Living Next Door To Heaven 1107: Slaying The Dragon free porn video

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"Rhonda," I squeaked as I turned to look at her. "You can't say things like that. I can't..."

She stomped her feet into her boots and stormed out the back door. Shit! I couldn't have Rhonda saying things like that. I left the bread in the bowl and grabbed my boots.

She was already in Gypsy's stall when I got to the barn. I didn't bother with either Princess or Jingo. I went into the same stall and put my hands on her shoulders. She stiffened.

"Rhonda. Honey. You can't say things like that. I won't ever say that. I can't. I won't. The police submitted their report," I stumbled along. She shrugged my hands off her shoulders and turned to face me.

"No, you can't," she said softly. "Even if I know it. And Josh knows it. And everyone in your casa knows it. And everyone in your clan knows it. And even your family knows it. Even though every single one of them think you are a hero for it, including me. You can't admit to killing the worthless fucking son of a bitch that raped and murdered our girlfriend. Choked on his own dick? How ironic. Just like Tommy Westerling has three broken ribs, a broken nose, and a broken arm. How similar to what he did to me. It wasn't irony. You caught that bastard masturbating on our girlfriend's grave. You knocked him out. The police report said he probably didn't even know he was choking to death because he was already unconscious. It makes no difference. Even though he was a monster—a murderer—the worst kind of scum the world has ever known. Even though you can't ever admit to killing him, you still feel guilty."

It was like she was whipping me. I wanted to reach out and slap her—make her stop. I slammed my hands into my pockets and backed against the wall of the stall. I couldn't take it.

"Why wouldn't I feel guilty?" I cried. "I'm no better than him. I was going to make him confess. And then I saw him and I got so angry. I became him. A murderer. Have you got that Rhonda? I'm a murderer. Yes, he deserved to die. Yes, he was a monster. But just maybe, if there is such a thing as God, he'd already taken care of it. He was already dying of an overdose. What right did I have speeding things up? What do you want, Rhonda?" I'd sunk to my knees on the piss and manure coated straw. I was done for. I'd go to jail.

"Look at me, Brian!" she snapped. I raised my eyes. I could see only torture and torment. "I killed our baby! You're a hero. You brought God's vengeance home on one who deserved to suffer. I took all my pills and tried to kill myself and all I succeeded in doing was killing our baby." Tears were running from her eyes and she had her fists clenched as she leaned against Gypsy for support.

"That's different, Rhonda. It wasn't even a viable life. You were alone and frightened."

"Damned right it's different!" she shouted. "Don't give me all the crap about viability and only ten weeks and not a crime. I've heard it all from Dr. McCall. I wasn't raped. I wasn't drugged or forced. I murdered the fruit of our love. I aborted a little piece of us. That little fetus was our son or daughter. He wasn't a rapist or a murderer. He wasn't a monster. He didn't deserve to die. I thought I was being brave and doing what had to be done to protect and save the ones I loved. I was a coward. How can you feel guilty about killing that animal and not understand what a terrible person I am? I left our group. I broke up with all the people I loved. I let Tommy Westerling ... use me any way he wanted ... because I deserved it."

"No. You didn't deserve it. You were only sixteen."

"That's not all."

"No. Please."

"The day he beat me up, I was coming here. I was running away to come back to you. You sent me the invitation. And that was the day ... the day ... I found out I was pregnant again." Oh fucking hell! NO! "I thought now I could come back and it would be like I never left and we'd have our child. And he beat it out of me! God wouldn't let me have what I killed."

"Rhonda, please," I whispered. "It doesn't make a difference."

"It does. You only knew about the ribs and the arm and the nose. You didn't know. Not only will Tommy never have children because you crushed his balls. I'll never have children because he crushed my ovaries. I'll never be able to bear your children, Brian. I'm damaged goods. I deserved it all. I deserved to be punished."

Rhonda was on her knees now, facing me. Gypsy shifted to see what was happening. God, just let me die. I can't stand any more.

