The incest video interviews chapter 10A
- 4 years ago
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Danica and Brandon took Celes and Terran to their rooms upon returning to the safety of the familiar stone walls of the fortress. Both wizards were exhausted beyond thought by the strain of the mass teleport and the subsequent run.
Everyone was in high spirits. Cheron and Brandon admired his new sword taken from the orc leader. Brandon remarked that the weapon looked like dwarven work — certainly nothing any orc could make. The two dwarves approached to point out telltale scrollwork on the silvery blade of the weapon.
"Aye, that's the work of me people," Griffith agreed, "An' what's more, it's the work of the Ironanvil clan. It's a Masterblade — likely the finest crafting to ever come from a master sword smith's forge."
"The power of the Dwarven gods is about the blade," Feros revealed. "It would never serve an orc, but it'll likely serve ye well. If'n the blade ever leaves yer grasp, ye can call it back to yer hand with a thought. It'll never lose its edge, an' it'll serve us all well in the wood. The blade is blessed against the likes of ogres, orcs, goblins, and giants — the ancient enemies o' me people. Not for takin' away from yer prowess, but likely t' blade was crossin' the critter up an' makin' yer killin' it easier. Wield it proudly and well."
The dwarves, cleric, and Brandon continued to look over the blade, and Bear walked over to join them. Danica sat and talked to Venaru. Danica thought that the stoic warrior appeared to have something on his mind, but he offered no overt signs.
Janelle suddenly broke the celebration with a scowl and angry words. "What were you all thinking — charging into the fray like that? You acted like a bunch of rank amateurs. We are a group. We fight as a group. If you were students, you would have kept running laps around the damn complex all night once we made it back here. You four endangered us all with that charge."
The four fighters cringed under Janelle's chastisement. Bear argued, "The day was won. They were only orcs," he argued weakly, his voice trailing off as Janelle's withering stare bored into him.
"Only orcs — in a forest full of other monsters!" Janelle's voice steadily rose in volume until she shouted the last word. "What if a giant had suddenly come crashing through the trees while you were in the middle of that morass of orcs?"
All of the fighters winced and stammered apologies, realizing their actions were indeed rash and dangerous.
"And you," Janelle growled, pointing at Bear. "Come here. I have more words for you."
Bear stood up and walked with slumped shoulders, following Janelle's lead. She berated him personally for his obvious attempt to make up for the ogre escaping earlier that day, and charging into the thick of battle like a madman.
The group around the sword finally broke up. The dwarves went to their chambers after a quick stop to apologize to Danica and Venaru for not thinking of the possible consequences of their actions during the battle.
By this time, Janelle was screaming at the cowering Bear. She actually started throwing punches at the big man's broad chest as she berated him. After one such punch, she collapsed into his arms in tears. He wrapped his arms around her and looked very confused.
"Sorry, I should have kept a level head," Cheron said to Danica and Venaru, also turning to offer the apology to Brandon as well. "I know our victory was not the result of luck, but the fact that no other creatures overwhelmed us before we finished the orcs off was."
"Well, remember it next time. Last thing I want is to lose one of you lovely ladies to an orc spear," Brandon said with a smile.
The four laughed a bit, and then glanced over at Bear and Janelle again. Bear did his best to comfort the softly crying Janelle.
Cheron leaned in close to Danica and whispered, "Well, I think I just lost my chance to see what a fine sword Bear holds sheathed in his trousers. There's something more there." Cheron paused for a moment and added, "Though, she might be persuaded to share him if I joined them in their bed."
Cheron stood back up and grabbed Brandon by the arm. "Let's go polish your sword," she said with a crooked smile, indicating that the shining weapon he held in his hand was not the sword she wanted to polish. He offered a broad grin and followed her out of the common room.
"I wish to thank you for the magic that spoiled the orc's aim. I was too late in noticing the creature, and surely would have been hit — were it not for your magic," Venaru said in a sudden rush of words.
