Sully Ch. 01 free porn video

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A loosely autobiographical novel of my younger days and nights. Originally written 2001-2002

Chapter One

I know, I know, they say you can’t go home again. But after all those years . . . there I was, in my hometown for a day or two with nothing much to do, it was mid-October of 1999 and snowing lightly, not sticking to the streets, but the grassy areas were already a pretty white.

I’d heard Lynch’s Bar & Grill had reopened, so I dropped in. It wasn’t the run down beer joint I had frequented years earlier and I doubted any of the old crowd would be found here, but I was thirsty and sat down at the bar.

This place catered to what my good friend Howie Freeman called the ‘Fern’ crowd. Yuppies and wanna be yuppies, sorry, just not my kind of crowd at this point in my life, but the music was tolerable and it was lively enough with the under thirty women showing some leg and enough cleavage to keep me interested.

I had made up my mind to have a second drink before leaving when a familiar face walked in the door. I rose up and greeted him by name.

‘Hey! Aren’t you Sammy DiGenero?’

‘Yeah? You know me?’

‘It’s been a long time, but do you remember playing baseball and touch football in Hamilton Park?’

‘Yeah?’ His facial muscles strained with the effort to recall my face.

‘Jim, Jim Farrell,’ I said with a smile.

His eyes lit up. ‘Farrell? No shit!’

Sammy’s multi-diamond-ringed hand shot out to clasp mine.

‘Christ… what’s it been ten…twenty years?’

‘More like twenty-five Sammy.’

‘Shit!’ He said, beaming now, and I guess I was too.

‘Let’s get us a drink,’ he called to the slim bartender with a shaven head, ‘Teddy, two drinks over here.’

Teddy refilled my scotch and soda, and made Sammy a martini, dry and on the rocks. I glanced up at the television and saw that Phillip Morris, the world’s largest cigarette manufacturer had admitted that smoking causes lung cancer and other fatal diseases.

‘That’s something ain’t it,’ I said.

Sammy stamped his cigarette out, and promptly lit another, inhaled deeply and said, ‘That’s not exactly news. Well, the fact that they admit it is. But people have known for years that you get the big ‘C’ from too much smoking.’

‘Think of the law suits to come, Sammy.’

‘Aw, fuck that! We got some reminiscing to do big guy,’ Sammy said pulling a stool out and sitting down next to me. ‘You look great! Keep in shape eh?’

‘I try to take care of myself Sammy. What have you been up too?’

‘Me?’ He said pointing a finger at his plentiful belly. ‘Well,’ his voice dropped an octave or two, ‘ya know, I never was too good in school, in fact I dropped out my junior year. Never went back. Those nuns and priests, ya know, drove me nuts.’

He smiled broadly. His teeth were good and he knew it. ‘But I manage to do okay,’ by now his arm was draped over my shoulder as he closed in and whispered in my ear, ‘I make book on the sports, ya know. The ‘vig’ pays pretty good.’

‘I understand how it works Sammy,’ I said, as his arm returned to his side.

‘Sure, sure ya do. Last I heard you’d signed with the Cardinals, am I right?’

Here we go again, I thought, but said, ‘Naw, the Cardinals used to own the Red Wings. I signed with the Orioles.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ he nodded as though that corrected his error.

‘So tell me, what happened? I mean, you were good. Shit, you were very good.’

I shrugged his compliments off. They meant nothing to me anyway. But Sammy deserved an answer, so I obliged him.

‘Okay, I was signed out of college after my second year. Uh, better make that my second season. The grades and I . . . we didn’t mesh, know what I mean?’

‘Oh, yeah, sure. Looka me, Tenth grade, right?’

‘High school was where they noticed me first, I mean we won the state championship three out the four years I was there.’ He had me reminiscing now. My mind’s eye watched the faces from the past float by, Sneaky Leo, Wisnewski, Big Nick, Sally, Corvath, Blimp Maston, and Hezzy.



‘What the hell ever happened to Hezzy?’

His eyes clouded over in thought for a moment until it hit him. ‘The fuck! Hezzy Bettis . . . of course, I’m sorry Jimmy, I forgot all about that poor son-of-a-bitch.’


Sammy emptied his martini. I caught Teddy’s eye and motioned for another round.

‘Yeah,’ he said sounding remorseful. ‘Old Hezzy. Fucker could throw a football.’

‘And his fastball wasn’t shabby either as I recall.’

‘Sure, sure,’ Sammy was still trying to recapture Hezzy in his mind as the drinks arrived and he took a quick sip. ‘Got it!’ he said, startling the young woman next to him as she traced her pencil liner over her lips, enlarging them with lipstick instead of collagen.

