Muleskinner BluesChapter 16
- 2 years ago
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I did not have a destination in mind when I left the homestead in Wyoming on my birthday, but I did have a direction. I was headed south. I chose to go in that direction on a whim. I could have as easily picked any other point of the compass. I rode some and walked a little during the day and at night I slept under a lean-to tent I made out of the oil cloth. I slept warm and cozy wrapped in my buffalo hide. The weather was cold but tolerable with not much in the way of snow. I kept up a good pace and made it to Fort Collins, Colorado in only four days. Fort Collins looked as if it were an interesting place, so I liveried my horse and mule and took a look around. My first stop was the sheriff's office. I was looking to see if the sheriff would secure some of my weapons for me.
The sheriff was in conversation with a man whose back was to me, so I politely waited until they finished talking. The man talking to the sheriff was angry, but was holding himself in check with great effort. From the snippets of conversation I heard, the man was some sort of Wells Fargo agent investigating a stagecoach robbery. The man's voice sounded familiar to me but I couldn't place where I knew it from. The man finished his conversation and turned around. Both of us were startled when we recognized the other. His name was Grady Miller. He was once Major Grady Miller, and for a year he was commander of the headquarters battalion of the Army of Northern Virginia and my commanding officer. Miller's face broke into a smile and he stuck out his hand. I had a passing acquaintance with Miller, but he was one of the real officers I tried to avoid when I served with Lee's headquarters.
"Lieutenant Brock, what an unexpected pleasure. Where's that horse thief Colbert? I'm not used to seeing one of you without the other."
"Likewise Major," I replied. "I'll tell you all about it over a drink as soon as I ask the sheriff for a favor."
The sheriff was more than happy to have two less guns in town and even suggested holding onto my Colt for me. I thanked him kindly for the offer but demurred. I wasn't about to go about unarmed.
Miller and I retired to a dim and smoky saloon and over bad rotgut whisky caught each other up on our lives since the war. Miller was a Colorado native and had been able to return to the same job with Wells Fargo the he had held before the war. He was nominally assigned to the company's Denver office but he was often out on the road keeping the stage coach line running smoothly. He was in Fort Collins because one of the company's coaches had disappeared. The coach, passengers, crew, horses and strong box had vanished without a trace. Miller suspected an inside job because that particular coach was carrying five thousand dollars in newly minted gold coins destined for the army garrison in Sidney, Nebraska.
I ended up becoming an employee of the Wells Fargo company before another hour had passed. I can not recall how Grady Miller managed to slip me working for him into the conversation or why I accepted. It was a whilom point by then though, as Grady led me down to the Wells Fargo office to introduce me around.
Wells Fargo had a good-sized operation in Fort Collins. Besides banking, assaying and stage coach offices, they had a stable, a coach barn, and a bunk house for the drivers, guards and dispatch riders. Miller explained that Fort Collins was the clearing house for silver and gold ore mined in the mountains just to the west. Wells Fargo was under contract with the Denver mint to assay, store and transport bullion down to Denver. They also were the sole supplier for security and transportation for finished coinage. Before I could say it, I was a stagecoach driver and guard.
The station manager for the stage coach operation did not waste any time putting me to work. He issued me a duck cloth duster, a regular cotton duster, a double barreled shotgun with a sixteen inch barrel and a bandolier with thirty brass shotgun shells, then led me to the bunkhouse to meet the other drivers and guards. The men I met were a hard and coarse bunch. I thought it just my luck that I was teamed up to the hardest and coarsest of them for my first run. My new partner was a wiry, wizened little fellow named Bob Randolph. He looked as ornery as a snake and cursed a blue streak. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, however, and stuck out my hand to shake his. "My name is Jeb, pleased to meet you," I said, real friendly like.
He looked at my hand, spit a big steam of tobacco juice onto the floor and proceeded to tell the station manager that he was too old to nursemaid some big stupid plowboy. Except Randolph used language that would have made a sailor blush. I spent four years in the army and had sailed for ten days on a river boat and I had still never heard anyone who could even come close to cussing like Bob. I took about twenty seconds of his harangue then reached down, grabbed him by the collar with my right hand and lifted him off his feet until we were nose to nose. He went for his gun and I clamped onto his wrist with my left hand. I was a big man and a summer of hard work had made me as strong as an ox.
"Do you kiss your mother with that filthy mouth?" I asked softly.
Randolph gave me a crooked grin and patted me on the shoulder.
"All right son, you will do. Now put me down and we will repair to the saloon for some liquid refreshments."
