Zureiten indian porn

4 years ago
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Sophia sucht Befriedigung

Sophia Neuberg war wieder einmal gefrustet. Außenstehende würden es nicht verstehen können, denn auf den ersten Blick hatte sie alles was sich eine Frau nur wünschen konnte. So war sie seit bald 5 Jahren mit dem reichsten Grundbesitzer der ganzen Region verheiratet, lebte mit diesem auf einem riesigen Anwesen, mit einem Pool, einem Tennisplatz und eigenen Stallungen. Seit ihrer Heirat brauchte sie auch ihren Beruf, sie hatte als Tierärztin gearbeitet, sondern konnte sich allein darauf...

2 years ago
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Eine Germanistikstudentin geht weiter auf den Strich

Die Zeit in der Bahn verflog. Julia schrieb in feiner Handschrift über ihre letzten Monaten. Sie schrieb darüber, wie sie Dina, ihre Nachbarin bewundert hatte, wie sie mit ihrem Schreiben ins Stocken, mit sich in Zwiegespalt geraten war, wie der Auftrag durch Professor Sebag authentischer zu werden, sie ins Rotlichtmilieu geführt hatte, ohne dass sie sich für das Rotlichtmilieu bewusst entschieden hätte. Nein, es hatte sie eher dorthin gezogen. Die Nacktheit, die Unvermitteltheit, die Rohheit...

3 years ago
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Ich die Lehrerin werde zur Nutte gemacht

Ich bin die 27jährige Lehrerin Nicole, wie man sagt eine blauäugigie blonde Schönheit mit gut schulterlangen naturgewellten Haaren, einem festen, eine handvoll, Busen mit kleinen Nippeln, Vorhöfen und Warzen, einer Wespentaille, einem knackigen Po und wohl endlos erscheinenden Schenkeln, schließlich verteilten sich meine 65 kg auf 1,82. Seit Jahren war ich glücklicher Single. Es war schon warm, es ging auf die Zeugnisse zu, und ich machte mir Sorgen um meine sonstige Klassenbeste, die 18jährige...

2 years ago
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Wilde Stuten m ssen gez hmt werden

Nur ein leises Schnauben der Mustangs deutet darauf hin, dass ein Mensch in der Nähe ist. Geduckt bewegt sich der dunkle Schatten zwischen den wenigen Bäumen. Dort wo die Pferde dicht gedrängt zusammen stehen steigt Dampf auf, verursacht vom warmen Atem der Tiere in der Kälte der mondhellen Herbstnacht. Plötzlich fliegt das Lasso. Zielsicher wird ein junger Hengst eingefangen, der sofort beginnt sich zu wehren. Alle anderen Pferde stieben davon. Die dunkle Gestalt kämpft allein mit dem...

3 years ago
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Der Test Teil 3

Ich war so neugierig was meine Herrin diesmal sich ausgesucht hat, dass ich im Laufschritt aus dem Büro raus bin und ich eilte zum Auto. von meiner Herrin und ihrer Freundin keine Spur mehr, sie sind schon weg. ich mache die Fahrer Seite auf, setze mich hin und mir fällt sofort eine Plastik tüte auf, die auf der Beifahrer Seite liegt. ich zögerte etwas mit dem nachschauen. die Neugier siegte aber, ich fasste die Tüte an komisch, scheint nichts drin zu sein, ich mache sie auf und tatsächlich ist...

4 years ago
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Hotelsklavinnen Hotel Slaves

                                                          Hotelsklavinnen Teil 1, Freitag Lass mich erst mich selber vorstellen, ich bin ein Mann in bester alter und Eigent?mer und Gesch?ftsf?hrer von einem gr??eren mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen mit Sitz in dem s?dlichen Teil von NRW.  Ich lebe im Moment alleine als ich mich vor guten 5 Jahren von meinen Frau getrennt habe, wir passten lange nicht mehr zusammen und am Ende wurden der Ehe nur zu einen Qual f?r uns beide.  Vor ein par Jahre war ich au...

4 years ago
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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

4 years ago
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Die unbestechliche Staatsanw ltin

Nora, die 32jährige, 1,65m große, wohlproportionierte Staatsanwältin hatte es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht den größten Drogendealer Hamburgs endlich in den Knast zu bringen. Und sie war sich sicher ihn diesmal zu bekommen. Es hatten sich schon einige Kolleginnen und Kollegen daran versucht, einige hatten einfach aufgegeben, andere waren korrupt und hatten sich abgesetzt, wieder andere waren einfach verschwunden. Doch Nora war sich sicher, sie würde ihn überführen, denn sie hatte Fotos und...

2 years ago
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Hirst Hall German

Hirst Hall (German)Anmerkung des Autors: Dies ist die deutsche Fassung des englischen Originals von Hirst Hall. Hirst Hall hat mich von Anfang an so in seinen Bann gezogen, dass ich Surtea einfach um die Erlaubnis bitten musste, dieses meiner Meinung nach meisterlichen Werkes, in die deutsche Sprache ?bersetzen zu d?rfen. Leider sind meine Englischkenntnisse sehr bescheiden, so dass dies keine 100% ?bersetzung wird. Aber ich denke, zu 90% werde ich es hinbekommen, zumal Surtea die ?bersetzung v...

1 year ago
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Mein Leben als Zuh lter

Nun sind seit dem Tag bereits 7 Jahren vergangen, mittlerweile habe ich meinen eigene Stall an jungen Pferden, die für mich Tätig sind! Kurz um dank Rudolph dem alt eingesessenen Zuhälter und seiner Ausbildung bin ich jetzt sehr erfolgreich in dem Gewerbe als Zuhälter tätig… Was das angeht so macht mir keiner mehr was vor, ich genieße einen guten Ruf unter den Brüdern und bin auch viel skrupelloser geworden…was die Beschaffung von neuen Weibern angeht, sie dann einzureiten… zu brechen… bis sie...

