2: Tag Bonewell: The Murder Of Wendy Wilde! free porn video

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ALMOST NO ONE has ever heard of Ms. Jennifer Penelope Deaux-Fontaine, but plenty of folks know her alter ego, her nom de plume, her pseudonym, her pen name, Wendy Wilde, the wicked writer of sexually explicit novels and articles. Yeah, that Wendy Wilde. The same offbeat writer who had more people hating her than even Adolf Hitler could ever have imagined.

But, as of today, everyone's heard of the woman behind the Wilde mask. Anyone, that is, who bothered to read last night's evening paper. Or even glance at the front page. The two-inch high headline said it all:


And, just in case you've been living in a cave for ten years, a full page photograph below the headline showed Ms. Wilde, or Ms. Deaux-Fontaine, at a nudist camp and as naked as a jaybird. She was sporting a wide shit-eating grin that just screamed out how much she loved being sans clothing under the California sun. There were two other people in the photo, but they had been cropped in such a way no one could tell who they were.

Because the newspaper had thoughtfully airbrushed out her important private parts, the photo made her look ghastly and grotesque. It was obvious the retoucher had had a hard time trying to hide those very large breasts of hers. In the final result, she looked as if she had had a twin mastectomy performed, a bad one at that. Why they simply didn't just show her face is beyond any guess. Of course, nude pictures, even sloppy looking ones, do sell more papers.

The photo caption read: Wendy Wilde, second from left, bared it all in 1962 at the Suncatcher's Nudist Camp, San Francisco, CA. Story page 2.

1962. Yes, a long time ago. Ms. Fontaine was thirty-five years old in the photo, which means she was pushing sixty-five when her body was found.

Her publisher and lifelong friend, Hamilton Worthy, Ham or Hammy to his friends, was also her confidante at the time of her unscheduled demise. He was quoted saying just how much he was going to miss his longtime friend and best-selling author.

For over thirty years, Hammy did his best to keep her identity a secret. His best was good enough up until a year ago, when some hacker tracked her down through the internet and began e-Mailing her threats.

Who he is, isn't yet known, but one thing is; the cat was now out of the old bag. And yesterday, someone had shot the cat. Or the old bag, if you want to get crude about it. And she was shot three times with great and deadly accuracy. In her very own suite at the Wellington Hotel. And with much malice aforethought.

"YOU TAG BONEWELL?" Tag looked up from his desk. A man stood in the doorway. A man in his forties, with brown hair and brown, sad looking eyes. He looked to be around the six foot tall mark. He also looked quite fit, with not a sign of flab on him, if you didn't count the slight belly paunch, that is.

The guy was wearing an inexpensive, off-the-rack, dark gray suit and an equally run-of-the-mill white shirt. His tie was a nothing to rave about solid black. Sensible shiny black patent leather shoes finished the sartorial picture. Tag smelled cop.

Tag said, "That's right, sir. How may I help you?"

"I'm Detective Hunger, Jack Hunger, I'm here about the murder." Murder?

"What murder?" If Tag looked genuinely puzzled, he was. He hadn't read the newspaper yet today.

Detective Hunger fished a small note pad out of an inside suit pocket. He looked down at it. "Guess you haven't heard yet. Well, anyway, the vic is one Jennifer Deaux-Fontaine, aka Wendy Wilde. One of your room maids, a gal named Freda, called it in. About an hour ago." He approached Tag's desk. "Mind if I sit?" Tag motioned him to take the chair in front of the desk. Freda flashed briefly through Tag's mind. They had only done it twice now, but each time had been fantastic. She had that European...

When Detective Hunger was seated, he said, "Ah, that feels good! Been on my tootsies all morning... now, I came by your little office place here because I like to work with the house dick when a hotel's involved. I'm savvy to the hotels need to protect their rep and I find it works out better for all parties concerned, Tag, if I give the house cop a headsup. I can call you Tag, can't I?" Tag nodded. "Good. And why don't you just call me Jack, without the detective up front. OK?" Tag nodded again. He liked Jack. The man had real down-to-earth class.

Tag said, "I was in blue, too, Jack, a few years back. Six years in. Threw it in to do some private gumshoeing, but you know how that goes, feast or famine. Well, I had a feast of the famine, if you get me." He grinned at the detective.

"Yeah, Tag, I know all about it. Heard about you, too. You were a wee bit of a hotdogger, I'd say, and had a mite of trouble following police protocol. From what I've heard, you were downright naughty at times." He grinned at Tag.

"Guilty as charged, Jack. Now, tell me, what is it you need from me?"

"Nothiing really, but I thought you might like to come along with me when I enter the Wilde suite," He looked at his notes. "Room 912, and, who knows? You just might spot something these old, tired eyes of mine miss. Of course you shouldn't... "

"Touch anything. Yeah, I know, Jack, but I do keep disposable latex gloves in my desk." He opened the desk's front drawer, took out a box and held it up. "See?"

Hunger stood up. "Good boy! Shall we go? On the way, I'll fill you in on this Wilde woman, and I mean wild in the feral sense of the word. I popped her name into my PC's search engine and, man, she was a pip! C'mon, I'll tell you all about it on the way."

As they passed by Lucy's desk, Tag said, sounding most businesslike, "Miss Fern, hold all my calls, I'll be out a while." Then, to Hunger, he added, "God, I've always wanted to say that!" Hunger said, "And now you have. Come, I'll tell you all about her publisher, one Mr. Hamilton Worthy. A real gent, that one."

Tag sensed there was a Colombo side to DetectiveHunger. He was cagier than he appeared to be. He had made it seem to Tag that he had just arrived on the scene, but now it looked as if he had taken the time to talk to one Hamilton Worthy.

You're slick, Detective Hunger, Tag thought, real slick...

SUITE 912 was unoccupied, if you don't count the corpse of Wendy Wilde. Which had three neat, closely placed holes in its chest. Hunger pegged it as a.22 calibre job. Tag agreed. They had found the body in a small room that Wilde had used as an office.

She was lying in the center of the room, on her back, totally nude, with a large white towel lying alongside her. Her hair and the towel were damp. Hunger took a quick glance into the bathroom. One look at the wet tub told him she had obviously just come out of the shower, mere minutes before her killer had pumped three into her.

Her wig, a brunette one, was pushed forward and covering her right eye. She reminded Tag of Veronica Lake, a sultry, sexy actress from the 1940's.

