Aaron & Chiquita free porn video

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Chiquita and Aaron are in the forest, looking at the sky. They are lying on the ground, staring at the moon and the stars. They secretly love each other. They’ve always lived like best friends, sometimes enemies, but mainly friends. They never told each other how they really felt about each other. They are left stranded on this island since they were eight years old.

‘What do you think it’s like to be the moon and stars?’ Chiquita asks.

Aaron smiles, ‘I don’t know. To provide light to the Earth at night must really be something.’

‘What about the sun?’

He sighs, ‘Too bright.’

‘Sometimes I wish I were the sun.’


‘I don’t know. The idea of providing heat when people are cold sounds very kind.’

‘You and your ideas again’, Aaron chuckles.

‘I’m serious.’

‘Go on, be a story teller’, he teases.

‘Stop teasing me.’

‘What’s the story going to be tonight?’

‘.. What if the sun and moon were lovers?’


‘What if they shared the same skies, and they both got mad at each other, and decided to separate?’

Aaron laughs, ‘Go on..’

‘They both remember each other, even though they have their own lovers. The sun has her sky, and the moon has the stars.’

‘Very creative.. Never thought of it like that.’

‘Aaron you have to use your imagination sometimes.’

He says nothing.

‘How do you think the moon feels about the sun?’

‘From the way you put it he must really love her.’

‘How do you think the sun feels about the moon?’

‘You ask so many questions’, he says lazily.


There is a pregnant pause, and everything around them seem so still.



‘What do you think sex feels like?’

‘I don’t know, from the pictures we saw it must feel good.’

‘Have you ever thought about doing it?’


He rises up above her, and kisses her.

‘You didn’t pull away this time’, he says.

‘Last time I wasn’t ready.’

He kisses her again, and puts his hand above her breast to feel her heart beat, ‘Your heart is beating so fast.’

‘Yours is too’, she feels his chest.

They kiss more deeply and he kisses her neck, sucks. She gasps.

‘Let’s go back to the cabin’, he says.


They hold hands and walk back toward their cabin. They go inside and they kiss some more, holding each other.

‘Can I take those off?’ Aaron asks..

‘Yes’ Chiquita answers, he unties her bra and slowly slides down her panties, slowly kissing her thighs, stomach, and neck as he rises back up. She is completely naked.

‘Now you’

He slides down his loin cloth, and he too is completely naked.

‘Your so beautiful’, Aaron tells her.

‘You are too’

‘Let’s join the bed’, he says. She gets in first, then he gets on top of her and they kiss. He is not inside of her yet.

‘Your not going to get inside of me?’ She asks.

‘I want to pleasure you first’ came his answer. He made slow love to her, kissed her from her head to her toes, from her toes to her breasts, from her breasts to her lips. She responded with moans and pleasure. He puts a finger inside of her, and she gasps.


‘Did I hurt you?’

‘No, just caught my surprise, keep going’, he lightly fingers her, then under her command goes a little bit faster, then he rubs her, and she is completely wet. He goes down on her, licks and sucks, kisses and sticks his tongue inside.

‘OHHHHHHHHHHHH’ she moans. He is working his tongue inside of her, spreads her lips with his fingers, and eats her out more. She wriths her hips in enjoyment. When he is done he sucks on her breasts. They kiss, he kisses her neck while she kisses his ear and puts her tongue in it. When they are done kissing, they stare at each other and he slowly gets on top of her again.

‘Are you ready now?’

‘Yeah’ she answers

They kiss again, and he puts it inside of her. She moans very loud, ‘OH..AHHHHH… AHHHHH’

He waits, then goes deeper.

‘It hurts but feels good..’ she whispers in ecstasy, ‘Are we doing it right?’

‘Yeah, it feels right’

‘Ahhh.. Go deeper… it feels good’

He goes in deeper and she moans even louder, frowns and bites her lip. First she feels pain, and the more they continue, she begins to feel pleasure, then a satisfied smile appears on her face. She is hot and taking, warm and giving, all at the same time. Their bodies move together in the same pace.

The episode continues for 45 minutes, and they climax together. They both scream, and Chiquita’s warm liquid ooze out, then Aaron yells louder and frowns, he turns red, and his liquid in turn comes out. They are catching their breath, and they kiss again and lay down.

‘Aaron.. What was that stuff that came out of your thing?’

‘I don’t know, a love liquid I guess. How do you feel?’

