Ian: New Awakening free porn video

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I was day dreaming again. In French class no less. But I was day dreaming about the teacher of the class. In my daydream, I was admiring her svelte legs descending from her very short skirt. I was imagining her skirt slowing sliding down those very same legs with only a high cut bikini panty remaining below her waist.

She was pretty. No, she was beautiful. Better yet, she was absolutely, drop dead gorgeous. She was fantastically ravishing. And, she was French! Best of all, she was twenty-two years old--only four years older that I--and she was a Miss. Yes, I said she was a Miss.

Her name? Her name was Miss Bridgette Lavoi. She was an international exchange teacher spending my senior year in my high school teaching French.

A foreign language was a graduation requirement and I was taking my fourth year of the language even though only two years were actually required. I was aiming to be a translator in the diplomatic corps, so I would also be majoring in French in college.

"Mr. McTavish, are you paying attention?"

I should add, that almost all conversation in fourth year French was done in the French language. The fourth year students were expected to be quite fluent in the language and prepared to delve in the the complexities and the subtleties of that same language.

With a startled look, I immediately answered, "Yes, Miss Lavoi, I certainly am."

"You are certainly What, Mr. McTavish?"

"Why, Miss Lavoi, what I'm certainly paying attention to is the melodic way in which you pronounce your native language."

She couldn't help herself, Miss Lavoi blushed.

"Perhaps you would like to come to the front of the class and continue reading today's chapter of Madame Bovary?"


"Can you tell me the author of our novel for this nine-weeks, Mr. McTavish?"

"Certainly, Miss Lavoi, the author was Gustave Flaubert and the book was published in 1857."

"Remarkable, Mr. McTavish."

While I rose and ambled from my front row seat the few steps to the podium, the rest of the class snickered--especially snooty little Miss Linda Sweater the cheerleader captain. She sat in the seat directly across from me on the right. I'd drooled over her, from afar of course, for a very long time. I think I started drooling over her in seventh grade. Course, she didn't know I existed, except to tease now and then.

I read with a bit more than acceptable fluency. My eyes glanced at Linda (whom I called "Little Miss Snooty) as I tried to make eye contact with my audience. She slowly parted her knees, the motion causing me to drop my gaze in that direction. For the first time since Miss Lavoi tried to catch me off guard, I stumbled with my reading. I picked it right back up though.

Little Miss Snooty made a very light sneer. Her knees stopped moving. I finished a page, the class was supposed to be following along in their copies, and had just turned to top of the next page when my eyes caught Miss Snooty opening her knees even wider. Her white panties became visible, almost the whole damned crotch. The cameltoe was unmistakable.

"God, not now, I can't think of Miss Snooty Sweater now--or her white panties."

I thought I said that inside my head. But there was a very audible and collective gasp from the class as well as from Miss Lavoi behind me and then a pregnant silence. I didn't notice the silence at first because the class was supposed to be silent and following along in their books.

I also suddenly realized I sported a boner big enough that I couldn't hide it without being even more obvious. It turned into the biggest woody I'd ever come up with. At that, my jeans were quite baggy. I hated tight pants--at least on me. The tent grew.

Suddenly, I noticed the entire class was staring goo-goo eyed at me, jaws widely agape, and mouths in the round "Oh" shape. Several girls giggled and then several boys chuckled and in an instant, the entire class was roaring with laughter.

God, my boner's so damned big and sticking right in Miss Snooty Sweaters face. Can it be that obvious to everyone out there, can it? Was what I thought. The unspoken answer to that thought was, the damned hardon was indeed highly visible.

What I actually said was, "Whaaa," as I stumbled in my reading and stood silently still, looking totally perplexed.

From behind me came the voice of Miss Lavoi. She tried to be stern, but there was a mischievous smile to her voice.

"Mr. McTavish, you will immediately transport yourself to the principal's office with this note."

The class continued to laugh hysterically. Miss Snooty was showing a slight smile, but her face was red as a ripe strawberry and the flush disappeared down into her generous cleavage.

By then, I was also blushing and embarrassed, but outside of the aching boner, I still didn't know what had happened. Miss Lavoi walked around to me, handed me her quickly written note--sealed shut--and just pointed to the door.

With a pink expulsion slip, I was quickly admitted to the assistant principal's office. He was the one in charge of discipline and all things associated with such. He took the note, opened it, and read. He did a double take and read the short note a second time.

"Well, Mr. Mctavish, that was quite a little speech you just gave in French class."

"I don't understand, sir. I was just reading from our novel for this nine weeks."

"Is that so? Then why did you say..."

The assistant principle went on to quote nearly word for word what I had thought I'd only silently thought in my mind about Linda Sweater and her panties.

"My God," I gasped, "I only thought that."

"Well, according to this note, you actually spoke those words out loud."

"Jeeze, no wonder the class was roaring with laughter. I thought there was a different cause."

"But you did actually say that out loud."


"Well, I can understand why since Miss Lavoi told me what Miss Sweater was doin' right in front of you, but I can't let the incident go unpunished. I hope you understand that."

"Yes, sir, I can--understand the need for punishment that is."

"OK. Today is Friday. For the rest of today and for Monday and Tuesday, you are to serve an in school suspension with the ability to make up work missed in class."

"Thank you, sir."

"You're excused to go to the office workroom to begin serving your suspension, Mr. McTavish."

It definitely was Friday, but French class was my first period class. In effect, I'd been given a three day suspension--minus first period. I had time on my hands, time to think about myself.

