Hunting SeasonChapter 6: High Noon free porn video

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Walter and Elizabeth Martin weren't optimists. They had planned for the possibility of the Circle's fall. They had hoped that the day would never come when they would have to put their plan into effect. Then the arrests began. Walt and Beth saw both of their contacts arrested on the six o'clock news Sunday night.

Monday morning came, and the Martins called in sick at their jobs. The schools were informed that the Martin children had all contracted mumps. Much sympathy was expressed, along with hopes for a quick recovery. The recovery was far quicker than anyone could have expected. Minutes after the phone was hung up, the Martin family was out loading a rented van with all the essential items they would need in their new life. Even little Elizabeth Jean was given a task for the move.

The Martins had been hard at work for a little more than an hour, when the dark sedan came down the private road. The two FBI agents in the car had federal arrest warrants for Walter and Elizabeth Martin. Elizabeth knew why they were there the instant she saw the car. She also knew that they were not alone.

"They are coming to arrest us." Elizabeth told her husband. "They have us surrounded. There's no use resistin'. The kids might get shot if we do." Walter nodded in agreement and they surrendered peacefully.

Not every member of the C.R.F. was that reasonable. In some cases, several families would band together and fight to the last against the feds. Some of the children became orphans, others died fighting at their elders sides, and many fell to stray bullets.

Despite the size of the event, the news media had agreed to limit coverage to avoid drawing connections between the widely spread events. Everyone agreed that to reveal the extent of the conspiracy would encourage panic and hysteria among the masses. It was hoped that the cult would be crushed by the end of the week.

The C.R.F. in Europe had much more recent experience with hiding from governments. The Nazis and Communists had been quite paranoid about secret, religious organizations. The Circle had survived them, and the International Council of Elders saw no reason why they couldn't survive the efforts of the current regimes. A hand full of cells was compromised, but the damage was localized due to strict adherence to proper procedure.

The Circle's tiny networks in the Middle East and Africa were not even threatened (at least, not by this new effort). They were so few, that they had not contributed hunters to the Bryant hunt, and continued to exist unknown.

The Circle was strong in Central and South America. It had a history in the region stretching back to the time of Cortez. The inclusion of non-Catholic members by European, African, Arab, and North American branches of the Circle had resulted in the South Americans leaving the international Circle. They saw no threat to themselves, and no reason to aid their former comrades.

What the many factions and chapters of the C.R.F. didn't know was that AEGIS had long worked on a way to get legitimate authority to notice the Circle. Now the world police community knew of the Circle's existence, and now AEGIS sprang into action. They knew who many if not most of the International Council of Elders were. These exalted personages had been careful to distance themselves from the hunters and the leaders of most of the cells. AEGIS agents were kind enough to forge documents, alter computer records, and plant evidence to make up for the lack. A day that had started poorly for the Circle, ended even worse.

By contrast, Monday was greeted by a few smiles at the Rice home. James Yancy was beaming when he finished an early morning phone call. He lost no time in sharing the good news.

"There have been several arrests during the night, and there will be several more today." He said brightly. "We should have 90% of their US and Canadian leadership and support network rounded up by this evening."

Jason was shaving in the hall bathroom when Carla brought him the news.

"Agent Yancy thinks that the C.R.F. might be broken by the end of the week!" Carla said excitedly. "Most of the leadership should be in custody by tonight!" Jason opened the door.

"Those murderers gone for good?" Jason asked more than a little stunned. "After all these centuries, they will really be gone?"

"It does seem too good to be true." Carla admitted. She hadn't seen her boyfriend with his shirt off since the previous summer, and despite the conversation, she couldn't keep her eyes from wandering to Jason's chest. "Even if they aren't completely wiped out, they should be hurt enough to keep them from bothering anyone for a long time." Jason nodded smiling, and Carla decided to change the subject. "I see you don't remove your necklace to shave." She touched the tiger charm that rested against his sternum.

"It is where you placed it my Tigress." Jason said with a tender expression in his eyes as he set his hand on hers. "I will never remove it."

"They took my necklace from me when they thought I was dead." Carla said. "I didn't leave until I found it again." She reached into her shirt with her free hand. The tiger charm she produced was virtually identical to the one that Jason wore (they unknowingly commissioned the same jeweler to make them). Previously the only difference had been the eyes. Jason's charm had aquamarine eyes (as close to blue-gray as could be found) and Carla's had emerald eyes (an excellent match for her own). Now, Carla's also differed in that it was scorched and blackened by the fire that had killed her family and nearly killed her. "I knew that you would not approve of me taking such a chance, my Tiger." Carla said before Jason could voice his feelings on the matter.

"And you know that I would have done the same thing in your position, and you would have disapproved." Jason finished Carla's thought. She smiled and nodded.

"I love you." They spoke together.

"And I would love for you to let Mr. Bryant finish in the bathroom." Agent Kelly announced, blowing the tender moment to bits. "There are only two bathrooms and ten people here. If you must confess your feelings, go do it in a low traffic area so the rest of us can see to our personal hygiene." Yethans seldom blushed, but with their extremely fair skin, even a slight blush was instantly visible. Carla hurried, red faced, past the G-man. Jason was lucky that much of his face was covered in shaving soap.

Jason returned to shaving. Agent Kelly came to the door.

"Do you have much left to do Mr. Bryant?" The agent asked.

"I just need to shave and finish dressing sir." Jason answered. "I'm sorry to hold you up."

"You use a straight razor Mr. Bryant?" Agent Kelly asked surprised when he saw the dangerous implement in the young man's hand.

"Yes sir." Jason answered with a grin. "I don't need to shave but twice a week or so. When I do shave, I want to do a proper job." He didn't bother to say that almost all Yethan men strongly preferred to be clean shaven (beards and moustaches tended to get messy at feeding time). Jason also used the straight razor because he had great manual dexterity. His coordination was about to be put to a severe test.