Hunger asked Tag if he would go through her desk while he did whatever it was he planned to do. Tag, with his brand spanking new latex gloves on, opened the top middle desk drawer and whistled. "Jack, I've got a.45 here. With a very expensive-looking pearl handle. What you want I should do with it?" Tag looked down at the pearl handle. It looked like a custom job, with a purple capital W on each side.

"Empty the clip, so some kids don't get to it loaded, and just leave it there, would you?" Tag would. He stripped the clip and slid it back into the gun's handle. Then he had a question for Jack.

"Jack, how come this place isn't crawling in blue? You breaking cop protocol?"

"Look who's telling me about protocol! Listen, Mr. Pot, this Mr. Kettle is going by the book. This is a closed crime scene, of which I am in charge. Now, because I prefer to have an early look-see, before there are two dozen pairs of shiny shoes mucking it up, I tell forensics to wait for my call. They'll be along shortly."

"Yeah, Jack, but you don't even have anyone guarding the..."

"Door? He's on his way. I called just before I went into your office. Any more question, nosy?" Tag had none that he could think of. For now, at least.

The two men checked the place very carefully and, besides some of her published books and some paper files, they found nothing to speak of. No weapon, no casings, no perp hiding in a closet.

While Hunger was placing the necessary calls, Tag wandered back into the living room and went over to the large bookcase that housed her published writings and personal reading matter.

The first book of hers he laid his hands on, was titled, Pandora's Box. He opened it to somewhere in the middle and began reading.

Janet moaned. The large cock inside her making her do so, and making her feel full, packed with him. He pulled halfway out and plunged it back in, all the way to its base. Janed screamed, "Aayyyeeeeeee!" Charlie then...

Tag flipped a few pages and read some more.

As Jose's hot, boiling cum hit the back of her throat, some of it actually going down to her stomach, Carla spluttered. The next blast, equally as strong as the first, seemed to fill her mouth up. She swallowed quickly, as if not to do so would make her drown in his...

He flipped a few more pages.

The feeling was overtaking her. "Oooooooh! She screamed out. Then she...

Then a voice behind Tag spoke.

"That was her first, Pandora's Box. Her best, too, in my opinion." Tag turned and saw the man. Tall, elderly, with jet-black hair that had a white swirl running down the middle. The hair reminded Tag of a skunk. The man himself reminded him of nervousness. He was also impeccably dressed in a tone-downed medium-gray suit and vest. It looked custom-made. The man had the overall look of money, and lots of it.

Tag said, playing real dumb, "She read a lot of this type of, uh, literature then, I take it, sir. Bit steamy reading for a lady of her caliber, don't you think?" That sounded dumb enough to Tag.

"Read? Oh, I see, you don't know, do you? No, I suppose you don't. Ms. Deaux-Fontaine wrote that book and four more just like it under her pen name, Wendy Wilde. You'll find her photograph on the back cover." The man twirled his fingers, a signal to Tag to turn the book over.

Tag turned the book over and saw the same face he had only recently seen in this very penthouse suite, only this time she looked much happier. Scrawled across the bottom of the picture, and looking as if it was written by her, was XXX Wendy Wilde. He thought: Hot kisses from a corpse, now. Then he realized it could also stand for the triple-X used in the porn trade. Both seemed to fit, and Tag surmised that that was probably the whole idea.

"You must be Hamilton Worthy." Tag said. "Detective Hunger mentioned you to me. Said I'd be bumping into you soon enough."

The man nodded. "Guilty, sir. And you are... ?"

"Tag Bonewell, Mr. Worthy, and I'm at your service, sir. I'm the Wellington's house detective." God, he thought, this guy brings out the formal in me. I'll be bowing at the waist any minute now and sticking a dainty pinky out whenever I drink my Scotch.

"Then you're not the police. Where are they? Shouldn't they be here by now?"

"Well, Detective Hunger is somewhere else in the apartment. I'm surprised you missed him on your way in. But you shouldn't really be here, sir. Crime scene and all. Why don't you say hello to Detective Hunger on your way out? He'd like that, sir."

Worthy got the message and, without even a sweet goodbye, turned and left. Oh, well, Tag thought, that went smoothly. He then heard multiple voices coming from the other room.

The forensics team, it seemed, had arrived...

TWO DAYS LATER, and long after the body had been removed and forensics had crawled all over suite 912, taking every thing that wasn't nailed down with them, including her PC, Detective Hunger paid Tag another visit.

After some chit-chat, Hunger said, "Tag, you should see the video tapes we took out of Wilde's place! Dozens of 'em, with people doing all kinds of nasty stuff on them. And sweet little Wendy is on every one. Au naturel, to be sure." He laughed as he added, "And they're all labeled, ha ha ha, research!"

Tag chuckled, and then said, "Research, huh? Well, Jack, I guess some writers take their work extra seriously." He laughed.

"So do we cops, Tag. Hell, I've had to force myself to sit through at least, ha ha ha, a half dozen of 'em so far. Taking copious notes, too, mind you." He grinned at Tag.

"I'll just bet! And with a very hard pencil, no doubt!" He chuckled.

"The hardest! Well, at least for the first twenty minutes of note taking. Then I have to drag it into the John to put a new point on it!" They both laughed, heartily, with Tag rapping the edge of his desk with an open hand several times.

Then Hunger said, "Say, Tag, how's about I send you over a handful of 'em? Pardon the pun. That is, if you can find a decent pencil in that mess you call a desk."

"Great, Jack, I'd like that. And, you know, since I became the house dick around here, I haven't had to sharpen my own pencil in a while, so it'll be a nice change of pace. It'll take me back to my roots... pun intended." He chuckled.

Hunger grinned, then said, "Yeah, I guess as house dick, it wouldn't surprise me to know you have a pencil sharpener on every floor... even the penthouses, eh?" He was fishing for information of the prurient kind, but Tag got cagey on him.

"Well, detective, I ain't sayin' anything more without my lawyer present, but as you yourself well know, what the fuck good is a pencil with a dull tip?"

The boys laughed it up a bit before Hunger took his leave, promising the films would be sent tomorrow and, this afternoon, some books and notes Wilde had made.

"Look her books and notes over, Tag, and see what you make of 'em. Maybe you'll spot something this harried old copper misses. Never know." He left Tag's office and Tag could hear him stopping by Lucy's desk.