4 years ago
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Erziehung zur Hure

Diese Erzählung ist ein reines Phantasieprodukt. Ähnlichkeiten mit der realen Welt wären rein zufällig. Ich bin Anfang 30 und verdiene mein Geld im Rotlichtmilieu. Zusammen mit einigen Partnern betreibe ich in Deutschland mehrere Bordelle und Clubs. Nach außen habe ich natürlich die Fassade eines seriösen Geschäftsmannes mit Villa in einem Nobelviertel und großem Auto aufgebaut. Mir obliegt es unter anderem, immer für ausreichenden Nachschub an Frauen, intern unsere Pferdchen genannt, zu...

4 years ago
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Die Clique

Tanja war sich unsicher: "war das nicht doch zu gewagt?" Das Bikinioberteil das sie mit ihrer neuen Freundin Sabrina ausgesucht hatte war ja schon knapp geraten, aber das Höschen? Ein kritischer Blick über die Schulter vergewisserte sie das selbst in aufrechter Haltung Ihre Pofalte gut zu sehen war. doch das war nicht alles!!! auch vorne war es keineswegs besser um ihre Scham bestellt. Das weiße Höschen ließ ihre Schamlippen klar erkennen. War das etwa die "Änderung" von der Sabrina gesprochen...

3 years ago
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Die sch ne Revolverheldin

Ed Lee lehnt im Türrahmen seines Büros. Eine dünne Zigarre im Mundwinkel, beobachtet er den Eingang zum Saloon. Das wettergegerbte Gesicht mit dem weißen gepflegten Schnurrbart und den dunklen gütigen Augen trägt sorgenvolle Züge. Schon seit fast einer halben Stunde ist es drüben totenstill. Fast alle Männer der Stadt und auch ein paar neugierige Frauen sind dort. Niemand will sich das Schauspiel entgehen lassen, welches da seit dem frühen Morgen abläuft. Ed allerdings wäre es lieber gewesen,...

2 years ago
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Nicoles Tittenbingo

Mein Mann Andy und ich fuhren von einem langen Messetag zurück nach Hause über die Autobahn. Es wurde schon langsam dunkel und auf der Straße war kaum etwas los. Wir bekamen Hunger. Es war aber weit und breit keine Raststätte zu sehen. Von der Autobahn aus erblickten wir allerdings ein kleines Städtchen mit maximal 10 Häusern. So dicht an der Autobahn? Da muss es etwas zu essen geben. Wir fuhren die Autobahn ab und nach einer kurzen Landstraßenstrecke erreichten wir dann auch das Dorf. Wir...

2 years ago
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Die T uuml rsteher

Wir alle kennen sie: Teenie Jungschlampen, die alles tun würden um in den Club ihrer Wahl hereinzukommen. Der „Club 3000“ war so ein Laden. Wie jedes Wochenende war die Jugend der Stadt hier dabei zu feiern, zu saufen und zu ficken. Die Türsteher waren dabei die erste Hürde die das Frischfleisch zu passieren hatte. Die Crew war dabei strikt angewiesen nur diejenigen Möchtegern Tussis rein zu lassen, die auch das Blut der männlichen Gäste zur Wallung brachten. Dabei war es Gang und gebe, dass...

4 years ago
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Benutzt und unterworfen

Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte. Sie beschreibt mein erstes Mal mit einem Mann. Zu mir: 18Jahre, 172cm, 66kg.Alles begann damit, dass ich über Internetseiten Kontakt zu Männern aufnahm. Mein Fokus lag auf älteren, dominanten Herren die einen jungen Boysklaven suchen. Es dauerte nicht lange und mein Briefkasten war voll mit Anfragen. Leider waren viele davon Faker, aber ein paar wenige stellten sich als real heraus.Mit einem dieser Männer begann ich intensiv zu chatten. Es stelle sich sehr...

2 years ago
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Gamer schlief mit 11 Frauen in 2 Wochen

Seven ist 38 und eigentlich nur am Computer um zu gamen. Doch eine Fantasie liess ihn nie los. Er wollte einmal mit möglichst vielen Frauen Sex haben. 1zu1 oder auch geile dreier. Diese Fantasie liess ihn nicht mehr los. Es war an einem regnerischen Sonntag, als er sich endlich den Mut nahm und im Internet nach geilen Kontakten suchte. Das zeigte sich als äusserst schwierig, bis er dann endlich auf eine scharfe Webseite stiess mit vielen Frauen, welche echte Dates suchten. Also registrierte er...

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Die Zauberin german

********************************************************Die Zauberin - Eine Fantasygeschichtea fantasy story about a man who fall into the hand of a sorceress and learn to esteem her power********************************************************1Vor kurzem hatte ich die Stadt verlassen. Mit nichts als meiner zerlumpten Kleidung auf der Haut. Nicht, das ich in den letzten Jahren wesentlich mehr besessen h?tte. Aber als Tagel?hner bekam ich viel zu selten Arbeit um mir etwas vern?nftiges leisten zu k...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 8 A Hole Full of Glory

The next morning the guys paired up for butt fucks (even those not as fond of gay play found themselves needing a hole to stick their cocks in), and John said to Ron (who's ass he was fucking) "Master come on don't you have a plan yet?" "Believe it or not," Ron said, "I think that missing my evening and morning doses of Hannah juice has dulled my senses." "So you're saying if you don't get some cunt juice from Hannah you won't be able to come up with a plan; but if you can't...

