SamChapter 10A free porn video

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The next morning, I resisted the temptation to sneak into Bud's room for my fix of male hormones. If everything went as planned we would have enough time for that later. When I went down to feed the dog, I thought about having another romp in the woods, but I decided to pass on that as well. Still, it had been so much fun the day before that I just had to relive it just a bit.

After I filled Brute's bowls with fresh food and water, I slipped out of my robe so I could enjoy the feeling of the cool morning air on my body. My nymph fantasy surfaced again and I left the robe on the railing while I danced on the dewy grass for a bit. Being naked outdoors felt marvelous. It was different, and that made it special. The risk of being caught made it delightfully naughty. I could appreciate the urge that made Sara toss our clothes out the window, even if it never would have occurred to me to do it myself.

As long as I was in the mood, I started in on some stretching exercises that Master Li had shown us. I mixed in some of the things I used to do for cheerleading, as well. After that I did a few punches and kicks and finished off with the awareness and balance stance. When I finished, I felt really awake and alive and full of energy.

I was just reaching for my robe, when I heard the door open and someone come outside. I waited when I heard a couple of scuffing steps and then the faint sound of bare feet on grass. When Bambi came around the corner of the landscaping bed, I waved and she walked up the slight rise to join me.

"Breakfast will be ready in a little while," she said. "I'm making the sausage and egg casserole again. This time with freshly-grated Romano. I think it tastes better than that stuff in the box.

"Thanks," I said. She obviously hadn't come out just to tell me that.

She looked at my nakedness and the robe in my hand and asked, "Isn't it too cool to be walking around out here without your robe on?"

"I've been working out. Stretching and stuff. I didn't want to get grass stains on my robe. Besides, it's nice out here when you get used to it. Try it!"

She hesitated briefly while she looked around. The spot where we were was screened by the bushes from any neighboring house, as well as any of the windows of ours. Bambi shrugged, then untied her own silk robe and slipped it off. I took it and laid it over the rail with mine. She raised her arms and pirouetted to let the cool air bathe her body.

"Mmmmm. You're right. It is nice." She started stretching her arms over and behind her head.

"Here, try this." I showed her some of the stretching techniques I learned in the Kung Fu class. She was more limber than I expected and she was able to get into some of the positions with only a little effort.

"Sam, I wanted to talk to you about last night."


"I enjoyed that more than I can say. I felt more at ease than I have in a long time. I know Bud certainly seemed more relaxed and open and communicative than I can ever remember. What did you say to him to bring about such a big change?"

"I told him how much I cared about him and Jim and you. I told him you cared about him and wanted him to grow up well-adjusted. I guess he took me literally. I never suggested any specific 'adjustment'. He figured that one out all on his own. He also explained something to me about my own motivation that made a lot of sense. I guess it was just his time for some enlightenment. He does seem much happier and open since then — doesn't he?"

"He certainly does. And if the price for it is for him to treat me more like a sister than a mother, then I am quite willing to pay it. I think it is a wonderful compliment that he thinks I look and act like a teenager. It makes me feel ten years younger."

"I've never thought you looked your age. If you wore the current teen fashions and used less sophisticated makeup, I bet you could pass for 18."



I wasn't just being nice. When we were talking the night before, she seemed just as relaxed and open as Bud. I couldn't tell if she were actually trying to behave like 'one of the guys' or if was just unconsciously behaving differently because of Bud revising her role for her. I wondered how much of our behavior is influenced by how others see us and how they expect us to behave. I had already noticed that if you treat someone as a friend, they will usually act like one and that if you treat someone respectfully and courteously, they usually respond in kind. A lot of how I tried to act with strangers came from this.

I showed her a couple more stretches and we did them together. We were doing back-bends when I noticed that there was someone on the wooden stairs overlooking our secluded spot.

"Good morning, Bud. How long have you been there?" I asked.