‘Musta been his senior year. You were gone by then I think.’

‘That’s right. I graduated two years before old Hezzy, but as I recall he brought the team into the championship a year after I left.’

‘Right. They lost that game by two points, close finish though. If I got it right, the clock ran out with Hezzy getting stopped running for the extra points that would have tied it. And the next year he was carrying a shitty football team on his back,’ he looked into my eyes. ‘I mean it. The team had nothing. No defense not much offense either, except for what Hezzy and a kid named Bones Barrington brought. A skinny wide receiver,’ he added for my benefit. ‘They were something like six and three. Last game of the season, let’s see, I was there, who was it they played?’ He mused, before snapping his fingers. ‘Got it! It was against St. Michael’s, Union City, a tough opponent that year. Shit, they were tough every year.’

‘Hezzy was tough too,’ I said quietly, having played with and against him.

‘The second quarter it was,’ Sammy said quietly before his voice faltered.

‘So what happened?’

‘It was a busted play. The runner stumbled and missed the hand-off. Hezzy decided to run with it himself.’ Sammy took another swallow of the martini. ‘They creamed him, Jimmy. They fucking creamed him. One guy hit him high and another low. I heard the first crack from my seat in the stands. And more bodies hit him after that ’cause the bastard wouldn’t or couldn’t go down.’

‘Christ,’ I muttered, visualizing the scene.

‘Aw, it was awful. His leg was fractured a couple a times. Ya know . . . he never walked right after that. Kids called him Gimpy. Fuckin’ kids got no respect anyways.’

‘Damn,’ I said. So that ended his chance of either college or pro ball.’

‘Hell yeah, guy’s lucky he can move along the street.’

‘So what’s he doing these days?’

‘Well, I’m sorry to say I think he’s a wino, a crack head, or both.’

‘God damn it,’ I said under my breath.

‘You got hurt too, didn’t cha?’

‘Yeah, I got hurt too. But not like that.’

‘Least ya got some money for ya troubles,’ he commiserated. Then curiosity got the better of him and he asked, ‘So what happened to you?’

I rolled out the canned version for him. ‘Early seventies. After leading the nation in hitting at dear old Rutgers, I dropped out, the grades . . . well they weren’t getting any better. Anyway, I signed with Baltimore and went to their rookie school in Florida. I did just fine there. Led the fucking team in hitting and pitched fairly well too. They had me playing short when I wasn’t pitching.’

‘Who was some of the guys there?’

‘Actually it was the following season I really met some players I grew to know and like,’ I said, ‘like Al Bumbry, Jim Fuller and Roric Harrison. That fucker struck out 16 guys one night at Toledo.’

‘Any major leaguers?’

‘Well Bumbry played center for several years and Bobby Grich was there too. I think he was pretty good.’

‘Sure was,’ Samm
y conceded.

‘That first spring training found me doing very well and they bumped me up to Double-A ball for my first year. After adding some muscle, I began to hit with a little more power, and as the season wound down they promoted me to Rochester.’ I finished my drink. Teddy was right there with another. He was a very good bartender. I reminded myself to leave him a generous tip.

‘So,’ Sammy nudged me, ‘You reached Triple-A your first full year, huh?’

‘I did. The big leagues beckoned to me. I could almost taste it. In fact, I pitched against the Orioles in an early season exhibition. Went four innings, allowed two hits, a walk and zero runs. Not to shabby, and, I got a double off Palmer. Hit the top of the left field wall. I can still see Marv Rettemund chasing after it as I rounded first.’

‘Wow!’ Sammy said, impressed.

‘Oh, yeah.’ I almost growled, ‘But two weeks later I got hit in the face with a line drive. That ended it.’

‘No!’ said Sammy.

‘Almost lost my eye. Had double vision for about fifteen months. It came and went mostly, but I didn’t dare play ball. I’d have gotten killed.’

‘Gee, that’s tough, Jimmy.’

‘Yeah thanks,’ I said and looked around the place, signaling Sammy that I’d had enough of this talk. ‘It’s funny, there were a couple of us got hit like that, Herb Score, Conigliaro . . .’


‘Remember, the Red Sox star, Tony C.? Hit a ton of home runs, he was killing the pitchers, didn’t matter who was throwing . . . then he got skulled. And there was an older fuck came up with the Dodgers, back in the early fifties, couldn’t beat Pee Wee Reese out of the shortstop job, name was Zimmer, same guy’s managing the Cubs these days. Has a steel plate in his head. Damnedest thing is we get together every other year or so and commiserate.’

‘Yeah, yeah. So what do you do these days?’

Evidently Sammy had some tact and I was grateful he changed the subject. ‘I sell transportation services. Don’t ask. It’s a living.’