"I would probably cut my own throat if I tried to use anything other that an electric razor." Kelly continued. "Of course, a few little cuts are probably no concern to someone who can survive having their skin burned off." Jason very nearly cut himself when he heard that. It took Jason a moment to recover. Then he took a last two swipes with the razor, and was done shaving. He saw the worry on his reflection as he wiped the last bit of soap from his face and applied some aftershave. He was cleaning his razor when Kelly spoke again.

"I wondered what the cult looked for in a victim. You see the MO was always the same, but the victims were a puzzle. Why this farming family and not their neighbors? Why kill their friends, accountants, and especially doctors? The dead doctors are the real clues aren't they Mr. Bryant? They are the ones you need the most, the ones who hide your... special condition."

Jason turned to look the G-man in the eyes.

"I don't know what you think you heard sir, but you are mistaken." He said, trying desperately to influence Agent Kelly.

'I didn't hear what I thought I heard?' Mike Kelly thought. 'But I... I know... what... ' He mind felt muddled and unclear. 'I know what... What did I hear?' The youth looked concerned and frightened about something.

"Are you alright Mr. Bryant?" Kelly asked.

"Yes sir, I was about to ask the same of you." Jason said, the worry still written across his face.

"Me? I'm fine Mr. Bryant. I just feel a little groggy. I must not have slept soundly last night."

"The bathroom is all yours Agent Kelly." The teen said, but the worry was still there. Mike smiled.

"Don't worry about me Mr. Bryant. I'll be fine."

Jason buttoned and tucked his shirt in as he hurried down the hall. He went straight to the living room. Agent Butler was asleep on the couch, Agent Simms was nowhere to be seen, and Agent Yancy was sitting in one of the chairs, talking to Reverend Rice. Jason took a quick look around and stretched his other senses to their limits. There were no eaves droppers this time.

"Agent Yancy sir, Carla and I were talking at the bathroom. I didn't hear Agent Kelly coming down the hall. He heard Carla talkin' 'bout the morgue, and people thinkin' she was dead."

"Oh goodness." Reverend Rice said.

"Oh sh... oot." Agent Yancy added.

"This could wreck everything." Agent Butler sat up, awakened by the urgent sound in the boy's voice.

"I think I may have convinced him that he misheard, but he may not buy that for long." Jason added.

"It would be foolish to hope that he might." Butler replied. "We may have to trust him with the secret."

"I don't think you're awake yet Bob." Yancy opined. "If we tell Kelly, he'll file a report or call up the chain of command for instructions, or something equally inappropriate and the... stuff will hit the fan."

"These are your people that will be endangered Jason." Reverend Rice said. "What do you think we should do?" Jason Bryant; high school student and orphan wasn't used to speaking for the whole of the Talem Er-Yetha. He would speak his conscience and hope that his answer would be the right one.

"If we don't tell him, he will probably find out on his own, and any hope of a favorable reaction will be lost. With that in mind, we either have to tell him or kill him. I can't speak for every Yethan on earth, but my parents would have been against killing someone for something they might do. I think that we have to tell him."

"Very well Mr. Bryant." Agent Yancy said. "Who gets the unhappy duty?"

"Agent Simms." Jason whispered.

"Simms! Does she know about this too?" Yancy asked incredulous.

"No sir. She's comin' up the walk." Jason said, pointing toward the door.

Juanita Simms had been out checking the perimeter of Reverend Rice's property. She found no sign of the enemy, but Simms was still nervous. She didn't feel that the present location was secure. She didn't understand Agent Yancy's reluctance to relocate to a true safe house, nor did she understand why the wounded officer and civilian had to remain. It was true that both had been shot by the cultists, but that had clearly been incidental to the attack on the Highway 11 roadblock. 'Why not bring the surviving State officer here as well?' Juanita wondered.

When Agent Simms entered the house, she found the preacher and the youth sitting in the living room, reading sections of the news paper. Butler had his nose buried in his lap top, and Yancy was drinking a cup of coffee, with the M-16 in easy reach. Something about the tableau struck Simms as odd. She wasn't sure what it was until she focused on the section of paper that concealed the boy's face.

"Checking on your stock portfolio Mr. Bryant?" She asked, trying to sound just slightly curious.

"No ma'm." Jason answered, not lowering the Business Section he was supposedly reading. "I'm keeping track of stocks for a school project." He didn't dare lower the paper, or his expressive face would betray his worry and fear.

Agent Simms didn't buy the story. It was feasible of course, but the youth's voice said he had little experience telling outright lies. She cast her eyes about the room and realized that if the boy was hiding something, the others were probably aware and in on the secret. Juanita had a sudden epiphany.

"Well, my watch is over." She announced. "I'll be heading in to check my cot for booby traps, and if I find any I won't blame the kid you suckered into helping you." Juanita gave Butler and Yancy a threatening gaze that said 'I can play your game, but do you want to take a turn on the receiving end?' Then, she strode confidently out of the room.

"We don't haze female agents do we?" Butler asked his partner.

"No Robert. That's a myth." Yancy answered lightly. He took a sip of his coffee. Then he added "like vampires." James Yancy liked quiet in the morning. His last comment gained him several minutes of silence.

Carlo d'Aosta spent the morning trying to get his people in position. The charges were planted at the relay stations twenty minutes late, and that threw the deployment schedule for team three off. Thankfully, Herzog had allowed for the inexperience of the hunters in operations of this size, and the schedule had a degree of flexibility.

The three teams had a great deal of trouble getting to their two starting points. Each vehicle had to travel alone for security reasons. After Taylor's debacle at the road block, the local police would be watching for convoys of vehicles. The majority of the task force (now thirty strong) was made of people who could barely read English. Finding there way to the starting points was an enormous challenge. Of the hunters who could read English (Americans, Canadians, British, and a few of the others), none was native to the area and they got lost almost as readily as the rest.

