A Fistful Of Dragons free porn video

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A FISTFUL OF DRAGONS BY HYPATIA Again I inflict another of my mental aberrations on you and for all of you asking, "Where the hell is the next part of Kingdom of the Blind?" I apologise. To try to maintain some semblance of sanity I have had to switch my concentration between two stories. This first person emotional stuff is getting to me. I walk around in a daze thinking what's happening now in the stories? With the size of them it takes a lot of thinking about. Splitting my attention between the two is slightly easier. Whether I am actually maintaining a semblance of sanity by doing it this way is highly questionable. For the title I apologise also, I can do the writing stuff (sort of), the grammar is a bit better (Honestly) but titles are a big problem for me. This one at least gives me the option of the follow-ups, 'For A Few Gods More' and 'The Good, The Bad and The Greek' (If you are Greek please insert Turkish here and accept my apologies). So I will keep them coming out as fast as I can, alternating between the two for the moment. One last thing, to all those people I have been inflicting my work and ideas on via E-Mail many of them some of the best and most established authors on this site (Crystal's) and the readers who have helped with advice and information I say now "THANK YOU ALL". But if you get fed up of my pestering you, don't hesitate to tell me to piss off. Hypatia [email protected] "If God Has Not Noticed Us, He Is So Occupied With The Crowded Cycle Of Nature" W Olaf Stapledon, Last Men In London (1932) "It is said that the gods play games with the lives of men. But what games, and why, and the identities of the actual pawns, and what the game is, and what the rules are - who knows? Best not to speculate, Thunder rolled... It rolled a six." Terry Pratchett, Guards Guards (1989) "Do you understand why that man had to die?" asked my father after the execution "Yes he meddled in the forbidden," I answered "But do you know why what he did was forbidden?" he asked "Because you are the king and you said it was forbidden," I replied not wishing to turn this into a lesson on duty and responsibility. One of the young female servants had been smiling at me the last couple of days and I wished to see if this matter could be pursued. "No, no, no. Do you ever listen boy?" He shouted "Judgement against a man can not be taken lightly and as a future King this responsibility can not be taken lightly. Your first role in life will be your duty to the people, to protect and care for them. In your role as their judge, this is in direct conflict and you must assess the risk to the many from the one individual" he said standing up from the throne he was sat on. "All this the accoutrements of that role are necessary, people expect them and to that end they are a tool to be used," He continued indicating the robe, throne and the crown he wore. "Yes I know Father we have had this conversation many times," I said not wanting to prolong this lecture any further. "No we have not had this conversation" He answered angrily "You saw a man die out there hung by the neck, yet you treat it as if it was nothing. If I was killed tomorrow then you would be King. I can not risk the possibility of putting someone on this throne, who so casually regards the end of a human life" "I didn't regard it casually" I protested "I just cant see what the big deal is he broke the law, a law which has a punishment of death and sentence was carried out. It was done without malice with as little pain as possible and with no humiliation or undue waiting involved" "Yes, I have been able to get some of the basics into that thick skull of yours. But please remember I had only seen seventeen years when your grandfather was killed in that border incident and you have to be ready to ascend to the throne at any point. The fact that we haven't had any incursions for fourteen years, is something we can only thank the men and women who gave their lives for this peace and remember them" He said bowing his head slightly. I was not impressed I was only one when the time of the wars had ended and I personally felt that I had lost out on something. Father had joined grandfather in battle in his fourteenth year but I would be lucky if I saw my first battle before I was forty. I bowed my head for a moment to acknowledge the people lost in the war and avoid the prolonging of this little lecture; there were women and drink to find. "The main thing about that man today wasn't the fact that he broke the law, but his crime" my father answered. "Yes I must admit that confused me" I said honestly "Everyone knows the penalty for magic is death, but in all the cases I have seen brought before you, you have dismissed them out of hand" "Yes for I will not condemn a person for a crime they didn't commit. Most people brought before me on that charge are there at the evidence of jealous neighbours. You must never play to the public requests for the death of someone who doesn't quite live as they do. Most of these cases that you will find brought before you will have roots in jealousy, hate, fear and incomprehension of the other person. But if magic was to re-emerge into the poor tortured land that we live in who knows what would be left this time" He suddenly had my attention, this was something I hadn't encountered in his lectures before. Despite my fathers reluctance to admit it I was an avid student, it was just the endless repeating of the lessons which turned my mind of fifteen years to other things. "This is something that is spoken of between us here and only us two do you understand?" He asked. "Yes Father I do" I said sincerely "Good. I am going to explain a little of the ancient history of this place we call Earth, if that is where we are. Twelve hundred years ago people did not live as they do now and there was but one race" He started "What of the Dwarves, Elves and the dark races?" I asked "Listen with your ears not your tongue" He said sharply "and you may learn something. Only one race was on this planet, man. We as in man were an arrogant race we found reason to destroy what the planet provided and make war on other men for their skin colour and beliefs. Yes I know it sounds like madness and it was. In this time man became self assured of his power over everything, machines which flew, thought and killed were known to him and there is even passages that suggest that he could take the very essence of matter and turn it into death to kill millions." He said to me and I had to admit the story was good if unbelievable. "In his arrogance man decided that science was above all other virtues and to that end science and the understanding and development of things was the most important thing on the Earth. Science it was believed could cure all evils, although many of the evils to be cured were created by science in the first place" I interrupted my Father at this point willing to risk a rebuke. "It more than sounds like madness Father" I said "It was, it was a time when man thought not of family, community or even mankind. But a time when man thought of his own needs, desires and profit above all else." He said and even as a young man, whose view of life I knew was self centred, I found this hard to understand. "The Scientists seeking more profit started exploring the mysteries of the mind those that came naturally to mankind but very rarely. Soothsaying, far sight, mind reading and the others all locked inside our minds. Yes I know I have many of these talents here, which I make use of as I need to, but these are natural talents that mankind has had from the start and always some people have possessed them. The scientists wished to give these gifts to all, not from the need to better the race, but from a need to profit. For fifty years they worked on opening the secrets of the mind with mechanical aids developing and strengthening the powers that were in there. Men could move objects, know what was going to happen, know what others were thinking and this brought hate." He said to me. I nodded thinking what I would be able to do with all these talents especially with Claire the servant who kept smiling at me. I returned my attention to my father after this quick venture into my mind. "With the hate that these devices and explorations brought war became a distinct possibility and with the threat of war they worked harder, bringing the threat of war even closer. Then one of these scientists a man called Shakwell made a discovery, the power of the mind was unlimited. The mind when used in the way that the talents use it draws its power from elsewhere, 'dimensional energy transference' is the words that were used to explain it but the understanding is lost now. With this new power Shakwell hoped to make war impossible as all people would have all they needed." "I have heard the name Shakwell Father," I said "Yes and you have heard the name Silvinas as well or as he became known 'Silvinas The Bastard' as Shakwell called him or 'Silvinas The Mad' as the people who survived knew him. Silvinas was a scientist also but a lesser one who helped Shakwell. Silvinas had his own plans for profit from this situation and took the devices that made all this possible to his countries greatest warriors. He said to these men look with these you can do anything at all, pay me well and they are yours and they laughed at him. Shakwell would not take Silvinas back after this deception and demanded that the devices stolen be returned." "Silvinas refused and ran, many men paid by the country searched for him, because as well as his theft it was feared that he may have given the devices to another power. Silvinas in his fear and hunger, with a hate for all that he saw around him used the device. He said to the device 'I do not like this world or what it has become make it some thing I will like'. The device did and changed the earth, the lands of the earth changed, all that had been built was gone and forests and fields were left. The machines that had worked refused to work and men said 'Physics has been changed'. But most devastating of all was the people, the people had been changed. Some became those we know but seldom see the Elves, others became the Dwarves and some became the dark races, the Orcs, Goblins and worse. Men looked around them and saw that what was different from them and fought it, others sought out ways to kill more people quicker and found that the old rules didn't work here, but what had been done by the devices could be done by men without them." "This was the age of the Magicians and while men and women starved and died unable to live in a new land without their machines, war ravaged everything. The Magicians said that now there was a force through out the land called magic and that magic would solve the people's problems and make it all better. It didn't it made it worse and the wars still raged and the Magicians kept saying that all would be made better with magic. They fought for over a hundred years," My Father explained to me. "But Father that is what they said with science, how could the people be fooled twice by the same lie?" I asked. "For that I have no answer" He admitted "Shakwell came back to the land at this time, where he had been no one knows but it is said that he was in search of Silvinas. When he saw what had happened he wept and shouted 'No I will not let The Bastard Silvinas get away with this'. A man heard his weeping and his shout and came to help his name was Eric a man who cared for his family and did not believe in the wars. Shakwell seeing the compassion in the man gave him the sword, which I now wear and taught him and his family to gather others around them of a like mind. Then after many years when they had formed a group big enough to fight those who made war with little thought for others, they as one said no more. Eric led his people against the Magicians and the others who sought to profit through death and slew them with devices of Shakwell's making. When they where victorious they all turned to Shakwell and said will you lead us? But Shakwell refused saying he had a debt to pay. The people then turned to Eric who had led them and fought bravely and asked him and eventually after many weeks of discussion it was agreed that Eric would be the first king of Des Moines." I was on common ground now this was my ancestor Eric had reigned over eleven hundred years ago. "What of the sword Father is it Magic?" I asked "It was the only one of the devices