Dani meets Kristen
- 4 years ago
- 45
- 0
There she was, a 5’4” red-headed goddess standing on the other side of the strawberries and I was completely captivated. She had her eyes closed after she had popped the top of the plastic container and I watched as she leaned in closer to the fruit and as she took a deep inhale, I noticed my own intake of air match her own as if I were smelling them as well.
It was as if the whole world went into slow motion as she slowly opened her eyes and I could take in the pair of the brightest and most piercing azure eyes that could take the breath away of any sane man... or woman. Her long red hair that fell over just one shoulder had a hint of an orange hue to it and if the light hit just right it was as if her hair were a blazing inferno that rippled down her shoulder. Her skin was light pale skin looked to be smooth to the touch, even with the light freckles that adorned her features.
Her freckles only added to the allure she seemed to exude as they patterned along from under her eyes along her nose to reach the other side. He could tell she tried to hide them which only made him frown for a moment as he thought it was a shame that someone so captivating would try to hide her natural beauty. This train of thought would lead him to wonder how much of her body was adorned with those cute little freckles.
Her body, gods he could just feel his own burn from the inside as his eyes roamed over her body. She wore a baggy sweater that loosely hung ever so slightly over one of her shoulders to expose more of her skin. For the most part it did a fair job hiding her bust, but he could see the faint outline as the material wrapped around her. Her jeans were tight and form-fitting which only accentuated her impressive round ass that made him have to fight back his urge to reach out and give that ass a sharp smack as he wanted to see how much it would jiggle.
Suddenly, time came back to normal and her eyes flicked over to him and she caught him dumbstruck and staring at her before he even realized it. Her cheeks began to burn and a faint blush spread as she looked away for a brief moment then back to him with a slight but awkward smile.
“Um...Hi?” She said.
He had to blink a few times to realize he had been outright staring at her and shook his head clear of his thoughts before he could respond and let out a soft chuckle from being caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
“Oh! Um, hello. Sorry, I’m new to the city and I thought you had looked familiar.” He spoke out to her, unsure as to why he was so flustered and trying to make an excuse from staring at such a beauty. This wasn’t like him, not at all and as he thought about it he could feel the beast inside of him raging. Thrashing around inside his core wanting to be released so he could just ravage this woman before him, uncaring of who may see them.
“Ah...I see.” She responded, clearly not believing him as her brows bunched together. “Well, I hope you have a wonderful day.”
With that she placed the container of strawberries into her cart and began to walk away. He was still so captivated by her that all he could do was watch as she walked on by. His eyes instantly falling to her back end which he could feel his throat rumble in a low growl of approval. He was so transfixed that he didn’t even notice her look back over her shoulder to catch him staring at her back end, nor the fact that it made her cheeks flush even brighter.
He didn’t know what was wrong with himself as normally he would have followed such a woman and strike up a conversation with her but there he was...Aiden Gardel, a handsome and confident man who was 5’9” with his brown hair cut short on the sides and back with longer hair on the top which he had styled combed back. He had just finished up work and was still in his navy blue suit and brown oxford shoes. His dress shirt was black with cuffs to match his suit. His tie which was blue with a black pattern and done in a half-Windsor knot. He was dressed to impress and he just stood there, letting a beauty slip right out of his fingertips.
He cursed himself for missing an opportunity, and he felt the Beast inside of him rage all the more. With a growl of frustration he quickly finished his shopping and made his way home to put away his purchases.
Even at home, he was still cursing himself at his missed opportunity and completely frustrated that he eventually began to pace back and forth in the living room of his cozy apartment. Cozy being a complete understatement as it was a rather large suite with 3 bedrooms and a bathroom attached to each room and walk-in closets. He didn’t need this much space, but the view was magnificent as he could step out onto the balcony and be blessed with the sight of a clear blue lake.
As he paced back and forth, and still feeling his desires burning within him from that woman, he dug out his cell phone and began to scroll through his contacts where he had an abundance of women who would be eager to fulfill his needs. However, deep down he knew that not a single one would be able to fill this particular need as his need was a particular woman that eluded him.
So, being frustrated as he was, he decided that he needed a drink, a strong drink. Deciding to just go to the nearby bar which was rare for him since he barely drank he gathered up his wallet and keys and made his way over. Luckily it was just a few blocked down the street so he had no need to drive. Somehow, by the gods' luck, when he entered he was blessed by the most alluring sight after he had taken in his surroundings.
There she was…
Sitting alone and nursing a drink that had barely been touched. She looked just as lovely as he first laid eyes upon her and when she looked up our eyes met briefly before she looked away and he could see a light flush to her cheeks. It brought a smile to his lips at the sight of her blushing. He loved the sight of a blushing woman and for being the cause of them blushing.
He shook himself free from his thoughts as he knew if he spent a second longer his mind would be diving back into that vast ocean of thoughts that had taken him away when he had first seen her at the supermarket. He steadied himself, clearing his throat and straightening his tie before he made his way over to her.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked her, motioning to the barstool next to her by placing his hand at the backrest of it.
Her azure blue eyes flicked over to him and they went wide before looking side to side as if she had misunderstood him before asking. “Um, excuse me? You were talking to me?”
He let out a chuckle and he gave a slight nod of his head. “I was indeed. My apologies, where are my manners? I’m Aiden, Aiden Gardel. And you are?” He asked while holding his hand out to her.
She blinked a few times and the flush to her cheeks reddened even brighter and by instinct, she placed her hand in his to shake. “Hello Aiden, I’m Dani Nolan. It’s uh, a pleasure to meet you”
He knew that by reflex that when offered a hand to shake, people would take it but he had no intention of shaking her hand so when she had placed her hand in his, he brought the back of her hand up while his thumb lightly caressed over her fingers. Since he did not know Dani, he didn’t place a kiss to her hand and opted to stop just before his lips so that his breath could tease against her skin when he would speak.
“Believe me my dear when I say this, that the pleasure is all mine.” He said in almost a whisper so that she would have to lean in just a tad bit closer to him to hear. Before releasing her hand, he had noticed the ring adorned on her finger. Normally, most men would be cursing themselves right about now and try to make an escape, but not Aiden.
He wasn’t cursing himself, he was cursing the man who had dared put such paltry jewelry on such a lovely woman and leave her alone where she would feel the need to come out to a bar, alone. He knew she had to be having troubles at home, why else would she be here alone and have such a sad expression on her face when he had walked into the bar.
With the greeting out of the way, he slid into the barstool beside her and remained facing her as he rested his arm on the bar top. He just couldn’t keep his eyes off her, as his mind believed that if he looked away for the briefest of moments that she would somehow disappear from him again.
“What will you be having tonight, sir?” He asked the bartender who tried to get Aiden’s attention but he wasn’t having it so without taking his eyes from Dani, Aiden replied.
“I’ll have whatever this beautiful lady here is having.”
Her cheeks instantly turning a bright shade of red from his words which only brought his smile to curl up on his lips.
“I would like to offer an apology to you, Dani. If you’d let me.” I said to her.
She turned back to look at me, confusion on her features and her head tilting to the side and as if now suddenly realizing that her sweater had one of her shoulders bare she quickly pushed it up to cover herself. “A-apologize? For what? Trying to embarrass me?”
Aiden kept his smile and shook his head, not even noticing that the bartender had set a drink in front of him. “No, my dear. An apology for earlier today at the market. I hope you don’t mind me being so forward, but there is something about you that has me completely captivated from the moment I laid eyes upon you and I was lost in thought when you had caught me gazing at you. I was rather surprised with myself when I fumbled with myself and said that you had looked familiar. You do not look familiar to me, as I am quite certain that there is no other woman who could possibly match your beauty.”