Bambi stood up so fast her hair whipped over her face. She covered her groin with one hand and crossed an arm over her breasts, which was a futile effort for her since not much could be hidden behind an arm.

I wanted to giggle, but that wouldn't have been helpful. Instead, I mimicked Bambi and covered up. The only difference was that I tried to make it a sexy pose instead of a startled one. It worked. When Bambi saw me pose, she followed suit, bending a knee and pointing her toes.

Bud said, "Not nearly long enough. I'm sorry to disturb you. I just wondered where everybody was. When I saw you out here, I just had to stay and enjoy the show."

Bud's degree of enjoyment was pretty clear from the large bulge in his shorts. He had put of a pair of old, tight, cotton-knit shorts to come to breakfast in and the outline of his cock was easy to see, even in the dim morning light. It looked like a snake about to crawl down his leg. A big snake.

"Well, the show is over," I said. "Would you be a gentleman and help us on with our robes?"

Bud got awkwardly to his feet. When he stood up, his cock strained against the thin fabric of his shorts. The sight got my blood going. I heard Bambi take a sharp breath, so I know she was looking at it too.

Bud apparently decided that if he got to look, then we deserved the same courtesy, because he made no attempt to hide his condition. He seemed proud to have two naked girls stare at his manhood.

He happened to pick up my robe first. He held it up and I slipped my arms into it. He wrapped it around me and pulled me against him. As he hugged me, he pressed his cock into the crack of my ass and rubbed it up and down. I clenched my butt-cheeks on it as best I could until he stepped away and picked up Bambi's robe.

I watched with interest as he did exactly the same thing to her. The look on her face was marvelous. After marking both of us with his organ, he walked back up the steps toward the side door. "See you in a minute," he called.

When he had gone, Bambi said, "Is that how he usually treats you?"

"Yeah. I guess I encourage it."

"I never... I mean, I hadn't thought it through. He's never had a sister. When he said he was more comfortable treating me like a sister, I didn't realize that you were the example he would be following."

"You said you'd pay the price," I reminded her. "And you sure didn't put up a fight. In fact, you looked like you were enjoying every second."

"Yes, well... I guess I was," she smiled. "If you can put up with it, I guess I can too. It's for a good cause, and all." Her smile broke into a grin.

I couldn't resist yanking her chain. I asked, "And what will you do if he decides to bend you over the kitchen table and fuck you silly?"

The idea apparently had a certain fascination for her. She got a vacant look in her eyes and kept saying, "oh, my" over and over as we walked back to the house.

Apparently, Bud's treatment of us had been more calculated than spontaneous. When we sat down to breakfast — still without Jim, who appeared to have taken up residence with the Morgans — Bud wanted to discuss it.

"OK," he said, "I guess I should ask if I need to apologize." He glanced at me and then turned to look at Bambi, who blushed, but stared down at her plate as she shook her head 'no'.

"Good," he continued, "Because I want you to know that I feel like a big weight is off my back. When we were talking last night, I thought I had this thing sorted out in my head, but this morning I realized that something was still bothering me."

He took a deep breath before he went on. He didn't seem upset, but this was clearly something he was taking seriously.

"The biggest problem... MY biggest problem has been living in the same house with an incredibly sexy female and trying not to feel sexually attracted to her. When you add a second incredibly sexy female who doesn't mind at all if my dick tries to jump out of my pants every time she walks into the room... well, it makes my head hurt. Both of them." He smiled thinly at his little joke.

"Basically, I had to know if you were going to be offended or uptight if I allowed myself to react to you the way my cock tells me to. I'm sorry for being so... graphic about it, but I feel a lot better now. I think I've finally adjusted to the situation."

Bambi took her time responding. She took a couple of sips of her coffee while she decided what to say.

