Sully Ch. 01 free porn video

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A loosely autobiographical novel of my younger days and nights. Originally written 2001-2002

Chapter One

I know, I know, they say you can’t go home again. But after all those years . . . there I was, in my hometown for a day or two with nothing much to do, it was mid-October of 1999 and snowing lightly, not sticking to the streets, but the grassy areas were already a pretty white.

I’d heard Lynch’s Bar & Grill had reopened, so I dropped in. It wasn’t the run down beer joint I had frequented years earlier and I doubted any of the old crowd would be found here, but I was thirsty and sat down at the bar.

This place catered to what my good friend Howie Freeman called the ‘Fern’ crowd. Yuppies and wanna be yuppies, sorry, just not my kind of crowd at this point in my life, but the music was tolerable and it was lively enough with the under thirty women showing some leg and enough cleavage to keep me interested.

I had made up my mind to have a second drink before leaving when a familiar face walked in the door. I rose up and greeted him by name.

‘Hey! Aren’t you Sammy DiGenero?’

‘Yeah? You know me?’

‘It’s been a long time, but do you remember playing baseball and touch football in Hamilton Park?’

‘Yeah?’ His facial muscles strained with the effort to recall my face.

‘Jim, Jim Farrell,’ I said with a smile.

His eyes lit up. ‘Farrell? No shit!’

Sammy’s multi-diamond-ringed hand shot out to clasp mine.

‘Christ… what’s it been ten…twenty years?’

‘More like twenty-five Sammy.’

‘Shit!’ He said, beaming now, and I guess I was too.

‘Let’s get us a drink,’ he called to the slim bartender with a shaven head, ‘Teddy, two drinks over here.’

Teddy refilled my scotch and soda, and made Sammy a martini, dry and on the rocks. I glanced up at the television and saw that Phillip Morris, the world’s largest cigarette manufacturer had admitted that smoking causes lung cancer and other fatal diseases.

‘That’s something ain’t it,’ I said.

Sammy stamped his cigarette out, and promptly lit another, inhaled deeply and said, ‘That’s not exactly news. Well, the fact that they admit it is. But people have known for years that you get the big ‘C’ from too much smoking.’

‘Think of the law suits to come, Sammy.’

‘Aw, fuck that! We got some reminiscing to do big guy,’ Sammy said pulling a stool out and sitting down next to me. ‘You look great! Keep in shape eh?’

‘I try to take care of myself Sammy. What have you been up too?’

‘Me?’ He said pointing a finger at his plentiful belly. ‘Well,’ his voice dropped an octave or two, ‘ya know, I never was too good in school, in fact I dropped out my junior year. Never went back. Those nuns and priests, ya know, drove me nuts.’

He smiled broadly. His teeth were good and he knew it. ‘But I manage to do okay,’ by now his arm was draped over my shoulder as he closed in and whispered in my ear, ‘I make book on the sports, ya know. The ‘vig’ pays pretty good.’

‘I understand how it works Sammy,’ I said, as his arm returned to his side.

‘Sure, sure ya do. Last I heard you’d signed with the Cardinals, am I right?’

Here we go again, I thought, but said, ‘Naw, the Cardinals used to own the Red Wings. I signed with the Orioles.’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ he nodded as though that corrected his error.

‘So tell me, what happened? I mean, you were good. Shit, you were very good.’

I shrugged his compliments off. They meant nothing to me anyway. But Sammy deserved an answer, so I obliged him.

‘Okay, I was signed out of college after my second year. Uh, better make that my second season. The grades and I . . . we didn’t mesh, know what I mean?’

‘Oh, yeah, sure. Looka me, Tenth grade, right?’

‘High school was where they noticed me first, I mean we won the state championship three out the four years I was there.’ He had me reminiscing now. My mind’s eye watched the faces from the past float by, Sneaky Leo, Wisnewski, Big Nick, Sally, Corvath, Blimp Maston, and Hezzy.



‘What the hell ever happened to Hezzy?’

His eyes clouded over in thought for a moment until it hit him. ‘The fuck! Hezzy Bettis . . . of course, I’m sorry Jimmy, I forgot all about that poor son-of-a-bitch.’


Sammy emptied his martini. I caught Teddy’s eye and motioned for another round.

‘Yeah,’ he said sounding remorseful. ‘Old Hezzy. Fucker could throw a football.’

‘And his fastball wasn’t shabby either as I recall.’

‘Sure, sure,’ Sammy was still trying to recapture Hezzy in his mind as the drinks arrived and he took a quick sip. ‘Got it!’ he said, startling the young woman next to him as she traced her pencil liner over her lips, enlarging them with lipstick instead of collagen.