"No need for thanks. We're a group and we protect each other, as Janelle said." Danica looked at the handsome man and offered a mischievous smile. "Though, if you would like to thank me, I'm sure we can find a way for you to do it properly," Danica suggested while laying a hand on his leg beneath the table.
Bear and Janelle stood up with a nod to Danica and left the common room. Danica looked back into Venaru's eyes afterward and saw the desire growing there. She stood and he followed her example, following the redhead to her room.
Shortly thereafter, the nude couple kissed passionately as they fell into Danica's bed. Danica wrapped her lips around his cock, pulling back the foreskin to suck on the purplish head beneath. His cock was straight and smooth, with no curving at all — and a nice length. She sucked him hungrily for a while, taking him deep into her throat and moaning around him.
He pulled her away from his throbbing cock, as he was close to climax and not yet ready to come. With firm touches, he bent Danica to her hands and knees on the bed. He knelt down behind her to flick his tongue over her wet heat.
Danica moaned in pleasure as his tongue danced over her with delightful pressure. He stabbed his stiff tongue deep inside her and Danica gasped thinking, Gods, it's so long, as he swirled his tongue in her depths.
He pulled back to lap her folds and clit with the stiff tip of his tongue, bringing shivers to Danica with every touch. He moved upward and flicked his tongue over the iris of her ass, then pushed his stiff tongue inside her sex once more.
Danica loudly moaned and rubbed her clit as he tongue fucked her so well. She came a few moments later with a long groan of bliss.
Venaru picked her up by the waist, lifting her easily with his strong, wiry arms. He pulled her wet folds to his mouth and draped her legs over his shoulders, devouring her hungrily.
Danica washed her tongue over his cock and stroked it with her hand as he held her up to lap her quivering folds. She gasped, her legs clamping tightly around his head, and tried to maintain enough concentration to keep her hand and tongue working on his cock.
Danica came again, pushing this time to erupt in a flood. Her juices ran down their bodies in little streams, and she tasted her dripping juices whenever they came within range of her lips. Venaru lifted her legs from his shoulders and leaned over to lay her down on her back. Danica grasped his legs and pulled her body beneath him.
He groaned as she tickled his ass with her tongue while stroking his hard cock in her hand. She rimmed his ass, tonguing the sensitive cord between it and his balls, feeling him getting harder in her stroking hand.
Venaru lifted one knee and moved around her to the head of the bed. He rolled Danica over on her side, lifted one of her legs high, and then pushed his stiff organ inside her to the hilt.
Danica moaned and gasped as he took her with hard, fast strokes, holding tightly to her upraised leg and pressing down hard on the other. Danica's head swam from the intensity of his cock stroking her so fast. She didn't think any man had ever fucked her so quickly before.
Danica's back arched as she came hard on his stroking cock, screaming her pleasure with her eyes tightly closed. He lowered her leg back to the bed, and then pulled her up by her hips to her hands and knees again. Danica still shuddered in orgasm when he slid back inside her again.
Venaru exhibited even more power and speed now, mounted behind her. He groaned as Danica's walls clenched tight about him each time a wave of orgasm shot through her. Danica's head was a complete muddle as he pounded her depths relentlessly. She dimly realized his finger had slipped into her ass as he pounded her, adding to the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.
Danica's orgasm came upon her without warning, and a loud, shrill scream burst from her as her body exploded, sending a flood of her cum washing over his still pounding cock. He came with a loud exclamation, still stroking her fast as he shot hot spurts of semen into her depths with every thrust.
He collapsed on top of her after a few more strokes, loudly gasping as they both collapsed on the bed, shaking and shuddering from their orgasms. Their bodies glistened with sweat, and neither could catch their breath. Quite some time passed before they broke from their coupling. Finally, Venaru returned to his own room, leaving Danica to bask in the afterglow.
