Muleskinner BluesChapter 16
- 2 years ago
- 31
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When my knees hit the floor, I instinctively pitched forward onto my stomach and grabbed the pistol I dropped. The metallic mesh coat I wore under my duster had done its job in diffusing the energy from the stunner. The energy blast had given me a good jolt and set my skin to tingling, but I regained control of my muscles and my facilities almost immediately. From initially pulling my pistol to hitting the floor, it had probably taken only a couple of seconds.
Falling face first to the floor allowed me to see under the heavy table where Bearclaw and Mendes sat. I was unsurprised that Mendez held a large stunner in his lap, pointed in my direction. I realized that it was Mendez who'd fired the stunner at me, so I returned the favor and put a 45-caliber slug in his foot. Mendez screamed and pitched backwards out of his chair with a thud. The stunner fell out of his hand and clattered across the tiled floor. I had no sympathy for the man as he lay there moaning piteously. He was supposed to be a doctor, a follower of the Hippocratic Oath, yet from day one he had planned to do me harm. He was now reaping what he had sown.
As soon as I fired, I rolled to my left, scrambled under the table and out the other side. I rolled left because it put me under the furthest table from the guards at the door and now all the council members were in front of me. I needed to be cautious, because according to Tonya, the mesh coat I was wearing would need five minutes to completely dissipate the charge it had absorbed before it would be effective again.
The room was now a frozen tableau, as everyone seemed in shock over what I'd done. To my right, both Tonya and Greer were on the floor unconscious. The two guards by the door were staring at Mendez, their weapons hanging limply in their hands. Bearclaw and the other members of the Pleiad were cowering in their chairs looking fearfully at me. I pointed my pistol at the two guards and pulled back the hammer. The metallic click of the hammer tang engaging the trigger sere echoed loudly in the quiet room.
"You two by the door better drop your weapons, or you'll join Mendez," I barked.
They complied immediately and I waved them away from their weapons with a twitch of the gun barrel. I rose to my feet and had all the council members stand up with their hands over their heads. When they were on their feet, I herded them over with the guards. By the time the councilors were lined up against the wall, Chairman Bearclaw had regained his composure. When he started to bluster and threaten me, I swung my pistol up and pointed it at his chest. As I brought the weapon to bear, the Pleiad member on either side of him shied away.
"I am a desperate man with nothing to lose, Bearclaw, and I hold you totally responsible for that. You are only marginally worth more to me alive, so mind your manners," I growled threateningly.
Bearclaw held up a placating hand, but he kept his mouth shut tight.
I knelt beside Tonya then, and unclipped the small communicator from her pocket. I activated the device by saying Sarah's name into it. The instrument emitted a few strange noises, but soon enough, Sarah's sweet face filled the little picture frame on the front of the communicator.
I made a large effort at keeping my voice calm and steady as I explained the situation to her. Sarah relayed the information to Lucy, who was speaking on her own communicator to Queen Elizabeth. After some back and forth, Sarah told me to stand fast, as help was on the way.
After telling Sarah goodbye, I retrieved my other six guns from Tonya's haversack, stuffed the stunners I'd collected into it, and slung the bag over my shoulder. Then I strapped on the holster rig and walked over to check on Mendez.
As soon as he saw me standing over him, Mendez started cussing me for all he was worth. He was sitting with his back against the wall by then, gingerly trying to remove his shoe. Mendez was pallid from shock, and bleeding right smartly. He'd live though, and with the medical care here in the future, he would probably be good as new in a few days. Not that it mattered to me, because I thought a little suffering was what someone as evil as he needed.
Help arrived ten minutes later in the form of Coleen and Helena. Coleen had her doctor's satchel with her, and after hugging my neck, she knelt down and treated Mendez's wound. Helena also hugged me, but she held me tighter and sighed.
"I seldom see you anymore, Jeremiah, and I miss you," she said softly.
Helena was the quietest and most reserved of the three future women who went back to my time, but her passion flared the hottest. She was also a brilliant scientist; her intellect both awed and slightly intimidated me.
"I have missed you too. After this business with Bearclaw is settled, I would love to spend some time together, just the two of us," I replied.
She smiled and nodded her agreement. I dug one of the smaller stunners out of Tonya's bag and handed it to Helena.
"Help me keep an eye on everyone, please. If anyone makes a threatening move, blast them," I instructed.
Helena looked at the stunner distastefully, but bobbed her head and took it.
Coleen gave Mendez an injection for his pain and he quieted down immediately. She dressed what I considered a mild wound then moved over to Tonya and revived her. In only a few minutes, Tonya was sitting up, groggy but conscious. I kept a wary eye on her, because the only person in the room who had given me no reason to doubt them was Helena. And with Helena there, I decided that all things being equal, now was the time to capitalize on my holding a strong hand.
