Countermove Ch. 05 free porn video

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Summary so far:

Day 1: Onyx vs. Tyger- Onyx loses for the first time ever and pays the price.

Day 2: Onyx vs. Jewel- Onyx defeats Jewel to stay alive in the tournament but realizes she is slowly changing into a bimbo.

Day 3- Onyx vs. Chaos- Onyx defeats Chaos to make it to the final 4 but discovers she has been set up.

Interlude- Onyx travels to Darkview to investigate Tyger.


Interlude- Part 2

The trip to Darkview had turned into disaster. The only thing I learned about Tyger was that she was more predatory than I had known. She was more than just a wrestler, she owned a strip bar called ‘Tyger’s Lair’ where she evidently ’employed’ people who had crossed her. The strippers also ‘entertained’ customers between dance sets. Tyger wasn’t just an annoyance- she was a dangerous enemy.

Now, as if I didn’t already have enough problems, Bambi had turned on me. She had rescued me from Tyger’s Lair but then had taken me to an old gypsy tattoo parlor where she arranged for her gypsy friend to tattoo my ass and pierce my nipples and belly. She had also put stuff in my hair but, aside from a tingling scalp, that didn’t seem to be affecting me in any way. At least, not yet. We were still on the road from Darkview driving back to Chrystal Heights and Bambi still had not spoken to me since my ‘rescue’. I certainly couldn’t speak to her since I was still drugged from when Tyger’s minions had captured me. Whatever they had given me had effectively paralyzed my voluntary muscles and muddled my thinking just enough to keep me from using my mental abilities. I could still move my eyes and I could feel everything as normal- as evidenced by my ass burning where I had been tattooed and the throbbing ache I was beginning to feel in my nipples and navel- but beyond that I was a passenger in my own body until this drug wore off.

It was nearly nightfall when we passed the Chrystal Heights city limits in silence. Bambi drove to the arena and parked. She walked around and struggled me out of the car, then walked/dragged me inside. Bambi walked me to my room and bent me over my small dining room table, then left me there without a word. My new piercings were pressing uncomfortably against the table beneath my belly and I wanted to scream.

I finally heard Bambi return. I hoped she was going to move me someplace more comfortable but instead she began to strip off my clothing. Once I was completely naked Bambi once again bent me over the padded table. I could hear Bambi doing something but I had no idea what it was until I felt the tip of the lubed butt plug pressing against my back opening. I squealed indignantly but no sound came out. Because I was so relaxed back there there was little resistance to the plug’s progress into my ass except the natural resistance from trying to slide a thick object into a tight space. Feeling breathless, I almost managed an audible gasp when I felt the plug suddenly pop into place. Bambi walked to the other side of the table where I could see her again. And finally she broke the silence.

‘Three years you’ve kept me as a bimbo and your personal pussy licker, Shannon. Never again make the mistake of thinking I’ve forgotten that. There’s so much more I could do to you…but I won’t, because it would be counter-productive to what we need to do. I need to go take care of something now, so I’m going to leave for a little while. You should be able to start moving again in a few hours. You should use the time until then to think about the things you’ve done to people. As far as I’m concerned my revenge is done unless you give me reason to think otherwise. And I hope you’re not that fucking stupid.’ Bambi turned to leave, then turned back to me again. ‘Oh, one more thing. By the time I get back you should be more-or-less fully functional again…your mind, anyway. And you may be tempted to use your power against me for revenge. I suggest you don’t. I’m protected.’ And with that final statement Bambi turned and left.

It was not a pleasant several hours. I have always taken whatever I wanted and, thanks to Bambi’s words echoing in my head, I got to dwell on that. I was burning with humiliation from being tattooed and pierced against my will and my ass tight around the butt plug was an embarrassing reminder that a bimbo had outsmarted me. My new tattoo burned and my nipples and navel felt raw and painful.

I dozed off, for how long, I’m not sure, but I awoke with a start and the realization that I had some movement available to me. I was able to close my mouth and, with extreme effort, I was able to stand up. I was extremely shaky and far from having full control but it was the first time I had moved on my own in over eight hours. I staggered toward my bedroom on rubbery legs looking much like a puppet on strings, as my arms were flopping around and my head lolled on my shoulders. Because I was naked my bare boobs were bouncing in all directions and I was painfully aware of my new nipple piercings. I still lacked the fine motor skills necessary to remove the butt plug so I did not even try. I stumbled into my room and collapsed on my bed. I was actually exhausted from the effort of walking from the dining room to my bed.