The next day, Celes and Terran walked in with wide smiles to address everyone. Terran revealed the reason for their amusement. "The creatures are warring amongst themselves. Fights break out everywhere in the wood. The orcs in particular are being decimated. It would seem Brandon's sword felled their leader, the chief of clan chiefs. They are being led by lesser chiefs, and they have virtually no organization amongst the clans. The goblins and ogres are tearing them apart. The few giants are joining in the fun, smashing creatures on all sides."
Celes cackled, "Them critters are doin' our work for us, tearin' each other apart. If'n this don't draw them wizards out soon, they ain't gonna 'ave no army left ta send against this place."
"There is, however, some less fortunate news. It would seem our estimates of the creature's numbers were either wrong, or there are more creeping into the woods. The orcs, despite their decimation, still number in the hundreds. There are at least twice the number of goblins we had thought, and the ogres number at least one hundred fifty. There are no less than six hill giants as well," Terran said.
"Do you really believe your guesses were so far off, or that there are more coming?" Danica asked.
Terran answered, "If they continue to recruit more monsters, our efforts may be for nothing."
A wicked smile spread across Danica's face. "Well, none of the creatures trust the other. Perhaps we should give them reason not to trust their own kind as well."
"You have an idea?" Cheron asked, matching Danica's evil grin.
"Yes, and you inspired it. Terran, do you have items with fire shielding?" Danica asked.
"Yes, it is a common thing to issue to war wizards in the event they encounter another on the opposing side."
"We'll need them," Danica requested. "Celes, find us a goblin encampment. One that is fortified well enough that it won't likely have hostile neighbors attacking it at will. One with a shaman, and several warrior goblins would be perfect."
"Lookin' for a right powerful bunch ain't ye, Dearie? Lots o' warriors an' a shaman is no small bunch. Ye're talkin' near unta a hunnerd or more."
"What I'm planning should thin their numbers considerably before any real battle starts. Let me explain," Danica requested and motioned for everyone to gather around.
Smiles spread across all their faces as Danica explained the details of her inspiration.
Celes found an appropriate encampment some time later. The companions hurried under cloak of invisibility to the area soon afterward. They approached and evaluated the camp. The creatures had set up a crude shelter for the shaman, the building well guarded by warrior goblins. Danica estimated that there were over a hundred of the creatures in the area, between the group in the main camp and the numerous sentries.
The companions backtracked up the trail a short distance, Venaru and Janelle fanning out to check the surrounding area when Danica chose a place to stop. The pair returned to say that there were few other creatures nearby, and that the closest was only a small, frightened group of orcs with a pair of ogres hunting them.
Danica decided it was exactly what they were looking for. The men wove their illusions about them — Bear and Brandon taking on the appearance of warrior goblins, while the dwarves and Venaru appeared as their smaller but no less vicious cousins. All the illusions bore wounds, wearing torn and bloodied clothing.
Cheron was the next to assume her illusion, a half-goblin warrioress. Again, her illusion had the facial features and skin tone of the monster, but with her stunning body. Danica and Janelle did the same, imposing a goblin's features, size, and color onto their own bodies. Celes and Terran would remain hidden, though they both assumed the appearance of goblin shaman.
Celes and Terran went ahead under cloak of invisibility. The rest gave them time to reach the encampment and settle in. Once Danica decided enough time had passed, the companions broke onto the trail at a dead run. They looked over their shoulders often, acting as if something pursued them.
One of the sentries spun from behind a tree as they approached, leveling a spear at them. The group skidded to a halt, looking nervously behind them.
"Where you goin'? This our camp," the goblin sneered in its native tongue.
"Ogres and giants, smash up clan good. We run fast, but chased. Not seen 'em for a while. Us find kin — too few left," Brandon answered in perfect goblin.
"They not follow?" The goblin asked nervously, looking past the newcomers at the trail straining its hearing.
"Dunno. Not see for while. We no stop to look. No stop now. Go camp, join kin," Brandon grunted in the crude goblin tongue.
