to get my family and buy four padlocks to secure the doors. When they heard what I had acquired, and why, the ladies became very excited and wanted to see the wagons straightaway. So much for finding a driver today…

When we returned to the stable, the livery man hadn’t removed the tack from the mules yet. But, he had finished his inspection. I was pleasantly surprised when he said that both wagons were in excellent condition but we should replace all the shoes on all the mules at five dollars each. They were tight, but worn out from the long trail they just came off. I told him to go ahead. While a very interested Bear watched the smith get started, I showed the girls the wagons.

My wives climbed over and through everything, inspecting the whole set up closely. They thought after a thorough cleaning and a ‘few small changes’ (sic) it would indeed make a very nice home and office for when we were away from the ranch. As the girls finished their inspection and praised me for a wise decision with toe-curling kisses, I lamented the fact we either needed to leave a wagon behind and come for it tomorrow, or hire a driver. The ladies looked at me like a slow child. Dawn became their spokesman.

‘We can drive a team. You just need to show us how mules are different.’

‘You sure? If you are, I’ll hitch up one of the wagons. You can show me what you know and I can show you how mules are a little different.’

They assured me they could, so I hitched a team to the living-quarters wagon. I showed them all the slight differences between mules and horse teams, and emphasized how smart a mule really was. I also told them if a mule displayed the stubbornness they were infamous for, they had better look around. A mule was usually only stubborn when it sensed danger.

We spent an hour or so in the livery yard driving around, getting the girls used to the mules. Periodically, as the smith finished shoeing a team, we would them switch out. By the time we were finished, the girls had driven all four teams and all four were freshly shod.

Dawn had no trouble handling the team once I showed her how. Running Deer and Little Doe were just too small to drive a team by themselves and Deer was handicapped by her broken arm, but working as a team themselves they could handle it just fine.

Of course Standing Bear wanted to give it a try too. However, being even smaller than the girls, he just wasn’t strong enough to handle the big team. The poor kid was very let down that he couldn’t drive so I told him I had a much more important job for him. He would be my hostler. His job would be to help me take care of the animals by feeding, watering, and brushing them down. He would also help with the hitching and unhitching. When we were on the road, he would ride his horse and lead the string of spare mules and extra riding horses. We had acquired quite a ramada.

The girls had proved their competence as teamsters and Standing Bear was set up to handle the spares. I was satisfied we could get home OK, and that we would also be able to make our rounds. That meant I wouldn’t have the additional expense of hiring a driver. Even better… Things were coming together. We were ready to head home.

I paid the livery man the $40 for his work plus our livery bill since yesterday for the horses. I thanked him for his excellent treatment of all our stock. He helped us saddle our mounts while Dawn and I hitched a team to the medical van. Bear mounted up and took control of the string he was to lead. We got moving.

Our way out of town took us past the general store. We stopped and the storekeeper helped us load the ladies’ purchases. There were some larger items that would not fit in the vans. I told the storekeeper I would be back as soon as possible to pick up the rest of our load.

With as much as we could carry, we took our leave of our new friend. The ladies all gave him a hug and Bear solemnly shook his hand. The storekeeper affectionately tousled Bears hair one last time and handed him a bag of hard candy. A final check on the tack, and we mounted up for the journey home. Because our day had started early, it was still relatively early in the day when we got away.

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The Session Anna looked up at the clock on her bedroom wall. He’ll be here in less than an hour, she thought. She could hear the soft click of Andy’s computer keyboard as he rapidly typed away. I don’t know how he can be so focused on his work, she thought, he does know a complete stranger will shortly walk into his house and have his way with me. She was always a bit raw and edgy before these events. She thought about the old joke comparing sex to snowfall. You never know how long it will...

1 year ago
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After the office party

Last December my wife went to an office Christmas party.It was for employees only so I was not invited. I told my wife Linda, that I was going to a ball game. But I changed my mind and went home instead. After watching TV for a while I went to bed. About one in the morning I heard voices. I got up and started to walk out of the bedroom. I saw a man helping my wife in the front door, closely followed by two other guys. I assumed they were three of Linda's office co-workers.I backed into the dark...

3 years ago
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Chocolate ChocolateBy Darqside Cheryl was what you?d call ?Strictly Business? and seldom ever wanted to deal with the likes of the Production aspects of Kay?s Confections, formerly a simple candy store now turned into a big corporation.? She always wore the same drab colored suits day in and day out; just so that people were reminded she had no intention of not being taken seriously. Cheryl?s job was supposed to involve Sales and Marketing, as well as to perform as acting Head of the...