"And you want to forgive me," Rhonda rasped. "You want me to be the way I was. I can't be. You want me to be happy. I'm not. Now you know. You don't have to pretend to love me anymore."

Pretend? How could she think that? Even now I loved her.

"You want to be punished?" I demanded. "You think you can ever be punished enough for what you did? Fine. I'll punish you. God damn it, Rhonda! Every night when you go to bed—every morning when you wake up—you look at your foot. You put those words there. I want you to read them every day for the rest of your life and know that I still love you. And when you go to sleep at night, do it knowing that in the morning I'll still love you. And no matter what you do or whatever happens, I'm still going to love you. It's not you you're punishing. I understand now. It's me you're punishing. It's Samantha you're punishing. Every minute you spend wallowing in your guilt you spend punishing us."

"I'm not!"

"You are! You did what you did to protect me. You did what you knew I'd do to protect you. You know what I did. So now you're punishing me for it. Fine. Look at your foot. I still love you. That's your punishment."

She wailed. The sound was so heartrending I collapsed forward and she pitched toward me. I barely caught her and she sobbed against me.

"How can I take it? How can I take so much love? Brian, I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. Please, don't just forgive me. Help me. Help me live because so much love might kill me. I don't want to die anymore. I want to live. I want to love."

It was a long ways from over. Even if we called it a breakthrough, I knew it was just a step. It's easy to slay a dragon. It's harder to wake up in the morning and face yourself in the mirror. But life, in the form of school, work, basketball, college, homework, cooking, horses—life just doesn't give you time to sit and lick your wounds.

Winter break came a week before the season ended. Everybody grumbled about having to come back to practice for our last games of the season during the break and that no one would attend it anyway. Nonetheless, we played Friday night after school let out for the break and would play again Friday night before school started up again. Coach had mercy and told us we wouldn't practice until Wednesday.

Anna stepped in to make sure we didn't get any more break than we had to. Jen, Court, and I had already planned to cut classes at IU Monday and Tuesday. We'd get spring break there in March. But Anna had managed to empty her house of almost everything. She'd sold the furniture and brought anything that we could use to our place. She was ready to put it on the market except that the whole thing needed to be painted. Guess who got drafted. Not just the girls and me, but the whole casa.

"You always want an excuse to spend time together and there is a big empty house where you can run around naked all day if you want. But every room needs a fresh coat of paint. All the trim needs to be painted. The whole house needs to be cleaned spotless for the stager to come in. Help me with this and I promise you will be rewarded," she said. "I'm not going to say how, but you will like it."

Everyone brought their stuff to my house Friday night after the game and Saturday morning we left for Kokomo. I had enough episodes of 'Young Cooking' in the can that we were only recording next Saturday during the break and then not slated to record again until after Hoosier Hysteria. I'd made that a requirement. We had a basketball team that could go all the way and that meant games every Saturday in March. We had no idea what the cryptic 'You will be rewarded' comment was all about, but there was a certain appeal to the idea of running around naked for four days.

Of course, that wouldn't happen on Saturday. Anna came with us, gave us the key to the house. Walked through the whole house with the twelve of us, pointing out what needed to be done. Then she took four of us to Menards and we bought gallons and gallons of paint—all the same off-white they called eggshell—cleaning supplies, paint brushes and rollers, tarps, and two step ladders. And rolls and rolls of tape. By noon we had our supplies, our first order of pizza, and were ready to start covering, taping, and painting.

Anna stayed through the afternoon and then disappeared after she'd ordered us Chinese take-out for dinner. Our first priority had been to paint and thoroughly clean the living room. It was the biggest room in the house and after dinner we hauled the foam mattresses out of the car and spread them out. Sleeping bags and blankets came next along with everyone's overnight bag.

"I need a shower," Rose announced. She started stripping off her clothes as she headed for the main bath.

"I'm with you," Liz said. Her bare freckled butt was soon following Rose to the bathroom.

"Is it okay to use the Master Bath?" Nicki asked. Her clothes were mostly in a pile at her feet and I saw that the general move to strip was well underway in the room.

