2 Tag Bonewell The Murder of Wendy Wilde
- 2 years ago
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Taggart Oliver Bonewell reported for his new job as house dick of the Wellington Hotel on a Monday, not only on time, but an hour early. He wasn't due to log in until 11:30 a.m. and it was now only 10:25.
As he stood in the hotel lobby, his immediate overall impression was one of old money with distinct overtones of new money. Rich folk live here, Tag thought, make no mistake. Ostentatious and gaudy rich folk, judging from all the fake gold trim and the fake marble this and marble that. Assuming it was all fake, that is. If not, fuck it then, it's worth a fortune.
As he strolled through the lobby, he had the impression that it was all put together by an insane interior designer, who not only knew the first Queen Elizabeth personally, he had amplified her idea of what the word ornate meant. Many gold cherubs, their little gold wings frozen in time, sat on white, or sometimes black, marble topped tables.
To Tag, the silly looking angels seemed to have no purpose other than to occupy space and to jar one's sensibilities. He had a burning desire to knock the head off of one particularly annoying looking little angelic bastard. The ugly thing stood on its black marble base on one foot, it's arms outstretched as if saying, "Fair catch! I got it! It's mine! " It had a shit-eating grin on its puss. As he passed by it, he whispered, "Next time, you widdle fucker! Say bye-bye to your widdle yellow head!" He smiled as he passed by it. He hoped it had heard the threat.
The lobby had all the usual city-within-a-city amenities that most hotels offer out of necessity. A florist. Hair salon. Gift shop. Tailor. You get the idea. Oh, and a bar and cafe called The Den.
Tag decided to check this place out a little more firsthand. As he headed toward the bar/cafe, Tag played a little mind game that he usually played. I will not, he thought, think of anything with the word Den in it. No Den of Iniquity. No Den of Thieves. Or Daniel in the lion's Den. Then he said aloud, in a melodic sing-song fashion, "Den, Den, Den, Den... Den." He was now Den free!
He entered and found himself in a place that had no idea that lights had been invented. The lighting was so low, he had to take a few minutes to allow his eyes to adjust. His first visual scene was of some old guy in a booth feeling up a young woman. His niece, mused Tag. Naughty, naughty, you old fuck. He made his way to the long bar and sat at the short end.
Where he was seated, at the short end, he had a perfect view of the odd couple. She now had a hand on his crotch and was moving it back and forth. Hmm, Tag thought, the idle rich sure know how to be idle.
With the idea of not overdoing it firmly planted in his mind, especially on his first day, he ordered a Scotch on the rocks, splash of soda, twist of lemon.
Tag had just taken a second sip when a woman, at least it appeared to be a woman in the low light, sat down beside him. She whispered, "I've been following you, Mr. Bonewell!" The way she had said it made the hair on his neck stand up. The voice was sexy, but it had an undercoating of being threatening, with a trace of menace in it. But Tag didn't feel too alarmed. Strange women had followed him many times before. Most didn't know his name, however.
He turned to face her. She looked harmless enough to him. Fortyish. Attractively packaged. Nice threads. A tight-fiting beige colored knit dress that displayed her shape beautifully. Nice titties, too, he noticed. A glance downward told him the legs weren't too shabby, either. But, he mused, it could be the lighting. He squinted at her and took another go around. Nope, it wasn't the lighting.
"You have?" he said. "Why would you want to tail little old me?" He was being playful. But if she reached into her purse, she'd bring her hand out missing an arm. Which would make rubbing her broken jaw awfully tough to do. Instead, however, she reached for his drink and took a big sip. He allowed her to keep the arm.
"Ugh!" she said. "Scotch! Almost as bad as Bourbon!" She licked her lips and smiled at him. "Tell me, Mr. Bonewell, where have all the nice Sherry and Brandy drinkers gone?" She giggled, a light giggle, and very feminine sounding. He took the hint, if it was a hint.
"How about I buy you a nice Sherry. Or, if you prefer, a nice Brandy. OK?" Might as well be nice. You never know. Might lead to getting lucky. It had before.
"That would be nice. Tell Paul", she aimed a thumb at the bartender, "to mix up Mrs. Merganthal's usual. He'll know what to do. Then we can get on a nice first name basis, if that's all right with you." It was. He felt nice all over.
He gave Paul the instructions and when her drink arrived, which looked like a plain old whiskey sour to him, he toasted to "New friendships." They clinked their glasses together.
She took a sip and said, "I'm Mrs. Merganthal, Mr. Bonewell, that's Mrs. and not that awful sounding Ms. How do you do?" She put out a hand. Tag shook it and said, "Fine, Mrs. Merganthal, and I'm please to meet you, too, but what happened to your first name idea? I kinda liked that one." He smiled at her and took a sip, peering at her over the glass. She smiled back at him.
"Oh, yes, I forgot. I have, you see, a wee bit of trouble with my short term memory these days, but that's a long, boring story. My real first name is Henrietta, but I hate that name so much that if you ever call me by it, I swear I shall cut both your nuts clean off." She smiled, baring her teeth. "Most folks just call me Mergie." Tag sensed there wasn't too many things old fashioned about Mergie. Cut both my nuts off, indeed!
"Mergie it will be then, Mergie. And be assured, I won't call you Hen... you know, that other name you hate like hell." He grabbed his crotch and shammed great pain. "For I've grown accustomed to the little fellas and I'd be real heart broken if we should ever part company." She laughed. "And you, Mergie, can call me Tag. Or Taggart. Or any other fucking thing you can dream up. I answer to them all. I'm shameless that way." He grinned at her. He'd purposely used the word fucking to test her reaction to it. There was none. Mergie took it in stride. My kind of gal, thought Tag. He saw potential.