The creature signaled to one of its fellows hiding up in a tree above. "Me take 'em to Big Spells. Youz watch an' come runnin' if bigguns come," the first goblin snarled to the other, and then looked back at the companions. "Follow. Big Spells decide if you stay or go back get smashed by bigguns." The creature leered at Cheron as it spoke. The tunic of her illusion appeared badly torn, revealing her breasts through the tear — her left areole even peeking into the light.
The goblin loped down the trail at a jog. Several other sentries appeared, but recognized the markings of their clan on the leader and melted back into the trees without delaying the group.
Curious glances met the companions when they reached the edge of the encampment. The monsters mostly stared at the women, who were all dressed in tatters. Danica saw no female goblins anywhere as they walked through the camp.
The goblin guiding them approached the crude shelter and said, "Big Spells there. Powerful shaman. He decide. You go talk or not, me not care." It then wandered over to one of the warrior goblins guarding the shelter. It spoke as if to one of authority, relaying Brandon's lie.
When waved over, the companions moved toward the structure. A lot of tongue waggling met their ears as they walked. The door to the shelter opened as they neared the building.
Danica cursed silently when the figures approached. Four goblin alchemists flanked the shaman, dangerous foes that wielded strange alchemical weapons of destruction. The goblins wore their pouches, likely filled with the tools of their trade.
Danica could tell from the posture of the rest of the group that they understood the danger as well. The goblin shaman reached them quickly. "What want? You not my kin. Where come from?" it snarled at them.
"Bigguns smash clan. We run, find kin. We join you. Strong warriors, kill many before flee."
The shaman snorted, and then looked past Brandon at the women behind him. A wide smile filled with pointed yellow teeth crept across its face. "You join clan. Women mine now. Go," the shaman ordered.
Brandon howled in a perfect imitation of goblin anger and loss, "No take!"
The shaman shrugged. "You stay, give women. Go, we keep women. Women mine. You go or stay."
Brandon howled again, looking at the women, and then back at the shaman and his guards. With slumped shoulders, he wandered slowly toward a group of goblins around a fire. The other men followed with the same slump shouldered look of defeat. The men spread out some distance away from the shaman's shelter.
"Get in line," the shaman ordered the women. Danica and the others grumbled as they lined up shoulder to shoulder. Goblin females were fierce, independent creatures, and they fought savagely alongside the males. They always deferred immediately — if with some grumbling — to any command from a shaman.
The shaman walked up to Cheron, forced to look up at her because he was shorter than her half goblin form. He reached up a clawed hand and tore her tunic more, fully revealing her breasts. He smiled a wide, toothy grin at her revealed flesh. He motioned to the alchemists and they came forward, knives pulled from sheaths at their belts.
The shaman and the alchemist cut the clothing from the three women's bodies, drooling as their slices revealed female flesh. Goblins moved closer from all over the camp, eager to get a good look and be nearby in case the shaman wanted to reward any of them with the women. Brandon and the others stayed where they were, now conveniently behind the largest part of the creatures.
"Good women, strong mates. Good to ride," the shaman said with a toothy grin.
Danica watched the host of goblins carefully. She had perfectly guessed how the shaman would react to the uncommonly sexy bodies of her and her friends. Most goblin women were more muscular and brutish, and Danica had assumed that the rest of the goblins would move in close for a good look at naked female flesh. She waited nervously, trying to let as many goblins come as close as possible.
When one of the alchemists reached out and roughly grabbed Janelle's breast, grabbing her arm with the other hand, Danica released the spell stored in a ring on her finger.
Hell erupted about them as the Inferno spell sprang to immediate frightful life. Burning goblins screamed in agony all around. The fire shields protected the women, as well as the men now scrambling to attack, but a series of detonations sounded from nearby in the roaring columns of flames.
The concussive blast of the alchemists' creations exploding in their pouches knocked all three women onto their backs.
Brandon reflexively raised his arms against the wave of heat he knew would come, but his magical fire shielding kept him from even feeling it. Danica had warned everyone about the spell, but the incredible power the woman commanded astounded Brandon far beyond his expectations.