Now, I was a high school senior and eighteen years old, a male, and with raging hormones of that age. But I was shy. I'd dated over the four years, but not much--usually a one time affair to a big dance or a special party--not much more. Perhaps it was that pentup frustration that had caused my fau paw in French class. Did I want more? You can darn well be that I did.

But wanting and getting are two entirely different things. That's especially true of a late developer who is shy, not sure of himself, and rabidly fearful of rejection. It would take some doing to undo all of that. Well, not as much as I'd of thought, as it turned out. Just one sexual conquest can do wonders for the male ego.

That night I got a phone call about 6:30

My twelve year old sister answered the phone. "It's for you Mr. Mac, my sister's pet name for me, and it's a G I R L, that's girl to you, no brains."

Her statement was followed by gales of twelve year old giggles. My sister's just the sweetest little thing.


I was answered by a female voice dripping with venom. But I immediately perceived it to be a false affectation.

"This is Linda Sweater. How could you Goddamn say that in front of the whole damned class today?"

"Say what, Linda?"

In a much more sultry voice, Linda answered, "You know damned well what, Ian. Now, would you like to come over to my house in about half an hour and discuss your actions--ah, er, including the size of that tent in your pants?"

"Won't your boyfriend, Ox, be there?"

"No, Ox is out of town tonight and that pisses me off. Just come over. But pull up in back and come in the back door, please."

"What, you don't want your neighbors to see Shanty Irish at your door?"

"No, you dummy. In the first place, you're not Shanty Irish. In the second place, if Ox knows you've been to my house, he'd kill you--or at least beat you to within an inch of your life."

"Yeah, you're likely right about that alright, Linda. See you in thirty."

Linda met me at the back door.

"Heard you drive in. I couldn't miss those dual pipes if I wanted to. Come on, let's go down to the basement recreation room."

I followed her down the narrow stairs. Was she putting a little extra swing in that delicious ass of hers as she walked down? She walked straight over to a day bed.

"Come over here by me."

She had her back to the bed. She put the most sexy, leer/grin on her face that I'd ever seen. She crooked her index finger in that traditional, come hither motion. I walked directly over to her and stood right in front of her.

"Take your clothes off."

"Uh, what was that?"

"Are you hard of hearing, Ian? I said, take your clothes off."

"Now just why would I want to do that?"

"Because stud, I want to see this," She said as she grabbed my quickly growing boner, with her petite hand over my pants.

"OH!" was the most intelligent thing I could answer her with.

"Even with baggy pants today in class, I could see that thing had to be damned huge to make those pants tent out. I want to see it. Now lose those clothes."

I was still shy and therefore slow to react until she quickly shed her blouse. She wore a push-up bra, but her nipples were only half covered by it. I shed my long sleeve shirt in record time. Before I could get there, Linda's hands got to the waist band of my jeans.

"Now, let's see what you've got hidden under here. Something for me, I hope, something big, hard, and hot maybe?"

My jeans, with her help, dropped like a ton of bricks. She pulled off my shoes, socks and jeans before returning to my black boxers. Those she slowly inched down until my very hard, very erect cock--all ten inches of it, popped up free and hit her under her nose.

"O H M Y G O D!" she said in awe. "I knew it! You had to be packing a giant under those pants today."

Without further word, she grabbed my flesh stick with both hands and gently, lovingly, stroked the skin up and down.

"Let's see if I can get you even harder, Ian."

I was already in heaven. What else was left? I was soon to find out.

Reluctantly, I thought, she let go of my dick and stood up. She opened her bra by unhooking the front clasps. The bra swung open and fell off her shoulders to the floor, revealing one gorgeous and generous set of tits. Those mammaries were all natural, firm, and fully packed. Rather large aureola dominated the tip with long, fully erect nipples begging to be pinched.

"O H M Y G O D!" I repeated back to her.

Linda's hands then went to the waist of the loose lounging pants she wore and she shimmied those to the floor. That left her standing in front of me dressed only in a mini thong that left the outer half of her labia exposed and puffy.

"O H M Y G O D. OH M Y E V E R L O V I N G GOD!"

My missile did grow some more, expanding wider and a nitch or two longer. That damned prick was about to burst and it hurt like it as well.

My hormones reacted for me, overriding my shyness and fears. I reached for her thong and literally ripped it off of her. My left hand went between her legs and I put a vice grip like lock on her mound with my middle finger extending down her sodden slit.

"Jesus!" she cried as she jumped. Oh, God, hold me a minute like that."

Moments later, she dropped out of my hold and fell to her knees. Her mouth engulfed my glans and her tongue laved that little head for all it was worth, catching the emerging precum on the way. My hands found her lucious chest globes--and the nipples on each. OH, those glorious nipples!

Linda gave out a growling moan that vibrated up and down my dick. Only moments later, I shot a heavy load of cum into her mouth. She swallowed it all. Then she stood and kissed me, allowing me to taste my own cum before she gulped and swallowed the last shot.

Oh God, you're so much bigger than Ox. If I put that monster in my pussy, no one else will ever be able to satisfy me. But I'm going to fuck your brains out, Ian--believe me I am."

"Well, Linda, I guess it's about time I got my virgin ass laid."

"WhAT? You're a virgin with that size pecker? I'd of thought you'd have to be pushing off girls right and left."

"No, I'm just shy, I guess."

"Well, stud, we're going to change that tonight--here and now. And once more I'll remind you--if you EVER say anything to anyone about coming here to my place tonight, Ox will learn of it and he'll kill you."

"I'm not one to play and tattle anyway. Linda."

