Better Alive Than DeadChapter 6: The Beast Within free porn video

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She was very young.

But despite her youth, the Terran had indulged his desires willingly and was now sucking on his massive member like a greedy little piglet desperate for its mother’s milk. The girl’s eyes looked at him in worship as her small pink tongue, and soft wet lips explored every dimple and crevice of his crimson skinned cock.

Her tiny mouth on his immense cock looked obscene.

He pushed the cock in a little more, forcing the massive tip inside her small mouth. Her eyes widened, but he gave her a reassuring smile, and his handsome face made her relax.

The poor girl was completely oblivious of the beast that resided within him.

Like another aspect of his being. A shadow twin. Stronger, faster, and deadlier than he could ever be...

Every time he attempted to get closer to the beast, stronger like it, the twin grew in strength as well. Always stronger, always hungrier. Always pushing him...

Xul smiled at the girl warmly and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. She looked relaxed and remained so, even as he put a strong hand on her neck. She began to softly bob her head back and forth, doing her best to engulf the massive head.

Her small mouth felt wet and warm as she struggled with the heavy cock. Her little pink tongue prodded and explored every part of the engorged head. Her eagerness to please her lord and master would be endearing if Xul cared for such things.

Then his expression turned cold as he started to force the cock inside her throat. Her eyes widened in panic, and tears ran down her cheeks, but he clenched his strong hands behind her head, and forced it in deeper, ignoring her desperate clawing hands on his muscular thighs.

Her xeno anatomy did not allow for his whole cock to enter without damage, but he forcefully pushed it deep inside her throat. As her gag reflexes desperately kicked in and she futilely tried to breathe through her nose, he continued to violate her throat in jolted thrusts. He could feel the shadow beast squirm within him in excitement, calling for violence, and release.

Unbeknownst to her in her relatively short lifespan, her whole life had led to this point. To be the receptacle of his frustration, anger, and lust at this moment was her destiny made manifest. She had been bred and bio-engineered solely for this purpose. As a sacrifice to the shadowy beast that roared its depraved desires within him.

Her eyes were red and watery, and terror tarnished her otherwise beautiful features. With a gentle hand he pushed a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear and stroked her chin where a cascade of tears ran down. Then he smiled at her warmly. A last act of cruelty, as his large hands locked behind her head. Her panic was distinct as her fight-or-flight response went into overdrive, and he savored her fear like a fine wine. She tried desperately and pointlessly to pry his fingers loose with her small pale hands. Then Xul relentlessly pushed his cock all the way through her esophagus and into her gullet. The panicked gagging sounds and hisses of air escaping from her straining throat enflamed the beast within him.

His ecstasy built quickly as the contractions of her throat massaged his massive cock, and her slender hands clawed his legs futilely as he neared his climax.

A last act of oxygen-deprived desperation made her claw at his balls with her weakened hands, which only amplified the beast’s arousal.

With a guttural grunt, he climaxed while pushing his cock down through her esophagus. His heavy and thick load flooded into her, making her stomach visibly grow and completely stealing what little air she had left.

Her hands fell to the ground as the spark of life left her body, and he made a few final thrusts that no longer met resistance, as the last of his ecstasy was emptied within her gut.

He let go of her, and his flaccid cock left her gullet and esophagus with a wet croaking sound, as her lifeless body fell to the ground. Blood ran from her nose and mixed with his discharged desire that ran thick and white from her mouth.

Her destiny had been fulfilled.

The beast was sated. For now.

“Lord Drakarth.”

Her voice was like a splash of cold water in his fiery veins. Xul hesitated a moment to let the shadow twin within him dissipate.

Then he turned his head to look at the lieutenant and commander of his personal guard, Cyrene Shan. A Terran cloned from a rare female member of phase one of the Paragon project, and physically and biologically perfected into the specimen that stood before him. Cyrene’s cold eyes passed briefly over the broken girl at her master’s feet, then back at Xul. Her face revealing no emotions or laying bare any thoughts.

Cyrene had shown great potential from the start, yet had been pushed to even greater heights thanks to House Malliux classified bio-engineering technology. When designing her, Xul had used technology not available to even the richest of clients. The same technology Xul had used to push his own physical boundaries.

However, despite her physical perfection and killer instinct, the most important was her personality and unrelenting spirit. The iron-will and determination to pitilessly pursue any goal – Xul’s goals - was not so easily engineered.

