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Change of Venue By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Ethan Weller sat down at the bar and motioned to Rick the bartender. Rick nodded and began to make the young lawyer's usual order, one dry martini. Ethan was a regular at the bar, located in San Diego's Gas Lamp district, as it was only two blocks from his condo. He would park his BMW in the condo's parking garage and then have a nightcap or two. The last thing the up-and-coming lawyer needed was a DUI. "Here you go," said Rick as he placed the drink in front of Ethan. "Thanks," replied Ethan as he took a sip. "Perfect as always, Rick." The bartender nodded and walked over to take the order of a pair of women at the far end of the bar. "I thought I'd find you here." Ethan turned and nodded as he saw his co-worker, Ashley Woodard, standing behind him. She had joined the firm around the same time that Ethan had and while they were never close friends, they were social. Like Ethan, she had all the makings to be an excellent lawyer; but, unlike him, her career at the firm hadn't lived up to promise. It wasn't a lack of legal skills, rather it was that she often looked for shortcuts and avoided putting in the effort to excel at the firm. However, what she lacked in hard work, she more than made up for it in her appearance. Ashley was a stunning natural blonde. Her tailored suit looked as if it was painted on her shapely body. She often used her looks as a tool to get others to do her work and as a weapon against others when needed. This didn't make her well liked among many of the firm's lawyers. Ethan was one of the few at the firm who seemed immune to Ashley's antics. "Pull up a stool," he offered. "You want something to drink?" Ashley slipped onto the stool. "I'll have what you're drinking." Ethan motioned to Rick who nodded back. When he drink arrived she made a toast in Ethan's direction. "I just heard the good news, congratulations on being named a partner." Ethan nodded. "Thank you, even if it's premature. The official announcement won't be for another couple days." "Still, it's quite an accomplishment; I'm quite envious," she replied as she took a sip of her drink. "Actually, I should be congratulating you," stated Ethan as he pointed to the large diamond engagement ring on Ashley's finger. She just nodded and took a long drink or her martini. "What's wrong? I mean I thought you'd be ecstatic about marrying Joe," he asked. Ashley had been seeing Joe Brockington, the handsome son of the senior partner for the past three months. "He wants me to quit and become a fulltime wife and mother," bemoaned Ashley. "Damnit, I like him, but I don't want to be his wife! And the last damn thing I want is to have a baby; I mean I don't spend five days a week at the gym to get this body to blow up like a blimp just to have a kid." Ethan didn't say a word. Joe was a great guy, but he had always suspected that Ashley was just sleeping with him in order to advance her career. He also noticed that she said that she liked wasn't mentioned. "I mean, you're being made a partner and I get to stay home and raise rugrats," she continued bitterly. "So don't marry him," suggested Ethan. "What would that get me? If I break this off I'll get canned in a heartbeat. I bet everything on dating him and I played every card right... and I still lose! I wanted to advance... not be his wife!" she exclaimed as she drained her drink. She immediately held up her empty glass. "You're the one who has the life I want." Ethan laughed. "My life? What life? I have no life. I get up, workout, go to work until ten or eleven at night, and stop here for a couple of drinks and then go to bed." "Yes, but you're now a partner," noted Ashley. Ethan loosened his silk tie and ran his fingers through his short brown hair. "That just means I will be working even harder." "You have a life; I mean you always seem to have a striking woman on your arm at firm events," offered Ashley. "Those are just dates...granted really great dates...really great dates, but nothing serious, I don't have anyone in my life. I sometimes wonder why I do this; I mean I have a great condo...which I'm almost never in; a hot car...which I only drive to work; occasional sex....I don't know if it was all worth it." "But you're a great lawyer, Ethan," said Ashley as she held up her drink. He finished his drink and motioned for a refill. "I'm good at what I do; but it's just corporate law...I sometimes feel I'm wasting my life; I mean what do we really achieve here?" "Would you rather be scraping by as an assistant DA?" He shrugged. "At least I could feel good about my life; I could feel that I'm actually accomplishing something worthwhile." "Are you saying what we do isn't worthwhile?" "We help corporations sue other corporations; we help the rich get richer; we sometimes defend lawbreakers....and what do we get out of it?" "Wealth and prestige!" Ashley laughed. "There must be more to life than that," countered Ethan. "It's so funny, you have what I want and you want I'm heading for," said Ashley. He shrugged his shoulders again. "Well, at least you can practice law until the wedding. So when is it?" "Joe wants to get married as in three months," she replied. "Of course, that means that I have only two months or so to go as I'll have to quit in order to devote myself to the wedding. The invitations are going out next week. If I were to back out, not only would I get fired, but no one else would hire me. Old man Brockington would have me blackballed in a heartbeat. I'd have to move out of the state." "Sorry," he replied as he took a sip of his second drink. "Here's to our joint misery." Chapter 2 Friday evening Ethan left his office and headed down to the parking garage. It had been a long week and he was looking forward to relaxing. It would be the first weekend that he wasn't working in three months. He walked towards his BMW when he heard Ashley cursing. He walked over to her parking spot and found her sitting behind the wheel. "Damnit!" she exclaimed as she slammed the steering wheel with both her hands. "What's wrong?" he asked as he walked up to her car. "Oh, hi Ethan. My battery is dead; can you please give me a jump?" He shook his head. "Sorry, I don't have any cables. Look, I was the last one in the office so why don't I give you a lift home? You can have AAA come out tomorrow." "I'd appreciate that," she replied as she got out of her Mercedes. "I don't live far from here." It turned out that Ashley only lived ten blocks away from his place. "Why don't you come up? I have a great bottle of wine," she offered. He shook his head. "You're an engaged woman," he replied with a wink. "I just became a partner; I don't want to get on Joe's bad side." "And you just saved my butt, come on, I doubt if Joe would mind," she countered. Ethan thought about it. "Okay, why not?" Chapter 3 Ashley's condo overlooked San Diego Bay. "Wow, how did you afford this?" he asked as he stepped out on the balcony and looked out at the light of Coronado and Point Loma. "The view is fantastic." "I was left with a rather large inheritance from a rich grandfather," she replied as she stepped out to join him. "Here's your wine." Ethan took the glass form her. "Here's to the future," she said as she held up her own glass. Ethan smiled back. "To the future." He sipped the wine and found that it was an excellent vintage. In fact, he couldn't remember tasting anything so delicious in his life. "Where did you find this?" "Oh, I have connections," she replied. "Come on inside and we'll talk about it." They sat down together on her leather couch. Without waiting for him to say anything, Ashley refilled his glass. "If I didn't know better, I might think you were trying to get me drunk," he said as he picked up his glass. The wine was excellent and he couldn't get enough. "Maybe I am," she replied. "My, you're thirsty; here let me fill up your glass again." "I've never tasted anything like this before," he continued. "No, I'm pretty sure you haven't," she replied. She then set her glass down and kissed him. Ethan tried to push her back. The last thing he wanted to do was have an affair with the future wife of his boss. "Please, Ashley, you don't want to do this," he said. "Oh, you're wrong, Ethan...I do want to do this...and stop fighting your sense of decency and give in," she said as she started to undo his tie. Ethan wanted to get up and leave, but with each kiss he could feel himself giving in. Ashley began to unzip his pants and was stroking his now erect cock. "Give in, Ethan, you know you want me," she moaned as she pushed him onto his back. Before he could reply Ashley was mounting him, and he felt his cock slide into her pussy. "Slow down, Ashley...damn you're practically raping me," he exclaimed. "You have no idea how appropriate that describes what I'm about to do to you," she replied. She then leaned down and kissed him, forcing her tongue deep into his mouth. He suddenly felt lightheaded and his whole body began to tingle. It was unlike any sensation that he had ever felt in his life. He tried to speak, but no words came out. He looked up at Ashley and saw the strangest smile on her face. It was the last thing that Ethan remembered. Chapter 4 Ethan slowly came to. Gradually he woke up and tried to clear his head. He felt so groggy and could barely open his eyes. Everything felt wrong as he sat up and tried to focus. Obviously he wasn't in his own bed. Memories of the previous night came back and he knew that he was in Ashley's bedroom. He slowly got of bed and saw Ashley standing in front of him. Like him, she was totally naked. "Um, Ashley..." He stopped in mid-sentence. He looked down and realized that Ashley wasn't standing in front of him...he had been looking at his reflection in a full length mirror...he was Ashley! He ran his hands down his now female body and could feel that it was all real. Somehow he was now a woman. A wave of panic swept through his body. "Ashley, are you here?" he called out. He then realized that in addition to her body he also sounded like her. "Shit!" He didn't bother to get dressed and instead rushed out of the bedroom. He searched the condo and it only took