493 Look Ian, I Wish free porn video

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493 look Ian, I wish
Ian was sufficiently high in the ranking as shift management that he only had to work one weekend in three and that he could work from home on call for emergencies. So it was in the pub on Friday evening that they met Lenny, Rufus, being a level lower than Ian, and having to work one weekend in three, being at work, his wife not having come out without him, so there was just the three of them.
The evening was fine, the group this week a ballad singer, backed by a stripper, not brilliant but fair, and the drinks steady, May went off to the toilet and Lenny confided in Ian that he could easily have loved whipping that strippers arse for her. just then May returned and in getting past the young man, he slid his hand across her buttocks in a friendly way helping her past to her seat. She smiled at him, Ian returned from being at the bar, and said, “did you enjoy that”
Another drink was consumed, then the bell rang for time, apparently way too early but after drinking up, they set off homeward. At the crossroads Ian suggested if Lenny had no reason to rush off home, perhaps he may like to come for coffee. Lenny said, “he had no plans and lived alone in a flat so no one would miss him!”
Ten minutes saw them sat in the softly lit living room coffee in hand. They chatted on for a while, then Ian decided enough was enough, and said boldly, “your brother told me you fancy my wife, is that true or was he pulling my leg?”
The young man mid-sip near choked, not quite knowing what to say, so Ian said, “oh I don’t mind, I find it a compliment and I suspect so will May, she has a thing about being fancied, don’t you May?” A heavily blushing May nodded, and the young man`s jaw dropped open. Ian unperturbed went on to say, “it`s not the only thing about my wife that I have found out… she fancies you too and she has a fantasy, of being used, controlled or even worse, pained though that is for another time if at all!”
Lenny having got over the forwardness of his host quietly said “yes, he did indeed fancy the lady in question, but that he felt it a bit odd that her husband should be the one arranging it like this!” To which a grinning Ian said that, “he didn’t wish to be up all night waiting for you two to get it on” and that, “he wanted to watch his wife getting well mis-used, as long as he could count on Lenny`s discretion…!”
A promise of silence was quickly given then he turned to May and said, “look, May… yes I do fancy you, I have since I first saw you but I want to be sure it`s what you want and you`re not just doing it to please him!” he indicated Ian with a jerk of the head. She assured him it was a mutual thing, said, “it was his fantasy to see her screwed hard, and used, but it was also my own fantasy, of being controlled, used, violated even, but not just by any old body, it had to be by someone she fancied” and that, “as she fancied him big time perhaps this was the opportunity.”
He kissed her, a single long hard lip-smacking kiss, then he asked Ian, “you really want me to take your wife and make her eyes rattle?” Ian nodded, now going with the flow of excitement, “That’s exactly it matey, and, if your master enough, and she enjoys you, then one weekend soon you can fulfil all your dominant fantasies with her, while I watch, but that will take some more arranging, OK?” Just as he expected an eager nod was the answer.
May said she needed to pee, but our young master to be, said rather decidedly “no” then added, “you can wait till I let you!”
The lovers kissed once more, then Lenny stood, hauled May to her feet and said, “let`s start as we mean to go on, time to strip for us missy, and I mean all of it.” That got a smile from Ian and a blush from May but nonetheless she began taking off her clothing, just exactly as she had been told. The rust coloured dress was the first to reach the sofa back, followed by the slip, then the stockings, she was now stood in her best set of matching underclothes, her best pale-green set Ian noted, which could only mean she had planned for this moment. He smiled, thought, ‘be careful what you wish for lady,’ and silently nodded to Lenny to carry on, not that by now he was in charge of his wife that was very obvious.
She slid off the garter belt and the stockings, then fixing Ian with a steady eye she removed the bra, the last item would have immediately followed had Lenny not stopped her.
He said for her to kneel, which she did, then he told her to remove his trousers and his underpants, she was quick to comply gasping when she saw the size of his tool, thick as a baby`s arm and about 8 to 9 inches in length, but slowly rising to a stiff 9 or even 10inches…she gasped, he laughed. “Now madam, at some point in the next few weeks I shall use this, right up into your arse, and yes it will really hurt you, but you will give yourself to me to do just that, knowing of the pain and giving yourself freely, understand?” Her eyes like saucers she exchanged glances with Ian, then she nodded, though anal was not one of her joys and she could barely accept Ian on the rare occasions that it happened hoping perhaps this was a fantasy of his.
