I Posted This On Fictionmania A Few Years Ago - It free porn video

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"Wow." Andre looked at me over the top of his too small glasses (well, he
had a big - read fat - face, maybe glasses weren't made in his size?).
"That is so awesome - a spell of possession!"

We had found an old book in the back of the stacks of the Miskatonic
University. Andre was an "intellectual" - he was always thinking about
something. If he wasn't thinking about one thing, he was thinking about
something else. So, he gravitated to libraries, and I was his best
friend, so I sometimes gravitated with him.

It was a very strange book; the binding was like nothing I had ever seen
before. It was some kind of very soft leather, the color of tanned skin,
with the embossed face of a demon on the cover. It felt sort of creepy to
run your fingers along it.

And, there was no library card in the back. It didn't say it was a
reserved book, but it didn't exactly invite itself for check out. So
Andre hid it under the copious folds of his sweatshirt (or, maybe the
copious folds of his fat, but I'd rather not think about that) and we
left with it.

Back safely in Andre's room (also full of books, why he needed to steal
any was beyond me), he started to read it. He said it was in English,
although it didn't much look like it, from around the time when settlers
first came to the Americas (meaning the United States, he just spoke that
way.) Apparently, the Indians (translation of his phrase "aboriginal
inhabitants" - you get the idea, so I'll stop now) had some knowledge of
magic that they imparted to some of the settlers, who dutifully recorded
it. There were entries about getting good crops, good hunts, wishing bad
crops and bad hunts on your enemies, all that kind of stuff. Then he
comes across this spell.

"Possession! Have you ever thought about the nature of possession?"

"No, because I don't know what it is."

"Sure you do, Amityville horror, spirits of the dead possessing the
living, or the Omen, with the devil's minions possessing humans?" He had
a look of patience on his fat face. I sometimes wondered why he hung out
with me, except, that nobody else would.

"Yeah, yeah, got it. No, never thought much about it."

"Well, it was interesting. You normally have this concept of this all
powerful spirit inhabiting some person, but what if it's all mixed
around, because the inhabitant is not all powerful, and the human is
still there, helping with things."

"Interesting," I said, not because it was, but because that was what he
said to me when he wasn't interested.

"Yes! So here we have this spell of possession, one human taking over
another, not one powerful being taking over another, what would that look
like? How would that work?"

"No clue, dude."

He shot me an irritated glance. "Why don't you let me look this over?
I'll give you a call if I find anything interesting."

This was a bit irritating. I'm not used to being dismissed. I am on the
football team at Arkham High, after all (second string, but I still made
the team) and I can at least get girls to talk to me. I even got to
second base once or twice (that is feeling the tits, right?)

I was back in my room a couple of hours later, when my cell rang. I
picked it up, and it was my aunt, Josie.

"Rick, could you do me a big favor? I'm going to put a personal ad on
Yahoo, and I need some photos taken, and you have that nice digital

Well, Josie is the teenager's total wet dream (even if she was my
mother's sister.) She is about 5' 10", blond hair, blue eyes, a little
over 30, but she doesn't look it. And, although I had only seen her tits
and figure through he clothes, she looked totally awesome.

"Sure Aunt Josie." I was pretty certain the shots would be tame, you
know, head shots, but who knows?

"And could you do me a little favor?"

I waited until she told me, but she was obviously going to wait. "What

"Well, could you not tell your parents you're coming over here? I don't
exactly want everyone to know what I'm doing. Could you tell them you're
going to your friend Andre's or something?"

That was weird; I didn't even know she knew Andre. "Sure thing. I'll be
right over."

Arkham, MA is a small town, so my aunt was within biking distance. I laid
the story on my parents, and headed over.

I walked up the front porch of the house where my aunt lived by herself
(she lived in the house my grand-parents left to her when they died.) I
knocked on the door, and heard a muffled "Come in!" from inside.

I walked into the entry. Josie had never bothered to have the place
painted, so it still had the same dark wood and general spirit of
foreboding it had when my grandparents lived there.

"I'm in here." I turned to the right and went into the parlor. Josie was
there, in a short skirt and white top, looking absolutely fuckable
(again, if you can say that about your Aunt).

"What do you think?" She did a little twirl.

"Very hot - I mean, very pretty Aunt Josie."

She stopped her twirl and gave me a big smile. "Silly, you can say I look
hot! After all, if I want to get dates, I need to have the right look in
the pictures, don't I? And just call me Josie, after all, you are my
favorite nephew."

I was her only nephew, so that wasn't much of a stretch - but this didn't
seem the time to point it out.

"So, you're the photographer! What should we do?" And she winked at me. I
could swear it was a suggestive wink, but how could that be?