Through the open door, Tag couldn't see them, but he heard Hunger say to Lucy, with a laugh in his voice, "Does that slave driver boss of yours make you sharpen his pencil?" If he only knew, Tag thought. Then again, Hunger is a good detective.

"Huh?" Tag heard Lucy say, then quickly add, "Oh, I getcha! For your information, Detective Hunger, Mr. Boneher-all-the-time needs lotsa pencil sharpening. He's a diligent note taker, don'tcha know?" She giggled. That Luce, thought Tag, smart as a whip.

Hunger said, "I know, Ma'am, and it takes one to know one!" He then went out the front door, laughing loudly on his exit.

"Luce?" Tag hollered out. "Could you come in her a sec? And bring your best sharpener with you, would you, please?"

He heard her yell back, "Be right in, slave driver boss... just gonna lock the front door first and turn on the answering machine... "

AS LUCY ENTERED, she saw Tag was naked from the waste down, his semi-hard penis in evidence. This signaled he was either in the mood for a blowjob or a quick doggy style. The choice, she knew, was all hers. Tag, that darling, was easy that way.

"Well, Mr. Boneher-in-the-office, is that a pencil in your hand or are you just glad to see me?" She giggled. As she approached him, he said, "Both!"

She reached out and gave his pencil a squeeze. "My, my, my, you've got one big pencil there, sir." She looked at him. "Why don't I just put my sharpener at your disposal and you can stick that big, old pencil right in and get a good tip on it?"

"Mmmm," he said. "Sounds like a plan to me." She assumed her familiar position.

Bent over the desk, as she was, Lucy got playful from the getgo. Right after Tag had pushed his throbbing cock into her just an inch or so, letting it soak, she said, "Rrrrrrrrrrrr! Rrrrrrrrrrrr! Rrrrrrrrrrrr!" It was her imitation of a pencil sharpener. It sounded a mite hoarse and guttural, raspy even. Tag played right back at her.

"Sounds like it needs a little oil, Luce!" He chuckled.

"Just you wait, Mr. Boneher-from-behind, it'll soon be awash in oil and purring like a kitten!" She giggled girlishly. Then she rotated her hips a bit.

"I hope so!" Tag said. "Wouldn't want the tip chewed up now, would we?" He plunged to the base into her, pulled back and did it a few more times. Then he heard her say:

"Purrrrrrrr! Purrrrrrrr! Purrrrrrrr!" She rotated her ass with each purrrrrrrr, making small and sensuous, clockwise circles.

"Oooh!" Tag said as he plunged to the hilt once more. "That's one fine fucking pencil sharpener you have there, lady!" He moaned hoarsely. Then he plunged deeply in and out a dozen more times or so, her pencil sharpener rotating all the while.

With a firm grip on both her hips, he jackhammer fucked her. Small groans, deliberately toned down in decibels, came out of her. Although a room separated them from the outer front door, they both knew it was best not to take the chance of being heard. Then Tag slowed it down and finally stopped altogether, his cock half in and half out.

He watched, fascinated, as her pussy lips chewed their way along the cock shaft toward its base. It reminded him of a hairy mouth. She moved herself back and forth this way for a few hearty nibbles and, sensing he wasn't moving at all, said, "Just like a man, a fucking man at that, let momma do all the heavy work!"

"Ha ha!" he said as he helped momma out by pushing it all the way in, his groin slapping into her fleshy buttocks, and then all the way out. He was back to work.

"Ooh, daddy, I'm glad I woke you!" Lucy spit out breathlessly. They continued this way for a dozen or more eight hunka-dunka-inch-deep plunges by him.

As Tag signaled with a low, male-like groan, that he was about to cum, Lucy said, "Purrrrrrrr! Purrrrrrrr!" Then, "Rrrrrrrrrrrr! Rrrrrrrrrrrr! Oh, oh, Mr. Boneher-fiercely, she's cummin' up dry! More oil! Use your squirt can on her!" Tag obliged. Suppressing the urge to laugh, he squirted and came. And squirted some more.

Lucy said, "Purrrrrrrr! Purrrrrrrr! Purrrrrrrr!" He then collapsed onto her back, his head near hers, and placed kisses all over the nape of her neck. Lucy twisted her head around and kissed him on the lips. A long, wet, tongue-flashing kiss.

As they broke from the kiss, Tag whispered into her right ear, "I love you, Lucy Fern!" He kissed her neck again. And once more.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you always say that right after your pencil's outta lead!"

Was she being funny or was she being sarcastic? Either way, Tag stood up and said softly "Turn around, sweetheart." She complied, standing and facing him. He looked into her eyes. "You're right, Luce, sorry." He took her into his arms and kissed her again. This kiss seemed for real, just like the ones longtime lovers always use.

After a seemingly long interval, they broke from the kiss, her hands still around his neck, his hands resting lightly on her hips. She looked at him, a small grin on her face.

"Geez, Taggie, don't go gettin' all mushy on me. OK? I was just funnin' ya."

"All the same, I think it'd be nice having a little upfront, foreplay mushy. And, for some strange, unexplainable reason, way beyond the comprehension of most mere mortals, I like saying the words to you, Luce. Love ya, love ya, love ya. So there!"

She kissed him quickly on the lips, pressed a hand to the left side of his chest and said, "Holy shit, Mr. Boneher-oh-so-mushy, I do believe your heart's plumb stopped!"

He shammed a scowl at her. "Get your ass out of here, crazy woman, and scream out any appointments I have for this afternoon. OK?"

She saluted him. "You got it, slave driver boss. And zip up, wouldya? Your pencil's hangin' out... again!" She briskly headed toward the door. Without turning, she added, "And it's oozing lead... again!"

He looked down. Sure enough, it was slightly tip-soaked. He took a tissue and wiped if off. As he headed toward his private bathroom to give it a proper wash up, he yelled out to her, "Thanks, Luce, I might have scared my next appointment!"

Lucy mumbled something that he didn't quite catch, but it had a snide and sarcastic tone to it...

DETECTIVE HUNGER walked right into Tag's inner office. It was late afternoon. Tag looked up at him. The detective had four large, manila envelopes clutched in his hands.

"You're unguarded, Tag, your gal Friday is AWOL." He sounded disappointed.

"Lucy's at the hotel salon getting her nails done or something. What's up?"