"Helena, do you know how to operate the machine that brought me here?" I asked.
Helena nodded affirmatively. Helena was a smart woman and knew where I was headed. She was also about the only woman I had met here in the future who was not involved in some scheme that concerned me.
"The process is computer-controlled, Jeb, and I know for a fact that it is still calibrated to the cave back in your time."
Before I could comment on that, one of the doors to the chamber swung open and Sonja marched into the room. I watched her suspiciously as she entered, because last I heard, she was supposedly on the lam with Tonya's mother, but who knows, that might have been some sort of trick. Intrigue and double-dealing seemed to be the normal behavior of the valley people.
"Show me your hands, Sonja," I demanded.
Sonja's face went through a gauntlet of emotions at my barked request. Surprise and confusion flickered across her countenance before she sighed resignedly and raised her hands, palms towards me.
"I'm not your enemy, Jeremiah," she said reproachfully.
"I am not sure who is who anymore, Sonja, so I am disinclined to trust anyone."
Sonja looked pointedly at Helena, who was holding one of the guard's standard-size stunners. I ignored the obvious question in her look. By this point, my patience was wearing thin.
"State your business, or leave," I said.
Sonja looked at me as if I were some stubborn child.
"All of this is my business, Jeremiah Brock," she said peevishly. "As a member of the civil service, I work directly for the citizens of the valley. I might report to the Pleiad, but I answer to the Civil Service Commission. We administrators are educated and trained to advise the councilors on all aspects of government. Which begs the question of where is Noah Fletcher? It is highly irregular for the Pleiad to meet without an administrator present."
By the time Sonja finished her little tirade, I was red faced with embarrassment. Here I thought she was Bearclaw's lackey, and it turns out she was some sort of honest broker. Still, I didn't know that before, and she had been awfully chummy with the council chairman. I could, however, clear up her question about Mister Fletcher.
"Commander Greer had Fletcher hauled off to the hoosegow for something or other; maybe Tonya can clear that up for you," I said helpfully.
Sonja finally started looking around when I mentioned Tonya. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of Mendez with his bloody foot, the unconscious Greer sprawled out on the floor and Coleen busily fussing over a slowly reviving Tonya. Sonja shot me a hard look and I just shrugged.
"I only shot Mendez after he shot me first. I think Tonya shot Greer and the Guards shot her."
It took a couple of minutes for Tonya to feel normal enough to talk. As soon as she was lucid, she, Coleen, Sonja and Helena started whispering. I let them talk because I held a 45 caliber veto to any plan I didn't like. After three weeks of being pulled from pillar to post here in this future, I was not about to relinquish the upper hand.
The women finished their little confabulation and Sonja flipped open her vid-phone. She glanced up at me when I cleared my throat. She sighed and turned her attention towards me.
"Listen, Jeremiah, I'm calling down to security to have Noah Fletcher brought back up here, along with the three councilors Bearclaw had arrested. I'm also going to have the video techs come record everything that happens. My priority is to get our government working again. As soon as that's done, we'll address your issues," she patiently explained.
I nodded, fair enough.
Bearclaw started objecting when Sonja took charge.
"You are seriously overstepping your authority, Miss Ferrens. I am still the legally appointed head of the government," he spouted.
Sonja shrugged her shoulders.
"My function as an administrator is to keep the government operating smoothly, and right now, it's doing everything but ... thanks to you and Mister Brock. Besides, everything will be on the record, so the Civil Service Commission can decide if I acted appropriately."
Bearclaw wanted to argue the point, but I waved away his objections with the five inch barrel of my Colt.
"Get on with it," I said.
Ten minutes later, Fletcher was escorted into the room by Agent Habib, Tonya's partner from the time of my arrival. I relieved Habib of her stunner then Tonya took her and the two other security men off to the side, while Fletcher and Sonja conducted a brief but animated discussion. Fletcher ducked out into the anteroom to retrieve his computing machine as Sonja busied herself rearranging table and chairs. I backed up into a corner so I could keep everyone in front of me.
After speaking with the other security agents for a couple of minutes, Tonya walked over to me.
"Give me our stunners and we'll help you watch this lot. I'll vouch for my troops," she said.
I looked her in the eye and said, "After hearing you talk to Greer, I am not sure I trust you to vouch for anything."
She returned my look without blinking.
