Lucian Ch. 9 free porn video

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Lucian, Chapter Nine. Why do we still think airports are places of glamour? Why not call them the meat-packing factories they are, pushing long sausages of passengers' flesh through portals and detector gates? Tourists, businessmen, and all kinds of other travelers milled around the halls and corridors of Washington's Dulles International Airport, spreading sweat and heat and noise and agitation. But the tall and slender silver-haired creature at the center of this swirling circus didn't seem to notice. Aloof and serene, it split the crowd like a modern-day Moses - chin up, eyes high, one heeled foot sliding in front of the other. Even the din seemed to quiet down where it went - as did the colors that swirled around, jumping off nylon jackets, red and yellow signs, pink suitcases and towering backpacks. Their shrillness leaked away, seemingly absorbed by the eye of a storm. Everything about the pale creature looked elongated and vertical - as if contorted by a photographer's lens. In the small circle it occupied, the creature seemed to magically recreate a long-lost era of quiet elegance. For simplicity's sake, let's call it a she; the alternative would be so much more farfetched. She was tall for a she, maybe over six feet on her heels. Her skin was way too soft and pale to even hint at maleness - too translucent maybe even for a woman. The only pink in her face was on her lips. Her eyes were pale, sparkling sapphires, lighting up in a frame of smoky shadow. On top of her head floated a cloud of silver-white curls, pinned up to display the slender length of her neck - and make her look even taller. All she seemed to wear today was a white, short trench coat, tied at her narrow waist and flaring out until it stopped at mid-thigh where bare legs took over, as pale as her face and plunging down forever - slender calves curving with each step of her towering heels. Her hands were in her pockets and she walked as if the arrival hall was a catwalk - her eyes fixed on the EXIT sign. No one would hesitate to call her a woman, and yet there was this little - something that the French call 'je ne sais quoi', I don't know. Something you couldn't put your finger on. It was the small, exotic extra that took her face in less than two years to the cover of international magazines, and her body to every exclusive fashion show around the globe. It was a lingering trace of 'he'. From behind his fortress of breathtaking beauty, Lucian Gaines absorbed the everyday insanity around him. Or did he? Did he notice the heads turning, the eyes lingering, searching, wondering? And did he care how behind those eyes brains processed his face, comparing it, deducing it until it would click into a slot of recognition - well-known images pouring in from magazines, posters, phone screens and tv-commercials? Not really, he kept telling himself. Everything those eyes saw was but a charade - a carefully constructed illusion. They knew him, they thought; or rather they knew her. But all they knew was what he showed them: his eyes, his hair, his skin, his legs, his Smile, his Glide. All they saw was fa?ade, wasn't it? He sighed as his feet found the next tile, and the next - the EXIT sign getting closer over the bobbing heads. His trained ears filtered the din, picking up the clicks of his heels and the slight squeak of the baggage-trolley that followed him. Three big suitcases were on the cart, a bag and a beauty case, pushed by the small, sweaty man with the sad moustache; one of the many people he was supposed to ignore - servants, assistants, nobodies. But Lucian knew the face of the man in every detail; the color of his eyes, the shape of his eyebrows, the faded blue of his shirt, the dark spots under his armpits. He knew without looking; he'd learned to see without watching. The man would despise him, he knew, thinking him a stuck-up bitch, a rich, spoilt brat - until Honor would hand him the fifty-dollar tip. Lucian sighed, quickening his footsteps. It was all about that, wasn't it? Pre-judging, framing. He was a rich, arrogant bitch the moment the man saw him: he had too many and too big suitcases, he was too famous, too young. But still the man had scooted over in a hurry unless someone else might beat him to this morsel of business. Money, it was all about money. After Honor would hand him the tip, he'd still see Lucian as a rich bitch - just a bitch that tipped well. Ah, Honor... Sweet tiny beautician Honey Honor. How deep she'd blushed when Lucian asked her that day to leave with him as his assistant - two years ago. A soft-eyed blond little sweetheart she was, but one that turned into a roaring lioness whenever Lucian needed her to be - guarding his diary like a watchdog, scaring people into cooperation, opening doors, finding the best tables in the most famous restaurants. And fucking like a pro. Hearing the soft slide of her ballet shoes on the tiles made Lucian imagine the calm grey eyes under thick blond bangs; the pouting lips - the shining top bulging with her generous tits, a present Lucian gave her, knowing it had been the girl's dream since the day she'd joined the Academy. Honor was a girl - definitely; she was girlier than most so-called real girls he knew. One day she'd go all the way. The EXIT doors sighed open when he reached them. Stepping out into a balmy, kerosene-tainted summer breeze he looked around - and frowned. Behind a low railing was a slender girl in an open, baby-blue man's shirt over a creamy silk top and short shorts, leaving her long legs bare until they were wrapped in satin ballet shoes. The sign in her hand said Ms. Lucia Gaines. Lucian walked up to her, smiling the Smile. "Hello, Ellis," he said. He remembered the blond boy he'd shown around Norton's Academy on his first day, together with that beautiful dark boy - what was his name again? Back then he'd been sure Norton's would turn the shy country boy into a stunner and it did: erasing the chubbiness and letting him grow into this reedy beauty, smiling and moving graciously. Yes, Lucian thought, the boy wasn't in Kansas anymore. "How are you," he went on. "You look beautiful, sweetheart. You must be close to graduating Second Level by now." The girl blushed, red blotches rising from her chest. And she curtsied. "Welcome, Ms. Gaines," she murmured, her voice wavering. "Welcome back to Norton's; we are all so proud to have you this year." "Shhh," Lucian said, pressing a pink nailed finger to the girl's soft lips. "Now show me that sign, honey." He took the piece of board and snapped with the fingers of his free hand over his shoulder, without watching. A pen slid into his hand. Clucking his tongue, he scratched out the "Ms." On the sign and added a fat "n" to his first name. "My name is Lucian, darling. "Don't forget," he said and handed the sign back. The girl blushed even deeper. Then she curtsied low and asked Lucian to follow her. *** The white Mercedes hummed as the green countryside flew by. Lucian sat back in the leather seat, his fingers twisting the flaxen curls of little Honor. Her head lay in his lap, glowing sweetly. He'd opened the belt of his coat and wriggled out of it, now only wearing a gauzy white top over a very tight white leather pair of short- shorts. They were not an accidental choice of course, although his heels were quite different from the comfortable ballet slippers he used to wear at Norton's. In the mirror, he met Ellis's curious eyes. They shied away when he pouted his lips and winked. "Who would have thought, lil' Honey," he said as his fingers found the girl's cheek, caressing it. "Me returning to Norton's?" The girl's hand rose and covered his. "You'll blow them all away," she said, softly squeezing his fingers. Lucian looked outside, just staring blindly as the green blur sped by. His thoughts reluctantly returned to that one evening when he left Parker's office to meet his date in