Lenny smiled, then said, “tonight I will have you on your own bed, Ian can sleep elsewhere when he has seen enough, do you understand?” she nodded but asked if she could go to the toilet first. He said she could, but they would both come with her to watch! Blushing, bright red, she led the way, by now in dire need of losing the lagers she had consumed. Her green clad rump led the way upstairs, then at the toilet in the wet room. She simply removed the knickers and sat down to pee. He had her move to the back of the pan, and as she was about to pee, he stopped her and began to hose her sex with his own passing.
Having finished and by now the sound of his water in the bowl had her wriggling, and biting her lip, so as not to pass her own water till he let her. he had Ian approach, said “wet her just as I did,” Ian did as he was told, his hot water just drenching her sex, hitting her erect clitorise, then dropping noisily into the pan, she was obviously in a lot of discomfort. Lenny slipped his fingers into her sex, then nodded, she knew it was her queue, she allowed herself to empty, over his fingers and his hand.
She dried herself, her bladder empty, he raised his wet hand to her face and quietly, whispered, “clean it!” without hesitation Ian watched his beloved wife lick her own urine from his black fingers, at that moment in time, he knew she would be soon allowing this eager young bull to use her body in any mortal way he ever wished. They dried on the big fluffy towels then adjourned to the bedroom, Ian sitting himself in the old bath chair at the bed end.
Lenny said, “Ian have you a camera, one that can film movies from choice?” nodding, from the cupboard he quickly fetched the camera, Lenny telling him to film whatever he wished, saying, “you will be able to watch me taking your wife whenever you wish then!” he turned to May, pointed at her then the bed, she did just as she was told, flat on her back, her legs wide open, he nodded, then without foreplay he slipped himself into her, not far it is true but it was still megger. She accepted the big stiff prick like a train entering a tunnel, with hardly a cry, though after Rufus, I suspect her organ had been forewarned, and she was well lubricated by the evening so far, though in fact by now it was silly o`clock, they not having left the pub till near midnight!
He lay along Ian`s subservient wife, savouring the tight fit and nuzzling her neck and ear, sliding deeper with every second that past, showing he had at least some compassion. It had answered the long-held question of could Ian stand to watch his wife the lovely May, ravaged, the answer was not only could he but he was enjoying her every moan, or tiny whimper as like in parliament ‘the terrible black rod entered the chamber.’ The camera missed nothing, her face a picture of mixed messages, lust, excitement, pain, it was all in there, her eyes fell on Ian, and the probing lens, and she smiled, it was short-lived as just then unknowingly lenny began his first retreat.
She knew what was to come, a look of mixed wonder and dread flitted across her eyes as he rammed himself home, causing her to cry out. It became a regular cycle retreat all the way, then stab the big old tool deeper into her. slowly her cry`s turned to whimpers then moans of extasy, at that moment Ian believed that he would never fully satisfy his wife again, after all this time she had found her own excitement level, though in his brain lurked the thought that she wanted more to fully satisfy her craving`s.
His speed was increasing his body raised to meet him a little now, his black hands gripping the white flesh of her breasts in a strange position, clasping, pinching, kneading at the soft flesh, as he hammered away, apparently unstoppable. She whispered something to him Ian couldn`t catch
Her own white hands onto his shoulders supporting him, fingers urging him on, he moved his right-hand to her neck, the huge paw encircling her throat, Ian watched the fingers tighten, her eyes imploring him, a little frightened, a little compliant but filled with lust, his grip tightened and her face coloured, he was choking her, that was obvious, her eyes bulged a little but she made no attempt to throw him off, Ian wondered should he do something, but by then it was all too exciting and she had begun to climax, huge and hard! It was a climax to beat even the best he had ever managed and that which even Rufus had achieved, her hips by now pushing back against his thrusts, her eyes rolling her nipples hard as diamond`s. Ian became aware of the camera shaking, he being unable to hold it steady with his left hand the right grasping his own took though he didn’t remember when it had started… with a grunt this black monster began to fill May, his balls tightening his hand slipping from her throat to aid in supporting his upper body as he pressed himself deeper into the woman, emptying his seed as far as he could into the now limp woman`s body. he stayed in the position for a long second or two then rolled off to her left side, the great tool flopping onto his thigh, spent, the camera turning to the pinky red gash that was his once his more easily satisfied wife, seed dribbled from her body, she was well filled. Smiling, breathing returning to near normal slowly but surely returning her to this earth.
Ian took his leave…he felt like an intruder! He went next door, what had once been his daughters room, the bed always made up he was soon in it, he had much to think about. Sleep did not come easily, he tossed, and he turned, then re-ran the film. Watching it once more was like some porn film badly shot, unbelievably it was May his own wife featuring, with this black stud, he watched it once then again and again, tears were in his eyes, he heard a faint cry, a bedhead rhythmically thumping the wall, the beat increasing to a frenzy, his wife`s voice calling yes, YES, Yessss. Then a groan and then silence. his mind in a blur wondered for a moment if this black stud had killed her, his precious wife. But even as he threw back the sheets, he heard a faint bumping of the bedhead, and a feminine voice again, though he could not make out the words.