The bio-engineering facilities of Malliux Apex could create the perfect shell, but not the soul that resided within.

Next to his ebony-skinned guardian, stood a small chubby child in a golden-threaded robe.

His skin was crimson like Xul’s, but his face was flat and noseless, with large eyes, making him less humanoid. In addition to his two main arms, the child also had two smaller arms emerging from his chest.

The true aspect of their species, a Tharxian Noble. Member of the highest caste, unlike Xul who was a Thurkian, the lowest caste. Thurkians who after generations of bio-engineering had come to resemble crimson-skinned Terrans. Albeit bigger, stronger, and faster. The grunt workers and slaves of Mulmasa.

Xul closed his expensive Zhemrian robe before turning to face the child, and smiled disarmingly.

“Lagorn, my prince, it is past your bedtime I believe. How much did you see?” Xul asked, raising a perfectly shaped black eyebrow.

“I saw you hurt that lady,” the child prince said accusingly, pointing with one of his main arms at the naked and broken Terran on the polished floors, while the hands of his two smaller arms cupped his face in horror “why would you do that?”

Cyrene looked down at the child with cold detachment.

Xul knew that with a faint command, Cyrene would draw her energy-infused verithium blade without hesitation and slice the child into two equally sized pieces. An act of high treason, yet all he had to do was snap his fingers.

Cyrene was fiercely ambitious, but at the same time unyieldingly loyal. A rare combination.

Of course, besides her salary – which was substantial – Cyrene also enjoyed all the perks her position as the right hand of the Grand Hierophant of House Malliux entailed.

Access to the newest within technology and bio-enhancement, an army of well-trained troops at her disposal, a literal fleet of ships, and unrestricted access to whatever indulgence, pleasure, or vice she desired, including access to Xul’s personal stable of perfectly bred stock. Like the girl on the floor.

Yet more important than all these benefits was that her destiny was inevitably tied to Xul’s own projection. When he rose through the intrigue-filled courts of Mulmasa and gained the wealth and power that came with it, so did she. And she knew that for Xul Drakarth, nothing short of the mantle of Tharna’kai - King of Kings, would sate his ambition. And even that might not be enough...

Xul kneeled next to the little prince, who edged backward lifting his smaller arms protectively, but Xul put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him closer as if he wanted to speak to the child in confidence. As if he wished to relay to the child, one of the galaxies most well-kept secrets.

“You must understand my prince, that this universe can be a dark and callous place full of monsters, monsters that want to rip the flesh clean off your bones and gnaw on the remains,” Xul spoke with great emphasis as he squeezed one of the boy’s arm with strong fingers. The little prince shook from his words, as Xul continued “To withstand these monsters, you yourself must have the capacity for monstrosity, otherwise your weakness makes you the victim,”

“Do you understand what I’m saying my Prince?”

The child seemed to struggle with his words but nodded obediently.

“And do you want to be a victim of the monsters? Do you want the flesh ripped from your bones?”

The boy shook his head from side to side terrified.

“Good,” Xul nodded, as he gave the child an assuring smile “Then, soon I will take you to the slave pens and teach you how to be monstrous so that you shall never fear the dangers of this universe.”

The prince looked pale “But I don’t want to be a monster!”

Xul laughed. For others it sounded like a warm and hearty laughter, but Cyrene who stood beside the two knew that Drakarths laugh was something significantly more sinister and malevolent.

“You will never be a monster my prince.”

The boy smiled meekly, his small mouth lighting up his flat Tharxian features, and his large dark eyes widened.

“Will you follow me to my bedroom Xul, so the monsters don’t get me?” the child prince implored with a small voice. The meek child had yet to learn that as the heir of House Malliux he did not have to ask, but simply command, and everyone would obey.

“It would be my pleasure, little princeling.” Xul replied, putting a hand to his heart.


When Xul had put the princeling to bed he returned to his office. The expired girl had already been removed from the floors, any trace of the beast’s doing whisked away as if it never happened. The floor was spotless.

Cyrene leaned cross-legged against Xul’s large metal desk, that took an imposing place in the middle of the room.

“Where is the cargo?” asked Xul as he sat down in his throne-like chair at the end of the desk.

“Retrieved from Cyndorr. On it’s way to the rendezvous point on Fabkos to meet up with the smuggler.” Cyrene answered curtly.

