Neko indian porn

4 years ago
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Neko Necro

Neko Necro By: Set3 The year is 2038. And as much as how the movie "Back to the Future 2" was a misrepresentation of the future, the future of 2038 doesn't look too much different than today. Much to the dissapointment of many a futurist I'm sure. Although a huge contributer to this lackluster future was greatly due to the fact that in 2021, an unknown fanatical group had somehow set off a dirty bomb in the oil fields in the middle east. While this didn't have much of an impact in the...

3 years ago
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Terror on Mokey Neko Part 1

Few years later aboard the Scarlight ship, leader Dingleberry, big man 6'8 355; crew mates Minerva Jain, petite woman, 5 ft; Brianna Alvarez, thin woman , 5'1 36H, huge hips and huge ass, and Dickenberg, tiny man 3'5, 190 lbs, each at their own stations doing their job, picking up transmitting message from the downed ship wherever it is. "Sir we've received a message from one of our ship that was down," Dickenberg says tracking the ship on an unknown planet called Mokey Neko, info they...

2 years ago
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Das Neko Experiment

Das Bett mit Amy Hanks Bett rollte in den OP. Sie war noch nie unter Vollnarkose operiert worden, deshalb schlug ihr Herz schnell. Sie fühlte sich grauenhaft in dem luftigen Krankenhauskittel und die Schmerzmittel vernebelten ihren Verstand. Der Doktor trat an sie heran. Undeutliche Worte. "Experiment--sicher---gut bezahlt", jaja, was auch immer. Sie bekam einen Wisch hingeschoben, ihre Unterschrift drauf, das war es schon. "Vielen Dank. Und keine Sorge wegen der Operation, eine...

2 years ago
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The taste of neko maid

I asked her an important question... that was on my mind ever since I got to know her better. Now I was observing her reaction. She didn't leave her neko maid role even now. I have to admit that she looked charming wearing elegant black maid dress, cat ears and the obligatory glasses. Her long hair neatly tied fitted the cosplay perfectly. — B-b-b-bakaaa! — she exclaimed stuttering. The usually pale skin on her face flushed immediately. Her expression was a clear indication of how flustered...

2 years ago
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An unexpected neko

(Since I read countless petgirl/neko stories, I don't really know, who deserves credit.) One day you decide to finally get yourself a cat, since you wanted one for ages. So, the next day you visit the local animal shelter and look at all the different cats that are there. You pick a cat and the clerk mutters something. As you ask what he said, he just answers: "Oh, it wasn't important. I'm just glad this cat found an owner." With a shrug of your shoulders, you leave the shelter together with...

3 years ago
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Author’s Note: Comments and criticism always welcome at [email protected]. 1 The doorbell knocked Neko from a nap she did not remember beginning. “Hello,” Neko said to the short, stocky man on her stoop. He wore a blue jumpsuit and carried a chintzy metal toolbox. “Hey, good morning,” the man said, stepping past Neko. “Man, it’s freezing outside. Help me with the boots, would you?” “Sh-sure,” Neko chattered, dropping to her knees on the foyer’s hardwood. The winter air nipped her...

4 years ago
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CarleyChapter 9 Marja and the Finns come to Florida

“Oh, look, he caught a fish!” Marja pointed excitedly to an osprey, zooming up from the surface of the Banana River with a mullet in its talons. The fish struggled futilely. “The nest is in the tall tree on the point of that island,” I told her, pointing it out. As we watched, the eagle flapped its way to a landing. “I think they have chicks. It’s the right time of year.” Marja smiled at me. “I love the view, Jack. I didn’t know Florida was like this.” Marja’s friend, Thor, was sitting...

5 years ago
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Summoning the Succubi Pt 07

‘Well, might as well get Neko from Shinji’s room’ I said to no one in particular. As I was walking to his bedroom I saw him walking towards my bedroom with Neko at his side, his face flushed and pants wet. I swear, Neko better not be hurt. ‘What happened?’ I asked. ‘Well… You see…’ We went to my room and he had explained everything to me. Neko had spilled the juice he gave her on his pants and she hadn’t wanted to waste it. So she bent over and started licking the juice, which happened to...

3 years ago
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Conversation 2

The following sites have full permission to archive this story, if they choose to: Fictionmania, Nifty, Crystals Storysite, Sapphires Place, and Beverly's Balcony. All others should ask first. Posting this story on any pay site is prohibited. Conversation 2 (c)2002 by Veronica Moonlit Calvin Donnelly walked out of the Electronics Boutique with a copy of "The Adventures of Tron Bonne" in his hand. "Ah", he thought to himself, "I can finally torture Servbots. It sure took me...

4 years ago
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Njeno vlasnistvo

sjela je na kau? i ispru?ila noge preko naslona za ruke...duboko je izdahnula umor koji joj se, uz opu?tenost i zadovoljstvo, ocrtavao na licu..."?to si ti radio ve?ras? da ?ujem" iako je vrlo dobro znala moje odgovore unaprijed, voljela je slu?at moja izvje??a..."sve ?to je trebalo, gospodarice", zapo?eo sam..."oprao sam pod i ispeglao ve? za sutra je gotov i ispolirao sam vam cipele"... nasmije?ila se jer ovo zadnje nije ni bio zadatak..."do?i ovamo, noge me bole"...po?urio sam do nje, kleknuo i po?eo ...

2 years ago
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a chance meeting and a dramatic escape

Chained a young neko about 18 was brought onto a platform inside an old warehouse building. The young neko charlotte looked around at all the hungry faces that were staring at her. "Damn humans" she muttered under her breath as she looked up at the man that held her chains. "We have a young kitten here for the highest bidder, she will be yours for the taking, but for one night only." said the man into a loudspeaker. Charlotte looked again down at the men below her as they were all screaming...

3 years ago
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keva i cerka

detinjstvo pamtim po kevinim jebacima koji su svako vece dolazili u nasu kucu i jebavali je,keva nije bas mnogo birala,matore mladje lepe ili neke rugobe samo ako imaju jak i veliki kurac.Cula sam iz svoje sobe njene komentare da ima ovakav i onakav kurac.Jedan od tih jebaca je i mene napravio ali ni sama ne zna ko bi to mogo biti.Kad sam ulazla u pubertet i pocele da mi rastu sise ona mi je govorila da cu biti prava sisata kurvica za koju godinu. Kad su me videli njeni neki jebaci govorili su...