Carlo kept a cell phone in hand, standing over a collection of maps until he had to leave Speedwell to rendezvous with team three at the second starting point. Once there, he kept a cell phone in hand and spread his maps on the hood of his truck. D'Aosta didn't know why he was chosen as field commander of the task force, but he was determined to carry out the attack at 1205, even if he had to do it alone.

Job Taylor was determined to get his team in place also. He knew that his team was blamed for the crisis that threatened the C.R.F. His team would perform their task in this attack even if he had to carry them to the starting point himself.

Job hadn't been required to do anything that drastic yet, but he was playing fast and loose with security procedures. As soon as he arrived at the second start point, he started calling the other two vehicles in his team. Instead of staying at the start point (as per orders) he left to lead first one and then the other element of his team to the start point. The fact that the local and State police (that still patrolled the area) didn't notice his suspicious behavior was a minor miracle.

It was 1045 when Taylor's team was finally at the start point. His sabotage unit was ready to move to the utility pole where they would cut the phone lines, and Job walked to d'Aosta's truck. Carlo d'Aosta was still standing over the hood of his truck, shouting into a cell phone and examining his maps.

"You have thirty minutes to be in position!" Carlo said. "We must begin to deploy at that time if we are to be ready by 1145!"

Job waited until d'Aosta was finished before he reported.

"Yes Taylor, what problem do you have to report?" Carlo snapped.

"My team is in position and ready sir." Job reported. He took no offense at his superior's tone. Job knew that the Italian was under great stress.

"Thank you." D'Aosta said, resisting the urge to hug his Americano subordinate. "One team down and two to go."

Butler, Yancy, Reverend Rice, the Marcettis, Jason and Carla conferred on how to break the existence of the Talem Er-Yetha to Agent Kelly when he returned from his appointment. Gwen kept watch over Agent Simms to make sure if she woke up, the rest could be warned before she stumbled into a conversation she didn't need to hear. It was finally decided that Carla would be the one to tell him.

Carla Draper was the one he had overheard, and she was judged to be the least threatening looking person available. Carla was nervous of course. One possible reaction Agent Kelly might have would be to shoot her. Agent Yancy agreed to help her to avoid any accidents.

When Michael Kelly returned, he found the house strangely empty, occupied only by Agent Yancy and the Draper girl.

"Where is everyone?" Kelly asked, alarmed.

"Reverend Rice is seeing to his bee hives." Yancy answered. "Officer Marcetti and his father are helping him. Jason is in the basement. The reverend asked him to retrieve a jar of chow-chow for lunch."

"Chow-chow?" Kelly said. "Is that Chinese?"

"It's a sort of homemade relish, made of green tomatoes and cabbage mainly." Carla volunteered. "But while we have a moment, I'd like to talk to you about what you overheard in the hall."

"Yes, I'm sorry about..." His expression suddenly became guarded. "Wait, I didn't tell you about that, I told John."

"Er, you told Jason, and he told me, sir."

"I heard exactly what I thought I heard, didn't I?" Mike said, feeling a little light headed. "You were burned. No human could have survived your injuries." The G-man's mouth went dry. "What are you?"

"We're good neighbors." Carla answered earnestly. "We're responsible and productive citizens."

"But what are you? Where do you come from?"

"Well sir, I come from Clay County Mississippi. We're not aliens. We've been around since the dawn of recorded history at least. We haven't spent that time trying to overthrow civilization. We've done everything we can to be a useful part of that civilization. It's not our fault that there are people who want to kill us. Throughout history there have been those who attack that which is different." Carla noticed that Agent Kelly hadn't interrupted for a while, so she stopped to see if he wanted to say anything.

Michael Kelly wondered if he was losing his mind. If he was sane, then this was the biggest discovery in human history. Kelly felt crushed by the weight of his responsibility.

"Why did you tell me your secret?"

"You heard enough to become curious about us. Given time, you would have learned the truth for yourself. This way we get to prove our honorable intentions by trusting you." The girl's green eyes were pleading. "We only keep our existence a secret because we know from long experience how humans react to that which is different or unknown. We need you to understand the danger we would be in if our secret was revealed. We need you to help us keep our secret."

Kelly thought a long moment. Yancy knew of these beings, and he obviously thought it important to keep their secret. Kelly also remembered his grandparents talking about how things had been for Irish immigrants when they had come to America. They had known what it was to be different.

"Very well." Kelly said with a sigh. "I won't report any of this yet, but I want to think about this some more before I make my final decision." The fact that these beings could have silenced him (and Yancy) with deadly force and chose not to weighed heavily in Kelly's mind.

"Thank you sir!" Carla said with a hopeful smile on her face. "Thank you for giving us a chance!" Now that Kelly really looked at Ms. Draper, she reminded him of his own daughter. He wondered if, perhaps, biology wasn't the prime indicator of true humanity.

1130 hours

Teams one and two were finally beginning to deploy into their V formation. Carlo and his command staff took a moment to wolf down a lunch of cold sardines, saltine crackers, and tepid coffee. Carlo noted (with some envy) that team three had obtained hot sandwiches and cold Coca-Cola from some unknown source. Teams one and two could eat lunch if they got into position in time. Commander d'Aosta felt that would be a strong incentive to succeed.

George Rice didn't reckon himself a great chef. As long as he stuck to simple fare, he could do alright, but anything fancy was beyond him. Taking that into account, the old preacher had just about exhausted his cooking knowledge. He knew that being cooped up was no fun, and he had been cooking something different for each meal to help cut back on boredom. He had, unfortunately run out of ideas for hot lunches.