‘I hear ya,’ he smiled, obviously he had something else in mind.

‘So ya hear from any of the old crowd?’ Sammy asked.

‘Not fair Sammy, I was gonna ask you that question.’

‘Ahh, I ain’t seen nobody in years,’ he said with some disgust.

‘What about Georgie T?’ I asked.

‘Nothin’,’ he said.

‘The Bone?’

Sammy laughed. ‘Fucker got married. Last I ever heard of him.’

‘Swallowed by matrimonial bliss, eh?’ I laughed.

‘Yeah, yeah,’ He shrugged his shoulders, ‘all them guys and the girls too. They married and left the city. And no one ever sends me Christmas Cards, so I don’t or can’t keep track of ’em.’

We were quiet for a minute or so and I began to check out a petite brunette seated directly across the bar from me. We made eye contact and it looked promising, then Sammy asked, ‘So Jimmy, who was the weirdest fucker ya knew growing up?’

It was a reasonable question and it took me back into the past. We were a crazy group back then. I gave it some serious thought before answering, and lost interest in the brunette.

‘Sully was.’

‘Sully? I would’a thought maybe J-Boy, or The Bone. Shit, there are a couple others I can think of . . . I never would have thought of Sully. Didn’t he go to The Prep?’

‘Yeah he did, and maybe that’s why you don’t recall much about him, but I sure as hell do.’

‘All’s I remember is he left town and some people was looking for him.’

‘True enough, but there was more to the story than just leaving town.’

‘We got time. So tell me about Sully.’

‘Okay,’ I said, and stopped to inhale my Camel, then watched the smoke soar away towards a ceiling vent. ‘Some of this I know ’cause I was there. Sully told me a lot too, being a close friend and well . . . umm, Sully liked to brag especially about his . . . sex life.’

‘Hoo, boy, this is gonna be a good one, I can tell already,’ Sammy grinned and adjusted himself as though preparing to get laid.

‘And,’ I continued, stamping my Camel out in the plastic ashtray, ‘his sister Megan also filled in some missing details. So don’t mind if I find myself telling this as if I knew more than I should have about Sully.’

‘Like I give a flying fuck. Come on already, give with the details.’

I lit another cigarette, took a drag then placed it down in the ashtray. The details rushed together as if it were yesterday.

Jack Sullivan was his name. Smart son of a bitch. Everyone called him Sully though. He had a big fucking ego Sully did, a really big ego. I recall as a kid of maybe nine or ten, he thought he could fly, and to prove it, he leaped across several rooftops in succession. Of course, the rest of us egged him on. He kept jumping until he missed. Luckily he only fell ten feet before landing awkwardly on a fire escape. Broke his leg … I still remember signing the cast.

We were best buddies until he went off to The Prep. After that we always hung out during the summer, playing baseball, he was a good outfielder and had decent power. We were always talking about the girls we’d nailed. None of which was true except that I was porking his sister, Megan from time to time. But I couldn’t tell Sully that.

We saw even less of one another following graduation. I went off to play for Rutgers and he got a basketball scholarship to LaSalle in Philly. Ah, you know I turned pro. Sully . . . well, he fucked up, got thrown off the team and lost his scholarship, but his old man saw to it that he finished college, got a Civil Engineering degree. Anyway, Sully came to see me in the hospital as I was recuperating.

I closed my eyes for a second, and there he was, walking in the hospital door.


‘How are ya Jimbo?’ He asked with a sly grin on his face. My head was wrapped in bandages. I looked at him with my one good eye. He was well dressed, in an alpaca sweater, well-creased slacks, and loafers so well shined that you could see the reflection of your face in them.

‘You’re doing well, I see.’

He laughed. ‘That’s funny. You see I’m doing well. It’s a wonder you can see anything after what happened to you.’

‘Fuck you Sully.’

Just then a young nurse’s aid entered the room. As she checked my chart and made some adjustment to my medication, he eyed her up and down. I could tell she felt his eyes on her. She glanced at me and began to blush then left the room as quickly as possible.

‘Well, you scared the shit out of her,’ I told him. ‘I’ll be lucky if she comes back at all. There’ll probably send an ogre in her place. Thanks a lot Jack.’

‘Bullshit!’ He said, as if I’d offended him. ‘They all love attention.’

‘I laughed. ‘You call mentally raping her attention?’

Sully wiped his mouth with his hand, grinned that Irish grin of his. ‘Like I said, they all love attention. Wait, she’ll be back, and when she does make sure you touch her. No, not her ass or tits,’ he leered, ‘but maybe her arm or face. Just touch her and watch the reaction.’