He dozed she was obviously not unhappy. At five just as dawn broke, the whole bedhead battering tattoo began again, and again at eight, he got up and made tea, and was sat drinking it, as he heard the loo flush upstairs, his mind doing cartwheels.
Lenny appeared, dressed, and fit as a butchers dog, a spring in his step. He accepted the offer of tea and they sat at the table neither knowing quite what to say.
Lenny asked more for something to say than real interest, “was the film good?”
Ian stuttered that, “it could be better, it suffered from camera shake at times!”
The reply was that it needed a tripod, and better luck next time! ...next time, the young pup had decided for himself that there would be a next time then…
Ian said nothing, Lenny looked at the time, said he had things to do, and scribbled his phone numbers on a note pad before setting off homeward.
It was fully 2 pm when a tousle haired May appeared in the kitchen, a note against the cold teapot said GONE FISHING, BACK SOON and there was a number of kisses. Ian needed it seemed time to think.
She ate, just toast and marmalade, then took a long shower, before making the beds and peeling spuds for tea, she needed normality.
He arrived home and put away his rods out in his shed before coming indoors. She by then had put on the spuds to boil and plated the mixed cold meats and was then laying the table.
They avoided eye contact, at least for a start. Then in a rush of emotions they hugged and kissed. “you alright?” he asked, she grinned, then said she was, “tired but ok otherwise… but… how are you?” he managed a grin then said, “shocked I guess is about right, I thought he was going to kill you with that hand on the throat trick, were you ok with that?” her reply was that, she had asked him to do it, she could see in his eyes he was not going to do her real harm and that it ,“heightened that climax big time, though he didn’t do it again till the last time and then only at my request!” he looked shocked, so she asked if the film was watchable, she said she had noticed him… wanking and the camera shaking badly! He laughed said that some of it was watchable, but that Lenny had suggested a tripod for next time… She smiled and quickly said, “oh… YOU have decided there will be a next time then?”
He smiled a distant smile then said, “well no, it was just that Lenny said, and I took it that you had decided!” she said, “Lenny is a cheeky bastard,” and that she, “had said nothing of the sort, and that she wouldn’t, not without your permission Ian, you know that.” She went on, “Look mate, he had me four times last night, each time leading to a massive climax, I don’t know where he got the energy from, and I woke tired I suspect long after he had gone. I can only say I am glad I am nowadays infertile, and that it was a fantastic experience, one I would not like to have missed. But if you say no more, you are my husband Ian, and it will be no more!” she paused then went on, “yes, I have a fantasy of being used, and badly and this went a long way that way, though it didn’t quite do it all for me, that I will admit, but it is up to you and you alone…ok?”
They kissed, then the spuds being done they ate, a simple meal cold meat and mash, glad of the moment to let their thoughts jell.
After the meal, simple though it was, she made coffee and he at her request, set up the old camera linked to the TV, it would not have been a good time for the local vicar to visit…a 72” wall-mounted view of an ebony stud, throwing himself into a supposedly matronly English mature wife of his parish, in full technicolour may not have been to his taste, at least outwardly!
May during the second showing talking Ian through the whole process like a newsman at a coronation or the trooping of the colour! Comments like, “God that was painful!” and “Bloody hell I`ve never felt so stretched”, or just, “that was good,” which all had a mixed reception with Ian, still wondering if he was a part redundant force. It was now the manipulating of her breasts, her hand instinctively going to her nipples as the image showed the black hand on her tender white flesh, saying, “I think he instinctively knew I wanted some pain, it hurt like hell and I am still bruised, but it all added to the wonder of the adventure!” Ian regarded her with a beady eye, this was a side of May that he now knew he was only just seeing, sort of tip of the iceberg stuff, she looked at him then shrugged and said, “well matey what`s done can`t be undone now, and I think in your own way you enjoyed watching me used and violated!”
They came to the scene of the choking the camera having taken a shot of his balls slapping against her, it returned to her face to find her supporting his shoulders She explained, “It had been her idea, begging him to restrict her breath as the man in her father`s film had!” The image caught his hand, his big black gorilla like hand encircling her throat, and choking her. She Explained that, “The effect had her adrenaline coursing through her veins like a tsunami, it was amazing, My heart increased its rate, my blood rushed and clattered in my ears and the effects of his fucking increased till I thought I would pass out!”