a thin blue dress and a cloud of certainty. An involuntary shiver ran down his spine as long subdued memories returned. He again felt how his fingers squeezed the white clutch as he went down to the pebbled driveway where a car waited - not unlike the Mercedes he was sitting in now. He remembered how his heart raced in its narrow cage. *** "You look so... young," the man beside the car said. "They'll think you're my teen daughter." He wasn't repulsive, if you don't mind Latin car salesmen. He also wasn't tall, but he was dark, and, well yes, handsome in an oily way. His dark hair was sleeked back. And, thank God, he didn't have a thin moustache on his upper lip. Chuckling at his own words, he opened the passenger door of the dark Mercedes. She slid in, trying to do it as elegantly as she'd been taught. The leather felt cool through her thin dress. He was a gentleman, Parker had said, a gentle man, and maybe he was. He'd smiled and opened the door for her, hadn't he? He also dressed well. And he didn't touch her - not in the car, nor in the restaurant he took her to. But his eyes did - and so did his voice. His gaze was all over her from the moment she gracefully sent her precarious heels down the school's stone steps, walking to the waiting car as a breeze molded the dress against her body. It felt as if his eyes didn't stop at the surface: they seemed to slip under the flimsy fabric, fondling her skin. Her face must have been ablaze. The woman she was supposed to be now should take it all as a compliment, she knew: the eyes, the words, the voice. But all she felt was rape. It made her feel naked - her temperature rising to a claustrophobic level. His words seemed to leave a film of grease on her clean satin skin. Whatever it was, it felt like an oily cloud - clotting her thoughts and slowing down her movements. It felt wrong. And it got worse after they sat down at the white-clad table in the posh restaurant, when he said: "Trust me, baby. No need to be nervous. Let daddy order for you." Of course, the words were unfortunate, mildly put, but he certainly aggravated it by the way he said them - his smooth voice, his smile, his chuckling. He picked a single white rose from a vase and handed it to her. "White for you," he said, "a virgin rose." He wasn't old at all. Just old enough to be right about people thinking they were father and daughter. But actually saying that was stupid, wasn't it - and very poorly informed. Parker must have told him, surely? Then again: why would she have told a new suitor that his date slaughtered his predecessor's cock? Whatsoever, calling himself 'daddy' was the most efficient way to undo all the hard work done on Lucian. Sobering thoughts cleared up the mist in his skull, replacing it with a mild headache. He had no idea when this reassuring mist had exactly entered his mind - you never do with a brainwash, do you? You don't even know it's there, making you see things as other people want you to see it, and in a nice laid-back way. Maybe. He shook his head. Did he think 'he' right now? Lucian rose from his chair, making it screech on the stone floor. "Please take me back," he whispered. "I'm sorry. I can't do this." Standing there in just his flimsy dress and thong made him feel stark naked. His exposed body seemed to dangle from the glowing hook of his blazing head. One of his pale, pink-nailed hands grasped at the surrounding air as the other reached for his throat. He gagged in panic. Would he faint - sink into darkness; fall to the floor? Strong hands caught him. He swallowed hard, trying to gather the floating cloud of particles his body had become. His eyes panned along faces and tables and chairs and things - gradually getting them back into focus. "Please..." he heard; it must have been his own voice. The man was gentle. "Sit down," he said. "It'll pass, baby." "I... I can't. I really should... " Lucian tried. "Take a sip," the man said, handing him a tall glass of water. "It'll be all right." The cold liquid filled his mouth. He could feel it run down to his stomach like a tiny ice-river, making him shiver. The Smile, he thought, I need to Smile - and he felt the muscles of his face ply into the proper mask he'd learned to hide behind. Hiding, he thought - mask, training, make-belief. "She's ready," he remembered Parker saying into the phone. She'd been wrong, hadn't she? The 'she' she'd mentioned was still just a dress and a mask - a painstakingly trained set of manners to be applied when needed. Had he fooled the headmistress into believing he was ready? If so, he'd fooled himself as well. When he rose from that chair in her office to meet the 'gentle man' he'd swear he was the girl Lucia, excited and giddy about meeting her male date. No charade there. But now. Hidden inside his artful cloak of femininity Lucian watched the man at the other side of the table, talking with the waiter as if nothing had happened. Between sentences his gaze turned to Lucian, smiling - and Lucian Smiled back. Then the waiter took a bottle from a cooler, wrapping it in a napkin as he popped the cork. It was champagne, and he poured some into the glass flute in front of the man. Making a show of it he took a sip and rolled the liquid around in his mouth, eyes closed. "Aaah," he then sighed, mentioning a French brandname and a year. "Merveilleux," he added and he waved the waiter to Lucian. The man poured champagne in his glass, filling it with hissing foam that subsided into a clear, bubbly liquid. Lucian knew the taste of champagne. Even as a child he'd sipped it from his mother's neglected glass - or the glasses of her visiting friends. It was sweet and exhilarating. Intoxicating too. "I... I don't drink," Lucian said. "I'm not twenty-one yet, and we're not allowed at Norton's." The man laughed out loud, sitting back to get his own glass topped up. "But this is not Norton's, is it," he said, picking up his glass and holding it out for a toast. "You're a big girl now - let's drink to your health." Lucian rose again, more careful now. "Please take me back home," he whispered, not realizing the word he used. "Mine or yours," the man said, grinning. "Take me back to Norton's; I can't do this." "No. And sit down." Lucian kept standing, and he stared mutely at the man who ran a blunt fingertip around the rim of his glass, smiling. "Please?" Lucian's voice was almost a sigh. The man slowly shook his grinning head left and right. Then he opened his mouth into a tight O that he filled with the dashing tip of his tongue. It was unspeakably lewd. Lucian let his hands sink down to the hem of his short dress, taking it in his fingers and slowly pulling it up. His eyes never left the man's. "I'll undress," he said, his voice trembling. "I'll strip right here and show all these people who I really am, so they'll know who you really are." The hem of the dress rose to his belly now, exposing the sky-blue thong and a lot of white, bare skin. Pushing his hips forward, he hoped his tiny cock would stand out against the tight, translucent satin. He noticed a hush around him. Right before his face disappeared behind the pulled-up dress the man moved. A chair fell and feet shuffled. Hands pulled the dress down, causing the delicate fabric to tear. "Stop this, crazy faggot!" the man hissed, wrapping an arm around Lucian and pushing him down in the chair. The torn dress sagged open, exposing pale flesh. Lucian gathered the fabric and rose again, but the man grabbed his upper arms and pushed him down. "You sit!" he hissed, his breath smelling of garlic. His grip hurt. "You hurt me," Lucian said, and the man let go. His arms smarted. He saw purple-and-blue lines on his white skin where fingers had strangled the flesh. Gathering his torn dress, he pressed back into his chair, away from the man and too scared to look up. "Is everything all right, sir?" a deep voice asked. He looked up and saw the concerned face of the waiter. Behind him stood a huge ink-black