Goblins engulfed in flame and singed by the wave of heat screamed in pain all around him. He drew his fine new sword and started to cut down stunned goblins nearby. The moment of surprise passed quickly, and he soon fought ready, armed goblins instead of stunned, gaping ones. The detonations moments later surprised him and the goblins, distracting them all for a moment. He felt the shock waves roll over him hard, and saw mushroom plumes of black smoke rising from where the women stood hidden by the flames.
"Bloody hell," Brandon roared as he parried a sword thrust from a goblin that had turned back to him, the immediate threat.
Bear was no less stunned than Brandon. He too had leapt upon the goblins as soon as the fire roared to life. The detonations gave him pause as well. He saw that the dwarves and Venaru were also staring at the plumes of smoke until forced to defend themselves again.
Venaru recovered from the shock of the detonations quickly. He brought his sword back up to its deadly work, cutting down a still gaping goblin, and slicing another as he followed through with the strike.
He batted aside a thrown spear, and then leapt forward with incredible strength and grace, jumping up high when he landed to avoid a kick from the goblin as it drew its own rusty sword. It never finished the motion, but fell gurgling to the ground as Venaru's blade sliced through its throat.
Janelle quickly buckled on her sword belt, slung her quiver over her shoulder, and brought her bow up. Goblins fled and panicked all around. Janelle moved out of the flames where she could see clearly to take the monsters down. Her bow sang and a goblin fell heavily to the earth. A second shot took down another. She cursed as the bowstring cut across her bare breast on the second shot.
Cheron let out a mighty war cry and let fly her mace the moment she stepped from the still thick smoke of the flame burst. The mace blasted into the head of a goblin running toward her, the monster's momentum carrying it forward as the dead goblin fell over on its face and slid. Her mace back in her hands a moment later, Cheron charged toward a pair of goblins.
The sight of a stunningly sexy, nude, widely smiling female charging toward them caused the two goblins to pause and look at each other in confusion. It cost them, because the first went down in a heap as Cheron's thrown mace smashed into its face. The other creature snarled and charged the unarmed woman, only to yelp out in surprise and raise a hasty defense as her mace reappeared in her hand.
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Following her weekend dalliance with her new invention, Lizzie arrived back at the lab bright and early Monday morning, ready to finish up her plans for the ultimate sexual enhancement device. She was going to revolutionize the pleasure industry. And everyone was going to recognize her for the genius that was Elizabeth Bordeaux.She was the picture of absolute focus. For the next several days, Lizzie spent every moment in the office working, testing, writing. She barely even had time to think...
ToysThe date of our reunion is finally taken. I’m at the foot of your building, you open me and give me the exact way back to the elevator, mentioning this good old guardian plaque.I'm going up to the 9th. The door is ajar. My heart is beating full. Coming out of work, I'm in a penguin outfit naturally. I chose a suit not too tight at the waist and especially leaving me space at the crotch.I'm going into your apartment. You're not there. A glass came out. White wine in it, I wait for it **** and...
by Vanessa Evans Okay, so it was more like he told me where and when to meet him. Part 1 I was having a drink in a pub with two of my girl friends when one of them told me that a guy standing at the bar with two of his mates was staring at me and had been for the last half hour. I couldn’t understand why he would want to stare at me because there is nothing special about me. Both my mates are prettier than me and they have bigger tits. What’s more they were both wearing dresses that were...
A Sissy called Jezebel Part CXXXII - Jezzie returns to fair Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission. Jezzie is saved in just the nicki of time. Jezzie gets caught holding back on details to the police, why did sie sie do it? Beth starts pulling the leash attached to my choke collar. I start choking. "I can't believe it! This is it! They are going to kill ........" I don't get to finish the thought. Lights come on from the...