‘Musta been his senior year. You were gone by then I think.’

‘That’s right. I graduated two years before old Hezzy, but as I recall he brought the team into the championship a year after I left.’

‘Right. They lost that game by two points, close finish though. If I got it right, the clock ran out with Hezzy getting stopped running for the extra points that would have tied it. And the next year he was carrying a shitty football team on his back,’ he looked into my eyes. ‘I mean it. The team had nothing. No defense not much offense either, except for what Hezzy and a kid named Bones Barrington brought. A skinny wide receiver,’ he added for my benefit. ‘They were something like six and three. Last game of the season, let’s see, I was there, who was it they played?’ He mused, before snapping his fingers. ‘Got it! It was against St. Michael’s, Union City, a tough opponent that year. Shit, they were tough every year.’

‘Hezzy was tough too,’ I said quietly, having played with and against him.

‘The second quarter it was,’ Sammy said quietly before his voice faltered.

‘So what happened?’

‘It was a busted play. The runner stumbled and missed the hand-off. Hezzy decided to run with it himself.’ Sammy took another swallow of the martini. ‘They creamed him, Jimmy. They fucking creamed him. One guy hit him high and another low. I heard the first crack from my seat in the stands. And more bodies hit him after that ’cause the bastard wouldn’t or couldn’t go down.’

‘Christ,’ I muttered, visualizing the scene.

‘Aw, it was awful. His leg was fractured a couple a times. Ya know . . . he never walked right after that. Kids called him Gimpy. Fuckin’ kids got no respect anyways.’

‘Damn,’ I said. So that ended his chance of either college or pro ball.’

‘Hell yeah, guy’s lucky he can move along the street.’

‘So what’s he doing these days?’

‘Well, I’m sorry to say I think he’s a wino, a crack head, or both.’

‘God damn it,’ I said under my breath.

‘You got hurt too, didn’t cha?’

‘Yeah, I got hurt too. But not like that.’

‘Least ya got some money for ya troubles,’ he commiserated. Then curiosity got the better of him and he asked, ‘So what happened to you?’

I rolled out the canned version for him. ‘Early seventies. After leading the nation in hitting at dear old Rutgers, I dropped out, the grades . . . well they weren’t getting any better. Anyway, I signed with Baltimore and went to their rookie school in Florida. I did just fine there. Led the fucking team in hitting and pitched fairly well too. They had me playing short when I wasn’t pitching.’

‘Who was some of the guys there?’

‘Actually it was the following season I really met some players I grew to know and like,’ I said, ‘like Al Bumbry, Jim Fuller and Roric Harrison. That fucker struck out 16 guys one night at Toledo.’

‘Any major leaguers?’

‘Well Bumbry played center for several years and Bobby Grich was there too. I think he was pretty good.’

‘Sure was,’ Samm
y conceded.

‘That first spring training found me doing very well and they bumped me up to Double-A ball for my first year. After adding some muscle, I began to hit with a little more power, and as the season wound down they promoted me to Rochester.’ I finished my drink. Teddy was right there with another. He was a very good bartender. I reminded myself to leave him a generous tip.

‘So,’ Sammy nudged me, ‘You reached Triple-A your first full year, huh?’

‘I did. The big leagues beckoned to me. I could almost taste it. In fact, I pitched against the Orioles in an early season exhibition. Went four innings, allowed two hits, a walk and zero runs. Not to shabby, and, I got a double off Palmer. Hit the top of the left field wall. I can still see Marv Rettemund chasing after it as I rounded first.’

‘Wow!’ Sammy said, impressed.

‘Oh, yeah.’ I almost growled, ‘But two weeks later I got hit in the face with a line drive. That ended it.’

‘No!’ said Sammy.

‘Almost lost my eye. Had double vision for about fifteen months. It came and went mostly, but I didn’t dare play ball. I’d have gotten killed.’

‘Gee, that’s tough, Jimmy.’

‘Yeah thanks,’ I said and looked around the place, signaling Sammy that I’d had enough of this talk. ‘It’s funny, there were a couple of us got hit like that, Herb Score, Conigliaro . . .’


‘Remember, the Red Sox star, Tony C.? Hit a ton of home runs, he was killing the pitchers, didn’t matter who was throwing . . . then he got skulled. And there was an older fuck came up with the Dodgers, back in the early fifties, couldn’t beat Pee Wee Reese out of the shortstop job, name was Zimmer, same guy’s managing the Cubs these days. Has a steel plate in his head. Damnedest thing is we get together every other year or so and commiserate.’

‘Yeah, yeah. So what do you do these days?’

