The incest video interviews chapter 10A
- 4 years ago
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During this period of time, while a huge armada of ships and marines were heading towards their planet, intent upon taking it back from them, the Martians went through several varieties of turmoil as the fact that they had really broken ties with WestHem and made themselves independent gradually sank into the collective consciousness. That they had disconnected themselves from their economic system was a major worry. WestHem owned all of the banks, all of the financial institutions, and controlled all of the money. Did that mean that the money circulating on Mars was now worthless? If WestHem didn't approve of the transactions now occurring independent of them — and it seemed that they most certainly did not — didn't that mean that no one on the planet no longer had any money?
This fear led to a brief work slowdown in the vital factories and agricultural fields as the rumor that everyone was, in effect, working for nothing spread like wildfire across the planet. This occurred just as the various workplaces were just starting to get themselves into something approaching optimum production, just as the issues of who was going to run things began to hash out. In this instance the workers had, in almost every instance, done exactly as Laura Whiting had suggested they do. They had gotten together and had appointed supervisors and managers from among their own ranks, for the most part electing people to the position that it was mutually agreed would do a good job of it. But the thought that no one would get paid for his or her labors was almost too much. Work suddenly became shoddy and even non-existent in a few places. Newly hired workers, and even some of the veteran workers, started not showing up for their jobs, leaving holes in the various production lines.
Laura Whiting, with her gift for putting things into perspective, was able to ease the situation with one of her speeches.
"People," she told her citizens during a live broadcast on MarsGroup, "I'm afraid that you are all caught up in WestHem economic thinking here and you are missing the big picture. What is money? Think about that for a moment. Money is nothing more than a notation in a computer somewhere. It does not exist anywhere else. This is not the old pre-colonization days after all. We do not have pieces of paper or metal coins to represent dollars and cents. We have notations in computers telling you that you have this much money, that you owe this much money, that you are paid this much money. This money has value because WestHem says it has value.
"Well I'm here to tell you that the money still has value because we of the interim Martian government now say it has value. Each one of you will be paid for the work you do at the rate that has always been paid for that work. You will have these computer notations deposited in your accounts, just like always, and you may use that money to pay your rent, buy food for your tables, buy intoxicants at the shops, or do whatever else you wish with it. All prices on everything have been fixed in place at the level they were at the day before we took this planet from the WestHems. Your money is still good and will continue to be good until such time as we come up with a new economic system under our new constitution.
"In fact, there are some distinct advantages to you now that we have taken WestHem out of the equation. Most of you were horribly in debt, the result of credit lines with outrageous interest rates that were given to you by various WestHem financial systems. My understanding was that the average Martian citizen, like the average WestHem citizen, was more than sixty thousand dollars in debt to these thieving schemers. The payments on these amounts were set up so that the interest was the only thing that ever got paid. The principal never seemed to get any smaller. Well I for one see no reason to continue to pay on these particular bills. When we are triumphant in this upcoming war, such debts will become uncollectable anyway since we will be setting ourselves up on a different system of currency than WestHem. So my suggestion is that you keep your money for yourselves and pay nothing to any WestHem corporation of any kind."
This speech did just the trick for the sagging faith in the currency. The Martians were made to believe that the money still had value and, as such, it did. Workers returned to their jobs and production reached an all time high days later.
As that particular crisis was going on however, another, more serious one was taking place as well. It was a crisis of confidence. Since the very first day of the revolution, Laura and the legislature that was loyal to her had allowed WestHem Internet broadcasts to continue to be seen on Mars uncensored.
"It is not our intention or our wish to block out information from the other side of this debate," Whiting had been quoted as saying on more than one occasion. "Let the people hear presentations from all concerned parties, evaluate them for what they are worth, and make their decisions based upon that."