I did not sleep well. No matter what position I lay in I could feel pressure on either my tattoo or my piercings. I was stiff and sore all over and the butt plug filled my ass. Nearly two days growth on my pussy was causing a maddening itch and I was embarrassingly horny. The best I could manage was a light doze.

I awoke the next morning with a start, Bambi was standing by my bed looking down at me. I sat up and blinked myself awake, immediately cataloging various aches and pains. Holy shit, did I hurt. Everywhere. I threw back the covers and moved tenderly to get out of bed. I became aware of just how nauseas I was. I ran to the bathroom suddenly, heedless of how painful it felt to run.

I emerged from the bathroom a while later. I had thrown up, removed the butt plug from my painfully raw ass and took a long hot shower. I shaved my pussy. I was feeling semi-human again. That was the good news. The bad news was that my waist was barely over twenty inches, my hips were still widening and I was pretty sure my boobs would fill at least a C-cup and possibly a D-cup. My lips had begun to swell as well. It was my hair, though, that really showed bimbo progression. My hair had once been a lustrous black, now it had faded to a light brunette color. Strangely enough it had thickened slightly and I was prepared to swear it had grown several inches longer as well.

Bambi was waiting patiently. I was still naked so I started to pull out some clothes.

‘Wait,’ said Bambi. She walked over to me and checked my piercings, then poured some oil onto the palm of her hand, which she then rubbed onto my sore nipples and belly button. This was a different Bambi than I was used to. A confident Bambi. A Bambi of action. Finally she stepped back. ‘Alright, this oil will promote the healing. It’s going to burn like hell for the next day or two but at least they’ll be more-or-less fully-healed in time for your match.’

I shook my head. ‘My match? Are you crazy? I can’t wrestle with hoop piercings! That’s begging for someone to hook a finger in there and rip them out! I can cover my belly piercing with tape, yes, but I can’t cover my nipples like that…it’s not allowed!’

Bambi smirked. ‘Oh, don’t worry, they can’t be ripped out. The top third of those rings- the part threaded through your nipples- is a special metallic elastic. A secret gypsy formula. When Katya heated them with the soldering iron last night she was bonding the elastic to the ring. Permanently. If those do get pulled the elastic will stretch. It will be uncomfortable but won’t yank through your nipple.’ She reached forward and gave one of my rings a sudden tug. I gasped at the pain but Bambi was right…the top of the ring was actually elastic and it stretched. My nipples were at least
marginally safe for the next few matches.

Bambi slapped me on the ass. ‘Turn around,’ she said. Fuming, I did. I felt her fingers inching the tape off my ass and carefully slipping the bandage off my tattoo. She stepped back and looked, then nodded in apparent satisfaction. ‘Oh, that is perfect!’ She led me over to the mirror and turned me around so I could see it.

My eyes widened. I had expected something gypsy-like and exotic, an Asian letter, perhaps, or a rose or something. Instead I had the word ‘BIMBO’ printed across my left ass cheek in inch and a half tall letters, the first ‘B’ slightly larger than the other letters.

I whirled in fury. ‘Bambi, you stupid bimbo! This is *permanent*! The crowd can see this from the back rows!’

Bambi’s eyes narrowed. ‘My name is Diane, not Bambi. You need to remember that.’

Frustrated and embarrassed, I lashed out. ‘Your name is Bambi!’ And I thrust my will into her brain.

At least I tried. For a moment nothing seemed to happen. Then I felt my tattoo heating up. My hips began to wriggle as the heat from my tattoo began to spread through my hips and surround my pussy and sore ass. Fingers of spreading heat worked through my belly and down my thighs. The warmth spread over my breasts, causing my nipples to harden even more. Within moments I was covered head-to-toe with this heated need. I dropped to my knees, then fell to my side, my fingers suddenly sliding into my pussy in desperate need. My skin became very sensitive and anything touching me anywhere sent vibrant heated messages to my clit.

Bambi watched me with a bemused expression on her face. She pulled a chair over and sat down next to me as I writhed on the floor, then kicked off her shoes and began to trail her bare toes across my belly.