He had resisted doing 'soup and sandwiches' because it was a bit overdone. When he had realized that none of the FBI agents had ever heard of chow-chow, George realized soup and sandwiches might not be so boring after all. The preacher made tuna salad sandwiches (following his mother's recipe) and a jar of his sister's homemade tomato soup. The soup was good, but the sandwiches proved especially popular.

"I don't normally like tuna salad Reverend." Agent Yancy said. "But this salad you've made is ambrosia."

"Thank you for the complement Agent Yancy." George said, happy that everyone was pleased with lunch. "The chow-chow is the key ingredient."

"Chow-chow?" Agent Simms asked. "Is that Chinese?"

1150 hours

The C.R.F. saboteurs cut the phone line that connected to the target house (and six others) exactly on time. The man who did the cutting climbed quickly down from the telephone pole and joined his lookout. They ran to the patch of brush where they were to hide and wait for team one.

1200 hours

Robert Butler went into the living room after lunch. Reverend Rice had given him the recipe for chow-chow, and he was going to email it to his sister. He opened his laptop and turned the cell modem on. After he emailed his sister, Agent Butler intended to take another stab at tracking down the source of the enemy's incendiary ammunition.

The three vehicles of team three and the two vehicles of the command group stopped in the middle of the road. The two saboteurs ran from the weeds and jumped into the back of a truck. The convoy resumed its rush toward destiny.

1202 hours

Five charges detonated simultaneously on five microwave relay towers. Cell phones across the area ceased to function.

Agent Butler lost his internet connection and could not reestablish it. Feeling a little paranoid, Butler checked his cell phone. It couldn't establish a connection either. He instantly snatched up the land phone on the end table. There was no dial tone.

"We've lost cellular and land line communication!" Butler shouted to the house. Then, he reached for the most powerful weapon in their meager arsenal: the tactical radio.

1204 hours

Team three was beginning to deploy into a line as Carlo gave to order to activate the broadband jammer.

Robert Butler turned the tactical radio on to call for help. All he heard was blaring static. Static consumed every channel. Butler dropped the useless radio and grabbed up his ballistic vest and an MP-5K.

"The radio is jammed!" Butler shouted.

"Assume attack is eminent!" Agent Kelly shouted, taking another submachine gun and vest.

"They're lining up on the road!" Reverend Rice cried as he looked out of the window over the kitchen sink.

"All civilians to the back of the house!" Agent Simms ordered. "That includes you Officer Marcetti."

"Like beans it does! I'm an officer of the law! I'm not gonna hide in some closet while I have a job to do!" Marcetti drew his service pistol as he spoke.

1205 hours

Commander d'Aosta nodded to Job Taylor.

"For the glory of God, attack!" Job shouted. His team began to advance, firing as they went.

Jason, Gwen, Carla, Reverend Rice and Mr. Marcetti were in the master bedroom when the bullets started impacting the front of the house. Mr. Marcetti was busy getting his small arsenal out of the closet.

"Keep your heads down everyone." The reverend said.

Agents Yancy, Kelly and Simms manned the living room windows. Agent Butler and Officer Marcetti defended the kitchen. The enemy was advancing in a line, firing their weapons as they moved.

"Stay down!" Yancy ordered. "They should need to reload at about the same time!"

As predicted, the fierce fusillade lost strength, then suddenly ceased as the cultists paused to reload.

"Let'em have it!" Yancy shouted. The law officers stood and opened fire on the enemy who was now helpless. The FBI agents had been equipped with Teflon coated steel cored bullets that punched through the enemy's body armor. The three of them accounted for four dead and one wounded. Eddie Marcetti had no special ammunition, so he took careful aim at the fellow who seemed to be talking the most.

"Reload!" Taylor shouted. "Hurry or we'll_" Job Taylor's sentence was ended by a 9mm bullet in the forehead. His surviving men (including the one who was shot in the stomach) finished reloading and opened fire again.

Commander d'Aosta was watching the attack from the road. The enemy wasn't retreating from the house, and team three had just taken fifty percent casualties.

"Signal teams one and two to attack." He said. One of his staff fired a flare into the sky while another sounded an air horn twice.

Johan Schumacher saw and heard the attack signal, as did Nikolai Illescu. Both men ordered their teams forward to attack.

Jason looked out the bedroom window and saw armed men coming out of the woods beside the house. Seeing the hunters of the C.R.F. again caused Jason's anger and murderous hatred to boil up.

"God curse their souls!" Jason snarled in the old language. "They are trying to sneak up on this side!" Anthony Marcetti jumped up with his hunting rifle.

"Knock out the window so I can shoot." He whispered.

Jason grabbed up the nightstand, sending the clock and lamp to the floor. He grimaced hatefully as he hurled the nightstand at the window.

As Schumacher advanced, there was a crash from the house. Something large and wooden came soaring out of a window end over end. It struck one of the Austrian hunters, knocking him back and crushing the life out of him. A man appeared in the window and brought a rifle to his shoulder.

"Suppressive fire on that window!" Johan shouted, but the enemy got off one aimed shot before anyone could react. Another hunter fell (this one from Germany) with a bullet in his chest, before the command could be enacted. The target moved out of view before the hail of bullets blazed through where he had been standing. "Kurt, Wolfgang, alternate fire and keep his head down." Schumacher commanded. He switched to German because there were no English speakers on his team and he hoped that there were no German speakers on the other side. Half of Schumacher's team had swung around behind the house, leaving him to deal with the rifleman.

Johan was carrying two rubber lined pouches. The smaller held rags that had been treated to be flammable. The larger held four sealed glass bottles of jellied gasoline. He unsealed a bottle and stuffed a rag in its neck. He lit the rag with a match and circled toward the window.

"You kids get the Reverend out of here!" Anthony shouted to be heard over the slow but constant stream of bullets coming through the window. "Get him some place safe and see if they're sneakin' up behind us too!"