"Er, um, uh, well..." Ok, I can't exactly say what I want to say. "How
about some head shots?"

I thought she looked a little disappointed. "OK."

I had her sit on the loveseat. The light looked pretty good there, and I
did shots from above and below, some profile, etc.

"These are going to be great!" And it was true, they were probably some
of the best I'd ever taken, but, consider the subject.

"Show me," she said, and scooted over on the love seat.

Well, there wasn't much room on the love seat anyway, and I perched at
the edge. She pulled me over closer so she could look at the display on
the camera. Her breast was pressed against my arm, and her hair tickled
my nose and she squinted at the display.

"Don't you need your glasses, Aunt, I mean Josie?"

"Glasses?" She looked into my face, so close I could feel her breath.
"Oh, my glasses! Of course, how silly of me! Well, it's not important,
I'm sure the photos are perfect." She almost purred the syllables of the

"But," she looked pensive.


"Well, shouldn't we have some pictures of my outfit? I picked it

You bet! "That would be a good idea, it looks great."

I stood (although it was nice to sit beside her) and started taking more
photos. She crossed and uncrossed her legs in a way that let me know she
was wearing stockings. Suddenly she stood, and I started walking around
her, taking pictures from the side, back and front as she canted her
hips, stuck out her chest, looked sulkily over her shoulder - she seemed
to have an endless store of sexy, pouty, smoldering looks.

"How about some leg?" she asked, all innocence.

"Leg - yeah! Great idea!"

She put a leg up on the loveseat and pulled her skirt up a bit. She was
definitely wearing stockings, white with white garters. I almost dropped
the camera.

"Th-th-that's great!" I took some more shots.

"You know, I may meet, well, you know, somebody special on line." She
looked at me speculatively.


"You know, somebody I'm really interested in. Maybe we should take some
pictures for him...as long as we're taking pictures anyway."

My mouth went completely dry. I was thinking of asking for water, but I
didn't want to interrupt anything. And, I couldn't really form words. My
jeans felt way too tight, something Josie couldn't have missed. I think
she may have given it an appraising glance.

"So, what should I do for that special guy?" she asked, turning her back
to me and slowly pulling her sweater over her head. Her bra seemed to
match the garters and hose I had already seen. It seemed small and lacy
from the back, and when she turned around I could see it was. It hardly
contained her beautiful breasts, which tried to spill out the top. "Maybe
something like this?" she said, putting a hand on her hip and pushing her
breasts out.

Still unable to speak, I started snapping pictures again. She found the
zipper on the side of her skirt, slowly pushed it down, and let the skirt
fall to the floor. I had never seen such a vision in person, and you
seldom saw something this hot even on those internet sites I wasn't
supposed to be visiting.

"You like?" she asked, stepping out of the puddle of skirt on the floor
and turning slowly. She wore a tiny thong, and I could tell she was
shaved through it.

I kept taking pictures. Suddenly she gave me a cross look over her
shoulder, turned, and pushed the camera down.

"Do you like?" she demanded.

"I like," I finally croaked. "Very much."

"I thought so." She took the camera from my hand and set it down. Then
she slowly ran her hand down my shirtfront, stopping at my belt and used
it to yank me towards her. She was as tall as I am in the stiletto heels
(did I mention those? Tall white stiletto heels).

She put one hand around the back of my neck, and looked deep into my
eyes... Her other hand ran slowly down my shirt front, but this time
didn't stop at my belt. She rubbed her hand over my jeans, my cock
straining underneath.

"You know what kind of man I would really like to date?" she whispered
huskily. "I would love to find somebody like your friend Andre."

"Andre?" I gulped.

"Uh huh, he is so sexy, so hot, as you said."

"Andre?" I couldn't believe what she was saying. How could she be hot for

Josie suddenly dissolved in laughter, finally sitting back down on the
love seat.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, this is priceless. I so had you going!"

"You mean about you liking Andre? I didn't believe that."

"You idiot, about me being your Aunt."

I blinked. "If you're not Josie, then who are you?"

She shook her head, "You still don't get it? What were you and Andre
talking about earlier?"

"I don't remember exactly."

"Spells - and a specific type of spell?"

Suddenly it became clear, but it wasn't even possible.

"Finally the light dawns."

"Possession? You're possessing Josie?"

Josie sat back and crossed her magnificent legs. "That's right, it's
Andre in here."

I sat down next to her, completely forgetting how close I was to her.


"Uh-huh, Andre."

"So the spell worked."

Josie/Andre stood up and stretched languidly. I was still hard, and she
was still hot, but I was confused.

"You could say that."

"So, what's it like?"

"Well, there are lots of things going on. One is, I appear to know
everything she knows, or I can get to it. I know how to put on her
clothes, put on her makeup, vamp men." She gave me a meaningful look.