"Bud, I want you to know that I have never considered an erection to be offensive, no matter whose it was — especially if it was on my account. I realize that this is something that men can't consciously control and that makes it the most sincere of compliments. So, if I turn you on, don't be ashamed of it. It makes me feel good to know that I'm still desirable. If you get an erection because of me, I want to know it. If you hug me and there is a hard cock between us, I won't be offended. But by the same token, if I flirt with you or I need some 'special time' with you, I hope you will be as understanding. I have the same kind of biological urges that you do and young studs with big cocks get me turned on — sometimes to the point where it affects my judgment. So if I seem to be throwing myself at you, please understand that one of us needs to be mature and draw the line and it may not always be me."

I thought that was very well put. She avoided any mention of blame or definitions of inappropriate behavior and she even got in a quid-pro-quo for herself, which I thought was a neat way of shifting some of the responsibility for restraint back to Bud in a much more palatable form. This was going so well I decided to put my two cents in too.

"And Bud?" I said. "If you feel yourself getting so turned on that you think you are going to explode, please feel free to explode in me. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm addicted to your cock and I need a regular fix."

Bud smiled, Bambi smiled, and I smiled. We all seemed to be satisfied with the new understanding. I suspected that nothing much would change except that Bud would be happier and he and Bambi would find some new facets of their relationship. Basically, they had just agreed to accept each other 'as is' and not to worry about repressing or hiding their sexuality. That had to be a healthier situation for everyone. Besides, if Bambi had the urge to drive Bud wild, I would most likely be the one to benefit.

Judging from the looks going around the table, we were all looking forward to being able to express our sexuality without having to worry about offending someone else. It was also pretty clear that the discussion itself had been something of a turn-on. I know my imagination was running hot and from the distracted look in Bambi's eyes and the way she kept tugging her robe to make it rub her nipples, she was getting warm as well.

We had all finished eating, and when I got up to carry my plate to the kitchen, the others did too. Bud seemed to be having trouble getting out of his chair, but it wasn't clear why until he stood up holding his plate. The conversation had affected him, too. His cock was so hard it was stretching the old ratty pair of shorts he had on.

As he stood, there was a ripping noise and the inseam of his shorts surrendered to the pressure. Bambi and I watched in awe as his hard cock sprang free, waving and bouncing in front of him.

As entranced as I was at the sight of the instrument that had given me so much pleasure, Bambi was stunned into immobility by the sight. For a long moment, no one moved, then I carefully put my plate down and stepped over to Bud and took his plate and set it back on the table.

"Looks like we have a problem here after all," I said, putting my hand around his cock as far as it would go and slowly stroking it. "We can't let you go to school like this. You would drive all the girls crazy and no one would be able to get an education. It looks like someone needs to perform a public service to make sure the people's tax dollars are not wasted."

I dropped my robe and crawled up onto the sturdy oak table. I braced myself on my forearms, spread my knees, held my rear end out over the edge of the table, and generally assumed the position. Bud stood behind me and started working the head of his cock into my pussy. Bambi remained in her frozen state, her eyes riveted on the cock that was slowly disappearing into my willing hole.

With every inch of cock that he pushed into me, I got more and more aroused. When he was only half-way in I couldn't help myself, I let out a moan that told everyone I had a pussy full of cock and I loved it. Hearing myself gave me an idea. I reached out to Bambi, who snapped out of her trance and took my hand. Now that she had a physical connection to the scene, she became more animated. She leaned over me and stroked my hair. I turned my face so she could see my expression as Bud started working his cock around to get me loose enough to fuck.

When he pulled back to check the amount of resistance, I had a great idea. I looked right at Bambi and said, "Even though he's fucked me a few times, his cock is so big he still has to get me loosened up. It feels really good to be stretched out so completely around that big cock, but if he tries to pull out before I get loose, it's like he's turning me inside out."

The look on her face was everything I could have asked for. She was obviously tremendously turned on by watching us. Having me add a running commentary was going to blow her mind.