2 years ago
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Kitty Cafe

For as long as anyone can remember, human-cat hybrids have existed. They are known as nekos, catpeople, chimeras, and dozens of other names. Physically they aren't too different from humans, possessing all the same organs but a tail and pointy ears on the top of their head. Emotionally, nekos crave attention but still retain their independence. They're personalities can vary wildly just like humans, but on average you will never meet a neko who doesn't enjoy being the center of...

3 years ago
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The First Annual Crystal Falls Large Insertion Convention

"How the hell did you find this place," Ronda was saying, looking at the rustic, but pretty cabins each set far back into it's own section of forest. "Some guys were talking about fishing here." Tom was turning the car in to the cabin marked "office." "They were saying it's really secluded and we were looking for someplace no one would hear us." "I'm glad your mother was willing to sit with the baby this week. This is the first time we've had the chance to get away in months." She gave Tom a...

2 years ago
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Sugar Rush

The streets of Tricotore were dark and cold as the wind swept the dust along the rock pavement devoid of any human presence. Nobody looked at the streets through their windows. Nobody paid any attention to the empty streets. Nobody except a lonely woman. She stood high up and away from the streets and they held a sense of intrigue in her mind. Neko was the classic princess locked in the tower, the only exception being that she wasn't a princess but a Duchess. The Duchess of this poor city,...

2 years ago
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The New Roommates Ch 1

Walking over to the mirror after a moment of stretching, Liah checks out her reflection, her large baggy Panic at the Disco shirt covering her smooth pale skin all the way to just below her perky rear. A small glimpse of her silky pink panties could be seen as she giggles trying to fix up her bed head a little bit. “I guess today’s the day.” She smiles widely to herself before nodding, running off to the bathroom and jumps in the shower. Today she had made plans to meet up with her roommate...

4 years ago
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Naruto KoRn Koncert In Konoha Part 8

Introduction: In this newest installment, Chojis ready to fight Naruto over Ayame. Can they come to an agreement? And in part 2 Tentens sick and many things are made known. Speech Thought 14 DAYS BEFORE THE CONCERT It was another beautiful day in Konoha and Naruto was taking Tenten for a walk down Main Street, leash in hand. I know you like going for your walks on a leash Ten-chan, but once you get pregnant I wont allow it. Cmon Naru-kun! I love my leash! I surrendered to your demand that...

2 years ago
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U braku smo oko 5 godina,ja imam 28 god a moj suprug 29 i ova prica ce vjerovatno mnoge uzbuditi sto je nekako i moja ispovjest ali je sve do detalja istinita sto su se mogli neki od njih i uvjeriti.Prica pocinje prije tacno 2 god.Kao i u svakom braku ima uspona i padova pa tako i nas.Inace ja sam sa svojim muzem mnogo sretna i mnogo se volimo i najvise se nekako razumijemo u krevetu,iako mi muz ima stvarno mali kurac(oko 10 cm) to mi nekako nije predstavljalo problem jer je stvarno dobar u...

4 years ago
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AdvExGen A Field Agent of Valentina s Espionage

The guy was hovering over one of our displays, pensive with an odd mixture of curious and confused. I opened with "Let me guess, you don't know her size?" and followed it with a small, calculated guffaw. It was something of a standard opening at this point. I'd worked hard to make it sound understanding and compassionate rather than accusatory. I don't want to lose a sale on a bad introduction, if I can avoid it. Hi, my name is Michael, and I'm a "Field Agent" at...

2 years ago
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SRU Nerima Chronicles

Characters owned by others. Treatment by [email protected] Spells R Us: Japanese Chronicles 1: Candy Candy by Gregg Kasumi noticed the cat trying to sneak in and intercepted it. "And where do you think you're going, Mister Cat?" "Meowmeowmewmeow. MEOW!" "Oh my, you certainly are a talkative little kitty." The cat gritted her teeth and let her ears flatten. How was she going to tell anyone about this? How could she turn back without some help? She tried again,...

4 years ago
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More to Life

‘Name?’ ‘Miko Kubo.’ ‘Age?’ ‘Twenty-three.’ ‘Nationality?’ ‘American.’ ‘What is the purpose of your trip?’ ‘Pleasure,’ I replied as I removed the neon green Billabong cap for the photograph. The rest of my tour group preceded me or followed close behind, chattering excitedly amongst themselves. I also had a stuffed Bugs Bunny in my carryon luggage, just in case there was a random customs inspection. Doesn’t everyone carry a bunny in their luggage? The inspector at Almeria International...

2 years ago
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Commander Feanaur

I come over to you and pick you up. I bring you to my quarters, which are in the base. I lay you down on my bed, putting the blankets over you. I then start a pot of Hothi Tea, which is the strongest and most tastful tea in this galaxy. When you awake, I say to you. "Hello." You jump up and curl up to the back of the bed. "No. I am here to hurt you not." I say, assuring your safety. "Who....who are you?" You ask sheepishly. "I am Commander Feanaur Dur Ithil-Hir of the Sith...

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Prvi put

Prijatelj se zvao Nedim a sin Faruk. Dosli su iz njemacke,preko zimskog raspusta. Otac je imao oko 45 godina, a sin je bio stariji 5 godina od mene i studirao je. Sin je nije bio toliko ruzan koliko razmazen i odbojan, i jedva sam cekao da ode kada bi nam dosli,ali otac je zato bio predobar! gradjen kao profesor tjelesnog samo misicaviji. Bilo je tesko ne gledati ga,a opet sam morala paziti da niko ne primjeti.Sin je sve kvario,ali srecom on se vratio poslije 7 dana u njemacku a otac je jos...

4 years ago
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kako sam zavolela kurac

Zivela sam u Beogradu do pre dve godine, pa sam se preselila u Batajnicu.U Bg sam imala komsiju koji ima 46 godina i koji je tada kad god sam prolazila dobacivao malena kad ces kod mene na kafu, rekla sam uvek ja kafu ne pijem.Jednog dana kad sam prolazila otvorio je vrata i viknuo malena moze caj umesto kafe? Rekla sam moze ali ne odmah...Moram mami po lekove pa kad se budem vracala navraticu. Stojim ispred vrata zvonim, otvara mi vrata komsija u sorcu i majici ulazim pomazio mo ledjima i...

