A Fresh StartChapter 164 Kurdish Aftermath
- 4 years ago
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The Sunday news shows all ran the footage from the Brooks and Shield interview, and the chattering classes all pontificated on what it meant. The liberals were rather unhappy with my barbaric worldview and the conservatives couldn’t understand why I hadn’t gone after Iraq in 2001 when I had my first chance. The only one who seemed to understand, or at least was able to express it cogently, was Bob Schieffer, on Face the Nation. He devoted his personal essay piece to it.
“President Buckman’s statement about sending down the thunderbolts of the gods has been one of the most talked about public statements of his presidency, by turns praised and ridiculed. The more bellicose among us loved it but many here in Washington considered it ill-advised and warmongering. How dare the President make a statement such as that? It must be the sign of a foolish and uncultured barbarian, and they wonder why his press secretary isn’t running around and apologizing for him.
I have known Carl Buckman for almost twenty years, since before he became a Congressman, and long before he became the President. While we don’t agree on a lot of things, he is not a foolish and uncultured barbarian. He is a warm, smart, sophisticated, and civilized man. He is most definitely not a warmonger. He is generous to a fault, and exceedingly gracious. He is loyal to his subordinates, perhaps too much so, and they return that loyalty. He adores his wife, dotes on his children, and even has a big, goofy dog that he drags around with him everywhere.
He is also one of the most ruthless men I have ever known, and I say that in a positive sense. You can see that in his personal life. When, both in junior and senior high school, he was attacked by bullies, he didn’t respond eye-for-an-eye. He destroyed his tormentors, crippling them. He extends that protection to those around him, as well. When his wife was assaulted in the Bahamas and a young mother-to-be was attacked in a diner in his hometown, those attackers were hospitalized and arrested. You may attack him once, but you will never do so a second time. You do not mess with Carl Buckman and get away with it.
If you want to know what the Buckman Doctrine is, that’s it in a nutshell. He takes his responsibilities very seriously. When he took responsibility for the nation, he became equally ruthless in dealing with threats to the nation. So, when he says that if you kill American citizens and soldiers and diplomats he will send down the thunderbolts of the gods, he means it. Speaking as a member if the so-called Washington elite, I am horrified. Speaking as an American citizen, that sounds pretty good to me.”
Will Brucis raised the topic at the morning staff meeting, and I had laughed and said I thought that Bob had me figured out, but there was no specific ‘doctrine’. When Will was asked later in the morning at the daily press briefing, he simply smiled and said, “There’s never been a discussion of any sort of Buckman Doctrine, so I can’t really answer that. I can say that the President disagrees with the characterization of Stormy as big and goofy. He considers Stormy big and loveable. We’ve begun taking suggestions and voting on them back in the offices.” That prompted a flurry of emails and letters offering other descriptions, generally favorable, of the mutt.
The late-night comics also had fun with this. Jon Stewart discussed it and then began scribbling out a note - ‘Note to Iran and North Korea: Don’t piss off Carl Buckman!’ Stephen Colbert did ten minutes on it, extolling the Buckman Doctrine, and then segued into his ‘Threatdown’ segment, where his Number One Threat (Bears) were warned by him to stay out of my neighborhood. Oh, brother!
After roughly a month had gone by, at the start of the second week of April, I was called to the Pentagon for a dog and pony show. The 1st Armored from Fort Bliss in Texas, parent unit of the 1 st Brigade sent from Germany, had managed to get their gear onto transports and had sailed for Turkey, and the ships would be docking in Izmir shortly. The troops would follow on chartered commercial airliners. It would take another two weeks to offload the equipment, sort it out, and load them on trains and send them into Kurdistan, and then some additional weeks to prepare and practice. That one division was far more powerful than everything the Iraqi Republican Guard had available to stop them, no matter how they were combined, but effective combat action wouldn’t be able to take place until sometime in May. The Pentagon wanted to show me a different plan.
As things stood, we were currently in a stalemate position across the front. Republican Guard units were on Kurdish soil with two wings poised to wrap around Kirkuk. The Iraqis were still bombarding the front lines and Kirkuk but were increasingly forced to operate at night. Nobody was advancing, the Guard because they didn’t have enough combat power, and the Americans and Kurds because they didn’t have the mobility. The European-based units were forming up in the Kurdish rear, along with the Screaming Eagles, which were also forming up. Before things slowed down, the Iraqis had managed some reinforcements to the Guard, so they were operating at almost the strength they had prior to the attack. Meanwhile the nightly Scud attacks had ended. The best guess was that while the Iraqis had about a hundred missiles at the start of the war, only about half had worked (missiles are quite fragile and tricky) and they had run out of missiles to launch.
Fortunately, the gas attacks had also run down, probably because rear area bombing had destroyed the chemical depots and manufacturing facilities, or because interdiction had slowed transport to a crawl. The Pentagon had modified some drones so that they had a chemical signature detection capability. While they were initially used to map out areas of chemical weapon contamination to avoid, probes inside Iraq showed areas with three really major mustard gas spills, one at an army base where it was suspected that the gas was being stored and loaded onto shells, one at a fertilizer factory that had been destroyed, and one on a road that had been bombed one night. In all three locations it was seen that the Iraqis were avoiding those areas, and routing traffic around and away from them.
