Allyson Ch. 04 free porn video

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Having gotten word from Hannah that Paul had been to see Allyson John left work early. He had his suspicions. He thought somebody had been seeing her, and somebody had tipped over the apple cart regarding the judge. Who else but Paul? Yes Paul was a problem. He had to be dealt with.

Meanwhile back at the house, after Paul left Allyson continued with her usual routines, cleaning, scrubbing, and just generally trying to keep busy. If what Paul had intimated was at all true then just maybe John had changed, maybe he’d return to the ‘old John’ she’d grown to love and adore. She stopped, looked in the mirror and persuaded herself, yes, it could happen.

She’d just finished the beds when she heard the front door. It had to be John! She was sure of it. She put her cleaning apparel aside and ran down the front stairs.

The house had two sets of stairs, there were the front stairs for everyday use, and there was a back set. It was the back stairs Allyson was expected to use when at work, which lately meant all the time.

Yes, it was John! She was convinced he’d come home early because he loved her. In her excitement Allyson ran head long down the front stairs. She got to the bottom just as John walked in the living room.

He looked at her as she reached the bottom step. She looked like the wrath of god, her nylon work uniform was stained, her hair was a knotted mess, shoe laces untied, and she was out of breath, perspiring, breasts pressing out and up through the zippered top of her uniform. He was angry as hell, ‘What are you doing young lady?’

Allyson, oblivious of the rule she’d just broken answered, ‘I heard the front door, and thought it might be you. I wanted to get down as fast as I could.’

A stone faced John replied, ‘You know you’re not to use the front stairs.’

She hesitated. His comment caught her completely off guard, ‘But I wanted to get down and see you.’

‘Well you see me. So why did you break the rule?’

‘I was excited. I knew it was you.’

‘You broke a rule.’

‘I know. I didn’t mean to. Gee John, I’m sorry. I wanted …’

‘Come over here,’ he pointed to floor in front of his feet.

Allyson ran to the place he pointed and knelt on the floor, ‘I’m sorry John.’

John frowned down at her, ‘Are we sitting properly?’

When Allyson was being criticized or lectured she was expected to kneel on the carpet or floor, head bowed, eyes downcast with her hands clasped neatly in her lap. She whispered obsequiously, ‘No.’ She quickly made the appropriate adjustments.

With her eyes fixed resolutely on the tops of John’s wing tipped shoes she couldn’t see the sadistic smile on his face. Had she, she would have known how frightening her future, if nothing was done, was to become. He asked, ‘Tell me Allyson, why do we have rules?’

She stammered out, ‘Well we have rules to make things…, life I mean, more efficient.’

This was fun for John. He asked, ‘Yes, and what else?’

Allyson recovered a little. She looked up coquettishly, batted her eyes and answered, ‘Rules give us routines. They give us clear cut ways of doing things.’

John wasn’t amused, ‘Eyes down. And what else.’

She slumped. Being cute wouldn’t work. He might really be mad. If that was the case she had a disheartening premonition of what really might be coming. She decided to try the soft sincere apologetic approach, ‘Rules are good for discipline.’

John thought, ‘this was good’, a little more and I’ll have her where I want her. He looked down and gave her one of his Olympian stares, ‘Allyson when you ran down the front stairs dressed as you are in your work uniform, all stained and sweaty, were you exercising good judgment? Were you showing self-discipline?’

Allyson didn’t like the direction of things. She had to come up with something plausible, ‘Well I guess no, but I…’

John held up a hand, and turned his head.

This wasn’t funny. She smelled of whiff brimstone. She tried again, ‘I…’

He cut her off, ‘What if I’d brought a client home? What if I had someone I wanted to show you off to? How do you think they would have reacted if they saw your clumsy display of poor judgment and childish lack of discipline? Look at yourself, you’re a mess, dirty uniform, mussed hair, scuffed and untied shoes, soaking wet with sweat, and your bosoms are half out of your dress. What do you have to say about that?’

Allyson worked to adjust the top of her uniform, ‘John I’ve been hard at work, and…’


She knew she couldn’t alibi or offer any explanation. His mind was made up. He liked beating her up with trivia, she dare not defy him, ‘And I’m just sorry.’

John had his apology. Now he could take it to the next level, ‘Sorry! Sorry for what? Being a mess, or for breaking an important rule.’

‘I…I guess for breaking…’

He interrupted, ‘For breaking a rule? But look at you! You look like a filthy pig. A pig! You hear me? A pig!’

