Muleskinner BluesChapter 14 free porn video

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Before I could reply, Coleen squeezed herself between the guards and stood in front of me.

"No he doesn't," she said angrily. "He needs to stay right here until Sonja returns from meeting with the Pleiad."

"We won't harm your savage, Doctor O'Neil, but he is too dangerous to be allowed to roam loose. This project is my responsibility, and I'll not have it jeopardized because you three decided to pick up a pet along the way," Mendez said.

Old Doctor Mendez was wearing on my nerves about then, as I did not especially appreciate being called all those names. I had met many officers like Mendez during the war. They were men full of themselves and the authority they had been given. They were small minded men who rigidly followed the rules, even when it led them to defeat. The two guards Mendez had with him had moved up close to my sides as Mendez was speaking. The women were even taller than Sonja and quite a bit stouter. They were dressed in black trousers and black knitted shirts with a folded over high neck. I stood still and kept my expression open and non-threatening while I attempted to reason with Mendez.

"That is not a very neighborly way to treat a guest, Doc. Especially one who means you no harm," I said calmly.

Mendez snorted and replied, "I seriously doubt a Neanderthal like you knows enough about civilized conduct to correct me, Brock. When I report to the Pleiad what we found sequencing your DNA, you'll be out in the dead lands with the modern version of your ilk before the sun sets."

I surreptitiously checked the guards on either side of me as Mendez spoke, as I figured their attention was on him and not me. In a move I had perfected disarming dozens of drunken cowboys, miners and railroad men, my hands shot out from my sides and grabbed both of their stunners. I pivoted on the balls of my feet and snatched the small weapons out of their grasp. Before the stunned doctors or guards could react, I reversed my grip on the surprisingly light-weight weapons and pointed them both at Mendez. All of that was well and good, but as I stood there, I realized I was still just as trapped as I had been only a minute before. I mean I was in a strange place hundreds of years in the future; where could I go?

I took both weapons into one hand and grip first, handed them to a wide-eyed Coleen. She took the stunners and I turned to Mendez.

"Find me some clothes and lead on, Doctor Mendez. I will wait to see what your council says, as long as you understand that I am your guest and not your prisoner," I said with as much braggadocio as I could muster.

Mendez gave me a fearful, angry look, but nodded his head curtly.

"Lawson, see to some clothing for Mister Brock," he ordered one of the guards.

Lawson nodded her head, walked to the door, fiddled with something beside it at about chest level, pushed the door open and slipped out of it. We all stood there in an uncomfortable tableau until Lawson bustled back in with an outfit for me just like the one she and her partner wore.

I dressed with as much dignity as I could muster, slipping the trousers on before tossing off the ill-conceived nightshirt. The clothes were of a texture and weave that was beyond anything I had ever owned. The clothes were clearly utilitarian, but very high quality. The trousers were slightly too short, but the waist stretched accommodatingly. The shirt fit as if it was a second skin, but it was not uncomfortably tight. Lawson handed me a pair of cloth slippers, but even though they stretched, they were not even close to fitting on my big clod-hoppers. Lawson giggled at my vain attempts to stretch the slippers over my feet, but stifled it when Mendez shot her a disapproving, school marmish frown. I gave up on the slippers, told Mendez to lead the way, and we filed out of the room. As we walked down a long corridor, I could not help but notice that all four women were walking close to me, while the two men acted as if I did not exist.

We had only walked about forty feet when Mendez stopped at a door that had the words 'MEDICAL QUARANTINE SUITE ONE' painted on it. Mendez took what looked like a playing card from his shirt pocket and stuck it in a slot by the door. As soon as he did that, the latch made an audible click and he pushed the door open. Mendez stepped aside and gestured me through the door, I walked in with Coleen close on my heels. Coleen still had one of the stunners in her hand and the other one tucked in the waist band of her loose trousers.

Mendez did not like the idea of Coleen joining me in the room.

"You are jeopardizing your career with your actions, Doctor O'Neil," he said warningly.

Coleen shrugged, handed him the stunners and said, "Someone has to show him how things work and keep him company until Sonja returns. I am partly responsible for him being here, so it is my duty to make sure he is treated properly. You don't seem to realize that if it weren't for Jeremiah, neither we nor the Hawkingium would have made it back. He deserves much better treatment than he has received so far."