And so the big three Internet and media providers information was widely seen throughout the planet during the preparations for Operation Red Hammer. Every day the Martian citizens, many of whom were enlisted in the MPG and preparing to fight, watched dissertations on the composition of the forces that were being assembled to take them on. They listened to General Wrath and Admiral Jules give their briefings each day, explaining how they would outnumber the Martians four to one and how they would destroy the MPG if they did not peacefully surrender the moment that the landings were made. They watched the news briefings of the huge numbers of marines being loaded onto the Panamas for the trip. They watched the thousands of pieces of WestHem armor being loaded up as well. They listened to WestHem military experts in the employ of the various media corporations explaining how a force the size of the MPG could not possibly stand up against the might and sheer numbers that were being deployed against it.
Many of them could not help but lose their nerve in the face of this information. None of the Martians knew about the existence of Operation Interdiction and even if they had, it probably would have made very little difference. A reverse exodus of volunteers from the MPG took place as thousands of people resigned their positions in order to escape the fate that was being promised. It was a mass resignation that threatened to undermine the entire revolution if something was not done to stop it or at least staunch the flow a bit.
It was General Jackson, making a rare appearance before the MarsGroup cameras, who managed to bring things back under control in this instance.
"The MPG is a volunteer fighting force," he told the planet. "It always has been, and always will be. If you don't think you can take the fight, if you don't think the independence of the planet and the ability to carve out our own destiny is worth fighting for, than get the hell out. I don't want you. But know this, citizens of Mars. The only way that we'll get to be free is to fight. I wouldn't have started this fight if I didn't think we had a damn good chance of winning it. We'll be fighting on our home ground, using equipment that has been specifically designed to fight here, and I have more than a few tricks up my sleeve. I'm not sending people to the slaughter here. I have more than thirty years of experience as a commanding soldier and I think I know what I'm doing and I have always made sure that my officers in charge know what they are doing as well. If we stick together, I'm confident we will beat these Earthlings. And if it looks to me at any point like we will not be able to beat them, then I will order hostilities to cease immediately. But if I keep losing people at the rate I'm losing them now, if my soldiers keep resigning on me, we're going to reach that point before the Earthlings even make their landings and everything that we've done so far will be for nothing. So do me the favor of thinking about that for a minute before you resign and hope that others will do your fighting for you."
Over the next week the resignations trickled down to nearly a halt and a sharp spike in the number of enlistments was registered as well. The pace of training, particularly of infantry crews and special forces soldiers, continued.
Triad Naval Base
July 1, 2146
Admiral Belting and General Jackson sat side by side in the control room of the naval base, their eyes watching the live pictures on the Internet screen, their ears tuned into the radio transmissions that were being beamed back and forth. The camera view was a long pan of the WHSS Tripoli Harbor, one of the four pre-positioned Panama class transports. The shot was being taken from an A-12 that was hovering thirty kilometers above it. This was the day that they were to try to bring down the landing craft within it and unload the combat equipment on the surface. In all more than a hundred people were involved in the operation, not a single one of whom had ever performed such an act before.
"Test fire of thrusters is within parameters," said the voice of Lieutenant Kipling, who had been placed in command of Tripoli Harbor herself. In his former life he had been the second officer on board a civilian cargo ship that had done the Triad to Earth route. He had spent the past three weeks studying up on the systems of the Panama and training a crew to help fly it.
"I copy the thrusters are within parameters," Belting told him in reply. "Proceed when ready."
The ship was undocked from its clamps five minutes later, the first time it had free from its moorings in more than six years. Only one of the four fusion reactors had been lit and that was only to provide power and environmental controls to the ship. The fusion engines themselves would not be needed for the operation.
"Thrusting away," Kipling's voice said once they were free. The flare of white appeared from the fore and aft sides and the massive ship slowly began to move away from the dock. It took nearly thirty minutes for it to move out into the departure corridor and stabilize its orbit once again.
"Good job," Belting congratulated once they reported that they were in position. "My compliments to your crew."
"My crew thanks you, Admiral," Kipling responded. "Now lets see if those pilots you hired can do their stuff. Opening the cargo door now."