I did not lower him an inch. Instead, I looked at him quizzically.
"It was a test, Jeremiah. I had to know how you handled yourself before I climbed up on that driver's box with my life depending on you tomorrow."
I sat him down still looking at him funny. He was testing me? That seemed strange given that I was a foot taller, eighty pounds heavier and a seasoned veteran of the greatest army ever assembled. I also wondered where his profane and vulgar speech went because his last two utterances were in the cultured and refined manner I associated with Lenora Quiller and her well to do friends in Richmond. I followed my new partner to a saloon called Dead Eyed Dick's to find some answers. The saloon was thick with smoke, both wood and tobacco, and it was loud and raucous. My mother would have had a conniption fit had she known I was already in my second saloon on my first day in town. Miners were jostling with cowboys over the affections of a few bored looking fallen doves as a man in a bowler hat clanged discordant notes on the keys of a battered upright piano. I was trying to look everywhere at once because it was my first venture into the world that JC used to inhabit. Bob chuckled and led me to the bar.
"Innkeeper, a flagon of your most quaffable elixir for my young friend and me," Bob said regally.
The harried looking barman raised his eyebrows, gave Bob a mock salute and pulled a bottle off the shelf behind him. He put the bottle on the bar between Bob and me then produced two lead crystal glasses with a flourish while still keeping one hand firmly on the bottle of whiskey.
"There you go professor," the barman said, "that will be six bits silver."
Bob made a production out of checking his pockets for money then shrugged and turned to me.
"I seem to be temporarily without funds, Jeremiah. If you will stand for our libations, I will take care of our next visit."
I plunked a dollar down on the bar. As soon as the barman reached for the money, Bob snatched up the bottle and pulled the cork stopper with his teeth. He poured me a small shot of the whiskey then turned the bottle up and drank a quarter of it in one continuous gulp. I sat and nursed my shot of rotgut rye as I quizzed Bob about his past. He had not been a college professor. Instead, he was a lawyer back in his native Philadelphia before running afoul of his social class by seducing the wife of one of his wealthy clients. His vindictive client had ruined him financially and socially. Bob left Philadelphia a bitter and broken man and headed west to strike it rich in the California Gold Rush of 1848. He prospected unsuccessfully for three years before taking a job with Wells Fargo. He had been drifting around the west from Texas to Oregon for the last fifteen years. I was enthralled by his story.
"What would you do differently, if you could relive your life?" I asked.
He grinned and took another healthy swig from the almost empty bottle.
"Not a damned thing!" he replied emphatically.
Bob woke me up the next morning at five. He was cheerful and bore no signs of being hung-over despite the quart of whiskey he had consumed the night before. I dressed warmly and followed him out to the stable. Bob picked four horses and we harnessed them. The Wells Fargo tack was high quality and in excellent repair. We led the horses to the carriage house and hooked them to the stage coach's double tree tongue. The coach was in even better repair than the tack. It was bright red with Wells Fargo & Co. lettered in gold leaf on both sides and the back. We climbed up into the driver's box, Bob took the reins, and we drove over to the Wells Fargo offices.
We swung by the sheriff's office to pick up my rifles and were sitting in the front of the stage coach office at six on the dot. I hopped down off the box to help the three passengers waiting on the porch with their baggage. I piled their bags onto the boot shelf at the rear of the coach and lashed them securely with a rope. The passengers mounted the cab of the coach as Bob and I went into the bank to retrieve the strongbox we were delivering to Denver. Bob lifted one end of the box with a grunt while I took the other. The box was heavy for its size; it probably weighed a hundred pounds. Its steel construction and hefty lock still did not account for its weight. Bob frowned but did not say anything to the two bank guards or the teller as we walked out. I hefted the strongbox over the lip of the driver's box and set it in the foot well on the passenger side.
Bob clucked the horses into motion at exactly six-ten and we headed south for the two day trip to Denver. Bob schooled me on my duties as we rode. He explained that, in the vernacular of Wells Fargo & Company, we were called express messengers, a name given us because we also carried mail. We would share driving duties; the man not driving was commonly called the shotgun messenger. Our first duty was to insure the safety of our passengers while our second was to safeguard our cargo. In our case that was the sack of mail and strongbox we carried. Mention of the strongbox made Bob frown again.
"That strongbox is the heaviest I have ever transported. A most worrisome fact coming on the heels of Cottonwood Joe and his coach disappearing last week," he said.
I agreed and asked why more guards were not riding with us. He replied, "Not every coach carries a strongbox worth stealing, so extra guards only identify those that do and invite an attack. Until last week, it was not a problem."