"I'll warn you ahead of time though, Ian, it's going to be damned hard for me to keep quiet with the girls about that Goliath you carry between your legs. You'll definitely have all kinds of girls chasing you after tonight."

"Then tonight, Linda, you'd better teach me what to do with them to satisfy them."

"Willingly, Ian, willingly. Now lay on your back on that bed. I'll teach you later. Right now, I've got to get that dick in a place where it'll do the most good."

Linda crawled on top of me on her knees. She straddled my hips, dripping moisture from her pussy between my legs as she crawled and up to my crotch and dick. She brought her lovely nether lips down to my cock that she held in one hand. I felt her rub my knob up and down her sopping slit a couple of times from asshole to clit, jumping each time with a squeal as she hit either end.

I only thought I'd died and gone to heaven as I fondled her tits and she played with my cock. Then I almost did die.

A voice shouted down the stairs, "Linda, are you down there?"

"Yes, Mother, I'm down here. I'm doing my homework with some soft music in the background. That way I'll have the rest of my weekend to play or sleep."

"OK, but be sure to turn out the lights when you come up. Do you have guests?"

"Yes, Mother, one of my classmates in French needs a little help."

"All right, dear. We'll see you in the morning. Your father and I are going to bed. Don't stay up too late."

"OK. Goodnight Mother."

"Goodnight, dear."

The upper door clicked shut.

"Damn, that was close, Linda."

"Not really, Ian. Mother usually never comes down here when I'm snuggled here in the evening. She knows I really do study down here where it's quiet. All I have to do is to answer her with a convincing voice. Now, where were we?"

"Right here, Linda, with my dick parting your delicious and burning lips but not yet through heaven's gate."

"My, virgin or no, you sure do have the pretty words, Ian. Where'd you pick them up?"

"Oh, here and there. But enough talk. Finish what you started, Linda."

She promptly did so, sliding that velvet pussy ever so slowly, smoothly, and without stopping, straight down my dick until our pubic hair mixed and mingled.

"Jesus H. Christ!" slipped out of both our mouths at the same time.

"I've never been so filled full before," groaned Linda.

"I never knew fucking could be like this," I retorted.

"God, Ian, your almost twice as big, long anyway, as Ox. He nor anybody else has ever come close to filling me like you do."

Linda rocked, swiveled, and moved up and down for quite sometime 'til she stopped still, shook, and exploded into a massive orgasm. She clapped both hands over her mouth to hold in her scream. She was about ten seconds into her climax when my cock spewed out its load of cum in shot after shot of ropey strings of white cream. That set her off even harder.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," was all Linda could say and she kept saying it over and over and over until she collapsed down onto me in utter exhaustion, crushing her tits into my chest in the process.

After we'd both recuperated sufficiently, she guided me in how to pleasure a woman with my mouth and tongue on and in a pussy. She showed me what and how fondling clit, asshole, outer labia, inner labia, ad infinitum, could do for a girl, giving herself a plethora of orgasms in the process.

We fucked in every position imaginable and in some I'd never have imagined in a thousand years. The night was the most wonderful of my short life. It was a long night; yet is was also a short night. Too soon, I had to leave. As it was, the clock read four in the morning when I let myself out the back door, Linda's words ringing in my ears:

"I'm a long ways from finished with you, you damned stud. You haven't seen the last of me by a very, very long shot. I want a damned sight more of what you've got swinging between your legs."

Jesus, what've I let myself in for with her? With other girls if she talks?

Linda's house was at the top of along, gently sloping hill. Her driveway also had a light down slope. Good thing too, because I couldn't start up my car behind the house with the loud mufflers it wore. The car had a floor manual shift, so I let it roll to the street and then roll slowly backwards down the deserted hill 'til I felt sufficiently far enough away from her house to start the engine.

When I got hoome, I snuck into the house, crept to my room, and slept 'till noon.

I saw very few people Monday or Tuesday because of my internal suspension. I couldn't go to class, so I waited to the last minute to get to school and went directly to the suspension area. I didn't even get to mingle in the cafeteria at noon. I was required to bring my lunch and eat it where I served my suspension. I did manage to sweet talk the cutest of the three school secretaries into letting me go one minute before the bell at the end of the day to get out to the parking lot ahead of the rush.

On Wednesday morning, however, the "new" me showed up for class. I wore a tight shirt and even tighter pants. Any boners that might develop would be more than obvious and explicitly outlined. Let them put that in their pipes and smoke it.

Who was "they?" Anyone to cared to take notice.

And believe me, when I got to first period French class, between Miss Lavoi and Linda Sweater, I produced an instant and full boner to beat all boners. Miss Lavoi was bad enough. I guess it was the French in her, but she was dressed even more sexily than she ever had. I bet the administration would say something to her before the day was out.

And then there was Linda. She was in the shortest skirt she'd ever worn to class and in a cut top that left an acre of cleavage exsposed. Christ!

Most of the class was already seated, so when my boner bulged magnificently, most of them immediately noticed. There was again the collective gasp from the class and from Miss Lavoi. Linda gave me a leering grin and winked.

Two girls in particular, besides Linda, could hardly tear their eyes away from my crotch. One of them was Terri Meuse, the female of the nerd type and quite shy. But she was also a gorgeous brunette. She just looked slightly wide-eyed, but curious. The other girl was the infamous class round heels, Susan Sheet. She just sat in her seat obviously licking her lips with a glint in her eyes.

Even Miss Lavoi looked very flushed and managed to stumble and stutter some as she said, "M-Mr. McTavish, p-p-please take y-your seat, n-now."

At the end of first hour, Miss Lavoi said, "Ian, will you please stop by after school. I'll have ready the assignments you missed while you were suspended."