The Pentagon’s plan called for an armored envelopment of the envelopment, sort of. As it stood, the British had the 7th Armored, a brigade of Challenger 2 tanks and Warrior armored fighting vehicles on the eastern pincer, and we had deployed both the 1st Brigade of M-1 Abrams tanks and M-2 Bradleys and the 2nd Stryker Cavalry, a brigade of Strykers, which I had never really seen before, on the heavier western pincer. The 101st was also ready to move into action. These outfits would be the offensive punch needed to destroy the Republican Guard.
In Phase One, to be launched in the dead of night, the 101st would be airlifted into blocking positions south of the Guard units facing the Kurds and Americans. They would form the anvil upon which the hammer of the armored units would land. Then, at dawn, Phase Two would begin. The Brits planned to swing wide to the east and come in on the Iraqis from the Iraqi right flank. The Americans planned to smash straight forward into the Republican Guard starting in the west, and then to swing eastward and roll them up from the Iraqi left flank. If the Iraqis tried to run, they were going to either run into the 101st to the south or the Brits to the east or the American and Kurdish infantry to the north.
I stared at the computer simulation at the Pentagon. I knew our equipment was good, and that during the Gulf War we had blown through Iraqi positions like shit through a goose, but this was beyond that! During the Gulf War we had enjoyed massive combat superiority. The killing was going to be done by the armored formations. As it stood, we planned to assault six armored and mechanized divisions of highly motivated troops with two heavy brigades and one light brigade. Audacity didn’t begin to cover this idea!
“You plan to take them head on?” I questioned. I looked over at the Army Chief of Staff, and the Army colonel who had given the presentation. I could see from Colonel Buford’s uniform that he was an armored officer himself, probably up from Fort Knox, the home of the armored corps. “I know I’m just an over-aged battery commander, but I always thought you wanted to attack when the odds were in your favor, not the other way around!”
It was the colonel who answered. “Yes, sir, I know. To be fair about it, that’s how I was taught, too. The difference is the equipment we have now. The stuff we have now, it’s like science fiction! I had a platoon of M-1s back in the Gulf War, and when we hit the Iraqis at 73 Easting, we never knew they were there until we rolled in on them. We were just better than them, with better equipment and training. Now ... sir, our training and equipment is even better, and we know where they all are! We have recon drones all over the front, with cameras and laser designators and GPS. Sir, before I came to this assignment, I had a training battalion out at Fort Knox, where we developed the doctrine and tactics for this. Since then, we have been spreading the training out. When we go over the ridge and into a Republican Guard area, they won’t know we’re coming, but we will know where every one of their vehicles is! We’ll be able to blow them away before they even know we are coming at them! We can do this and do it now!”
I looked at the other officers and they were all nodding in agreement. I was suddenly hit with a wry observation. “You know what they say about military intelligence, Colonel? We bet your life?” He bristled at the implication. “Settle down, Colonel. It’s nothing personal. From my point of view, I’m the one you want to bet their lives. So, what do we do if this doesn’t work, hmmm? What happens if the Republican Guard doesn’t just sit there and act like targets?”
The colonel hit a button on his computer and showed two different variations on the ops plan, to allow for disengagement and containment moves, to keep the Republican Guard in a killbox (his word, not mine) and either reduce them slowly or hold long enough for further forces to arrive. My biggest concern was the 101st, stranded between the Republican Guard to the north and the regular Iraqi army to the south. What if they were assaulted from both sides?
“Sir, this is not going to be the Battle of the Bulge, where the 101 st got stuck in Bastogne and surrounded. The Iraqis simply don’t have the firepower, and they will be getting hammered by close air support. Additionally, we have no intelligence at all that indicates that regular army units are involved in this. They aren’t even moving,” I was told. “I’ve been in contact with the G-3 of the 101st, and he concurs with this plan. This is what they are there for, deep insertion and strategic control.”
“When are you going to be ready to do this?” asked Frank Stouffer. “When does the President need to decide by?”
I nodded at Frank. It was a fair question, and I turned to face the officers.
“The units can be in place for kickoff 2200 local time Tuesday April 11. We will need a go/no-go decision as soon as possible to make sure everything is finalized, today if possible. If we delay, sooner or later even Saddam Hussein is going to realize the mess he’s in and try backing out. Once that happens, we lose any chance of destroying them,” said the Chief of Staff.
I glanced at Frank, who gave a subtle shrug. I looked at the officers and said, “Give me a few minutes, please.” Everybody filed out, leaving me sitting there, staring at the screens. They simply stared back.
I knew what my answer was going to be even before they left, but it scared me. I remembered the movie Patton, in which Patton, played by George C. Scott, argues with Omar Bradley, played by Karl Malden. Patton was pushing for greater speed in the conquest of Sicily, pushing his men to the breaking point and beyond, and arguing that the faster they moved, the better it was. They would face higher casualties now, but the war would end sooner, and ultimately there would be far fewer casualties overall. It was a heartbreaking calculus, but it was also absolutely true.
It was entirely possible that at some point Saddam Hussein would wake up and realize he had stuck his dick into a grinder, and it might be a good idea to stop turning the crank and pull out. That would leave us back where we started from, with no resolution and a lot of dead Americans I would need to avenge somehow. That was unacceptable. I wanted to destroy Saddam Hussein, and to do that, we would first need to destroy the Republican Guard.
I called the others back in. I didn’t bother sitting down; this was going to be a very short conversation. “The operation is approved, as planned. General, tell the boys, from me, ‘Good hunting!’ What’s the name of this thing, anyway?”
“We’re calling it Kurdish Dragon, sir.”
Kurdish Dragon? Where the hell do they come up with these names? I nodded and left.