He had barely heard the bartender snort from his comment, but Aiden didn’t care. At this very moment the only thing that mattered, that existed, was Dani. Her bright-hued eyes widen once more from his statement but she didn’t pull away from him. When she finally regained herself she shook her head with a nervous laugh.
“You are too much, Aiden. I’ve never heard such compliments before and I thank you for your honeyed words but I’m married.”
Aiden leaned in closer to her, lowering his voice which would be considered just above a whisper when he replied. “My dear, I couldn’t live with myself if I had a striking and lovely woman such as yourself be left alone in a bar who is clearly saddened by something. Truthfully? It rather upsets me to know a man could cause something other than a smile to spread across those lips of yours.”
Her face must have been burning as she blushed so bright that he was sure it reached down to her chest and when her sweater slipped off her shoulder once more to reveal some of her skin, it only confirmed his thought that she indeed was blushing from head to toe.
She was unsure of herself, and he knew that she hadn’t been treated the way she should be, and to Aiden that was a damned shame. He didn’t care if she was married, clearly the man was a fool and so Aiden was determined now to show her that she was indeed a woman to be desired.
They talked for what seemed like hours. Well, Aiden did most of the talking as he kept making Dani flush and embarrassed to silence. But as he talked with her, he would be sure to give a light touch here or there. Starting off slow with a brush of the back of his hand to her forearm, then a light bump of his knee to hers. Growing bolder and brushing back a strand of her fiery red hair back behind her ear and then brushing the back of his fingers to caress over the smoothness of her milky skin.
The entire time, he had to battle internally with himself, or rather with the beast that resided inside of him. It became difficult at times as when she would shake her head her hair would billow out and he would catch her scent which filled his lungs and caused his body to tremble. Unbeknownst to him, she actually would catch some of those instances and would notice the slight effects she had on him.
Soon, he had her giggling and they both would begin to lean in closer together till neither of them would notice that they had ended up almost cheek to cheek and whispering back and forth into each other's ears. He hadn’t even noticed when his hand had at some point been placed onto her inner thigh which his thumb had begun to caress back and forth over the tight denim material that covered her.
Being so close to her now made his blood boil with lust and when he brought his other hand up to curl his fingers playfully into her fiery red hair at the back of her neck he slowly began to pull his face back, his cheek brushing against hers and he locked eyes with her. He could tell she held her breath by the way she took a deep inhale of breath. His brown eyes looking into hers, remaining silent for a moment and releasing her hair so that he could bring the back of his fingers to brush against her blushing cheeks and purposely making sure that his thumb drew close to just under the corner of her plush and very kissable lips which he noticed had parted as he came close to her.
“Dani, It is getting late and I have had an amazing time with you, and I don’t wish it to end so I need to ask...Can I take you home with me? I know you’re married and probably should go home, but I can’t part from you. Not yet.” As Aiden spoke, he positioned his hand to capture her chin so that he could smooth the pad of his thumb back and forth under her bottom lip.
He could see that she was stunned by his comment and could see the internal debate whirling through that beautiful mind of hers but he remained silent with his one hand resting at her inner thigh and the other at her chin. The look of worry washed over her features, of concern. And just when he thought that she would deny him, he saw it. There in her eyes, she had found her answer, her resolute and then gave Aiden a slight nod of her head to confirm her decision.
“That drunk probably won’t even notice I’m gone, so yes. You can take me home. With you.” Dani replied.
Aiden quickly paid the bill, slapping down two hundred dollars on the bar top next to their untouched drinks as he didn’t know how much the tab actually was, nor did he care. He quickly took her hand gently into his own and helped out of her chair. Once she stood, he gave a light tug so that they would be pressed together for a brief moment entwined his fingers with hers as he informed Dani that he only lived down the street.
He could feel his desires burning within him with every step he took to her car since he had walked and after convincing her to let him drive as he had not taken even a sip of his own drink. It was a short drive but he could tell that Dani was getting nervous so he took her hand gently into his and brought the back of her hand to his lips and chancing a brief look to her as he did so. It seemed to put her at ease and when he parked the car into the visitor spot next to his own he rushed out of the car to quickly open the door for her and help her step out.
Once in the elevator, he selected his floor and he spun around to slip his arm around her slim waist and pulled her voluptuous body to his own. His other hand cupping her cheek and brushing the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip as he drew himself close so that our foreheads touched. His eyes burning with a need for her as he looked to her and watching her own bright azure eyes looking back at him with the same intensity. Before he could bring his lips to hers, the ding of the elevator sounded and the doors began to open. It was too soon for his floor and wasn’t surprised when someone stepped into the elevator.
He could feel Dani’s uncertainty to continue with someone so close and she broke eye contact to look over to the person who clearly was trying to avoid making eye contact back. She tried to signal him with her eyes but he only shook his head and tightened his arm around her and pressed her back against the wall. And again as he brought his lips in for a kiss, the ding of the elevator sounded again and he reluctantly pulled back from her lips with a frustrated growl.
He pulled her out of the elevator, keeping her secured within his arm and carefully walked her back to his door. Fumbling with his keys and opening the door for her as he escorted her in. She had stopped in her tracked as she took in the sight of his lavish apartment but the scene was quickly pulled away from her as Aiden spun her back and pressed her up against the door and finally brought his lips crushing into the softest pair of lips he had ever felt.
He growled out as they finally kissed for the first time and he was going to make sure he would take her breath away. His right hand cupping her cheek, his left squeezing at her hip, and he pressed a thigh between hers to grind against her. He heard her moan through the kiss and he lowered his hand down from her cheek and running along her smooth skin down her neck and then shoulder. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she held on for dear life as she too was getting lost in the kiss.
It was a kiss like no other that Aiden had experienced as their lips seemed to meld together at just the right times and their tongues in sync with one another on some primal level. He couldn’t tell how long they had been kissing but his hand began to roam over her curves, sliding under her sweater and coming in contact with her milky smooth skin which sent another tremble of pleasure coursing through him. She didn’t resist his touch and seemed to be drawn to it, as his hand was drawn to her.
Cupping her rather impressive bust and rubbing his thumb over where he thought should be her nipple as he lightly squeezed her through her bra which elicited a moan from her. She had more than a handful, that was for sure, and although he was more of an ass man himself, he would still consider himself a breast man as well.
When his lips finally pulled away from hers, they both were panting for air and their eyes locked onto one another. He could see the lust within her eyes, the need to feel pleasure from the touch of another.
“Wow...Oh wow...Just...Wow.” Her face was flush from the heat and she brought her right hand back to fan herself.
Aiden couldn’t help but grin and then moved his hand from her breast around to her back to unhook her bra single-handed. His eyes flare with his lust and his words mixed with the growl of the beast that laid waiting within him as it knew it would soon be released. “My dear...You are wearing far too much and I have been dying to see that voluptuous body of yours that I have been craving since earlier today.”
Aiden watched as he saw for a brief moment that shy demeanor of hers before it was quickly replaced with a seductive grin. She placed her hand to Aiden’s chest and lightly pushing him backward and leading him to the cushioned chair in the living room. Her grin never wavered as she lead him back and a gleam of mischief could be seen within the depths of her eyes.
Falling back into the chair he let out a laugh and he looked up to her. She had positioned herself with his thigh between her legs as she stood. Those azure eyes looking to him and reaching down to the hem of her sweater and slowly pulling it up and over her head. Aiden could feel his breath catching as she revealed more and more of her skin to him and finally with her sweater tossed to the floor she stood there in her pink lacy bra.
His throat rumbled with a growl of approval from the sight which shocked Dani at first as she had never heard a man growl at her before with such lust in their eyes but it only made her want more. She could see that she had an effect on him, and she liked it.