"And you've got..."

She placed her hand between her legs, and smiled. "A pussy, oh yes. That
was the first thing I tried out. It was so amazing!" She rubbed her tits
through her bra as she stuck her fingers inside her panties. "It's like
nothing I've ever felt, it just builds and builds, like you're going up a
hill, and then it was such a sweet release. I love it! I could do it
again right now." She stopped and looked at me. "Say, aren't you here to
take pictures?"

"I can't take pictures like this! It isn't right!"

"Oh, so it's OK to take pictures of your aunt, when you think your Aunt
wants it, your own relative, but now, when it's not her that wants it
it's not OK?"

"Well," I started.

"I tell you what, pick up your camera." I stood and picked up my camera.
"Now," she sat down slowly on the loveseat. "A gorgeous, sexy woman is
going to sit here in front of you and masturbate. You can choose to take
photos or not. But I know what I'm going to do."

She crossed her legs and began to run her fingers along the top of her

"Dude, I can't do this."

"Do I look like a dude?" she asked, pushing down the lacey top of her bra
so she could reach her right nipple. She licked the fingers of her left
hand and used it to slowly trace the aureole. Her nipple stood up, and
she started breathing heavily.

I was torn. It seemed so weird to be turned on by this, since it was
Andre, after all, who didn't do much for me. But I was hard as a rock.

"Oh well," I said. "What the hell."

I started taking photos, low, high close-ups, everything. Meanwhile,
Andre/Josie moved on to her other tit. Her breasts were big enough that
she could almost reach the nipples with her tongue, and she pushed her
breasts together and licked at them. Then she began pulling at her
nipples, gently at first, then harder, her breathing keeping time.

"Do you know," she gasped, "I know every time Josie made love? I remember

One hand continued to pull at her nipple while the other found its way
greedily into her panties. She began to move her fingers in and out of
her pussy."

"Lose the panties!" I said.

She opened her eyes and smiled. She stood and unhooked her bra, letting
it fall to the floor. Then she pushed her thong down over her hips. I
could swear that the sound of those panties hitting the floor was one of
the loudest things I'd ever heard (although it may have just been the
pounding of my heart.)

One hand reached for her breast again, and the other reached between her
parted legs. She began to masturbate as she stood there. As she got
closer, she started to writhe and heave, finally, she had to grab the
back of the love seat, the hand between her pussy lips still working in
and out. I stood behind her and took shot after shot, then beside her as
her breasts swung back and forth.

"God," she said. "God god god god god god god!"

She collapsed on her knees on the floor, her head down, still clutching
the back of the loveseat. Her tanned back heaved as she tried to catch
her breath.

I collapsed into the seat, and I couldn't help myself, I only had to
touch the outside of my jeans and I creamed myself.

After a minute she looked up, "Well, how was that?" She touched the wet
spot on the front of my jeans. "I guess it was good for you, too?"

She stood up and started gathering her clothes. "You owe me copies of
those photos!

"I'm not sure how long this will last, the book said something about the
initial spell lasting only a few hours. So you better go and I better put
things back."

She walked slowly out of the room, her perfect ass swaying as she moved.
At the door way she looked over her shoulder and waved.

"So why did you pick my Aunt?" I demanded, after he called me over to his
house later that evening.

"I didn't exactly. I was doing the spell, and it didn't say just how you
were supposed to pick somebody in particular - there appears to be some
element of chance."

"Chance?" I considered this. "OK, so you didn't intend to take over my
Aunt's body and masturbate her brains out."

"Nope, but when the opportunity presented itself."

"You're slime!"

"And you're a slime's photographer - speaking of which, did you bring the

A promise was a promise, so I handed him the disk (of course, I had my
own copy.)

He popped it into the cd tray and started a slide show. God, but Josie
looked hot! It was hard to believe that it had happened. The more I
thought about it, the harder it was to believe.

"OK," I said finally, mostly to cover the sound of his heavy breathing.
"So what was it like?"

"Hmmm?" He looked away from the screen. "Oh, well, it was like I said, or
maybe Josie said." He smirked. I felt for a moment like punching the
smirk off his face, but, well, maybe I could see Josie naked again? Man,
this was fucked up! "It's not like cumming when you're a guy."

"That's not exactly what I meant. I mean, there you were, getting naked
in front of a guy! And jerking off... well, masturbating, whatever it's
called when girls do it."


"And, well, are you gay?" There, I said it. "I mean, it's a pretty gay
thing for a guy to do."

Andre shook his head. "Look, that wasn't Andre doing that, it was Josie.
And it's not gay for Josie! Although, Josie has had her share of lesbian

"What, really? How do you know?"