‘I feel.. Soo good.. That felt really good…’

‘It was.. I want to try it again’

‘Me too, I have to catch my breath first’

He kisses her cheek as she catches her breath, her breasts rising then falling. He glides a hand over her breasts, ‘They look even better without your bra on’

She playfully slaps his hand away, ‘Be quiet. Your thing looks better without the loin cloth on’

‘Shut up’

She laughs, and kisses him on the cheek

‘I’ve seen you naked before’

‘No you haven’t’

‘I have. A while ago, when you were in the river bathing, I saw you’

‘What did you see?’

‘Just your back area, the two cheeks’

‘Don’t say that’


‘I’m embarrassed..’

‘Don’t be embarrassed babe, they were cute.. Your whole bum area was. I watched for a while, and you almost saw me’

‘.. I saw you naked too’


‘I did’


‘I heard noises one night. I went to check on you to see if you were all right, and I saw you yelling, playing with it, it was the biggest thing I ever saw’

He says nothing

‘Why did it look so big then it gets so small?’

He shrugs, ‘I don’t know. I guess when its not in use, there’s no need for it to be big’


‘Did it seriously hurt?’

‘Yeah it did’

‘Sorry if I hurt you’

‘It’s not your fault, it felt good though, very good’

‘Let’s do it again, I’m ready when you are’

She smiles, ‘Okay’


Chiquita is eating a banana, reading a book.

‘What are you reading?’

‘I’m looking at these pictures’ she answers.

‘Let me see’ he gets closer and looks at the pictures. It’s a human anatomy book, ‘Your holding it upside down’.

She turns it upside up, ‘Very strange’.

‘Her breasts are big’, Aaron says with awe

‘Their not that big’.

‘Bigger than yours’, he throws in.

‘I hate when you get like that, you’re so mean’.

‘Sorry, I cant help it. So.. When do you want to do it again?’

‘Again?! We went three times last night!’


‘Don’t you get tired?’

‘.. no’.

‘Is that all you care about?’

‘I care about you’.

‘It doesn’t seem that way, it seems like all you care about is what we did’.

‘I care about that too’.

She tosses the book on the floor and leaves him alone in the room. He follows her.

‘Chiquita, wait!’ He catches up to her and stops her, she turns around and folds her arms.

‘I’m sorry if I offended you, you know I care about you’.

‘Yeah.. It just scares me.. You remind me of Meeko sometimes

‘Are you comparing me to a monkey?’


‘That’s kind of cruel don’t you think?’

‘You remind me of an animal sometimes. I guess it’s in a mans nature to act like you’.

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘.. nothing’.

‘You’re sensitive. I suppose it’s in a woman’s nature to be soft’.

‘Being soft is better than being hard’.

He smiles in a naughty way. She catches on to what he is thinking and playfully slaps him. ‘You’re dirty!’

‘Don’t hit me again’.

‘I was only playing’.

‘I know that, but don’t hit me again’.

‘Or what?’

‘I’ll hit you back. Men are stronger than women’.

‘Not all of them, some of them are weak’.

‘Are you calling me weak?’

‘What if I am?’

‘You weren’t saying that last night’.

She walks away angry. They don’t talk to each other all day. They ignore each other. Finally Chiquita breaks out of her shell and tries talking to Aaron.

‘Can you get some firewood?’

‘Oh, you’re talking to me?’

‘Stop being like that Aaron, I’m hungry’.

‘Eat more bananas’.

‘You’re so cruel’.

‘Get your own firewood’.

‘It’s dark out there, I’m scared’.

He sighs, and takes out the firewood, ‘I picked out a lot of them’, He gives it to her.

‘Aren’t you going to say anything else?’

He sits back down, ‘Nope’.

She walks away and prepares a stew. She hands him his bowl of stew.

‘Thanks’, he takes it and puts it away.

‘Aren’t you going to eat it?’

‘Later’, He replies dryly.


She lies down, because her stomach hurts a little bit. She calls out to Aaron from the other side of the cabin. He doesn’t answer, she calls him again.

‘You okay?’ He asks.

‘Yes, come here’.

He gets up and goes to her, ‘What’s wrong?’

‘My stomach hurts, can you massage my stomach?’

He waits a while, ‘Yeah’, He massages her stomach very slowly.

‘Feel good?’ he asks.

‘Feels very good’.

‘This is making me feel strange again, you did this on purpose did you?’


He smiles, takes off his loin cloth and they kiss each other. He takes off her panties and goes down on her. After a while he screams, spits and looks at her in horror, she sees blood on his mouth.