silhouette. Security, he thought, a bouncer. Lucian let go of his ruined dress and said: "I feel sick. We just decided to leave." He raised a limp wrist towards his date and smiled weakly as the man took hold of it - his face dark with anger. Feeling the other hand grab his waist, he was hurried to the distant exit of the restaurant. Faces passed by - male and female, gowns and smokings; wide eyes, open mouths. His stiletto heels scratched the floor. Then he felt the fresh outside air. He heard the man call for the valet and his car. Shivering, Lucian hugged his upper arms, standing alone now. A waiter came running, holding his clutch and shawl. Cursing, Lucian's date pushed a few banknotes in his hand. The car arrived and he was pushed onto the back seat. "Fucking faggot! Damn fucking faggot," the man mumbled. The tires screamed as he tore away. *** Staring into the passing landscape, back in the humming car and fondling Honor's soft round buttock, Lucian frowned as he remembered. The ride had been anything but comfortable; he'd been pushed left and right on the back seat as the man took curves, braking suddenly or pushing the gas pedal like a madman. At last he stopped with shrieking brakes in the middle of, well, nowhere - there was darkness all around. "Get out," he growled. "But we're not there yet," Lucian objected, peering into the night. "Where are we?" "Out, you fucking queer!" the man repeated, reaching through the front chairs to push open the back door. Cold air rushed in, penetrating Lucian's flimsy rags. "Please take me to the school," he asked, his teeth chattering. "Get out and walk," the man went on. "You cost me enough as it is." Lucian slid across the leather seat, probing the outside world with a stretching right foot. "But I can't walk in these shoes," he objected. "What's out there? Grass, mud? My heels..." The man pushed him out, making him stumble and fall on the moist shoulder of the road. Lucian heard the door shut and the car scream away. The tires threw mud on him. Rising, he saw where he was in the headlights of passing cars. He stumbled down the soft ramp to the county-road below. With every step his stiletto heels were sucked in by the mud. It took him half an hour to reach the entrance of the Academy. When he arrived, he was thoroughly cold and wet from the evening damp that rose from the fields. His finger trembled as he pressed the button. "Good evening and welcome, who's there?" a familiar voice said. Hearing the voice of a friend made him break down and cry as he held his shuddering, ice-cold body in a hug. The shreds of his useless dress moved in the wind. One of his heels was broken. "It's me, Taylor," Lucian stammered through clenched teeth and shivering lips. "Please let me in." *** The room was warm, and so was the blanket wrapped around him. The mug of hot tea glowed in the palms of his hands. Lucian blew on it, watching tiny ripples run away on the surface. "But why?" Taylor asked. They sat together in the small gatehouse, their bodies only feet apart. Lucian watched the boy's slender, manicured fingers elegantly holding a china cup. He noticed the long dark lashes shutting and opening in a languorous slow motion - exposing and hiding calm gray irises. And he saw how the boy's bob had grown out into a mass of golden waves. It framed an immaculate face and soft lips that right now curled into a smile. Not a boy anymore, he thought. Not by a long shot. "Why?" Lucian echoed the question. "You mean: why did I refuse and run?" Taylor hesitated. Then he nodded. His voice was a whisper. "I saw you leave, Lucy," he said, making Lucian wince at the name. "You wore that lovely dress as you went down to the driveway where he held the door to his car. I was so jealous. And you looked so sweet and... ready." Ready, Lucian thought. How does one look ready? "He was a pig," he said, looking up from the mug. "I... well, I suddenly felt... disgusted." Taylor's eyes opened wide. "But... but he looked so... well, so..." he stuttered. "Like a gentleman," Lucian filled in. "That was what Parker called him." He took a sip from the hot tea. Then he put the mug down. "I'm exhausted," he said. "I need to sleep." Taylor rose, his long, beautiful legs unfolding. "You shouldn't sleep alone," he said, reaching out to help Lucian up. "I'm fine," Lucian said, allowing the boy to hold him as they went out to the main building. He stumbled on his damaged heels, but the arm around his waist and the body he leant into spun a shell of warm safety around them both. When they arrived at his room, Taylor reached down for Lucian's mouth and planted a lingering kiss on his lips, soft but insistent, slippery with gloss, tasting sweet... feeling wonderful. "I have to be at the gate," he breathed. "But please know that we are all with you, Luce - all of us." When he was alone, Lucian plucked the remains of the once pretty dress off his shivering skin and took a long hot shower. The water cascaded over him as he let his hands wander, touching the blue bruises on his upper arm. They hurt when he pressed them. Shaking his head, he brought a finger to his chest, circling his nipples, finding his belly and cupping his tight and lonesome penis. "Why?" Taylor had asked. Why indeed? He shut the shower, dried his body and rubbed it with lotion. Then he slid between the soft sheets of his bed. He must have been sleeping for a bit - or at least drifting in and out - when he felt a warm body crouching against his back, followed by another sweet, naked body against his knees and arms. *** Still an hour to go, Lucian guessed, back in the white Mercedes. The car joined a thinning stream of traffic on yet another interstate highway. A nervous flutter touched his stomach as he imagined how his arrival would be at Norton's Academy. "Please tell me, Ellis," he asked, making the Barbie-girl at the wheel take her eyes off the road, looking at him via the mirror. "How's old Parker?" "She's fine," the girl said, smiling, and using the well-trained, breezy Norton-voice. "She told me to take you to her right away." The pale, puffy face of Ms. Parker freed itself from the green blur of the passing landscape. It smiled. Of course it smiled, but there was a tension beneath the tired flesh that made the corners of her mouth tremble - just like it did that morning after his disastrous date. Knuckles had rapped on his bedroom door while he still floated in that boundless tropical sea we swim in before waking. A young voice informed him he should see the 'old cow' - at once. He'd been alone in the bed; the warm bodies were gone. Had they even been there? They might as well have been dreamlike phantoms. As the sleepy bubble burst, colder memories rushed in. Lucian sighed, throwing off the blanket. The ugly purple bruises on his arms had turned even darker. They still hurt under his fingers. "Fucking bastard," he mumbled, pulling up a pair of pink shorts and finding a white top. Then he donned a long shirt and a pair of flip- flops. Passing the mirror he had to stop, grab a brush and tame his riot of curls. Wetting a finger-tip he straightened his eyebrows. He pouted his lips, fluttering his lashes. "What are you fucking doing?" he breathed. "It's only the cow." He turned towards the door, but his hand had already grabbed a pink lipstick. Returning to the mirror, he painted his pale lips. *** The principal had left her desk and was walking around it when he entered her office. She wore one of her usual panzer-suits, but her face was flushed and her lips trembled. Stopping very close to him, her hand rose, but she checked it. "Sit down," she hissed. Lucian sat down, crossing his legs. "What happened?" she asked, still standing. Lucian raised his arms to show his bruises. "He also tore my dress," he added. "That is not what he said," Parker answered. Lucian shrugged. "He said you were aloof and rude and fitful," the woman went on. "Not at all nice. You made a fool of him in the restaurant, threatening