"It's like I said, when I'm inside her, I know what she knows, remember
what she remembers. You know Sally Jorgensen?"

"The blonde? You mean Mrs. Jorgensen?"

"The same. She and Josie have, well, known each other's pleasures a
number of times."

This was a hot image, and made me pause for a moment. "Look, you're
getting me off track here. That was you there, it was Josie's body, but
it was you."

Andre sighed. "It's not that simple. When I possess her, I have her
feelings as well."

"So, did you or did you not get turned on stripping and cumming in front
of a guy?"

Andre thought for a moment. "I got really turned on by stripping and
cumming - Josie wanted to do it in front of you. She's thought you were
pretty hot for a while now."

"Josie thinks I'm hot?"

"Well, cute, but you are her nephew, and half her age, so she would never
do anything about it."

Josie thought I was cute! That was pretty cool. Still... "Look, dude, I'm
out of here. Don't make yourself blind looking at that stuff."

Andre sort of waved when I left his room, but he didn't turn away from
the screen. What a loser!

The next night, my cell rang again. "Hi!" It was Josie with a breathless
voice, like she'd just been, well....

"Josie?" I wanted to ask if it was Andre, but that would be weird if it

"You know it. I left my parent's video camera outside my house in the
hedge. Could you pick it up before you come over?"

"What makes you think I'm coming over?"

"Well, I'm looking in the mirror at this beautiful woman, black
stockings, garter belt, high heels, and only a short, sexy, see-thru
black robe covering anything!"

God! His/her voice was dripping sex! "Yeah, OK."

"Oh, and sweetheart? Come right up to the bedroom?"

The phone clicked. Did he just call me sweetheart? Did she?

I had the camera when I climbed the stairs a few minutes later. I had
practically wiped out when I ran a stop sign on my bike, but I made it in
record time. I don't know why, but I knocked at the bedroom door.

"Who is it?"

She was purring again! I pushed open the door. "You know who it is!" And
then I stopped. She was standing in the middle of the room, dressed
exactly as she described over the phone. Sometimes, clothes can look even
better than no clothes. But, from what I remembered about her in no
clothes (almost!) it would be a difficult choice.

"Hi handsome!" she said huskily.

"I, uh..."

She walked over and took my hands, and led me over to the bed where we
sat down, her still holding my hands. "I really need you to do me a
favor." That voice, those lips, her eyes looking like she was already in
bed.... "I've been thinking about this, and your feelings, but you have
to know you're the only one that I can do this with?" She paused.


"Think about it for a moment. Josie does have a boyfriend, and a few

She laughed, lyrically, musically, oh hell, you get the idea. "But she
can't go to them, because they would talk to Josie when I wasn't with
her. Then she would know that something was going on. And, what's more,
it wouldn't be fair to her to have her reputation tarnished like that."

"It's a funny time to start worrying about what's fair to her."

She took her hands away and pouted. "OK, if you can't do this, I can
understand. Thanks for bringing the camera."

I couldn't leave. I was hard as a baseball bat, and it seemed almost as
big. It wasn't fair, I shouldn't be doing this - he shouldn't be doing
this. But I couldn't not do it. I'm only 16, I told myself, and I'm
supposed to be thinking with my little head.

I held up the camera. "OK, let's get started!"

She smiled seductively. "You know, I didn't really want to start with the

"So what did you want to start with?"

Josie blushed! It was so cute, it started near her naked breasts and
moved up over her face. "Well, you know, I know what she knows and she
knows what it's like to, well."

I stopped tracking that after the second 'know'. "What? What what is

She couldn't look at me. "I can remember what she remembers - and sex is
just awesome! It's so much better than masturbating."

"So?" And then it dawned on me. "You want to have sex? With me?"

She shook her head yes. This was unexpected. Then I remembered something
my father always said, "In for a penny, in for a pound." I wasn't exactly
clear on why my father compared money and units of weight, but I
understood what he meant...

"Sometimes," I said, "you just have to say, Hell yes!"

She smiled up at me. "Thank you!" She patted the bed next to her and I
sat down.

"So, do you want to kiss me?" she asked.

My lips were on hers in a heartbeat, and I was pushing her down on the
bed, one hand on her breast.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," she said, pushing me away.

"What?!?!" I had practically cum already.

She sat up, and I sat up next to her. "You know, Josie, well, I am pretty

"And?" Great, we'd just started and I'm already a lousy lover.

She took my hands again. "You know, there are just things you pick up
over time - like how to please a woman. But you have to want to do that!"

I looked at her. "You think I don't want to do that?"

"Well, it seemed like you were just trying to please yourself."

She had me there. "I guess I didn't really think about the two things
being that different."