Evidently Sammy had some tact and I was grateful he changed the subject. ‘I sell transportation services. Don’t ask. It’s a living.’

‘I hear ya,’ he smiled, obviously he had something else in mind.

‘So ya hear from any of the old crowd?’ Sammy asked.

‘Not fair Sammy, I was gonna ask you that question.’

‘Ahh, I ain’t seen nobody in years,’ he said with some disgust.

‘What about Georgie T?’ I asked.

‘Nothin’,’ he said.

‘The Bone?’

Sammy laughed. ‘Fucker got married. Last I ever heard of him.’

‘Swallowed by matrimonial bliss, eh?’ I laughed.

‘Yeah, yeah,’ He shrugged his shoulders, ‘all them guys and the girls too. They married and left the city. And no one ever sends me Christmas Cards, so I don’t or can’t keep track of ’em.’

We were quiet for a minute or so and I began to check out a petite brunette seated directly across the bar from me. We made eye contact and it looked promising, then Sammy asked, ‘So Jimmy, who was the weirdest fucker ya knew growing up?’

It was a reasonable question and it took me back into the past. We were a crazy group back then. I gave it some serious thought before answering, and lost interest in the brunette.

‘Sully was.’

‘Sully? I would’a thought maybe J-Boy, or The Bone. Shit, there are a couple others I can think of . . . I never would have thought of Sully. Didn’t he go to The Prep?’

‘Yeah he did, and maybe that’s why you don’t recall much about him, but I sure as hell do.’

‘All’s I remember is he left town and some people was looking for him.’

‘True enough, but there was more to the story than just leaving town.’

‘We got time. So tell me about Sully.’

‘Okay,’ I said, and stopped to inhale my Camel, then watched the smoke soar away towards a ceiling vent. ‘Some of this I know ’cause I was there. Sully told me a lot too, being a close friend and well . . . umm, Sully liked to brag especially about his . . . sex life.’

‘Hoo, boy, this is gonna be a good one, I can tell already,’ Sammy grinned and adjusted himself as though preparing to get laid.

‘And,’ I continued, stamping my Camel out in the plastic ashtray, ‘his sister Megan also filled in some missing details. So don’t mind if I find myself telling this as if I knew more than I should have about Sully.’

‘Like I give a flying fuck. Come on already, give with the details.’

I lit another cigarette, took a drag then placed it down in the ashtray. The details rushed together as if it were yesterday.

Jack Sullivan was his name. Smart son of a bitch. Everyone called him Sully though. He had a big fucking ego Sully did, a really big ego. I recall as a kid of maybe nine or ten, he thought he could fly, and to prove it, he leaped across several rooftops in succession. Of course, the rest of us egged him on. He kept jumping until he missed. Luckily he only fell ten feet before landing awkwardly on a fire escape. Broke his leg … I still remember signing the cast.

We were best buddies until he went off to The Prep. After that we always hung out during the summer, playing baseball, he was a good outfielder and had decent power. We were always talking about the girls we’d nailed. None of which was true except that I was porking his sister, Megan from time to time. But I couldn’t tell Sully that.

We saw even less of one another following graduation. I went off to play for Rutgers and he got a basketball scholarship to LaSalle in Philly. Ah, you know I turned pro. Sully . . . well, he fucked up, got thrown off the team and lost his scholarship, but his old man saw to it that he finished college, got a Civil Engineering degree. Anyway, Sully came to see me in the hospital as I was recuperating.

I closed my eyes for a second, and there he was, walking in the hospital door.


‘How are ya Jimbo?’ He asked with a sly grin on his face. My head was wrapped in bandages. I looked at him with my one good eye. He was well dressed, in an alpaca sweater, well-creased slacks, and loafers so well shined that you could see the reflection of your face in them.

‘You’re doing well, I see.’

He laughed. ‘That’s funny. You see I’m doing well. It’s a wonder you can see anything after what happened to you.’

‘Fuck you Sully.’

Just then a young nurse’s aid entered the room. As she checked my chart and made some adjustment to my medication, he eyed her up and down. I could tell she felt his eyes on her. She glanced at me and began to blush then left the room as quickly as possible.

‘Well, you scared the shit out of her,’ I told him. ‘I’ll be lucky if she comes back at all. There’ll probably send an ogre in her place. Thanks a lot Jack.’

‘Bullshit!’ He said, as if I’d offended him. ‘They all love attention.’

‘I laughed. ‘You call mentally raping her attention?’