‘John I’m…’

‘Don’t alibi. You can’t explain or lie your way out of this one. You’ve been bad, very bad. Tell me, what would you have done if I had brought company?’

Allyson was in trouble. John was on a roll, and there wasn’t anything she could say or do. Of course he was right. He was always right when it came to things like this, when it came to her. She had no right to disagree or in any way defend what she’d done. Even when she was right she was wrong. There was no argument, she’d been bad, she knew it. The front stairs weren’t for her. She wasn’t allowed. She gulped and stammered out, ‘I…I guess they would have been…well…surprised.’

These were moments John had come to cherish, Allyson at his feet, degraded, helpless in the face of his awful logic. He would proceed to engineer her further degradation, reduce her sense of personal worth, strip away her self esteem, denude her of that last morsel of confidence. God how he loved this, ‘You mean embarrassed. And listen to yourself. You’re supposed to be a college graduate, a woman with some poise, some sense. You’re stammering and stuttering like some twelve year old child. When are you going to grow up? No wonder I’ve had to rely on Hannah. You’re just too damned childish, too damned backward. I’m engaged to a ten year old child.’

Allyson knelt there in awkward silence.

He snarled, ‘Well! Speak up!’

A crushed and enfeebled Allyson replied, ‘Yes I guess… I guess…John…I’m sorry.’

It was time to drive it home, force her to acknowledge her incompetence, her inadequacy, ‘You guess so?’

Genuinely scared she tried to answer, ‘I mean…I guess,’ She was upset. She realized she’d made a mistake, and John was really angry. He might punish her, ‘Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. Please John forgive me.’ She leaned forward, she reached out and touched his knee, ‘Please John.’ She looked up pleadingly, sad imploring green eyes looking up at angry brown eyes.

Down came another series of emotionally crushing blows, mental shocks intended to bludgeon her into intellectual impotence, pulverize her into complete dependence, ‘So you’re a sorry housekeeper, a sorry girlfriend, and just an all around sorry little miss.’

It wasn’t about the stairs anymore. He had something else in mind. Casting her eyes downward again she pleaded, ‘Oh John, I didn’t mean to break the rule. I didn’t mean to be so messy.’

In the past this was when he’d release her from her torment, end the tongue lashing with a paternalistic pat on the head. Then sometimes a little more self effacement followed by a few forgiving words and a warm smile. Not today. No compassion today! Today he was out for worshipful obeisance, complete contrition. ‘But you did and you are.’

She tried to cling to some measure of rationality, ‘Yes I guess. I mean yes I did. Oh, yes I am. John I’m so sorry.’

John wouldn’t have it, ‘A sorry little maid,
Allyson you’re just a sorry little maid aren’t you?’

She gave up on touching the knee. She knelt on the floor wringing her hands, afraid to look at him. Tears were seeping out of the corners of her eyes, ‘Yes I guess I am.’

Her final degradation came calmly, cruel in its somber gentleness, ‘Guess what, come on, and say it.’

‘I’m a sorry little maid,’ she looked up at him again, begging, ‘John please.’

It was time for her final humiliation, the nadir. He reached down, and with his right hand he tucked up her chin so she had to face him, ‘You know you have to be disciplined.

She was in tears, ‘Yes.’

She started to cry. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his legs, ‘John please!’

He pushed her away, ‘Go to my office, take off all your clothes, and wait for me.’

Her disgrace had been complete. The last residual locks of self respect had been sheared away. Allyson got up and started to run for his office.

John loved these moments. He shouted out, ‘What? You’re just leaving?’

Allyson ran back and knelt down again, ‘May I be excused now?


She’d forgotten to say please, ‘May I pleased be excused?’

‘Yes you may be excused.’

She whimpered, ‘Thank you John.’ Then she leaped to her feet and ran back to John’s office.

John took off his sport coat and undid his tie. He walked leisurely back to his office. All his sadistic fantasies were bubbling to the surface, he’d humiliate, degrade, punish.

Allyson reached the office. She rushed about making certain everything was in its place and there was no dust on anything. She didn’t want to get in more trouble now, especially if John might be planning to do something nice later, after the punishment. Oh she hoped, she prayed, ‘Make the punishment short and the something nice long.’