"When we were in New London the first time, Liz smith told Sonja some disturbing news about the Pleiad. Sonja didn't want to believe it, that's why she left us and headed back to the valley. Once she was over the worst of her trauma from being captured by the Juicers, she set out to find out about the scheme for herself. Since she knew Greer is one of Bearclaw's chief allies, she suggested I make a show of allying myself with Greer. Letting him think I was acting on his behalf gave me much more latitude than I'd have gotten as just your escort. His thinking I was with him is why pretending to bring you in worked so well."
Then she grinned.
"But you suspected something like that already, or you wouldn't have trusted me to take him out when you made your move."
I returned her smile and handed over her haversack.
"I had a moment's doubt when I was frog-marching behind you two on the way here, but we were soldiers in combat together, and you were willing to die with me instead of escaping when the Juicers had me dead to rights. How could I not trust you?"
It took an additional ten minutes for the moving picture cameras to be set up and the councilors under house arrest to arrive. By the time everyone was present and everything in place, it was almost nine at night, and we had been at our intrigues for the better part of two hours.
Sonja finally had everyone situated. Mendez was laid out on a divan and Greer, the security commander, was still unconscious and sprawled on the floor next to the wounded doctor. The security personnel were spaced about the room, keeping an eye on everyone while Tonya and I were standing over Sonja's shoulder. Sonja and Fletcher now occupied the seats where Mendez and Bearclaw were when I arrived, the recently released council members sat down one side of the 'U', while Coleen and Helena sat down at the other. Bearclaw and the rest of the Pleiad were sitting in a single row of chairs a few feet back from the opening of the 'U'.
Sonja's agile fingers clickity-clacked on the lettered and numbered buttons attached to the computating machine. After half a minute, she pressed one of the buttons forcefully and leaned back in her chair. A few seconds later, the room reverberated with buzzing and ringing and everyone reached for their vid-phones. At the same time, a large picture frame mounted on the wall lit up. In the center of the lighted frame, a number appeared. The number flickered quicker than the blink of an eye, and a larger number replaced it. At the bottom of the frame a red line came to life. At the right side of the line was a smaller number followed by a percent sign. I looked to Tonya for an explanation of what I was seeing; Tonya gave it to me.
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The opening night of this Amazon Wrestling League (AWL) seasons is upon us. This fighting league, created by an eccentric millionaire, pits against each other attractive young women dressed in nothing more than underwear. You are to witness the first match of the night, featuring a daring debutante and an experienced warrior. Tonight's winner will secure a place in the next round of the competition, as well as a hefty check. The loser will endure a beatdown and sexual humiliation. One of the...
BDSM"Dick, great to see you again" Julian greeted his younger brother. "Hurrah! No more school ever again" he replied. "How's your first year at Uni. been then, old chap?""Hard work, but it's great to be studying something with a real expert."With a grin Dick added "George wrote that Uncle Quentin was disappointed that you chose to study Geology not Physics, l think he was hoping to have been able to discuss his experiments with you.""Talking of George, we are supposed to be meeting her...
"Oh my god, Clark get your head out of Smallville mode and back to the big city!" said a voice to Clark's side. “Sorry, Lois kinda lost my train of thought.” “You know, ever since Lana’s niece came into town, you’ve been acting strange …….er than usual.” “How do you mean, Lois?” “Oh I don’t know, Clark, you’re a guy, probably thinking about seducing her or something.” “Lois, you do realize she’s under age right?” Clark looks out the window and lowered his glasses for a...
I slept good with Bob’s big cock in my cunt. I know mom had Billy’s cock in her cunt all night too. That is how we woke up. But, I could tell Bob was not awake yet, so I waited until I felt him move. I thought he was pulling his cock out of my cunt and I wrapped my legs around his ass to keep him in me. I said, “Please Bob honey, fuck me. I need to feel your hard cock shooting hot cum deep inside me. Bob, I love you and your hot cock and someday darling I want to marry you. I’ll stay with...
Jake was busy surfing Internet porn when he saw Helene walking towards his desk. She smiled at him, "There's been a change of plans. Thule's got some things to take care of here. It's you, me, and Yuval to interview the scumbag." Jake nodded, considering the statement. From what he knew of Thule's management style, it seemed extremely unlikely that he'd chosen Helene to go and deal with Oliver Heinzen. Thule's unique brand of chivalry would allow him to send a woman into a physically...
Aren’t fantasies wonderful? I think so and I will tell you why. Because inside my head I can be anything I want and I can bring anyone along to help support what pleases and arouses me. So how does a fantasy start? Well it could be something absolutely true that you witnessed, were told about, or perhaps read. It might be one little snippet or an entire event.Now I want to tell you a story, but before I get to the really good parts I want to tell you the true parts. This list is absolutely...
