The Shy Asian Beauty And The White Beast free porn video

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They say that fiction is stranger than fact and herein lies the evidence. This is the first part of three of the tale that should never be told, the tale that should be consigned to the waste bin of discarded memories such is the intensity of emotion it evokes to this day. Pain, pleasure, lies and deceit of the highest order all played their parts. Yet the two main characters, those terrible twins of guilt and jealousy took the leading roles and ensured the tale of longevity when both of us wished it had never been born.

After ten months together my teenage Asian girlfriend, May, had finally agreed to wear a mini skirt and that night had come so close to being fucked by an older man, (as told in Part 8). He had inadvertently kept her identity card and in the days that followed May insisted we tried to recover it from him. I was pressured into returning to the pool bar where he, Jeffrey, had bent her over the table lifted her short skirt and thrust his hips at her sexy ass.

A week after it had happened I stood again at the now deserted table and it felt like standing on a beach after a storm, only the wreckage of that night was invisible, staining only my mind. I half-heartedly asked the waitresses about him, but the blank stares were enough reason to give up. And so I assumed that was it, Jeffrey had gone and May started the process of getting a new ID card. Only months later we found out he had returned to Canada for the summer and on his return he would once again haunt and excite our relationship.

Yet at that point, as far as we knew, he and her identity card were gone. His name became the new unmentionable. Only once, mid fuck, did his name return when May was riding my dick, her little hips bouncing frantically on my cock. As always my eyes were locked between us, at the point where my hard white cock split her tight brown lips, occasionally flicking up to her perky little tits and sweet oriental face.

‘Do it to me like Jeffrey,’ she gasped suddenly, climbing off of me.

It didn’t hurt me, the fact my girlfriend, the girl I loved had brought back the memory of that night, the memory of the way she bent over the pool table in her mini skirt, the way he had pretended to fuck her right in front of me. It didn’t hurt me at all that she pushed his name into the middle of our love making. It aroused me, intensely.

I jumped off the bed, took her hand and led her into the living room. The table was too fragile for how hard I wanted to fuck her, so I turned her and pushed her face first over the back of the sofa. She squealed in approval with the unusual force I pushed her with. Draped over the sofa she submissively waited for my cock, her ass raised, thighs spread and pussy displayed. I guessed it was how Jeffrey would have taken her and it was exactly how May wanted him to take her.

My heart was pounding as I looked down at her pretty Asian ass, perfectly sculpted and poised for spanking, fucking or licking. Stroking my cock, my eyes lowered to her wet Thai slit, and I could not resist. I knelt down and buried my head between her young brown thighs, sucking on her wet lips.

‘No,’ she cried insistently, ‘do it to me like Jeffrey.’

I stood, aware of the order being the first time my cute little Asian girlfriend had told me what to do. Her mind was full of the memory of him and my cock was going to be used to help her think of him. She didnt want my tongue, she wanted his cock. It was to be confirmation of a pivotal moment in our relationship. I nuzzled my cock up against her sweet Asian pussy.

‘What do you want? Tell me.’

She paused then gasped, ‘Fuck me.’

I had waited so long for her innocent face to speak such crude language that I did not pause for gentleness. I thrust my cock right up her, forcing my swollen tip into the depths of her tiny, tight body. Memories of Jeffrey bending her over the pool table flooded back and I withdrew then rammed it back up her. May gasped, her head thrown up at the force of the thrust.

‘Yes,’ she cried, ‘fuck me please.’

I reached over, gripped her shoulders and used them to pull myself into her, slamming my hips hard against her little ass, fucking her as fast and furiously as I could. I glanced into the mirror, my white hairy thighs slapping against her slim, young brown thighs, I knew I could not keep going much longer. I shouted her name, thrusting wildly into her, my jealous anger from the sight of his loins where mine were now propelling my hips violently forward.

‘Mmm Jeffrey!’ May pleaded, gasping.

His name, those words were like a trigger, her inner unspoken desire to be fucked by him burst out and the moment she sighed them, I felt it. The frustration of the point of no return, way too early for her. The sight of her naked, bent over in front of me, the way her tight oriental cunt clutched and sucked my cock and the feel of her pert ass against my hips were again, too much for me.

As she pleaded with me not to stop then she sighed in disappointment, I spurted wildly over her ass and back.

She showered and dressed in silence as I sat on the sofa, panting and riddled with both the feeling of failure and the force of my love for her. I felt her kiss on my cheek and looked up as she stepped through the door, having changed into clothes that would not arouse suspicion from her parents.

I stayed where I was, in frustrated acceptance of the new path our relationship was taking. In those first ten months of our relationship, I had led the way sexually. My experience had trumped her inexperience and she had happily and shyly let me lead. But power gained through greater experience alone is only temporary and my time had run out. Ten months later I had gone from impressing her with my sexual experience to disappointing her. Her passion, lust and pure sexual energy had left me floundering and apologising. And it worsened.