"He can't start fucking until he gets me reamed out enough to let my juices soak his cock. Otherwise he just pushes me around. He's almost got it now. I can feel my pussy sliding over his cock. Oh, it feels so good. I can feel it rubbing the inside of my pussy and it's making me crazy. This is where I know I can't stop until I cum. He's got me so hot that nothing can get me off that big cock until it makes me cum."

Bud started working back and forth now that I had relaxed enough for him to move. He slowly worked up to full fucking speed and I arched my back and pushed myself off the table far enough to let my breasts hang free.

"He's fucking me good now. See my boobs bounce when he rams that thing into me? He's moving my insides around, too. It's not quite deep enough to reach my womb, yet, but every stroke feels like he's moving things around to make room for it. See how big my nipples get when he fucks me? They're much more sensitive when they're this big and stiff."

I pulled her hand to my chest and put it over the end of my breast.

"Feel how hard it is?" She cupped her hand over my nipple and let me feel the warmth.

"That's wonderful! Your hand feels so hot on my breast."

I noticed that Bambi had found a use for her other hand, too. She had pulled open her robe and she had a breast in each hand, one mine and one hers. She was going to try to live the experience through me.

Bud had reached his stride. He was pulling almost all the way out and pushing all the way in on each stroke.

"He's going good now. Oh, he's fucking me so good I can hardly stand it. Hear that slapping sound? That's his balls hitting my clit. Every time that happens it feels like a little orgasm runs up my spine to my nipples. This is my favorite part. Aside from the orgasm, I mean. This feels so good, I could just do this forever. But I can't. In a minute I'll be so hot that my pussy will start grabbing his cock by itself. It will try to get him to cum in me so it can have all that sweet cum inside it. When he makes me cum, my pussy just takes over completely."

Bud had the rhythm now. I could feel my clit swell and harden.

"Every time he pushes that big cock into me, it feels like he's pumping me up like a balloon. My head just gets lighter. My nipples get bigger. But especially my clit gets big and hard. It gets so big that it feels like it's going to explode. It's pretty big right now. I can feel it wiggling around like a little cock, looking for a pussy to fuck. This must be what it's like for a boy with a hard-on. I just want to ram my clit into something hot and wet and fuck the hell out of it."

Bambi had transferred her hand from her breast to her pussy. She was watching us intently while she fucked herself with her own fingers. I could see the juice running all over her hand as she shoved it deep into her pussy every time Bud shoved his cock into me.

I lowered myself down onto the tabletop until my breasts were brushing against the linen tablecloth each time Bud thrust into me. The extra stimulation made me wildly hot and I started wanting to cum very badly.

"Oooooh! He's making me so hot. I have to cum! I need to cum! Oh, God! Fuck me! Make me cum! Fuck me harder!"

Bud started fucking faster and harder. He was slamming into me so hard that my breasts started to wobble up and down over the table, dragging them across the linen tablecloth.

"Oh, yes! He's going deeper now. I can feel the end of his cock hitting my cervix. When he does that it makes it open up for him. He's opening me up so he can fill my womb with his cum. I can feel it getting wider, trying to open up to swallow his cum.

"I'm burning up! My clit is on fire. My nipples are hurting from hitting the table. My pussy is starting to spasm. I can't keep it from grabbing his cock. I'm losing control. I'm going to cum.

"Harder! Fuck me harder! I can feel it. I can feel my climax starting. Oh, yes! Here it comes! Here it comes! OH! I'm cumming! I'mmmmmmmAAAAAAHHHH!"

Bud slammed his cock into me hard and held my hips while he pushed into me as deep as he could get. My pussy went nuts on his cock, grabbing and sucking him. I tilted my hips to get his cock lined up and I arched my back like I was being electrocuted. We held this position for a long time. My orgasm peaked. Then his cock erupted into me and I felt a torrent of hot cum flooding my womb. My orgasm soared again and I felt the triumph of receiving enough cum to impregnate an entire scout troop. I wanted to scream but I couldn't because I had already and I hadn't inhaled yet. I took a deep breath.

