Muleskinner BluesChapter 16
- 2 years ago
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I woke up still laying on the big table. I was not uncomfortable in the least, as I was covered with a light blanket and my head rested on a soft pillow. My injured left leg didn't hurt a bit; in fact, I could not feel it from the knee down. As soon as I opened my eyes, a chime sounded and Sarah walked up to the table.
Sarah shined a small light in my eyes and asked me some nonsensical questions. She asked if I knew where I was and who she was. My mouth was mighty dry, but I managed to croak out answers that satisfied her. She handed me a cup of water with ice in it. As I drank, she filled me in on what had been done while I was unconscious.
"While you were under, we did some microsurgery on your leg. The beam path made a perfect conduit for our micro instruments and miniature camera. The procedure was straight forward, and we did not run into anything unexpected. We repaired the chip in your fibula with calcium putty that will harden into bone in about forty-eight hours.
"Repairing your deep peroneal nerve was a little more difficult, because about a half inch of it was vaporized by the particle beam. We were able to affect a splice between the two ends of the nerve, using a thick thread of your neurological stem cells. For the next seventy two hours, that thread will transform itself into clones of the nerve cells to which it is attached. When the conversion is complete, the nerve will be completely functional again.
"The bullet wound through your leg was surprisingly clean and infection free, so we applied a material called 'dermaplast' to the entrance and exit wounds. The dermaplast is also made from your stem cells, and will close the wound by cloning itself to your skin cells."
I had to make her go back and clarify a bunch of the future medical gobbledygook, but Sarah patiently explained everything so all my questions were answered. The gist of her lecture was that I would be mostly off my feet for three days. After three days, I would be as good as new, no limp, no foot dragging, just a couple of small scars.
Another pair of cheerful friendly folks came into the room and loaded me onto one of the rolling beds. They whisked me from the mediscan room back to the room in which Doctor Mendez stuck me when I first arrived. This time, though, the two medical assistants rolled me right into the room without having to do anything special to open the door. Sarah, who had been walking with us, commented on that.
"There is no quarantine in place this time, Jeb, so you can come and go as you please. I know that's not much consolation right now, given that you are bedridden, but three days from now, it will still be unlocked."
The room had been changed since I was last in it. The sofa, chair and coffee table were gone, replaced by a medium sized bed with a small rolling table next to it. According to the glowing green numbers over the cooking stove, it was five in the afternoon when Sarah and the orderlies tucked me into the comfortable bed. One of the helpers filled a metal ewer with water and ice, set it on the small table next to the bed, and departed with the other orderly.
While the orderlies were fussing over me, Sarah had retreated into the tiny area that passed for a kitchen, and started removing things from the ice box. She put some containers into the instant stove thing-a-ma-bob, closed the glass door and pushed some buttons before she came over to where I was laying.
"I had someone make us some red beans with ham and rice. As soon as it's warm, we'll eat. I know you must be starving," she said.
She knew me too well, because by then, my big intestines were eating my little ones. She fixed me a bowl of beans and rice and adjusted the table so it was over my lap. Then she adjusted the bed until I was sitting upright. As we were eating, I asked her if she had heard from Coleen about Sonja and the other women's condition. She frowned and nodded.
"Some of those girls are severely damaged, both mentally and physically. It will take some time for them to deal with the emotional trauma. Right now, three of them are in hyperbolic sleep while their bodies heal. While they are in suspended animation, the nuero-psychiatric units are expunging the worst of the memories. Thank goodness, Sonja was only a captive for a day. She was abused, but not to the extent the other women were. I suspect she'll be along to visit you shortly."
After making her say that mouthful in words I could understand, I felt a wash of relief that Sonja was okay. I still cared deeply for her, even though we had polar-opposite views about the New Englanders. For that matter, I still cared for Coleen, even though I thought her spoiled, head-strong and willful.
Sarah's prediction was proven correct, when Sonja, Helena and Coleen dropped in for a visit later that evening. I was surprised that except for itching terribly as the feeling returned, my wound bothered me none at all. As soon as Coleen arrived, she and Sarah changed the dressing on my leg. I think they did that mostly so Coleen could check my wound herself. I was having my problems dealing with Coleen's personality, but I did not question for a second her ability as a doctor.
I was happy to see Helena and she felt the same way. Helena and I had a bond that was very strong but her position as the lead scientist on the Hawkingium project was forever keeping us apart. Some mysterious something had to be done with the dozens of pounds of the stuff we brought back with us and she was key to getting it done. She kissed me and told me she loved me.
"The critical phase of stabilizing the Hawkingium we brought back is almost completed, Jeremiah, and when it is I want to spend as much time with you as possible," she said.
