Neko Necro free porn video

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Neko Necro By: Set3 The year is 2038. And as much as how the movie "Back to the Future 2" was a misrepresentation of the future, the future of 2038 doesn't look too much different than today. Much to the dissapointment of many a futurist I'm sure. Although a huge contributer to this lackluster future was greatly due to the fact that in 2021, an unknown fanatical group had somehow set off a dirty bomb in the oil fields in the middle east. While this didn't have much of an impact in the availablility of oil on the world at large, the oil companies went absolutely bonkers. Practically creating their own armies for the security of their respective interests, this caused oil prices (and subsequently gas prices) to sky-rocket to unheard of levels. Owning a car, which had been a right of passage into adulthood, had once again become a symbol of wealth as only the wealthy could afford to fill up their tanks. Through government mandate, public transportation and emergency services were still available for the general populace. With the exhorbant cost of owning a personal vehicle obesity rates had dropped drastically as people became more active. This is a truly different world from what we know today. A group of girls from a private girls school were riding horses down a trail as part of their curriculum. As their were riding through a particular rocky part of the trail on of the horses were suddenly spooked as it reared up, ejecting the dark haired twelve year old girl who was riding it. As she fell to the ground, her head hit a flat rock on the ground just right to seemingly knock her out. "Lizzy!" One of the other girls cried as she turned around a dismounted before running to her friends aid. "Lizzy!" she cried again taking the unconscious girl in her arms. It was then that she noticed some blood on her sleeve when she pulled the girl to her. She stared at the blood for just a second before screaming at the others to go get help. Two months later Zack Irun was a runner for a dealer. This is not illegal though as marijuana had been legalised for some time to the point where licenced dealers can sell their product like ice cream vendors. For both safety and legal reasons, the dealers were only allowed to keep a certain amount of cash on them and runners like Zack were needed to retrieve the excess cash. As Zack was making his way through the concrete jungle jumping over random obstacles and generally showing off his athleticism. He loved free running or parkour as some would call it, though he preferred calling it free running as he truly felt free as he bounded about as he moved forward at a brisk pace. As he bounded through an alleyway he would occasionally run up the wall only to flip backwards to land on his feet while maintaining his forward momentum. As he neared the end of the alley he took the opportunity to run up the wall again to jump backwards where he would run in the opposite direction from where he jumped from. After he flipped backwards from jumping off the wall he ran into a woman just after he landed knocking her over. Zack quickly got up and offered a hand to the woman pulling her to her feet. "Sorry," he apologised, "I hope I didn't hurt you too much." The woman giggled as she stood up, "It's okay cutie," she chirped. It was then that Zack saw something flick behind her. Zack leaned over slightly to get a better look and saw the object flick again. It was a tail. A big black cat tail that matched the colour of her long black hair. Zack stiffened as he instantly recognised what the woman was. A "Neko Necro". Neko Necro's were people converted from unclaimed Jane/John Doe's and people who signed a release to have their bodies converted. There were usually two ways to identify a Neko Necro. The first, and most obvious, was the cat tail on their backside and the second was a metal silver plate the size of a half dollar coin at the base of their skull. The company that produced them designed them to be companions. There were some black market knock-offs but those were stolen products as they had whatever computer system in their head removed and a cord attached to a super computer but were still poorly programmed and acted more like the stiff robots and were little more than the realistic sex dolls of the past. "'K, later then," Zack mumbled as he pushed past her. The Neko Necro giggled and made and exaggerated wave giving him an excited "BYE-BYE!" Zack just rolled his eyes as he began running again. He hated Neko Necro's, there was just something about them that freaked him out. Mostly being that they were essentially dead people that were brought back to life. But another thing was that for some reason, he could see a spark of something in their eyes if he actually looked enough. Despite what he, and a lot of people in the world thought, Neko Necro's were here to stay. "Doesn't matter anyway," Zack thought to himself. He had a job to do and he had four more runs to do before he was done for the day. As he ran on, jumping over benches and newspaper