Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Aaron considered himself to be mildly successful up to this point in his life, college graduate, good health and making a decent wage (although certainly not enough to make him rich). His life was the 1.0 version of the American dream.
By most standards, he was neither handsome nor ugly but fell somewhere closer to the upper portion of the scale. He had never had a problem getting dates, but that could be attributed as much to his personal salesmanship and ability to connect with anyone he met as much as it could his looks.
He’d been happy with his dating life, which consisted of no real substance but a new girl every few months. When he set his sights on a new lady friend, his modus operandi consisted of slowly enamoring himself to them, asking them out (several times if necessary), bedding them until they grew bored, and then breaking it off.
The boredom the women were referring to was not in reference to the everyday minutia that relationships are built on. They were talking about the sex. The first time a woman had sex with Aaron, they were likely to be left…fulfilled. Nothing more. Aaron had a very lustful mind, but that was as far as it went. Sex with him was very much like going to a small amusement park with just ok rides. The first time you went, it was fun and different, and a little quirky. But when you go to the same park every day, week after week, you quickly grow bored. And so it was with Aaron in bed.
He may as well have been working from a script. It usually started on the couch with light kissing. Aaron loved to kiss with his lips, but was repulsed by the idea of swapping spit via French. To avoid this, he would slowly kiss his women on their ear lobes, down their neck, under their chin. This seemed to satiate the women’s need for kissing, and got him off the hook without exchanging saliva. Then he would start with his hands, first under her shirt in the back, working his way around to her breasts. Taking off her shirt. More kissing around her breasts.
Eventually, he would take her back to the bedroom, still in her bra and pants. More body kissing before pulling her onto the bed, and if she hadn’t already, taking off her bra followed by the obvious breast play. He would leave the bed, turn off the room lights, and then undress himself in the dark. While doing so, he would invite her to take off the rest of her clothing, and would meet her under the sheets. More vanilla followed, typically missionary style sex or if she was of particular taste, a little cowgirl action. The whole thing had a very high school, first time feel to it, and after several iterations usually left a bad taste with the woman, leaving to her inevitable departure.
It continued this way for quite some time, and showed no sign of changing until that fateful day near Christmas. Aaron had gone to the UPS store to mail off a homemade fruitcake. She was clerking at the counter, and he was immediately enamored. She was tall with dark hair, and a skin that appeared to have a natural tan to it. Her eyes were the most piercing brown imaginable, with a twinkle that you couldn’t help but be entranced by. Aaron couldn’t help notice her breasts, not small, but not so large that he couldn’t palm them. When she turned around for a moment, he caught sight of her panty line through her khakis and noted that she was wearing boy shorts, his favorite. Her name was Jessica, and Aaron could swear that she was coming on to him with every word she said. To her, it was friendly small talk, but to him it was a signal he couldn’t pass up.
He thought about her the rest of that day and all of the next before deciding to ship something else, as an excuse to see her again. He had never felt like he had to work for a woman’s attention before, but he really wanted her to like him. He packaged a rose in a small box, taped it shut but left the address information blank.
Back at the UPS store, she of course noticed the lack of an address. When Jessica asked him about it, he told her to fill in her own address, because the box was for her. Cheesy but effective, they were married 6 months later.
Life continued on for the couple as one would expect. Aaron got a job in Human Relations at the local hospital, while Jessica worked in the safety department. Work all day, dinner, a movie at home, bed. Maybe an outing on the weekend but nothing ever super adventurous or unusual.
Their sex life followed suit, and could best be described as…predictable. Jessica was far more adventurous than Aaron and craved more, but was continuously turned down or steered toward the more mundane. She had once talked him into letting her give him a blowjob in the woods while they were on a day-hike, he had grudgingly agreed but only on the condition that they walk well into the woods where they had no chance of being seen. The foray ended with his early and unannounced release on her face and hair. He immediately felt guilty and dirty, but she had relished it to the point that she almost fell down an embankment, not paying attention as she relived it over and over in her mind. That night at home, she had drawn a hot bath and played the whole scenario out in her mind once again. Laying back in the soapy water, she allowed herself the pleasure she hadn’t felt since the early weeks of their marriage. Her climax left her shaken, and immediately craving more.