that Shakwell left us. It is attracted to those who use magic and when in the presence of one who uses it you will feel it pull towards them. In other ways I believe it is magic as well for it never loses its edge or tarnishes" He said "and it is a good sword. But do not expect any advantage from it in battle except the fact that men of our Kingdom of Des Moines rally to it. It will not protect you or make you a better warrior; those are skills that can only be learned through practice. Now go enjoy yourself tomorrow is soon enough to return to your studies and I am sure you have had enough of my lectures" and I left quickly pondering on this story he had told me. "Clifford are you ignoring me?" came a voice from behind me as I walked across the courtyard. "No John, just thinking" I said to the young man who was my best friend and the son of one of the Captains of my Fathers armies. "Oh about what?" He asked "Just another of fathers lectures and I was wondering what Claire would be doing at this time" I said "Forget it with all the Dukes here today you don't have a chance of sneaking her away" John said "I know because I checked" "I didn't think you were interested in her?" I said a little jealousy flashing through me. "She's not my type don't worry" He said, "I was just checking so we could head out into the city. Not that a lanky sod like you would stand a chance if I was interested" "Listen you Dwarven half-breed don't think you have got a chance with her. I have the looks and the rank" I joked back and got a thump in the arm. There was a matter of a week of age between us but a good three inches to my advantage and it was a standard joke. "Listen I was hearing from one of the Duke of London's men that they have brothels in the city" John said. "Well it is his right to allow them it is a local matter it's just that Father feels, as have the last four kings at least that the city should not allow anyone to become that desperate that they have to prostitute themselves, male or female" I said "Yes I know but it severely limits your options though" John said back. "No with fathers concerns for where these young girls with no family should be placed. 'Somewhere where they will not be taken advantage of and they can receive a decent education'" I said mimicking my fathers serious tone "We get more than we need here as servants. Though how they can be classed as servants I don't know. A couple of hours helping out of an evening and whenever a major function is on in return for board, lodging and education. It is more like they are family, though I am sure I do more work than most of them" "Maybe that's what we are doing wrong" John said "They consider us more like brothers than anything else" "No they just look at your face and decide they would rather look for their excitement in the kennels," I said starting running and easily outpacing his shorter legs" "Come back here you stuck up lanky freak," he shouted trying to catch me. "No chance you ugly dwarf " I shouted back as I ran into the stables. "Right now you, you can stop there" Came an angry voice of Michael my fathers Master Of Horses and the man who had taught me to ride. I stopped instantly. "Come on in John, don't hide out there or I will have to come out and find you. If I do have to come out there, I will shout loud enough to make sure your father hears me," Michael shouted out to John. John reluctantly came into the stables. Michaels wroth was legendary, but a little less than either his father or my father would do, if Michael made comments to them. "Good, where one is the other is sure to follow" Michael said making John groan as he realised Michael hadn't known he was outside. "Two days ago you two lads went for a ride did you not?" Michael asked. "Yes" we both admitted. "Well if I ever see you galloping out at that speed over cobbles with my horses again, I will stop you having free access to my horses," He roared at us "and I will inform His Highness and a certain Captain why I have. Though I will not be telling them this time, I will not have you putting good animals at risk for your stupid games. Do you understand me?" "Yes Horse Master" we both said together from years of Michaels training. "The only reason I haven't told your fathers" his voice softened slightly "is that you did deal with the animals and their tack when you had finished. Which is more than certain minor members of royalty who visit thinking they are Shakwell himself" "We are sorry," I said quickly "Aye, well apology accepted. But you don't get away that easy" Michael said after a smile fluttered across Johns face. "But..." John started saying "No buts, you can help around here today and the matter is closed. It will go no further," Michael said after a moment or two. We both nodded in agreement, he may have been a terror in our early youth, but we both knew that there were worse punishments than working with Michael for the day. It was usually fun despite the hard work. "Shit" Michael said loudly causing us both to look at him "Yes the shit, you're in the shit so you can shovel shit to start with" He indicate some shovels and we started our day of rest. Stick fifty horses in a stable overnight and you get a load of shit, in fact you get a mountain of shit and I am sure despite Michael, one of his men and myself shovelling, that I shovelled more than my fair share. By midday we had all the horses stalls sorted and they were busy undoing all the work we had done. "Come on time to get some food now" Michael said as we finished loading up the last barrowful. "I stink," said John looking at his hands "Aye, I am sure you do but it is honest dirt and will wash off. If you wash up we can eat in the kitchen" Michael said. We both got washed up with the tepid water in a bucket hung by the door and then the four of us walked into the large kitchen. I have always been fascinated by the kitchen it is its own little kingdom, where outside rank means nothing. The hierarchy of ranks within the walls of the kitchen are more rigidly followed than anything the so-called 'Minor Royals' play to their advantage. I once asked father how come we never pushed our rank on people like they did and he answered that we didn't need to because we couldn't elbow our way any higher or stab anyone to rise a level. He said that these Minor Royals needed to feel important and that he and the Dukes knew this and left them to themselves. In the kitchen there was no jostling for rank as Gwinn ruled here. "Gwinn can you feed four hungry men at all?" Michael asked politely. "Yes I can but not in here today. I have all these people all insisting they must have something different to eat cooked in a special way" Gwinn the head of the Kitchen answered looking at me and John suspiciously. "Yes I know but the lads have been helping me out as a favour, you know with all the visitors for the bi-annual assizes" Michael said in our defence. "Yes well they can be good boys occasionally" Gwinn said "but not in my kitchen today looking like that and covered with, what is that up your trouser leg John? Is it what I think I can smell?" "Yes we had to move a lot of it" John said dropping his head as a few of the girls in the kitchen were laughing at this. "At least these two have been working" Gwinn said turning around to face one of the girls who had giggled "and what do you think you are doing with that dough? Massaging it like you would a lover? Knead it Gail use some force. I will bring you out some food to the grass on the far side of the courtyard; the sun should be on it now, not that I know what the sun looks like. Now get out of my kitchen" We moved quickly not wanting her to change her mind as Gwinn had on more than one occasion, for people who stayed too long in her kitchen. "Wonderful woman" Michael said "but with her manner, at times she reminds me of a goblin I had a long argument with. Gave me a couple of decent scars before it saw my point of view and decided to die" This set us all off laughing including Nick, the groom who had been helping us all morning, and by the time that Gwinn came with the food we had just recovered enough to burst into laughter again. Michael just sat there and shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't know what was up with us. "I'm glad some people are enjoying themselves," Gwinn said as she left the food and drink and walked back to her little kingdom. Thick bread and butter, cheese and pickles and a decent ale made a very pleasant meal and I was glad that John and me had been included in the ale as by custom it was for those who were officially adult at sixteen. We lay there for a while enjoying the sun this early in the year, before Michael decided it was time to get back to work. I was examining tack for damage and wear, sat on a chair near the door when a girl appeared. She was possibly a little younger than me but extremely overweight with a double chin. The jodhpurs that she was wearing looked like badly stuffed sausage skins with the bulges and wrinkles. The rest of her clothes, jewellery and bearing said royalty; she stood there looking at me. "You boy stand when I approach you, have you no manners?" She said and I did stand, as my rear end knew my father was keen on me having manners with all ranks of people. "Now quickly get my horse before I have you whipped for laziness" She demanded in an irritating voice. This sort of attitude was not tolerated within my father's home. If disciplinary action was needed to sort out a problem then my father dealt with it before any threats of physical violence. Many have stated they would rather face a beating rather than another lecture off my father and I agree. I stood there and did not get her horse, her attitude having surprised me and left me speechless. "Do you know who I am?" she demanded "No" I admitted "I am Lady Elizabeth of Scunthorpe," she said expecting it to mean something to me. Not that it did, everyone wants a bit of this royalty lark and as our borders expanded more royalty was formed, bound to the Dukes and the Dukes, bound to my father. "That's nice," I said "I'm Prince Clifford of Des Moines" "You insolent wretch" she shouted and suddenly the fat little bitch was hitting me on my arm with her crop. I grabbed it on the next strike and yanked it out of her hand. "Guards, guards" she started screaming and Michael came through from the stables. "What's going on here?" he demanded "This beast insisted he was The Prince when I hit him he roughly pulled the riding crop my father gave me out of my hand and hurting me" she said lifting up her hand and turning on the waterworks "I want the evil little beast arrested" "What seems to be the problem Your Highness?" Michael asked me again leaving me speechless for a moment as he never used my title and my father only rated a Sir. "Nothing at all Horse Master. Nothing at all" I insisted and Michael gave the girl one of his long looks and then nodded slowly. "Fine then if you need anything just shout me," he said as he left leaving the girl deflated. "You are...?" She said trembling. "Yes" I answered "Prince Clifford of Des Moines" "Oh Your Highness, I am so sorry Your Highness, I didn't know Your Highness," She said curtseying which wasn't an easy thing given her size. "Look stop it Elizabeth, I am Cliff or Clifford." I said bringing a smile to her face. "I am Lizzie," she said shyly. "Well Lizzie if you walk around here with that sort of attitude, you and your father will be having one of my fathers long chats. He says we give all the staff here the same respect as we ourselves expect." I said to her firmly imitating my father's lectures from the past when I felt being a Prince made me something special. "All of them" the astonishment was evident in her face. "All of them no matter what their job, as someone has to do the job" I paused for a moment "and one of dads favourite tricks used to be a week of doing the job as punishment. You learn respect quickly, for those who do the worst jobs, that way" "No I don't think I would like that," She said shuddering at the memory of someone she had abused during her stay. "Good, shall we find your horse?" I said passing her crop back and offering her my arm. Manners make the man as my Father always says. "Yes" she said shoving a plump arm through mine as we walked down the row till she identified her horse. I helped her saddle the horse and then she gave me a hug before I offered her a hand to mount. I should have got a step, as I am sure I did an injury to my back as she stepped into my interlaced fingers. I ended up pushing