Melanie_(1) free porn video

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by Diomedes050465

For nearly twenty years James Sinclair had worked in any number of companies, “learning the business world” as his father had put it. Overall he had enjoyed it and he had to agree that his father was right, he had certainly gained a mass of experience of business that he would never have had if he had simply come straight into the Family Company when he had left University.

James walked across the Hotel Lobby towards the elevators and the Suite on the top floor that was booked in his name. This evening, at the Company Annual Staff Ball, his father intended to hand the Company over to James - lock, stock and barrel. James had to admit that he was more than a little nervous that on Monday he would be CEO, Managing Director and Majority shareholder. He mused that actually he already was all of these since the legal documents had been signed this afternoon. He was so lost in his thoughts that he almost didn’t see the woman just entering the lift ahead of him.

“Melanie ?”

The woman turned and looked straight at him

“James ?”

James looked at the stunning woman beside him. She must be twenty-nine now he thought and if anything she is even more beautiful, and so elegant. Her very short, almost manly, black hair the only thing that stopped her appearance being that of a model but he had to admit that it had always suited her. He had first met Melanie about two years ago now and their affair had lasted nearly a year. He had loved her, No, he admitted to himself, he still loved her. He had asked her to marry him and her reaction, even though she had said that she loved him too, had been so unpredictable. She had wept and told him that there were “so many things he didn’t know” and she had ended the whole relationship there and then, not taking his calls or answering his letters or e-mails. The reaction had always confused and perplexed him.

The elevator doors closed and Melanie pushed the same floor button that James wanted and then simply turned put her arms around him. The kiss was long and passionate. As if they had never been apart James felt himself almost instantly erect as his hands explored her through her evening dress.

They were still in a clinch when the doors opened for their floor and James felt himself pulled by the hand towards the door of one of the three large Suites on the floor.

“Melanie ?”

She put her fingers to his lips as she closed the door and unzipped her dress. She was naked beneath it. Her ample breasts flowed free and James saw that she was still shaven around her lower lips but kept all of her other hair there merely neatly trimmed. She dropped to her knees and opened his zip, engulfing him into her willing and eager mouth.

“Gods, she’s even better than I remember” James thought, and he knew this would not take long as he felt her mouth swallowing. Indeed it did not. She had her tongue pierced now and James could feel the metal running along the underside of his sex. It took very little time for James to feel himself rising towards a climax and he felt no need to delay it, looking forward to spilling himself into her mouth. He grunted as he first spurt shot into her warm mouth and he kept cumming in what seemed, to both of them, an almost endless flow. Remembering his likes she looked up at him and opened her mouth to show him his white sticky seed filling her mouth, before she swallowed it all down in one go.

“I thought tonight was only for Company employees ? But it has to be one hell of a co-incidence that I make one trip back to my room to collect something and bump into you. Mmmmm, I liked that though”. If she had been a cat she would have been purring.

James remembered that she didn’t know who his father was and that he owned the Company, but then again he had never known where she worked or what she did precisely except that she was a “Special PA”, whatever that meant.

She snatched up her bag and rushed off to what James saw was the bathroom, he admired her shapely ass, one of the best he had ever seen in his life, he thought. Melanie returned moments later, stepped back into her dress and opened the door again “James. I’m sorry I have to dash. I am expected back downstairs. I do hope we can, err, renew our acquaintance again sometime.” She smiled at him in the wicked, suggestive way she always had as she dashed towards the elevator, leaving James bemused but rather happy, in the corridor. But as the elevator doors began to close he thought he saw tears in her eyes as she quietly said “James, I always loved you. I still do.”

The doors closed at the last word as though on cue and James stood puzzled for a moment and then simply shrugged. He loved her but he had come to accept losing her – still he had to admit that was one hell of a blowjob. He turned and opened the door to his Suite but as he put down his small bag and suit carrier he suddenly realised that A. She had to be an employee of his father’s, now his employee of course, but also that B it was very odd that she had one of only three Suites on this floor. The other two were his and his father’s…. Odd…

James checked his watch. 8:45. Dinner had been at 7:00 and his Father’s speech making the announcement was due at 9:15. They had prepared the speech together and also his timing of an entrance just as his father made the announcement. Very theatrical he had thought, perhaps too much so.


His entrance was perfectly timed, just as planned, and as he walked across the floor towards the Head Table everyone seemed to rush forward to congratulate him, even those he had never met or seen before. Melanie was amongst the first and James had noticed that she was not seated at the top table despite her Suite.

“You sly Bastard” she whispered in his ear. But James was certain that there was another emotion there, fear, trepidation, he couldn’t tell, but he watched her walk away, noting her high black heels and almost backless dress. From earlier he knew she wore no underwear, not that there was any ‘room’ under that dress, and as he watched he lusted after her body again.

James sat next to his father as the tables were cleared away and the music started. Men walked to the bar while women talked. James watched Melanie walk to the bar with a small group of five or six men.

The floor began to fill up as people mingled and James downed another whisky and lost track of Melanie through the throng.

Despite looking around occasionally during the subsequent conversations with the Company “great and good” it was probably an hour before James saw Melanie re-enter the room between two of the Main Board members.

“I see that you have already noticed our Melanie”. The voice in James’ ear was his father. “Paul” he called to one of the men, who promptly detached him and came over. The next few words were whispered between them and the man promptly left James and his Father alone again. “Paul, is 100% trustworthy James, all of the board are but there is something else that comes with position of Executive here.”

James looked at his father, puzzled.

“Paul will explain everything when he comes back. I’m sure that you will approve from what I know of you”. He smiled and changed the subject back to turnover, profits, markets, etc.