The morning passed and I found my cafeteria table which quickly filled with girls around me and two of my buddies. The conversation was definitely aimed at me.

One female voice squeaked, "Rumor has it your packin', Ian."

"Yeah," said another, packing more than three guys put together."

A third managed to croak out, "Oh God, when can we see it?"

The conversation/questions kept up along those lines for the full twenty-two and a half minutes of our lunch break. When I stood to go dump my garbage and return my tray, I had a giant boner again. The "oohs" and "Ahhs" and one, "Would you look at that thing? It can't be real."

A female voice cried, "Believe me, I got it straight from the horse's mouth so to speak that it's definitely real!"

"How'd you know it was true?" asked another.

"She rode him cowgirl for three hour," replied the first voice.

"Jesus," said a chorus.

I glowed red and walked away.

As a sports player for all four years, gym class was not required of me. I had to shower after practices and games, but I was nearly last in doing so and anyway, flaccid, my cock was nothing spectacular. For good or ill, I had one of those cocks that was innocent enough until aroused--then it would quickly grow into what Linda had seen and experienced.

I showed up at Miss Lavoi's room a little over five minutes after the dismissal bell at the end of the day. She was bent over at the waist riffling through the lowest drawer of a filing cabinet. Her delectable ass was pointed straight at me and she hadn't heard me arrive.

I instantly sprouted another boner. Once again my hormones overrode all other fears. My sneakers were soundless as I crept up behind her. I grabbed her waist and pulled her forcefully into my big erection. I've got to hand it to her. She flinched only slightly withou crying out, before she quietly sighed.

"Mr. McTavish, I presume?"

"Do you know anyone else with a boner of this size?"

Did I really say that, shy and fearful old me? What's got into me?

"No, I certainly don't, not even back home in my rural Lyon."

Miss Lavoi pushed back into me with some force. I rubbed my pussy stick up and down her ass crack as she remained bent over the drawer. Only a minute or two more and she spoke quietly.

"Ian, much as I don't want you to, you'd better stop before someone sees us and you get into serious trouble this time. Me too for that matter."

"Yeah, you're right. This isn't the time or place."

"Agreed. But about seven tonight at my apartment would be just right. Can you come?"

"So you do like what you see and felt, do you Miss Lavoi?"

"More than you know, Ian. I'm only four years older than most of you seniors, but I get just as horny as you do--more so, maybe. Can you come?"

"Yes, but man, there are times I wish I didn't have those loud mufflers on my car."

"I live in an apartment complex with several young men who have loud cars. They're on the floor below me, but they park close. No one will know the difference between their loud cars and yours."

"Thank God for small favors, I guess. Yes, I can come. What time do you want me?"



"And Ian, please, when we are alone and away from school, call me Bridgette."

"Yes, Miss Lavoi."

I was walking on air all the way to the parking lot. Before I got out of the building, I ran into Terri Meuse, literally. She turned a blind corner in the hall and I plowed right into her, knocking her books flying and knocking her flat on her ass hard enough to really jiggle her bounteous boobs. The blow stunned us both momentarily. But I wasn't so stunned that I couldn't appreciate the widespread legs and full crotch shot she displayed when she sat.

"Help me up Ian, please. That was quite a hit you just made. Football was over a month ago."

"I'm so sorry, Terri. These blind corners in this school building are so damned dangerous."

I helped her pick up her books. Once again, watching her boobs jiggle and her sweet as as she bent over. Her short skirt gave a brief look at the bottom of her ass. I produced another raging boner. I was still wearing the same tight pants with which I started the day.

Before I knew what she was saying, Terri blurted out, albeit, quietly, "Uh, er, Ian, may I touch that?"

She was pointing straight at my straining erection. This question from the could be gorgeous but slightly frowsy class smart nerd and the one thathad showed herself to be extremely shy? The world must be ending.

With a big gulp, I answered, "Yeah, sure you can."

Very slowly and haltingly, Terri used her index finger to trace the line of my engorged missile from its base to the tip of the glans. She licked her lips. Her finger lifted to be replaced by her entire palm as she rubbed even harder, but still lovingly.

Still out of character, Terri blurted out, "I'm a virgin. I've never even seen one of these let alone touch one. Oh God, what's come over me?"

But she kept rubbing.

"Terri, you'd better stop."


"Because if you don't, I'm going to start squirting."


Before I could say anything more, I did: I squirted and then some.

Terri gave a startled, "OH!" as she watched the growing wet spot in my pants under her hand as I hunched a little and shivered.

"Was that, 'squirting, ' Ian?" she asked.


"Sometime I'd like to watch you squirt without your pants in the way. Oh my God," she blushed, "Did I just say that?"

Terri blushed an even more brilliant red. She'd had a dull sheen of pink on her face ever since she asked to touch my hot dog.

"If I could pleasure you without clothes in the way, you can watch me all you want."


Yes, Terri, really."


"My, but you are eager aren't you?"

"Now that I've actually asked you, yes, I'm extremely eager. I've had a very sheltered life and I'd like to know what my parents are hiding from me."

"Are you doing anything right now?"

"No, I'm free for the next two hours. Why?"

"Well my parents are having dinner out tonight and leave a half hour from now at 4:30. My younger sister is staying with a friend for one more night before she comes home. We'd have my house to ourselves for those two hours you have, Terri."

"I'm game, I think. Let's go before I change my mind."

I introduced Terri to my folks and said, "Terri's going to be here about an hour or so for some help with a difficult part of our French assignment. I'll take her home when we're done and grab a sandwich at Subway on the way back."