"We can't leave you Anthony!" Reverend Rice protested as Gwen grabbed him and carried him from the room.

"Good luck sir!" Jason called before following the others.

"Keep some luck for yourself Jason!" Mr. Marcetti replied as he took position in the door to the master bath.

Agent Yancy noted unhappily that the squad attacking the front of the house had learned its lesson. Now, two or three would fire while the rest advanced. At the rate they were going, they would be in the house in less than a minute, and the FBI wasn't going to be able to stop them.

Half of Illescu's team was shielded from enemy fire by the garage. There was no door by which to enter the house, so Nikolai sat to work making one. He placed a Semtex charge on the garage wall, stuck a wire detonator into the explosive and ran back to the edge of the trees, trailing a spool of wire behind him. He connected the wire to a hand powered generator.

"Everybody down!" He shouted. After his team obeyed, Nikolai spun the handle, generating an electric charge.

The door from the kitchen to the garage was blown open by the explosion. Eddie turned and ran into the smoking ruin. Once in the garage, Eddie could see sunlight streaming in through a large hole in the far wall. He vaulted over what was left of the preacher's Saturn station wagon and took a position beside the hole.

Stephan Ploescu was with the half of Illescu's team that was rushing the breach in the garage wall. He could hear his teammates behind the house, along with the Germans there, and the Americans and Italians in front of the house cheering. 'We will be the first into the house!' the small Romanian thought proudly. His was near the back of his group (the others had longer legs and could run faster). Stephan saw one of his fellow Romanians pass through the breach.

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Hunting SeasonChapter 4 The Clouds Part

George Rice reckoned himself a good Christian. He didn't think of himself as perfect or infallible because of his faith. To Reverend Rice's mind, there was only one infallible being, and there was a huge difference between being a Christian and being Christ. The old Baptist preached of human imperfection and the need to curb one's pride. He warned his congregation to avoid confusing their personal wants and needs with His will. In George's opinion, that sort of confusion had lead to a...

4 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 3 Rain of Terror

It had been raining for two hours by the time Will Osler's van arrived in Marion, Virginia. The van pulled into the parking lot of the Blue Jay Motel and Restaurant. As the driver and his passenger got out of the vehicle, the storm redoubled its attack. Ferocious winds hurled buckets of rain into the faces of the hapless pair, nearly knocking Will Osler off his feet. "Let's run for the diner!" Osler shouted to his young companion as he put his own advice to effect. Will took several...

2 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 10 Hunting Resumes

The new Emir's first hunt did not call on Ramzy El-Najjar to provide a quarry. Instead he was allowed a bare two hours with one of the Emir's concubines to prepare her. Worse, she only spoke English, so the finer points of what he wanted to say were, he was sure, lost in translation. She was a concubine from the Emir's harem who had in some way incurred the displeasure of the Emir and it was emphasised to him that she should not be too well trained. At least she was fairly skinny and...

1 year ago
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Hunting With My Sister

Bill was sixteen. He liked the outdoors and fishing and hunting. His father had taught him and his sister how to enjoy the sports. Kathy was fifteen. She had been hunting since she was thirteen but had no success at getting a deer. Her father was her usual companion and guide on the hunt. Today he wasn't available so her brother had to take her. Bill wasn't to happy about it because he had a hot date that night. His girl friend had promised him a blow job for the first time. They unloaded...

3 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 5 The Sun Brings Light

Jason stayed near Carla at all times. He didn't do this because he had thought her lost to him and was afraid to be risk losing her again (which he was). He didn't stay at her side because he had lost all of his family, save his sister. Jason stayed near Carla because she had lost her whole family. He was all that she had left, and Jason was determined to be there for her. When she wanted to talk, he was there to listen. When Carla needed to cry, Jason was at her side. When she mourned in...

1 year ago
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Hunting trip

The snowy Montana sceanery was beautiful. My stress and saddness were all ready begining to fade. The idea of letting my anger out on hinting made me feel better. My name is Jake. I am 6"3 and an atheltic body. I had a six pack (who doesn't these days) and brown hair with light green and brown eyes. All my life I have been complimented for my good looks, but I was far from narssasistic. The only one thing that separated me from the average 19 year old guy, was that I was gay. And no I not the...

3 years ago
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Hunting Trip 1

“Are you kidding??” Was all Jacob could say to his father. The other three guys watching and finishing their dinner. His father would nod his no “you dint think you would be the youngster of the cabin forever did you? I mean let’s be honest now Jake your seventeen now.” Jake would just shake his head as big john spoke “you know I was kind of hoping you could help my kid out a little, we old guys aren’t what we used to be accept your old man.” Big john would continue talking as his laughed at...

2 years ago
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This is fantasy... The sun rose on another spring morning. The college quad came to life, the bookstore and cafeteria opened. The smell of eggs cooking, coffee brewing filtered thru the air. He bought a large coffee and sat down on a bench and waited, waited for a coed, another easy tatget to follow. He'd size her up and capture her for his use. Four times he'd done it already. Three blondes and one brunette, all small, under five foot six. All cute with shoulder length hair. He watched as...

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Hunting DelightsChapter 2 Hunting

On the day that Ramzy El-Najjar attended his first hunt he was totally enraptured with the whole affair. He had seen pictures of English hunts, of course, and his contemporaries at Cornell University had regarded them as one of the "real quaint old English traditions", a "must see" on a trip to Europe which few of them had ever seen outside of a cinema. The real thing was even more romantic to his eighteen year old eyes than any imaginings could have been; the hunters were resplendent in...