James idly talked to his Father and to other Executives who came and went from the little Group. Amongst the Board, at least, it appeared that James’ appointment came as no surprise. James’ mind however was only half on what was being said, he was scanning to room for Melanie and eventually he saw that she was near the door in deep conversation with Paul.

A hand touched James’ shoulder. It was a woman in her mid forties, although still very attractive, who James recognised as Rachel, his Father’s PA.

“James, can I ask you to come with me. I have something to show you.” The tone was almost obsequious and very respectful.

Without a word he took Rachel’s arm as she led the way across the room. Melanie had gone out into the lobby with Paul but was nowhere to be seen as James and Rachel crossed it towards the elevators.

Rachel pressed the button for James’ floor. His mind raced. “Was this woman about to try to bed him simply because he was now the Boss ? Some sort of power trip ?” There were, after all, only three suites on that floor. He looked at her and would quite happily have had some very basic, not to say base, sex with her, if only because he was still thinking of Melanie and he could use her body as a substitute, but for now he simply said nothing and awaited the opening of the doors as the elevator reached the chosen floor.

The doors opened and Rachel stood back to let James out. She didn’t accompany him but Paul stood ready to greet him and led the way to the Suite that James had been in with Melanie earlier. He indicated that James should make himself comfortable on one of the sofas, and handed him a scotch. “James, there are certain perks that the executives at the company enjoy which are rather unique and which explain why we, as a Company, have such a high level of staff retention, staff loyalty and staff motivation. All of which, of course, is what makes is by far the most successful company in our profession. One of the foremost perks is our Office Slut.”

“I have heard something of it from my Father, although no details of course.”

“Slut !” Paul’s voice called, loud but without shouting.

James turned to look over his shoulder as he saw Melanie emerging from what he guessed must be the bedroom. She looked shamefaced and wouldn’t look at him. He said nothing, and was unsure of the feelings that went through him although he knew well what the twinge in his prick indicated.

Paul held out his hand to Melanie and pulled her onto the other sofa next to him and opposite James with the small coffee table between them.

“Melanie, I wanted you to meet our new CEO and Chairman. James took control of the Company as of six hours ago and, of course, with that comes all staff and executive perks.”

Melanie still wouldn’t look up and was visibly embarrassed as well as totally humiliated that James now knew the truth about her and she knew that he was undoubtedly very relieved that she hadn’t accepted his proposal.

Paul’s hand moved to the back of Melanie’s dress and pulled down the zip. “Show the boss what he is getting Melanie.”

She stood and let the dress fall away from her. James view was drawn to her cunt which was now fully shaven and then noticed that she had the tell glistening of white seeping out of her and beginning to trickle onto her inner thighs..

“James, Melanie here is what one might term the top office perk and she has been helping out a number of our clients for some time now. It seems as though a number of the Board have already sampled her delights earlier.” He laughed a little “no matter. That is, after all what she is employed for. James ? Do you want to take advantage of her ?”

James looked at her with lust in his eyes but shook his head “Not at the moment Paul. I think, if no-one minds, I’ll just watch.”

“You’re the boss. Turn and show the boss that nice ass of yours Melanie.”

The young woman turned, with no reluctance at all now, and spread her ass cheeks. She was totally smooth and hairless and her small brown hole gaped a little but also glistened with obvious lubrication.

“Her job description includes keeping her ass clean and lubricated at all times”, Paul indicated for her to kneel and with no further instructions she unzipped his fly and released his already hardening prick. With no hesitation she took him deep into her mouth and pushed deeper until her nose hit his pubic hair. James adjusted his position and moved onto the other sofa so that he could watch the woman’s actions close up.

She looked up at Paul as she pulled back and allowed him to fall from her mouth. “Gods I love blowing you Paul. Do you know that you have the nicest tasting cum ever.” She instantly took him back into her mouth and continued her actions.

Paul wrapped Melanie’s hair in his hand as he began to actually fuck her mouth deep and hard. Her head was moving back and forth on his cock as it went down her throat then almost out of her lips on each stroke. James thought that she had glanced at him quickly but without interrupting her flow at all but he was fascinated to watch her and remembered how good it felt.

Paul reached down and began to play with her breasts as his cock rammed in and out of her mouth. He pinched her nipples causing her to moan gently through her full mouth.

She pulled back for a second and while her mouth was briefly free of him she moaned loudly. “Paul. Give me your cum. I want to taste you. I so love the taste of you. Please cum down my throat.”

James watched as Paul closed his eyes and came deep in Melanie’s throat and he watched as she swallowed straight down. She held him briefly in her mouth and then gently released him and licked slowly over his head to take up the last remaining traces of cum.

Paul opened his eyes and looked at the naked woman kneeling between his legs, “Wow”

She looked back at him “Yup, very Wow !” and beamed.

“Paul, I so need to be fucked. James ?” She looked at James with pure lust, not for him but for his sex.

Paul turned her face back to look at him “I thought that you might… Go and open the door little slut.”

She looked quizzical but stood and walked to the Suite door and opened it. She stood back as James saw a three of the Company’s senior executives enter followed by Rachel. Melanie threw her arms around the first man and just blatantly almost shouted. “Dick, fuck me now.”

He smiled at her and just replied “Sole purpose of visit” and laughed.

The small group went straight through to the bedroom with Melanie looking ashamed as she saw James as she passed him, suddenly remembering he was there.

“Do you want to watch ? I never had you down as a voyeur” Paul had stood and was talking to James only.

“Careful Paul, Remember I’m no longer the son of the MD. But Yes, let’s go watch her.” James had to admit, if only to himself, that there was some of the voyeur in his feelings and he was looking forward to seeing this woman used. He called Paul quietly as the latter walked towards the bedroom “One minute Paul. Do we have some hold over her ? Blackmail ? What ?”

