Eurydome free porn video

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It had seemed such a good idea at first. I’d been out of work for nearly a year at the time, and Jilly, my wife, had been out of work for three years. Our eighteen year old daughter worked part time in the local news agents, but that was Sunday mornings only and what with the ‘dole’ rules, it meant that in effect she actually only earned a few quid for a whole mornings work. Our sixteen year old son had decided that he would go on the dole rather than go to college, as at least it meant that there would be an extra forty pounds a week coming in. The job centre hadn’t liked that, but there wasn’t really a lot they could do about it.

We worked in the garden and down the allotment. In the garden we had a cooking apple tree, over two dozen raspberry canes, a couple of rhubarb roots, seven gooseberry bushes, a red-currant and three black-currant bushes. We’d recently put in some tayberry and strawberry plants and I had just been given some small blackberry plants. We also grew lettuce, tomato, radish and a multitude of herbs.

Down the allotment we had squashes, cabbages, brussels sprouts, carrots, parsnips, beans, peas, and leeks. We’d tried beetroot and onions, but for some reason we couldn’t get them to grow, though other allotment holders seemed to cope. We deliberately didn’t grow potatoes, instead we swapped some of our produce for potatoes from other growers who were in a similar position to us.

Between us we just about fed the family. We still had to buy our bread, milk, cheese and the occasional scrag end of beef or lamb from the butcher, but we rarely needed to buy much in the way of vegetables or fruit. Jilly stewed the meat we did buy slowly with herbs and vegetables to make the most delicious stews imaginable. We didn’t go hungry and it wasn’t always the most exciting food, but it was tasty and it did generally fill us. We didn’t starve and in reality we’d all lost a lot of unnecessary weight. We’d all given up sugar in our tea and Jilly and I had started taking our coffee black to save on milk.

No one went to the pub, we couldn’t afford it. Nor did we get newspapers, but we were all members of the local library, so we borrowed books and we read the newspapers there.

We got rid of the television and the cost of the TV licence. That did annoy the TV licensing people as they kept sending us letters asking why we didn’t have a licence. We ignored them; if they wanted to come and investigate, they were more than welcome. We got rid of all but one of our mobile phones and got a cheaper deal for that, but we kept our landline and our broadband. That only cost us a fiver a month, but it was too useful as a job hunting tool, as well as to get gardening advice from, so for the time being we hadn’t got rid of it. But still we were short.

When I had been made redundant, Jilly and I had sat down and spent well over an hour going through all our finances, looking at my redundancy payout, to try and work out the best thing to do with it. We both wanted to do much the same thing, it was just the details that differed. I had wanted to pay off the mortgage first and then use whatever was left to do as much decorating and repairs as we could then afford. Jilly wanted to do all the repairs and decorating first, then pay off as much of the mortgage as we could afford.

We compromised. We planned to do the repairs, all of them, then the mortgage, and whatever was left we would do the decorating with. The repairs were four times what we expected, as it turned out the roof needed a lot more work than we had realised, so we were just short to pay off the entire mortgage, but only by a couple of thousand quid. No matter what we did, we couldn’t find that money anywhere. We decided to do the decorating after all, so when we came to the mortgage, we were just over nine grand short. With sixteen years still to run on the mortgage our monthly payments were down to a little over fifty quid a month and this was always the first bill we paid.

About every two or three months we went to the local cash and carry and bought some staples: rice, tinned beans, pasta, washing powder, etc., and because it was all at wholesale price, we probably saved about twenty percent overall, even if we did spend two hundred pounds at a time. The membership card I should have given back when I was made redundant, but my manager, ex-manager, was a human being and let me keep it.

“Don’t go too often,” he had told me, “the office staff might notice if you do. All they can do is cancel the card, it’s not like you’re stealing off us and it’s not actually illegal, but you don’t want to lose it. When you get a new job, just drop it back in here.” It had been a godsend. But still we couldn’t make ends meet.

I was down at the allotment one Thursday afternoon. There wasn’t a great deal to do now, Toby and I had weeded earlier in the week, which hadn’t taken long then, so today it was just a matter of making sure everything was okay and pulling a few young carrots for the next few days. The red-currants were just about ready to be picked, so that was my next job when I got home.

“Dennis,” I heard.

I looked up to see a guy from one of the other allotments, an almost bald headed bloke in his sixties. I’d spoken to him a few times and he’d always come across as friendly and helpful. I was a bit envious of him because he could make his onions grow, that aside I liked the guy.

“‘Allo Tom.” I stood up, stretching my back where it had kinked a bit.

“Look. Den. I may be able to offer you some work.”


“Mmm. It’ll be on the sly though.”

“Oh. If the jobcentre find out I’ll be for the high jump.”

“They won’t find out. Believe me they won’t find out. Thing is, it wouldn’t look like work, but it is a bit noncy.” Noncy was the local slang for illegal.

I shook my head. “Don’t do drugs. Won’t grow ‘em if that’s what you’re after, won’t sell ‘em. ‘Aven’t got a computer, so can’t do piracy,”

He interrupted me, shaking his head and grinning. “Nothin’ like that me ol’ son.”

“What and how much?” I asked after a few moments.

“Erm, well it’ll be a half days work, but only now and again. You won’t even have to go very far. From here it’s about a ten minute walk. I dunno where you are from here, but given that I see you walk in here, I guess it can’t be too far.”

I shook my head. “About the same. About ten minutes.”

He named a road and I nodded. “Oh I know where that is. That’s only about two or three minutes walk from home. But if it’s only half a days work, it’s gonna be hardly worth the effort surely?”

He grinned. “It’s a job for the whole family. You’ll all be able to do it, but whether you’ll want to is another matter.”

I supposed that might be worth the effort. The minimum hourly wage was five pounds seventy three for Jilly and myself. Briony, at eighteen, would get four seventy seven, and Toby three fifty three. And that was the legal minimum. A half day was usually meant as four hours, so a quick bit of mental arithmetic told me that at the minimum we would get seventy plus pounds. I was about to try and work out what the tax on that might be when I remembered he’d said ‘on the sly’. No tax, but that also meant he didn’t have to pay us even minimum wage. I frowned. “For the four of us?”