with all my might on her huge bum to push her all of the way into the saddle. I led her horse outside. "Thank you Cliff" she said as she left and as she left the courtyard to exit the castle the laughter started. "I think you have an admirer there, Cliff" John said the tears running down his face. "Oi, I don't see you doing any better shortarse," Michael said laughing himself "My god did you see her in those Jodhpurs?" Nick said he also had tears running down his face. "Never turn down a shag with an Ogre" Michael said making us all look at him "They are clean, keen and always grateful. But whatever you do Your Highness, don't, and I repeat don't, let her get on top" Fifteen minutes later they were still laughing and I admit I was still chuckling too when Gwinn arrived. "I was bringing some cold drinks for the workers but next time I wont bother, you seem to be having too much fun to be working" Gwinn said leaving the drinks and walking out setting us off again. The afternoon was more interesting than the morning the dirty job done the next stage was the technical things, veterinary care, tack, and finally a trip to the smith was called for. It was fascinating to watch the man mould the red hot metal as if the heat was nothing. I must admit when Kevin would allow me I would spend all the time I could in his smithy. "A good job there, Kevin" Michael said as the first of the two horses was sorted with shoes. "What have these two done to deserve your company today?" Kevin asked. "Putting my horses at risk on the cobbles" Michael answered "though they have more than made amends for it with their work today. That is if we don't have a repeat performance" "I seem to remember the same game with my Father and you many years ago" Kevin answered. "Yes it was the state I had left a horse one day" Michael admitted "and believe me you two have got off easy" We both rapidly affirmed how we appreciated the fact that Michael was so lenient and Michael seemed to accept it. Late in the afternoon Lizzie returned on the horse laden with goods she had bought. Again I helped her, this time dismount and regretted it. "Lizzie haven't you forgot something?" I asked her as she walked off with her bags. "What?" she said looking back at me confused. "Your mount, you use it, you care for it and the equipment," I said using another of my Fathers favourite sayings. "Well what are the men for?" she demanded. "To help you do it," I answered. "But I don't know how" she protested. "Look I'll show you," I said grabbing her hand and throwing her bags in the little office that Michael had at the entrance to the stables. She didn't have a clue, but with a little guidance from me and the hours of drilling that Michael had given me when I first started to ride, she actually felt she had done something by the end of it. "Thank you for treating me like a real person rather than Royalty" she said standing in front of me. "Royalty are real people," I answered "Just with different responsibilities" She stepped forward and kissed me on the lips, surprising me and then was gone. After a short time the laughter started behind me from Nick and John. "Shut that now" Michael said in an ominous tone, silence was immediate. I turned to see what was up. "There is a lot of your father in you, Your Highness," He said looking at me strangely "Yes you will be a good king when the time comes, you have your fathers way with people. But until that day you're still Cliff to me, but I will be proud to call you my king" "Michael" I said seriously "You have brought me up as much as my Father has, in fact everyone that Father trusts or relies on has put in their own little bit. How could I turn out any other way with people like that influencing me" "Yes it was a sad day that we lost your mother" Michael said bringing up a subject not often mentioned for the pain it brought my Father. She had died in childbirth when I was but four and my memories of her were vague. "But she would have been very proud of how you have turned out" Michael finished. "Thank you" I said. "Well you two have done enough for today and you need a bath before tonight's gayeties" Michael said changing the subject quickly "Move it before I change my mind" and we both ran. Clean and dressed properly I waited with my father outside the banqueting hall. "Is that horse I smell on you Cliff" he asked, his use the shortened form of my name meaning that this was a 'Dad' moment rather than a official 'Father' moment. "Yes Dad" I admitted. "What did you do to gain Michael's Displeasure?" he asked. "Riding recklessly over the cobbles" I admitted. "Well according to Michael you more than paid for your transgression, in fact when I went down there to find out what you had done he refused to tell me and sang your praises" My father told me. "He did?" I asked surprised. "He did. That is a man to rely on if you ever should find yourself on the battlefield or the throne. The impression you have made on him today is something that you will be glad of in the future. For he would not give his allegiance to anyone who he felt wasn't worthy" Dad finished placing a hand on my shoulder. "I know he is a strict man but he is always fair, brilliant with the horses and instruction," I answered. "It is a pity you have never seen him in action his cavalry actions were like a dance. Taking the enemy by surprise and decimating them before they realised he was on them. Always listen to his advice on a battle before you decide your course" He finished. "Head up look the part," he said suddenly becoming Father again and we entered the room to a fanfare of trumpets. The banqueting room at one point had been one long table at the top and two long ones at each end at right angles. This left a large area in the middle for entertainment. Father had decided long ago that this left him and the Seven Grand Dukes, five of my Uncles by blood two by marriage, out of touch with the lesser royalty, relegated to the ends. So my Father instituted a system of small tables now nine of them, as I was considered old enough to participate. These tables were of up to twenty people. This meant that the lesser royalty would feel part of everything and if the call went out for war then they could be counted on. I walked over to my table only the second time I had participated in an event like this and found Lizzie standing behind the first seat on the right of the end of the table I was to sit at. She smiled at me a big honest smile and I returned it glad at least there was one person I knew. My escort to the table was one of my father's best butlers who introduced the other nine people at the table. "The Marquis of Scunthorpe Sir Howard and Lady Francesca." He introduced first Lizzie's parents. I don't think I have met such a large and repulsive couple. He was short but his stomach protruded by a vast amount. His face was very red and his little hair he had left was greasy. She was a little taller than her husband. But with the weight she carried and the amount of flesh she insisted in showing from the top of her neck of her dress with a double chin resting there as well, she was just repulsive. I shook hands with both of them and welcomed them politely. "The Lady Elizabeth of Scunthorpe" The Butler said introducing Lizzie. Lizzie was dressed a lot more modestly than her mother and despite her size looked pretty. Again I shook hands with her as if we hadn't met, which officially we hadn't and got a whiff of clean fresh girl. She didn't take after her parents in all respects. Introductions continued and I met two more couples who were minor Marquises and their partners, both couples pleasant people and the three children of one of the couples all much younger than I. I sat down and the rest of the table did. "Tell me Sir Howard where is Scunthorpe? I know the name but my knowledge of geography is greatly lacking" I said using a trick taught to me by Henri one of my fathers closest advisors, for when you have never heard of a place. "I know what you mean," Sir Howard said shoving a hunk of meat in his mouth and continuing to talk while chewing. "I can't stand geography myself. All you need to know is where the peasants are and where you want them to work," he said swallowing and shoving another hunk of meat in. "We are a small area in the mountains of Cheshire" he said an area under the control of my Uncle Thomas. "How are things that far from us?" I asked. "Well you know how it goes, if the peasants are not skiving from the work the dwarves are trying to rip you off" He answered "But we make enough to put food on the table" Well that must be a fair amount I thought as I watched him and his wife demolish the food that had been placed on the large plates. Gwinn always jokes about my appetite and then shoved another cake in my hand. But I stood no chance of finishing this lot. They were nearly finished before I had started properly. Whilst eating I kept making polite conversation with the guests including the children. Never forget the children, they are the next generation of men who are to fight for you, Henri had drilled into me. I must admit the three children were polite, pleasant and excited that I had included them in the grown up conversation. "Tell me Lady Elizabeth where does the name Scunthorpe come from it sounds like it has some goblin in it originally?" I asked bringing Lizzie into the conversation. "It is one of the old names," her father answered before she could. "It is as old as Des Moines and Cheshire, so it's origins are blurred," he said as a potato entered his mouth between the words. "Come on Elizabeth you cant waste food here" he said, "His Highness is paying for this. The girl was always trying to waste food. 'I can't eat any more', 'I'm not hungry' she used to say I soon cured her of that though, didn't I girl?" "Yes Father" she answered meekly a glint of fear in her eyes as she started trying to make an impression on the mountain of food left on her plate. "I wont have the girl wasting food, because that is a waste of money," Sir Howard stated loudly. "Well Sir Howard this is my Father's table and fare. If Lady Elizabeth is a little overawed by the situation then there is no reason to force her to eat. I must admit that this is only my second time in a position of responsibility, in such illustrious company and it still scares me silly. I could never hope to eat a full meal while I felt like I do" I said to him. "Yes I suppose so with all the dignitaries here" he said some more food going in his mouth and again chewing with his mouth open. "I must say Your Highness you are doing a good job for only your second time out in pubic then" he said as he continued chewing. "Yes Sir Howard, I have had years of preparation to be in such company as yours" I told him, some of the other guests picked up on the sarcasm, as did my Uncle Frederick at a nearby table. He gave me a warning glance and I nodded imperceptibly that I had got his message. I returned my attention to my food for a moment composing myself a little as the man had irritated me. I felt something touch my knee on the right hand side, beneath the tablecloth. I glanced up at Lizzie's unsure face and pressed back against her chubby knee, beneath its masses of skirts with my knee and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back warmly and we continued the meal with the pleasant contact beneath the table. After the meal we adjourned to the large room my father used for public events and occasions such as this. Many small tables filled one half of the hall the other left empty for dancing. Father felt that the small tables were more intimate and gave him an edge when it came to bargaining as they were awed by the fact The King had come to talk with them. My Uncles all had a specific task to do well briefed by my Father on who needed attention. My job at the moment was to show that as the heir to the throne I was fit for polite company. I offered Lizzie my arm as we walked into the room and as we entered my Uncle Fredrick pulled me to one side. "What game where you playing there?" He demanded of me "Hasn't anyone taught you better" I started to protest and suddenly found I had two defenders. "Your Grace" said Lizzie curtsying diverting uncle Fredrick's attention from me a moment. "My father is an uncouth, rude and vulgar man who was making thinly disguised threats against me if I did not eat all the food on my plate. His Highness was defending me from this when the little incident occurred. My father however would not have noticed it if the comment hadn't been made politely. In