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How my Sex Life Came About part 3

We went inside the mall. My mother always had both men and women looking at her when shopping. Men would drool over her and most women would smack their man for looking at her. We went to the men’s shop. Mom picked out some pants and had me try them on. I would go into the dressing room and put them on. Some she liked some she didn’t. She would rub her hands on my thigh telling me they looked good on me. I kept having to tuck my boner into each pair I tried on for her. By the time I tried...

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Maxines New Life Ch 01

‘Max, I’m going for a coffee want me to bring you one?’ Ed Martin, aka the bondsman, asked as he walked toward the door of our small office. ‘No thanks Ed,’ I replied. ‘The coffee from my Mr. Coffee is fine with me. I’m not really a big fan of designer coffee. Too many years of bad coffee.’ I replied. ‘Yeah, you haven’t been out long enough to develop a taste for the finer things in life.’ Finer things in life I wasn’t sure about, but I hadn’t been out of the Air Force very long, that was...

1 year ago
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Postapocalyptic reality 4

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1 reality 2 reality 3 spent the remainder of the day clearing out the cellar. She didn't want the decaying remains of the female dog, nor the half eaten remains of the previous tenant fouling the place up, so she dumped them outside a...

3 years ago
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Raineys Song Ch 07

‘I didn’t expect to see you up before noon.’ From his slouched position at the cherry oak kitchen table in Jean’s leased house, Aidan squinted open one eye and scowled at his friend. He felt like hell. His head was pounding and he had the worst case of cottonmouth in recent memory. Taking in Aidan’s disheveled state, Jean laughed good-naturedly. ‘Too much champagne, I take it?’ Aidan snorted. ‘Who the hell gets a hangover from champagne?’ He ran a hand over his face and groaned deeply as...

1 year ago
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Yet another office affair

Introduction: Every office affair is the same… or is it? Yet another office affair… Its all about her cumming for me you know… Dont get me wrong, I love cumming, i love filling a girls pussy with my cock and feel her walls stretching as I enter her and fill her with my seed… But for me, its nothing unless I can feel her shake, writhe and moan uncontrollably until she explodes… Only then I know for a fact that I have made a woman mine. Now you all know about office affairs… When a marriage is...

4 years ago
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Study And Sex With Roommate 8211 Part 1

Hi readers. This is my first story. I’m Umesh. I’m a bisexual I love men young and cute with skinny body. I have sex with my girlfriend and other woman but some times I feel liking fucking a Cute boy’s ass. It’s about the time when I was in 12th I was staying in school’s hostel with 2 roommates, Sumit & Vishal. This story is about sumit so let me tell you about him. He’s is tall fair average body dude. He has nice white and tight ass. He don’t have to much hairs on his body his dick is uncut...

Gay Male
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Taking One For The Team Part Six Ownership

I couldn't wait for the next morning. All the things I wanted to put into effect had already been done. Now it was all about implementing them. I sat at the couch and wondered about who I wanted to promote. I had narrowed it down to Tiffany and Mike; I knew what Lauren and Samantha had said about Mike, but they didn't know him as I did. Sure, there were times where he could be a bit friendly, but I knew I could get more out of him. I booted up my Playstation and put on my headset. Nothing...

1 year ago
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Keep doing that dont stop

"Keep doing that...don't stop."This was crazy, the instruction came from halfway around the world. 'TexTom' was telling me to orgasm, to cum!"Oh g od...I'm cu mmin g... Tom...I'm c umm ing."I was typing one handed, as the fingers on my other hand were rubbing my clit.I shuddered as my body pitched forwards over the keyboard. Tom couldn't hear my gasp, my moan out loud, but it was pure pleasure."Good girl, same time tomorrow."The words on the screen told the story of the last four days. He...

3 years ago
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Kachhi kali aur uski maa bahan ki chudai

Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Jaise ki aap log jante hai ki mai ek sarkari daftar me Audit...

3 years ago
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Possession Revenge

(This story takes place during season 6 btw just so you guys, and girls know.) My name was Peter, and I had the ability to possess anybody I wanted. Also a nice perk to this awesome ability was I got all there memories as well. I had possessed a cop named Patty Spivot that was my big mistake she used to date The Flash. I didn’t know she quit her job. I got her memories of course, and I knew she quit her job. I was able to convince Captain Joe West to hire her back so easily too. Also before The...

1 year ago
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River 33

Chapter 33 - Wayne's Mission So far: Night taught a science class, the Credit Union is started, and already expansion plans are made, and a massive moose chooses an honorable way to die. ----- ------- ------- Wayne arrived at the dorm in London with his roommate Jeremy just after noon on Monday. They spent the next few hours unloading the car and setting up their rooms. The dorm had two separate bedrooms with a shared bathroom and kitchenette, not the shared bedroom only type...