Fond hope, Allyson’s fantasies of true love, of the doting fatherly companion, her own shining protective knight were about to be plunged into the nightmare of John’s sadistic self hatred.His personal masculine inadequacies had finally taken complete control. She raced to the sofa, John’s favorite seat in his office, and took off her clothes. She slipped out of her work shoes and socks, she placed them carefully beside each other under the sofa. She unzipped her blue nylon uniform, folded it, and set it on a nearby chair. She unfastened her chemise, laid it on the dress, and last pulled down her panties, placing them on the chemise. Completely naked she knelt on the floor in front of the sofa, head bowed.

John strode in slowly. He walked over and sat on the sofa. Allyson knelt meekly on the floor between his legs. He thought about this girl, how he’d come to meet her, how they ended up where they were. He remembered again how it all began back in college. She was such a mousy little thing. He first saw her when he was in the library. She was in one of those tiny semi-private alcoves busily doing something on her computer. She had stringy brownish hair, no make-up, and dark glasses. She was wearing a simple dungaree jumper, white blouse, tennis shoes, and white socks. He remembered thinking this was a good one on which to try out his ideas. John, like most men he supposed, fantasized about having his very own submissive little slave girl, someone totally dependent, someone ready to respond to his every whim. He recalled how he’d sidled up to her that day, and after a short conversation had gotten her name and phone number.

They started dating after that. She was easy to please. He’d guessed rightly, she was lonely, and not very socially astute. It was easy to take her, step by step, from simple introvert to total dependent.

In a few short weeks he changed everything about her. She wanted to be a doctor, he talked her out of that. She wore uncomplicated simple outfits, and maintained a casual life schedule. It was easy to move her from the trusting innocent girl to the helpless, hapless, totally submissive insecure child woman he had at his feet.

To say he never cared about her would have been only partially true. He cared about the control, the dominance, the manipulation. He cared about his ability to alter and change everything in her life. Did he ever love her, no never. Did he care what she thought, only that she thought what he wanted her to think.

He’d told her his parents didn’t approve of her, that they’d investigated her past. In truth his parents barely knew she was alive. They believed everything he said. As far as they were concerned she was just some cheap off the street sexual squeeze he’d picked up. They hardly knew anything. For them she didn’t exist.

As he looked down at her now he pondered what he should do with her. Certainly not marry her, maybe keep her around as a servant, which was all she was now anyway, a servant and sexual toy. He spoke calmly and slowly, ‘I hate to do this, but rules are rules.’

Allyson nervously waited on the floor.

John unfastened his belt, took off his pants and underpants, walked over to the sofa and sat down, ‘Bend over my knees sweetheart.’

Her first thought was he used an endearment. She tried to persuade herself he still loved her. She tried to convince herself this was for her own good. She pleaded with herself, John meant well. She got up and stretched herself over his knees. She pretended this was still about love.

He gently smoothed her head. He fondled her ears. He wiped his hand over her upraised ass. He used his hand to caress her lower back. He took his fingers and gently rubbed down the crease of her ass, that lovely creamy pink little ass. Almost tenderly he said, ‘Darling this is going to hurt me more than it will you.’

Allyson knew the truth, but gave him the answer he expected, ‘I know I did wrong. I broke an important rule. I was a messy little maid. It isn’t your fault. I’m sorry I made you mad. I’m sorry I make you have to hurt me. I’m ready for my punishment.’

He gently rubbed over that splendid heart shaped ass again. He liked her ass and more and more he liked spanking it. He liked raising deep scarlet welts all over it. He liked it when she begged him to stop. He liked looking at the scarlet impressions his hands made when he hit her, ‘I’m going to spank you Allyson.’

‘Oh please John.’

‘No, I think you need a real lesson this time.’ He spit into the palm of his hand and hammered down with the first blow. There was a sharp smack as his hand slapped across her left cheek. He repeated the act on her right cheek.

The hard hot stinging smack made Allyson wince. Her butt involuntarily bounced, her muscles rippled, and she inadvertently tried to slide away, ‘Oh John, please, no.’

He pulled her back in place, and slapped each cheek hard two more times. Each time she bounced as his hand impacted her soft flesh. After just three swipes angry red print marks started to emerge.

John stopped, ‘Now I’m going to ask you a question, and I expect an honest answer.’

She hadn’t started to cry yet, but tears were dripping down her cheeks. She sniffled, ‘Yes John.’

‘Has anybody been to see you this morning?’

Allyson wondered if he knew Paul had been there. She guessed not, ‘No I’ve been alone all morning.’