fact the only thing he may have noticed was his plate being moved away" Lizzie finished. "Have you met the man Fred?" came my Uncle Thomas's voice from behind me. "No" said Uncle Fredrick "I wanted him dumped at George's table, give him something to do as King. But some one messed up badly and dumped him on Cliff here" He put a hand on my shoulder. "But the sarcasm is not acceptable" Fredrick said "Look Fred I will take you over to meet him and we will see how long you stay pleasant for, then talk it over again later" Uncle Thomas suggested This got some agreement from Fredrick. "Lady Elizabeth I apologise for the situation here at the moment with your Father, but I know you understand" Thomas said "I do your Grace," she said "Then go, the two of you and have fun. Here is your job for tonight Clifford, make sure this girl enjoys herself. Because by god she needs to" and he was gone taking Uncle Fredrick with him. "Thank you for coming into my rescue" I said seriously "Uncle Fredrick is not the most tolerant of people" "Well he won't last long with my father will he," she said with an infectious laugh. We clamed a table well away from the main crowd, centred on my Father, as she seemed unwilling to be in such a prominent position. Here we talked for a long while till disturbed by Uncle Fredrick. "Clifford I apologise sincerely for my earlier comment. How you coped with that man for two hours and with him eating I do not know. You my dear Lady Elizabeth have my deepest sympathies," he said bowing and left. I turned to talk to Lizzie and found her face a mask of sorrow. "Come on let's get you out of here" I said grabbing her hand and helping her up. One of the advantages of living in a castle as large as Des Moines Castle was the myriad of rooms that it had. If you needed not to be found for a while you could be. The downside was with so many staff you couldn't stay hidden long if they didn't want you to. I took her to the library, her tears were flowing and I hoped to find it empty. Instead I found Henri there, which was probably the next best thing. "Your Highness, Lady Elizabeth whatever is the matter?" he asked. Henri as well as being one of my father's closest advisors and friends, he also has a talent, a perfect memory. The fact of being recognised surprised Elizabeth from her tears. "It's...It's Father yet again another place where we wont be welcome because of him and his attitudes and manners. Each time he does it; it closes off another avenue of escape for me, because I am the fat daughter, of the fat slob that no one wants to know. I was enjoying it here and then he does it again" she was gasping her words out between sobs by the end. "Look you are always welcome," I said to her. "Yes you say that now, but after I am gone?" she said still sobbing. "You do not know either His Highness here, his Father or me child. Rest here compose yourself and the two of you join us when you are ready. I have some things to do and I shall see that no one disturbs you." Henri said leaving us and closing the door. This was a situation I was not trained for. Despite John and my attempts at seduction, they were laughable. The first kiss I had had off a female that wasn't a duty was off Lizzie here. I sat down next to her and started rubbing her back making comforting sounds as I did so. She tuned to face me and buried her face in my shoulder and put her arms around my neck. I held her tight. I could feel her heat through the dress as I ran my hands up and down her back, the strange undergarments unseen but felt beneath her dress. "Look at me" I whispered and she did her eyes red with crying looked into mine. "You are always welcome here, for though you may be your fathers daughter, you are not him." I said to her pulling her tight to me so her face touched mine, her tears wetting my face and I just kept holding her. I must admit though despite the fact I was here to give comfort, I was enjoying every minute of contact with this girl. She sobbed for a few minutes more then kissed me. "I am so sorry about that you must think I am so stupid." She said. "No I don't you picked it up with the horse a hell of a lot quicker than I did" I said and feeling daring I returned the kiss, which she received by pulling me a little tighter to her. "Thank you for that as well" she said as the kiss ended. "No thank you that was because I wanted to, not because I felt you needed it." I answered honestly. "Did you enjoy it?" she asked. I kissed her again finding her mouth opening to me and her tongue seeking mine as I opened my mouth we remained like that for a long time. "Yes I did enjoy it," I said honestly. "Good because I did too" she said pulling away from me slightly. "What must I look like?" she said, "Fat, blotchy from crying and with red eyes. You will be able to say you kissed a pig tonight" "Look I will not be telling anyone anything," I said firmly "and before you decide it is because I would be embarrassed forget it. This is between you and me and that is where it stays because I enjoyed it and don't want to mess anything up. Do you understand?" "Yes, it's just looking this way, with my family, well you can gather what most comments are" She said taking notice of all the books around us. "All these books I didn't know so many existed. Father feels they are a waste of money" "No with a book and an enquiring mind there is no limit to what can be done" I quoted my father. "You have read all these?" She asked. "Many of them but no where near all of them" I admitted. "May I borrow one for tonight, I know I'm a girl and its not proper but just one please?" she asked standing up to look at the shelves around the room. "Of course you can and what is this about being a girl, what has that got to do with anything?" I asked. "Well girls shouldn't be educated it gives them ideas" she said. "Why some of our finest minds at the university here are women. The lecturer in astronomy is one of my favourites because she allows me to use her far seeing device," I said. This was silly I thought. As father had always said there are two things only a woman can't do, one of them was father a child the other was to lead the armies as a queen. The second he reckoned was only down to provincial narrow mindedness as he always said my mother would have made a fine warrior. "Women teaching and learning?" She said confused "I have had to borrow books in secret to learn what I have" "I need to talk to my father about this as I don't understand what is going on in Scunthorpe" I admitted to her. "As do I?" she said firmly some of the fire from earlier in the day back. "Can we come by before bed and will you help me choose a book?" she asked. "Certainly" I said, "shall we rejoin the party?" "One moment" she said as she pulled out a small mirror from her bag and started applying powder to her face. I watched in amazement as she did this, as this was something I had never seen done before. "How do I look?" She asked. "Ready to kiss again" I answered with a grin. "Later possibly" she said taking my arm. As we entered the hall again My Father made a nodding motion towards a quiet corner of the room. I started to explain this to Lizzie and he shook his head rapidly and nodded twice at me then the corner of the room. "My Father wishes to speak to us" I said as I drew her towards the corner of the room. "Have I done something I shouldn't have?" She asked very flustered. "You haven't I possibly have, but with Henri with him I don't think that's it" I admitted. "Well young lady, your family and you in particular seem to be taking up a lot of my time, my brothers time and my advisors time" He said to her. "Oh I'm sorry Your Highness I didn't mean to be a bother" she apologised. "Your family is a bother my dear" he said grasping one of her hands "You I gather are something different" "Your Highness?" she said as he guided the four of us to a table. "This afternoon my Horse Master tells me my son was attacked by a girl, who he later showed how to care for her mount. She did without complaint and from what I have heard made a good job of it. I then hear that my son has put up with the most obnoxious man I have had the misfortune to meet, for many a year. With only one minor slip." He said staring at me. "Sorry Father" I apologised. "Don't be Fredrick brought him to me after quarter of an hour. I got rid in five minutes. I then hear that the same girl who attacked my son jumped into his defence against the Archduke Fredrick of California. Not an easy man for anyone to face." My father said and he was right Uncle Fredrick was a warrior through and through. He loved his place on the borders next to the dark controlled areas. "Then two of my brothers start singing the praises of this girl despite the family she unfortunately hails from, just as my friend for many years and the man whose advice I value most turns up asking can we do anything for this girl" My father looked at her for a moment "I have also had a request from the Marquis of Alice Springs who was at your table that I intervene on your behalf. What is it about you which is getting everyone so excited, besides hitting my son and I am sure he deserved it?" "I don't know Your Highness," she said meekly. "Well neither do I and I intend to find out" he said sharply "Henri make arrangements with Sir Howard for The Lady Elizabeth to stay here and broaden her horizons for at least six months, but probably longer, depending on how she feels about it" "Your Highness do you mean it?" she asked. "You are welcome to stay as long as you wish. If you do not offer the same open- ended invitation to your family. Anyone else you are welcome to invite as this will be a home, those two please no" Father said making her smile again. "Father have you time for a question about something that puzzles both of us?" I asked "no not that" I added as he got an evil look in his eye. "For you anytime" he said to Lizzie "Him when I feel like it" "Lady Elizabeth's father is of the opinion that girls and women should not be educated and this is in direct opposition to what we believe here. Mother even taught the study of rocks at the university," I said causing a momentary flash of pain across his face. "Geology. Your mother taught geology to those who seek the new mines and she learnt it from the Dwarves. As for your question I think what this barbaric practice comes down to is what you wish from a wife. Something to bed and produce an Heir or someone to spend your life with, do you understand?" he asked. I nodded rapidly, though this morning I would have claimed to have but been in ignorance, now I had a small glimpse into what he was saying. "Your Highness may I be forward and ask something of you?" Lizzie asked. "Only if you drop the Your Highness, please" He said kindly to her "Try Uncle George as we are related, where your father comes into the equation I don't know though" "Uncle George can I have the run of your library and work my way through the books?" she asked with a pleading look in her eye. "No you can start with Henri suggesting your directions of study, then as you get time later on you may have free run of all the books here and in the Great Library at the University. But until we arrange your studies you may read what you wish" Father answered. "Oh, thank you, your highness, thank you," She said. "Its Uncle George and you are welcome," he said standing up "Take care of Lady Elizabeth for tonight Clifford, that is your job. We will speak again in greater depth tomorrow" and he left us. "What did he mean I was your Job?" Lizzie asked. "He has just given me permission to break the rule never fraternise with just one lady, as it annoys the rest of them" I said. "I can see that" she said looking around the room "and the looks I am getting off some of the mothers are worse" "They are beneath our notice and this is the only time you will find that my rank makes a blind bit of difference around here" I said. We sat there talking for a long time and when the dance area filled up a bit I asked her to dance. "But I couldn't, what about you?" she asked. "Well I must admit I will look silly dancing out there alone so I need you to join me" I said firmly. Eventually she agreed and as I navigated her large but interesting body around the dance floor we talked. "Why did you act that way with me today? It doesn't seem like you" I asked her. "Because if I hadn't and my father had seen he would have tried to have you killed, to show me how discipline should be handled. If you noticed I wasn't shouting loud enough for the guards to hear and even though