“No. Absolutely nothing like that. I don’t know why, or how, your father found her but she is a fully salaried member of staff, highest paid outside of the Board in fact. She just is a true and complete slut. She will take any man in any hole whenever they want to. She’s good with women to, as Rachel will assure you.”

The two men walked through into the bedroom

Melanie was kneeling on the bed on her knees she had each hand on a cock and the third in her mouth. Hands were on her tits, roughly grabbing and pulling at her nipples, as Rachel, still fully clothed, was busy playing with Melanie’s pussy and ass. James watched in fascination as the girl’s fingers pushed into Melanie’s two nether holes with ease, at first one and then two and then three in each hole. Melanie moaned with pleasure as she was stretched on Rachel’s fingers.

One of the men detached himself and lay back on the bed, with no further encouragement needed Melanie ceased all other movements and moved to straddle his erect cock. Slipping a hand between her legs she slowly lowered herself down onto him. As soon as she was settled she returned her attention to the others and she took one prick back into her mouth and the other back into her left hand. Rachel detached herself from the group and stood behind James quietly watching the action

Melanie was in a personal heaven with two cocks inside her and she was moaning and groaning as both fucked her hard and fast. The prick in her mouth spurted and James watched as the man pulled out and shot the last few spurts onto her face. Without hesitation Melanie instantly transferred the third man into her now empty mouth, moaning in anticipation and enjoyment, barely allowing herself the time to swallow the cum in her mouth.

As Dick, the man in her cunt, approached his climax Melanie was approaching her own and she released the man from her mouth as she groaned a climax and rapidly fucked the man below her to his. The moans ran together but Melanie continued without a pause and grabbed the abandoned prick in front of her and returned it deep back into her throat.

Beneath her, Dick pulled out and wriggled away as James watched a trickle of white cum ooze from her empty cunt as he withdrew. He had been so enthralled watching the action that he had failed to note that Rachel had left the room and had now returned with two more men. With no preparation one now walked up to the bed, unzipped himself and fucked straight into Melanie’s open cunt

The group rearranged themselves as if by rehearsal and Melanie moved to all fours with one man in her mouth and throat and the other in her cunt. James moved his chair to get a closer, a more intimate view. Melanie was fucking with abandon, pushing back onto the man behind her and then forward to take the man in front right down her throat, she was fast approaching another climax which she rode through without a pause as both men ‘spit-roasted’ her..

The man in her mouth came first, filling her mouth with hot cum with the evidence trickling from the corner of her mouth as she failed to swallow fast enough. He pulled from her and James could stand it no longer as he took his place in her mouth. Melanie gave no indication she had even noticed the change and she certainly wasn’t aware of whose prick was in her mouth.

Moments later the man in her cunt groaned his climax and slammed hard into her, pushing her mouth and throat onto James’s hardness. James looked across at the other two men in the room, one of whom had now divested himself of trousers and underwear, the other was naked.

“Do you mind if we…. ?”

There was no answer needed as the naked man lay alongside Melanie and guided her across to enter her cunt. She didn’t even pause in her oral ministrations of James but he felt her gasp as she was entered. The third man knelt behind her and spread her ass cheeks, pushing into her tight back hole without any preparation other than what she had prepared herself with earlier.

Melanie opened her mouth and released James as she screamed in pleasure “Oh Gods Yes. Fuck my ass and cunt together ! Double fuck me ! It has been so long since you bastards did that to me !” The woman was in a total world of sex and pleasure and her mouth was driving James to the edge of orgasm himself. He grabbed her hair and pulled her deep onto him as he shot himself into her mouth and throat. He pulled out and wiped himself on her hair as he stepped away and watched the woman taking the two men to their climax as they fucked and pounded her two lower holes.

“James, you must try her ass hole sometime. It is just so damned tight. Especially when someone else is fucking her cunt”.

“Shut up Terry and just fuck me. Just fuck me.”

Melanie had barely come down from her last climax and seemed to already be moving towards another. The two men had their timings perfect, as one pulled out the other pushed in and the friction created between the thin membrane separating her holes was rushing them to a simultaneous climax.

It came at almost the same time for all three and both men pushed forward into her as far as they could go as they climaxed, they filled her completely and stretched her beyond her normal limits, forcing her own climax as she felt their hot cum spurt almost simultaneously into her cunt and ass holes.

They breathed and relaxed and James watched in fascination as their withdrawal from her dragged cum with it. He realised that someone had used her ass earlier as well and now cum leaked from both holes. She collapsed onto her side as the men stood and dressed. James could see the cum on her face and she looked happy and exhausted.

“See you downstairs later sir” Terry was speaking to James.

“Yes, Terry. Get me a large scotch and I’ll join you in a moment.

He walked over to the bed and felt the hardness of his own erection ready again. Melanie moved “Stay exactly where you are little office slut”. He masturbated wildly and shot his cum over her face and hair. “When you are rested clean up your face and dress but don’t shower or clean away any evidence of your sluttiness from your hair or cunt or ass. Do you understand ?”

She muttered “yes” as she felt, rather than saw him leave the room.

In the Bar, nearly an hour later, she had never felt such a slut, she usually cleaned herself carefully after a fuck session but now she couldn’t prevent the evidence of earlier running down her legs, and she knew that the dried stickiness was visible in her hair. Luckily by now there were only a few people left, James, Terry, Paul and maybe five or six others, three of whom left as they saw her enter.