He nodded. “Yep. All at the same time. Oh and it has to be all four of you, can’t just do two or three of you. All four, or nothing at all.”

I frowned, I didn’t ever remember telling him I had a wife and two kids. “Uh. How much? And is it each, or between us?”

“Ah well. That’s the thing you see. If you do what we want, and we think it’s okay, then about five grand between you.”

I gasped. “Five grand? What do you want us to do? And how soon?” I really couldn’t think what he might want four of us to do, in about four hours, that could possibly be worth five thousand pounds. But I wanted to do it as soon as possible.

He nodded, frowning slightly, and gesturing to me to keep it down. “Keep this on the quiet though. It’s very, very, illegal. Hopefully you’ll all enjoy it. And you may even enjoy it enough to come back and do it again sometime.”

“Oh.” I said heavily. “Doing what?”

He ignored me. “You wouldn’t want to do it too often, maybe twice a year or so, and probably for no more than a few years. Three, four at the most. We simply wouldn’t be able to use you more than that. But think what you could do with five grand. As for when, as soon as you say yes.”

With that amount of money to hand we could pay off over half the balance of the existing mortgage, certainly enough to make the monthly repayments not enough to worry us. Or we could pay off other debts instead. “Shit. What’ve we got to do.”

He smiled. “Don’t worry about that just yet. Talk it over with the missus and the rugrats. Remind them it is very easy, very safe, but also very illegal.”

“Immoral?” I asked with a half smile. Supposedly anything fun was either illegal, immoral or fattening.

“Oh very” Tom laughed.

I smiled, assuming he was just teasing. But in any case, I suppose anything illegal is by its very definition also immoral. “Okay. I’ll talk it over. If we want more info, how do we get in touch?”

He though for a moment. “Look. I know you or your lad are down here most days. How about,” he paused and took his tie off from around his neck. “Tie this on my shed door handle,” he pointed it to me, reminding me which one was his, “and when I see it I’ll make a special effort to come and find you here.”

“Okay,” I nodded slowly. This did sound a bit cloak and dagger. “In that case wouldn’t it be better to tie it to my shed door handle?”

He smiled. “Mmm, there’s reasons.”

“Oh. Okay.” I took the tie and rolled it up to put in my pocket. “I’ll ask ‘em, but I can’t see that they’ll go for it without wanting more information.”

He nodded, smiled at me and walked back to his allotment. I watched him walk away. He locked his shed door, picked up a bag and walked off.

“Wow,” I said softly.

I didn’t even bother with any more gardening. I needed to get home and see what Jilly might say. I tidied up and locked up, before walking slowly back home, deep in thought.

Jilly acknowledged my arrival home with a slightly distracted smile and carried on with her washing. Most of the washing we now did by hand, it was cheaper, even if it did take longer. It wasn’t as if we didn’t have the time.

“How would you like to make five grand?” I eventually asked.



“I wouldn’t”

“That’s what I thought.”

She turned to look at me as I picked up the mornings post.

“Well come on then,” she sounded exasperated, “you can’t leave it like that, what’s this all about?”

“Oh, Tom, one of the guys at the allotment. He reckons he can give us half a days work and we’d get five grand for it. He said it was very illegal, but would be fun and no one would get hurt.”

“What about no ‘thing’, not just no ‘one’?”

I looked at her for a moment before realising she was talking about animals. “I never thought of that. Sorry. All he said was it had to be the four of us, for half a day, it would be very illegal, but we should all enjoy it, and no one would get hurt. He also said there was no drugs involved.” I shook my head. “I couldn’t think what else it could be. Still can’t.”

Jilly frowned. “No. I can’t. You sure he said five grand?”

“Definitely. Between us though. Not each.”

“Hm. Well. That’ll pay off all but about thirty-five hundred of the mortgage. Or it’ll pay off the credit card, plus what we owe on the gas and leccy and still leave a bit over I think.”

“We’re maxed out on the card, but that’s only two grand. The PPI insurance is covering the interest. We owe just over five hundred on the gas and about two hundred on the electric I seem to remember. Pay both those off, plus the credit card, an’ we’d still be able to pay twelve hundred or so on the mortgage.”

“Tch, I wonder what the hell it could be. He didn’t give any other hints?”

“Beyond saying it would be over on Rose Street, no. He told me to talk to you and the kids, not just you.”

“What would happen then?”

I shook my head. frowning in puzzlement. “Very odd. Very secretive.” I reached into my pocket to pull out the dark red tie he’d given me. “I have to tie this around the handle of his allotment shed door and he’d find me the next time I was down.”

Jilly nodded, and went to the kitchen door. “BRIONY?, TOBY?” she yelled up the stairs.

“Coming,” we both heard, and moments later we heard Briony come out of her room and down the stairs. There was no sound of Toby. “Hi,” she said cheerfully on entering the room.

I always smiled when I saw my daughter. She had long dirty blonde hair that reached to her knees when she left it unfastened. Normally she tied it in a loose but complicated knot at the back of her head, but today it was mostly loose. It looked slightly damp so I guessed she’d been washing it.

“Any idea where your brother is?” I asked.

She nodded. “He’s mowing Mrs Grayson’s lawn. Left about twenty minutes ago.”

“Oh. Yes. That’s okay then.”

Mrs. Grayson was a frail and partially disabled old lady that the kids had become friendly with as youngsters. She couldn’t afford much, but once a fortnight Toby went over and mowed her lawn, or did a bit of weeding, spending anywhere between sixty and ninety minutes with her and getting a tenner each time. The work needed doing, but we all knew it was as much for the company for her as anything else, her only daughter having moved far enough away to make it awkward to come and see her mother regularly, but close enough that she would come about half a dozen times a year.

“In that case I’ll tell you now, him later and we’ll all talk it out afterwards.”

She frowned. “Talk out what.”

“Sit down,” I waved at the kitchen table.

The three of us sat. “What’s going on?”

I took a deep sigh. “Okay, what it is, is that we, as a family, have been offered some work. It’s going to be very well paid work. But it sounds like it’ll be a one off, or at least irregular and infrequent.”

“How much, when, where and doing what?”

“The how much I can tell you. The where only sort of, the when seems to be up to us and the what I’ve no idea.”

