Allyson Ch. 07 free porn video

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The two women helped each other down the stairs. Both had a lot on their minds.

The younger woman, Allyson, was recovering from a vicious beating. She didn’t actually need help, not in a physical sense, but her emotional situation was far different. At the moment she felt about as needy as she’d ever been in her entire life, and from the standpoint of a former foster child who’d spent her whole childhood shuttled from facility to facility much like a water bucket passed from hand to hand along a fire line that was no mean feeling.

She was afraid, afraid of how she felt, that was how she thought she felt, actually worse, how she thought she should feel. Did she love Paul? She didn’t know. Had she ever really loved anyone? She wasn’t sure on that count anymore either. She’d thought she’d loved John, but she knew now she only loved the idea of John. She’d looked upon him as a kind of heroic knight, a savior and protector, someone who could insulate her from things she didn’t want to think about.

John had sort of soured her on what she should expect from men. He’d been so wonderful at first, but her gradual declination from partner and helpmate to subservient child maid and sex toy gave her pause about other men, even Paul.

For sure, if anyone had been her protector, her knight in shining armor, it had turned out to be the nerdy self-conscious Boy Scout who was somewhere downstairs. It was almost unimaginable, where once there had been a confident self assured high powered lawyer, now there was this introverted science Geek who had a metal plate down the center of his skull.

She could and couldn’t imagine herself living and loving Paul, at least not over the long haul. He was young, younger than her, and probably too young. He was inexperienced, naïve was more like it. Paul lacked what they called a variety of experience. His whole life had been consumed by school, family, life in a secure protected cocoon. If Paul had say spent a year working on a tramp steamer seeing some of the world, or gone camping across Europe, or even just working a few summers someplace like a resort far from home. She figured anything like that would make a difference. That was the problem, the prism of his reality was too small, too narrow. Paul could look at something and come to conclusions that seemed logical and rational to him, but they were conclusions based on a too limited experience base.

Paul needed to grow up. She couldn’t marry a boy. God she cared about him, but he just wasn’t ready. As she stood at the top of the stairs she saw that now.

Audra had her needs too. First she needed to protect her son. If he loved this girl, then she wanted him to have her. But if he loved her, and she either turned out to be the wrong one, or if she decided he was wrong for her then, regardless of the eventuality, she wanted to be available to help in some way. What was the old saying, ‘what’s worse than not getting your hearts desire, isn’t it getting it?’ If he got what he wanted that could be good, but if she broke his heart, that might even be better. Either way she was confident he was young enough, strong enough intellectually, and had the emotional mettle to withstand whatever might happen.

Then there was Allyson. She had been through a lot, too much. Inwardly Audra felt a little bit responsible for the scars on Allyson’s back. She’d been indifferent, even hostile, to the girl early on. She’d like to make up for it now. Maybe they could help her get on with her life, it was something she believed they were morally required to do.

It was more than just a guilty conscience though. She wanted to help Allyson because she liked her. Allyson deserved a break, a chance.

Together the two women started down the stairs. They were about to take some important first steps. Where those steps would lead was still unclear.


Paul and his father Jeremy reached the bottom of the stairs at almost the same time as the women reached the top. Just like Allyson and Audra Paul and Jeremy had things on their minds.

Jeremy watched his wife. After their sons she was the most important person in his world. The other woman, Allyson, he was sure she was a nice girl. Maybe she would make it with Paul, maybe not. What most concerned him was how Audra handled whatever happened. He’d seen the look on her face, this was the little girl she’d never had, or more accurately, had, but lost. Audra had been pregnant with a fourth child, a girl, but God had taken her at eleven months. He remembered the sonograms, the little heartbeat, those precious little visuals, then the faint little squeals at birth.

Yes, she’d been imperfect, malformed, but she was just perfect for them. The loss had hurt him, but it had broken Audra’s heart.

He wasn’t some pompous right wing know it all. What other people did, abortion wise or care wise, wasn’t his decision. He just knew that was one little girl who had been a keeper, a real treasure, brought in premature and underweight still she’d made it. They say girl babies are the fighters, well that one sure was. Bad heart, couldn’t breathe, placed in a cooler or something so her little brain wouldn’t swell up. She just barely made it, they’d just barely made it. She would have been what, sixteen now, a sophomore in high school. Oh hell, drunk drivers, on the way to the pediatrician’s. It had happened too fast, a month later the murderer was back on the road again.

