A Mother s Love Chapter two
- 3 years ago
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We made one stop on the way and it was just after one in the afternoon when we set the plane on the ground near Moline. The kids had flown before, but not in a small jet such as this. The other times had all been in larger commercial craft. Mom was waiting for us. "Betty and Billy, this lady is your grandmother. We will be living with her for awhile. Mom, this is Karen Olson, Neica's sister. She has been caring for Neica's children."
"Welcome Betty and Billy. Karen, you are welcome too. It has been a long time since I watched two small kids, so I'll need help from a nanny."
"Thank you, Mrs. Baker. Being here is a relief. I was in a bind and Aaron came to my rescue as soon as I notified him. I shudder to think what kind of mess I would be in now if he hadn't."
"That's Aaron for you. Let's get along home now. You have missed lunch and I have a snack out. We will have dinner at six. That will give you a chance to freshen up. Tell me how Neica is faring?"
"She is being cared for very well, I think. Her left leg had a hairline fracture above the ankle. The right one has a compound fracture and some severe muscle damage just below the knee. She told me the operation was successful for now, but she may need surgery on the muscles at some later time."
"The poor dear. This is terrible with it being Christmas and all. At least she will be here where we can give support and care for her. I think I will put you and the two children in my wing that is down the hall from me. I want to get to know all of you. When Neica gets here, she will be in Aaron's wing."
My mother was fifty-seven. Dad had died suddenly a year ago. I had no doubt but what mother might marry again. She loved Dad, but she was so alive and I couldn't see her being alone for long. For myself, I was ready to move on to a place of my own anytime, if she found someone. It seemed as if I was just marking time since I had asked Neica to leave five years ago. We might pick up where we left off before I discovered her infidelity.
Mother and I usually dined together, she doing the cooking. I had a home office where I usually retired in the early evening. I worked for my uncle, but I took my work seriously. I did usually go out on Friday night and I often escorted Mom to a play or concert on Sunday.
We were sitting down to dinner when the phone rang. "May I speak to Mr. Aaron Baker, please?"
"Yes, this is he."
"This is Sally, the nurse traveling with Mrs. Baker. We have arrived in Seattle. You may expect our arrival at the Quad City terminal about one a.m. tomorrow morning. We would expect you will have an ambulance at our disposal. Mrs. Baker is holding up very well and if she has a suitable bed to place her in, she will not need hospital care."
"Thank you, Sally. It has been agreed you will be staying on with Mrs. Baker for at least a week. Is that correct?"
"Yes, and with the understanding you are paying my fare back to Alaska?"
"Fine. You will be met at the airport, and thank you." I turned to Billy and Betty saying, "Your Mom will be here when you wake up in the morning. She will be so glad to see you. I hope she will be glad to see me as well."
"She will, Daddy, I just know she will." This was Betty. "Billy and I never had a daddy before. You are the best present from Santa, ever."
The kids went to bed about seven-thirty. Karen and I went down to the room Neica was going to use and rearranged the furniture. I was getting concerned when the hospital bed hadn't arrived by eight-thirty, but it came at ten of nine. I called and verified that the ambulance would be at the airport on time.
By ten o'clock the bed was made up. It would be only three more hours until I would be facing the woman whom I had told to leave my home five years ago. Was I nervous? You bet. Did I have a feeling of love for her? I had to say I didn't, but I was hoping that would change as soon as I saw her.
In the same vein, I wondered if she had any feelings for me. For the past five years, she knew where I was, but I didn't know where she was or what had happened to her. Also she had kept me from knowing I had children by her. I didn't feel that was right at all. I considered us getting back together with a happy life about a fifty-fifty proposition. Time would tell.
"Karen, fill me in on Neica's life of the past five years just a little. From the pictures that were sent to me, I assumed she was on a fast track on a road to hell."
"If she had gone to hell, it would have been entirely your fault."
"You've never seen the photographs that were sent to me, have you?"
"No, but it was just sex. Actually she has never told me anything about what happened. She said you kicked her out and wouldn't listen to her explanation. If you didn't like her entertaining someone else, you still could at least have talked with her about it."
"Karen, your values are much different than mine. At the time we were married we vowed to forsake all others. She didn't hold to that."
"Maybe she had a reason. You could have asked her why."