She walked to the Bar and took the proffered drink. Everyone talked in the usual office small talk for the next while but then James decided it was time for bed and the others took their lead and decided to follow. James gripped Melanie’s ass and looked straight at her “Melanie, you are a complete slut, take off your dress, let everyone see all of the evidence, and then you can come with me.”

She looked at him with a total defiance in her eyes and without breaking their gaze unzipped her dress and stepped out of it. She stood, naked except for her shoes and the others of the group stepped back to admire her tits, ass and cunt. She felt two hands pull her ass cheeks apart and as her dark hole gaped another drop of cum escaped and ran down towards her sopping cunt, causing the men some coarse comments and laughter.

James turned and left and she followed with her dress over her arm, but also knowing the effect the movement of her body was having on the men watching her and following. Knowing as well that they had all already used her tonight and would probably do so again before the night was finally over.

James accompanied her to her room but had said nothing since they left. As she closed the door she turned “James..”

“Not a word. Just on your hands and knees and pull your ass cheeks apart.”

She knew what was coming and followed his order. He fucked her ass hard and long using the remains of the other men’s cum for lubrication until he eventually slammed deep into her, forcing her head into the floor and shot his own cum deep in her bowels.

“Terry was right, even after having been fucked up your ass earlier you are still damned tight”.

He stood and let himself out without a word.

There was a tap on the door shortly after and then another and then another. All of the men who had watched her leave the Bar naked came up to her room during the remainder of the night and used her. She so loved fucking these men but spent a good part of the next day with a “Do Not Disturb” notice on the door and recovering from her exhaustion.


She arrived at the office on Monday at her usual time of 10:00am, this had always been her time to arrive, there was, after all little point in arriving earlier since, aside from being the office slut and “entertaining” clients as the need arose, her duties were few. This morning however, she had barely walked through the door when Rachel, who had obviously been waiting for her, told her she was wanted in the Managing Director’s Office – James’s office.

It was not really a surprise and, expecting to be fired, Melanie took little notice of the man sitting outside James office as Rachel ushered her into James’ office and closed the door behind her. James was sitting at his desk, Melanie stood and was not asked to sit.

“I asked you to marry me once Melanie, but then I didn’t really know what you did for a living, or that you would probably do the same sort of thing even if it wasn’t your job.”

Melanie looked straight at him unashamed “yes, that’s is true. I enjoyed Saturday and I have enjoyed doing what I do here. I love it.”

“Melanie I love you, I always have, and after Saturday I love you more. I love the fact that you are a slut, it is everything I ever wanted. Will you marry me ?”

She was shocked, happy, surprised, everything all at once. She looked him straight in the face “Yes, Oh most definitely Yes”. Her face beamed.

“I want you to keep your job and position here Melanie, the thought of the staff fucking you works for me.” He beamed a smile at her and the happiness in her eyes answered him. “I also intend that you be tattooed if you are agreeable ?”

“Anything James. Just anything you want.”

James used the old fashioned intercom to call Rachel into the Office and asked her to bring the waiting man in with her.

“Mr Gladman you are one of the City’s, indeed the Country’s, most talented tattooists I am told ?” The man nodded his assent as James continued. “I would like you to take this woman with you now and bring her back this afternoon. You are to Tattoo the word “SLUT” here, just above her cunt”. He motioned for Melanie to raise her skirt, knowing she would be wearing no underwear “…here.” He added a small mark with a felt tip pen “in letters about an inch high. And then here…” he indicated for Melanie to turn to show her ass “…add ‘SLUT’ Property of … and then add the Company Logo.” He handed the tattooist a copy of the logo. “All letters are to be bold but suitably decorated but please use mainly the blue-black ink. The Slut will herself give you any guidance that you need and my PA here will settle your bill and arrange transportation each way. Oh and if tattooing her turns you on, you can fuck her any way that you wish. Thankyou Mr Gladman.”

The man looked at the woman standing submissively a gasped in surprise at both the commission and the offer. One her certainly intended to take up.

“Melanie turned to James and wrapped her arms around him “Thankyou” was all she said.

Rachel indicated to Gladman and Melanie that the meeting was over but before they reached the door James, barely lifting his head from the work on his desk added “And Rachel, I will consider whether we should have the woman ringed in her nipples and clit, although there is something in the idea that appeals.”


Melanie received nipple rings and a ring in her clitoris hood as a wedding present from the Board, as it was part of their wedding present to her they, of course, arranged to have it done while they watched. During the wedding reception James arranged for Melanie to be fucked by eleven different men, none of whom she knew, while he watched and joined in as he chose, usually after someone had shot their cum deep into her. After the wedding he told her she was to stop using any method of birth control and she continued to be used by the Executives, except that now she was never allowed to fuck less than four men at one time and by the time she was pregnant, eight months later, she had no idea who the father was. She continued as the Slut up to seven months and even then took only a three-month break. When she returned she was busier than ever for weeks, as though everyone had saved their cum for her. The same routine held true of the second pregnancy and child, but after that she returned for only one special event, which lasted for seven hours and included a large number of the men in the building who had never enjoyed her ‘charms’ before. James watched and filmed every minute and had hired no less than three professional film crews. After that day Melanie retired as the Office Slut, she was now thirty-seven, but was instrumental in finding and interviewing her own replacement. Although she may no longer have been the Company Slut she continued to be loaned out to clients to ease along some deals and to used in more discreet gangbangs for both her and James’ pleasure. Even at other times she rarely refused access to her body to any man that desired it and had the courage to ask, she and James always agreed that if a man hadn’t the courage to make a pass then he didn’t deserve the rewards.

The Company continued its growth and success and secured contracts, which its competitors could never find out why they had lost.