He watched Audra and prayed just a little, please don’t get your hopes up. Please Allyson, don’t hurt her, not too much anyway

There was Paul too, but he was small potatoes here. Paul was young, just twenty-one, not even finished all his college. If Allyson didn’t work out there would be other girls. Allyson would be nice, but she had a lot of baggage. He wouldn’t stand in the way, but he knew Paul could probably do better.

Paul looked to the top of steps. What he saw took his breath away. Allyson was so beautiful. She had on a gorgeous blouse and slack outfit, and the sweater really set her eyes off, they glowed, they just shone. Her eyes were so bright, he wasn’t sure if it was the color of the clothes matching her eyes or if they were filled with tears. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Her eyes, the make up, she’d never looked this way before. The childlike Allyson he’d come to recognize was gone! This was a woman, real woman, all the way!

No wait! There was more! He looked closer. What did she have on? She was wearing jewelry, not just any jewelry, it was the stuff he’d bought. How did she come by it? He got a glimpse of his mother. He knew right away, someone had found it and now Allyson was wearing it. It looked terrific on her. He looked closer. There was the necklace, the bracelet, the earrings. It was all there, all there except the ring? The ring wasn’t there. That was OK. But wait the wrist watch! That was his grand mom’s, no he meant his great grand mom’s watch. Audra had given it to her, and she’d taken it. That had to mean something.

Paul knew what he had to do, his father had more or less laid it out for him. He had to be a man, man up his dad said. He’d treat Allyson with respect. He wouldn’t push, beg, or try to cajole. If he was the one for her she’d figure it out. It would hurt if she went on, it would hurt a lot, but if you loved someone, really loved them, like his parents said, you had to let them fly.

The women reached the bottom of the steps. Allyson sort of clung to the wall on her way down. Paul reached out his hand, ‘Can I help?’

She took it, ‘Thank you.’

The four of them walked into the living room and sat down. No one said very much. There wasn’t much to say.

Paul asked Allyson, ‘Did you sleep well?’

‘I got some, how about you?’

He smiled, ‘We drove all night. My mom said you wanted to talk.’

Allyson put her head down, ‘Maybe later.’

Paul looked away, ‘Sure.’

Just then the doorbell rang. Someone opened the front door and in walked Lauren and Ariel. Ariel hollered out, ‘Is anyone home?’

Jeremy called back, ‘We’re in here.’

The two girls slipped into the living room. Both doffed their coats and took up positions in the room. Lauren announced, ‘Boy it’s starting to get cooler outside.’

Ariel nodded and agreed, ‘I should have worn a winter coat.’

Allyson smiled. She remembered she didn’t have any clothes of her own except what the girls had bought her. She looked at Ariel and then Lauren, ‘How do you like my outfit?’

Both girls took it in. Ariel giggled, ‘Somebody has really great taste.’

Lauren beamed.

Jeremy got up, ‘Better check the bird. Dinner’s almost ready.’

Audra jumped up too, ‘I’ll help.’

Just then the brothers slipped in. Aubrey had heard his father’s last comment. He asked, ‘Dinner ready yet?’

His father, already halfway in the kitchen called back, ‘Almost.’

The door bell rang again.

Audra turned from the kitchen to the front door, ‘That must be Scottie.’

Allyson’s antennae went up. She was confused. Who was Scottie. Had they told her something and she’d missed it?

Paul saw the confusion. She’d either not been told, or been told and forgotten, ‘Scottie is my uncle, my mom’s youngest brother. He’s here with grand mother, grand father, his wife and their two kids. You’ll like them.’

Things were going too fast for Allyson. There were too many people about, too much to keep up with. Already she felt like she needed to go back to bed.

Paul saw the look and knew what she was thinking. He gave her a little wave, ‘It’ll be all right. Just stay up and eat something. If you get tired you can go back to bed.’

Allyson smiled at Paul. She thought, he’s really tuned in.

In came grandma, grandpa, Scottie, his wife, and their two kids Billy and Myna. Billy was nine, and a screaming raving little hellion. Myna was the complete opposite. Myna was a little girl, dark brown hair, big green eyes, pinkish complexion, and one of the most backward personalities any little girl ever had. Shy would have been a compliment. Awkward, backward, reclusive, retiring, they were her words. For a while they were concerned she might have been autistic, but the signs and tests had pointed otherwise.

