The Adventures of Stampley Plantation
- 4 years ago
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I woke to the sound of Blue barking on the front porch as he always does. He has an ongoing feud with a riverboat that makes its way up the river every other day. The sun was just rising and shown in the windows. The home was quiet as always other than blue. I called him and he came into the bedroom and put his big head on the bed and looked at me with his big soulful light-blue eyes and a silly look on his face. Blue is a large hound, originating in Australia and the breed is called Catahula Hound. They are known for their brown and black patches on mostly white fur. Blue’s ears are dappled with brown spots. He has the biggest mouth and teeth I have seen. A gentle dog that is good in the field and has never injured a rabbit.
I lay in bed for a while and thought of last night and how beautiful Terri looked in the moonlight. Her white skin and perfect body as she gave herself to me in the tub and then again on the soft new grass in the garden, played through my mind’s eye. How complicated my life suddenly became, but how simple to respond to our needs. I got up and dressed and Cara was busy around the house already. She prepared breakfast for me in the kitchen in the out building away from the house. The kitchen was kept separately to ensure a fire would not destroy the home. I ate eggs and grits, with toast and fresh marmalade.
Today was a big day on the plantation. The sugar cane was ready for harvesting. Today Terri’s husband would lead his men into the fields to set them on fire to burn away the leaves and drive off insects and other vermin that populate the cane. After the fire has gone out the workers will gather the stalks onto wagons and bring heaping piles of cane to the processing plant at the end of the row of oaks, past the workers homes.
My job is pretty simple during these events. I was expected to ride around the fields to make sure everything was going as planned. Terri’s husband always kept everything going like clockwork, so there was really very little for me to do. I usually spend the time hunting, since all sorts of animals are on the move during the fires.
I went down the back stairs and into the garden. The day was warm and the sun was bright. I looked to the tub remembering and then I saw Terri beyond the tub near the first big oak tree closest to the home. She was painting. I walked over to her and stood at a little distance behind her. She was so absorbed in her painting that she didn’t see me. She was painting a scene with her son and two other children climbing in a tree. They were playing tag and leaping from branch to branch. Her rendering of the faces was inspired. She captured the joy and simplicity of a child’s world. Terri was wearing a pair of her husband’s bib-overalls and a short-sleeved cotton shirt underneath.
Her hair caught the morning sun. I walked quietly up behind her and put my hands on her waist and said, “Good morning beautiful.”
She turned to me and said, “I thought that was you. I didn’t think you would be up this early in the morning.”
I wanted to hug her and kiss her, but of course I could not. “I am going to take Blue with me and do a little hunting while I check on the work”, I said. Terri asked if I would like company, that she used to hunt with her father and was a pretty good shot. I said, “By all means, I would love some company. I planned to leave in about a half an hour. Will that give you enough time?”
She said, “I’ll be ready” and began to pack up her paints and canvas.
Blue can always tell when we are going to go hunting. He stays close to me and keeps looking at me to see if I am starting for the barn. I asked the groom to prepare two horses for Mrs. Anderson and myself. I went into the house and picked out a couple of flintlocks, one for me and a lighter one for Terri, then stocked enough powder and shot to last the day. As I was heading out the door, Cara brought a basket and said, “You’ll likely get hungry today and I fixed enough for someone else special” and she winked at me. Now, how could she have caught on so quickly?
Terri joined me on the way to the barn. She was wearing a loose skirt that came to her ankles just above her riding boots. She had on a black wide brimmed hat and a plaid shirt. When we got to the barn, the groom was finishing my horse and was getting ready to rig Terri’s horse. He apologized for not having them ready already. Terri said, “Non-sense, I will saddle my own horse. That’s the least I can do for her, if I am going to be on her back all day.” The groom looked at me a little surprised and I nodded that I thought Terri was right.
I watched Terri brush her mare and was taken by the contrast between her small body and the big Appaloosa. The mare did the usual tricks and Terri quickly let her know who was boss. We mounted and rode north to the first Oak tree where Terri was painting, where we turned left down the center of the rows of oaks and children climbing in the trees and playing in the grass. Blue came running to catch up with us, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He took the lead and wandered from the left to the right side of the road ahead of us, just checking things out. He startled a few children that looked up from their game of marbles as he dashed by them.
At the end of the row of oaks, we saw the men getting ready for the days work, some on horseback, some in wagons and some loading equipment. Terri saw her husband and told him she was going to go hunting with me and wished him luck on the day’s fires. I was surprised that he did not even seem to pay any attention to the fact that his wife was going to be with me all day. We cued our horses on to the road by the swamp.