2 years ago
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Hunting Down Evil Bitches

I’m going to be brutally honest here, folks. I hate bitches. I hate everything about them. They’re wicked, evil and manipulative. They think that having a vagina grants them special rights. They ruin the lives of good men. They destroy entire families. They bring down whole organizations. They are agents of chaos and destruction and I hate them for it. I pity any fool who gives away his love, his money or his trust to a bitch. What I really hate about bitches is their total lack of remorse...

2 years ago
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 2

“Oh, Demon Slayer, that was a wonderful fuck! Thank you so much. Never have I felt a cock fill me so satisfyingly. I am sure that you bring great happiness to every woman that you fuck. When can we do it again?” “Not until tomorrow evening, Sunshine. I need to sleep right now. I have had a busy day. “The next time we fuck, I want to show you a different position. It is the one preferred by my people. Not only that, it is easier to do in such a confined space. I expect to be able to go...

3 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 22 Two Minutes

The second hunt where Rubina was the quarry was a much more interesting one from Ramzy El-Najjar's point of view, and infinitely more galling from hers. After she had calmed down somewhat, he had spent some hours analysing her first hunt with her and showing her not only how she was caught, but when she had been in the most danger of being caught. He told her firmly that she must make her own plans for evading the hunters and not simply use one of the the ones he had used as examples. "I...

3 years ago
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Hunting SeasonPart 1

So that morning, long before the sun rose, Morgan got her gear together and got dressed. Though she occasionally wished she had bigger tits, for hunting she was perfect. Didn't need a bra so she tossed on a t shirt. She skipped panties as they would just get in the way of her new drop seat overalls. Now she wouldn't have to shrug out of a bunch of clothes should 'nature call'. Grabbing her jacket and an orange beenie, she completed her ensemble stomping into sturdy hiking boots. She...

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Hunting Shack

Our friend Bill has a nice little cottage "up north" set on eighty acres of land. He is an outdoorsman and spends a lot of time hunting in his woods. He and my wife have always been flirtatious with one another. Like many men, it turns me on when they flirt. I often hope and imagine what it would be like if their flirting got physical. I have told my wife how I'd like to see them kiss and explore each other. She always shrugs it off as just a weird fantasy of mine and that she would have a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Hunting at a friends wedding

Sarah, and old friend of Judy's and mine had a son getting married recently. I asked Judy if I could go with her to the wedding and reception because my husband was going hunting for the weekend and begged off going. I k**ded Jack telling him I might be "hunting" as well that weekend. Truth is I was really horny at the thought of being able to go to a wedding and have fun with my friend's and have Jack gone till Monday. Judy's husband was a hunter as well wasn't going either so it would be...

2 years ago
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Hunting for Hunters

Now if you read this story and look at the pictures provided to go along with the story you'll see how I was dressed and erotic it was especially for me and anyone else who saw me. It was the first day of November 2014 and the first snow fall of the year. There were three cabins out near the coast that was rented out for hunting and one of the local girls said that all three cabins had 4 to 6 guys in each one. According to her, these white men were pretty good looking and big masculine types....

3 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 2 Gathering Clouds

Putnam Mississippi didn't strike James Yancy as a very friendly town. Of course he wasn't catching it on its best day. Take away the crime scene tape, chalk outlines of fallen law officers, and blood and Main Street would have probably looked inviting, in a rustic sort of way. The fact that thirteen locals and one John Doe had taken a violent and premature trip to the mortuary probably accounted for the people of Putnam being less than effervescent. Yancy looked at his quiet, brooding...

3 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 5 Trainer And Breeder

Eighteen months after Zelfa had been bought for his harem, she had become a regular in his bed because she did make such a lovely noise when she came, as that seemed only to work if he was in her vagina, she was securely dosed by the eunuchs with a reliable contraceptive. Life continued much as before; the investments he inherited from his father, mostly in the oil exporting business, kept him in the style he wished and he rarely worried about money. Occasionally when he was bidding for a...

4 years ago
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At 3 a.m. in this huge city, a man enters my home. Before I had a gun that was mine I was a quail-fetch. Shooting from bird blinds, the men were stationary while I traversed through marsh and field with the dogs to recover their slain. If the quail or dove or duck was still alive after the shells, the fall, and the dogs it was up to me to put it out of its misery. When killing a bird with your hands expediency is essential for mercy. They usually flutter and peck a great deal, and...

2 years ago
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Hunting Killers

From many small countries grew larger ones until each held one of the eight continents. There were still wars but they grew more contained. After another millennium two governments merged into one. Within a century there were only three left and they were monarchies. It took three decades of arranged marriages to create the single empire. I came into my power at the age of three. From there I had several masters begin to teach me. Not just all the languages but about nature or the elements. I...

4 years ago
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 5

We waited fruitlessly for three hours, but the orlan never showed up. That attested to the experience of the two hunters with me. They were used to this sort of disappointing and frustrating wait for a quarry that never showed up. I said, “It looks to me like we are wasting our time. I think that the orlan would have returned if it were going to today. Let’s go home and resume our hunt tomorrow.” Hunter of Bear and Tracker agreed with me, so we left for home. If we did not return soon, we...

3 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 23 Chastisement

There was a curious backlash from Zubeydeh's striptease which affected the Emir's hunting. Not all the women raised and trained for the hunt were satisfactory. It was necessary for a good quarry to think independently and invent tactics 'on the hoof' to make good sport for the hunters. The balance between this independence and the training was a fine one. Some of the women never achieved such independence of thought and were predictable in their tactics; others of them were too...

3 years ago
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Hunting Deviants

The Deviants had struck Norsa hard and fast and the few warships in the system barely slowed them. When their assault shuttles screamed down the warriors that had remained behind began killing them. Unfortunately the Deviants had done this before and kinetic missiles streaked down to kill anything around where the firing was coming from. Within a day armies of drones were spreading out from the port. They ignored the other continents to conqueror this one. Of course the warriors that had fired...