to take off your dress and blackmail him with that... "Why on earth did you do that?" Lucian shrugged again. "He was a pig." Parker stared at him, her mouth working like a fish on dry land. "A... pig," she repeated. "I... I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate on that." Lucian knew her irony was meant to patronize. He just shrugged again, making the silver cloud of his brushed hair dance on his shoulders. Ms. Parker sat down on a chair next to him, rearranging her traits into what she maybe supposed to be her concerned face. She took one of his hands in hers; they felt like warm dough. "Mr. Martinez is a wealthy man who has been extremely good to us," Parker said, using what he called her motherly voice. It never suited her. "He is generous and defends us in circles that could harm us. Keeping him, well... pleased is very important. I thought you understood. I thought you were ready." She sat straight and let go of his hand. So the man was called Martinez; he never cared to introduce himself, Lucian realized; or asked for his name. "What happened, Lucia?" Parker asked. He felt nauseous as the air closed in. "I couldn't do it," he said, his voice sounding distant. "Do what, honey?" the woman asked. He looked up, meeting the owlish eyes in their dark frames. "You know what I mean," he said. Now she shrugged, making her stuffed shoulders rise. "Do I?" she asked. "I thought I sent a sweet, beautiful girl on a date with a wealthy gentleman, who took her to a very exclusive restaurant, where she would not just impress his peers as eye-blinding arm candy, but also entertain him with intelligent conversation, being just a wonderful, well-bred companion..." "He fucked me with his eyes even before we arrived," Lucian said. The silence lasted at least ten seconds. "With his... eyes?" Parker then asked. "He was very rude," Lucian went on, his voice almost a whisper now. "He said I'd be his daughter - he'd be my... daddy." Parker closed her eyes, frowning. Another silence fell. "I told him I couldn't do it," Lucian explained. "I asked him to take me back here. He refused in an awful, humiliating way. That's when I threatened to show the restaurant my true gender." Parker stared down at her perfect manicure. "He tore up my dress," Lucian went on. "And he bruised my arms, pushing me back into my seat. That's when the waiter and the bouncer told us to leave." His voice was monotonous as he went on: "The man was very angry. Everybody in the restaurant looked as he pulled me to the exit while I tried to keep my torn dress closed." Lucian shrugged. "He dumped me at the junction, half an hour's walk from here, in the middle of the night, barely dressed and on my stiletto heels." Looking up to find Parker's eyes, he concluded: "He was not a gentleman, Ms. Parker." The principal rose from her chair, never looking at the boy. "You disappoint us all, Lucia," she said as she walked over to her desk. "Then again, maybe it was our fault as well. Maybe you weren't ready after all." "Can I leave now?" he asked. Parker nodded, but when he reached the door, she called him back. "There is the matter of the money, of course," she said. "Mr. Martinez has retracted his generous donation because of your, well... let's call it attitude. I'm afraid it has to be replaced and I'm sure we will find a way, don't you think so too, Lucia?" Lucian just stood and stared. "Ah, and well," Parker went on. "Before having your breakfast, please see Dr. Kurtz, will you?" *** The doctor's practice was the one room at Norton's that Lucian hated most - Parker's office being a close second. There were so many reasons for that aversion - the cold neon light, the blue latex gloves shining with Vaseline, the shameless violation of every part and entrance of his body - and mind. And the gratuitous lying, of course. Staring out of the comfortable Mercedes on his way back to Norton's, Lucian wondered why Kurtz had always assumed she could do whatever she deemed necessary to him. Was it the alleged suicide of her son that made her feel the ends were more important than the means? Or was she just, well, a mad scientist, like Joseph Mengele experimenting on children that could not escape her? "Please sit down, Lucian," she said from behind her littered desk, wearing her white coat and her crooked smile. He sat down on the stool in front of her, another source of ugly memories. "So, you had a bad date, honey?" she asked, her hands busy sorting out some of the chaos on the desk top. Lucian didn't answer; he just waited for the woman's eyes to focus on him. When they did, they were tired pin-points surrounded by puffy, crinkled flesh. The doctor sighed, holding a piece of paper. "I'll be honest with you," she said, putting some irony in her smile. "Ms. Parker asked me to prepare you for that date, so I did." 'Prepare,' Lucian thought. "We had a deal," he said. "You'd always tell me about any medication or surgery you..." His voice died away as the futility of his words struck home. "Would you believe that I'm sorry?" she asked. "What did you do to me?" he asked, ignoring her question. She pouted her lips. "Ah, honey," she said. "Let's not waste your time with medical jargon, more so because it didn't work, obviously. Please get up and undress." The instruction was as natural and sudden as ever, and so was his response. He shed the shirt and peeled the top off his chest. Kicking off his flip-flops, he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and pushed them down. He wore no panties. The doctor's smile was neither triumphant nor a sneer - she was just her efficient self. "Move onto the examination table, sweetheart," she said, wriggling her fingers into a latex glove. "No need to lie down, just sit and let your lovely legs dangle." She shortly examined the bruises on his arm. Then she touched his knee. "Spread, please," she said. After he did, she reached for his stubby penis, letting it rest on the tips of her latex-clad fingers. The tiny head blushed against the pale skin of his body. "It's small enough as it is," she mumbled. "Adorable, and yet..." The fingers of her other hand pressed below the nub where an almost invisible line ran down his smooth crotch. "Maybe removing your balls might do the trick," she went on, looking up and smiling. "Never heard they might be the cause, though." Lucian closed his legs, slipping out of her grip. "No," he said, his voice higher than he wanted. Dr. Kurtz looked up with arching eyebrows. "No?" she repeated. "I didn't realize you knew about things like that. Please explain." He'd never known the doctor to be sarcastic. "I," he said. "I mean: no, I don't want that." She reached up and cupped his face with a gloved hand. Her eyes were very close; she smelled of soap and mint, the hand of rubber. "Sweet Lucian," she said. "You know I would never do a thing like that without good reasons. And I promised to always inform you before doing anything, remember?" Lucian snorted. "Like you did when you prepared me for that pig," he gushed. A hand caressed his left thigh ever so lightly. The doctor's face came even closer and her weak mouth touched his before he could turn it away. Back in the Mercedes, on his way to Norton's, Lucian shuddered at the memory. "What I love about you, honey," Dr. Kurtz said, "is your trust. Whatever I say or do to you, you keep believing me, don't you?" Her latex-clad fingers turned his face back to her, pinching his chin between finger and thumb. He again smelled the sickening scent of rubber. "So, how could you be sure I didn't already remove your sweet tiny balls?" Her free hand pushed his thighs open and touched his bald, smooth crotch, prodding, pressing, while the other held his chin in a vise-like grip. Her mouth almost touched his again, and the words hit him like a hot breeze. "All you have, after all, is my word, sweetheart. And all you can do, really, is believe me. If you can't believe me, what's left?" In the car, Lucian