‘What’s wrong????????’ She asks.

‘Your bleeding!’

She looks down, and screams, ‘I’m bleeding!’ she grabs a sheet, covers herself up and runs out of the cabin. Aaron follows her, and she goes to the river where a water fall is running, and washes herself. Aaron rinses his mouth. Chiquita starts crying. Aaron notices she is crying, but he says nothing. He feels her pain.

When she is ready, they walk back to the cabin. She goes to a private area and covers her area with rags. They make a fire and sit in front of it.

‘I remember what Paulie told me’, Chiquita says suddenly.


‘He said I was going to be on my rag one day, and only women go through it. That before the age of 13, I was going to bleed myself’.

‘Why?’ Aaron asks.

‘He said that all women go through it, it’s how they grow and change. Boys don’t have to go through it’.

‘I’m glad of that!’

Chiquita covers herself up more with her blanket.

‘I’m sorry you went through that’, she said, ‘It hurts me to know that happened’.

‘It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know’, he says.

‘We will probably never do it again’.

‘When you stop bleeding, we will, but in the meantime, you have to get better first. Is your stomach still hurting?’

‘Yeah, and my back a little.’

‘I’ll rub it for you’.

‘Do you want to?’

‘Yes’, she lays on the bed again, and he slowly massages her back, occasionally kissing it, and she moans.

‘I feel good again’.

‘It’s my job to make you feel good’.

She smiles.


Chiquita wakes up one morning with Aaron right behind her, slowly takes his arm from around her waist, and goes to the river to take a bath. She comes back, and Aaron is still sleeping. She admires his male lips, his skin color, his wavy brown hair.. His chest.. His abs.. he is so male. He wakes up suddenly while she is still admiring him.

‘What’s wrong?’ He asks wiping his eyes.

‘Nothing, you just look so perfect.’

‘Do you do that to me every morning?’


‘Stare at me?’

‘No. I came back and you were still sleeping.’

He rises from the bed and stretches, gets out of bed and kisses her.

‘What’s that noise?’ He asks.

‘What noise?’

‘Sounds like a ship’, he opens the curtain and sees a ship sailing towards their direction.

‘Let me see’, Chiquita says, and sees the sight for herself, ‘What if they mean harm?’

‘Don’t panic’, Aaron says, ‘This is an island, people love to visit islands. Remember that’s what Paulie taught us?’

‘Yeah, I suppose so.’

(People get off the ship, and there are a lot of people carrying bags. Among these people is a family, a father, mother, and their beautiful young daughter, Annie, who is a 21 year old Harvard sociology student. The whole family has studied sociology at Harvard, and they are studying the habitats of animals in the tropics.

‘What do you see?’ Chiquita asks.

‘I see people, an old man, an old woman, well not too old at least, and a girl.’

‘A girl? How old?’

‘She looks like she’s our age, she’s very young.’

Chiquita gets up and sees them.

Annie and her family set up camp somewhere not too far from Aaron and Chiquita’s nest.

‘We have all the food that can supply us for the two weeks we’re here’, the father says.

‘I really don’t like the thought of being here, I have mosquito bites on my legs already’, the mother complains, putting bug spray on her legs.

‘Don’t worry, the two weeks will go by pretty fast’, the father says, ‘Just be a little more optimistic will you?’

‘I’ve been trying to be optimistic about this trip since the time we got on that boat.’

‘Mom and Dad, I’m going to take a walk.’

‘Where?’ the mother asks.

‘Not too far.’

‘I don’t think that’s a good idea’, the mother says, ‘You don’t know what’s out there. At least take Martin with you.’

‘Oh let her go!’ The father says, ‘She’s a grown woman with long legs, let her walk those out.’

Annie kisses her father on the cheek with happiness and she prances away.

‘Don’t go too far!’ The father yells. The mother is rubbing lotion all over her face.

‘I really don’t like this idea, I wanted to go to Paris for a month where they have beds made of silk! Do they have that here? No.’

‘Laura, your really starting to annoy me. Stop your bitching and just relax, okay?!’

She shrugs, ‘Whatever you say.’ She takes out a book and things on camp seem more quiet.

Annie wanders away. She loves the nature and all the animals that she sees. From afar, she spots a butterfly and follows it.

Chiquita is taking a nap, and Aaron decides to take a walk. He sees Annie. Little does she know she wandered too far off from where her family is staying. She feels nature calling, and hides in a bush to pee.