His hand came smashing down again and again on her little red ass, ‘Don’t lie to me Allyson.’

She cried out in pain. It was more than just the pain of the spanks, it was the humiliation of having to be bent over his knee and feel the swipes as though she were a child. It was her sense of helplessness, the vulnerability she felt remembering Paul had said something about Hannah having seen him, ‘Paul was here.’

‘Paul was here?’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘Has he been here before?’


He smacked her again.

‘Yes, once before.’

He smacked her again, hard, ‘How many times?’

‘Oh John! Please!’ She was crying. She tried to reach back to cover her rear. < br>
He gripped her tightly around the waist with one hand, and pushed her hands away with the other, ‘How many times?’

Crying she whimpered, ‘Today and one other time.’

‘So you lied.’

‘I’m sorry John. I didn’t mean to.’

‘Allyson this is serious.’ He pushed her off his knee and on the floor, ‘This calls for more than just a spanking. I’m afraid I’m going to have to really punish you now.’

Allyson was terrified, this could mean almost anything, ‘Please John I didn’t want him to come. He just came. I told him to leave. John, I told him to stay away.’

‘You let him in didn’t you?’



‘Well yes, but only for a minute.’

‘Allyson, get back on the floor.’

She jumped down, knelt on her knees, and tried to cover her rear with her hands. She was really crying now.

John stood up and walked to the door, ‘Wait here.’

Allyson nodded, and through the tears answered, ‘Yes John.’

John walked through the hall and down the back stairs to an area they’d originally designated for his workbench. He’d never gotten around to setting anything up, but he remembered he’d brought one of his old fishing rods, an old fiber glass fishing pole with a casting reel on one end. Hell, his hand was sore anyway, what could be better than a good old fashioned fishing pole? It would give his hand a break, and would be something like an old time caning. He fumbled around with the boxes till he found it. He took off the reel, and swished it around in the air a few times. Yes, the whistle of the pole made just the right sound. This was just what he needed. He made his way back to his office.

Once John left the office Allyson made a quick inspection of her rear end. The sight of the big red hand marks on her behind was daunting. She knew they’d turn to ugly blue-black bruises in a few days. This was, by far, the worse, spanking John had ever given her. She knew in her heart this was not love, but she was caught up in something she couldn’t explain away or control. She heard his footsteps down the hall. She waddled back to her spot in front of the sofa.

John walked back in the office. He swung the fishing pole in air, a deceptively soft swoosh filled the room.

Allyson saw the pole. Her eyes grew wide in terror. She knew what a pole like that could do. She’d been caned before when a child. She jumped from her spot on the floor, and ran to a corner of the room, ‘John! No!’

John walked slowly, almost casually to the corner where she was crouched. He smiled, ‘John! Yes!’

Allyson curled into a tiny ball in the corner. She held her hands upwards and turned her head down and away, ‘No, please, no.’ She was crying and sobbing unrestrainedly. She was on the edge of hysteria. She knew! Oh so vividly, so frighteningly, she knew.

John growled, ‘Get over by the sofa.’

Allyson was paralyzed with fear. Pure, unadulterated terror swept over her. The monstrosity of the circumstances overwhelmed her. She didn’t move, she couldn’t move.

John’s heart was pounding in his breast. His penis was rigidly erect. He’d never felt such a sense of power before. He leaned forward. He took the fiberglass pole and used it to lift her chin. In a low menacing snarl he said, ‘Go to the sofa.’

Allyson’s face was snow white. She lost all control. She peed on the carpet. No voice. No words, just gasping and crying. She cringed in the corner in utter and absolute terror.

John lost all control! He lashed down with the pole. Again and again he lashed down on her exposed back, her shoulders, on her lower waist. His was a berserk frenzied madness!

Allyson’s conscious self retreated to another world, a world of relative safety. She still cried, she still wept, she sobbed, but Allyson, the real Allyson was gone. This had happened before, more than once. On more than one occasion she’d been beaten like this, in just this way, when she was a small girl.

Finally, after seven, eight, no ten savage swipes across the helpless girl’s nude form John recovered his sanity. He looked at the awful thing he’d done. He’d beaten a poor innocent woman mercilessly. Her poor back and shoulders were a striped pulpy mass. What had he done?

Angrily John yelled at the helpless innocent at his feet, ‘Get out of here! Go to your room!’

