B.t.V.S: Brat's All Woman-Size free porn video

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Faith's jaw was still tender from Buffy's punch. But she counted herself lucky: the trigger-happy cops at the Bronze had been out for a lot worse than that. And Faith thought this town was dangerous the last time!

Exhausted from the fight, yet still wound up tight as a drum, the Slayer dropped onto Buffy's bed without even taking her boots off. Buffy was out, and with a house packed full of Potentials, you pretty much had to crash any place you could find. Or rub yourself off, as the case may be. Without a cellmate, sex in prison was semi-annual at best. Faith was ready for some bunk time with her middle finger.

Only she'd left the damn door open.

Dawn walked past in the hall, and then Faith heard the shower running. She shook her head. Hard to believe that was the Brat! The sheltered little girl who was always underfoot four years ago, following Faith around and breaking things. Trying to dress like Faith, too, and getting in trouble for it. Way back when, having a little groupie had amused Faith. For about a day... and then she'd gotten sick to death of it. She'd snapped at the Brat and turned the first of her friends into an enemy. Then she'd gone right down the list, betraying every last one. Way off the deep end.

And now four years later, the little Brat was all woman-size! As tough in a fight as any of the Potentials! And giving Faith an even colder reception than B. Faith was the "tried-to-kill-your-s*ster-type," after all. Somehow Faith thought Willow would be the hardest one to face. Turned out Red took a walk on the dark side herself and came out of it all forgiving. Even Buffy accepted her old rival back... more or less. Faith figured that Slayer just needed to get herself eaten for an hour or two and she'd be just fine.

Faith lay back and imagined being the one to do that very thing. On this very bed. Prison had helped Faith know her own sexuality, and it wasn't men she hungered for. But Faith doubted B was so self-aware. In Faith's book, there were two kinds of women. Gay women, and women Faith hadn't fucked senseless yet. And too bad for them. Faith closed her eyes, thinking how it would be with B. Chains would definitely be needed the first time. B would grit her teeth and try to keep her dignity while denying how much she liked what Faith was doing. Then, after Faith pulled from Buffy the hardest, wrenching orgasm the girl had ever dreamed of, she'd be begging for a repeat. And Faith would go along with that at first... just long enough to come herself. Preferably with B's tongue up her ass. But there would be no second time for B. Faith wasn't a fan of reruns. She'd get off, and then show Little Miss Tightly-Wound the door with a kiss to remember and a slap on the ass.

Faith liked to leave people needing her more than she needed them.

And then, speaking of tightly wound, she'd teach Red and that other brat–Kennedy–a thing or two. It was a sure bet those two weren't getting anything but a little tit-sucking. What's with the self-denial? Faith would tie them up and make each one watch as Faith did to the other everything they'd been denying themselves. Plus a few other things those nice girls never even heard of! Then she'd turn them loose on each other and watch the show. Maybe B would join in, desperate for more after Faith left her hanging... And Red would eat her best friend good, too. Faith would bet any money that Will had wanted to get into B's pants for years.

Too bad Fred hadn't come back from LA with them. Red had known right away that Fred was wet for her. Faith spotted it even quicker. Maybe Kennedy would learn some humility if she watched while Faith made Willow spread for Fred. Fred would be mortified of course, but Faith would hold the shy girl by the hair and guide her head until she got the hang of it. Maybe Fred and Kennedy would take turns, competing to please Willow while Willow used her fingers to thank Faith.

Then of course there were all the Potentials... Faith imagined lining them up to service her pussy one at a time. Good and slow. Licking her ass too. And then Buffy's. What better way to show their respect for the real Slayers? And if Buffy complained about it, too bad – Faith would sit on B's face and shut her up.

OK. Faith really needed to masturbate now. She got up to close the door and found the Brat coming out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. It struck Faith again how everyone else in town was still so much the same... but Dawn was so very different.

Different was good. Different made Faith feel like her evil days were another lifetime. Dawn may hold a grudge, but the sight of her made Faith feel like things were new. Like she'd busted out of jail into a different world from the one she had betrayed so long ago.

Different had a nice ass, too.

"Hey k*d, you were pretty cool back there at the Bronze, standing up to those cops. Thanks."

"It wasn't just me. And I'm not a k*d."

Faith let her eyes travel. "I can see that." The Brat was the same age Faith had been when she first tore through this town.

Faith turned back to shut herself in Buffy's room, but Dawn surprised her by following and trying to make peace. "It was cool of you to take us all out. We all needed it."

"Tell that to Big S*ster!"

"Was she mad?"

"Not punching and kicking mad. Just punching mad." Faith lay back on the bed again, wanting to be alone... and yet not wanting Dawn to go.

"She'll get over it. We could all die any minute. It's not worth holding grudges."