She gave her hips a slight roll as she stood there, and since Aiden had already unclasped her bra, it easily fell off her arms to expose her beautiful and plentiful breasts. In their haste, they hadn’t turned on the lights, but with the glass walls of his apartment, the moonlight lit the room enough that Aiden could seen those lovely freckles of hers kissed along the tops of her breasts and chest. She lowered herself down to tease Aiden, grinding herself on his thigh and reaching out to Aiden’s tie where she quickly undid the knot and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.
Gone was the shy and embarrassed woman, replaced with the sexy and seductive Dani which Aiden had to guess hasn’t seen the light of day in some time. He was glad he brought it out of her and he couldn’t wait to explore every inch of her.
He let out a growl of frustration when she had removed herself from his thigh and stood back up. He was reaching out to her in an attempt to pull her back but she had kicked off her shoes at some point and lifted her foot up and placed her foot to his chest, nudging him back against the chair with a devious little smirk and shook her head as she tsked at him.
“Ah, ah, ah...Not yet.” She had told him in a sultry tone and when she had felt him relax back against the chair again she removed her foot and she took a step back.
She brought her hands up to the button of her jeans. Pausing for a moment to look and see if Aiden was paying attention and slowly undid her jeans. Shimming her jeans down her legs as they hugged her so tightly, causing her breasts to bounce as she did so.
She stood there for a moment, letting Aiden drink in her body while wearing only the matching pink thong to her bra. She seemed to be enjoying teasing Aiden as she slipped only her thumbs under the thin strap of her thong, pulling the material away from her body but not pulling them down just yet. His nails began to dig into the armrest of the chair as the anticipation was killing him while trying to remain in control of himself.
He knew that she more than likely didn’t get to express her sexiness, her desires, and he wanted her to explore them and remind herself what it was to be a sexy and desired woman and embrace this side of her. Her jaw was clamped shut and his eyes drank in every luscious curve that her body had to offer. She was thick in all the right places, and toned in the others. She clearly took care of herself and it was a damned shame that her husband couldn’t seem to notice. But Aiden did.
Her devious little smirk splayed across her lips and she spun on the ball of her foot, her back now to him her legs together. As she slowly peeled her thong down she would bend at her waist, locking her knees and bringing her thong all the way down to the floor to show off just how flexible she was. The sight of that beautifully shaped round ass of hers on display with just a tease of her lips showing had him growling out with need.
She slowly rose back up, letting her hands glide up her legs and over her body till finally they rest at her neck as she looked over her shoulder at him where she would notice that his eyes were ravaging her body. It sent a shiver run through her at the feeling of being desired so heavily. Finally, she turned around so that he could get a view of her front and then stepping between his legs she once again bent at her waist and leaned over to him.
Taking both sides of his tie which draped around his neck now and pulled at his tie to bring his lips to her own for a heated kiss. It brought a moan to her lips when his hands were brought up to her body and before he was able to get carried away she pushed him back once more while keeping hold of his tie and he could see the same lust within her eyes.
“Take me to bed, Aiden, and prove to me that your words weren’t filled with such delicious honey.” Her words were liquid sex. If words could be liquid and dripping with sex, that it was her words sounded like as she purred them out to him.
He growled out to her again from her words and his own grin pulled at the corner of his lips. He lifted himself from the chair and quickly tossing his jacket off then sweeping Dani off her feet. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he helped support her and carried her effortlessly towards the stairs that lead to his bedroom.
He was surprised that Dani couldn’t seem to keep her hands or lips off of him and she actually ripped open his shirt before he ascended the stairs. He couldn’t see it but he heard buttons falling to the floor and it only made him smirk. Her lips quickly kissed along his chest, the side of her neck and she would reach up to his cheeks and bring his lips to hers for a fevered kiss. It was so intense that he had to pause midway up the stairs just so he could focus on not falling and on the lips of his reawakened sex fiend that was now in his arms.
When her lips moved on down his neck again he began to laugh at how lucky he was and he fumbled with the door to his room which he ended up banging open. Dani had pushed his shirt off of him when he entered the room, exposing his toned muscles to her touch and when he came close to the bed she had unwrapped herself from him and lowered down onto her knees.
The sight of herself before him, on her knees with the brightest azure blue eyes he had ever seen which seemed to all but plead to fuck her, he felt his cock harden instantly. The bulge apparent and on display before her which she drew her hands up his legs, not daring to touch it but she reached up to his belt.
“Please…” She pleaded with him with what sounded like a strained voice as if she were desperate for it.
The inner beast inside him roared with approval and he gave her his nod. And with that simple nod, her fingers rushed to undo his belt and pants, pulling them down to his ankles and leaving him there in only his black boxer briefs. Her eyes widen at the bulge and when she pulled his boxer briefs down to let his large and thick cock free her eyes widened and he saw her lick her lips.
She seemed to be transfixed with his member and before taking a grasp of it, she slid her tongue along the underside of his shaft from balls to tip then swirled her tongue around his tip and wrapped those plush lips around his head as she sucked and moaned when tasting his precum.
“Holy shit.” Was all Aiden could say and his hand shot up to take hold of her hair which only made her moan again.
Her hand tried to wrap around the base of his shaft but her hand was too dainty. She stroked his length as she sucked on his head and swirling her tongue and she seemed to be lost in her ministration till she finally looked up to him with his head in her mouth. She pulled him out of her mouth and showed that wicked grin of hers before she lavished her tongue all along his length. Drooling and spitting along it to get it nice and wet before taking him back into her needy mouth again.
Again once he was in her mouth she let out a moan and she started bobbing her head up and down his shaft, taking him in further and further and when she got a good rhythm going he suddenly felt her do this thing with her tongue which she would snake out from along the underside of his shaft as she was beginning to now swallow him down her throat. Her tongue passing her lips as she did so and rubbing along his shaft that was driving Aiden crazy.
“Fucking hell! Minx!” Aiden called out to her and as he groaned out from the pleasure she was giving him and watching her work, she had winked at him.
The way she worked his shaft was unlike anything he had ever experienced, and he had sampled a lot of women in his life and this little red-haired minx was by far giving him the best blow job he had ever received. He saw in her eyes that she wanted something, needed something, and Aiden had seen that look before and knew exactly what she wanted so while she worked up and down his shaft, he took hold of her hair with both hands now and began to thrust himself into her mouth.
Once he took control she moaned out loud and the vibrations he felt around his shaft made his own moan escape him. The way she worked, how her tongue would snake out and even lap at his balls when he shoved his entire shaft down her throat and held her in place as he pressed her nose to his pelvis as if she were some cock starved whore he knew he wouldn’t last long.
When he felt her swallowing around his shaft and on the verge of choking he pulled his cock free from her and she began to gasp for air. Saliva running down her chin to her bust, giving them a nice sheen and the hungry look in her eyes as she suddenly dove back to his cock made him laugh out loud.
“Fucking hell! You truly are just a cock starved little slut, aren’t you, minx?” He asked while keeping his firm grip in her hair as she bobbed on his cock.
She responded with a moan and continued her work on him. That damned tongue of hers was going to be the death of him as he was sure it was some form of calling out his cum as just past five minutes he could feel his cock already beginning to throb in her throat and he knew she felt it too as she moaned and brought her lips back to his head and sucked on him as if her life depended on it. Both of her dainty hands wrapping around his girth and stroking him feverishly.
When he couldn’t take it any longer he thrust his hips out to her and he groans out in pleasure as his cock violently exploded with his seed. Jet after jet of his thick and creamy seed pumping into her mouth and with such intensity that he felt his hips buck uncontrollably as he emptied himself into her. And she wasn’t idle either as he felt her moans and she continued to suck and stroke his cock till she knew she had every single drop of his cum.