4 years ago
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Photo Op

Photo Op By Cal Y. Pygia Stanley Lewis pulled his Toyota Corolla into the Arco gas station, parking behind the red Mustang convertible. The driver, a leggy blonde in a mini-skirt, was refueling her vehicle. Stanley had been driving all morning, having started in Kingman, Arizona, completing the final leg of his trip from Farmersville, Kansas, to Las Vegas, Nevada. He was hot. He was tired. He welcomed the opportunity for a little rest, especially when such a gorgeous babe...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 7

Rose and Mary purchased red boot stockings to have one for each of them, and all fifteen boarders at the boardinghouse. They bought candy canes and trinkets to fill each stocking, then hung them by the fireplace. They had hung one extra, in hopes that Clarissa would make it for Christmas. The family and boarders feasted on three roasted wild turkeys with cornbread stuffing, homemade bread and jellies of all flavors, beans, candied sweet potatoes and corn, and buttered apple dumpling cobbler...

4 years ago
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Finally Got My Sudha Aunty

Hi readers of ISS. This is Satya. Iam a regular reader of these stories especially the incest ones. After inspiring with the stories, i thought to put infront of you the first experience I had in my life initailly I want to make one thing clear that nothing was creative in this story but ofcorse names were changed. Please provide your valuable feedback to To publish more of my experiences in future. Let me explain the basic characters in my story. Myself Satya, mom and one elder sister who got...

3 years ago
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An Unlikely Pair

Fifty-nine-year-old Eileen Simpkins worked on the tills in a large busy supermarket. She was a divorcee and there were no men in her life at the moment.It was a Tuesday and she was serving a customer and glanced to her right to see the next in line for the till were a young couple, both of whom appeared to be very good looking. As she served this couple her eyes were drawn to the front of the young man's jeans and her immediate thought was 'lucky girl' in relation to the youth's...

3 years ago
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The Club My Personal Orgy

The Club – My Personal Orgy While one’s husband is away is a good time to play. He was away, working overseas for two weeks, so it was time to put my personal motto into practice. Don’t get me wrong, I frequently shared new adventures with him. But sometimes I yearned to play by myself; as long as I could do it safely and securely. Some months previously we’d visited a new club, an upmarket commercial venture near the city. We’d had an enjoyable time there, so enjoyable that I’d since...

4 years ago
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It had seemed such a good idea at first. I’d been out of work for nearly a year at the time, and Jilly, my wife, had been out of work for three years. Our eighteen year old daughter worked part time in the local news agents, but that was Sunday mornings only and what with the ‘dole’ rules, it meant that in effect she actually only earned a few quid for a whole mornings work. Our sixteen year old son had decided that he would go on the dole rather than go to college, as at least it meant that...

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Britney Teen Hypnotic Sex Slave

Writing these stories has given me a perspective on things sexual that I had not had previously. The thought that occurs to me the most is the ‘what if?’ questions. What if as a young adult I had the skill as a hypnotist that I developed over the years? This story assumes a young man of extraordinary intelligence. We pick the story up after he has completed thorough research into hypnosis and the related psychology. He is a virgin with no dating experience. Sam is small, about five feet six,...

1 year ago
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Sexy maid in Karachi

Hi it’s again danial here from Pakistan. Let me share my first Sex experience with everybody I was 25 years old and student of CA at that time. You can contact me at silent_magma [at] hotmail [dot] com. The story is all about my sexual encounter with the daughter of our maid servant. It was June (summer) and my siblings and parents would like to go on a hill station for enjoying vacations but as I have to appear in exams I was unable to go with them. They decided to go for 10 days and...

2 years ago
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InterracialBlowbang Rachele Richey 12 01 2016

Sometimes, you end up on the wrong side of town. Most of the time that happens, it by accident. When Rachele Richey ends up on the wrong side of town, it’s for one reason: she loves to live dangerously. It turns her on. So, when she walks into a juke joint knowing full well she’s going to be the only white person in the place…well, it makes her cunt wet. When she discovers she’s the only girl in the joint…well, she knows what’s about to go down. Rachele wants...

3 years ago
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Friends wife

You're drinking a beer and watching TV when your phone rings. "Hey man can i ask a big favor" Your best friend asks, "Sure whats up" you reply "My wife needs to be picked up from work and i cant get out there, can you pick her up im sure shell give you gas money for your trouble." "Sure thing man" "Thanks talk to you later buddy" You hang up and start to get ready to go. Your best friends wife worked at a strip club a couple minutes away. A few minutes later you pull up outside the club. A sexy...

4 years ago
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An Interrupted Gift

“Happy birthday, Harry,” said Ginny. She pulled him into a kiss. The stayed locked together for a few moments, tongues dueling before she pulled him into her room.Harry took a moment to look around. The room was perfect for Ginny: pale blue walls and white curtains. There were enough windows that, even in the early morning, the room was filled with light. Ginny pushed Harry down onto her soft, warm bed and started to untie the belt on her bathrobe.“I hope you enjoy your present,” she said,...

2 years ago
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Laxmi With Me 8211 Part II

Hi, this is Jagan from Hyderabad now I am here to describe about sex incident with girl near my house named Lux I call her like that my age is just 19.i am the regular visitor of Iss. I don’t know perfect English but I can describe about my incident she was a cute girl of aged just 18.there are 8 houses by maintaining the circular shape one house is visible to other she and me were living in that type of houses. I used to seduce her many times but no use she is very cute with normal...

4 years ago
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BJ Revenge

Just a couple of years ago, while still an undergrad student at USC, I was dating a guy named Lance. He was 23 and I don't know what it was, but he felt that he was just a little too good for me. Maybe it was the fact he was a couple years older or maybe it was because he was on the football team or maybe it was because he was built like a tank. He had a sweet side to him but would change his mood in a few seconds and become easily enraged only later apologizing with a promise to never do it...

3 years ago
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Husband Loses His Anal Virginity

I’m looking directly ahead. My arms outstretched in front of me, bound, my chest pushed up against the cold hard wood of the coffee table. A moment earlier I’d gasped as you’d gently pushed me down onto all fours over the table and the coldness had hit my skin. You’d bound my wrists to the front legs of the table and guided my legs apart so that they could be bound to the back legs.Now, after getting used to the coldness, I like it. It’s refreshing. Just a small shift puts my warm flesh in...