"Only if you shower with the master," Courtney laughed.

"Oh. That's okay. Brian, will you come and shower with me, master?"

"I'll shower with you, Nicki, but none of this 'master' stuff, okay?"

"Oh, poo, Brian. You chemists have no sense of humor," Mary laughed.

"We do, too," I said.

"I don't think you've ever even told a joke," Samantha laughed.

"Okay. How's this? Two chemists walk into a bar. The first chemist says, 'I'll have H2O.' The second chemist says, 'Yeah. I'll have H2O, too.' The second chemist dies." They all looked at me blankly.

"Huh?" Jennifer finally said.

"You see? You guys just have no sense of humor," I said. I headed for the shower to join Nicki.

We didn't really fool around much. Well, no more than two naked people in a shower ... Well, we didn't fuck. Nicki came on my hand while I was sucking her nipples under the flow. Loudly.

"I'll have what she had, please," Jen said from the doorway to the shower. Nicki stepped out a little wobbly. Jen and Court pushed their way in. I sure hoped we didn't run out of hot water.

Giving Jen what Nicki had involved me getting on my knees and looking up past her pussy while I tongued her clit. No sooner was that done than Courtney took her place and Jen held her up by the boobs as she nearly collapsed on my face. The two girls got out of the shower and I finally got a chance to wash the paint out of my hair.

"Will you wash my hair?" Rhonda asked. "Like you used to?" I was a little embarrassed to have Rhonda get in the shower with me. After Nicki, Jen, and Courtney, I was sporting a rock hard erection that I'd intended to relieve before I got out of the shower. But I welcomed her and she didn't seem to mind bumping into me.

"It looks like you haven't been in your professional caretaker mode while you were washing the other girls," Rhonda giggled. I massaged the shampoo into her hair and she kept bumping into my cock. Accidentally, of course. I kept trying to move back out of the way, but she kept shifting and making contact.

"I'm afraid I'm not being very professional about this shower with you, either," I said as she rinsed her hair.

"You don't have to be professional. Will you, wash me. You know?" She hesitated, looking into my eyes. "I really ... want to feel you touching me. Please?"

I couldn't pass up a request like that. I soaped her with my hands, gently rubbing her breasts and progressing down across her tummy and her back to wash her pubes and her ass. I felt her hand grip my cock and almost jumped out of the shower. But it was her move.

"That feels nice, Rhonda," I said. "If you do that, though, I'm not going to be able to hold back." I rubbed across her mound and dipped a little lower. I went slowly to give her a chance to back away. She didn't.

"I used to tell you all the time that I didn't mind if you went ahead," she said, leaning against me as we stroked each other. "Now I really want you to go ahead. I like the way it feels when you touch me, but it ... I don't think I can have an orgasm."

Well, that simple statement made me determined to prove her wrong, but when I increased my pressure and movement, she pushed my hand away. She didn't stop stroking my cock, though.

"Let me help you, honey," I said.

"Not yet. It's not punishment, Brian. Don't jump to conclusions. My body is almost healed, but I'm not ready for that yet. Please touch my breasts and let me kiss you."

I moved my hand over her tummy and up to her breasts as she lifted her lips to mine. It was a tentative kiss but hopeful. As our lips parted and our tongues touched—oh god! For the first time since that Labor Day weekend two years ago—her hand stroked one more time on my cock and I erupted as she continued jacking me. I shuddered, almost too sensitive for the pressure she was using but wanting with every fiber of my being for her to not let go.

"I'm getting better, Brian. I promise, I'm getting better. I love you."

"Hey, cutie," I said as Samantha cuddled up next to me. "I expected you to join the parade in the shower. Where did you disappear to?"

"I'm really horny, Brian," she whispered. "I want you to fuck me, not just eat me or touch me." I reached for her to give her what she wanted. "Wait. I have to tell you something. I should have talked to you first but you were busy."

"What is it, Sam?"