He, didn’t take his eyes from the screen, like a rag doll his wife was taking the pummelling of a lifetime and by her own account loving it, loving being throttled. He heard her say, “that if he had killed her at that precise moment, she would have let him, it was so wonderful, so, what she had always , he could have done to her any mortal thing he wanted!”
Involuntarily he came untouched in his trousers, the combination of her narrative and the film and the memories was just too much. Knowing he had spilt his seed, she quietly said, “Now you tell me it doesn’t turn you on seeing me being used in pain or violated!”
He shook his head, not to say ‘no’ but to say he was ashamed of his reaction to watching her body, this mother of two, his life partner, being used like this. Tears ran as he blurted out that, “Yes…yes, yes, god forgive me in truth I was loving your pain and discomfort and if you wanted more then, I want to watch and film every tiny detail of your games, so we can watch it together time and again” it was a confession that stunned even her, she had not thought he would admit it so easily or so fully. They kissed then there and the on the carpet, still half clothed and watching the silent wobbly film once more, they made love, short and as violently as they ever had.
They shopped on the following Monday morning, he, on a late shift and her taking the day off in leu she having been owed overtime. By mutual agreement they re-equipt themselves, a new TV screen for their bedroom, and a camera with a tripod, and good sound with sound and a complete cctv set which fitted to the computer directly, which would be covering the covering the whole house.
He came home at ten thirty having had a long shift, she had unpacked the new items, and the camera on its tripod was at the foot of the bed, wiring the rest, and screwing the screen to the wall would be his job for tomorrow morning.
They made love, eagerly and graphically in front of the cameras, “to test them” he had said. They both collected the details in perfect focus and in the most graphic detail.
She went off to her work as usual next day he driving her in and she returning by a bus to the cross roads, after her shift! Before he went on shift and having completed the job`s he left her a note, it said, try the film on the DVD that is in the machine!
He had taken off all the films of them onto a DVD, so she ate her tea watching her favourite couple and then herself with Lenny, her vibrator buzzing away happily!
After he got home that evening they chatted together, he had come to terms with it all he said, he suggested that after the event, to let her repair if necessary, they both had a week off, perhaps Monday to Monday but they needed to arrange the weekend to coincide with Lenny being at home. They also needed to chat to him before-hand, that was obvious. So, a message was left on his answerphone, he was obviously away, ‘would he ring asp.’
Surprisingly, he phoned next morning, he was not away but had had a late night with a friend. Ian and Lenny, then had a discussion about the weekend, and they made the basic arrangements of when the date was to be, they picked the weekend two weeks hence, that gave them time to organise holidays afterwards, and for Lenny to complete a contract he was working on in Derby. They agreed he was to visit May the very next evening while he was still on late shift, to discuss her ‘exact needs,’ agreeing to no sex at that meeting, at least till Ian was home. They laughed when Lenny said after a day at his work, he would probably be too tired anyway!
Ian ferried her to work next day, he promising her that there would be only talk that evening and she said, that she was looking forward to showing Lenny the DVD, Ian offered to make him a copy which idea she seemed to like a lot.
The day dragged, at home he made a copy of the DVD for Lenny, left it with a note, then off into work at 2, tea at six, finish at ten, handing over to his opposite number rapidly and driving home, the 10 minutes’ drive dragging like never before. Lenny`s pick-up was parked at the kerb outside the house, he was here then. His fears were unfounded, they were sitting over coffee, the DVD in its cover poking out of Lenny`s boiler suit top pocket.
Coffee over Lenny excused himself saying, “it was another working day tomorrow,” to May he added, “that he would get the necessary, and if they could confirm that they were ok etc he would meet them at the pub on Friday week.” With that he shook Ian`s hand, blew her a kiss and was gone. The old pick-up noisily clattering away towards his home in a cloud of blue smoke.
May explained that, “he had not turned up till nine, the job having over-run, he had thanked them for the copy of the film, which he pocketed for later and like a visiting salesman he had had her outline her deepest desires, and he his.” She went on, that, ”they had come to a rough understanding, leaving him with plenty of leeway, though he had insisted on the anal he had promise her, oh and she had told him they had a new tripoded camera and she was to let him know about certain other limits when they confirmed next week!” it was all very clinical and she added “he would be dropping the instructions for you in the letterbox when we have confirmed!” That was no real surprise, but it did add an air of the done deal.
It was they knew to be a long, long week …and an even longer weekend!