"OK. Your father and I will be out until the very wee hours at this company dinner dance--it's all but mandatory we go. We'll see you in the morning."

Shortly after, they were out the door. The door had barely closed when Terri spoke.

"Oh God, Ian, show it to me. Show it to me now before I die or change my mind and run."

"Terri, why don't you remove my pants?"

"Oh no! I couldn't do that."

"Sure you can."

I took her hands and placed them on my belt buckle.

"There. Now unbuckle it."

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I sat there in my house. All week I had the strangest feeling when I would walk home from work.That of being watched.When I would turn around of course I would never see anyone looking at me. I slowly thought I was going crazy. But no way would I ever allow my friends that little (or was it big?) tidbit of information. They already knew I was gay, why put more on their plate?I secretly loved one male celebrity in particular.Not that I had posters of him on my bedroom walls or keep pictures of...

2 years ago
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Ian part 12

"Thanks for letting me swap my shifts again," I say as I switch off the shop's lights and step outside, allowing Dean to lock up the shop. "Yeah, like I'm gonna let you work on your eighteenth birthday," Dean says with a snort of laughter. "You have a good one, mate. See you a week tomorrow, okay?" "Sure," I say, waving goodbye to my supervisor before climbing onto the back seat of Rob's car, where my girlfriend- or, to be more accurate, lover- greets me with a long kiss. "Hey,...

1 year ago
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Ian part 5

I grimace as I feel the pressure increase on my back, and grip the armrests of my chair for support whilst my 'friends' all whoop and cheer. I force the corners of my lips to turn upwards into a smile, though that smile soon fades when the roar of the jet engine is drowned out by a loud squeak from my right hand side. "Oh! My! God!" Georgie squeaks, shredding my nerves more and more with every word she says. "This is so awesome!" "Yeah," I reply, using all of the acting skills I've...

2 years ago
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Ian part 16

Just grin and bear it, I think to myself as I'm ushered to the front of the large room, where a beer is placed in my hands and a mock crown is placed on my head. "Ladies and gentlemen," Stuart announces, a shit-eating grin quickly spreading across his face. "We are all gathered here, several of us hundreds of miles from home, as nineteen years ago today, the world saw the arrival of Ian David Freeman." Except it didn't, I think to myself. Nineteen years ago today, the world saw the...

4 years ago
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Ian part 15

"Okay, then," I say to myself, before taking a deep breath and walking through the front door of the large, imposing building. For the first time in two years, I'm entering a place of education that's based in London- only unlike that last time, I'm doing so on my own terms. It's odd that my thoughts are brought back to my last day of school, rather than my first day of college, especially as there are a lot of similarities between my first days of college and uni. For starters,...

2 years ago
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Ian part 18

"Hey, it's Sonic the Hedgehog!" Stuart says as I enter his music room, earning laughter from our friends and an eye roll from me. "Funny man," I snort. "Yeah, I thought so too," Stuart says with a smug grin. "And how long am I gonna have that nickname for, anyway?" I moan as I pick up my bass guitar and start tuning it. "I washed the dye out days ago..." "More's the pity," Mikey laughs. "And to answer your question," Stuart says, "it'll last until the Arse actually wins...

3 years ago
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Ian part 3

Never in my life have I felt more comfortable. I'm dressed as shabbily as I have ever been. Old, tatty jeans and a loose, long-sleeved t-shirt. I'm wearing no make-up whatsoever, and my short blonde hair is messy and unstyled. I have a paint brush in one hand and a stencil in the other, and for the first time in a very long time, I can truly forget that I was ever a girl. "Kayleigh-Ann!" Miss Fullerton - my ballet teacher - yells, snapping me out of my fantasy. "When you're done with...

3 years ago
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Ian part 14

I take a deep breath as I wake up, but even this action is enough to cause me a lot of pain in my chest. As I open my eyes, I'm briefly confused by my surroundings- this isn't my bedroom in Cardiff, or even my old bedroom in London, but somewhere else... A hospital? That'd explain the pain in my chest, anyway... "Good morning," a familiar Welsh accent says, chilling the blood in my veins as I slowly turn my head and come face to face with my mother, and the stern look on her...

2 years ago
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Ian part 10

"Free at last," Lee says with a snort of laughter as I meet up with him, Rob and Neil at the end of another long week of college. "You got much work to do this weekend on your course?" "Umm, not much," I shrug. "Been getting a good head start the last few weeks." "Smart man," Rob says with a chuckle. "Just had plenty of free time lately," I shrug, leading to an awkward silence as all of my friends know exactly why I've had so much free time lately. It's been just over two...

3 years ago
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Ian part 13

"Mmph," I hear a familiar soft, feminine voice moan as my eyes slowly open. It's a voice that brings back both good and bad memories- bad memories as it's a voice that I had for the first sixteen years of my life, a voice that made me cringe every time it passed my lips. But it also brings good memories as in this case, it's not coming from my mouth, but from the mouth of the beautiful redhead that's snuggled up against me. "Morning babe," I say, waking Chloe up with a gentle kiss. "We...

3 years ago
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Ian part 17

"Thank GOD," Mac says in an over-dramatic way as he, Ben and I head out of our college, all three of us tired after a long week, but excited at the knowledge we have the next three weeks completely university-free. "Took the words right out of my mouth," Ben chuckles. "Oh come on," I protest. "It hasn't been THAT bad, has it?" "So you're telling me you'd rather have another 3 weeks of classes than 3 weeks of holiday, then?" Ben asks, making me grin slyly. "...HELL no," I reply,...