4 years ago
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Dirty Japanese SLANG

Dirty Japanese__BASICS / MISCELLANEOUS Etchi. Gross. Chikan. Pervert / m*****or. Unko. Unchi. Kuso. Shit. Unching style. Squatting, as in taking a shit. Noguso. Field shit, squatting position. Shonben. Piss. Tachi shon. Take a leak (standing). Oshikko. Urination. Shishi. Take a pee. Eroi. Obscene. Tsureshon. Cross pissing; two guys go to the bathroom together. Tachishon shiteru. Take a piss / Take a whiz. Gehin. Low class / Vulgar / Uncouth....

4 years ago
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im going otuside.... I'm in a cafe, drinking tea while tears were streaming.more friend nemam.šta I will .. so alone and without anyone thought.And then I was approached by some guy said that Netrebam to cry because I know how lijepa.da osje?am.neznaš, I said, I lost prijatelje.oh .. God did it happen so nice to be leaking as you can , I have dogoodile and worse stuff but survived sam.hajde .. I know you know. how? and the hamster I read your story and I know all about tebi.raspitivaoa I can...

5 years ago
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Iddaramailatho Jarigina Oka Maduranubuthi

This is my friend’s story Hi jeevan again here i want tell U my next experience with anusha and farah Anusha and farah manchi friends farah ma class lo one of the best figure andrki ame mida bagane kallu unai lucky ga anusha ki friend avtam vala oka roju anusha tho farah mida chala mandi kallu unai epudu chance vastada ani ananu apudu anusha avuna mari ni sangathi emi ani adigindi hey nuvu unav ga mali tanu enduku ananu neko vishyam chepana level aiyanu ante chepta andi chepu ananu neko...

2 years ago
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Weddings and Reunions Part 5

Chapter 25 The following morning the family went their separate ways. David, Emma, Jaimie, Miles, Cat, JD, Ethan, Nichole, Nigel, Karen, and Nigel Jr. made the trip north with Ophelia and Reardon while Bradford stayed behind in London for Michael's interview. John was stern in his warnings to JD and Cat, but both got the message and neither wanted to anger their parents or grandparents. Reardon was pleased to have the near legendary Jaimie joining them and immediately treated her as...

2 years ago
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The Fattened Bratty Catboy

Chapter 1 – Introducing the brat himself It’s not very often that an adult neko gets to be rich. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to do, compared to how well regular humans are so capable of success in pretty much any industry. Anywhere you’d look, ranging from tailoring to textiles, from food service to manufacturing; it didn’t seem to matter what kind of job you wanted if you’re a catboy, humans would seem to do it better. Thankfully, there are times where exceptions can be found! One lucky...

4 years ago
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Seven Wonders of the WorldChapter 2 Ani Mai

“Master Wan Tu! You came!” I looked at the little Asian doll in front of me. Not yet, but I definitely want to. There was no question that she was talking to me. She was standing directly in front of me. In my personal space. Well, just about everything in Japan was like that. I only barely top out at six feet tall and I could still see over the heads of just about everyone on the island. I’d just stepped off the train from Narita to Odawara via Tokyo. Three-and-a-half hours and a train...

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Me And My Friend 8217 s Ex Girlfriend Ke Journey To Lose Virginity

Beginning of the story welcoming all the erotic readers… With a kinky smile…. This is something happened with me before 6 months… I am writing this kahani in Hindi with English wale fillers…. if you guys wanna enjoy this story den start fell in gabaar….. and feel d feel which I felt wen I smashed this chubby chick..ladies…. you got a option too feel as if I’m d gabbar of this movie and UA shruti hassan….naaa sonakshii sinha…. paaka match for this kahani..let’s start Me Luis star, fair slim,...

4 years ago
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Sex u troje

Normalan sam muškarac 40-tih. Prije nego sam ušao u bracne vode, zasigurno za sebe mogu reci da sam imao dosta djevojaka i zasigurno iskusio podosta sexa.Moje sexualne mogucnosti su, mislim, normalne. Kurac mi je normalne velicine, a tako i izdrljivost. Ako mi se zena prepusti mogu uciniti cuda.Zivim sa svojom zenom. Ona je ljepa, pametna, sarmantna i volim je. Nas sexualni zivot je savim solidan, uzimajuci u obzir vremena u kojima zivimo, te stresne situacije kojima smo izlozeni svakodnevno....

3 years ago
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Ja sam Bojan. Trebala bi mi cela knjiga da dodjem do price koja bi vas zainteresovala.Evo probacu da skratim maximalno.Bilo je to pre 4 godine.Imao sam tada 18 i isao u srednju skolu.Otac je radio u uglednoj firmi a majka je bila tada nezaposlena.Iako su mi roditelji bili veoma strogi , u to vreme sam imao devojku Anu ,(oko tri meseca),za koju su znali i moji i njeni roditelji.Ana je bila ljubav mog zivota,bar sam tada tako mislio.Cale je bio odlican sa svojim disom,verovatno zbog dobrih...

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Nastavio sam cijelo ljeto da se družim sa mojom komšinicom Zoricom. Jebao sam je u svakom mogućem trenutku, seks sa njom je bio odličan. Jebao bi je kod nje kući najčešće ali i kod mene smo se poseksali nekoliko puta kada moji matorci nisu bili tu. Jednom nas umalo moja majka nije uhvatila na djelu. Bio sam jako zadovoljan našim seksualnim životom. Jednoga dana pozvala me je Zorica i rekla mi da dođem do nje i da kažem svojoj majci kako ću noćiti kod nje jer kao imam neka posla oko krečenja da...

2 years ago
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Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI

Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi. Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini – bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz – major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.) Tetka mi tetin mi...

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Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI

Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi.Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini - bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz - major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.)Tetka mi tetin mi...

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Profesor 23 I prv del

Nikogas ne odev na fizicko,nikogas ne mi se dopagase ama bas nisto okolu toj predmet.Vo osnovno se pojavuvav nekolku casa ke sutnam nekolku topki dobivav 5-ka i posle cela godina ne odev.I vo sredno bese slicno,ke se pojavev ednas mesecno kolku da me vidat i tolku.Sve bese dobro dodeka ne go smenija profesorot po fizicko.Noviot bese uzasen,mozebi deka bese nov pa sakase da ostavi vpecatok.Novi patiki t.e cisti,beli corapi,beli maici i slicno.Nema sansi,se zainativ i ne doagav,toj ne prasuvase...