She had let several weeks pass. One night when Aaron came home from work, she met him in the living room, presenting herself to him in a manner he had never experienced. She stood there in the middle of the room wearing an outfit she had picked up at Victoria’s Secret. Black lacey corset, black thong, thigh high panty hose, garter belt, high heels. Aaron was immediately hard, and probably knew in the back of his mind what she was expecting, but he couldn’t break out of the box he had built. She came to him with that mischievous twinkle in her eye that he adored. She stood in front of him, legs shoulder width apart and hands on her hips. She asked what he thought of her new outfit as she gently stroked his cock through his pants. He didn’t know what to say, he was so taken aback. She went to her knees, and unfastened his pants, pulling them to his ankles. She smiled as she looked up at him. He loved her but couldn’t bear the thought of repeating his forest performance. He pulled her up and fell back into his usual moves. Despite her best efforts, the evening ended much as a hundred before had. After they were finished, she quietly cried herself to sleep, as disappointed as ever.
The whole thing was quite paradoxical, for even though Aaron appeared on the outside to be the very definition of boring, within his mind he was quite different. At the hospital he had opportunity to regularly interact with female nurses and doctors, many of whom fit the typical mold. Pretty, blonde, wild in bed. Aaron lusted after all of them, to the point of subtly manipulating them. He had placed a large bookshelf in his office, on the wall that his desk faced, and on that shelf had placed a variety of HR forms and pamphlets. Whenever a particularly pretty nurse would come to his office, he would ask them to go to the shelf and retrieve a particular form. This allowed him the opportunity to really take in their bodies, without risk of being caught. If they happened to be wearing scrubs, he would often get a glimpse of the top of their panties peaking out from behind. This would be enough to carry him through the day. Occasionally, he would purposely lose or mess up a form, and have to ask a woman back to his office 2 or 3 times, in order to satisfy his internal appetite.
Aaron had an ongoing appointment to do new-hire indoctrination every Friday. It consisted of him, in a conference room with several new hires, droning on about HR policies for an entire day. It was as exciting as a morgue, and Aaron hated it. The only upside to it was that occasionally an attractive female would be in the room. Aaron always had to remind himself to w
ear dark jeans on these days, so as to hide the erection he would inevitably get.
Aaron was particularly dreading today’s session. There was only scheduled to be one person in the class, and he guessed by the name Taylor that it was a man. Male nurses weirded Aaron out, and it looked like it was going to be a very long day.
As he prepared the conference room, he had his back turned to the door, and was startled when a woman came into the room asking him if this was the location of the new hire training. He was even more stunned when he turned to speak to her. Taylor was everything his fantasies were made of, very tall, blonde, flawless untanned skin, bright blue eyes. Her hips in perfect proportion to her breasts, and an ass that was perky and perfectly rounded, accentuated by the neutral toned skirt she wore. She was fit and toned, and it was apparent to Aaron that she worked out regularly. Aaron felt that tingling in his stomach and knew she was something special.
They spent the entire day together, and Aaron gave the HR presentation of his life. Under normal circumstances, he would stand in the front of the room and lecture, but today he had felt spunky, and had wandered the room, while keeping her attention on the projector screen. He wasn’t moving around to keep things interesting, but so he could take her in from every angle. Every time he went behind her, he took in the outline of her bra through her blouse, the way her blonde hair always seemed to be draped over one shoulder or the other but never both, and most of all her perfume. He was positive it was Cool Water, a fragrance that always caused a commotion in his pants.
The day ended too soon for Aaron. As he bid her farewell, she offered her hand as a departing pleasantry. He returned the favor, but held the grip for a moment too long. She noticed, and offered a smile, just one corner of her mouth turned up, but enough to send Aaron into a full internal hysteria. Aaron was completely smitten, and told himself that her flirty smile was a sign for him to begin his pursuit. As she left the room, Aaron allowed himself to take in her long legs and supermodel strut one last time, and wondered for the umpteenth time that day what she looked like naked…he hoped to find out.
That weekend had been the longest of Aaron’s life. All he could think about was Taylor. He replayed their last few moments together over and over…her smile, her perfume that lingered in the conference room…he was absolutely fixated. On Sunday night, Jessica had gone to dinner with her parents. Although he was invited and usually would not have turned down the invitation, he told Jessica he was not feeling well and was going to lay down on the couch for a while. She offered to cancel and stay with him, but he assured her he was fine, and walked her to the door.