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Tranny Videos XXX! Is it gay to jack off to tranny porno videos? Are you a huge homosexual if you get wood watching a hot girl stroke her own wood? Would you be considered a fag if you spent all morning touching yourself to TrannyVideosXXX? I guess these are age-old questions probably better suited for a social scientist than a Porn Dude, so I’ll just focus on the easier question: does masturbating to shemale movies get you off? Well, it does if you pick the right tranny...

Shemale Porn Sites
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Sex With My Moms FriendsBrandon and SashaPart 2

The telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information. Jeri, thanks for the offer,...

Love Stories
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Twin SisterChapter 7 Its great to be in love

Jen and I had forged an unbreakable bond between us. Our parents were thrilled that there was no bickering or rivalry so common between siblings. We had always been close but what changed things was that first kiss in the pool. It was at that time that I discovered what was before me the whole time. My sister was drop-dead gorgeous. I think it was at about the age of nine or ten that I had discovered that girls were definitely not just soft boys. At school there were a lot of pretty girls I...

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The Rocky Road to Ruin

The Rocky Road to Ruin by Rubberwolfmailto:[email protected] ? 2005 - Rubberwolf - Used by permission storycodes: FF/f; latex; doll; bdsm; nc; XX The Rocky Road to Ruin by Rubberwolf Foreword For those of you that have visited the Grommets Plaza Forum, you may be aware that I occasionally attend the Rocky Horror show. This piece is written with that great stage production in mind. I have written this story for a competition held on Grommets site, where the brief states that the hero/heroine...

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Broken UpChapter 6

Danielle had always figured she'd be happy to go to Senior Ball. "Look, I don't see what the problem is," Weston was saying. "Your parents okay'd it. My dad okay'd it. Liz and Martin have already asked the hotel to put the room next to theirs on hold. But the hotel said they're running out of rooms, and if we don't book soon, we're gonna lose it." "You're right," she said, "you don't see what the problem is." "Well, then, tell me!" Weston exploded. Danielle...

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Becoming pantywriter

Not long after I moved into my own apartment I found myself gravitating towards very ‘different’ porn sites. I used the standard sites often enough, and I always enjoyed fantasizing about the sex that I watched on the computer screen. But there were nights that I felt a different pull. I felt ambivalent about straight up porn. I decided that there were only so many ways that ordinary porn could arouse me. But at the same time, I’m aware that these…tastes…are not ‘normal.’ Yet early on when I...

2 years ago
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7 Days Hot Bhabhi Ke Sath Part1

Hello guys, how are you? I am akash from delhi. Ye kahani mere aur meri hot bhabhi ki h kaise maine unke sath 1 week bitaya. Mere bhabhi ka name neha hai jinki abhi 1 sal pahle shadi hui hai. Mere bhai aur bhabhi dono software engineer hai aur mai abhi b.Tech kr rha hu. Meri family delhi me rahta hai. Mere family me papa maa, bhai aur bhabhi hai. Ab jada bore na karte hue sidha story pe ata hu. Ek sal pahle may month ki bat h mere semester exam ho gye the. Aur mai vacation manane ghar ata gya...

1 year ago
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My Cuckold Experience The Day After My Wife03

(Part 2)I open my eyes, and try to stretch my arms. The back of my hands hit the cold black metal of the headrest to the bed, with a loud clinking of the steel handcuffs. My arms were aching a little from being held up to the headrest all night long, I'm still handcuffed to the bed and notice my wife absent from my side. She didn't return home.In truth, I'm frightened by this, what if something had happened to her. What if the young stud turned out to be a real bad egg and hurt her. All sorts...

2 years ago
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No Time to GrieveChapter 5

Rick put his arm around my waist and escorted me down the hall to his bedroom and closed the door. I helped him undress and we got on his big king size bed and started kissing and touching. I was aware of a feeling that it wasn’t just sex. I can feel that this big, strong man loves me. And I love him. And I love my new life. This is a strange situation and I suppose complicated relationships. But the love in this house is palpable. We were both really turned on by the movie we just watched....