boxes without loosing momentum, he had just jumped and flipped over a fire hydrant before crossing a back alley when suddenly, out of nowhere, a black van came speeding out of the back alley hitting him before he was able to touch the ground. This had obvious caught him off guard since he didn't hear it as it drove into him and hit the ground hard. Zack was still dazed, wondering if the van was electric, when three guys jumped out of the van to pick him up and pull him into the van. By that time Zack was able to finally collect his wits, one of the three men pulled a bag over his head while another knocked him out by hitting him with something. Once Zack was secured, the black van drove off. James Taylor, a British ambassador to the US, had just left the hospital in a state of grief. After two months of praying and waiting, he had given the doctors permission to pull the life support on his daughter Elizabeth. James pulled out his handkerchief and put it to his mouth to stifle the single sob he let out. He was sad and angry at himself for letting his daughter die in such a state and that the kindest thing he could do was let her die peacefully in her sleep. "If only..," he trailed off, his voice weak, trying to think if there was something he could have done. If there was something that wasn't tried yet. He let another sob into his handkerchief before using it to wipe the tears away from his eyes as he began the process of composing himself when another man, carrying a briefcase, walked up the steps and stopped in front of him. James stuffed his handkerchief back into his pocket and coughed a few times, "Yes, is there something I can help you with?" The man pulled out a business card offering it to James, which he took briefly studying it. "Actually mister Tayler, I was hoping there would be something I could do for you." Looking the card over. All there was, was the name "Simon Weltch" followed by a phone number. "And who are you?" The man, Simon, then spoke, "First, I would like to offer my condolences for your lose." "What do you want?" James said abruptly, having been ruffled by the fact this man seemed to know about his daughter's accident, "Get to the point, I don't have time for useless prattle," he told Simon angrily. Simon nodded at that, "Yes of course. I represent the company that produces the product that has come to be known as "Neko Necro's." James' upper lip quivered as anger swept through him, his hands balled into tight fists, "How dare you! You barely wait until just after my daughter has died and you swoop in like a vulture?! How Dare you!" James was about to storm off when Simon grabbed his arm. "I'm not interested in selling her to some pervert. Believe it or not, the heads of the company are offering this to you personally. Elizabeth will be converted so that she will live again. This will be done completely on the company's dime, at no cost to you. Think about it, your daughter will live on. She will grow up into a fine young woman and you will be there to see it happen. Don't let the same thing happen like your wife." "GOOD DAY mister Weltch," and with that James stormed down the steps to the waiting limo leaving the infuriating man on the steps of the hospital. The limo had soon taken him back to the British Embassy where he trudged back to his office to work off the anger he had built up from his encounter with that damnable man Simon Weltch. This however, was a failing endeavor as he grew increasingly frustrated until he finally had to stop as he wasn't progressing any farther. He sat back in his chair and pulled out the card Simon had handed him. He only looked at it for a second before crumpling it up and throwing it into a waste basket. At that he got up and wondered though the halls aimlessly until he found himself in front of the door to this daughter's room. With a trembling hand he turned the knob and entered. Elizabeth's room was exactly as she had left it before she had left for the private girls school. On her bed he saw the stuffed rabbit she forgot to take with her. He sat on the bed and pulled the stuffed animal towards him into a hug. He gave a weak laugh as he remembered when she called him after discovering that she left it behind and pleaded to him to have it sent to her. He had convinced her to just go without it for the time she was at the school and like a dutiful daughter she was, she accepted. Now though, he regretted not sending it to her. He had little doubt that it would have changed nothing about her accident, but at least she would have had something to keep her happy before it happened. With that James gently placed the stuffed rabbit back on the bed and returned to his office. Sitting back at his desk, he looked at a picture of his daughter he had on his desk and just stared. No parent should outlive their children. James held his head in his hands for the longest time trying to think. He desperately wanted his daughter back and as he stared at the waste basket he knew there was only one way that was going to happen. "God help me," James said as he reached into the waste