"I jacked Josh off in the other shower."

"Sam! What about Cassie? Don't hurt our girlfriend."

"I knew you'd be more concerned about that than Sam touching another boy," Cassie said as she cuddled up next to me on the other side. "Please don't be mad at us, Brian."

"I'm not mad, but I'm concerned. You have something very special going with Josh, Cassie. I guess I just don't understand," I said. "Are you on the outs? Why are you cuddled up with me?"

"I'm cuddled up with you because my hearthmate and friend was panicked about what you would think when I asked her to take care of Josh," Cassie said. "Brian, Josh and I are going to become lovers. I think—not yet, but eventually—we are going to get married. But I just went on birth control and I don't really know much about pleasing a guy except what you have taught me, and that really wasn't much, you know. I asked Sam to show me. Be fair, Brian. Josh is with all of us all the time, now. We're naked whenever we can be. There are ten beautiful women in the room and you are in the shower making them scream. Josh gets horny, too. I didn't know how to help, so I asked Sam to help."

"Josh was okay with it?"

"Not at first," Sam said. "Like you, his first question was 'what about Brian?' I told him this wasn't a regular thing and we aren't going to be compañera or even amiga. But that none of the girls were going to torture him. Cassie kissed him while I used my hand. She and Mary watched."

"Mary, too?"

"She has the least experience in the casa, but she is curious, too," Cassie said. "It wouldn't surprise me if she ... helps me sometimes."

"Speaking of which, will you make love to me now, Brian?" Sam asked. Her hand found my cock and I responded pretty quickly.

"Of course I will, cutie," I smiled. I kissed her.

"You could help me a little, too," Cassie said. "Josh and I aren't ready to do it together because we both know that when he puts his hand down there the first time, there's going to be no stopping before we go all the way." I felt her hand join Samantha's. She was just lightly touching me and following Sam's movements. I kissed her and my right hand moved down between us as Cassie spread her legs slightly.

"This is important," Sam said. "Even if you and Josh are exclusive when you start, you need to know how to do this." She held up a condom package in front of Cassie's face.

"How do you do it?" Cassie squeaked. Samantha gave Cassie step-by-step instructions and helped her roll the condom down my rampant cock. Cassie and I had held each other naked before and had even had mutual orgasms as we rubbed against each other. But we'd only once actually put our hands on each other's privates. Feeling her hold me erect while Samantha sank down on me was a new experience. Feeling the wet folds of her pussy part before my fingers was almost too much.

Samantha took over kissing me as she pumped up and down on me. Cassie was shuddering against me.

"I'm still fully intact," Cassie whispered in my ear. "Please don't put your finger inside me. I want to come when you and Samantha come."

"I know you aren't lez, Cass," Sam gasped. "But I don't mind being touched by a girl when we're making love. Why don't you hold Brian's balls so you can feel him pumping into me? If you touch me a little, I really don't mind."

"I feel so evil but I'm so turned on," Cassie squeaked.

"I don't think I'm going to last long," I said as I felt Cassie's hand caress my balls. My finger had found her clit and she was gasping beside me.

"You ... don't ... need ... to-oooo," Samantha whined in my ear. She bit into my shoulder as she came and the balls Cassie held started jumping. So did Cassie as she humped against my finger.

"I just love the smell over here," Whitney said. "We're going to have to clean the house all over again before we leave Wednesday." I pulled her to me. Samantha had collapsed at my side and Cassie had crawled over to sleep next to Josh. I craned my neck around to try to see where everyone else was.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Besides being horny? Yeah. Rhonda is cuddled up with Rose. They are so cute. It's like Rose is her mother holding a baby. Jen and Court are ... well, Jen and Court. Nicki and Liz are plotting something. Cassie and Mary are next to Josh. And you have an unconscious Samantha and a six-foot-three Amazon with a swamp between her legs. If you can't take care of me now, you get me when you wake up. The first time."