We rode along the dirt road with the swamp to the left and sugar cane to the right, until we came to an open grass field where the cows grazed. On the other side we saw a deer next to the cypress trees. She was a beautiful doe with a young dear with her. Blue began to work the field. We were interested in birds and rabbit today. We stopped in the shade of a large oak in the middle of the field and loaded our muskets. Terri was very familiar with loading the gun. I thought she had loaded a little more powder than the musket was designed to hold and was afraid the kick would be too much for her. I was just about to say something to her, when blue yelped and a rabbit darted out ahead of us at about twenty-five yards. Terri quickly took aim and fired. Right on the mark, the rabbit dropped. Blue ran ahead and sniffed it and then gently picked it up and brought it to me. I put it in the game-bag and tied it to my saddle. “Terri,” I said, “That was really good shooting. Your dad did a good job of teaching you. Remind me never to cross you” and we laughed.
The day passed in the most pleasant way, with our conversations growing more personal and revealing as the sun move to the west. Throughout most of the day we could see the fires and smoke from the cane fields behind us. I told Terri that I needed to at least put in an appearance or the men would be disappointed. We headed toward the fires and the workers.
As we approached, I could see there was some excitement and it didn’t take long for me to figure out what was wrong. The fires had been kicked up by the wind and were being blown down on the workers. The field where Terri had shot the rabbit was ablaze and a young boy was standing in the middle of a grassy area with fire on three sides of him. It looked like the fire was about to close the circle on him. Terri and I kicked our horses into a gallop. By the time we got close, the fire had slipped across the top of the semicircle and completely enclosed the boy. I turned my horse into the fire and figured if I could get through the fifteen feet of flames, I could get to him in time. But my horse is a pretty smart animal and he had other ideas.
He recognized the danger and reared up and twisted away, dumping me to the ground. I pick
ed myself up, just in time to see Terri bolt past me through the fire and into the clearing next to the boy. She reached down and helped him get on the horse behind her. The fire was closing in and the smoke was thick. I lost sight of her and by then my horse returned to me, hanging its head in embarrassment. I mounted him quickly, just as Terri came flying through the smoke and flames. I went to her and could see she and the boy were none the worse for wear, except for black smudges on their faces from the mix of sweat and smoke. The men gathered around as the boy jumped down. They applauded her and slapped the boy on the back.
The fires and smoke prevented us from taking the direct route back to the barn, so we took the long way around. We left the men to contain the fires and immediately forgot about them. Terri was riding in front of me and I was admiring her little fanny on the saddle. I rode up next to her and she was smiling and said, “I know what you were looking at. I could feel you eyes.” and giggled. I told her I could not help it.
Terri’s face was smudged with soot and her blouse was too. I told her the rode we were on would take us to an oxbow in the river where the current was gentle and the spot secluded. I said I would wash her face there and we could eat some of the food that Cara prepared for us. She said ok and said, “Do you think I could was this blouse too?” I said, “Definitely, and I noticed your dress is pretty bad too” Terri, said, “And maybe my petticoats.” I decided that it is difficult and painful to ride with an erection, and wished we were there already.
The sun was setting behind the trees and the color of the Mississippi in the evening sun was remarkable. We moved off the main road to a smaller road that led to the oxbow. When we got there Terri and I got off the horses. Blue went to investigate the edge of the trees around the edge of the green, lush grass next to the bank. I took Terri in my arms and looked into her smiling eyes. I brushed some of the soot from her cheek and then kissed her.
Our tongues met as if long-lost cousins, trying desperately to catch up on missed opportunities to meet. I moved my hands from the small of her back down to cup her but. She arched and pushed her hips into me and pressed against my throbbing cock. I pulled her blouse up from under her dress and moved my hands under it to her soft back. Then I pulled her blouse from the front of her dress too and felt her waist and traced the curve up her torso until my thumbs found the bottom of her breasts. I slid by arms around her under her blouse and continued to kiss her and crush her hot body to mine.
Terri’s hands were on my back and moving around feeling my muscles and contours. She moved her hands down to my belt and unbuckled it and pulled it out through the loops and tossed it in the grass, her eyes open now and smiling at me. Next, she unbuttoned my fly. I began to unbutton her blouse, at first slow and then quickly, nearly ripping the buttons off. She pulled back and took her blouse off and then her camisole. Her breasts were more beautiful than I remembered from the night before. Her nipples were erect. She quickly pushed her dress down, along with her petticoats. She stood there totally naked, except for her boots. I was stripping too. As I pulled my jeans down, my cock stood fully erect and got in the way.