“And the extraction crew?”

“Scheduled for termination.”

“Who is the smuggler?”

Cyrene pressed a few buttons on her gauntlet’s interface, and a holo-projection of a ruggedly handsome Terran in his mid-thirties was projected from the projector orb in the middle of Xul’s desk.

“A Terran bounty hunter, birth name; Dante Jackson, but goes by the alias Jack DeWitt. Former UFE shock trooper, and part of the Paragon Project phase II.”

Xul nodded and steepled his perfectly manicured fingers and raised his hands to his chiseled chin.

“A colleague of yours,” he commented, although Cyrene was a clone of a phase I Paragon soldier a decade apart from this soldier-turned-smuggler.

“And his employer?”

“Threxia Malavia,” Cyrene replied, pressing her gauntlet’s interface once more, and the projection changed into many different projections of various species “A Chenadie crime lord out of Omicron Station, wanted in 13 systems, primarily for organized crime, regional terrorism, and murder.”

“We used her before?”

Cyrene nodded “On occasion. She is very professional.”

“And why the Terran?”

“He served under the Client in the war, he knows the Haedron system better than most. He deserted the war effort 10 months before the battle of Yipor. In those months and the following year, he was exclusively hiding and flying in the Haedron-Servus cluster. He knows how to avoid anyone there, including Federation agents.”

“And our contingency?” asked Xul, knowing full well that Cyrene was leaving nothing to chance.

She ran her fingers across the gauntlet and a crew of different species appeared. Every member looking leaner and meaner than the next.

“We have alternative hunters nearby, one with intimate knowledge of the Terran, in case of any problems. We also have an agent within Threxia’s organization, ready to replace her at our command.”

Xul nodded contently but offered Cyrene no praise. He expected his henchmen to follow orders to the letter and he had no tolerance for failure. Cyrene knew this better than most.

“When is the Terran leaving?”

“He left Omicron this morning.” she replied.

“Keep your eye on the progress, I want the shipment delivered before the next Virach.”

“Yes, Lord Drakarth.” she replied putting a hand on her heart. It was a gesture reserved to use for Tharxian princes, but Cyrene had adopted it to use with Xul. The obedient gesture pleased his vanity.

A light blinked on Xul’s desk and he pressed a receiver adjacent to it.

“Master Zellious is here to see you Lord Drakarth.” sounded a female voice over the intercom.

A screen on the desk flashed to life, showing the reception of the palatial office building.

In the luxurious reception, made to impress competition and ensnare investors, stood the lesser Tharxian known as Master Zellious, with two Thurkian slaves.

“Your new clothes are back from the tailor it seems, soon everything is set for the royal visit.” Cyrene remarked. Her emerald eyes glinting.

Xul had surprisingly been invited to the grand palace to an audience with the most powerful being in Mulmasa. The Grand Prince, the de jure ruler of the entire Tharxian species.

The royal visit was the reason the shadowy beast within him had needed release, and thus the catalyst for his little escapade this evening.

“I believe none like you have ever been in the presence of the Grand Prince.” Cyrene offered impressed, a small smile forming on her full lips.

“A Thurkian you mean?” asked Xul as he rose from his chair.

She was about to reply but he waved at her dismissively.

“It is hardly a social call, clearly he wants something from me, or try to garner something useful he can use against House Mallix. The question is what? I will have to tread carefully.”

Xul pushed a finger against the intercom “Send him up.”

Xul stood for a while consumed in thought, with Cyrene beside him, quietly awaiting her lord’s command.

Finally, he broke the silence.

“Keep the commandos alert, and have my entire personal guard reassigned to the palace. Make up some excuse like a drill or something. Find an old template in the archives and date it appropriately, and I will forge Prince Drogmoin’s signature, so no one suspects anything.”

Cyrene nodded “Anything else?”

“No, perform what duties you have now, and await me by the Vindicator tomorrow morning. We will fly early so we have time to spare in the Royal city. Any delay would be a grievous and fatal insult.”

Cyrene bowed and left for the door. As she exited, the master tailor and his slaves entered through the tall symmetric doors leading into Xul’s office.

Master Zellious was a Lesser Tharxian. The middle caste of their stratified society.