He opened his eyes when he realized they had closed from the intense orgasm and when he looked down to her and seeing his cum dripping at the corner of her lip and down her chin. She had remained quiet but when their eyes met, she had opened her mouth to reveal his cum pooled inside of her mouth. Her tongue playing with his seed which caused more to dribble out the corner of her lips.
She suddenly closed her mouth and he watched her swallow his cum and opening her mouth to show off that she had indeed swallowed before using her fingers to scoop up the rest from her chin and licked her fingers clean and smirking up at him.
“Fucking hell...That was so fucking hot! I’ve never come so fast and so much from a blowjob before. You are truly something else you fiery little minx.” He was panting while he spoke.
She smirked at him and gave the underside of his cock one final and slow lick of her tongue before kissing the tip of his cock and stood up. Her palm pressed against the underside of his shaft and pinning his cock against himself as she rubbed his length and purred out to him.
“Well, while this bad boy gets his rest before it can go again...How about you return the favor?” She asked while continuing to rub along his length.
It was his turn to smirk at her and he grabbed hold of her hair at the back of her neck and pulled her in for a deep kiss and reached around her to bring his hand down sharply against her thick round ass cheek which caused her to yelp out and then moan into the kiss as he felt her body pressing to his. He pulled her away from his lips and he looked within her eyes that he couldn’t seem to get enough of.
“Oh my fiery little minx...You’re going to find that I am quite full of surprises.” He said and leaned in to brush her hair away from her neck and making sure the breath of his whispered words would tease against the side of her neck. “I don’t need rest...I could go on for hours and hours, never going soft even after cumming multiple times.”
He knew most men couldn’t even dream of doing what he could and he enjoyed the way her entire body seemed to shiver with anticipation at the idea of having him stay hard for hours. She seemed to not be able to get enough of him just as he couldn’t get enough of her.
“Oh really now? Then why-” She began to say but was cut off when Aiden suddenly swept her off her feet and playfully tossed her onto his king-size bed which made her laugh. She spread her legs for him and held out her arms to him, inviting him to her and the growl she would hear sent another shiver of excitement down her spine.
But he didn’t do what most typical men would and just dive their cock inside such a delicious looking pussy that seemed to be dripping wet. Oh no, Aiden’s beast roared inside of him knocking against the door of its cage from the sight of her spread legs and dripping pussy that was just calling out to it.
Aiden crawled onto the bed like some animal stalking its prey and when his hands reached out to her legs to smooth over them, his nails would tease over her milky smooth skin leaving a faint red trail behind that would quickly disappear in its wake. His lips found their way to her inner thighs. First kissing her left leading closer to between her legs and then moving to her right to continue his path. A playful nibble here, a lick of his tongue there and then teasing all around her clean-shaven pussy. Not actually coming into contact just yet as he wanted to drive her wild.
He reached around with his right hand to tease his fingers around her clit and as he drew closer he could feel the heat from her. The beast within him catching her scent as it roared once more inside and now knocking against the door of its cage repeatedly as it tried to break free. It was becoming harder to control himself as he caught her scent as it drove him wild and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer so just as he heard Dani beg with a simple word of “please” he ran his tongue slowly along her slit.
His eyes looking up to hers which were fighting to remain open so he could watch her reactions while he tasted her for the first time. She tasted delicious. She was ambrosia. He moaned at the taste of her, growled between her thighs as his tongue began to lap against her. Taking care to flick and lick with his tongue along her folds in equal measure. The more he tasted her, the more he wanted her and his nails were now digging into her thighs as he felt his control slip.
Finally, the beast within him burst free of its cage, roaring out loud and since it was free his roar growled out and vibrated against Dani’s pussy as he buried his head between her thighs. She was sure to feel the switch as his beasts hunger would not be sated, especially after the taste of surely what was ambrosia. His tongue worked faster, licking and lapping along in search of any and every sensitive nerve she would have while he ground himself against her.
Dani let out a scream of pleasure as he feasted on her and her back arched as her first orgasm hit her hard. But the beast wasn’t done, not by a long shot. He continued to lap at her and peels his fingers away from her right thigh to push the hood of her clit back and rub against it as she continued to whither in pleasure under him. He would not be denied, he needed this feast before him and he would gorge himself as he would play with her body as if she were an instrument that needed fine-tuning so he would listen to her moans and watch her body for the most minute pleasure she would receive so that it would guide his actions and give her the most mind blowing orgasm of her life.
Her hips began to buck and thrust up into the air but he held onto her as tight as he could while he continued to feast upon her. He hadn’t known how many orgasms she had, but it was clear they weren’t stopping and neither was he. Her screams were sure to sound like bloody murder to his neighbors as she continued to buck against him and her head whipping side to side. Her nails digging into his scalp as she held onto his hair and tried to push him away from her.
“Please! N-no more! I-I c-can’t! UGH! Gods! I can’t! No more!” She begged and pleaded with him which finally got his attention and Aiden fought back against the beast to put him back into the cage.
He finally began to regain himself but he still couldn’t get enough of Dani and so his tongue began to slow while he lightly lapped at her soaking wet pussy that had drenched his face and chest till he regained all of himself once more. He was panting for air just as Dani was, with her arm now laying over her eyes and her beautiful large breasts heaving as she tried to slow her breathing back down.
“Oh my god...You…” She tried to speak, clearly parched as her throat was dry.
Her head fell back down against the mattress and Aiden slowly climbed his way up her body, leaving a trail of wet kisses along her body and moving between the valley of her breasts which he gave each a playful nibble which made her laugh. Finally, he reached his destination, laying his body on top of hers and felt his still hard member pressed between our bodies. He braced himself up by his elbows, one hand moving behind her to take her hair into a light hold while the other was brought up to her cheek and guided her lips to his.
They kissed slowly as he shared her cum with her and their tongues exploring each other once more as if they had spent years perfecting the dance of lovers. Before breaking the kiss he nipped at her bottom lip and then let out a purr like growl as he brought his lips down to the side of her neck.
“You are incredible.” Aiden’s whispered words were mixed with a growl which sent shivers up Dani’s spine.
She shook her head, taking a moment to regain herself again before she responded. “No, you’re incredible! I’ve never come so much in my life! And you’ve only eaten me out! Oh my god...Sooo good.”
He wasn’t sure if Dani could move or not but he was enjoying the way her fingertips played ever so lightly up and down his back and it caused his hips to move and he rubbed himself against her which teased against her clit and elicited another moan from her and then he felt her slap his back with a laugh.
“You truly are insatiable, aren’t you? I want you, but I need some water before we continue or I may lose my voice.” Dani said while gasping and pausing after every few words.
Aiden only smiled at her and then leaned down to place a kiss just above each nipple and giving them a flick with his tongue which caused her to moan out for him and she swatted his back again. He let out a laugh and slipped away from her, letting his fingers trail along her body for as long as he could before having to tear himself away from this fiery little minx.
After getting her a glass of water which she eagerly gulped down and sat the glass at his nightstand she then turned to Aiden, that devious little smirk pulled at her lips once more and she pulled him in for another scorching kiss. This entire time Aiden had remained hard and by now his cock was aching for some pleasure and just then Dani pushed him down onto the bed causing him to sit down at the edge and she climbed on top of him, straddling his lap.
His hands wrap around his waist to pull her closer to him and she giggles out from his forcefulness and his need to have her closer. She brought her lips down to his again for another kiss and while distracting him with her lips she reached down between them to take his cock in her dainty hand which she felt throb in her grasp and guided him to her wet opening. She teased herself with his tip, getting his length wet from her juices before very slowly pressing herself down on top of him.