"I hear you."

Dawn sat on edge of the bed and began using Buffy's comb on her long hair. The activity made her towel slip lower until the tiniest hint of pink nipple showed on one side.

Faith swallowed.

Dawn looked at her sideways. She almost seemed to be noticing Faith's famous cleavage. "You didn't get hurt too bad did you? Between the cops and Buffy..."

"I'm five by five. 'Cept for the Slayer's Curse. After a fight like that, and nothing to kill at the end... I'm about ready to pop!" Just talking like this in front of Dawn aroused Faith. "Might pop you if you're not careful!" she joked.


Dawn blinked but kept on combing. Her hair was beautiful. "Might be my last chance, if we're all gonna die," she said quietly, with a worried sigh.

"You a virgin still? With a body like that?" Faith sat up against the pillows and gave Dawn another good eyeing. The new boobs were a nice improvement.

Dawn smiled slightly at the compliment. "I didn't figure you'd notice anybody but men."

"Guess we've both going through some changes."

Dawn kept combing, and did not fix her towel. Faith pondered whether the Brat might actually be flirting with her. If so, she picked the wrong moment to tease.

"I saw your moves on the dance floor, Dawn. Hard to believe a girl with no experience could move that way!"

"Guess we've both been ready to pop."

Faith took a deep breath. "Word of advice, k*d. If you're gonna talk dirty in front of a Slayer after a fight... put some clothes on first."

"Tell it to the Potentials. When the guys aren't around you can't turn a corner in this house without seeing some girl half nude."

"Wow, I might have to stick around. Got you a little worked up, have they?"

Dawn shrugged. "Some of that... mix with one part watching PDAs from Willow and Kennedy, and two parts fear of sudden grisly death... Let's just say I'm not really worried about saving myself for my wedding night."

Enough was enough. Want, take, have! Faith sat up, and without warning, took Dawn's face between her hands and kissed her. Deep.

Dawn froze for a moment and then responded, running her tongue over Faith's. Faith dropped her hands to Dawn's shoulders and leaned into it. The kiss was long, and Dawn's enthusiasm surprised even Faith.

Faith pulled back, breathing hard, desire like lava burning in her veins, her chest, and her pelvis. "Brat, I'm gonna say this once. You're hot as hell. Now get out now, or I don't know what I'm gonna do. Long incarceration."

Dawn's eyes widened with suddenly-exposed need... and maybe a little fear. She licked her lips. "What if I stay and we find out?"

"Dawn, you're scared and lonely and all fired up and you think you want to be made love to."

The attraction Dawn had felt seeing Faith dance had gotten unexpectedly out of her control. She bit her lip, took a deep breath, and let it out. "I know I want to be made love to. I need it. I've needed it for like, forever... I just... didn't know I needed it to be you." And it was true. The way Faith talked to Dawn pushed every button she had. She leaned toward Faith but the Slayer pulled back again.

"If you want to be made love to, then you do not want it to be me. That just ain't my thing. If you stay here I will not make love to you, Brat. I will fuck you. And once you've turned this Slayer on, there's no off switch."

Dawn licked her lips, her heavy breathing matching Faith's. She was scared, but the fear was intoxicating. Like hovering at the top of a roller coaster. She knew what she wanted, was desperate for it, and she knew that the effect Faith was having on her was the same one she was having on Faith.

Dawn let the towel fall away from her breasts. "Then fuck me."

Faith put a hand lightly on Dawn's thigh, then moved it to her right breast, the erect nipple between thumb and finger. "I won't just get you off, Brat. You won't be a virgin when I'm done with you. That tends to hurt. And it won't be over until I am done with you. I'm the Slayer here, I'm on top, and believe me, you'll know it." She pinched the nipple and felt Dawn shiver.

Faith's final words of caution did not scare Dawn at all. They made her more aroused than ever. "Please, Faith... fuck me." She reached for Faith's belt buckle.

Faith slapped her hand away. The Brat was going to get her wish. And on Faith's terms. Faith stood up, shrugged out of her top and dropped her boots and pants to the floor. Dawn gasped at the sight of Faith's nakedness. Then Faith pushed her back on the bed, her towel still bunched around her waist, and brandished a stake. Dawn recognized an old stake from Buffy's shelf, no longer any good for slaying. A narrow, crooked piece of driftwood polished smooth, and with no point anymore. The end was rounded. Yet fear entered Dawn's eyes.

Faith straddled Dawn's stomach, pressing her warm, wet pubic curls against the girl's soft, trembling skin. She reached for a bottle of lotion on Buffy's night stand and slowly pumped several large dollops onto Dawn's chest. The younger girl gasped at the cold, just as Faith intended.