Whilst her public shyness remained and remains, in private it had slowly evaporated and as it did it unveiled deeply buried desires that I had not anticipated. Her submissiveness hadn’t surprised me, after all her mannerisms, her body language, her dress sense, her smile all had given me strong hints in our early days that she was submissive. Yet the depth of it had. Her desire to be spanked and her arousal when she was, far exceeded my desire to spank her. As we approached our first anniversary I began to fear we were sexually mismatched.

Our sex life became verbally enlivened with fantasies of May and other men. As our hopes and fears of hearing from Jeffrey faded we returned to sharing our fantasies about her being fucked by men we had seen whilst out. It aroused us intensely, but outside of sex, it was never mentioned and when we were out her public shyness was a barrier preventing it becoming reality. Yet I had not forgotten the look of ecstasy on her face when Jeffrey was grinding his hips into her and May hadn’t forgotten the feeling of his strong cock against her flimsy thong.

The odd time I tried to bring the prospect of her having a lover into the cold light of day, her response was that it showed I no longer loved her and wanted her to leave me. Nothing was further from the truth. It was stalemate, or at least hindsight has given me that excuse for what I did. I knew her frustrations were bubbling beneath the surface. Cracks that had appeared in our sexual relationship had widened and now threatened our closeness, our love, our future. And into those cracks I threw our relationship.

It began with an ill-timed argument, the cause of which is long forgotten. I had to return to the UK with notice too short to get May a visa. Two weeks apart was to become four weeks when May kept her promise to return to her old school. Each summer her high school, a boarding school, invited those who had recently left to help run the summer camp. May was to spend two weeks helping out and living on the campus in her former dormitory.

As I sat on the plane, the silence of the argument rang in my ears. Ignoring the pleas to turn off mobile phones as long as I dared, I felt a sudden urge to disembark. I was too late, in more ways than one. The lights of the airport twinkled through the cold, rain spattered window. May was not going to hear my apology, the airline would not let me leave. I switched off my mobile and tried to become invisible, hating every hour ahead.

Two weeks of frustration and anguish passed too slowly. Countless wasted minutes of unanswered calls, pointless anger at the frustration of time differences and every waking minute spent wondering what she was doing. Like Romeo in Mantua I detested everything and everyone that got to see May when I could not. The days passed agonisingly slowly, but pass they did. The torment of that fortnight is best forgotten, and on my return, circumstance denied us our reunion.

May had already begun her summer camp duties, and although she was only a few hours from me, my plea to visit her was refuted when she assured me that security would not allow me in and anyway it was only (another) two weeks. To my frustration our relationship continued to be restricted to brief nightly phone calls. She chatted excitedly about her day, peppering the call with Thai names my mind could not spell and immediately forgot. With the exception of one name; Jerry.

‘Who’s Jerry?’ I stopped her mid flow.

‘Oh, he is the big boss, he organizes the summer camp.’

‘Where’s he from?’

‘He’s American. We call him sat pralat.’ May laughed.

‘What does that mean?’

‘It’s like the beast or monster!’ She giggled so much she was unable to speak, and I heard her friends’ voice behind her, also giggling uncontrollably.

When she recovered she told me he was about forty and, ‘really ugly’. It was as the most implicit denial of attraction I could have hoped for. My jealousy, piqued on hearing a Western name, eased. She added he had run the summer camp for several years and she had known him all this time, attending his classes as a shy schoolgirl. She had never spoken to him before and she was amazed that he remembered her name.

It was that last comment, after the conversation ended, that reignited the spark of jealousy. I pictured him, this ‘beast like’ American man, seemingly alone and in charge of all these giggly innocent teenage Thai girls. My fears were kindled by my loneliness, my knowledge that after three weeks apart this man, however ugly he was, was seeing my girlfriend every day. And he remembered her name.

I resolved to question her about her contact with him when she phoned the next day. I didn’t need to; she brought his name up, giggling about how he had performed a silly dance to make the girls laugh. I began to dislike him and dislike the way he was showing off to the girls without them even knowing. The days began to follow a pattern, my loneliness and boredom without her contrasting with her fun filled days of laughter with her friends, and Jerry. For his name kept coming up, idly slipping into her recounts of her day until I could bear no more.

‘Do you like him May?’

‘He’s nice to me, but we are all so scared of him.’ She explained happily missing my question.

‘I mean, do you like him? Do you find him attractive?’

‘Don’t be stupid, of course not. No!’ Frustration fueled her raised voice.

‘So why do you keep talking about him every fucking day?’

The phone went dead and when I redialed, told me the mobile I was calling was switched off. It was the first time I had ever sworn at her and it was still switched off the next day. By the next evening, my jealousy, my anger and my anxiety affected my better judgment. In my empty apartment, in my lonely lounge and in her absence I had convinced myself that she was hiding something from me. I was going to find out.

I took the following day off and took a taxi to her boarding school. Three hours later, the security guard gazed lazily through the wound down window. I told him, with casual confidence that I was to help Jerry run the summer camp. He glanced at a list then waved me in.

As I got out, the school buildings appeared empty and the playing fields were the only source of noise and movement. Small groups of Asian girls ran, played games and rested while having what sounded like encouragement shouted at them. Beyond them lay an open air and open, canteen. I skirted the playing fields as widely as possible, suddenly realising I had no plan, no idea what I would say to May if she saw me and unsure whether I wanted her to or not.