“You don’t know what the work is?”

I shook my head.

“Okay. How much?”

“Five grand.”

She gasped. “How much? Five grand? Each?”

I smiled and shook my head. “Between us. For half a days work. And it’s about five minutes walk from here.” I went on to explain everything I knew. Fun. Illegal. Two or three times a year at most, for no more than four years. Very illegal. Payment under the table.

“Oh.” She frowned for a moment then shrugged. “In principle, yes. As long as there’s no pain anywhere. Find out some more.” She grinned at me and left the room.

Jilly just raised her eyebrows and gave a soft laugh. “Okay. We’ll see what Toby says when he gets home.”

The discussion that evening ranged far and wide. Touching on animal fighting, sex and porn, drugs, gambling, fraud, but nothing we could come up with was worth that amount of money for that sort of time, though some sort of betting scam was the most popular idea. Eventually it was agreed that I’d try and find out a bit more.

The following morning I’d hardly put the tie on the door when Tom appeared behind me.

“Allo, mate,” he greeted me. “What can I do you for?”

“We want some more information?”

“What sort?”

I told him what we’d talked about and he listened carefully, making non-commital noises as he did.

“All I’ll say is what I told you yesterday. No one, and I do mean no one, will get hurt. There’s no animals involved and fraud is still financial hurt. We’re not going to steal off anyone, nor beat them up. There’s no animals involved.” He frowned. “I’ve already said that. No dodgy meat or empty boxes sold as full. And drugs?” he shrugged. “Drugs kill. It should be fun and enjoyable for all concerned. No pain, financial or physical.”


“Well, I did say it’s illegal and immoral, so I suppose that you could come away with a little bit of emotional pain, but since that’s to do with the fact that it’s illegal, not what we’re doing, you shouldn’t really. Make of that what you will.”


He smiled and looked about to turn away and leave.

“How soon?”

“Well, if you were to decide now, I could get the ball rolling this afternoon and it would be all done and dusted by about Tuesday or Wednesday next week.”

“That fast?” I was a bit surprised. “I still need to check with the rest of the family. It’ll take me ten minutes to get home,” he waved his hand airily at me. “No worries, I’ll be around for a while.”

I hurried home. We hadn’t expected to get an answer quite this quickly, so Briony was just on her way out the door when I got home. “Hold on,” I told her. “I’ve spoken to Tom. Come inside and I’ll tell Toby and your mum at the same time.”

I told the family the little extra I’d been told. We discussed it for another ten minutes, but there was little more to say without knowing the details. I agreed that I’d go and give him a provisional yes.

“There’s no ‘provisional’ about it old chap. You’re either all the way in, or all the way out. If you say no, you won’t be allowed to come in later. If you say yes, you’re committed.”

“Even without,” I started.

“Even without any more information. If you say yes I’ll give you a monkey deposit now, and the rest when,” he paused at my frown. “A monkey?” he asked me, his eyebrows raised in surprise. I shrugged and shook my head. I’d heard the term but didn’t actually know how much that was. He told me. “Five hundred nicker. Okay?”

“Ah. Okay.” Five hundred pounds.

“Right. Five hundred when you say yes. The balance when you finish the work.”

“When do you need an answer?”

He looked at his watch and considered... “I’ll give you sixty seconds,” he said after a while.

I gasped. “Sixty seconds, but.”

“Fifty five”

“Shit.” I looked at him helplessly. He didn’t look at me, just at the watch.

“Fifty seconds.”

I didn’t know what to do. I’d not brought the mobile, so I couldn’t ring home quick.

“forty five.”

“The money is genuine? It’s not forged is it?”

“The money is perfectly genuine, Bank of England tenners. Taken out the hole in the wall last night up the high street.” There was a short pause. “Thirty five seconds.”

“Have you got it with you?”

He put his hand in his trouser pocket and pulled out a huge wad of money.

“Thirty seconds.”

I rubbed my hands over my face, desperate to know what to do.

“Twenty five seconds.”

“Okay. Yes. Alright. We’ll do it.”


“No, but that’s never stopped me before.”

“Twenty seconds. I’ll let you have the full minute to change your mind again?”

I shook my head, suddenly shaking with tension. He grinned, and counted out fifty ten pound notes into my hand. “The balance will be in twenties and fifties. No cheques. No money trace. Be here, this time Monday morning, just you, and I’ll give you a few more details, like time and place.”

Jilly stared amazed at the pile of money when I handed it to her. She put it reverently onto the table. “You shouldn’t have said yes quite so quick.”

I explained what he’d said and done, how he had forced my hand.

Jilly just shook her head. “What happens next?”

“He’ll give me a few more details on Monday, until then you know as much as me.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“He said just me.” Jilly frowned. I shook my head, worried. “Come if you want, but he did say just me.”

Briony just shrugged when I told her what had happened and Toby was even less interested. At sixteen he was still very much a teenager and all for the easy life, though give him his due he did pull his weight. That afternoon I walked into the town centre and paid off the electricity bill, plus a chunk of the gas bill, using up the whole of the five hundred pounds. I didn’t see any point in saving it. I was nervous over the weekend, twitchy and uncertain I’d done the right thing. Jilly kept telling me to calm down, but I was worried and scared. It was the ‘very, very, illegal’ bit that kept worrying me. Only the fact that the kids didn’t seem to be affected kept me marginally sane, but even so, come Sunday night I was fidgety and couldn’t get to sleep.

“Bloody hell Den.,” hissed Jilly. “Calm down will you.”

“I can’t. It’s starting to get to me. It’s the not knowing that’s doing it.”

I heard her move, and suddenly she was on top of me, completely naked. She kissed me hard. “Calm down,” she said softly. She slid one of her soft hands into my pyjama trousers and took soft hold of my cock.

Being unemployed is not sexy and we hadn’t made love for some months. In the past it was almost always me that initiated it, so this was a complete surprise. I did love her and I supposed I still even fancied her, she was still as good looking as she’d been when I met her in my first job after leaving college. She’d thickened out a little in the middle and her boobs were no longer quite as firm as they used to be, but that didn’t matter. I put my arms around her and returned her kiss. After a short while my hands grabbed her hips and pulled and lifted. I didn’t know how she did it, I’d never known, but she’d always had this ability to be in exactly the right place for my cock to slide into her first time. This time was no different, and as I released her hips again, she slid down onto my cock, her hot pussy gobbling me up.