Mergie took a sip and said, "Did you know, Tag, that there are nineteen places on a woman's body that can be easily aroused, even by the mere use of the word fuck?" Now she peeked at him over her glass as she took another small sip. She was grinning. He leaned toward her and whispered conspiratorially:
"Really, Mergie. I didn't fucking know that." He liked the drift to this little chat. "I guess I stopped my fucking education soon after I fucking figured out where the fuck the fucking G Spot was and where it was fucking located on a fucking woman's body. Capish?" She laughed and almost spilled her drink.
"Damn you, Tag, you've lit up at least fifteen of the darling secret places all ready!" She might have been blushing, but it was still too dark for Tag to tell.
"Only fifteen? Let's go for the last four, shall we, Mergie, old gal? Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He had put extra emphasis on each eff. He took a sip and looked straight into her eyes.
"Oooh. Nice, but I think two of them went astray. Do it again, will you?" Oh, yeah, he definitely liked where it was going.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! How's that?" He heard her let out a little moan. This conversation was beginning to really get to him. His crotch area told him that much. He and Mergie were fast becoming good friends. Very good friends. But anything further would have to wait for later, for she stood up, peeked at her watch, and said:
"Time's tight now, Tag. For both of us. You've got to go see our dear Mr. Smoot and I have a few errands to run. But I assure you, we'll get together later. I'm to be your personal hotel guide, Tag, as you'll soon hear from old Smootie." She polished off the dregs in her glass. "It's been real fun, Taggy, Darling, but I've gotta run." She gathered up her purse and made ready to leave. He reached out and placed his hand gently on her arm, lightly squeezing it.
"Same here, Mergie, real fun. And when we get together later, don't forget to bring your nineteen spark plugs. OK?" He was testing the future water.
"Bring 'em? Hell, Tag, treat me real nice and I'll show 'em to you! One by one and up close and personal like. That is, If you'd like a lesson that goes beyond the G Spot." Lesson? Hell, Tag just lived for lessons. Especially when the teach looked like Mergie.
She leaned over and kissed him full on the lips, leaving no doubt about the future water. It was a really quick kiss. Her tongue did a one-time dip into his mouth, pulled out, and went bye-bye along with its owner.
As Tag stood there watching her walk away in the dimly lit room, he felt his crotch signal that he had better get some proper perspective before his meeting with Mr. Smoot. How would it look, he thought, to be picked up on suspicion of stealing a salami from the hotel deli and hiding it in my trousers? Old Smootie might get a tad pissed.
But he knew he had just enough time to at least get a good gander at her backside as she stepped into the bright lighting of the lobby. He wasn't disappointed, either. Nice ass. Wide and firm looking. And it looked fantastic in the beige colored knit dress that did its best, but failed, to hide the well-rounded twin globes. If anything, it amplified the double beauties. Then, Mergie was gone. Tag paid Paul and went out into the lobby in search of Smoot's office.
A glance at his watch told him he still had twenty minutes before Smoot time. He decided to check out the florist shop. He sauntered in and saw a woman behind the counter. An attractive woman, who seemed about to say something. He beat her to the punch by saying, "Hi there, I'm Tag Bonewell, the new hotel house dick. I'm not buying, not yet, just acquainting myself with the lay of the land, so to speak. How are you?" She smiled at him and let him see her nice, even teeth. He also liked the looks of her nice, full lips.
"Oh, hello Mr. Bonewell. I heard you were coming. I'm Cheryl Wade. Most just call me Cherry. Welcome aboard the Wellington." She put out a hand. Cherry? Hmm, he thought, my first? He decided to throw out a little test in that direction. Just to see if she was a prude or a player. He shook her hand and held onto it...
"Thanks, Cherry. But please call me Tag. And I must say, you've got super hearing!" He waited, still holding her hand.
"I do, Tag? What told you that?" Here it comes.
"You said you heard I was cumming!" He had emphasized the cumming part. He looked at her, waiting. It was a stale old line, but still fun to spring now and then. True, it bordered on sexual harassment, but you only live once.
Cherry was quick-witted and no prude. She squeezed his hand and said, "Are you usually so noisy when you come? I know I am!" She had stressed the word come and squeezed his hand again. Tag like this so far.
"I can be downright cacophonous, Cherry. Perhaps we should compare decibel levels sometime. That could be fun, you think?" Now he squeezed her hand. She gave one more tiny reciprocal squeeze, extracted her hand and said, "Yes. We can call it our cumming out party!" She laughed. A girlish laugh. He liked her laugh. He'd love to hear it in bed sometime soon. He felt he would.
"Well, Cherry, I hate to leave, but I have a date with Mr. Smoot and I don't want to have to tell him I was late because I took the time to plan a cumming out party." He grinned at her. "He might want an invite." She laughed.
"Smootie? I don't think so, Tag, he doesn't like noise of any kind." Tag laughed. They said their goodbyes and Tag headed for his meeting with his new boss, the noise hating Mr. Smoot.
Less than ten minutes later, Tag was seated across the desk from Mr. Smoot. Or, as the nameplate on his black marble-topped desk announced in gold letters on a black marble background (surprise!) Mr. Raymond Q. Smoot, Executive Manager. Smoot was on the phone and was just winding down a conversation.
Q? mused Tag. Quigly? Quentin? Quiff? Quiff? That means pussy in some parts of the country. Smoot did fit that description a tad. He was a small guy and decidedly feminine in his mannerisms. He held the phone with his pinky sticking out into space. The way dainty rich ladies coddled a drink. Smoot ended his call.
Tag was told by Mr. Raymond (Quiff) Smoot, that he, Mr. Taggart O. Bonewell, could take the rest of the week to orient himself to the hotel. The dick he was replacing, Mr. Ivan Shakely, was finishing out the week.
"Call me Tag, Mr. Smoot." He liked things friendly and amiable.
"Fine then, Tag it is, and you can call me Mr. Smoot, Tag?" Shit, thought Tag, one of those! Well, fuck it! I've all ready sold my soul to the devil, so why not the rest of me? I want to be a team hooker, don't I?