Sully wiped his mouth with his hand, grinned that Irish grin of his. ‘Like I said, they all love attention. Wait, she’ll be back, and when she does make sure you touch her. No, not her ass or tits,’ he leered, ‘but maybe her arm or face. Just touch her and watch the reaction.’

‘Yeah right,’ I said skeptically. ‘You know I’m not exactly a virgin.’

‘Fuckin’ A. You played pro ball, ya had to meet those groupies.’

I laughed. Indeed, I had. There was a least one girl in each town the Red Wings visited, and several in Rochester, but I seriously doubted I’d ever go back there.

‘And, umm, where did you acquire all this expertise, Sully me boy?’

‘Mostly in Philly. I love hitting on the younger ones. Easy to score on man, ya know?’

‘Get fucked you horny bastard,’ I said, amused by his sexual thesis.

After a few more minutes Sully left, promising to check me out in the next day or so. Maybe ten minutes later, the nurse’s aid returned to my room fussed with my pillow, and was taking my temperature when I thought about what Sully had said. I reached out and ran my hand up her arm to her shoulder.

‘What are you doing Mr . . . .?’

‘What’s your name, nurse?’

Mandy . . . but what are you . . .?’

‘Please, call me James. And I needed very much to touch another person. I hope you don’t take offense.’ My hand remained on her bare arm.

‘Oh,’ she stammered.



‘Sit on the bed. Please, I’d like to talk to you for a while.’ I removed my hand and to my surprise, she hopped up beside me.

‘We’re not supposed to do this you know . . .’

‘I really, really appreciate it Mandy,’ and my hand found hers and covered it. My thumb gently roamed across her knuckles.

‘Does your eye hurt very much?’ She asked her voice soft and curious. Her hand remained still.

‘Oh, yeah. Especially if I shake my head . . . like this.’ And I shook my head vigorously.

Mandy’s hand flew to her mouth then lightly slapped me when I burst out laughing.

‘That’s not funny,’ she hissed, but her voice was still low. ‘You could have . . . .’

‘Come here,’ I said, reaching for her. She offered no resistance, and as I pulled her close I noticed her eyes close, and I kissed her.

Her lips were soft and dry. I ended the kiss and saw her eyes still closed.

‘Another,’ I said softly.

‘Ummm,’ she replied.

This time my tongue probed along her lips and teeth until she opened her mouth inviting me inside. She tasted sweet and fresh and when her tongue cautiously met mine I touched her breast and heard her moan.

‘I don’t think we need to be caught out here, do you?’ I asked.

‘What? Where?’ Was all a confused Mandy managed before I had the both of us off the bed and into the small bathroom. I couldn’t believe how turned on she was, but she was grinding her cunt against me as soon as we resumed our kiss. My hands ran up and down her sides, but I left her tits alone, content to press against her, dry humping in the confined space. I could feel her stiffening buds against my chest as our tongues swirled round and round. I was certain she felt my cock pushing against her too.

We broke off the kiss and Mandy, her voice husky and sexy as hell said, ‘I don’t know what . . . oh, Christ! James, kiss me again!’

With that sign of encouragement my hands were cupping and squeezing her firm ass even as our lips came together. Mandy felt my hands as they wandered under her shift and groaned, ‘We can’t . . . not here!’

‘If not here where?’ I asked hooking my thumbs inside her panties and dragging them down her thighs to her knees. I pressed Mandy against the wall, kneading her ass cheeks with my hands and marveling at their firm resilience and the smooth, unblemished texture of her skin.

‘James! Please!’ She whimpered, ‘We can’t!’

I did my best to coax her. ‘I need you Mandy!’ I croaked hoarsely, ‘Help me prove I’m still a man!’

She didn’t respond, but she made no attempt to move away from me either.

‘Come on Mandy, you want it too. I know you do!’ My undamaged eye filled with tears.

‘Noooo!’ She groaned as I moved to her right just a little, permitting my hand to find her bushy mons, it was damp and silky.

‘Ohhh, James . . . we can’t,’ she pleaded, but her pelvis betrayed her  grinding against my hand  urging it to do other nasty things to her. My finger searched out the folds of her moistened pussy and slipped inside so easily it was as if she’d hung a Welcome Home sign at the entrance.

‘My God! Yes! Yes!’ She moaned as my finger stirred her juices to a boil.

‘Christ, I need it!’ She moaned into my neck before lavishing kiss after kiss upon it. And she came, shuddering against my hand. A moment later we renewed our feverish kisses, and I stretched my arm to its fullest and worked her panties down around her ankles, then opened the front of my pajamas, allowing my woody to spring forth.

I sat down on the toilet and guided an unresisting, but frightened Mandy into position, turning her around so she was facing the door.