"YESSSS! He's pumping me full of cum. He's emptying his big balls into me. It's amazing how he can just go on and on. I can feel it inside me. It feels like he's scalding me in there."

Same as Sam
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What I loved was that my current husband knew that from the very very beginning, and he loved and respected that from the very very beginning. It was to the point that our second date and many others after that, I got to bring Haylee on our dates! It was so amazing to finally find a guy who accepted me and the fact that I had a kid! A guy that worked our dates out so that they worked perfectly with a single mom, he was so fucking amazing about the fact that I had a daughter. There’s so much I...

3 years ago
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My First visit at a Swing Club

Part 3 Then there was this guy from a couple we talked with in the beginning of the evening. He already got undressed and like C he was in his boxer and slippers. Now seeing him like this made him a different man then the man we talked with before. He had an attractive sporty body and cute ass. Guess it's the same for women too: I can imagine a casual dressed woman can also make a different impression seeing her in lingerie. He asked me to dance... After a short look at C I saw it was ok, so I...

2 years ago
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The Clothing Issue

I´m a 30 year old woman with a little big problem… I still live with my parents, but this is not the real problem… I mean, I had a problem with myself, with my body more specifically. Well, I'm not very tall, I'm actually short, but that never bothered me. In fact, what made me a shy person and extremely upset about my physical qualities is the fact that I don't seem to have grown enough in my… private parts. This is accentuated by the fact that I´m brunette with long hair and always wear very...

3 years ago
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Hypnosis Part 2

The only issue I had with the hypnosis was that I hadn’t worked out exactly how to remove my subject from the spell however Sally was normal in every way until I clicked my fingers and spoke, it would appear that it is only my voice that could give her instructions, it was great if I wanted the house cleaned.Sally had gone off to work and I decided that I would read more of my book and learn the different aspects of my new found hobby, it was an interesting read.I was having a lazy day and...

2 years ago
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Realising Im A Lesbian Part Four Interuptions and Intimacy

This is part three. Please comment on if youd like a part four and what you think I could do better, thank you for all your votes and all your advice and comments, its greatly appreciated ALSO note that most of this is true. I and Nikkie are in love with each over greatly. Please dont steal this story and say it was your own. Thank you. ************************************** As soon as we heard the knock we both jumped off each over. I stood beside Nikkie, as she walked to open her door. Oh my...

1 year ago
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Are you ready to lick now

Peter has been reticent, of course he has. What decent self respecting man comes gratefully, regularly to the sticky semen mess left in his wife's wet pussy by a dominant man? But Dominic insists that Peter does come to pussy and that he lick nicely. He insists that my husband put me up on a pedestal that way, worshiping cunt in a way that demonstrates his utter submission to the new order. I want that as well. At first it disgusted me that Peter might do something quite so humiliating. But...

3 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 22

Donnie stood on the viewing gallery inside silo #1 and surveyed the first wheat crop with some pride. Row upon row, pod upon pod were growing well and it would soon be time to start the first harvest. The grain would be stored within the purpose-built hoppers that were an integral part of the walls of the silo. The stalks of the wheat would also be gathered and bailed before being sold on as animal feed. "It still looks unreal to see all these layers of wheat growing so far underground,"...

2 years ago
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Cecilias Desire For Older Men

This is a story of how I began my first affair with an older man when I was eighteen years old and how I came to find myself attracted to older men instead of boys my own age.  My name is Cecilia and I was born in Okinawa, Japan but adopted by a white American couple from Charleston, South Carolina when I was seven months old.  My adoptive parents are great.  My mother could never have children so they adopted me and I could not have wished for better parents. I grew up rather privileged, not...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 3 Sorority Shenanigans

The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 3 (January 7-10 2019) Revision Feb 10, 20 2019 Oh gee I hope this makes up for the other day, Claire thought as she sat in the front living room of their student house. Claire had on a nice if a bit functional outfit: a long sleeved red-black blouse with a low cut area around her bosom, showing off her fantastic assets there. Matching with that, she wore a short dark pencil skirt and then a pair of black 3 in heels, which were upon criss-crossed...