Terri sat down cross-legged on the grass and began to remove her boots. The sight of her pussy, with her legs open as she struggled to remove her boots drove me crazy. I had only my shirt on and it was unbuttoned. I kneeled down in front of her and asked if I could help. I finished unlacing the boot she was working on and then pulled it off and then I placed her leg as far out to her side as it would go. Then I took her other boot off and placed her leg out to the other side. Her legs were spread wide and wing-like legs framed the center of her crotch. She leaned back on her hands behind her and arched her torso and breasts up, inviting my attention. I kneeled between her legs and reached over the top of her to place my mouth on her huge nipple. I sucked it in and Terri sighed. I put my arms around her waist and then to the center of her back and pulled her to me. I kissed and sucked on her other breast. Her head remained back and her hair fell free of her shoulders. Here neck was long and delicate. I kissed along her graceful neck. Her eyes were closed, drinking in my touch.
Terri caressed my ass and then moved her hands to find my cock, sliding her hand first from the head to the bottom of my shaft and then she squeezed gently. Then she slid her hands up my cock and with her right hand massaged the head, feeling its texture like a huge strawberry. Her other hand cupped my balls gently. I laid her down in the soft grass and traced kisses down her chest to her belly button and then to her pubic area. I rubbed her clitoris and felt it turn hard and proud. The heat from her opening below called my fingers into action and the ventured down to feel her open sex. Terri took my cock and urgently guided it to its mark. I felt her wetness on the tip of my cock and the felt her juicy channel close in around. I felt the slight resistance as my penis passed by muscles that modestly try to keep the entrance to her vagina closed, past them to her hot juicy cavern. Terri cried, “Oh yes, give it all to me. Put your manhood all the way in and fill me up!” I entered her to the hilt slowly. Her muscles contracted and she quivered as I slowly pushed my cock in and out of her. She pulled me harder to me with her long arms and her hips were churning under my hips. I pushed hard against her clit so it was being given as much attention as her vaginal walls.
With each thrust, the head of my cock was exploring deep within her sex. My cock felt so big and I knew I was reaching the most sensitive parts. We fell into a rhythm and my cock was hitting the right spot with each stroke. With each stroke I pulled my penis nearly out of her completely and then all the way back inside. Terri kept begging for me to fuck her harder and I did until she came, shuddering. Her muscles contracted and relaxed spasmodically around my happy cock. I kissed her hard on the mouth and our tongues and mouth tried desperately to reproduce what our sex had just accomplished. Terri realized and I kissed her neck and found her nipples again.
I sucked one into my mouth and gently at first and then as she began to respond, I bit harder and pinched her other nipple with my fingers and thumb. She began to move her hips again, under my impalement. Her vaginal muscles began to stroke my cock and I pumped in and out of her. We continued this way until I could not stand it any more. I doubled my pace and fucked her until we both came. I told her, “God, this isn’t right, but I love you. What a strange hand we have been dealt. I just want to lay here with you for eternity.” Terri said, “Me too. Why couldn’t we have met before?” I thought about our age difference. Terri was twenty-four and I was thirty-five. I felt blessed that she would find such an old guy fascinating.
We lay there for a little while with our bodies curled into each other and then Terri stirred and stood up. The warm glow from the setting sun bathed her body and she stood in front of me with her legs slightly apart. I could see our juices that flowed down the inside of her creamy white thighs. I kneeled in front of her and kissed her hips on each side of her sex, that soft sensitive skin that curves in. I stood up and Terri said, “Last one in is a rotten egg” and sprinted to the water and waded in. I followed her. The water was warm and we splashed around and sat in the soft sandy bottom. I used my hands to wash her all over and she did the same to me. My cock could hardly stand the attention it was so sensitive, but I endured. We put our clothes back on and on cue, Blue returned from his searching in the woods and barked at us to get going. He was hungry.
We arrived
back at the barn and took care of the horses, taking their tack off and brushing them, checking their hooves and finally feeding them some oats and barley. We headed toward the house and in the quiet, behind our favorite tree kissed and held each other for a while and then parted for our respective homes.
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All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...
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hi frn ,when i was living wid partners in rented made daily come morning n ilevning for making food for day she jus bend down i saw her boobs n i want to press but that time my frn was thereso i controlled that day i was decide i'll press her boobs .after 2month 1 got a chance to press i was alone at morning n she came n knock d door n i opend d door n she told me where is ur frn i told her they went to college today n she entered room n i jus clos d door. she was starting her...