‘Okay baby, just squat down on my pole.’

‘Oh!’ She purred as she lowered herself and felt the touch of my hard cock against her moistened entrance. I let it slide up and down the crack of her ass.

‘No! Not back there!’ She sniffled in fear.

‘Don’t worry, I’m going for your sweet, sweet pussy darling,’ and kissed her back, letting my tongue drag its way down her spinal cord. Mandy arched her back in pleasure at this and rose up seeking more. I obliged by continuing down to the cheeks of her ass.

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brother pt 1

Randy was happily surprised to discover that his little brother is a big slut! I honestly didn’t ever plan to fuck my little brother. And I really don’t give a damn if you believe me or not, but it was Billy that came on to me. Now, I will admit that I was horny as a three-peckered goat, that first night. And seeing as how I was a lot older and a lot bigger than him, I suppose I could have made him stop. But like I’d said, I was about to bust a nut even before I went into the bedroom Billy...

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His Pregnant Lover Ch 04

Dave lay in bed watching Helen move around the houseboat in the nude. His prick stirred as he watched and remembered how hot she had been last night, their first night together. He toyed with his prick as he studied her fit muscular legs and the round cheeks of her arse. As Matron of the Maternal and Child Welfare Clinic she was constantly on her feet giving her legs that athletic look he loved so much. As his prick grew harder in his hand he thought back to how he had met Helen when he...

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Two daughters plot the demise of their mothers

Mary Ann, my neighbor, and I were both sun tanning in the back yard. We had both graduated from high school and decided to attend the same college this fall. They had just move in about 6 months ago and we became friends right off the start. I was laying on the lawn yard in my bikini constantly complaining about mom and how she grounded me again this weekend. “Sounds to me like you need to take charge of your mother and make her your slave,” Mary Ann said on the other chair. I...

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First gay experience as adult also first of a ser

I had often fantasized about having sex with a guy and had really been getting into watching gay porn! I have some friends that had a friend that was gay and I had been to his house before to party a few times! So of course I started fantasizing about him! To finally one night I decided what the heck and I took a walk late at night! I was nervous when I got there but I still knock on the door! He came to the door and somewhat recognize me and invited me in!We sat down and talked for a little...

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Aadi Piss Lover

Hi, my name is Aadi.When I was in college, I lived in college hostel, my friends and roommates always offered me to cigarettes and drinking but I did not it.My room was near washroom of hostel and RO system installed also there.Once I locked in my room by my roommates mistakenly, I felt piss but door was closed, so I searched something in my room, there was only coka cola bottle which was half empty, so I pissed in it.Nobody in hostel, after sometime I felt thirsty, water bottles emptied...

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Picture Man

Philip Johnson Chapter One ‘What do you mean we’ve been selected?’ ‘Gwen Hargrove has chosen our studio to do their formal portraits.’ ‘Lee I know you’re a good photographer but…you?’ ‘Thank you for that vote of confidence.’ ‘You know what I mean Lee, people like that go to New York or someplace to have their work done, not here in Memphis.’ ‘I met Gwen when I photographed the executives at Hargrove Industries and she seemed to like me.’ ‘You mean she selected you because she...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 29

"So what's going on with David? He never asks us to go over," Alex Lambert asked his wife. Eva poured him a cup of coffee and joined him at the dinner table. "I don't know what he wants. He sounded pretty serious though. Alex sipped his coffee. "I just hope he isn't in any type of trouble." "I don't think he is but it must be important." "Fine I'll be there. I'll try to get out of work earlier so I can shower and get dressed on time." Eva watched her husband gather his...

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The Girls

I had been married for four months when we got a call from an apartment complex that we had tried to get into before we got married. It was a beautiful place, large swimming pool, tennis courts, meeting rooms and a fairly well equipped gym, with specious apartments which all had an apartment size washer and dryer. We were living in a furnished monthly rental apartment while trying to find a nice apartment, so we ran over to this place to sign the lease for the apartment. We were able to move in...

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Bukkake Tape

'You want to do bukkake?' Eddie asked. “Cathy's a pig, she'd do it,' Steve added. Derek and Cheryl laughed as they moved over to one side. Then Derek lay back with Cheryl's tongue went between her legs. Cheryl's fingers were making wet sounds in her own slit as I watched. 'You want this pig?' Steve said as he stood. His cock was as hard and stiff as I'd ever seen it before and the tip was wet from his fingering. 'Yes please,' I whispered, as I tilted my face up toward him. I could hardly...

