Muleskinner BluesChapter 16
- 2 years ago
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I woke up shortly after first light snuggled tightly against Carol in the chilly line shack. My arm was draped over her and my big hand was full of her even bigger breast. My morning erection was pressed firmly against her large shapely derriere. I hated the idea, but I needed to answer Mother Nature's call. I reluctantly released Carol's breast, quietly arose from our pallet and wandered outside to take care of my necessaries.
As I approached the outhouse that sat behind the rough hewn wooden shack, I was struck once again by how many things in the future mirrored things in my times. Thinking about the time I came from led to thoughts of my family and friends back in the nineteenth century. How long, I wondered, would it be before I saw them again? My sainted mother was elderly for the times in which she lived. Would she even be alive if and when I made it back?
I finished my business and headed back to the line shack. Sarah was coming out of the hut as I was walking back in. I guess my thoughts were readable on my face because she stopped and grabbed my arm.
"What's the matter, Jeb, is your leg bothering you?" she asked worriedly.
I am unsure if I would have answered that question truthfully if anyone besides Sarah asked it. I answered her because Sarah had a caring and kind heart and I trusted her enough to show her my weaknesses.
"No, my leg is fine. I was just thinking about my mother and the rest of my family. Every day that passes brings Mama closer to her maker, and every day that passes is one less that I'm there to protect them all," I said with a sigh.
Sarah's mouth made a small round 'oh' of surprise.
"It means no such thing, Jeremiah, not in the least. That's because when you return to your time it will be to the exact second from which you departed. Think about it, Honey, time for you cannot exist unless you are there to experience it. And if any measurable amount of time passes without you in it, you are erased from that time line forever.
"The big problem with creating the time travel apparatus was finding a way to synchronize the two ends of the time line finely enough so a person returned the instant they left. Helena was the one who discover a way to do that based on some atomic property of Hawkingium. Helena's Hawkingium 'clock' is accurate to a ten-billionth of a second.
"The reason you returning with Sonja and her team was such a shock was because none of our brains could comprehend poor Johnny Chen disappearing and you appearing all in the same instant."
I do not know which amazed me more, what she said or me actually understanding it. Sarah explanation took quite a load off my mind. I gave her a hug and a grateful, sloppy kiss. My mind was working a mile a minute as I pondered the ramifications of that new reality. In ten seconds I bet I came up with ten ideas.
"So we can go back and forth and never loose a minute in either time?" I asked rhetorically. "That means we can live and make things better in both."
Sarah nodded, not bothering to step back out of my arms.
"Yes, you could do that, the caveat being the Pleiad agreeing to use the time machine for that purpose."
That statement sobered me somewhat because as things stood now, doing favors for me was probably the last thing on the Pleiad's agenda.
"That might be a problem then. I'm not their favorite person right now," I allowed with a frown.
Sarah pulled my head down for a real kiss and wiggled her plush body against me as she stood on her tip-toes. When she finally broke the kiss she had me panting like a hound dog in July. She leaned back in my arms and gave me an impish grin.
"The composition of the Pleiad is subject to change, Jeremiah. Liz Smith is ready to openly challenge Council President Bearclaw. With your help, I don't think it will be long before the valley dwellers and outlanders have one government under her leadership. I am fairly certain that Elizabeth has plans for you playing a big role in all of this."
When we crested the ridge line that formed the eastern rim of the valley we spotted the camp of the outlander militia detachment that was returning our horses. When we rode up among them, a youngish looking militia man rendered me a snappy salute.
"Good morning, Citizen Brock, I am Lieutenant Deming. Queen Elizabeth sends her regards and requests that you allow us to escort you and your companions to New London."
I sat up tall in my saddle and returned his salute.
"We'd be honored to ride with you, Lieutenant," I replied.
We changed mounts, bid Carol goodbye and were threading our way down the mountain within fifteen minutes of arriving at the militia camp. Carol gave me a kiss that curled my toes before she departed then placed her lips by my ear.
"I'll be in New London in a few days muleskinner. When I get there I expect you to have a night saved for me and the energy to make it worth my while," she whispered.
I pulled back and nodded dumbly, all my blood having deserted my brain for points south.
We made camp that afternoon beside the same spring-fed pond we'd stopped at just last week on our first trip. This time, there were no distractions to prevent me from exploring the cave above the spring. True, the cave had appeared to be an empty twelve foot by twelve foot room, but something about my remembrance of it tickled my curiosity.
I slipped inside the cavern with one of the flameless lanterns I had borrowed from Lieutenant Deming. I took a careful walk around the inside of the cavern and confirmed that the walls had been worked flat with a chisel, judging by the tool marks in the rock. In the far back corner, the odd thing I'd noticed on my first cursory inspection immediately caught my eye again. The dirt floor was slightly mounded in a rectangle about two feet by four feet. The raised area was only about a quarter inch higher than the rest of the floor, but the regular shape was obvious in the bright light of the lantern.
I walked over to the slight rise in the floor and cautiously stepped lightly on the edge. I could feel the difference in the ground under my feet but it felt as solid as the rest of the rock floor. I knelt down and brushed the sand off the protrusion with my hand. It only took a couple of swipes to see that I was uncovering a metal plate of some sort. It took me only a couple of minutes to expose the entire rectangle.