"Brought you all of Wilde's printed books and some of her random notes... as promised." Tag nodded as Hunger dropped the envelopes onto the desk.

"Tag, old bean, these'll really teach you a few new wrinkles. They did me!"

"Hot stuff, huh?"

"Hot? Shit, pardon my French, Tag, but she could prove to Satan that he didn't know squat one about the heat thing! Wear asbestos gloves, OK?"

"Geez, Jack, you're scaring me!" He threw his hands up and shammed a scared look.

"For your own good, son. Now, Tag, I gotta be off, but tell me something, if you don't mind, that is, is your gal Friday seeing anybody special?" Ho ho, thought Tag.

"Oops, I forgot to introduce you two the other day. Sorry. Her name is Lucy, Lucy Fern. And, far as I know, she's not hooked up with any one... special. If you're interested, and I assume you are, she loves Italian food and French. Food, that is!" He laughed.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I asked her out? I thought you and... "

"Nah, we're strictly business, the two of us. Go for it, Jack." Tag felt like a matchmaker, but he also felt he had no right not to give Lucy the opportunity to say yes or no to a guy. He didn't own her, after all. And he had shared her on more than one occasion in the recent past, could still be sharing right now, for all he knew.

"Thanks, Tag. Well, enjoy your reading." He turned and headed toward the door. As he passed Lucy's desk, Tag heard him yell out, "And don't forget the gloves!"

At the front door, Hunger yelled out again, "They're for handling the paper, Tag, not your pecker!" Tag heard Hunger laugh as he went through the door.

Tag looked at the pile of manila envelopes before him. He started to open the top one when he remembered. He was taking Lucy to dinner and then home to his bed.

Shit, he thought, these can wait for tomorrow...

TAG AND LUCY was sharing a bed. Tag's queen-size bed. They had just finished going at it like two hippos in heat and were watching Leno on the tube. They had the sound set down low, just in case either one had something to chat about. To them, the TV was just audible wallpaper. Both were sitting up, nude as babies, with piles of large, fluffy pillows behind their backs.

Tag looked over at her and said, "Hey, Luce! How's about I fix us a couple of our usual nightcaps?" Lucy, not taking her eyes from the TV screen, nodded. They had done this particular scenario many times in their relationship.

As Tag headed toward the door, Lucy turned the TV's sound up a notch. Leno was delivering a joke during his monologue:

"A doctor has come up with a new diet based on masturbation. He came up with the idea all by himself!" Leno paused to let the audience laugh. "I believe he calls it Weight Whackers!" The studio audience laughed again. Lucy giggled. She liked watching old Leno. His large chin reminded her of an adequate landing spot for pussy. An idea she had once shared with Tag, who whole-heartedly agreed with her.

Tag returned, carrying the drinks on a wooden tray. Lucy turned the sound back down. She told him the Leno funny and he chuckled a bit. He liked Leno, too, but maybe not as much. And the chin didn't do much for him, either.

He handed Lucy her drink, cleared his side of the bed of all the pillows and set down the wooden tray in their place. He pulled a side chair up to the bed, turned it to face the TV, and plopped his still naked ass down in it. All was comfy now. Just like married folk.

He grabbed his Scotch and soda from the tray, lifted it, and said, almost in a whisper, "Cheers, baby!" Lucy threw back, "My bottom's up!" Tag chuckled. They sipped.

Tag broke the short silence that followed. "Out of curiosity, Luce, you still tagging that Oliver guy? The one you said had the hairiest balls you'd ever laid eyes on?"

"Nah, he's history. I got me a new steady fuck. A real good one!" She smiled at him, looking very Cheshire cat-like.

"W-Who is he, Luce?" Shit, he thought, that came out a tad hoarse, nervous, and edgy. Just like a cuckold who's wife has just told him she's been doing one of his twenty pals.

"He lives in my building, on the same floor. You know him, you even met him a few times. Horace Viking. Ring a bell?" It rang a bell all right.

"Him? That guy? Christ, Luce, he's an outright dweeb! A Dweeb Hall of Famer!" Horace sure was, if any one was, but Tag now felt he had been a tad jealous sounding.

Lucy shammed huffy. "Horace is not a dweeb, Taggie! Nerdy, I'll give you, but he's no dweeb when it comes to fucking away! He's hung like a horse and he knows how to use it, too. So there, nosy ass!" She sniffed and took a sip of her gin and tonic.

"Lives up to his last name, eh?" She nodded, grinning. He added, "Minus the horned helmet, I hope!"

She nodded again, and then said, "Well, he's sure horny, in both heads, but neither one wears a helmet. Then again, his cock head is sorta shaped like one. The kind the firemen wear. Ha ha!"

Tag's curiosity took a prurient turn. "How big is the horse part of horny Horace, your Viking man?" She held up an arm. Tag said, "Your fist, wrist, or forearm?" He chuckled.

"Wrist, silly, although I wouldn't complain if his cock's head was either of the other two. But it's also long. Soooooo long! It goes from here," she pointed to her wrist, "to here!" She pointed to the crook in her elbow. She now chuckled. Tag wasn't done exploring the sex path just yet.

"Geez, Luce, that's about a foot long and two fucking inches wide! Horace sure is a fucking Viking, a superman fucking Viking, at that!" He exhaled loudly. Lucy started getting into the spirit of it all.

"He knows how to use it, too. Makes me cum oodles. In puddles. He's also very gentle and loving, just the way you pretend to be now and again." She shot him a quick scowly glance. "And he lets me do my slow, sensual suck and finger, too. Just like you," she paused for effect, "always do." Tag shammed a grimace.

"Geezy peezy, sweetheart, I'm getting envious of your Viking."

"Relax, schmucko, you're both great, but in different ways. You're very manly compared to Horace, shit, way more virile, too. And I love that. But he's more needy than you are, that's needy, not nerdy, and I like that because he makes me feel like an adored queen. And, as I said, he let's me do my suck and finger routine on him, and he really appreciates it, if you can picture that?" Oh, Tag could picture it, all right.

Tag knew what she meant by her slow, sensual suck and finger routine. Lucy didn't just suck a cock, she made love to it. Slow and easy. Moaning throughout. As if she was worshipping the dick. In love with it. While she masturbated herself. Suck and finger.

Tag would lay back, his hands behind his head, and watch her, totally rapt and mesmerized. Her delicate right hand would be wrapped around his cock shaft's base, her palm pressing into and cupping his balls. Her other hand would be somewhere down in her nether regions, fingering away.