On the top of the ship a massive door began to swing upward, powered by a set of thirty hydraulic arms. This was the main cargo off-load door. Immediately beneath it were the sixteen landing craft in which one quarter of a fighting division's gear was stored. The landing craft were connected to a system of airtight access tunnels and airlocks.
"Which ones are you bringing out first?" Jackson asked Belting as the door reached the top of its climb. They could only launch four landing craft at a time because they only had four pilots that could fly them. Or at least it was hoped that they could fly them. All of those recruited had come from the civilian spaceports at Eden and New Pittsburgh, where their jobs had been flying the cargo lifters that delivered food products and steel to Triad. None of the four had ever flown a Panama lifter before except in the simulation programs that they had activated at the TNB training center.
"The A through D will come out first," Belting said. "They have the tanks and the APCs on them. Once the pilots land we'll have a C-12 bring them back up again and we'll start working on the next four."
"So a couple of days to get everything down?"
"Assuming that nothing goes wrong, yes."
Jackson nodded thoughtfully, sipping out of his coffee.
"LS-A is reporting a good engine start," Kipling reported over the radio link. "He's beginning the pre-flight checks now."
Within a minute the other three ships reported successful engine starts as well. The pre-flight checks on the landing craft took the better part of forty minutes to complete. Belting and Jackson passed the time by discussing Operation Interdiction. So far the secrecy of the operation appeared to have been maintained despite the fact that Marlin had managed to get out a brief radio message before being destroyed. Both men concluded, based upon the arrogant attitudes of the Marlin's commanding officers, who had been pulled from the wreckage by the rescue crews, interrogated at length by Belting himself, and then shipped down to the POW camp in Libby, that even if the Earthlings received the message they would have a hard time putting stock in it.
"They're arrogance is what is going to lose the war for them," Jackson said with a sad shake of the head. "Just the way it happened in the Jupiter War."
"Thank God for their arrogance then," said Belting.
The pre-flight checks were completed a few minutes later with no problems or reasons to delay being found. Lieutenant Carrie Sing, the pilot of ship A was the first on the radio to announce she was ready to separate from the Panama.
"Go with separation sequence LS-A," Kipling's voice told her. "Releasing docking clamps on your order."
"Release the clamps," she said, her voice not showing so much as a trace of the nervousness she had to have been feeling.
The clamps were released and a moment later the first craft began to rise from the hull of the massive Panama, drifting slowly upward, meter by meter, until it was well above the arc of the loading door.
"I'm one hundred meters above the door," Sing said. "Beginning to maneuver."
"Beginning to maneuver," Kipling acknowledged.
The thrusters on the front of the ship came to life, slowing it just a bit and allowing it to drift backwards in the corridor. The top thrusters fired a few times as well, stabilizing the ship and keeping it from drifting any higher. Once the ship was well away from the Panama the front thrusters went quiet and the opposing corner thrusters lit up, slowly turning the ship around, so that the main engines on the rear were facing towards the direction of orbit. Just as it got turned around and positioned for the de-orbit burn, the second of the landing craft began to rise out of the Panama.
It took another twenty minutes for all four landing craft to exit the ship, get turned around in their orbits, and get stabilized for their burns. Everything went as smoothly as could be expected, with all four of them ending up in a line about two kilometers apart.
"Okay LS-A," Belting said into the radio. "Looks like you're first. Initiate your de-orbit burn whenever you're ready."
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Admiral," Sing responded. "Main engines are ready for ignition, navigation data is programmed. Initiating burn sequence now." She paused for a moment. "Burn sequence initiated. Ignition in ten seconds."
The seconds ticked off agonizingly slowly and then a bright white light flared from the rear of the landing craft. It seemed to accelerate rapidly out of the camera's view though it was actually slowing down at a tremendous rate. The A-12 that was recording the event lit its own engines up and began to chase after it. Soon the ship was back on their screens, it's engines burning brightly.
"Burn is initiated," came Sing's voice. "All systems operating within parameters. Course is on the line. Termination of de-orbit burn in four minutes."
"Copy that, Sing," Belting responded. "You're looking mighty pretty from here. LS-B, you're next. As soon as her burn is completed, go ahead and initiate yours."