The family came in. Myna was attired in a little green print dress that matched her vivid green eyes. As the others all came barging in yelling talking, chattering, and exchanging niceties, Myna hung back, hiding behind her mothers dress.

Allyson watched the free for all, and wished she was anywhere but there. This was a family, people who were connected by blood and affection. Allyson, well she felt like the fifth wheel on car, completely unnecessary. Scottie and his wife had moved in and taken over. They were talking and chattering like a couple magpies. Their boy, what’s his name, Billy, had already run off into the kitchen to be with Wayne and Aubrey.

Audra watched and listened to everything that was going on. She needed to talk to her mother. She tickled her fingers at her mother and called across the room, ‘Mom, got a minute?’

Grandma got up and started toward her daughter. Audra got up. The two of them walked off toward Jeremy’s hide out, the side room where Paul had been sleeping earlier.

There was activity, noise, and chattering all over the place. Everyone certainly seemed to be having a good time. Paul was in and out of the kitchen carrying eggnog. Wayne found the wines, and was helping himself to a glass of something that looked reddish. Jeremy grabbed after Billy and made him sit in a chair in the kitchen before he broke anything. Allyson sat stiffly in the chair Audra had found for her. She was tired and uncomfortable. She’d been here before. Again she was in somebody else’s house watching somebody else’s family reunite and have a good time.

Out of nowhere a little brown haired girl with green eyes was standing in front of Allyson.

Allyson looked down at her. She didn’t know what to say.

The little girl, Myna, climbed up in Allyson’s lap. The climb and the new weight hurt the young woman, but she kept it to herself. The little girl, that quiet little reclusive ragamuffin everybody knew but nobody paid much attention to looked at Allyson. She put her hands on the woman’s shoulders, ‘You have my eyes.’

Allyson looked at the child. Very quietly, so quietly nobody else heard her Allyson answered, ‘No you have my eyes.’

Suddenly Allyson looked around. The room had become stone cold silent. All conversation had ceased. Everybody was watching the unique little scene being played out on a chair off to the side of the living room. No one heard anything, but they all watched, fascinated. The young woman who was Paul’s friend was carrying on a quiet but animated conversation with a little girl who never talked to anybody.

Myna’s mother was incredulous. They’d had Myna, though still only five, in special schools to try to get her to come out of her shell. Yet there she was, on a strange woman’s lap talking like she’d known her all her life, and the woman was carrying on a conversation with the girl like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Audra stepped in from where she’d been talking to her mom. She’d noticed how everything had gone so quiet, ‘What’s going on?’

Paul pointed to where Allyson and Myna were seated, ‘Look.’

Audra saw it, but couldn’t believe it, ‘What happened?’

Paul looked at his mother, ‘Who knows. Myna just went over and they started to talk.’

Jeremy came in, ‘Dinner’s ready.’

Everybody started for the dining room. Myna took Allyson’s hand. She whispered, ‘We’ll sit together.’

Allyson leaned down and whispered, ‘OK.’

As they all walked in the dining room Scottie pointed to a chair for Billy, then another chair for Myna. It had a small booster seat. Myna ignored him. She kept walking with Allyson. He scolded, ‘Myna.’

Allyson looked at Audra, ‘Do we have any telephone books?’

Scottie called at his daughter, ‘Myna.’

Grandma put her hand on Scotties wrist and whispered, ‘Not today.’

Everybody sat down to dinner. Audra found two telephone books, just enough to get Myna high enough to reach the table without having an accident. Nobody seemed to want to say very much. Everybody was listening. Over on the east side of the table, about halfway between the ends two little brown haired girls with big green eyes were in the middle of a very quiet but very animated conversation. Nobody could hear anything, but everybody was straining to hear what it was.

Jeremy broke the spell, ‘Paul would you lead us in prayer?’

Paul floundered his way through grace, and everybody started to pass the food.

Across the table two sets of green eyes were flashing back and forth. Older eyes were helping put food on younger eyes plate. She was getting turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, oysters, corn, succotash, even cranberry sauce. Everything older green eyes got, younger green got. Scottie and his wife watched in disbelief. Myna was being helped to things she never ever ate. Then they watched as the older person cut up her turkey and poured gravy on it. She’d never let anyone cut up her meat like before.