remembered how he'd brought up his hands to free himself from the doctor and slide from under her and off the table. He grabbed his clothes and ran to the door. It was locked, of course. "Let me out," he insisted, panting. She stood with her arms folded under her breasts, her head tilted as she softly chuckled. "Oh God," she said. "My sweet lovely darling. Of course I didn't take your precious balls. I know how important they are. How could you live without them? They make you all man, for sure. Don't you feel it? The power, the virility?" She chuckled. "Let me out," he said, using the ball of clothes to hide his crotch. Dr. Kurtz produced a key. "Of course I'll let you out," she said, completely serious again. "But first we talk. Sit down." He put on the shirt and sat down on the stool. "I guess I hurt you by joking about your virility and all that," she said, sitting down too. "I'm sorry, honey, I shouldn't be doing that, but I had a good reason." Lucian stared at her, saying nothing. "When you arrived at Norton's, Lucian," Kurtz went on, "you had this totally ridiculous image of yourself - no doubt thanks to your father." The doctor's voice was soft and motherly. "You were a beautiful, sweet little girly boy to everyone who saw you - except to yourself." She rested a hand on his bare knee. He saw the glove had gone. She definitely was a nail-biter. "You were a heartbreaking mess when you arrived, honey," she went on. "You didn't need those bullies or your father to destroy you; you were very capable of doing that yourself." She softly tapped his thigh before he pulled it away and covered it with his shirt. She smiled sadly and shook her head. "Even now, darling," she went on. "Even now you're blind, and I guess there is nothing we can do about that. We can protect you here against cruelty and hate, but not against your self-destruction. We can stimulate every wonderful feminine quality you have so abundantly, but we can't give you pride. We enhanced your beauty and your grace, but we can't give you self-esteem." "I am not a woman," Lucian said hoarsely, his eyes down. He shook off the hand that reached for his face. "But nobody wants you to become a woman, honey," the doctor said. "We want you to be who you are - and proud of that." Mumbo-jumbo, Lucian thought. "Who I am?" he asked. "I saw those Boobs at the last reunion. I saw Drew growing tits and fucking fat men. I goddammit saw Charlie..." Lucian's voice rose as his face darkened. "You train us to become whores. That godawful date last night was nothing but a prostitute meeting her john to make money for you and your disgusting school." Dr. Kurtz's hand disappeared. "Gloria thought you were ready to entertain a man," she said in a small voice. "You seemed... willing." Lucian jumped off the stool. "Fuck you all!" he cried out. "Now let me out!" He grabbed the key she was still holding and opened the door. Then he turned around. "Stop lying to me," he said with a much calmer voice. "You are a doctor and Parker is a teacher for God's sake. I should be able to trust you, but all you do is fuck me up. You made me ready. You give me pills and injections and mess up my mind so I think I'm ready, but I'm not. I'll never be." He walked out, leaving the door open. His bare feet slapped angrily on the wooden floor. The doctor rose, walking over to her desk where she picked up a syringe. She sighed and put it away in the small refrigerator at the back of her practice. "Damn you, Gloria," she mumbled. *** The car hummed. Focusing his eyes, Lucian started recognizing the countryside. This must be where he was picked up by the truck drivers. He shivered, remembering the cold and the desperation. Escape, he thought. Could one ever escape Norton's? He'd been to Paris, London, Milan, Los Angeles... He'd walked into the limelight and on catwalks, crossing red carpets. Around the world he'd been, twice, maybe. And yet, here he was, wasn't he? As if reeled in by an invisible fish rod, bouncing back on an elastic leash. "I shouldn't be doing this," he said, caressing the girl's leg. "We should turn around and run." Honor raised her sweet little face, her eyes huge with shock. "Please no," she said. Lucian chuckled. "You really think we're stars, don't you?" he said, leaning down and kissing her. "You are," she said. "You'll make all the Bobs and the Barbs and the Boobs squirm with envy." Lucian sighed and looked outside again. Remembering the days after he fled Kurtz's practice, he only saw a gaping space of nothing. He'd hidden in his room, barricading the door with his desk - and chasing away every Bob or Barb that came knocking. The second day he almost fainted from hunger. So, he pulled away the desk and opened his door. There were three plates of food in the corridor. Seeing them caused a lump in his throat. He sank to his knees as tears leaked from his eyes. Most people think that growing up is a slow and unsteady process, especially for boys. The juvenile brain lags behind the changes of the body until finally the twain meet to produce another balanced specimen of adulthood. Maybe they're right, as far as usual processes could ever be applied to the bizarre world of Norton's Academy. And if they were right, that exact moment must have arrived for Lucian Gaines when he saw the food outside his door. It was put there no doubt by friends. Friends who were concerned with his welfare. Friends who cared. The adolescent's brain, experts say, can only revolve around its own precious ego. It needs growing up to appreciate the simple fact that other people exist and that some of them might even care for him. Assuming they're right, Lucian's first tear must have been the baptism of his adulthood - caused by the shocking surprise that he truly mattered to others. He was not alone, and never had been. Wolfing down the food, his mind expanded, encompassing Bobs and Barbs and even the teachers that made up his world. Of course, they'd always been there, but never inside him. He never considered them a part of himself. They were over there, and he was here, wasn't it? They wanted him to do things; they intruded on him, and hurt him. It was always he at the center and the others circling around him, like an anonymous pack of wolves. Some wanted to harm him and change him; others were just there, acting incomprehensible. There had maybe been a first moment of change at the Bobs' dorm, living with the boys, but he'd still been the sun to their planets, hadn't he? The passive one they tried to do things to - pleasurable things, but still. Maybe he was this onion, and Drew had been the first to peel off a layer. Then there had been Harper and Charlie, but all they did was peel and expose - they never reached his core. Until now. He didn't even know who the sweet donators had been. Maybe Taylor or Harper, maybe Nico. Charlie? Did it matter? Of course it did. He'd been locked inside his grief, barricading his door and shutting his ears - but they'd wanted to find him, to enter his cold world and tell him they belonged there with him. He only had to want it. And now, eating a sweet, juicy peach one of them had thought of giving him, he could only agree. They were part of him; he was part of them. And it made him cry. "Lucian." He looked up. The girl was petite, hiding her eyebrows under thick blond bangs. He knew her, of course. She was the little beautician that helped MacKenzie - what was her name? They called her Honey. "Hi, Honey," he said. "I hope it's good," she said. She knelt next to him and picked a purple grape off a plate, pushing it past her pink lips. She didn't smile, she grinned. "I was afraid you'd starve yourself; protesting against something or other," she said, her voice muffled by the wet juices of the fruit. "Like one of those political prisoners, you know?" He cleaned his fingers with his tongue and said: "You put the food here?" She blushed, looking down and toying with a strawberry. "Taylor too, you know, and Harp," she