3 years ago
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Hunting Cougars

Hunting CougarsWe had got naked and we sat on the bed. She slowly crawled away from me, looking back over her shoulder making mewing noises like a big cat. Her pussy sliding between her legs giving me a fabulous view of her womanhood. I crawled over the bed towards her and grabbed her hips, there was a little giggle from her, I don’t think she really wanted to get away...I slowly was kissing her cute ass and asked her what she would like me to do next...She answered “Fuck me like a big...

4 years ago
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Hunting Samatha

Samantha Lummis walked the parameter of her family’sproperty as she did every night. One of her duties on the ranch was to be sure everything was secure. She hugged her jacket tighter around her, the air was quite crisp, she could see the white puff of air as she exhaled. October in Montana and she could already tell this would be a hard winter. As Samantha neared the point of the property that was furthest from her home, she noted that the large wooden gate was ajar. The fence that surrounded...

2 years ago
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Back in the late 1970s the local council were in the process of building a Hoising Estate at Dartmouth Park Hill right next to the famous Highgate Cemetery in North London, But the building firm went bust and youths had been stealing building materials such as lead for roofing and valuable copper wire or breaking windows so two guards were employed 24/7 myself assigned nights 7pm to 7am with a second colleague. As it was such a large site we communicated by radio. We were also paid to do two...

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Hunting DelightsChapter 21 Rubinas First Hunt

It was a fine sunny day with little wind when Rubina was released for her first hunt. This was not surprising as Kobekistani weather was usually fine and dry; the only variation was the occasional sandstorm in the summer and a week or two of fearsome rain in the spring and autumn. She was released at ten in the morning and told that the hunters would follow in one hour when she heard the gun. Two hours after that, at one o'clock the gun would sound again and the hunt would be over. If she...

3 years ago
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Mr Hightower and his new friend Cydney

My name is Jason Hightower. I'm 47 years old, married to my high school sweetheart Dana, and to everyone else it seems like I live the perfect life. However there is one small problem. I'm unbelievably bored with my marriage. I'm not sure who's fault it is. My wife is beautiful and she is my best friend, but lately I've felt a disconnect between the two of us. We're still intimate, but it isn't the same. I think we've just grown apart. My wife is unable to have children and even though I told...

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A Highland Fling

Clouds scurried swiftly across the sky and the early morning air was crisp with the first hints of autumnal frost as I started my southerly drive over Rannoch Moor. I'd set off deliberately early, hoping to avoid the worst of the late summer holiday traffic on the A82. Behind me lay Fort William and a fabulous week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands, where I'd visited Kilchurn Castle, explored my paternal ancestry on the Isle of Skye and searched unsuccessfully for the Loch Ness Monster. Ahead...

1 year ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 20 Training Rubina

As Ramzy El-Najjar was leaving the Golden Palace the following morning, the Emir asked, "Could you train up my new acquisition for me? She might make a decent quarry, she's sad enough. Heaven knows I can't use her as a concubine; she might well assassinate me, but she has a lot of fighting spirit and seems resourceful enough." Ramzy El-Najjar's spirits sank as he smiled at the Emir and said, "Of course, Master. No problem." 'But it will be a problem, ' he thought to himself...

2 years ago
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Hunting Time

I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me. It was one of my favorite Jimmy Buffet songs. I swayed my hips and began moving to the beat, completely oblivious to my surroundings and my unclothed state. It was a hot, sunny summer afternoon in Florida at my favorite place to visit, Crystal Palms Resort. Not everyone who lived nearby even knew that this was a clothing optional resort and campground. I had lived only a few miles away most of my life and hadn’t known till about a year ago. It...

3 years ago
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Between Midnight and Noon

Eight months. Seven days. Sixteen hours. It’s been so long since my wife last told me she loved me and then kissed me goodbye. How was I to know that one kiss would be the last kiss, the last caress? How many times would I think of her and seek her memory out in this way? “More coffee?” The waitress comes to stand in front of me, carafe in her hand. I consider that she is rather adorable. Blond hair, pinned in place, which falls just below her shoulders. Brown eyes that match the mahogany...

3 years ago
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Rainy Sunday after noon

Rainy Sunday after noon. So we are in the bed room watching this porno movie when there is a knock at the door and I say to you "will you go down and answer it , you do and I say who is it? ....And it turns out to be your friend Dan the producerSo I invite him upstairs and he walks in and sees that you have your nightie up and your hand still rubbing your pussyhe sees how excited and wet you are and I tell him to feel see how wet you have got so I lay down at your side and kiss you and fondle...

4 years ago
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My friend fucking my wife in her van at noon

My wife sucked my friend Robert's cock at parties a few times, and then Robert and his wife separated. He was soon very horny, so he started calling my wife Janet for sex. He later told me what was going on, since he knows I find it exciting for her to be unfaithful, and he knows Janet is pretty loose with her pussy. He figured that since I let her suck his cock, that I wouldn't mind if she helped him out with a little pussy every once in a while.He said the first time he called her and asked...

3 years ago
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Cydney and Mr Hightower Make it Official

Before I could respond Cydney was already acting like I had said yes. "I already checked out a few hotels in the city. This one has a hot tub, oh and there's one with a standing shower! What do you think babe?" "Cydney, this is all wonderful and I love your enthusiasm, but I can't." "Can't what?" Her expression changed immediately "I can't do this, I can't spend the night with you. I'm married." "So? We've already fucked and told each other we loved one another. What's the problem Jason?" She...