I sat back on my heels and examined the metal plate under the intense light of the small lantern. It was obvious to me that the metal plate had been colored and etched to match the natural rock floor. I surmised that some force of nature must have heaved the plate upward slightly so that it broke the plane of the floor.
I found an indentation at one end of the plate that looked as if it were a handle of sorts. Even though I thought it would be too heavy to lift by myself, I grabbed the handhold, bent my knees, locked my elbows and pushed upright with all the strength my legs could generate. To my great shock, the plate pivoted upward so smooth and effortlessly that all my excess effort sent me flying backward onto my big muley butt.
I stood up and rubbed my hind end as I contemplated the now open hatch. I leaned over and shined the light into the inky black darkness, not surprised in the least to see a set of metal stairs leading downward. I knew it was probably unwise to go further into the cavern by myself, but I shrugged and started down the steps anyway. Wise and Jeb Brock were not words often spoken in the same sentence.
There were fifteen steps leading down to the next level of the cavern. The steps were narrow but not especially steep. The chamber at the bottom of the stairs was much larger than the room above and yet it showed the same tool marks on the walls. I figured the caverns had once been some sort of mine. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and shined the lantern around the cavern. Amazingly, the chamber I stood in appeared to be the entry hall of a house constructed underground. The walls behind me and to my right were tool gouged rock; the eight foot tall partition walls ahead and to the left were white-washed plaster. There was a door in both the front and left hand wall.
I found the first body in a bedroom; it was the second room I entered. The mummified elderly woman was dressed in a white gown and laid out as if for burial on an ornately carved sleigh-bed.
I found the second body in a room right off the bedroom that was obviously a man's office. The room had a single bed tucked against one wall; a large desk dominated the center of the space. An elderly man was sitting in a chair slumped over the table. He was also mummified, his skin stretched like dark parchment over his skeleton. Next to his right hand was familiar looking revolver. It was a superiorly made weapon that bore a striking resemblance to my own Colts. Next to the pistol was a leather bound ledger.
I left the man in his eternal peace and shined the light around the room. A glass faced gun cabinet immediately reflected the beam from my light. Holding the beam steady on the cabinet, I walked over to it and pulled open the door. Inside the cabinet were a version of a Winchester model 1866 repeating rifle and a beautiful double-barreled fowling piece. Hanging on a hook in the cabinet was a well worn belt with a holster attached to it. A pistol that matched the one on the table was sitting on a shelf above the rifles, along with some gun cleaning supplies and a few tin containers.
The contents of the room were very well preserved, even though they had to be hundreds of years old. I had heard of similar discoveries around the gold mines in Colorado when I was a deputy in Boulder. Miners told tales of finding mummies and weapons from the times of the Spanish conquest and even earlier than that. The miners attributed the condition of the bodies and equipment to the low humidity, lack of insects and scavengers, all combined with the cool temperatures found deep in the caves.
I started to fret about the amount of time I had been away, so I grabbed the holster rig, both pistols and the journal, then retraced my steps back to the original cave.
I climbed off the ledge and made my way to the tent that the militia men had erected for us. I stowed my new treasures and joined Tonya and Sarah under the big willow tree by the pond. The women were sitting on a couple of lightweight metal camping chairs, Sarah gingerly massaging her thighs.
"My legs are too short for horseback riding," Sarah complained. Then she looked up and saw me. "Ah-ha and here comes the reason I'm on the back of that evil beast now. Notice how he waltzes in after all the work is done."
Sarah could not quite keep a straight face as she nagged at me. Tonya grinned and voiced her agreement.
"He's that way all the time. He treats me terribly and then tries to seduce my Mother."
Tonya probably had a few more pithy comments ready for me, but she quickly changed the subject when she saw the loot I was carrying.
"Where did you get that stuff?" She asked, pointing to the book and the guns.
"I found a trap door that led to a second cave up there," I said, point to the little ledge. "Someone went to the trouble of building a house inside the second cave and these things were in it."
Both women's eyes lit up with curiosity and Tonya gave a slight nod.
"A bomb shelter, probably. They were popular during portions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries among a segment of society who called themselves Survivalists. The shelters were designed to be a safe haven from nuclear attack," Tonya stated. Then she pointed at the leather covered journal I held in my left hand. "So anyway, what's the book about?"
I shrugged and flipped open the cover.
"I know you think we are very unusual, Jeremiah, and in the context of what you know as normal, you are correct about us. That works both ways, though, because things here are not only strange and different to us, but they are dangerous and frightening as well. If anyone else had found us besides you, I don't think we'd have made it two days here. It was an unbelievable stroke of providence that you came up the road when you did. I cannot believe how naïve we were, thinking that our...
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Alex and Emily continue their Recon mission to 1917 Hartford. After which Sand Dollar takes a trip to the North Atlantic. What manner of choas will a will a thirty-five foot rogue wave cause for Alex and her crew? South of Bikini: Onward Episode 9 "To Save an Old Friend" 1310 hours, The Roland Demmit House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 18th, 1917 "That's us!"...