With the cock head in her mouth, she'd go up and down on it, slowly, so sensuously, so deliberately, so deliciously feeling. Her tongue would slowly, and oh, so sensuously, trace out his cock's underside. Exploring him, tasting him, enjoying him. While constantly moaning.

Here and there, as the mood struck her, she would deep-throat him. Staying down on it for a minute or so, her nose and lips buried in his pubic hairs, she would moan constantly, a low moaning, the kind of moaning that only comes from one receiving great pleasure. And Tag would moan, softly, right along with her.

Tag always felt as if he was the recipient of one of the world's great and secret gifts. If a noise from the real world should happen to intrude, a car horn, a loud voice, he would always think: Millions of guys are out there getting blown right now, but not one of them has ever had anything like this. Or ever will.

Sometimes, Tag would be super tired, or all fucked out from a recent fuck session with her, so he would just lie there, his hands resting lightly on her shoulders, or behind his head, and let her do her suck and finger thing.

He knew that if he should lose his erection, or even fall asleep, she would still be gently sucking on him, enjoying herself. He liked that idea. It removed all performance pressure and made it all the more uncomplicated. Uncompetitive, even.

And Lucy had taught him something, too. He no longer just ate pussy, he made love to it. With his tongue, his lips, his chin, even his nose. And he let himself go with the flow, moaning the way she did, enjoying it, falling into it, being hypnotized by it. It made their sixty-nining unbelievably unselfish and trance-like. Even their moans were in sync, rhythmic even.

Same as 2: Tag Bonewell: The Murder of Wendy Wilde! Videos

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Fucking the Mother in law Wendy again

The Mother in Law...Again?"Shit," I thought to myself as I lay on the couch watching TV. What a crazy last few days it had been. I needed to get some sleep, but my mind was racing, and thinking about what had happened earlier in the night. I had fucked my mother-in-law, Wendy, and it was so damn hot. She was one of the best fucks that I had ever had. Certainly better than Arielle, my wife had been in years, which made me wonder if I could get more of that pussy. As I lay on the couch, I was...

2 years ago
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Wendy The Lost Boy

"I'm sorry, Wendell," the doctor shook her head as she closed the file folder, "I just don't see any reason to continue this course of therapy. I guess we just missed our opportunity by a few years. If you'd been younger, then maybe things would have worked out differently. But as things stand, there is just no point to continuing. There's nothing physically 'wrong' with you, you're just very small. Sometimes we just have to play the hand we're dealt, Wendell, and live the best life that...

4 years ago
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Realtor Wendy

Realtor WendyWendy knew what she was doing, she had a craving to meet up with young guys, especially young black guys with their rampant sex drive and as she had found more often than not were blessed with big black cocks. Wendy had known for a long time that her husband wouldn't be able to satisfy her sexual desires and cravings.Wendy had managed to find a style which suited her perfectly as the woman who craved sexual encounters with young men. Most days she would wear a tight fitting vest...

4 years ago
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Wendy and Miss West II

It was exactly 7 pm as Wendy knocked on the door to Miss West’s office. This was her second evening at her new place of employment. She was being paid extremely well by a posh woman to allow her to use her as she pleased. Wendy didn’t consider herself to be attracted to other women but if this intelligent pretty lady wanted to look at or even touch her naked body then, as long as nobody found out, that was just fine by Wendy as long as she received her money. And what’s more, on her...

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Wendy and Clair The New Gurl

Wendy and Clair - The New Gurl Following our memorable night together (see Wendy and Clair, Parts I- III), Wendy and I went back to our usual webchats most evenings. I needed some time to process my feelings about having Wendy force me to reveal and act out my darkest desires before we got together in person again. And I was still sore in many inconvenient places. I couldn't take such vigorous meetings on a frequent basis, that's for sure! Some days it felt that I still squished as I...

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Part 1 Please note this is a continuation of my little Hitchhiker, but starts off slow - very slow, the first few chapters are setting the scene. I arrived at work that Monday to uproar. People were rushing around like headless chickens! I got to my cubical and noticed that Bob's door - my door is always open! - Was firmly closed and the blinds drawn. I looked to my co-worker, Adam, and mouthed 'What's going on?' He looked at me, "Head office! That is what! Somebody's put a bee up...

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Cassie and Wendy Find a Maid

Cassie and Wendy Find a Maid Author's Note: I decided Cassie and Wendy (from Meteor Strike) needed more than their brief appearance in that story. Seemed like I could make several people happy with this! I hope you enjoy it. Cassie woke up Saturday morning feeling a bit depressed. She had spent the previous night trawling the bars looking for someone to bring home for some sexual calisthenics but nobody that she found interesting enough was available, and the ones that were available...

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Wendy-SlutWendy has been feeling much more confident of late. The more Wendy focuses on keeping herself fit and looking good the more attention she has been receiving from young men especially. Wendy has settled into a routine where she has a shower each morning, making sure that she is clean shaven and welcoming for any chance encounters that might present themselves. Wendy has developed a wish list on a website where her admirers can send her gifts. It is a thrill for her, being the object of...

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Wendy has been feeling much more confident of late. The more Wendy focuses on keeping herself fit and looking good the more attention she has been receiving from young men especially. Wendy has settled into a routine where she has a shower each morning, making sure that she is clean shaven and welcoming for any chance encounters that might present themselves. Wendy has developed a wish list on a website where her admirers can send her gifts. It is a thrill for her, being the object of their...

1 year ago
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Wendy Part 1

When I had my first sexual experience, I fell in love. A love than spanned several years, but finally died a deserved death.I moved off to the gulf coast to start my first carreer. In this job I would spend several months at sea every year. It made for a tough love life. I'd dated a few young women but nothing serieously.I met Nan on a sea cruise. We were both about the same age, 27. I'm a "standard" guy about 5 ft 9 in and about 135 lbs. She worked in my office in a differnt group. She an I...

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Wendy8217s FuckWeekend 2

The next day, Wendy went into one of the empty study lounges in the dorm to read up in her psychology textbook. But she couldn’t stop thinking about Dan’s huge cock, and almost unconsciously slid her hand down inside her sweatpants and started to absentmindedly frig herself. When Jim came into the lounge (for what exact reason Wendy never did find out) she didn’t stop, but kept right on rubbing her pussy. “Here, Wen,” Jim said to her as he sat down on the couch...

