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You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how.

You never know when, you never know where, and you never know how, but we all will die one day, some tragically, some unexpectedly, some peacefully, some prematurely, and some expectedly. It is inevitable.

These are snippets of life and of death. Read on to realize what happened to others and you may discover what may happen to you.


The Tragic Death:

Jenny was a pretty blonde girl, her thoughts were like everyone else’s, who waited with her on the platform for the 5:15pm train to arrive at the station, away from there and thinking of all the things she had to do once home. Mindlessly not paying any attention to the danger that lurked around her. She wanted to get home. She needed to get home. She had class tonight and wanted to get something to eat while cramming for her final exam.

Now, the delayed train interrupted her thoughts making her frantic with schedules and time frames. She felt pressured and anxious. Now, she only thought of where was the stupid train. Only, something was wrong, the train was delayed and the crowd anxiously waited impatiently for the arrival of the train to take them away from there, away from the last leg of work, and to take them home.

Sarah was late. She was never late. She prided herself on being on time, on being logical, practical, and on never losing her head when all of those around her panicked unnecessarily and lost their heads, but her heel broke on the way to the train station. Uncharacteristically, she was discombobulated by her delay and subsequent late arrival for the 5:15pm train.

Always, she caught the 5:15pm train that would get her home exactly, by 5:40pm to feed her cat, Mr. Whiskers, make a cup of tea, and watch the evening news. An anal accountant, who looked like a spinster librarian or an old maid school teacher, the sameness of her routine was important to her. Now, out of sync with her need to maintain her scheduled habits, her mood, quite dependent upon precision and exactness, was ill-tempered. The later she was, the crazier she became.

Always, she stood on the spot where that pretty, blonde girl now stood. Always, she was the first one on the train, as the front door opened before all the others and opened directly in front of her. She hustled herself through the crowd trying to claim her rightful spot behind or beside that pretty, blonde girl. By stepping on some toes, jostling some waiting passengers, and annoying the others waiting longer, she managed to make it to the front, an arms reach behind the pretty, blonde girl.

Now, 5:25, the crowd was nearly doubled in size from the typical crowd that waits at the station at this time of day and with more people pouring off buses and adding to the growing crowd. As more people arrived on the platform, a foreboding feeling of consensus emerged that not everyone was going to fit on the train and those in back would have to wait for the next train. Time was ticking and everyone wanted to get home and get away from the smelly, hot, and crowded train station. People in back started inching and jockeying their way forward trying to gain a spot in front. Yet, when would the next train arrive? Would that train, the next train, arrive equally as late or would they follow up with a…there.

A whistle blew and an express train flew in past the crowd, flew out of the station, and it was gone to the next stop without picking up any passengers. Definitely, something was wrong. Another excruciatingly long ten minute wait heralded the rumble of their 5:15pm train at 5:35pm. Now, the crowd was massive, more than three times its normal size.

‘For your safety,’ crackled the loudspeaker, just as the train entered the confines of the narrow station ‘please stand behind the yellow line.’

A push, a bump, and a jostle from behind, as the crowd surged ahead, Jenny stumbled forward leaning precariously and teetering on the edge of the platform. She could not maintain her balance for long and with her arms flailing frantically, she screamed falling. Just as the train reached her nearly hitting her head and upper body, a hand, that of a kind hearted, hero of a man, emerged lunging his form forward from somewhere in the crowd, pulling her back, and saving her from certain death but at his own risk and at his own unfortunate peril. Unable to stop his forward momentum, he continued bursting through the crowd.

The crowd, as if connected together as one, gasped and took an involuntary step backward. The man who saved Jenny was now squeezed like a tube of toothpaste between the platform and the train. In a heroic effort, he lost his balance and fell just as the train rumbled past, lurched forward, and parked itself in the station.

‘Someone call 911!’

People ran to his aid and what they saw amazed them. There was no blood, guts or gore. There was the man perfectly okay. It was a miracle. His body above his waist was perched against the train while the rest of him was stuck somewhere down below, and he was alert and talking.

‘I’m okay,’ he said. ‘I’m okay,’ he repeated to the crowd raising his hands in victory like he had just won a game of tennis. ‘I just have to get this damn train off of me,’ he said with an uncomfortable chuckle and a pained grunt.