I nearly died when the man turned up, I turned it on enough that nobody would have believed me," She explained. "Aren't you the smart one" I said "You haven't seen anything yet Cliff, I have been reading books since I was four and paying the servants to smuggle them in. My father thinks I am barely literate, is he wrong" she said with a wicked little giggle. "Are you happy now you have got away?" I asked. "I will be when they go" She assured me "Though I can foresee some shouting when Father finds out, he had plans to marry me to a neighbouring holding when I reached sixteen, an old widower who must be sixty. When he died I would return home with his land doubling Fathers importance" "Well let us see him argue with Father then" I said smiling at her. That night we danced for a long time ignoring the little fuss that was made when Sir Howard was told of his daughters defection. My Father did have a quiet word with me when she went to relieve herself though. "Cliff, that girl is under our protection from now on," he said. "Yes Father" I agreed meaning that should anything occur then we were duty bound to protect her and also that no sexual consummation could occur until her sixteenth birthday. At which time she could choose to leave our protection, or at any time after that she decided to marry. The next morning Lizzie was at my door before I was even up. I slipped on some trousers and answered it to find her in loose trousers and a shirt. "Come on sleepyhead" she said, "I want to see everything and know everything" "At least let me get washed and dressed, please," I said. "Go on then the waters there" she said sitting on the bed with her back to me. "Fine" I said washing myself quickly with the cold water. "Can you introduce me to the head of the kitchen first, then the Master of Horses as I want to learn" she said the excitement evident in her voice "and then can I visit the University?" "Slow down we will do all of it but possibly not today," I said, "though I am sure we can do it this week" She rushed to me and threw her arms around me kissing me hard and passionately. "Lizzie, my father says that you are under our protection," I said cautiously. "Well I'm not quite ready for that yet anyway, we can still have lots of fun over the next year and a bit" She said and I found her mouth with mine. I led her down to the kitchen where she had a long talk with Gwinn. I don't think I have seen Gwinn get on so well with anyone before. After about an hour the two of then finished laughing and giggling and came to join me where I had long finished my breakfast and was getting bored waiting. "Yes Lizzie that is no problem at all" Gwinn said giving her a hug "And you take care of her understood?" Gwinn said seriously and I nodded in agreement. "What was that all about?" I asked. "Just making some changes in my life you may appreciate at some point" she said cryptically. We started walking across the courtyard when a voice called out. "Elizabeth. Stop now" I looked and found her Father approaching us rapidly with two men in tow. "Yes. Sir Howard how may we help you?" I asked. "I am taking my daughter home as no young prince having a word with daddy is going to take my plans from me" He shouted. "The Lady Elizabeth is under my protection," I said placing a hand on my sword. "Yes and now we will see how you back up those words" He screamed and the two men attacked together. I turned my left hand side to one of the men and concentrated on the man to my right. He charged and made a most basic mistake he overreached and using all the skills that had been drilled into me, without thinking I slipped under his blade and slid the tip of mine deep into his throat. I felt a sharp pain in my left arm and a jolt as I pulled out the blade from the first mans throat. The man on my left had slashed at me with his blade rather than lunging and making it really count. I turned to face him and I could see him eying up the blood on my arm thinking he had an advantage. He came in close swinging wildly and I caught it on my blade the force of the impact jarring my hand. The blades slid down each other so that they were hilt to hilt and this mans strength could win a shoving match. "Are you scared boy?" he asked close enough for me to smell his foul breath. "No" I shouted as I raised my knee to his groin then as I backed off I slashed him hard across the face. "Clifford" I heard Lizzie scream and turned to find her large self being dragged off by her even larger Father. I easily caught up with the two of them and decided I couldn't kill the fat man while his back was to me. "Turn and fight you fat bastard" I shouted adding the dreaded bastard normally not even thought about in polite society. "Fight you bastard or I will run you through, if some part of you're fat carcase is thin enough for my blade to go through" I shouted louder he turned and rushed at me. The bastard was fast, he nearly caught me by surprise and I barely had enough time to get out of the way and just slash his leg as he passed by. "Run Lizzie, get help" I screamed at her and didn't look to see if she did. "You want her Sir Howard, then you come through me." I said to him and added on "you fat fucker" at the end. Again this enraged him but ready for his speed I slipped to my right, his left and speared his thigh, nice and deeply as he went past. "Come on little piggy man, do you think you can take me?" I taunted and again he flashed and charged. I dove left time at the last second and slashed at the backs of his legs getting nice deep cuts in both legs. He was having problems standing now let alone fighting. "Drop your sword and you may have justice, Sir Howard," I said "or I will finish this" "Yes and if he fails I will" came a voice behind me of Sword Master James 'Jimmy The Lance' Sir Howard dropped his weapon and sank to the floor. "Get him some help and the one with the face opened up, forget the one with the throat though, he's gone" James said taking charge of the situation. I looked around at the dead man; the man with his face opened to the bone, Sir Howard and then looked down at my left arm. It was a deep wound blood soaking the whole sleeve of the white shirt, I had put on. I looked through the slash in the fabric at the jagged tear in my flesh and my world went black. "Clifford, wake up now" I heard an urgent voice. I opened my eyes to see Jimmy The Lance standing over me. "What?" I said "I said wake up, if you think I am carrying you inside you have another thing coming," He said with little sympathy and more than a little humour as he pulled me up by my uninjured arm. "Don't worry the first time gets us all differently and with you being the Lady's hero, its better if you walk inside to her" he suggested with a grin. "Yes," said and I nodded still fuzzy. "What happened? How did you get the arm?" He asked. "The two rushed me I took the one on the right through the throat and as I pulled loose his mate caught me in the arm" I explained. "Classic tactics against a man in a mail shirt" he said "But these had no mail shirt on, you took that slash for nothing. Well it will make you look closer next time and give you a scar for the Lady" "Oh great" I said with little enthusiasm as my arm was starting to hurt "Yes, all in all first time in real combat, three against one, you were quite adequate" he said as he helped me inside. "Cliff" Lizzie said running towards me arms open. "Your hurt" she said stopping from trying to hug me. "It is just a gash, My Lady" James said "Nothing that won't heal given time and care" "Oh Clifford I am so sorry to have got you into this" She said her face in tears "Lady Elizabeth" Came my fathers voice "The fault is not with you it is with me and your Father. I should not have underestimated the mans greed and desperation and I should have ordered a guard for you. I did not expect you to be up so early" "Then it is my fault" Lizzie cried, "I wanted to be up early to see what I could and learn everything I could" "Elizabeth, Lizzie" he said with more compassion than I think I have ever heard him speak to anyone. "Look never class eagerness to learn and experience things as a fault, they are a great blessing and Clifford here will heal, will you not" he said placing an arm around her and leading her back to me. "Yes Father, but the ground is rather unsteady at the moment" I admitted. "Sit down and we will get you treated before you fall," He said. "How did he do Jimmy?" My father asked. "Adequate, two on one at first and then one on one, with the wound" Jimmy said. "So do you think you can make him fair or even good?" Father asked. "Now I know the potential is there, yes easily. He has mastered the basics and uses them well. All we need to do now is tie in the eyes and the brain" Jimmy answered. "Good when he is well get him started" Father said and Jimmy left. "Clifford, today you fulfilled an obligation to our family and for that I thank you, but I wish it had been otherwise," he said. "I could not avoid it Father" I protested, "I did not wish to fight" "No you misunderstand, I wish I was the one to bring that repulsive little man to his knees" Father said with a look of rage for a moment. "Lady Elizabeth..." My father said. "Uncle George" she said interrupting him for the first time I can remember anyone interrupting him. "Yes" he said slightly bemused. "Do you mind calling me Elizabeth or Lizzie as Lady Elizabeth was what my father insisted on calling me all the time," she said her face unsure, as was her voice. "Lizzie whatever you want is yours," he said putting his arms around her and hugging her as she cried at his words. "Now dry your tears and go to the library Henri is waiting to assess your educational needs, he is a good man," My father said releasing her. "Lizzie tell him the truth, the whole truth," I said as she left and she nodded. Father waited till she had left and turned to me. "You did a brave thing today and did it well. But I have been lacking in my observations of the border areas. I as King should have prevented what has been done to that girl by a cowardly dog using my name for organised terror." Father said fuming again. "I will just say this once to you Clifford and I don't really believe I have to say it at all. You are not to hurt that girl or mislead her or I will make that seem like a splinter" he indicated my arm. "Father I like her, not love, but I like her she is fun and nice to be around" I answered honestly "I would never intentionally hurt her" "Fine that matter is done lets get you sown up as that is the next stage of this life of the warrior," he said helping me up. An hour later I was stitched up, cleaned up and with a bandage around my wound. My father assured me he had made more noise as the surgeon stitched. Both of us headed down to the library to find Lizzie again. In the library she was deep in discussion with Henri arguing over something in a book. "Sorry I didn't see you" Henri started to say and my father waved away his apology. "How do you assess her then Henri?" My father asked "I can do nothing for her though there are some irritating gaps and a few disagreements it is beyond me to guide he any further" Henri said "But I enjoyed our conversation" Lizzie protested "Yes and we will enjoy many more, but you need someone with more skills than me to teach you and for that purpose you need The University" Henri said. "What about me?" I said suddenly upset at the thought of being left behind. "At the moment six months time which is still two years younger than most who go. With some diligence on your part three months" Henri said. "With me pushing you make that two months" Lizzie said confidently I was there in two and a half months. Over the next twelve months Lizzie and I were inseparable. Which at first annoyed John until Claire took an interest in him, with a vengeance. Lizzie from the moment she had been allowed to stay had modified her eating and lived on horseback. The exercise and the fact that she had lived on salad had transformed her. She wasn't slim, yet, but the looks she now got as she walked around with me were now of interest rather than pity. In The University she had jumped in and left me standing, no matter what the subject she wanted to learn and apply that learning to the full. Her and Father were inseparable and except for the fact that she wanted me there all the time I might have been jealous. The person I had befriended had rapidly become the most popular person in the castle. The friendship and close affection that I felt at first had changed to admiration and love. Fina