She batted her eyelids and smiled coyly. "They don't have to be. I can
show you."

I had a hardon that could break rocks, but what she was saying made
sense. "OK."

"So, the first thing is that, most of the time, women want to take a
little time."

"Time to do what?"

"Heat up - get in the mood. Don't get me wrong, I'm already in the mood,
and the sight of your prick pushing against your jeans is definitely
getting me steamy!"

"So how do we take time?"

"We kiss, gently at first, then harder. Then you start touching me, on my
face first, then my neck and shoulders. Then you can move your hands
down. I tell you what, let's get started."

She leaned over and kissed me softly on the mouth. She nibbled at my
lips, kissing me on the sides of my mouth, touching me with her tongue.
Then she put her hands on either side of my face, looked me deeply in the
eyes, and planted her lips firmly on mine, pushing my mouth open with her
tongue. When she stopped I was out of breath.

"You like?" she asked.

"I like, very much."

"So you try it. Let's see if you get the idea."

So I did, I kissed her lightly on her lips, on her ears, on her neck. She
started moaning softly. I put my fingers in her hair and pulled her face
close to mine, pushing my mouth on hers, kissing her deeply.

"Oh lover!" she said. "That was perfect! You're a natural! And as a
reward for being such a good student, I'm not going to make you wait too
much longer. We'll work on the rest of the lessons later!"

She unzipped my pants, and as I stood, practically ripped them down my
legs. My cock was perpendicular to my body, and she had a hard time
pulling the waist band of my jockeys over it.

"Well, very nice!" She said. She took it in her hand and ran her tongue
along the head. "You're going to come in a second, but I have a feeling
you'll recover!" She scooted back on the bed. "Come on stud, stick it in

I did, and she was right. It must have been just a couple of minutes. I
tried delaying, but she said, "No lover, that's OK, just cum. We'll take
our time after that."

And I did, cum that is, like a freight train. As I lay there, spent,
between her legs, she traced patterns on my back with her fingernails.

"All right stud," she whispered in my ear. "Now that you've fucked me,
you have to pleasure me." She started to kiss my ears, my forehead, her
fingers tracing lower and lower on my back, over my buttocks. She reached
around and managed to grab my balls, slowly touching and rubbing them.
And she was right, I did recover. I could feel myself getting hard again
as I lay on top of her. I started to move in and out of her, but she
stopped me, putting her hands on my shoulders. "No darling, now it's my

I pulled out of her reluctantly, and she caressed my dick, sticky and
shining with cum and her fluids.

She held my head between her hands and looked me in the eye. "I want you
to lick my pussy, baby."

She pushed on my shoulders, and I moved down the bed, stopping when my
mouth was near her clit.

"It's really simple, baby, just do what I tell you."

And I did. It started with brushing around the outside of her clit
lightly with my tongue. Gradually I started to get more confidence, as
Josie squirmed under me, saying, "Yes baby, oh god yes! Like that! Now
right on it! Not so hard! And move your tongue around."

She taught me this really wild trick (lord knows where she learned it) -
she told me to lick her pussy like I was spelling out the alphabet. It
was kind of a lot to think about, especially since I was really turned on
again, having my head between her legs, and having her half whispering,
half screaming, "God! God! God yes!"

Her breasts were heaving. She grabbed my head and pushed it into her
pussy so I couldn't breathe. I was going to protest, but it didn't last
long. She screamed one last "Fuck!" and pushed my head away.

"Come up here lover and fuck me," she said. I came up between her legs
and pushed my erection into her pussy. She was really wet now, between
being licked and being turned on. I was lasting a lot longer this time.
When she realized this, she said. "If you're up for it, and I know you
are, I would really love it from behind. The angle is a lot better for

I got out, she came up on all fours, and I pushed back in. She had a
magnificent ass, and the view was wonderful. "Reach around me baby and
rub my nipples." I started to do that, then she grabbed my hand and put
it in her mouth, sucking on my fingers. "It's better if your fingers are

She started pushing up against me, faster and faster, and I met her
strokes. She started whimpering, "Oh Rick, please yes, please fuck me,
yes, damn it, yes, yes." She spasmed in orgasm again. I had been hanging
on the edge, so I joined her. I fell, spent, over her back. She rolled me
gently over, and we lay there, our bodies pressed close. I was gradually
getting soft, but I was still inside her.

"Mmmmm," she cooed. "You were magnificent."

I admit, at this point, I wasn't even thinking that Andre was in there
someplace. "I've never felt anything like that."

She looked over at the clock on the bedstand.