Tuesday was full of routine meetings and photo ops, and I stayed away from the war. I was simply informed that preparations were nominal, whatever that meant, and that the planned assault was still on. I couldn’t bear to stay up late and kibitz from the Situation Room, and Marilyn wasn’t about to let me drink anything stronger than iced tea, so I stayed up to watch Stewart and Colbert and then went to bed. The next morning, before my regular staff meeting, I was told during my Brief that the attack was ‘nominal’ and proceeding. I took that to be good, and simply asked for a quick briefing that afternoon. I was informed they would have a briefing in the Situation Room at 4:00 PM, and that it would be a good idea to bring everybody who needed to learn what was happening. I wasn’t quite sure how to take that, but I thanked him and promised to be there.
I went down to the Situation Room at 4:00, accompanied by John McCain, Frank Stouffer, and Will Brucis. Tom Ridge was already there and waiting for us, and I could tell that he had been chatting with the briefing officer, who I noticed was the same Colonel Buford who had presented the plan to us two days ago. “Colonel Buford, it’s been two days now since you showed us your plan, and about one day into it. How is it going so far?” I asked.
“Mister President, thank you for coming. Phase One of Operation Kurdish Dragon took place the other night. There were no losses, although we did have a few mechanical problems. The 101st was airlifted to their landing zones and have taken control of the road network south of Kurdistan. They are now in fortified positions with good supply. Phase Two, the assault phase, began this morning at 0600 local time, or 2200 last night Washington time. Right now, it is midnight local time in Kurdistan, and operations are slowing for the night. Beginning this morning, the British 7th Armored began by departing their go line and moving south from a position just west of Sulaymaniyah. They skirted the eastern edge of the Republican Guard positions and have now maneuvered into a position where they can begin turning west, assaulting the Iraqi right flank. They destroyed roughly half a brigade of the 7th Adnan Infantry during this maneuver, mostly screening units.” As he said this, a computerized map of Kurdistan was thrown up on the big screen, and a blue arrow began to grow and move on the right-hand side of the map, marking a giant curve around the Iraqi units designated in red.
“Part of our thinking was that by having the Brits move first, it would attract their attention, and perhaps get them to focus in a direction opposite from where we would be attacking. That occurred two hours later, when the 1st Brigade and the 2nd Strykers attacked, here, just west of Azwya.” A second blue arrow began moving south on the map to the west of Kirkuk, only this one was headed directly towards the westernmost Guard position, rather than trying to maneuver around it.
“How did that go, Colonel?” I asked.
“Quite well, sir. The 1st Brigade took direct aim at the 1 st Hammurabi Armored Division, using the 2nd Strykers as a reserve. By the end of the day, the Hammurabi Division had been destroyed completely, and the 1st Brigade was resupplying and preparing for the assault on the 6th Nebuchadnezzar Mechanized,” he answered.
I nodded with a grimace. “How bad were our losses, Colonel? Will we be able to deal with the 6th Nebuchadnezzar?”
“We don’t have any, sir.”
“Well, when will you have the details on the losses? How can we be sure they will be able to move if you don’t know about the losses?”
Colonel Buford gave me an odd look. “You misunderstand me, Mister President. We didn’t have any losses. The 1st Brigade and the 2 nd Strykers destroyed the Hammurabi Division with no American losses.”
I stared at the Colonel in disbelief! My jaw dropped and I couldn’t speak, even though John McCain and Tom Ridge were asking questions excitedly, and Frank and Will tried to understand. After a moment I waved them into silence and asked, “Are you serious? One heavy and one light brigade attacked a dug in enemy division and destroyed it without any friendly losses? That’s... impossible!”
The watch team in the Situation Room was smiling broadly, and Colonel Buford simply nodded and said, “I told you the other day, sir. What we are doing now is like science fiction!”
“But... how?”
Before the colonel could answer that, Will Brucis interjected with a question. “Excuse me, but neither Frank nor I served. I just don’t understand what these units are. What’s the difference between a brigade and a division? I need to know if I am going to tell the press what is going on.”
I nodded. “Colonel, you want to give the civilians a quickie answer?”
He smiled and nodded. “Okay.” He turned to the side where Frank and Will were sitting. “You build an army by putting together pieces of smaller units. At the most basic level you have tank companies, which are mostly tanks, and infantry companies, which are mostly soldiers plus some vehicles to drive them around in. A tank company might have from a dozen to a dozen-and-a-half tanks, and an infantry company might have 100 to 200 soldiers. With me so far?”
Both men nodded.
Colonel Buford continued, “Everything else gets built up bigger and bigger. A tank battalion usually has two or three tank companies plus an infantry company, and an infantry battalion would have two or three infantry companies plus a tank company. A brigade is made up of a mix of battalions, and a division is made up of a mix of brigades. At the top, you have something called a corps, which is made up of several divisions. Until this morning, the Iraqi Republican Guard had two corps of three divisions each.”
Frank turned to me and asked, “Where were you in this?” as he motioned up and down with his left hand.
I motioned down at the bottom. “I had an artillery battery, which is sort of like an artillery company, the same level of troops and organization the colonel is talking about.”
“So, this Hammurabi Division was bigger than the brigade which attacked it?” asked Will.
I answered, “Will, back when I was young and foolish and in the army, the standard rule of thumb was that if you were planning on making a successful attack, you needed odds of at least three to one to pull it off. In other words, to destroy a division, we would have to attack with three divisions. Follow me?” He nodded. “So, we just did the reverse! We attacked with the equivalent of about a brigade-and-a-half a division of about three brigades! That’s impossible!”