The truck is packed and ready to go, daddy is yelling at us to get our groove on. I yell up the steps to him and tell him that I'd be up in a minute.I need to get something I forgot to pack.Scotty comes down to see whats holding me up, He sees me stretched across my bed fiddling with something. He jumps on me and grabs my tits as he lands. I giggle at him and asks if he lies his feel. He whispers yes and he wants to suck on them. He rolls me over, lifts my spaghetti string top and begins...
Day 5: The Plan On Friday morning, Jon was up bright and early—or, at least early, for despite Daylight Savings Time there was little sunlight to be had. Leaving his sleeping wife as he had the day before, he snatched a quick five-minute shower, hung some clothes on his body, grabbed a granola bar for breakfast, and drove to work. "You were saying you needed to leave early today, right?" Dr. Polkiss said by way of greeting. "Yeah," said Jon, "about one-ish. We managed to line up some...
We entered the room and all three of the girls were kneeling naked waiting for us. Mason was seated in a chair smiling. Miranda came to Sylvie and pulled her to her feet and they went into our bedroom. As they entered, she said, "Lem, join us. I want you in my ass while Sylvie sucks my pussy." I grinned and headed that way. Red grabbed Marva and Jules bringing them over where Mason was sitting. "Mount him, Jules. I going to take your ass. Marva, Mason will eat your pussy while Jules...
Prologue It awoke. Had it been fully human, it would have been confused upon awakening, but it wasn't fully human. As such, it was immediately aware of a large amount of information, some of which didn't make any sense, but it wasn't worried. It knew what "worry" meant. It just didn't feel that particular emotion, at present. Maybe it would, some day, but not at present. Somehow it knew that, given time, this or that piece of information would settle into its appropriate place in...
Isabel and Tracy came in, with Princess asking, “Whatcha doing?” “Building a symphony, sit down and be quiet for a moment, please?” I asked. “Jenn, I have a sub list of percussion instruments to give you, I know we have some I’m about to list, but include them, please?” “OK, ready.” “Caxixi, an African rattle A set of conga drums, at least two Cowbell Cup chime Splash Cymbal Flexatone...” “Where is he remembering this from?” Tracy asked Princess. “I can’t always remember where I read or...
Special Agent Javier Cortez, Friday, August 11, 2006 We met up at the Oquendo house to get ready for the party. Myself, Beth, Andres, and Alian were going to attend and get as much information as possible out of the other guests. We were each assigned a target to pump. I got Quint Weems, Hunter's older brother. Beth ended up with a football player, Alian with one of the incoming freshman cheerleaders, and Andres got Hunter himself. We started walking over to the Weems house at 6:00. I was...
Introduction: This is a story about a married couple who wants to spice up their sex life and try new things and people. The Girl Next Door Chapter 1 Cum Right Over Ive always enjoyed house sitting for my friends and it is nice to have a change in the setting and a break in the normal routine. My name is Jennifer and I am married to an amazing man named Cyrus. We wanted to spend the weekend together, so we decided to house sit for our friend Amy. It had been a very long week, so we sat down...
Pursuing a Fantasy Part 1 I'm sitting in my car outside the Albatross, its rainbow flag fluttering in the soft night breeze. Would tonight be the night? I have come here on three consecutive Saturdays to find an answer, or to answer a longing. Well, perhaps three is a charm. I lock the car and proceed to the door. A wave of music and conversation greets me as I open it. I give what I hope is a friendly smile to the few faces that turn to witness my entry. I walk up to the bar and select an...
"I have to tell you that this violence worries me. Men are stronger and shouldn't take advantage of that by being brutal to women, especially not their lovers." Hearing him refer to me as his lover warmed me, but I really wanted to add spanking to our sex life for two reasons. I felt that if Charles could take out some of his pent-up frustration, anger and distrust on me, a little bit at a time, it would speed the healing. There's that expression "take (what is owed) out of his/her hide. The...
NovelsM/FMy friend and college room mate, Ben, and I decided to go camping. I brought along a mutual, and beautiful, acquaintance, Mandy, and her tagalong nag of a room mate, Becky.We set up a tent deep in the woods. We built a beautiful fire. And, like the college k**s we were, brought out the drinks. We were having a good time, playing never have I ever, learning and humiliating eachother, taking cheap shots so the other team (boys versus girls) would have to drink. Mandy and I are sitting next to...
One day, while I was in high school, on my way home from soccer practice, I stopped off at my friend Rob’s house to see what he was planning on doing over the weekend. I rang the doorbell, and his mother answered the door, dressed in a pair of shorts, and a vest. His mom was a total fox, tall and slim with blonde hair. It was hard to believe that she had a son my age. “Hi Mrs Connolly,” I said, as I my eyes roamed over her body seeing how well she filled the shorts and vest that she was...