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Please Angelica

I’m laying in a dark, silent room. My wrists are bound above my head to a rope attached to the ceiling. I am on my knees on the carpeted floor below me. I can feel the nakedness of my body, nothing is covering me. Suddenly, I hear a bang, a door in the distance. I look up to the door in front of me, leading who knows where, and I wait for someone to enter. I squeeze my thighs together and shake all of my hair forward to cover my exposed breasts. Finally, the doorknob turns and a man walks in....

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Lynx had always had a vivid imagination. He began to suspect that he had more than just an overactive imagination when he started seeing girls near his home and in his school. He didn’t go to an all boy’s school or anything, so seeing females wouldn’t normally be strange. But this was different, it wasn’t the fact that they were female; what caught his attention, was the fact that they were not human Lynx’s hallucinations; which he really believed they were, kept appearing with more...

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Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch 06

When your dreams all failAnd the ones we hailAre the worst of allAnd the blood’s run stale I wanna hide the truthI wanna to shelter youBut with the beast insideThere’s nowhere we can hide No matter what we breedWe still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom come’— Imagine Dragons ‘Demons’. Sam greeted the California dawn with her eyes closed and a blissful smile on her sun-kissed face. The moon belonged to Miranda, but she would always be a child of the Daystar. The...

2 years ago
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The Neko Project P1

Introduction: The story of Kitty, and how her life changed for the worse. *Ive been having trouble trying to upload this, this is my third attempt, so lets see what happens. this story will be part of a three part series, and Im sorry to inform that there will be no sex in this part, but that is what part 2 is for, I hope you all enjoy.* Part 1 I wasnt always a prisoner. I had a life, I had friends. I hid very well for the longest time, until I reached 19, which was when I got caught. Im not...

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The Adventures of the Briarwolf Guild

In a different part of our universe, there's a binary star system in the civilized heart of the Andromeda Galaxy. In that galaxy, there's a planet that lay in the habitable zone. It's twice the size of our planet, it requires two suns to provide energy to the planet, and four moons to stabilize the planet, and give a regular set of seasons, as well as 24-hour days. Magic and technology fuel the multiple different civilizations, of multiple different races that live here. Like any civilized...

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Creatures of Fantasy

This is a story about a guy (or girl) that makes it with a Neko, a Centurian, an Inu, or an alien. So, first thing's first: Are you going from a male point of view, or a female, and what gender is your partner?

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Prijateljicin napaljeni sin net

Imam 46 godina. Poprilicno sam niska – negdje oko 164 cm. Imam bujne grudi i smedju kosu. Poprilicno mlada sam ostala sama bez muskarca. Cesto sam se druzila sa svojom veoma dobrom prijateljicom. Ona ima sina mladjeg od mene 17 godina. Cesto smo se vidjale i naravno cesto je sa nama bio i njen sin. Primijetila sam da me od malena nekako pohotno gledao. Kada dodjem kod njih on malo posjedi sa nama – zagleda se u mene i onda se izgubi u WC-u. Narocito sam primijetila da se cesto zagleda u moja...

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Introduction:I started writing this because I was bored, and it got a little interesting.DeliriumGENRE- Fantasy, Anal, Bi-sexual, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, First Time, Male / Female Teens, Romance, Teen, Threesome, Virginity, YoungLynx had always had a vivid imagination. He began to suspect that he had more than just an overactive imagination when he started seeing girls near his home and in his school. He didn’t go to an all boy’s school or anything, so seeing females wouldn’t normally...

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Nocturno Belgrade

-"Ma, gde bre, jesi li normalna!?" *****U ulici D, u klubu L., sakuplja se vesela družina, uvijek raspoložena za Party. Neku noć, tematski Party - CECA, biće u kojem je opredmećena sama erotika, u tijelu, koje uprkos svemu lagano stari (kakva li će ona biti Grany :). Stao sam za bar. Na podiju je već naelektrisano - polugola, znojna tijela uvijaju se i upliću u ritmu nadolazeće orgazmičke eksplozije. -Džin i tonik, molim.Muzila je obuzimala sva moja čula, zanosila i uvlačila u svoje neobično...

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Tivat swingers

[/image]Sea storyWe were in a long problemunaš marriage no longer looked like about anything, I found myself with more on the sea with the k**s from school and koleginicom.Deca were gone and I was left das wait for her husband and c***d, this time he takes to the sea. The first year of the divorce, resolve to be alone at sea, I found their pensions, which was bračpni and extra bed, bathroom with .. jasam crossed the colleague who had a sister married in Budva with no more appeared, but došloi...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Sisters Black Pussy Part 5

Hi friends, work busy lo vundatam valla story rayaledhu Nxt comming to the story ala na chelli ne dengina tarwata naenu bayataki vachi ready ipoya.Amma kuda market nundi vachinndi chelli school lo drop cheyadanki vellanu akkada puspa nka madhu vundae.Chudatanki puspa 9th cls iyna pedda pedda boobs pedda gudda round moham full fair ga vundii.Madhu aemo na chelli laga chiina boobs chinna guddalu kasta nalupu. Na chelli ne drop chesi vachesa.As usal ga a roju n8 malli epati lagae na chelli ne na...

4 years ago
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Mother 8217 s Promise On Deepavali

Hi friends. This is sreeraju presenting a lovely story in Telugu language in the english font. Naperu sreeraju .Ipudu cheppabotunnadi oka interesting katha naku telisina oka family lo jarigindi. Raghu yamuna manchi andamina dampathulu. Raghu state government lo job chestadu. Yamuna nu eri kori chesukunnadu. Ame andam alantidi.. Yamuna degree chadivindi. Raghu office kelletapudu college kelle yamuna nu roju chusevadu. Chesukunte amene pelli chesukovali ani decide ipoyi peddalato matadi...

3 years ago
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Didi Ko Chudwaya

Main wb me raheta hun. Aj mera didi ki kuch bat share karta hum. Main apne paribar main mami dad r didi k sath radeta hum. Mera didi mujhse do sal bara hain. Mera aj age hai 27 our yea 12 sal peheka bat hain. Main school main parta tha. Mere didi vi school mai parta tha. O dikhne me sundar tha. Ak bangali ladki ki tarha. Uski boobs mediam size ka tha. Uski rang gora tha our oh 5’3″ ka thi. Main our oh ak hi room me ak sath raheta tha. Ma our dad alag room me raheta tha. Chota umar se jab mai...