They say that behind every Great Man is a Great Woman and behind James was Melanie, the perfect slut wife.


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Hi I am harshit and I am from Delhi story pr start krne se pehle pehle me aapko apne or shelly k baare me bta deta hu me 18yrs ka hu or good looking or smart hu or an me aapko apni sex partner k baare me btata huu wo ek randi se bhi bdiya mza deti hai uski age 20yrs hai or smart hai uskii gaand ek dum tight or moti hai jab wo chlti hai to ski gaand zor zor se hilti hai or tight jeans me to uski gaand bhosda lgti hai ar uske mome aise uchalte hai jaise baket ball ho agar koi bhi usse dekh le to...

1 year ago
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Priya 8211 Rail Prayanam Lo Kanne Puku Arangetram 8211 Part I Telugu

(ప్రియకి చాలా కృతజ్ఞతలు. తన ఫేంటసీలు నాతో చెప్పినందుకు, అవి రాసేందుకు ప్రోత్సహించినందుకు. ఇన్ సెస్ట్( కుటుంబ సభ్యుల మధ్య సెక్స్) ఇష్టం లేని వాళ్ళు దయచేసి చదవకండి. మీ అభిప్రాయాలు పంపాలనుకుంటే నా మైల్ ) నేను ఫస్ట్ క్లాస్ ఎ.సి లిస్ట్ లో నాపేరు చూసుకున్నాను. నా కూపేలో ఉన్న తక్కిన వాళ్ళ పేర్లు చూసి ’హమ్మయ్య’ అనుకున్నాను. మేం సౌత్ ఇండీయా టూర్ కి వచ్చేం. అమ్మ, నాన్న, తమ్ముడు కంచికి వెళ్ళేరు. నాకు లీవ్ లేదు. నేను ఢిల్లీ లో ఒక ఎం.ఎన్.సి లో పని చేస్తున్నాను. ఫస్ట్ క్లాస్ ఎ.సి లో ఒకే సీట్ ఖాళీ ఉంటే బుక్...

3 years ago
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I Am Here For You

“Hello,” Harold said, knocking on the wooden desk varnished to a shine. A blonde administrative assistant popped up like a mole. Quite a charming mole. She was young, pretty, and though wearing a dark, professional blouse, she had a cleavage that could lift anyone’s spirit in these trying times. I’m here to see...” Harold stopped himself. Seeing wasn’t the right word when talking about an urn with your coworker’s ashes inside. “I’m here to pay my respects to Dean Laurier.”  Of course, I’m...

2 years ago
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Varna The Grojan War Book TwoChapter 17 Sacrifice

"Who are they Nora?" "I don't know, Jim, they look human though." Valenora Fuller lay flat on her stomach looking at the group working on a large military style scout ship. Others milled about round the ship, some setting up a camp. From their vantage point on a small wooded ridge overlooking the ship they could spy on the new arrivals without being seen. "They're not Grojan are they?" Diana asked, an edge to her voice. Nora, as her friends called her, twisted back to look at the...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Pleasure

It was another beautiful summers evening. A mild breeze had picked up and it felt refreshing against my face. I had just finished almost three hours of basketball with my friends and had a good workout. When we played, we played hard. We all went our seperate ways and as I stradled my bike I closed my eyes and could almost hear the sound of the surf crashing on the beach; it must have been the wind of course since the ocean was a good ten miles away but in my imagination it seemed so real! ...

1 year ago
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It wall started the day my new wife and I moved into her families home a few years after we were married. jane and i had started to renovate our home when it was decided we move in to her parents house because the mess was just to much for us to live in. When we arrived, my Mother In Law [ MIL ] showed us to the bedroom right next to hers, which she said we could use as long as we needed to stay As I worked mostly from home [ i am a future strader ] i noticed every day funny happenings with my...

2 years ago
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Newtons Interrogation

NEWTON’S INTERROGATION BY PRATAARAKA ODYSSEY SPACE STATION ORBITING GANYMEDE, MOON OF JUPITER 11 MARCH 2311Odyssey Space Station, more commonly referred to either by its acronym (OSS) or simply Odyssey, was the largest scientific space station in the known galaxy, and the second-largest in the entire Sol System after the Cerberus Defense Platform in geosynchronous orbit over Central Asia. Odyssey Station itself was comprised of three large, spinning rings over four kilometres in circumference...

3 years ago
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Langeweile Geschichte mit den meisten Optionen

Es ist ein warmer sonniger Freitag Nachmittag. Sandra ist gerade von der Schule nach Hause gekommen. Gelangweilt sitzt sie in ihrem Zimmer. Es ist nicht besonders groß, aber trotzdem hätte sie gern mehr Platz. Es sieht alles ein wenig chaotisch und unaufgeräumt aus. Auf dem Boden liegen ein paar Jeans und ein getragener Slip. Rötliche Sonnenstrahlen fallen durch das Fenster und lassen ihr Zimmer herbstlich erleuchten. Sie lässt sich auf ihr Bett fallen und schliesst ihre Augen. Was für ein...

2 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 34

The pretty little Hispanic maid told me she had to return home because she tended her two younger sisters like a mama, and she did not want them to be alone in the nocturnal hours. I could identify with that thought because I often joined my sister in nocturnal togetherness just to make certain she was safe at night. Her gradual loss of innocence at my hands was entirely my responsibility and I confess I would do it all over again because she made me tingle with everlasting love. I...

3 years ago
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Watching the Clouds

I sit on the deck at the back of my house, watching the sea without thinking all that much. Without thinking anything at all, to be more precise. My laptop is here, helping me to pretend that I’m actually working. It’s been two years since I’ve been almost beaten to death. Since then I’ve retreated from the world. The divorce is long through, the guy is still in prison. I had completely abandoned my old surroundings afterwards. Only my friends Andi and Basti were in contact with me. They told...