Everyone watched these opening dinner scenes but none of them understood, least of all the two green eyed girls. If Allyson put her fork in her turkey so did Myna. When Allyson ate cranberry, Myna ate cranberry. Allyson had an oyster. Myna, though her mom and dad believed she bated them, also ate an oyster.

Soon people lost interest and started their own conversation. Still everyone was quietly conscious of the little drama being played out at the table. Somehow these two little green peas had found a commonality. No one at the table understood it. No one could explain it, but it was there.

Adult conversatio
n drifted back and forth between politics, religion, football, the war in Afghanistan, long standing trouble with Iran, and immigration. As usual no one agreed with anyone on anything. Like always someone was always there to agree to be disagreeable.

Eventually the conversation worked its way down to Paul. Scottie asked, ‘Paul you’re back to school soon.’

‘Yeah going east to study more physics.’

Ariel chided, ‘Yeah something about the birth of the universe.’

Aubrey laughed, ‘That’s an easy one. God did it in six days, and took the seventh off. That’s it, end of conversation.’

Like always, wherever Paul went he was the polite target of gentle jibes and humor. Jeremy took up the cause, and remarked, ‘Yeah our Paul thinks he knows something about the Big Bang or something.’

Allyson had been either silent or quietly talking to Myna, but she heard that. She placed a gentle hand on Myna’s and looked over at Jeremy. Now Jeremy, next to grandpa, was the only man everyone had learned should never be defied or disagreed with, especially at the dinner table. Nobody crossed Jeremy, not on anything, even when he was wrong. Allyson interrupted Jeremy, ‘That’s not right.’

Silence swept across the table like a brush fire. Someone had dared to defy the alpha male.

Allyson took note, but pressed on, ‘Paul’s going back east to one of the top schools in the world to study String Theory. Now string theory is…’ For the next several minutes Allyson gave a detailed, blow by blow, account on the finer points of String Theory.

By the time she finished she realized her mistake. She blushed, ‘Oh my. I’m sorry.’

Jeremy sat back, ‘Well I’ll be a son of a bitch.’

Allyson thought he was mad, ‘I’m sorry I really didn’t mean…’

Audra interrupted the flustered girl. She looked at Paul, ‘How did she do?’

Paul was grinning from ear to ear. He kept thinking, for a girl who might not have been around long she sure had taken an interest in what he was doing. He eyed his father and answered his mother, ‘She got it.’

Myna looked up at Allyson and gave her a great big smile, ‘You said something important?’

Allyson looked down at Myna. She said something but only Myna heard it. The little girl giggled.

Myna’s mom caught the giggle. It was truly extraordinary.

Dinner went on for a little while longer. Coffee was brought around. There was a suitable intermission between coffee and dessert. Around 4:30 people stared looking at their watches.

Scottie was first, ‘Well we have to go.’

Myna grabbed Allyson’s arm. Allyson leaned down and said something.

They all heard Myna say, ‘Tomorrow?’

They heard Allyson, ‘Maybe we’ll see. Maybe, Saturday that is if your mom and dad don’t mind.’

From across the table Myna’s mom called, ‘Oh we don’t mind. Saturday’s good.’

Myna leaned her little head on Allyson’s shoulder.

Allyson leaned down and kissed the top of her head, ‘Saturday green eyes.’

Myna leaned up and wrapped her arms around Allyson. It hurt her back, but if didn’t seem to matter. Myna hugged her then kissed her, ‘We’ll go someplace fun.’

Allyson looked at Paul, then back down at the girl, ‘Yes we will.’

By then Scottie had their coats. Everyone else was getting up. Thanksgiving was coming to an end. Grandma looked around at everyone, ‘See you all Sunday.’

Audra answered back, ‘Sunday.’

Allyson looked at Paul, ‘What happens Sunday?’

He smiled and answered, ‘Tell you later.’


Every holiday meal has its denouement. Jeremy and Audra started piling up the dishes. Ariel and Lauren started to help but were chased out of the kitchen. The Wayne, Ariel, Aubrey, and Lauren started toward the garage. Aubrey called back, ‘We have to do out obligatory counter visits.’ So they were off to Lauren’s and then Ariel’s. It had been good of their families to let their girls off for this thanksgiving.

Paul looked over at Allyson, ‘How do you feel?’

She replied, ‘Tired.’

He countered, ‘Want to go lie down?’

She murmured, ‘Sounds good.’

He gave her a hopeful look, ‘Can I come?’