I looked over at Colonel Buford, but it was one of the watch officers who stepped in at that point. “It’s more like attacking four brigades’ worth. The Republican Guard has top priority on equipment and manpower. For instance, a regular Iraqi Army armored brigade has three tank battalions of three tank companies each, while the Republican Guard has three tank battalions of four companies each. It’s like getting a free tank battalion. The same thing happens with their mechanized brigades. In effect they are at least a quarter stronger than an equivalent regular army unit.” Colonel Buford nodded in agreement.
“So, how did they do it?” asked Frank.
Excellent question! Colonel Buford fiddled with a keyboard and a close-up of a tactical map showed on the screen. “This is just an example from something we have been practicing. This isn’t from today. Anyway, this is an enemy battalion down here, spread out in a defensive position...” He used a laser pointer to start showing dots on the map. “ ... and here are the American positions of a tank company with some M-1s and Bradleys. The important thing is that before the battle even starts, we’ve had drones flying over the entire area, and have every enemy position pinpointed. More than that, those positions are downloaded into the computers in each American vehicle. When they attack, they will already know where the enemy positions are. When they roll into battle their guns will already be pointed at the enemy! They just need to find them in their sights and pull the trigger, and then move on to the next shot.”
“And that’s what they did?” asked Frank. “How many tanks did they destroy?”
“A Republican Guard armored division might have, on the books anyway, about 400 T-72 tanks, and about 250 BMPs, or some other armored personnel carriers. They also have about 12,000 or 13,000 troops. In reality, they don’t have that many T-72s, so they have maybe half that many and fill out the rest with older T-55s and T-62s. For all practical purposes the older tanks are nothing but moving targets, but against light infantry they are still pretty dangerous. From what we have been seeing, the Hammurabi Division doesn’t have any tanks left, and only a couple of dozen infantry vehicles.”
“How many soldiers did we have attacking?”
“Nowhere near as many. An American heavy armored brigade probably has about 100 tanks, tops, and maybe 5,000 troops. Believe me, they were on the short end of the ledger!” said the Colonel.
“What about the soldiers? Can’t they keep fighting?”
John McCain answered that one. “It doesn’t work that way, Frank. Combat is actually quite specialized. Tankers without a tank are just really lousy infantry. It’s the same for artillerymen without their guns.” I nodded agreement with that, since I knew just how right he was. “As for the infantry, most of their gear is on the vehicles, and right now they don’t even have food and water. They might as well just sit down and surrender.”
“The 1st Brigade deployed in a single long line, with the 2 nd Stryker right behind them as the reserve. The M-1s and Bradleys blew away the T-72s and BMPs and then kept rolling, blowing straight through the lines, and the Strykers came through on their asses, blowing away anything left over, like BMPs and trucks. Meanwhile, the drones kept reporting what was ahead of them, and the Apache gunships were shooting at things and watching the flanks. The plan now is to pivot to the east and smash the next division on the lineup, the 6th Nebuchadnezzar. That shouldn’t be any worse, because they suffered severely when attacking the 82nd in Azwya a few weeks ago.”
“And nobody was hurt? We didn’t lose anybody?” I pushed.
“We lost about half a dozen tanks and Bradleys from mechanical problems, thrown tracks and the like, and probably a couple of dozen guys got banged up bouncing around inside them. You always get that sort of thing,” he answered. He hesitated another second, and then added, “Mister President, these guys are really amped up. The 1st Brigade has taken to calling themselves the ‘Thunderbolt Brigade’, and the 2nd Strykers went in carrying a couple of battalions of Kurdish Peshmerga, and they are calling themselves ‘Task Force Thunderbolt.’ They even renamed the forward operating base in Erbil ‘Forward Operating Base Thunderbolt.’ When you were on television and called them the thunderbolts of the gods, they loved it! These guys are ready to invade Baghdad and just keep going!”
“Holy shit!” I muttered. I looked over at Tom Ridge and John McCain, both Viet Nam veterans. “Do you believe this?”
Tom threw his hands up in the air. “I mean, I get reports on this, and I’ve been to the bases to see the troops and all, but this ... I mean, I’ve been told about this, but you just don’t believe it.”
“Same here,” admitted the Vice President.
I looked over at Will Brucis. “We want to be real low key on this. I can see several possible outcomes. For one thing, tomorrow this may all break down and the Iraqis could hand us our cranks on a platter!” John snorted in amusement at that but nodded his head. “For another thing, even if that doesn’t happen, it might not work out so well, and we could still get stuck in a mess. And finally, I want to destroy the Republican Guard, not just win. If we start bragging, people are going to start thinking we should stop, like in ‘91. Nobody gets away free on this!” I thought for a second. “What’s the feeling from the press on this whole thing? What are you hearing the most from them?”
He gave me a wry look. “Probably the biggest thing is that we did this whole thing without inviting them to the party!”
“Excuse me?”
“They spend half their time comparing this to the Gulf War in ‘91. In that one Saddam Hussein was polite enough to give us six months to prepare, and every journalist in the world showed up and was officially embedded and linked up with a unit and given free satellite time. This time? We had the absolute rudeness to have a war and not invite the press! Not a one of them had ever even heard about Kurdistan before this and couldn’t have found it on a map with a laser pointer and a GPS. It is going way too fast for most of them, and we never geared up for public relations. Now it looks like we are going to defeat the Iraqis before the network anchors have managed to unpack their bags. Some of them are simply freaking out about that!”