One by one the landing ships burned their main engines for a specific amount of time, slowing the ships down so that the Martian gravity could pull them downward to a controlled entry into the atmosphere. The speed of their descent was carefully timed so that they would drop neatly into a window that would terminate their final re-entry right over the city of Eden on the other side of the planet. Different computations and different angles of entry would have allowed them to land at any other Martian spaceports.
Ninety-three minutes went by before Landing Ship A started the final re-entry sequence. Lieutenant Sing used the maneuvering thrusters to turn the ship around once more, so that its nose was angled upward and its belly, where the heat shield was located, was poised to take the brunt of reentry. Five minutes later the ship made its first contact with the thin atmosphere. The underside began to glow as the heat of friction was generated, softly at first but then with increasing fury until nothing more than a fiery streak was visible. The ship gradually decelerated from orbital speed to a relatively lackadaisical 1100 kilometers per hour. It continued to fall out of the Martian sky like a rock, it's forward velocity carrying it over the equatorial plains and mountain ranges.
"All systems still on the line," reported Sing. "Course is still steady. I'll begin landing maneuvers shortly."
As she approached the city from the west she was still at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters. She employed the powerful forward thrusters to slow her speed while the ship continued to fall. When her forward speed was only 150 kilometers per hour, the greenhouse complexes were below her and her altitude had dropped to 6000 meters. The landing ship was far too large for wings to have any effect on its flight path. To slow the descent to a speed that was not lethal, more thrusters were used, these ones on the bottom of the ship. They lit at Sing's command and the fall became more controlled, gentler.
"Spaceport in sight," she reported when she was ten kilometers out. "Lined up on the landing path. All systems operating normally."
She began to manipulate the bottom and the front thrusters more, adjusting her speed and descent as the landing strip grew nearer.
"Deploying landing gear," she said, and a moment later eight sets of wheeled gear slid out of slots on the bottom, their locations well clear of the landing thrusters, which would have melted the synthetic rubber and the steel alike.
The ship drifted down on jets of fire, coming to a soft touchdown less than ten meters from the middle of the runway. The bottom thrusters were turned off, allowing the ship to settle, but the rear one remained lit, pushing the ship along the concrete surface towards a huge loading area on the far side of the spaceport.
"We copy good touchdown," Admiral Belting said with relief as he watched the MarsGroup camera image of the lumbering ship rolling out. "Excellent job, Lieutenant Sing."
"Thank you, Admiral," she replied, her voice registering that she was quite pleased with herself.
One by one the other three ships came in as well, all of them touching down gently, all of them rolling out to parking slots. Their engines were shut down and their cargo bays were opened, allowing the MPG troops that were standing by in their biosuits to start the job of unloading.
Jeff Waters was one of the troops standing by. With basic training over he was now a full-fledged private first class in the newly formed 17th Armored Calvary Regiment of the Martian Planetary Guard. The 17th had been put together with about one quarter newly trained combat troops, one quarter existing MPG members who had been assigned to non-combat branches before the revolt, and the remainder seasoned combat troops who had been broken up from other units. Matt was assigned to third squad of second platoon of Alpha Company and his unit's armored vehicles were located in Landing Ship B from Tripoli Harbor. Their job today, one of the first that they had been assigned, was to unload those APCs and transport them to staging areas outside of the main MPG base. They were of course dressed in their model 459 biosuits — brand new ones that had been shipped from Environmental Supplies less than a week before — since they were outside the safety of the pressurized building.
"That's a big motherfuckin ship," Jeff said, looking at the huge behemoth of steel that rose more than sixty meters above him and stretched for more than two hundred down the loading area. Hell, even the tires on the landing gear were huge, each one more than three times as tall as he. The two massive front doors had been opened and a loading ramp extended from the inside, down to the ground.
"Shit, Waters, why don't you go lay under one of the tires when it moves and see how heavy it is too?" a voice said in his radio set.