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“ Now go in the closet doggie, be a good White boy. Do as you are told. Be quiet so the big bad well hung black men don’t find you and decide to fuck you too.” She said with a wink. The closet was situated behind her bed. Venetian blind accordion doors that didn’t fully open sandwiched behind Mary’s bed. April had the identical set up behind her bed but with more respected space so the doors actually did open all the way. But Mary obviously brought her own bed and the dorm room style bed that...

3 years ago
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Sausage Sarah

Another day in the factory, another boring shift in the damp cold Sausage making area with all the other women, just gossip and soaps and moaning about their husbands or boyfriends or both!Sarah began to daydream....anything to take away the monotony of turning sausage meat into sausages all day....she could do the work without thinking in any case. The natural skin sausages were the hardest to fill but Sarah was an expert. She remembered her first week when she had been training...."You have...

2 years ago
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The Shy Asian Student Part 4

The night May, my new oriental girlfriend, left my apartment to return to her parents’ house, I stood on my balcony, beer in hand listening to the night sounds of Bangkok, feeling rather contented. As the massed ranks of windows stared back, I smugly reflected. The pretty Thai girl I had hunted for nearly five months had finally revealed her naked body to me, and best of all, I knew this was merely the start. I pictured her arriving home, greeting her parents with the traditional ‘wai’ and them...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 10: THEIR FIRST THREE-SOME WITH DPJoe, Nikki and Butch had times spent together but Nikki had never actually experienced double penetration from her 2 guys. Usually, while being fucked by one she would be sucking off the other. She really enjoyed fucking Joe by sitting on him and facing away from him so Butch had access to their joined crotches. As Butch licked up the juices, he went from the base of Joe’s cock to her clit. It would send shivers through both of them. But Joe wanted to...

3 years ago
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Screwing with the mind

My name is Mark Maxwell, & I am in 11th grade. I don't have a girlfriend yet, but I'm looking for one. My science class has a lot of pretty girls, but I don't know if any will be interested in me. I know for a fact that I'm not that good with the ladies, but I am not complaining.Friday was just an ordinary day. I went to school, & went to my math class. I took out the things I needed for the class, & got to work. Everything was normal, except for this one erotically dressed girl...

4 years ago
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Lesbian Houseshare and Me Prt 1

We met in a small cafe and worked out the details.Natalie was the friendlier of the two, full of nervous laughs and wild hand gestures.She had long brown hair and wide round eyes.Janet, meanwhile, had a slightly aloof manner and a sarcastic way of saying things.She was younger than Natalie, 22 maybe, and had blonde hair matched with a "chewing a wasp" expression mouth. I moved in a week later and for most of the first month I was flat out at work, never home before 8pm and I hardly saw...

3 years ago
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Sister of God

Sister of God --- A faint breeze reverberated inside the old cathedral, as bright streams of autumn sunlight shone through the stained glass windows, painting the tranquil interior in a warming array of color. Past the wooden pews, Father Enrique kneeled before the altar with his hands clasped together in prayer. He was a kindly, white-haired old man from Spain and his wise blue eyes exuded wisdom and experience beyond his years. As a young man, he had immigrated to the United...

4 years ago
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Adam Jason and I chpt 3

Introduction: (All four are in this one.) Oh, are we going to have some fun. He stated as he pulled some rope from behind his back Adam and I shrank into the wall hoping to escape the obvious fate. We pulled the blanket over us, but to no avail, soon Adam was torn away from me and dragged away kicking and scratching, I got up and followed out of the room with them so I could make some attempt to save my new boyfriend. I saw Geoffrey dragging the naked Adam down the hall way. Adam caught my eye...

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Allie My Lush Fuck Buddy Pt 2

‘Hello.’ ‘Hi, where are you,’ she asked? ‘At the hotel, and you?’ ‘Not far away!’ ‘Good, I can’t wait to see you. I’m in room 232.’ ‘Okay, I’ll be there in a bit.’ ‘K, see you soon!’ Hanging up I set about making the final preparations. The bubbly I bought was an exquisite brand that tasted fantastic. It was well chilled from having sat in my vehicle all morning. I opened the bottle and poured two glasses, setting them on the table, along with the fruit tray I had purchased. Yes they...