"Oh shit." She jumped up. "Get your clothes on. I've got to get cleaned
up. Times almost up and I'm about to turn into a pumpkin." She reached
over and ran a hand up my ass as I bent for my underwear. "A big fat
grinning, well-fucked pumpkin!"

Andre called me later. I didn't particularly feel like seeing him, so we
just talked on the phone.

"So she doesn't remember anything?" I asked.

"She does, sort of. She thought the photography session was a dream. She
was a little freaked out about having that kind of dream about her

"I'll bet."

"This time, I can only imagine! You know, you were the best lover she
ever had."

"What, how can that be?"

"Well, apparently, she doesn't normally tell guys what she likes. Since
she told you, and you did what she asked, you gave her a close to perfect

That was interesting. I hung up a few minutes later, went over to my
computer, and jerked off to the pictures of Josie. It wasn't right, what
we were doing. She was my aunt. And what's more, I was starting to care
about her in a way I had never felt before. I was seriously sad, a little
angry, very turned on, and somewhat creeped out.

The next evening my cell rang again.

"Hi, Rick?"

"Aunt Josie?" I was immediately turned on by her voice. I had been
thinking about this, though, and I couldn't do it again.

"Rick, um, could I talk to you about something?"

It didn't sound like Andre, somehow. I'm not quite sure why I felt that.
"About what?"

"Well, it's sort of personal. But I've been having some dreams, and I've
been trying to think about what to do about them. I think I need to talk
to you about them."

Hmmmm - it could still be a trick, but... "Sure, Aunt Josie. But why do
you want to talk to me about your dreams?"

"Well, because you're in them. Could you come over? I'd rather talk in

Josie answered the door when I knocked. She looked beautiful in a sweater
and skirt. She wasn't dressed slutty at all, but she was dressed up with
makeup and perfume.

"Are you going out, Aunt Josie? You look very nice."

She blushed a little. "No, not going out. Won't you come in, Rick?"

She walked ahead of me into the drawing room. I couldn't help but think
about the great ass under that skirt.

She directed me to the chair. "Would you like anything? I bought some
Mountain Dew Code Red - that's your favorite, isn't it?"

Josie was a vegetarian, and stayed away from all processed sugar. For her
to have something like Mountain Dew in the house was almost unbelievable.
"Thanks Aunt Josie, that would be great."

She walked out, with my eyes on the back of her skirt again. She came
back a few minutes later, and set the glass on a coaster on the coffee
table in front of me, and a glass of wine on a coaster in front of her.
She smoothed the back of her skirt as she sat down on the love seat. It
was all I could do to not think about the last time I had seen her
sitting there, legs spread, fingers inside her panties.

"You don't mind if I have a glass of wine, do you?"

"No, not at all."

She smiled at me as she picked up her glass, then flushed and looked
down. She held the wine in front of her and stared down into the glass.
"This is really difficult for me."

"You said you were having dreams?"

"Yes, and you're in them. They seem so real."

"What kind of dreams, Aunt Josie?"

She blushed bright red again (from what I could see of her face) and took
a sip of wine, then another. Finally, she took a pretty good swallow and
set the glass down.

She looked me full in the face. "They're dreams about...sex."

I could hardly believe she had said it.

She hurried on, "I know it's wrong. I don't want to have them, but I do,
and they just seem to get more erot.. - I mean powerful each time."

She looked down at her hands. "I thought maybe if I talked to you about
it, it would help. Maybe it's a bad idea." She started crying.

Boy, did I feel bad! I stood up, walked over to her, and knelt down next
to her. "It's OK Aunt Josie. I'm sure there's any number of reasons you
could be having those dreams."

She took my hand and held it in her lap. "You're so sweet!" She sniffled.
She scooted over and pulled me up to where I was sitting next to her. She
sniffled some more and I put my arm around her (it seemed sort of
natural, since I'd already fucked her). She turned and put her head on my
chest, her sobbing subsiding slowly. She looked into my eyes. "I'm so
sorry, I must look a mess! Mascara running, nose running." She rubbed at
her nose with her hand.

"No, Aunt Josie, you look beautiful." And it was true, even with her
mascara running. She smiled, and then we were kissing. I don't really
know who started it, and that wasn't really important, anyway. We both
wanted it.

She stopped and pulled away. "No, this is wrong."

I didn't say a word. I put my hands on either side of her face and gently
wiped away some tears with my thumbs. Then I kissed her again, very
softly. I looked at her again, her eyes were wide, a little scared. I
kissed her again, and she returned it. As I felt her relax I started to
nibble at her lips, kissing her cheeks, and down her neck. She started to
moan softly, and soon she had pulled my head back to her face, and her
tongue was in my mouth.