He let her guide herself this time, knowing full well that she probably hasn’t gotten anything from her husband in some time and Aiden was rather large so while she guided herself down onto his shaft, he embraced the warmth, the wetness of her walls wrapping tightly around him. It felt incredible being inside of her and the further she took him, the louder both of their moans got.
Finally, after rocking her hips and taking it slow she was able to fit his entire length inside of her. She was so tight he knew that he must be stretching her out and his hands, his fingers dug into her back as he held her there on top of him, simply enjoying the feeling of being wrapped so snug. They had gazed into each others eyes, not saying a word but they could both feel the hunger the other had for them.
“Fuck me, Aiden...Fuck me like the little slut that I am and make me cum all over that beautiful cock.” She purred out her words to him and crushing her lips to his once more in a passionate kiss.
Aiden, not needing to be told twice responded by rising up and spinning around to lay her on her back, never leaving her wet hole nor breaking the kiss as he grinds himself to her. He took her wrists in his hands and pinned them above her head as he slowly pulled out to leave just the tip of his cock inside of her then thrust hard into her. Bodies colliding together in a crash which made Dani yell out in pleasure.
She felt so damn good to Aiden that he kept this pace for quite some time, slowly pulling out and then slamming himself back into her needy little cunt. As his pleasure built though, he could feel that beast of his clawing back at it’s cage again, bashing against it as it roared for him to take her.
“Take her! She asked for it! Take her! FUCK HER!” His inner beast screamed out to him, causing him to growl out in pleasure.
Dani heard his growl and she shivered, she quickly learned what that growl meant and deep down she yearned for it so she egged him on by leaning up and nibble at his ear lobe to whisper out to the beast that was inside of him. “Fuck me. Fuck me till I can’t walk for days.”
With her words, his inner beast didn’t have to break through the cage this time. No, this time, he freely opened the door and waved him on through as if he were a doorman, motioning for the beast to exist. She did after all ask for it.
His beast roared to life just then as it charged out of its cage and He looked into her eyes, His own burning with such lustful desires that Dani was sure to feel the heat from that alone as her eyes widen. She saw the shift in His eyes and knew that Aiden’s beast had finally come out to play once again.
He hooked her right leg with His arm and pulled it up and over His chest and shoulder which allowed Him to thrust deeper inside of her wanton tight little hole and she yelled out again as her head was thrown back. His pace became rough, hard, and fast as He pounded away into her. Impaling His cock into her over and over again and He truly couldn’t get enough of this sexual redheaded minx of a goddess.
Pumping His throbbing hard cock inside of her, He could feel her juices coating His length liberally with her cum as He sure made her orgasm. He could tell every time she had one as her walls would grip around Him tighter where it was almost painful, but it only made Him want her more. After all, He wasn’t just going to fuck her. Oh no...He was the beast...He was going to claim her.
Reaching back for her other leg now and bringing that one up against His chest as well, pinning her to the mattress and using every muscle in His body to fuck her, to claim her for His own and picking up His pace and He thrust hard into her. With her legs secured by His arms, He reached to take hold of her hair and yanked her head back, exposing her neck to Him which He brought His face down and buried His face into her. He deeply inhaled her intoxicating scent which made Him growl and He dragged His teeth over the side of her neck ever so slightly as to not mark her.
“Who’s My naughty little slut?” His words were growled out to her next to her ear all while He continued to pound into her like some savage.
She was screaming out in pleasure and it took her a moment to reply which made this wonderful beast yank on her hair again to remind her to answer.
“I am!” She shouted out. “I’m Your naughty little slut!” She was receiving such pleasures that she had never experienced before and truth be told she didn’t care who may have heard her.
“Who owns this slutty little whore?” He growled out again with another yank of her hair and timed with a hard thrust that He buried His cock into her and grinding against her so she would take Him as deep as He possibly could go.
“You do!” She shouted once again, not knowing what she was truly saying but the words easily spilled from her lips as if it were only natural to say such things. “You own this slutty little whore! Gods you own me!” She whimpered her words as she tried to grind back against Him with her eager little cunt.
He knew they were both close and so He resumed his thrusting as if He had never stopped and because of her juices, her pussy was suctioning against his cock, causing their bodies to make lewd squelching sounds as their bodies slammed against each other. The beast was loving every moment of it as He wanted to take her to new heights and as His own orgasm was quickly approaching He would make sure to deliver on her request she made to Him.
He tried so very hard to outlast her as her orgasms kept rolling one into another as He took her, but then she did something He hadn’t expected from her and He was sure that it was even a surprise to her as the moment her words left her lips she looked up in shock to Him, but she never retracted her words and only looked on at Him.
“Gods! Cum inside me! Claim my slutty pussy and cum inside me!”
They were the sweetest words the beast had ever heard and it almost made Him laugh as He had every single intention of doing just that anyways. So He continued to thrust into her, fucking her hard, knowing full well they would both be sore in the morning.
When He finally couldn’t take it any longer He gave one final hard thrust inside of her, burying His cock deep into her wanton slutty hole and erupted inside of her. At the very moment,the first thick creamy seed shot out of him, His primal need to claim her took hold and He bit down onto her shoulder. Hard. He was sure He’d break the skin of her smooth skin as His whole intent was to mark her as His.
She screamed out as her orgasm hit her like a thunderous wave when He bit into her and came so deep inside of her. Her entire body tensed and spasms underneath Him as she rode out her orgasm. Each pulse of His thick creamy seed that was emptied inside of her was thrust into her as the beast rutted her. Finally, when He was completely empty and had claimed His fiery little minx, His grip on her lessened and allowed for her legs to fall down only to wrap around His waist. It took Him a moment to release His clamp on her shoulder but as Aiden was taking back over and the beast slipping back into its cage he was able to free his teeth from her. With the last of Its energy, the beast flicked His tongue out to lick over His mark on her and He growled out to her.
“Mine.” Was all He could say before falling back into His cage.
Aiden had nuzzled his cheek against hers and placed a single kiss at the center of the bite mark before pulling back so that he could look upon Dani once more. Her face was a mess, her fiery red hair damp from the sweat of her body and plastered against her face which he gently brushed aside. He could see those bright azure eyes staring up at him through the strands of her hair as he cleared them away and she would be able to see the shift in his eyes that told her Aiden had returned.
She gave him the brightest of smiles as she looked up to him and while he finished brushing her hair away she reached up to cup his cheek in her palm. That was also when she made a wince as she lifted the side where He had bitten her. He gave her a soft smile and watched as she brought her other hand up to touch and feel the mark on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry about that..I-I could help it.” He told her, and he could see the shock in her eyes after finally realizing that it would definitely leave a mark but the shock and panic in her eyes quickly vanished.
She used what little strength she had to roll the both of them over so that she was on top of him, and groaned out when the friction of his still throbbing hard cock was inside of her as if it were trying to make a new home there inside of her. She groaned once more when she pulled herself off of him only to lay beside him and draping her arm and leg over him.
He let out a sigh as he buried his face into her hair and breathed in her scent to fill his lungs with that intoxicating scent of her which was now mixed with sweat and sex. Smiling to himself as she sprawled over him and he brought his fingertips down to caress up and down her back, not wanting to stop touching her. He didn’t know what it was, but he felt a connection with her. She just easily fit against him and it felt only natural to have her right where she was.
Finally, after a few minutes had passed while they kept quiet, she began to speak.
“I-it’s okay...About the bite, I mean.” She said.
She didn’t sound worried or concerned and when he felt her own hand that was resting upon his chest began to let her fingers play against his skin did he respond.
“Are you sure? I know it could cause problems for you…” He said, not wanting to finish what he wanted and left the rest unsaid, knowing full well she would understand.