I stared at Will for a moment and then broke out laughing. “Unbelievable! They are complaining because we are winning without giving them a chance to tell us how to do it.” I looked over at McCain. “And you want to be President? Have you lost your mind?”
John returned the laugh. “No more than you did.”
I shook my head. “I was a simple boy once, growing up in the Baltimore suburbs. How did I ever land here?” I turned back to the military people and stood up. “Gentlemen, ladies, I appreciate the information. Nothing you have told me here today makes me want to change the plan. Colonel, let the brass know that I want to keep the pressure on! Turn up the heat! Crush them!”
“Yes, sir. The plan is that by this time tomorrow the British will have begun swinging west, and they plan to hammer the 7th Adnan Infantry and finish them off. That will effectively surround them. Uh, what about prisoners, sir? We blew through the 1st Hammurabi and left a lot of stranded Iraqis behind. Should we collect them?”
I snorted. “What prisoners? No, I am not being quite that bloodthirsty. Send them home. Disarm them and point them south. They can walk. The 101 st can pen them up before they get back home. If they don’t like that, they can try walking north and taking it up with the Kurds. I want them out of the war for good.”
He nodded his head earnestly. “Understood, sir!”
At that, the briefing was over, with plans for another in a day or two. As I went back upstairs with John, I commented, “That colonel, I think this ops plan is his. If it works out, he’s not going to be a colonel much longer, and I won’t have to do a thing about it. He’ll be getting a boot upstairs.”
He snorted and smiled. “If it doesn’t work out, he won’t be a colonel much longer either.” He drew a thumb across his throat and made a gurgling sound.
“With your shield or on it, John. With your shield or on it.”
We had our next major briefing in five days, with the full National Security Council at the Pentagon. The progress was simply astonishing. After six days, the 1st Armored and 2nd Strykers had managed to annihilate three Republican Guard armored and mechanized divisions. The British 7th Armored had decided to get in on the fun, and while they weren’t quite as dialed into the drones, they had already managed to savage major parts of two divisions in the eastern corps. The 5th Baghdad Mechanized had made the only Iraqi offensive actions. Two brigades had attacked east into the 7th Armored, and another two had attacked south into the 101st. Both attacks were annihilated. It got better after that. The 173rd Airborne had managed to become motorized, with the help of transport battalions which Germany and Norway committed as part of their NATO obligations, and they were putting pressure on from the north. The Germans also offered, as did Norway, assistance with chemical weapons decontamination. The Republican Guard was being penned in and destroyed, and all they had to show for it were a lot of footsore soldiers marching home without any weapons.
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Note: This is part of a larger work featuring a Dragon called Norman. The land (the Kingdom) where he lives is not found on modern maps, and the stories are as passed down by the great story-tellers of history. It was/is written purely for fun. And yes, it is English English. If you are looking for a story loaded with sexual encounters, look elsewhere. Those who stay the course may find a little gentle amusement. Positive comments are welcome. © Handley_Page, 2011. From the annals of ‘Norman...
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Introduction: A quick and kinky supernatural bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read...
Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-96”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I live in a quiet...
Reddit Bad Dragon, aka r/BadDragon! Every time I think that I know everything, someone, somewhere, finds another way to fuck me up and make me lose all faith in humanity. You'll see what I mean by that at the end of this review if you stick around. Generally, weird fetishes are everywhere, but that's not what we're discussing today. I can't reveal everything, because that would make the review boring. But, I will give you all a little hint. It amazes me is what kind of shit people can fit up...
Reddit NSFW ListJulia and Chloe lay on the bed, talking and getting to know each other for several minutes. "Ya KNOW!!! Carl is gettin' lonely sittin' there, listenin' ta a couple o' hens cackling." Chloe observed. "We better take care of HIM, so HE will take care of US!!!" Julia nodded. "I know JUST HOW to do THAT!!!" she answered. "He loves to shower with a "little" help from his friend of the moment. I've seen him with ONE shower mate, but never TWO shower mates. Wonder how he'll handle THAT?" Carl had been...
This story features Sperm Donation and brutal sex was submitted 9 years ago as Episode 17, if you are counting, but deleted by xhamster.It has been softened slightly to appease the censors, but please do not read if easily offended by my fantasies.In BedEarly one Sunday morning Tony roused from a wet dream to find a young woman’s body straddling his prick and rubbing her tits up and down his chest.“Hush”, she purred “mustn't wake your step-sister”.Tony had already run his hands up and down her...
It was about a week prior to Christmas. Jess and Ryan were over Sophia and Warren's house. They had eaten dinner and were gathered in the living room, chatting. Warren's parents had taken Betsy overnight. They'd watched the Heisman Trophy ceremony, where Chad had finished third. Now, afterwards, they were just chatting. "So, it's a boy?" Sophia asked. "It's a boy," Jessie confirmed. "We had the ultrasound the other day." "Any names being bandied about?" "We've actually...
Sleeping in my own bed appealed to me, even if it wasn't as comfortable as the Mexico City's fancy bed. It belonged to me and no crazy drug dealer was likely to come for me. The Box House was cool at night, which was okay because it was summer and the temperature didn't get too cold. It was hot in the midday sun, but that wasn't too back because the ceiling fans kept the air moving, and the 20 inch box fan, I converted to an exhaust fan, pulled the stale air out and the fresh in. There...
An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger." The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk about?" "Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?" as he smiled smugly. "Okay," she said. "Those...
Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Inside, Julia gave me the shopping bag, instructing me to, "Choose which swimsuit you want to leave here, and we'll take the other one to my place." I could have done without being reminded of them, but it was a fairly easy choice. I'd leave the black and yellow one here. I don't wear yellow, so I'd be stupid to leave it as the only Speedo choice at Julia's place. Carol had chosen the bright red one, so I'd wear that one when we went to the Aquatic...
The rest of the week went by like a rocket; there were that many things going on. Tuesday and Wednesday finished out all the exams. Then there was graduation rehearsal, the dinners, and all the works. Graduation was at noon on Saturday. It was something to think about that nine of the graduating class either lived with me or worked for the JBG. All my mate's moms, dads, brothers and sisters were everywhere. I felt like a pig from all the fancy dinners I had to attend. So much so that almost...
Her evening with Shavon and Vanessa had been wildly thrilling, but as usual Laura was juggling too many affairs and had no time to rest. That very night, when she got home, she had a message from Cecilia on her answering machine. "Laura," Cecilia whispered, "I'm going to stop nursing. Doctor's orders. I should do it right now, but I want one last... [she giggled softly]... milk bath with you. Know what I mean? Give me a call. Soon. We can't wait." Laura felt her body tingle all over,...
“We were created to make the impossible possible.” —Vista Townsend, Synthetic Genesis WE HEADED OUT of the theater building, trying to spot Remas. She wasn’t in the lobby and we went on outside into the bright sunlight of late afternoon. Cindy tugged on my hand and pointed. The despondent figure was sitting on the edge of a fountain staring down at her phone. I headed toward her. Cindy didn’t let go of my hand. “Remas, it seems something was inadvertently left out of our contract,” I...
From a Friend of J & G. A man went to visit his doctor because his arm is hurting. “Doc, my arm hurts real bad. Can you check it out please?” the man pleads. The doctor rolls up the man’s sleeve and suddenly hears the arm talk. “Hello, Doctor” says the arm. “Could you lend me twenty bucks please? I’m desperate!” “Aha!” says the doctor. “I see the problem. Your arm is broke!” There was once a sheep farmer who had a French farm hand working with him to help castrate his sheep. As the...
I was up and had breakfast before 0500, expecting the Russians at their normal time. They were late - it was 0700 when they came in - but it gave me plenty of time to read updates. Everyone in the Middle East was angry about something. Hezbollah was sending dozens of rockets at Israel, Jordan and Egypt; the same rockets were misfiring, falling back on their own communities. Hamas and Hezbollah were infighting now in another power struggle. Some things never change. I checked in with Andy;...
Where are the twins and their big sister? Why aren’t they here? Spooned up behind the oldest of the four kids the cum sluts had brought into the hotel room, I couldn’t figure out why the twins and their big sister weren’t here. Everything they had told me made it clear that they didn’t have anywhere else to go unless the government picked them up and put them into foster care. I know for sure that the only clothes they had went into the dumpster as soon as Molly found the three of them in...
The twentieth of Wintermarch. The date of my wedding anniversary ... and another important event in my life: the birthday of the man I’d married. And I’d had no idea, at the time, that our wedding had fallen on the day we should have been celebrating his life. “The twentieth?” I asked. Alistair nodded, wincing. “As in, the twentieth of Wintermarch?” He flushed and looked away, trying to hide his guilty expression from me. “As in the day we got married?” My tone was rising with each sentence,...
Celina laid with her head on Adam's chest as it rose and lowered in rhythmic sleep. It was past midnight and she was in a deliriously good mood despite napping for only 30 minutes or so. A perfect evening had spawned an almost perfect night. For the first time in her life, Celina had willingly given herself to another person. There had been the usual fumbling that occurs when two people become intimate for the first time. But it had been unhurried and she was completely unabashed by...
Puff The Magic Dragon When I was fifteen, Mom and I moved into an apartment closer to where she worked. Mom was only thirty-two because she had gotten pregnant at sixteen and had me when she was seventeen. She was a good-looking woman and she was an exotic dancer at an upscale club just a block away. Her stage name was Bambi. The lady that lived upstairs from us was also an exotic dancer, named Puff Dragon. She worked at a place Mom always called sleazy and said that she would never...
The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...
The wizard and his dragon The old wizard lived alone with his dragon. The dragon was his best friend. The wizard would spend hours watching his crystal ball, the fair maiden that appeared in it fascinated him, for she was the fairest in all the land. He knew of her by Lady Louise of Berkshire , a name they called her as she walked through the village and the wood. She flirted with the male population, and brought smiles to all their faces. The wizard could only hope to meet her some day, to...
Love StoriesDay of the dragon CHAPTER 1 Dragons are monster that are born of the darkness of the earth. I have seen a dragon in my life. only one though. It was 5 years ago. I was 16 then. Back then, I was a little immature, and a little strange. Back then, my parents had died. I was depressed for a while. I remember that i used to lock myself in my room, and be alone. Besides my parents dying, my BF had left me. That PO'd me. I remember i literaly beat the crap out of him. That made me feel happy. Well,...
FantasyIt was three days' ride north, always in sight of the narrowing chasm, before we reached the bridge to the other side. At this point, the chasm narrowed to only a hundred feet, but the bridge that spanned it didn't seem solid enough to cross. I wondered, in fact, how they'd managed to construct it. "The Brothers Cho got tired of sending their goods around the chasm," Chang said. "It's nearly a hundred miles north to where the chasm ends in the mountains. Going south, the land...