Sonja was in a better state of mind that evening also. She was somewhat subdued in her demeanor, but at least she was not acting as if she was about to jump out of her skin. When she asked if she could lay with me, I scooted to the edge of the bed and she carefully crawled in beside me. A few minutes later, Coleen and Helena departed, and Sarah went to bed. Sonja was pressed up tightly to my side. I knew she had something on her mind, so I waited patiently for her to spit it out. After ten minutes of snuggling, she finally let it out.
"I've been thinking about those horrid Juicers all day, Jeremiah. Not just about what they did to me; I am coming to grips with that. I was thinking about what they felt compelled to do to their own bodies. Did you know that some of the women who assaulted me had chemically altered themselves until their clitorises became small penises? They actually bragged about their ability to commit rape, and took delight in raping us with their mutated organs.
"Until this evening, I thought that Professor Ballard had coerced his followers into his plans. I know different now, because Tonya's investigation of Ballard has already turned up dozens of more people in the process of altering themselves to become juicers. That's why Tonya's not here, by-the-way, she's out rounding up the last of them.
"All this evening, I've also been thinking about what I saw in New London, and at the Juicer camp. As I thought about it, I realized that Liz Smith was correct when she said our society is on the verge of collapse. I'm not ready to say her ideas are the solution, but I have to admit that her people are the only ones doing anything constructive about it."
I agreed with Sonja, but I did not know if she was expressing how she felt, or if she was acting as an agent for the Pleiad to gain information from me. Even if she was the Pleiad's agent, I still spoke truthfully. I was through with stepping lightly around these folks.
"You are right that Liz's ideas might not be the best, but they are a dozen times better than what is happening in this valley. And if you think about it, the Juicers were not that big a leap from the tinkering you all have done with nature anyway. Ballard just took your playing God to a new level. I really appreciate all you folks have done for me, but as soon as I am well enough to travel, I am heading out. I cannot in good conscience stay around her and watch as you commit slow suicide."
I expected more of a reaction out of Sonja, but she did not even stiffen at my pronouncement.
"Where will you go?" was all she asked.
What she asked was also the question on my own mind. The way I looked at it, the three choices I faced were stay in the valley, join Liz's cause, or go back to my own time. Choice number one, I had just ruled out, and the ill will between me and the people running this mess probably ruled out option three.
"I am probably going to join the New Englanders. I think what meager skills I have would be of better use to them than to you all anyway. If you can arrange it, I will tell Mister Bearclaw that as soon as I can walk."
Again, Sonja did not react as I expected, instead, she nodded her head and chuckled.
"I don't see you doing any less, Jeremiah. Although I have to add that your 'meager skills' have probably saved my life three times in the three weeks I've known you. Seriously, though, I am starting to see Liz's point. It was a revelation to me that we as a society are so out of touch that something as insidious as the Juicers could flourish right under our noses."
We talked a while longer, until the tablet Sarah gave me made me too drowsy to continue. I yawned and apologized to Sonja right before I started sawing logs.
I awoke the next morning as the first light of dawn filtering into the valley pushed away the gloom of the night. The sleep had refreshed me and I felt sinfully good as I stretched and yawned. My stretching disturbed the still snoozing Sonja, and she muttered something and pressed herself tighter against my side. How we both managed to make it through the night without falling off the bed was a miracle. We must not have moved an inch all night.
I was enjoying the feel of Sonja's naked body and Little Johnny Reb was as at full extension, but I had to pee so badly, my eye teeth were floating. I swung out of the bed and stood up. I was about to take a step, when I remembered my injured leg. I stopped short and stood still, waiting for it to protest such rough treatment so soon after my surgery. Strangely, my leg felt as good as the rest of me. I took a tentative step, and when I felt no hint of pain, shrugged and walked to the bathroom. As soon as I took the first step, I knew whatever Sarah had done was successful, because my foot swung up smoothly at the ankle and my gait was perfectly normal.
I had my head in the ice box, scrounging around for something to eat, when I heard Sarah gasp.
"What on Earth are you doing out of bed?" she screeched.
Her yelling woke up Sonja, who sat up quickly and gaped at us. I explained to Sarah how good I felt. She looked dubious, then amazed as I showed her that I could walk normally.
"There is no way you should have healed that rapidly. Go sit at the table and I'll call for some breakfast for us. As soon as we eat, I'm taking you back to Mediscan." She huffed.
Sarah became even testier when I insisted on taking a shower before I did anything else. Sonja volunteered to help me, however, so Sarah put up with it.
The shower made my good morning even better as Sonja and I washed each other clean as a whistle. I was hesitant to touch her because of her recent ordeal, but she was of the opposite opinion. She considered my hands on her therapeutic.
"I love how you touch me, Jeremiah," she said. "It is the perfect antidote for what happened."