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The Mother of Dragons

The "Mother" of Dragons. Disclaimer: A song of Ice and Fire, its characters and locations belong to George R.R. Martin. The Game of Thrones TV show belongs to HBO. SPOILER ALERT! It was almost 20 years ago. It was in a cold night with storm. The night Daenerys Targaryen was born. Her mother, Rhaella Targaryen, died after giving birth to Dany. But there was a secret in Daenerys Targaryen's birth. Rhaella was in great pain, but she knew that she could stand it. She already had...

3 years ago
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The Power of the Dragons

What happens when an ancient race of magical creatures, called Veranders, that can morph between human and dragon collides with modern day society. Every Verander born is given away from their family to a mentor of the same type of dragon to train them. Things get more complicated when you introduce the factions of the Veranders based on the powers they possess. Molten Verander While in human form, appear normal except they all have brownish almost red colored eyes. They are not affected by...

4 years ago
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Sexy Dungeons and Dragons

The realm of Dungeons and Dragons, almost anything imaginable can happen here. Glorious heroes, cunning thieves, charming bards, and horrible fiends, and monsters. here you can create, or choose your character, and follow their adventures, wherever they may lead them.

2 years ago
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Dungeons and dragons

(To be clear for everyone, I don't write this story. It was publish for ten years on https://editthis.info/create_your_own_story/Dungeons_and_Dragons by mulitiple autors and writers, so I only want to republish it here.) Welcome to the ever-so-wonderful world of 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons: Forgotten Realms! Many of the stories will begin in or around Waterdeep, the City of Splendors and the largest and most prosperous city state in Faerûn, the continent that the Forgotten Realms setting focuses...

1 year ago
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With a start, I woke up on an unknown floor. I went to wipe my eyes, when suddenly the little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. ‘Hello? Is anybody there?’ I asked of the inky darkness. There was a strange shuffling noise like something was moving about. ‘Hello? I know you’re there ’cause I can hear you moving around’ I said. There was a quiet chuckle, then the ground shook as if something very heavy landed. Then the ground shook again and again, as if the footsteps were so heavy the...

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The Prerogative of Dragons

Duke Boulet stamped snow from his boots and stared hard at the fortress spanning the valley ahead. It was a grim place, grey stone walls and battlements lined with wicked looking spikes, and it had been a long journey to reach it, here at the heart of the Mistral Peaks. A long, hard, cold and hungry journey, but the Duke and his men had not wavered. The king’s scouts had identified this place as the lair of the monsters who had preyed upon his people for months, and Duke Boulet would put an end...

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Land of the Lustful Dragons

In the worlds of Fire Emblem, those with Dragon Blood don't only have instant power and social status but have high libidos that they have to manage. Luckily for them, most people in the world are happy to help sate their lust, and it's common for people with dragon blood to have sex with their family members and to be married to multiple women. Now, what story do we want to start with?

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 25 Deals and Dragons

That became the new pattern for us for a couple of days. Walk until almost supper, spar with Aedan – badly – and then work on meditation with Alistair. I'd gotten to the point where, when necessary, I could ignore the movements, shouts, pokes, and tickles of those around me, and maintain my focus regardless. One evening, still sitting with my eyes closed, but having decided I was done for the night, I suddenly could feel eyes on me. I waited, listening and feeling, trying to determine if it...