I was extra vigilant because of Bob's concerns but our day was uneventful. We changed teams at a way station six hours after our departure. All Wells Fargo routes were laid out in that manner. Some of the stations were company trading posts set along the road, while others were private farms or stables. At most of the stops you could buy a meal and a drink if you were so inclined. Way station stops were generally thirty minutes or less.
I took the reins when we departed the way station. The difference between driving the coach, as opposed to driving a freight wagon as I was accustomed, was the pace we set. The horses pulling the coach were only in harness for six hours at a stretch and they were trained to move at a lively canter. As a result, we could cover about fifty to sixty miles a day over smooth terrain. It only took me a few minutes to find my rhythm as I allowed the horses to set their own pace. We rolled into Boulder at four in the afternoon; our trip uneventful so far. We unloaded our passengers and their bags in front of a hotel near the Wells Fargo station. Bob admonished them to be on time in the morning because he was pulling out at six ten precisely.
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Boulder was a mining town. The mountains just to the west of town were veined with silver, coal and sizeable deposits of gold. Because of the coal and silver mines burrowed into the mountains, there were camps of miners just out of town. Besides the men who worked the company mines, numerous prospectors worked claims all over the mountains. Boulder grew daily as more miners arrived. Businesses sprang up to service them and opportunists moved in to separate the miners from their money. It was...
I worked almost continually hauling freight during the summer of 1867 as the railroad came ever closer to Cheyenne. I would bring in a load, spend the night at home, then depart with a fresh team the following morning. I worked day in, day out without a break. The constant work was a palliative of sorts for me and not at all unpleasant. I was finally doing what I had dreamed of for years. Alice McDougal went with me on trips that did not require more mules than could be controlled from the...
I was not understating facts when I said that the four people who stopped me on the road from South Pass were unusual. Everything about them was slightly off, from their clothes to their manner of speech. I also wondered how the three women and one man had ended up on foot twenty miles from the nearest town carrying nothing but small packs on their backs. Politeness stopped me from asking the strangers about it though. Instead, I slid out of Zeke's saddle and introduced myself. "Howdy...
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Before I could reply, Coleen squeezed herself between the guards and stood in front of me. "No he doesn't," she said angrily. "He needs to stay right here until Sonja returns from meeting with the Pleiad." "We won't harm your savage, Doctor O'Neil, but he is too dangerous to be allowed to roam loose. This project is my responsibility, and I'll not have it jeopardized because you three decided to pick up a pet along the way," Mendez said. Old Doctor Mendez was wearing on my nerves...
I could smell the beef cooking in the kitchen from where I was standing out by the barn. It took all of my willpower not to bolt for the kitchen door at a dead run. Instead of running, I put my arms around Tonya and Sonja and we strolled up to the front door. Tonya laughed and patted my belly when my stomach rumbled in anticipation. "Sonja, I think we are going to lose our man to my mother as soon as he sits down at the table," Tonya said. Sonja nodded glumly. "I know. How can we stay...
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Hi this is Sunny and this is my story on this site and m going to share my sex experience with Meena. So without wasting any time I will move on with encounter. I am sunny and I am 27 years old and this story was at that time when I was 18years old. Meena staying near to my place, she was 26 years old at that time. She already married. Her husband is in merchant navy. We have very good family relation with them. Aur mere man bhi aisa kuch nahi tha meena ke baare mai but. Pehle mina ke sath uske...
viait on to see new porn video and top rated galleryI and my aunty Radha had decided to celebrate a swag raat. Aunty went forshopping for our swag raat I too had took nice rest in the afternoon so that ourswag raat will be fresh. Aunty came to our room in the afternoon the see me butdidn't come to my room as my mother told that I am having rest. She told thematter of Neha's alliance being fixed to my mother and return back of uncle withnext two days. And she went to shopping.At...
Yeh baat 1 saal pehle ki hai jab main MBA ke first year me tha humara ghar 3 floor ka hai ground floor pe chacha chachi unke ek beti aur ek beta rehte hai and second floor pe main aur mere mom dad rehte hai. Meri cousin tab 12 th std me thi and uska figure tab se bhot kamal ka hai Uska boobs ka size 32 kamar 28 ki and gand ki size 34 ki hai bhot hi kamal ki ladki hai. Ab me sidha chudai story pe aata hun Barish ka mausam tha and ghar me mere aur mere dono cousins means khushi and aryan jo ki...