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Joannes Fall From GraceChapter 2 Sex Slave Slut

As she let herself in, she heard unfamiliar voices, and then her brother called from the living room: "Jo, come in here." She was surprised to see two younger boys with Jason. She recognized them as Morgan and Eric who had also been in her first Sunday school class, and who would now be about 13. She remembered them as the two naughtiest ones, always trying to peek up her skirts or those of the little girls. Morgan was now quite tall but thin, while Eric was short and stocky. She could...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyari Bahen 8211 Part III

Hi friends its ur LOVE GUPTA again with next (3rd) part of my sachhai MERI PYARI BAHEN. Meri is osachhai ke 2 parts pehle MERI PYARI BAHEN (2nd January ko) or MERI PYARI BAHEN PART-2 (17th January ko) yahan prakrashit ho chuke hain. Main aap sabhi logon ka fir se tahe dil se shukariya karta hoon ki aapne meri kahani padhi, aapko achhi lagi or aapne uske liye mujhe reply kiye. Main aasha karta hoon ki aap aage bhi mujhe aise hi reply karte raheinge or haan abhi tak mujhe koi aisa dost (girl)...

1 year ago
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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 39

"Yo, stud, the music stopped." There was something about holding Tami. We were surrounded by a hundred other couples, but as I held her close and danced we might have been alone on a deserted island. I'd been looking in her eyes and had gotten lost in them. "Huh?" I looked around. The band had stopped playing, and the other couples had stopped dancing and were applauding as Dennis Krimalaenski walked to the center of the stage. Ski, as everyone called him, held up his hand and the...

1 year ago
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Helen Ch 08

Harry was becoming increasingly attracted to his new-found-friend. Saskia was cold towards him still, only offering her companionship to protect him from the gang he was hiding from. Her flat was becoming more and more his domain as the week passed by and Saskia did not mind either. She had someone around to break the loneliness, the solitude of hiding away from danger. Harry was very conscious of the danger he too was bringing to Saskia just by being there. For Helen, life continued as...

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Me and chavvy bad lad Jay

This is a true story, although I have changed the names. Although my parents are encouraging me to do well and hang round with their sort of people i.e. snobs and goody goodys that read the Guardian I have been hanging round local bad boys . I was shagging this tosser called Mark whenever I could for about 4 weeks and we even said we were girlfriend and boyfriend although I hid it from my parents but I had an argument with Mark one evening cause he was acting like a complete jerk and for some...

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The App

The morning began just as any other did for Cindy. She woke up, brushed her long brunette hair out of her face, and checked her phone groggily. Although there was a notification Cindy had never seen before; the icon that of a sparkling wand, the notification itself reading: "Setup complete! YourWish app is fully operational!" "Probably Brielle just downloading more crap on the family account." Cindy groaned to herself as she investigated the notification. Brielle was Cindy's older sister, and...

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The Moment It Shined The Uncovered

The 27th of April, 2014. That was the Sunday I first saw her and I thought, wow! My first words to her was ‘Whadup shawty’, and as she turned around to look at me, I noticed her responsive smile that shed a light into my heart. Church was the location, and foreign she didn’t seem to be, as she was pretty well known by most, except me! Curiosity hit me, so we briefly shared words, statements and even humor, It was so remarkable, her smile, her touch, her everything. The time was done and so we...

1 year ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 49

Liz was all smiles when we came back to the deck half an hour later. The slow handjob had led to a longer shower (since we didn’t have to worry about drought conditions on the boat). Liz pulled on a light blue string bikini top and dark blue shorts over the similar bottoms. She left the top button undone and carefully pulled the strings out the side so they were visible. Dom, Skye, Jill and Brian were already seated around a table with glasses of iced tea and water in front of them. Liz...

1 year ago
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Red West

Well let's get this train rollin shall we? First who is going on the journey? 1.) Jason Morgan. A 24 year old man weighing 210 lbs and standing at 5'10" with rich brown hair and almost emerald green eyes. He is great with firearms and the outdoors. 2.) Dove Morgan. A 21 year old woman weighing 120 lbs and standing at 5'3" with gorgeous blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and a 32B bra size. She does great with people and loves camping. 3.) The Morgan sibligs are both sent on a grand adventure...

1 year ago
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Learning through the Night

Learning through the Night This story may be reposted anywhere as long as proper credit is given, you inform me of where it?s being posted, and I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. Learning through the NightBy Sbbe (Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) com) Thanks to ZebI recommend you read his story before mine for background(Thanks for the Wedding Night story and encouragement)( Amy sobbed into the...

2 years ago
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I Remember BethanyChapter 3

(In which Beth goes to the Brown Palace, samples foreign customs and has a trip around the world) My wife, Adele, had taken the girls back to St. Louis for Christmas with her Mother and I wisely worked my schedule so that I was the only rehab specialist available for the Holidays and I sadly could not go to visit my in laws. Since my wife was not home and I had been going through poker withdrawal, I got into an all-nighter with some buddies. A brother named Gary who was a chef for the...