"Fine then, Smoot it is." He had purposely left out the Mister, but had smiled warmly at the man. Smoot frowned and ran a hand through his hair. Tag noticed the man's entire head of hair had shifted slightly. Not a lot, but enough to tell Tag the man wore a toupee. A rug. But a damned good rug, thought Tag. He tickled himself with the musing of why wasn't it made out of faux gold? Or black marble?
"I'll make sure," Smoot said, "that old Ivan makes time to fill you in during the rest of the week on the small details you'll need to operate. You know, computer passwords, entry cards, the usual stuff. He'll also tell you how to have a firearm assigned to you. Any firearm of your choosing, Tag. You name it, we have it. Glock? Baretta?.38? But no need to choose now. Wait for Ivan. Now, so far, I haven't told you anything you can't handle, I assume."
"No problem, Mr. Smoot." The phone rang and as Smoot picked it up, Tag reflected. He had a personal penchant for the 9mm Glock. The Baretta lacked stopping power and the.38 had too few shots for his liking. But let's hope, he thought, I never have to use it.
In his six years on the police force he'd had to use it just once. Much to the chagrin of a now departed drug dealer. Why the fool couldn't see he was in a hopeless situation and should have simply surrendered, Tag could only guess at, but when the guy went for his gun, well, it was hasta la vista, baby time. Smoot was back.
"Now in the meantime, Tag, why don't you just absorb yourself in the hotel. See the sights, so to speak. I think you'll like your apartment suite, which is by the way, Suite 901, on the ninth floor. It has a breathtaking view of the city, the park and the lake." He handed Tag a room entry card with 901 in large block type printed on it. "Later, I'll also introduce you to Mrs. Henrietta Merganthal. She'll be, so to say, your guide to all of the hotel's little ins and outs." Smoot then put on a very serious look.
"Mrs. Merganthal is an attractive woman, Tag, very attractive, but don't get any funny ideas. She's not up for grabs, in case your mind thinks in that direction, which I hope it does not. Got that?" Tag smiled and nodded. Twice. Smoot went on.
"Good. But, to fill you in on her a tad more, she doesn't work for the hotel. She's a paying guest who resides here. Lives in one of the penthouse apartments up on the eleventh floor. Has more money than Croesus ever dreamed of, but don't get any funny ideas in that department, either. OK?" Tag nodded twice again. Shit, he thought, if I nod any more times, I'll feel like a fucking bobble-head doll!
Smoot continued. "She's also a personal friend, a very personal friend, of Mr. David Cunningham's, the owner, so tread lightly, young man. Cunningham took her under his wing, so to speak, after her poor husband, Cyrus, passed on. She volunteers her services around the hotel to, I assume, keep herself busy. And, because she's been here over twenty years now, even before the big renovation, no one knows more about what's what in this place than she does. I think you'll find her in invaluable ally. So, Tag, try to stay on her good side. OK?" The bobble-head doll did its nodding job once more. Smoot went on.
"Well, Tag, I believe I've covered most things. For now. You take the rest of the week and just enjoy yourself. If you have any questions, feel free to come to me or to Ivan. Welcome to the Wellington staff, Tag." He reached across the desk and offered a hand. Tag shook it and said, "Thank you, Mr. Smoot. I believe I'll like working here." He really believed he would.
Back in the lobby, he took out his cell phone and called Lucy. She answered on the first ring. Poor darling, he thought, pining away for me by the phone. "Hi, Luce, guess who the fuck this is?"
"Don't tell me! I know! It's Mr. Boneher-and-talk-dirty-on-the-phoner! Alias my boss. Alias my favorite house dick! How's the first day going, Taggy-poo?" He laughed. That Lucy! He could always count on her to brighten up his day.
"Terrific! Fantastic! What else can I say? It's been... "
"Uh oh, you've met a new cunt, haven't you, Taggy-poo-poo?"
"Damn, Lucy, you should be the detective, not me. You're good, girl! What gave it away? My not too frequent display of exuberance?" He laughed.
"The word fantastic, Taggynuts. You're the only man on the planet who spells it cee you en tee!" She laughed. "What's she like and when's our first m énage àtrois?" She made heavy breathing noises, sounding very much the pervert.
"Well, Luce, her name is Mergie and she may be twice your age, but she's still got it, if you get my drift. And... "
"Still got it? By your standards, Taggy, that means she has a pulse! Or have you gone necrophilous on me?" She giggled girlishly. She was having fun.
"Me? Fuck a corpse? Never again! Besides, she drinks whiskey sours. I'd like to see a dead body pull that little trick off. And she has this dainty way of sipping and farting at the same time. And you should see how nicely she makes funny noises with her armpits." Tag was on a roll now. Lucy was laughing and trying to listen at the same time. "Not to mention how delicately her pussy can pick up a quarter off the piano, even lying flat. The quarter, that is, not her pussy. Or the piano."
"Sounds like your kind of girl. Mine, too. Have you Tagged her yet?" He knew what she meant by the word Tagged. "Not yet, old gal, but it looks like it'll happen before the day's out."
"You're slowing down, Taggela, in your mid-life crisis. When do I get to meet her? Tomorrow? That is, if the poor thing can still walk!" She laughed.
"Not tomorrow, hon. Nor anytime during the whole week. Which is one of the reasons I called. I won't have my own office until next Monday. Old Ivan, whom I'm to replace, won't be cleared out until Friday. So, you have the rest of the week off, with pay. OK?"
"Sure, Tag. No prob. I have a ton of things I can do to keep me from going stir crazy. Like picking up a gang of winos and teaching them what a real woman can do with a crowd of wine-soaked perennials. They seem to like screwing a sober woman for a change. Kills the monotony drinking brings." She giggled.
"I never know when you're kidding, Lu. But then again, you do like red wine! It goes so well with fetid wino breath àla king."
"Listen, Tag. What about your suite? Can't I at least see that? It would keep a few winos off of me for a while."