They resembled the Tharxian nobles in most ways, including their flat facial features, but their four arms were all strong and well-developed, unlike the Tharxian nobles with their mismatched sets of arms. An evolutionary result of the lesser Tharxians’ active lifestyle compared to the idle lifestyle of their greater kin.

Lesser Tharxians were the fundament upon which Tharxian society was built, taking roles as elite soldiers and commanders, as well as other important societal roles that were considered beneath the nobles, but important enough to considered vital functions and stations of prestige. Such as master craftsmen, doctors, engineers, and scientists.

Master Zellious hurried forward, and bowed low, his two Thurkian slaves bowing even lower.

One slave, wearing a metal slave collar, scuttled forward and put a projector on the ground. A hologram of Xul’s impressive physique flashed to holographic life, covering them all in a bluish hue. Xul’s observed his holographic self, looking at the clothing and judging it with a connoisseur’s eye.

Zellious was a true master of his craft and ridiculously expensive, but one could not be frugal when visiting the royal palace. Yet, one had to be careful and find the right balance between opulence and style. You wanted to signal wealth and taste, but not so much that you surpassed the Princes in cost and finish. That would be an insult, from which it could be difficult to recover.

“We brought the sample you requested eminence; the main garment is complete. What is left is the cape and finishes.” the old Tharxian explained.

The other Thurkian slave, a female with clear scars from her master’s whip, held out a rich white garment, every tread and stitching perfectly placed. Xul had no doubt Master Zellious had paid good money for this specimen, as her body was supple and strong. Built for punishment and other frustrations. Although she was no longer entirely young, she was still a looker with a slim nose and full lips. She accidentally looked into Xul’s eyes and her eyes quickly darted to her feet.

Xul lifted her chin with a finger to let his strong gaze pierce her. She trembled beneath his dominant stare, her ample chest drawing in a gasp of air. If he wanted, Xul could have this slave. In fact, he had the power to take this slave right now in front of the craftsman and the male slave. Do whatever he wanted to her, with the two others’ being able to nothing than stare stunned at the spectacle. The thought almost amused him.

While holding the slave woman’s gaze, he let a hand slide across the exquisite white fabric she held. It was a kiwafi. An ancient long loincloth-type garment, usually worn with threaded belts covered with precious gemstones. A remnant of the old slave masters that rose to rule Mamonia and the Tharxian race. The cape that Master Zellious spoke of, the tirak, was a more modern addition that -together with plenty of precious jewelry- allowed the ruling classes to display even more wealth and power.

“Very nice Master Zellious.” Xul said as he moved his eyes from the trembling slave.

The lesser Tharxian bowed “Thank you Lord Drakarth, now in regards to the tirak, the fashion trend in the royal court dictates a northern style cape with precious linings and cross–”

“Only I dictate here, Master Zellious.” Xul interrupted.

The Tharxian lowered his head again obediently “Of course your eminence, merely a comment on the current trend.”

Like most lesser Tharxians the sight of a low caste Thurkian like Xul, who had eclipsed all of them in wealth and power was a difficult realization for all Tharxians, in a society with a traditional and rigid caste system. It had been no different in Zellious first meeting with Xul, in which the older Tharxian had been outright disrespectful.

The following apprehension, imprisonment, and amputations performed on his oldest son, a senior engineer in Zyrilla Industries, which Xul, through Malliux Apex owned a majority stake in, had seen that disrespect rectified. Now the old master showed him respect and compliance as if he was a Tharxian prince.

The respect he deserved.

Xul studied the hologram for a moment, taking in the details, then spoke in a commanding voice.

“I want the chest bare, and the tirak draped over one shoulder in the style of ancient Mamonia.”

Zellious nodded acceptingly, although his expression could not hide a slight hint of disapproval in not following the latest trends.

Brave for a man with five children, Xul mused.

“May I suggest, then, your lordship, the cape to be woven from the most luxurious Zhemerian silk –in deep red of course – and trimmed with verithium and platinum leaf to accentuate your eminence’s elevated station.”

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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 8

She found The Beast feeding chickens at the back of the house, where there was a modest coop surrounded by a low fence. Standing across the small enclosure from him, she scraped one foot in the dirt nervously and cleared her throat. The Beast looked round and saw her. His posture immediately became stiffer. “Rose. Can I help you?” “I’ve had my time to think and I’d like to talk to you.” “I see. Well I could join you for dinner if that is acceptable to you.” “If that is what you wish then...