I was almost asleep when she curled up next to me, but when my fingers found the swamp, I woke up enough to roll on a condom and bury myself. We went to sleep that way. We woke up to a mutual wet dream with both of us climaxing. What the body wants, the body will have.

We finished the painting Monday night. All day Tuesday we cleaned and scrubbed. Josh and I raked and mowed the yard, trimmed the hedge, and power-washed the garage and driveway. It was still cold out, but there was no snow on the ground here so we managed to do a pretty good job of it. We even got up on the ladders and cleaned the gutters. Nobody wanted to mess up the bathrooms so after we'd packed up all our shit, we locked the door and went home.

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Curse of the dragon

Chapter 1: Dragon unveiledThe sharp sound of the alarm clock speared through Olivia's ears as she woke up. Her eyes were broad open but her body was still exhausted from the work that drained her through the week."It is Friday finally, just one more day!” Olivia tried to encourage herself, in an attempt to put some life in her complaining calves and back.The morning sun rays slowly seeped through glass panes and the warm sunlight bathed her over her body, after skidding on the morning dews. She...

Oral Sex
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Note : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...

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Flight of the Dragon

One of my ex girlfriends loved this story but wouldn’t let her teenagers read it, she said it was too sensual. I told her OK if you say so lol. the story isn’t very long, point of fact most of the stories I have written are petty short but intense , that’s an apt word ———————————- With the rising of the sun, she awoke to the warmth of its glow, lying on the ledge, high on the mount near its crest. She felt its warmth on her scales, its light sparkling as it reflected back from her scales the...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 19 Release the Dragon

-Monolith at Midnight- Setting the scene of this romantic rendezvous, or rather, this prince rescuing the princess moment, the night’s sky was beautiful. The dual moons were high in the starry heavens, bathing the world beneath them in a calming and harmonious mellow glow. The stars shone in strange and bizarre patterns, like ripples being created by rain drops. Not a cloud could be seen Apart from James, garbed in his new handsome light blue robe and the little blue ferret sleeping...

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The Red Dragon

I began my career in law enforcement as a Chicago beat cop. Since I was female with a cover-girl body, some favors were sent my way an in no time I passed my Detective exam and was promoted immediately. They needed a pretty face to take some heat off of their normal hiring policies and the pay was good, I loved what I was doing and who cares if my being promoted was political, I was still promoted and happy. Our division centered most of our efforts on the gangs with the most power, which meant...

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Choices John And The Dragon

How had I got myself into this situation, I was asking myself. Why me? What had I done to deserve this? Well, the answer was — if I was being truthful with myself, that is — that it wasn't what I had done; it was more a question of what I hadn't done. Sound confusing to you? Yeah, me, too, but now it was time for me to do something drastic, and bloody quickly as well, before things reached the point of no return. Let's go back a little and I'll try to explain what happened. What it had...

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Double Dragon

‘Remember your breathing.’ Shinku said his voice barely above a whisper. The man didn’t seem to be rooted to the earth or affected by gravity at all. He was almost gliding over the hardwood flooring without so much as opening his eyes. His chest rose and fell with perfect rhythm that set the pace for the rest of his movements. It was almost like he was dancing across the floor but dance wasn’t a powerful enough word to describe him. What Shinku was doing was refined and beautiful but it was not...

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The new girl feet and dragonslaying

On the slayer school for girls the class was really curious. A new member came to them today and she was from the city.She was very different. At first she had shoes and even socks.When meeting her new comrades they compared each others feet. The feet of the slayer girls where dirty, long and muscular. Sexy too.Her feet where hidden, so the first thing they told her was: "Strip your feet".She stared at them, opened her eyes and said: "What? Why?"."Dragonslaying is a traditional barefoot sport,...

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A Fresh StartChapter 163 Kurdish Dragon

The Sunday news shows all ran the footage from the Brooks and Shield interview, and the chattering classes all pontificated on what it meant. The liberals were rather unhappy with my barbaric worldview and the conservatives couldn’t understand why I hadn’t gone after Iraq in 2001 when I had my first chance. The only one who seemed to understand, or at least was able to express it cogently, was Bob Schieffer, on Face the Nation. He devoted his personal essay piece to it. “President...