Again, the crowd stepped back in horror but for a few people who knew better and who stayed with him at his side consoling him. Jenny held his hand, her tears showed not only her gratitude for him saving her life but also her dreaded concern for him.

‘I’m glad that wasn’t me,’ said Sarah looking at her watch and hustling herself away from the train and from the unpleasantness of the incident intent on taking a taxi home to maintain the uniformity and timeliness of her schedule. ‘It might have been me, had I been standing on my spot. There is a reason for everything,’ she said without emotion, ‘a reason for everything,’ she repeated mumbling to herself for no one else to hear. ‘God’s will. Today is my lucky day. Maybe, I’ll stop and play the lottery,’ she said looking at her watch, again.

The paramedics arrived asking everyone to stay back. The police arrived and, taking one look at the man, assessed the situation. They had seen it before and it was not a pretty sight. They cleared the station and the train of passengers and arranged with the Metro for those waiting for trains to board buses. The station was shut down for several hours while they made plans to extricate the man from the train before moving the train.

‘I’m okay,’ said the man, again, assuring himself, as well as the paramedics. Yet, they knew differently. As soon as they removed the train, his body, twisted like a pretzel below and temporarily holding his vital organs and blood in place, would explode. He was mortally wounded beyond saving.

‘What’s your name?’

‘Freddie.’ Freddie looked at the paramedics. ‘I’m okay…right?’

‘Do you have family to call, Freddie?’

‘Yes.’ His eyes read the eyes of the paramedics that he was not okay and that he was dying.

‘They stepped away allowing Freddie some privacy to call his wife, his girlfriend, his mistress, and to say his good-bye to all of his children, legitimate and illegitimate.’ With a cough, a choke, and a spurt of blood, he died a few minutes after he made his call.

Meanwhile, Sarah, suddenly feeling charged with her good fortune of skirting certain death, had she not broken her heel and been standing on her spot, was intent on grabbing a taxicab ahead of the elderly woman walking with great difficulty ahead of her. She side stepped around her and, stepping off the sidewalk, yelled, ‘Taxi!’

She never saw the bus that knocked her several dozen yards in the air and violently crashed her down so much like a rag doll on the pavement. She laid dead in the street her body on one side and her head on the other. ‘Shit,’ she said looking at her headless
body, ‘now I’ll never make it home on time.’ Quietly, she closed her eyes.


The Unexpected Death:

Freddie received the call at work that his twin brother, Eddie was taken by ambulance to the hospital. No one would tell him anything. No one knew anything to tell. All they knew was they were working on him in the emergency room.

He packed up his work to take home, told his secretary that his brother was suddenly taken to the hospital, and that he would be gone for the day. He had a bad feeling, a premonition that this was it, that this was the big one. He removed the thoughts of his brother’s impending funeral from his mind. He could not go there.

Freddie expected the worst. His brother, albeit a twin was always the sickly one. Born premature at less than 3 pounds, he had developmental problems all through his life. Freddie, born weighing nearly 6 pounds, the healthy one, the 12 letter athlete in high school, the track star in college, and the tri-athlete now, was never sick a day in his life.

He worried about his brother. Always, he felt guilty with the thoughts that, maybe, in the womb, he had, somehow, stolen the extra nourishment that his brother needed to be as healthy as he was. Perhaps, it was as simple as the location of where he was in the womb, as opposed to his brother. Unfounded, but, believing it to be true and believing that they both, as twins, should have had the same birth weight, he felt responsible for his brother’s ailments, nonetheless.

He thought of all the things he did with his brother, the ballgames at Fenway Park, the drinking down at O’Malley’s, the bonding filled with laughter and tears when reminiscing about past times, the vacations to the lake where they fished, the excursions to the mountains where they hiked and camped, the long drives to the shore where they ogled topless women, and the week long trip to Disney World and Universal Studios where they had a blast. What would he do without his twin? They were so very close, closer than any brothers could be, the twin bond made them inseparable throughout life. Maybe, Eddie’s asthma reared its ugly head, again. Maybe, they found something wrong with his heart, finally, as they suspected all along. Maybe…

He never saw the stop sign in his rush to drive pedal to the metal to be with his imagined dying brother at the hospital. Fortunately, the truck braked and swerved avoiding a fatal crash. Unscathed, the near miss collision scared the shit out of Freddie. Now, he was shaking in a panic worried that his brother lay dying or already dead without him there at his side. He pulled the car over to the side of the road, parked, and collected himself before continuing to the hospital. He took a breath, closed his eyes, and tried to relax.