Faith held Dawn down with one strong hand at the base of her throat, and touched the tip of the stake to Dawn's right nipple. Want, take, have. She'd do all three to Buffy's s*ster. And hard, too. But she'd also give. Some people didn't get that. Faith always created an experience for her "victims." Where was the fun otherwise? She played their bodies and their reactions to perfection, attuned to every gasp and sob of need. Tonight she would make something special just for Dawn... not easy, not gentle, but special. Dawn was no toy to Faith. For this fleeting moment, Dawn was her world. Dawn was about to be fucked by a Slayer who knew how to do it right.

Faith circled Dawn's nipple with the smooth wood, feeling the girl's involuntary shiver of pleasure. She traced the round tip along the swell of the girl's breast, scr*ping the cold lotion as she went. She turned her attention to the other breast, gathering all the lotion into Dawn's cleavage. Then she rolled the stake around in it until it was coated and slippery.

Faith slipped down and moved Dawn's legs apart to kneel between them. Dawn lifted herself on her elbows, but Faith pushed her back down, hard. "Don't make me tie you down, Brat. You move when I tell you or you don't move."

Faith pushed the towel higher, exposing Dawn's pussy, and roughly lifted the girl’s knees almost to her shoulders. For a moment Faith simply admired Dawn's beauty. Pink inner lips peeking out, slick and shiny, from a perfect shaven mound, above the shy, tanned pucker of Dawn's ass. Faith sighed shakily. Such a tender, vulnerable creature! And so helpless against Faith's supernatural strength and passion.

Faith shifted her grip on the stake, aiming it up between Dawn's legs. Dawn again felt that little roller coaster thrill of delicious fear. She knew that being taken would hurt. "Please... do it gently...." she whispered.

"Of course, Dawnie," said Faith softly. She crawled up to kiss Dawn's mouth for a moment and then sat back again, lightly touching the slippery tip of the stake to Dawn's emerging clit. She let the weapon glide down to leave a trail of lotion all the way to Dawn's anus, watched the opening twitch and relax from the contact, and then slid back up to tease her lips. "Dawnie, I think I've changed my mind," she said, thoughtfully, withdrawing the stake. "I just don't feel gentle today."

Faith waited just the fraction of a second needed to see her words register in Dawn's eyes. Then with one expert motion she slid the rounded stake four inches into the girl. It wasn't violent. But it certainly wasn't gentle.

Dawn gasped. The pressure stung for a moment, but above all it was cold from the lotion. And it wasn't in her pussy. Buffy's old stake was shoved several inches up her ass. This wasn't part of the plan! It was the strangest sensation... she felt so invaded, so violated... so helpless... so incredibly aroused.

Faith twisted the lumpy, uneven driftwood, working it in circles and a bit deeper too. Stimulating pleasurable nerve endings Dawn didn't even know she had. Then she leaned forward and sucked Dawn's tight little clit between her teeth.

Still working the stake in and out, Faith used her teeth and tongue on Dawn's pussy, feasting on willing prey. She worked Dawn's clit back and forth with her tongue, and nibbled gently on Dawn's eager inner lips. She licked deep inside the girl, learning her flavour and the rhythm of her arousal.

The sensations were incredible. Dawn felt orgasm creeping up, but Faith made sure it approached very gradually. And all the while, the ins*stent stretching and twisting in Dawn's ass distracted her with a different kind of pleasure, an invasion that felt so very wrong... and yet wonderful! The two competing sensations kept her speechless and writhing... but unable to orgasm.

When Faith sensed that Dawn was close, she stopped fucking the girl's ass but left the stake in place. She leaned over Dawn, squeezed her breasts roughly with one hand, cupped her pussy with the other, and looked into her eyes. She saw desperation in Dawn's gaze, passion... and she saw what she was waiting for. Dawn felt possessed by Faith. Her own will had become nothing. She belonged to Faith.

"Tell me Brat... do you like when I fuck your ass?"

Dawn nodded weakly.

"I said tell me." She gave Dawn's clit a hard pinch.

"I love... when you... fuck my ass..." Dawn breathed.

"Then ask me to fuck your cunt." Faith slipped two fingers slightly between Dawn's labia.

Dawn swallowed to find her voice, and with some apprehension, said, "Fuck my... my puss.... my cunt...."

"Say my name, Brat."

"Please... Faith.... fuck my cunt, Faith..."

Faith inserted a third finger. Then a fourth, stretching Dawn's virgin pussy just a little painfully. She twisted her fingers higher until they met res*stance. Her thumb rolled Dawn's clitoris, keeping her balanced on the edge of coming.

Faith held her eyes. Slowly, she pressed upward, feeling Dawn's hymen break for her fingertips. A single tear rolled down Dawn's brave cheek.