He felt her nod her head and then lift her head up to look up at him. He was sure that even in the pitch black darkness that he would be able to spot those amazing azure eyes of hers.
“What we did...It was wrong. But gods it felt so damn right. I don’t have the happiest of marriages. My husband hasn’t touched me in years, no matter what I do. He just goes to work and comes home to get piss drunk and passes out. I’m sure he hasn’t even noticed I haven’t been back home yet as he’s passed out somewhere. But, what we did? Was incredible. I haven’t felt so sexy and alive in years and you did that. Not my husband.” As she spoke, she had brought her fingertips to brush over his face. Caressing his cheek with the lightest of touches, running over his lips and chin and down his neck.
“I don’t know about you, but I don’t want this to be a one night stand. It won’t be terribly hard to hide the mark for a while, but when I’m with you? I want to wear it with pride.” While she continued to speak her eyes never left his and he felt his inner beast puff its chest out at the mention of wearing His mark with pride.
“Dani...My fiery little minx. I’ve felt a connection with you from the moment I saw you. I have never been so dumbstruck and speechless before. You took my breath away. So there is no way possible I could ever allow this to be a one night stand. And after all we had done? Oh, do I have designs for you...My fiery little minx.” Aiden said and nuzzled the tip of his nose to hers.
She purred out to him as he called her his fiery little minx and her smile was bright and her brow arched as she looked to him and lifted herself higher, letting the sheets fall down her shoulder and exposing her upper body to his visual delights. “Oh is that so? What kind of designs, hmm?”
He let out a laugh and shook his head. “A gentleman never tells. But I promise to bring you pleasures far beyond your wildest dreams. My fiery little minx.
Copyright © 2020 by BigDaddyVirr
All rights reserved and may not be copied or distributed without my sole permission.
Her mom said, “Oh, I forgot to mention that your father is going out of town this weekend for a business conference and asked me to join him. We haven't been away for ages and I'd really like to go. I was hoping you'd be home so Danny wouldn't have to stay by himself. Couldn't you ask Brie to come over here? We'll leave Friday and be home Sunday.” “Well, I'll ask her if she’d be able to come over here,” Dani replied. When Dani called, Brie asked, “Is your cute brother going to...
Fortunately, it looked like he might have another opportunity soon. He went into the living room where he found his mom and dad watching the 10:00 pm news. Dani was looking at a magazine. She had both feet up in the chair, with one folded under and the other knee straight up. She was wearing a thin tank top and very short shorts. Danny sat down facing her where he could see the crotch of her shorts, but his parents couldn't. He could also see her nipples under the thin top. He...
© Copyright 2003 by CloseShaveHer Chapter 1 Dani is a 37 year old mother of two, with long shapely legs that she loves to show off in Short-Shorts and a good 36c-26-36 figure. Like most mothers, her age, she carries an extra pound or two; her waist only slightly thickened. Dani's still curvaceous body has retained its hour glass contours. Her short dark brown hair frames a very pleasing heart shaped face that needed very little make-up. Enormous liquid brown eyes are windows to...
Author’s Note: Sorry it’s taken me a while to get this chapter up and running, I messed my back up a long time ago and every now and then it decides it needs a vacation. So it means stuck in bed with pain pills and muscle relaxers. It doesn’t help when you share that bed with a 10 month old puppy of pit bull blood, that thinks my husband and I are it’s parents. Hugs Darkstone57 * Dani sat back on the bed and stroked Bull’s face as he lay with his head in her lap. It felt good to have some...
Note: Rather than add to this fantasy with a part 2 and 3, I thought I would update part 1 and then just present the whole story as a completed piece. So, if you have been waiting for the final parts these past few months, here it all is now in a complete story. I hope that you enjoy. ** THE POOL **It started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Laura and their 19 yr old daughter, Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks.Over the...
Dani was the very cute twenty-two old College co-ed that filled in for her aunt at the antique store next to my office. We had become friends after I had agreed to give her access to my office Wi-Fi account so she could chat with her friends and do school work from the antique store.Dani had friended me on social media and I could tell by the photos she had posted on line that she was a party animal. Meeting her in person, she seemed so very quiet and church-like, except for the small heart...
CheatingDani Daniels was born in Orange County, California, on September 23, 1989. If you consider yourself a regular masturbator but aren't already familiar with her work, you sit on a throne of lies. Dani is one of the sexiest, most talented, and most well-known porn stars in the business. There are men the world over that spill gallons and gallons of cum to her every day.A Star is BornIt may seem like it today, but Dani did not always intend to become one of the most famous porn stars ever when she...
Twitter Porn AccountsDanny and Dani shared the second story of their home. During the school year Danny had the whole floor to himself. His and Dani’s rooms were connected by a Jack and Jill bath. Each had a lavatory in their rooms with doors connecting to the bath with tub, shower and toilet. While Danielle was away at school, Danny had the floor to himself and would frequently walk around nude.. Danny was building muscles and was turning into quite a good looking young man. At his age, his hormones...
As a matter of record, she is not a blood relation. We met at the reception when my uncle married his long lost high school sweetheart. She was the daughter of my new aunt's sister and we wound up sharing a table with her older brother and my younger ones. I was immediately taken aback by her stunning good looks.Long dark hair fell past her soft shoulders and that was an immediate turn on. While most of my buddies were obsessed with the blue-eyed blondes, I always preferred the dark-haired...
Teencontinued from part 1:Dani lowered herself onto his cock slipping it into her pussy. She let out a soft moan as his cock reached her womb. She grabbed his head and moved in for a kiss. She then started moving herself up and down his shaft. He started kiss her all over eventually reaching to her breasts and back up them. He then reached around and put a finger inside her anus and started fingering her. Dani started squezzing his cock tigher until they both came. Dani could feel his cock pulsing...
Author’s Note: While I was getting this chapter ready for submission, I realized that Nick had invaded my computer and turned Dani and Bull’s world upside down. When I found the part where he was using his evil to make things worse, I consulted both Dani and Bull and they realized that she would have never allowed such a thing to happen. So I made sure that was made clear in the story. Sorry no rushing ahead, but you’ll know when you get there. I also knew I had to make up for what Andre was...
Author’s Note: I just want to thank you all for reading this and to ask a favor, please be sure to vote and either post comments or send me feedback as it progresses… thanks, and peace darkstone57 * It was late in the morning when she woke. From the sounds drifting in her open window, she got the idea that the guests for the party were already arriving. She was glad Mike and Kate had made it home for the party, and while she was sorry she had made her dad worry about her, she was a little...
Granny Maylene’s lesson on demons: She told this to Bull when his was first awakening and she sensed the inherent evil in it. ‘Demons are in us all boy, we are born with them, we will die with them, and the events and paths we follow in life determine the vision of life our demons show us. I see your demon causing pain and hurt, not to all, but to women, hurting and abusing them in ways not tolerable to this family. I don’t know how this happened, the events are cloudy, but I also see a woman,...
Dani had become plenty aroused watching her brother’s spurting dick and feeling Brie's pulsing orgasmic contractions as she fingered her. She was still wet and gooey now in her room now alone with Brie. Dani and Brie had seen each other nude many times since they were young, and in fact, they often compared their development as they reached puberty. Dani had developed breasts a bit earlier than Brie, but once Brie’s came, they outgrew her friend. They weren't sure what to make of...
To her surprise, it was Zach who apologized to her the next morning. ‘Guess I’d forgotten that you grew up too kid.’ He handed her a steaming mug of coffee, picked up his own and leaned back against the counter. ‘You know, Annie ain’t so bad, not at all what I remembered. She sure has grown up.’ Was Dani imagining things or had her big brother not stopped smiling since the other night and his reunion with Annie? She was tempted to ask if it was love or lust but she held her tongue. ‘Everyone...