Hey guys I am back. Thanks for all those emails. I am happy that you people liked my story “Great Times With Cousin Sister Rekha”. Now as I had promised, here is the story of that night. After a wonderful experience on the roof, we came down and freshened ourselves up. She kissed me on my lips and said that she loved it and now I would get my wish of fucking her, that too tonight. I was really excited and we kissed madly for 5 minutes or so until we heard the door bell ring. It was my...
IncestBusty blonde bombshell Kenzie Taylor has an audition today. When she gets the script she can’t believe her eyes. “Stretch my tight little pink asshole??†She would never say anything like this but she wants to do a great job anyway because she is an aspiring actress. She awkwardly reads the line and it falls totally flat. Director of the movie, Xander Corvus offers to help by showing her the “method acting†technique so he crams a butt plug up her ass and tells her to deliver the...
xmoviesforyouThis is the second part of Sandy, Kristy and Ken's story of flirting, jealousy and revenge. In this chapter the transformations that Ken and Kristy underwent in chapter 1 take root in the changelings minds affecting mannerisms, desires and instincts. Also, unknown to Sandy the talisman had further reaching affects on Ken and Kristy. The most obvious is the ten-fold increase in their already substantial libidos. Less obvious is the size of Kristy's new penis. Ken's penis was large,...
I was just minding my own business, watching TV while home alone, and felt a sudden urge. We all get them. I just felt like I had to 'take care of myself', you know what I mean. So I did the thing all eighteen year old boys do. Went upstairs, into my parents' room, and approached the drawer. You know the one I mean. Mom's special drawer. Where the sexy lingerie and the toys are kept. It's where all my best wank material comes from. I see exactly what I want.
Incestby Vanessa Evans Part 04 Eva was full of energy when she woke up and rode my morning woody to wake me up. It was another full day at uni for me so I didn’t see Eva until the evening. She told me that the postman had stared at her and the pink antenna when he delivered what she assumed was her new phone but she didn’t open it because it was addressed to me. Eva had gone for another walk in just a dress with the antenna sticking out of her pussy. She hadn’t noticed anyone looking at her...
This is the beginning of a story I have been working on about two friends. There is more to come and any and all comments are welcomed and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to contact me with question, comments, advice, etc. * Raphael and I had been friends since junior high. I had always had a bit of a crush on him, ok it was more than a bit of a crush, but we’d never attempted to have a relationship. He was my best friend. We talked about everything and I never had to worry about him...
Sweat was pouring down my body. I could feel a drip slide down the groove of my spine under my loose t-shirt, into the waistband of my spandex shorts. Gasping in a breath I pushed one more time, lifting the weight for my final rep, slowly exhaling as I pushed the bar from my chest. Carefully putting the weight back on its rest, I waved to my spotter, a small nod of thanks. Exhausted, I cleaned the bench and grabbed my water bottle and wound my way through the people in the weight room, grabbing...
Ok. Good evening guys. Hope y'all had a wonderful day? well i have gist for you. I will start with an event that took place just a few weeks after my 18th birthday. I am the first c***d of a young family from Southern Nigeria. My dad was a fresh recruit of the National Petroleum Corporation deployed to a petroleum academy for a 3 year(s) intensive training. We were 3 k**s by that time and the domestic load was becoming too heavy for my mum who was doubling as a dress maker to support the home...
Janet and John are on holiday at Doggers in the October half-term.Doggers is dedicated to fam1lies who love dogging.Janet and John are too young to understand First Base, Second Base and Third Base.First: Kissing, Second: touching over or under clothing, Third: proper hand job. Janet had her own bucket list of sex-positions for this holiday (Oral, Anal, and Cuntal).Janet has already ticked off Oral, when she sucked the Biggest Blackest Cock in the World.Janet and John visit chalet number 4,...
Derek Halsey Looked up from the slip of paper in his hand and regarded the stately old Victorian house in front of him. Located on the western fringe of wine country in Northern California, it was miles away from civilization. The estate towered in exalted majesty in the middle of a large garden filled with neatly trimmed bushes, decorative flowerbeds and gravel paths, all surrounded by a tall hedge. This must be it, Derek thought and opened the black iron gate. Atop the iron gate was an ornate...