He watched her car pull onto the street from the front window. As soon as he was satisfied she was gone, he went to the bedroom, closing the door behind him and drawing the blinds. He stripped off his clothes and laid down naked on the bed. He only had high school level experience in self pleasure, but didn’t figure he would need much tonight. A smile crossed his face as he began thinking of Taylor and all the amazing things she could do to him if they ever got together. He began touching himself, and was surprised that his erect penis felt and looked bigger than usual…Taylor apparently had that effect on him. It wasn’t long before he was stroking himself, hard and fast…it didn’t last long. He let out a short gasp as he came on his stomach and chest, surprised by the intensity of his muscle contractions. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so satiated. The feeling only exacerbated his obsession. He needed a plan.
On Monday morning, he put his plan into motion. He called Taylor’s supervisor and requested she join him in his office to sign a few forms he had ‘forgotten’ during Friday’s meeting. He then muted his cell phone, placed it in video mode, and propped it up on the bookshelf that sat to the side of his desk. The phone had a perfect side view of the guest chair that faced his desk. He was sweating with anticipation, and cursed himself for acting so childish, yet he knew he couldn’t help it.
When his secretary ushered Taylor into his office, he suddenly felt faint as all the blood rushed from his head to his instantly hard penis. She was still in her departmental training process, and had not yet been issued uniforms. She was wearing a white blouse with bicep length sleeves, with a white tank-top underneath. On the bottom, she wore a tan skirt that stopped just short of her knees, and cowboy boots. The combination of skirt and boots created a small area of visible skin that drew the eyes. Aaron felt a moment of rage for not taking a few extra moments to adjust the zoom on his camera, as he knew this video would be fodder for more masturbation sessions.
He took his time with the forms, and managed to work in some unrelated small talk. She seemed receptive to his humor, and gave him that smile again. He was in! He had to remind himself to keep at least some semblance of professionalism, and allowed the meeting to play out naturally and unforced. He would save most of his charm for the second part of his plan. As she was leaving, she stood from her chair and turned too quickly toward the door. The motion caused her skirt to spin, rising up as it did, Marilyn Monroe style. Aaron was blessed with a full view of the backs of her thighs, toned and smooth. She turned to smooth her dress down and caught him staring. She gave him a quick wink and walked from the room.
He practically broke his legs stumbling over his desk and chair rushing to retrieve his phone. Please God, tell me this worked and I caught that! He thought to himself. He quickly skipped to the last few moments of the video file, and was elated to find what he had hoped for. He replayed it several times before settling back in at his desk. The next part of the plan would really give him the chance to shine. He hadn’t anticipated this moving so fast, but things had gone really great with Taylor today and didn’t want to lose that momentum.
Because he worked in HR, he knew when individual departments took their lunch breaks. He also knew that recent hires usually sat by themselves at lunch, because they had yet to form those business friendships. He timed his entrance to the lunchroom to be about 10 minutes into her break. He was pleased to see his predictions had come true, as he saw her sitting alone on the far side of the cafeteria. After getting his food, he casually wandered over and asked if he could join her. She smilingly obliged.
The talk was casual, and he hung on her every word. The hour passed by too quickly, and she had to excuse herself to return to work. As she walked past him, she gently passed her hand over his shoulder, more as a ‘thank you for being friendly’ type of motion than anything else. But, it made Aaron’s day.
That night, Aaron put the moves on Jessica. He had been so horny since his lunch with Taylor, he needed a release. Although his game was the same, Jessica noticed a slight change in his…vigor. It was the same motions and moves, but she swore that he was screwing her with just a hint of passion. She wondered what had brought that on, but the thought was lost just as quickly when he came inside her after only a few thrusts.
The rest of the week passed by with Aaron continuing to woo Taylor. They were becoming much more familiar with each other, although she had not yet considered the possibilities that Aaron had. As far as she was concerned, he was a cute guy with a good job that seemed into her. She thought she would probably go out with him if he asked. She might even sleep with him if the circumstances were right, but she was in no hurry to date, or get laid for that matter. Although she considered herself a very sexual person, she also had a high level of self-control and could expose herself to the most sensual of materia
l and experiences without feeling the compulsion to finish the deed. For her, the pleasure came from pleasing her partner and not necessarily self-gratification.