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Private Candee Licious Unfaithful Wife Enjoys Interracial Gangbang

Blonde and beautiful, Candee Licious returns to today in Private Specials, Cheat & Bang as a loving wife who is seriously committed to her husband, but when it comes to sex… she always wants more! Commitment doesn’t necessarily mean faithfulness for this sneaky nympho, and as soon as her husband is away, Candee takes full advantage of the opportunity to satisfy her sexual needs by meeting up with the black stallion Joachim and his two hung friends for a stunning interracial...

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Kink Neighborhood Ch 1

Eric and Michelle Wiseman are a married couple that have a loving relationship. They met in college, got engaged shortly after Michelle's graduation, and have two young c***dren. Eric works as a medical advisor, while Michelle is a stay-at-home who is very active in her c***dren's school as the PTA head. On the surface level, they are your stereotypical suburban family. However, they do have one secret, and it's a big one; They're swingers. They love to swap spouses, bring home single babes and...

4 years ago
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Baji Wali Aunty

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto me sandy aap ke samne fir se apna ek exprince share karne jaa raha hu agar pasand aye to pls muje mail kare mera email id haiTarak Mhehata Ka Hot ko aur mat tadpao please .. Ye ghatna hai may 2017 ki hamare yaha ek sabji wali ati hai sabji bechne ke liye u dikne me itni khaas nahi ti kali thi aur uski age lagbhag 45 ke aas paas hogi par uske agng ekdam bhare huye the ekdam mast ball bade the aur gaand bhi ekdam bahar nikli huye.. Us ka naam reshma tha ho har...

1 year ago
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Sarah left me 3

Introduction: My wife gets in touch with me again This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 & 2 The next night I was sitting alone at home, thinking about all the sex that I had enjoyed over the last few weeks. I realised that I no longer wanted Sarah back, at least not on the same terms as before she walked out. I did still miss the companionship that we had shared over the years of our marriage. Just then the phone rang, I picked it up, it was Sarah. Hello Phil, I hope that you are well? Hi...

2 years ago
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Kelli Mike and FriendsChapter 9 First Friday

On the Friday following she arrived at the family home of Mike, the boy who had identified her as the babysitter, she was dreading meeting him again but could not get out of it without having to explain. The parents told her they would be out late and not back until after 1:00am at the earliest. The daughter must go to bed by 9:00pm and their son, Mike, was in his room and should not need anything, he was normally out with his friends but would usually go to bed by 10:30 to 11:00. All she...

4 years ago
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Dont Judge A Book Chapter 18

Monday 18th December 2017“So, honey, where next?”Five small words, issued in a misleadingly calm voice by my husband that Monday night. Chris finally departed, Dave and me now alone. My travels complete, but five weeks of evolution and revolution to discuss and consider.I looked across at Dave and suddenly felt too tired to discuss the topic. It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have when I was feeling so tired. Tired and exhausted after Chris and I had made love three times, I smiled weakly at...

Wife Lovers
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Aging WellChapter 14 Sandy writes

We came to my door. I said, “Come in. What details are there to review?” We went inside and I closed the door. “Jack, would you like some more coffee?” “Not really.” He took me into his arms and pulled me tight to his body. I was looking him in the eye as he brought his head to mine. We kissed for a long, long time. We were entwined and rubbing each other’s bodies. We finally broke our kiss panting. I pulled him to the couch sitting beside him facing him. I almost straddled him. He looked...

1 year ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch 091

Jeff heard a noise coming from downstairs. It seemed like someone was trying to open the door. It was around 4:30a.m and some stranger had just open the front door. Jeff knew it wasn’t his parents. They were all ready home and asleep. He knew it couldn’t have been Brittany because she has to get up in another hour or so to get ready for school.He quickly got out of bed and heard the stranger’s footsteps going across the hall to where Brittany’s room is. Jeff slightly opens his door and sees...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Servants ChroniclesChapter 2 The Naughty Stwardesses

Notes: This takes between Chapters 31 and 42. Thursday, October 31st, 2013 – Monique Lavoie – Lansing, MI "Everyone take your seats," Joslyn announced over Air Force One's loudspeakers. "Pity," I sighed, breaking my kiss with 53, one of Mark's bodyguards. She was a petite, Asian woman with a gorgeous pair of breasts that my hands were currently fondling. We were leaning against one of the bulkheads, furiously kissing, her hands between my thighs, rapidly fingering me. "Guess we'll...