basket and pulled out the crumpled card and dialed the number on the card. It rang twice before it picked up. "Yes, hello?" It was Simon. "What do you need me to do for you to bring my daughter back?" "I'll be over in twenty minutes with some forms for you to sign. In the meantime, I'll arrange for your daughter to be put back on life support until she can be moved to one of our facilities where she can be put through the procedure. Sure enough, twenty minutes later Simon arrived at the embassy with a briefcase and was escorted to James's office where he waited. Simon entered James' office and sat in a chair in front of his desk. Simon then lifted his briefcase onto his lap and opened it pulling out several forms and placed them in front of James. "You will need to read these forms first and then sign them. What they say is that you understand what will be done to Elizabeth's body and you authorise the company to perform the procedure to convert her into a "Neko Necro". The last form is an acknowledgment that the company will be footing the bill for this procedure. Any further adjustments will be paid by you, not including corrections for software or medical reasons, you'll be only responsible in paying for any cosmetic changes such as personality and tail replacement not related to medical reasons," he told James in full business mode. James confirmed as much as he read through the forms but read them twice more to be sure he didn't miss anything. Once he was satisfied, he signed the forms where they indicated. On handing the forms back to Simon who placed them back in his briefcase before pulling out a large booklet and handed it to James. "This booklet is a questionnaire that you will need to fill it out as her personality will be determined by how you fill it out. There is a duplicate questionnaire that you will need to forward to any friends she may have had before her accident. So please, you and the person will both need to be a honest as possible," Simon told him flatly. "Are you saying that I would lie about my own daughter?" James accused. "Of course not," Simon assured, "It's just in cases like these most people would put their relatives on a pedestal, unintentional of course, but in regards to Neko Necro's a person would think the world of them and fill out the questionnaire making them the idealised version of what they remember. And when we program the Neko Necro to that, the owner would become upset that we made a mistake," Simon shrugged at that, "Needless to say, it becomes a huge headache for all those involved, so please, think about the questions before you put your answer down. James just nodded appreciating his honesty and perused the booklet as Simon pulled out a small clipboard. "So, would you happen to know what Elizabeth's favorite big cat was? A tiger or puma perhaps? Or a cheetah?" "Er, tigers I think. Yes, she liked tigers I believe," James said as Simon made a note on the clipboard before replacing it back in the briefcase and closing it. "Why do you ask?" "In the case of Elizabeth, we'll be needing to clone a tiger's tail and attach it to the base of her tailbone," he answered plainly. "I don't want my daughter looking like one of those freaks," James replied as he dropped the booklet. Simon rubbed his eyes," Please understand mister Taylor, the tail is required for balancing. Unfortunately, after a person has died, something happens to the inner-ear that causes them to lose their natural balance. The Tail acts as a counter-balance so that they can remain standing," he explained. "So why not just clone a new inner ear if that is what's needed," James inquired. "Because human clone, on any level, is still illegal. We can get away with cloning animal parts because some organisations are cloning the full animals to bring endangered species back. A grey area, I admit, but necessary." James took a deep breath to calm his nerves, "Very well. Is there anything else you need from me?" Simon closed his briefcase and stood up, "Just have those booklets filled out as soon as possible and call me when you're done. I will come by to pick them up. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to oversee the matter of moving your daughter to a qualified facility for her procedure," he said before turning around and pausing, "And good day to you mister Taylor," he said pleasantly and the showed himself out the door leaving James at his desk alone and with the emotionally heavy booklet in front of him. "Best I get started then," James thought to himself as he opened the booklet and started on the first question. At a relatively nearby undisclosed facility Zack was in an operating room, on a table with a half dozen surgeons working on the back of his head having exposed his brain and had stuck probes in key locations of it. "Memory replication nearly complete," one surgeon said as he adjusted a probe, "Just another five hours. God, these are always painful." "Look on the bright side," another quipped, "After that, it's another four hour surgery session to fit this guy with a plug." "Heh, yeah the fun never stop here," the