‘Who’s there?’ Aaron calls.

Annie jumps, gets up and buttons her pants. All she sees is a young man in a loin cloth.

‘Who are you????’ She asks.

‘Wowwww, you’re the first human that I’ve seen since I’ve been here’, he exclaims.

‘W-what are you talking about?’

‘I’ve been on this island since
I was 8, and haven’t seen anyone here since.’

‘Since you were 8? How old are you now?’

‘I turned 21 the first day of spring, March 20th.’

‘Oh that’s nice’, Annie feels more relaxed, ‘My name is Annie, what’s your name?’

‘Aaron, nice to meet you Annie.’

‘I actually prefer Anna, Annie sounds too old.’

‘I like it, its pretty.’

She blushes.

‘Is that your family?’ Aaron asks.

‘Yeah, we’re here in the tropics for two weeks to study wild life and nature. I come from a family of sociologists, so that’s what we study.’


‘Yeah, read, research, write, observe.. Things like that. I love studying things.’

‘I study too, but I cant read that very well.’

‘I’ll teach you how to read, if you want me too.’

‘Yeah, of course. My friend has to learn how to read too.’

‘Who’s your friend?’

‘Her name is Chiquita. Her parents were killed in a train wreck years ago, and her uncle adopted her.’

‘Where did you come in at?’

‘Oh me? I was an orphan boy who ran away, and Paulie.. Her uncle found me and took me in. that was in a whole different world though.’

‘America?’ Annie suggests.

‘Yeah, from New York. But we traveled all over the place. He didn’t like staying in one place. We even lived in Canada for a while. Then Texas for a month, but he didn’t like the country life. So we traveled more and more, and he threw in the idea that we were going to live on an island.’

‘Is he here with you now?’

‘No, he died, of a heart attack when we were just pulling in on the island. We were on the boat, and he kept saying that he had chest pains, and he drank scotch, said that would help him. As soon as we put our feet on this Earth, he died. I’ve always thought he died at the right time. He saw all this beauty’, Aaron looks around, ‘And it made him happy.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that, that’s a sad story.’

‘No need to be sad, he’s all around us. When people die they become a piece of nature.’

‘You think so?’


‘I always thought that when people died they stayed in the grave.’

Aaron looks at her in a confusing way. Annie hears her parents calling her.

‘Coming!’ She yells back, ‘It was nice seeing you, Aaron.’

‘You too.’

She smiles and runs away. Aaron looks after her as she disappears. She runs back to the camp, ‘I saw a young man! He’s the sweetest thing ever.’

‘A young man?’ Her mother asks.

‘What young man honey?’ Her father asks.

‘I met him, he doesn’t live far. His name is Aaron and he’s my age! He said that he and a friend lived here because their Uncle died years ago. So they had to fend for themselves.’

‘Sounds like such a tragedy, I would like to meet this boy’, The father says, ‘Maybe he can help us.’

‘This isn’t you making up things again right?’ The mother asks.

Annie turns around, ‘No, why would I make this up?’

‘You have a wild imagination Annie.’

‘Hmph! He was wearing nothing but a loin cloth, so I suppose I do.’

‘All right, you two stop it. You’ve been arguing since we got on that boat. Whatever we do at home we are not going to bring it here. We’re supposed to enjoy ourselves, right?’


‘All right, now let’s have dinner.’

Aaron goes back to the cabin where Chiquita is. Chiquita is up by now and preparing food.

‘I saw a human!’

‘A human???’

‘Yeah. I spoke with her. Her family is here for two weeks to study here.’

‘I bet she’s an old lady right?’

‘No, she’s young, our age.’

‘What does she look like?’

‘She’s white, her hair is blonde, she has blue eyes, and she’s kind of short. Shorter than you.’

‘Is she pretty?’

‘Yes, she’s beautiful.’

A pang of jealousy runs through Chiquita, ‘Sounds nice then. Are you going to be friends with her?’

‘Gee, I don’t know. Who knows????’

Chiquita doesn’t say much, and he kisses her, ‘You know I will always like you.’

She smiles and kisses him back.

Lying in bed that night, Annie thinks of Aaron. His tall stature, his beautiful fair skin, his wavy brown hair. What a beautiful and intelligent human being he is. She looks at her parents, her father snores, but her mother just breathes in, and breathes out. She wishes she could be like her parents. They’ve been together over 20 years, and they met when they were 15. Annie always wished she could find love like that.