"Good idea. Let me see how the afternoon goes and I'll call you. And Luce? I hate to say this, but could you dress, uh, well, a little bit more... uh... well... demurely? This place is run by a stiff-assed, anal retentive type guy and, well, you know. I don't... "
"Stop squirming, Taggy. I take no offense at your asshole manly insensitivity. I know I dress like a slut at times, well, most times, but I also have many very lady-like office duds. It'll be fun dressing up and surprising you. I guarantee, Tag, you sweet, perverted hypocrite, you won't recognize me."
"Luce, you know how it is. Play the game and all." He hoped she did.
"Taggy, Taggy, Taggy! Will you relax, for Christ's sake? It's no big deal, really. How do you think I dressed before I went to work at your dumpy little place? If you remember my resume, which you would if your eyes hadn't been glued to my boobies, I worked for a law firm. Talk about strait-laced! They had a pamphlet that outlined their dress code that had to be twenty pages long. And each salient point mentioned man-tailored suits. No skirts, mini or otherwise." She took a breath. "So, don't worry, fella, from here on out, I'm Ms. Lucy Fern, executive secretary to Mr. Boneher-with-a-dry-hump, the biggest dick in the hotel biz. OK?"
Tag laughed and said, "OK, Luce. Ha ha! I'll call you later." They said their goodbyes and hung up. He loved Lucy.
Tag went up to the front desk and asked for Mr. Ivan Shakely's suite number. Old Ivan also had a ninth floor office/apartment, suite 915. A quick elevator ride and Tag found himself in front of old Ivan's door. He knocked gently a few times and, out of instinct, tried the doorknob. To his surprise, it opened. Some security, he thought. Shakely must be the trusting type.
He went in and heard murmurings coming from an inner office room. His experience told him that someone was having sex. He tiptoed up to the open door and stole a peek in. Yep, sex it was, and that someone must be old Ivan, a man who looked well into his sixties.
Ivan was standing against a desk, his trousers and shorts down around his ankles, and his firm, 7'" large-headed pecker was being sucked off vigorously by a woman in a tight-fitting, beige colored knit dress. A very Mergie-like knit dress. What clinched the I.D. was her purse. Same one. No two ways about, old Mergie was doing old Ivan and, from what Tag could see, doing a fine job of it, too. What a hotel! What a job! What a life! He liked it all.
Tag started to back up, again in tippy-toe fashion, to keep the couple's privacy, but then had a better idea. Shock value! He walked, no, strode, right into Ivan's office and said, "Oops! Pardon me. I knocked, but I guess you didn't hear me come in." Tag just stood there awaiting their reactions.
Ivan jumped like he'd been scalded and said, "Who the fuck... ?"
Mrs. Henrietta Merganthal simply stood up and said, "Oh, hi, Tag. We meet again!" She didn't even blush. Tag liked that fact. His kind of woman.
Tag said, "Listen you two, if I've come at a bad time... !" That Tag! A clown to the end.
Ivan, more composed now, pulled up his clothing and zipped himself up. He was blushing so much his face looked like a beet. He tried to say something, but only sputtered. Mergie took over.
"Ivan, get a grip, willya! So Tag caught us in an oral act. So what? This is your last week for Christ's sake!" She turned to Tag. "Tell him to lighten up, Tag. Tell him that if he does lighten up, I'll finish what I started and you're welcome to watch." Old Ivan's eyes were popped out. He was speechless. Floored by it all.
Tag said, "If I were you, Ivan, I'd listen to the lady. And if you're shy about me watching, just close your fucking eyes! OK?" He thought he handled that pretty tactfully. He felt proud of himself.
Ivan surprised him by saying, "What the fuck! First you surprise me, then Mergie does. I thought my frigging heart had stopped! But, hey, I ain't shy, Buddy. If you'd be so kind as to lock the outer door, you can watch to your heart's content." He all ready had his pants and shorts back down to the floor and was massaging his cock back into its unnaturally woody state.
Tag was back in less than a minute. He took a seat and moved it closer to where the action would take place. Nothing like front row seats. Tag was liking his new job more and more. Mergie knelt down before old Ivan. Old Ivan looked absolutely lecherous. So much so, his tongue was hanging out and he was breathing heavily.
"Now, Mergie, old gal," Ivan said. "Show this snotnose whippersnapper what you can do! Eh?" He took his rigid penis and placed the newly-gorged head onto her bottom lip. Whether Mergie was inspired by having an audience or not, Tag didn't know, but one thing was for sure. Mergie sucked cock like a pro. She swirled, twirled, and whirled her head. Her tongue flashed in and out, all along the shaft. She deep-throated old Ivan with the ease of one who has practiced a ton. Tag felt his boner talk to him.
In a giddy mood, Tag grinned and imagined his penis saying, "Let me out, you dumb fuck! I've been cooped up long enough. I've places to go, people to see. There are pussies, asses, and mouths to fill. Who's gonna do it, if not me?"
Then an idea hit Tag. "Hey, you two, would you mind if I had the fun of doing some cocksucking directing?" Ivan looked at him and said, "Why not? Knock youself out." Mergie, her mouth still around cock, merely said, "Hmm hmm!" Tag started to remove his pants and shorts.
"Now, Mergie, I want you to suck his balls, both of them, until their sopping wet. Use both your lips and tongue. OK?" She answered in the affirmative by placing her mouth on old Ivan's nutsack and slurping noisily away, taking each nut fully into her mouth. The sound she made had a profound effect on the two men.
Ivan moaned and said, "Fucking kid knows how to direct, Merg. That feels super, just fucking super. Ooooh, yes! That's great, woman."
"Now, Mergie," Tag said. "I want you to use the same wet tongue and lip action on his entire shaft. Get it sloppy, too. And don't hold or swallow your saliva. Just let it pour out. It's called, appropriately enough, a saliva suck." She complied, working up and down the shaft, her saliva bubbling out and dripping onto her chin and onto the rug. Old Ivan was in heaven.