2 years ago
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There Goes the NeighborhoodChapter 3

“Well, those two aren’t mutually exclusive, you know,” I winked at both ladies, who didn’t seem to mind that I called shotgun on the front passenger seat. “True, and if I didn’t think that it was perhaps a sucker bet, it would be interesting to make things interesting about ... that issue. Or you can just tell us,” Monique laughed as she drove us to work. “Pretty please?” Rachel gave me the most adorable pout. “What makes you ladies so sure that I know ... oh, hell, who am I kidding? They...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon on a Boat Justin and Blair part 2

The envy of the whole school. Blair and Justin felt it prominently just a few days after returning from the leadership conference weekend in Atlanta, hand in hand, their new relationship on full display for everyone. Although all of Blair's female friends saw it coming a mile away, many of them were jealous that she got to date who they considered to be the hottest guy in the school. And Justin's teammates never ceased to high-five him, wishing they could have Blair for themselves. Any guy who...

2 years ago
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Bulging Buddy

I was on my knees in a well known 'normal' bookstore. You know.. The kind with a coffee shop. I was looking for a particular book on one of the lower shelfs when I noticed a gentleman standing next to me. Older gentlemen always seem to know what they want, and they truly appreciate a crossdressing sissy. They treat me like a lady or a slut; in most cases, both. I prefer men over 45 most of the time, but a good hard cock is difficult to turn down. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you. I'm just looking...

2 years ago
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Apni Hot Mam Ko Choda

Hi friends this is sexy boy again here.Meri pichli teen storys ko aapne pasand kiya uske liye thanks. mujhe orkut par bahut saare ladkiyo ne add kiya par unke liye masala dalne par unhone meri id band kardi so ab mai yahoo messanger par available rehta hoon id hai friends baat un dino ki hai jab main 12th class mai tha. mai aur mere 3 friends hum log english ke tution ke liye morning main 5 a.m. par jaate the. hume padhane wali ek ladki thi jo ki english se m.a. kar rahi thi aur 12th class tak...

2 years ago
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Ladys choice

I like sex. I refer to making love as an art. Can’t even figure out the right words to describe that feeling when I orgasm. Its like mixture of best pleasure emotions blended together, some sort of a tickle and overload of happiness. It will make your body shake, lose control over yourself and doesn’t leave you completely breathless. It can be recognized as the best feeling ever a girl can have. I love writing about it. That way I can send my thoughts, through lush to far off countries,...

1 year ago
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Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion in any way. This story also has no connection to a similar tg story I did on this anime a while ago called 'Refesh Shampoo'. Note: Baka and dumpkoff both mean 'idiot'. Were-Asuka. "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away..." Shinji Ikari told himself this as he sat in the cockpit of the Evangelion. Something he initially didn't want to pilot but did anyway with the knowledge that the world would end without...

4 years ago
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The Convent part 2

After that day, Sarah went to the mother superior to tell her some of her thoughts about her and me. As an heir of the kingdom I was meant to become the king one day and I told Sarah that I didn’t wanted to lose her. She was more than happy to follow me in the outer world but she told me that she could not build a family with me; her destiny was to be my whore and no more.Mother superior was in her cell when Sarah went to visit her. She was a tall woman with blonde hair and still with a...

2 years ago
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A Surprise at my Sons house

I have been working on my son and daughter in-law Kim’s house for about a month now. K has this body that looks like all it wants to do is fuck. Just the right size tits and awesome ass. I am always checking her out when we are all together the crazy thing is that she has a twin sister Sandy. I have always wondered do their pussy look the same and are they shaved or hairy. I have seen them both in bathing suits before and they look close but you just can’t tell. We have been remodeling the...