I ordered some foul coffee and watched the activities from a distance. Near the centre stood a tall, broad shouldered, balding white man barking instructions in rudimentary Thai. I scoured the girls for May, but she was nowhere to be seen. I waited with more patience than I had travelled with.

After my second cup, Jerry, for that was surely him, blew a whistle and the girls made their way to the buildings. He chatted for a while to a small group of Thai men then led them towards where I sat. I wanted to speak to him, to clear my mind of the last remnants of anxiety. For as those of us who have enjoyed their partner taking a lover know the thought of one’s partner, having given them the ultimate freedom, lying to you, was beyond forgiveness.

Two of the men left and sensing my chance, I made way over to him.

‘Hi, are you Jerry?’ I offered my hand.

He looked at me guardedly, standing up.

‘I heard you run the summer camp, heard great things about it and thinking of setting up something like it where I work,’ I enthused, playing to his arrogance. It worked.

Jerry smiled, lured by the prospect of more business. I asked questions about the camp, the fees and he eagerly replied and as he did, I thought how accurate my girlfriend’s description of him was. Few girls would call him handsome and to a shy, innocent Thai girl from a traditional background, he would indeed be frightening. His size, his wild bulging eyes, his boastfulness and his loud voice, were the antithesis of their inherent shy, modest meekness.

He told me how much the girls loved the activities, how popular his summer camp was and how well organised it was as I nodded and praised his remarkable achievements. My eyes searched the sixty or so girls on the playing fields, but there was still no sign of May. My attention lifted when he spoke of his skill in hiring helpers from recent graduates of the school. He choose only the best.

‘And the cutest by the looks of it.’ I grinned.

He laughed, ‘Yeh being kinda cute sure helps in the selection process.’

I had his trust, now I wanted to dig deeper and allay my fears, to find out what he thought of my girlfriend. I asked if there were indoor activities.

‘Sure, we have dance classes and art classes,’ he answered with obvious pride.

I asked if we could see without disturbing them and he led me into the buildings. We passed seemingly endless empty classrooms before music lured us to the door. And there she was, standing in front of a small group of girls in her pink t shirt and tight, black leggings. My girlfriend, my eyes denied by distance for four long weeks. I was desperate to open the door, rush in grab her and take her home, but I knew her embarrassment at my intrusion would negate any pleasure she felt at seeing me.

‘She looks really cute,’ I said, staring at my girlfriend through the small window in the door.

‘She sure is,’ he grinned, running his eyes all over her, ‘really sweet girl too.’

‘’You should have a swimming activity,’ I suggested laughing.

‘She gets in the pool every day after activities,’ he grinned, ‘I make sure I am free by then.’

As we watched May took hold of her ankle and lifted it high and straight. Both of us stared intently through the window, our eyes fixed between her outstretched legs. There the tight black material had tightened over her pussy and we strained to see evidence of what lay beneath.

‘Does she have a boyfriend?’ I asked causally.

‘No chance. Girls like her from wealthy, traditional families don’t have boyfriends. They get educated, cultured then persuaded by their parents to marry some lucky guy from a rich family. The likes of us don’t have a chance.’

‘Maybe you should try.’ I suggested.

He laughed dismissively. I wanted to ask if he had tried, but resisted. As much as I hated his arrogance, the knowledge that he did so staring at her little tits and her ass, was unexpectedly thrilling. I wanted him to look at her, to want her.

If only he knew the truth, how much she fantasized about white cocks, how she dropped to her knees in front of the mirror to suck my cock, how she rode my dick with incredible energy and how she hungered to be spanked and fucked hard. I could not help wondering what this white beast would do to my sweet little Asian girlfriend if he had the chance.

The tour was over and I thanked him, promised to get in contact and left satisfied. Two nights later she called me and once I was sure she was unaware of my visit, I relaxed and I pictured her in the pool at night with Jerry. She had flirted in her little bikini and was now trapped as he closed in, his strong white arms yanking the strings of her dainty bikini. Her trepidation at the ways this lust crazed, beast like man ripped her bikini off. Wanking furiously I pictured her laying at the edge of the pool, her legs spread wide, displaying her young tight pussy for his wild eyes. I came.

Five days later, she called me to say she had told her parents she was working for an extra night and was coming to stay with me. I couldn’t wait and we flung ourselves at each other the moment I opened my apartment door. My fears and anxieties vanished instantly as I wrapped my arms back around her tiny body, as our lips met hungrily and our sucking kisses made talking impossible and irrelevant. Our absence had most definitely made our hearts grow fonder and my cock, sensing the proximity of her once more, ached to be reunited with her body.

She sat on my lap on the sofa, her long, glossy black hair gently showering my face, her pert little ass nestled snugly on my lap as she animatedly recounted her fortnight with childlike enthusiasm. Each time his name left her lips, my eyes and ears were alerted, searching in her tone, her expression for some unintended, subconscious revelation that she liked him, or more. I found none.