4 years ago
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Iddaru Girlfriends Part 1

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers , I’m Siddarth. Age 24. Na engineering ayyi 3 ys ayindhi. Nenu na college lo jarigina story ni rasthunna. Idhi meku ela nachindho naku telidu, nachithe matram mail lo cheppandi. Meku ee story nachithe, continue chyali anpisthe mails lo chepthe pakka ga second part kuda publish chesthanu. Open minded friends tho unnavallaki ee story entha varuku nijamo ardham avthadh. Meeku ila kuda jargthay ani telidu, vinaledu kabatti idhi fake ani aneykandi. Ee story...

3 years ago
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Aunty Ni Tiragesi Dengaanu

Naa peru raj. Naa age 22 years.Nenu banglore lo chaduvutunnanu.Naa height 5.8. Medium body. Nenu meetho naa sex anubhavam gurinchi cheppalanu kuntunna.Inka mee time waste cheyyanu. Ee story peddadi gaa undavachu , kaani meku nachutundani anukuntunna.Naaku gariga prati incident raayadaniki try chestaanu. Eka story loki vacheste. Nenu btech kosam banglore ki vachaanu.Last semister lo room maaripoyaanu. Mummy ki friend ayina oka aunty daggara house rent ki unte, nenu kochem duram iyina ok...

2 years ago
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Hot Chachi Ko Khub Choda

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends, first mai apne bare mai batata hu ,my name is rahul or mai mharashtra se hu. I’m production engineer . Mera lund 6.5 inch ka hai or agar koi bhi aunty ya girl muz se chudvana chati ho ya phone sex krna chahti ho to mujhe msg kr skti hai mai use satisfie kr dunga. Ye story 2 sal pehle ki hai.Mere chachi ka name komal hai. Uski age 32 ke as pas hogi. Meri family bohot badi hai mere dad sb se bade hai unko 3 behne or 1 bhai hai. Mere chachi ka naam Komal...

4 years ago
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I Feared But My Aunt But Dared Finally

Nanu kannadiga and am very proud of it. This is yashu from Bangalore banashankari. Yella kannadiga’s ge namaskara. Am from Bangalore. Doing my engineering final year. Big fan of iss. I had lot of theory knowledge about sex position and all but never got guts to approach any girl. Let me come to the story without wasting your time. My uncle (chikappa) got married to a girl who was 7 years elder to me and she was slim and just milky white. Since the day we went to see bride I had a crush on her....

3 years ago
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Peddamma Puku Koriki Koriki 8211 Kasi Thera Dengamu

Hi friends na pyeru kishore (26) madhi chittoor, ikada localga coconut bussiness chesthuntam.Na life ki sukam neripinchi intha marchipoleni anandam andisthuna ma peddamma gurinchi memu anubavisthuna sukamga gurinchi chala happyga share cheyalani ila rasthuna. Peddamma 48 kastha durapu chuttam pyeru krishnavenamma muuddhuga papamma intlo peddavallu anevaru,myemu peddamane antam assalu suuper super sexyga vuntundi clearga chepalantye cinemalo apoorva aunty anushka lakshmi rai laga sexyga super...

4 years ago
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Lipi Dii Ne Diya Jannat

Namaste dosto..!! Kese hein aap sab. Me Dipu aaj fir se app k liye ek majedar story lake aaya hu. Age 21+, 5.8 inch height. Aur me Odisha ka rehne wala hu.Meri pehli story “Pados wali didi ne chod na sikhaya” k bad kya hua tha me iss story me bataonga. Agar kisiko mujhse baat karni haii my id pr contact kare thanks. Ab me story pe aata hu. Jeseki aap San Jane hein me apne mama k ghar me rehta hu. Aur pados me rehne wali lipi di se mene chodna sikha hai. So pehli baar chudne k baad mera Mann...

4 years ago
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Makan Malkin Kajal Ko Choda

Hi friends my name is play boy from rajkot gujrat se i am 25 year old handsume boy mene yaha kai sari bhabhi aur girls ko choda he aur sabse jyada muje woman ki gand marneme maja ata he aur mere lund ka size 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota he mera charge sirf (3000)rs he, ye meri pahile kahani he umid karta hu aap logo ko pasand ayegi, aur ha agar pasand aye to muje mail jarur kijiye ga mera mail id he () he please mail mee ok to girls taiyar ho jao apni chut gili karneke liye anb boys tum muth...

2 years ago
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Chachi Ki Chudai

Baat us din ki hai jab mai 12th class me padhta tha mere chacha ki shadi ki baat chal rahi thi. Hum log sunday ko chacha ke liye ladki ko dekhne unke ghar gaye sab log baithe the aur ladki ka badi besabri se wait kar rahe the tabhi ladki chai lekar aai. Chacha ne jaise hi ladki ko dekha to unke muh se dhere se kya maal hai nikal gaya. Mai unke bagal me baitha tha to maine sun liya par isme chacha ki koi galti nahi thi ladki thi hi bohot sundar. Badi badi chuchiya moti c gaand patli kamar jo...

3 years ago
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Maa Ke Saath Suhag Raat

Ye ek bahoot pahele ki kahani hai ek din mere Maa ne mughe bulaya our kha ke hame gaon jana hai kisi cort- kam ke silsile me. Maine kha kyo papa nahi aarehe hai? To maa ne kha ke wo unki sharab me busy hai our wo hamre property ka kam hai. Maine kha thik Hai-mai college me chutty leta hu to maa ne kha ke hame khali guruwar Thursday nikalna hai, shukravar Friday ko kaam kar ke shaniwar Saturday ko wapas yaha aana hai our tughe To shiniwar ko chutti hoti hai to thuhe khali Guruwar Shukravar hi...

3 years ago
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Maa Ke Saath Hanimoon 8211 Part I

Ye. Ek bahoot pahele ki kahani hai.. ek din mere Maa ne mughe bulaya our kha ke “hame gaon jana hai kisi cort- kam ke silsile me”. Maine kha “kyo papa nahi aarehe hai? To maa ne kha ke “wo unki sharab me bussy hai. Our wo hamre property ka kam hai.” Maine kha “Thik Hai-mai college me chutty leta hu” to maa ne kha ke hame khali guruwar (Thursday) nikalna hai, shukravar (Friday) ko kaam kar ke shaniwar (Saturday) ko wapas yaha aana hai.our thghe to shiniwar ko chutti hoti hai to thuhe...