first one replied. That was the extent of the operating teams conversation and they continued on. Hours later the "replication" of Zack's memories was complete and the lead surgeon went over to a machine that was attached to the probes and pulled out a metal rod the size and length of two double A batteries end to end. "The soul of a man in the palm of my hand," he said trying to sound poetic. "And that is why they say Shakespeare is dead," another said to which the others laughed at as the second operating team filed in to install a socket mount in the back of Zack's head that could fit a rod like the one the lead surgeon had taken from the machine. Just outside the building, Simon had arrived with the body of Elizabeth. Several doctors ran out to the black van that was carrying her and brought her in. "Get her ready for project E.V.O.V.L.E. It's going to be a long couple of days but don't push it. Also, I need a credible reason for why we need to replace her eyes as well." "Yes sir," a doctor responded as she and the others pulled the body into an elevator which took them down to the sub-levels of the building where project E.V.O.L.V.E was held. "Project E.V.O.L.V.E." An acronym for Entity Variations Of Living Vessels' Enterpretation was put together to make use of the Neko Necro craze that had swept much of the developed world. The novelty of Neko Necro's had lent itself to be the perfect spy, unassuming and non- threatening. It would be a surprise if the US government was the only one to think of it. The reason why Elizabeth was being put through the program was because her father, the ambassador: James Taylor was under suspicion of espionage and stealing American military secrets for his own government. For better or worse, it was a stroke of luck for them that his daughter had the accident. And the reason for Zack's abduction was to give the new Elizabeth the skills necessary to get across any obstacles their little spy might run into. Elizabeth's first round of surgery was to remove her eyes and replace them with artificial ones. On the outside, they look just like a house cat's eyes with the slitted pupils. However, underneath the fa?ade were three small camera lenses. One for normal sight, one for night vision, and the last to see in the infra-red spectrum. As the team of doctors worked on her eyes on happened to make a remark. "She's got such pretty eyes. It's a shame we have to toss them." "It can't be helped," said another, "We can't risk the chance that someone will run a DNA test on these. If the target finds out that we were lying about the reason we swapped out her eyes then he's going to ask some much unneeded questions." "Yeah, well, I still say it's a waste." "Your whining has been duly noted." "Ah shut up and hand me the sutures." Once the surgery on the eyes were completed her eyes were bandaged to keep them shut and another team came in and took over the surgery of installing a plug at the base of her head. Since she was flipped over another team was working on her tail bone to graph a tiger's tail to it. Those surgeons had to cut a large patch of skin away to make room for the added muscle control for the tail. The entire combined surgeries all took a total of thirty-six hours to complete. The computerised system in the socket now regulates the girls autonomic functions such as her heart rate and breathing but far all intents and purposes Elizabeth was just a living doll, having no will of her own. Her body was then moved to a room upstairs where it could recuperate and heal from the multiple surgeries. A week later James had completed the booklet as well as Elizabeth's friend from school and called Simon to retrieve it. Later, when Simon arrived to collect them, he had a pained expression on his face. Fearing the worst, James had immediately asked what was wrong. "No, the procedure went very well mister Taylor. It's just that with the time that's past between you deciding to take her off life support and deciding to put her through the procedure, her eyes had suffered a failure that would have made her blind so we were forced to replace them with a state of the art prosthesis that we were fortunate enough to have on hand." "Couldn't you have found a compatible doner set of eyes?" James asked. "Unfortunately, Elizabeth is no longer classified as "human" under the law. Most people regard Neko Necro's as toys rather than living beings." James grumble but aquist. Simon gathered the booklets into his briefcase and left James alone once again. When Simon arrived at the facility he gave the booklets to the programmers who would then construct Elizabeth's new personality matrix. It was another week of filtering through the questionnaires in both booklets before her new personality was complete. Later in the day, James was called to the building where he was then brought to a room where he found his daughter laying on a doctors examination table looking as is she was sound asleep. Not long after, Simon came in with a small case. "Hello mister Tayler," he greeted him. "Yes hello, could we get on with this please?" James