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Black Owned Couple Round Two final chapter

Black Owned Couple – Round TwoThe continuing story of a submissive white couple who become willing sex slaves for nigger masters and mistresses – as told from the perspective of the sissy husband.Weekend Bitches We had settled into our new lives serving as a submissive white sexslave couple for our superior nigger masters and mistresses. We love the degradation and humiliation of being used in all the kinky or depraved ways they can think of. TK our masteroften brings other slaves round...

1 year ago
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BangBus Natalia Nix College Student Fucks For Tuition Money

The bus pulled up on this college student on her way home from campus. We started chatting her up and eventually offered her money to hop in for an interview. Inside the bus, things escalated quickly. We started asking her all sorts of crazy questions and soon we got her to start sucking cock. From there, it didn’t take long for Tyler Steel’s cock to penetrate her pussy. This chick took dick in multiple positions before we dropped her ass in the middle of nowhere. Good luck finding your way...

3 years ago
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Lady-Life-Ride-3.0 Sean Masters was a bit of a wild child. The spiky blond haired, blue- eyed teen had every advantage you could think of; rich family, good- looking, and easygoing manner that made him popular, and a quick wit. Unfortunately he just couldn't keep himself out of trouble. His Father Jack had been so upset when he pulled his last prank, (something involving soap suds and the YMCA's swimming pool...) that he had basically grounded him for the summer. No extracurriculars,...

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Summer pranks on the Subway

Subway, Metro, Tube: all are urban transit systems (mostly underground) which you can encounter in New York, Paris or London. Most of the time they are crowded. And in summer, they are usually stifflingly hot.Tina and her Russian partner Tamsin had been living together for a year in Stepney, one of the few 'un-gentrified' quarters left in central London. Litter blew in the streets and the pervading aroma outside their shabby tenement block, convinced the two young women that the sewer beneath...

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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

It had been mere hours since the appearance of the first symptoms and already the family doctor had given orders restricting me to my bed. Under normal circumstances, I would have been thrilled at the thought of missing a few days of school, but, given my extreme fatigue, enjoying my time off was impossible. No matter what I did, be it watch TV or read a book, I kept nodding off. And it was still quite early. In a final attempt at resisting sleep’s inviting embrace, I did something I knew...

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MomIsHorny Brooklyn Chase Satisfying my StepMoms Dick Craving

Brooklyn Chase was trying her hardest to wake up her step son to go to school. Nothing worked, so she decided to take drastic measures. Brooklyn pooled her gigantic tits out and placed them right on his face. Of course that worked. He woke up to his step-mom’s perfect tits in his face. But she wanted the fun to continue, so she motivated him even more by getting fully naked and telling him to meet her in the living room. Brooklyn got fucked by her step son all over their living room. His cock...

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Lisas first gang bang

Lisa always wanted a gang bang. She was married to Max and it was their fantasy for many years. Many times during their sex sessions, she indicated that she had to have a gang bang. At least 6-8 or more men. All fucking her and using her body for their complete satisfaction. Different cocks, different shapes and sizes and even colours pounding into her. Ramming into her, making her cum and ultimately using her as a cum dump. That is what she wanted, to ultimately be a cum dump for men. During...

Wife Lovers
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Main aur Neha

Mera nam Rajveer (Raju) hai. Meri umar 22 sal ki hai. Neha ki umar 20 saal ki ha, Dikhne mein wo bahut hi khoobsurat aur sexy lagti hai. Main bahut hi sexy hoon lekin Neha to mujhse bhi jyada sexy hai. Wo mujhse hamesha tarah tarah ke style mein ek dam mast ho kar chudwati hai. Main hamesha nayi nayi ladkiyon ke talash mein rahta tha aur bade aaram se unko apne jaal mein phasa leta tha. Phir unhein apne ghar bula kar unki buri tarah se chudayi karta tha. Ye silsila Neha ke aane ke baad 1 month...

2 years ago
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Black Cock Warning

I had been fantasizing about sucking a big black cock for a longtime. Looking at websites and pictures on the net, mesmerized by thesight of black cock. I finally couldn't take it any longer, I decidedI needed to try sucking one. I went on the web and found a sight thatlisted gloryholes in the area. I posted a note asking which ones werefrequented by black guys and if I would be able to find black cock.After a couple of days, I received a response from a guy who pointedout two movie theatres in...