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Housing A Dragon

Turbulence rocked the small aircraft, sending Zeke’s stomach into a tailspin. This is better than a roller coaster, he thought, although he wished for a smoother flight. Flying wasn’t one of his favorite things to do, but it would become a necessary evil in his line of work. Thankfully, he didn’t have to pay for this one. His flight from Sarasota to Detroit had gone very smooth, but the commuter shuttle from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio was rough almost from the start. Wind and rain battered the...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 252 Matthew Douglas

Back in Indianapolis on Wednesday afternoon, Barb handed me the envelope with our copy of the contract and a check for $150,000. She suggested that I go straight to a First Bank branch and deposit it. Heaven, Maggie, and I had gone out to a very nice dinner in a restaurant that catered to clientele who didn't want to be bothered. Barb, Conrad, and Patty Stills had worked on the contract until close to midnight. Our phone had been ringing before we got back to the hotel and we left the fine...

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How to Slay Your Dragon

Welcome to the quaint viking island village of Berk where it snows eights months out of the year and hails the other four. If someone were to ask you to describe the location you would tell them that it is "...just south of freezing to death and far north of absolute nowhere, a place fit for only the strongest and hardiest of people, but we vikings make do with it". You are Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III altgough you tend to shorten it to Hiccup Haddock and most people you know, which is quite...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 246 Strictly Business

At the ranch, Joanne was antsy as all get-out. Maggie wanted to continue her production meeting and I had to agree. That was why Joanne was back at the ranch, after all. We had a lot of ground to cover in hammering out the details of when we would shoot the pilot and how we would structure the show. Joanne wanted to go to bed. What a difference. She'd gone from my one-time wannabe to all-the-time horny. Once we'd gotten through the afternoon meeting and dinner, there was no stopping her...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 271 Handling Pressure

The shoot on Friday went perfectly. Three tabloids had various photos of Heaven and Adam. They always seem to use the worst photos they can dig up. "Adam cast out of paradise," one headline screamed. "Broken-hearted Heaven betrayed!" said another. "Football star had relations in the locker room." "How Heaven is coping with betrayal." "Rampaging model banishes gay 'boyfriend.'" LARA: Oh, my goodness, Heaven! Look at these tabloids! You poor thing. HEAVEN: Oh, don't let those...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 235 Heaven

I had fun with the moms of pregnant girls. Anna 'Darling' and Nona 'Love' attended as Doug's and Doreen's moms. Theresa talked her mother and Larry's mother into joining them for the show. Doris Trane and Regina Evars were there with Sugar. ME: Sugar? Are you making an announcement today? SUGAR: No, Chef Brian. But it isn't for lack of trying. I thought by rubbing elbows ... or bellies ... with Doreen and Theresa, it might rub off on me. My mother is putting the pressure...

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The Girl With The Angry Dragon

I’d heard the ’pop’ of champagne cork often before, but tonight it was remarkably more of an aphrodisiac than I was used to. The white, frothy liquid began to overflow from the bottle,almost to foreshadow the night’s coming attractions. Yes, it reminded me of a nice big cock releasing its creamy white after sucking it, gagging on it, and jerking it off for an hour or two.We stood in my open kitchen, toasting the night by clinking our champagne flutes together and slowly made our way to the...

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You and Azure the WinterDragon

But then there it was. An apartment building, not different like the others in the block, but it radiated with the knowledge that your goal was within. So you approached, luckily you had not to ring the bell as someone just came home and held the door open for you as you approached - obviously believing you lived here as well. But you glanced at the name-tags at the entrance to make sure you knew which floor to go. Floor 14; out of 30. You went with the stranger into the elevator, that...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 239 Letdown