Meanwhile, Jessica could not shake the feeling she had experienced during her and Aaron’s last time in bed. She was a very logic-based woman, and could generally look at evidence subjectively but several incidents over the past week or so had kept her wondering. The day after they had sex, she had been vacuuming the bedroom when she sucked one of Aaron’s socks out from under the bed. He was nothing if not a creature of habit, and always took his shoes and socks off in the living room. She couldn’t imagine how it had found its way under the bed, but did not think much of it as she walked it to the laundry room. She had almost not noticed the stain near the cuff, but as she balled the sock up to throw it into the hamper, she felt an unusual crustiness and paused. She didn’t know why she had even looked at it, but she un-balled the sock and examined the hard spot closer. Her mind gave her a proverbial double-bird, as she had two simultaneous thoughts: 1) It was laughable that the stain would be what she thought it was, and 2) What else could it be, given the way it was found?
She was instantly curious. She couldn’t imagine that her boring, vanilla, dud of a husband was masturbating behind her back, and she also wondered what had brought it on. If he was willing to masturbate, had he changed and was now more willing to try new things? She made a mental note to find out soon.
Another incident later in the week kept this in the front of her mind. She had thought Aaron had left for work, as he usually left before her. She thought it unusual the bathroom door was closed, but opened it and walked in. Aaron was standing in front of the mirror, fully dressed but staring at something on his cell phone. When she walked in, he glared at her and quickly put the phone away. He offered no explanation, but quickly excused himself and left the house. She had read about men being secretive about their phones in Cosmo, and the whole thing sent up a giant red flag. In her heart she knew something was amiss, but she wanted hard evidence before doing anything about it.
That night, she allowed Aaron to have his usual way with her. It lasted only a few minutes, and she barely had a chance to get wet. After he went to sleep, she put her panties back on, retrieved his phone from the top of the dresser, and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She started with the most obvious, his text messages, but found only messages from his family, Pizza Hut and Redbox. Striking out there, she checked his email and instant messenger apps. Disappointed, she wondered if he was looking at online porn, and checked his internet searches. Nothing. Out of desperation, she decided to check his photo/video gallery. There were lots of photos of the two of them together, but nothing racy. Until she scrolled all the way to the bottom. A video file that looked like it was taken inside his office.
Jessica had been to his office many times. Working in the same facility, she occasionally brought him lunch or just dropped in to say hello. She cued up the video and was immediately sick to her stomach. She hoped against hope that this was not a video of her husband fucking some whore on his desk. She fast forwarded to the end and was only slightly relieved to find the video ended with the woman’s clothes still on. She was somewhat alarmed, though, as the video showed her husband rushing to retrieve the camera. It was apparent to her that the woman in the video was quite beautiful, but why her husband would want to tape this seemingly innocent meeting, and then be so excited about it, was beyond her. But, far be it from her to leave things undone. She emailed the video file to herself, replaced the phone on the dresser and slipped back into bed, making a note to follow up on it at work.
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The story begins with Jessica.I first met Jessica when I worked in Manchester in the UK on a scientific research project. I was a postgraduate at the time, just finishing my thesis. I felt the need to escape to the countryside for a week and volunteered to help out on a fieldwork exercise based in a farmhouse in an isolated village in The North Pennines, a range of mountains and hills to the east of Manchester. Jessica had been drafted in as a member of the support team, which meant that she...
Love StoriesJessica stared at the blank tunnel wall as the green line streetcar plunged underground. The other passengers, had they been paying attention, would likely have chalked up her refusal to make eye contact as nothing more than standard "T" etiquette. Jessica herself was acutely aware of the self-conscious way in which she pretended that she was the only person on the train. In fact, she wished with every fiber of her being that she was. It would be incorrect to say that none of the other...
Bassed on a YIM Chat between KaosAngel and Anonymous girl Story: #2 Copyright ©2004 Written: November 18 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* The day started like any other for young Jessica as she got up and out of bed this morning, Jessica is a young girl of 18 years with long blonde hair and blue eyes her body has always held the...
It was a late Thursday night as Jessica walked down the poorly lit street towards the bus stop that would take her from the down town area to her college apartment. Jessica had been volunteering at the mission, helping cook dinner and spread the gospel, but while the women customers were interested in the mission's services they weren't really interested in the Gospel. Also many of the women were heavy smokers, and while Jessica did not want to be judgmental, she hated cigarette smoke. As...
