Hunting Dragons free porn video

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The rift between realms remained open for eight days before closing. Dragons and their cousins came through and spread like ants. There was no one that lived to give a number as the dragons and drakes flew away. Huge lizards crawled and ate anything green and wingless dragons hunted anything that moved.

My father was a smith and my mother a mage alchemist. I did not have magic and did not want to be a smith. I did enjoy the way a weapon felt in my hand. When the dragons began raiding and burning, people fled to caves or built huge Keeps with stone. I had seen several as they stole cows or sheep and they were huge.

A sword would never go deep enough even if they could penetrate the scales. Arrows were the same unless they blinded the dragon. Of course killing it before it regrew new eyes would not be easy. I had a plan or an idea and was going to hunt and kill dragons. I had skill with a sword or axe but started searching for a long spear.

When I could not find one strong enough I decided to travel to the dwarves for star silver. I had an ancient receipt to make admantium and needed the star silver to start with. I was sixteen and old enough to leave home. My mother did not want me to go with the dragons in the sky. My father was different and gave me weapons and advice.

I pulled the large mule after me as I left the safety of Sonder’s Reach. The large town had emptied and moved to a set of caves on one side of the valley. Farmers and herdsmen still returned to tend fields or watch animals graze. At the far end of the valley was Shay Keep and an old city built out of stone.

I would have to go to one side and up and over a pass. I stayed out of the fields and led the mule through the forest. I carried a long bow and war arrows, the nobles no longer worried about poachers. I waded across the shallows of the valley river and continued north. It was evening when I walked out of the forest.

Before me in a clearing leading into the pass were two large trees stripped of limbs. Tied between them was a naked teenage girl. I looked around and then studied the ground and saw large tracks and prints. I snorted as I started pulling the mule again, “stupid people.”

The girl had been crying and looked up as I came closer. She sniffed and glanced around while trying to speak. She croaked, “free me?”

I smiled as I let the mule go and walked to her, “sure but you know the idiots would only bring you back.”

She started crying again and I bent and used my long knife to cut the ropes. I pulled her up and turned her just to look at a naked girl. She stared at me and I grinned as I caught her hand, “so would you like to come with me so I can breed you?”

She was following and smiled, “it would be better than eaten by a dragon.”

I shook my head, “those morons were feeding drakes, not dragons.”

I caught the rope for the mule and started pulling it. I pulled off my water bladder and handed it to her and she took a drink as she minced her steps. I finally turned into a small side draw and led the way to the back where a tiny stream of water fell into a pool. I unsaddled the mule and tethered it while the girl sat.

I began to make camp and glanced at her, “I am Smoky.”

She smiled while rubbing her feet, “Elizabeth.”

I did not make a fire and handed her dried meat from a goat. I made my bed and sat and opened the pack and pulled out a roll of leather. I gestured and she turned and I measured her feet and ankles. I cut the leather and began to sew as she sat and I kept lifting my eyes to look at her pussy. She finally giggled and spread her legs and reached down to rub it.

I looked up and she grinned, “later?”

I nodded and went back to work. I finished one leather shoe and used a long leather string for laces. I gave it to her and started on the other and she put it on to see if it fit. She smiled when she pulled it off and moved to lay back in the bed. I glanced up when I heard the roar and could see a dragon high up in the sky.

It was gliding and slowly circling to the south as it searched for something to eat. I finished the other leather shoe and turned to set it down. I checked the mule as it began to grow dark and moved it under a trees close to us. I returned and stripped and moved onto the bed and looked at the naked girl.

She reached out and stroked my cock and I moved over her as she spread her legs. I pushed and forced my cock into her and she groaned. I held her as I pressed and relaxed and kept doing it. Her pussy was very warm and gripped my cock. I finally pulled back and then pushed into her and buried my cock.

She gasped and clutched me as her pussy clenched, “ooohhhh!”

I did it again and again and it was not long before she was struggling and lifting her hips. Several minutes and her pussy was wet and slippery. She was still clinging to me as I fucked her and began to do it harder. She lifted and cocked her legs as I planted my cock as deep as I could, “yyyeeeesssss!”

I covered her mouth with mine as I continued to fuck her. She thrashed and bucked and after a few more minutes she jerked and spasmed. I shoved into her and held her as I pumped huge spurts of seed. Her pussy grasped and kept squeezing as she shook and wiggled, “aaaahhhh!”