2 years ago
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Kevin And Dean Go Camping 2

After the early morning romp that led the best friends to discover that sex is sex, and feels good no matter who is doing the sucking or getting sucked.They had a relaxing afternoon casting from what was now referredto as “The Rock” where Dean took Kevins 10” cock in his mouth.It was hot out and they were just in some gym shorts and tshirtsand snug gym shorts without underwear, and the shorts clearlyshowed the outlines of their bulges.We aint caught nothing this afternoon other than some sun,...

1 year ago
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Me and Mr Smith 3

Introduction: Wills secret is discovered… I was back in my room, studying for my mid-terms, or pretending to do so. It had been a day since my last encounter with Mr. Smith. Mike and I had decided to go steady, and he was taking my out this weekend to a restaurant just outside of town. We booked a private booth, so that we would not be seen by anyone we knew. I was skimming over some text when my computer beeped. I had recieved a new e-mail from Mike. Will, Sorry I didnt warn you… Tried...

2 years ago
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The pencil test a story about Tom and Tina

Story #1: by MaxMonPart 1: Pretty flowers, pretty Tina Tina wore a smile reminiscent of surprise as if she had just opened a birthday gift that held her most desired thing; a sense of anticipation fulfilled with glee, and a natural enchantment filled her eyes most of the time. To her every day brought forth wondrous moments she took in eloquent stride. She exuded sincerity that life was a precious thing best experienced in the here and now, to not concern one’s ambition with the anxiety in not...

4 years ago
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a quick fuck on the beach

"I want to fuck you now ", he whispered in her ear as he pressed her into the wall with his body. "Here?" she giggled as she ran her nails up the sides of his stomach. Instead of answering her he spun her around and pressed her up against the wall, holding both her hands above her head with one of his. He pressed his straining bulge against her ass cheeks, which were covered with a thin silky skirt. They were on the beach, it was dusk and not as crowded as usual but every couple minutes...

4 years ago
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It was a while back when Tommy called me one day and asked if we wanted to go to The City with him and his wife this Friday night and party. It had been a while since we had been up there and I decided, without asking Lainy, my wife. “Man, that would be great,” I told him.On Friday we were getting ready. Lainy was looking hot as always in a slinky little mini dress covering a thong and nothing else. But the phone rang, and Tommy said that he and Yola had a big fight, and that she has left him,...

Wife Lovers
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GirlsWay Skylar Snow Jada Kai Market Research

Jada Kai and Skylar Snow, two programmers, are in a meeting with Mona Azar. Mona wants them to design a new app dedicated to lesbian hookups, and wants it to be really different from all the other apps out there. She thinks that Jada and Skylar will be perfect for the job since they’re lesbians like her. Several busy weeks later, the programmers are at home and almost finished making the lesbian hookup app, but need to put in the ‘turn-ons’ section. The programmers are...

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Met Bindu After BreakUp And She Kisses My CockTears

Hi, I am Ajay, 27 years old, 5. 6 in height. I am a big fan of ISS and I am following ISS since 2012. Here is my story. Please be patient as it’s a long story that will I try to divide into parts. Definitely, you people will enjoy it! I am from Hyderabad. This incident happened in 2018. I wanted to go to Delhi to do a course and finally took a decision to go in August for spending some quality time with my girlfriend. She had some problems at home and she would call me when she is alone. We...

1 year ago
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Kissing Cousins Part 1

I had been very sexual from a very young age. I could remember listening to my mom mess around with the guy that I called “dad” for 9 years. I would sleep on the couch in the living room with the Cartoon Channel on, while she was in the other room fucking this guy's brains out.I was the youngest of 3, well technically it's a tie because I'm a twin, bu I'm the youngest twin. My mom was the oldest of 6 making us the oldest cousins in our family, except my cousin Mo, who was about 2 months younger...

2 years ago
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Sisters By The Pool The Utah Chronicles Chapter One1

It was time to move away from home, become a true adult, and figure out who I really needed in my life. The only problem was, every time I thought about the people closest to me, I couldn't narrow it down. Danielle had become my best friend. I enjoyed every minute that we hung out, and we shared a lot of things in common. And, of course, she was the only one I knew worked with me in a relationship. She was sexy, and the type of girl any guy would kill for. Hailey had become so much...

3 years ago
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Exploring her KinkChapter 1

Jazzy was pacing around the living room, looking down occasionally at the ad she held in her hand, undecided if she should go or not. I am thirty years old and need what this club offers but what if I run into someone I know? That would be so embarrassing. Guess I could go online and check out some of those special internet dating sites. Jazzy, get a grip and go; if you don’t you are going to regret it. You are not going to run into anyone you know. Jazzy gave a big sigh and moved toward the...