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Ian Somerhalder Slash Series Episode 1 The Crow

Series: Ian Somerhalder Slash SeriesRating: NC17Summary: Something incredible happens to me when feeding crows. Disclaimer: I don't own the other character, that's right, now you can imagine yourself in the story!Feedback: Would be lovely.Title: The CrowHow I loved feeding the crows while on my way to work. I always had some spare bread to give out. Never did I break the bread in pieces, no, I just threw them on the pavement for the crows to eat. Sometimes they fought for the sandwiches, but I...

3 years ago
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Ian Somerhalder Slash Series Episode 2 The Vampir

I sat there in my house. All week I had the strangest feeling when I would walk home from work.That of being watched.When I would turn around of course I would never see anyone looking at me. I slowly thought I was going crazy. But no way would I ever allow my friends that little (or was it big?) tidbit of information. They already knew I was gay, why put more on their plate?I secretly loved one male celebrity in particular.Not that I had posters of him on my bedroom walls or keep pictures of...

2 years ago
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Ian part 12

"Thanks for letting me swap my shifts again," I say as I switch off the shop's lights and step outside, allowing Dean to lock up the shop. "Yeah, like I'm gonna let you work on your eighteenth birthday," Dean says with a snort of laughter. "You have a good one, mate. See you a week tomorrow, okay?" "Sure," I say, waving goodbye to my supervisor before climbing onto the back seat of Rob's car, where my girlfriend- or, to be more accurate, lover- greets me with a long kiss. "Hey,...

1 year ago
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Stv Ian

Ian had worked for Stephen going on 6 years now. He started as Stephen’s assistant when the business was brand new. Stephen was dedicated to his work, and spent nearly every waking moment cultivating it and now it was starting to pay dividends, but at a price. The company had grown fast and Stephen hadn’t prepared himself for the stresses. One afternoon Ian went into Stephen’s office for a routine daily report of messages, phone calls to be made, bills to be paid, etc. Ian found Stephen with...

1 year ago
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Ian part 5

I grimace as I feel the pressure increase on my back, and grip the armrests of my chair for support whilst my 'friends' all whoop and cheer. I force the corners of my lips to turn upwards into a smile, though that smile soon fades when the roar of the jet engine is drowned out by a loud squeak from my right hand side. "Oh! My! God!" Georgie squeaks, shredding my nerves more and more with every word she says. "This is so awesome!" "Yeah," I reply, using all of the acting skills I've...

2 years ago
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Ian part 16

Just grin and bear it, I think to myself as I'm ushered to the front of the large room, where a beer is placed in my hands and a mock crown is placed on my head. "Ladies and gentlemen," Stuart announces, a shit-eating grin quickly spreading across his face. "We are all gathered here, several of us hundreds of miles from home, as nineteen years ago today, the world saw the arrival of Ian David Freeman." Except it didn't, I think to myself. Nineteen years ago today, the world saw the...

3 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 1

A few weeks ago Frankie and Ian had met Chris and Danny in a restaurant and then gone back to theirs and ended up having sex, Chris rang Frankie and invited her and Ian over to a dinner party she was holding, Chris told her at the time she had invited another couple Cathy and Dave.As Frankie was getting ready to go to Chris and Danny she was asking Ian what he thought she should wear and did he think it was just going to turn into an orgy at the end of the night.Ian laughed at her saying ‘I...

1 year ago
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506 Ian holiday 10

506 Ian holiday 10 The last day started bright and sunny little wind and for all but Jim… late! Jim had swum for a good hour before Ian crawled out next, determined to make the most of this last full day and joining Jim in the refreshing water. Returning to the house Ian brewed up, Jim going to awaken the women, May first, who simply grunted then wandered off to shower before trundling downstairs to her favourite lounger. Young Jim, being a caring lad asked Wendy as he called her, “are you...

4 years ago
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Ian part 15

"Okay, then," I say to myself, before taking a deep breath and walking through the front door of the large, imposing building. For the first time in two years, I'm entering a place of education that's based in London- only unlike that last time, I'm doing so on my own terms. It's odd that my thoughts are brought back to my last day of school, rather than my first day of college, especially as there are a lot of similarities between my first days of college and uni. For starters,...

2 years ago
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Ian part 18

"Hey, it's Sonic the Hedgehog!" Stuart says as I enter his music room, earning laughter from our friends and an eye roll from me. "Funny man," I snort. "Yeah, I thought so too," Stuart says with a smug grin. "And how long am I gonna have that nickname for, anyway?" I moan as I pick up my bass guitar and start tuning it. "I washed the dye out days ago..." "More's the pity," Mikey laughs. "And to answer your question," Stuart says, "it'll last until the Arse actually wins...