4 years ago
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Caught By Police While Fucking In The Beach

Heyyy guys… This is crazy harsha again… Thank u for the guys who gave me reply for the previous stories….For better experience read my two previous stories And without wasting any more time rolling into my story.. This had happened before two months. I and Divya became very close after that farewell in which we had an amazing fun. Time passed by and I, Lakshmi and Divya atleast fucked once in a fortnight. One day while we are talking we discussed about going to a tour to Chennai. After a...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 3 Hot Futa Ghost Threesome

My body buzzed as I returned from the onsen. My body was freshly washed, and my spirit was freshly cleansed by the soft lips of Mitsuko-hime. Today, as I washed her back in the steamy waters, my Ojo-sama had turned, her gaze meeting mine. Our lips had come together, sharing a perfect kiss, a wondrous moment of taboo love. It could never be. We were both women. And she was the daimyo’s daughter while I was a simple miko. But none of that had mattered while her lips were upon mine. I laughed...

3 years ago
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Valkyries Lust Series Chapter 4

Autumn had come and the light in their eyes was even brighter. Their sex life kept getting better from day to day, and so they decided to look for an apartment together.They started checking apartments in different parts of the town, but found that they were either too small, too expensive or one of them just didn’t like it.“How about this one?” The landlord asked as they were visiting. The apartment was empty, but it managed to feel bright, spacious and inviting.“I like this one, baby,” she...

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My Life As a Cumdump

My Life As a Cumdump - Part 1 of 4I finally decided to write down my experiences as a cumpdump and share them with everyone here. I have been reading for a while, and it’s only fair to share, and I also hope my experiences, good and bad, can help someone who are new to this, and know that you and I – we are not alone.Yes, I am definitely a pussyboi cumdump, but I am an owned cumdump. Matt is younger than me, and lives in the same apartment complex. Maybe I am just a faggot for him to use, a cum...

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SandcastlesChapter 42

I woke up looking into the sparkling blue eyes of a beautiful woman. She had been lying there quietly for some time, waiting for her Master to awaken. I leaned down, even with morning breath, and kissed her. The desperateness of her response stirred my blood, but I held off taking her then and there, regardless of my obvious desire for her. I had found that anticipation is a wonderful thing, and it worked both ways. It wasn't the right time. But soon. We lay in bed for a while talking until...

4 years ago
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You never know which dick you end up with

Just before I stepped up to pay my fee to enter the arcade area at one of my favorite adult book stores, a hot younger guy, who acted somewhat inexperienced with the routine of the place, was paying for his entry. I wondered if I might get lucky with him as I followed him back to the dark aisles of the arcade, admiring his slim ass all the way. There had been some damage to the place since I was last there—doors ripped off their hinges and stuff like that. But still, there were a lot of men...

2 years ago
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Becoming Emily Part XII

Usually soaking in a hot bath relieves any soreness in my little pussy but this time I still felt the effects between my thighs. This was due partially to the sheer size of Mr. Ross’ cock and the intensity with which he fucked me but also because I couldn’t help but think about the tale I made up for him about how I lost my virginity. As I imagined it in my mind I almost seemed to believe it as fact. So much so that my fantasy became more like reality. Memories of my first sexual experiences....

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Sue Goes To The Theatre

It is always a rush to walk into an adult theatre with Sue on my arm. My heart beats faster, my palms get sweaty, and perspiration breaks out on my forehead because I know that I will be able to unleash my voyeuristic/exhibitionistic tendencies. I notice it has the same effect on Sue even while we are getting ready for the theatre. The anticipation of doing something 'naughty' and forbidden in a semi-public place has us both on edge from the moment we decide on a whim that the day or night...

3 years ago
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Bad Seed 7

An almost satisfied smile, came to her lips as she watched her brother's ship go dark. "Open a channel Trigon." Wren said. "Channel open Master Wren." Trigon responded. "Hey idiot! What's wrong? Can't take it when someone is far better than you? Plus, they have far superior equipment, power and need I say looks? Oh yeah, that's right that's why you have so many followers, you're so damn ugly." Wren taunted her brother. 'You little bitch! You'll pay for that! I want all...