There are many types of airships but a Dragon is one of the deadliest. I became a pilot for one and was sent to war. There is nothing like the feel of speeding just above the trees or making a strike. A side mission on the way back to base earns me a surprising gift. Of course the first taste of combat for my navigator was all he could take. Now it was time we took the fight to the enemy. I was ahead of my class in school and graduated early. That got me a shot to be a pilot. They had a single...
IN THE EARLY LIGHT of the morning, Steven George rose from the arms of his lover and faced the mountain. The wind had sprung up in the night and tugged at his hat. He took it from his head. A sheepskin, duck feathers, a snakeskin, a chicken bone, and two talismans. It was ridiculous. What could he have been thinking to make such fantastical stories about this hat? Something else had changed as well. Steven George no longer wished to slay a dragon. Still, the path lay directly before him, up...
The Holdian Commander sat across from me and watched Rock Hound working the controls of a Tabtil Tosser trying to win a game against the Takkian. Goal of the game was to maneuver a Tabtil that was a tetrahedron shaped object with different colored sides, inside the opponent’s colored holes, while tossing blockers with remote controlled catapults, to prevent the opponent doing the same to you. Almost every recreation room outfitted by the Navy had at least one of these boxy contraptions,...
There, amongst the remnants of the dead race, where their greatest queen reigned, two dragons lie dormant. One of pure evil, one of pure good, both yearning for a vessel, both lusting for a mate... She may be adequate for that purpose, our forlorn child... We shall see. "Silence, fools. We are close to the inner sanctum." The two mercenaries exchanged a annoyed look before continuing their path and Lunnara pretended not to notice. That's the thing about mercenaries, she thought, You can...
FantasyArya Stark was on one of her dancing master's lessons, chasing the black cat through the Red Keep. She was passing grumbling guards, surprised servants, and other gossiping nobles on her frantic mission. The youngest Stark girl's hair was bound back with a tie and she wasn't dressed like the noble young lady she was. Instead she had on her martial training outfit of a loose-fitting brown shirt that covered her swelling breasts while her skinny legs were protected by baggy pants. The last...
Sometimes traveling for work can be tedious. I am happy that I don't travel often, and usually the customer is waiting on me when I arrive. A couple of weeks ago, I traveled to Syracuse, New York, to assist with the start-up of a new machine. We had made a significant change to the hydraulic system and it could not be fully tested on our assembly floor. I needed to make and monitor a small programming change, so I expected to spend only four hours on site. After I arrived, I learned that my...
Wife LoversChapter 1: Dragon unveiledThe sharp sound of the alarm clock speared through Olivia's ears as she woke up. Her eyes were broad open but her body was still exhausted from the work that drained her through the week."It is Friday finally, just one more day!” Olivia tried to encourage herself, in an attempt to put some life in her complaining calves and back.The morning sun rays slowly seeped through glass panes and the warm sunlight bathed her over her body, after skidding on the morning dews. She...
Oral SexOne of my ex girlfriends loved this story but wouldn’t let her teenagers read it, she said it was too sensual. I told her OK if you say so lol. the story isn’t very long, point of fact most of the stories I have written are petty short but intense , that’s an apt word ———————————- With the rising of the sun, she awoke to the warmth of its glow, lying on the ledge, high on the mount near its crest. She felt its warmth on her scales, its light sparkling as it reflected back from her scales the...
‘Remember your breathing.’ Shinku said his voice barely above a whisper. The man didn’t seem to be rooted to the earth or affected by gravity at all. He was almost gliding over the hardwood flooring without so much as opening his eyes. His chest rose and fell with perfect rhythm that set the pace for the rest of his movements. It was almost like he was dancing across the floor but dance wasn’t a powerful enough word to describe him. What Shinku was doing was refined and beautiful but it was not...
I began my career in law enforcement as a Chicago beat cop. Since I was female with a cover-girl body, some favors were sent my way an in no time I passed my Detective exam and was promoted immediately. They needed a pretty face to take some heat off of their normal hiring policies and the pay was good, I loved what I was doing and who cares if my being promoted was political, I was still promoted and happy. Our division centered most of our efforts on the gangs with the most power, which meant...
How had I got myself into this situation, I was asking myself. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? Well, the answer was — if I was being truthful with myself, that is — that it wasn't what I had done; it was more a question of what I hadn't done. Sound confusing to you? Yeah, me, too, but now it was time for me to do something drastic, and bloody quickly as well, before things reached the point of no return. Let's go back a little and I'll try to explain what happened. What it had...
-Monolith at Midnight- Setting the scene of this romantic rendezvous, or rather, this prince rescuing the princess moment, the night’s sky was beautiful. The dual moons were high in the starry heavens, bathing the world beneath them in a calming and harmonious mellow glow. The stars shone in strange and bizarre patterns, like ripples being created by rain drops. Not a cloud could be seen Apart from James, garbed in his new handsome light blue robe and the little blue ferret sleeping...
Turbulence rocked the small aircraft, sending Zeke’s stomach into a tailspin. This is better than a roller coaster, he thought, although he wished for a smoother flight. Flying wasn’t one of his favorite things to do, but it would become a necessary evil in his line of work. Thankfully, he didn’t have to pay for this one. His flight from Sarasota to Detroit had gone very smooth, but the commuter shuttle from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio was rough almost from the start. Wind and rain battered the...
Welcome to the quaint viking island village of Berk where it snows eights months out of the year and hails the other four. If someone were to ask you to describe the location you would tell them that it is "...just south of freezing to death and far north of absolute nowhere, a place fit for only the strongest and hardiest of people, but we vikings make do with it". You are Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III altgough you tend to shorten it to Hiccup Haddock and most people you know, which is quite...