My blood was boiling. I felt those toes trail across my bare belly and I wriggled and whimpered in need. She left her left foot flat on my upper belly but then she slid her other foot directly between my thighs. I shuddered, my hips began to buck against her bare foot and I began a moaning writhing orgasm that left me a quivering mess.

This went on for several minutes as Bambi sat back and used nothing more than her bare feet to keep me a squirmy wriggling wet mess.

Finally, after four heated orgasms, I began to come to my senses. I was lying on my back, my swelled red lips pressed to her bare foot. Bambi had felt me pause and glanced down at me with a smirk. Red-cheeked, I could only look away.

‘What’s my name, Shannon?’

‘Diane,’ I mumbled.

‘What was that?’

‘Diane!’ I said.

‘Very good. Now that we’ve established that, go get dressed and we’ll have some coffee. Then I’ll tell you what we’re going to do for the next few days,’ she said.

A few minutes later we were sitting at my dining room table having coffee. It was embarrassingly domestic but I was too sullen to appreciate the irony.

Diane took a sip of coffee, then lit a cigarette. She blew a stream of smoke and looked at me.

‘Yes, I used to work with Tyger. I taught her how to wrestle, in fact.’

That startled me. ‘But Tyger has only been wrestling for a year!’ I said.

Diane shook her head. ‘No, she’s only been wrestling for a year under this name. She wrestled for several years before that as ‘The Black Panther’.’

‘The Black Panther? I remember her. She wore a mask, didn’t she?’

Diane nodded. ‘Yes. She retired last year after her first and only loss.’

‘And you said you’re the one who trained her?’ I asked.

Diane nodded. ‘Yes. She came to me about five years ago and wanted to learn. Gawd, she was a natural. She picked it up quickly and was competing in no time. As soon as she learned everything I could teach her, though, she changed. That’s when she started using her power, I suspect. She kept it low-key, though. No one knew what she could do. My final match was against her…she was the Black Panther then…and she took the championship from me and put me to work dancing at her club, though she didn’t transform me. No one knew she owned that club at the time. She wasn’t quite as good at the mind stuff then, and my gypsy blood- I have some, you know- gave me some natural resistance and I shook off her control. That’s when I came here.’ She gave me a hard glare. ‘And of all things I run into somebody who does the exact same thing. You and Tyger were fucking meant for each other. Tyger has spent her time practicing, though, and you’ve spent your time making bimbos. That’s why you’re losing.’

I sighed. She was right. I couldn’t beat Tyger…she was too good at the mental level and she could beat me in the ring. How the hell could I defeat somebody like that? Nobody had ever beaten her before…well, nobody except…

‘Diane, who beat Tyger so bad that she retired?’ I asked.

Diane thought for a moment. ‘Her name was Viper. Why?’

‘Well, how did she do it?’

Diane started to shrug until the significance of the question hit her. Then she said, ‘Good question. Nobody had been able to even come close. From what I heard, though, Viper beat her pretty convincingly.’

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Finally I said, ‘Alwight, Viper knows something we don’t know. I’m going to find her.’

Diane looked at me strangely for a moment, then nodded. ‘It’s worth a shot. Do that today, because you begin training tomorrow.’


‘Yes, training. I am going to teach you how real wrestlers wrestle, sweetie. Your style is effective enough against the kids here but you have definite weaknesses. That’s why Tyger flattened you easily without even having to use her power. It will be a crash course but you’ll have at least some basics and maybe a trick or two waiting for Tyger when the time comes.’

I thought about that. I would find out what Viper did to defeat Tyger and then learn some hard-core wrestling tricks from Bam- from Diane. I began to feel a twinge of hope for the first time in days. I looked at Diane and nodded. ‘Alwight, that sounds like a weally good plan.’

Diane looked at me strangely again.

I giggled and shrugged. ‘What?’ I said. Then my eyes widened. I hadn’t giggled since the seventh grade and I had never lisped in my life.

Tyger. That bitch.


NEXT: The third interlude- Diane trains Shannon. Marty’s change.

Feedback appreciated. Positive or negative.

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 It was an unseasonably warm day in mid-October as I strolled up to our usual meeting spot at the southeast corner of the university quad. I was the first of the group to arrive, so I snatched up a seat at the picnic table, at the far end, that was excluded from the shade of a nearby tree.I took off my jacket, exposing my shoulders to the late afternoon sun. Let the warmth wash over my body, knowing that this would be one of the last balmy days before the weather chilled for fall.I pulled out...