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SweetheartVideo Cherie Deville Brittany Light Deep Penetrating Education

Professor Cherie DeVille confronts sorority pledge Britney Light after finding out that Britney and her sorority sisters were behind a vicious prank at the school. Blonde, all natural Britney knows she’s in deep trouble and is eager to make amends any way she can, especially with the hottest professor on campus. Britney begins making out with Cherie on a desk before Britney dips down to devour Cherie’s slick pussy. Britney works Cherie’s clit to orgasm. Cherie quickly takes...

2 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 25

"Which Wendy?" Wendy said. "Ja. Which Wendy Austin are you?" "The first." "When were you born?" "1942." "Ja, fer sure," he chortled. "One hundred and what? Twenty two?" "Pretty much," Wendy said. "How about I prove it to you?" She touched him on the shoulder. They flickered ... it wasn't much but the minions were upset ... just long enough to hit the dirt and start fumbling for pistols. "Heilige Geschlechtsverkehr Scheiße. Wie in den sieben Höllen haben sie das...

4 years ago
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Divorce and my Mother In Law Part Six

The four of us became very comfortable with the situation right away. We spent the entire weekend naked and together. That evening Melody and I were finishing our dinner at the table, sipping some wine as Eddie and Darlene got up. Melody first noticed what her parents were doing and we set the wine glasses down. They had placed the Re-Marriage Quilt on the floor where Melody and I had consummated this new stage in our marriage. Darlene was standing with her legs apart while Eddie was...

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Susans Procedure

Part 1 "Are you sure it is what you want? You know that this procedure is not reversible and once started could not be interrupted" "Yes ... I am sure", replied Susan with a trembling voice while looking at the floor. It was very humiliating submitting herself to that procedure, but it was worse admitting it was what she wanted. Dr. Mark Summers was dressed in a white laboratory coat; he was maybe in his mid forties and talked in a neutral, relaxed voice, trying to hide his...

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PMQuest Chapter 05 The Seamstress

Chapter 05 - The Seamstress For a moment, I was frozen, staring at the feminine, insectoid face smiling pleasantly back at me. I’m not sure if it was fear or fascination that kept my muscles from moving, still slightly shaken from my encounter with the Eevee. Her giggle snapped me out of my frozen state, and I lept backwards, nearly tripping over my heels as I readied myself, holding the crystal out in front of me as the only weapon I’d known to be effective. The Leavanny’s smile didn’t fade...

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Tumblr MILFChapter 3

When I got to Ronnie's house, I thought she wasn't there at first, because I knocked and nothing happened. I was about to leave when the curtains moved, so I waited. Finally she opened the door about a foot. She had on a thick robe, but it wasn't closed tightly, and there was a lot of cleavage. I knew it wouldn't be anywhere near acceptable to stare at that, as delicious as it looked, so I got my eyes off of that and put them on her face. She was just staringt at me and I thought she was...

2 years ago
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Pooja Meri Ex Girlfriend Ki Choot

Yeh story meri phli story hai. Mujhe sex and relationships bht psnd hai. Mein iss ka regular reader hoon. Mujhe choot nein ungli krna aur chatna bht pasnd hai. Mein apko apne bare mein bta hu mei. 19 saal ka ldka hu mera naam rohit( name changed) hai. Mera lund 6′ inch ka hai aur kafi mota hai har ldki ko satisfy krne ki guarantee rkhta hai. Mujhe contact krne k liye Email:- Ab mein apni story pr ata hu yeh koi fantasy nhi hai meri real life story hai meri girlfriend pooja k sath hum dono ko...

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Staircase To Heaven

Hey guys and gals, I am back with another story. This is my cousin who came to our place to live for a month. Let me describe her, she was chubby with good assets and an ass to die for. She finished her 1st year and came to our place for holidays. As usual I was out with my friends when I got call from my mother that she has arrived at the airport. So I went to pick her up leaving my party. I was waiting at the airport, there was no sign of her and the fact was I met her around 6 years back so...

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The Charm of Aphrodite

Derick stood in front of his altar, carefully inscribing the last of the designs on the piece of copper foil. He checked his work against the illustration in the book, and smiled when he saw that it was perfect. He took the vial of rose-oil and anointed the charm, reciting the accompanying text, which ended, ‘Most holy and revered Goddess, Laughter-loving Aphrodite, I beseech you, grant me the object of my affection. By your most holy name PASIPHAESSA KYTHEREIA I ask this.’ He brought the charm...