4 years ago
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505 IAN THE HOLIDAY Part 9It was now seven on a lovely golden evening, as soon as they reached the cottage, they stripped off, and all spent an hour or so out on the patio, the evening was stunning and sex was far from our intrepid lovers minds, the men swam, May snored and Wendy read, Jim when they were atop the mountain, had mentioned forgetting the plugs, Ian had laughed about it, saying that perhaps they could go somewhere else where there were less folk in a day or so! As the sun cooled,...

4 years ago
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Ian New Awakening

I was day dreaming again. In French class no less. But I was day dreaming about the teacher of the class. In my daydream, I was admiring her svelte legs descending from her very short skirt. I was imagining her skirt slowing sliding down those very same legs with only a high cut bikini panty remaining below her waist. She was pretty. No, she was beautiful. Better yet, she was absolutely, drop dead gorgeous. She was fantastically ravishing. And, she was French! Best of all, she was twenty-two...

3 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 3

Dave moved across the floor towards Frankie who was sat with her dress around her waist as he lifted her legs he pulled the dress from her, fingers searching out her pussy lips he reached up to kiss her, his tongue found hers and started to dance inside her mouth.Frankie thought for all she didn’t like seeing Ian have his cock sucked by a man she was still soaking wet as Dave’s fingers separated her pussy lips and entered her, still kissing her passionately, he started to move inside her,...

2 years ago
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A Lapdance For Ian

The room pulsed with the slow sensual tempo set by the Waifs CD playing in the stereo. Fran swayed to the music as she walked around the house, tidying as she went. Her thoughts were of her husband and soul mate as they so often were. He was soo tired last night, poor darling. She thought to herself. I can’t believe it was the first night we haven’t made love in such a long time. God damn I am soo horny. Ian had promised to get home on time tonight. Fran had decided to surprise him. The...

2 years ago
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Frankie Ian Sex Game Part 2

Chris held out six straws in her hand and asked each to pull one to decide who went first, explaining the first cards would all be light until everyone had had two go’s each and then they could be medium or hard.The short straw got to go first and the rest followed in size upwards until the longest was last.Once they had all pulled a straw Chris held the final one out and measured against the rest, Ian had pulled the short straw, next the all selected a game piece, Ian selected a boob, Frankie...

3 years ago
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Ian part 3

Never in my life have I felt more comfortable. I'm dressed as shabbily as I have ever been. Old, tatty jeans and a loose, long-sleeved t-shirt. I'm wearing no make-up whatsoever, and my short blonde hair is messy and unstyled. I have a paint brush in one hand and a stencil in the other, and for the first time in a very long time, I can truly forget that I was ever a girl. "Kayleigh-Ann!" Miss Fullerton - my ballet teacher - yells, snapping me out of my fantasy. "When you're done with...

3 years ago
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Ian part 14

I take a deep breath as I wake up, but even this action is enough to cause me a lot of pain in my chest. As I open my eyes, I'm briefly confused by my surroundings- this isn't my bedroom in Cardiff, or even my old bedroom in London, but somewhere else... A hospital? That'd explain the pain in my chest, anyway... "Good morning," a familiar Welsh accent says, chilling the blood in my veins as I slowly turn my head and come face to face with my mother, and the stern look on her...

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502 IAN THE HOLIDAY PT6 It was after Llangollen on the A5 road that they stopped at a little chocolate café at Pentrefoelas, over coffee and buns the sat in warm sunshine by the brook, chatting and enjoying the mountain air, Ian explain that, “As they couldn’t take over the cottage till three, he had come this way so they could see the scenery, and not have to hurry” he added that for him he couldn’t wait, “though tonight Wendy will be suffering for keeping him waiting!” She laughed, and said...

2 years ago
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Ian part 10

"Free at last," Lee says with a snort of laughter as I meet up with him, Rob and Neil at the end of another long week of college. "You got much work to do this weekend on your course?" "Umm, not much," I shrug. "Been getting a good head start the last few weeks." "Smart man," Rob says with a chuckle. "Just had plenty of free time lately," I shrug, leading to an awkward silence as all of my friends know exactly why I've had so much free time lately. It's been just over two...