Well, I knew what to do, of course. She resisted a couple of times, it
was hard to coax her into going up to her bedroom. "It will be more
comfortable there." But once we were there, all her resistance was gone.
I felt a little guilty about fucking my Aunt, but not nearly as guilty
and conflicted as I did about fucking her with Andre banging around in

She was on top of me, riding me with abandon, crooning a little
"Ohhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhh," (She didn't seem to swear as much when it was her.
In fact, she didn't swear at all). When suddenly she went rigid and
nearly fell over. I grabbed her arms and stopped her. She slumped over
me, and then gradually straightened up, a confused look on her face.

She looked down and focused on me, "Dude!" she said. "You're fucking your

Andre got over his initial shock, and jumped (or should I say squirmed)
right into the spirit of things. He taught me some stuff about the g-
spot, and yelled and screamed and swore with gusto.

This promised to be really complicated.

Same as I posted this on fictionmania a few years ago - it Videos

4 years ago
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Fictionmania Fantasy Photoshoot Part 1

*This is a work of fiction based on a fantasy I've had for a very long time. there is sex, and sexual themes in this story. Crossdressing, bondgae, feeminization... all of these things. If this isn't something you'd enjoy, don't read it, deal? Comments welcome, but try not to be negitive please... Enjoy the story ;) FICTIONMANIA FANTASY PHOTOSHOOT PART 1 My name is Cory, I read Fictionmania almost everyday. I've been crossdressing lightly as a turn-on since I was a small...

1 year ago
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Want to read some naughty trans aka TG stories at Fiction Mania? If you’re here, then I imagine you don’t mind a fair bit of reading. After all, these reviews are pretty fucking in-depth if I do say so myself. No, I’m not here to just keep patting myself on the back. I’m talking about smut. Erotica. Fanfictions. Whatever the fuck you want to call written porn. I know, I know, some of you fucks out there need a full VR headset with a heated, auto lubed, ultra fuck master 1000 with the gyrating...

Sex Stories Sites
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This work is the copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re- post this story must contact the author for permission. Fictionmania.tv By Paul G Jutras After taking his evening shower, Paul sat down before his computer and started to scan the Internet for new web sites. Most of what he found was on-line stores and people in chat rooms trying to sell things he had no interest in. "Great." Paul thought to himself as he starred at the window in front of him and saw...

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A Dinner At Fictionmania

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Another Dinner at Fictionmania

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At the Fictionmania Convention

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Fictionmania Fantasy Photoshoot Part 2

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5ft6 115lbs 16yearsold unspoilt Sold Part I

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I watched Sarah. Amazed at the size cock that she was sucking. Naturally the other guy was larger but he was a grown man. The kid, I could see him better now, had a very large cock for his age, It was at least as large as mine of about eight inches. The man she had been sucking was the one from earlier in the week that I had sucked off with her. His thick eleven inch cock was large as he stroked it and watched Sarah suck the young boy, The man, John, got in between the legs of the young lad...

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Sarah should not have had a gleefuf look on her face as she licked the cock head. Sarah was doing this because the rent was due and I had just been laid off at the wrong time. As if there is a right time to be laid off, especially after we had returned from an expensive vacation. Two weeks of carefree days in the sun at the resort. It was a way to cope with the grind at work. It was Sarah's way to unwind after being coped up in the apartment while i worked. Sarah didn't work. She had been...

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Horny Safeway Coworkers Customers MILF amp

Seeing the naked 60 year old Grandma with her hand buried into her pussy was so naughty...my 24 year old mind raced back and forth thinking of just how old she was. While she was very sexy, her body showed many signs of her age...I wondered if she had always been a nasty lady, perhaps she fucked many guys while she was in school, or maybe she was shy and reserved. GILF waved her free hand at me, motioning for me to come to her. I climbed off of the bed where the MILF was still laying and...

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Horny Safeway Coworkers Customers MILF amp

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Horny Safeway Coworkers and Customers Introducti

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The Safeway Cashier BBW

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What happens when youre out past cerfew

What happens when you’re out past curfew?I learned the answer to this question the hard way. It was a school night and I had been given permission by Mistress to go to the library after classes to do some research for my term paper but that I was to be home no later than 8pm. Well as you can figure I obviously wasn’t home by 8pm seeing as I know the answer to the question: what happens when you’re out past curfew?I was sitting in the library surrounded by books for my paper when I heard the...

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When Wife Wants to Play, what do you say? It’s a question I like to pose to strangers, especially if they’ve got a good-looking ball and chain, and it’s a question you may be asking yourself right now. Maybe it’s your own cuckold fetish you’re looking to feed, or perhaps your wife has developed a sudden new interest in BBC, but whatever the case, this next site may answer some of your questions, give you some ideas, and maybe even help you find a well-endowed stud to give your hotwife the...