Eddie was waiting on Freddie to give him a ride home from the hospital. He had missed a step on the steep cellar stairs and had broken his ankle. With a cast on his left ankle and walking with the aid of a crutch, he hoped his brother had received the message he left on his cell phone.

It was the next morning before they found Freddie slumped over the steering wheel in his parked car dead of a massive heart attack.


The Peaceful Death:

‘Freddie’s dead.’


‘Freddie. He died. He’s dead.’

‘You’re kidding. Freddie? Bostonfictionwriter? I can’t believe it.’

‘Yes, believe it.’

‘How? Was it during hot sex with two women?’


‘Was he trying to make a comeback in boxing and he died of a heart attack?’


‘Was he trying to save another baby, again, from a burning building?’


‘Did he finally agree to donate his brain to Harvard for medical research?’


‘How, then?’

‘He was writing a story for Literotica and was surrounded by his usual consortium of female admirers like they always enjoy doing while he is writing. Jen was on his left reading over his shoulder while kissing his left ear and rubbing his left thigh and Sally was on his right reading over his shoulder while kissing his right ear and rubbing his right thigh. Ashleigh was in-between his legs giving him a blow job while he wrote, which is the way he always wrote.’

‘Yeah, I remember her making that deal with him when he told her that he was going to write stories for Literotica and she laughed in his face and said, what you write stories? You cannot write stories. You cannot write. You are so scattered with your thoughts, unable to focus, and I am so certain that you will not finish even one story that I will give you a blow job for every story that you do write. And for every story that you start and do not finish, you have to go down on me.’

‘I know and he wrote 15,000 stories in 15,000 days receiving a blow job every day for more than 41 years.’

‘Wow! That is amazing.’

‘What’s even more amazing and kind of sad for her is that, by their agreement, he never had to go down on her because there never was a story that he started that he did not finish.’

‘So, how did he die?’

‘He died peacefully while she blew him for the last time.’

‘That’s how I want to go with my cock in a woman’s mouth. Way to go, Freddie. Rest in peace, Bostonfictionwriter.’


Premature Death:

‘Wow! Look at this! I can’t believe it. It made the front page of today’s newspaper.’

‘What did?’

‘He was on his honeymoon, can you believe it? The poor bastard.’


‘Freddie, he was honeymooning in Bermuda and did a little too much celebrating. He took a wrong turn on one of those motor scooters and drove off a cliff. It was in the middle of the night and he was drunk.’

‘What about his wife?’

‘Wife? You mean his widow?’

‘Yeah, what about his widow?’

‘Well, she’s rich now, filthy rich. She inherits all that lottery prize money he just won, forty-two million dollars.’

‘Geez, he played that loser number for decades. And, then, when he finally, won, he’s dead. Isn’t that a kick in the ass?’

‘Yeah, but he was so young. This is so sudden and so premature. He had so many stories to write and so many others to submit. He showed me all the stories that he had planned on dumping on Literotica in the middle of December, as a surprise move to win the Survivor Contest.’


‘Yeah, he told me back in July that he had enough stories to earn him nearly 2,000 points.’

‘So, where are the stories?’

‘In this box. I was going out back to burn them.’

‘Burn them? Let’s split them and enter them in the Survivor Contest.’

‘You think so?’

‘Yeah, Freddie would have liked that. Think of it as a tribute to Bostonfictionwriter.’



Expected Death:

Freddie raced his motorcycle everywhere. The police were so tired of chasing him that they just drove to his house, waited until he showed up, and arrested him.

‘Freddie, what is wrong with you? You’re going to kill someone. You can’t be driving down Main Street at 100mph in a 20mph zone. Besides, you don’t even have a license anymore. We pulled it last month.’

‘Ah, there ain’t no one around when I come home at midnight. You cops are paranoid. Besides, I wasn’t going no 100mph, I was only doing 60mph.’

Then, it happened, that fateful day of the police prophesy. He entered the intersection too fast and when he saw a street full of people, in an attempt to avoid them, he took the turn too tight, and flipped his Harley. The motorcycle careened and tumbled end over end striking people as it went and landing in the middle of a crowd of Japanese tourists posing and taking photos who, having just arrived from Tokyo and unable to adjust to the time change, were out roaming the street at midnight.