It's not a secret that I have a fetish for pads. By my 22th birthday my father gave up on punishing me for menstruation simulation so I "had" my period each month. I still have the menstruation calendar I use to track my periods so I know when will the next come. And buying tampons and pads also helps keeping my sex change more real and believable.It was spring and I just passed 22 years that winter so I was really enthusiastic about my newly earned freedom (at least in this). It was Friday and...
‘You came, you came… you came!’ was the only thing I could think of as I opened the door and let you into my room. You stepped in and I quickly closed the door behind you, just in case anyone came up the dorm’s hall and saw you. You hesitated, suddenly unsure now that you had arrived, on what to do next. You looked me in the eye and looked away quickly, your cheeks flushing prettily as you remembered why you had come. We’d known each other since first year but had never even looked at each...
Our last episode covered a torrid sexcapade with Rylee and an older man who was unwittingly telling Rylee?s dad about this teen girl he fucked like a slut whore. Part 2, features this dad getting revenge on his friend by fucking his daughter, Bailey Brooke. Mr. Gunn is friends with Bailey?s dad who just fucked her friend Rylee. Mr. Gunn walks into the bedroom where Bailey is and he starts asking this hot blonde teen how school is going. He then asks if she has to fight the boys off. She says...
xmoviesforyouLet me get one thing straight, I never actually thought it would work! I'm serious. When mother touched my upper arm and our eyes met, I just knew. Maybe it was that look, wide anxious eyes that made me wonder if I had ever noticed her green pupils before. But it was more than her eyes, it was the whole of her face, a breath away from my own, intimate and awkward at the same time. As if that was not evidence enough, a quick look down I could see that mother had opened her work blouse,...
It always amazes me….the power of words, and the visual effects of a large cock can have on a sissy. Especially the power of a sexy curvy dominant woman has over a small penis submissive male. A woman with curves knows a small penis man can't satisfy her so, really he is just a toy for her to play with, an after thought if any.Any variation of the above will strike a startling reaction mentally and physically in a male who is about to receive an old-fashioned shaming from a dominant female and...
Maddy was still in bed asleep, her hair an explosion of color on the pillow. The soft, cotton sheet had slid down to her waist, exposing her naked upper body. She lay on her side, breasts moving peacefully in and out. Her face looked serene. Barrin felt the urge to jump back into bed and snuggle into Maddy’s naked softness. No time for that unfortunately. The surge in his cock as he pulled up his zipper made him painfully aware there hadn’t been much time for any of that in the last month. He...
He was a nobody by anyone's standards. Tall and yet still overweight, he was the butt of many crude jokes, but he never cared. He always brushed people off with little concern for the petty snipes and jokes. He only wanted to be left to his art and now even that was in jeopardy as the last bus he could catch to his own art show blew past the stop without a care. He was forced to walk in the slush that his city called snow. His coat kept him warm and his boots kept his feet dry, but the walk was...
He was a large guy who was one of my older brother's friend, over weight but athletic, thick legs , strong arms, and a very hot cock! He was always ready to cum . I had been sucking his dick since I was 13 and he was 18. We had to sneak around to find a place for me to suck him, roof tops, hallways up near the roof, sometimes his house when his parents were out and same thing with my house. When I turned 21 I got a store front apt and would see him every week day as he was coming home from work...
another friday comes and you are on your way home and receive a text from me asking how much longer till you get home.You walk in and I'm sitting in a chair and get up and hand you a cold glass of beer, your amazed as you look upon me. I have on a white satin robe open at the front. Under I have on white fishnet panties and a white bra, black gaterbelt and black stockings white white pumps. I walk back to the chair and drop my robe along the way I sit down and tell you to come over to me. you...
They had met that Saturday morning and the scout master had made sure that all the boys were carrying even loads in their packs. Each boy had a blanket, sleeping bag, mess kit, canteen with water, and half a pup tent, and some food stuffs. The younger boys were paired with a more experienced scout. Richard had been paired with John. Richard was happy that it was with him and not Tommy. John was supportive and always demonstrating the right way to do things. Tommy was the biggest kid in the...
Hello readers! I’m a vivid ISS reader and always wanted to share my experiences. This is the story that happened to me Ron 23 and my girl Anitha 23 (name changed) and it is our real experience and penned down with the concern of my girl. Let me introduce Anitha, she is a curvy, soft, and milky hot girl with a body stat of 34-30-34. And myself Ron with a 13cm dick and an average physic. Let’s get into our exhibitionist voyeuristic love-making story, while her mom was taking rest in a room...