him a few moments to realize that he was alone. This can't be happening, he thought. People don't just change's not possible. His heart was beating rapidly as was his breathing; he sat down on the couch and tried to calm down. He looked down at his now feminine body and felt like screaming. He then hit upon an idea; he reached for the phone and dialed his own number. "Good morning, Ashley," answered the voice on the other was his old voice. "You're Ashley," he replied fighting back panic. The male voice laughed. "No my dear you are now Ashley Woodard and I am Ethan Weller. Haven't you looked at yourself this morning?" "No...I'm Ethan...what did you do to us?" he demanded. "Look at yourself in the mirror; to the world you are Ashley... the sooner you accept this the better, you don't want people to think you're crazy do you? And isn't it obvious what happened? We swapped bodies. I am now you and you are now me...forever!" "Please don't do this!" he begged as tears began to run down his face. "Poor baby, you sound distressed. I'll be over in a few minutes...Ashley." Chapter 5 Ethan looked at the reflection in the bedroom mirror. There was no denying that he was now Ashley and that he was now a woman. I'm a woman...I'm Ashley she thought. Just mentally accepting this fact caused her to feel weak and she fell down to her knees and began to sob. As the tears poured out it was clear that Ethan...the new Ethan was right. No one would believe what had happened. There was no proof and Ethan was right, if she started to rant about body swaps they would lock her away. Ashley got up and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her body. There was no denying that she had a gorgeous body. She was fit and had a body that would put most Playboy centerfolds to shame. She cupped her large breasts and felt their weight. These were her breasts now she thought. Next her hand slipped down to her vagina. Her public hair was neatly trimmed short. Ashley carefully touched herself and shook her head in disbelief. Then she saw the engagement ring on her finger. "Shit!" she exclaimed as she pulled her hand up from between her legs. It hit her that she was engaged to Joe Brockington and in less than three months she would be his bride. It was bad enough that she was now a woman, but to top it all off she was going to be married soon. That's why Ashley...Ethan had done this, to get out of marriage and to get a partnership. "Fuck!" she screamed as she stood up. She then realized that she would have to find a way to survive this. As Ashley ran her fingers through her long blonde hair, she wondered how would she function? How could she fool everyone into thinking she was really Ashley? She may have looked like Ashley, but what did she really know about her new identity? "Don't panic," she exclaimed as she stood up and looked for something to put on. Without thinking she walked into the bathroom and took a silk robe down from behind the door and slipped it on. She then froze. "How the hell did I know that was there?" she exclaimed. Without thinking she picked up a brush and began to slowly brush her hair. Instinctively she knew how to style her hair...the same way Ashley did. It hit her that there must be something in the transformation process that gave her access to Ashley's memories. Hopefully they would be enough to help her get on with her life. She then heard her doorbell ring. Chapter 6 It was a shock to see what had been her old identity standing outside her door. Ashley opened the door the whole way. Ethan smiled and stepped inside as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "Good morning Ashley." Ashley closed the door while she tried to control her temper. "This isn't right," she exclaimed "I never did anything to you to deserve this." "I know, but you were available," replied Ethan as he stepped into the kitchen. "You want some coffee?" Ashley nodded. "Can you reverse this?" "Why would I? I have everything I want now," replied Ethan as he made the coffee. "Please," begged Ashley. She was shocked how much at ease the old Ashley was with her new persona. "No way. I can't believe how much I already love being a guy. Oh, just so you know I've already had a busy morning. I've changed my passwords on my computer, both at home and at work. I've also done the same for my bank account. I had no idea I had saved so much," he replied with a grin. "I recommend you do the same, although you have nothing to worry about me robbing you. I have what I want." "So you have my memories too," she said. He nodded. "The only memories you don't have are those related to the transformation process. Within twenty-four hours you'll know the rest and therefore will have no problem functioning as Ashley Woodard or should I say the future Mrs. Joseph Brockington." "So I will become you?" she asked bitterly. Ethan shook his head as he poured the coffee. "Your personality will merge with my old essence and the same will happen to me. You'll retain all your old memories too. Also as time progresses you will get more at ease with your new gender. The process works faster if you don't fight it. In fact, you're already more female than you think. Tell me your name." Without hesitation she answered. "I'm Ashley Suzanne Woodard." "And your gender?" Ashley gasped. "I'm a woman." "See how easy that was. Soon being a male will be just a vague memory," Ethan replied. "What about Joe?" she asked as she sipped her coffee. "Won't he notice the difference?" "That's up to you. I will let you know that he's very good in bed as you'll soon find out, don't forget you're going out with him tonight," he said. Ashley concentrated and the memory came out. Joe was taking her out to dinner at Croce's in the Gas Lamp District. She felt a wave of anticipation sweep through her body which caused her to gasp. Ethan smiled. "That's right, you like men now...along with women." "How can I fool Joe? He'll know that something has changed," she argued. "Just give your body to him and he won't notice the change. I sometimes think Joe's proposal to me...I mean you...isn't all of out love...but that's your problem now. By the way, in case you haven't remembered yet, Joe loves getting oral." "I hate you," she exclaimed as she glared at him. Ethan shrugged his shoulders. "That's to be expected. I would feel the same way. If I were you I would just accept your new life and move on. If you try and get revenge on me I promise I will fuck you up!" Ashley stared back and realized that Ethan was right. He was bigger and stronger than her. Additionally he knew all Ashley's dirty secrets, which were now her dirty secrets. "And you can't do anything back to me. Too bad you led such a moral life. I mean you don't even lie on your timecard!" said Ethan. He looked at his watch. "Well, I need to get to the gym. I will see you at work on Monday. Oh, by the way, I was nice enough to pick up your car and it's in your usual parking spot. Here are the keys. There was nothing wrong with the battery; just in case you haven't figured that out." He set the keys down on the counter and started to way away. Ashley fell to her knees and grabbed him around his legs. "Please, Ethan...change us back!" she cried. Ethan looked down at her and laughed. "No fuckin way! I love being a guy, and soon you'll love being a woman." He pulled away and left, closing the door behind her as she sobbed. Chapter 7 After a few minutes, Ashley got up locked her door. She began to search her memory and a flood of information swept through her mind. While she realized that she now knew much of Ashley's life; she also knew nothing about how the body swap occurred. Obviously there was something in the wine, she thought. She ran to the kitchen and search for the bottle, but it was gone. It was obvious that the original Ashley had thought of everything. Ashley picked up her mug of coffee and sat down on the couch to think about what to do next. She had to take this one day at a time. The most pressing issue was the fact that she was going out with Joe that evening. She also realized that there was a very good probability that she would end this night in bed with Joe. The thought of making love to him caused her body to react. She could feel her nipples hardening and her vagina began to feel wet. She dropped her head into her hands. She wasn't ready for this; but she saw no way out. Besides, part of her was looking forward to being with Joe. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her cell phone going off. She instinctively knew where it was and she answered it. "This is Ashley," she said automatically. "Good morning, Ms. Woodard. This is Raven at the salon; we had a last minute cancellation and you asked to be called if we could get you in," said the woman. Ashley paused and tried to recall just what Raven was talking about. It then came to her; she was getting her hair and nails done. "Great, what time?" she asked without hesitation. "Ten," replied Raven. "I hope this isn't too short of notice." Ashley looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and saw that it was almost eight. "Ten is fine." "Oh, do you want to tan too?" Ashley remembered that she had regular sessions in the tanning booth. "Yes, that would be great. Thank you Raven." It was only after the call was over that Ashley realized how effortlessly she had handled the call from the salon. It was true; whatever had caused the transformation was changing her mentally to match her new body. Chapter 8 Ashley showered and then picked out an outfit. It was not an easy task as most of Ashley's clothes were very revealing, even her work clothes were obviously selected to show off her body. This would be one change that she would institute; while she had no problem dressing stylish; she would tone down the original Ashley's look. Money wasn't an issue, as she remembered that she was well off financially. After the trip to the salon she would go shopping. She sorted through her clothes and finally picked out a very short white skirt and a light green silk top. Much to her dismay she discovered that almost all of Ashley's shoes were high heels and she made a mental note to buy some more comfortable shoes. As she put on her makeup, she felt as if her hands were being guided by some force. She had no previous experience in putting on makeup, yet she did it flawlessly. "Not bad," she exclaimed as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She headed down the salon. As it was only three blocks away she decided to walk. After just two blocks she was ready to toss the heels and walk in her bare feet, but she decided to tough it out. She mentally moved shoes to the top of the shopping list. Without thinking, she automatically entered the salon and removed her designer sunglasses. "Good morning, Ms. Woodard," greeted the young woman from behind the counter. It took Ashley a moment to come up with the girl's name. "Hello, Andrea, how are you this morning?" Andrea looked stunned that Ashley would ask her a question. She was stunned that the woman even remembered her name. "Um, fine, thank you." "That's nice," replied Ashley as she sat down. "I have a ten o'clock appointment." A few minutes later a woman with short black hair, streaked with red rushed out from the back. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Woodard. Please follow me to the back. Have you been waiting long?" Ashley stood up. "It's okay, Raven, actually I'm a few minutes early. There's no reason to apologize." Raven had the same stunned look that Andrea had had a few moments earlier. While they appreciated the lawyer's money, they all thought she was a stuck-up bitch. "Is everything alright, Ms. Woodard?" Ashley nodded. "It's fine and Raven; please call me Ashley, Ms. Woodard is too formal." Raven cast a quick glance at Andrea. "Um, sure...Ashley. Anyway, we're ready for you." Ashley followed Raven to the back. She suspected that judging from the reactions of the staff that they didn't particularly like Ashley. Well, we can make another change, thought the new Ashley. Chapter 9 "Thank you very much, Raven. I love the way my hair looks," said Ashley as she looked in the mirror. It was now slightly shorter and slightly layered. It also gave her a softer appearance. "I'm so glad you suggested this style." "You're welcome, Ashley," said Raven. She had been trying to get Ashley to change her hairstyle for months. She wondered if aliens had abducted the normally bitchy lawyer and put a robot, and a rather pleasant one to boot, in her place. As Ethan, Ashley almost never relaxed and this morning she had spent three hours getting pampered and worked on. It was the most relaxed she had felt in years. Maybe there were some good things about this swap she thought. In addition to having her hair done, and tanning session, she had a facial and had both a manicure and pedicure. When Ashley got her bill she added a sizable tip onto the receipt and handed it back. Raven seemed shocked and thanked Ashley again. Apparently, the original Ashley wasn't much of a tipper either, noticed Ashley. "Thank you very much Ms. Woodard...I mean Ashley," said Raven, who now had a big smile on her face. "You're welcome, Raven," replied Ashley. "I know that I have demanding in the past; but things are changing in my life." "I saw the ring, congratulations," said Raven pointing to Ashley's hand. Ashley smiled. While she wasn't sure about the wedding, she didn't see a way out of it either. "Thank you. Can I make my new appointment now?" Raven looked stunned again. She was used to bending over backwards to squeeze in the female lawyer at the last minute. "Yes, the usual two weeks for nails and tan?" Ashley nodded. "That would be great, oh I'd like a facial too; that felt wonderful." Raven filled out an appointment card and handed it to Ashley. She wasn't sure why the normally aloof woman was so friendly today, but she wasn't about to complain either. "Thank you, Raven," said Ashley as she headed towards Horton Plaza to do some shopping. Chapter 10 Three hours later Ashley was back in her...condo. It was so strange; she knew that until that day she had been Ethan, yet with each passing minute she was feeling more and more at ease with being Ashley. She had to focus a moment, but gradually she could remember where everything was in her new home. She was still fuming at what Ethan had done to her; but she also couldn't think of any way to get back at him. She was very proud at what she had accomplished as Ethan. While she had never been close with her father and step-mother, she didn't want to cause them pain either. Even if she found a way to hurt Ethan, she doubted she could do it. Basically the only solution open to her was to just move on as Ashley and hope that Ethan didn't mess up his life. She put away the clothes she had bought and looked at her watch. She still had several hours until she would have to get ready for her date with Joe...her future husband. It had been a very bad secret when Ashley and Joe had started seeing each other. Most, her self included had always thought that the original Ashley was just trying to sleep her way to the top. There was no sense of "I was right" now that she knew that it was all true. She also wondered if Joe loved her or was just looking for a trophy wife. It was also no secret that Joe was very ambitious. Yes, he was a very nice guy, but it was obvious that he wanted more out of life than to be the head of a law firm. Ashley wondered if her future was now to be the loving and supportive wife. She also wondered what it would be like to be pregnant. Chapter 11 Ashley logged on her computer and after changing all her passwords, she began to search her files. But first, she performed a full security check of the computer and discovered a backdoor that had obviously been left by the original Ashley. She made the appropriate changes to ensure that Ethan stayed out of her life. As she checked her files she was pleased to confirm that while Ashley had lived an expensive lifestyle, she was in excellent financial shape. The last thing she wanted was to be in debt and she had been slightly worried that the original Ashley might have cleaned her out. She then discovered a file that awoke some memories. She now knew what the original Ashley had said about dirty secrets and she suspected that it had been left for her as a reminder not to rock the boat. As she opened the file, a wave of memories swept through her mind. Ashley could remember each of her explicit detail. She had lost her virginity in high school when she was fifteen. She had seduced her best girlfriend the following year. As Ashley looked over the list of what was now her sexual history, she recalled moments with each and every one of her past lovers. The good thing was all of the sexual encounters were consensual. Also, of her pre-Joe partners, none were in any position to expose publicly what had happened. One other good thing was that she had not cheated on Joe. She could remember her first sexual encounter with him, eight months ago, and since then she had been faithful. Chapter 12 Ashley nervously checked her appearance for the third time. She had changed her outfit twice before setting on an elegant short sleeveless black dress. As with most of the original Ashley's wardrobe, the dress fit like a glove and left little to the imagination. What was amazing that Ashley actually felt satisfaction with her appearance; everything was perfect. She was wearing gold hoops and a matching gold chain around her neck. It was more subdued that what the original Ashley would have worn, but it looked classier. Her makeup was more restrained too; but Ashley knew that it worked. Her shoes were open-toed five inch black pumps that showed off her new pedicure. To top off her outfit she selected a simple black wrap. "Okay, are you ready?" she asked herself aloud. Just as Ethan had said, she was adapting to the changes. She was getting used to being Ashley Woodard and she was getting used to being a woman. Before she could answer herself her doorbell rang. She took a deep breath and walked out of her bedroom to answer the door. She felt satisfaction in the way her body moved as she slinked towards the door. She took one last breath and opened the door. Joe was dressed in a tailored suit and his eyes lit up when he saw Ashley standing in front of him. "Hi," she said. "Wow," he stated. " look stunning tonight!" Ashley smiled back. "Um, thanks." Joe laughed as he stepped inside. "You know what I mean. But I have to admit that I really like the new look." "Thanks," she replied. "I thought it was time for a change." Joe slipped his arms around her and pulled her close. He then kissed her. Ashley had been wondering all day what it would feel like to be kissed by a guy. To her surprise...she found that she really liked it. She also discovered that she felt a new sensation...she liked having him in control. Chapter 13 Joe wasn't sure what happened to Ashley, but he was pleased with the change. She seemed...softer than normal and it was a nice change. He wondered if it would carry on into the bedroom after dinner. He had to admit that at first the attraction to Ashley had been strictly physical. He knew she was ambitious and suspected that she was using him...just as he was using her. However, as their relationship developed he figured that she would be a good partner. She was intelligent, beautiful and classy, a perfect combination for the type of wife he would need. The one thing he didn't like about her was the fact he had always felt that there was a struggle for power between the two of them. But tonight he saw a crack in her persona. And he had to admit that he really liked it and for the first time he wondered if this was going to be a real marriage. Dinner was at Croce's in the Gas Lamp District. Saturday night was usually packed, but Joe never had a problem getting a table. There were definite perks to being rich and powerful. "What are you having this evening, Honey?" he asked as he looked at the menu. Ashley looked over the entr?es. "I don't know, I was thinking about the grouper." "That does sound good," he said. "What about you?" she asked. "I'm leaning towards the sea bass," he replied. "Well, that will make the wine selection a bit easier," she replied. He nodded. "Any suggestions?" "No; why don't you pick out one, you always pick out something good," she replied. This was easier than she thought it would be. She remembered how the