2 years ago
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My New Roommate1

I had responded to an add in the newspaper that someone had put in because they were looking for a roommate. I was dying to get out of my parents house, I wasn't allowed to date and they were always checking my phone despite the fact that I was now nineteen, legally an adult. So I met with the guy, his name was Dylan and he seemed really nice and the apartment was fantastic. I was putting my stuff in order in my new room, I didn't have much, just a couple boxes and a trash bag of...

1 year ago
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ReUnionChapter 2

After that there were no more ten day rest periods for me. Their cycles were too far apart. If Heather was fertile, Babs was not, and vice versa. Every guy on campus tried to get in Babs' panties, particularly after she got to strut her stuff out on the football field, or on the basketball court. She was the only Freshman on the varsity cheerleading squad. She went out with them, but she was a good Catholic girl, and she made that known right up front. She still got taken out, all year long....

4 years ago
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Hot lady hotel main

Hi dear all iss member lady n gent’s i am aditya i am gigolo from delhi doston jaisa ki ap janta hai gigolo ka chut marna orchut chatna kitna accha hota hai waise he mera lund bhi bohat accha hai dosto main month 2 or 3 time he fucking karta hun ussee ziada nahi to doston main apni kahani shuru karta hun: Main apne kaam par har night ki tarhan nikla mujhe wanha khade 2 lagbhag 2 hour’s ho chuke thee koi nahi araha thaa main paresahan horaha tha ki yaar aj ka kaam to esa he raha but naseeb hai...

4 years ago
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Her First Time

At the time this occurred, Sarah and I were not married. We had been dating for over two years and this was our first vacation together. Sarah was 21, 5’6’’ and about 125 lbs with nice 36C breasts. She is mixed white and black. She is a wildcat in bed and absolutely loves to suck dick. We were visiting a friend of mine from the Army in Florida. We had all been grilling out and enjoying some beers throughout the evening. Sarah and I had both noticed John was looking at her with lust in his eyes...

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The DigChapter 6

I sat outside my tent for over a week, making sure Don Sr. was asleep in case Carol went to see her brothers. Twice Carol waved to me as she went to the boy’s tent. I could not help but fantasize about what they were doing. The second night she went to the boy’s tent; I did not even bother to go into our tent to masturbate. I sat in the camp chair and unzipped my shorts. Then pushed them down enough to get my hand between my legs. I stared at the boy’s tent as I tried to imagine what they...

1 year ago
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Madeline brushed her long black hair away from her face, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her round face, button nose, rose colored lips, and sapphire blue eyes were the envy of many women, half her age. At forty-five, she still considered her five foot five, body voluptuous, with all the curves in the right places. She applied just enough make-up to be alluring. Straighten her blouse; that contained her well endowed breasts, and checked her skirt. After that she donned four inch...

4 years ago
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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 4 Being A Master Can Be Hard Work

X sat and stared at the two bimbos in front of him. Xander Harris would hardly have known how to deal with two women battling for his affection. But this new hulk of a man, knew perfectly how to master the situation. Former Willow Rosenberg - now the sensational, pink haired slut HoneyCunt - sat before him with her endless legs crossed. From half closed eyes she stared up at the hulk and played with her impossibly shaped tits. She very well knew they made his cock rise. She wore a...

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Odyssey Down

You board the great behemoth of a ship called the Odyssey. You stop for a moment, gazing in awe at the miracle of engineering before you. You are Ben Rodgers, one of a crew of nearly 200 colonists and specialists charged with establishing a new colony on a distant moon of Epsilon 32-alpha, a recently discovered inhabitable planet. Saying goodbye to the world you've called home your entire life isn't easy, but it is necessary. Resources on Earth are rapidly depleting, and if colonies cannot be...

1 year ago
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Janin treated The Way she Needs it

This is a requested story, Janin Wanted to know what I would do if we ever meet.I had been going to the broken down shabby old restaurant for a couple of days in a row now, it was perfect for what I wanted to do, never any people between four and five except for me and the brown haired waitress that always tried to get may attention when I was there.I had indulged in some causal flirting so far, stringing her along to give me a free beer with my early...

3 years ago
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Husbands Stepson

This is my second marraige and my husband and I always fantasized about somebody watching us fool around.  I had never really thought about showing my body off in the past years but my husband prompted me to do something one night  recently that really got me started and already i find myself wearing sexier clothes to work and shopping. My husband was married before and has a 22 year stepson from his first wife.  Things weren't going well for him since the company he worked for closed down and...

2 years ago
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my first time exploring a Tgirl

long time ago as a straight men i was at a big Mall looking for a new pair of pants. There was this lovely young woman named Sherry working there, who was very solicitous, helping me find my size and select a pair of pants that weren't too out of style. I hate to shop, you see, so I usually wear a pair of jeans or shorts. These sort of clothes don't require trying on and are really never out of style. But this time, I wanted to take my time and get a nice pair of pants that fit well.She was a...

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My Brothers and my wife

100% fiction! Sex with my wife was great. She was one of the horniest women I had ever met. She liked to have sex in any way possible, but the one she seemed to crave the most was anal sex. One particular night during sex, she was moaning and groaning something about cocks, that she wished she had a cock in each hole, and one in each hand. Just hearing her talk that way turned me on tremendously, and I came, just from hearing her. I had two brothers that always used to talk about how they...