And then Faith flicked Dawn's clit to bring her to climax. She pressed hard with her thumb, circling fast, making it go on and on, and all the while, twisting her fingers inside Dawn vagina, and the wooden stake up her ass.

Dawn's body jerked and she let out a small cry. And again. And again. Then smaller tremors. As Dawn gasped weakly in the wake of the most powerful thing she had ever experienced...

Faith demanded still more.

"More. Come again, Brat." She pulled the stake free of Dawn's ass, a whole new sensation, and resumed pumping her fingers in and out of the girl's vagina. "Come!" She leaned forward to gently bite Dawn's breasts, one and then the other. She bit harder when Dawn continued to disobey. "I said come... now!"

And to Dawn's amazement, the command from Faith was enough. She was that far under Faith's power. A second orgasm rolled over her, built to a peak, and then died away very, very slowly, with Faith's mouth now working her clit in time with the fingers on the inside.

Faith sat up to let the girl catch her breath. There was blood on Buffy's sheet. Faith found the sight unexpectedly moving. She had never taken a girl's virginity before. In a sense, this was her own first time too. Faith crawled up alongside Dawn and looked curiously at the girl. Dawn was shining with sweat, her eyes unfocused, and her mouth moving slowly without sound. Faith took a hand mirror from the night stand and held it up to Dawn's face. "Look, Brat... look what you've become... look what I've done to you."

"Th... thank... you..." whispered Dawn, hoarsely.

Faith smiled to herself. "Yes... I really think you should."

She slid higher in the bed and pushed Dawn lower, on their sides facing one another. She raised one leg, twisted her fingers in Dawn's damp hair, and pressed the girl's face into her pussy.

Weak and nearly senseless after coming twice, Dawn still needed no more invitation than that. She licked gratefully at the juices flowing from Faith's pussy, as the Slayer humped her entire face. She allowed Faith to turn her head this way and that, changing the angle as Faith desired. And eventually, focussing her mouth on Faith's clit.

"That's right, Brat... eat my juicy pussy..." Faith's voice was commanding but shaky. Her own climax was close.

When it happened, Faith pressed Dawn's head between her legs with both hands, thrusting her hips and rolling the girl's face against her wet crotch. She screwed up her face and let out a low, guttural scream through clenched teeth. It rose and fell until, eventually, Faith's orgasm faded. Faith looked down, breathing in ragged gasps. Dawn's face was a slippery mess. "Damn, Brat, anyone ever tell you how good you look in pussy juice?"

Dawn blushed.

The two girls lay still for a time, panting, Dawn's cheek resting on Faith's thigh. Each puff of breath ruffled Faith's pubic hair pleasantly.

Eventually Faith became aware of the three girls in the hall, staring wide-eyed through the door that had never been shut. Potentials. Faith didn't even know their names. Probably all virgins, same as Dawn.

Faith treated them to a wicked smile. "Enjoy the show? Keep it to yourselves if you want any training from this Slayer." The girls were still frozen, shocked. "Maybe you'd like to be next?"

That got them moving! They scampered out of sight and down the stairs.

Dawn was vaguely aware that they had been seen, but was still unable to think clearly. Still caught in the peaceful, helpless state of being that Faith had crafted for her.

Faith prodded her shoulder. "How was it, Brat?" she asked, with some tenderness.

Dawn nodded and let out a small sound. Speech was difficult... but it was good.

Faith let out a satisfied sigh and pushed Dawn away. "You were pretty smokin' yourself, k*d." She handed Dawn's towel back. "Thanks. I needed that like you would not believe!"

Dawn looked at the towel blankly and put it back down. Faith pushed it back into her hands. "Go on, Brat... the ride's over!"

Dawn looked up at her, confused.

Faith got up and started getting dressed again. "Shoo! It's not a sl*ep over!"

Dawn's eyes watered. "But... can't we..."

"No. Dragging things out ain't my style. If you've got soul-searching to do, do it on your own time."

Still dazed, and now hurt in a way she didn't even understand yet, Dawn picked up her towel and wandered naked into the hall. She turned back. "Faith..."

Faith gave her a thumbs-up. "You were great."

Dawn ran to her room and closed the door.

Faith went to Buffy's window and looked out at the streetlights. She felt amazing. Refreshed. Alive. And yet... she felt bad somehow. For kicking Dawn out? But that's just how Faith always was! One time together and then goodbye. Not everyone liked it, but they got over it. Dawn should count herself lucky for that one time with Faith – it was more Faith than most people got!

But that's how Faith had been before she turned herself in. And in the pen, the few women she'd had sex with had known from the start it was just one-night stands – because that's all there was a chance for. Five-minute stands, more like it. There just wasn't much opportunity.