College Sex
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A couple of years ago I was passing through Illinois and had stopped overnight in a small town along the interstate. After I checked in to the hotel I had picked, I turned on the TV. Finding nothing of interest, I got out my laptop and plugged in. Surfing the internet I found a site listing cities with sex stores, massage parlors, adult theaters and escorts. They listed them by city and type. I ignored the escorts and looked for the town I was in. It was not listed but others were. I found a...

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Private Venera Maxima Anya Krey Shares Her Stepbrother With Anya Krey

Anya Krey has no boundaries in Private Specials, Horny Beauties 2, whatever the situation, whatever the relation… this girl wants cock at any cost! Even her best friend’s stepbrother Kai Taylor isn’t off limits, and to Anya’s surprise, Venera doesn’t mind getting in on the action with her stepbrother too! So watch these two sexy girls get down and dirty on as they share cock like best friends should, first warming up with a double blowjob before taking turns enjoying a hard...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 287

Over a week elapsed before Arthell could keep her promise to have lunch with Laura in the city. By then, it was difficult for Laura herself to arrange it. When she had initially invited Arthell, she had known what free time she had coming up, but the following week was a hell of meetings and events. Finally, they were able to agree on a day, and Arthell arrived at Laura's office shortly after eleven a.m. About two weeks had passed since Laura's visit with Amber to the campus, and although...

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MILF Home Alone

It was a Monday and my Mom left a note on the dining room table. I was to stop by her work and pick up some grocery for a friend of hers who lived across town. It was noon when I picked up the grocery and got directions to Mrs. Gloria Beam house. She lived in the rich part of town. Her husband had violated his parole and was sent back to jail for a few more months to serve out his sentence. After putting away the grocery I was to ask if she need any help around the house.It took about 30...

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Georgia on My MindChapter 4

Once school had started Jamie had easily gotten back in the swing of things. His tan stood out even against those older boys who had spent much of the summer sailing. He told his best friends Steve Atwater and Jake Holden about his summer and especially about his cousins showing him their pussies in exchange for looking at his dick. "Get out man. That didn't happen. You're making that up," Jake said and after which he had to take a deep breath. "Yeah," joined in Steve. "No for real...

2 years ago
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Diggin It

Skyler pulled the truck over to the side of the gravel road and stepped out. He didn’t have much of a cell signal to begin with, and he knew it was worse inside the truck. The call went through, and his father answered in a weary voice, “Hello?” “Sorry to call, but I accidentally deleted that map you emailed me with the landmarks. I’m somewhere near the place, but I just can’t find it.” “I’ll send it again.” There was a brief pause and he heard his father say, “Thanks. Your mother is sending it...

Group Sex
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HandsOnHardcore Loren Strawberry Loren8217s Hunger For Sex

The Dinner table has many uses, but it’s not interesting if you use it only for lunch, right? Admit it-it’s more exciting if you use it for good sex. That is just what happened to Loren, a horny Russian slut. She doesn’t mind where she’ll get fucked with her men. That was the case this time as well, but they were interrupted by a mutual friend. Insatiable like always, she allowed herself to be double penetrated. Think about this next time you call someone for dinner you...

4 years ago
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Potion 2

Wednesday, she came to school wearing a skirt that was at least a couple of years old, it still fit her tiny waste, but was way shorter then a girl of her age should be seen in, at least in public. It was a plain number, but she made it look amazing. She wore no panties again, and whenever I sat at my desk in front, she would open her legs and show me her best parts. I hadn't used any of my potion on her after the first time, but it just seemed to fire her up on an almost constant basis....

2 years ago
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My Black Friend Tricks Me Into Massaging Him

My neighbor Mike is a good friend of mine. We often hang out, play basketball and watch football on Sundays. I am married and my wife likes Mike so we all get along fine, but Mike and I are closer friends. Mike is 34 years old and is a big guy. He is about 6 foot 3 and weighs about 225 pounds and very Black. He used to play football in college and is still in great shape. I am athletic but not as athletic as Mike. I am white, 40 years old, 5 foot 11 and weigh 185 pounds. I guess back from his...