She was panting and shuddered as I gave her another kiss and started to fuck her messy pussy again. She grinned and hugged me as she lifted her hips. It was awhile before I stopped and held her as she fell asleep. I shifted and reached out to move my cut down battle axe and my altered long sword.

I closed my eyes but a moment later I heard the mule. I rolled and grabbed both the long sword and the battle axe. I was afraid it was the dragon as I moved out of the shelter. I went to the mule and looked around and a moment later I saw the drake stalking closer through the woods.

I moved away from the mules and when the drake lunged I shoved the sword into the mouth. I leaped and twisted and swung the axe with all my strength. The drake jerked back so instead of the middle of its neck I hit right behind the head. The axe was ripped away as it stuck in the spine and the drake fell.

I moved back and shifted my sword to my right hand as it writhed around and jerked while dying. I heard the roar above and spun towards the clearing. A second drake was dropping down and flared its wings. It was to close to the trees and the left wing caught a branch and spun and flipped it. It roared and twisted but I saw my chance and lunged.

I shoved the point of the sword into the spine above the front shoulders. It collapsed as I twisted and ripped the sword free. It thrashed but the wings and legs did not move. The head whipped around and struck out but I was to far away. I looked at it before moving back to the first drake.

The mule was screaming and fighting the rope around its neck as Elizabeth appeared. I stepped on the drake’s head and caught the axe before I yanked and pulled. Once it came free I swung it again and started chopping until the head was cut off. I moved to the second drake with the bloody axe and waited before I stepped and swung the axe.

When I was done I set the axe and sword aside and struggled to pull the two horse sized bodies out and into the clearing. For as large as they were they only weighed a quarter of what they should. I went to get my weapons and the heads and then got my skinning knife from my pack. I skinned the two drakes and rolled up the hides before I walked to the pool of water.

I walked in and sat and began to wash the blood off and the excitement finally wore off. I started to shake and my hands trembled and Elizabeth walked in and pulled me into deeper water. She washed me and pulled me out and used my shirt to dry us. The mule had finally quieted and I laid down with Elizabeth. We did not sleep but just held helped.

When the sun rose I got up and went to wash again and then cleaned my weapons. We packed up and I gave Elizabeth a shirt to wear. I struggled to put the two drake hides on the mule with the pack. Finally we were walking out and starting up the pass. She was walking much better with the leather shoes I had made for her.

Of course her bare legs made me want to fuck her again. She grinned as I kept looking and lifted the shirt to show her pussy, “better?”

I grinned and then laughed, “only if you want me to fuck you right here and now.”

She flirted and teased as we climbed the pass until an hour before the sun set. To the north was a narrow cleft with trees. At the back was another set of tiny falls that crossed and went into more falls. The mule had finally adjusted to the smell of the drake hides and ate grass and bushes along the way.

I tied it to a tree and removed the pack and rolled hides. I went to bring it water and then rolled out my bedroll. The sky was clear so I was not worried it would rain. We had not even seen a dragon in the sky so maybe it had fed and was asleep. We ate dried meat and journey bread and then I unrolled a hide and started to scrape it clean.

It took five days to get over the pass and by then I was done with the hides. I had them on a frame of slim branches to stretch when we walked out of the pass. There was another town made of stone with a Keep rising above it. People stared as we walked through the streets and I saw ballista everywhere.

In the market I stopped and a merchant walked to me, “you killed a couple of drakes lad?”

I nodded, “I was hoping to sell the hides for enough to buy clothes for the girl.”

He glanced at her and then chuckled, “I think I can help you.”

An hour and we had three skirts and three blouses as well as rations and Willnot herbs. We left and headed north along the mountains. The dwarf mines and city were two weeks away but the people in the city had not heard from them. Three days out of the city we heard roars ahead. The mule wanted to flee and I hobbled it and tied it to a tree.

I had Elizabeth wait with the mule and slipped through the forest with my sword and axe in hand. A huge wingless dragon was fighting a strange looking winged dragon. Trees had been broken and knocked down. I was watching from back in the trees as they lunged and bit and tore at each other.

The fight was almost over with the wingless dragon ripping the other’s throat out with claws. Great cuts and bites were in both of them. Finally the one with wings spasmed and thrashed as the other shook itself and turned and started moving away to the east. I watched until it was gone and went back to Elizabeth.