4 years ago
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Fucked By A ManBeast His Bitch

Cindy sighed heavily, slipped off her shoes, and hung up her coat. The house was quiet and she was the only one there. Her so-called husband was gone for the second night in a row. He told her he was working, but she knew better, because she’d seen him with another woman walking into a local pub. After that she battled with her feeling wondering whether to let him stay or force him to leave a divorce him. After all she needed a man she could count on. Cindy, walked to the bedroom and...

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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 5

Once they had settled into this new rhythm, Rose resolved to put the second phase of her plan into action. If she was to change the way The Beast viewed her she had to show him that she could be a refined lady. To that end she had been working to alter the gowns The Beast had given her so that they would fit her petite frame, and one evening she arriving in the dining room dressed for the occasion. “Good evening,” she greeted him, suppressing her shyness and attempting to project an aura of...

4 years ago
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The Beauty and The Beast A Story of Necromantra

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The back story of Necromantra, a supporting character in MANTRA Magazine (Malibu Comics), is rich and complex. Most Ultraverse fans will already be familiar with Necromantra's exploits and for this reason we have made only a minimal effort to interpolate expository material into the story. A character-career summary is appended at the end of the story for those new to the Malibu universe. Chronologically, this adventure continues and concludes the four-part...

3 years ago
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The beast was raging inside of me tonight. It would have to be fed. I hadn't let it feed in a long time. The last time was more than three months ago. The anger was strong, pounding in my head. Strength was coursing through my body, electric pulses making my muscles jump, twitching under my skin. I could barely drive, pressing the accelerator to the floor, pushing the car harder, driving far away from the city. The beast would need to roam tonight, and I was taking myself far into the woods...

4 years ago
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The Beauty and her Beast 2

For several days after Belle’s arrival to the beast’s castle, he pointedly ignored her. The raw emotion that she incited in him took him out of his comfort zone, which scared him to his core. From the way she plainly surrendered her body to him to the simple things she did to make him more comfortable in his castle, his beauty was worming her way into heart. Even when he was his most beastly, she always smiled demurely. The beast soon figured out that the more he ignored her the more he was...

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The Beauty and her Beast 2

For several days after Belle’s arrival to the beast’s castle, he pointedly ignored her. The raw emotion that she incited in him took him out of his comfort zone, which scared him to his core. From the way she plainly surrendered her body to him to the simple things she did to make him more comfortable in his castle; his beauty was worming her way into heart. Even when he was his most beastly, she always smiled demurely. The beast soon figured out that the more he ignored her the more he was...

2 years ago
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Attack of the Beast

Attack of the Beast By Anon Allsop The brilliant sun broke over the little planet as we penetrated its atmosphere. Our mission was to see if it held potential for a small colony or mining operation. There were a total of 6 of us, including the pilot and co-pilot, but even they had duties besides flying the little craft. We all had been hand selected by our space station commander for this mission, and cross-trained so we could lend a hand, should the need arise. I studied every...

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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 6

“Good evening Rose,” said The Beast as she entered the dining room. “How many potatoes would you like with your stew?” Throughout the meal, The Beast made conversation as he usually did, and so after a few minutes Rose began to try to turn her head so that the light would show her new appearance in its best light. The Beast appeared not to notice. Eventually, Rose allowed her vexation to get the better of her. “Do you notice any difference about me this evening?” she asked. The Beast sighed...

2 years ago
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Lucy and the Beast Pt 1

I had hung out with Jay and his friends a couple times, but I still wasn't receiving the kind of attention from him I was expecting. I had never had trouble pulling a boy before, and I knew many guys wanted to date me, and many people had said I should be a model, which I would be my dream job! (Little did I know at the time, but that actually came true, but it wasn’t quite how I imagined it to be.) But, Jay was different, he was so cool, I couldn't be sure if he liked me or not. He was so...

3 years ago
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Gaston fucks Belle Beauty and the Beast

She smiled "Good morning," then, "Please don't stop." Beast couldn't help smiling too. He nodded, bringing his lips down to her nipple and his hand toward her shaved pussy. Gently, he put one of his fingers inside her tight hole and wiggled it. She was very sensitive down there; she began to moan and lift her ass up from the bed. Beast had an instant hard-on. Her innocence turned him on easily. Belle lifted his face from her breast and kissed him full on the mouth, sticking...