2 years ago
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Brothers Ball BestChapter 9

It took Shari a little longer to recover from the fierce ass- fuck her father had given her than it had from Brad's. But she was never sorry she had given in. Just the thought of her orgasms could almost bring on others. She could still feel the huge prick ramming into her throbbing shitter. And even being in the same house with her father had now become difficult, since she was constantly wanting him to do it to her again. On top of that, her young brother seemed to sense that she had...

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Her Husband Her Master

I sigh as I rinse yet another sippy cup, placing it on the top rack of the dishwasher. Rolling my shoulders, I reach for the last few things to put in the dishwasher. The kids are asleep, finally. Thankfully. As I turn the water off and dry my hands I debate between going to bed myself or taking a bath while waiting for my husband to come home from a late night at work. The bath wins. I pour myself a glass of wine and make a mental note that it’s the last of the bottle and go into the bathroom,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Blind Violation

By: DamonX ([email protected]) Blind Violation By damonx Amber shivered as she was led into the room. A million things were going through her head. She wondered how many men were in the room with her and what they were thinking. The blindfold prevented her from seeing anything and there was an uneasy silence. She was nervous. Nervous and afraid. What were they going to do with her? Her mind raced. She thought of what she must look like being led by a leash...

4 years ago
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Hot Coming FamilyChapter 7

After Pattie lost her virginity, she became more and more curious about sex. She began fucking a few boys in her class at school and she and John fucked regularly. After a while she became curious about older men. Specifically one older man. Her father. At a time she knew they would be home alone, she deliberately went to sleep naked and lay in bed for a long time the next morning. Eventually she knew Fred would knock on her door and ask if anything was wrong. She left her door open very...

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A Well Lived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 17 A Long Road to Travel

July 1982, Milford, Ohio It was getting close to the time that both Kara and I had to leave, and Kara was still crying softly as I held her in my arms. I simply held her tight and occasionally kissed her hair and whispered that I loved her in her ear. “Kara honey, are you going to be OK to have lunch with your mom? Do you need me to call off my lunch with Anna and stay with you?” She sniffed, “No. I need to pull myself together. Mom’s expecting me and I don’t want her to worry or be...

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The Good YearsChapter 39

When Emily and I got to the airport at around four thirty, both Cindy and her mother were waiting for us. Mama had apparently told Laura that she would be sending Hans out with the limo to pick all of us up at the hanger, in Bolling. Cindy didn't seem very pleased to find out that her mother was going to be a guest of my mother. She was also surprised to learn that I was planning on piloting the plane we were to fly in. I took a minute to let her know that I was fully trained, licensed and...

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Change of Venue

Change of Venue By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Ethan Weller sat down at the bar and motioned to Rick the bartender. Rick nodded and began to make the young lawyer's usual order, one dry martini. Ethan was a regular at the bar, located in San Diego's Gas Lamp district,...

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Me and My Daughter

It was summer and Friday night and I was home alone. My girlfriend of 2 years and I had broken up 2 weeks ago. My daughter, Carrie Sue, in her first year of college, was out with girlfriends. I was in the family room having a few cocktails and about to watch a porn movie I hadn't watched since Carrie Sue's mom and I had watched it shortly before she had passed away. Got some of my best blow jobs after we'd watched that movie together. I had finally taken off my sleep pants and sat naked from...

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Thankk you Liz

Thank you LizRos– me being Liz had been close mates all through school until she suddenly left school at 16 yrs and just seemed to disappear. We were very close and I did miss her but I went on to finish school, go to university and eventually pass out with a law degree. A great time at uni and in the last year spent much time in bed with a fellow law student. We were both lucky enough to be employed in the same Melbourne law firm so we got married. I specialized in property law whilst Alan...

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A Home Visit by Mrs Jensen

It had been seven weeks since I had been caned after school in Louise Jensen’s office. I had thought of little else since the mature Head Mistress had administered twelve no-nonsense strokes on my bare bottom with her cane. Within an hour of arriving home from my meeting with her, Lucy had been around and had stayed for hours wanting to know every intimate detail of my punishment. I hadn’t minded this at all as I was still so aroused after the punishment and Lucy had insisted on examining my...

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Great surprise

Hey everyone, I’m yuvi family fucker and I’m going to tell you about the time I fucked my sexy, sexy cousin. This was just recently this month and it was fun as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!! It started as a normal day, I woke up at 6 am to go for a run and to go to the gym, and I had the day off from work so I decided to go to my aunts house which is 20 miles from my house. When I got there I knocked on the door, no one opened it and I tried the door. To my surprise it was open. So I got in and look...

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Ruby My First Encounter

Hello friends this is preet..Sorry late ho gya.As you knew my dick is 6 and mein old writer hu iss parmeri story rimpy bhabhi ki chudai.And sweety bhabhi ki chudai…And mein business man hu Chandigarh se yeh story ek sales bhabhi jo airtel mein kam karti hai jiska naam ruby hai… This is my first incident with ruby when I was of 21 and I lost my first virginity as she works for airtel and her figure is 36.32.36 she is so sexy cant tell you she works for airtel and call me for connection fir...

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A night that changed two lifes for the good

Well how to start i got a call from an (old friend) i had not seen in years and he was in a town about 150 miles from me for a day or two and wanted to see me that night if i was free and i was, so arranged to meet at 8pm in a bar of his hotel. Now what to wear going for hot and sexy look me thinks ok black bra and matching thong short skirt and top and my black thigh high boots and after a long bath and war paint on i am ready to go. So on way and my little old reno dies on the road between...

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Mrs Vandermeer s Rules 7

 Miss Spencer. I require your presence on Saturday at 2 pm on the 8th floor of the University Library in the Chemistry section. You are to take a seat at one of the study tables and keep yourself occupied playing with your delightful cunt. Dress appropriately to please. Under no circumstance are you to acknowledge my presence.That was how my week began; a typically terse email from my Mistress that revealed none of her intentions beyond driving me crazy with anticipation as I began to fantasize...