2 years ago
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Wendy the cheating black cock loving slut

Wendy has been managing to put in one extra session at the gym each week for some time now. She was beginning to notice how toned that she looked and how well defined her legs were, especially when she wore any kind of heel. The extra sessions had been on different days and times than Wendy's normal routine and deeper had experienced how quiet the gym could be at times, or there were times that she could feel all the eyes on her, undressing her as she revelled in the attention. Wendy had become...

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### DN-328 ###Wife Gone WildBy Marvin CoxFOREWORD"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." So wrote American poet and essayist Henry David Thoreau in the Nineteenth Century. This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today, considering the pressures and frequent monotony of modern society.The majority of today's men and women live in an overcrowded, competitive, noisy world. Most are put into slots and walk on a treadmill-going to...

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Wendy Gets Seduced By Her Friend

Wendy has been wandering around in somewhat of a sexual fueled daze for a few weeks now. She’d had a very liberating experience with a truck driver named Sam. He had offered her a bed in his truck when her car had broken down at the diner where she worked. She had gotten stuck by a snow storm, all by herself in the diner with no heat. To repay Sam, she was going to sleep with him, but instead of simply having sex, her eyes were opened to a new experience. After realizing she was leaking breast...

4 years ago
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Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla Part two

Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla Part twoThe phone rang. It was 3 AM on Thursday. The boy awoke and fumbled around for it. It was someplace under his hoodie by his desk. He found it and answered it, half rolling away from his sleeping roommate in his bunk so as not to wake him. "Mmnnn Hello?" "Hello Vic! How is my nice hunk of Vanilla dick?" It was Wendy. She was horny, excited, and on the phone. "I'm good," he said trying to keep his voice down, "what are you doing? It’s a little after...

2 years ago
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Awakening Wendy

WendyHot Wife, Wife Sharing, Flashing, Multiple Partners, Cream Pie, Young and Old Wendy had been in a depression for months. It hit her hard that she was turning 50. In an effort to pick her up, Adam took her to Vegas for her birthday. She had fought the idea but gave in. The first day there, she complained and that night Adam told her that the “age” she felt was only in her mind. The next morning, she woke to find that Adam had planned a day just for her at a Spa. She was getting an all day...

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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part Two

Wendy walked over to where Jessica White was still holding onto her sobbing niece’s wrists and laid the small leather spanking paddle down, smiling as she picked up her large, wooden spanking paddle with the eight round holes in it that ran down its length in two rows of four. She held it up and made sure that Peter got a good look at it before she returned to where he was standing, still in shock at spanking Tina. The dark-blonde-haired French Mistress leaned over and kissed him softly on the...

1 year ago
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Flirty Wendy

I’m fairly certain my wife is not cheating on me. I mean, I’m pretty sure she’s not . . . ************************** My wife, Wendy, has always been the flirty type. In fact, her flirty ways are what initially attracted me to her. That, and her incredible beauty and infectious charm. Wendy is one of those women who is ultra ladylike and enjoys such an attractive and easy personality that she instantly invites a lot of attention–from both men and women. Wendy flirts, but that’s it. My...

3 years ago
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Flirty Wendy

I'm fairly certain my wife is not cheating on me. I mean, I'm pretty sure she's not . . .**************************My wife, Wendy, has always been the flirty type. In fact, her flirty ways are what initially attracted me to her. That, and her incredible beauty and infectious charm.Wendy is one of those women who is ultra ladylike and enjoys such an attractive and easy personality that she instantly invites a lot of attention--from both men and women.Wendy flirts, but that's it. My friends,...

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Auntie Wendy Makes Peter Punish Tina Part One

Several months had passed since Peter had been punished by Auntie Wendy and her friends, Sylvia Davies and Natalie Bolton. She had wanted to punish him again soon after he had recovered from the hiding that he had taken from the ladies, but this had to be postponed indefinitely as her husband had stayed at home rather than heading abroad again to play golf, or meet his fancy woman, or whatever he did during his months away. However, he had finally left for ten weeks that Monday morning and Mrs....

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Wendy After the Gym

Wendy After the GymWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young...

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Wendy Sara and Ann Part 3 FMF

"Oh god darling, at little deeper pleasssse.""How's this!" as I thurst all the way into Wendy tight pussy. I was holding out to tease her."OOOOOOh, yessssss, nnnnnninnnng" As Wendy's hips jerk off the sheets with the force of her orgasm. Her pussy is pulsing all over my cock and I can hold back no longer as my cum streams into Wendy's cunt.I roll her legs back so I can get maxiumu penetration into Wendy's hot vagina. My erection is starting to build again as Wendy toys with my ass hole. I'm...

3 years ago
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Fiction Wendy reveals her slutty past

When we were exploring sex I had thought that me who was leading the way or was I being played all along?We had a healthy interest in sex as all new couples do. We both enjoyed giving oral and of course receiving, although it wasn't as frequent as I would have liked. Wendy kept her pussy trimmed and had let it grow out a little over time. I mentioned to Wendy that I missed giving her oral and she asked what was stopping me. It was much nicer when she had trimmed fully due to the unintentional...

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Wendys Adventures

At the LakeI have never told this, or any other, story about my wife, as she is entitled to privacy. But with this being an anonymous story board, I thought I would tell a few of her escapades.My wife's name is Wendy. A cute name for a cute girl.We met when she was a senior in college and doing an internship in my office. I had a girlfriend at the time, and although Wendy and I were attracted to each other, we didn't go out together, except for lunch a time or two a week. Usually, the other...

1 year ago
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Wendy and Miss West

She picked up the paper first thing on Tuesday morning, as she had done for the previous 6 weeks hoping to find the right job. She searched the ads quickly and the only job offering flexible working hours was as an assistant to a manager just out of town. The ad wasn’t very uninformative. There were no clues as to what the company did or what her role would be. But the hours and rates of pay looked good so she gave the number a call. “Hello, Pam West speaking.” A well spoken lady...

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Realtor Wendy

Wendy knew what she was doing, she had a craving to meet up with young guys, especially young black guys with their rampant sex drive and as she had found more often than not were blessed with big black cocks. Wendy had known for a long time that her husband wouldn’t be able to satisfy her sexual desires and cravings. Wendy had managed to find a style which suited her perfectly as the woman who craved sexual encounters with young men. Most days she would wear a tight fitting vest top, no bra...