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Ariel my former student becomes my fuck toy

I was one of Ariel’s cadre at a camp when she was 16. She was a very petit redhead back then, 5’ 3” 100 lbs soaking wet. Three years later the only thing that had changed was she was now an exotic dancer, few tattoos, and piercings one being on her hood. When I called her department she instantly recognized my voice and began to text me outside of work. She began to drop hints that she wanted me to come see her dance, and possibly more.I was in her part of town working for two weeks just...

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The Deep Throat Club Part Two

My parents had gone away for the weekend. They were visiting my grandmother. My mother said Brad would be around in case I needed him. She also said that I could have friends over while they were away. I invited Amber, Emma, and Lucy to hang out. My girlfriends and I had created a club called “The Deep-Throat Club”. We mostly practiced on vegetables and one time the girls practiced on my stepbrother. Since my parents were away, we thought it was the perfect time to call the skateboard guys...

3 years ago
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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter Four

Over the next week, Dave noticed a sudden and dramatic change in Brittany but he had no idea what to make of it. Brittany had gone from looking despondent and only talking when it was necessary, back to the excitable chatterbox she had been when she was younger.Some people didn’t like this aspect of Brittany’s personality and people who didn’t really know her often made the mistake of thinking she was a bit of an airhead. The reality was that she was just excited by life. It was one of her...

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A mother had 3 daughters. They were all getting married within a short time period. Because mom was a bit worried about how their sex lives would get started, she made them all promise to send a postcard from the honeymoon with a few words on how marital sex felt.The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the wedding. The card said nothing but "Nescafe." Mom was puzzled at first, but then went to the kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar. It said: "Good till the last drop." Mom...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Chloe DarkEyed Damsel Chloe Gets Fucked Like the Dog She Is

Dark-haired beauty Chloe is ready for some serious action today. She’s dressed in her latex outfit, complete with dog collar, that leaves her colossal knockers exposed, and she’s trying out the whip that will soon send the naughty girl into heights of ecstasy. Her boyfriend Kristof is sure surprised when he gets home, but he gets into the spirit of the occasion by grabbing her by the leash and walking her around like a dog. After a nice blowjob, Kristof starts in on her snatch with...

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Sunday mass

It was a warm Sunday morning and I set off for church with my parents, everything was as normal , the usual meet and great before mass with the neighbours when suddenly I spot this vision of beauty across the car park!!Dressed all in white a goddess of unrivalled beauty, long blond hair red bag and red matching shoes, who was this girl where did she come from .? I was transfixed by this new stranger in my mists I needed to get closer hoping to find out more. I told my parents I needed to talk...

1 year ago
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Not This TimeChapter 21 Building the Coffin

My senior business symposium professor was a pilot. He’d never flown passenger airliners, but did a lot of freight transport and rose to management in a major shipping company before he retired to take up teaching. It was one of the cool things about the School of Business at the University. The professors were mostly people who had risen to senior management in firms that were successful. At least that were successful at the time the professor retired from it. Some professors shook their...

4 years ago
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A Perfect Flight

A Perfect Flightby hotngr82002© I had been planning a vacation for several months, but being alone, didn't know where I wanted to go. After talking to several friends, I decided on going to Colorado. The ski season was arriving, so I thought maybe I could get in a few good runs on a weekend, besides I have some friends that live in Aurora and I knew I could visit them. I booked my flight and was excited about my trip. As I boarded my flight from Sacramento to Colorado, one of the stewardesses...

3 years ago
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Pleasing The Black Lawn Man

Got a new lawn man in the spring, Had been searching for one and seen a guy one day with his truck a few streets over so I stopped and asked him if he taking on any more in the area, he said yes and would pass over later and look at it .I told him it was a small yard and he said ok....He stopped by an hour or so later and gave me a good price .I invited him in and he come inside ....Would you care for a drink I asked him yeah some water is fine and asked if he could use the bathroom sure it...

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Beside the Brook of SorrowsChapter 7

With Rising Waters taking over as the new Chief, most tribal things got back to normal quickly. The biggest difference that people noticed and remarked on at first was that Rising Waters spent much more time at the hunter's fire than Running Wolf ever had before him. When problems and disputes now arose, the parties could quickly approach Rising Waters and seek out his counsel before bad feelings got too firmly entrenched. Running Wolf had been an excellent tribal Chief, but he hadn't made...

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Deep Dive Part 6

It was morning now, around 7 a.m. While Kate, Jacob and Megan slept, I’d gone back into the house, quietly grabbed a jacket and some boots, and headed off for a pre-dawn walk in the Mendocino Headlands.Three hours later, trudging along the cliffs in the early light, I was no closer to resolving my conflicts about Kate.I was feeling both incredibly fortunate, and increasingly unsettled. Fortunate, because I’d never met anyone remotely like her. She was so... incandescent. Unsettled, because my...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Her happiest day

It was a Saturday morning, she was getting ready to go to her friend Olivia's place. They were friends throughout the school years, and Olivia had moved to NY for college. She was coming back home after almost 4 years. Olivia's parents arranged a party that evening but, Olivia promised to go to her friend first since she was close to the airport. She was excited to meet Olivia after a long time...She wanted to be fresh got ready for a quick shower. It was feeling fresh with the new body wash...

2 years ago
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Home StudiesDay 5 Sunday

Today being Sunday and all, we have decided to start slow and to sleep in. At least that was the plan. The soft pair of lips that is currently busy bringing my cock to hardness and me to awakeness seems to have different ideas, however. My sister's eyes blink at me from between my legs. Man, she really looks cute with my cock in her mouth ... and voilà, I'm hard. With a grin she rights herself and sits at the foot of my bed. She is naked, of course. Of course, right? What else would she...