She smiled and relaxed when she saw me and I untied the mule and took the hobbles off, “two dragons were fighting. One was killed and the other left.”

I went a little to the west and around the destroyed area with the dead dragon. That night we camped in the middle of a thick stand of trees beside a tiny creek. Since there were no clouds we tied the mule to one side and spread out our bed. We cooked a rabbit and roasted roots for dinner.

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Hunting Shack

Our friend Bill has a nice little cottage "up north" set on eighty acres of land. He is an outdoorsman and spends a lot of time hunting in his woods. He and my wife have always been flirtatious with one another. Like many men, it turns me on when they flirt. I often hope and imagine what it would be like if their flirting got physical. I have told my wife how I'd like to see them kiss and explore each other. She always shrugs it off as just a weird fantasy of mine and that she would have a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Hunting at a friends wedding

Sarah, and old friend of Judy's and mine had a son getting married recently. I asked Judy if I could go with her to the wedding and reception because my husband was going hunting for the weekend and begged off going. I k**ded Jack telling him I might be "hunting" as well that weekend. Truth is I was really horny at the thought of being able to go to a wedding and have fun with my friend's and have Jack gone till Monday. Judy's husband was a hunter as well wasn't going either so it would be...

2 years ago
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Hunting for Hunters

Now if you read this story and look at the pictures provided to go along with the story you'll see how I was dressed and erotic it was especially for me and anyone else who saw me. It was the first day of November 2014 and the first snow fall of the year. There were three cabins out near the coast that was rented out for hunting and one of the local girls said that all three cabins had 4 to 6 guys in each one. According to her, these white men were pretty good looking and big masculine types....

3 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 2 Gathering Clouds

Putnam Mississippi didn't strike James Yancy as a very friendly town. Of course he wasn't catching it on its best day. Take away the crime scene tape, chalk outlines of fallen law officers, and blood and Main Street would have probably looked inviting, in a rustic sort of way. The fact that thirteen locals and one John Doe had taken a violent and premature trip to the mortuary probably accounted for the people of Putnam being less than effervescent. Yancy looked at his quiet, brooding...

2 years ago
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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 9 The Dragons

Virlane and Katrina appeared inside their lair, she stumbled slightly and reached out for Virlane, holding onto him until she regained her balance feeling so disoriented and off center "will it take long to get used to this new body? Virlane, my head seems to be spinning and spinning." He picked her up and took her into their bed chamber and lay her on the smooth satin covers, "I think your just exhausted from everything that has happened, sleep now and when you wake up, we can start...

3 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 5 Trainer And Breeder

Eighteen months after Zelfa had been bought for his harem, she had become a regular in his bed because she did make such a lovely noise when she came, as that seemed only to work if he was in her vagina, she was securely dosed by the eunuchs with a reliable contraceptive. Life continued much as before; the investments he inherited from his father, mostly in the oil exporting business, kept him in the style he wished and he rarely worried about money. Occasionally when he was bidding for a...

4 years ago
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At 3 a.m. in this huge city, a man enters my home. Before I had a gun that was mine I was a quail-fetch. Shooting from bird blinds, the men were stationary while I traversed through marsh and field with the dogs to recover their slain. If the quail or dove or duck was still alive after the shells, the fall, and the dogs it was up to me to put it out of its misery. When killing a bird with your hands expediency is essential for mercy. They usually flutter and peck a great deal, and...

2 years ago
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Hunting Killers

From many small countries grew larger ones until each held one of the eight continents. There were still wars but they grew more contained. After another millennium two governments merged into one. Within a century there were only three left and they were monarchies. It took three decades of arranged marriages to create the single empire. I came into my power at the age of three. From there I had several masters begin to teach me. Not just all the languages but about nature or the elements. I...

4 years ago
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 5

We waited fruitlessly for three hours, but the orlan never showed up. That attested to the experience of the two hunters with me. They were used to this sort of disappointing and frustrating wait for a quarry that never showed up. I said, “It looks to me like we are wasting our time. I think that the orlan would have returned if it were going to today. Let’s go home and resume our hunt tomorrow.” Hunter of Bear and Tracker agreed with me, so we left for home. If we did not return soon, we...