4 years ago
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Family GroupingsChapter 25

As soon as Mike's car turned the corner, the boys turned to the girls, and kissed them, on the lips. Julie and Toni cooperated fully, a few seconds, pushed them away, laughing, and turned to the kitchen entrance. They pushed the boys toward a couple of stools, and turned to fixing a small meal, for the four of them. "Our Dad talked to us, this afternoon." "Julie and I know about it. He told us, this morning that he was going to." "He told us, that he had told you. I've never seen...

5 years ago
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What Happened Last Night Pt IV

Two days later, I picked up the phone and called Tom. ‘You won’t believe what my wife said.” “I’ll bet it was pretty choice, whatever it was,” he answered. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Well, all she had to do was snap her fingers and you dropped me like a rock,” he said. “You know I didn’t have a choice,” I said “I told you all along that my marriage and family come first.” “Yeah, but you could have called me just once, or even emailed, sent up smoke signals, anything,” he...

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Nat and Sandy Pay the Rent Part 1

Natasha leaned back in the chair and ran her fingertips from her forehead through her hair’s tightly permed, black tresses, trying to outstare the screen of her laptop. One hour’s exhaustive attempts to balance the spreadsheet’s figures and the situation was looking no brighter. Her reverie lasted some minutes, until it was finally broken by Sandy’s carefree singing, emanating from somewhere upstairs. Didn’t that just say it all? It wasn’t as though her room-mate’s finances were in a healthier...

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The RiflemanChapter 19 Betrayal

Soria I ducked, and avoided the ball of super hot web-glue that hit the wall. The net like substance covered the transport doors, as I ran down the hall. Running around the corner, I plowed into one of the mutineers, and kneed him in the groin. As he went down to his knees, and I brought my left knee up into his jaw, dropping him like a sack of replicated cornmeal. I picked up his dropped data pad. I noticed it was set for scanning, as I slipped into the access shaft for the energy...

4 years ago
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When Katherine Heigl Breastfed Me

A decade ago, Grey's Anatomy was a hit show on TV. Katherine Heigl was a lead actor on that show. I believe she played a doctor but I can't really remember. I was one of the lighting guys on the show. Every time I saw Katherine, she was always dressed in her doctor outfit.Even though Katherine Heigl was always dressed as a doctor on set, I could always tell one thing about her. Even though she she often had multiple shirts on, I could tell... ...

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The Chorus Teacher

I was on my way out of the chorus classroom, trying to avoid Ms. C's gaze."Halle, I'd like to see you for a moment," she said.Oh shit, I thought. I walked up to her desk. It was the end of the school day, so she didn't have another class coming in."I just received word today that you didn't make it into the choir that I had you audition for on Saturday. You know? The one we spent hours rehearsing for every day last week?"I nodded, shifting my weight nervously."Look, Halle. I worked really hard...

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FuckTeamFive Britney Amber Maya Bijou Valentina Jewels Taking Over A Hookah Lounge With Pornstars

Todays we bring you pornstars Britney Amber. Maya Bijou and Valentina Jewels. The Ladies are looking for some hot guys in Miami and stumble across a hookah lounge. The get the party rocking from the moment they walk through the door. The take out their tits and hunt for random guys right away. They put their tits and asses on the guys face and find two lucky ones that end up getting sucked off. The girls go crazy on the guys cocks as they exchange and tit fuck. They finally fuck the lucky guys...

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Bridezilla Brenda s Beastly Brawl Part 4 The Reception

Part 4 -- The Reception Cast of named characters in this series: Brenda Robinson -- 26 years old, 5'10" tall 140 lbs --- Bride. Arrogant, spoiled, domineering, wealthy, self centered, and oh so tall and beautiful. Bradley Eaton -- 27 years old, 6'2" tall, 180 lbs --- Groom. Physics graduate student. Intelligent, hardworking, handsome, faithful, reliable. Amy Robinson -- 21 years old, 5'10" tall 125 lbs --- Maid of honor. Physics undergrad student. Intelligent,...

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Fucking Friend 8217 s Hot Mom

Arun and I have been close friends since our childhood. We grew up together, went to the same school and now we are in the same college. I stay with my parents and Arun stays with his mom, who is a well known physician. Arun lost his father a few years back, who also was a surgeon. Whenever anyone from our family is ill, we go to Arun’s mother. One day, I experienced pain in my stomach whilst in college. I told Arun and went to Amali Aunty’s (Arun’s mom) clinic. It was almost 1 pm and Amali...

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Mary A New Friend

I went to bed, dreaming about what my girlfriend had in store for me. The next morning, after we had a quick morning fuck, we got dressed and headed to campus for our only class together, Acting 101. While walking to class, anytime a girl who was even half way attractive would pass by, Mary would point and ask “How about her?” Each time, I’d just say no. After saying no to about the 50th girl, I finally said “Look Mary, I know what you’re trying to do, and I’m flattered, but I just feel weird...

4 years ago
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On My OwnChapter 8

Oh, wow, too much to drink. I wasn't used to waking up feeling like this. I made coffee, took my pills, and flipped the TV on to see if there was continued reporting. The nicer channel ran about the same story as the night before, but the nasty channel didn't even say I was cleared this morning. They just talked about two other people implicated in the investigation. What assholes. I dressed in my only dressier clothes, a pair of khakis and a decent shirt. After breakfast and watching the...

3 years ago
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Common Interests Part three

The weekend was hard, well not hard as one would think but difficult to bear with the absence of my new found lover. Somehow I wanted more, and then more again and again of the insatiable lush woman who could satisfy my every fantasy. I sat at the computer and wrote, as you have read of our time shared that she had planned for us to come together again. I saw her only once over our time parted, a pang of heat and yet guilt tracing through me as Jane stood close by and watched when Brenda...