Mind ControlOkay. So, I’m love’s bitch. I admit that. I always have been love’s bitch. Right now, I’m a bitch for a beautiful, red-haired, white goddess, and she treats me like she knows exactly how I’m supposed to be treated.First, I should tell you that I am a tall, slender, athletic, black man with a dark, mahogany skin tone. I’m not unattractive by a long shot, though, being in my fifties, I am quite a bit older than Jessica. I’m financially stable, with some very lucrative investments adding to my...
FemdomAll characters are the age of 18 or older. This story takes place in the same world as my Fridays at the Guardian Angel story. I recommend anyone who stumbled on this piece read at least chapter one of Fridays at the Guardian Angel first. But if you’re just looking for a quick futa on female story then you’re probably fine without it. ****** Whiskey glittered in the small glass, sparkling with the lights of the trendy bar. Couples chatted at high tops drinking local microbrews and popular...
As I grew up I saw less and less of her as my parents trusted me more, when I began puberty i started seeing her in a diffrent way instead of her being the loving other - mother of mine i started seeing her as this sexy woman who i fantisized about. Jessica was now in her early 40's with chestnut hair down to her shoulders and 30DD breasts which were firm since she had never had kids of her own. It was my parents anniversery this following weekend and they were going away for 3days so...
Jessica had been to her usual beauty salon,it didn't take much to maintain her beauty, but pampering herself was one of her vices.....whilst there she was chatting to the owner,sally,they were talking about how sally had so much work,not enough girls to work,it wasn't Jessica thing, working,working,but sally was talking about a window in the salon diary, did she want to come in and run a little clinic, the salon closed half day on weds afternoons ,as they opened all day on Saturdays when...
Just Jessica I There are a few things that played a prominent role in shaping my life as I was growing up. This first event occurred even before I was born. My mom and dad dated throughout high school and it was a sure bet that they would get married. That lasted right up to graduation night. That's the night that mom got pregnant. It was actually six weeks before she knew for sure and she kept the secret to herself. When she finally told dad about it, to say the least he was not...
July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can’t wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You’re everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 ‘I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles… This is...
I am not the original author.Fred takes JessicaIt took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. “Jesus” I thought “Jess is gonna kill me.”I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred’s couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know.My name is Timothy Grant, I’m 35 and I’m a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of...
July 10, 2004 Dearest Vincent, These last few weeks are driving me crazy! I can't wait to finally be married to the man of my dreams. You're everything I have always wanted. You have given me my confidence back and you make me feel like the sexiest woman on the planet. I love, love, love you, with all my heart! Your soon to be smoking hot 19 year old wife! Jessica October 2, 2010 "I know these are a bit pricey but if you want a clean picture, in color and different angles... This is...
Taboo(Author's note: While the events in this story are based off real life, there are some obvious embellishments. Also, all the characters involved in sex acts are at least 18.)I woke up with Ms. P’s soft skin pressed against my back, a ray of sunshine peaked through the mini-blinds warming my abdomen. Groggy, it took me a second to recall the night’s events: I had fucked my best friend's mom!Ms. P was an attractive middle-aged woman. The first thing any man noticed about her was the flaming red...
Down in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, at a small lake, some friends were spending a week camping and fishing. As the sun was setting, David Granger walked back to his tent, his pole over his shoulder when he looked up and saw his roommate Brad Wilson walking towards him. Holding up the string of trout, he grinned. "Brad, it looks like we have trout for dinner..." seeing the look on the face of his friend he stopped speaking for a second, and asked, "What's wrong?" Walking up to his...
After our final matric exams. Jessica's parents as well as mine agreed for us to go away together for a weekend. We hadn't seen each other since before our final exams as we sat down, studied and gave it our all. We chatted over messages and planned and booked the weekend away to leave the Friday morning and returning the Monday. We finished our last exam the Thursday afternoon and we both were looking forward to seeing each other.After my exam I went home and pack my bags. Once my stepsister...
Hi everyone, I am Raj, age 22, from Mumbai. Today I am here to narrate a real incident. It took place a few months ago during my trip to Assam. To start with, I had a friend in my college who was 2 years younger than me. His name was Sarengyam, and he was an Assam native. We became good friends as we lived in the same hostel. After a few months, Sarengyam told me that he is going for a few days to Assam to meet his family. He asked me if I was interested in accompanying him. Since I wanted to...