We moved slowly together, our hips writhing in almost perfect synchronisation. I rolled us over so that I was on top and started to thrust a little harder, Jilly matched me thrust for thrust, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around me. It was like a bomb, a magnesium flare, going off in my head when I finally came, I thrust hard and wild into her. Suddenly that flare went out and I collapsed on top of her. I started to roll off, but Jilly clung to me tightly.

“Don’t you dare,” she hissed. “Don’t you fucking dare.” Her pussy was still snapping around my prick, hot, wet and very alive. Her hips were still pushing at me. I just held her, and moments later she gave a soft cry, and slowly relaxed.

We kissed for a little while, until her octopus grip on me began to relax. “I love you,” we both said in absolute unison. We both chuckled. I rolled off her but then just cuddled up close to her and held her tight. Jilly didn’t like sleeping in the nude, so I rarely got to hold her naked form. I was going to take any opportunity I could get.

It obviously helped me, because the next thing I remember was the alarm clock going off in the morning. I was still holding her though perhaps not quite so tightly as I had been. We smiled at each other.

“You didn’t let me up to clean myself and get dressed,” she admonished me gently.

“No. I like holding you. I especially like it when you’re naked.” I began to stroke her hips. “I love holding you. I love looking at you. And I definitely love feeling you.”

Her smile got a bit wider. “You should have let me clean myself out though. We can’t afford either my contraceptive pill, or your condom and we definitely can’t afford for me to get pregnant again.”

“Are you fertile right now?”

“Probably not. My period is due to start Tuesday, but that doesn’t mean we can take unnecessary risks.”

“For you darling, any risk is worth it.”

She smiled. “But not that one.”

She wrapped her arms around me neck and we kissed gently, while I used my hands to lightly roam over her body, gently stroking her boobs, her hips, her bottom, down onto her thighs, and eventually onto her pussy. She wouldn’t let me touch her there for long as we needed to get up.

I rolled her onto her back and lay alongside her just admiring her for a few moments. When I heard movement outside the bedroom door, I gave her one final gentle kiss, and rolled out of bed.

By ten I was back at the allotment, without Jilly, and a few minutes later Tom pitched up. He nodded to me genially. “Okay?”

“I guess. What’s news?”

“Right. The four of you need to be at number twenty nine. That’s the big white painted building set a bit back. The one that’s a bit older than the others.”

“I think I know the one you mean.”

“Good. Now. You all sign on don’t you.”

“That’s right, yeah.”

“All at the same time?”

“Sadly no. We did try to see if they would do that but they wouldn’t.”

“Hm. Typical bureaucrats. Are you all free Wednesday afternoon?”

“Yes. We all have morning sign on’s and in any case they were all last week, not this week.”

“Good. In that case, two o’clock Wednesday afternoon, number twenty nine.”

I nodded and he turned to leave. “Hang on. What kind of work is it?”

“You’ll find out when you get there.”

“Yeah, but is it going to be dirty work, are we going to get mucky or cold or hot and sweaty, or what? Do we need to wear protective clothing or anything like that?”

“Oh I see,” he smiled. I wasn’t sure I liked the smile. “No. Nothing like that. Come clean neat and tidy. Smart casual. Okay?”

I nodded. This time he made no bones about that being all he was going to say. He turned abruptly and walked briskly away.

Wednesday afternoon, we were five minutes early. I pressed the door bell, and moments later a scruffy looking kid in his early twenties opened the door and beckoned us in. “In thur,” he grunted pointing at a closed door. He carried on up the short corridor and went through the door at the far end.

I knocked and without waiting for an answer went in. Tom and another guy of about my age, so early forties, were waiting for us.

“Hi,” said Tom. “Sit down while we give you all the details.” He gestured to two settees. I sat next to Jilly and held her hand. “Now you’re comfortable, have you thought about what you might be doing?” He grinned at us. “Any guesses?”

“Well,” I said slowly, “you said no one would get hurt. We weren’t going to defraud or steal, you also said there was no animals, drugs, or pain involved, and that we should all enjoy it. And then on Monday you said, or rather implied, that it wasn’t going to be a mucky job.” I glanced at Jilly, then over at the kids. Turning back to him I shook my head. “We’ve racked our brains, but we couldn’t think what it might be. Some sort of betting scam is our best guess.”

“Okay. Right. Well now’s the moment of truth, but before that I need to warn you that you need to keep quiet about this. You can’t tell anybody. Ever. It’s also for your own protection as well. If you do tell someone, you will get long gaol terms. It might take a little while, but we’ll find you.”

I felt the blood drain out of my face and I’m sure the others were just as scared. He reached into a drawer and pulled out a pistol of some sort and placed it quietly, but firmly, on the desk next to him. My eyes, and I’m sure the others were all drawn to it.

“You said,” I quavered. I cleared my throat and tried again, only a bit more successfully. “You said no one was going to get hurt.”

“And no one will. You will all of you walk out of here in about four hours time, with up to four and a half grand.”

“Up to?” I exclaimed, looking up at him again.

“Depends how good these guys think you are. If you are good enough, they’ll give you four and half. If they don’t think you’re so hot, it’ll be no more than two and a half. Look at it this way, you’re guaranteed three thousand, and I can’t see how you wouldn’t make the full five.”

“What happens if we say no now?” quavered Briony. “We haven’t yet done anything illegal.”

Tom didn’t reply, instead he picked up the pistol, ejected a magazine, looked in the top, and put it back into the gun again. He just looked at her and then put the gun back on the table, raising his eyebrows queryingly at her. She sank down a bit and pressed herself closer to her brother, quite obviously scared. I already regretted saying yes, but from what he’d just said, there was now no way of backing out.

“Right. Well you don’t seem to have guessed, or if you did you either rejected the idea, or couldn’t bear to think about it. We sell sex. Or rather porn. And we are always looking for performers for our films.”

I felt Jilly tense up beside me, her hand gripping mine even tighter. “As long as it’s with Jilly,” I thought, “I could probably cope with it”. My mind just skittered away from what he wanted Briony and Toby for.