2 years ago
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My Birthday Surprise Part Five

Five I was unsteady walking out of the private room and through the door. I found myself in the center of the busy salon. My wife and the operator talked together at the front door. As I walked to them, the Asian woman who had done my nails came up and kissed me on the lips goodbye. The sounds of many women talking filled the room. I smelled various chemicals and perfumed sprays. I felt like everyone was looking even though no one noticed me. I walked to the front door realizing...

4 years ago
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Mom fulfills son disires pt5

Their touching and feeling and finally fucking in the kitchen had started Tim's motor running and he was ready to take his mother to bed. He knew this was going to be the night when he got his way. He could tell by her actions that Jill was also ready for the final act in their little game. Tim caressed Jill's ass as they went up the stairs to their rooms to change into something more comfortable and, he hoped, more sexy. As Tim picked out just the shorts of his boxer style PJ's in his room,...

2 years ago
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A Ball With MotherChapter 5

“Not so fast, Sally,” Marla said. “You’ll make him come.” Sally pulled her hand away, but her eyes gazed at his cock hungrily. Marla drew her hand away from him. She sat back on the bed, lifting her knees to her chin. Bob stared at his mother’s thighs and crotch. Sally, very eager to see her brother fucking their mother, slipped off the bed and pulled Bob’s shorts right down. Bob, his cock waving about in hardness, continued to gaze at his mother’s exposure. Marla understood her son’s...

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Morph com

Tonight is a night just like any other night. Your surfing the web because you've got nothing else better to do. Eventually, out of no where, you find a website called Morph.com. It says it will transform anyone you want into a different person. Since you know this stuff is'nt real, you decide to try it out. Heck, you could turn somebody into a celebrity (atleast their body anyway). First, you have to enter the name of the person you want to morph. You type in....

1 year ago
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Reddit GoneMild, aka r/GoneMild! Now before you say, ‘oh ThePornDude, what the fuck bro are you going pussy on us with this mild shit,’ just hold on a goddamn minute! If you think beating off to a teen’s tight pussy or trying to lick your own balls as you watch a camgirl’s hanging tits get slapped around with a flaming baton like it’s the fucking circus, then you don’t know shit! Have you ever been waiting in line at the movies and noticed a mom with her skirt hiked up a little too high,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Patricias Daring Anniversary Experiment Part 6

Introduction: Our incredible evening continues with my three hot sluts: the incredible redhead, the blue-eyed southern belle, and the chocolate goddess! We continue the story of my wife Patricias daring and totally unexpected 25th anniversary at the Hilton Hotel in Atlanta. For the first time ever, she has invited four beautiful young women and two handsome studs to enjoy an orgy of sexual pleasures I had never even imagined. I had just tasted my hot new Black mistress, Jill and my sexy new...

4 years ago
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Superlove the White Angel s AutobiographyChapter 2

I was walking down the corridor towards the principal's office. My mind thinking and wondering, what had happened? Including weirdly enough, almost being hit by that car, the two seemed connected somehow. I had managed to find my way to the principal's office, even though my mind was on other things. Just as I reached the principal's door, I finally realized. I had stopped the car. I just stood for minutes, my hand held up ready to knock. I was in shock again concerning the realization I...

3 years ago
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Mail OrderChapter 3

I took the drinks straight into the bedroom, for what I knew was going to happen next the couch just wouldn't do. I called out to her and after a few seconds, she was standing in the doorway smiling at me. She'd taken her bra off and was now completely naked and the full beauty of her mature body was exposed. Her breasts, though they sagged slightly, were still pretty firm and her nipples were hard and inviting. I was sitting on the side of the bed and patted the mattress beside me,...

4 years ago
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My first sex

I left home when I started college and had to take a part-time job delivering advertising leaflets in order to pay my way.I had been doing the job for a couple of weeks when one houseowner, mowing his front lawn, asked me if I would like to do some Saturday gardening. He named the wage and I readily agreed.I started that Saturday and after a couple of hours Tom called me into the house where cakes and soft drinks were waiting. He said he had an appointment and he left his wife Terri to keep...

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Midnight Bite

Introduction: It was only a quick trip to get something to eat but she get more than her stomach stuffed. I was lounged comfortably on my bed watching a rerun of Taboo, one of my favorite shows, (this episode being about mating), one of my favorite topics when my stomach growled loudly. They were running a marathon of episodes and I had forgotten to eat something. I hurriedly stumbled of bed and walked to the kitchen of the 2 bedroom apartment I shared with my best friend whose huge tits I had...

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My Best Friend s Girlfriend Ch 06 Soft Dreams

You are outside. Its winter, and cold. The ground is frozen solid. The grass breaks and crumbles when you step on it. There are dead, frozen flowers and old leaves. The trees are in deep hibernation.You don’t know how long you walk. It is morning and then night. Noon and then morning. The dim sun passes over again and again. Your whole life is in this forest, in this winter. You try to keep warm, but the clouds are thick. You rub your hands over your shoulders. You shiver. You’re lost.Suddenly,...

Mind Control
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my friend nisha

last week madhe mee ekda trek sathi signhgadla gele hote, amcha 2 divsancha program hota ani tya veli pavsali vatavaran hote, ani sandhyakali 6 vajta mee ektich photos kadnyasathi baher paddle camp madhun ani bhatku lagle va dhukyache photos gheu lagle ani tyananatar kahi velat paus chalu zala, mee sobat chatri ghyala visarle hote mee eka zadakhali thamble pan paus kahi thambat navta ani mee purnapane bhijle hote majhi jeans ani top purna bhijla hota kahi velat andhar padla ani mee ghabrle mala...