The next day, back at work at Holy Cross School, Jacob Smith, the headmaster, was priding himself on resisting his would be temptress when in walked Cassie Parks again, this time with the nun who monitored the dorms and Cassie’s roommate, Jill Pierce. If Cassie was on one end of the spectrum, Jill was on the other. Fully aware of her sexuality and how to use it to get what she wanted. Jill was basically a slut. She snuck off campus, offered blow jobs to male teachers for better grades and had...
Introduction: A series of short stories about a young teacher who know what she wants and how to get it. Chapter 1 The End of Another Year My name is Anna White. The only things you need to know about me is Im 32 years old and have been teaching for the last 9 of those. I am fairly conservative…in public (more on that later). And yes, I am a nympho maniac. That being said, of course Ive never been married. Aw well. I guess being an English teacher at an all-boys junior high school wasnt the...
As dawn broke Raven was stirring. Ghost was fed, prepared for the last trek. Raven took time for her worship of the God. Asking for her guidance through perilous terrain. Once she slipped on the wolf skins, tied her knee high moccasins. She brought Ghost outside into the silent, snow fallen mountain. The fresh air cut into her lungs, iced with frigid temperatures. Looking skyward she saw the heavy clouds noting they were going to let loose. This mountain was going to be a treacherous journey....
Hi yeh meri first story ha i hope ap sab ko pasand aye giii sab say phelay may ap ko apne barey may bata chalon mera name Haris ha aur may BSCS ka student hoon meri age 19 ha aur height 5,11 ha aur body perfect shape may ha ab ap ka aur time zaya na krte howe may seedha story par ata hoon meray ghar kay right side par aik family rehti ha jin may aik uncle ha awais and aik un ki wife Saba changed name and un ki 2 choti choti betian aik 6 saal ki and aik 4 saal ki and right side par aik aur joint...
TO BE READ BY ADULTS AT LEAST 21 YEARS OF AGE Best Girl Part 4 By A.F. afstories (at) yahoo (dot) com Todd opened his eyes and looked down at the crusty stain across his chest. It was the size of a small fist and looked vaguely like Peru. His thoughts rolled back to the events of the previous evening which had precipitated the splotch. After a long day spent variously dressed in women's clothes and down on his knees giving strange men handjobs at a local adult video store, the...
The story of sissyslave gunnarsub The story of sissyslave gunnarsub Prelude? [email protected] I often dream to get enslaved by SUPERIORS who are more than eager to dominate and humiliate males, SUPERIORS who force me into unlimited obedience and especially also force me into ways of acting opposite to my normal behaviour, acting in a way I never would be prepared to under normal circumstances. The driving factor behind this urgent wish is humiliation. Already the thought that I...
WILLIE: This is so frustrating. I have never written anything before. Auntie told me, one beautiful morning (it seems so long ago now), that I had developed a very large vocabulary. At least for someone my age. Whatever that is. But she never let me read! Anything! And now she wants me to send Mama Ann emails, writing about what happened when I went back home to the island. About what happened to me while I was there. I have only been reading for a few months now, thanks to Frederick and...
He stood there by the poolside, naked and dripping, his thirty-five year old shaved smooth cock sticking out in front of his body pointing to his hotel room just across the way. There was no one around the pool, but he was hoping tenants saw him. They would mainly see him anyway. He was almost certain nobody would pay attention to his small erection. It had always been unnoticeable.He walked over to the chair, his erection shaking as he walked, and grabbed the towel he had placed in the seat...
ExhibitionismAs I sit at the subway depot, waiting to see the construction guys, I'm checking my texts messages. I send a message to Brian and daddy to tell them I got the new store and I'm the new store manager. I'm so excited to be able to have my own employees, to be able to put up the displays that I want. The depot is started to thin out, most of the afternoon rush is gone. I go to my favorite app on my phone, it's a porn site. I have a membership and some of the video's that Scotty had taken of...
It seemed like forever before they heard the motor from a small boat approaching. The Sheriff turned off the light and ducked back in to the shadows. The small boat slammed into the dredge. Sara held her breath when she heard his feet hit the floor above her. “You’re safe Sara.” The Sheriff whispered. The man was singing, and she could hear him stumbling down the staircase. He didn’t even notice that the extra lock was missing from the door. The captain had used a pair of bolt cutters to...
I and my wife were very happy with our married life. we were enjoying the sex very much. but after 7 year our sex life become boring. we started doing sex as our duty to keep our partner happy. nothing excitement was there. then one day my wife closest friend came to our house.she was very beautiful at the same time her husband was very handsome with blue eyes and good wife was very excited meeting her friend and her husband.i saw special look at pinki face when she talks to...