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In the summer of 1991 I had just gotten out of the army and returned home to Atlanta with the intention of getting my engineering degree at Georgia Tech. I had spent a year in school there before I went into the service and now all I wanted to do was get back to school and finish what I had started, so I enrolled in summer classes that June. I had two goals that summer. The first was to get back into student mode as quickly as possible and the second was to get laid as often as possible. As it...

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Guidance Counselor Wendy

Guidance Counselor WendyWritten by Izuzu with input from me WendyWendy is a mid-50s auburn-haired bombshell with short hair that works as a college guidance counselor. She counsels first-year students on what classes they need for different majors. She likes her job and gets along with all of her co-workers. However, interacting with young college students is her favorite part of the job.Wendy is married at home with a husband. Wendy's friends and family believe that she is a faithful wife to...

4 years ago
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Wendy is given the perfect solution for her sexual

Wendy is English and comes from Edwalton in Nottingham and is 41 years old. She’s been married to Richard for 22 years They met at college and they have just the one boy who is now 21 and living away with his girlfriend in the USA.Her husband Richard (known as Dicko to his pals) is the same age but has, of late, become a real lad going out drinking and her sex-life with him has been virtually non-existent for quite a while except for drunken fumbles when he gets home from the club. To say the...

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Wendy is given the perfect solution for her sexual

Wendy is English and comes from Edwalton in Nottingham and is 41 years old. She’s been married to Richard for 22 years They met at college and they have just the one boy who is now 21 and living away with his girlfriend in the USA.Her husband Richard (known as Dicko to his pals) is the same age but has, of late, become a real lad going out drinking and her sex-life with him has been virtually non-existent for quite a while except for drunken fumbles when he gets home from the club. To say the...

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Part 3 I sat in the room with my daughter. I was crying . . . she was crying and neither of us could speak, just holding on to each other. Finally, I felt Wendy starting to pull away from me, I could not stop her - not after all she had been through, I opened my arms. "Why . . . why didn't you try to get me back?" Wendy asked me, "Why did you let me stay there with HIM?" I shook my head, "I did try Wendy, but you and your mother just vanished, I tried everywhere to find you, but...

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WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes, you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all,...

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WENDY NIGHTINGALE.???“Wendy's a nice girl.........................” That's what everyone always said. She was the sort of person you liked as soon as you saw her, and so bright and intelligent. Plump, 5'6” and so, so pretty. With the most vivid green eyes you ever saw. She wore glasses and had the most stunning breasts ever. When she moved to our area on her 50th birthday she always had a smile on her face, and no-one ever saw her husband, so she could be a widow, or divorced...... After all...

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Wendy Takes in Her Boarder

Wendy awoke just past 5 a.m. Kenneth lay spooned behind her an arm around her so that a hand cupped one breast. Wendy wore nothing and luxuriated in the warm expanse of Kenneth's body pressed against her. Reluctantly she pulled herself away and padded into the bathroom. She sat and peed. There was slight irritation of the extremely tender walls of her vagina. No surprise. He had made love to her into the night, first visiting each of her erogenous zones including ones she didn't know she had...

4 years ago
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Wendy Sara and Eve part 4

Sara must be sore and tired after her first anal sex and first lesbian sex."Doug I know it's late and we're both tired, but can you come in and talk about tonight?""Sure Sara.""Will you fuck Wendy Monday night?""Yes, is that OK with you?""God yes, I wish I could be there , Wendy is soooo sexy, but I have to work till 9.""Maybe you could join us after work.""I don't know besides I think I may need a night to recover from all the sex tonight!""You WERE the center of Wendy and my attentions...

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Wendy does community service

Wendy had been searching for something to fill her spare time and had volunteered to help a charity renovating homes in disadvantaged areas. The people she met at first were mainly organisers for various tradesmen that would be need to complete the projects and she shadowed a lady called Linda for her first couple of projects with Linda being the one to hand over the houses to their new occupants at first. As summer was in full swing Linda had planned to go away for a week or two which...

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Bound Wendy

Wendy squirms. I enjoy watching her squirm. She sits on her own settee in her own living room with bondage tape wound tightly around her ankles, calves and all the way up to her knees, where it meets a black pencil skirt. Her arms are behind her back, bondage tape wrapped tightly from wrists to elbows. More tape is wrapped around her torso, holding her arms in place and wound around a silky forest green, high neck top, forcing her ample bosom to bulge.I sit in an armchair opposite and watch her...

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HH10 Areeya Wendy and Ramon who becomes Ramona

HH10: Areeya, Wendy, and Ramon TG adult fiction by talltglover. If you are offended by men or women having sex with transgenders or hermaphrodites, or live in an area where such activity is illegal, or are too young to be reading adult erotica, please do not continue. This story is unlike most of my other fiction, which concerns men turning into women (conceptually) or hermaphrodites and having sex with other men. This story was written as a special request, and is about...

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Wendy-Don-TylerWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young man...

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Wheres Wendy Chat

Something Completely Different! It was supposed to be Brandy's Chat But it became: Where's Wendy??? On Sunday July 25, 1999 1PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal This was a Wendy moderated chat for Brandy, but Fictionmania was having problems again. Mindy was trying to fix her servers and rescue the log of the chat she held yesterday. (She did!) So I signed on to help Wendy out by starting the log for her. Well it became something else quickly! + Anne-Mal has arrived. + Mindy has...

2 years ago
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Wendy after the party

Introduction: Wendy did not expect this party This is what happened one night at a party. Wendy my wife is 35 weighs about 135 pounds and is 58 her tits are a D cup. We have been married for 15 years and have two kids but from the way here body looks it is hard to tell. She has always been very conservative about her dress and showing off her body. I had always wanted her to show off more and had even tried to get her to talk about it while we were having sex but she would always say she...

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Such a Drama Wendy And Friends Punish Peter Again Part One

My spankings at Mrs. Taylor’s house continued after I had left school. She had summoned me to her home every six to eight weeks or so during my time in the Sixth Form, most of the time with just her, sometimes with a special guest in attendance too. There had been a couple of occasions where Pauline Manson and Jane Wardell had joined Auntie Wendy to discipline me; my ex-Maths Mistress, Louise Walton had also popped over once again and, most interestingly for me, Rachel Lindley, the lesbian PE...