said. "We, ehm... we were worried. You didn't answer. Nothing." He lent in and touched her face. Then he kissed her. "Thank you," he whispered after they separated. "I was a fool. God, I was so stupid, wasn't I?" Her blush touched on purple by then. She shook her head left and right, her hair brushing his hand. "No no," she said. "Never stupid. Just... brave." He held her gaze until it wandered off. Brave? "Honor," he said, remembering her true name. "Will you come with me when I leave?" He didn't know why he asked her. Until that moment, he hadn't even thought of leaving, let alone with whom and how. "This is my plan," he said. *** The car eased down the ramp to reach the country road that led to Norton's. "Sit up, Honey, we're almost there," he said to the girl in his lap. "Look, this is where Martinez threw me out of his car in the middle of the fucking night. I had to walk half an hour through slimy mud on my broken heels, almost naked." They looked out, their heads close together. "Fucking bastard," Honor whispered. "No," Lucian said. "He never got to that." And they both chuckled. "I remember," Ellis said at the wheel. "We were all confused when we heard it the next day." Lucian turned his face to her. "Confused?" he asked. "what was it you didn't understand?" The girl looked at him via the mirror, her eyes big. "Well," she said. "You know, we all envied you for that date. Even us Bobs. Dinner with a millionaire holding his car door for you. Wearing a wonderful dress. It was like a fairytale." Lucian sighed. "I guess so," he said. "Parker was flabbergasted too. I bet you still don't understand." He heard Honor giggle. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her to him. "Ah yes, you little slut," he said, trying to sound harsh. "I'm sure you would have let him fuck you right there in the car, on the driveway." The girl giggled and pushed her big soft tits into his chest. Then she planted her open lips on his mouth and kissed him deeply. The car's claxon tore them out of their bliss. "Fuck, we're there!" Honor exclaimed as the gate of Norton's Academy of Excellence slowly opened. "And you look a mess!" While the car passed the gate and slowly rolled down the driveway towards the main building, Honor grabbed her pink pouch. She found a brush and ran it through Lucian's messed-up hair, turning it into sparkling waves of silver, before pinning it up again. The car came to a halt before the main entrance, which was almost invisible behind a crowd of Bobs and Barbs dressed in their multitude of pastel shirts and tops and shorts. There were teachers too, and a few girls dressed differently - Boobs, maybe, arrived for the reunion. "No!" Honor cried out, pulling the door shut when it was opened from the outside. "Your lips are a mess, darling. I wonder who did that?" Grinning she passed a slick stick over pale, yielding lips. Lucian pressed them together to spread the sweet-tasting gloss. Sliding over to the door, the girl once more checked him. "Your eyes," she said, but he stopped her, donning big, dark sunglasses. "Wish me luck," he said. "Your coat!" Honor cried after him, but he went outside in his scanty gear, balancing on his heels as they sank into the pebbles. A wave of high, excited exclamations welcomed him, and he waved, while flashing his white photographers' smile. The Barbs and Bobs crowded him in, until he was surrounded by a perfume- exuding circle of hysteric creatures. "Lucy... Luce... Oh my God, it's really her... Look over here, Luce... Oh my, she's gorgeous!" Lucian felt fingers touching, hands caressing. Faces intruded way past his comfort zone, lips brushed his face. He smiled and wriggled to find space, raising his hands to no avail. "Girls!" The voice was as steely as he remembered. And the command hadn't lost its effectiveness, for the cordon around him dissolved at once. Through an opening in the receding crowd he saw Ms. Gloria Parker. She looked paler and more owlish, but her cream-colored summer suit was like always a fortress - no doubt reinforced by a corset, shoulders stuffed, tits in armor. She walked over to Lucian with clipped steps, the pebbled driveway notwithstanding. "Lucian," she said, smiling and extending her hand. "Welcome back to Norton's. I do hope the girl was in time and you had a pleasant journey." Lucian just smiled, suppressing the long-forgotten urge to curtsey. He barely touched her fingers. "Yes, you can be proud of Ellis," he said. "Lucian, darling!" He looked away and saw Dr. Kurtz. She'd gained at least fifteen pounds since he last saw her, but she still seemed adamant to press the surplus into too-tight dresses. And not wisely into black ones, but in shiny salmon that made her even look paler. "Dr. Kurtz," he said, smiling. She stepped closer and hugged him, making him feel attacked by a multitude of air bags. "Vivian, please, it's Vivian, remember?" she breathed into his ear. "We're all so glad to have you back with us, honey. We're so proud of you." She leaned back, but her face was still alarmingly close. "And you look so... spectacular," she concluded. He smiled into her puffy face, avoiding her sensuous lips by stepping back. "I guess I'll step back before I feel a needle somewhere in my body," he said with a chuckle. The doctor blushed and frowned. "It did get you where you're now, honey," she whispered. "Now did it?" Lucian wondered, smiling. Then he turned away to meet other familiar faces. Three girls giggled as their eyes met his. Girls, women? They must be third-level Boobs, but no boobs - or hardly. Just tall and leggy and willowy. "Taylor!" he cried out, throwing himself in the arms of a blond woman. "My God, darling, is that really you?" His one-time roommate towered over him, wearing enough big blond hair to shame the entire state of Texas. They kissed, and it was a real, long kiss that made them both forget where they were. His face felt hot when they finally separated after being pulled and pushed around. "Kelly... oh boy..." "And Harper..." They were all there, grinning and blushing. And yet, they weren't there, having changed in so many ways. Red-headed Kelly had lost every edge and hint of who he once might have been; no knuckle-kneed awkwardness and buck-teethed grinning anymore. (Or farts and belching, he thought.) His skin had the paleness of a true red-head, and there was no freckle left. His green eyes sparkled, he moved like a dancer. He was as tall and reedy as the others, and his hips were slender. "Oh, Kelly, honey, let's kiss. I missed you." And they did, until Harper tapped his shoulder. "Harp, oh Harp, let me look at you. God, it's been a long time. How are you? What are you all up to? So much I need to know." Lucian knew he babbled and he didn't care. These were the friends who saved him, in the end; the only reasons for him to survive Norton's fucking Academy of Excrements. Harper looked dark and stunningly exotic. His bluish-black hair shone, as did his deep dark eyes in a face of olive perfection. His lips were even more generous than he remembered, and his body as slender - and tall - as a willow, draped in a short silk dress. They embraced. "You have to tell us everything," Harper breathed into his ear. "You are our hero, you know." Lucian knew he blushed as he smiled into Harper's face. "Of course," he said. "And I need to know everything about you all. But first there is some business to attend." As he turned away to find Parker, his eyes lingered. Apart from the group stood a small girl, like a puppet - blonde and pink and sweet. She was too far away, but he knew her eyes were violet. Her cherry lips would be like those of a Japanese doll, and her skin of pure porcelain. He wanted to walk over, but a hand held him back. "Lucian, we really must... " said Honor, guiding him over to the principal, who stood waiting with the doctor and two elegant women - Mamselle, he saw, and Ms. Fontaine. He looked back to the distant doll, but she'd vanished. ***