But then there it was. An apartment building, not different like the others in the block, but it radiated with the knowledge that your goal was within. So you approached, luckily you had not to ring the bell as someone just came home and held the door open for you as you approached - obviously believing you lived here as well. But you glanced at the name-tags at the entrance to make sure you knew which floor to go. Floor 14; out of 30. You went with the stranger into the elevator, that...
I’d heard the ’pop’ of champagne cork often before, but tonight it was remarkably more of an aphrodisiac than I was used to. The white, frothy liquid began to overflow from the bottle,almost to foreshadow the night’s coming attractions. Yes, it reminded me of a nice big cock releasing its creamy white after sucking it, gagging on it, and jerking it off for an hour or two.We stood in my open kitchen, toasting the night by clinking our champagne flutes together and slowly made our way to the...
The knowledge that Durin's body wasn't in the crypt built for him here in Peloi was one of those details that slipped past us in our rush to get here, I guess. Like Sid's not being aware of what could happen to an unattached Wizard. I shared the general dismay over the lack of new information here as well, but everything now was colored by my efforts to resist the call I was feeling from the ocean nearby. It called to me in a way no body of water ever had. That it called was exciting...
A Treatice on the Draconic Inhabitants of Sindara Written and Published by Alctios Firestand, Archmage of the Royal Mystic University in Argendale Physically, the planet Sindara bears many similarities with own. We orbit the same sun, both have two moons, most of the planet is covered in watery oceans, similar atmospheres, etc. etc. This volume is not about the planet itself (although if you are more intrested in the geology and natural history of the two worlds, the book of my colleague,...
FantasyI twiddled my thumbs nervously as I stared out the large transparent-aluminum viewing port that was designed to show off the docking ships. Normally I wouldn't have been uptight, but currently there was only one ship docked at the star-base and it was a "Dragon" owned ship. My chances , it seemed, of getting out of my 6 month unemployment streak were slim. Most of the humanoid dragons preferred to keep a pretty straight-forward crew of just "Dragons", but there were occasions...
*** Dana, the huntmistress of the Serpent King, she who was known in the land as Dragon Queen, blew down the dusty corridor in a powerful stride. Servants scuttled to corners to allow her passage, their heads jerking low in subservience. Guards snapped to attention and prayed she did not have time to notice any minor lapse in protocol. “Lady Dana! Truly a pleasure to catch you – might I trouble you for a moment of your time?” A minor noble, a lad of barely sixteen summers, tried to...
...Is the most common thing you hear as you fly swiftly over the endless landscape of fields and open farmland. Commonfolk look up and point as your mighty figure swoops over the land and cower as you beat your powerful wings. ”A dragon indeed,” you think as you think about where you are going to settle down for the night. You have no land of your own and you have no idea what types of dragons live in this area either. You see a formidable rock formation on top of a hillside in the distance....
FantasyThe rift between realms remained open for eight days before closing. Dragons and their cousins came through and spread like ants. There was no one that lived to give a number as the dragons and drakes flew away. Huge lizards crawled and ate anything green and wingless dragons hunted anything that moved. My father was a smith and my mother a mage alchemist. I did not have magic and did not want to be a smith. I did enjoy the way a weapon felt in my hand. When the dragons began raiding and...
Work was progressing nicely, and the base was down. The eight airlocks were in place, and the bottom 4m of perpendicular walls had gone up. The supports for the dome roof had been erected. They were waiting to be covered. This dome didn’t have the same radius in its height to its base. It more closely resembled the top third of a ball after being cut-off. Unlike the dome on the ship, this dome appeared smokier, due to the intense light. The glass’s special properties were going to be very...
“A dance?” Clara exclaimed, stunned. “You must be joking!”She sat at a kitchen table, knife in one hand and a half-peeled apple in the other, staring at her aunt as if the older woman had grown a second head. Ingrud, not stopping as she peeled an apple as well, shook her head.“No. It’s the way of it in Gulder.” She tossed the peel in a bucket of scraps. “We celebrate the sacrifice. When your aunt Helga…”“There is an army of demons less than a week from here!” Clara interrupted.“When your aunt...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“For God’s sake, Peter. Couldn’t you turn up on time just once? You know Geoffrey’s away and we’re short-staffed at the best of times.”It was Mrs. Turner doing the berating and I was the Peter who was being berated. I was a waiter in a small seaside hotel, having breezed into town for the summer and chanced upon this job. It required little in the way of talent or skill, but I think she had hired me because I was polite and well-spoken, neither of which I could take much credit for. You get...
Straight Sex"Rhonda," I squeaked as I turned to look at her. "You can't say things like that. I can't..." She stomped her feet into her boots and stormed out the back door. Shit! I couldn't have Rhonda saying things like that. I left the bread in the bowl and grabbed my boots. She was already in Gypsy's stall when I got to the barn. I didn't bother with either Princess or Jingo. I went into the same stall and put my hands on her shoulders. She stiffened. "Rhonda. Honey. You can't say things...
It was late in a summer evening and Celestia's sun was drifting down over the canopy of the Everfree Forest. The young dragon had recently had his twentieth birthday and had therefore been allowed by his older sister to explore the Everfree by himself. A task he quite often used to gather gems for his beloved Rarity, often alongside her but sometimes when she was busy or if he wanted to surprise her he went alone. Today was one of those days. "It's getting late though." He thought to himself,...