Gay Male
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 40

The Riverlands, not far from the Neck, Four days later... “Your Graces, this is report that three different battalions of ‘Faith Militant’ seem to have simply been former Sparrows that lined up for their dragonglass and showed up armed with cudgels for now. When they were denied dragonglass as yet, because it’s not available here, and were instructed to put away their cudgels, they caused an uproar and the Gold Cloaks were forced to kill several before gaoling the rest. They will instead...

2 years ago
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Helping my horny aunt out

Aunt Kate was somewhere in her 40s but she takes good care of herself as she still had a voluptuous figure,long tanned legs, the ass of a 18 year old and beautiful 36 C cup tits and slim waist that often reminded of Salma Hayek. "Would you like some lemonade?" she asked. "I could do with that right now, its so hot outside" I replied while she went to the refrigerator to get us each a glass lemonade. She knocked the house keys off the kitchen counter and as she bent over to pick...

4 years ago
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Stephanie part 8

"You don't lie to me," I sing in my low, sultry voice. "You don't lie to me," Lauren repeats in her own rich singing voice. "You don't lie to me," Kayla sings with a devilish look in her eyes. "You don't lie to me..." Adeola sings as we all so a single turn before we all throw our arms in the air. "No more lies!" The five of us sing in unison, earning a thunderous rounds of applause from our producer Stuart and our choreographer Krystie. "BRILLIANT," Krystie giggles....

1 year ago
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Slow Dance

We had fallen asleep during a movie and I only woke up because a series of thunderclaps began booming across the sky. The contained force is like an explosion, propelling air towards all the houses on our street, rattling windows and gently tremoring through floorboards. During these storms, sometimes each roar in the sky seems to hum through my bones. From the couch, I see a blurry silhouette of the night as my eyes adjust. It's nothing but constant sheets of rain pouring from billowing dark...

Straight Sex
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Der Wille von starken und hbschen Frauen

Der Wille von starken und h?bschen Frauen Es war einmal ein arroganter, eingebildeter und sehr ?berheblicher Macho. Dieser betrachtete alle M?dchen und Frauen nur als Popp-Objekte! Frauen haben dumm zu sein, grosse Titten aufzuweisen und sollen grossen Spass daran haben, M?nnern einen zu Blasen und ihre s?ssen Muschis von grossen Schw?nzen verw?hnen zu lassen. Eines Tages aber trafen die M?dchen und Frauen, die es satt hatten, sich st?ndig auf ihre Br?ste und ihren Po glotzen zu lassen, den Ent...

2 years ago
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What Did Happen in VegasChapter 3

Friday April 25, 2003 11:30 PM Tom's mind was focused on what he had to do when he got home. Pack his clothes and load the bike into the back of his truck. He also thought about the note he planned to leave for Lisa. He was trying to decide on the wording of the note when he came up on a car that had slowed to make a left turn. Tom slowed, waiting for the car to make the left turn onto McIntyre and then Tom accelerated hard letting his anger out a little. Tom was leaning down behind the...

3 years ago
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FatherDaughter Love

Shawn Cole was a middle-aged man with a hot and sexy wife and a father of 3 daughters. Kristina-the oldest, Salma-middle, and Lisa-the youngest and the hottest. Being 17 she hit puberty about 5years ago. She has a sizzlin body, with big boobs, a very nice and very big ass. She was very close to her dad. He really loved her. I think due to being the youngest. They used to play baseball with each other, watch home movies with each other, and do things that would normally be done with a son....

3 years ago
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Telugulo Na Tholi Anubhavam With My Girlfriend

హాయ్ నా పేరు వెంకట్ మది చల్లపల్లి నేను మీకు నా జీవితంలో జరిగిన విషయం ఉన్నది ఉన్నట్లు చెప్తాను. నేను రాధ అనే అమ్మాయి ని ఇంటర్ నుండి లవ్ చేసాని తనకి వన్ ఇయర్ అంటే తను డిగ్రీ మొదటి సంవత్సరం లో ఉండగా చెప్పాను తను కూడా ఒప్పుకుంది అల మేము 6 సంవత్సరాలు లవ్ లోనే ఉన్నాం. రీసెంట్ గ తననే పెళ్లి చేస్కున్న అనుకోండి అది వేరే విషయం. ఎలా రాస్తున్నపుడు తను కూడా పక్కనే ఉంది. సరే గరిగిన కధలోకి వెళ్తే తను గని నేను గని చూడటానికి అంతగా బాగోము కానీ తన బయలు చాల పెద్దవి అవి 34 సైజు (మొదటిసారి తనతో సెక్స్ చేసినప్పుడు...