asked impatiently. "Yes, of course," he replied opening the small case and taking out a metal rod. "This rod is very important. Without this, Elizabeth won't be able to move except to breath. if there's any problems with how she acts, we'll just remove this and make the necessary adjustments," Simon explained as he set the rod into the socket and pushed it in where it locked in place where it became flush with the small plate at the base of her skull. Only a moment passed before the girls eyes fluttered as she woke up. She then sat up and looked around the room, her eyes looking eerie, until her gaze came upon James. "Daddy!" she said excitedly as she jumped off the table and ran to James and grabbed him in a hug. "I missed you Daddy," she said as she continued to hug him. James fell to his knees. He never thought that he would hear her voice again and hugged her back. Her eyes were a little disconcerting but he didn't care. Even if the girl in his arms was just a shadow of his daughter he didn't care. She was awake. After what seemed like an eternity James finally, reluctantly, let go and stood up. "Lets get you home Elizabeth," he told the girl. "Ok daddy," she replied with a flick of her tail which caused James to visibly wince. The two left the room and soon the building and rode a limo back to the embassy. When they arrived "Elizabeth" jumped out of the limo to marvel at the embassy building. "Wow," she said as her tail swished back and forth, obviously amazed, "This is where we live? It's so big!" James couldn't help but smile. It was the same way she reacted when they first came here. "Perhaps Elizabeth isn't gone," James thought, "Maybe she had just forgotten." A large part of James knew that he was only deluding himself but he couldn't help it. He followed her as she ran while giggling to the double doors and pushing her way inside. As James lead Elizabeth down the halls she ran around him looking at the d?cor as well as saying hello to the people they came across who in turn did a double-take when they noticed her tail and then her eyes. James dismissed them as he passed by until they reached Elizabeth's room. When Elizabeth entered, she immediately spied the stuffed rabbit on the bed and bee-lined to it, wrapping it in her arms and hugging it tightly and turned to James. "This is my bunny right daddy?" she asked with a playful smile. James was about to say yes when someone came up to him telling him about a sudden problem. James gave a sigh as he was hoping to spend more time with his daughter. He told Elizabeth that he would be working in his office and he would come back as soon as he could. Elizabeth nodded and did what she was told but looked a little sad. Later as James was in his office going over paperwork, there was a knock on the door. "Yes, what is it?" he asked a little irritated. The door opened and Elizabeth's head poked out from behind it and James sat back in his chair and rubbed the weariness out of his eyes. "Hello Cherry (His nickname for Elizabeth), what are you doing out of your room?" Elizabeth walked in, "It got boring in there," she then ran around the desk and tried to jump into James' lap, being hampered as the armrest of the chair, "Can you come and play with me?" James looked at the clock on his desk, it read 9:38 pm. "Is it that late already?" He rubbed his eyes again before he got up and took his daughter's hand and lead her out back to her room. "I'm afraid it is past your bedtime now Cherry," he said to her. "Aww, but daddy, I want to play," she pouted, her striped tail flicking in annoyance. "And we will Cherry," he assured her, "Tomorrow we can play," he told her. Elizabeth looked down dejected, "Okay." Soon enough they arrived at her room where James had her change into her nightwear before tucking her in. With a kiss on her forehead, he wished her sweet dreams and left after turning the lights off. Elizabeth had quickly fallen asleep soon after. In the midnight hours Elizabeth suddenly awoke. Sitting up in bed she saw that it was still dark out and laid back down in effort to go back to sleep. But after tossing and turning she was unable to so she got up to look for her father. She didn't know where her daddy's room was but her mind reasoned that he might be in his office, so she walked off in that direction. As she walked through the halls she decided to play a game by hiding whenever someone came by. It was fun to her and when she reached her father's office she gave herself a small cheer that she was a good hider as no one she came across saw her even once. When she opened the door she saw that the lights were off but she didn't mind as the night vision lenses in her eyes activated showing the room in green shades. Her simple mind marveled at this but decided to keep it a secret from her daddy just in case they ever played hide and seek in the dark. As she was about to step into the room, the infra-red lenses in her eyes activated showing the previously hidden trip lasers. "Oh, daddy is so sneaky," she thought with a grin thinking this was all just a game her father did for