3 years ago
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Net Friend Gharima Ki Ghand Mari

Hi Dosto mera name knight he me harroz net yahoo me raat ko chat karta hu aur cam2cam chat karta hu 1 deen ki baat he har raat ki tarha aaj bhi chat karhata tha lekin aaj meri chat par mulakat jis ladkise hue vo alag thi, usne cac2cam chat k liye muje invite kiya mene bhi apna cam on kiya, thodi der idher uthar ki bate chalne lagy aur fir hui sexy bate usne mere lund ki size puchhi mene bataya mere lund ki size 8′ he to vo hasane lagy mujapar mene kaha me sach bolraha hu to boli mene bahut logo...

3 years ago
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Reetu Ko Choda Use Room Me

Hi guys i’m Raju. This is my first story for iss. I had read many story.yaha meri sachi kahani hai meri umar25 hai, meri hight 5.6″ hai. Meri body shap avreg hai our mere land ki length 7.5″ hai our width 2.5″ hai maine ajtak sirf 2 bar sex kiya hia aj mai apko mera paila experian bata raha hu …yaha 1 sal pahleki bat hai jab mai colleg kar raha tha. Tab mai final me tha our mere home se dur rhaitha tha, mai jaha rhitha tha vahi meri room ke neare me do ladkiya rahati thi.vo mere se pahale voha...

2 years ago
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Cousin sister ki seal phoda

Pehlay mera parichay dedu sabko. My name is adk aur mera ht. 5″11 hay. Mera lund 6 inch se thoda jyada hai. Meri ek aunty ki beti jiska name anu hai 9 class me padhti hai. Us ki kamar 32 chochiyan 20 ke aspas honge. Utne bade nahi par uske gand lazawab hai jispar me fida tha. Mera age 19 hai aur wo 14 ki hogi. Ye incident kuch hi din pehle ki hai. Me ek play boy hu par virgin ko kabhi nahi choda. Ek din mera ghar me function(kuch puja) tha to meri aunty anu ko lekar kuch jaldi hi mumi ko help...

4 years ago
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Jane Bound Job Interview Chapter 2

Jane Bound Job Interview Chapter 2 Looking into the mirror, she gives her long white hair a final brush out, tying it back with a pink ribbon. Examining the reflection staring back at her, recognizing the features as hers, yet sometimes she is able to see another image superimposed. A male face, unblinking eyes staring back at her, memories of someone else that tickle upon the edges of her mind then fade away once again. The emerald almond shaped eyes stare back at her, tawny fur...

3 years ago
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Nina s Domination Patreon Commission

Finally, a real challenge for Nina Neko the Unyielding! It took long enough for the adventurer’s guild to get back to the catgirl, her skills over the last year were laughable, if well paid. They were tough for many, sure, and she was happy beat them all easily and work her way up the ranks, to finally earn an Elite Mark of her own, one that someone of her skill could finally conquer. Bandits? Easy. Poltergeists? Piece of cake. Dragons? Minced meat. Demons? Simple knockouts. Though, she loved...

3 years ago
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Horse Head Mask

The loft was on the west side of the city, in the seedier, industrial part near the tracks. That was part of the appeal, having to brave the slightly meaner streets in order to get to the best Halloween party in town. The other reason was landlords for old converted warehouses left their tenants well alone. I couldn’t believe I’d been lucky enough to score a coveted RSVP spot -- a friend on Facebook had said they couldn’t go, and asked did anyone want the slot? I’d been on my phone when the...

2 years ago
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DollsChapter 3

Tegan Stone woke up with an angry start. After squirming out of the sleeping Kasumi's embrace, the Goddess dismissed the thickly-layered covers with a casual one-armed push, sending them flying against the opposite wall. She stormed out of her room, violet eyes glowing, mouth curled up, stiffly striding down two hallways, totally naked and not giving two fucks about it. Tegan pushed in a huge, steel-reinforced door and flicked on all the lights. Miranda was asleep in there, nude herself,...

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The Witch s OfferingChapter 2

Ren took a couple of deep breaths as he tried to regain his composure, “What the fuck was that I just saw?” “Jones is a werewolf,” she replied. Ren guessed that the British accent must be her natural way of speaking. “I made it quite plain that I dress this way because I’m a witch, an eromancer to be precise, and showed you some of my magic. I’m not understanding why you are so surprised werewolves exist.” “Showed me your magic? When?” “The noise, dear. It didn’t come back until we were...

2 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 24 Awakening

Friday, June 07 - Thursday, June 13, 1996, Sanford Maine Oh my, the stars were so very pretty out there... Hmmm? How was it that I could float out amongst the Heavens? I felt neither cold nor warmth; was I even breathing? Why did that thought not alarm me? My body felt normal, though, or at least I thought it did, as I tried to check myself out. I was wearing my favorite pair of faded blue jeans and my tight white t-shirt that Amber loved on me. She thought that it showed off my muscles...

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A gameshow with a twist

Marie is a 28-year-old aspiring model, she was accepted to the agency thanks to her friend Gail, who is a professional model with years of experience. Marie has long curly dark brown hair, fair soft skin, an hourglass figure, and a nice bubble butt, her breasts are c-cup. She is not entirely shy by nature but she can be a bit reserved at times and can be a bit naive at times as well. Marie read the ad again, checking the directions once more to see if she was on the right track. She had walked...

4 years ago
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The Shadowhunter Elf

Shadowhunters are physically marked with Runes over their skin, the older or more elite a Shadowhunter, the more Runes they will have. The Runes create different types of effects, some are defensive and some aid strength etc. These Runes are tattooed onto the Shadowhunter using a Stele (a specially crafted Shadowhunter weapon) If you have read the Mortal Interment series you will know what I'm talking about c: What the characters look like: Aeris -...

2 years ago
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The Shadowhunter Elf

Introduction: I hope you guys like the story. I will write the next part if you guys like it. An elite group of fictional warriors. Trained since childhood to fight and slay the downworlders, demons and faeries that attempt to create havoc on earth. Shadowhunters are different from humans which they call mundanes, the Shadowhunters are what you could call an enhanced race of humans Shadowhunters are physically marked with Runes over their skin, the older or more elite a Shadowhunter, the more...

4 years ago
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The Hucow Database

The Hucow database is a CPU hard-drive that details the entire process of a world's conversion of its entire female population into humanoid livestock. It includes: Instructions on how to implement the Hucow conversion process including blueprints and facilities necessary to begin conversion as well as the funds to do so. Information on the varying forms of livestock and pets (such as ponygirls for pulling carts, cowgirls for breeding and milk production, and as Nekos (cat-girls) for keeping...