I was all for administering an even more potent antidote, but Sonja put me off until after my trip to Mediscan Unit Two.
"We'll finish this when Sarah clears you medically. Until then, I'm not about to do something that might set back your recovery. If I did that, there would be hell to pay from your other women," she said with a laugh.
Thirty minutes later, I was in my familiar spot on the metallic table. Since it was early morning, Sarah did not have any trouble securing the unit for her use. Sarah told me to lie still while the unit looked me over. I did not as much as twitch for the three minutes it took. Sarah was so intent on something on the picture machine, she seemed to forget I was there. She finally looked up when I called her name.
"Sorry," she said contritely, "but this is amazing. The scan shows your leg almost completely healed. The osteoputty has completely set, the nerve splice looks as if you were never injured, and your wound is ninety percent closed. You can sit up, but stay on the scanning bed for a minute. I need Coleen's take on this."
Sarah snatched up her vidcomm and called Coleen as I sat up on the table and pulled down the leg to my britches. Sarah and I were chatting about me going back to the outlands for about five minutes, before Coleen careened through the door. Completely ignoring me, she and Sarah had a whispered conversation as they both stared at the picture machine. Finally, Coleen looked up and gave me the first sincere smile I'd seen from her in days.
"You are a constant surprise, Jeremiah, I'll give you that. We have never seen such rapid healing. If you consent, we'd like another blood sample."
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Hi readers na peru prabhu, nenu basically from hyd but job kosam vizag lo untuna. E story naku mariyu na friend madya jarigina o madhura anubuthula gurinchi. Na story kanuka nachinatlaithe pls share u feedback to my mail id Nenu job kosam vizag vachina kotthalo chala boring ga undedi so ade time lo chala social networking sites surf chese vadini ela konni rojulu search chesaka naku o amma parichayam aindi tana peru vandhana, tanu from some other place memu starting konni rojulu ekkuvaga...
Nathan was wondering what was going on. He continued to work his way around the room but now he could clearly hear the men faintly screaming who were in the hallway. As he shifted into passive detection he could see that magic aura that the men gave off, were first running one way then another. It was obvious they were either chasing or being chased. Then quickly one by one he saw their aura's go out! He even saw the occasional spell go off, but the caster's aura still went out. They...
Karen swayed along to the jostling and bumping of the subway, her hand tightly gripping the silver pole. Memories of the previous evening were playing and replaying in her mind. She couldn’t believe her boyfriend had dumped her by text! At 24, she was a tall woman, with long dark hair and 36C breasts. Her best assets were her long legs, which she loved to accent with short skirts and knee-high boots, such as the ones she was wearing today. She suddenly felt someone pressing up behind her and a...
It was my friends car alright, but it wasn’t him driving it. It was his mother, Suzanne. Suzanne was an attractive woman. She had my friend young, and was not as old as some of the other mothers around She was actually only 33. Suzanne had nice long blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail today, and sexy blue eyes. Her lips were nice and full, and she wore red lipstick on them. She had nice big tits, which she covered with a white tank top, and a little sexy stomach. Her ass was...
Friday night was awkward in the Higgins house. Earlier that day, Sam’s mom, Joyce, had put Sam’s thing inside her again. She’d sworn she wasn’t going to do that. She looked at her Husband, Paul, sitting across the dinner table and felt her cheeks flush with guilt. Sam and his older sister, Bex, seemed to be having a hard time too. Joyce had overheard them having a fight shortly after Bex got home. They were upstairs and Bex had yelled at Sam, “I don’t care. It’ll never happen again. Got it?”...
Several years ago my best friend and ex college roommate Kelly and I took a week long cruise, visiting several lovelytropical Islands. We had an exceptionally good time as the food was fantastic, the alcohol flowed freely, we didn't manage to part with too much money in the casino and we sampled some incredible strains of pot.The days aboard ship were taken up with sunbathing, swimming, reading trashy novels and generally relaxing. Theevenings on the hand were spent drinking, dancing, gambling...
Introduction Some people are just too damned stupid to appreciate the value of what they have until they don’t. They later wail about how unjust it is that it’s impossible to undo the damage they did that has cost them (and their trusting victim) everything. True justice is that their suffering is tenfold when they’re finally forced to face the reality that the word impossible means what it means. When Jack, 26 and Denise, 23 realized that for more than three months neither of them had...
Inside This Update: Movies Photos Rate this Update: Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Click to add to favorites I have had an absolutely amazing job. I get to make love to beautiful young women like Jenna Sativa. Jenna, an award winner herself, is so soft, sweet and yummy everywhere inside and out! We share so many tender sensual kisses and admire each other passionately. The way she loves on my big breasts and plays with them felt so...
xmoviesforyouI awoke in the morning, lazily rolled over and slapped my alarm clock. Just ten more minutes I thought and as this thought quickly passed through my head unable to get a hold in my young brain just like most others. And just as soon as this though disappeared another emerged. This thought redirected the blood in my body from one head to another and I soon found my hand sliding down my body and slowly into my pants. Once there it grasped the base of my dick with its thumb on one side and its...