That was Hicks of course, his nemesis from basic training. The two of them had managed to make it through the remainder of their training together, while assigned as squad mates, without entering another physical confrontation. They had been side by side as they'd learned to shoot their M-24s, to load and fire anti-tank lasers, mortars, heavy and light machine guns, and, of course, as they'd run for hundreds of kilometers, both in and out of the biosuits. Verbal confrontations, however, were quite another matter. It had become almost routine for them to badmouth each other at every opportunity. And when they found themselves assigned to the same squad after training, it only became worse.
"And miss out on seeing you get your stupid ass killed when you walk in front of a cannon or shoot yourself with your own fucking gun?" Jeff returned. "Naw. I can't die before that. My life wouldn't be complete."
"In your dreams motherfucker," Hicks told him. "If you think that I'm gonna..."
"Hicks, Waters," cut in Sergeant Walker, their squad leader. "Will you two shut the fuck up for once? Christ, all I ever hear on this tactical channel are you two flapping your goddamn lips at each other. Give it a rest."
"Right, sarge," Jeff said. "Sorry. I keep forgetting everyone else can hear us talking."
"Sorry, sarge," Hicks echoed.
"Why don't you two meet after training some night, go out to a fuckin intox club, and insult each other all fuckin night. Get it out of your system."
"Shit," said Hicks. "I'd rather smoke out with a fuckin Earthling."
"Amen to that," Jeff put in.
Walker shook his head in disgust, wondering what the hell kind of squad he'd been given to work with. He, like all of the NCOs and all of the officers of the 17th ACR, was one of the ones with combat unit experience (although no actual combat experience, since the MPG had never fought anyone before). He had been given a squad that consisted of three former gang members, three females (two of whom had never been in uniform before, one of whom had been a procurement clerk in supply), two men reassigned from non-combat branches, and only two others, the two corporals of the bunch, who had actually been combat assigned before. He was doing his best to get some sort of camaraderie and fighting spirit going but it was an uphill battle.
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It was my first job and I was just a young lady at the time. I worked at a pizza parlor of which I cannot share the name of. I am a full figured ebony woman with a cute face, as I have learned through life many men have a taste for women like myself, even if they are afraid to admit it. My boss was a very fit and attractive white male, in his early 30’s. A man that was a lifelong bachelor. Quite the lady’s man, at least in his eyes and of the eyes of all the young ladies that worked for him. I...
It a nice an beautiful day and Im at the Airport Picking Kat up ! You came home for Thanksgiving Break and Im Really Excited to see you its been to long ! Im all nerves and Im sweating a little ! I have Big plans for us to spend time together and Places that I have fantasied about me and you going! My heart skips a beat as you walk down the Hall to see me and your Beautiful long hair is bouncing just so perfect!( I miss it in my face and on my chest!) You are so Beautiful! You see me and you...
Though I have never been a dominant person, however, this fantasy of dominating has played an indispensable role in determining the role plays I want to partake. The following story is purely a work of fiction and it is my honest reflection of how this fantasy should play out it if it ever does. Before I commence the story, I will briefly describe myself. I am a 35-year-old married male working for an MNC in Mumbai. I am around 6ft tall, fair with a lean built and I am averagely endowed...
"This is it" You thought to yourself after another lonely wednesday night. . After 2 years of college you had a great time during class, had good grades, made friends but whenever you found a girl you actually liked there was something that got in your way. There were 5 Girls you couldn't stop thinking about having but they were all unattainable, or were they?. First, You had Mary. You had Mary. She was the prototype of the good girl. She came from a religious background which meant she wasn't...
Hello ISS readers my name is Subhrant and I live in Odisha I have a average size cock 5″, athletic built body because I go to gym daily, the heroin of this story is my sister she is a sex goddess and anyone who sees her will die to fuck her. Her figure is 34-28-36 and see has a very tight and beautiful vagina. Now let’s go to the story, I never had any bad intention for my sister in the beginning but it all changed, one day we were getting ready for a party and I entered her room without...