My name is Lisa and I’m a total absolute slut. I just love sex, any type. I love to suck cock, have a cock pound my pussy, have a cock stretch my rosebud and fuck my ass fast and hard. I also like to lick and suck a nice juicy pussy, nibble on her clit, kiss lick and play with a woman’s breast and nipples. I like making love to another woman feeling the softness and the taste of their bodies. I have sex with white man and women, black men and women, Asian, hell it doesn’t matter where a person...
“I show I swell and I waddle” seemed to be the theme song at the school for unwed mothers where I worked. I was the caretaker there and I did the odd fix-it jobs and maintained the grounds. Mostly I got to shovel the snow, mow the lawn, plant a few flowers, and mop up the entranceway. The pay wasn’t much but room and board was included. I got to sleep in the caretaker’s house and I got to eat with the girls too. The girls were all teenagers and they were all pregnant. They were also...
We were always very open with each other about sex but with a young family the opportunities to act out our fantasies were few and far between. We had met couples before and my wife had met several single girls on her own to fulfill her bisexual side but we had certainly been going through a drought for several months with no new experiences to report.For some inexplicable reason, I had become fascinated by the idea of sharing my wife with another man. We had talked about it and she was wary...
We pulled into Joe’s driveway in Yuma, AZ, after driving all the way from New York state. We were going to spend the winter in Arizona for the winter. Our friend Joe had said we could stay with him. He had plenty of room, since his wife had divorced him last year. My wife was busy getting our things set up in the guest room. Joe and I were enjoying a beer together, while he was showing me his garage and the projects, he was working on. Then he grabbed me and giving me a hug, while telling me...
Introduction: Fiction based on a true story. She had gone out for a couple of drinks after work with a couple of the people that she works with. I didnt think that she would be gone as long as she had been. When she walked in the door five hours after work had ended I knew she probably had a good time. However I could tell by the look on her face when she walked in that she had been crying a short time ago. Whats wrong I asked her and she started to cry and say Im so sorry, Im so sorry. Tell me...
You wake up after a long night of drinks with Casey. You hear the jarring sound of the alarm echo in your head. You think to yourself 'How much did I drink last night.' Your head is pounding and you lay in bed for a bit before heading to the kitchen to get water. You run into Allyson there. She made breakfast, she really is too kind. "Good morning, sleepy head" She says teasing you, because you usually wake up well before the alarm but keep it for these situations. "Bite me, Allyson." She...
FetishI want to work in this office. I want to work there no matter what the pay or position. This is the greatest office environment ever. This office had the foresight to hire a new secretary named Luke Ichinoise. I doubt very seriously that they even gave her a typing test or even checked her refrrences. I imagine her interview was her walking in and just dropping to her knees as she unbuttons her blouse and unzipping the pants of the man who was doing the interview. I think that man, that genius...
xmoviesforyouWhile Alina Lopez is trying her hardest to study for her exam, her girlfriend Adria Rae is playing video games and can’t, for the life of her, keep her voice down. Alina removes Adria’s headphones and asks her to please keep it down. She apologizes, saying her she’ll do her best. Alina has an idea, maybe Adria could help her study; after all, she used to help her out all the time with her homework. Adria says can’t help her because she’s not good at school and will...
xmoviesforyou(MAY 1940 – HOLLAND SURRENDERS) “Hitler, who founded the Third Reich, who ruled it ruthlessly and often with uncommon shrewdness, who led it to such dizzy heights and such a sorry end, was a person of undoubted, if evil genius. It is true that in the German people, as a mysterious Providence and centuries of experience had molded them up to that time, he found a natural instrument which he was able to shape to his own sinister ends. But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demonic...
The note was short but piqued my curiosity to a degree that I could think of little else as I showered and dressed. It was taped to the bathroom mirror and read only, “ Happy Birthday. Enjoy your new toy.” When I found the note, I looked around but found no “toy,” so I returned to the bedroom and stood watching her as she slept. She was lying on her stomach and had already stretched her arm out onto my vacant side of the bed, just as she always did when I wasn’t beside her. The sheet left her...