2 years ago
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Everyone Has A Price

In the land of Luxure, there are few constants. Kingdoms rise and fall, civilizations end and are replaced by new, and villains and heroes alike wax and wane in relevance as others appear to replace them. Despite all this, one thing remains constant, no matter who, what, or where you are. In Luxure, no matter who you are, you can be had - for a price. On the same street in Maerwin one might find a princess selling a night of pleasure in exchange for a castle, a sorceress offering a noble her...

3 years ago
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Neon and Nekos

Something feels... off. A thick, heavy blanket of fog envelops the area, making it impossible to even see across the street. Luckily, it's a Saturday, which means you don't have work, and you don't have any plans for today, and so you're happy to stay inside for the day. Your life is not the most fulfilling. You work at a dull job that pays just enough to let you continue to live in your apartment, pay the bills, and splurge on entertainment here and there. As for relationships, you're not a...

4 years ago
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Fellation Desires Episode One The Fellation of Dewayne Williams

My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...

Oral Sex
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Campaign of Poltergeist s MaraudersChapter 7

Mission 21 Planet: Wyeth’s Glory Mission: Destroy the Renegades Lance: Sonic – Atlas Sulphur – Blackjack’s Nekomata – Vindicator Hacker – Panther This is an assassinate mission where we have been contracted to hunt down and kill a Pirate mech and any guards that the target may have protecting them. We are being dropped into the badlands on the planet and it is hot so we will have to watch our heat buildup. Once we were dropped, we started moving up into the hills looking for our target’s...

2 years ago
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Campaign of Poltergeist s MaraudersChapter 8

Call to battle for Lady Arano. Lord Madeira came to my office with a message from Lady Arano. She has a mission for us on the planet Panzyr. She is currently in a battle on the planet Panzyr against the Directorate forces and there are more Directorate forces incoming. She would like us to make an attack on the Directorate dropship control centre to prevent incoming reinforcements being landed. This control centre is important because there is a debris field around the planet and incoming...

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Nurse Demoness Chapter 4

Mina swooped onto the balcony of her apartment, soaked form the rain. The balcony was on the top floor, the fifth floor, and located at one of the corners of the building. Always left unlocked, the screen door provided a way to avoid her annoying self-righteous neighbor. The man had a crush on her and Mina would have eaten him already had he not been her neighbor. She tired to avoid any demonic actions that would cause alarm near where she lived. The screen slid open, and an assault of rotten...

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An Assamese Story

Hello frends, mor 1st kahini likhisu, porhu kintu its & every kahani, oky lets start moi neel axomia lora ghy hoi thaku arunachal naharlagun, pesat ejon civil engineer last 8 years pora eate asu. Okole thaku so jane apunaloke “khali dimag sex ka ghar”. Eate prostitute r kunu ovab nai but I never tried this. Anekoi a din goi asil like 5 years, edinor ktha january thanda valei porisil office pora ahi kiba eta loi anu buli olai ahilo market r osarate mor quarter. Ki kham vabi thakute osaror wine...

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meri grandmaki chudai

Apko padhke such nahi lagega. Lekin mai tha hi aisa. isme meri koi galti nahi hai. Mai apko wo kahani batata hu. Mai mere mata pitaka akela ladka tha. Muje malum nahi kyo mere pitajine aur ek bachcha paida nahi kiya. Waise mera Maa to bahut sunder aur jawan dikhati thi. Maa aur pita dono kam per jate the. Maa teacher thi aur pitaji sarkari office me kam karte the. Hamara ghar ek gaon me tha isleye maa aur pita dono shahar me kam ke liye jate the. Ghar me mai akela aur meri grandmaa thi. Jabse...

4 years ago
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Wren 19 in Czech

Wren 19 Autor: SmCyber, [email protected] Prelozil: Tomas Kudrna. Kontakt. Tato stranka (text puvodniho clanku psaneho Tomasem Kudrnou, popr. prekladcizojazycneho originalu provedeny Tomasem Kudrnou) je autorskym dilem a jejikopirovani, s vyjimkou kopirovani pro osobni potrebu jednotlivcu, je bez predchozihopisemneho souhlasu autora zakazano. Vstupni strana tohoto webu: Prijdte zas! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VAROVANI Tato povidka...

3 years ago
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Kaj teta na gosti

Nekolku pati imam odeno kaj tetkami koga sum nemala prevoz ili koga sum mnogu pijana za da ne me primetat doma,poveke za vtoroto.Taa vecer i nemav prevoz i bev pijana pa resiv da prespijam kaj tetka mi.Bese 2 sabajle i bidejki imam kluc vlegov direktno.Koga vlegov vidov deka vo dnevnata na masata ima edno prazno sise vodka i nekolku casi pa pomisliv deka e izlezena.Tetka mi ima 46 godini i zivee sama pa cesto izlaga navecer.Mislev deka i ovaa vecer e izlezena no od vnatresnosta na kukata cuv...

4 years ago
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TimeChapter 38

The show went on till noon when I called a break. This time there were many more questions and I asked the people to write them down and ask later. Mr Matsushita invited me to eat with him in private. I knew this was very important. A servant brought us food as we sat on a mat at opposite ends of a low table. Mr Matsushita had old time customs and I did exactly as a guest must do to make this ritual have more meaning. A beautifully dressed woman came in and started the famous tea ceremony....

4 years ago
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Magic Anime Network The Planet Winning Ecchi Blitz

Magic Anime Network: The Planet Winning Ecchi Blitz A Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn Major Elements: TG, Transformation, Furry, Fan Service, Anime. Author's note: I did not intend to continue with the character I whipped up for my story "Captain Kitten." However upon discussion of the worlds contained within the Magic Anime Network I found myself put on the spot explaining why each planet exists or in some cases why planets that should exist currently do not. As I laid out my ambitions for...

3 years ago
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Ek Pyarisi Novel

Dopaharko 1.30 baje mai airport pe utra aur sidhe hotel ki taraf taxime baithke rawana hua. Waha pahilesehi mere naam se kamra book tha. Ek bahut hi sundar Receptionist ne muskarate hue muze welcome kia aur room ki chabi mere haath me thama di. Mai use dekhta hi reh gaya kya qayamat ki bala thi. Usne maroon scirt aur white top pehna tha aur red color ki tie bandhi thi. White top se uski white bra dikh rahi thi aur usme chunchiyoki golai gazab dha rahi thi. Sunahare baal gora chitta badan, sudol...