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Catching My Hot Mum Having An Affair

Hi I'm Kyle I am 17 m Uk This Is My Story About How I Caught My Mum Having an Affair......My Mum And Dad Both Have Good Jobs , My Dad Manages a Building Company And My Mum Works At A Local Solicitors.We Live In a Really Nice area and Have A Huge House , Its 5 Bedrooms has a big drive way and garage and we have a decent amount of land.My Mum Is Called Debbie and is 40 , My Dad Is Called Ben And Is 43 .My Mum Is Hot For Her Age , She Is around 5 Ft 6 ,Brown Hair ,Darkly Tanned ,38c Tits, And Is...

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Private Jenyffer Flex Milka Debut in Anal Threesome

Brunette and sexy, Jenyffer Flex is a girl who loves tattoos and skiing, but after a long day out on the slopes with her best friend, Milka, it’s time for something a little more relaxing! That’s right, a lesbian 69 is the perfect way to unwind for these two young debutants in Private Specials, Cock Craving Lesbians, but the fun doesn’t stop there on as Leo Dee soon shows up and joins the party for a stunning anal threesome that has both Jenyffer and Milka taking it hard and...

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Paint Job 2

continuation. --------------------------------------------------------------- Nicole was in shock, she never liked to suspect that people were homosexual, cause if they turned out to be straight, she would feel like such a bitch. Karly was facing the opposite wall. Nicole went to touch her arm, she then let her arm fall and then sighed. What could she say? Karly was pretty hot, even though she never thought of girls in that sort of way. How could Nicole deal with this situation in a way that...

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I am narrating my incest story.I have a nice sex with my mom & i lost my virginity. Hello Readers ! I am GARRY [name changed] living at Delhi.our family members are living here in a four bedroom dad is a pilot with AIRFRANCE & my mom have involved her in a beauty parlour cum spa.we are three brother and sisters. My elder sister NANCY & younger sister NINA is living here pursuing their study.I am a 19 yrs.guy doing 10+2 from DPS , dad remains out of station for 10-12 days due to...

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Raising Cain

Cain is our only child. Thank God, because I never could have raised two. Cain would have been a handful for any mother under the best of circumstances. My husband, Cliff, hamstrung me with Dr. Spock's method of child raising. Yes, Cliff read the book forward and backward. He firmly believed in the non-physical method of child raising. Dr. Spock never tried his methods on a kid like Cain. If he had, his book would have been completely different. You can say no to Cain until you're blue; he...

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A Boy and His Powers III

Grace’s demeanor changed immediately, as her eyes misted over and an expression of lust formed on her face. She was clearly ready to do whatever her master told her to do, as she dropped the book she was holding. Grace had only one thing on her mind as she approached me. Grace’s gaze quickly fell to my crotch, which to her excitement, was already expanding to accommodate my hardening cock. She pushed me into a quiet secluded part of the library.Grace got on her knees and began to remove my...

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Coming From BehindChapter 13 Bells and Whistles

We were married in St. Mark's Episcopal Church on a beautiful spring Saturday in June. My parents and Catherine's were in attendance, of course. Even though it was my second marriage, I could see the happiness on my mother's face as I stood waiting for my bride. When at last she walked slowly down the aisle arm-in-arm with her beaming father, I realized just how much this meant to both of us. I had a personal resolve not to allow anything to get in the way of the success of this union....

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Last Nina8217s session 4

I mate Nina on Friday morning, that night I heard the live fucking, Saturday she wished me a Good Morning Fuck, that was a first ever entry of my Lund in a Pussy or a choot. I came to know her background. Sunday we came to know about each others early sex experiences. Monday morning I had to go to office and away from Nina. Early morning she made my lund ready for fuck, came on top of me and with very slow strokes and suction of her choot on my lund, brought me very near to shoot my load but...

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NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live!!!    Bill, coming home from work, hung up his coat.  "Hi, honey," he called out.  Receiving no answer, he peaked into the kitchen.  "Oh,there you are, Betty."   "Hi, dear," she answered turning, "sorry I didn't hear you comein."  Turning back to the stove she stirred the casserole.  "We'll having your favorite, dear.  Beef casserole."    He came up behind her, pecked her on the cheek, "Gee, you're thegreatest, hon. ...

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Rules Is Rules

Note to the reader: This story deals with a fictitious football game that never actually took place. So, please don’t bitch that the scoring drives depicted never actually happened between the Cowboys and Giants. If you don’t want to read about a husband watching his wife have sex with another man, then don’t read this story. You have been warned. The start of the NFL season was coming up. I decided to have a little party to celebrate and watch the first Sunday games with my buddies. I...

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Slutty White Wife Goes Black

Emily's hands were shaking as she fumbled for her keys to the front door in the porch light. "I can't believe I'm doing this." she thought. She opened the door and glanced back at the well dressed, dark skinned man standing a few steps behind her. She smiled and motioned for him to come inside. As Marvell stepped across the threshold, she quickly closed the door. Emily motioned for him to sit on the couch. "Would you like a glass of wine?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen. She noticed her...