There in the street were three mini-skirted Asian women sprawled out dead.

Everyone expected Freddie to kill himself on tha
t bike but he survived with nothing more than scrapes and bruises.

The police feared that he might do something crazy like kill himself, so they removed his belt and shoelaces leaving him with his small notebook of stories that he had posted on Literotica to read and to give him some solace.

Later that night, alone in his jail cell, unable to live with the grief of killing three innocent, mini-skirted Japanese women (such a waste), he took his own life by eating his own words, particularly, eating this story, by removing the pages from his notebook and swallowing them. He died of suffocation.

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It was raining heavily and, by the time I found a cab, I was already running late. It was one of those summer rains that could get you soaked in a blink of an eye. “Fucking shitty day this will be!” , I uttered rather loudly as I settled on the backseat of the cab looking down at myself. I couldn't show up at the meeting looking that way, but I couldn't miss the meeting either. So I decided to try and save my appearance while the cab slithered through the jammed traffic, seeming mostly...

Straight Sex
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Sex With ISS Member

It was some time ago, around last may when I started reading stories on ISS. Initially just the excitement about reading stories that are probably happening around you, that’s what, turns you on. It’s a secret that one can’t share with anyone, with the stigma associated with reading about the various bold and incestuous relationships we are up to. I was especially attracted to the couple stories and stories about office colleagues, those centring on stories about older women, and married women....

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richboys love 64

Yesterday I was going about my normal day with my tasks like always, when in the middle of Long Beach I seen Harvey and Edvard. My first thought was to turn around and hope that they didn't see me but unfortunately I was with Brit "isn't that Harvey and Edvard?" she inquired. I turned to look at her and said "yes! can we go?" Brit looked at me and said "don't you want to talk to him?" after a short pause I said "of course I do! I want to go hold Edvard in my arms and I want to kiss...

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Making Slutty Girlfriend Shweta 8211 Part 3

Hi All again. Myself an accountant by professional working in Hyderabad, Age 26 years, 5’8″ tall, good built, very fair. I met Shweta in 2006 in Hyderabad during college, and in course of time we developed intimate relationship and had sex n number of times. Let me describe her. She is 5’4”. Good built, fair, voluptuous body having a figure of 36-28-36, a perfect figure, nice ass. Really love to fuck her. Also my email id is Forget to state in part 1. Contact for any type of sex, threesome,...

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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 10

Jake stared uncomprehendingly at the little gun he held. Its firing chamber was open, the clip empty. He suddenly became aware that the gun was incredibly hot and burning his hand. “Ow!” he yelled, shaking his hand. The overheated gun flew into the sand. ‘What just happened? ‘Béla! I shot Béla!’ He looked up frantically. Béla stood, swaying unsteadily, a few yards in front of him. Her chest was all bloody. She dropped to her knees, her legs folding beneath her. Her wings, as they folded...

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William Redman CarterChapter 45

After a noisy and busy afternoon, the house had finally quieted down. The office staff had returned to the hotel in which they were staying until more permanent housing could be arranged. Colt and Nicole had taken over duties as bodyguards while Rock and Natalie retired to their room. Lisa was cleaning up the kitchen while Ken was watching television with Tim. Lucy and William sat on the patio waiting for sunset. William was silent while considering the events earlier in the day. Lucy...

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Dick JonesChapter 5 the last seduction

Yeah, she called me at work. It seemed harmless enough. So far as I knew Dick's influence didn't work over the phone. It let me focus on my plan to be an asshole without worrying about Dick sneaking up on me. It seemed like a good idea at the time. "Hi!" I didn't recognize her voice at first. "Wendy?" "No, Rebecca." "Oh. Hi." "Who's Wendy?" "Just a customer." Damn. If I was trying to be an asshole, I should have said My Fiance. Or maybe My Fuck Buddy. "Okay." Said in that I...

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Favour returned with interest

Margaret had left and I was all hot and steamy. I douched myself and then had a shower with my favourite large butt plug in place. I could feel it stretching me. As I withdrew it in the shower a small amount of s**t escaped. I pushed my fingers in my anus and feeling the warm water more s**t escaped. I pushed my hand further and further and soon my whole hand up to my wrist entered my wanton tranny pussy. I pushed and withdrew several times and then let the warm water wash my ass pussy clean. I...