Now she was back out in the land of the free, and she figured she'd done what she set out to do when she went in. Beaten down the darkness. Made herself good. As good as she knew how, anyway.

But so what? Since when were one-night stands only for evil killers? What, did Dawn expect a cuddle? Faith had been honest. It wasn't her style. She'd never been cuddled in her life, and she wasn't into it. And she would not stand for people hanging around for awkward, slow goodbyes.

But this time, she found she couldn't just put the whole thing out of her mind. Maybe she should apologize. But... for what exactly? Faith searched for some friendly gesture to make in case Dawn was mad. Maybe she'd bring Dawn... a hot cocoa, or something? A cookie? Can't have hurt feelings with Buffy's s*ster at a time like this.

Faith turned from the window, frustrated and angry at herself and not understanding why. She wasn't even aware of the tears in her eyes.

She jumped. Buffy was in the doorway. Still mad about the Bronze thing?

"Faith. Are you OK?"

"Five by five... what's a little vi*lence between friends?"

Faith felt a pang when Buffy looked at the bed, stained with a spot of blood. Not to mention sweat and other fluids. "Are you hurt?"

"Hurt? Why the fuck would I be hurt? I'm five by five! This stuff happens all the time, it's nothing!"

She stormed past Buffy and went to the bathroom to splash water on her face.

Buffy followed. "You really screwed up back there."

Faith stared at her, feeling like the k*d caught in the cookie jar. She dried her face on whatever towel was closest.

"You can't just take the girls out for a fun little outing, Faith! Not at a time like this. I know why you did it. But it's too dangerous."

"OK, I get that, B. Let it go already."

"I just need to know it isn't going to happen again."

"Strictly a one-time deal, B..." Faith faltered, her conscience eating at her again. And more than guilt.... something else bothering her too. Fuck, why did things have to be complicated? Even a good screw couldn't be simple anymore!

"Good." Buffy held up the old stake they had used, and Faith felt a fresh wave of guilt. "What did you slay with this? It's all slimy and gross!"

I shoved it up your s*ster's cute little ass, and now I miss her, thought Faith. Aloud, she said, "Don't ask, B."

I miss her? Is that really what this feeling is? Not just guilt... it ended too quickly for me too?

"Just do me a favour and clean it off. Don't know why you'd want to use a stake that's not even sharp anyway. A change of sheets would be nice too. And then I guess you can sl*ep on my floor."

"No k*dding?"

"Not much choice. This inn is full!"

Faith thought for a moment. "You know, B, I think I'll pass. You and me... big history... not really dream roommates. It's OK. Dawn said I could have her floor," Faith lied.

Buffy frowned. "You tamed the Dawn monster already? Last I heard she didn't want you in the house! What did you do to her?"

"Don't ask."

Buffy shrugged and returned downstairs. Faith, after getting herself dressed, washed the stake, scrubbing angrily, and returned it to Buffy's room.

She stood outside Dawn's door for a long time, trying to decide what to do. She tossed her hair in frustration with herself. Eventually she left and went back to Buffy's room. She grabbed the blunt stake and tucked it into her belt... You never knew when it might come in handy.

Faith steeled herself, knocked on Dawn's door, and waited... but there was no answer. So she let herself in.

Dawn was curled on her side, nude, facing away from the door. "What do you want?"

Faith sighed. "I don't know... I... I just didn't..." She shrugged. She didn't know what to say. "Are you OK?"

"What do you care?"

"I like to leave satisfied customers!"

Dawn was silent.

Faith sat on the bed. The stuffed a****ls, the posters, the whole room... it was all so much the same as four years ago. It was weird to see this beautiful new Dawn, lying in the middle of this familiar old place.

Nobody said anything for a while. Faith rolled her eyes, impatient with herself for not knowing what she was supposed to do. "You aren't sorry are you?"

Dawn said nothing, but after a moment shook her head "no."

"Good. I thought we were pretty damn hot back there!"

Dawn shrugged, still not turning to face Faith.

"You must be cold," said Faith, and pulled a blanket over Dawn.

"Thanks," said Dawn, after a while.

Faith sat awkwardly watching Dawn's back. Then she slipped under the blanket herself. Fully-clothed, she spooned around Dawn's nude form and put one arm over Dawn, resting her palm on Dawn's cheek. Faith felt a fresh pang. There were tears on Dawn's face.

Dawn stiffened at first but then relaxed against Faith. So Faith propped herself up and kissed the salty trail on the girl's cheek. "Don't cry, Brat," she said, softly.

"I just wanted you to hold me. That's all. I just wanted you to hold me."

"Better late than never, right?" She gave Dawn a hug. It was awkward. Not a gesture that Faith was used to. But it felt pretty good to do it. Maybe the cuddling thing had something going for it after all.