I was silent for a long minute, before saying, "If it happened today, I would ask her. Don't you think I haven't kicked myself for being so abrupt with her? Maybe her reasons weren't so black and white and I have caused myself a lot of pain. You still haven't told me about what she did when she left here or what she has been doing in the last few years."
"I don't know it all. The first I knew of her trouble with you was when she called before she left Moline. She wanted to move in with me. I told her she couldn't. I was in a situation where I couldn't have a guest even if she was my sister. This was just no place for her at that time.
"It is a good thing because with the way she was feeling she might have been out on the street with me. Please understand I am speaking figuratively. I have never walked the streets. It is just that I do the same thing as those who have."
I looked at this woman who freely admitted she was a loose woman. She read something into my glance that wasn't there. She did challenge me on it, though.
"Don't look at me like that. I'm not really ashamed of my profession. I do provide a service. I do not consider myself a bad person. Sure, I could wish I hadn't been busted. That was brought about by a woman who was jealous and turned me in while I was doing her boyfriend. I was innocent, I swear." Her grin belied her words. Personally I didn't see the subject was anything to joke about.
"Karen, let me ask you a question. Do you honestly think I have been celibate for the last five years? For good or bad and for all intents and purposes Neica was out of my life. I haven't started a relationship with another woman, but that doesn't mean I haven't had needs. Who would I go to in that situation? If I met you today and didn't know you were sister to my wife, I would be inclined to approach you in that capacity."
"Somehow I don't think Neica is going to hold that against you. How are you going to feel about her in the same context? After all you dumped her for having sex with someone other than you."
"It is a different situation, altogether."
"You know Aaron. You two just might get back together and have a happy life again. I would hope so. Would it be okay if I related this conversation to Neica? It might get one bump in your road out of the way."
"I don't mind at all."
I was getting more and more nervous as the time approached for Neica's plane to land. I wanted no observers when we met for the first time in so many years, so I suggested that Karen stay here in case the kids woke up. It was all for naught as Neica had been heavily sedated and wasn't awake when she was transferred to the ambulance. I followed it home and watched as the ambulance personnel brought her in and installed her in the hospital bed.
My room was next to my wife's, but I spent the rest of the night sitting next to her. I stared at her face. She was a stranger to me. Her features had coarsened from being out in the weather. When I last had seen her, her hair had been long. Now it was in a rough pageboy and uneven as if she hadn't seen a hairdresser for months.
The nurse, Sally Peters was installed in the room on the other side. She appeared to be a competent nurse some years older than Neica and myself. "Your wife, I'm informed. Of course you are, you being Mr. and Mrs. Baker. She has had a rough time of it. Her sled was crossing a frozen river bed. I guess there was tree that was buried under a drift and one ski caught it. It went end for end and landed on her leg.
"She was on the tail end of a team of three and the two men ahead of her traveled quite a distance before they discovered she wasn't with them. She never lost consciousness and lay there under the machine in pain for almost an hour. Some fortitude, that one. Have you been married long?"
"Yes, for quite awhile. Six and a half years to be exact. I'm glad to have her home." I glanced at Neica. Her eyes were open and she was aware of the conversation that the nurse and I had carried on.
"Aaron, I'm glad to be here. And it is Christmas time." Her eyes closed leaving just a hint of a smile on her face.
I dozed until Karen came in at six. "Aaron, I'm getting the kids up in a half hour. You can tell them their mother is here in the house. When Neica wakes up, we can bring them down to visit."
"You bring them down. Neica will wake up when they come into the room."
"Okay, I just wanted Neica to know you were responsible for getting her and the children together. You deserve all of the credit."
"That was the easy part. We still have the past to deal with."
"Do you want her back in your life?"
I stared at my sister-in-law. "Yes and no. Yes, I want her if she was like when we first married. No, I don't want her if I can't trust her, but I am willing to try to find out. I suspect if I had paused to listen to her before, we would have made a clean break or I would have forgiven her and wouldn't have had to deal with this five years later."
"Maybe or maybe not. I think you are a softer, more forgiving individual now than you were back then. Time does that to a person."
Sally made an appearance and asked me to step out of the room while she woke Neica and made her more presentable for the kids.