3 years ago
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Fucked by a ManBeast

Cindy loved walking through the forest near there home. It helped her relax, and think clearly. That day, she was walking down one of her favorite trails. On the right side of the path is a babbling brook, where many times, she has dangled her feet into its cooling waters, on the left was a heavily wooded area. She loved to explore the forest, but she dared no venture their when the sun is setting. The heavy grown of trees blocks the view of the path making it dark and mysterious. That...

1 year ago
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The Beast WithinChapter 2

As nightfall neared, Bear at last rose from where he had sat down immediately upon secluding himself from the village. "I go to my meditation with the Great Spirit." Laresa asked, "Do you wish me to remain here?" He nearly said no, but something inside him disagreed quite strongly. Although he did not acknowledge it, he felt calm in her presence. Even the emotional devastation of his transformation stung with less pain this time. "You may come, if you wish." "Then I will. Perhaps I...

4 years ago
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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 4

Rather than waking her with breakfast, as he usually did, The Beast simply left it on the dining room table, where she found it after giving up waiting and trekking wearily downstairs. It was cold, and the yolk in the egg was long-since hardened. After eating, a part of her wanted to find The Beast in the garden, but she could not imagine such a course of action ending happily. With nothing better to do, she returned to the project of cleaning the house. Apart from the old servants’ quarters,...

3 years ago
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In case your just tuning in:: Do not adjust your set:: It’s the Beast interfering with everything:: My wife had been given potions to drive her into such lustful want that Witchy Woman and I had strapped her up onto this ancient ritual/sacrifice table and now the “Beast” had been summoned and was just starting to use his unworldly cock of fiery hot feel to fuck my tiny 4’ 8” petite Mexican wife. The cock was an exact replica of huge dogs cock, a finger like tip was...

1 year ago
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Always and Forever Numbers of the Beast Pt 10 Final

Doctor Brian Jacks sat quietly watching the police car roll by his hiding place. The very idea that they were looking for him was absurd. They were nothing to a man like him, peasants really. Nevertheless, it would prove disastrous if they discovered the woman in his backseat. How could they understand that it was all Gods 'will' when he reached out to these accursed wretches of the night and purified them by fire? Understanding had only come to him when a being of light appeared before...

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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 10

“My lord,” she murmured. “Go back to sleep,” The Beast told her. “I’ll make us breakfast.” She nodded and snuggled happily back down into the bedclothes on the floor, closing her eyes again. The Beast tutted in wonder. Had he not known better he would have thought her previous night had consisted in an exemplary romance rather than torture at the hands of a literal monster. Turning around, he saw the shattered four poster bed, forlorn in the thin rays of morning light that edged their way...

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The Shy Asian Beauty Alone with the White Beast

As I gazed through the rain stained taxi window, at the dimly lit streets of Bangkok, the shuttered shop windows could not pass quickly enough. My mind was distracted and my eyes were in no mood to rest on anything. So they hopped manically from my watch, to the window, to my phone. My thoughts were immovably fixed on a hotel bedroom, but I knew not where. Somewhere out there, in the forest of hotels that clutter the area called Sukhumvit, was the girl I loved, and the taxi was taking me ever...

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The Beast Within Chapter 24

Poor kid, she thought to herself. Between the incident with the wolf then finding out his father is gone. Dammit Brian you really screwed up this time! Evelyn couldn't help but curse her now deceased ex-husband. He was never a bad man, just a difficult one. But now he was gone. Evelyn cried when she first got the news from her ex's brother, a reaction that surprised her. Though the two were divorced Evelyn and Brian were able to mend fences a few years after the separation. Nowhere near...

2 years ago
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Witchy Woman just left Little Momma squirming and groaning in her anguished state of the serum/potion given her and told me to follow her and get everything ready for the “Ritual” to begin. We went over to the absolutely ancient looking hand carved and sawed to become as she termed the “Summoning” table. A dark maroon velvety covering over the flat top of it, ancient in it’s look and had many thick leather straps in her arms she’d reached and gathered from...

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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 11

The book was entertaining enough, although Rose was exasperated to find that once again the protagonist’s ethical journey was a central theme. Once she got over her initial vexation at choosing yet another morality tale – she was beginning to doubt that modern authors other than Austen actually knew it was possible to just write a good story – she found the work quite agreeable. Rose was pleased to discover that the protagonist’s journey involved a great deal of fucking, although she was...