2 years ago
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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 9 The Dragons

Virlane and Katrina appeared inside their lair, she stumbled slightly and reached out for Virlane, holding onto him until she regained her balance feeling so disoriented and off center "will it take long to get used to this new body? Virlane, my head seems to be spinning and spinning." He picked her up and took her into their bed chamber and lay her on the smooth satin covers, "I think your just exhausted from everything that has happened, sleep now and when you wake up, we can start...

3 years ago
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Fucker of dragons

You rowed the oars of your small boat calmly, even though your mind was cloudy with thought, you were answering the challenge decreed by the Elemental devils, the challenge to come to the island known as 'Primordial island' you remembered you mother begging you not to go, but you had to; your father and brother failed and returned shadows of the great warriors they once were, this was not just about saving the world, this was a matter vengeance 'Please don't go Draco, I can't loose you as...

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The Twin Dragons

"Alright class the exams will begin shortly so please take your sits" said Mr. Loot, as he was walking up and down the rows of desks and handing out exam papers. As he was finishing up handing out the exam papers he was interrupted by a door slam open, at the door there was a man holding a 12 gauge shotgun, the class can see that the man sweating and panting heavily they assumed that he was running or did something rigorous before arriving at the door. The man at the door had a very insane look...

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Dungeons Dragons

When Wizards of the Coast came out with 4th edition, they sold the rights to the 3rd edition rules for continued development. The Pathfinder system was born. In this story you will have a character with actual abilities and you will be given options based on what you are capable of. As you go through the story you might... give birth to other character paths by having flings with specific females at specific times. Sir John Doe of the Golden Tower 5th Level Paladin of the Golden Tower Str:...

1 year ago
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State of ChaosChapter 22 Here There be Dragons

A meeting with everyone involved, and that meant just about everyone, was held the next day. Tony deferred to Bea and Alice to run the meeting. "OK," Bea started off. "We have arrangements with Bell Tone studios in Nashville beginning this Saturday morning at seven o'clock. Twelve hours on Saturday and starting again at seven on Sunday mornings and running until four PM. Should we need them they are prepared to do a few hours of work on Fridays as well, but they advise, and we tend to...

2 years ago
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Fistfuls of Hay

Nelle balanced the heavy basket of wet clothes on the ample curve of her hip and shielded her eyes against the late day sun. Grasshoppers flicked through the grass around her, a humming buzz of life in the emerald green. She’d heard the deep rumble of the tractor returning from the field a few minutes ago. By now her men would be in back of the barn, knocking off the dirt, making use of the hose to wash away the salt and sweat of a hard day, cooling off their sun baked skins. She headed for the...

1 year ago
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James Brahney listened intently as the Captain lectured on the concept of rapid intervention teams, an idea long overdue in the fire service. The roll of the four man team’s in protecting their brother firefighters at major incidents, the equipment the R.I.T. team would carry and the changes in run assignments when the new OSHA mandated policy was put into effect, were all covered in depth. Jim tried to memorize every word, no matter how trivial. In one week, He and his company would be filling...

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The new girl feet and dragonslaying

On the slayer school for girls the class was really curious. A new member came to them today and she was from the city.She was very different. At first she had shoes and even socks.When meeting her new comrades they compared each others feet. The feet of the slayer girls where dirty, long and muscular. Sexy too.Her feet where hidden, so the first thing they told her was: "Strip your feet".She stared at them, opened her eyes and said: "What? Why?"."Dragonslaying is a traditional barefoot sport,...

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The Way of the Dragon

This story is a Fan-Fiction saddled in the Whateley Academy Universe created by Maggie Finson and other Authors. Please notice that English isn't my native language and I'm still working on my grammar. First of all I want to thank the Canon Authors for their incredible inspiring tales as well as my editors and collaborative Authors Nuuan & Shadowsblades check out their stories if you have time for it. Thanks also for reading this little introduction, I hope you have fun...

3 years ago
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Highacre Dragon Breeders 4 Melodys Dragon

Introduction: Part 4 of the Highacre Dragon Breeders Saga Highacre Dragon Breeders part 4 – Mimis dragon Mimi sat quietly on her bed. She had received a package that morning from her parents. The box was plain, wrapped in brown packaging paper and secured with brown twine. Her parents sent her one of these packages each month, normally they were made up of her favourite chocolate and new clothes but something felt different about this box, it was slightly heavier than the last she had...

2 years ago
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Book 1 Milady and the DragonChapter 8 The Dragon

Virlane stood outside his lair, he spread his wings and stretched, his neck arching, he flexed his talons and sighed with pleasure, he turned to watch Trink heading down the mountain path muttering about donkeys and his most treasured assets. Virlane entered his lair, prowling around, looking, touching, smelling, it was all there, just as he had left it, not that there had been any doubt, Dragons are just rather possessive about their hoards. He went into his study, touching his books that...

1 year ago
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SRU Paper Dragon

SRU: Paper Dragon By Kim West I wish to thank Bill Hart for creating the SRU Universe and allowing others to have a chance to play in it. The story I have come up with is loosely based on "Puff the Magic Dragon." I hope you will enjoy the following. There once was a little rascal by the name of Jack Paper who loved to destroy everything in his path. His bedroom looked like a cyclone had hit it, and this would be only moments after his mother had cleaned it for him. His toys usually...

4 years ago
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Norman the Dragon

Note: This is part of a larger work featuring a Dragon called Norman. The land (the Kingdom) where he lives is not found on modern maps, and the stories are as passed down by the great story-tellers of history. It was/is written purely for fun. And yes, it is English English. If you are looking for a story loaded with sexual encounters, look elsewhere. Those who stay the course may find a little gentle amusement. Positive comments are welcome. © Handley_Page, 2011. From the annals of ‘Norman...

1 year ago
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Bad Dragon

Oh, you already know what it is, it’s Bad Dragon, and I’m about to pop off. These things have been taking over the market like it’s nobody’s business, and I am not surprised. Bad Dragon, as a company, has changed the shape of the ideal male penis. That’s how fucking influential they’ve become. It is now out of style to have a regularly shaped penis. You have to sport a dragon cock, or else you don’t get the pussy. I have a gigantic penis, so naturally, none of the women I’ve ever fucked have...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Taming the Dragon

When I masturbate, I imagine that my penis is a dragon.If my penis were a dragon, he would be deep reddish-gold and bigger than a horse. He’d have two strong legs and two bat wings with a span even longer than he is. He’d have scaly pointed fox ears, whiskers, long sharp teeth, and eyes that you’d better not look into.Most of the time, the dragon sleeps, curled up in a ball like a cat. Or he wakes, stretches, yawns, and goes back to sleep.But at night he wakes up, and I can feel him in my chest...

3 years ago
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The Dragon

We were close to the cave; you could see a thin trail of smoke fluttering out of its entrance; the air warming the closer we got. My ears detected some mix of a growl and a purr emanating from the cave as well that sent a strong tingle fluttering down my spine making my muscles clench; I knew I was being watched. “Send him in…” the deep voice rumbled; more tingles and not just in my spine… They took off my chains and got me just out of site into the darkness; and left me for dead. Or so...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Introduction: A quick and kinky supernatural bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...

2 years ago
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Tooth of a Dragon

Edited by Bird Dog Everyone said dragons did not exist, but my family had a story of a dragon. It told of how two dragons had fought and one had died. Of course, everyone laughed at us when we told the story. I guess we could have told them where the cave the dragon died was, but that was our family secret. I was fourteen and wanted to be a soldier or knight. Besides our farm, we had no money to pay for armor or weapons. I thought of the dragon story, and considered selling scales or a claw....

3 years ago
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Steven George the DragonHow to Slay a Dragon

BY THE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN, Steven was up with his bedroll packed and his staff in his hand. Jasper arose sleepily and slowly. “Do we have to leave already?” he said plaintively. “It’s hardly morning.” “You don’t have to leave, my friend,” said Steven, “but I want to be on the road and searching for the dragon.” “Can you wait while I get ready?” Jasper asked. Reluctantly, Steven agreed, but couldn’t help pacing back and forth in impatience. 103,320. 103,321. Steven had added three hundred...

4 years ago
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Fistfuls of Hay

Nelle balanced the heavy basket of wet clothes on the ample curve of her hip and shielded her eyes against the late day sun. Grasshoppers flicked through the grass around her, a humming buzz of life in the emerald green. She’d heard the deep rumble of the tractor returning from the field a few minutes ago. By now her men would be in back of the barn, knocking off the dirt, making use of the hose to wash away the salt and sweat of a hard day, cooling off their sun baked skins. She headed for the...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 97 How to Fuck Your Dragon

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-96”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I live in a quiet...