3 years ago
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Ian part 4

"A whole week off!" Maisie squeaks in my ear as the bell rings to signify the end of the school day- and indeed, the end of this half of the term. At least, it would be the end of the school day for me, were it not for the fact that when I arrive home, I immediately head up to my bedroom and exchange the itchy, clingy black tights and knee-length skirt I've worn all day for an even itchier, even clingier pair of pink tights and a black tank leotard, just as I've done every Tuesday and...

1 year ago
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Ian and Brenda Part 1

Her legs were open as Ian was kissing her inner thighs. Slowly, slowly he made his way up, teasing her, wanting her to beg him to go further. Brenda's bristling, coarse pubic hair tickled his nose as his tongue found her soft folds of skin. He licked her moist center and the delicious smell of her sex was intoxicating to him as usual, wonderfully musky.Brenda's head moved back and forth as he teased her sensitive nub with his lips, teeth, and tongue. She began to moan and twist, holding onto...

2 years ago
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Ian and Brenda Part 1

Her legs were open as Ian was kissing her inner thighs. Slowly, slowly he made his way up, teasing her, wanting her to beg him to go further. Brenda's bristling, coarse pubic hair tickled his nose as his tongue found her soft folds of skin. He licked her moist center and the delicious smell of her sex was intoxicating to him as usual, wonderfully musky.Brenda's head moved back and forth as he teased her sensitive nub with his lips, teeth, and tongue. She began to moan and twist, holding onto...

1 year ago
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The first and only time I have acted on the spur of the moment. When I moved up north from London a few years back. Me and my mates arranged to keep in touch by having golfing weekends somewhere halfway between us. This one time it happened to be Nottingham. We were staying at a golf course that had accommodation on site. On the last night we got back from town after some food, the others wanted to call it a night but me and one pal decided to go the bar. I was there getting the drinks and...

3 years ago
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Ian part 2

"I'm heading out now," I say, grimacing in advance at the inevitable response. "Kayleigh-Ann," mum says in an obviously fake pained voice, "come here..." I roll my eyes, before heading into the living room and facing my mother, whose face is scrunched up in a look of pure disapproval. "What is it?" I ask. "I don't want to keep Ollie waiting..." I don't want to keep Ian waiting, either, I think to myself. "WHY are you going out with him?" Mum asks, barely restraining herself from...

1 year ago
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The Succubus Awakening

By MorpheusAfter Eli and his friends play around with a magic spell, Eli finds something inside of him awakening.-------------I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course, this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead, I woke up with a case of blue balls."Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast....

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The Succubus Awakening

The Succubus Awakening By Morpheus I sat up in bed, having just woken up from the middle of a wet dream. Of course this was more of a dry dream since I didn't get any relief. Instead I woke up with a case of blue balls. "Damn," I muttered, wanting to just go back to sleep and get back into that dream. It was crazy erotic though I couldn't remember much in the way of details. They faded away too fast. "Not again..." I got up and went to the bathroom and jacked off for a few...

2 years ago
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Ian Chloe Reunited

Chloe had met Ian on a visit to the UK. They had shared a few passionate nights and a few wild days (stories about this to come later). They had continued communicating through email and had shared a few steamy fantasies. Their relationship was strictly sexual and both were fine with that. Chloe was muscular with curves in all the right places at 5’7′ with wavy auburn hair slightly past her shoulders. She had piercing green eyes and a prominent jawline. Her lips full and luscious and when she...

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Ian part 1

"Project!" Miss Fullerton- my ballet teacher- shouts in a clipped voice as I balance en pointe, reaching forward with elegant, flowing arms. My face is a picture of perfection- immaculately made up, wide, expressive eyes that make it clear to everyone watching that I am not just a ballerina, I am- or at least aspire to be- a PRIMA ballerina, the ultimate expression of feminine beauty. My waist is slim, my legs- encased in soft pink tights- are long and slender, my breasts small...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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Briannas Awakening

Prologue Hi... my name is Brianna. I have decided to try my hand at writing some of my life experiences down - and I hope you enjoy reading about them. Who am I? I'm a 28-year-old Australian girl from Sydney. I am a Professional Escort - we may even have met. Some people have suggested I should be ashamed at what I do - thinking I am nothing but a cheap prostitute. Well yes, I am a prostitute - but I am not cheap!!! In 2002 I earned almost $1 million dollars - I travelled to 12 different...

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Ians New Job ch2

She really didn’t have a lot of sexy clothes. She wore a matching bra under a thin, button up blouse. Sheer enough to make out the outline of her bra. Nearly half the buttons were undone. She sat quietly in the passenger seat as Ian drove. All too soon they were pulling into Grant’s driveway. “It...this will be ok.” Her husband tried to assure her. Placing his hand on her shoulder. He had driven wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers. He hated to admit to himself that it felt weird to...

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Ians New Job

************ Wendy moaned as her husband slowly licked around her pussy. She grabbed the sheets in her ecstasy. An orgasm rising excruciatingly slowly in her. Ian was great at cunnilingus. He practiced often on his wife. Delighting in the way his tongue could give her pleasure. In high school his second girlfriend had made fun of his small penis. She had actually laughed at him when they had sex the first and only time. After that he always tried to start his lovemaking by going down on...

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A fy Awakening

Growing up I always enjoyed visiting my Aunt and uncles place especially during the summer. My Aunt continuously went out of her way to ensure I was happy and had all I needed… if she only knew what I wanted most I could not have. Although they moved to another city and I am now grown up with a f****y of my own, I still think of those days when she would bend over just right in her loose bikini top offering me more than an eye full of her globes which were not big but shapely and firm with...