A feeling of unblemished happiness, itself absent for four weeks, descended on my apartment. Her giggles, her girlish humour and her presence, the essence of purity, chased away the immorality that had infiltrated my mind in the stark emptiness of solitude.

Having agreed to go for a celebratory dinner, I showered and settled on the sofa in a towel aware a long wait for May to be ready to go out was likely. When I began to wonder if she had fallen asleep in the bedroom and went to find her, the wait seemed irrelevant. Enforced abstinence had freshened my eyes towards her. I stared with renewed wonder at my girlfriend’s sun darkened thighs in her green mini skirt, her black silky top that opened at just the right point to offer a generous glimpse of her firm Thai tits and my dick hardened.

She posed shyly for photos, hurrying me lest we be late for dinner, but my appetite for dinner had been supplanted by another appetite. I circled her, as she smiled coquettishly; my eyes increasingly desperate to see what had been hidden from them, what had been hidden from all men, for a month. Those sweet little bare feet, her calves toned by a month of dancing and those luscious teenage thighs that the innocence of her face made men believe they were permanently clamped together. Yet how readily they opened when she dreamt of white cock.

They had not opened for Jerry’s white cock, of that I was now certain. But I could not stop thinking of them together, of this white beast of a man spreading my girlfriend’s sweet Asian thighs. The thrill of jealousy returned as I recalled how Jerry must have stared at her little ass in her bikini. I wondered what he saw, what he thought as he looked and what he wanted to do to her. The thought of him wanking over my girlfriend tipped me over the edge.

I could hold back no longer, I had to see what she wore under her green mini skirt and I, and my camera, dropped to the floor and looked up, under the short hem, at her silky, tight white panties that clung revealingly to the bulge of her little pussy. My eyes did not leave that bulge as my tongue flattened and licked slowly up her young, silky thighs, worshipping their teenage ripeness.

‘We need to go for dinner,’ May murmured, with a discernible sigh in her words.

I ignored her, I could not stop now. Kneeling behind her, my head slid up under the back of her skirt and my tongue explored the tight elastic of her shiny panties. I pushed her green skirt higher, revealing the full beauty of her Asian ass in such tight panties and pressed my face against the soft silk, relishing the firmness of the curves beneath, the warmth and the scent I had missed so badly.

My tongue pressed the silk into the cleft between her firm cheeks as she sighed and leant forward, her hands on the wardrobe in front of her, sticking her pretty ass out for me. I felt her ass pushing back against my face and tried to slither my tongue under the elastic of her panties, but their tightness frustrated me. Gripping them, I yanked them down and stared in awe at her naked Asian ass, the pertness of her cheeks, the sweet little asshole and those tight, moist brown pussy lips, then I thrust my face into her ass with my tongue outstretched.

The force of my thrust unbalanced her and she wobbled, but my face, embedded between her young ass cheeks, hampered her further and my tongue sensed its chance. It probed desperately against her asshole, uncaring whether she fell. As she lost her balance, I pulled her backwards onto me, my face beautifully squashed by her ass and pussy. I jabbed my tongue up, curling it to squeeze into her tight little ass and as my tongue tip forced its way into her ass, she gasped loudly. It was where she wanted it.

Yet May was still shy about having her ass licked and quickly lifted herself off my face then waited for me to reposition her. I moved her to the bed, her knees on the floor, her body over the bed, her skirt and sexy ass raised and pulled her panties right off. I opened her cheeks as far as their pertness would allow me, exposing the full beauty of her most private hole.

May knew what I wanted and murmured how shy she was that I wanted to 'do that'.

I didn’t care. ‘I love your Asian ass May,’ I gasped.

I let my tongue lick along the full cleft of her ass, delicately wiggling it over her little hole. I buried my face between her cheeks and tried to kiss my lips fully against her ass. Then I plunged my face into it, the pertness of young cheeks unyielding against my face, but I pushed and my tongue flickered again over her asshole. Then I tried prodding my tongue slowly up her tight little ass. She gasped, throwing her head back as she felt my tongue tip inside her ass. The tightness frustrated me and I thrust my tongue harder and harder against, into her little hole, slavishly tongue fucking her ass as she moaned with every thrust.

I paused and swung her over, onto her back, pulling her to the edge of the bed and forcing her legs back and open. Her young Thai cunt glistened before me, her brown lips visibly moist below her neat little thatch of trimmed hair. I sighed and licked slowly, my eyes roaming over her body and face, as my tongue slid lovingly along her wet slit.

May bent forward to watch, sighing gently as my tongue slithered and flickered all over her sweet Thai pussy, worshipping its freshness, its beauty and its deliciousness. Slowly my tongue circled around her clit, my eyes flicking between her pussy and her cute, innocent face as her eyes urged me to lick her clit. I sucked it hard and she jerked with pleasure, her legs wide open. Oh how Jerry would have loved to have seen her like this, I thought.

I eased her lips open and tongue fucked her sweet Asian cunt then flickered rapidly over her clit. May cried out, her hands grasping my head and pulling me by the hair to her wet little pussy. Faster and faster my tongue slathered and slithered over her hard little brown clit and her cries grew louder, more rhythmic and more urgent. Her hips began to push her pussy at my face, her hands tightened their grip on my hair and with a loud squeal she came. Her little body jerked in thrusting spasms, then relaxed.