Whitney Wright and Eliza Ibarra are quietly working at separate computers in a shared office. Their desks are only a few feet apart, though Whitney is being sneaky and playful behind Eliza’s back. She keeps her back turned to Eliza as she brings her cellphone down between her thighs and under her dress, taking a picture of her bare pussy. Satisfied with the picture, she hits ‘send’ and straightens back up. Eliza is curious, looking over once or twice while still working,...
xmoviesforyouBunk Beds - Chapter 13 Isis Eris CHARACTER LIST: Loren: 5'6, longish dark hair. Small A-cup naturally. Currently questioning gender identity. Cindy: 5'2. Asian. A-cup. Hair that goes halfway down her back dyed blue. Rebellious, but self-conscious. Karen: 5'10, athletic build. B-cup. Long blonde hair sometimes kept inponytail. Pragmatic. Jenna: 5'6. Perfect hourglass figure. DD cup breasts. Optimistic, detail- oriented, and logical. Beth: 5'4. Top-heavy, a few pounds...
The month of December always passes quickly, and it was that way for Robert and Annie. They were in the habit now of trading almost daily emails, discussing minor events in their lives, and often trading simple messages and jokes. Robert was still playing online poker, and managed to win a very welcome $1500 in an online tournament. Annie was still not a fan of the online game, much preferring to play live in a casino. About a week after their return from Hinckley, Annie described how she had...
SEX GAME GETAWAYA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY Amanda WrighterCHAPTER ONEFriday, May 23rd, 2014 9:38 A.M. “I want you and your team at the front, back, and side exits. The windows shouldn’t be an issue because once they’re all inside, I will close the shutters. They shouldn’t be able to get them open after that. I don’t anticipate that any of them will get outside, but I want you and your men to be prepared for anything. And make sure the gates stay locked. I have cameras along the walls, so...
Tracey – The Garage Incident“So……………would you like to tell me what happened?” Said the Policeman who was sitting opposite the tired and shaken Tracey in the windowless interview room. A Policewoman was sitting alongside him looking expressionless. Tracey’s makeup had run down her face with the tears and she sipped on a paper cup of water before starting her story.“I had been at a part at my friend Sharon’s house.” She started feeling her voice almost cracking as she spoke. “I didn’t have...
Mary was often bragging about me, my cock and my abilities to her friends. I would often hear them saying things and giving me the eye. One of her co-workers seemed to live vicariously through Mary. Linda would ask Mary daily at lunch about her sex life with me. One day Linda was questioning the truth of Mary's story. Mary suggested to Linda that she should just fuck me and find out just how good I was. Mary made the offer just to shut Linda up, but to her surprise Linda took her up on it. They...
Hello sex lovers and this is my first story in ISS and I will share my most wonderful moments in life with my mother. My name is Karan and her name is Preeti, 35 years and a sexy lady with a nice figure of 36 C 30 38. She is a housewife and she was really gifted with an inviting and voluptuous body in addition her assets were pink lips, black wide open eyes, black long soft and silky hair a round large deep cut navel. A milky white physique which are able to drive any perfect man crazy sexually...
IncestJournal Entry: November 14, 2014Today I again asked my wife for sex and as usual she made up some lame excuse. It's going on two months now and my masturbating is becoming more regular. Journal Entry: November 19, 2014I may have had a bit of a break through. I complained about the lack of sex and she promised to be more attentive. I think this week end will be really good. Journal Entry: November 25, 2014Another week has passed and still nothing in the sex department. My wife's promises fell...
HumorThe TV talk show Tommy was watching wasn’t very interesting, so he got up and checked Tina’s refrigerator. She only had diet soda, but he didn’t mind that, since that’s all he ever drank anyhow. He took a can, opened it, and took a swallow. Holding the can, he explored the apartment a little. First he checked Bobby’s room. The little boy was sound asleep and looked peaceful. He really was a cute kid. ‘He’s lucky,’ Tommy thought as he gazed at the sleeping child, ‘He looks a lot more like Tina...
It was a formal occasion, but it was a celebration of gay sex. So the boys dress appropriately in red and black. They didn't actually expose anything, but everything was clearly outlined and displayed. They got a lot of attention. As usual, Yann pushed the envelope furthest wearing a black skirt with a red thong under it. It would have been subtle if the skirt had actually been long enough to cover the thong. It wasn't so most of the night, Yann's dick was in easy view. Yann's hard...