Karen said, "I'll go get the kids up. Coffee is made. Grab a cup. You've been up all night." I watched her as she went down the hall ahead of me. The thought came to me that I'll bet her patrons received a little love along with the sex they purchased from her. I went into my bathroom for a quick shower. I wanted to be presentable for both my wife and the kids.
I was back soon enough before the others came in to greet my wife. It was hard to realize the woman laying the bed was married to me. Her face and arms were weathered from being out in the harsh weather. She didn't seem especially glad to see me either. "Neica, I've missed you."
"You didn't feel that way five years ago. We could have settled this back then."
"I don't think you can blame me that much for my actions. Look, the kids will be here in a minute. Let's put off talking about the past and give them a good Christmas. I still have to work some in the next ten days. I want to get to know the children in the evenings."
"That would be best. I need to find out some things about you and, yes, about myself as well. I've been terribly hurt and I'm not going to fall into your arms just because you found out you have kids." We couldn't discuss this more as we could hear Karen and the kids babbling as they approached.
Betty and Billy came charging into the room and over to their mother, wanting kisses and exclaiming how glad they were to see her. They wanted to see both legs and the casts that encased them and then questioned if she was hurting. "Not now, but I did for awhile. I just can't use my legs until they get healed."
I sat back against the wall. Suddenly they came to me. "Daddy, Aunty Karen said Mommy is here all because of you. She said we should give you a kiss to thank you."
Betty's arms came up and she kissed me right on the lips. This was followed by Billy who didn't appear to be into kissing. "How about giving me a hug and a high five?" This was better. Karen was standing in the doorway and laughed. Neica looked on with a slight disgusted look as if she was losing control of her life.
"Hey Guys, I have to work this morning. I've been up all night and I need coffee to keep awake. Kiss your Mom again and let's go see what your grandmother has for breakfast." I walked over and tipped Neica's chin up with my fingers so I could kiss her on the lips. It wasn't much of a kiss, as she kept her lips pressed tightly together. I smiled into her eyes and headed for the door.
I paused, "Neica, I'll have Mom call for a hairdresser to come in and do your hair. While she is here she might as well do Karen's. I'll be home early and I'll see you then."
Karen followed me into my mother's wing. She came up beside me as Billy and Betty ran on ahead. She whispered, "You are keeping Neica so off balance. You liberate her from a hospital bed in the far north and when she gets here she finds her kids are already calling you Daddy.
"You pretty much just told her she looks like hell and you are doing something about it. Not only that you are treating her whore of a sister as an equal. She can't enjoy that."
"Hey kids, I have to talk to your Aunt Karen a minute. Start breakfast without me." I turned Karen to face me. "My problem is that I don't know Neica anymore. The first words we had, I thought we could go back to where we were before. She said she was glad to be here and we would have a Merry Christmas. Then this morning she basically pushed me away."
"I think you both are expecting too much of each other. You are pretty much strangers after being apart for so long. But you were close back then and now you are tied together with Betty and Billy. Give yourselves some time and have your Merry Christmas."
"You know what they say about prostitutes and bartenders don't you? You're both psychologists without a license. Don't get bent out of shape at my analogy either. I mean it in a good way."
"Thank you Aaron, No offense taken."
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? As i kneel on the floor i shiver not with fear, but with dread.? This would be the first time MstrDavid would punish me.? It's not like i didn't earn it, but that didn't make it any less scary.? i didn't mean to be disobedient, but my friends had taken me out and i was doing well, first i had just a beer, then a gin and tonic, but then...well then my friend Debbie brought out a Japanese whisky i'd never heard of called Hibiki.? i know i was only allowed two drinks, but hey, i'd been doing so...
Co-written by Jaymal and Black Velvet Brandon’s cock pressed like a rising drawbridge to the crack of Janice’s plump ass, as he carried her down the hallway. He was robust of build and could carry his voluptuous burden with ease. She was wrapped around him tight, clinging to his shoulders, panting out wariness and arousal. He had shocked her, the effect lingering in her eyes. The high-school student had a sudden strange affinity with the porn-stud who kept showing up in scenes he downloaded –...