I sat back, my face wet from her juices, my dick ferociously erect. May unzipped her skirt and sank to her knees.

‘I have missed your white cock so much,’ she sighed.

And she meant it, telling me later how she had craved the feeling she gets when she sucks me in front the mirror, watching herself sucking white cock. She admitted that the craving became so strong that had we not reunited for several more weeks she would have been unable to resist sucking another white man, even if he was ugly. I didn’t need to ask who it would have been.

She grasped my cock, wrapped her fingers then lips around it and with her lips tightly clamped around my cock tip, gently thrust her mouth backwards and forwards. I urged her to look up at me, delighting in the innocence of her teenage oriental eyes, the contrast of her brown face, as she sucked my white cock. Yet as much as I tried to keep my eyes open, her massaging tongue, her sensual lips and gently sucking cheeks forced them shut and forced my concentration on the sensuous bliss now flowing through me.

‘Yes May, suck my white cock,’ I sighed, stroking her hair.

She moaned and her lips gently quickened, somehow without losing their sensuous touch. Jerry came to my mind again, how fooled he was by her innocent face, her sweet nature and how oblivious he was to her exquisite ability to suck cock. Yet no one who knew her would have imagined just how expertly she sucked cock, with all her love, all her passion and all her desires driving the deft movements of her tongue, lips and mouth.

I leaned back as her mouth began pushing deeper, her hand tightened its grip and her lips loosened with the speed they now thrust. I could not hold back much longer and warned her, but she moaned without stopping, her mouth now thrusting faster, harder in response. I was coming and still she sucked. I stared down at her cute sucking face and began to hope that she was going to suck me right off for the first time and let me cum in her sweet mouth.

The louder I gasped the harder she sucked and I cleared her silky hair from her face, wanting to see and treasure the moment I came in her mouth. I resisted the temptation to hold her head in place until I came and urged her not to stop sucking. Her eyes flicked up to mine, those innocent, almond Asian eyes and I cried out her name, my cock ready to explode.

Suddenly May jerked her face back, as my cock spurted frantically onto her cheek, her hair, her black top, her hand wanking me all over her clothed upper body. Then she smiled cheekily and hurried to the shower.

Several hours later I was vaguely aware that my cock was wet and at first I thought she was sucking me, but as the haze of sleep began to clear I realized it was her pussy. May was riding me, her little brown body bouncing energetically in the darkness, her little gasps of pleasure in the silent night as she used my cock to climax again.

I woke up first and lay alone on the sofa, bathed in sunshine and happiness. The girl I loved was well and truly mine again and I had her climax twice in the space of a few hours. I laughed inwardly at Jerry’s impotent arrogance, his desire for the girl he would never have. She was mine and I knew then I wanted her to be mine forever. Victory was mine and it tasted sweet.

All of which made what happened next harder to fathom. For within hours I undid all that I had strived so hard to repair. Yet there I lay, content and thoroughly oblivious to how close my finger was to the self-destruct button.

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My name is Trevor Li and I'm a Chinese American man who was born and raised in Dover Deleware. Both of my parents are in their late 40s and of Chinese descent. Both born in China and came to the U.S. in their early teens. My family also has some things we often don't speak of regarding my mothers infidelity to my father. At 19 years old,I am the oldest of 3 siblings. I am full blooded Chinese with black hair and brown eyes. At the same time my two younger sisters look very different. One...

2 years ago
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Beauty and The Sexy Beast

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman named Bellezza, but everyone who knew her called her Elle. She was a princess who lived alone in a castle in an enchanted forest with only her horse. She was surrounded by a colorful garden and large trees. Elle was far from town and felt lonely in seclusion. She tended to her garden, fed her horse, and read books, but nothing seemed to truly satisfy her.Elle would often stare out the window and daydream about riding her horse onto the...

4 years ago
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Beauty and The Beast

Through this scene there walked a girl no less beautiful than her surroundings. Slightly built and lacking society’s trained grace, she was dressed simply in a cotton dress and jacket, covered over by a plain riding cloak, its hood thrown back. She was carrying an old leather travelling bag. Any lady of good breeding would have been quick to mock her rustic appearance, the better to conceal their gall at the impossible perfection of her face. It was a face to draw the interest of both...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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White Stepdad Training His Asian Stepdaughter Chapter 2

“Jenny, I want to show you why you suck off a man. Men can give you great pleasure too if you help them out first.” He said. The asian stepdaughter submissively nodded with tears in her eyes while saying nothing. “I want you to take off all of your clothes.” Her stepdad ordered. Jenny began to remove her shirt and reveal her small but round teen tits. Her baby fat perfectly framed her face and showed her more childish side. She pulled down her jeans and revealed her slight hourglass hips....

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White Stepdad Training His Asian Stepdaughter Chapter 1

On her fourteenth birthday, she went out with friends to a karaoke bar and had a lot of fun with friends, but when she came home her mother said that she had to talk to her. “Jenny, you know how much I’ve said that you have to date a white man when you grow up right?” “Yeah...” “I talked to your stepdad and I think it’s important for you to learn how to be with a white man.” “Okay.” “When you wake up tomorrow, I want you to talk to your stepdad about learning how to be a woman.” Jenny...