4 years ago
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Muses for the Modern Times I

My Tuesday morning programming class filed in, like soldiers, or maybe army ants. No, that wasn't fair! They were a good group of people, most of them kids, with a sprinkling of adults to make things interesting, but they were a pretty lackluster group. Usually, in each class, there is someone acting like a class clown to break things up, or a brilliant student who challenges me beyond what I thought I was capable of doing. Not this group, they were a solid non-entity for the most part....

3 years ago
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On the Edge of Forever Part 1

Once know as the best city in the world. San Marcye had it all. A great beach, 2-time World Series Champions, held the Olympics and the World’s Fair. Barely no murders, suicides, or even petty car thefts and no fires. So there was need to have over 200 officers on the police and fire department. On June, Friday the 9th, 2000, the day all of it changed. That day a child was born. At the same time of his birth, a total eclipse happened. The city went into a solar darkness. And it’s been twenty...

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Dosti Se Chudai Tak

Hi all of my friends….main Rohan agrawal from Surguja Chhattishgarh aapke liye apni ek or sacchi or bilkul nayi kahani lekar aaya hun…par aap sab se anurodh hai ki mujhe mail jarur ye kahani just 2 month pahle ki hai…main ek jahag programme me gaya hua tha..wahan dance ka programme tha bachho ka school function tha..wahan se suru hoti hoti hai meri chudai ki kahani…wahan meri mulakat sonali (changed name) naam ki ladki se huyi to sirf 18 saal ki hai…wo ek side par khadi thi black...

2 years ago
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ex girlfriend fucking my buddy

This is a true story about my ex girlfriend. I miss having her around being a slut for me. It all started just us talking about our previous sexual experiences and partners. She was telling me that she had a couple of group sex experiences and I told her about some of mine. She told me once how her and her friend Kayla had sex with 3 black guys at the same time.she said they just went over there to smoke with them and they just started taking advantage of the girls and feeling them up and what...

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Eve and the garden A Fantasy

Eve loved her walks through the garden. Not that Eve of Adam and Eve or that garden, the garden of eden. But, where Eve walked was a beautiful place almost magical. It was more a forest than a garden, but, she called it her garden. one part of it anyway the open space by the stream where the birds sang and the a****ls gathered to drink.Eve was a beautiful woman with long blonde hair that went all the way down her back, deep blue eyes like pools of water, long legs and a striking figure. Small...

4 years ago
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Family SandwichChapter 5

Morgan's footsteps were almost inaudible as he approached Fran's bedroom. It was the discreet airline walk, coupled with the subdued and seemingly knowledgeable manner. Yes, Morgan was an expert at certain kinds of deception, and now he prepared some of this skill as he softly turned the handle of his sister-in- law's door. She had been too distraught to think of locking it; indeed, she was incapable of anything at the moment but lying prostrate upon her bed, reduced to low moans and...

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His Foot Goddess

His foot GoddessBy stryker53        For as long as he could remember Max had wanted to be near female feet.  There wasn’t a particular reason for it.  He wasn’t abused by his mother or anything.  In fact, if he even tried to touch her feet he was forbidden.  The same thing happened with any of her friends or his other female family members.  Most boys would take the hint, but not Max.  Each rejection only made his desire for feet grow stronger.        As time went on and he entered high school...

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MotherDaughter ModelsChapter 10

Scott was on his sixth cup of black coffee when the phone rang. After a virtually sleepless night punctuated with restless pacing about his apartment and energetic tossing in the bed, his nerves were on edge. The shrill ringing of the telephone made his hand shake. He picked the instrument up and listened to Harry Halliday's secretary rattle off two short sentences. He was to be in Harry's office at eleven o'clock and Mr. Halliday wondered if he'd mind wearing a suit and a tie. A suit...

4 years ago
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Mommy And Me Un Expected Visitors

Hi, this is Sameera I am married 28 years old staying with my hubby Rajesh and mother in law Suman my father in Law had passed away. This story is 2 years down the line when I like any other girls was too conscious about my figure and a regular Gym user in my society. Our neighbour Mr Sunil was retired man living alone. He had this strange lusty eye on me and my mother in law and we both knew it. Mom often told me to maintain some distance from Sunil uncle. It was dawn of summers in April and...