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Mr Hightower and Cydney go all the way

"Thank you baby," Cydney said as she used more paper towels. "How did you let out that much cum? I'm not complaining but that was amazing to see." I had no real answer for her because I didn't know how it had happened either. "Your blowjob was so good, how could I not?" I helped Cydney stand up and put her dress back on. After Cydney went to the mirror to make sure she looked presentable again, I pulled her towards me, and we kissed. "Oh Jason, we should head out, I bet there's a line to get in...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Headhunting For The Board

(Chorus) More than friends We will be lovers In the dark I change my skin One last kiss And it will be over May your sweet dreams Come to an end In this hideaway In the land of darkest night I'll take your breath away The pleasure and pain is mine If you'll be with me You will sleep forever Dream of an ecstasy The pleasure and pain More than friends We will be lovers In the dark I change my skin Change my skin 'Change My Skin', Christopher Franke, "Raven"...

3 years ago
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Hunting For Love

After much planning, I purchased the supplies and made the trip to the game preserve. I had been there before but just to take photos. This time I was planning on bagging some real game. As I began the hunt one afternoon, I carefully looked around. I did not see much that warranted stalking at the moment but I was patient. My intended game was very elusive. I would have to use all my skills to be successful. I figured the final prize would be more than worth it so I was not worried about...

4 years ago
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Hunting Dragons

The rift between realms remained open for eight days before closing. Dragons and their cousins came through and spread like ants. There was no one that lived to give a number as the dragons and drakes flew away. Huge lizards crawled and ate anything green and wingless dragons hunted anything that moved. My father was a smith and my mother a mage alchemist. I did not have magic and did not want to be a smith. I did enjoy the way a weapon felt in my hand. When the dragons began raiding and...

1 year ago
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Hunting for a male

I dated with Dan two months. Actually, we just met in the café near the office, then drove to his home, then fucked. Simply, dully, no more than one time per night. The first sensation of sexual life has vanished quickly as it had begun. But it was not enough for me. Maybe he has been satisfied, maybe not. Anyway, one round always was enough for him. I wanted more. For an unknown reason I could not stop after the first porno orgasm - his or mine. I dreamed about whole night run - sex,...

1 year ago
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Hunting with the pack

As a newly qualified Electrician, I was inadvertently involved in a charitable project to provide safe houses for ‘battered women’. These establishments were provided as safe haven for women who found themselves in violent or abusive relationships. The usual practice was for the builders, plumbers and electricians to go into a designated building do all the work before it opened its doors to the women seeking safe haven. However the demand for spaces had led to this particular house being...

3 years ago
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Mmm In the Highlands

Jane and Samuel were away in the Highlands of Scotland. They went there for their first weekend away. Since that memorable weekend they visited the Highlands a few times each year. Their home for the weekend was a beautiful old log cabin on a Loch at Glen Coe. The cabin sat in a glacial valley. The two high mountains on either side were snow capped and the views were amazing. It was early spring, the new plants and leaves were just beginning to bud. The weather was warmer but there was a...

3 years ago
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Hunting Cabin Bang

Ann is sitting in between me and a friend and two other friends are across from us. I have my arm around Ann as she leans into me rubbing her hand up and down my thigh.There is no television so we are all facing each other, just hanging out and drinking. The sexual tension between us is palpable.  Ann and I cannot touch each other without wanting to rip our clothes off and start fucking - right there in the middle of the room - but we try to stay composed.One of my friends jokes, "Get a room,...

Group Sex
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 4

Well, it looked like I was stuck with the job of working on the wounded. The fact that I was about to suggest that myself was beside the point. I had been trapped, and I didn’t like that part of the situation. I was going to have to be more forceful in my orders if I didn’t want it to happen again. Fortunately, most of the injuries were simple bites or scratches that could be treated with first aid supplies from the replicator. In one case, there was a broken leg that required a more...

3 years ago
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Hunting the OrlanChapter 6

We killed the time waiting for Hunter and Tracker to escape the hospital by touring the artificial planet that was called Headquarters. The surface was mostly devoted to shopping malls and entertainment sites. The offices of the Rangers and the living quarters were inside the depths of the planet. Artificial gravity kept the gravity the same at all levels, 1 g, even though the planet was not massive enough to generate that level of gravity without assistance. Most of the galaxy was advanced...

4 years ago
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Hunting DelightsChapter 7 A Wife

After the arrival of the new Emir, Ramzy El-Najjar expected that he would not be sufficiently senior to be allowed to petition the new Emir within the first few weeks of his reign. His post as Master of Quarry to the Emir was, like every other appointment, subject to renewal by the new Emir, and he might not even want to hunt at all, who knew? It was not that he wished to petition for anything in particular, but that it was the status-enhancing thing to do to have an audience, possibly even a...

3 years ago
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Mr Hightower takes his new friend Cydney on a date

"Thanks for getting the groceries. Wash up; dinner will be ready soon." I nodded in approval but didn't register anything my wife had just said. All I could think about was Cydney and our date Friday. Cydney and I exchanged many texts over the next few days, mostly about how excited we were for Friday. I enjoyed hearing from her and was thrilled each time my phone rang. I came to find out that she was twenty-four and had just moved into town. She was also a jogging enthusiast and loved to keep...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Rape and The Highland Fling

Introduction: A young married couple whos husband wants to show his wife off attend a wild dance and his wife Tessa experiences all of the indignities of forceful rape! Rape and The Highland Fling! Tessa and her husband attended a special Dance Night event called the Highland Fling!. They belong to a dance club called the Highlanders The club rents places to hold dances all over the south of England and has rented an old dance hall in Brixton, it is in a questionable area south of London. She...

1 year ago
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Thigh Highs and sex toys

The phone rings , it is you on the other end asking me when we are going to get together again. I ask when is a good time for you and you say you have no plans for tomorrow. I agree and ask where we will meet,you say you are going to rent a hotel room for the night . I tell you to call me tomorrow with all the details and hang up. I sit down and pour myself a glass of wine thinking about the preperations I am going to need to do before tomorrow night,thinking to myself I am going to have a few...


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