You know you’ve made it in Hollywood when you can have your very own in house yoga instructor. Sure she is an actress hoping to make it and will gladly fuck for a place to stay but that’s what it’s like in this town. You gotta have your entourage and young girls hanging around. That way you can show off to your old homies from your hometown when they come to LA to visit. So here you have Jack who has now made it big producing movies in Hollywood and his childhood buddy Scotty...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, This is my real story.My name is Rahul Kapoor I belongs to delhi, this is my first story as this is the only experience of my life, which i really want to share with all of you, I am a great fan of this site & particularly incest colum .Let me start it , I am Rahul kapoor i am involve with my father in his business ,my mother’s name is Kamini Kapoor, she is a sex goddess (with figure 34-30-36) whenever we went together to market all guys stare at her and fuck her in their thoughts....
I guess the goth club was a BAD idea. I had never been to one, and lets face it goth girls are fucking hot. And to top it all off I an not goth. I fit in their like the sun in the middle of the night. But I went anyway,looking fora hot goth chick to hook up with. And I found one. Her name was Raven, and she was divine beauty. Long legs, waspish skinny waist. No tatoos, I hate tatoos. Dark black hair, she stood in thigh high black high heeledboots, a super tight corset which pushed her...
An Alternate Me Part 4: Illumination Andrew unlocked the door to his house with his spare key and called out, "Hey, I'm home" His mother who was watching television turned to him and said, "Did you have fun with Claire?" He took off his backpack and nodded. "Yeah, we went shopping downtown." His mother smiled and said, "Well that's good to hear, this morning you seemed a little depressed." He started heading upstairs. "Yeah, well I'm feeling better now so don't worry."...
It was a balmy early summer evening when Laurent’s convertible drew up the long drive leading to the Lomas’ home. The gravel crunched under the tyres as it rolled to a stop by the front door, and Laurent saw the curtains twitch. Seconds later Jayne was at the door, waving to him with a flirtatious smile. Awkwardly, he waved back, uncomfortable with the level of intimacy displayed in her smile. As she walked towards the car he looked her up and down. She was wearing a tailored white blouse,...
This is the real story happened in my life which anybody can never forget. This story is very lengthy . You need to be patient while reading this as it is very interesting as far as myself is concerned. My name is harikrishnareddy 22 years old. My father is a famous realtor in Hyderabad. My mother is house wife. We are very rich by grace of god. Even though I started earning separately which my parents do not know.i started HR Technologies. Through which I do material contract for security...
Comment and Rate, and most of all Enjoy I jumped as my phone rang, I had just gotten comfortable and started working my favorite dildo in and out of my wet cunt when it went off. I sighed and dropped the toy then answered the phone “Yeah?” I asked. “Hey Chris, can you stay over here at my place with Jack for a couple weeks? John has been sent to Connecticut for two weeks for work and he wants me to go with him.” my friend, Jennifer, said. I agreed to, I loved her dog Jack, and she said...
Mountain Girls II By Blueheatt * We left off with the twin girls Bella and Jennifer in the backwoods. Jen was holding my own shotgun loaded on me and telling me to take all my clothes off and lay down on the leaves. Jen decided she wanted to tell this part&hellip,. —- __I done loved to force Ben to do things. He was our boyfriend now and he was a makin us feel good. He was a good pussy licker, kisser and had a right nice cock to put in our pussys. After forcein him to hump me and then...
It was a slow night at the gym, and less than an hour until closing time. Besides the staff, only myself and two other men were there. Having finished my workout, I headed to the locker room to shower and get dressed. What happened next was the most intensely erotic and thrilling experience of my life to that point.I had often fantasized about what it would be like to perform oral sex on a man, but had never ventured an actual encounter. I had doubts regarding my self-image following such an...