2 years ago
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CockSucker It didn t mean I was Gay

I've always thought of myself as straight. I've never had the opportunity to ever be with another man. Sometimes you hear about situations when guys hang out as k**s and while they're drinking or getting high, they give each other blow jobs or jerk each other off.That never happened to me, ever. I've never thought about being with a guy. I've always had my share of women and I've always thought of myself as a guy that enjoys pussy. Never once have I ever thought about a dick.I love women and...

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girl to girl

Introduction: best friends become lovers? I lay on the black leather sofa, my silky smooth legs over my best friends lap. It was one of those old leather sofas that was a little bit worn, but you literally sink in to. It was soo comfortable. Its warm leather and anorectic smell made the whole place homely. I held a large glass of rose in my left hand. We were watching our favourite chick flick: hes just not that into you! We had moved into the apartment together before starting university,...

3 years ago
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Assassinating her Pride remaining part

The first touch of her feminine fingers sent electric shocks through Ezio. He had never anticipated getting sexual pleasure in what he considered to be a field of battle like any other. True, he'd gone astray with the guard, but that had a specific purpose to it, and this..... his pants were coming off, and then his underwear, exposing his nether regions to a coldness altogether new to him. It made his ball sacks smaller, and Caterina, realizing this, directed the cunt to begin with them. As...

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Little Sissy Of Mistress 3

Mistress took two rounds of the room and brought him back to his original position in the room and left the leash. “This is just the beginning slut. You have not yet experienced anything. I am willing to give you one chance now. Chance to walk out and we will never meet again. You are free to say Yes and you are free to go, But if you say no, You will lose your will to walk out and after this moment I will not hear anything” She was saying this and all the while caressing his hair and back very...

2 years ago
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In From The Snow

They were almost snowed in. The road had just closed, and no one could bother them for a full day, maybe two. Virginia lay back on the down featherbed, her husband Keith groaning with pleasure as he moved into her. He was a dark silhouette against the blue-white light of a snowy late afternoon. She loved the feeling of his smooth, strong body moving against her. She felt the little twitches in his hips that meant he was close. Virginia pulled her knees up, tilting her hips to take him deeper....

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Hot Cam Girl Role Plays Naughty Masturbation

I didn’t have any money with me because I’d forgotten to go to an ATM at the right time. I was wondering how I’d get home when a coworker said that she was willing to give me a ride back home. I was relieved. She came around on her scooter, and I hopped on behind her. Both our houses were far from the office and I was exhausted. I accidentally fell asleep onto her shoulder. I woke up immediately and apologized, but she said that it was alright. She said to hold onto her if I was planning on...

3 years ago
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Au Pair Part 3

I was still trying to spot the two of them when Kate nudged me with the elbow. “I take dibs on the Blonde,” she said with a voice laden with desire. The next moment I heard, “JAKE!!!!” and then I caught the flying toddler. Over her shoulder, my eyes fell on the Au Pair. The impression the on her face seemed surprised but the smile was bright and friendly. “Hi Gretchen, welcome to Tampa!” I heard Kate say and I was sure the seductive tone was not lost on Gretchen either. Switching my niece...

2 years ago
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A Female Sexual Story You Must Read

The title does not allow you the pleasure to describe the loss of your virginity, nor does age allow you the scope or breadth of descriptive prose to fully say what it is like to feel a man's cock enter you, the parting of that thin line that forms your girlish pussy, from which you pee, as you squat to do so.When that thin line parts it displays another set of pinkish sensitivity, a small clitoris that makes you touch yourself discretely, or the more dangerous opening, the one that requires...

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Asian Whore in Live Sex Show with Animals 1

I’m standing in the middle of the room with the light directly above me. There’s a room full of men sitting on chairs watching me undress. I wear my long sleek black hair down and it contrasts against my milky white skin. I have red lipstick on and nothing else. As I sit on top of the mattress laid out at the front of the room, I caress my naked body looking at the group of men in front of me, the anticipation increases my arousal. The heat rises between my legs. I start to pinch at my...

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Amazing Grace Part Nine Chapters 33 36

Chapter Thirty-ThreeGrace sat curled up in her favorite chair in the library with a cup of tea and her laptop. Dominic’s flight wasn’t until later in the evening, so he and Mac were in the theatre room watching more Three Stooges and laughing like hyenas. Grace could only handle watching Moe poke Curly in the eyes so many times, so she’d opted out of the father/son bonding activity.When Bentley came into the room, Grace looked up. “Did you need me for something?”“No, Ms. Grace. I just wanted to...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kylie Rocket School 8217 s Out Tits Out

Kylie Rocket just finished her last day of college and she’s ready to celebrate! Unfortunately, because of quarantine, she can’t go out and party the way she wants to, but she’s got a super horny step brother who might be able to help. He picks her up from school and she takes off her shirt, showing off her perky tits and tells him how horny she is. He’s hesitant at first but once they get in the house, he can’t help himself. She shakes her booty for him and they...

4 years ago
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A Bedtime Story for you two

Both of the people in my stories are over 30. Another night has come where you are falling asleep and have given me permission to tell you a story. I know you will be asleep before I am done, but you will read it when you wake…. You are in your bed and call me your pretty girl again. I know you are naked, as that is how you always sleep. I do love to think of you naked all night. It makes me very happy and always puts a smile on my face. You know I bite my lip every time I think of you like...

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Anal training begins

As I opened the passenger door to Clark's vehicle I noticed a towel on the seat. He was prepared for my ass being full of cum. I sat down and I could feel cum running out of my ass.As he started driving he asked, "So how did you like your first tip to the gloryhole?"I answered, "It was amazing! I had no idea a place like that existed."Clark said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, I'll be bringing you back to this one and some others a few times a week."When he said that I got excited. I couldn't wait...