‘Yeah right,’ I said skeptically. ‘You know I’m not exactly a virgin.’

‘Fuckin’ A. You played pro ball, ya had to meet those groupies.’

I laughed. Indeed, I had. There was a least one girl in each town the Red Wings visited, and several in Rochester, but I seriously doubted I’d ever go back there.

‘And, umm, where did you acquire all this expertise, Sully me boy?’

‘Mostly in Philly. I love hitting on the younger ones. Easy to score on man, ya know?’

‘Get fucked you horny bastard,’ I said, amused by his sexual thesis.

After a few more minutes Sully left, promising to check me out in the next day or so. Maybe ten minutes later, the nurse’s aid returned to my room fussed with my pillow, and was taking my temperature when I thought about what Sully had said. I reached out and ran my hand up her arm to her shoulder.

‘What are you doing Mr . . . .?’

‘What’s your name, nurse?’

Mandy . . . but what are you . . .?’

‘Please, call me James. And I needed very much to touch another person. I hope you don’t take offense.’ My hand remained on her bare arm.

‘Oh,’ she stammered.



‘Sit on the bed. Please, I’d like to talk to you for a while.’ I removed my hand and to my surprise, she hopped up beside me.

‘We’re not supposed to do this you know . . .’

‘I really, really appreciate it Mandy,’ and my hand found hers and covered it. My thumb gently roamed across her knuckles.

‘Does your eye hurt very much?’ She asked her voice soft and curious. Her hand remained still.

‘Oh, yeah. Especially if I shake my head . . . like this.’ And I shook my head vigorously.

Mandy’s hand flew to her mouth then lightly slapped me when I burst out laughing.

‘That’s not funny,’ she hissed, but her voice was still low. ‘You could have . . . .’

‘Come here,’ I said, reaching for her. She offered no resistance, and as I pulled her close I noticed her eyes close, and I kissed her.

Her lips were soft and dry. I ended the kiss and saw her eyes still closed.

‘Another,’ I said softly.

‘Ummm,’ she replied.

This time my tongue probed along her lips and teeth until she opened her mouth inviting me inside. She tasted sweet and fresh and when her tongue cautiously met mine I touched her breast and heard her moan.

‘I don’t think we need to be caught out here, do you?’ I asked.

‘What? Where?’ Was all a confused Mandy managed before I had the both of us off the bed and into the small bathroom. I couldn’t believe how turned on she was, but she was grinding her cunt against me as soon as we resumed our kiss. My hands ran up and down her sides, but I left her tits alone, content to press against her, dry humping in the confined space. I could feel her stiffening buds against my chest as our tongues swirled round and round. I was certain she felt my cock pushing against her too.

We broke off the kiss and Mandy, her voice husky and sexy as hell said, ‘I don’t know what . . . oh, Christ! James, kiss me again!’

With that sign of encouragement my hands were cupping and squeezing her firm ass even as our lips came together. Mandy felt my hands as they wandered under her shift and groaned, ‘We can’t . . . not here!’

‘If not here where?’ I asked hooking my thumbs inside her panties and dragging them down her thighs to her knees. I pressed Mandy against the wall, kneading her ass cheeks with my hands and marveling at their firm resilience and the smooth, unblemished texture of her skin.

‘James! Please!’ She whimpered, ‘We can’t!’

I did my best to coax her. ‘I need you Mandy!’ I croaked hoarsely, ‘Help me prove I’m still a man!’

She didn’t respond, but she made no attempt to move away from me either.

‘Come on Mandy, you want it too. I know you do!’ My undamaged eye filled with tears.

‘Noooo!’ She groaned as I moved to her right just a little, permitting my hand to find her bushy mons, it was damp and silky.

‘Ohhh, James . . . we can’t,’ she pleaded, but her pelvis betrayed her  grinding against my hand  urging it to do other nasty things to her. My finger searched out the folds of her moistened pussy and slipped inside so easily it was as if she’d hung a Welcome Home sign at the entrance.

‘My God! Yes! Yes!’ She moaned as my finger stirred her juices to a boil.

‘Christ, I need it!’ She moaned into my neck before lavishing kiss after kiss upon it. And she came, shuddering against my hand. A moment later we renewed our feverish kisses, and I stretched my arm to its fullest and worked her panties down around her ankles, then opened the front of my pajamas, allowing my woody to spring forth.

I sat down on the toilet and guided an unresisting, but frightened Mandy into position, turning her around so she was facing the door.

‘Okay baby, just squat down on my pole.’

‘Oh!’ She purred as she lowered herself and felt the touch of my hard cock against her moistened entrance. I let it slide up and down the crack of her ass.