My 22 year old daughter Clare had just got home from her new friend Sally. They had met at a local evening for young singles and got on well. Sally asked Clare to stay over for a couple of nights and she must have had such a good time she didn’t once phone home. She enthused about her new friend, and strangely enough also about her Mother. ‘Sally’s Mum is so cool. She let’s Sally have all her friends around whenever they want and she makes sure everyone is enjoying themselves. She’s very...
In the late Summer of nineteen ninety-eight, in a world before Neo had entered 'The Matrix' and people still used pencils to correct the spooling of cassette tapes, Matthew Edwards took his wife, Julie, to bed. It was a lazy Sunday morning.They had barely been up for an hour and had considered going to the gym, but Matthew was much more of the mood for horizontal exercise. His wife, six years his junior aged twenty-nine, was still only wearing a thin vest top through which her nipples announced...
Fantasy & Sci-FiSo we all went on a family cruise to Bermuda, about 19 rooms on the boat. So the first time we all met at the pool, Peggy shows up in her blue bikini. Her giant cans barely contained, ass looking just as good!! Good thing I had my sunglasses on because I was definitely checking her out, but we were surrounded by family of all ages. After a few morning pina coladas and mudslides, me and Peggy went for refills. Pretending to be the gentleman i let her go upstairs first. Bars were on top deck...
Hi Friends, Mai is site pe ayi huyi kahaniyon ko padhta rhta hu aur mujhe bahut si kahaniyan kaafi interesting lagti hain. Mai un sabhi ka shukrgujar hun jo itni achi aur dilchasp kahaniyan likhte hain. Mera b man hai ki mai bhi apni life ka experience aap sbke sath share karu aur isliye main b apko ek Sachi kahani sunane jar aha hun ummeed hai apko pasand ayegi. Waise is site pe ye mera pahla prayas hai kahani likhne ka. Dosto mera naam Rohit hai aur meri umr 40 yrs hai. Mai Dilli main rahta...
I stood in a world of darkness, hands bound behind my back as I listened with growing trepidation to the loud hum of conversation that had to be a hall full of people. The velvet bag over my head puffed out from my face with every warm breath I took. It was hot in that bag, my face felt flushed and uncomfortable. I didn't dare to move, fearing there would be consequences or that without the benefit of sight I would fall and hurt myself. Around my neck was a rope, the loose end of which hung...
It had happened to my daughter and me. It was during a summer when my daughter was about sixteen. My husband was away at work and our black neighbor was helping me with one thing or another. With one ear I knew that my daughter was in her room with the door closed. But my own salaciousness was taking the best of me. This being a hot summer day, he was shirtless and wearing thin sports slacks. His abs were fabulous. I had on pair of tiny white cotton athletic shorts that were a size to small...
InterracialIntroduction: Ryan invites Stacey on a date. A quick message before I start: This is my first story, and its quite late so I might make a few errors. Ill try make spelling as accurate as possible but If it isnt, please dont flame me for that as I wrote this on NotePad. Lol. :). (FYI: Im from England, We start Highschool at 11 and college at 16 in England.) ————————————————————————————————————————————— I am Ryan, I live in England with my mother and have one brother named Damon, and a sister...
During this period of time, while a huge armada of ships and marines were heading towards their planet, intent upon taking it back from them, the Martians went through several varieties of turmoil as the fact that they had really broken ties with WestHem and made themselves independent gradually sank into the collective consciousness. That they had disconnected themselves from their economic system was a major worry. WestHem owned all of the banks, all of the financial institutions, and...
It was that time of year again, Halloween. Normally, my wife, Harriett, and I would get an invitation to the subdivision's annual Halloween Party with its mandatory costume policy. Harriett did not like attending this party so she would send a polite "We can't make it" reply to the rotating host and hostess. In the past she'd been fed up with the unofficial competition among the wives as to whom was richer, doing more civic good deeds, those kinds of measurements, because she always ended...
Ginebra Bellucci is one of our hottest Spanish Señoritas and today on www.private.com she’s looking to celebrate her reunion with old classmate Potro del Bilbao in the only way she knows how. Like all good Private babes, Ginebra wastes no time getting frisky as she gets her hands, mouth and tongue on Potro’s cock and treats him to a nice sloppy blowjob. Then watch as this Mediterranean beauty offers up her tight little ass for some hard anal action that has her moaning with pleasure all the way...
xmoviesforyouI heard the noise a few moments after I turned off the bedside light. A tentative scratching at the back door, like someone trying to fit the key hole in an unfamiliar door. The noise stopped a moment. Then there was the unmistakable sound of the door handle being turned and the shudder of the door frame as the door was opened.The house was unusually empty. Steve and John, my flatmates, were at some sports event for the weekend. Kim, my girlfriend had said she would come around, but had not...