The next day she is anxious to meet Aaron again, and she goes to the same spot she met him at. She waits.. But he’s not there. She’s wearing a green button down shirt, white shorts, and her gym shoes. Her hair is in a long blonde braid cascading down her back. She wanders further so she can see him, and she sees a water fall.

She goes to the water fall and puts her hand in the running river. So cold, but feels great against this hot summer sun. In the distance, she sees a figure.. She frowns in confusion and goes a little near, it’s a naked man, bathing. It’s Aaron! She gasps and hides behind the bushes. Aaron doesn’t realize that Annie saw him, his back was turned. She waits for a while then leaves, and goes back to the place she met him at, and sits on a huge rock.

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------ One afternoon after work, Aaron sat in the waiting room of Phoenix children's hospital. Kristy had been volunteering there in the activities program, and her car was in the shop for a few days so Aaron volunteered to pick her up. After a few minutes of waiting, a grandmotherly receptionist eventually came in to talk to Aaron. "Are you here for Kristy?" "Yes, yes I am. Is she almost done with her time?" "Yes, you can go in and see her," the older woman said with a...

4 years ago
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Aarons New Stepsister Part 3 of 3 Finale

One afternoon after work, Aaron sat in the waiting room of Phoenix children's hospital. Kristy had been volunteering there in the activities program, and her car was in the shop for a few days so Aaron volunteered to pick her up. After a few minutes of waiting, a grandmotherly receptionist eventually came in to talk to Aaron. "Are you here for Kristy?" "Yes, yes I am. Is she almost done with her time?" "Yes, you can go in and see her," the older woman said with a warm smile. "You must be Aaron....

3 years ago
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Aarons New Stepsister Part 2 of 3

Aaron lay awake on the couch in the morning while he waited for Stephen to return. He stared blankly at the spinning ceiling fan as he ruminated over the activities of last night. He knew from high school that Kristy was a fun and attractive girl and he was attracted to her, but she was his stepsister now. He had told himself repeatedly that he could not act on his impulses since it would be considered wrong and could jeopardize his father's chances at happiness, but when the time came, he...

3 years ago
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Aarons New Stepsr

Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....

2 years ago
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Aarons Association

The question hung over my mind like a summer squall. All of the evidence pointed to an answer that would shake, if not destroy, my world. I wanted to ask him, but I was so afraid of the answer. Afraid of the truth, afraid of a lie. Afraid that I wouldn’t know the difference. I should not have invited him here, should not have opened myself up to the temptation of the two of us alone. I should not have looked into his powder blue eyes. One look at the desire reflected in those expressive orbs...

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Aarons New Stepsister Part 1 of 3

------------ Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both...

2 years ago
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Aarons New Stepsister Part 1 of 3

Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....

2 years ago
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Aarons New Stepsister

Aaron Sanders was shocked when he heard that his father had remarried. His mother had died when he was young, and it had always just been him and his dad. When he was going to college at Pitt, his father told him during his senior year that he was dating a woman, but getting married only three months into their relationship was a huge shock. Heather was a woman who had been divorced a long time and he guessed they just fell into a mindset of hurrying up because they were both in their forties....

3 years ago
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Aarons luck

As an eighteen year old boy Aaron didn’t have it good. His parents abandoned him to live abroad, thankfully they still send money from where ever they were. But other than that money his life wasn’t going too well he's on the verge of leaving his school. But that hasn't stopped the numerous bully's he's accumulated over the few years he's spent at the fairly large school he transferred to two years ago. Plus being British born doesn't help as his accent stands out over everyone else's. Even...

3 years ago
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Aarons Submission

The last couple of months I have been dreaming about submitting to my spouse. It was getting to the point I would hurry home from work to dream and masturbate while I was alone. We have sex once or twice a week, and it was always OK, but my orgasms were much more intense when I masturbate to my fantasies. Last night, after sex, I was finally asked what was wrong. I seemed so distant while we were playing around. I broke down and explained most of what was on my mind. I wanted to be used like a...

2 years ago
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Aarons First Fuck

> Thirteen year old Aaron Stevens lay facing me on the > bed, bare assed naked, with his hands tied behind his > back because he was a natural jock and fighter. I was > naked on the bed too... facing him, my fat dripping hard > on brushing against his smooth hard young tummy. My > hands gently caressed his face, neck, shoulders and > chest. He was a well-built, sturdy young man... well > formed for his age, a jock boy like I said. > > He was not very happy, not happy about me touching him >...