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mark part 1

He walked by a quiet little shop, barely noticing it. As he passed a sign in the window boasting 'the perfect little shop for gifts' he knew he had to go in. His sister's wedding was coming up soon and he needed a gift He walked in and was utterly amazed. It was a sex shop, he walked into a sex shop, of all places. Just as he was about to groan, a sales lady appeared at his side. Great, now he had to explain we walked in here by mistake. He looked her over. Nice piece of work. She managed to...

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Bhawna Ek Dost Ki Bhen Chudi

By : Rajvinder Hi friends me fir apni thesri story le kar hajer ho. Ye story tab ki hai jab me 20 sal ka hua ab tak mene thin married ladies ke sath sex kar chukka tha ab thak mujhe sex ki abc patta lag chuki thi. Ye story mere ek langotiya dost ke ghar se suru hui. Bachpan me mera dost Lokesh aur me eakthe kathe, nahate, or kelte the. Us ki bheane thi Bhawna wo hamse thin sal kuch mahine choti thi. Aksar hum ekatae hi kalte the. Bachpan me admi ko kuch pata nahi hota is liya hum nage hokar...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 118 Twofer

My personal cooking project was learning to bake bread. I'd tried twice so far with limited success. Let's make that no success. My first batch came out of the oven weighing two pounds and about an inch thick. The very center was doughy. I followed the damned recipe. The second batch was a duplicate disaster. Well, repeatable results, anyway. Wednesday, I took all my ingredients with me early to Foods and asked Miss Sullivan for help. "Okay. Everybody will be busy blanching green beans...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 10 Liz SindersonChapter 4

She turned off some lights, to set the mood, and make it look a little more like what a bar might look like. She poured Jeff a bourbon and coke, and handed it to him, before going to the door. Taking a deep breath, she turned off the light. She’d felt Jeff getting hard, while she sat on his lap. She knew he was already excited. She felt her nipples stiffen more. She decided that was because that excited her too. She opened the door, and saw Bobby, standing there, dressed in a suit, his hand...

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My mother is really hot and mature. I started looking at her in that angle when I heard a bunch of guys in a mall secretly talking about her. They were not able to move their eyes of my mother. Then I realised the beauty of her. She is of above average height. She has very less belly fat as she does all her household and the garden work for herself. The diet she takes and the household activities she does made her really sexy in building up her body well.I completed my 12th and am free for like...

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Classroom suprise

A recently qualified teacher, today is your first day at Tower sixth form college. You stand at 6' 2" and keep your self in good shape. On your way in this morning you saw a group of girls giggling and looking at you. Obviously talking about the new teacher. The bell rings and a little nervous you welcome in your 18 and 19 year old students. Note to reader This is my first story, so your comments and 'likes' are very much appreciated.

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Married Life 05

Introduction: A story of lust & romance As I pulled into the driveway I was thinking how glad I was to be finally home, it had been a long day, then I noticed the garage door was up and there was Jan bent over placing some bags into the boot of our sports car, all of a sudden it came back to me, we were supposed to be heading off to Peter and Sallys for the weekend. I climbed out of my ute as Jan came walking up all excited and gave me a big welcoming kiss, Hi Honey, how about we ring Peter and...

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Wifes panties in the hampet

I cant really help it, I have been in Love with her scent since the first time I went down on her. She is super clean and always well put together, if you saw her in the mall you may think the same. We have been married over 20 years.... The other night (while we had the house to ourselves) she approached my about her panties. " What are you doing with my panties?" she said. I played dumb for a bit, then figured I would confess, although I know she is aware that I sniff them...I reminded her of...

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The Ultimate PlayboyChapter 7

Saturday morning I managed to drag myself back to my apartment to shave and shower. Then Saturday afternoon I got a phone call I had not been expecting: Kaia was asking me out on a date. I was a bit surprised, but at her request I told her I'd be there at nine. Kaia told me she had everything planned, but didn't mention style so I stood in front of my closet for a few minutes trying to figure out what to wear. I was still transitioning from High School geek to College stud and my wardrobe...

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Second ChanceChapter 17

Once the pilot I hired to fly me to Tallahassee dropped me at the airport, I was whisked away to the induction center to be administered another physical and the oath. When I showed up for my mandatory Selective Service physical I took it with a grain of salt. Being a citrus grower and major food provider was a free pass as far as military service was concerned – right up until it wasn’t. President Johnson started drafting young men so that he could stir up a war that was large enough to...

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