Muleskinner BluesChapter 16
- 2 years ago
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The first group of braves had traveled about a hundred yards when the second group flew off the hill behind them. I knew enough about the Indian's ways by now to know that they were not heading towards us to engage in polite conversation. I leapt off the wagon seat down in between my mules and yanked the lynchpin that held the double tree to the wagon's tongue, then ducked under the wheel mule and grabbed my Spenser. I kept my voice calm as I addressed Sonja.
"Get everyone over here under this wagon; we have big trouble brewing," I said.
Sonja did not hesitate for a second as she athletically hopped off the wagon and sprinted back to round up her companions. I ran to the front of my team, grabbed Zeke's halter and started him moving. "Go on Zeke, get out of the way," I hollered. Zeke followed the direction of my pull and the rest of the team followed him as he ambled in an arc toward the last wagon. All of this activity took longer to tell about than to accomplish. The Indians had only closed half the distance towards us by the time my clients were under my wagon and my mules were out of harms way. I was grimly aware that this was the worst situation I had ever been in as I grabbed my saddle bag, shotgun and Enfield and slid under the wagon with my wide-eyed clients. I controlled my fear and took a prone position behind one of the wagon wheels.
"What do they want Jeremiah?" Sonja asked, her voice amazingly calm. "Maybe if you gave it to them they'd go away."
I had to laugh at that, in spite of our precarious situation. I told her what I had figured out as soon as I saw the glint of sunlight reflecting off a spyglass the leader of the braves was using right before he sent the first wave forward. "I guess I could do that Sonja, except that you are what they want. You, Helena and Coleen are the only things of value to them I have with me."
Sonja gave me a startled look as the implication of what I said sunk in. Yet she still kept her composure. "Oh," she gasped, "so what do we do now?"
I told her to keep low and behind the wagon wheels as much as possible, and hope that I could make the proposition too costly for the Indians. "And prayer would not hurt," I added. She nodded and pulled out her odd little pistol. I had forgotten all about them. I asked her there range and was disappointed to hear that it was only effective out to twenty-five to thirty feet. I shrugged and drew a bead on one of the braves advancing towards us. They were within a couple of hundred yards now and riding low over the necks of their ponies. I did not let that deter me though, and shot the horse out from under the first rider. I figure that if an Indian survived the fall, he would still be easier to deal with on foot.
I worked the lever to load another round in the Spencer and cocked the hammer again. Another shot and another horse fell, I managed to hit one rider and five horses before the seven shot Spencer was empty. I tossed the now useless rifle aside and pulled my revolver. I tried to remain calm as I lay there, even as the second line of horses and three Indians on foot swarmed toward me. I cocked the Colt and fired it rhythmically; my objective was to kill as many of the braves as I could before they overwhelmed us. I made a good accounting of the five rounds that were in my pistol, and had actually managed to eliminate the first group of braves just as the second wave galloped up.
The second wave of Indians were hanging off the far side of their mounts as they thundered by, it was an amazing feat of horsemanship that they were able to loose a volley of arrows and two rifle shots at us as they passed. I can attest that the volley was aimed because one of the arrows sunk into my left forearm and one of the bullets ricocheted off the iron wheel rim next to my head and cut a groove above my right ear. The arrow in my arm made me drop the spare cylinder I was desperately trying to install in my Colt, and the bullet that grazed me had my head buzzing, but I still managed to pick up my coach gun one-handed and thumb back one hammer. I figured that I would take one more of the Indians to hell with me, when suddenly the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood on end, and the Indians riding by tumbled from their mounts as if they were rag dolls cast aside by bored children. Amazingly, the horses the braves were riding kept on running, unaffected by the weird little weapons my clients wielded.
I was whispering a silent prayer for our miraculous delivery, when a keening wail caused me to jerk my head around. The sudden movement made me woozy, but my lethargy cleared instantly when I saw a sobbing Coleen crawling towards Jonathan, the shaft and fetch of an arrow protruding obscenely from his right eye socket. My feeling of euphoria for the miracle of our survival was short lived as Coleen somberly pronounced Jonathan dead.
It turns out that Coleen was the little party's doctor. She was a fine one too, with a satchel full of marvelous equipment and potions that had me fixed up and feeling as if I were slightly inebriated in only a few minutes. She pricked me with a pin that had a glass vial attached to it, cut the arrowhead out of my arm with a small blade and sewed me up with stitches that were as perfect as the ones that ma's new Singer sewing machine made. Coleen even patched up three of the five Indians who were still alive. She expertly set two broken arms and removed one of my bullets from the shoulder of another. I put the two uninjured men to work digging graves for their brothers. The three women took Jonathan's body and held a private burial for him. I offered to make a marker for his grave but they were firm about leaving it unmarked.