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Beast Humping

Beast Humping by Ron Bywood Index Chapter One "Spectator Sport" Chapter Two "Dog Eat Dog" Chapter Three "Passion In The Pasture" Chapter Four "A Bird In The Bird" ** Chapter Five "Freaky Fuckers" Chapter Six "Take That, You Swine" Chapter Seven "The Lady Goes Ape" ** This chapter deleted from this copy. Contained slaughter of birds and murder. Introduction "Bestiality--violation of animals--monstrous and revolting to...

1 year ago
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Man Nor Beast

-Samuel Johnson *** "Careful,” one dancer said to another. “The freak is here.” Andrea pretended not to hear them. She let her eyes adjust from the afternoon glare to the dim interior of the club and then took her regular seat. It was a slow day by the look of it, the club less than half full and only a few dancers working, but it was early yet. She was already looking around for Leila, but it seemed she wasn't on the floor yet, so Andrea just watched the stage for now. A dancer...

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Ladies in Waiting Game DayThe Beast

@ “In the morning you are dragged from your cell. Reunited with princess Gwendolyn, who is dressed in fine white robes, while you are marched naked through the halls.” Shawn relishes the description. “Further down into the bowls of the dark earth. You are brought to a large chapel with a demonic alter at its center.” Mark’s sissy cock twitches at the description. & A group of men stand huddled together at one side. They are obviously some of the soldiers that had assaulted the...

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Law of the BloodChapter 11 The Name of the Beast

A little later and they were back on their horses and traveling. Athea had finally fully recovered from her rather unusual adventures of the morning. It was time for her to sort through all the things that had happened since ... where to begin? She didn’t know why, but she felt a panic attack coming. Just a week ago her life was so simple, shitty, but simple. Today she wasn’t even sure who she was anymore. She needed a baseline, somewhere to start, a fundamental truth about her existence....

3 years ago
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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 12

Rose lay down on the floor beside him and rested a hand on his chest. “I’m sorry,” she said. “That was awful of me, but I had to show you. You needed to know that however bad things got, you would never harm me. The only way to do that was to push you to your limit and prove it.” The Beast felt numb. Her tiny hand being raised and lowered by his breath was his only connection to a faraway world. “Those things you said though… they were true” “No,” she said. “They were not. Apart from the...

2 years ago
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Discovers the Beast

John Derek was looking for a new movie for his beautiful young wife, the ravishing Bo Derek. He needed something to show off her beautiful body to the world once more. Ever since she was first presented to the world in her first movie, ’10’, Bo Derek had been the source of many fantasies for thousands of men. And a fair share of the woman population as well, I would suspect. Her chiseled features and firm body was a rare find indeed, even in the world of movie stars. Yes, Bo...

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Beauty and The Beast Chapter 7

The Beast was waiting for her at the dinner table, reading a book. He put it down as she entered, marking his place. “Ah, Rose,” he said, “I thought it best to let you sleep as long as you needed. If you would do me the honour of waiting for a moment, I will fetch us breakfast.” Rose nodded, and while she was waiting she took a look at The Beast’s book. It was called Ordinatio and was by someone called Duns Scotus. A quick glance inside confirmed her suspicion that it was another book in a...

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A Year to Halloween Chapter 3 Taming the beast

--- Chapter 3: Taming the beast --- The sound of the key frolicking in the keyhole of the front door echoed through the deserted hall way. *Click* The door was unlocked. But it remained closed, a soft bounce came from the door. The sound of something being hit against the door, but not as if someone was knocking. And it was silent again. For just a few seconds. A soft growl comes from the other side along with a short giggle. Then suddenly the door sweeps open and Jule and Kate...

1 year ago
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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

2 years ago
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Always and Forever Numbers of the Beast Pt 8

Maggie flew up the stairs ignoring the elevator in Nadine's town home with Alexis on her heels. The couple had been in the south of France on vacation when Murine, Nadine's assistant, had contacted them concerned about Nadine's well-being. Maggie knew it was because of Josephine. It had been over three months since Nadine's girlfriend left Paris. "I'm sure she is fine, love." Lord Alexis Bellamont had taken Maggie to the south of France to ask her hand in marriage. He knew that marrying...