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Im the Man of the House 3

I’m the Man of the House 3As mom and I figured, that ass hole of a so called dad didn’t come home when he was supposed to, and so mom called his office to find out just when he would be home from his business trip, she was told that he is home and wouldn’t be back here till maybe next week, so mom asked them when he transferred to where he is at now, and they told her he had done that like a year ago, when he got the promotion to manage the other office building.The following day of the phone...

3 years ago
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Subjugation Chapter 4

................................. Chapter 4 ................................. Girl's moans of pleasure were echoing all across the bedroom. She was fully naked. Under her crotch there was the face of a man much older than her. Moving back and forth, she was rubbing her vagina all over his face. More than his pulled tongue she was utilizing his nose for receiving stimulations. Suddenly, the door opened and Tetsu entered. "What the hell is going on here?" 19-years old Noriko halted...

2 years ago
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Sex Toy Shopping 3 sum Manchester

I, like many people enjoy the use of a sex toy now and again so last weekend I decided to go shopping to find some new toys to spice things up. So it was Saturday morning and I was showered shaved and all ready to head out. I got on the car and made my way to the Trafford centre for around midday. After looking around a couple of clothes shops and picking up a few bits I made my way to Ann Summers. While in the shop I was just taking a look around all of the naughty items and imaging using some...

2 years ago
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New Secretary Chapter 2 Maries first month

New Secretary - Chapter 2– Marie’s First Month If you have read the previous story about my new personal assistant Marie, you’ll know that she may turn out to be a great addition to the company. At this point how far she is willing to go remains unknown. I do know I underestimated her commitment. I must admit that I had completely underestimated the effect on Marie of making her my personal assistant and sex slave. She had always been effective, efficient and professional beforehand, but our...

Straight Sex
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chapter two exposing Cindy Richard returns

Chapter 2: Monday - Richard returns alone. I was home alone on Monday, Jim was at work, when the doorbell rang. I was not expecting anyone. I looked at the clock and it was just past 11 a.m.I opened the door and it was Richard. “Is it OK, if I grab some of the tools we left here Saturday? We were a little distracted when we left” he said with a smirk of sorts.“Sure, go ahead.” I responded. I was wearing a white tee shirt, no bra, and some gym shorts. I felt my pulse quicken and my nipples...

Wife Lovers
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Aunty Ko Un Ke Ghar Par Choda

Hi friends…I am Aahad from Mumbai…I m n computer engineering student…..I am a big fan of ISS…. This is my first story on ISS which is I m share with you guys… Agar koi ladki aur bhabhi apni pyaas bujhana chahte ho to please contact me my email id ia Com So guyz aap ka time waste na karte hue story par aata hu…. Baat aaj se kuch 2 mahine pehle ki hai jab hamare clg ki chutti hui thi to me din bhar ghar me reh kar iss ki story padhta rehta tha aur muth maar kar apne aap ko shaant karta tha… Ye...

4 years ago
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Cum On Sis

Sis looked at the white fluid that I had deposited in her pussy, “Did you just cum in me?”“I’m sorry, Sis,” I cringed, “I couldn’t help it.”“It’s a damn good thing I’m on the pill,” she said, calmer than I expected.My eyes roamed her body, stopping between her spread legs. I saw the cum dripping from her tight pussy. She rubbed her finger up and down the slick mess that I had made in her sex. My cock still stood, hard and throbbing. She looked at me with a naughty smirk, “Do you want a sloppy...

3 years ago
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DchasChapter 25

When Rusty and Alison entered their room they were greeted by Sarah, Sally, Terry, Joyce, Tara, Erin and Claudette. Both sighed as they slipped off their uniforms and Alison said, "These are comfortable but it is surprising how much they restrain your movement." "Well it has been quite a while since we wore anything, so we are likely more aware of the change," said Rusty. "I agree that they are comfortable." Sarah said, "Judy, Janet and Jill will be back from the ship...

1 year ago
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Schoolgirl Gymnast Sextoy SlaveChapter 8

Katie knew she ought to fight the perverts and see if they were bluffing. She ought to have seen this coming, right from when they’d interviewed her for the job with the Head, and obviously decided to appoint her the second they’d set eyes on her. But the prospect of a kiss with Nikki was clouding her judgment; Nikki still nude and seeming quite casual about it, although she was possibly the most arousing sight ever. Katie nodded. Matt and Jim sat forward, ready to watch the two stunning...

2 years ago
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Under the Hot Summer SunChapter 6

TIFFANY I didn't believe that I had just done that. Gone down on Carlton right in our backyard ... okay near the orchard which was kind of hidden but still ... if my parents had caught me. I could just see it, my kneeling there with Carlton's cock impaling my mouth over and over ... my dad would have just flat out killed him right there. My mom would be in shock no doubt that her daughter would even known how to do that, how to treat a man's cock. I had gone into the house after Carlton...

1 year ago
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Sweet Small Penis

By :  Smallpenis Aakash was 19 years old and he knew that he had a small penis 3.2 inches erect and 1 inch wide to be precise. He knew that he was small and wouldn’t be able to satisfy a girl her age. He was into older women from the very beginning of his sexual journey; he always loved to watch the imperfect yet attractive figures of older women. One day his aunty visited his house, she had come from a small village but very sexy and open minded, she was chubby, not too fair and always smiled...

3 years ago
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My Aunt Vicky

I was all settled in for the night. My Aunt Vicky was downstairs doing laundry and finishing the dinner dishes, and I had showered and watched a little TV, and then yawned and told my Step-mom’s younger sister that I was going to bed. I wasn’t actually tired yet, but I was horny and was looking forward to taking some time to escape into my world of secret sexual fantasies, and I didn’t want to be disturbed.My Aunt Vicky was pretty foxy for my Step-mom’s younger sister, and looked much like a...

1 year ago
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Today 62418 Tops first time

Well, not exactly the first time, but first time fucking to a full unload in an ass. I have stuck my cock in a few asses before but never was into it. Either I just couldn't get it in right or I wasn't into the guy that way, I don't know I just never was into it. However...TODAY 6/24/18 I was on Grindr and I met a guy I had chatted with before but never met. I am 54 married to a woman, 5'10 and 290 lbs. I am definitely a chub and a daddy, some might say a bear. He seemed ok with just coming to...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 530

1950’s version of an E-mail I have no idea who put this together, but it is wonderful! Long ago and far away, in a land, that time forgot, Before the days of Dylan, or the dawn of Camelot. There lived a race of innocents, and they were you and me, For Menzies was in the Parliament in that land where we were born, Where navels were for oranges, and Peyton Place was porn. We longed for love and romance, and waited for our Prince, Eddie Fisher married Liz, and no one’s seen him since. We...