"I want you to stay here with me."

"Sure, Brat. I'll hang out."

"Why? You don't want to."

"Sure I do. I even gave Buffy an excuse. She thinks I'm sl*eping on your floor."

"You really told her that?"

"Scout's honour. But I'll only stay if you want. Whatever you want is cool."

"It's cool if I tell you to get out? It's cool if I tell you to 'shoo’?"

Faith sighed, full of remorse. "No. That's not cool at all. That's kinda shitty. So should I stay, or what?"

Dawn turned towards her. "What you did to me..."

"It was what you wanted."

"I know, but... it was a lot better than I thought it would be... It was amazing."

"It was, wasn't it? So you should thank me... you probably oughta let me stay."

Dawn nodded. Faith was surprised at how relieved she felt.

"Don't go thinking this is some romantic thing, though, Brat. I'm not here for your sake. I'm here 'cause I like being with you."

"Did that come out wrong? 'Cause it was kinda sweet."

Faith frowned. Sweet was not her thing. But she felt on the edge of wanting... something. Something more than she had ever had. A part of her deep down liked being called sweet. She pushed it aside.

"I'll sl*ep on the floor like I told B. Or I can sl*ep in the bed. Your call."

"OK. Just tonight?"

Faith shrugged. "Tonight, tomorrow, whatever. I got no plans. Maybe having a big strong Slayer around at night is a good thing, times like these."

Dawn's eyes widened just a little at "big strong Slayer." Faith let her hand close firmly around Dawn's wrist. "Tell you what. Big apocalypse on the way. Win or lose, live or die, I'll stay with you and we'll see this thing through. After the dust settles... no strings attached."

Dawn smiled slightly. "What about... ropes?"

Faith raised her eyebrows. "You want to be careful, talkin' like that!" She had a vision of Dawn tied to the corners of the bed. “Especially if you're thinking of letting me sl*ep in the bed."

"The floor's kinda hard."

"If I stay here... you won't be the one in control, Dawnie."

Faith didn't even notice using the pet name, but Dawn did. It felt nice to hear. "You think you can just make me do whatever you want?"

Faith tightened her grip on Dawn's wrist, and curled the fingers of her other hand tightly into Dawn's hair. "I'm pretty sure I can."

Dawn swallowed, her fresh arousal obvious to Faith. She met Faith's eyes. "Guess I'll have to deal."

Faith's smile was almost fond. This Brat was really starting to get to her! She kissed Dawn's mouth. "Guess you'll have to."

After a while, Dawn smiled slyly. "So... we're gonna do it again? I mean... if you're staying anyway."

"What, right now?"

"I don't think I could. But... maybe in the morning?"

"Only if you ask real nice. Maybe a little begging."

Dawn smiled. "Please fuck my cunt?" She lifted one leg slightly under the blanket. Faith wasn't even sure it was on purpose, but she found her hand on Dawn's pussy. It felt good in her hand, like it belonged to her.

The girls stared at each other for a long time. Faith felt as happy as Dawn looked. This was better than one fuck and a goodbye. "You're something else, Brat."

"You're not so bad yourself, when you're not a total bitch."

"Come morning, we'll see who the bitch is." She took the stake from her belt and showed it to Dawn as she set it aside.

Dawn's eyes widened. "What will you do in the morning?"

Faith smiled evilly and thought about this. "Maybe I'll see how many fingers I can fit up your ass."

Dawn caught her breath, her eyes betraying fresh desire. Faith loved seeing Dawn's response.

"And maybe I'll have you licking mine!"

"Don't know if I could do that."

"Don't know if you'll have a choice."

Again, Dawn reacted delightfully... nervous yet excited. "And what else?"

"What else? Well, in the morning you might wake up tied to the bed... and blindfolded... maybe even gagged... and then you'll find out what else!"

Dawn trembled in Faith's arms. "I really like... what you do to me. I like feeling this way."

"What way?" Faith was half afraid Dawn was going to get mushy and romantic on her. And maybe half hoping on some level, too.

"Peaceful. Helpless. Small. I don't know. Like... I belong to you now, or something."

"And don't you forget it. I wanted you and I took you." Faith marvelled at how good it felt to have claimed this girl. B's little s*ster! And in B's own bed. Quite a conquest. But more than that... Faith knew what she was making Dawn feel, and she loved that Dawn loved it.

Also... Dawn's hair smelled really good, and Faith felt an urge to say so. But that would spoil the mood.

"You can do anything you want to me," Dawn breathed, trying to rub her crotch against Faith's palm. She meant it as an invitation, but as soon as the words were out, they both knew it was simple fact.