‘No! Not back there!’ She sniffled in fear.

‘Don’t worry, I’m going for your sweet, sweet pussy darling,’ and kissed her back, letting my tongue drag its way down her spinal cord. Mandy arched her back in pleasure at this and rose up seeking more. I obliged by continuing down to the cheeks of her ass.

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Story edited by 'Techsan'. This is a short story about an old man and his thoughts. No sex other then thinking about it. I have a problem that faces many older men. I don't care if you're in your late fifties or late sixties, you might have this problem also. No, it's not erectile dysfunction but quite the opposite. I want to have sex. My wife tells me it's in my mind but I know better. It might start in my mind but ends up as a hard-on in my pants. I would like to do something about it...

4 years ago
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the magic dido

The magic dildo Hello every one. I use to write stories, but usually in french. I hope my English will be good enough… This one was made to be read by a woman, but i hope men will enjoy it too…MarcYou have been chatting with him for a few weeks, but today you are going to meet Kal. You park your car in front of his house. It looks simple, but clean, and with a nice garden. He is not exactly Brad Pitt or George Clooney. And in the beginning you really were not attracted to him, but after time,...

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From the outside, the squat was really no different from all the other houses that Janine and Edie had passed as they made their way from the tube station through the North London streets to the address they had been given. Perhaps it was slightly more dilapidated, but in the early evening dusk every house had a general air of dinginess, not improved by the rubbish blown along by the autumn breezes and the battered cars parked badly on the kerbside. But the evident proof that this was where...

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the lights dimmed and the curtains opened. a midget walked onto the stage holding a dog chain and dragging two fat ladies. they were mother and daughter.both were very very fat (sbbw). the daughter was strapped into a chair and the dildo of a sybian slpped into her pussy. her mother was shackled to an XFRAME and then lowered in the horizontal position. both were naked and their rolls of fat were wobbling as they were placed into position. the Mandingos came on stage and surrounded mother and...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 166

I knew when I got out of bed that today was going to be hectic, but I was going home at the end of it. I had breakfast brought to my desk in the Oval Office. I had two patties of pork sausage, one egg and toast with orange juice. Lunch would be a salad. The security briefs were twice as thick today. It was going to take a while to read through them. I was glad there were no appointments for today. Iran was at it again; one of their fast boats came within inches of colliding with one of the...

4 years ago
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We love to travel and since we are a Dom/ sub couple my wife is a true cum slut whore. She is haves and head shaved too 36d 29 35 5'9" loves to be humiliated and displayed. Well we were on vacation in San Francisco and I wanted to take her to OFarrels but they were not keen on what my sub was wearing or if they would allow her to play in the theater. As we were walking back from OFarrels we found a small,adult theater that had a small theater showing porn movies and a back room with booths. My...

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Ethans Prom Dress

Ethan, like a lot of teenagers was subconscious about his body, although he did have more reasons than most boys as he suffered from a form of gynecomastia, a condition that gave him perfectly formed, feminine breasts. He also secretly wishes to wear skirts and dresses, which would be a perfect combination if he wasn't too embarrassed by both his body and his desire to follow through with this idea. So instead he bandages his chest flat each morning and desperately tries to hide all of...

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Fallout 4 A Brave New WorldChapter 5

The hike back to Sanctuary was uneventful. Crossing the wooden bridge reminded Juan ... again ... that he really should look into replacing the damaged section in the middle. It left about two thirds of the bridge as usable, but would certainly cause problems before too long, especially if more people start making use of it again. The sun was set when he got back. He set the armour up in the armour tree and did a quick maintenance cleaning. His time in the military had thoroughly drilled...

3 years ago
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The Mystic Treefort 3 Nymphs In November

Chapter 1: The Glow of Doubt In his bed, Jack turned over, opened one eye and glanced up. There was a light shining off the top of his dresser. "Oh, no," he groaned. It was his Library Card, and he capitalized it in his head because it referred to no Library on this Earth. It belonged to a woman he knew only as The Librarian. Ten years ago when he had been only nine, he and his sister had become Librarians for her, travelling through time and space to retrieve books for The Library's...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Dress

The Wedding DressSarah Johnson sat stoically as she waited what usually was the happiest day of a girl’s life, her marriage. This was not so for young Sarah. At 18 she was to be married to a man older enough to be her father and maybe even her grandfather. A man she had only said a few words answering his questions in an interview. She had little choice but to answer as she had been instructed by her Uncle.Here she sat in a wedding gown she could not even believe would have been made in the...