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Help Chapter 9

Day 143 Sunday, March 13 I awoke between two beautiful naked girls again. We snuggled for quite some time before we finally decided we needed to get up and get the chores done. Afterwards, while we were eating breakfast, I asked, "Mom, why don't we have a milk cow?" "I'd love to have one," mom said. "There's nothing like the fresh milk you get from your own cow. There's also the butter and cream and cottage cheese. Your father never wanted to bother with the milking though, so we...

3 years ago
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Fuck Marathon With Bride 8217 s Sister

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This story is about how I got lucky with an unknown girl in a marriage ceremony. Just imagine whatever is happening. It is not a real story. So guys, hands on your cock and girls, on your pussy now. I’m a 24 year old software engineer, never had a girl in my life. Around the month of December, one of my best friend was getting married in Nainital. So, I was excited about going to one of the...

4 years ago
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Hot Naked CousinChapter 6

Dave Walker sat nakedly in his bed, cupping the telephone with one hand while his other hand began to stroke his growing hard-on. The boy could hardly believe that, on the other end of the phone, his cousin, Lani, was mouthing obscenities into his ear. His twin sister, Dina, had told him all about her torrid fuck- session with their cousin, so he should not have been surprised by her early morning telephone call. But, somehow, he had always thought it was only males who liked to make obscene...

2 years ago
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Better Alive Than DeadChapter 6 The Beast Within

She was very young. But despite her youth, the Terran had indulged his desires willingly and was now sucking on his massive member like a greedy little piglet desperate for its mother’s milk. The girl’s eyes looked at him in worship as her small pink tongue, and soft wet lips explored every dimple and crevice of his crimson skinned cock. Her tiny mouth on his immense cock looked obscene. He pushed the cock in a little more, forcing the massive tip inside her small mouth. Her eyes widened,...

4 years ago
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Dad s Being ReplacedChapter 8

Lani was an early riser. She liked to get her exercise routine and shower done before anyone else was up. Now it was time to get dressed for the day but the woman faced a dilemma. Her usual attire was slacks or jeans with a blouse or pullover top but Danny, her own son, had demanded that she start wearing dresses for no other reason than to please him. The boy sure had a lot of gall. Lani thought about dressing in her usual attire then defying him to do anything about it. They would finally...

4 years ago
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Gf Ki Choot Chati Part 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Thanks sab ka jinhone meri first story read ki ‘gf ki choot chati’ ab uska next part likhne wala hu.. Maine apse promise kiya tha k next story me btaunga hamari agli chudai k bare me. Pehle m apna intro de du ek baar mera naam sushant h (name changed) or meri gf thi jo jiske bare m story h uska naam sonam (name changed).. Privacy k liye change krne pde name..Main jalandhar panjab se hoon. Body slim . Player hu kafi outdoor game khelta hu..Rang fair.. Sonam...

4 years ago
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Lynn s Naughty Uncle Part 3

"My daddy made me strip off my clothes last night, Jimmy. He made my sister do the same thing. Then he made us lay down on the living room floor and make love to each other." Jimmy loved this kind of talk. A slight smile quivered over his dry old lips, and he began nodding slowly. Lynn stood up as she continued to talk, and slipped her- light jacket from her shoulders, laid it over the back of her chair. "You know why he did that terrible thing to me and Lori, Jimmy? Because he caught us...

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Double TwistChapter 187

“Fame you’ll be famous, as famous as can be, with everyone watching you win on TV, Except when they don’t because sometimes they won’t.” —Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go! REMAS SETTLED DOWN after a few orgasms, as Desi suggested she would. She was still undecided and we didn’t pressure her. We just pleasured her. I was buried deep in her when Livy got to the apartment. Rachel took care of presenting her ring to her. We didn’t stay up screwing all night, but we were all pretty...

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A Princess in Abyss

It’s dark. Luckily there’s still some moonlight. In the riven mountains wrapped by a pea-soup fog, a young lady in fancy dress was running, as if being chased by some nightmare. Suddenly she fell down. Alas! Such a pity! The expensive dress got partly stained by dirt, and somehow torn up a little bit. Never mind. It’s still a fine dress. Gorgeous, in fact. It’s a perfect dress for princess, showing her charming figure flattering. Her breath was soft as a feather and sweet like a lily. Her...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 2

This one is compliments of R. McFee The Weasel Joke So, these two weasels were sitting in the bar, nursing their umpteenth drinks. One would, tip his drink, set it down; the other would tip his drink, set it down. This went on for some time, until one abruptly stood up, waggled his finger in the face of the second weasel, and shrieked, “I’ve slept with your mother!” The bar went silent. Several of the patrons casually looked about, marking the nearest exit. The second weasel said not a...

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Schoolgirl Gymnast Sextoy SlaveChapter 2

Matt Clements watched her lithe, gorgeous young body wind down, still twitching. She’d had a fantastic orgasm, really obviously, that he’d caught on his phone without her even noticing. What a sexy girl. He made himself give her a couple of minutes for her hypersensitivity to drop, then took over from Jim. Nikki made another effort to evade his probing cock but Jim helped to hold her still. Her pussy was stretched and soaking wet, with Jame’s generous load of cum as well as her own slippery...

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Mutual fun

I had been hoping to try some MM mutual masturbation for ages. I last wanked a guy off when I was at school and that was a long time ago, believe me!!I've had the usual array of time wasters make contact and I had began to think that nobody was interested until I was contacted by a guy who lived locally called Steve. He is about my age and said that he wanted to watch porn and wank and he was available most days. I got him to pop round to my place and after exchanging pleasantries and having a...

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Entertaining Nadia and Sadia

Rahul was 16; he lived in a typical house in a typical estate. His bedroom was at the back of the house on the 1st floor. His window faced the similar room of the back room of the house next door. A new family had moved in and the 2 daughters Sadia 15 and Nadia 18 were notied immediately by the randy Rahul. Both girls were well developed, slim and athletic with bouncing breasts and well-proportioned curves. Rahul decided he would fuck them both and have their pussies begging for his tongue and...

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