original Ashley had said that the transformation was designed so that she would adapt quickly. She came to an epiphany at that moment; since she would have to live out her life as Ashley she would also accept the fact that she would be Joe's wife. The drive she had put into her old life as Ethan Weller, corporate lawyer, she would put into her new career as Mrs. Joseph Brockington. Chapter 13 "Dad and I decided to hire two new lawyers," he said as they ate. Ashley nodded. "Of course; one to replace Ethan... and the other to take my place." He nodded. "I think Ethan will do a great job." Ashley took a sip of her wine. She debated making a comment about watching your back around Ethan, but decided against it. "Um, can I ask you a question?" Joe nodded. "What is it, honey?" "Well, since I'm leaving soon anyway; that sort of means I can't take on any new cases. It doesn't make sense for me to just occupy an office; so what do you think about me leaving sooner than we originally discussed?" Joe had just taken a drink of wine and it was all he could do to stop from spitting it out as he was so stunned by what she had just said. "It just makes sense," she continued. "It'll be easier for all concerned if I give my notice." "The last time we talked about this you wanted to keep working up to the week of the wedding. Why the change?" "Like I said, it only makes sense," she replied in a matter of fact way. "I know that I originally wanted to keep working even after we married; but every marriage requires some give and take. I want to do this right." "I'm stunned Ashley...very pleased, but stunned," he said with a smile as he reached over and took her hands into his. "Good, then it's settled," she said. Her reasons for making this concession were twofold. The first reason was that she didn't want to be around the same office as Ethan. The second reason was that she wanted to show Joe that she was serious about their marriage. If she was destined to spend the rest of her life as a woman and a wife, then she would do it right. "So I guess this is my two week notice." "Accepted! You know, I don't know what's changed, but I like it," said Joe. She smiled back. "I plan to totally honest with you...and I expect the same in return." Joe nodded. "Okay, how's this for honesty...I want to take you back to my place and make love all does that sound?' Ashley stared back and nodded. "Sounds like a wonderful severance package." He laughed at her reply. Chapter 14 Joe's home was near the top Mt. Solidad and it had a fantastic view of the Pacific Ocean. It was another benefit of being rich. They walked into his house together. "Do you want something to drink?" he asked as he took her wrap. "That would be nice; what do you suggest?" "I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge," he replied. "That sounds wonderful," she replied as she walked into the living room to look out the large plate-glass windows that looked out at the Pacific Ocean. "Wow, it's so beautiful up here." Joe walked in with champagne and two flutes. "I've never heard you say that before." Ashley turned and smiled. "I guess I was too wrapped up with my career. Now that I'm giving that up I'm starting to look at things differently." "Well, I like the change," said Joe as he opened the bottle of champagne. "You seem to have changed a lot." You have no idea, thought Ashley. "Well, I just want to say that I like it," said Joe. He poured the champagne and handed her a glass as she sat down next to him. They gently touched glasses and drank. Ashley cuddled up next to Joe on the couch and he wrapped his arm around her. "This is nice," he commented. "This is just the start," she added. Joe smiled, carefully took the flute from her hand and set it down on the coffee table and then began to kiss her. He immediately noticed another change; Ashley was responsive as always, but she was also submissive...allowing him to take control. Chapter 15 Ashley snuggled up next to Joe as he slept. They had just spent the last couple of hours making love. It had left them both exhausted and totally fulfilled. While she was very tired, she had too much on her mind to sleep. She had just had sex with a man...a man that had been her boss and friend when she was Ethan. Yet, everything had been wonderful. She had no idea that her body was capable of such feelings. Instead of being disgusted by the fact that she had made love to Joe; she was thrilled. Her mind played back the events of the evening's love making. It had started with her giving him oral sex back in the living room. It had happened so naturally. She felt no revulsion or even hesitation as she took his cock into her mouth. In fact, she found it a very erotic act. Next they moved to the bedroom where they made love several times. She was stunned how good it felt to have her nipples caressed and kissed. And then there was the sensation of having his cock enter her body; it was incredible...and as for the orgasm, correction, make that orgasms, well they were mind-blowing. She thought about what the future held; but she knew one thing that she wanted to make it work with Joe and she would do what it takes to ensure that. However, she wasn't about to be a doormat either. She decided that she would have to have a talk with Joe in the morning. Chapter 16 Ashley sat the dining room table, wearing one of Joes's robes, as she sipped her coffee. Joe sat next to here. "That looks a lot better on you than me," he commented. "Thanks," she replied. "Last night was incredible," he commented. "In fact it was the best we've ever had." She nodded. "Joe, I want to make this work. We both know that I initially wanted you because you're the son of the firm's founder; but I truly love you now and if you really want me to your wife then I will do it." He just nodded. Ashley could tell that her revelation wasn't exactly a surprise. "I appreciate your honesty, Ashley," he replied. "However, while I will be your wife and eventually mother to our children, I want something back from you," she continued. "What is that?" he asked cautiously. "If we're going to get married, then we truly stay faithful to each other. A marriage is a partnership. If I'm giving up my career, I don't what to just be a figurehead. Besides, last night was the just the start." Joe rubbed his chin as he listened. "I know that you picked me out more for my looks than for love," she continued. He nodded. "Go ahead; I like this new honesty between us." She smiled back. "Honesty is the only way. So, why is it so important that you get married now? I mean we really don't know each other that well and the wedding is sort of rushed." "Perceptive as always; I've been contacted by the local party officials about running for congress. They said that a married man stands a better chance of getting elected." Ashley should have been angry at his response, but she wasn't. "Thank you, so I'm to play the part of the faithful wife and mother." "That was the initial plan," he replied. "But things have've changed...and I've changed. Something is different about you, Ashley; you're different...if I didn't know better I would say that you're a totally different person." "Really?" asked Ashley acting slightly shocked. "Is that a good thing?" Joe smiled "Yes, it's a very good thing. Now, it's my turn for a question; is this a permanent change?" "This is who I am now," she replied. "Honest answer," he replied. "Now, you said something about playing the part of faithful wife and mother...I don't want that now...I don't want you playing a role, I want you as my wife, and I want you to do it willingly." "I want that too," she replied. "Do you love me?" he asked. She nodded. "Yes, Joe, I love you." This was the truth. She also realized that she was no longer part-Ethan and part-Ashley; she wasn't playing a role anymore, she was now a woman. Yes her name was Ashley, but that's all she shared with the self- centered creature that had turned her life upside-down." "And I love you," he replied as he leaned over and kissed her. "Do you have any plans for today?" She shook her head as she kissed him back. "Good, let's go back to bed," he said as he stood up and took her by the hand. "Sounds wonderful," she replied. Chapter 17 Joe dropped Ashley off at her condo and kissed. "You know, for the first time I'm really looking forward to marrying you. I'm suddenly so in love with you," he said. "I feel exactly the same way. I can't wait until we're married," replied Ashley honestly. "See you tomorrow, my love," he said before kissing her goodbye. She went up to her condo and thought about how drastically her life had changed. Maybe this would work out after all, she thought. She remembered how she complained that she didn't have a life; just a career, well thanks to the original Ashley, she that had changed. Ashley wondered if the swap would have occurred if the original Ashley had known Joe's plans. If he got elected to congress there was a very good chance that he would go for even higher office. She wondered if the original Ashley and her love for power and prestige would have been happy with that. But that wasn't her problem any more. She was now Ashley Woodard. Chapter 18 Ashley arrived at the office early in order to print out her resignation letter. "What're you up to, Ashley?" asked Barb Martinez, one of the three other female lawyers at the firm. Barb was a fourth-generation Mexican-American who could trace her genealogy back to the original founders of San Diego; both Mexican and American. She was proud of the fact that she had discovered that she had ancestors who had fought on both sides of the Battle of San Pasqual, the area's lone battle during the Mexican American War. "I've decided to resign early in order to get ready for the wedding," Ashley replied as she reviewed the final draft of the letter. "What?" asked Barb with a stunned look on her face. "It makes sense as the firm is bringing in two new lawyers anyway; one to replace Ethan as he moves up to a corner office and one to replace me. Besides they can't give me any new cases now," she explained. "Look, let's go down to Starbucks and get some treat." "Really?" asked Barb. Ashley wasn't exactly known for treating others. Ashley nodded. "I'll go get