I Saw Her Standing There by Harddaysknight © I had been scheduled for a morning meeting at my company's main office in Harrisburg. Fate had other plans. Jack Winston's teenage son had gotten involved in a traffic accident while driving to school. That removed Jack from the meeting, which in turn, removed any need for a meeting. I was headed north on I-81 before nine.I pulled into my driveway just after noon while my wife, Brooke, wasn't expecting me home before dark. I was grinning to...
Wife LoversAfter my first ever gang bang, I did manage to get a couple of days rest. But the memories, although not all that clear in my mind, lingered on.I was delighted to have ticked another box, and I had really enjoyed the experience.As promised, Muzzy contacted me to tell me he had arranged an appointment for a check-up with his doctor, and just like before, he would get the results at the same time as me, and then he would contact me again.For me, it was a quiet week. No mail from Yvonne, no...
CuckoldNicole Kitt can not believe it! Her Mom left her! Ran away and left her to live with her Step Dad. Charles can not believe it. He is fucked! He can’t afford this house without his wifes slutty ways paying for everything… lucky for him Nicole knows everything already. She knows her Mom was a whore and she will do anything… yes anything to help her stepdad keep the house including all that fucking she was doing. She can fuck better anyway and shows her stepdad just how much she...
xmoviesforyouLast week I was feeling hornier than usual so I decided to go to a massage parlor near my house to have a little bit of fun. It was pretty late at night, so by the time I got to the rub n’ tug they were only open for another half hour. The lady at the desk informed me that all the other girls had either gone home for the night or were with other clients. She told me since everyone else was unavailable she would give me a massage if I wanted. She was tall, blonde, in her late 40’s – early 50’s,...
I certainly don’t want to disclose my real name because of the embarrassing circumstances of my first date with my current spouse Bathsheba. My Bathsheba was not what one could safely describe as standard female spouse material. Of course, I didn’t know that at first because our first date was more of a lark than a serious encounter for purposes of entering into a contract of marriage. We both had joined at approximately the same time a social club that specialized in initial meetings between...
And so it is another Saturday. A day of rest, of relaxation and my friends are pursuing their interests in many places. Tom went golfing. Pete is on the boat for another weekend and Jim, my neighbor across the street is tending to his lawn. That's him down there now endlessly grooming that broad green tract that spells…Well I don't know what it spells to Jim. To me it is just a lot of hot sweaty work and I have other interests today, special ones. To be sure though my interests produce...
November 13, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “So, what do you want to do tonight?” Nancy laughed, “As if you have to ask!” “I mean BESIDES that!” “How about we grab some dinner and then see The Man from Snowy River. It’s an Australian film and it’s had excellent reviews. Then we can come back here.” “Dinner and a movie, sure. The other thing? Let’s not move so fast, OK?” “We’ve done it before...” “Yes, we have. Remember that I gave you a choice? I think you immediately figured out what the choice...
In just a few days it will be my 18th birthday and some friends of mine are planning a gift that they say I won't forget. My friends and I are all, as the jocks call, nerds so who knows what they are planning. I bet they are going to do something big but who knows, guess i’ll have to wait and see. Todays the big day and the guys have asked me to swing by Fred’s house after school. So after hours of painful trigonometry and algebra 2 along with AP classes I finally drive down to Fred’s place....
Jim come up behind you. Wrapped his arms around you tightly, breathing on your neck & ear. Slowly going in to kiss your neck. His arms holding yours down while his hands start… Jim come up behind you. Wrapped his arms around you tightly, breathing on your neck & ear. Slowly going in to kiss your neck. His arms holding yours down while his hands start playing with your boobs. Full cup squeeze to start. Then tracing circles around your nipples. Jim then switch from kissing your neck to...
FantasyMy girlfriend, Amber, and I returned to my dorm room with a friend of mine, Drew, after a party. We were all kind of drunk, and I could tell Amber was up to something. She usually gets pretty mischievous when she's had a few."That sure was a fun party. But I don't think the fun has to end just yet," Amber giggled as she twirled around in my room.Drew and I chuckled as we watched my petite girlfriend dance. Her demeanour slowly changed as she moved to the music. Her eyes smouldered at us as her...
So its not unusual for my and my sister to fool around and neither of us are virgins but this was the first time went this far. I can remember it clearly. Her long legs and slender body, she wasn't tan by any means but something about how she was glowing, all I could think: Wow. Her eyes shone bright in the moonlight through the window, she was staring right at me. "But...." I muttered, she had my head spinning ready to give in, "Your my sister, we can't- its wrong." She completely...