4 years ago
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Job HuntChapter 16

When we went out by Sarah's desk, she was still with Dave. I suggested, "When you have him done and sworn in, call Ms. White and have her meet you at this place." I wrote the name of the Mart and the address on a piece of paper. "She'll help you pick out clothes. When you're done there, take the man to Wal-Mart for underwear and socks then take him home to get settled. Tell Howard what you're doing and I'm sure he will agree. Before you go though, check him out a piece like mine so...

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The Stair

The StairbyMiss Irene Clearmont.An Adult tale of Female DominationThere is no coming to consciousness without pain.- Carl JungThe only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain.- Karl Marx-----------------------------------Copyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont (2012 March)The Stair.-----------------------------------The Dress.-----------------------------------I awoke to the sound of her heels on the stair. It must have been the creak of the door that actually woke me, but it was the click of...

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The fantasy neighbour Part 2

I still couldn’t get the grasp of what had just happened in the car. Was it all in my imagination? Was I just a horny young virgin desperate for Mrs.Cassie? The party was dull, all the oldies socializing and the youngster getting intoxicated. I was almost sure now that the car incident was just a part of my fantasy,when I saw Mrs.Cassie talking to my mum. No matter the truth may be, she was a goddess and her body was the perfect paradise any guy or girl for that matter,would die for.Just I was...

3 years ago
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I have a fantasy that involves being stripped,blindfolded,bentover,forced to lie on a leather bench,face-down,and to be anally and orally assaualted.This would happen again and again.One Tranny(it would have to be Trannies)cock would be in my ass,and one Tranny cock would be in my mouth,and I would be forced to take hot load after hot load of hot,juicy Tranny cum down my well-fucked throat,and my hot sore ass.I would luv it very much if anyone out there could make my fantasy cum true.

2 years ago
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Surprise Roommate

When we lived in Alaska, I was deeply involved in the local (Bristol Bay) commercial salmon fisheries, and as the years went by spent more and more time away from our homestead on Lake Iliamna. The nearest town, Naknek, accessible by plane or boat in the summer and plane or dog sled in the winter, was nearly 150 miles away. Invariably, my visits to Naknek meant a night or two in the local hotel. As you might expect, Naknek was the end of the road for a motley and very colorful set of...

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Shes a Runner Rebel a Stunner Chapter One Edited

I tripped over my two left feet as I fled through the woods. I didn’t know what was after me, but I did know this—there was no way in hell I was going to let it get me. Pausing at a tree to catch my breath, I took stock of where I was. The middle of fucking nowhere, that’s where I was. Trees surrounded me front and back, left to right. How was I going to make it out alive? That’s when I saw it. My light at the end of a long, musty tunnel, the flickering light to...

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Erotic education 1 1st Ejaculation

The sexual and erotic education of my nice nieces in the South is mostly in my hands, which I love, as a Professor in SexuologyHelena has two daughters, both are tall and tasty beautiful blondesAisha is the youngest and least shy, questioning me continuouslyBirgitte is brilliant, but rather hides her mental and physical qualitiesI do not visit them very often, but I usually stay for several nightsOne evening, after our dinner, I help Helena bathing the beautiesHelena is wise and wears only a...

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Second ChanceChapter 38

"Mr. President? Mr. President??" The voice was near but not near, and I felt my head loll back against the airplane seat. "Mr. President?" It was Steve. His look said it all. "Just say it," I tried to steel myself for bad news. "The Secret Service just found the first family, but not the President. Diane, Shirley, and Casey died in the blasts. Their bodies are on the way to Bethesda Naval Hospital for autopsy. "I am sorry, Sir. We are all aware of how close you were to the first...

3 years ago
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Tales of Mrs Abbott Girl Next Door Part One

Serena ‘Thank you, Serena.’ A firm, smack on my ass is followed by my bed dipping as Gary awkwardly crawls his way off the side. Oh, yippee. I grimace because he can’t see my face, it still being smushed into one of my deep feather pillows, and all. I push myself up and manage a small giggle that my mother would recognize as false. ‘No, thank you, Your Honor.’ I flash a wide, innocent smile, and then barely catch the corner of my bottom lip between my teeth for ultimate effect. I know how to...

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Choti Si Love Story

Hello everyone…….. yeh jo mein batane wala hoon koi kalpanik kahani nahin hai ek sachi ghatana hai…… bas naam change kiye gaye hain. Pehle main apne bare mein bata deta hoon….. mera naam Ricky hai, main Jammu (J&K) ka rehne wala hoon. Meri umar 34 saal hai, height 5ft 10 inch hai, aur dikhne mein bhi theek thak hoon, main shadi shuda hoon aur mera ek beta hai. Mujhe likhne ka itna showk nahin hai aur agar mujhe se likhne mein koi galti hojaye to please mujhe maaf karna….. Abb story pe aata...