"Now, Mergie dear," Tag said. "Let's suck on the head a few times and then deep-throat him. Again, letting your saliva flow freely." She followed the instructions carefully. Four up and downs on the swollen cockhead and then, swoosh, right down to his pubes. Tag said, "Keep doing that, Mergie. Work the head, then deep-throat. And don't forget to let your saliva flow."
As Mergie obeyed, her saliva was soon cascading down old Ivan's cock shaft and puddling up all around the base. The more she sucked, the more saliva popped out. It was river-like. It was some sight. And the sound of it would excite even a brass monkey.
Old Ivan just stood there, moaning and moaning, a glazed look on his face. Tag knew old Ivan was close to cumming. He was right. A minute or so later, Ivan yelled, unashamedly, "I'm going to cum, baby! Swallow me, baby! Now! Here I cum, baby. Oh, oh, oh. Ooooooooo fuck!" He unloaded both balls into Mergie's eager mouth. The two men heard her swallow audibly. Twice.
There was a silence for a moment and then Ivan broke it. "Shit, Tag, I haven't cum like that in years! Your being here and talking about it seemed to add a new dimension to it all. Damn, I liked that!" He licked his lips. Mergie was still on her knees as Ivan got dressed. "Thanks, Mergie!" Ivan said, looking down at her.
Mergie looked back up at Ivan and said, "Oh, you're welcome, Ivan, and you're right, you did cum more than your usual. Mmm mmm, delicious!"
Mergie, still kneeling, looked over at Tag. "You want to be next or do you only direct and not perform?" She giggled and ran her tongue seductively around her lips. Tag didn't have to be asked twice.
He rolled his tie and shirt up to nipple height and said, "How about removing your top, Mergie, I like to play with nipples while I'm being fellated." She hesitated. This small hesitation clue told Tag that the lady wore a girdle. She was trying to figure out how to get her top off, it being a one-piece knit suit and all, without revealing the fact. He gave her an assist.
"Here, let me help you, Mergie." He went behind her and undid the back buttons. He pulled the top down to her waste, unfastened her bra and removed it from her. He went back around to her front for a look-see. He liked what he saw.
Her breasts were not as firm as he imagined they once were, but they looked soft and very feminine. Each sported an oversized aerola and had cute, little pea-sized nipples that now stood out erectly. He reached for her and brought his face down to her left breast. He suckled its nipple a little, feeling the pea get even harder under his lips. He then kneaded both breasts, tweaking each pea into even greater hardness. Mergie moaned. She liked that. And it didn't take a Sherlock to figure that out, either.
Tag shot a glance at old Ivan. The guy was seated in a chair, the same chair Tag had used, and had his pants unzipped and his prick out. He was stroking it and had his tongue out, too. He looked depraved, but very happily depraved.
Tag sucked Mergie's nipples a bit longer, then stopped. He went to Ivan's desk and pushed things aside to make room for Mergie to lie down. He then told her to lie on her back on the desk with her head hanging over the edge. She complied without hesitation.
This position had the added effect of making each of Mergie's titties flatten out and point slightly to her sides. Tag positioned himself at her head, her mouth at the perfect height for his dick. He then pressed his 8" bloated hardon against her mouth. She immediately got the idea, opened her mouth and took him in. They both heard Ivan moan, but neither of them looked in his direction.
It was a stupid, stupid, and dumbass thing to do. But I did it anyway. And I spent the better part of the rest of the night telling myself just that. I mean come morning, there was no way I was going to be able to explain it, surely she'd know ... figure it out. And then, there'd be hell to pay. Not like we both hadn't been paying it already. My father had left two years prior. He'd gotten a fairly substantial promotion, and with that an enormous pay increase, a brand new office to go...
On the last day of the Game, Alina was still twenty points ahead of her only remaining rival, Jessica Mackson. Success in the Game wasn't without its price, however. Her social life at school was basically ruined. Except for Karen all of her friends had stopped even trying to contact her. Plus, no one at Bible study took her seriously anymore. None of the students who attended said anything about the Game but she could feel their judging eyes and hear their giggling whispers while she tried...
I was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...
Newark Concert Saturday, November 5, 2016 Paul & Paula 21 performs in Newark, New Jersey as the opening act for Michiko Takahashi. This concert is recorded in another document. The Treehouse Tour Friday, November 14, 2016 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The cameras were in place, and the television crew was in a shady spot of lawn with a tire swing visible in the background. It looked as if only reporter Cynthia Benet and the two singing ten-year-olds, Paula Akron and Paul...
"Don't," I whispered, pushing Kyle's hand away from my left breast for like the tenth time. "Petra..." he whined softly in the flickering light of the movie and I just kissed him again. That shut him up and I held Kyle's right hand against my tummy while my small, pink tongue explored his mouth. Actually, I knew his mouth pretty good, but you know what I mean. I love French kissing more than ice cream and I was good at it. Kyle couldn't complain as I ran my tongue between his lips and...
Saturday evening had come and four beautiful girls were gathered in Mandy's apartment on the second floor. Janine had been introduced around and admired; any new friend of Mandy was acceptable to the others. They had kissed and fondled a little when they arrived and then Mandy had sent out for a mountain of Chinese food. They drank wine while they waited and drank some more during the meal. All four were feeling excited and randy as Mandy went to the kitchen for more wine. They chuckled,...
1 A two part story of a man whose lucrative business evolves into a true vocation. As with most of my stories it develops slowly, and I hope readers will stick with it into the second part.Houseboy For Hire, Part One Rory retrieved the key from under the third flower pot and let himself in the back door. He had a similar working arrangement with most of his clients, so that they wouldn’t have to be bothered letting him in every time, or even have to be home when he was there. ...
Michelle was still reeling from the encounter she had just had with a perfect stranger named Stan. He was the fireman that had given her first aid for the blisters on her feet, followed by an intense sex session right in the firehouse living quarters! She had just lived out one of her fantasies, and several more were swimming through her head as she waited for her ride home. After a few minutes, the fire engine returned from a blaze somewhere in the city. She was waiting patiently in the...