Mendez snorted derisively.

"He might have helped, but I doubt if it was for any reason other than his own gain. Think about it, doctor, he embodies everything we are struggling to overcome. His kind are what almost destroyed the human race."

Before Coleen could respond, Mendez stalked out of the room, slamming the door emphatically as he departed.

Coleen started apologizing for Mendez's conduct as soon as he was out the door. I shushed her and told her I had seen plenty of his type when I was in the glorious Army of Northern Virginia, and that I took no offense to it. Coleen seemed much relieved by what I said. She gave me a big hug, then led me by the hand through my new digs. I was much impressed with the indoor plumbing and the flameless cooking stove. Coleen tried to explain to me about something she called electricity that made the stove and bright lights work. Except for the fact that electricity somehow came from windmills and the sun, her explanation went in one ear and out the other with nary a stop in betwixt. I had much less trouble grasping how to make the simple controls work. Turn a knob one way and a burner turned red hot, turn it the other and it was off again. Same with the handles for water, except one handle was for hot and another was for cold.

I was also impressed with the thick mattress on the large bed in the bedroom. I do not know what it was ticked with, but it was the most comfortable I had ever felt. It felt as if it would be too soft when I first laid on it, but after my body sank into it, it firmed up just right. Coleen was smiling as I luxuriated on the fine mattress, until I grabbed her hand and pulled her down on top of me. She squirmed in my arms as I kissed her, and freed herself enough to move her lips near my ear.

"Someone is watching and recording everything that happens in here, so behave yourself," she whispered sternly. I did not like the idea of being spied on one little bit, but I nodded and let her up.

We adjourned to the sitting room and took seats on the couch, while Coleen told me more about every day life in the future. Helena had been correct when she said that I would see enough similarities with what was common place in my time, to be able to function in theirs. We had been chatting for an hour or so, when the door swung open and Sonja and Helena swept into the room and made a bee-line to me. Both women had changed clothes somewhere along the line and were now wearing the same black trousers as I. Instead of a black shirt, however, Sonja wore a blue one and Helena's was yellow. When they stopped in front of me, I could plainly see the concern and touch of anger in Sonja's eyes.

"Are you okay, Jeremiah? Someone called me and told me that idiot Mendez had you locked up," she said.

I tried to downplay what had happened, but Coleen kept butting in with details I had glossed over. Sonja's expression steadily became stormier, until Coleen came to the part of the story where I disarmed the two guards. When Coleen relayed that tidbit, Sonja's eyebrows tried to climb onto the top of her head.

"He disarmed Lawson and Habib? I'd have paid to see that, I've seen them both best three opponents at one time in the gym."

I did not know where this Jim's place was, but it dang sure did not cater to cowboys, miners or railroad men, if those two could whomp three of the customers.

Before I could say anything about that, Coleen butted in yet again.

"I think that they were distracted, being in Jeremiah's presence for the first time. I need to run a few tests to confirm my suspicions, but I am beginning to have an inkling of why that might be," Coleen said.

Before anyone else went off on another tangent, I asked the question that was foremost in my mind, "So anyway, what did the council decide, Sonja?"

Sonja smiled for the first time since she arrived.

"Oh, them. They were ecstatic about the 15 kilos of Hawkingium we brought back, and they are most appreciative of your efforts on our behalf. The other idea is going to take some debate as to how we might best utilize your talents."

Sonja stopped talking for a few seconds and frowned before she continued.

"Our big problem is the quarantine order Mendez has you under. He told the Pleiad that he had good reason for it, and asked to see them privately later this afternoon. Of course the council is not going to overrule the Chief Medical Officer until they hear his story. What caused him to do that anyway, Coleen?"

Coleen had a ready explanation.

"When Doctor Pierce ran Jeremiah's DNA, he found the gene that modern men are missing which prevents the formation of the protein molecule for sexo-social aggressiveness. That was probably enough for Mendez's action, but then Pierce discovered that Jeremiah's DNA had one of the other two genes in that codon out of sequence, and Mendez felt justified in taking extreme action. I think that the out of sequence gene is the reason women of our time seem drawn to Jeremiah. My theory is that Jeremiah's aggressiveness gene has mutated in a way that expresses itself as a pheromone that attracts women."