3 years ago
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Ian part 13

"Mmph," I hear a familiar soft, feminine voice moan as my eyes slowly open. It's a voice that brings back both good and bad memories- bad memories as it's a voice that I had for the first sixteen years of my life, a voice that made me cringe every time it passed my lips. But it also brings good memories as in this case, it's not coming from my mouth, but from the mouth of the beautiful redhead that's snuggled up against me. "Morning babe," I say, waking Chloe up with a gentle kiss. "We...

2 years ago
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Paula and Ian Cherry

Tina was abso-fuckin-lutely just chipper after her deflowering. Her and Mark were like sickening examples of love and joy. I had been moved to the side car of Tina’s life. It sucked. “Why so glum, chum?” Ian said coming up to my table. “You are such a fucking dork.” I said. “Dork? Man, you must be out of it if that’s the best come back you have.” Ian said. He sat down and slipped a CD across the table at me. “What’s this?” I asked. “It’s a CD full of old-school Goth music. Try it, you’ll like...

1 year ago
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501 oh ian how things have changed Part 5

501 oh ian how things have changed Part 5 It was a couple of days later, days in which May had enlightened Ian, that it would be in his own interests to encourage the boy to pluck up courage to seduce his own mother, a job Ian happily did and it was days where the two ladies had become much closer, close enough to have sent an order for a mail order strap-on, and to have ‘tasted’ one another in 69`s to beat all 69`s! Wendy rang on the Saturday morning, to say she and her ‘new man of the...

1 year ago
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More than Ian bargined for

Ian and Susanna are friends, and occasionally I pop around and help them do some work on their garden. In return they would spark up the barbeque and provide the beers. Ian is a white guy in his mid-fifties, bit overweight, but with a full head of hair. Susanna is quite a bit younger, in her late thirties, lovely black hair, and an Asian look to her face and skin colour. This particular day we had worked up a sweat, so both Ian and I are just in our shorts when Susanna puts on the Barbie....

Wife Lovers
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Conquering Ian

The first time I saw Ian, I knew that I has to have him. He was about 6 foot, brown hair, muscular and toned. It was the first day of my new job and he sat two desks away from mine. I’d just started in a fairly large London Solicitor’s practice, and hadn’t told anyone that I was gay. He was straight of course, and a bit of a player at that, managing to get around to fucking all of the single women in our office, as well as a few of the attached ones as well! He was hot but no one knew that more...

2 years ago
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Nov 2017 Meeting 7 with my friend Ian

Sally is perfect for me, attractive, big breasts, confident and fucks like a whore. To my surprise, it soon became apparent that although Sally has a very strong and confident demeanor outside the bedroom she becomes super submissive in the bedroom. The change in her attitude and behavior is in complete contrast and as I learned you can easily push her limits to the extremes with a little help and persuasion.Despite our set back last month Sally has appeared upbeat about meeting more men and I...

Wife Lovers
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504 IAN THE HOLIDAY Part 8 It was an hour later over coffee and a sandwich, the four were sat having come down and collected their thoughts, the rain still splattered the windows, and the world outside seemed to be a collection of assorted greys. May said, “Well now you’ve seen my fantasy set, go on, tell me what a complete whore I am and how your disgusted at me…!” Wendy looked up at May and she said, “Well, it was your fantasy most folk never get that privilege, you were lucky with Ian, most...

2 years ago
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Lisa Ian

Later, she was unsure precisely just when she fell in love with him. It had all been so gradual, almost like something sneaking up on her. The cause had been serendipitous, if you could call a car breakdown that. Lisa had been driving home on a Friday, after a grueling week laboring in the accounting office where she worked. It had been a really hard week, she was amazingly tired, and just wanted to get home, have a bath, and then drift off to sl**p. She had nothing planned for the weekend or...

4 years ago
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499 Oh Ian how things have changed 4

499 Oh Ian how things have changed 4 It was on the following Wednesday that Ian saw Jim again, he was just off to work May having gone on the bus earlier, and Jim was delivering the paper`s as he left the house, they exchanged greetings, and Ian noted Jim`s grin, asking, “if something had happened and if he was ok?” the lad said, “his Mum had received the message from May and was going to come visit on Friday night, as she wants to meet you both!” that came as a surprise as he knew nothing of...

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Lisa Ian

Later, she was unsure precisely just when she fell in love with him.It had all been so gradual, almost like something sneaking up on her.The cause had been serendipitous, if you could call a car breakdown that. Lisa had been driving home on a Friday, after a grueling week laboring in the accounting office where she worked. It had been a really hard week, she was amazingly tired, and just wanted to get home, have a bath, and then drift off to sleep.She had nothing planned for the weekend or that...