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A family Awakening

Growing up I always enjoyed visiting my Aunt and uncles place especially during the summer. My Aunt continuously went out of her way to ensure I was happy and had all I needed… if she only knew what I wanted most I could not have. Although they moved to another city and I am now grown up with a family of my own, I still think of those days when she would bend over just right in her loose bikini top offering me more than an eye full of her globes which were not big but shapely and firm with...

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Alisons Awakening

Alison's Awakening Preface Chapter One  Mrs Alison Barber is one of a new breed of middle aged housewives that are exploring a new sexual freedom. She calls it her ‘enlightenment’. Many of her close friends are experiencing a similar sexual renaissance as well. Like many women of her generation, sex in the early days of her marriage was new and exciting. Alison was a virgin when she met her husband Michael. The pressures of working life, commuting, keeping house, raising a child, and caring...

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The Awakening

The Awakening by BobH (c) 2011, 2013 Four years ago someone murdered me. I was determined to find out who, and to make them pay. 1. The Party It all began at the firm's annual party. To the casual viewer this was an excuse for us to relax and for our spouses and significant others to socialize. In reality it was more like the Roman arena, a killing ground in which we associates warily circled each other, looking for ways to curry favour with the partners and to do each...

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Michelles Awakening

Michelle’s Awakening Ch 1Finally, 4:30. Michelle could now leave work, and head to the gym. But she wasn’t going there to work out, like she told her husband, Greg. She was meeting Mike in the side parking lot. Mike was her lover. Their relationship had been going for almost 3 months. Michelle was bored in her marriage, and their sex life was routine, as well as infrequent. She longed for more.Michelle and Mike worked together, and had frequently met for lunch. The more they talked, the more...

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Rhianna brings a friend

“Never too busy for you Rhianna. Do you want to come round?” “Yes please”, I could hear the smile in her voice, “I can't stop thinking about last week. It was so horny. And loving! You were so gentle with me. I loved it. Do you want to know what I loved best?” “Ooh Yes. Was it the boobs or the Bum?” “Neither. It was sleeping with you. It was so warm and cuddly. I woke up a couple of times to check if it was a dream. I watched you sleeping. I love you!” “ That's not the general idea....

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Kianna Dior 2400 299000

The search for meaning and truth is integral to developing a cohesive society full of happy and healthy citizens. Yet, despite many thousands of years of research by scientists and monks alike, we haven't come much closer to objective reality.Berries < Apples < MelonsHowever, we have been able to pluck several fruits from the tree of knowledge. Many of these lay in the realm of science, and I am no scientist. I am but a man with an unrelenting boner and access to unlimited amounts of...

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Daughters Incestuous Therapy 1 Incestuous Awakening

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Incestuous Awakening By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Session 1 with Mercedes Daniels The click-click of the metronome echoed through my office. I sat cross-legged on my chair, my skirt riding up enough to show the tops of the beige, thigh-high stockings I wore. I had my e-ink tablet on my lap, ready to take notes as my patient sat on the cream-colored loveseat across from me. Mercedes Daniels looked...

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Her Awakening

No, this couldn’t be happening, she thought. This was not something she would ever dream of doing, no, she was a “good girl”. She had never even had a one-night stand, how could she now want to do this? She couldn’t help but relive that day. It was a warm late winter day, the kind that makes you know you’ve made it through the winter and that spring was on the verge of blossoming. I had had flights of fancy before, but something was brewing inside that was totally new. I had taken to calling...

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Mom8217s Summer Sexcapades 8211 Ch 1 Awakening

Prologue: The untimely summer rains kept pattering on the panes as I felt jolt after jolt of uninhibited orgasm escape my body like never before! Moans mixed with the fumes rising from the hot earth as the rains quenched the parched thirst of the soil quite parallel to the way Raju was ravishing my mom inside the car. Biting, nibbling, gobbling leaving no posture of oral sex fervor untouched! It was as if both their libidos were set ablaze in the lonely countryside as passion flared up in the...

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Painted Lady Nikkis Awakening

Tales From The Painted Lady: Nikki's Awakening - By Beryl33 Hello, everyone! This is Nikki again, chambermaid at The Painted Lady. I've had some requests for the beginning of my story, the tale of how I became Mistress Anne's devoted - and transformed! - "lesbian" slavegirl and slutty she-male maid. Here's how it all began: I woke slowly, or half-woke, still drifting in the dream - a bizaare but very erotic dream in which I tried on various pieces of lingerie at the orders of a...

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Andersonville 22 The Awakening

Mike Stoner sat and watched as his boss read the report. Dennis Butz scanned through each page carefully, taking extra time to check out the psychological profile Mike had prepared. Satisfied with what he saw, Dennis placed the report down next to him. "Very thorough," he stated. "Thank you," Mike smiled. Dennis Butz was a good man to work for. "I think she is a very good choice for who you have in mind." Dennis nodded. "When can you move her?" "Tomorrow morning. I...

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The Awakening

The AwakeningThis is based on true a story and some of you who have read some of my very early stories may recognize this story.Well  where can I start … from the beginning I suppose picture this a bored 30 something housewife , married her high school sweetheart and now almost 15 years later felt like she was screaming inside with boredom. I felt like I was abnormal because I wasn’t enjoying lovemaking – it was always over too soon, was always the same and if I dared to suggest something out...