"There is no need to draw attention to the fact that he was here," Sonja said. "Instead, we'll hold a memorial for him when we return home."
We tied our Indian prisoners to the wheels of the wagons and took turns standing guard over them throughout the night. The women insisted on feeding them and treating them humanely, even after the savage attack. The women were sad and subdued, but adamant about continuing the trip up to Evil Spirit Mountain. They did not put up their fancy tent for the night. Instead, we all slept around the fire. Two of us were awake at all times. Helena was my watch partner and the two of us talked quite a bit as we tended the fire and kept an eye on our prisoners. Helena was very distraught over Jonathan's death. She told me that he was the first person she'd ever seen die from violence.
I ended up holding Helena most of the night as she cried on my shoulder. I did some thinking while Helena leaned against me, her body occasionally wracked with sobs. I thought how strange it was that a woman my age had never been exposed to death. Then I started thinking about myself. Had I become callus towards visits by the Grim Reaper? Not yet, I finally decided, and never if I could help it. I was determined to keep my humanity and not truckle to the devil. Once I decided that, lord help me if my thoughts did not turn unbidden to the woman I held cradled in my good arm. Despite all that had happened on this miserable day, my manhood decided to tell me in no uncertain terms that I was sitting next to one heck of a desirable woman. To make matters worse, Helena had her hand resting on my thigh as she leaned against me. I squirmed in uncomfortable embarrassment when little Johnny Reb Jeb decided to pitch a tent in my Levi Strauss half overalls.
Helena drew away when I shifted around, and looked at me in concern. Her brown eyes looked absolutely huge in the flickering firelight. "Am I hurting your arm, Jeremiah?" she asked.
I mumbled a negative reply as I blushed a scarlet brighter than our campfire. I guess that would have been the end of it if Helena had not looked down at my left hand where it rested on my other thigh. Between her hand and mine, rose a teepee that would have done a Shoshone Chief proud. Helena's eyebrows arched up, her mouth dropped opened in surprise and she let out a small "eek". I moved both my hands over my shame and tried to apologize. She shushed me with a finger over my lips, "It's okay, Jeremiah. I was just surprised because it is the first spontaneous erection I've ever seen. I completely forgot that was still possible here. Actually, I am most flattered." I was too mortified to let her know I had no idea what she was babbling about.
I was less confused when she leaned against my shoulder with her firm bosom and gently pulled my hands off my staff. She looked down at the lump and then back up at me. She had a strange gleam in her eye and when she spoke, her voice was breathy and husky. "Let me see it, Jeremiah," she whispered. Her voice was so seductive I did not think twice about not doing what she wanted. I immediately started wrestling with the fasteners of my Levi Strausses. I fumbled around some, but finally managed to fish my pride and joy out the slit in my long johns. When I moved my hand off him, Helena gave a little gasp. "You are not circumcised," she hissed. "And it's so large." I had never heard the word 'circumcised' before, but I was pleased she thought me to be well endowed. She reached out as if to touch me, then looked up at me questioningly.
When I nodded, she took me in her long slender fingers and lightly explored. She was fascinated with my foreskin for some reason, and kept pulling it down to expose more of my crown. "I've never felt one with this extra skin," she said, "all our men are circumcised at birth." I winced when it dawned on me that this circumcised of which she was speaking seemed to refer to removing the foreskin. Well, needless to say, that little conversation cured the object that provoked it. Jeb Junior wilted like boiled greens. I might have imagined it, but Helena seemed disappointed about the turn of events. In any event, the spell was broken. Helena gave me a soft kiss and trundled off to wake our relief.
The following morning, we set the Indians free as soon as we broke camp. I felt no remorse for leaving the Indians without horses or weapons, as I knew they would find a way to survive. I was hoping that my strange California clients and I could do the same. The women were somber and subdued, but they were determined to continue with whatever it was they had planned up on Evil Spirit. I had serious doubts about the whole enterprise by now, but Georgia Jeb did not quit a job he hired on to do. So I kept my doubts to myself as I clucked old Zeke into action.
Coleen had insisted on riding with me when we moved out so she could keep an eye on my wounds. I told her I was as fit as a fiddle, thanks to her doctoring, but she would brook no argument from me. As we plodded along, I thought about my conversation with Helena the evening before. I figured Coleen could give me some unvarnished information about it, her being a doctor and all. "Uh, Miss Coleen, I hate to be indelicate, but I have some questions about this circumcise that your men folk have afflicted on them," I said. Coleen gave a bubbly laugh and told me that Helena had made her and Sonja privy to our conversation. "It is no big deal, Jeremiah. It is done when the men are infants, for hygienic reasons mostly, although it also desensitizes the penis, which helps in the overall lessening of the male's sexual and social aggressiveness."