Bull came awake and felt like he had just run a marathon around the prison track, his heart was pounding, his body hurt and he could barely catch his breath. She had been so beautiful sitting there in the sunshine. Behind her the crystal blue of the water, the sounds of happy voices and joy in the air. Her voice had been so soft, it had been like a musical note to his ears. They had been talking, that was all just talking but he had felt like he had known her all his life, and her eyes…The...
Authors Note: I think it was Andre who suggested this chapter to me, and I think he was jealous of all the attention his brother was getting. Sometimes younger siblings learn the most about life by being able to observe their older sisters and brothers. I know in my own family the thoughts of my youngest have been greatly influenced by his older sister and brother. I was the same since I had three older sisters and an older brother. Most of my personal views have been formed by them and not...
Authors Note: So here I am back again, after three crashed hard drives, and two computers, I finally got to the stories I thought I had lost forever and believe me it will not happen again. I will be doing my best to do some more work on them and A Ride to Heaven and Back Part 2 in the near future. You’ll also find that Dani and Bull decided to pull some twists and turns on me that needless to say I was not prepared for but that will come clear in a later chapter. Not only do they have to...
She woke just as the sun was coming up. Still dressed, her book open on the bed beside her. Lying on her back, she stared up at the ceiling of her room, and counted the cracks she found. Ten this time, same as last. The house was old, and run down. A far cry when it had been one of the finest in town then. Not that any of the towns better citizens ever stepped foot in it. Her distant relation had been a gambler from New Orleans who had settled here not long after the Civil War. The combination...
Author’s Note: Sorry it’s taken me a while to get this story up, been some events in my life that have distracted me. One of them was learning that someone has taken some of my stories and put them on another site without my permission. Now I have met some slime balls in my life, but to take some one elses hard work and basically try to pass it off as their own is about the lowest a person can go in my opinion, and if i could catch the person doing it, well lets just say they would not like...
The three girls ran down the dark path to the center of the park, more than once they tripped over vines or branches but none of them wanted to stop. All felt revolted, sickened by what they had seen. When Jane went down hard and had trouble standing back up, Helen and Sylvie helped her up and they stumbled back into the brightly lit picnic area. Helen found her father standing with the sheriff and several other adults, and began to blurt out what they had seen, only to find herself needing to...
Author’s Note: I just want to thank everyone who has sent me feedback and all the great comments over my time away. I meant to do it sooner but to be honest, since the dam had broken on my writer’s block, I have been working like a fiend, not only to get pages ready to submit but on new stories and hope nothing comes along to plug the hole of creative energy I seem to be experiencing. I have also been working on my grammar and punctuation that seems to bother a lot of folks, but I don’t think...
(Author’s Note: As you will have noticed this is the edited version, when it appeared in the story section and i read through it, i found several things i thought i had already fixed but hadn’t. I also want to address a couple questions in the comments page. The original story was 20 plus chapters and while it is a romance story it could also fall under the category of supernatural. All the characters are human, and i hope you will enjoying meeting them as the story progresses. Peace ...
I was unaware of Dani watching me as I rode away from her house just as I was unaware that her legs were still rubbery from the intense sex that we had just experienced in the shower. I didn't know that once I was out of sight she flew up to her room, closing and locking the door once inside and literally tearing her clothes off.I didn't see her flop on the bed and spread her beautiful tanned legs to allow the slender fingers on her right hand began to circle her swollen nether lips. As she...
TeenHelen left the supermarket and headed for the car Jack had given her for their first anniversary. Jericho was kicking and she ran her hand over her stomach to calm him. She loved being pregnant so soon after getting married, and the fact that Jack was such a wonderful lover just made it all the better. ‘Hello Helen, you’re looking all pretty today…’ A wave of nausea crashed over her as she looked at the man who had recently been released from the mental hospital. He was more dangerous looking...
Author’s Note: Sorry this one has been a little late in coming, but writer’s block has struck again and I haven’t been able to get my mind to agree with Dani or Bull about anything they suggest…I did however put them up on their own pages on Facebook: They said they were getting bored just sitting around in my head all the time, so there they are. The only thing is now, Reni and Devon from A Ride to Heaven and Back, (in case you haven’t read their story yet) want their own Facebook pages too,...
Dani is a young asian college student in her early 20's. She lives with her parents and shares a room with her sister. Dani loves to masturbate but it's hard for her to play with herself because her sister is in the same room as her so she usually does it in the washroom or sneak it under her covers. Dani is rather average in height and skinny, she's a 34C. This week she was alone for the entire week because her parents were going on vacation and her sister was going on vacation with her...
Dani felt Bull shift against her head and opened her eyes slowly. She was stiff and sore from sleeping in the same position but she was reluctant to move. It only took a moment to realize if she did, then she would disturb Bull and he needed his sleep as much as she had. Her last waking memory was Bull bringing her out here, settling her back beside him on this lumpy old couch, and stroking her hair until she felt the stress and tension of the night fade from her body, and mind. Now it all...
Dani walked slowly across the wide stretch of minimally undulating beach that morning. Her head down in contemplative gaze at the details of the sand having been washed once more on the outgoing tide. She carried her favorite short board cradled against her side. It was a soft morning, as the fog lifted slowly. Her wet suit warmed her against the cool of the morning breeze. She had deliberately left the front zipper low to her waist as it allowed cool niblets of air to surround her taut...
ThreesomesIt was almost spring and I had come to Oregon to explore extinct volcanoes. The Ladies, as they are collectively known, are 14,000 feet above sea lever or higher. The air up there can be thin and I was a bit wiped out, so I decided to relax and have a drink at a local bar. I hadn't realized it when I walked in, but it was obviously an all girl bar. Sometimes you just get lucky.All the girls inside were inked up with a vast collection of rings, pins, bars, and hoops, etc. I was tired and didn't...
LesbianIt started over 18 months ago when they moved in next door. David and Jean and their college age daughter Dani. The parents were a sexy couple and Dani had inherited her parent’s good looks. Over the months I got to know them better and we spend time together at the occasional BBQ and dinner and last summer a few weekends at the beach, so we were all familiar with each other as good neighbours. Then last weekend...I was upstairs in my bedroom late in the afternoon getting undressed for a shower...
Hi I am Dani ….18 years old… studying in university…I’m 120 lbs….I have 6 inch uncut cock….I am 100% virgin from both side….sometimes jerking alone…. It was dark but still light enough for me to see as I ran to my uncles house….he is my favourite Uncle…. I had run away from home because my parents were fighting again…. Yelling each other….I couldnt take their fighting…So I decided to go and stay overnight with my Uncle….. As I rang the doorbell my uncle…how was in only a towel… answered...
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Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman named Bellezza, but everyone who knew her called her Elle. She was a princess who lived alone in a castle in an enchanted forest with only her horse. She was surrounded by a colorful garden and large trees. Elle was far from town and felt lonely in seclusion. She tended to her garden, fed her horse, and read books, but nothing seemed to truly satisfy her.Elle would often stare out the window and daydream about riding her horse onto the...
Humor“What a day!” Dani muttered to herself as she walked down the busy road. She had finished work just ten minutes ago, and although she could think of a hundred things she would rather be doing instead, she was now on her way to the gym for a workout. Since she had started her new job two months prior, she had resolved to make the gym at least three times a week, and so far she had kept to her word, and each night when she looked at her naked body in the mirror, she knew it was all...
Once upon a time in a land not too far away lived a widowed man and his three beautiful daughters, who lived in an opulent manor just outside the village. Although kind and gentle, he was a shrewd businessman, who made his riches through hard work and determination. Not wanting his daughter to ever want for anything, the merchant lavished them with exquisite clothing, giving them anything their hearts desired. The older two daughters were vain and greedy, always flaunting their wealth,...