IncestForward In a future in which the World Community Government (WCG) exists, the world has shifted to a socialistic society like the one in which Star Trek is set. People do what they love to do and what they’re suited to do - generally what they’re naturally good at. As with any society, there are square pegs that are shoved into round holes. Square pegs just don’t fit in, but they do their best to get by. Some people are only good at drinking, or gossiping, or fighting, or sex. There’s a name...
It was the following morning and Kevin woke up to find that Julia wasn't laying beside him, it took him a minute to realise that he could hear the shower running so he knew she was in there. "Did last night really happen?" he thought to himself as he got out of bed, he then saw that he was naked and saw his boxer's on the floor beside the bed "I guess it did happen, I had sex with Aunt Julia!". The thought alone was enough to put a smile on Kevin's face, so he got up from the bed and walked...
Tuesday night Nick spent the first part of the night tossing and turning in his bed. He couldn't stay asleep and he was distinctly uncomfortable. Finally he threw the blanket and sheet off of his body in frustration and then pulled off his underwear as he realized his cock felt itchy. He stumbled into the bathroom and endured the painful moment as his eyes adjusted to the light. His cock in hand, he examined the flaccid member for a rash or redness. The skin looked normal but still the itch...
I bumped into David in the pub one Wednesday evening when I was on my own and as I hadn't seen him or his wife Cordelia for ages we sat down for a chat. David has been my solicitor for over 20 years and is a nice bloke but can be a little dull at times. I asked him how things were and he started to moan that they had a major kitchen refurbishment and extension in mind at home but had just received some outrageous quotes. When I enquired he told me they ranged from £70,000 to £110,000. When I...
DEAD You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how. You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how, but we all will die one day, some tragically, some unexpectedly, some peacefully, some prematurely, and some expectedly. It is inevitable. These are snippets of life and of death. Read on to realize what happened to others and you may discover what may happen to you. * The Tragic Death: Jenny was a pretty blonde girl, her thoughts were like everyone...
From: betty b Date: Tue Dec 19, 2000 2:41 pm Subject: I need to talk I don't know why I am writing this. I guess I just need to talk to someone and I could never tell anyone I actually know. Usually, if something is bothering me I find that if I tell one of my girlfriends or my mother I feel better for it. And up until a few months ago, there was nothing I could not have told them. Now, there is a whole world inside my brain that I would absolutely die if they even suspected. But I feel if I...
EroticThe sun beat down on me, as I lay back in my lawn chair. The sounds of waves lapping against the beach a great counterpoint to the sound of slurping, as my sister, Lisa, licked and sucked my cock. I placed my hand on the back of her auburn hair, and marveled as it turned dark brown. She looked up at me smiling, and I was surprised to see her eyes turn to a shade of grey.Coming fully awake, I realize that only part of the dream was false. My cock was buried in a mouth, and it did belong to my...
Shes sitting there in the corner of my eye asking why I have to make a mess she knows my cakes take time to prepare bake and set. Whisking the eggs fluffing my batter she waits my forearms tighten cute bakers hat shaking my good mood to much to resist. Come here for a second she calls out to me. Hold on is my reply. Set my pans in the oven turn around her body pins up mine. Gimme a kiss. So I do slip to the side and be rude let me go take a shower. I wash the flour out my hair take a moment and...
Here is the deal Seth. I found a 9 mm in your room at your dad's house. We also found one at your girlfriends house. It really isn't much of a gun. Of course it don't take much of a gun at close range. Now we got a shell casing from the scene and also the slug in Burt. We can't do a ballistic check on the slug here. That went to the state crime lab last night. But what we can do is an extractor mark comparison. It is almost as good as the expert's testimony. So we are going to do one of...
Peter was confused and frightened. As he regained consciousness he recalled his last waking moments. Peter had taken the bus from the Governor Grimes Indentured Servant Dormitories to his workplace as he did every morning from Monday to Saturday. He got off the bus, checked through Security, and collected his office key card. Upstairs, Peter made coffee and started the daily office routine by booting up his data system and scanning reports. Lieutenant Lester Boron was was more agitated than...