He grinned at us, his smile quite cruel now. “And it’s no ordinary porn either. We deal exclusively in incest porn.” Jilly gasped and one hand covered her mouth in horror. I couldn’t imagine what I looked like, but both the kids were tense and shaking. Briony was grey, Toby red. Whether from fury or shock or even embarrassment I couldn’t tell.

“So,” he continued. “We’re going to make up to six fifteen minute films. Up to four twenty minute to half hour films, and one longer one that could last anything from forty minutes to an hour. The shorter ones are going to be one on one, dad and daughter, brother and sister, mother and son,” I could hear Jilly sobbing quietly beside me. “We may do mother and daughter, or father and son. We may even do you two,” he nodded at me and Jilly, who was now holding onto me in desperation.

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The Artist Mischiefs Rewards

I have a few things to apologize for, first off. I can't seem to figure out how in the hell to indent my paragraphs, so until I can, I'll just have to deal with all the comments on the atrocity of my stories. It's been a long time that I've been writing on this site now, and I've never figured it out though, so bear with me. Second, I need to apologize for the other story on this account; it was part of a whole series I was thinking on, but I don't think it was what I meant for it to be....

3 years ago
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25th Birthday Part 2

I had no idea how long the drive was because my sex was getting worked over hard in the van and I started to get into that frame of mind. I remember the van stopping as well as the hands all over me, I heard the door slide open and the tension on my wrists and ankles released. I was picked up naked and carried out of the van, I felt the cool night air all over my body. I was carried up some stairs and into somewhere and placed on a small table. I felt the edge of the table against my lower back...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Hazel Grace Thorough Checkup By Nurse

If you’ve ever had a naughty fantasy about the hottest ebony babe you can imagine being your nurse, then you’ll love this premium Penthouse film with Hazel Grace giving Codey Steele a very thorough check up. Wearing a skimpy uniform, this sexy siren is exactly what the doctor ordered in white stockings and red suspenders. A deepthroat blowjob from the bootylicious starlet ensures her stud is ready to pound her shaved pussy, her full titties jiggling from cowgirl ride to doggystyle...

3 years ago
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Stemom adventures 8211 Chris story

Chris was growing quickly for his age. His life was full of the typical teenage adventures and problems, a body that was flooded with hormones causing most of them. The alarm had rung some time ago and his stepmom had yelled for him to get moving twice. He stretched and rolled out of bed, the virtually permanent erection of a teenager bouncing and leading the way as he headed for the bathroom to take his shower. He threw his clothes on for school still half-asleep. It had been a long week last...

4 years ago
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Shark Fishing With a Cougar

Derek Williams was not in a very good mood. Admittedly it was Friday night, and Friday night was when he went out on the town to see what he could pull, but this evening his heart just wasn't in it. He had had a really crap day, well, not so much day as a brief period in the morning when Cerys Evans told him that as far as any relationship with her was concerned he could stick his head up his arse and whistle Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau. And she'd seemed such a nice girl too. It was not so much the...

4 years ago
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Kolkata Business Trip Part II

Read part I here ........After the long session of sex we ordered food. I was sitting there on the sofa sipping my drink and having a smoke wearing my padded bra n lace panty only. Saurabh was lying on the bed nude and facing me. We were chatting and then he told me he is a sports trainer and works out. Thats where he got his stamina i guess. The room service told us that food will take about 20 mins so we were watching tv and after i finished my smoke i got upme- i should change to normal, the...

2 years ago
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Broken AngelChapter 9 Outed

They rode to the slaughterhouse and Wally expertly backed the trailer almost a city block backwards, using only his mirrors to guide him. They came to a hissing stop and sat. "As soon as we are unhooked we're out of here." "Can't we unhook it ourselves?" Jim asked. "You can, if you want to wade in the muck out there," Wally told him. "As for me, I am much too fastidious to do that. I would rather wait for some guy in rubber boots to come out here. He let out a blast on his air...

3 years ago
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Jades ToGo Request

Jade was a beautiful young lady who lived on the outskirts of London, England. At nineteen years of age, she stood five feet seven inches tall and weighed approximately eight stone, or one hundred and twelve pounds. Her slender body and long legs made her look taller than she actually was, especially when she wore heels. Her long shapely legs added to the allure of Jade's tempting looks. High heels added a tantalizing wiggle when she walked. A pair of 32C breasts and a cute bubble of a butt...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Dressed up as a Soldier

A few years ago I was invited to a friend's fancy-dress birthday party, and we had to dress up as someone from "The Village People". With the type of guy I was and the physique I had at the time I couldn't see myself as anything but a sailor. My friend, whose birthday it was, wasn't so sure about the idea, and suggested I should go as a soldier instead, because apparently there was a soldier in at least one of their music videos. Alright, so I went out to an army surplus store and got the whole...

2 years ago
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The Office Temperature Rises Tom and Lori

Lori and I had become steady lovers after the first "spur of the moment" fuck we'd shared in her office and then after she invited me to her house while her husband was out of town, we were "deep in lust" with each other. Lori's a very pretty, sexy-looking 25-year old and her husband apparently was just overworked or stressed with his medical school studies and one of the things that got neglected were the hot sexual needs of his pretty young wife. If you've never experienced having an...

2 years ago
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Double Switch Ch 19

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a full length novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. So it will take a commensurate time to read. It is erotic in places but not on every page or even in every chapter. So, a little patience is necessary. It is a love story, actually three love stories. I hope you will be rewarded for your time and trouble. To understand the story, you need to read the Prologue first. So, look it up under my name in the Author Index before proceeding with...

1 year ago
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Part Time Job

I took up this second job as a delivery driver. I was there maybe a week when I was paired up with this Black guy. He had been working for a few years at this place and knew the job and delivery area pretty well. We hit it off pretty good and it being a Friday night dropped by this Bar for a Beer. We had talked about his new Big Screen TV (this was in the early years of Big TV's and this was a big thing in those days) and I was invited over to see it. We started to watch some sports stuff and...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings Adams StoryChapter 19

I was barely into the heavy petting with Lizzy when I heard a light tapping on the tent canvas. At first I ignored it. I guess my mind couldn't accept the thought that Vicky would want something. Obviously, she did. The second time she tapped it was much louder and more insistent. It actually startled me. "What is it?" I asked, pulling away from my daughter. "I need you to look at something," Vicky informed me. Her voice was calm but it held a note of seriousness in it. Something was...