3 years ago
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I Belong to Snake NowChapter 4

The next morning I showed up at the appointed time. Snake was eating breakfast when I got there. He told me he was going to sleep on the couch. I’m to clean his room and do the laundry. He handed me a large bag of coins but I said, “That’s alright, Sir. I can take the laundry to my house and do it for free.” “Yeah, you wish. Stupid cunt! You’re going to go to the Laundromat at Main and Dorchester. Wear your slut clothes. While you’re there you can’t say no to anyone. If a man puts his hand...

4 years ago
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Jeans ModestyChapter 3

At the end of Jean's Modesty II I asked Jean to explain how she was always getting discounts on goods and services from people who did work in our house. As she promised, that night after dinner we sat down to discuss it. Jean started by saying "I first have to tell you a few things about me that I never told you before. When I was in high school I discovered by accident that I could get boys attention by letting them see my panties. The first time was an accident. I noticed that a boy I...

3 years ago
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Mrs Anand8217s Last Night

It was unnaturally dark that night, and Mrs. Anand appreciated it. The shoreline she was walking on was suspended above the black watery void that danced back and forth hypnotically. The cool sea breeze sent shivers down Mrs. Anand’s spine. She did appreciate it, though. The chill breeze provided a momentary distraction from her thoughts. The things she had planned to do today would push her firmly past the point of no return. Set against a small enclave part of a massive cliff were Mrs....

2 years ago
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Sex Bomb Busty Aunty

Hi viewers of ISS. I am Jon, aged 28 looks 26 with mail address: from Chennai and I am a hardcore fan of Indian Sex Stories. I have been visiting this website often and always loved reading the stories available under this category. I never thought that I would ever get a chance to add a true incident that took place in my life. Some thing about me and I am 5.7 in height, with a good physic, dark and handsome with a cute smile. The first thing that people like about me is my smile and the way...

4 years ago
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Shortcuts are always the best Part I

“He’s sort of hot, isn’t he?” Statements and comments like these were heard everywhere I went. The new school year had just commenced and apparently, there was a new, hot male teacher. I hadn’t seen him just yet but judging by the rumours that had been flying around, he was definitely something. My name is Rachel and I’m a senior at Vanguard High. I had just turned seventeen, I stood at around 5’7”, had a lean, athletic figure, dark hair that swept around my shoulders and firm C-cup...

1 year ago
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Domes Early LightChapter 10

Sam Hopkins and I started out on our search for his brother Tony. Since we had no idea how long the trip was going to take, we had a single pack mule along with us. This mule was trained to follow without a lead rope, so she was very easy to get along with. We rode to the place where we had spotted the three sets of tracks leading off into the who-knows-where and began our pursuit. Most of the time the tracks were clear and easy to follow, but a few times, Sam had to work on following the...

3 years ago
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My new neighbor

I am a white boy who likes to wear panties and leggings or girl jeans with a big bubble butt. A few days ago my new neighbor moved in. I saw the mover's truck parked outside and watched a couple of nice looking men carry all these boxes in the house. One guy was a tall skinny black guy and the other was also black but a little shorter and chubbier. I thought I do the nice thing and bring over a couple bottles of water to them. I was wearing a pair of panties and tight jeans and a blue shirt. I...

2 years ago
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Driver ne choda

Dear Readers, my admirers, and lovers, I’m back again with my new account and experience. I hope you remember my previous writing by the name of “Swiss Guy”. I was overwhelmed by the response and the likes that I received.If anyone one of you really want to appreciate then please send your erotic pictures especially of your beautiful cocks and if there is a lady then boobs.For those of you who have forgotten about me and don’t remember my previous posts/mails let me just once again describe...

3 years ago
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Not given a chance chapter 4

I then padded up behind her the site to much to resist as I dropped my pants rubbed my cock until it was hard grabbed her hips and pushed my cock all the way up her tight ass hole. Because she was sleeping her muscles were relaxed making my way into her easy enough. Just as my whole cock entered her ass she awoke with a scream her muscles immediately tightening around me making me moan in pleasure as she gasped as her sore ass was invaded yet again. I kept my cock all the way in her for...

3 years ago
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A First for Lisa

For the last four years my sex lift has sucked. I keep complaining to my wife, Lisa, that whenever I want to make love to her she is either in bed asleep or she says that she's too tired. I remind her how much she used to enjoy sex and that now we make love about once every two or three weeks. Lisa always puts the blame back on me saying "If you would come to bed at a decent hour instead of watching ball games or movies every night till after 11:00. It is not my fault if I get bored and fall...