Well, where should I start? My wife fulfilled my fantasy, and I thought that was the end of it. We had great sex afterwards, and talked about the experience for weeks. She absolutely had no regrets, and I didn’t have any either. She was so sexy when she fucked our neighbor. Needless to say, a few months later, our neighbor moved and we didn’t see him again. I was comfortable with him being with my wife. I didn’t feel threatened one bit by any of this, until my wife told me she wanted to sleep...
I don't really know how to start this. I don't really think that I should be writing this down but I don't know where else to put it. It's been driving me up the wall for the past 24 hours and if I told anyone I know then I would probably end up in a psychiatric ward or something. But since it has been tearing me up inside so much this seems like the best thing to do. I doubt that many of you will believe me but that is your choice. It's been happening to me so I know its true and I don't...
This Story Was Originally By: Jessica18 And Was Posted: 6th November 2007. I Asked Her Permission To Rewrite And Try And Add To It, Because I Think It's A Great Story And Has Lots Of Potential. So I'd Like To Thank Jessica18, For The Use Of Her Story.It was a fine morning, the sun was out and the birds were singing. Alex woke up and went to have a shower and get ready for school. After having a shower he got ready and went downstairs to have his breakfast. Alex's mom Nikita had already got...
"In the name of Wisdom, I sacrifice this first catch." It wasn't much of a prayer. Rather trite, really, when you consider he was saying it as he killed a living thing. The flapping fish held on the rock altar before the White Oak, Tom sliced his fishing knife down into its body just behind the front fin. Its blood, juices, whatever you want to call them, came out, even as the fish struggled harder for a moment beginning to still. Liquid, clear-ish red, hit the rock as his knife began...
I have always had an uneventful fantasy life with my female friends' men. I never cross the line and sleep with them, but I always have the lustful eyes roaming over the bodies of my homegirls' dudes. This one I am about to mention is the newest in my fanatasy file. I recently met this chic that moved around the bend from me. She finally got me to come over one night and kick back with her. Her man was supposed to kick it as well, but he remained asleep in the bedroom for a good two hours as...
98 A PUNISHMENT IN CENTRAL PARK “So, Avis, Jon your husband has sent you to us for some much needed correction!” She stood erect, defiant even; well dressed, I am not good at sizes but 5ft 6 or so not a young woman it is true but tidy, Her shape was still feminine for her age which I suspect was very late 40s early 50`s, fairly good looking, though her features said that she had seen life and not always from the best side, she had something about her. breasts well defined, though I had as...
Phil and the others got up early, but were reluctant to venture downstairs, afraid of the reception awaiting them. They instead prepared what they could from their small refrigerator and packaged goods. They were munching on warmed leftovers, dry crackers and orange juice when Phil’s phone rang. “Phil here.” “Phil, this is Leslie. As you guessed, we’ve been swamped since we announced the news of today’s release. Everyone is demanding your number, as they either want their own exclusives or...
I felt myself being pulled down the hall by the fake fur jacket. Then I slid on the floor into his office. I found myself lying in a heap at his feet. "Get on you knees whore," Ari said to me. I had the taste of blood in my mouth and I could hardly see out of my right eye. I didn't move until I felt his foot on my chest. "Unless you want those fancy tits flattened, get on your fucking knees whore," he repeated. I struggled to my knees. I knew what to do. He didn't have to tell me. I...
“And now we go live to Tabitha Bowman who is just outside the White House,” Cassandra Lopez announces. A screen comes to life behind Cassandra of a blonde woman wearing a light green blouse that matches her eyes. The woman is standing outside the gates that surround the White House. National Guardsmen can be seen standing guard at ten foot intervals, their guns at the ready. “Good morning Tabitha,” Cassandra says cheerily. “What is the scene like out there at the White House?” “Good...
Matures Cam! Do you enjoy the sight of amazing mature camgirls showing off their pretty pussies? Fuck, there’s no way I’m saying no to that! I know teen camgirls and the young adults in their 20s have tight, fuckable, and inviting pussies, but I’m down for some sexy time with a horny MILF. Tight pussies are one thing, but experience, well, that’s something even the tightest cunt can’t match.Now, do you want to show these amazing mature beauties how hard they make your penis? Well, you can do...
Live Mature Sex CamsA loosely autobiographical novel of my younger days and nights. Originally written 2001-2002 Chapter One I know, I know, they say you can’t go home again. But after all those years . . . there I was, in my hometown for a day or two with nothing much to do, it was mid-October of 1999 and snowing lightly, not sticking to the streets, but the grassy areas were already a pretty white. I’d heard Lynch’s Bar & Grill had reopened, so I dropped in. It wasn’t the run down beer joint I had frequented...
The usual caveats apply. This is a copywrited work of transgendered fiction and may not be reproduced anywhere without the express consent of the author. LITE is closer to my original plan; the first attempt, still not finished, having morphed into a monster approaching novelette status. The characters took over and changed the plot completely. If enough people [hell, anyone at all] appreciate this effort, I will submit the longer version with some of the glossed over elements...