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The Indecent Proposal 8211 Part 2

Hello All, This is Anish again with the next part of my story. In the last part, we saw Ariana’s father get married to my mom. Ariana pulled me into the room, kissed me, then pulled my cock out and started giving me a blowjob. My eyes were closed with ecstasy. When I opened my eyes, I saw mom giving a blowjob to Ariana’s father kneeling next to her. Now let us see further. Her top was down, her boobs were exposed, and her naked bubble butts were too. I watched her in action and sucking my...

2 years ago
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Cabin in the Woods 6 days before Xmas

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I work at a nice resort in Lake Tahoe. It was just beginning to snow as I was driving to work. I was on call for the weekend. I'm the snow rescue guy. If you get trapped outside in the snow. Ski off a cliff and need to be rescued. Have to much to drink and hit a tree. They call me to rescue you. I've been skiing most of my life. I normally just pack a few items in a pack back to take while skiing. The forecast was for about 4-6 inches. I'm pretty sure for the...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 16

Eric lay in bed, feeling the two women on either side of him against his skin. As big as he was, they made him sleep in the middle; that way, they ended up leaning against him rather than everyone piling toward one side of the bed and almost falling off. He suspected that wasn't the only reason, as neither Joan nor Sally were shy about playing with his cock when the mood struck them. Didn't matter to him -- there were far worse things than having to sleep between the two beauties. He...

3 years ago
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Horny Desires Of Sara 8211 Part 1 A Visit To A Hill Station

Hi, Vinay, here from Chennai, 39-year-old, here to tell you about a visit to a hill station. Beautiful things in life happen to people who dare to take risks and travel that extra mile to get what they want. People may call you mad or say you are bad if you are expressive about your desire for something. The mind should be bare, and we should dare to get the things that we love and want in life. I was on my quarterly office trip along with my entire staff. We had achieved record-breaking sales...

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Bus Ride

Bus Ride I am gay and proud of it. I fear no social structure or consequences, so I can narrate these real life incidents in my life that have given me immense pleasure. If you have read my earlier stories then you might know that I am in the IT field and travel very much for work. On 1 of these travels through to the north of Gujarat this particular incident took place and gave me immense pleasure; I would like to share this incident with all of you. What ever happened is told as it happened...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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housing officer

Early last month i got a visit from the new housing officer,she's in her late 30's dark hair great legs and even better boobs, any way she came to do a tenant review , It was the first time i had met her and she was a stunner ,she came in sat down and started to ask questions .Well i was sat facing her and every now and then she would cross ,uncross her legs by the 3rd time i had a semi so i asked her if she wanted a cup of coffee but she said she did not have time .She then asked me a question...

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A Cemetery Encounter

I left my first wife in 1977 when I was 24 years old. I returned to my home town in Michigan after having been away for ten years. I still had lots of relatives in town and lots of places to crash until I found a job and permanent digs, not as easy as it sounds inasmuch as this was in the throes of the Carter recession and jobs were not to be had for love nor money. I had a few hundred dollars to tide me over for a while. The room and board of my relatives was more helpful than I can say. A...

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Emma Ch 13

It was Amelia to whom Emma reported at work. Amelia was a stunning woman, Emma thought, and in the most objective way possible. Certainly, the way she dressed was quite unusual. She wore stocking, suspenders and very high stiletto heels, but then, except for the cloak she sometimes threw over her shoulders and which came down to just below her buttocks, she wore nothing else at all. Amelia certainly wasn’t a naturist, otherwise, like Emma, she wouldn’t have affected any clothes at all. Nor was...

3 years ago
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Indian Bhabhi seduced by famous movie star

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read . Advay Gupta was getting an award from the mayor for his excellent acting skills. He was supposed to place his handprints in concrete to cement his fame for eternity. Many people gathered to watch in front of the theater, and it caused a traffic block. Savita was getting restless in the car next to her husband. After searching for a long time, they parked and headed for the theater. Ashok spotted the actor, and the...

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Intrusive DelightsChapter 12 Called To Grandfathers Bedroom

Zeinab was the granddaughter to Ramzy El-Najjar, Master of Quarry to the Emir, through one of his daughters whom he had given to a French diplomat as a present. Until she was ten years old the child lived with her mother in the embassy annex where her mother stayed with the other local concubines of the leading diplomats. Her father's wife had, of course, remained in Paris. When the mother was returned to Ramzy ten years later at the end of the diplomat's posting to Kobekistan, little...

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TommyChapter 4

By the time that summer ended and Tommy was fourteen and entered the 10th grade, his bank account was more than $3,000 richer, and he owned a new bike worth about $400 and a Playstation2 and several of the newest games as well as some expensive shoes and a few other things his parents did not know about including several hundred dollars worth of hard core pornography. He was not yet aware of it, but he had started a major growth spurt. He knew that he was much better at fucking than he had...

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A Web Ad Creating Results

2 days ago, I posted an ad on Craigslist under Personals. The intent was to test the waters in using this website for in-person play. As a bisexual male, I chose the Men seeking Men section. It was a simple post, describing what I was seeking - a JO partner, with suggestion for "maybe more, if we hit it off well." I included a couple of pictures for the ad - one was a nude full body shot; another zeroed in on my erect cock. I had hoped to get a couple of "hits" indicating interest. To my great...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 135

After the introductions, Bobby and Sandra resumed their seats beside the healing chamber. Diana was soon seated with them and carrying on a quiet conversation. When Jeff stepped over to his Queen, she reached to take his hand. "I'm going to sit with them while they wait for the chamber to finish with their mate," she told her husband. Turning to Laura, Diana continued, "Send us a plate back when you eat, please, Love." "Sure," Laura responded. Laura didn't ask the nurses what they...

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