2 years ago
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Turning Point Ch 10

Mary has return home and she and Robert had a great sex filled evening. Mary has informed Robert of her sister and brother-in-law’s visit. Robert is nervous and excited about the addition of new people to their sexual play. ******** I was up early Friday morning. I was almost through with my morning work when Dad left for work. I knew he was pissed about something, he was spinning the tires in his truck when he pulled out to the drive. I had finished feeding the beef cattle and...

2 years ago
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Thought Provoker

Reggie Townsend III woke up on a Saturday morning. He was 18 years old today. Last night he had the strangest dream. In it, he saw his late dad standing in his room repeating, "If you think it, they will do it" over and over. Reggie stretched and looked at the clock. It was 10:00 am. He looked at he photo of him and his dad taken three years ago. His dad had died in a mountain climbing accident in Chile three months after the photo was taken. Reggie's mom had died in childbirth, and his dad...

Mind Control
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Bengali Aunty Gave Me The Best Fuck Of My Life

Hey, guys its Rakesh again with another narration. I would like to thank you guys for the awesome response to my previous story. So, I was going through the email I received and there was this guy who wanted to share his story and it was erotic and authentic (my guess) so decided to narrate it. I am going to write on his behalf now. Hey guys its Sandeepan here, you can call me Sandy, though. I am 21 years old and currently employed at a bank here in Kolkata. Btw I am 5.8 ft tall, brown and have...

3 years ago
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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 25

Allison reached for the remote, and with a contented sigh, she turned the TV off. "Quit moving," Abigail said, "I'm almost done." Allison nestled back into her corner of the couch and arched her neck so she could see over her bent knees. Abigail had Allison's feet in her lap and was painstakingly painting a toenail. "That's such a good movie," Allison said. "And sexy, too." Allison sighed happily again. "Yeah, I'm glad Pearl stayed with Marty. He's way cuter than...

3 years ago
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Quid Pro Quo Part 1 I Do Her

The beach we drive to is on the north side of the island. Having visited it several times before, it is one of my favorite places on earth. It’s semi-secluded so it’s never very crowded, and on previous visits, I’ve seen some occasional, discreet nudity. I’ve told Erin about how beautiful this beach is and she can hardly wait to see it and spend an afternoon tanning under the warm Hawaiian sun. My Erin is the love of my life. As lovely and sexy as any woman I’ve known. Her petite little body...

2 years ago
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The past week has been blurry. I turned 18 in March of my senior year, seduced my father, graduated two weeks ago, and now my body is sore, my sex well thumped. I squeeze my legs together, feeling my clit, mashing it between my thighs, remembering, longing for 6pm when my dad gets back home from class. I will be ready. I want him again.It started just over 2-years ago. I was 15, three weeks shy of my 16th birthday. My mom got up one morning, and left. No goodbye! No I love you! No note....

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Silvia Saige Mother Exchange

Robby heads over to his best friend’s house to pick up the last of the stuff he left behind when his mother kicked him out. She wishes she had a responsible son like Robby who went to college instead of wasting his time trying to be a writer. Not only does she wish she had a son like Robby, she wishes she had a lover like him too. Her son was such a huge cockblock her entire adult life. Now that he has moved out, it’s time for mommy to have a little fun in her son’s newly vacated bed no less,...

1 year ago
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Doing the Laundry

Laundry rooms make me horny. When I first started college I came home unexpectedly and saw my Mom getting fucked hard by a neighbor in our laundry room, bent over the dryer and moaning with each stroke. Then she turned around and jerked him off until he came all over her tits. It was shocking, but also exciting. My pussy was instantly wet. I started to press my pussy against the dryer at the dorm after that, letting the vibration make my pussy wet and hot before sliding one or two fingers deep...

4 years ago
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The office party

Basically you are a girl who is 20 years old. You have always wanted to get to know your coworkers better. And that means on an entire different level. You have always been confused about who you are and the way to find out is by testing the water. At work you notice the little sexual hints dropped throughout the day such as an ass grab here and there or not to mention the stares with sexual tension in their eyes. You want to know where all of this could go.

Group Sex
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Thambiyai En Sunniyai Umba Vaithen

Naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu varugiren, en thanthai ennai oru boys hostelil thanga vaithu padika vaithaar. Athanal ennaku pengal endraal enavendre theriyaathu, ennaku oru thambi irunthaan ennai vida iru vayathu siriyavan ennai paarthu migavum bayapaduvaan. Naan ena sonnalum athai seivaan ilai endraal naan avanai adipen endru. Naan kadaisi aandu padithu vanthen appozhuthu thaan en thambi palli mudithu vittu en udan padika vanthu irunthaan. En appa ivanai unudane paduka vaithu kol endru...