I could not follow most of what Coleen said, but I understood that it had something to do with how I smelled. I know it was a simpletons action, but I could not help raising my arm and taking a cautious whiff.

After Coleen said her piece, Sonja asked her a few questions about whether anything about whatever I had different about me would be a danger to the community. When Coleen assured her absolutely not, Sonja walked across the room and opened a small cubbyhole door I had completely missed. The open door revealed a device that resembled the machine that counted down our time until departure back in the cave. Sonja tapped a sequence of the buttons with letters on them and a few seconds later, the face of a handsome older man appeared on the black slate-like portion of the machine. My curiosity got the better of me, so I asked Coleen who was the man in the picture.

"That's the chairman of the council. Sonja is the council's lead troubleshooter, so she has great credibility with them."

Sonja finished off her conversation with the council chairman and dragged Coleen off with her, so Coleen could brief the headman in person before the council met with Doctor Mendez. Helena stayed with me to keep me company and probably to keep me out of mischief. Helena took Coleen's seat beside me on the divan. I figured since she took Coleen's seat, she could answer my questions too. The first question I asked was about how the government worked here in good old Paradise Valley. Helena was happy to fill me in.

"We live in a participatory democracy, Jeremiah, where every person eighteen and older who has completed our mandated civics class has a vote. The Council of Citizens is the head of the government. Members of the council are chosen at random from among eligible voters for a four year mandatory term. There are ten council members at all times. All ten councilors participate in council business, but only seven, the Pleiad, have a vote. Every year, one or two of the councilors' terms expire and one or two new ones are appointed. The councilors who served for the previous year without a vote move up to the Pleiad. Members of the Pleiad can be removed from office if two thirds of the citizens vote for it.

"Every major decision of the council is voted on by the citizenry. Votes are cast via computer and the voting window is forty-eight hours. All council meetings are open to the public and available on video, so citizens can watch matters debated at their leisure. In our constitution, it is every citizen's sacred duty to participate in our democracy. In the one hundred and ten years our constitution has been in effect, there has never been a vote in which fewer than ninety percent of those eligible voted.

"We have a small civil service that administers the government. Members of the civil service are held to the highest standards of conduct, and their salary and advancement are based strictly on merit. We have a small judiciary system that is constitutionally limited to one lawyer per thousand citizens. All lawyers are part of the civil service, and their services are free to anyone. Most legal matters are handled by a panel of five lawyers appointed by the council, but on the rare occasion a trial is necessary, both the defense and prosecuting attorney are chosen at random. A member of the civil service convicted of violating the publics' trust is automatically banished from the valley."

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There was a strange smell and I felt really odd. I tried to lift my hand to my head. The headache was unbearable, but for some reason my hand, my arm, wouldn’t move. “This one’s awake,” came a rough voice. I opened my eyes and realised I was lying, bound and blindfolded, on a hard surface. I wasn’t gagged though. “What’s going on,” I muttered. My throat felt on fire. I was ignored. I listened. There must have been a least two people, just from the movements I could hear, but no one was...

4 years ago
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Fire and Moonlight

I love my aunt kim. We have a bond no mortal can touch. As she slid beside me ,i in slumber. From the summer sun. I melted in her hot touch. ‘ I want u..’ she moaned,stroking my vagina, as I felt my vagina softly caressed. ..sliding her tongue up me, and kissing my vagina soft. She purred, pulling my vagina and pinching. Kisses hot caressed my vagina. Her nipple tinglued against mine as she rubbed herself into my body stroking my vagina. ‘ yes ‘ she moaned. My nipple felt amazing inside her...

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AHS Grindr Eat Your Veggies

I’m a bottom and I love to serve. I like being on my knees in front of a hot stud who’s horny and just looking to use me so he doesn’t have to jerk off. I have fucked women but with men I found I liked the submissive role. It wasn’t until just recently that I found out how much fun it can be to be a dominant master of a willing slave. I commented on a Reddit pic a kid had posted saying he was still a virgin and wanted to lose it. He was super hot and I offered to show him an excellent...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 7 Arkansas

I went back to my bench in the shade and looked up the phone number for the Alexandria, Louisiana Police Department. I called in on the non-emergency number from my cell phone and asked for either Detective Roux or Fournier – the two men that I'd talked to during my arrest and the two that had ultimately released me after they'd checked out my alibis. "Roux here!" "Detective Roux, this is Jim Mellon. I ... well, you arrested me two days ago and then..." "Yes, yes, I know who you...