Pete and Devin stood atop a temporary platform which allowed them to look down through the hollow. The men smiled as they saw water draining away. Pete’s cell phone rang. As Pete answered it, Devin got a knowing look on his face. “Hello?” Pete answered. “Yes, this is Pete Nelson. Yes, Nelson Treehouse and Supply. Your treehouse ... hurting the tree? The side of a cliff!? Uh, yeah, that’s not something I’ve come across before.” The head of NTAS glanced around the work-site. “Um, yeah, I’ll...
My name is Lucy, and I own the Roadhouse. So, what's the Roadhouse? Basically, it's a bar, although we also have a not bad kitchen, so we do meals in the evening, and snacks all night until about an hour before closing. I'm ex-military, although you might not guess it to look at me. I was actually a Special Forces commando, in armies that allowed women into combat roles. I can certainly handle myself in a fight, as more than one man has found out at the wrong moment. While I do love a...
My jaw ached and it was worth it for the exhilaration I felt. I looked up at Xavier and caught the beads of sweat resting just below his hairline. He was panting, flustered perhaps in the manner to which I responded to his rushed announcement.At the point of climax, I was sure that Xavier’s knees weakened. Clasping his thighs, I felt his body tremble leading up to his release. His bucking hips stilled as I struggled to suck his swollen meat. Hot and with a tensile velvet, I eased it from my...
BisexualMy wife and I were unemployed, both having been made redundant, me after 4 months, she just before they needed to pay redundancy. Neither of us had transferable skills, as a salesman I had sold but it is difficult to find that kind of employment in your mid-40s, when there are so many youngsters after that position. We both hustled for part -time job that paid the rent and ran the old crate of a motor bike that we had. Some weeks ago, we saw an article in local paper advertising an open day for...
My sexy submissive Renee and I wrote this story together. It is written from a Daddy Dom’s perspective, and I am obviously the voice narrating this tale. Within the hour, Daddy's Little Slut will be screaming God knows what into her pillow. At least that is what my Baby Girl is hoping will transpire. After weeks and weeks of planning, Renee is rather impatiently waiting for her newest fuckbuddies to arrive. Hopefully her gentlemen callers will not be so gentle, as they use every inch of her...
Ted and I were college buddies, both going through the same exams, profs and (you guessed it) girls. He was always an ass man, getting his kicks from 'bumping' up behind chicks anywhere he could find them. In shopping malls, in elevators, in the subway, anywhere.My thing is getting head.Anywhere, anytime is fine as long as the girl doesn't mind. Ted and I knew of each other's sexual preferences and became a tag team almost by accident.Sandy was a tall and healthy brunette with big blue eyes...
"Erin?" The bathroom door opened and my mom looked around it as I stood under the hot spray of the shower. It was morning, a little before six, and I wasn't tired yet, but I would be later. Heather and her friends ... my friends ... had kept me up all night, or most of it anyway, and I'd never known anyone could have as much sex as we'd had. My tongue felt stiff and swollen, my lips were puffy and bruised. Stacy had given me love bites on my thighs, breasts, and neck. A dozen of them...
I had watched Misty from afar for as long as he could remember. We grew up next door to one another, but she was everything I wasn’t, cool, popular, and athletic. I sometimes thought I was invisible, I did well in school, but no one but the teachers knew I existed.Misty was a quandary though, she was so popular in school, but I never saw any friends at her house. In fact, I never saw her leave her house once home from school. I had a cool treehouse that overlooked both our back yards, and on...
MasturbationPeter Graham had an erection! He had had it all morning, ever since Sue had arrived for work. She was dressed in the shop uniform of white blouse and navy blue skirt as usual but she seemed different somehow. She had given him a big smile and came to stand in front of him. "I'm feeling on top form today Peter," she glowed. Peter gasped. His eyes popped out of his head. Sue had two buttons of the blouse undone, one more than was allowed by his father. She was wearing a very flimsy bra and...
01.AugustLiebes Tagebuch,Mein Name ist Sabine. Ich sitze am Flughafen und warte auf meinen Flieger nach Mallorca. Nach einem Jahr mit sehr viel Arbeit und einer beendeten Beziehung habe ich mir mal eine längere Auszeit in der Sonne verdient. Ich beginne ein neues Tagebuch, weil es in meinem Leben Veränderungen gegeben hat und noch geben soll, die ich nicht einfach so Freunden oder Kollegen erzählen kann. Ich denke, dass ich bis jetzt zu brav war und das Leben nicht so ausgekostet habe, wie man...
SRU: The Roadhouse by Corvus corax (Raven) Comma and Asterix looked at each other and sighed. Both of the deliverymen were hot, sweaty and very, very tired. On days like today, when it was 100 degrees in the shade, with 90 % humidity, it didn't pay to be moving around large pieces of magical equipment. Asterix continued to gaze over from the passenger seat of the SRU van to Comma, who was behind the wheel. He slumped down a little further into his seat. "Man! I sure could use...
The HouseboatThe small inflatable boat glided up to the big Gibson houseboat that was anchored out in the back country of the lower keys. The houseboat had been there for over a month now and a young couple lived on it full time. They had made ever effort to find a home in Key West, but no luck. There just never was anything available in the area that met their price range. The husband, Harry Adams, had equipped the boat with enough solar panels and a wind driven generator to furnish all...
It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...
CuckoldI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFAUTHOR’S NOTE: This story contains encounters involving gay sex, bi-sex and straight sex which is why it was categorized under Novels and Novellas. ***** PRELUDE I woke up in the queen size bed on Saturday morning and looked over at the lovely person sound asleep next to me. It was a beautiful sight. We were both still naked from the marathon of sex from the night before. In spite of that however, I had a raging morning woody and I was ready for more. The bed sheets covered the lower...