Friday morning I woke up with a strange feeling. I knew something was going to go good for me. I took a shower letting myself jerk off for a while as I thought about Jessica, my usual masturbation inspiration. I got to work thinking I'd be feeling bad because of my conversation with Jessica the day before, but instead I felt better than I had in a long time. I knew Jessica usually worked late on Friday's to try to get as much work done so she wouldn't have to come in for the weekend. I...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
When she realized I was there she apologized for walking in on me. “Sorry Tony, I didn’t realize you were in here but judging by what’s going on down there I’m glad I did.” “That’s fine Jess, I’m happy to see you. You were pretty quiet last night. I thought you would have popped in at some point.” She said, “I thought about it but wanted to leave Char alone so she could enjoy her time with you. Did you have fun?” “Of course I did and I think Mary Ann and Char won’t be waking up for a...
Jessica could not get the night with Tessa off her mind all the way to the airport. The conversation with Tessa’s dad was stilted as a result. But she made it.She went through check-in and was on the plane in less than half an hour. Sitting in her seat on the plane, she kept thinking about how she could sense Tessa masturbating, and how intensely aroused it made her when Tessa orgasmed. She knew she was soaking wet, and getting wetter by the minute, but could not stop remembering.Jessica...
MasturbationIt was a Christmas party my boss was a lush , drunk as hell as always at the party's he was off talking to some office workers about who knows what and his girlfriend was walking toward me. She is about 5 feet 3 and about 100 lbs and about 10 lbs of that being her tits she had a big rack for a small girl she had to be about 24 years old the boss was in his late 40's lucky bastard to get a fine young one like her. Lisa was her name I think or was it Jessica, Dam it think think. Hello she said do...
FetishA Sex Lesson For JessicaHer mother got up to make breakfast and she slipped into be bed beside me. When I first met them last night I thought she was only about 15/16 but it turns out she was nearly 18 and still a virgin. I was the resident solo artiste at the local beach front bar for the holiday season. I had seen them come in every night and sit at the back of the room. They were devout listeners to my songs. I don’t think they missed a word of any one of them. Last night the young girl came...
"Hi, I am new to the neighborhood and thought I would come and introduce myself," the pretty girl announced as soon as I had opened the door. "My name is Jessica and I live just next door there with my father." At the time I did not have a screen door so could clearly see this young girl as she could see me, a man in my mid-forties. "Well, hello, very nice to meet you. My name is Steve and I live here with my son. I'd call him to meet you, but he's in the shower." "That's okay,...
It all began several years ago. Now, before I get into my story, I’ll tell you a little about me – not the why, just the who – why may explain itself. I’m just a man. Nothing special about me, just in my middle sixties with a graying head and beard, glasses, and a bit of a pot belly. I retired before I hit sixty just because my body was tired of the physical demands of the job, and I had more than enough to be comfortable until Social Security kicked in. I’ve been married – once, and that...
Pathetic I was sitting at my computer, working on some writing, when Jessica knockedsoftly at the front door. I had been on a hot streak that day, getting some serious pages in on mylatest novel, and finished the sentence before I responded. "Yes?" I called. I saw the clock, knew who it was – she was right ontime, a very good sign. She and I had only met recently, first on-line, followeda few phone conversations. This was our first face-to-face, and I half expectedher to be late just out of the...
I was always a little jealous of her. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 5’4 115 pounds, perfect ass. Prefect everything, at least that was how I saw her. Most of all she always had the perfect boyfriends. Even though I had never been with another girl, I would fantasize about her. It freaked me out a little bit. I never thought of myself as a lesbian. I had been with my fair share of guys. But Jessica was different, she was my college together, and we were going to live together...
LesbianJJ Vaughn sat on the shore of Zuma Beach and took in the beauty of the early morning. It promised to be a lovely day as it was not too warm and a light breeze was blowing by. The sun was already out and some people had walked by, nodding at her as they passed. JJ wondered if any of them recognized her. If they had, they had all been polite enough not to cause a fuss. Dressed the way she was now, she really wasn’t ‘JJ Vaughn’ anyway. The tiny, form-fitting white bikini had been a gift from...
This a story by written me, you can repost it but don't change it. The Adoption of Jessica by Darlene 1997 Robert had lived with his Aunt Diane now for a year, ever since his mother died, and the final visit from the Social Services and Diane Jones' signature on the last document meant that Robert was now the charge of Diane. Diane Jones knew that her sister would have expected her to look after her son Robert on her death but to adopt a child now, at her...