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MommysGirl Mellanie Monroe Mackenzie Mace New Beginnings

Mackenzie Mace is helping her stepmother, Mellanie Monroe, move into a new place. There’s some nervous excitement in the air since both women are getting a new beginning: Mackenzie has just moved away while Mellanie just got a divorce and is living on her own for the first time in a while. Mackenzie is glad to help Mellanie out- she was always much more supportive than her biological parent ever was. She deserves all the love and support in the world. Mellanie feels the same way about...

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                 Sasha ran into Angela (an old friend from high school) during her spring break. They decided to have to have lunch and catch-up on old times. Especially all the trouble they used to get into with Lisa and Symone. Angela decided that they should have a reunion at her parents lake house on the weekend. Sasha hesitated a minute before going along with it. As she went to her apartment she thought back to how her and Symone would argue at least 3 or 4 times a week. Then she...

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Mo bia bhitare pua banda

Kali ratire genhi genhi raju mote kundhei soila. Sakhalu sakhalu sea mo pachare lagichi genhiba genhiba boli. Maa bia ku genhichi aau seea chadiba. Hau taku rati ku karibu boli kahili. Rati belaku raju banda ku dhoi room re basithila. Mu fresh hei hasi hasi room ku gali. Mo maana bi genhena khaibaku heuthila. Swami two month re thare asanti. Bia galu hua. Jaha heu raju kama chaleideba. Mu khata ku asiba matre raju mote bhidi nela. Hau aji masti kari heba. Dekhi khulilu. Mu dekhe kemiti achi....

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Greatest Lie Chapter 11

The Greatest Lie--Chapter 11 A Whole New Me, The Same Old World By Alexandra Rios "En fran?ais," as they say, "plus ?a change, plus c'est la m?me chose:" the more things change, the more they stay the same. When Tran and I got back to Minneapolis from our trip to Thailand for our sex-change operations, it was every bit as dark, frigid and depressing as it had been when we left. We returned to the same tiny, dreary apartment in a drug- infested, sleazy s...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 4 Florida

To:[email protected] From:[email protected] Subject: Your Questions About Karen's and My Sexual Preferences ;-) Jim – Your last email describing your sexual trysts with your new friends in Camp Forge is something I shall remember forever. I have never been so turned on in all my life by a letter or email – why didn't you take me with you???? I applaud the graphic sexual details in your email – just what I asked you to send me. Hurray! You remembered. See,...

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Italy Sexcapade

i went to Italy for a week. the three places i visited were Rome, Venice, and Florence. There was a lot of first's happening on this trip, but i enjoyed it. It was the last day in rome, i wanted to enjoy the night life. To no end, I didn't find anywhere to go. I had made plans with four different guys this guys this night. Franco was the only one to follow through. Franco was an older gentlemen: 56, 5'10, 175lbs, italian. I admit, i was nervous. First time with a man, in my book, everything...

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DETUMESCENCE By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2020 Warning: If you don't like reading Fiction Mania stories, then stop reading now. Author's Note: none. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. RT WHAT ANNE WANTS The smell of coffee woke me --- again. I hated it now. It signaled...

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Witness Protection

This story probably shouldn't be told. It would give up too many secrets. Most people wouldn't know and it would hardly be worth mentioning anything about Lanai, Hawaii. Most people wouldn't know nor would they care it is the sixth-largest of the Hawaiian Islands and the smallest publicly accessible inhabited island in the chain or that it is the 42nd largest island in the United States. Who cares? The FBI seemed to care. In fact, that was part of the decision to put her there. Jenny had...

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Hi guys, new to this site, so please bare with me. I am a 30 year old guy from Scotland and want to tell u all about probably my sexiest ever experience which occurred last summer. Having slept with just six girls before I got together with my wife seven years ago, I realise I am not the most experienced guy out there! I am however far more experienced than my wife who had only ever been with one guy, her previous boyfriend of five years, before we met. This at first was something I liked as I...