my bag," said Barb. Chapter 19 "I thought you weren't happy about the marriage," said Barb as she sipped her latte. "I wasn't at first, but I'm not getting any younger and well...there's more to life than a career," replied Ashley. Barb stared at her co-worker. "Okay, who are you and what did you did you do to Ashley?" Ashley laughed. "Okay you got me; I'm really Ethan and we swapped bodies." Barb almost spit out her coffee. "Whoa...buying coffee and telling jokes in the same really have changed." "Let's just say I've reassessed my priorities," replied Ashley. "Look, I know we're not really friends, but we've always got along okay, right?" Barb nodded. "And I know that I've got my flaws," continued Ashley. Barb nodded again. "No argument there." "Well, I looked at my life and decided this was a good time to change," said Ashley. "Good for you," said Barb. "I really mean that, Ashley. I've always known you were a good person...even though you put your career ahead of everything...until recently." "One more thing...I would like to be friends that I'm not working here anymore." "Sure," replied Barb. "If you remember I've tried to get you out to do things several times." "I do remember ...I was too much of a bitch to do them," replied Ashley with a grin. "Maybe you did swap bodies with Ethan!" Ashley laughed. "Oh, one more thing; I don't have a lot of close friends out here; would you like to be in my wedding party?" Barb stared back. "Just one ugly are the bridesmaids' dresses?" "I promise nothing too hideous," she replied. Barb smiled back. "I accept, Ashley. Who knows; maybe I can land one of Joe's bachelor friends!" Chapter 20 Warren Brockington, the firm's founder and Joes's father read Ashley's resignation letter. One of the main things that Ashley had loved about working at the firm was working for Warren. In many ways he had been a father figure to Ethan. Of course, he didn't have the same sort of relationship with Ashley. "Are you sure, Ashley?" he asked as he set it down on his desk. He then removed his glasses. "Yes, sir. Joe and I talked about this Saturday; I can't take on any new cases and you do have two new lawyers," she replied. "Besides, the wedding will be here before we know it and there is so much to do." He nodded. "I fully understand. Joe also told me that he let you know about his plans to run for congress." "Yes he did...but that had no bearing on my decision," she replied. "I also know that my engagement to Joe has created some issues here, I've heard the talk, and the last thing I want now is to cause problems. If I resign it's a non-issue as I'll be his fianc? and not his co-worker. I know that I... well, I've made some mistakes. I just want to leave doing the right thing." Warren nodded. "Um, what do you think of Joe's chances?" asked Ashley. "Pretty good, the man who has the seat is retiring and he's an old friend. He promises to throw his support behind Joe. I always knew that Joe wanted something more than running this firm; thankfully his younger brother does." Ashley nodded. So I'm about to be the wife of a congressman, she thought. "Thank you. Oh, one more thing, I know this isn't necessary but I think you should know that I really do love Joe. I will also do everything necessary to help him get elected." Warren stared back. "I wasn't sure about that until right now, Ashley. I'll be honest and admit that I had my reservations about the marriage. But something tells me that this is the best thing that could have happened to both you and my son." "Thank you, sir," she replied. "Since we're going to be family soon you can drop the sir," he stated. "What would you like to be called?" she asked. He rubbed his chin. "That's up to you." "If you don't mind, I'd like to call you Dad. I never was close to my birth father. My parents were divorced when I was young and he had little contact with me," she said. She wasn't just playing up to her future father-in-law. While she was now comfortable in her new gender and role; she needed support and a family. The family she inherited from the original Ashley was fractured and distance. She had no siblings or really anyone close. In some ways it explained a lot about the original Ashley, she thought. "That would be fine Ashley," he said. A warm smile appeared on his face. "Thank you. However, I'll wait until my two weeks are up," she replied. "As you wish," he said. "Professional to the end." He stood up and shook her hand. After she left he thought about how different she was. The changes were definitely for the better and he was no longer worried about his son's decision. Chapter 21 Ashley sat in her office and began to sort through her things. She wanted to make sure that things were organized for her replacement. She was pleased to see that the work ethic that she had as Ethan still existed and she was soon lost in her work. "Well, well, I heard the news, but I didn't believe it," said Ethan as he stood in the doorway of her office. Ashley looked up at him. "Did you really think that I would stay in the same job as you?" He took a drink from the coffee mug he was holding. "I never took you for a quitter." He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. She shook her head. "I'm not a quitter. I'm just shifting my priorities. I can't change the cards you dealt me." "Good girl!" he replied with a smirk. "I think this might be good for you. I mean you complained that you wanted a family...well be careful what you wish for." "I was about to say the same thing. You'll be expected to produce now. Just because you're a partner now doesn't mean that you're home free. They will expect even more from you, so be ready to work hard," she warned. "You can't sleep with the boss's son now to get ahead." "Wow, that was a little bitchy...but considering your sexual history I guess that's to be expected," said Ethan. "I wonder if Joe knows about your rather unsavory sexual history." Ashley glared back at him. "You once told me not to not to seek revenge or you would fuck me over...well, just remember that two can play at that game." Ethan laughed. "Please...don't forget I know all your secrets." "Do you?" she asked coyly. Ethan stared back at her and tried to figure out what she was talking about. "You see, Ethan, what made me such a successful lawyer was my ability to take whatever steps it took to get the job done...regardless of how I did it. I also was able to justify all my actions...therefore you can't remember any guilt...unlike the guilt you felt about your numerous sexual partners. Be very careful how you tread or I will expose your misconduct." He tried to read her and see if she was bluffing. If she was deceiving him she was very good at it as he couldn't see anything in her face. Ashley smiled. "As you probably know, I'm a very good poker player. So you have to decide if I'm holding a hot hand or am I playing a bluff." Ethan felt a trickle of sweat run down his forehead. Automatically he reached up and wiped it away. He looked at her face and couldn't determine what she was thinking. "Nervous? Well you should be...dear boy. Look Ethan, I promise you that I will do nothing to hurt long as you leave me alone. Remember that this exchange was your idea and I realize that there is no going back. Since I accept this fact; I will let you have your life and you let me have mine; I think that's more than fair, don't you?" she continued. Her smile disappeared and she glared at him. "But if you interfere with my life in anyway...I will destroy you...that is no bluff. Now you know why they made me a partner; I know when to be a cold-hearted killer. So why not be a good little boy, leave my office and leave me alone." Ethan turned and after momentarily fumbling with the doorknob, he departed. Ashley watched him leave with a sense of satisfaction. Chapter 22 Ethan sat at his computer and thought about his encounter with Ashley. He realized that he had underestimated her. He wondered what she could be talking about as he reviewed old cases. Nothing stood out as anything unethical, but he realized if Ashley was telling the truth then he could have to dig through the files and his new memories. Deep inside he was having his first regrets for what he had done. Meanwhile, Ashley was meeting with Barb and one of the new lawyers to brief them on her cases. "Aren't you going to miss this?" asked Barb as she read through Ashley's notes. "I'll miss the challenge of presenting a case; but I won't miss the long hours," replied Ashley. "That's true; I virtually live here," bemoaned Barb. "Come on, it can't be that bad," said Laura Brennan, the new lawyer the firm just hired. "Laura, how long have you been in law?" asked Ashley. "I just passed the bar," replied the young woman. "Look, this is a great career, but to do it right you need to throw everything into it," said Ashley. "Sounds good to me," replied Laura. Ashley smiled. "I felt the same way once. But you need more out of life. If Joe hadn't proposed I think I would have left soon anyway. I guess you reach a point in your life where you want more out of life." Barb looked at her watch. "Speaking of which, look at the time, I'm getting a little hungry, what do you say to placing an order for something to eat?" Ashley nodded. "Any preferences?" "Chinese would be nice," said Barb. "What do you want, Laura?" "You mean... we're eating here?" she asked. "I thought we'd go out some where." Ashley glanced at Barb, who rolled her eyes. "Not with all the work we have to do. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. You'll also soon know the menus of all the delivery places within a six-block area of the firm." Chapter 23 Ashley got home a little after eleven and decided to take a bath before going to bed. It had been a very productive day, she thought as she filled her large tub. She particularly liked how she had played Ethan. He was definitely worried and that was good. It wasn't a bluff; as Ethan she had twisted the rules a few times in winning cases. What would make it more difficult for Ethan to figure it all out was that each incident by itself wasn't that bad; but added up they could ruin him. Ashley would point out one of the examples, before she left the firm. She would then let Ethan know that all she had to do was place a few calls and she could ruin him. She would also let him know that she would only do this if he acted first. She also hoped that this would be enough to keep him out of her life. As she slipped into the water she decided that she would steal some more of his thunder by telling Joe of her past sexual history. The good thing was that she had done nothing illegal. All her sexual partners were adults and the sex was consensual. Yes, if someone dug into her Ashley's background they would see that she had a wild past, but that was it. She was relieved that other than smoking dope in college she had no drug skeletons in her closet. The other main thing that she disliked about Ashley was her reputation as ...well a bitch. She had already taken steps to change this persona and she would continue to change Ashley's reputation. She also decided that she would talk to Joe about doing volunteer work. First, it would get her out of the house. Second it would look good for his campaign. No, things weren't perfect, but she now had some control over her new life, she thought. She felt satisfaction in knowing that she had scared Ethan; it was good to know that she hadn't lost her touch. Chapter 24 Friday evening, Ashley was having dinner with Joe at a small Italian place downtown. Joe had been surprised that Ashley agreed to it, as it was a small casual restaurant. He was more surprised by the fact that she was dressed in jeans and a top. "I think this is the first time that I've seen you dressed so informal," he said as they ate. "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, but when you told me where we were going I thought a designer dress would be out of place," said Ashley. Joe laughed. "Honey, it's perfect. I prefer places like this after work most of the time. I also think you look beautiful tonight." Ashley smiled and was actually pleased that he had complimented her. "Thank you, Joe." "It's so strange, but you're like a totally new person...and I love the changes," he continued. She nodded. "Mom and Dad are really happy that you've agreed to leave work early," he continued. "You made some real points with them." "That wasn't my intention, but I'm glad they approve," she replied. "Joe, I really want to make this marriage work." He nodded. "I know that now." She took a sip of wine. "Um, I want to be honest with you, I've done some things that I'm not exactly proud of." He shook his head. "It's not necessary, Ashley. I don't care about your past." "That may be, but I don't want to keep them a secret from you," she said. She found perverse humor in the fact that there would always be one secret she would always keep from him. He nodded and she told him of her past. "Do you feel better now?" he asked when she finished. " you still want to marry me?" He laughed. "Of course. Look, I have had my share of lovers; but from now on it's just you and me." Ashley sighed. "You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that. I accept that I've made mistakes in the past and I don't want to repeat them." While she was sincere in her comments to Joe, she felt strange confessing to actions that she didn't do. "Well, they say that a little confession is good for your soul. Do you feel better?" he asked as he reached over and held her hands. She nodded. "I do have a request. I don't have a problem with not working; but do you mind if I get involved in some sort of community activity?" "Of course not, Ashley; while I do want to start a family I don't want you to be stuck in the house all day. Do you have any ideas?" "A few," she replied. "I've always liked teaching and was thinking of maybe volunteering at one of the museums at Balboa Park." He nodded. "That's a great idea." She smiled back at him. "I'm so happy right now." "Wait until we get back to my place," he interjected. Ashley giggled in anticipation of making love to her future husband. Chapter 25 The sex was even better this time, thought Ashley. She also noticed that Joe seemed very content. As if he had just read her mind, he turned to her and smiled. "That was amazing, Ashley. I mean, the sex has always been good, but now it's incredible," he said. Ashley giggled. "I also enjoyed it." She slipped her hand down and began to stroke his cock, feeling it harden to her touch. He let out a pleasurable moan. Ashley slipped down and began to kiss and lick his cock. The original Ashley was right, Joe loved getting oral. "Ohhh, Ashley..." he moaned. Chapter 26 On Saturday morning, Ashley arrived back her place feeling extremely happy. She knew that she was deeply in love with Joe and actually looking forward to being his wife. She also knew that she had put Ethan in his place; she only hoped he was smart enough to stay there. She had been in her condo for less than twenty minutes when there was a knocking on the door. She looked through the eye-hole and saw a dark haired young woman standing in the hallway. Ashley looked at the woman and tried to place her. There was something familiar about her; but Ashley couldn't remember her. She opened the door. "Yes, can I help you?" The woman stared back. "You don't recognize me, do you?" "No, why should I?" asked Ashley. The woman nodded. "So, the change has taken place." Ashley's eyes opened wide. "You know?" The woman nodded. "I'm the one who provided you...well the original you with the spell. I just wanted to see how things were going?" "I think you better step inside," said Ashley. Chapter 27 "My name is Olivia," she said with a smile as she sat down on the couch. Ashley just stared back. Olivia looked like she was in her late teens; how could she be the one who was responsible for the body-swap. "So are you happy with the swap?" asked Olivia cheerfully. "What?" asked Ashley, a shocked look on her face. "Well, it was so fortunate for you two to find each other. It's so amazing that you both work at the same place," she continued. Ashley shook her head. "What are you babbling about?" "I mean the fact that you wanted to be a woman and she wanted to be a man; what are the odds that you two would work right next to other and be good enough friends that you would share your secret desires?" "Is that what she told gullible are you? I mean, you must be very na?ve to believe such garbage," stated Ashley. It was Olivia's turn to look surprised. "Um, you did agree to the swap willingly, right?" Ashley shook her head. "No, no I didn't." Olivia stood up, crossed her arms, and stared back in shock. All the color ran out of her face and she looked extremely worried. "Fuck! She...she told me that it was a willing swap...fuck! I'm in so much fucking trouble! Double fuck!" Ashley looked at the young woman and wondered what she was talking about. "Calm down; what do you mean?" "I'm sort of new at this. I mean, just earned my credential and I'm only supposed to cast voluntary that both parties agree to...I can't believe she lied to me! Curse her to hell! I should have checked with both of you!" Ashley's anger turned to compassion. It was obvious that the young girl had been duped by the original Ashley. She stood up and put her hands on the younger woman's shoulders. "Okay, calm down. Please sit down and tell me exactly what happened." They both sat down on the couch. Olivia explained how Ashley had found her and convinced her that she needed a body swap spell and that the man she was going to exchange identities with was doing it willingly. "It never entered my mind she would lie to me; I mean I even explained what would happen if she did," explained Olivia. "And what is that?" asked Ashley slightly worried. "Of course; you don't know the rules. If a voluntary spell is misused then the request a revenge spell. Of course I'm not allowed to do those yet...and this violation of the rules will put me on probation...if I'm lucky." "So what are you...some kind of witch?" asked Ashley. Olivia shook her head. "Not a witch; a sorceress," she replied with pride. She then frowned. "Well, that was what I wanted to be...I really screwed this up." "And it never occurred to you that Ashley...the original one would lie to you?" "For a body swap spell? No, I mean for the spell to work you have to have consensual sex;" explained Olivia as if this was common knowledge. "You both have to take the spell at the same time...just before sex, otherwise the spell won't work." "So it was in the wine," murmured Ashley. "What did you say?" asked Olivia nervously. "I said that she put it into the wine," repeated Ashley. "I specifically told her not to do that! There can be very strange consequences from mixing the spell with alcohol," stated Olivia. "Crap...this keeps getting worse!" "What sort of consequences?" asked Ashley warily. "I need to place a call to my mentor," stated Olivia nervously. "Do you mind?" Ashley just shrugged her shoulders. "Sure...why not?" She then wondered what Olivia meant by strange consequences." Chapter 28 Ashley looked at the woman sitting next to Olivia. She never would have guessed that the beautiful redheaded woman was the leading sorceress in the area as she looked so...well, so very normal as she sat there drinking her tea. The woman looked to be in her thirties; but she carried herself with the demeanor of someone much more mature and wiser. The woman also seemed to possess an aura of calmness that seemed to fill the air, which made Ashley feel more at ease. There was also an air of mystery as the woman hadn't told Ashley her name. In spite of the secrecy that surrounded the red-headed woman, Ashley felt that she could trust her. The woman listed intently to both Olivia and Ashley's stories. When they were both finished, Ashley looked at the woman and spoke. "I take it that there is no way to reverse what was done?" The woman nodded. "That is correct, body swaps are very complicated spells. The longer you are in the other person's body the more you merge. Your current personality is now a combination of both Ethan and Ashley. In some ways; you and Ethan are now like brother and sister. If I swapped you two again, there would be another personality merge; does that make sense?' "As much as any of this," replied Ashley. "Ashley, while I understand that you didn't ask to change bodies; I need to know one