3 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 23 Chastisement

There was a curious backlash from Zubeydeh's striptease which affected the Emir's hunting. Not all the women raised and trained for the hunt were satisfactory. It was necessary for a good quarry to think independently and invent tactics 'on the hoof' to make good sport for the hunters. The balance between this independence and the training was a fine one. Some of the women never achieved such independence of thought and were predictable in their tactics; others of them were too...

3 years ago
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Hunting Deviants

The Deviants had struck Norsa hard and fast and the few warships in the system barely slowed them. When their assault shuttles screamed down the warriors that had remained behind began killing them. Unfortunately the Deviants had done this before and kinetic missiles streaked down to kill anything around where the firing was coming from. Within a day armies of drones were spreading out from the port. They ignored the other continents to conqueror this one. Of course the warriors that had fired...

2 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 6 High Noon

Walter and Elizabeth Martin weren't optimists. They had planned for the possibility of the Circle's fall. They had hoped that the day would never come when they would have to put their plan into effect. Then the arrests began. Walt and Beth saw both of their contacts arrested on the six o'clock news Sunday night. Monday morning came, and the Martins called in sick at their jobs. The schools were informed that the Martin children had all contracted mumps. Much sympathy was expressed, along...

3 years ago
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Fucker of dragons

You rowed the oars of your small boat calmly, even though your mind was cloudy with thought, you were answering the challenge decreed by the Elemental devils, the challenge to come to the island known as 'Primordial island' you remembered you mother begging you not to go, but you had to; your father and brother failed and returned shadows of the great warriors they once were, this was not just about saving the world, this was a matter vengeance 'Please don't go Draco, I can't loose you as...

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The Twin Dragons

"Alright class the exams will begin shortly so please take your sits" said Mr. Loot, as he was walking up and down the rows of desks and handing out exam papers. As he was finishing up handing out the exam papers he was interrupted by a door slam open, at the door there was a man holding a 12 gauge shotgun, the class can see that the man sweating and panting heavily they assumed that he was running or did something rigorous before arriving at the door. The man at the door had a very insane look...

2 years ago
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Dungeons Dragons

When Wizards of the Coast came out with 4th edition, they sold the rights to the 3rd edition rules for continued development. The Pathfinder system was born. In this story you will have a character with actual abilities and you will be given options based on what you are capable of. As you go through the story you might... give birth to other character paths by having flings with specific females at specific times. Sir John Doe of the Golden Tower 5th Level Paladin of the Golden Tower Str:...

1 year ago
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State of ChaosChapter 22 Here There be Dragons

A meeting with everyone involved, and that meant just about everyone, was held the next day. Tony deferred to Bea and Alice to run the meeting. "OK," Bea started off. "We have arrangements with Bell Tone studios in Nashville beginning this Saturday morning at seven o'clock. Twelve hours on Saturday and starting again at seven on Sunday mornings and running until four PM. Should we need them they are prepared to do a few hours of work on Fridays as well, but they advise, and we tend to...

3 years ago
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Hunting Cougars

Hunting CougarsWe had got naked and we sat on the bed. She slowly crawled away from me, looking back over her shoulder making mewing noises like a big cat. Her pussy sliding between her legs giving me a fabulous view of her womanhood. I crawled over the bed towards her and grabbed her hips, there was a little giggle from her, I don’t think she really wanted to get away...I slowly was kissing her cute ass and asked her what she would like me to do next...She answered “Fuck me like a big...

4 years ago
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Hunting Samatha

Samantha Lummis walked the parameter of her family’sproperty as she did every night. One of her duties on the ranch was to be sure everything was secure. She hugged her jacket tighter around her, the air was quite crisp, she could see the white puff of air as she exhaled. October in Montana and she could already tell this would be a hard winter. As Samantha neared the point of the property that was furthest from her home, she noted that the large wooden gate was ajar. The fence that surrounded...

4 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 21 Rubinas First Hunt

It was a fine sunny day with little wind when Rubina was released for her first hunt. This was not surprising as Kobekistani weather was usually fine and dry; the only variation was the occasional sandstorm in the summer and a week or two of fearsome rain in the spring and autumn. She was released at ten in the morning and told that the hunters would follow in one hour when she heard the gun. Two hours after that, at one o'clock the gun would sound again and the hunt would be over. If she...

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