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Introduction: Tessa makes a movie As promised! New chapter in August. This is the real chapter 16 (there was no chapter 16 in previous installment.) Next part will come soon. Thanks for all those who replied to the previous installments and those that sent a PM. Your suggestions are very welcome, not just as a source of inspiration, but its also nice to see that you are interested. So please, continue spamming ideas, critique and suggestions! My working file is constantly updated (I cant...
I spent less than twenty minutes on the phone with my dad as we came up with a plan. He was very happy to hear from my mom I was free of the commands Father Xavier had given me, and even more pleased to hear I was interested in going to the Crow Academy, a coed boarding school for teens with the telepathic ability. Troublesome telepathic teens from all over the continent were sent to the Crow Academy to knock off their rough edges and learn self-control, coexistence and humility. Weekly...
“What are you doing?” he asked, angry and surprised at the girl in front of his car.Roger was sitting in his car ready to drive off when Carla ran up to the passenger side, opened the door, and let herself in.“Aren’t you taking me home?” she asked innocently.“No, and fuck you, get out,” he said quickly, turning away from her, hands clenched on the steering wheel.“You just left so quickly,” she shrugged, still looking at him with those doe eyes which made him angrier.“Well, what the fuck did you...
SpankingKim was a pretty woman in her late-twenties. She was married to a long-distance trucker named Larry who was seldom home. Kim was sure Larry loved his truck more than her and she didn't care much for Larry either. Kim got pregnant she was still in high school. Now that her youngest c***d was in grade school, she wanted to get an education. Larry thought she should stick to raising the k**s, watching game shows and meeting his needs after a road trip. When Larry played linebacker in high school,...
Bang bang bang! Dan rolled his eyes and reached for the TV remote and turned the volume down. The knocking was coming from the opposite wall of his apartment. Dan had just moved in a month ago. The rent was lower than the other apartments he was considering, but the agent warned him that the reason was that the building was cheaply built and had very thin walls. Dan wasn't bothered by that. He lived alone and thought he was pretty quiet. The neighbor who had done the knocking just now was the...
SpankingTony arrived back at Jill's flat late that evening to find that Jill was in bed. She was surprised and delighted to see him. As they lay side by side in bed Frank told her what he had found and his subsequent meeting with Katie. He told Jill exactly what Katie had told him. He told Jill that he planned to consult a Solicitor to determine what his rights were over Peter. The fact that he was not his own flesh and blood did not bother Frank. As far as he was concerned Peter was still his son...
Well, what a morning. Woke early on this fine wet bank holiday Monday morning. Came down stairs to find everything quiet so dressed only in my big comfy house coat. I got my laptop out and started to browse through the available porn.About an hour into it as I'm thinking of wacking off a sneaky one in the front room, I heard stirring from the daughters room above me, the toilet flush then I heard her bedroom door shut. Believing my step daughter has shuffled back off to bed, I got back into...
my wife has always had a thing for younger guys, and I enjoy hearing about all her conquests and absolutely adore the few times I am allowed to watch or better still join in.Peggy had gone out with a group of girls to a bachelorette party and I figured they would drop her off trashed later that evening.They were going to a male strip club and every time she went there, she was always one of the girls that got the strippers attention.I was enjoying a captain and coke and watching a movie when I...
I'm a 22 year old male that loves pantyhose. Just the sight of a woman in pantyhose can give me a hard on. I often go out with friends on the weekend and I'm always targeting the girls that are wearing them. Now I'm not bragging, but ever since jr. high I was aware of the fact that girls were attracted to me. I've never really had much of a problem picking up women but I do have a problem telling them about my fetish. They were probably able to tell anyway by the way I would caressed their legs...
My ex wife Karen and her roommate Mackenzie needed a place to stay so I told them they could stay with me if they stayed naked in my house and did whatever I needed. It has been two weeks and I have fucked them every way possible. This Friday I got home from work and Karen was already home watching TV naked. I gave her a dildo and told her to get on the edge of cumming but to wait until I got back. I went and changed and got out to the family room. Karen was getting close to having an orgasm so...
Group SexIn the morning, Vivie woke with two warm bodies cuddled, one on each side. Parenting was a skill she’d need to learn, but this awakening was very nice and a welcome introduction. When she felt stirring, she nudged the pair to full awareness, and herded them into the ensuite to share a shower. The twins, accustomed to sharing a bathroom for morning ablutions, took Vivie’s presence in stride. The three-person shower proved interesting and stimulating. By the time they were out and dry, Vivie...
My name was Sophie Moore, a twenty eight year old graduate art student. I lived in a small coastal town on the outskirts of Cornwall, England, with nothing but beautiful countryside all around. I worked in a tourist gift shop and some of my art paintings were there for sale. I painted just nature of animals, sea, and countryside. I was a tomboy sort of as I didn’t wear make up to get the attention of men and I didn’t wear short skirts either. I just wore like denim dungarees majority of the...