1 year ago
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Seducing the Kid Sister

Pulling into the driveway Holly put her Focus in park but left the car in silent mode with just the battery running. The blonde’s hips squirmed a little as she smiled to herself thinking about how much fun the night would be with the hottest sisters in town.Holly giggled to herself as she honked her horn. Swinging her legs out of the car she was pretty sure she flashed Shauna a clear view of her cream panties underneath her black leather skirt. On top of that she wore a red silk blouse with a...

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The Video Moment

I want to tape you girl all night, the words by Pharell rang out as I filmed the delicious female lying, writhing on the slippy, hardwood floor in front my camera. Huskily I asked questions, gave suggestions as she raised the ante further and further. My hands shook with desire as blood raced through veins and excitement rippled across my senses busting to the beat of the music.The girl was rubbing her wet silk clad crotch acting perfectly for the lens, almost purring with delight and sex...

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1st time bdsm part ten

" Time for some coffee " said pat , helen said she'd go and make some , she reached for a towelling dressing gown but was told sharply by pat to remain naked , " i want to see my handy work " it was a warm summers evening so on seeing helen walking towards their kitchen, pat nodded her head in such a fashion to go and follow her , " while your gone i've got two male subs here to attend me so i left her to her own wicked intentions with alan & john , so as helen waited for the kettle to boil...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Holly Hendrix Double Anal FTW Joanna Angel Holly Hendrix

Do you want to see two dicks inside Joanna Angel’s fine ass? Do you want to see two dicks inside Holly Hendrix’s fine ass? Because you’re about to witness DOUBLE ANAL EPICNESS between Burning Angel’s Queen and AVN’s Best New Starlet, with professional meat-slingers Steve Holmes and Markus Dupree. You know these two don’t want to simply get fucked, they want to get fucking hammered by cock! They want it deep, they want it hard, and they want it all – and...

3 years ago
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Handjob Holly Part 3

Holly stood up and turned to smile at the two cameramen. There was sperm spattered on her cheeks, her nose, her lips and her hair. She puckered her lips in a sexy kiss towards the older cameraman, then proceeded to slowly lick the pearly droplets from them. She thought about the guys upstairs who were watching this. They must have been wanking furiously! She made a bit of a show of scooping all Frank's sperm off her face with her fingertips and sucking it all into her greedy mouth while the...

2 years ago
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Baby Jenny

Baby Jenny My name is Baby Jenny, well at least that is what it is now, and it used to be James. I'll bet you are intrigued. This is my story. I am 24 years old, I am quite short only 5 foot exactly. I had married a lady Bernice who was 15 years my senior, she proposed to me on leap year day, Bernice was tall 6 foot 1, and she had a daughter, Karen who was 20 years old, and as tall as her mother. Bernice's husband had passed away in an airplane crash. Bernice and I were in a car...

3 years ago
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Something Extraordinary Ch 02

Author’s Note: DC Comics owns Superman and related characters. The only thing mine is the following work of literature. ***** The shouting matches are nothing new in any household. But it was much more frequent in the Anderson household. It was just this morning that Daniel had one with his stepson. Hah! He would laugh at the word ‘stepson’. He was no stepson, he was the devil. He had a feeling that something was really weird with Alex. His mother was always able to keep his antics in check....

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Turning Point Ch 10

Mary has return home and she and Robert had a great sex filled evening. Mary has informed Robert of her sister and brother-in-law’s visit. Robert is nervous and excited about the addition of new people to their sexual play. ******** I was up early Friday morning. I was almost through with my morning work when Dad left for work. I knew he was pissed about something, he was spinning the tires in his truck when he pulled out to the drive. I had finished feeding the beef cattle and...

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