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 9 A Friendly Chat by the Side of the Road

"Important news: we've had several advances. Each of the cities we've visited has established a functioning community. The people are working together with at least one person who can treat anyone who contracts the plague. Everyone we've treated has agreed to treat at least two people to replace them before moving on. This means each community will grow stronger, more reliable and more self-sustaining. We mention this to encourage everyone to either seek these cities out or prepare for...

4 years ago
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Annies Wet Dream

So anyway - im wearing a lovely polished shiny latex catsuit and a nice hefty solid collar around my neck. You've attached a leather strap to the collar - a substantial lead - and you are stood behind me and you bend me forward and tell me to touch my toes. As the rubber tightens across my arse and pussy you undo the zip to expose them. I lean a little further forward as you do this to allow unfettered access to my glistening wet cunt - a gentle arch of my back points my arse at a perfect angle...

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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 15 Ice Demons

Rex Schwartz, now fully aware of his ancient dual personality, known as Invictus Rex had, of course, witnessed the approach and the initial attack of the Tomradi. He was confident, that the latest TransDim shields would hold against anything these aliens could throw at them from surface weapons. The appearance of these huge disc-shaped battleships however caused great concern. He brought along a sizeable army of Seenian Sentmacs. Cloned humans that had been altered to be the perfect...

3 years ago
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Didi Ki Shaadi

Main rajat phir hazir hoon apni kahani ke saath. Meri pehli kahani ” pyaari padosi ” ko accha response mila. Ye usi ka hi agla bhaag h. To use padhna na bhoole. Aur haan ye kahani poori tarah se kalpanik h. Uske baad bhot dino tk hme kuch krne ka mauka nhi mila. To ab main dusri ldki ki talash krne lga. Hmari hi gali me ek aur nihayti khubsurat doodh si safed ldki rhti thi jiska naam simmi tha aur wo nisha ki friend thi. Wo 18 saal ki thi aur uska figure 34-30-36 ka tha. Saara maholla uski moti...

2 years ago
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Across the Tracks Ch 11

(Hers chapter 11. Short Sweet, to the point. There is only one chapter left in the Across the Tracks series, and our next story will be picking up the relationship between Deacon and Nikki, and when that arc is done, we will be starting J.B.’s love story, with a character you haven’t met yet. Enjoy, and as always, reviews and comments are welcome, and stroke me ego.) Otis slowly came to, the first noise he heard being the steady blip-blip of a heart monitor. Sighing, he tried to move his arms...

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Tumblr SisterChapter 6

I lay in bed. I had used my shorts to clean myself up a little. I could hear the shower running, so I knew Phee was in there. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour and I was actually a little scared about what would happen next. That's because I had no idea what would happen next, and the complete unknown is kind of scary. I kept lying there after the shower stopped, and I heard her moving around in her room. I tried to figure out what to say to her the next time I saw her. Then,...

1 year ago
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Teenage Space Whore

I Was A Teenage Space Whore! By LorenaMae VidNewsNow, March 15, 2030 Can you imagine going to the stars as a burly miner and coming back as a voluptuous space whore? That's what happened to Alex Cayman of Darby UK. "I took a contract to mine asteroids with MureMining. I knew I would be gone for three years, but I never expected to be changed into a teenage hooker!" says Alex Alex's problems began when he took too much use of the "pleasure services" available to miners. ...

2 years ago
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BBWs and Blackmail

In fact over the last couple of weeks I had been catching up with some of my playmates who had been needing my attention. I had started the first week back from vacation with Alejandra and the other girls of the La Jolla house. The following week had been a very wet day alone with Taylor, and yesterday I had been to LA to see Justine and then Melissa. Even with the recent tragic loss of some of my playmates, I felt that sometimes I was spreading myself too thin and not giving them enough...

3 years ago
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Cucking Joe For keesha pt2

For the longest time I couldn't get the image of Keesha beating Joe out of my mind and so one day I decided to take a chance and call her up to see if she would come over and beat Joe again. "Keesha this is Carmen" as she answered the phone "I was wondering if you might be free later today" I began "And if you'd like to come over for another session with Joe" I finished. There was silence for a moment until, "I don't know Carmen" she said "It was fun, but" and she hesitated. I knew I had to...

1 year ago
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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 1 How It Started

Hello, friends, this is Arun Mohapatra from Bhubaneswar, Odisha, writing my relative’s story and my first story here at ISS. So let me introduce to the characters of my story. I am portraying the character of my relative. Here it takes off. I am Utkal Keshari Panda, aged 25 from Bhubaneswar. This all happened recently. My height, 5 ft, 6 inches with cock size, 6.5 inches and girth, 2.5 inches. I belong to a middle-class family. Our house consists of two people my dad and me. My dad’s name is...

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