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Cris n Kelly Part 4 More changes

Cris n' Kelly - Part 4 - More changes By Old Timer The next several weeks were spent learning how to dress appropriately. Kelly tutored me on the basics of makeup and hair styling while encouraging as she noted my successes. My inner female must've been stimulated because I rapidly gained confidence in these daily tasks and could easily accomplish an adequate 'look' in the same time as if I were shaving. We also enjoyed getting manicures though I insisted on a simple clear...

1 year ago
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My Son RichardChapter 4

During dinner, I saw a marked difference in how my kids were acting around each other. Of course, their father didn’t. “Since tomorrow is Saturday, could I take Jeri to see a movie?” he asked. “It’s been forever since either of us have seen anything. Since I drive now, I was hoping ... we were hoping it would be OK? She was supporting it by smiling and taking his arm. “It’s OK with me,” their father said. “You need money?” “No Dad, I’m good,” he said causing Jeri to giggle. “It’s only $10...

1 year ago
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My first mfm threesome

Macy’s first mfm swinging experience I’m not much of a writer, but I’ll just let you know about my first mfm experience into the swinging lifestyle. My husband has always been kinky in the bedroom and wants to try new things. We lived in Germany when he was in the Army and had watched a lot of different kinds of sex movies. One night going into the bedroom after watching some videos, we laid down on the bed…. He began to eat my pussy. It felt great as usual, but he then suggested something...

3 years ago
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Wanting you

Just a short story.Just imagine me standing in your room right now! You don't know how long i have been standing there how did i get in? You have been sleeping dreaming so relaxed and as you awoke you could see this blurred form standing in your room.Your heart raced before your eyes focused properly and you could see it was me.The chill and fright you first felt goes and the safeness returns. You rub your eyes and look me up and down.I could see at first me being there had frightened her then...

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Lessons In Love Chapter 2

Shay tossed and turned that very night. The memory was still fresh in her mind of watching Kacie masturbate and orgasm next to her. Staring upon the sweet innocent face of this young budding woman who now lay silently asleep at her side.. Watching her ample chest rise and drop with each take of breath she took. Just watching Kacie made Shay grow a little moister between her thighs. She'd watched this young woman grow up for the past few years. She'd been a close friend of her mothers all that...

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Life on the farm

Welcome to the Howling Woods Farm. Here all of the farm animals are anthropomorphic, in other words, furries. The owners are wolves. Husband, wife and son. The rest of the animals are varied in sizes, the smaller ones will be like rabbits and chickens that will be about 3-4' tall, were as horses will be about 6' and everything else in between. There might be chances of escapes or strays that would come in. There will be feral type animals, but they will be intelligent and able to talk. They...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi And Me On Raksha Bandhan Day 8211 Part I

Hi boys and girls, I won’t take much time of yours. You can email me your feedback on I am Anuj from Mumbai and I am doing my B. Tech and this is my real life incidence I want to share with you as I am a huge fan of ISS. It’s about how I fucked my bhabhi (Smrithi, 37 years old) on raksha bandhan night in the presence of my brother Amit. She is tall 5”8, dark long hair which reaches till her perfectly round shaped buttocks; she got dark black eyes with fat lips and a deadly smile. She is very...

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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters III and IV

III: Women Roar, Cows Graze Two young ladies approached a gravesite in a graveyard in Woodside, New York. One of the ladies was smartly dressed in a frilly white blouse and a tight black skirt, while the other was more casually dressed in a tan-colored angora sweater and a pair of color-faded blue jeans, holes of which had been fashionably ripped in places along the legs. On the head of this lady was a pair of purple-rimmed sunglasses, while a more formal pair of reading glasses sat on...

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Introduction: Names changed, slightly exaggerated, but mostly true Judy and I met in the summer of 1984 in a sizable Midwestern city. I was in the military, and 22. She was working her way through college, and 20. We started dating, within two months we were living together, and within four months we were married. A whirlwind courtship of sorts. After some years I left the military, and Judy graduated. The city got a little worn after a while, as did our daily sex life. We started to take...

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