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The Shower Rob and Jane Part 4

After their wild, public and frenzied sex in the car outside Rob and Jane rushed half clothed into the house. They were both moist and sticky from their adventures and Rob had plans on how he was going to clean Jane up. He took her hand and lead her up the stairs. His home was spacious and clean with a distinct bachelor, masculine sense. He drew Jane close when they reached the top of the stairs and lowered his head to kiss her. His hands roved over her narrow sides and moved up to brush her...

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Letting Go

“Baby, is that you?” Skylar sits up in her bed, startled. A thin sheen of sweat covers her forehead, matting some tendrils of dark wavy hair to her slick skin. “Are you there baby?”She blinks her eyes and rubs them, trying to focus and adjust to the darkness. A small glimmer of ambient light hovers in the room, casting silhouetted outlines for her to make out. The clock on her bedside nightstand reads 4:19AM. Her brain, still foggy from the Ambien, wrestles with the strictures put on her...

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CumBang Zoey Reyes 04232017

It’s Zoey Reyes’s big day! The barely-legal, ebony beauty has planned a BBQ and pool party for some of her friends…and then ruined by rain! Zoey is on the verge of tears when she asks her friends what they want to do instead. Video games? Movies? Amusement park? Zoey listens to all suggestions before offering up one of her own: blowjobs for everyone! Every. Single. Last. One. Not too long ago, this would have been illegal, but now that she’s turned 18, her mouth is wide...

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the girls i fucked one afternoon

this happened many years ago, when i was about 20... pam c was a steady GF/ fuck partner, and through her i met some of her friends, pam h, bonnie, and chris, pam c's younger sister. pam c had shown her sister how to suck a cock, and her sister had given me a handjob a couple times while her sister had watched. i was fucking pam h and bonnie on the days that pam c and her sister werent servicing me. all sounds good, right? it was until they all found out i was banging the others too.... ...

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Die Niederlage

Sophia war eine echte Schönheit. Ihr langes braunes Haar hing ihr fast bis zu ihrem knackigen Arsch und ihre großen Brüste wackelten bei jedem ihrer Schritte. Sie sah mit ihren 24 Jahren aus wie ein Model, war groß und durchtrainiert. Ihre tolle Figur war auch das Ergebnis von jahrelangem Karatetraining beim FC Mittenstein, wo sie seit ihrem sechsten Lebensjahr aktiv war. Sie war die beste Kämpferin des Vereins, nicht nur bei den Frauen, und ihr Zimmer quoll über vor Medaillen und Pokalen....

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My Daughters BFF

When we moved into town my daughter right away hit it off with the girl across the street. At the time they were both freshman and and since have done everything together. About two years after the move, my wife left us. It was now just my daughter, Mel and I. I worked alot and Mel learned to take care of herself. It seemed like every night I came home her friend, Bea was there. Which was fine. Bea and my daughter were very good looking girls. Both were 5′ 6′, brunette, and very slim. Bea had...

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One within a day

It's 4:30PM on a Tuesday. I have nothing to do, just sitting on my couch staring into the 24in Plasma screen and scanning through the channels. I live alone. I have a sucessful job, and I guess I don't have any partners. It's wierd being single in the world now. Everyone wants to get married at my age but I don't feel anything... I'm 26 and I"m proud to be who I am. Then suddenly, the doorbell rang. I looked out the window next to the TV and it was a delivery truck. Odd thing was, I hadn't...

4 years ago
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The Ramon Vargas Affair

Warning! This story contains material of an adult nature and is intended for mature readers and for personal use only. No copyright infringement is intended. A Silk Stalkings Adventure The Ramon Vargas Affair * Chapter 1: Preparing To Enter The Fray Rita turned off the warm spray, squeezed the surplus water out of her hair, squirted a generous helping of shaving foam over her crotch, and rubbed it well in, before stepped out of the shower cubicle. She sat down on the fluffy lavatory seat...

2 years ago
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DaisyChapter 5

"You want to use my shower?" Lilly tempted. "I'd love to, but I don't have anything clean to put on." "I've got some shorts that will fit you. Our hips are about the same size I think ... And I've got some oversized shirts that might squeeze over those breasts of yours." Daisy chuckled: "All right. Let me use your phone. I'll call and tell them I'll be late." "Why walk all that way tonight. Why not stay over and I'll run you back in the morning." "You couldn't get up...

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