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und ich i...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 10

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 10 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 11

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 11 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 12

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 12 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 13

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 13 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14Ich wartete, dass ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 15

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 15 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

1 year ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 16 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 17

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 17 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 18

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 18 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

2 years ago
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Changeday In The Beginning

We all remember where we were on that day, the day everyone in the world switched genders except for pregnant women. Four weeks later we all switched back...except for those former men who had got pregnant in between. I was one of them. ******************** CHANGEDAY: THE BEGINNING BobH (c) 2014 - 1 - I don't need to ask if you remember you where you were on that Monday in June when it happened. Everyone in the world remembers where they were...

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XChange Xperience

A macho porn star gets suckered into becoming the leading lady of an XChange Xperience film. It began with the billboards. Subtly risqu? yet dangerously provocative: Pills that promise an instant transformation into the opposite sex. Nobody expected it to spread like wildfire, least of all me. I was Marco Rey, legendary porn star, and while the porn industry shifted beneath the XChange trend, I was determined to stay the same. Porn might be the industry hit hardest by XChange. B...

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Changeday The Rejectionists

In the years since the very first Changeday most of us have got used to being male half the time, female the other half, switching from one to the other every four weeks. Most of us, but not all.... CHANGEDAY: THE REJECTIONISTS by BobH (c) 2020 (Continuity note: It's not particularly important to the story, but this takes place not long after 'Changeday: Five Years'.) - 1 - "Thanks, mom," said Grant as my wife Mary piled our only child's...

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Copyright© 2004 by Kien Reti He pressed the blinking red button on the cube. A luminous three-dimensional display popped up in mid-air. There were blocks of text in easy-to-read glowing green letters, and what looked like a side panel of multi-colored push-buttons. This had to be some kind of fancy hologram. Mark XXIV GenderChanger® Choose an Option: [1] PARTIAL CHANGE (genitalia only, secondary sex characteristics unaffected) [2] COMPLETE CHANGE (down to the...

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The House on Chestnut Avenue

THE HOUSE ON CHESTNUT AVENUE There are many old houses in our town, but none quite so sadly romantic as Number 27 Chestnut Avenue. It isn't a particularly large house; I would guess about four bedrooms, and is set back off the road in a reasonably sized garden - which is now much overgrown, to the point where it is virtually impossible to see the house from the road. The reason that Number 27 is both sad and romantic is that it has stood empty for the last sixty years quietly...

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Debbie does the Avenue

As she slid into the shower her mind was racing as to how she would get some sex that day. The boyfriend was out- he was a year older than she but he was really immature and often would prefer to hang out with his corner boys than to be with her and have sex. That became old real fast! She decided to go for a stroll down The Avenue and try to attract a more mature male, one who would appreciate her more than the dopey boyfriend. To aid in the process she decided to leave the bra out of her...

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Chat Avenue

Let's go to ChatAvenue aka Chat Ave today! Do you remember when chat rooms ruled the online world? Personally, I have spent quite a few hours chatting with girls that I met from chat rooms on AOL Instant Messenger when I was a teenager. Well, at least I thought they were girls. Catfishing was not even a thing yet, nobody knew it was something to even watch out for really, so who the fuck knows. Chances are, though, at least a couple of the “girls” that I spoke with were, in fact, fat dudes...

Sex Chat Sites
4 years ago
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Screwing Venu

SCREWING VENU Hi, all u horny people. My name is Zoltan and I am back again with a new encounter. I am not going to give my CV here but would suffice to say that I am pleasant to look at and well built in all the relevant departments. Stats are not important. Life has been good to me. Lots of wine, women and song. I have loads of girlfriends who are bold and beautiful and hence with the blessings of the Lord above I lead a happy and a fulfilling life. By the very nature of my job I have to...

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The House On Maple Avenue

4330 Maple Avenue... an address I came to know very well. I was first introduced to the five bedroom/three bathroom, two-story Craftsman house through a friend of mine that I worked with. We'll call him Tony for the purposes of the story. My car had broken down about a week previously and I was forced to bum rides to get around until my paycheck came.One day, I begged a ride from him and once we got underway, he said he had to make a stop first. I was in no hurry and wasn't really in a...

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Changes in Paradise 01 07

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. I would like to offer special thanks to several helpful editors whose feedback and questions prompted this revision, most notably Mare Vir, Fran, and Patrick. The timeline has been cleaned up, many grammar mistakes...