‘Hey! HEY!’ Marcus yelled at the retreating form of Alice, trapped behind the plexiglass, he banged his tiny fists futilely against the surface. The sound reverberated within the room of the darkened dollhouse, but he had no doubt it was too quiet to be heard outside of that see-through wall. Not that there was anybody out there to hear it anymore, anyway. The bedroom door had closed, and Marcus was left alone inside of that dollhouse. Once the shock and embarrassment of what had happened...
My wife Megan and I were born and raised in the Atlanta area, and got our degrees from the University of Georgia. We got married right after graduation and moved to Baltimore for my civil engineering job and Megan got a job in finance there. By the time we were 32 years old, we had two children, and my company promoted me to a management position back in the Atlanta area.Megan was able to quit her finance job and stay home with the kids, due to my big increase in pay. I had a little more free...
OccupationsI shut off a table saw and heard the faint sound of crying coming from the treehouse. Concerned, I quietly climbed the ladder. My head poked over the edge, where I found Jodie, holding her phone and sobbing into her knees. I climbed the rest of the way into the treehouse and pit my hand on her shoulders. She looked up at me in surprise. "Daddy! Wha-?" "It's okay, sweetheart. What's wrong?" I asked, as gently as I could. Through her broken crying and restarting her sentences several...
Bob awoke to birds singing in the tree limbs above him. Kim was nestled in his arms. The early morning sun was warm, but not enough to offset the chill from their nakedness. Kim stirred and looked adoringly at Bob. "Good morning, lover," she whispered sweetly. Then she realized that she had no clothes on, and that, even though she was snuggled close to Bob, she was freezing. "We had better climb down and go inside," said Bob. Bob and Kim grabbed their clothes and hurriedly threw them...
I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My uncle was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in her...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was in...
MILF"Hey, check it out," Dean said to his friends. The high school seniors glanced down the hallway in the direction Dean was nodding and they instantly spotted the prettiest sophomore in school: Alina Rogers. She was at her locker and was studying her class schedule. As always the prim-and-proper girl looked sexy even in her prim-and-proper clothes. It'd been months since the boys had seen the girl they'd dubbed the "most fuckable Freshman" the year before. It was a title they'd...
The footer at Penthouse Gold stamps a 2008 copyright date on the joint, which means it’s old as hell in Internet years. I bet all the old fuckers remember the Penthouse name from long before that, though. The brand got its start as an old-school paper porn rag in England way back in 1965, and I know some of you had your first fap to your dad or your grandpa’s copies hidden under his mattress. Before the Internet, these guys were some of the biggest names in the business alongside Playboy and...
Top Premium Porn SitesI want to tell the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse, on the Pacific coast of Colombia, in South America. But I must give you some background first.I had graduated from university here in London and had then taken a year out travelling around the world. On my travels across Europe and Asia, I had pursued my passion for photographing the natural world. I had set up a website and posted updates almost every...
MILFI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFThere are twenty four usable hours in every day. That is what my mother used to tell me when I was a younger. She told me that I had to make sure to make every hour count. I never really took her words to heart, and I let time slip by me. Before I knew it, I was graduating high school and I was on my way to college. Where did my teen years go? Was it time for me to grow up? What had I accomplished? I am eighteen years old and on my way to a major university. I received a scholarship and a full...
IncestPete drove up to the Harris property, having just returned from a cliff-side treehouse near Memphis, Tennessee which was in serious need of modification, lest it kill both of the trees which were supporting it. The first thing the head of NTAS saw as he brought the pick-up truck to a stop was his son Henry, who was carrying a bucket of paint. “How’s it going?” the father called out. “Going great,” Henry called back as his father made his way to the back yard. “But Paula wants to talk to...
Pete led Julie into her back yard, at which point he insisted that she look down, not up. Her parents and what looked like half of Tupelo followed at a respectful distance. “OK, now just stay looking down,” Pete told the eager teenage girl, “OK, now on three-two-one you can look up. Ready?” Julie was almost vibrating with excitement. “Yes, yes I’m ready!” “OK then,” Pete told her. “Three, two, one ... Look up!” Julie looked up and gasped. “Great Shades of Elvis!” she breathed. Several...
Karen and I bought a light keeper's house, which was on a two-mile road. Our house was about one-third of a mile from the lighthouse. The lighthouse has been nonoperational for five years and sits at the water's edge at the road's end. The local college students use it as a lovers' lane, parking by the lighthouse to accomplish their goals. The locals call the road 'Make Out Lane' instead of the original, 'Lighthouse Lane.' We enjoy the house with all its old fashion things, plus a mystery a day...
TransWhomever it was, they were either really young, or a very petite girl. As I got closer I could make out the goth hair and clothes so I was pretty sure who I was dealing with. When I was only a few feet away I said quietly, "Wow, nice work." The painter jumped and spun around, eyes wide open. "Don't worry, I'm not going to report you. Your art is just stunning." "Uh.... thanks. I'm not used to, you know, being caught in the act." "So where did you learn to paint like this? Do...
On His Bathhouse PassWayne is, I'm sure, exactly the type of person that the bathhouse was hoping for when they gave away the 8 Hour Free Pass, as one the door prizes at the Gay Pride Festival. Wayne just happens to be one of those 'pretty boys' that any bathhouse would love to have hanging around. Age 23, 5'11', 185 pounds, 44 inch chest, 32 inch waist, short dark brown flat top, a bubble butt made of stone, that anybody in their right mind would love to fuck, and a very respectably long and...
All characters in this are over the age of 18. —– ‘It’s okay, my parents are out of town.’ Alice whispered into the ear of Marcus as the two stood kissing on the front porch of her house. The two college freshmen had just returned from their first date, and Marcus had walked Alice to the front door. Who said gentlemanly courtesy was dead? What had initially been intended as a simple, respectful kiss goodnight had been prolonged by Alice gently holding him to her, their tongues had danced...
I continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFTHE PLAYHOUSE Copyright Transfemme, 2002. CHAPTER 1: Candidate Verity Sherman walked down the central colonnade of the Facility, a pretty young woman in a pastel yellow sundress, her full lips pursed with trepidation. It was Monday morning; the Committee was meeting at ten thirty-five to discuss her latest progress report. Verity noted the time with an anxious turn of her wrist. Attendance was mandatory; she couldn't afford to be late by even a few seconds. She quickened her...