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A life of asian fucktoys on my big white cock

I remember The first time I went I was absolutely hooked. I was in a place called dongguan in vietnam or something like that it's a pretty fitting name. The women just kept coming up to me like I was some movie star giving me sexual cues and the like " I sucky and fucky you mister" one whispered. "I suck you so good white man". I couldn't control myself anymore and I started chatting more openly with this woman called jia or was it ling ling. She was petite with b cup tits which...

4 years ago
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The Shy Asian Student Part 2 The River

A week after our that lust fuelled kiss in the temple grounds, May told me she had already planned to go to a river on the outskirts of Bangkok with her friends and invited me to join them. The thought of once again being shadowed and monitored by her friends was distinctly unappealing, but I couldn’t resist the chance to be with her, any chance. Besides there was a strong hint the afternoon may include swimming, which meant seeing even more of her than I had so far. I accepted and endured an...

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The Ravishing of Beauty Beauty and the Beast

Pulling her out of her intense reverie, her Beast arrived at her cell. Her gaze ran along the thick, dark chest hair exposed by his partially unbuttoned white shirt. His transformation back into a human hadn’t completed all the way, probably because she had been having sex with him when it happened. He had a thick, hairy chest and was at least six foot three, always towering over her. His muscles bulged everywhere, making most of his clothes appear slightly too small, unable to contain him. His...

2 years ago
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Englishman Fucks Asian Teen Beauty Mariam

As I close my eyes for a second, I flash back to an extremely lucid vision from my past. Maryam is kneeling naked in front of me. Her huge, beautiful dark eyes are in piercing, mischievous contact with mine. Half of my rapidly re-hardening cock is inside her full, soft lips. She is sucking it clean of the remnants of cum from our recent fuck, as her soft right hand fondles my balls. The sweet aroma of sex floods the bedroom…. Blissful memories indeed. The beginning:I first set my eyes upon...

3 years ago
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Beauty and the Beast

Sittin' here thinkin', like usual, is a bummer. Been doin' a lot of it lately, sittin' on a bar stool. The thinkin's mostly 'bout women. I like women. Hell, who doesn't? Problem for me is they ain't exactly beatin' down my door tryin' to get to me. I'm the beast in the drama, right? So where's my goddamn beauty! Answer, nowhere I know of. But, I'm a realist. Like I'm sayin', pretty I ain't; hell, I got more in common with Quasimodo than Tom Cruise. When I was young, it made a...

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The Shy Asian Student Part 5 The Perfect Wake Up

I awoke to an unfamiliar sensation. Curled within my arms was a petite, disconcertingly childlike body and it was moving suggestively against me. I knew immediately that I was far from the solitary home I had made in my small Bangkok apartment. As my senses began to awaken, I felt a hand fumbling with my morning erection, silky hair tickling my face. Soft lips brushed over my cheek and a voice, young and heavily accented reminded me, May, my eighteen year old Thai girlfriend. ‘It’s ok you...

3 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

2 years ago
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Asian girlfriend caught White impregnation fever

My Asian girlfriend who caught White impregnation feverThis is not going to be a very long story, but at least a true one. I just changed some details like the actual names of the city, people etc a little bit.What I am about to tell happened to me when I was in my early 20s studying in Dortmund, Germany. To be honest, I wasn't really experienced when it came to sex at this time, or at least not as much experienced as I thought I was. Between the university campus and my apartment were several...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

1 year ago
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The Beauty And The Beast

The Beauty & the Beast Hi, I’m Saransh. This incident happened a few months back, the night of 3rd February to be precise. It involves my elder sister’s friend Suhani and me. I’m narrating it from her point of view as it seemed more interesting that way. You can write to me on for the feedback or just to say Hi. My name is Suhani. I have finished my masters and started working with an NGO. Since my college I have been dating Kunal. I call him Kanu. He is a nice boy, sweet, simple and very...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Beginnings of an Asian Cuckold Boy

Disclaimer1: This used to be on my tumblr, but I believe it was taken down for being too sexual in nature. Reposting it here.Disclaimer2: This story does not reflect my real life views and/or opinions of Asian males, Asian females, or white males. This story is fiction and was written for other Asian “boys” like me who enjoy any of the following sexual fetishes: small penis humiliation, Asian cuckold/white bull, or Asian-white raceplay.Like all of my friends, I was still virgin when I started...

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Training of asian women

Training of asian womenA guide for any White man who owns asian womenPreamble: The objective of training asian women can be manifold.  Asian women must be trained to be able to provide full pleasure to White men by any means necessary.  Asian women must also learn to abide by the slave protocol as set by White men But most importantly, the essence of training asian women is to make them become fully aware of their own inferiority to White men.  An asian woman's inferiority, in all aspects of...