Wife Lovers
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Alice and My Roommate

Alice and I were rolling around in the sheets of my dorm room. She and I had vibrators inside us and we were holding onto each other's toy – pushing it in and out of soaked swollen pussy. Anyone who has ever felt the odd sensation of something so desired, so thought about, so hoped for, finally complete – anyone who has felt that, could know what I was feeling. My virginity was gone. I felt like a bird released from her cage, and I lavished everything on Alice. I wanted to give everything to...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 7 A brief glimpse

In waking, I find Nimrod's penis hard up against my back. Somehow Saul and I have switched places in the middle of the night. So I am butt up against Nimrod and Saul is hanging off the bed. Wiggling around some till I have Nimrods length fit between my legs, I rub till he grows harder and moans in his sleep. Saul, on the other side moans in return. It is really cute. I want to reach around and kiss Nimrod but he had reacted so badly to my kiss last night that I don't dare wake him. As I am...

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Melody and The Mall and the dildo pants

“I'm so glad you've come along to see what we have here in our city. We're very proud of it, its extremely innovative and very, very popular. I'll tell you about the concept and then show you around. The concept came from a group of us who have been in the sexual services industry for many years, we were looking for a way to tap into spare capacity in the market, and, of course, make ourselves a lot of money! We hit on the idea of quickie sex for men, without any problems of them having to...

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First time cuckold

I stood and watched as she clipped the top of the stocking to the susspender against her milky white thigh before smoothing down the crease in her knee high skirt. She Had never worn stockingsI, at least not in the six years we had been together, this was all becoming a bit surreal. It had started when I got home, a case packed, the c***dren at her mother's and a hotel in the countryside booked for the evening. Well I wasn't complaining, from my current view it looked like I was in for a fun...

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happy anniversary

My wife and I's anniversary was last Sunday so Saturday evening we went out for some dinner and fun. I wore a white dress shirt and slacks and my wife wore a just above the knee skirt and a white blouse. I noticed she also was wearing hose and a bra both of which she normanly doesn't wear. We had a nice meal at Ruth's Chris Steak House , ( the same one in my other stories ). After dinner she wanted to go to a bar some where and listen to some music and dance. We cruised...

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Sallys Black Bang

My 48 year old wife Sally loves cocks. She's quite happy with mine most of the time but now and then she wants to feel a different sized cock in her pussy. I think she also likes the way she can attract and control men by offering her body to them. Sally discovered her passion for cock when she was in her late 30s. She had just gotten divorced from her husband of 18 years. He had left her for another woman and she was just not sure whether she would still be attractive to men. Her first date...

Group Sex
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The Bounding Main

THE BOUNDING MAINT.S. FESSELNDisclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.Permission is granted for private use. The author wishes any agencies that wish to publish this work, to please...

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Neverwinter Nights

Ah YES! The lands of Toril! What a place. A land of myth, and lore. A land where dangers, and adventure are around every corner. The infamous Spine of the World, Baldur's Gate, Helmsdeep, Waterdeep, the Underdark, Undrentide, Luskan, Amn, and Nevewinter city are just a few of the places any adventurer would seek. Some would go to these places to gain power, wealth, or even fame. Some go to these places to do villainous acts of evil, and some, heroic deeds of good. But for THESE 4 adventurers,...

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My WayChapter 8

Victoria knew the crush story was lame, but telling a guy’s mom that you love him, before you tell him was just wrong. “Why don’t you talk to Jamie about all this in the morning, and I’m sure he will tell you the same thing I just did. Are you ok, now?” “Yes, thank you, for everything.” Elizabeth turned out the light as she left the room. Victoria lay in the dark for a long time before she decided to go see Jamie. It was late, and he was probably asleep, but she needed to talk to him now...

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Yes Please

Mick was flipping through the adult chat and meeting sites that he had been associated with for a number of years, not that they had been an outstanding success for in the hundreds of profile he has investigated he had only met four women and only two were in favour of a sexual adventure. However the sites were free so he just kept his name on the books and if there was an interesting profile he would click onto it. So far any incoming interest from a woman was rather rare, but he had nothing...

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This story contains themes of lesbianism and incest, including graphic descriptions of sexual activity. If such material is in any way off-putting or offensive to you, please do not read any further. All characters are at least 18 years of age. The names have been changed to protect the innocent—and those who become a bit less innocent as events run their course. I really hope you enjoy it. I was the only one in our family to call her Francesca. Everyone else had her down as Fran or Aunt Fran,...


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