Straight SexThrough this scene there walked a girl no less beautiful than her surroundings. Slightly built and lacking society’s trained grace, she was dressed simply in a cotton dress and jacket, covered over by a plain riding cloak, its hood thrown back. She was carrying an old leather travelling bag. Any lady of good breeding would have been quick to mock her rustic appearance, the better to conceal their gall at the impossible perfection of her face. It was a face to draw the interest of both...
Introduction: Tale as old as time? I desire, therefore I exist. -Angela Carter, The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman. *** It was agreed: Leona would stay with the Beast for 12 days, at the end of which she would decide whether or not to marry him. Rupin and Leonas father brokered the deal at the Christmas banquet Rupin held for the entire town, at his castle in the countryside. Rupin seemed quite taken with her father, asking him all sorts of questions about his trading with the...
The beast was raging inside of me tonight. It would have to be fed. I hadn't let it feed in a long time. The last time was more than three months ago. The anger was strong, pounding in my head. Strength was coursing through my body, electric pulses making my muscles jump, twitching under my skin. I could barely drive, pressing the accelerator to the floor, pushing the car harder, driving far away from the city. The beast would need to roam tonight, and I was taking myself far into the woods...
Attack of the Beast By Anon Allsop The brilliant sun broke over the little planet as we penetrated its atmosphere. Our mission was to see if it held potential for a small colony or mining operation. There were a total of 6 of us, including the pilot and co-pilot, but even they had duties besides flying the little craft. We all had been hand selected by our space station commander for this mission, and cross-trained so we could lend a hand, should the need arise. I studied every...
She smiled "Good morning," then, "Please don't stop." Beast couldn't help smiling too. He nodded, bringing his lips down to her nipple and his hand toward her shaved pussy. Gently, he put one of his fingers inside her tight hole and wiggled it. She was very sensitive down there; she began to moan and lift her ass up from the bed. Beast had an instant hard-on. Her innocence turned him on easily. Belle lifted his face from her breast and kissed him full on the mouth, sticking...
Cindy loved walking through the forest near there home. It helped her relax, and think clearly. That day, she was walking down one of her favorite trails. On the right side of the path is a babbling brook, where many times, she has dangled her feet into its cooling waters, on the left was a heavily wooded area. She loved to explore the forest, but she dared no venture their when the sun is setting. The heavy grown of trees blocks the view of the path making it dark and mysterious. That...
As I gazed through the rain stained taxi window, at the dimly lit streets of Bangkok, the shuttered shop windows could not pass quickly enough. My mind was distracted and my eyes were in no mood to rest on anything. So they hopped manically from my watch, to the window, to my phone. My thoughts were immovably fixed on a hotel bedroom, but I knew not where. Somewhere out there, in the forest of hotels that clutter the area called Sukhumvit, was the girl I loved, and the taxi was taking me ever...
Cuckold-Samuel Johnson *** "Careful,” one dancer said to another. “The freak is here.” Andrea pretended not to hear them. She let her eyes adjust from the afternoon glare to the dim interior of the club and then took her regular seat. It was a slow day by the look of it, the club less than half full and only a few dancers working, but it was early yet. She was already looking around for Leila, but it seemed she wasn't on the floor yet, so Andrea just watched the stage for now. A dancer...
@ “In the morning you are dragged from your cell. Reunited with princess Gwendolyn, who is dressed in fine white robes, while you are marched naked through the halls.” Shawn relishes the description. “Further down into the bowls of the dark earth. You are brought to a large chapel with a demonic alter at its center.” Mark’s sissy cock twitches at the description. & A group of men stand huddled together at one side. They are obviously some of the soldiers that had assaulted the...
A little later and they were back on their horses and traveling. Athea had finally fully recovered from her rather unusual adventures of the morning. It was time for her to sort through all the things that had happened since ... where to begin? She didn’t know why, but she felt a panic attack coming. Just a week ago her life was so simple, shitty, but simple. Today she wasn’t even sure who she was anymore. She needed a baseline, somewhere to start, a fundamental truth about her existence....
John Derek was looking for a new movie for his beautiful young wife, the ravishing Bo Derek. He needed something to show off her beautiful body to the world once more. Ever since she was first presented to the world in her first movie, ’10’, Bo Derek had been the source of many fantasies for thousands of men. And a fair share of the woman population as well, I would suspect. Her chiseled features and firm body was a rare find indeed, even in the world of movie stars. Yes, Bo...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
--- Chapter 3: Taming the beast --- The sound of the key frolicking in the keyhole of the front door echoed through the deserted hall way. *Click* The door was unlocked. But it remained closed, a soft bounce came from the door. The sound of something being hit against the door, but not as if someone was knocking. And it was silent again. For just a few seconds. A soft growl comes from the other side along with a short giggle. Then suddenly the door sweeps open and Jule and Kate...
They say that fiction is stranger than fact and herein lies the evidence. This is the first part of three of the tale that should never be told, the tale that should be consigned to the waste bin of discarded memories such is the intensity of emotion it evokes to this day. Pain, pleasure, lies and deceit of the highest order all played their parts. Yet the two main characters, those terrible twins of guilt and jealousy took the leading roles and ensured the tale of longevity when both of us...
Cuckold“Watch out!” Iden shouted, his boot dislodging a rock. It rolled down the steep incline towards Isabelle, picking up more loose stones as it went, until it had formed a kind of miniature rockslide. She dodged out of its path, taking cover behind a nearby boulder, the stones clattering against it as they cascaded down the mountainside. “Careful where you step!” she yelled back, peeking out to glare at him. They were really far up now. Iden had seldom seen the clouds from above, they created...
The rest of the girls in the room continue their seductive dance, I could see the fear and panic in their eyes as inwardly each of them hope that they wouldn’t be chosen next but they keep the smiles plastered on their faces and don’t miss a beat in their shared highly erotic dance, they couldn’t, they would keep dancing until they either collapsed due to exhaustion or I got bored with them. I pass my gaze over the naked teen girls taking notice of their curves, their unblemished skin and the...
The Beast By: Melissa Attimes Synopsis: A young lady promised her mother that she would take care of her deadbeat brother when her mother is no longer able to. After the mother dies the lady discovers that the son's behavior is so bad that her only choice is to throw him out of her house or turn him into a girl. Which option should she chooses? Categories: Crossdressing / TV, Femdom, Authoritarian, Physically Forced or Blackmailed, Real Life Situation, Chastity Belts, Hormones,...
Pulling her out of her intense reverie, her Beast arrived at her cell. Her gaze ran along the thick, dark chest hair exposed by his partially unbuttoned white shirt. His transformation back into a human hadn’t completed all the way, probably because she had been having sex with him when it happened. He had a thick, hairy chest and was at least six foot three, always towering over her. His muscles bulged everywhere, making most of his clothes appear slightly too small, unable to contain him. His...
FetishOnce there existed many such creatures, like the Beast. Although in time, the humans have hunted down many such creatures into near-extinction. Except for one creature, a tentacle creature, that history will know and call as simply - the Beast. For his rule was re-established and his kin would achieve dominance, that none could or would be able to challenge him again. But for now, the lair of the Beast remains a simple dark forest - from where several young adolescent boys that had gotten...
GayNote : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestMother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
He liked to believe he wasn’t violent, but the moment she started with those snarky comments his anger spiked. She used that mouth and tongue of hers like a weapon designed specifically to get a rise out of him, perfectly orchestrated to bring the beast to the surface. Usually he could resist, deny her the satisfaction of knowing she got him right where she wanted him. Tonight he wasn’t as strong. It always started when he got home. Today was no exception. He could tell her mood by the way she...