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Carolines Awakening

Caroline's Awakening Caroline's Awakening The setting sun lazily flashed and flickered off the final water jump. Caroline dug her boot heels in to goad her horse, Odyne, to complete the final jump. Before the ripples caused by the mud falling from the horses hoofs had reached the bank, she had crossed the line to what can only be described as polite, almost sympathetic applause.?Bugger? she thought, disheartened in knowing that for the third year running she had failed to finish inside...

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The Awakening

The awakening part 1 ?The awakening part 1 As the taxi drove through the Oxfordshire countryside I lent forward and wound down the window, the warm spring air blew around me, the scent of Elder, Hawthorn and grass heavy in the breeze, the dappled sun shining on to open fields, as the clouds roll through the heavens, crops beginning to sprout as Nature begins another cycle. I sat back as I thought of what was to come, meeting Cathy for the first time as my submissive. We had met twice...

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My Awakening

My Awakening My Awakening Part 1; The day was like any other day. I got out of bed somewhere around 3 PM, but only because I set my alarm. I took a quick shower and forgot to shave. I played around on my computer for a while, then I was off to work. I'm only 23 and I own my mother's old corner store, after she sold it to me for basically nothing as she expanded her other businesses. Anyway, it was a Saturday night, which is a corner store's best night. That meant I could have two people...

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Julianna Part 2

If I had not seen the letter in Julianna’s own handwriting, I would never have believed it. Perhaps there was a side to her that I had never seen, just as she had been oblivious to my obsession with female domination. I re-read the line where Julianna wrote, “I shall take this opportunity to explore my fantasies, too,” and wondered what she had in mind. I began to tremble when I considered her declaration, “Perhaps you will come to renounce your fantasies once you have experienced the severity...

2 years ago
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Lucian Ch 2

Lucian, Chapter Two. Why do we think in absolutes so often, like good and bad, fire and water? Why, for instance, do we insist that there only should be men and women, and call that the natural order? Isn't that just a lack of imagination? Lucian sat on a bench in the shadow of a big tree with a crown of flaming leaves - a sycamore, maybe? He loved the word, but he knew nothing about trees. It wasn't an oak, surely - there were no acorns lying around. He looked across the vast...

1 year ago
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Julianna Part 3

I awoke with a foot grinding in my face. Julianna was standing above me and smiling down at me. She was still nude. "Wake up, slave," she chirped, "You've got breakfast to cook." She kicked the blanket off me. The smile left her face and her eyes narrowed. "What's this?” she asked, pointing her big toe to the dried cum on the blanket. "I--I couldn't help it," I stuttered, "I was so horny. I needed relief." Julianna was genuinely angry. "Get on your knees, NOW!" she ordered. I obeyed. She put...

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Lucian Ch 9

Lucian, Chapter Nine. Why do we still think airports are places of glamour? Why not call them the meat-packing factories they are, pushing long sausages of passengers' flesh through portals and detector gates? Tourists, businessmen, and all kinds of other travelers milled around the halls and corridors of Washington's Dulles International Airport, spreading sweat and heat and noise and agitation. But the tall and slender silver-haired creature at the center of this swirling...

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Lucian Ch 6

Lucian, Chapter Six. Some scents arouse us in conflicting ways. They incite lust as well as fear, desire as well as apprehension - they're like a blend of cold sweat and intoxicating perfume. The 25th of June arrived, and Norton's Academy of Excellence was in turmoil. Lucian learned that it was an important date; it was the day, 16 years ago, when the school had been established. It also was a day of reunion, when sponsors and alumni came from all over the States to meet...

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Lucian Ch 1

Dear reader, For legal reasons I have to assure you that all characters in this story are over 18 years old. For every other reason, though, I must remind you that the law has no jurisdiction over your imagination. Lucian, Chapter One. The black shoe swung in and out of the overhead light. It was a slender-heeled pump hugging a nylon-clad foot attached to a nylon-clad leg. Bent at the knee the leg covered a second nylon-clad knee, swinging softly. He loved the dark,...

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Lucian Ch 5

Lucian, Chapter Five. Spring arrived at Norton's Academy of Excellence. It painted the drab lawns with blazing green, causing desolate bushes to burst into a zillion flowers. Chaotic birdsong filled the sky, and Lucian Gaines ran, seeing it all happen - the yellow of daffodils, the purple of crocuses and the pure white of snowbells. Not that he had the faintest idea what their names were. Winter had been fickle. The first snow thawed after a week, followed by a new load...

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Lucian Ch 4

Lucian, Chapter Four. What if the people you hate become the only ones to turn to? November turned into December, and the weather refused to really get cold. It was wet and misty, though, but that didn't stop Lucian Gaines from running two times a day, just wearing his long lycra tights and a top. The park had maybe become the only place he felt save anymore, escaping the eyes that were everywhere, the whispers and the giggles. Wherever he saw Barbs, he wondered if they might be...

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Lucian Ch 3

Lucian, Chapter Three. A million drops of water will hollow out a stone Three months passed, and a patient repetition of daily chores created a new normality for Lucian Gaines - even in a world as weird as Norton's Academy of Excellence. Since he started classes, things sped up. Life became more palpable, more real - though increasingly bizarre. He was at a school after all, a school with its strict schedules and classes, tests and exams and all the usual tedious...

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Lucian Ch 7

Lucian, Chapter Seven. A tremor crawled up his leg. It made his knees tremble before it disappeared under the flaring hem of his dress where it touched his bare cheek and danced up his spine - to choke his throat. "It's okay," a girl's voice whispered. *** October found its way to Norton's Academy of Excellence. It colored the leaves of the ancient trees before autumn winds blew them over the spacious lawns. It was Lucian Gaines' second autumn there and he had changed a...

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