1 year ago
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iChan.net has recently become one of the most popular imageboards where people are not only able to share great content specifically of pornographic nature but also interact through the chat (IRC) section. There is just so much shit to enjoy on this site including; hentai, manga, traps & trans, NSFW and among so much more pretty naughty confessions from some extremely naughty motherfuckers am sure you would very much enjoy listening to. Join me as I discover what more this site has in store...

Porn Chan Sites
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HyeJin joins a water festival in Tokyo

Hye-Jin joins a water festival in TokyoEvery August, in the town of Fukagawa located near the center of Tokyo, locals put on one of the best water festivals in all of Japan. The Fukagawa Hachiman Matsuri (matsuri means festival) features dozens of teams from the community carrying mikoshi (portable shrines) along a winding parade route that extends for several kilometers. Local residents and volunteers line the route with huge tanks of water, buckets, pails, and water hoses to drench the...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Daisy Stone Not Sure If Manuel8217s Cock Will Fit In Her Tight Ass

Daisy Stone makes Manuel rock hard in this scene from “Dirty Talk #9”. The fowl-mouthed blonde utters some nasty thoughts and teases Manuel. Decked out in star laced lingerie with black stockings that frame that booty nicely. She tosses her panties and drops to her knees. She lights up the camera when smiling in between deep throat gulps. In cowgirl Daisy rides Manuel and we get a lovely shot of her grinding, blonde pussy. She puts Manuel’s balls in an iron fist grip, turning...

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Black Cock Slut and Always V

Introduction: Sorry but four was three over again this is the ending Black mans slut and always . When John opened the door for Darrell he was taken aback by his size 64 220 lbs. muscles bulging all over. Darrell did not waste any time, when I came into the room in just my thong panty and high heels, he asked if I was his slut, I said yes black master. John mouth fell open with my answer and then he asked John if I was available to him and his friends for their pleasure, he stuttered and then...

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This Is the Modern WorldChapter 18B

Thankfully Nick and company arrive two days later in Edinburgh, otherwise the two new lovers might never have eaten. It doesn't bother Maddy of course, but when she suggests food, a pale, unsteady Lionel struggles into clothes and staggers during the walk hand in hand to the nearby pub. Despite near starvation, he still wears a silly grin. "Look what the cat dragged in," Nick jokes, his comment sending eyes to the entrance. "What are you doing here?" murmurs Lionel when he approaches...

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Tucks American Roadtrip The Return

PART SIXLAX (Los Angeles International Airport)Tuck was standing several feet from the airline ticket counter arguing over who is the best quarterback in the NFL with Chuck, while Reggie Tharpe wearing his embarrassingly tacky bright Hawaiian shirt, negotiated with the ticket agent lady. It was obvious Reggie was having a hard time understanding the lady’s foreign accent.Finally, they noticed the ticket lady pass Reggie their three boarding passes. “That Reggie has no patience with foreigners,”...

Straight Sex
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Meeting Katherine

I was a warm autumn day and I was stuck at home bored and chatting on the internet as usual. It was depressing, another Friday night home alone. I had little or no life since my marriage ended four months ago. I’m 32 years old and this is the extent of my life? Sure I had dates from time to time and even slept with some of them, but nothing exciting. After chatting for in a room for awhile I noticed one of my friends, Katherine, logged onto instant messenger. Katherine was 21 and seemed very...

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Kala And Kumar Set Up Home

Kala moved in with kumar despite the objections from her husband suraj. You would have read all about the triangular relationship between kala, suraj and his friend kumar in the three episodes of ‘friend to the rescue’. Suraj pleaded, threatened and tried every trick under the sun to make her change her mind but she was determined and when he realised that if he made any more noise he may completely loos her, he backed off. It was better to save the marriage, for all it’s worth and also have...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Madison Lust My StepMom Removes My Condom

So my new stepmom, Madison Lust, & I (Johnny Love) kissed, just this once at a party recently. I mean, she’s really hot but it never went any further so no big deal. Or so I thought. She calls me into her bedroom, dressed in this cute red top that shows off her cleavage. She tells me she can’t stop thinking about our kiss and that we need to fuck so she can get it out of her system. What a pervert! She asks if I have a condom and, of course, I do. She says it’s technically...