I didn't stick around. I went to visit the baby. After my in-laws had done their thing they left Wednesday morning. I'd been too busy this week to pay attention to them. I'd hardly played with Maddie at all. I opened the door and called out. "Anybody home? Can I visit the baby?" I called. Out of the guest room, Doreen came running and threw herself into my arms. The kiss I got was heartfelt. "Come and lie down with the baby," Doreen said. We went into the guest room where the bed was...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 234 Pros

"Oh! Wow! This is it!" Elaine said as we applauded. "My own television show. I am so excited. I'm Elaine Frost. Welcome to Chick Chat, the show where girls talk." ELAINE: Look! I have new chairs and a new table. We have new lights. I have a new hairdo. I even have a new dress! Like it? My producer warned me that the camera adds ten pounds, so I asked Leonard to make my dress ten pounds smaller. And I love it. It makes me feel so sexy. Girls love to feel sexy. Guys don't understand...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 247 Implosion

I missed my ride and had to call home to get someone to come and pick me up. Courtney arrived in the Suburban and I got in the passenger seat. She was out of her seatbelt and into my lap, leaving the car running, but fortunately in park. "Can you take me someplace and fuck me? Spank my butt and ream my asshole. Anything you want, Brian. Please fuck me!" she pled while peppering my face with kisses. The short little skirt she was wearing rode up over her butt while she was squirming and I...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2121 Heaven Canrsquot Wait

Joanne was scooped out of my arms by Amy who carried her between Donna and me back to the big house. All the time she was whispering, “I didn’t do it, sweetheart. I’ll only ever protect you. Please don’t send me away again. I didn’t do it.” Amazingly, Joanne seemed to relax in Amy’s arms and her hand came up to rest on the former Marine’s chest. After a short debate, we decided to take her to the big bedroom rather than to her own house. Mom and Anna were still in the master suite, but none...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 238 Childhoods End

ME: Lionel, I don't usually make much out of things like this. But did you know you are a foot and a half taller than me? LIONEL: Brian, I met you in seventh grade. I've always been a foot and a half taller than you! ME: But what are you doing here? On Young Cooking? I thought I was going to have the IU Lady Hoosier basketball team with me today. Did you know they actually have a player who is shorter than me? LIONEL: So you aren't actually too short to play basketball. You're just the...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 1116 Commencing

The foot rub never got off the ground. There was just too much excitement when we got home and our casa crashed in my room. Rhonda wore socks, even though she was otherwise naked like the rest of us. We sat around talking about the new company, how she'd arrived at the name Hearthstone Entertainment, and millions of questions that didn't have answers yet, but Rhonda had a clipboard and was jotting down notes. Eventually, we just sort of collapsed in a pile. There was a fair amount of...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 212 Rat Bastard

Nicki, Cassie, Josh, and Mary were already back in Mishawaka. School started for Cassie and Josh on Thursday. Nicki's family was leaving for Rhode Island on Monday. The other eleven of us in Casa del Fuego cuddled in the harem tent upstairs and talked softly. I had no idea how Drew had died. I didn't care. I just knew I needed to be there for Joanne. I looked at Donna. "Donna, honey, do you want to go with me? You are Joanne's closest friend from school," I said. She shook her...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 248 Sisters

"Want to talk?" I asked. I hadn't spent any time with Joanne since the blowup at the table. Adam planned to drive the bus back to Indianapolis and take Joanne and Amy to the airport in the afternoon. When Amy said it was time to take Heaven her coffee in the morning, I volunteered to take it up to her. "Nothing really to talk about," she said after she'd thanked me for the coffee. "I was wrong. I owe everyone in your household an apology and I'll give it to them as soon as I'm...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2105 In the Blood

Lionel and Sugar showed up at the ranch before Independence Day along with their kids, Leon, Leann, and Honey. It was great to see them and I think Lamar and Donna were happy they'd moved out of the barn duplex. For all its appearance as a simple little dwelling in the village, Lamar and Donna had a huge house and absorbed Lionel's family without a problem. The kids showed up at the silo the next morning. Sugar stood at the door with Honey in her arms and watched as we went through the...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 17 The Anvil of the Dragons