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StripChat Asian

Are you hot and ready to get off to sexy camgirls? Of course, you are – when are you not prepared to shoot cum out of your tiny prick? Besides, these models know exactly what to do to have you wetting your pants in moments. However, like everything else in life, we always have a preference. And this means that not every camgirl will make you cum all the time. Sometimes, you want a specific type of girl to get you off, depending on your current mood.Well, if your preference is Asian camgirls,...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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HotMovies Asian

Do you love watching professional Asian porn? Are you the type of mother fucker that does not want to watch porn made by amateurs? If you want to see the best work their magic and won’t settle for anything else, then you need a place to go where you can watch all of this type of porn!But that can get fucking expensive! If you want to pay for what you watch, most of the time, you have to subscribe to individual channels on their respective sites. What if you could pay for all of the content that...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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Hunter and the Beast

Hunter and the Beast (Based on Beauty and the Beast) One upon a time, in a faraway land, a young lad, Gaston, lived in a small village. Although he was the greatest hunter and the best looks in the village, he could not win the heart of his desire. The maiden, Belle, rejected all of his offers for marriage. To impress Belle and make her his wife, he went deep into the forest in search of the legendary Beast. The lad believed that if he could bring back the body of the Beast,...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

2 years ago
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Innocent Asian Teen Gangbang

Sophia shivered just reading Liam’s text. It had been another couple of weeks of endless blowjobs for Liam. Even though he now dominated both Sonya and Sophia, he showed a clear preference to Sophia, because she was smaller and still had a bit of baby fat which made her adorable. Master Liam made sure to fuck his two freshman girls at school several times per week, making sure to spare Sonya’s virginity for the upcoming party. He finally had a plan to give them a night they would never...

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Cam4 Asian

Do you love Asian girls? Does the thought of being with an Asian babe make you wet your pants? Well, there’s nothing to be ashamed of here, pal. We all love sluts from that region with their petite frames and overwhelming sexual allure. But, unfortunately, while I can fuck all the bitches I want in this world, you losers don’t have that luxury, so you’ve to settle for the next best thing. And that’s where Asian cam girls come in. I have seen tons of you fuckers flood the internet searching for...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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PornHub Asian

While the whole world is on lockdown thanks to the coronavirus, I’ve found the isolation has been good for helping ease another serious ailment: my crippling case of yellow fever. Yeah, I just can’t seem to stop whacking off to hot Asian broads no matter how dire the situation gets outside. Thank God for PornHub’s Asian section, am I right?You already know, and if you try to claim otherwise, I’m going to call you a damn dirty liar and a closet pervert on top of that. They get like 3...

Asian Porn Sites
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Asian Onlyfans

Sure, you crave looking at babes on platforms like OnlyFans. Fuck, you may even subscribe to a couple of them. I don’t fucking blame you. It’s proven beyond a goddamn shadow of a doubt that platforms like OnlyFans is a fucking hit anyway. Look at how many models have make fucking millions by being themselves. And look at the professional porn stars that are now jumping on board to earn even more cabbage.Will all porn go the way of OnlyFans? Who the fuck do I look like? A goddamn psychic? I only...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Crazy Asian GFs

CrazyAsianGFS! Who among us can say that they’ve never wished they had a nymphomaniacal Asian girlfriend? Exactly as I expected: none of us. And for good reason. There’s just something so sexy about Asian girls. First of all, they are often petite, making for the perfect spinners; they’re pussies are tiny and tight, gripping your cock like a suction cup, and they have the sexiest bedroom eyes on the planet, making them so irresistibly seductive.It doesn’t even really matter where in Asia the...

Premium Asian Porn Sites
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BongaCams Asian

Not all live streaming sites are made equal. BongaCams has been killing it lately with their devotion to high-quality free content. Live streaming has been under this tricky business model for the longest time, where streams are technically free until they aren’t, and it’s sort of been up to the models to decide when they want to hide behind a paywall. Somehow, BongaCams have managed to get around that problem by motivating their models to stay public for much longer than I’m used to seeing on...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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XloveCam Asian

Well, hello there! Do you love Asian women? Are you looking for some free Asian cams? Well, if your response was a nod to both questions, I bet you will appreciate what has on offer in their Asian cams section. In this article, we will be dissecting the website, particularly their Asian cams, down to the tiniest bit so that you can completely understand what you would be getting into if you visit this platform. Alright, all that being said, it’s time to dive into the website and...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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Asian girlfriend caught White impregnation fever

This is not going to be a very long story, but at least a true one. I just changed some details like the actual names of the city, people etc a little bit.What I am about to tell happened to me when I was in my early 20s studying in Dortmund, Germany. To be honest, I wasn't really experienced when it came to sex at this time, or at least not as much experienced as I thought I was. Between the university campus and my apartment were several restaurants and more or less cheap eating-houses - from...

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Taken by the White Beast

I had always been scared of Jerry, my boss from summer camp, yet here I was, in a hotel room with him while my boyfriend was far away. I knew from the look in his eyes that after he had licked me to a climax, he hadn’t finished with me. Jerry pulled me to the edge of the bed pushed my knees back and prodded his big dick between my legs. I asked him to wait, my body and mind weren’t ready for him, but he didn’t seem to care and said he had to find out how tight my Asian pussy was. I lay back...