2 years ago
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Lisa Ian

Later, she was unsure precisely just when she fell in love with him.It had all been so gradual, almost like something sneaking up on her.The cause had been serendipitous, if you could call a car breakdown that. Lisa had been driving home on a Friday, after a grueling week laboring in the accounting office where she worked. It had been a really hard week, she was amazingly tired, and just wanted to get home, have a bath, and then drift off to sleep.She had nothing planned for the weekend or that...

3 years ago
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Ian part 17

"Thank GOD," Mac says in an over-dramatic way as he, Ben and I head out of our college, all three of us tired after a long week, but excited at the knowledge we have the next three weeks completely university-free. "Took the words right out of my mouth," Ben chuckles. "Oh come on," I protest. "It hasn't been THAT bad, has it?" "So you're telling me you'd rather have another 3 weeks of classes than 3 weeks of holiday, then?" Ben asks, making me grin slyly. "...HELL no," I reply,...

3 years ago
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Ian part 4

"A whole week off!" Maisie squeaks in my ear as the bell rings to signify the end of the school day- and indeed, the end of this half of the term. At least, it would be the end of the school day for me, were it not for the fact that when I arrive home, I immediately head up to my bedroom and exchange the itchy, clingy black tights and knee-length skirt I've worn all day for an even itchier, even clingier pair of pink tights and a black tank leotard, just as I've done every Tuesday and...

1 year ago
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Ian and Brenda Part 1

Her legs were open as Ian was kissing her inner thighs. Slowly, slowly he made his way up, teasing her, wanting her to beg him to go further. Brenda's bristling, coarse pubic hair tickled his nose as his tongue found her soft folds of skin. He licked her moist center and the delicious smell of her sex was intoxicating to him as usual, wonderfully musky.Brenda's head moved back and forth as he teased her sensitive nub with his lips, teeth, and tongue. She began to moan and twist, holding onto...

1 year ago
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Ian and Brenda Part 1

Her legs were open as Ian was kissing her inner thighs. Slowly, slowly he made his way up, teasing her, wanting her to beg him to go further. Brenda's bristling, coarse pubic hair tickled his nose as his tongue found her soft folds of skin. He licked her moist center and the delicious smell of her sex was intoxicating to him as usual, wonderfully musky.Brenda's head moved back and forth as he teased her sensitive nub with his lips, teeth, and tongue. She began to moan and twist, holding onto...

2 years ago
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496 Oh Ian how things have changed

496. Oh Ian how things have changed To fully understand this story perhaps you might like to read the 5 stories 491 to 495.this is written in the third party and concerns the friends I have come to enjoy the company of, Ian, (in theory the master of the house) and his matronly and adventurous wife, May, who nowadays is in reality in charge. It was a few weeks after the weekend with Lenny, the welts had gone, bruises faded when at the pub on Saturday Lenny gave them the news that he was off to...

4 years ago
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The Granduncle InheritanceChapter 3 Moira and Ian

Moira was alone in her room in their new house, waiting for her brother to come back from London. She had put on a new almost transparent green bra and panties set after a hot and luxurious bath that she had bought before leaving the States. As she checked herself in the mirror, she was thinking, 'I have a 32-23-34 figure on a 5'8" frame; I'm almost as tall as Ian. I have what may be considered a dancer's body, though I had never danced outside of family meetings when I was young since...

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The first and only time I have acted on the spur of the moment. When I moved up north from London a few years back. Me and my mates arranged to keep in touch by having golfing weekends somewhere halfway between us. This one time it happened to be Nottingham. We were staying at a golf course that had accommodation on site. On the last night we got back from town after some food, the others wanted to call it a night but me and one pal decided to go the bar. I was there getting the drinks and...

3 years ago
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Ian part 2

"I'm heading out now," I say, grimacing in advance at the inevitable response. "Kayleigh-Ann," mum says in an obviously fake pained voice, "come here..." I roll my eyes, before heading into the living room and facing my mother, whose face is scrunched up in a look of pure disapproval. "What is it?" I ask. "I don't want to keep Ollie waiting..." I don't want to keep Ian waiting, either, I think to myself. "WHY are you going out with him?" Mum asks, barely restraining herself from...

4 years ago
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The Granduncle InheritanceChapter 2 Ian

I had been hearing her cough all night and the door between the rooms of the suite wasn't opening. I went out to the corridor and knocked on her door. At dawn, Moira wasn't sure if she had imagined it or if someone had actually knocked on her bedroom door during the night. She couldn't think clearly and she thought she heard someone say, 'Come in' but wasn't sure it had been her. The doorknob rattled several times, but the door stayed closed and she vaguely remembered that she had...

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