Faith moved her hand along with Dawn's hips, so Dawn could not get any friction. Couldn't have Dawn feeling pleasure without permission! "I'm a Slayer. Yeah, I can. Whether you like it or not."

Dawn nodded. She liked it. And she liked getting Faith worked up, too. "Will you really tie me up?"

"In ways you didn't know you could bend."

Dawn swallowed. "There's chains in the basement."

"I noticed. And clothespins. Maybe I'll just chain you up on display... show off what a pretty thing I've caught. Make all those girls of Buffy's jealous. Use clothespins to point out all my favourite spots." Faith pinched Dawn's clit and held it tight.

Dawn's body spasmed slightly in sudden pleasure, her mouth parted, her eyes wide pools. Did the pain feel good? There wasn't much of it.... but no, she didn't exactly like it. And yet... she loved not liking it. She loved that she couldn't stop it. The most private, tender part of her... and it was in Faith's power.

She squirmed away just to be reminded of that power. The Slayer pulled her close again, tugging her clit with one hand and holding her butt firmly with the other. Dawn could feel the supernatural strength in her partner's muscles.

"You stay where you're put, Brat. If you're gonna be bad, maybe what you'll need in the morning is a little punishment! Chain you up right in the kitchen. Or maybe the back yard. Make you eat every pussy in the house." Faith watched Dawn's face to see what this kind of talk was doing to her.

"Th- that's a lot of pussy..." Dawn was almost sure Faith wasn't serious. Just trying to turn her on. It was working.

"These Potentials will do what I say, Brat... If I tell 'em it's some mental focus thingy, they'll line up and spread for your sweet little tongue. Of course I'll tell 'em to fight it. Better not come or else. But you'll get every one of 'em off anyway. You'll have pussy juice running down your neck and dripping off the clothespins on your nipples. And you'll be blindfolded... you won't even know who you're eating until you hear the screams. Including Buffy."

Dawn imagined what that would feel like. Unknown pussy warm on her face. Writhing, hot, desperate pussy, under Faith's control as much as Dawn was herself. So juicy that the liquid ran down her body, warm at first and then drying cold on her breasts and stomach.

Faith smiled at Dawn's wide-eyed reaction. "And what do you want to bet Anya will sneak into line for a turn? And Willow? Ever wonder what Red's cunt tastes like, Brat?"

"N-no!" Willow was Dawn's friend!

"I bet it's good. You'd look hot buried in red pubes. Tongue up her ass."

"That's sick." And yet... whenever Willow was dr*nk on black magic, she'd called Dawn "cutie," and look at her in a not-friend way. Before crashing the car and breaking Dawn's arm, she'd tried to coax Dawn into "playing with the grown-ups." There were secret moments when Dawn imagined what might have happened if she'd said yes.

"And while you're bent over, licking away, your ass will be mine, Brat. Two tender holes, and a whole kitchen full of things to stick in them. No lotion though... I'd have to use spit. Ever felt spit seeping up inside your cunt, Brat? Up inside your ass?" Faith teased Dawn's anus lightly with her middle finger and felt it twitch.

Dawn moaned.

Faith was simply disgusting... and unimaginably sexy! "I don't think... I can wait... for morning..."

"Oh?" Faith kissed Dawn's neck, then turned it into licking. "Well you'll have to, Brat..." She worked her way down to Dawn's breasts, sucking each nipple. "...I think I like you desperate. Beg all you want, you get no release 'til morning. Then I fuck you silly, any way I feel like." She gave Dawn's nipple a little nip with her teeth and then stopped, moving back to admire the state she'd worked Dawn into. "What would Big S*ster say if she knew what a slut you'd grown up to be?"

Even being called a name was arousing to Dawn. She felt like a slut with Faith. She tried again to rock her wet pussy against the Slayer's palm. Again Faith denied her. "Faith... I think you should know something..."

"Yeah? What's that?"

She reached shakily for her bedside clock and showed it to Faith. 12:01 AM. "It's morning."

“You bet it is,” came a voice from the door. A voice both Faith and Dawn was not expecting.

“B, hey… I can explain,” Faith said to the blonde Slayer.

“It’s about time too, I thought you two would never hook up,” Buffy said, surprising both her s*ster and her fellow Vampire Slayer.

“What…?” asked Dawn.

To answer Buffy just closed the door behind her, and locking it in the process, before starting to strip off her clothes and heading towards the bed.

“Ohhh,” both Dawn and Faith said in unison as Buffy joined them in all her naked glory.

The End.

Same as B.t.V.S: Brat's All Woman-Size Videos

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A Reflection of Batwoman and Her Sister Alice

A REFLECTION OF BATWOMAN TO HER SISTER ALICE Belinda She is a fan of the TV series "Batwoman." Eagerly awaited the first episode and even with the previews wonder who would play Batwoman. In later previews, becoming aware of the other characters; one character she remembers from watching the movie "Enigma." The additional character she remembers in the previews is Alice. Batwoman and Alice seem to strike a special reflection with her. She could tell...