The knowledge that Durin's body wasn't in the crypt built for him here in Peloi was one of those details that slipped past us in our rush to get here, I guess. Like Sid's not being aware of what could happen to an unattached Wizard. I shared the general dismay over the lack of new information here as well, but everything now was colored by my efforts to resist the call I was feeling from the ocean nearby. It called to me in a way no body of water ever had. That it called was exciting...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 233 Angel Home

Nobody could sit still on Saturday. Even Theresa and Larry were buzzing when they came out to see their horses. Donna had her crew cooking from right after we finished forms. I'd never been so thankful that we'd put in a separate twenty-eight cubic foot freezer. She was filling it with everything we would need to eat for the next week while she was with Heaven. Everyone else from all casa were cleaning, mowing, policing the grounds, and trimming bushes. The new gate and entryway to the...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 2120 World Disorder

That’s how it happened that on Tuesday morning, I was in the kitchen and had decided I’d turn on the television to watch the new hostess on The Homemakers’ Hour at nine o’clock. What I saw instead were images of the Twin Towers in New York City. Smoke was pouring out of one of the buildings and I couldn’t figure out exactly what was happening. Then an airplane came straight at the other tower and crashed into it. The World Trade Center. The brokerage where Heaven was waiting for the market...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 116 I Love You

I slept in the hayloft every night that week. No Joanne. I guess it was a good thing. Wednesday night Mom poked her head up in the hayloft. I was reading. "Why are you sleeping in the barn, silly boy?" "Oh," I said, thinking fast. "It's kind of a celebration of the end of school. I liked it Sunday night and just decided I'd spend a few nights out here before the weather got too hot." "You aren't doing anything dangerous out here, are you? No drugs or cigarettes?" "No, Mom. Has...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 257 Emmy

Dawn and I had a whispered conversation in which I reluctantly agreed to her idea. My head was reluctant. The rest of my body was pretty excited. She got all ten of the dormitory girls and took us all upstairs. As soon as we got the door shut, I had naked teens all over me. There was a lot of touching and squeezing. In a second, though I heard smacks and 'ow's as the girls quickly dispersed. Dawn was whacking bare butts and sending each of the girls to their beds. I had to laugh. She was...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 251 New York

Things settled down by Sunday night. Nicki and Donna had to return to Brown and Oberlin, so I spent some special time with each of them early and told them how much I loved them. The Mishawaka kids all left, as well, and I got deep promising kisses from Lexi and Judy. "I'm beginning to understand," Lexi said. "Thank you for loving us, Brian." I wasn't surprised to crawl into bed that night and have Whitney tug at me to go down to the master bedroom for some private time together....

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The Slaying of the Frostwitch Ch 01

‘All know the law of this turn of the year. The land has been made clean and cold and pure, Freyrs bounty has been harvested. The Golden Fall is over, soon the Wild Hunt will ride. The season of Rind has begun once again. Ullr and Skadi watch over the bowmen, hunting for their families once again. Walk the frozen skin of Jord, Track the bearers of Freyrs weapon. By the strength of your bow and the point of your spear life is assured. The falling snow grows deep at our doors, The...

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The Making of a Fighter Pilots WhoreChapter 10 Slaying Hidden Demons of the Mind

My next assignment out of grad school was to an east coast fighter base located in a very popular tourist area. This time, however, I was not a member of a fighter squadron. Armed with my new computer science degree, I was to be the director of the wing's computer operations and network management division on the wing staff. I was now a wing staff support officer 'affectionately' known by the squadron fighter jocks as 'straphangers', meaning staff officers that came down to fly with them...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 228 Horses

The first thing I noticed when I walked out to the car to go to my first class on Monday morning was that Rhonda and Samantha were going with me. I was taking Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry 330. It included a lecture, a discussion, and a second lecture on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday and Thursday, the entire three hours was taken up by the lab. That meant four days a week, 9:30-12:30. Then for good measure, they threw in one final 9:30 lecture on Friday before we were free for the weekend....

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