2 years ago
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Inspiration Ch 04

(Author Note) The acts of the fetish known as Breath Play performed in this and other stories by ME are not recommended to be attempted by those without experience, not educated concerning this fetish, and without an experienced and trustworthy partner. Thank you. ***** He couldn’t sleep, tossed and turned as his mind was consumed. Victor found himself seated in his favorite chair by lamp light, a glass of wine atop the chair side table and a cigar tucked between his lips. In his hand...

4 years ago
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Rising Star an Early Recollection

She closed the dressing room door in a rather decisive manner and walked to me as I lent back against the dressing table. She took the glass from my hand and very deliberately placed it on the dresser.“Should I lock the door, Faye.”“if that were possible, probably yes. But nobody has seen the key since Honor Blackman played here. Apparently the director liked to pop in unannounced.”She smiled. “Well, one can but admire his taste.” She kissed me. “And yours.” She kissed me again and her hand...

2 years ago
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I’m waiting here, every nerve on fire in anticipation of the moment you come through the door and fuck me. I run my hands over the fishnets on my legs, feeling the contrast of their pattern on my skin. Black suspenders match my black stiletto boots, a black choker at my neck and nothing else. This ritual of dressing for you, displaying myself for you, turns me on so much. As I lie there I replay all of the times you’ve fucked me before, my memory reel of the other times you’ve walked naked...

2 years ago
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fun with SIL and her sister

He had gone to mumbai on business purpose for two weeks. So at home were Bhabhi(sister-in-law, Brothers’ wife) and her elder sister Neha who was also married. Bhabhi had two children - one a girl of 4 yrs (her name was Deepa) and another a boy of 6 months. Neha's husband had also gone on a business tour to Hong Kong and that is why she was staying with her sister. Bhabhi was 26 yrs old and without any children. They had been married only for a year. Bhabhi was stunning. She was tall and fair...

2 years ago
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Being A Naughty But Good StepMom

I saw Kevin walking towards me. "So, not to take the focus off you cooking dinner for us on this steaming stove here in this hot kitchen, but I love Christina," he said, coming towards me."What, do you have a crush, Kevin?" I giggled, flipping the burgers."No, smart-ass," he said, pushing me a tad. "I just mean after dating ladies like Miranda, Jodi, and that bitch Cassidy, Ryan's finally dating a sweet and loving woman that I love, and so do you, right?""Yes, I guess, but what's with you? Are...

2 years ago
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The BachChapter 8

'Happy, happy, happy, ' thought Aroha as she snuggled into Gavin in the soft warmth of his bed. She now knew there was a hell of a difference between thinking about sex and actually knowing what truly mind blowing sex was all about. Gavin had taken her to such heights last night that she was still feeling incredibly tingly when her thoughts strayed over what he'd done to her. The only thing she was a little confused about was where Gavin had got the experience to do what he'd done. She...

1 year ago
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Only On Paper

As I picked up the diary with blue pages I thought twice about reading it… it wasn’t locked Dear Diary I saw him again last night… I wonder if he has noticed the way I look at him yet… how my eyes move over him like hands, I wonder if he feels them. Being married I knew the thoughts I had where wrong… at least that’s what I thought… but how could they be. Feelings I thought where long gone… had died long ago, you know the one’s… little butterflies in your stomach… the warmth of the blush as...

1 year ago
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Home on Leave Chapter IX

Arriving at our apartment about 1:30, I gathered up my purchases and walked Little Bit into the place. She went directly to the bathroom to clean herself up a little and I installed the batteries in the toys that I had bought. I cleaned myself up at the kitchen sink and by the time she made her appearance again, I was sitting on the couch in the living room. She had not changed from her clothes that she wore for our lunch at the lake and she still looked fabulous in her new sundress. I was...

2 years ago
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Catching Up Part 2

“So you and the Famous Fatal Fenella have crossed paths again,” said my aunt Gemma, “but what a different girl she is now.” Her lovely green eyes twinkled in the kindly bantering way with which, over the years, she has greeted me on the many occasions when I have sought counsel and comfort from her. It was on the first such occasion, during a blissful summer holiday when I stayed with her while my parents were away overseas, that I had confided to her the confusion I was feeling about my...

1 year ago
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One Night Thing

As we all left work for the evening we always walked to the garage together to play it safe. My name is Sharon and living alone in today’s world as a thirty seven year old working mom is tough but it has its moments and I guess this story is one of them. I climb into my old 1983 dodge and had a bit of trouble starting it. Gary one of the people that I work with came over and asked if all was well but I just looked at him and said that I had no way home that my piece of junk finally died. He...

2 years ago
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Kelly and Beckys weekend Part 2

I told Becky to lay back on the bed and I was on my knees walking between her legs. I started playing with her cunt and stuck my finger in and started sliding it in and out of her. I leaned over and grabbed the warming oil and squirted it all over her cunt and just below her belly button. I sat it down and started rubbing it into her and really all over her cunt. I was rolling my finger in it and would slide it inside of her cunt and was sliding it in and out. Becky had her eyes closed and her...

1 year ago
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Son Impregnates Mom Part II

Note : This story is completely fictional! As I put on my sexiest nightie to get ready for bed I thought, “Why on earth am I bothering to put this on? Billy is just going to get it off in nothing flat, but I knew that the nightgown would further entice him.” I put my most expensive perfume on in the key spots and applied it a bit heavier than usual and entered the bedroom from my dressing area, leaving the light on behind me so that he could see through my nightie a little. He was already in...

1 year ago
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Family Found Part 1

Late September, 2037 It has been over 22 years since the "Finn Family" was established as the family knew it. Over that time, the family saw their youngest members born then grow into kids and teens and finally find their roles in life. Some were still finding their way but had the family to help them along their paths in life. Not everyone in the famly had it easy. There usual were bouts of illness, the unfortunate passing of four elders of the family, and fighting typical bigotry...