2 years ago
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Verna sopruga i majka

Bidejki soprugot bese so obvrski od rabota se dogovorivme da odime jas i kerkami sami pa ako se oslobodi vo megu vreme ke ni se prikluci ili podocna ke odime site zaedno.Resivme da ne odime daleku vo slucaj Toni da treba da dojde pa taka otidovme vo Ohrid.Se smestivme vo eden stan na nekoi prijateli na Toni od rabota.Koga stignavme Kerka mi gi frli torbite i odma izleze da se vidi so d**garkite koi 'slucajno' bas toj period bea tuka.Jas ostanav pa prvo sto napraviv si svariv kafe i pocnav da...

4 years ago
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Caught With Consequences Chapter Three

Chapter Three -- Truth and Consequences The package arrived overnight and was waiting for Adele when she arrived early at the office. It was a plain brown padded postage bag with no markings on it. It was addressed simply to Adele Edwards and marked urgent. Adele put the package down on her desk and deliberated. She guessed what was inside it and she knew that she should hand it over to Cassie so it could be forensically examined. She was tempted to tear the envelope open but...

3 years ago
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Ek Aakhari Daaw

Dopaharaka time tha. Main Tv dekh rahi thi. Lakin mera Tv me bhi dhyan nahi lag raha tha. Aaj subahse meri tabiyat thik nahi lag rahi thi. Tv dekhate dekhate muze chakkarsa ane laga. Main vahase uthi or socha ki thoda muhpar pani maru to shayad achchha lagega. Wash basin ke pass pahunchi ke muze ulti ho gayi. Main bahut hi pareshan ho gayi. Socha ki uncle ko fone karu. Aur wahase fir living room me ayi. Mobile uthaya aur fir socha ke shayad uncle sight visit ke liye gaye honge to kyu unko...

3 years ago
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Ek naya andaz

Mobile bajatehi meri aankh khul gayi. Maine ghadi me dekha subahke 7 baj chuke the. Maine apna haath lamba karke mobile uthaya aur hellow kaha. Samnese awaz aayi, ‘happy birthday, darling’ mere shohar javed ka phone tha. Maine use thanx kahate hue kaha, ‘darling tumhare bina ye kaisa birthday.agar tum yaha hote to main jaroor birthday manati.tum waha dubai me mai yahan India me. Darling such kahoo tumhare bina mera yaha g nahi lagata. Dinbhar sirf tv dekhkar boar ho jaati hu.’ Ispar Javed ne...

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Empress s Consort

It had been two months since your "wedding" to Empress Alexandria Blaithyd the First, of Aduress. She called it a wedding, but having sex on the Galantian throne in front of various nobles, merchants, your bodyguard, and your older sister, the Queen of Galantia, isn't a particularly traditional wedding. Especially considering she was only there so that you and your sister might avoid war between the two nations, and you had only met her on occasion, when you were both younger. Of course,...

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A True Story

When something is meant to happen, no matter what you do to stop it, eventually it will happen. Love is one of the things that, when it is meant to happen, it will crash through walls, ford streams, climb mountains, and kill armies to get where it feels it should be. Nothing anyone is capable of doing can stop it. Its like a huge steam roller running down a hill. Sometimes, though, it hits an obstacle that creates a delay. Such was the case for Feliniac and LoveRider. They came so close to...

3 years ago
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High School DxD Posesi n

The school where before they only studied pure women who then mixed. That did not take away the fact of the students of that specific beauty school, especially the girls of the Hidden Club, which was composed of: Rías Gremory, the president of the Hidden Club. Rías Gremory: she is a beautiful young woman with white skin, blue eyes, she has a body that every woman envies. The measurements of his body are [B99-W58-H90 cm] [B39-W23-H35 in]. His body weight is [58 kg] [128 ibs]. Its most...

2 years ago
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Blackmail Aur Femdom 8211 Part 3 8211 Girlfriend Ke Samen Humiliation

To get continuation please read previous parts of blackmail aur femdom. Unn do dinoke baad meri life tabah ho chuki thi. Divya didi ko pata nahi tha ki maine sakshi ki susu pi hai. Roj raat aur subah sakshi muze dhamkakar apni susu pilati. Roj subah jaldi utha divya didi aur sakshi ke kamre aur toilet saaf karta. Unkeliye breakfast karke unki punishment le ke office jata aur syam ko aa ke phir se unka doggy bankar unki gaand aur chute chatta. Wo dono bhi muze punish karne ke liye alag alag...

2 years ago
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Chennai Se Shuru Hua Pondicherry Me Knatam

Hi dosto, kese ho aap sab , me Naveen chennai se hu and me private company me hr ke roll par kaam kartahu. Request he ki pura padhe and comments mail kare pls, () story pura padneke badh u will surely enjoy reading it. Ye kahani 4 mahine peheliki he jabb mera dost mere pas aakar bola ki usko issi ladki ka no chaiye tp keliye.Tab mujhe apne dusre dost ki yaad aai jisse me kuch hafto pehele mila tha, hum logonne uski ex – gf (usse hum ash ke naam se bullayenge) ke baareme bath karrahethe. Vo ash...

2 years ago
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Accustomed to Her Face Ch 34

Offering You sat on the soft cushion of the window seat – the one that was built into the great bay window of your bedroom. You were trembling and you didn’t know why. The moonlight poured in those tall bay windows – the windows that overlooked the frozen garden below – and it flowed over the deep sills behind the built-in window seats. The light gently illuminated the table there and the crystal vase of white roses, and it fell into your hands resting, cupped on the table-top. The rich,...

3 years ago
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Koena Bold And Bootyfull

Hi guys, Shaumit here back with another story. So about me, I am 21years old from Mumbai. I am a media graduate. Got average looks, a bit muscular body and pretty good sized dick. So, the story is going to be in Hindi. Ye kahani jo main aap sab ke saath share karne jaa raha hu ye kuch bhi planned nahi tha. Jab ye sab hua tab mujhe khudko vishwaas nahi ho raha tha ki ye sab real mein ho raha hai. To sab ladke apne lund ko pakadke hilane ke liye aur sab ladkiya chut geeli hone ke liye tayar ho...

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