4 years ago
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Beast Feast SisterChapter 8

Karen scaled the fence again, her cunt dripping onto the strands of wire, glistening like dew in the light of the moon. On the other side, she gathered up her skirt and blouse, but did not get dressed. She had promised her brother another blowjob on her way out, and saw no reason to put her clothing on prematurely in case that blowjob happened to turn into a fuck. But the thought of fucking and sucking with a man, even her big-pricked brother, no longer held much attraction for the horny girl...

1 year ago
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Thangaiyin Thozhiyai Matter Adithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyana 19 vayathu pennai usar seithu matter pota kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En thangaiku oru thozhi irupaal aval peyar saranya vayathu 19 aagiyathu, vayathu thaan siriyathu aval mulai periyathu. Soothu miga sexiyaaga irukum, en veetil adikadi vanthu poval. Ennai adikadi sight adipaal, avalai enaku migavum pidikum. Naan pesinaal en idam sirithu pesuvaal, en amma ilatha pozhuthu thaan...

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Mathivathaniyai Sex Seithen

En peyar srithar naan kalluri irandam aadu padithu varugiren. Naan diplamo padithu mudithu vitu b tech kalluriyil sernthen. Naan diplamo paditha pozhuthu en udan entha penum padika villai. Pen vasanaiye en meethu patathu kidaiyathu, naan kalluri padithu mudithu vitu b-tech sernthen. Niraiya pengal en vagupil irunthaargal, avargalai paarkum pozhuthu en manathil niraiya kama ennangal vanthathu. Athil oru pen peyar thaan mathi, aval paarka sexiyaaga irupaal iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga...

2 years ago
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The Shy Asian Beauty and the White Beast Continued

I woke up first and lay alone on the sofa, bathed in sunshine and happiness. The girl I loved was well and truly mine again, and I had her climax twice in the space of a few hours. I laughed inwardly at Jerry’s impotent arrogance, his desire for the girl he would never have. She was mine, and I knew then I wanted her to be mine forever. Victory was mine and it tasted sweet. All of which made what happened next harder to fathom. For, within hours, I undid all that I had striven so hard to...

1 year ago
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The Shy Asian Beauty and the White Beast

They say that fiction is stranger than fact and herein lies the evidence. This is the first part of three of the tale that should never be told, the tale that should be consigned to the waste bin of discarded memories such is the intensity of emotion it evokes to this day. Pain, pleasure, lies and deceit of the highest order all played their parts. Yet the two main characters, those terrible twins of guilt and jealousy took the leading roles and ensured the tale of longevity when both of us...

4 years ago
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Heart of the MountainChapter 3 Lair of the Beast

“Watch out!” Iden shouted, his boot dislodging a rock. It rolled down the steep incline towards Isabelle, picking up more loose stones as it went, until it had formed a kind of miniature rockslide. She dodged out of its path, taking cover behind a nearby boulder, the stones clattering against it as they cascaded down the mountainside. “Careful where you step!” she yelled back, peeking out to glare at him. They were really far up now. Iden had seldom seen the clouds from above, they created...

3 years ago
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The Key Of The Beast

The rest of the girls in the room continue their seductive dance, I could see the fear and panic in their eyes as inwardly each of them hope that they wouldn’t be chosen next but they keep the smiles plastered on their faces and don’t miss a beat in their shared highly erotic dance, they couldn’t, they would keep dancing until they either collapsed due to exhaustion or I got bored with them. I pass my gaze over the naked teen girls taking notice of their curves, their unblemished skin and the...

3 years ago
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Always and Forever Numbers of the Beast Pt 9

"Nice to see you too, Alice." Nadine giggled. "We need to talk." "Of course we do, but I want to have lunch with Katherine and afterwards there are bound to be some interesting papers presented by the Imperial Science Academy." "But we can have our talk right now and you can still go to your meetings." "And then you can disappear." Nadine shook her head. "No, you're right, we do need to talk but we can do it over dinner. We'll share a bottle of wine and put some good food in...

3 years ago
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The Beast

The Beast By: Melissa Attimes Synopsis: A young lady promised her mother that she would take care of her deadbeat brother when her mother is no longer able to. After the mother dies the lady discovers that the son's behavior is so bad that her only choice is to throw him out of her house or turn him into a girl. Which option should she chooses? Categories: Crossdressing / TV, Femdom, Authoritarian, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Real Life Situation, Chastity Belts, Hormones,...

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