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174 New Avenue

"17/4 New Avenue""What?""Be there in an hour - make sure you wear a skirt"She's left staring at the blunt messages, a shiver of excitement and concern passes through her.Looking at the time on her phone she realises she doesn't have long. In and out of the shower, she dresses as she thinks he will want. Hold ups under a tight skirt that hugs her ass. No knickers, a bra, blouse and long coat complete her ensemble. High heels she's not used to impede her walk to get a cab. Soon she is standing on...

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The Terrible Headless Ghost of 10th Avenue

It wasn't long after young Patrick Connelly moved to Tenth Avenue from the crowded tenement on Mott Street that he heard the scary story of "The Terrible Headless Robber of Tenth Avenue". When he first heard it behind the Church near Fourteenth Street, it amused him and he hid his giggle behind his covering hand. Of course, it was only a few weeks before Halloween and he suspected the two boys in the dreaded eighth grade were trying to scare him in front of the eighth grade girls so show how...

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Changes In Paradise

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgendered or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Changes in Paradise By Patricia "Damn it's hot," Patrick said to no one in particular. He stretched out his back, stiff from bending over the mess of electronic parts spread out on the tarp in front of...

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Changes in Paradise Part 16 Science Sons and Sirens the Saga continues

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes in Paradise, Parts 1 - 15," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or send an...

2 years ago
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I don’t know where Ceridwen came from. I think she’s a melange of the tired city girls you see every day on the London commute. Our city is hard and jagged, and those of us lucky enough to have someone should be glad, too many people here are alone. — I was tired and cold. The Victoria line platform at Vauxhall was busy and I clasped my violin case to me as I dodged around other people and made my way towards the train station. It was a windy evening, with drizzle and low clouds scudding...

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Change of Direction

April 2, 1997 A Change of Direction: An Alternative Ending to Mike Allegretto's Change of Pace This story is based on and derived from the situations and characters developed by Mike Allegretto and Caitlin B. in their collaborative story, "A Change of Pace", posted 2/16/97 on ASSTG. If this story is published on any newsgroup under this author's account, it is done with the express permission of the original authors. No archiving or redistribution of this work is permitted...

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Changes 03 A Mermaids Tale

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Three, A Mermaid's "Tale" By Patricia While it isn't necessary to have read "Changes In Paradise, parts one and two" it might help. Thank you (to...

4 years ago
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Changes Unperceived

This is the story I was working on just before I began the Parallelalities set. It bogged down and I didn't know where to go with it. There are spots that will probably seem very similar to Parallelalities - I guess that should be expected - but this story was written in first person as opposed to third person. The standard disclaimers apply to this work. It is a work of fiction copyrighted by the author. Permission is granted to repost these stories on free sites,...

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Changes in Paradise Timeline Pod Tree as of July 2007

Changes in Paradise By Patricia Time Line & Pod Trees - as of July 2007 Posted in deep appreciation for "Dan_from_warm_Los_Angeles" thoughtful comments! Thanks to Fran(k) for invaluable work done on the first time- line (I didn't use an outline until Chapter 07, when ... yes, Dan, you can smile ... I was getting people mixed up in my own head). Chapter 01: Patrick and John arrive on 399 (Mermaid Island) - A Radio repairs -A + 2...

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Changes in Paradise Chapter 13 MADmers CHEW and Polymers

Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 12," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to...

4 years ago
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Changes Required by Mrs Carter

The cold Chicago wind of the winter of 1948 blew through the grand entrance doors when opened, bringing a chill to the grandiose yet austere municipal building. He dropped to his knees before her in the hall outside the divorce court, and pleaded with her not to go through with it. She stood regal and pompous in her fur coat, enjoying seeing him squirm, and also thoroughly enjoying the looks of utter contempt he received from men and women alike as he humiliated himself. He had noted an...

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Change Of Life1

By: DinoMagick ([email protected]) Introduction: This story is based on a short anthropomorphic comic book by Sin Factory, Radio Comix, called “Ice Queens”. I won’t describe the comic, but if you are into ‘Furry’ style erotica, it’s a decent single issue comic. I had hoped that the Author(s), who are called “The Gang of 5”, would have written a few more like this or added a prequel and some sequels to this series, but alas this was the only published issue from 2005/2006. So,...

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Change of Course III

Change of Course III ? by: Julie O. Chapter One - Approaching Storm. It was early November and the dark gray clouds that hung over Arlington VA looked ominous. The East Coast was experiencing an early cold snap. The temperature was only 40 but it felt colder due to the wind. Fallen leaves blew down the sidewalks as if they were racing to beat the approaching rain. It was just a part of the natural cycle of seasons. However this poetic way of looking at it did nothing to ease...

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Changes In Paradise 05 The Rescue

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to post on any free site. Changes in Paradise: Part Five, The Rescue By Patricia You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 ? 4," if you haven't already. Thanks for the...

1 year ago
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Change by parker Anxious, I checked my watch for the fifth time in as many minutes. How long could it possibly take her to change? Women! The dinner started in half an hour, and the election was tight enough without me being late for my own fundraising events. I looked around the clothing store, hoping to find a female attendant to check the changing rooms, but the store seemed empty. I walked over to where a hung curtain separated the changing area from the rest of the store....

2 years ago
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Change of Course II

Note: For new readers I recommend you read Change of Course. Summary: LT Ben Carlson USN was unwillingly exposed to a genetic process that altered his body. He was one of ten person in the military transformed by the creator of the process Dr. Martz. Now he/she is Beth Clark, age 15 and is the ward of Government Agent Maggie Clark. Change of Course II ? By: Julie O. Chapter One The Briefing Agent Maggie Clark was sitting in the secure briefing room waiting for the meeting...

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Changes in Paradise Two Daniels Story

Disclaimer: The usual boilerplate ? if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission to post on any free site. While it isn?t necessary to have read ?Changes In Paradise,? it might help. Thank you (to those of you who deserve it) for the comments, suggestions, and encouragement on...

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Changes in Paradise Part 12 SEALS Surprises and Steadfastness

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 11," if you haven't already, and take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the comments,...

3 years ago
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Change of Pace

Change of Pace by Mike Allegretto and Caitlin B. 1. Chapter "I am looking forward to this," Jack thought to himself as he entered the bathroom. The days' turmoil had taken a toll on poor Jack's nerves and he was looking forward to a nice soaking in a warm bath. Stretching, he closed and locked the door, almost slamming it actually. "Anybody who disturbed him in his holy moment of salvation was going to meet Jesus," he chuckled to himself. Jack walked over to the window and...

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Changes in Paradise 11 Babies Beliefs and ByProducts

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 10," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment or send an email. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. Thanks for the...

2 years ago
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Changes By Julie O Edited By Itinerant Chapter 1 "How did I do?" asked sixteen-year-old Scott Helms as he took a long drink of water. "You were perfect," replied Jack Roberts. "I couldn't be prouder of you and the way you stood up to the defense today." "How long was I in there today?" asked Scott. "I sort of lost...

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Change of Seasons

Change of Seasons By Tigger (C)opyright 2017 Author's Note. Since the original Seasons of Change by Joel Lawrence dates to 1989, and my own most recent posted story of Seasons House was posted almost 11 years ago, the names and faces in this story (especially since many of them have several names) may not be familiar or easily recalled. Given that there are almost twenty fairly long to very long stories in the Seasons Universe, I have come up with two aids to readers. 1. ...

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Change Of Life

This is a continuation of another story, "Change of Power", a sequel to Tigger's "Change of Direction". Change Of Life By JRD Joe, Bronwyn, Julie, and Joe's children were at the dinner table telling stories into the night. Julie could barely contain her joy. Less than a week ago, she had despaired of ever seeing her child again. Then, three days ago, her child came back to her on, of all days, what Julie thought would be the last day of her life. Then, after he saved her life...

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