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She Knew My NameChapter 3

Even though Ellen had invited me to come back the next day I avoided even walking by Ellen’s house for three days. I jumped and held my breath every time the phone rang. When Mrs. Farrow and the police did not show up at our doorstep I started to think I had gotten away with it. Of course, the thought of Ellen being my girlfriend constantly preyed on my mind. I finally had the nerve to walk down the street in the direction of Ellen’s house. When I didn’t see anyone on the porch I have to...

2 years ago
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Friends With Benefits Part 6

It was Saturday morning, Roma and Peter had checked out of the Edinburgh hotel after Roma's initiation as a whore. Roma could scarcely believe she had fucked a client for money, much less enjoyed it. With a 50% bonus on top of a £200 fee, she and Peter were now spending the money on lingerie, perfume and makeup.'Don't use these for pleasure, Roma. Keep business strictly separate.'Half a dozen matching sets of bra, panties and stockings blew £240. Two perfumes blew £40. Four lipsticks, £20....

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Rebecca Do My Bidding CH2

Sitting in my office and waiting for Rebecca to show up was agony in the most brutal definition of the word. The minutes seemed to crawl by at a snail’s pace, making me more and more nervous with each passing second. All evening I could not get what had happened with Rebecca out of my mind. The ease at which she succumbed to the suggestions was mind boggling. And it had all happened by accident! Now, what was the morning going to hold for me? Would the police and an angry husband show up...

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Wife Sarah,s brother had lost his house due to financial problems and Sarah allowed him to move in with us as Sarah,s father had died, her mother Susan was now in an old folk,s home and with Rick away in Manchester working there was spare room in the house. It was a very hot summer spell with the temperatures in the 80s and our patio furniture had come in for a lot of use. Christina Didn,t like Lewis much as he was a bit of a loud mouth with drinks problems and had tried it on with her, he...

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My Sister 8211 My Wife

Thanks for reading my earlier story “Love of my life” ( ). That was about how my sister and I expressed our love for each other and shared intimate moments. Today, I am writing about how we got ‘married’. So after spending couple of weeks discovering each other physically, emotionally and experiencing the heights of love and lust, I returned to India and she stayed back in London continuing her studies. We decided we won’t...

2 years ago
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I get taught a lesson

Tyler and I strolled into the party, and everyone's heads turned to look at us per usual. We were an odd sort of couple. Tyler, strong and forever angry looking, and me tall, skinny, and never without a half smirk on my face. I was wearing a cut off t-shirt that showed my tan stomach, belly button ring, and the top of my cleavage, along with skinny jeans and flats. My long black hair fell in loose curls down my back. I saw several girls give me bitchy looks as I walked in. I laughed and took...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 52 Inao Mitsuko

June 5, 1994, Chicago, Illinois I parked the car in the reserved spot at the loft building and helped Mitsuko from the car. I took her hand and we walked to the door of the building. I let us in, then led her upstairs to the apartment. I’d stopped in on Thursday at lunch to ensure there were snacks and drinks, as well as to double-check that the cleaning service had left things as I wanted them, which they had. When we entered, I shut the door behind us, and we slipped off our shoes. “This...

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Moms Accidental Arousal

Kathy walked into the darkened bedroom knowing exactly where she had placed her nail clippers. The curtains were still open allowing the near full moon to cast its soft reflected light for her to see the night stand next to the bed. She had broken her nail downstairs in the kitchen, and wanted to remedy it before she caught it on her clothing.Without warning, the light in the bedroom suddenly increased and with a start Kathy turned towards the window. Her next door neighbour’s son had just...

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Real Incident Of My Life Part 8211 1

Hi ISS readers!!!! This is raj from Mumbai well built 5’8 height and I am sure you wants to know size.. well it’s sufficient to satisfy anyone’s need … it’s 6.5 inches long and 2.5 inches thick…. Ladies/girls you can contact me on …   I am reading ISS stories from last 5-6 years and after so many years I am forced to write/share my real first love incident (in some parts depending on response) which happened 15 years ago. This incident is of my net friend to whom I met after chatting with her...

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Six Times A DayPart 48 California Girls

Alan knew that Heather was going to be trouble pretty much from the minute he arrived at school. As he was walking alone across a field to get to his locker and then his first-period class, she swung into step alongside him and asked point blank, "So, where's my reward? Am I going to get my reward today?" He knew exactly what she meant: she felt like he needed to fuck her right away as a reward for her passing her STD test and giving him the results so quickly. But he played dumb, asking,...

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