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Day Of The Dragon

Day of the dragon CHAPTER 1 Dragons are monster that are born of the darkness of the earth. I have seen a dragon in my life. only one though. It was 5 years ago. I was 16 then. Back then, I was a little immature, and a little strange. Back then, my parents had died. I was depressed for a while. I remember that i used to lock myself in my room, and be alone. Besides my parents dying, my BF had left me. That PO'd me. I remember i literaly beat the crap out of him. That made me feel happy. Well,...

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Riding a Dragon

There are many types of airships but a Dragon is one of the deadliest. I became a pilot for one and was sent to war. There is nothing like the feel of speeding just above the trees or making a strike. A side mission on the way back to base earns me a surprising gift. Of course the first taste of combat for my navigator was all he could take. Now it was time we took the fight to the enemy. I was ahead of my class in school and graduated early. That got me a shot to be a pilot. They had a single...

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Bad Dragon

Reddit Bad Dragon, aka r/BadDragon! Every time I think that I know everything, someone, somewhere, finds another way to fuck me up and make me lose all faith in humanity. You'll see what I mean by that at the end of this review if you stick around. Generally, weird fetishes are everywhere, but that's not what we're discussing today. I can't reveal everything, because that would make the review boring. But, I will give you all a little hint. It amazes me is what kind of shit people can fit up...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Puff The Magic Dragon

Puff The Magic Dragon When I was fifteen, Mom and I moved into an apartment closer to where she worked. Mom was only thirty-two because she had gotten pregnant at sixteen and had me when she was seventeen. She was a good-looking woman and she was an exotic dancer at an upscale club just a block away. Her stage name was Bambi. The lady that lived upstairs from us was also an exotic dancer, named Puff Dragon. She worked at a place Mom always called sleazy and said that she would never...

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The wizard and his dragon

The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...

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The wizard and his dragon

The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...

Love Stories
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Housing A Dragon

Turbulence rocked the small aircraft, sending Zeke’s stomach into a tailspin. This is better than a roller coaster, he thought, although he wished for a smoother flight. Flying wasn’t one of his favorite things to do, but it would become a necessary evil in his line of work. Thankfully, he didn’t have to pay for this one. His flight from Sarasota to Detroit had gone very smooth, but the commuter shuttle from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio was rough almost from the start. Wind and rain battered the...

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Whore of the Dragon

There, amongst the remnants of the dead race, where their greatest queen reigned, two dragons lie dormant. One of pure evil, one of pure good, both yearning for a vessel, both lusting for a mate... She may be adequate for that purpose, our forlorn child... We shall see. "Silence, fools. We are close to the inner sanctum." The two mercenaries exchanged a annoyed look before continuing their path and Lunnara pretended not to notice. That's the thing about mercenaries, she thought, You can...

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Steven George the DragonHere Stn George met his Dragon

IN THE EARLY LIGHT of the morning, Steven George rose from the arms of his lover and faced the mountain. The wind had sprung up in the night and tugged at his hat. He took it from his head. A sheepskin, duck feathers, a snakeskin, a chicken bone, and two talismans. It was ridiculous. What could he have been thinking to make such fantastical stories about this hat? Something else had changed as well. Steven George no longer wished to slay a dragon. Still, the path lay directly before him, up...

3 years ago
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Going for the Juggler7 Dragon

It was three days' ride north, always in sight of the narrowing chasm, before we reached the bridge to the other side. At this point, the chasm narrowed to only a hundred feet, but the bridge that spanned it didn't seem solid enough to cross. I wondered, in fact, how they'd managed to construct it. "The Brothers Cho got tired of sending their goods around the chasm," Chang said. "It's nearly a hundred miles north to where the chasm ends in the mountains. Going south, the land...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 9 Red Dragon

The Holdian Commander sat across from me and watched Rock Hound working the controls of a Tabtil Tosser trying to win a game against the Takkian. Goal of the game was to maneuver a Tabtil that was a tetrahedron shaped object with different colored sides, inside the opponent’s colored holes, while tossing blockers with remote controlled catapults, to prevent the opponent doing the same to you. Almost every recreation room outfitted by the Navy had at least one of these boxy contraptions,...

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A Song of Lust and Desire Chapter X The One In Which Arya Meets A Dragon

Arya Stark was on one of her dancing master's lessons, chasing the black cat through the Red Keep. She was passing grumbling guards, surprised servants, and other gossiping nobles on her frantic mission. The youngest Stark girl's hair was bound back with a tie and she wasn't dressed like the noble young lady she was. Instead she had on her martial training outfit of a loose-fitting brown shirt that covered her swelling breasts while her skinny legs were protected by baggy pants. The last...

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How to Slay Your Dragon

Welcome to the quaint viking island village of Berk where it snows eights months out of the year and hails the other four. If someone were to ask you to describe the location you would tell them that it is "...just south of freezing to death and far north of absolute nowhere, a place fit for only the strongest and hardiest of people, but we vikings make do with it". You are Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III altgough you tend to shorten it to Hiccup Haddock and most people you know, which is quite...

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Heart of the Dragon

Sometimes traveling for work can be tedious. I am happy that I don't travel often, and usually the customer is waiting on me when I arrive. A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Syracuse, New York, to assist with the start-up of a new machine. We had made a significant change to the hydraulic system and it could not be fully tested on our assembly floor. I needed to make and monitor a small programming change, so I expected to spend only four hours on site. After I arrived, I learned that my...

Wife Lovers
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Flight of the Dragon

One of my ex girlfriends loved this story but wouldn’t let her teenagers read it, she said it was too sensual. I told her OK if you say so lol. the story isn’t very long, point of fact most of the stories I have written are petty short but intense , that’s an apt word ———————————- With the rising of the sun, she awoke to the warmth of its glow, lying on the ledge, high on the mount near its crest. She felt its warmth on her scales, its light sparkling as it reflected back from her scales the...

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Curse of the dragon

Chapter 1: Dragon unveiledThe sharp sound of the alarm clock speared through Olivia's ears as she woke up. Her eyes were broad open but her body was still exhausted from the work that drained her through the week."It is Friday finally, just one more day!” Olivia tried to encourage herself, in an attempt to put some life in her complaining calves and back.The morning sun rays slowly seeped through glass panes and the warm sunlight bathed her over her body, after skidding on the morning dews. She...

Oral Sex
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Double Dragon

‘Remember your breathing.’ Shinku said his voice barely above a whisper. The man didn’t seem to be rooted to the earth or affected by gravity at all. He was almost gliding over the hardwood flooring without so much as opening his eyes. His chest rose and fell with perfect rhythm that set the pace for the rest of his movements. It was almost like he was dancing across the floor but dance wasn’t a powerful enough word to describe him. What Shinku was doing was refined and beautiful but it was not...

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The Red Dragon

I began my career in law enforcement as a Chicago beat cop. Since I was female with a cover-girl body, some favors were sent my way an in no time I passed my Detective exam and was promoted immediately. They needed a pretty face to take some heat off of their normal hiring policies and the pay was good, I loved what I was doing and who cares if my being promoted was political, I was still promoted and happy. Our division centered most of our efforts on the gangs with the most power, which meant...

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Choices John And The Dragon

How had I got myself into this situation, I was asking myself. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? Well, the answer was — if I was being truthful with myself, that is — that it wasn't what I had done; it was more a question of what I hadn't done. Sound confusing to you? Yeah, me, too, but now it was time for me to do something drastic, and bloody quickly as well, before things reached the point of no return. Let's go back a little and I'll try to explain what happened. What it had...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 19 Release the Dragon

-Monolith at Midnight- Setting the scene of this romantic rendezvous, or rather, this prince rescuing the princess moment, the night’s sky was beautiful. The dual moons were high in the starry heavens, bathing the world beneath them in a calming and harmonious mellow glow. The stars shone in strange and bizarre patterns, like ripples being created by rain drops. Not a cloud could be seen Apart from James, garbed in his new handsome light blue robe and the little blue ferret sleeping...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 163 Kurdish Dragon

The Sunday news shows all ran the footage from the Brooks and Shield interview, and the chattering classes all pontificated on what it meant. The liberals were rather unhappy with my barbaric worldview and the conservatives couldn’t understand why I hadn’t gone after Iraq in 2001 when I had my first chance. The only one who seemed to understand, or at least was able to express it cogently, was Bob Schieffer, on Face the Nation. He devoted his personal essay piece to it. “President...

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You and Azure the WinterDragon

But then there it was. An apartment building, not different like the others in the block, but it radiated with the knowledge that your goal was within. So you approached, luckily you had not to ring the bell as someone just came home and held the door open for you as you approached - obviously believing you lived here as well. But you glanced at the name-tags at the entrance to make sure you knew which floor to go. Floor 14; out of 30. You went with the stranger into the elevator, that...

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