It was the hottest day of the year so far. We could only bear to stay on the beach for about half an hour at a time. The sea was a welcome refresher and helped wash the sweat from our bodies. We’d all been friends for years, grown up together and been through school together. Anne and I had tried to be a couple once or twice but jeopardising our friendship was just not worth it. Kym and Anne had had most of their classes together and helped each other out with studying. It was no surprise that...
MasturbationHi babes! I am back with the final chapter. With Rema and Mia gone with their parents the household only consisted of my father, me, cook Rani, driver Raju and cleaner Ramu. Puja, Rani daughter had been married off 2 years at 18 ago to a dark lean ugly jcb driver Venu. Read the other 3 parts to catch up. A month after I fucked Puja She called to tell she was pregnant. But soon her casks were about her mother in law Shona torturing her. Even Venu didn’t speak against his mother. S: you bitch! I...
IncestVanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en mama pontatiyai moodu eatri ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar buvan vayathu 25 aagugirathu. Enaku udan piranthavargal yarum ilai, en mamavirku thirumanam aagi 7 varudam aagugirathu. Avar oru gramathu aal aanal bangaloril irunthu thirumanam seithukondaar. Bangalore manaivi pathiyaaga irupaal endru enugureergala athu thaan ilai neengal ninaipathu polave aval oru thevidiyaa thaan. En mama padikaathavar aanal en mami padithu...
There was no way in hell I could deal with a Cashda now even if I had hold of one. Well, maybe if it was a foal, but probably not if it was grown enough to make it without its mother's milk. That didn't mean I wasn't happy to find there were some close to us. If nothing else I wouldn't have many problems hunting them. With my rifle I could take one from long distance. I examined a lot of the hoof prints and as I'd seen before, they looked exactly like prints that horses left, only much...
Once know as the best city in the world. San Marcye had it all. A great beach, 2-time World Series Champions, held the Olympics and the World’s Fair. Barely no murders, suicides, or even petty car thefts and no fires. So there was need to have over 200 officers on the police and fire department. On June, Friday the 9th, 2000, the day all of it changed. That day a child was born. At the same time of his birth, a total eclipse happened. The city went into a solar darkness. And it’s been twenty...
The Cureby SpectreOfHellNina sat down on the sofa in her parent's living room and crossed her legs. Across from her sat her father in his favorite tattered easy-chair. His eyes were riveted to her nylon-clad legs. Smiling, Nina hiked the hem of her short dress up an inch. Her father's eyes met hers for an instant, and he smiled broadly before returning his gaze to her legs. She felt a shivery thrill run through her. She hiked the dress up another inch, exposing alabaster skin above the...
I’m Deepa 25,I work for a BPO in Bangalore. Swapna is 23, and she is my best friend, and so all her friends are my friends too. Last week I felt a bit odd of it when we were all hanging around in the cafeteria keeping out of the way of guys – when they started talking about Sex.. The girls had talked about orgasms and how they got them. Most, it seems, played with themselves like what I did, but one or two said it was much better when you had someone suck your pussy or have a cock pushed up...
IncestTuesday October 25 I’d been afraid I would wake up and hurt from yesterday’s activity. While I could tell I’d pushed my limits some, it was more a good hurt, the kind you get from working out and not the sort from being injured. Today, for the first time, I felt like I would eventually be okay. Duke heard me awaken and jumped on my bed for me to love him up. I must have found the right spot because he stretched out his neck and his back leg began to jerk back and forth like he was scratching...
Be Careful Synopsis: A teenage boy makes a wish - which is answered. However the wish was not answered in the way he anticipated and he has to struggle with the consequences. Way, way back when I was a little kid, even before I was in Kindergarten, back before my grandparents had died and when they still lived on the family farm, I'd enjoy spending time in the farmhouse's large kitchen, just watching my grandmother as she prepared one of her large meals and listening to her as she...