4 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 49 Volleyball and More

Allison and Rachael sat naked in the hot tub together on Monday morning. As Allison rubbed her little sister's shoulders, Rachael gave a report on the activities that weekend. She explained that she had failed to get Jeff and Brit to make love, but that they had taken several steps in the right direction. Allison grinned as Rachael gave her all the juicy details. Allison began to make plans for her own involvement in the sinister plot. So far, things seemed to be going well. Brit was more...

4 years ago
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Sweet Young Hallie

I still can’t believe what just happened. The young woman is sound asleep, facing me, her arm over my waist. My left hand is traveling up and down her smooth, naked skin, from the auburn hair to mid-thigh. Never have I loved a person more, and I figured that out, just before engaging in the most fantastic fuck session I ever had. …………… I had known Hallie for about six years, since she was sixteen. My wife, and I, met her in a local, small town grocery/general store. She was a...

2 years ago
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My Cute Pallavi Aunty

Hello readers, my name is Salman, 26years old and from UK. This story is about how I was seduced by my neighbour aunty Pallavi for sex. This happened some 4 years back. Pallavi aunty was around 40 years old then and had a figure to die even at that age. She was fair and had maintained her body well due to her regular workouts at the gym. She was married and her husband was working in a software firm. She is a mother of 2 daughters as well and both of them are in a boarding school.She was very...

4 years ago
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With My Sister Pallavi

Hey guys,Viraj here. I’m back with another incest story…This may be a bit lengthy as it will be featuring every bit in detail…..This is 100% a real story and not a fictitious one.I’m going to narrate this story both in Telugu & English.Where ever Telugu is used,there will be an English translation.So guys,Let’s begin the story…. My family consists of me, my sister Pallavi(all names changed), my mom Kalyani and my father Kishore.We live in a city named Nellore in Southern Andhra Pradesh.My...

4 years ago
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Allyson Ch 03

It was a terrible situation, but Allyson decided to make the best of it. She lost her room, her clothes, and all her status, such as it was, but she still believed in John, and if nothing else, she still believed in herself. She’d work harder than ever. She’d prove to John that she was worthy of his love. The next couple weeks were a continuous routine of cleaning, scrubbing, washing, ironing, serving, cooking, and her weekly humiliation at the hands of an old pervert. At first she was asked...

2 years ago
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Allen to Allie

Hi Folks, My name is Allie, at least most of the time now, it used to be Allen but that seems like a lifetime ago. Now-a-days the only time my wife allows me to use my given name is when something needs to be signed, like payroll checks or tax returns, otherwise I am Allie. I'm sure many of you are wondering how a man, a once slightly overweight, furry man (moustache & beard) could be forced into giving up his identity, his masculinity, his beloved beard, simply because his...

3 years ago
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Chapter Two Allyson Opens Up to Diane

That evening, after supper, Diane and her boyfriend went to the local dance as usual. Now she began observing other couples dancing together more closely. Men normally would ask the ladies for a dance, but on occasions two women would dance together. This did not mean they were partners in the romantic sense, it was the social thing at the time, women who were not asked to dance, would occasionally dance together. She started noting small things, like where they placed their hands, and how...

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Allyson Ch 07

The two women helped each other down the stairs. Both had a lot on their minds. The younger woman, Allyson, was recovering from a vicious beating. She didn’t actually need help, not in a physical sense, but her emotional situation was far different. At the moment she felt about as needy as she’d ever been in her entire life, and from the standpoint of a former foster child who’d spent her whole childhood shuttled from facility to facility much like a water bucket passed from hand to hand...

3 years ago
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HaremChapter 5 Hallie

While on a trip to Georgia I stopped at a small gas station and found a beautiful 19-year-old black girl with very short black hair dark brown eyes, and what I would guess to be a firm 38D-32-36 body standing 5'9" and weighing maybe 140 pounds. She was doing her college English behind the counter. The nametag on her shirt said Hallie I guessed her age from her looks and the fact that she was taking college freshman English. As I paid for my gas and snacks I commented on her class and joked...

3 years ago
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Allyson Ch 04

Having gotten word from Hannah that Paul had been to see Allyson John left work early. He had his suspicions. He thought somebody had been seeing her, and somebody had tipped over the apple cart regarding the judge. Who else but Paul? Yes Paul was a problem. He had to be dealt with. Meanwhile back at the house, after Paul left Allyson continued with her usual routines, cleaning, scrubbing, and just generally trying to keep busy. If what Paul had intimated was at all true then just maybe John...

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