IntroductionMy name as you can tell from the title is Linda, slut, sexual deviant and damn proud of it and I’ve not been without sexual companionship since I lost my virginity. I’ve never had a boy (or girl)friend, just bed partners of both sexes, monogamous relationships filled with romance can wait until I’m at least 30. There’s very little I haven’t tried; threesomes, foursomes, orgies and much more – apart from the obvious taboos of course. For instance I once had separate affairs with both...
Greg, Darren, and Jane had just heard about some sort of weird freakout happening at the Funhouse, and decided it would be foolish not to investigate what could be so horrifying. They joked and laughed to each other to settle their nerves as they walked in the front door and made their way down the long hallway. "Man, look at all of these doors," Darren remarked. Each one looked exactly the same, giving a sense of orderly creepiness to the place. "Which one should we try? I bet most...
Just as Cadee came back from the bathroom, she saw the end of the fight, in the most dramatic way. The big shot from the first fight had an arm-bar on the grappler and the grappler refused to give. Just as Cadee got back to her seat, the grappler’s trapped arm broke with an audible POP. The entire audience winced in sympathy, then some of the sadists in the crowd began cheering along with the supporters of the big shot. The rest of the crowd, including Cadee and her friend’s began booing them...
Doors slam, loud voices, crying, then the silent treatment. It was the same thing every time they fought. Luckily for them, they never were able to have kids. Jay was in a miserable marriage. He had plenty of chances to leave, but he couldn’t leave Eve. She stuck by him through tough times as he made his way up the corporate ladder. It had taken a lot out of her; she used to be so loving. It was a lovely start in the beginning...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jay and Eve met in college. At five feet eight...
CheatingWilliam H Kincaid High school is an average mid-sized high school with around 2500 students and a graduating class of about 510 students. Like all high schools, the students there have sorted themselves into various "cliques" and groups. There are the jocks–the athletic types. WHK has a top-shelf football team and a pretty good basketball team and wrestling team. Along with the jocks ran the cheerleaders who usually dated the jocks.Then there were the Socs–the rich kids who think they are...
TeenStatuesque beauty Evelyn Claire is Hot As Fuck in this hardcore scene with Manuel. Evelyn is wearing black fishnets with a black lace bra and matching black corset as she runs her hands across every inch of her body. She unties her top to expose her perky tits then plays with her nipples before sliding her panties to the ground. Standing there in only her fishnets and corset, Evelyn spreads her ass cheeks to give us an amazing view of her beautiful butthole before taking off her remaining...
xmoviesforyouIt was shaping up to be a normal, run of the mill day for siblings Dennis and Kylie Stevens. As it was the middle of summer, they were spending their day lounging about their house while their parents were at work. As it was a rainy day, they were spending the day inside. Kylie strolled up to her older brother's room and poked her head inside. A loud boom of thunder rang throughout the house, causing Kylie to jump. Dennis didn't seem to notice it, since he had a pair of headphones on...
I must have hesitated for a moment for a sharp jolt of electricity on my nipples left me in no doubt that my immediate compliance was required. So, heart in mouth, I obeyed the male voice in my earpiece and started to walk slowly the entire length of the crowded station platform. It was packed with others waiting for the train, mainly couples out shopping and youngsters heading for a day in town, and I had to thread my way through them while doing my best not to attract attention. With my...
I am lucky enough to have two daughters and apart from the expense of the weddings it meant two Stag parties. My eldest daughter married her dream man a few years ago and I have already written about the events surrounding his stag party.It was now the time for my youngest daughters wedding so the best man arranged a stag weekend away in a big city well known for stag and hen parties.We set off on a Friday morning for a three day booze fest and arrived at our hotel mid afternoon. We all washed...
Oral SexAs the two strippers (one was a stunning curly-haired, artificial redhead with purple highlights and the other was a beautiful woman of mixed African American & Korean ancestry. Both were wearing red g-strings, tassels, high-heels and their skin was covered with body glitter and a light sheen of sweat. Amy would letter find out their names were Cherry Pepper and Lulu) writhed around the pole and fondled each other as men threw dollar bills on the stage, Amy was writing a first draft email...