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by Larry Malone I don't know how long I stood at my opened apartment door with my mouth hanging open when I first saw Santiago, but it was longer than polite would allow. “San” was there in response to a general ad of mine I was running in a local sex magazine offering to host any one interested in a mature uncut cock for oral sex. Whatever I was expecting, it certainly wasn't the strikingly gorgeous young Hispanic standing there. He was a little over six foot tall, (and as...

3 years ago
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When I became a sex maniac a few years ago

When I became a sex maniac a few years ago, I immediately worried that the Caveman might not be able to handle me - satisfy me. I didn't see that it would take time for us to really learn how to have sex together (duh!). But over these weeks of having a lot of love making and writing stories about it, we've really come along way (couldn't resist the pun).Every time we have sex it's a little different, a little saucier, a little sexier: sometimes because it's naughtier, sometimes because it's...

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John Trent took a quick look at the clock as he loaded a bucket with ice. He frowned with worry when he saw that it was already a little past ten thirty. John's shift ended at ten, but two other workers had called in sick. Friday nights were always busy, and being short two workers had just made keeping up harder. The ice, cup lids, napkins and condiments in the dining room needed to be filled up. It was John's responsibility, to take care of that when he wasn't waiting on customers. Maybe...

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Lavender Ghost StoryChapter 7 With The Tears Of Dragons

At the South end of Lavender Town, the high cliffs were met by rickety wooden bridge that stretched off into the hazy distance over the ocean far below. Occasionally connecting with the mainland for extra support, and slowly slanting downward, Route 12 served as the most direct path from Lavender to Maiden's Peak. To the left of the old bridge, however, were a set of wooden stairs that hugged the rough curves of the sea battered cliff face, winding their way down to a long wooden walkway at...

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The Way of the Dragon

This story is a Fan-Fiction saddled in the Whateley Academy Universe created by Maggie Finson and other Authors. Please notice that English isn't my native language and I'm still working on my grammar. First of all I want to thank the Canon Authors for their incredible inspiring tales as well as my editors and collaborative Authors Nuuan & Shadowsblades check out their stories if you have time for it. Thanks also for reading this little introduction, I hope you have fun...

3 years ago
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Curfew K Maje

Hi all mera naam Aryan hai aur main bareilly UP se hu age 22, ht 5’7, wt 60 in all aap mujhe smart keh sakte hain and this is my 1st story on ISS baat kuch din pehle ki hai jab bareilly me curfew laga tha main delhi aya hua tha Apne kisi interview k liye dopahar me ghar se phone aya k hindu-muslim riots ki wajah se kuch areas me curfew lag gaya hai hamara koi bhi relative delhi mein nahi tha isliye mujhe shaam ki train se hi bareilly wapas aana tha Ab dikkat ye thi ke main station se ghar kaise...

3 years ago
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Broken Curfew

Hi, I am Ashu,18,m,from Mumbai back with my latest story..This is again a fiction for u all to enjoy and not a true story..as many of you all know, I have posted one of my own experiences and three of my creations..please mail your comments on Another dead soldier. David Hollis dropped his long neck bottle into the pile in the garbage can. He looked at the clock. It was 2:00 a.m. Laurie’s curfew was midnight, and here it was two hours later. Senior prom or not, seventeen years old or not, when...

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Broken Curfew The Beginning of Pet Teacher

Another dead soldier. David Hollis dropped his long neck bottle into the pile in the garbage can. He looked at the clock. It was 2:00 a.m. Laurie's curfew was midnight, and here it was two hours later. Senior prom or not, eighteen years old or not, when he gave his daughter a curfew, he damn well expected her to hold to it. He was providing the house, her bed, her car, her food. Ungrateful little brat. But she had looked good on her way out the door. Hell, she'd looked great in that...

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Chapter Two Revised Edition A Day at work at the DriveIn from Memory From Years ago

A Day at work at the Drive-In from Memory From Years ago (c) Copyrighted No copying without my permission Thank You I started walking away from their car going back to work at the concession stand . thinking of what I just witnessed I started I was mumbling to myself I wished I had her alone for myself . I sure would have loved fucked her good and hard . I arrived back at the concession stand and began getting ready for business that evening . A little while Later the rest of...

1 year ago
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SRU Paper Dragon

SRU: Paper Dragon By Kim West I wish to thank Bill Hart for creating the SRU Universe and allowing others to have a chance to play in it. The story I have come up with is loosely based on "Puff the Magic Dragon." I hope you will enjoy the following. There once was a little rascal by the name of Jack Paper who loved to destroy everything in his path. His bedroom looked like a cyclone had hit it, and this would be only moments after his mother had cleaned it for him. His toys usually...

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