It was the summer before my freshman year of college. My sister had returned home for the first part of summer. Since we would both be attending the same college in the coming year we decided to get in some early bonding time. We had enjoyed many days shopping and sunbathing while exchanging stories of some of our sexual exploits. There wasn't a day that went by that I hadn't learned how much of a cock hungry slut my older sister really was. Her sort of on again off again guy, Cody, invited us...
College SexGeorge awoke coughing, the taste of salt water in his mouth. As soon as the convulsions stopped, and he opened his eyes, the drowning dream quickly receded and vanished along with the salty taste on his tongue. Drowning was George’s worst nightmare. Despite being surrounded by water he could not swim. He believed that his hatred of water actually kept him alive. Keep out of the stuff, as well as away from it, and you will be OK, that was his motto. Yet here he was, surrounded by the sea, and...
Hilde patted the edges of her mouth with the linen napkin. Looking to her husband, he smiled and placed his cutlery in a perfect line on his empty plate.“Very good, you have certainly passed this aspect of the interview with flying colours.”Graciously, I nodded my head, “You are welcome, I like cooking, even more so for other people.”Noticing their wine glasses were a quarter full, I scuttled around the table to charge them. I topped up their water glasses too.“Would you like the cheese board...
BisexualIf I had been told on my sixteenth birthday, that I would end up working as a houseboy, I would’ve advised the forecaster of that statement to sign up for some psychological evaluation. That, however, is exactly what happened by the time I had turned seventeen-years-old.To fully explain how this came about, I am afraid that I now have to embark on a two-part history lesson:Firstly, after my mother had left my dad and me when I was eight-years-old, my father continued to be employed as a foreman...
Gay MaleI’ve already told you about the first time I watched my wife being fucked. That was by my boss when I was based in Europe, after a fairly drunken evening. She had no recollection of the incident the next morning. Actually that’s not quite correct, she knew she had been fucked but assumed it was by me. We spent several years in Europe but she stayed fairly frigid, only really fuckable when drunk. I then got transferred to our Nairobi office. I should really have declined the posting...
Harry’s life as a Phyllis’s houseboy had turned out to be better than the situation of many of his contemporaries. A sponsored male in New Order Britain wasn’t under the sort of constant surveillance, harassment, and suspicion of subversion that un-sponsored males had to put up with. And besides, Phyllis had turned out to be a reasonable sponsor. The dream at school had been to be picked out as some girl’s life-partner but, realistically, that didn’t happen to more than a handful of men....
"Why did you do that?" Heather paused and looked at her. She was in the middle of setting up a tripod. She'd already set up the lights and Alina had obediently helped even though all the lights pointed down at the bed and she knew what that meant. "Why did I do what?" "Tucker isn't a part of the Game!" Alina said, near tears. "You said you were only mean to me to help make sure the guys would count because you said they liked that. And ... and I get that. But Tucker isn't in the...
We’ll need a little genealogy: My uncle Robert, born in 1935; my mother, 1938; my brother Terry, 1961; me in 1963, and my Jeremy, 1986, and Rochelle, the year following. Jeremy says the odds of three generations being boy-girl are 1:64. I didn’t learn anything that interesting when I took biology from Mrs. Thornton, though I read about this lady who had nine daughters in a row. I’ll bet the last one never got a new anything. So here are three pairs of siblings in our family tree, one line per...
Helen had found Frank to be wearing his usual 'at home' attire, his robe. He had decided at the last moment to put a pair of underpants on but of course Helen was not to know that. At this moment they were sitting on Frank's sofa, toasting one another with Champagne. Frank slipped his right arm around her. She did not resist, if anything she leaned a little closer. "I hope that this Champagne doesn't make me squiffy," she giggled, already feeling the effects. She was feeling no pain...
He became tempted by an old Light house on the south west coast of England which was going up for sale by auction. Being the only person at the auction who was willing to commit to the responsibility of renovating and maintaining the historic structure meant that he won the bidding straight away without competition. Using money borrowed from his parents and the bank, it was to be his heart filled project converting it into a home for him to live, whilst abiding by the rules of keeping the...
THE LIGHTHOUSE TOP OF THE LIGHTHOUSE By Wolff ?2006 Wolfwerks She was obsessed with the old lighthouse. She did not know if it was its blatant phallic form or the white light on the top ? now extinguished ? or something else, but it held a siren call for her. When she mentioned it would be nice to watch fireworks from it, he said with exasperation, ?You want a lighthouse? I?ll GIVE you a lighthouse AND fireworks. Oh yes!? Oh the Fourth of July, at dusk, he made her drive them to the...
"Alina, can I ask you something?" The 15-year-old girl was sitting at a lunch table with her best friend, Karen Matthews. It was Wednesday of the last week of the game and for once no one had grabbed her for a fuck during lunch period. Alina had considered skipping it anyway but had decided she missed seeing her friends. She'd been avoiding most of them since the Game had started: seeing them reminded her of her real life, the one she would be returning to soon, and that made her feel...
They say that time changes everything, and that people move on. But, do they really move on, or do they just set things aside and allow themselves to be okay with it? Was I okay with setting things aside and completely moving on, once and for all? ___________ “He is what?” I said, almost enraged by what I was hearing. “What do you mean ‘Henry is getting married.’ He can’t be getting married.” I flung myself down on to my over sized black leather sofa and crossed my legs. I shook the leg...
IncestAngelica scrambled up the tree, hugging the trunk between her thighs as she reached for one of the top branches. Deftly, like the thousands of times she had done it before, she pulled herself up into the little treehouse before anyone could spy her outfit. Angelica was eighteen and enrolled at one of the city's most prestigious all-girls Catholic high school for her final year. Next year she would be off at university, but until then she was living at home, under the watchful eye of her...