I woke to the sound of Blue barking on the front porch as he always does. He has an ongoing feud with a riverboat that makes its way up the river every other day. The sun was just rising and shown in the windows. The home was quiet as always other than blue. I called him and he came into the bedroom and put his big head on the bed and looked at me with his big soulful light-blue eyes and a silly look on his face. Blue is a large hound, originating in Australia and the breed is called Catahula...
Day 4 When Nadia woke, her wife was between her legs, tongue buried deep. Although it felt good, something felt wrong. ‘Olivia baby, stop.’ Yes, something hurt, but in the fuzz of her first hangover it took a few moments to sort it out. Her ass hurt. It hurt at her pucker, and it hurt deep inside. ‘Oh wow.’ She remarked. Strangely she also felt pleasure and emptiness. She wished she had been awake for it. ‘What’s wrong sissy?’ Olivia looked up at her from below. ‘Daddy took my ass this...
After leaving the gym, I confirm with my parents that they’re picking Addie up after school for the weekend. I don’t tell them about the date just yet. They moved to Oregon from the east coast when she was two since she was their only grandchild, insisting on being a big part of her life. It’s been especially helpful since the divorce. As a single parent, it’s a blessing to have every other weekend to myself. Addie leaves for London in 10 days, and this will be the last weekend they share...
BDSM"Mom, how come I don't look like either you or Daddy?" Anna Bradley laid down her wooden spoon and took a deep breath. She had been dreading this question ever since the day she had brought her adopted daughter home from the airport, where the Social Services from Italy had brought little Angelina, then two weeks old, to America to hand her over to her adoptive parents. Anna turned to smile at her daughter. At fourteen, Angie was beautiful. Tall and slender, with waist-length silky...
Hi Tony, I'm Jenny's husband. She told me that you used to go out with her at school. Did you get your fingers into her cunt when you were on your own. I bet you liked to slide your hand up her leg, under her skirt and into her knickers. Then let your fingers rub her cunt lips until she started to get wet, so you could slip one then two fingers inside her. I bet she liked to stroke your hard cock and then kiss the end of it before letting it all go into her mouth so she could suck you off.Do...
My name is Vladimir Sackov. I am a private detective, better known as a private dick. Naturally, in your mind's eye, you can picture me. I am tall, athletic, with a handsome face. I wear designer clothes. I am clearly well off, witty, smart, suave, and a hit with the ladies. Your mind's eye needs glasses. Really strong ones. It could not be more wrong if it tried. I am 5 feet, eleven inches ... Not short, to be sure, but not exactly tall either. Although I am an unusually strong man, I weigh...
Hi to all the readers of ISS. This is your friend devilzbadboy. You all can even call me DBB. I am a regular writer of sex stories. Till now i have written all my stories in hindi. Now is my attempt to make you all happy with my English format stories. So now ill proceed with the storyThis story consist of a father whose name is sultan sinha, mother name shahana, elder daughter whose age was 20, her name is gayatri priya, and a younger daughter whose age was 18, her name shina. They even had a...
Incest"We should head to the beach where you get laid, dude." "Yeah of course I've heard of that. How is this resort called Futa beach going to help me with my breakup.!" Dennis Rutherson had a scowl on his face. His raven black hair was filthy and unkempt nad he had a bad case of five o clock shadow. The breakup between him and Sophie had really done a number on him. His outfit was a random shirt and shorts while the summer sun was making his small apartment unbearable for anything else. By...
The room was dimly lighted. Laurine stood in the middle, feeling as if she were on stage. Looking around gave her little information to support that odd sensation. The room had only a few overhead lights, colored all the hues of the rainbow, and a giant overstuffed chair. The director had told her it didn't matter how she dressed as long as it was sexy. She thought she'd succeeded well in that respect. Her hands pressed out imaginary wrinkles in her dress. It clung tightly to her body....