3 years ago
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I reached Fasgadh Bothy in Glen Noe just as the last light was fading from the sky. The wind was increasing, whipping up the surface of Loch Etive in the distance and sending spindrift pirouetting across the snowy landscape. The temperature was already plummeting. Although Taynuilt village was only a few miles further on beyond the forested shoulder of mighty Ben Cruachan, I opted to stay at Fasgadh for the night.For those unacquainted with the strange ways of winter hillwalkers in the UK,...

2 years ago
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Damn Im Screwed Part 3

The ensuing weeks were filled with lust, sex, and incest at the Wallace Ward household. Mother, father, sister, and brother were mixing and matching, as sexual urges and needs were being attended to. Wallace was hoping that with both he and Stefan fucking Stefanie, she would not feel the need to continue fucking Harley. He was hoping Stefan would be able to service her needs when he was not available.But Stefanie was a nympho, and Danielle was well on her way to becoming one. The next time...

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Of Paths To Take The Path Ahead

Introduction This is one of five possible continuations of the story Path to the Crossroads. It is necessary to have traveled in the mind on the path to the crossroads before choosing in which direction to continue. May the reader find adventure, pleasure, and maybe even peace of mind, down the path he or she has chosen to travel. Of Paths to Take The Path Ahead By: Zylux In the display window were many stunningly beautiful things to look at, and I quickly scanned over all...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 27

“Well hello, Josey. I’m glad you could stop by. I hope you’re not in any hurry. We have some snacks and some high powered cocktail mixers on hand,” Denorah told me as she placed her armload of grocery bags on the bed. “I was hoping I’d get to stay long enough to be friends with all of you, at least. I told my granny that I may be spending the night with a friend, just in case I stayed late.” “Josey, we had a great meeting yesterday and this morning with the county planning commission. Your...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Cara May Adrian Hush I Know Who You Did Last Summer

Adrian Hush and Cara May get scared when they watch horror movies, but with their dads around, they feel a bit more secure. This time, they get so scared that they end up with their hands wrapped around each others dads dicks! They jerk them while the movie plays and start to get all kinds of crazy ideas. Later, they sneak into their dads rooms and start to pleasure their cocks with some wet blowjobs. Soon the dads figure out what is going on, and a full on daughter swap gangbang ensues! The...

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Send Me An Angel

He didn't remember how or when he got here. Now he stood in front of a college campus looking at this one particular beauty. Many would not have called her pretty, but he knew that deep down she was a goddess. Her hair was shoulder length and jet black. Her eyes were the deepest blue and her skin was pale. She had a little petite body and was somewhat short. She wore some black dressy pants and a tight bright red low cut top that barely showed her small cleavage. It appeared that she was...

1 year ago
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Dance Auditions

Melanie Hewlitt signed in relief as she perfectly executed a pirouette and finished the floor ensemble in arabesque position under the watchful eyes of her instructor, Nicole Mettraux.. It was a hot and humid summer afternoon and the pretty 19 year old high school dance major was glad to have finished her modern dance class for the day. Beads of sweat ran down her face and her grey leotard was soaked in perspiration. She reached thankfully for the bottle of Evian mineral water in her bag....

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Tales of The Perv

Jessica strolled into her super-market ready to do some food shopping for meals for the super bowl party she was throwing this weekend. The supermarket’s Deli had a TV playing the news. All everyone could talk about these days was The Perv. Women all over the country magically changing into over-sexualized bimbofied versions of themselves in the blink of an eye. The news report was showing closed circuit TV footage from the set of the new Super Mutant Heroes movie. Quick Shot was everyone’s...

Mind Control
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August to September 2014 Internet DatingPart 4 Entertaining the Guests

Before it arrived I had time to slip down to the fitness centre and spend a while swimming slowly from one end to another. The warm water was very soothing and refreshing and as the pool was empty, I slipped out of my swimsuit and savoured the movement of the water on my bare skin as I swam. Refreshed, I climbed out of the pool and began drying myself when I gave a surprised “Oh!”as I turned and there was an elderly couple, dressed for dinnerstanding just a few yards from me. “I am sorry to...

1 year ago
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Sharons Busy DildoChapter 2 Home Sweet Home

"Shit me around," moaned Sharon. "I ain't going no place until I get my twat good and hot, massaged the way it's supposed to be." She was preparing herself for the battle with her mother. Mrs. Pettibone, as if right on cue, pushed open the bedroom door. "Now, now, young lady," she scolded Sharon, "you get yer ass up and out of bed. No more of this SWINE FLU bullshit. I'm not going to listen to that kind of nonsense." Mrs. Pettibone was wearing a lace robe which showed off her big...

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