1 year ago
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Fucking Festival Part 4

Thick came dripped down her mouth.Dad was amazed. "Thank you dad, aaj bahut majaa ayaa, jab lund choot pe ragrne me itna maaja aata hai to pura lund choot me daalne me kitna maja ayega.daddy, kabhi mujhe bhee maa ko chodne do." He kept quite.I again pulled nude maa on my lap sitting beside dad and fondled her choot till there was a knock on door.We looked at watch .It was 8 pm,.I enjoyed her jawanee for more than two hours. I was very happy.Maa went in to bed room to change her clothes and I...

1 year ago
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A PromiseChapter 10

The next few weeks passed slowly; far, far too slowly. My birthday came and went, spent alone as I had no wish for company of any sort at the time. My house, previously typically that of a single male, was now immaculate. I'd read every book I had and was on my second batch from the library, I'd even completed half a dozen jigsaws. I was bored. I'd been on a few dates, all set up by well meaning friends; read Tamsin and Michelle; but always seemed to feel distant from them, as if I was...

3 years ago
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Rough hard sex

This is a story which occurred a while after my hubby and I got married.Two months before we started talking about have a c***d of our own,  I was 29 and he was 31. We both agreed the timing was right and I stopped taking the pill. In the two months leading up to this day, we had sex many times in many different positions and hadn't fallen pregnant yet. Then this specific thursday night arrived. He got home from work and found me in the kitchen. I was wearing an oldish casual dress. He greeted...

2 years ago
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Bedding my Brother after Uncle

If the truth be known, I knew I thought more about sex than I was supposed to. I seemed to enjoy seeing other girls being naughty, and had a desire for porn, especially when in the company of men who were watching the same scenes that turned me on, because it gave me a feeling of desirability, I wanted to be used, abused, cummed upon, held down and forced then fucked and left lying naked as my abusers walked away high-fiving a job well done.I guess my adverse feelings put me into a submissive...

3 years ago
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Trick Or Treat With Uncle BobChapter 5

Their lovemaking was slow and tender this time, full of sweet feeling, unhurried, and immensely satisfying. Having cum twice, Bob didn't even feel the urge to reach an orgasm, and just submerged himself in the smell and feel of the beautiful woman whose pussy was clasping his cock like it was the last one left in the world. Her moans and sighs were music in his ears. Her orgasm was sweet too, and it surrounded her body like warm water in a Jacuzzi, gently pummeling her everywhere. She felt...

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After the end

Living a year without the use of modern technology can cripple some but can allow some who might not have risen in a traditional society to make something of themselves.

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Chance Encounter

It is a brisk Fall evening in Pittsburgh. She sits at the bar alone sipping her Zima and reflecting on the long day she has just finished at the office. Her long legs, dressed in sheer black hose, are crossed showing the shapely lines running up to her short black leather skirt. Being blessed with a beautiful bosom, her sheer white silk blouse outlines her generous curves. Her hair is medium auburn, falling in soft curls to below her shoulders. She has piercing hazel blue eyes, with long thick...

1 year ago
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A Visit to a Fan Ch 03

It was two days before he could return to reading more from the site. His brother dropped by for a visit and they made merry before he flew back to Georgia. Gale was pleased for the visit, not just because it offered him the chance to see his younger sibling but because it kept VelvetPie off of his mind. It made him rethink the crazy idea that he’d been toying with but only for a moment. He wanted to find her, he needed to find her. He couldn’t explain why but he wanted to see her, to talk with...

3 years ago
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uncle bob and me

My Mum had gone away for the weekend with her mates which meant me and her boyfriend had the house all to ourselves. He’s brill, my Mum’s boyfriend. He’s like a mate. He’s in his 40s but he’s well cool. Anyway, it was Saturday and we had a great night in, lots of cans, a spliff…brilliant. Round about 11 o’clock I said, “Right. I’m off to bed. See you in the morning, Uncle Bob.” I always called him Uncle Bob.“You off for your bedroom wank then?” “Yeah well I’m 18. I’m young and full of cum so I...

1 year ago
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Our New Friend

He and I would hang out together and watch televised ball games at his apartment or my house almost every weekend. During that time, Suzy and Jay also got to know each other very well and lasting trust was established between them. As I got to know him, my sexual fantasy, which I will explain later, became an obsession. Suzanne would flirt with Jay and get all touchy-feely with him whenever he was around and vice-versa. Both Jay and I would constantly tease Suzy. Jay had noticed that I did not...

2 years ago
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Looking for Holmes

Looking for HolmesBy Miss AnonnaI was looking into buying a new house and had a few in mind so I called a realtor and asked him to show me a few. He sounded young on the phone and I had asked him how much experience he had. He told me he had just received his license and I would be his first sale if he made one to me. He had asked me if I wanted a more experienced realtor that his colleague would step in but I assured him he would do just fine as I knew what I wanted. He agreed to meet me that...

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Hello DoctorChapter 6 Ill make you

They walked her down the stairs, and Hayden flicked on the lights. For the first time Dominique noticed that there were in fact two switches, and he had only flicked one on. She gave him a questioning look about it, and he only smiled, saying, "I do have some secrets." Turning to the other women, he led the Asian to where she stood in front of them. With a rough shove he forced her to her knees, and she had to catch herself on all fours. "Today, this little slut disobeyed my rule on not...

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Bound for Glory

Annabelle Maryweather pulled her daughter along the busy train station platform, searching for car number nine. To her, the Great Depression appeared to be a boon to train travel. Everyone seemed to be going somewhere, and going by train. "My Lord, I've never seen Clairmont Station so busy. There it is, Catherine, hurry." "Mother, we're not late. Please, stop pulling. I can't run in these stupid shoes." "I want to see you properly settled. This is a big step for a young lady of...

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I had an ache in my pussy and my beautiful next door neighbor solved the problem for me

I’m a nineteen year old red headed female with a problem that developed when I got my first period, I started getting very horny three days before my period and the older I got, the more hornier I was getting. I managed to make it through high school without anyone finding out, but like I said, it got progressively harder to keep it under control and now at nineteen, a touch on my arm will set my pussy off. I started using a banana and cucumber on my pussy since I was about fourteen and...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Britney Amber Mackenzie Moss Delight

Britney Amber is excited to work with the sexy little Mackenzie Moss. She just can not wait to get that wet little pussy in her mouth! Mackenzie just loves getting a handful of Britneys big beautiful tits and runs her fingers through that sexy dense bush! Its so fluffy and soft! The girls take turns using the hitachi and scissor together with a double sided dildo feeling how great it is to thrust together with the toy in between them! Mackenzie really knows how to make Britney cum when she...

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Double TearsChapter 112

“It only becomes art if it touches other people.” —Andreas Eschbach, The Carpet Makers “IS IT ... IS THAT OKAY?” Beca asked on behalf of all of us. I couldn’t even imagine asking an ex to help the current love and I wasn’t sure what was happening here. Beca still had hold of Donna’s hand and I could tell Donna wasn’t interested in letting it go. “Yes, of course,” Donna laughed. “He owes me this one. Don’t worry.” “Donna,” I said. I didn’t mean to whisper but my mouth suddenly would...

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