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A Birthday Proposal

Jenny’s heart fluttered as she stood before Daniel’s door. She found the spare key beneath the doormat. Shifting all the bags into her left hand, she fumbled with the lock and pried open the door with her right hand. She closed the door and locked it, before flipping on the light. ‘The guy needs be taught some cleanliness,’ she thought as she looked at the mess before her. Dumping the bags on a nearby chair, she tied up her hair and proceeded to pick up the magazines and newspapers strewn...

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My fun today

My fun todayHi everyone stuck at home due to this damn virus. However, I did manage a little fun this morning. You probably know my husband owns a construction company and that my 41-year-old daughter Michelle has been fucking him since she was 19. I have stories posted about that. My hubby is not doing any construction at this time so as not to risk the lives of his personnel. However, he and my daughter still do maintenance on his construction vehicles. Today they both left home at about 8...

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Voluptuous Lounge Pick up

I am Hardmyk23 and this is a original piece. I totally luv nylon encased feet,the aroma of a nylon encased foot after 10 hours of office sweat is like a aphrodisiac to me. It's just so intoxicating.I'm on a work trip staying in a hotel.After 10 hours of meeting work clients, I travel back to my room to relax a bit. As I enter the hotel lobby I peek my head in the lounge to check out the scene. At the far end of the bar I notice a strikingly beautiful lady who's above average in height which...

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Chachi Ki Smooth Chudai

To ab me sidhe point pe ata hu me bombay me akele rehta hu mere parents ne bataya ki humare rishtedaar bombay me rehne ke liye aye hai aur sirf 2 ladies hi hai ek jise me chachi kehta(kahani ki heroine) uska naam tha meena aur dusri uski saans.Chachi ke husband ki 1 saal pehle death ho gayi thi aur unka 1 betha tha jo ki 3 saal ka tha. Mere parents ne kaha ki use kaam ho to puch lena aur muje unka ghar ka number de diya.Maine fir unhe phone kiya aur jaan pehchan kari aur unhone muje apne ghar...

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Sexy Sexteen Virgins EEII Video1

AMSTERDAM BEAUTIES on CAMERA COLLECTION : 'DEFLORATION' EXCITIG EROTICS @ 'BAUTZEN-BANG Story of Six Sexy Sexteens below their in my gallery of dozen private pretty pictures :ADMIRE: Jana - Jarka - Svenja (Dresden)_- Janina ( From Siitard NL) -- Anja 1958 -- Celine native Amsterdam 1960 - Loesje Liefmann 1955 Amsterdam -- Stella-Maris 'SM' - Born as Sailor's Dod in Flushing - Zeeland 1957 -- Marta 1960 born in Wroclaw, former Breslau (D) in Poland at about 1oo miles from our shoot in Bautzen...

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XMen Blue Flu

Morning broke on the Xavier estate, its students just getting woken up for the morning classes and the staff preparing to teach them. The kitchen was busy with Emma brewing a pot of vanilla coffee while Logan read from the newspaper in his hands, the plum of cigar smoke trailing up as Kitty and Scott walked in, a muffin in Shadowcat's mouth and almost dropping her report papers for her class. "Mmuuuuugh..." Staggering in with pink eyes and a runny nose Hank sneezed into his arm before sniffling...

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Reliving Last Night

This is story is based on our true experiences.   Some details and names are changed to maintain the anonymity of all involved. I rolled over in bed to find Gibson smiling at me.    He is always turned on in the morning, and I think he had been watching me sleep for a while. Gibson whispered, “Good morning, beautiful.   Did you sleep well?” I nuzzled my head against his chest and purred giving a low “mmhhmmm” in response. I had my 34DD’s pressed against Gibson’s as I spooned against his...

1 year ago
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Becomming A Girl Part 1

100% fiction! Everyone calls me Bobby. I am the only boy at home. My sister is a few years older than me and my russian mom works. I have always loved watching my sister sashay about in her pretty dresses. One day I tried her dress on and I was in heaven. Didn't want to ever take it off. I kept it on and let my mom see me in it. She would scold me and tell me to take it off. But I like wearing it so much that everyday after school I would rush home and put my sisters dress on and wear it till...

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Susan Meadows Addiction

Climbing out of the king-sized bed, she decided to put on a robe, as leaving the warm and comfy bed, made her feel a bit chilly - despite the wet hotness coming from between her legs, as she was thinking of what was about to come. She wanted a special something from her son, she wanted it in her mouth, and she wanted to swallow it all down. And he was the only one that could give it to her. No other man, or boy, would be the same. But before she left her room, she took a moment to decide...