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Asian Hotties

Asian Hotties have always been one of my favorite topics here at ThePornDude, and frankly, I had a serious and crippling case of yellow fever even before I became a professional porn reviewer. There’s just something special about oriental women, whether we’re talking about babes from China, Japan, Korea, or any of those islands out in the Pacific Ocean. Just the thought of them makes me start getting hard, which is why I was eager to check out this next joint just as soon as I heard their...

Asian Porn Sites
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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Asian Bondage

Asian Bondage is the kind of thing that some folks simply can’t get enough of. That’s what I told the barista after one of the other Starbucks customers complained about what I was watching on my laptop, but she didn’t seem to care. Whatever happened to freedom of expression? I was just trying to express my love for tied-up Chinese chicks, and Karen over here had to get her panties in a bunch. I took my fap session back home, where I can express myself in peace, but my yellow fever rages...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Asian boy on my lap

I tried but i coudnt stop itmy sister new friend was a fag and determine to get my str8 cockhe always smile and ask me about my gf , until he was home one night , making his way to my room . with one single goal in mind , my cock in his tight asian smooth holesi was back from a beer with friends and light my weed like every night before sleep , the parents always out camping i was alone....or i thoughtin a pretty white one piece he appear behind me''hi Mike''''hey.....oh fuck sam''''oh shit...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Asian Cams

Ever had an Asian girlfriend? I’m not talking about some waifu you chose out of a video game or an anime schoolgirl from a hentai dating simulator. I’m talking about a genuine Japanese chick or Chinese babe, a sweet Korean college girl, or a total slut from Thailand. Ever fantasized it? Ever even spoken to a girl? Probably not, but you can change your luck for the better in the Asian section over at is one of the most popular webcam sex sites on the...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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BimBim Asian

Asian porn has always been on top of my list regarding the smut I love watching. So I'm constantly on the lookout for websites that offer new or unique Asian content. Well, is a freemium cam site where, among other content, you can access free Asian cams and paid private video calls and private shows. You can also drive it a notch higher and tip the live streaming Asian babes to act out your fetishes on cam. This article focuses on the Asian cam category on Bimbim to discover...

Live Asian Sex Cams
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9 months pregnant Asian lady

9 p.m. on a Friday in January. I stepped off the train. It was bitter cold. I decided to get a drink before I made the walk to my car and the drive home. As I walked into the pub I immediately noticed two things about the young girl sitting at the bar. She was Asian. That was a rarity in itself. And she was really, really pregnant.Back to the first thing: she had long silky hair down her back and nice legs – she was wearing a navy dress that went to her knees, ugly floral maternity top...

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asian slave seeking new owner

Yellow CockmeatNicknames: slut, bitch, whore, cum dumpMy Motto: I am your oriental sex slave and I enjoy been sexually torturedObjective: actively seeking a new ownerGender: FemaleDate of Birth: 12/11/1986Place of Birth: Shanghai, ChinaPhysical Appearance:Height:1.55mWeight:110 lbbra size: B+Waist size: BPublic hair: waxedTattoos: nonePiercings: 4 earrings through her cunt lips with locks attached (has since been removed)I especially enjoys:Ass to mouth, forced posture (such as kneeling,...

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Racist Biology Professor and the Asian

This is a story I thought of during the year when after a lecture I over heard a girl asking about extra credit for her scholarship. It does get a bit dark in places and there is some strong racism throughout but I think it only adds to the sex, enjoy. "You please help me professor me need help big, yes?" A sobbing Asian girl on her knees sat begging for her professors’ help in getting a distinction in biology 101. She had won a scholarship to attend college in America but needed to keep...

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CamSoda Asian

There’s nothing quite like jerking off to some petite insatiable Asian slut fucking herself for you live on cam. That’s right; I’m referring to Asian camwhores. I love a good, amateur cam show. It has everything over the regular prerecorded porn that often feels staged and fake. With a good cam site, you’re getting access to live feeds of amateur sluts going at it. You can even tip with some tokens to make some bitch cum with a fuck machine and a Hitachi wand on her clit. Face it; it’s probably...

Live Asian Sex Cams
4 years ago
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Innocent Asian Teen Turned Slave Part 4

Throughout the week, Liam made sure to fuck the tiny Asian throughly. He made her give him regular blowjobs every other day after school. She got better and better every time she tried. In just two weeks after the little asian met her white master, she went from being an innocent baby girl to a blowjob slut. It was amazing how quickly she could drain Liam’s balls now. Every day after school, she’d report straight to Liam’s tesla and wait for him to come to her. He’d order her into the car,...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Asian Sex Diary

AsianSexDiary! There’s just so much to love about Asian women. I’m into that flawless flesh and those perfect almond-shaped eyes, not to mention the fact that these bitches age like a fine wine. Well, better than a glass of fine wine, because half of these chicks don’t seem to age at all. Do you know what else I like about Asian broads? They’re cheap. Some of them are, anyway, like a lot of the tourist-pleasing sluts you’ll find on was started in 2012 by a...

Premium Asian Porn Sites

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