2 years ago
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Dark Days 2 Dawns Early LightChapter 8

I couldn’t call Dean, he would drop whatever he was doing and come back but end up in trouble with the marshals. I could call Dave, but I hesitated. He had recommended the company who sent this asshole and he would be pissed. Calling Jake would be the same as calling Dave, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to deal with that just yet. The same went for Deb. She couldn’t do anything and was sure to tell Liz who would tell Jake and that was the same thing as calling Dave. Mike! I was a part of the...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers. I am back with a new series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is another fantasy fictional story. So here is how it begins. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. She’s lived abroad most of her life so I didn’t get to watch her grow up from a young age, through to her early teen years. Now that Amy has turned 19, she contacted me and told me she was coming to this country...

1 year ago
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‘I could make an outrageous indulgence out of the side dishes alone,’ he said. ‘I keep hearing about how soft the downtown market is,’ she said. ‘You’ll receive rave reviews,’ he said. ‘Please let me know if you have a conflict,’ she said. And on it went. For days, for months, for years. There was no communication, no contact. This was their life, they woke, they worked, they slept. They talked, but it had no meaning. They couldn’t hear. They did not see. ‘Lets indulge ourselves,’ he said....

2 years ago
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She is Beautiful Part 7

She is Beautiful - Part 7I opened the room door ready for a long hot shower and shave but all I heard was “that’s it Lilly baby - fuck me harder, HARDER…  damn…  such a big powerful cock, yessssss ooooooooooooooooooh harder…. keep that big dick in my cunt, you beautiful woman! Fuck me…. Fuck ME …. FUCK ME….” As Sam got pounded.I smiled and walked into the bedroom to find Samantha on all fours, her curvy ass jiggling in the air, head down rolling side to side while her big breasts danced side to...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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An Unknown Desire

His words had not given me pause to relax as I thought them through while taking my shower in preparation to go out this evening. He had been vague and would not answer my questions concerning our night out. I had followed his instructions and gone to shower when he seemed to become a bit perturbed with me. He had said he would lay out the clothes he wanted me to wear while I was showering. So what were we to do tonight, would we continue on with our game from the evening before or would he...

1 year ago
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The Beach Shower

There I stood. Naked. In the shower. Dry and irritable. The building had no water pressure. Again. Fucking landlord.So I decided to do what I'd done the last time. I grabbed my overnight bag, wrapped a towel around me and stepped out into the hallway, then down the hall and over to the elevator. Even though I was naked under the towel, everyone will think I'm wearing a swim suit underneath, I thought. They'll never know. Of course they'll be able to tell if they see me showering downstairs. But...

2 years ago
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Mumbai Story

This is when I was in Mumbai, I hd gone for an interview as the interview was postponed for another weeks time so I thought of some fun wid some good coupleI just wanted to see if I can get the same mfm thrill and excitement in Mumbai. I just posted about my interest in one personals section in add sites. No response for 3-4 days next Saturday morning i received a reply from a guy named Varun. The reply is like he is not sure if they want to try it but he want to meet me to talk about stuff on...

2 years ago
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Measuring My Cum pt8

"Go and give yourself a quick wash upstairs," said mom after a moment. "And you might as well stay naked for now," she added.I got up, my now limp cock and balls flapping a bit, and started walking out of the room. I noticed mom looking at my dick as I went. Just being naked like this in front of her in our living room was exciting, and it sent a tingle through me.I gave myself a clean in my bathroom, and in double quick time I went back downstairs again.Mom was still topless, and wearing just...

2 years ago
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St CroixChapter 2 Day 3

I awakened very early and silently putting on shorts a shirt and sneakers, left the room. Glancing at Aline before I left I saw a well fucked woman laying on her side of our bed under a sheet with her legs splayed looking as if she were receptive to an approach by me. At the moment I was too dazed by events of the last two nights to want to talk to anyone much less have sex with my wife. 'Christ, ' I thought, 'How sloppy is her cunt after all that fucking and what about her...

3 years ago
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Lovers Again

There was no one around that day and we had the house all to ourselves. The day was cold and the windows were frosted and there was a definite crisp feel in the air. The smell of hot chilies filled the house while the soup you love brewed on the stove and the feel of a sexual electricity never felt by us before. After dinner I thank you for forgiving me and take you by the hand and lead you to my candle lit bathroom and slowly undress you. Button by button I undo your dress and slip it off...

2 years ago
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Fling with an old flame her husband

Back 25+ years ago I had a sexual encounter with 18 year old Jane. It was at a party and she stripped naked as a dare from the lads. We fooled around a little but not much more, but it is an encounter that has lived with me ever since. How far could things have gone. I was willing to go all the way, but the 3 other guys that I with were a little more shy and this put Jane off. She was a very adventurous girl and was just 18 at the time. She was not a pretty girl and have a very average body,...

2 years ago
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U Chapter III

His mobile rang and he rose from the bed to answer it. U lay back on the bed and watched the porn. The scene had changed now to a chamber where a woman was naked and bound to a St. Andrew's Cross. Two men in Nazi uniforms stood on either side of her while a uniformed female stood in front. She held a flogger in her hand. "You filthy Resistance bitch!" the uniformed woman screamed. "You think you can use your sex to entrap my men? I'll teach you". She raised the flogger and flogged her...

3 years ago
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Two Naughty MomsChapter 13

"Oh, why doesn't he come home to fuck me?" Janet whispered. "Doesn't he know how horny I am? Oh Michael, please come home and fuck your mother's hot cunt." She was trying to concentrated on a television show, but the picture kept blurring before her eyes as a wet horniness burned through her cunt. Janet glanced at the clock and looked hopefully at the front door. But it didn't open. She didn't know how much longer she could last without cumming. Miserably frustrated, the horny...

4 years ago
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The Greatest Show on Earth

You turn down the radio and try to keep the car on the road as you again pick up the small scrap of paper that was pressed into your hand at the club last week. "The Greatest Show on Earth," it said, "Girls and their Beaux, Guys and their Studs, Naughty Mommies, you name it, we have it." Then there was directions to some place out in the desert, you almost didn't go, but the stresses of the week (especially that fucking tease, Jillian, from work, wearing that tight blue dress again that showed...