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GangbangCreampie Jenna Noelle G289

Jenna told us in her interview she naturally stays pretty wet. Chris and Randy make sure of that by licking her sweet pussy into a frenzy as her FIRST GANGBANG EVER begins. Rex reaps the benefits as the first Cocksman who gets to slide inside Jenna’s pink wetness since he won this week’s round of GUESS THE V. Remember Jenna said she was very tactile and enjoyed having multiple hands and mouths on her, not to mention FIVE DICKS inside her, so she is in heaven. All FIVE COCKSMEN have...

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TS Cock Lessons

Jay and I spent every day together after our superheated lust-filled Friday Cockworshipping night together. He was the shy, smart straight A student, slightly feminine in the way he acted but not advertising in public that he was gay. I was the pot head freak, tired of anything to do with school always in trouble masculine guy that no one would ever suspect had a gay bone in his body (in fear of me kicking their ass if they gave me a hard time). His parents didn't like me, but didn't hate me...

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My dream girl

I have been a member of a "porn" site for a while. I just look around for cool pics and had no intentions to meet someone. One day a new girl show up lets call her TL. She was younger than me and post a few pics that made my heart beat faster. I had to send her a message and she answer! After a few weeks with chat i had enough i have to see her. She lived at the other side of the world but i do not care. She was married as well but couldn't care less. So i booked a trip to US and we decided to...

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Mast Girlfriend

Dosto main is site par pahli bar apni kahani likh so mujhe reply dena my id is Main is site me bahut si kahani padha hun aur padh ke mujhe maza aya so socha ki main v apna kahani post karu main avi 21sal ka hun aur avi b.Tech kr rha hu. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab main 10th me tha of main to batana bhul gaya ki main ek chota sa gaon me rahta hu jo ramgarh jharkhand me hai to ab kahani pe ata hun jab 10thme the to humlog tution padhne ke liye ek sir ke pas jate the vahin par humare sare class ke...

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Summer Vacation Ch 09

Aunt Karen looked ragged the next morning. She had on her robe at breakfast – something she hadn’t done since Tommy had been there – didn’t smile once, and spoke very little. The young man knew what the problem was, but kept quiet. Uncle Dave and Kim would be leaving for work and he’d have a chance to talk with his aunt, maybe find some way to cheer her up. ‘How come you’re workin’ at the Four Corners Inn, and not doin’ construction, or some other kinda real work?’ his uncle asked. ‘Mr. and...

5 years ago
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For Jeni...It was an exciting prospect. Having only spoken to Ashley in groups before, to be asked for a drink after classes one day, as far as you were aware by yourself, was intriguing. Much as you had gazed at - and lusted after! - Ashley for some months, the right moment had not presented itself to make a move, and this invitation from her was potentially a lifesaver. You were glad that you had chosen your clothes wisely this morning - some mornings it was hard to do more than the basics,...

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Dads Being ReplacedChapter 6

Danny didn't get a chance to catch his mom alone for the rest of the day. There was a math test scheduled for the week and that was one of his weak subjects. He did feel some obligation toward his school work. He also had to make a phone call to arrange a meeting with Carmen and possibly a date for his dad. Danny made the phone call and talked to Clara who promised to talk to her sister. Then he tried to study but the young man couldn't concentrate. If he wasn't thinking of his mother he...

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Earths CoreChapter 18 Chaoyue Zhihui Shenghuo

Zax swept his hand and the little blood from his last kill was erased. 'In the end I've gotten sloppy... ' His tone possessed a hint of criticism. His business here was over and he left back to his Master's place. Rarahel was safeguarding the cave's entrance the same way she did when he left for the Savage Caves. As she saw him her poised countenance turned to shocked. In a few months the atmosphere of the boy underwent multiply changes of growth. Rarahel was not oblivious to what was...

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The Evil Dead1

She gave a sigh. She had been driving all day, she was fairly exhausted. "This is fuckin' Bullshit." She said with an aggravated look at the road. She knew she had to stop somewhere and ask for directions but right now she was in what she considered hillbilly country. She shook her head seeing a wooden house up ahead of her with a few cars out front. "Fuckin' great." She said stopping in front of the house throwing up her hands, "some big 'ol stumblin' hillbilly lookin' mutha'...

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Party Guest

My name is Nancy and I am 35 years old. I am 5’ 7” tall with light brown hair and a 36DD-23-37 body. I have been happily married to my husband for 17 years and have 2 children. I have never been with another man, except for him. But two months ago I cheated on my husband. Here is my story.I work as a manager for a sporting goods store and most of my employees are in their earlier 20's. There has been one employee, Greg that in the past few months has been flirting heavily with me. I really...

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