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Such a Drama Wendy and Friends Punish Peter Again Part Two

Auntie Wendy continued to hold me down over the table as I continued to cry and sob. She looked across at Natalie and Sylvia and nodded towards her crook-handled dragon cane that was lying next to me on the dining room table.“Ladies, why don’t you each give him at least six of the best with the cane and I’ll go and fetch some cream and plasters for his poor bottom,” she spoke softly as she got up and released the hold that she had on me.The tall, blonde-haired Natalie Bolton picked the cane up...

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Shy Sophie Episode I The Night with Wendy

It’s my first day of the creative writing course at college and I am sitting all by myself with nobody to talk to. Everybody is laughing, joking around and engaging with one another. Not me though, I am just too quiet and timid to join in any conversation. All my life I have been shy and to this day I am no different. I thought that college might just be the thing to gain confidence but I feel as anxious as ever. The door opens and this girls comes in and sits next to me. She says her name is...

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With Wendys Consent

As you recall, as I certainly do, and often, early April of my junior year at college was very...interesting. Dear, sweet Wendy, my gorgeous and sexy girlfriend, had vacationed cross-country with her parents, and I'd headed off to a speech convention, which turned into my first experience fucking another guy.No, really.Don't get me wrong, there is no way I'd leave Wendy for anyone else, regardless of their experience or sex. She is, for me, the ideal woman in so many ways. Happy, vivacious...

4 years ago
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Charles and WendyChapter 2

10th February 1990 "Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes", it was the same vicar that took the service for Margaret last year, with a lot of the same people stood round the grave. Mum's funeral. The second funeral in five months. Another empty space in my life. Dad took it badly. He and Mum had been married 36 years. Dad had known that Mum was ill, but not how ill. We found out that the breast cancer which had affected her early last year had spread and she had refused treatment because she...

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Wendy8217s erotic story

Ben is a very good friend of mine. We met in scouts when we were younger and became fast friends. As well as all the normal scouting trips, we also would get together during the summers whenever one of our moms was willing to give us a ride across town. Ben went to a private school so weekends and summers were the only times we really had to hang out. Wendy is Ben’s little sister. Wendy was always the cutest little kid. When I first met her she was maybe six years old, and she was always bubbly...

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Wendy not her first rodeo

Wendy not her first rodeo;It seems so normal for Wendy now, her husband is saying goodbye as he leaves for work, three weeks this time. Her ritual begins, a quick clean and tidy of the house, a shower to wash away any thoughts of who she pretended to be. Today she slipped on some heels and a little silkrobe. Wendy tied it tight, it felt great against her skin and came down to just about cover her pussy when she was standing. It was a fine morning and having breakfast in front of the open patio...

1 year ago
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Wendy And The Witch Doctor

© copyright 2002 by Stormbringer "There goes the neighborhood," said Wendy looking out the window. Stan looked up from his dinner. His six foot tall, buxom blonde wife was framed in the sunlight staring out the window. She could have joined the Swedish bikini team she was so beautiful and stacked, everyday he was reminded of how lucky he was and today with the sunlight shining on her was no exception. "What do you mean?" he asked. "It looks like the new neighbor's a black...

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WendyI was walking through the mall and I saw a woman I thought I had seen before, but could not place her. I kept going as I was shopping for stuff for the house. I was furnishing my basement with some furniture and carpeting. I stopped at the food court and she was eating a burger and fries and I normally eat at the same restaurant so I ordered and got my food. I was walking past her and she looked up at me and she said “I think I know you don't I?”I was trying to place her face and then it...

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Wendys Photo Shoot

***Nineteen-year-old Wendy wants to give her husband a sexy photo shoot for his Birthday. But things aren't as they appear.***This is the third story about my beautiful wife Wendy. The other two, Bachelor Party and Bachelor Part 2, have her submitting to different type of sexual games. This story precedes the other two and goes back to our early days as honeymooners. Let me first describe my beautiful wife, at the time of this story, she was 19 years old, 5'6", 108lbs, 34C and a natural redhead...

4 years ago
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Wendy and the Purple Potion

"Don't touch that!" I shouted, running toward her as fast as I could. Thankfully, it's a very tiny room, and I was beside her in a second or two. She immediately put her hands at her sides and turned to face me wearing a very guilty expression. "I wasn't going to touch anything. Matt," she lied brazenly. I simply shook my head. Wendy was a clever woman. When it came to mathematics, no one could touch her. But the woman couldn't lie to save her life. "Well, the vial you weren't...

1 year ago
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Test Driving Wendy Part Two

Returning to the living room, I saw that Mel and Sue were sharing one sofa while Steve was on another, so I distributed the beers and seated myself between the two girls. I was rewarded by my wife snuggling up to my right side and Sue snuggling into my left. We all relaxed with our beers and watched Jake do Wendy.Wendy was on her knees in the centre of the area with Jake kneeling upright in front of her feeding her his cock. She was gobbling with great relish and rubbing his balls at the same...

Group Sex
7 months ago
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Aunt Wendy

Wendy cheated was with an 18-year-old young black student. Aunt Wendy was a cougar. Wendy accepted this well before the first time she crossed the line and had sex outside her marriage. She preferred a young man’s hardness, stamina and vitality to her husband. Her husband has no idea that she has been fucking younger men. Wendy’s husband is a good father, provider and companion when he is actually present. Yet he was lacking as a lover. Her sex life had become became ordinary and unsatisfying....

7 months ago
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Wendy K The New Semester

Wendy secretly developed a liking for young men. She initially expressed her desire with “innocent” flirting. Next, she intentionally began wearing low-cut blouses and short skirts during her counseling sessions The new semester was just underway and Wendy felt like being naughty. Wendy K is an attractive, married white female in her Mid-50s. She’s 5’6”, 129 lbs., with brown eyes and short auburn hair. She’s a retired college guidance counselor. She and her husband live...

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Wendy college guidance counselor

Wendy is a married college guidance counselor. This is the story of how Wendy gives extra care and guidance to special students. Based on real events.Wendy was thinking about sex as she held a pen between her lips and nibbled on the end. Her marital sex life had become infrequent and passionless. She was in her mid 40’s, 5'6" 129 lbs, 34c-29-35, brown eyes, auburn hair cut short and took good care of herself. Wendy worked out hard for her body. She kept her pussy trimmed and does kegel...

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