3 years ago
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PNP or Edging

Here another educational blog from me on what edging is, what it meansand how it started ! (And how it started for me) Well for all of us that don't know right away what it means: It really is in the word already, it means being on the edge of an orgasm and pulling yourself back, or being pulled back and repeating this process over and over again with the goal of having a gigantic orgasm that nearly makes you pass out!! (I have been there a couple of times where I almost lost consciousness due...

3 years ago
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Finding Her Master Pt 7

Finding Her Master Pt.7 By: Ropetease c 2011 Chapter 11 Locking the hotel room door as the porter left, her eyes focusing hard on the package, Robin’s curiosity grew deeper. ‘What is so special about waiting till I leave that I have to wait to open it?’she asked herself. Picking the package up, Robin looked for any address of where it came from. Setting the package back down on the dresser. While she unpacked her suitcase, Robin kept glancing over at the package and remembered that Sir said...

3 years ago
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Piss In Mouth

Jamie told me he wanted to go see a movie, so we walked up to Union Station; it was 10 blocks away from the house. I cannot remember what the movie was, but I DO remember that each time Jamie took a drink of his extra large lemonade, he would hit my leg with his leg and smile. At first, I thought it was just a mistake, but after the 3rd time he bumped my thigh, I knew something was up in his horny-ass mind.The movie was over, and as we left, I suggested we stop and grab something to eat to take...

1 year ago
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Life story 4

Hermaphrodite action once again. I’d like to warn that this one has slight watersports but it doesn’t last long so watersport haters may enjoy this too. Hello the ones whom read my thoughts and my happening in my life. Yesterday a strange thing happened. You see, today was supposed to be ”the” day. The day when my boyfriend would lose his anal virginity to me. But something… Something made this plan to turn into something even better… So I was out at town, buying champagne and all sorts...

2 years ago
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Love in the Time of War Ch 11

Charles’ head lolled to one side as he fought to stay awake. Kathleen had brought the tea and biscuits like she promised about two hours ago. It was the last time she came as he told her to get to some sleep. She refused but finally listened to him and left. The last time he touch Catherine’s forehead, she was as hot as his tea and her breathing was raspy. Still he was positive she would recover. He had witnessed hundreds of deaths and mortal woundings. Those who were going to die seemed to...

4 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 7 New Course

Dave awoke at 6:30 to the buzzing alarm clock. He quickly jumped out of bed and turned it off. He looked back at a smiling Beth. This had been the last night they would spend together spooned in his bed. He sat on the bed giving her a soft loving kiss. He whispered, "Last night, our time on the course, was wonderful. You are going to make some lucky guy a faithful friend and considerate lover." Beth whispered back, "I wish the guy were you. I will miss your soft touch. If Ann doesn't...

1 year ago
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Seduction Delayed

My buddy and I were out with two babes from our military unit down at Fort Jackson. Put your UCMJ manual away. There were no violations concerning rank structures or command relationships. We were all company grade officers out for a few drinks and some laughs. I don’t remember what off-post club we ended up in, but the DJ was spinning good songs and everyone was having a great time. The only problem I saw was how to move from 4-people to two sets of two. Both of us guys were white, but one...

1 year ago
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Arianna and Kyle

Introduction: The intro to the beginning of a story about lovers who finally get a chance at a forbidden tryst. (Just the beginning of a fantasy of an already true-ish story. more to come when i have the time. check out my other stories if you like this one. (: Im going for a softer approach this time. ) I have come so far for this. When I finally reach the building I consider turning back. This thought is fleeting, like the cool and collected raise of an eyebrow. It really only lasted the...

1 year ago
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The PixieChapter 5

Carter stepped into a lab in the Engineering building. He spotted Valerie and headed toward her. “So this is where you’ve been spending all your spare time,” he remarked. “Yes — we’ve made good progress on my synesthesia virtual reality project.” She led him to a raven-haired young woman working at a computer. “This is Ceci Long. Her field is digital signal processing and she’s been working on the transforms and filters that let us map sounds onto images.” Ceci turned toward him. “Carter...

4 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 25 Centerfold

Early in the morning, just before sunrise, Susan lay in bed having an erotic dream about Alan. Such dreams had become very commonplace during the past couple of weeks, pretty much from the first medical appointment with Akami. She didn't remember her dreams every night, but when she did it seemed that they were always erotic ones about Alan. This dream was different than most though, because Ron was involved and because at first she had no clue that she was dreaming. The dream began with...

1 year ago
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A message on a Friday evening

It was Friday evening just after 6pm. I had just finished having an early dinner and was about to hop into the shower when I received a message on my phone. Standing naked in the bathroom I opened the message, it was from Sarah the ex escort who I use to pay to fuck. She said, "Hey Cane, how are you babe? Do you have any plans for this evening?"I replied, "Hello sexy lady, I'm good thank and you? No I don't have much plans for tonight, was going to just grab a few drinks with some friends but...

2 years ago
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Tim and Abbie 03 Sunday

It was rather minor league what transpired between Abbie and Tim the night before.  Something two teens would start at, though today they would have probably gone much farther. For Tim, inexperienced as he is, feeling Abbie’s soft hand on his cock wanking him was heaven.  Even if all his contact with her so far has been through her clothing, it is intense.  Yes, lingering questions.  So many questions, but being with Abbie that way is so good.After everything from the night before, Tim wakes,...

1 year ago
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BigCockBully Angela White 25025

Angela White has a boyfriend but is not sexually satisfied, she is craving a much bigger cock. She met this dude that was hitting on her and couldn’t help but wonder how big his cock was. They did a video call and he showed her his cock, it’s EXACTLY what she was looking and hoping for. She can’t wait to get her hands on it and invites him over. They waste no time at all, he comes in, she pounces and he bullies her with is big cock. With her huge natural tits pressed up...

1 year ago
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Changing Minds

“I still can’t believe you managed to convince me to do this.” She frowned at him slightly. “You know I’d never normally wear something like this.” She gestured towards her top, a thin white shirt that clung to her figure, with a deep plunging neckline, over which her black bra could just be seen to be peeking out, and a decorative edge. Sleeveless and only as low as her navel, it afforded little protection, but that was exactly why he wanted her to wear it. “You didn’t take much convincing...

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