2 years ago
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Mom With Benefits part 1

Mom and I have always been close. We were so close that we sometime shared a bath. Hers was the first female naked body I have seen. I have always remembered her as plump, chubby cheeks, five feet ten and weighed about 180 pounds. She is plain looking but kind of sweet too. She has an average pair of boobs. But coming to think about her now, what excited me about her most is her round big bottom, the thick thighs and broad hip. The thick pubic hair, and a dough-nut like abdomen with the navel...

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Cousins Dilemma

Cousins' Dilemma: by DebWeb Certain elements of this fantasy story are inspired from minute memories of my childhood. Yes I did have a close friendship with Julie my cousin. We were soul mates for the first six years of life. The incident where she demanded I wear the dress is factual and to this day I regret not being able to summon the courage to say yes. That was a defining day between me and Julie's friendship. She cut off most all verbal communication between us. I was...

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Masturbating With My Mom

My mother ended up watching me masturbate; ultimately, she let me do the same. It was the summer of 1985 right after I graduated high school. I couldn’t wait to finally move away and go to college. Not that I was truly upset with my home summer was pretty consistent, yet boring. I did not have a girlfriend and so it seemed all I really ended up doing was working. I ended up working overtime considerably to save money for school. I did spend a little time with my friends; but overall my last...

1 year ago
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StepSecrets Tiffany Tatum Creepy Stepbrother

Being an only child for 19 years and suddenly finding yourself living with a stepbrother, takes some get used to, when it comes to privacy. This morning I was finally all by myself. At least thought so. I’ve just taken a shower and was doing my makeup, when I realized that Kristof was watching me. I was so mad at him and concerned that he has also taken some pictures. Who knows for how long this little creep was watching me already. All I wanted, was to ensure that there is no evidence of this...

3 years ago
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Fair Game in Her Eyes

I'd always been a bit put off by Cinta. Personality wise, she was the complete opposite of me. Whereas I was placid and reserved, Cinta was outspoken, rudely so in some instances. She had quite a temper from what I'd seen of her at their parents’ house. My younger brother had shared a couple of classes with her in high school, and I'd heard countless stories of her bullying other girls. My boyfriend brushed off her behaviour as just being a teenager. Despite my reservations, he assured me...

4 years ago
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Seth a Civil War StoryChapter 21 Climax

As Mr. French's buggy topped the hill near the Bethesda Meeting House, Seth looked back, but Jefferson was not in sight. He probably took that shortcut that fords the creek, thought the boy. Mr. French had been full of questions, but Seth had been more interested in looking at the damage done along the Pike by the retreating troops. The fences were gone and so were the flocks of chickens. The blacksmith shop where Jefferson had sought information on the way into town was closed and the...

1 year ago
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A Helping Hand

When I was nineteen I was your pretty average guy. I was five eleven, medium build, blonde hair, blue eyes. Lived in a small as town in the middle of upstate New York. There wasn’t much to do and when I wasn’t forcing myself into the affliction known as homework I was either entertaining myself with whatever I’d most recently managed to scrounge some cash together to buy, or I was usually hanging out with Kelly, my sister. She was a year younger than me and the family resemblance was pretty...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter Turned Into Wild Sex With A Married Lady In Delhi

Hi Everyone, this is Rahul (Name Changed) basically from Hyderabad but right now in Bangalore because of work. I have been following this website since 2006 and this is the first time that I am penning down my experience. You can send your comments to Interested women can also send me their contact details to this email address. Btw, I am 34 years guy, single and stay alone. I work for an IT giant and relocate to Delhi in 2006. I have had wonderful time in Delhi where I got to explore my...

4 years ago
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Not a Pretty Girl

I stared back at the reflection in the bathroom mirror, I don't think I'm a pretty girl, my eyes too wide apart, my nose too small and my mouth too big. My hair is unfashionably short, making my ears look like they're sticking out; I had cut my hair short because I was fed up with it, it didn't hang right or shine or anything. Next I looked at my body, I removed my P.J.s and stared at my reflection. My boobs encased in my bra looked squashed and that made them look smaller than they are. I...

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