her. Elizabeth was about to leave since her father wasn't here her sights immediately locked on the computer sitting on his desk. "Maybe daddy has some games on his computer," she thought as she got ready to move. Taking a step back, she jumped forward over a row of trip lasers using her momentum to jump over the back of the chair in front of the desk where she landed on her father's desk. She then hopped down into her father's chair and turned on the computer. Thanks to the cryptography programs loaded into her she was able to get past the log in, but to her it was all just a game and she prided herself on being so smart. After getting past the log in she began looking through documents, trying to look for games, while every image she saw was saved in the rod in her skull. Eventually, after Elizabeth looked through all the files on the entire computer, she yawned and decided that she was too sleepy to play now. She turned off the computer and left the office the same way she came in and closed the door and made her way back to her room. Once she was in she laid down on the bed and pulled the blanket above her head and promptly fell asleep once again. The next day, true to his word, James had cleared his schedule for the day and took Elizabeth for a walk to a nearby park. Elizabeth giggled as she ran around the park jumping all over the playground equipment and had a small game of tag with some other kids while James watched from a bench. After a time Elizabeth ran back to her father grabbing his hand and trying to pull him up. "Come on daddy, let's go play hide and go seek," she smiled as she continued to tug his hand. James gave a small chuckle before he finally stood up, "Okay then," he told her as he found her smiling face infectious. "Yay! Ok daddy, I'll go hide and you find me." When James accepted the terms Elizabeth ran off before turning back, "And no peeking daddy or it wouldn't be fair!" she told him. James, still grinning, made a show of covering his hands before he started counting. Elizabeth then ran off over to a group of trees and hid behind them. As she waited, Simon came up behind her. "Hello Elizabeth," he said as she looked up at him. Elizabeth remembered him from when she woke up the other day, "Oh, hello. You have to be quiet because I'm playing hide and seek with daddy," she said looking as if she had a secret. Simon smile back, "Elizabeth, can you turn around and show me the back of your neck please?" "Okay," she said and did what he told her. Simon brushed the hair out of the way showing the grey silver plate of metal at the base of her skull. He then ran his index finger over the end of the exposed rod which caused Elizabeth to gasp. As the rod disengaged the Elizabeth personality gave way to Zack's as in those few seconds he suddenly remembered everything that had happened to him. From being hit by the van to waking up as a girl. It was like a dream as he couldn't move or act on his own as his new body moved without his wanting to. It was only when the rod containing "him" was he finally able to think clearly again and understand what was happening to him. He tried to move, but he couldn't and his body slumped down to the ground. It would have fallen all the way if Simon hadn't caught him. But, as the rod in the back of his neck pushed out, his consciousness fell to blackness as Simon pulled the rod from the girls neck. Simon replaced the rod with another one which cause the girl to wake up, none the wiser and ran back to her dad to play some more. Zack sat up suddenly gasping for breath as he started to look around before a strong pair of hands pushed him back down. "Easy there, you're safe now," the voice said. Zack took a few more breaths waiting for his vision to clear when he suddenly recognised the voice. It was his own. He turned to where he heard his voice and much to his horror, he was staring at his own face that was looking back at him trying to look reassuring. "What the fuck?!" Zack screamed before pausing at the sound of his voice. It was too light and sounded like a woman's. Zack immediately looked down at himself and was shocked to see breasts sitting atop his chest under a red shirt. "What the fuck?" he said again as he brought feminine hands up to his chest feeling the flesh on his hands and was horrified to feel his hands through the breasts. He began to hyperventilate. "Easy now," his body said carefully, "I take it from your reaction that I'm in your body?" Zack swallowed before speaking, "How is this possible? Why are you in my body? And whose body is this?" he questioned. His body gave him a sad look, "You're a Neko Necro now, the guys who did this to us don't really care whose in what body, and I don't really know who the person's body you now has since no one here has claimed it yet," he answered each question in order. It wasn't until the guy in his body told him that he was a Neko Necro that he was suddenly aware of a long appendage attached to just above his rear but he was still in denial. "You're lying!" he accused him. His body just gave him a dismissive look, "Feel the back of your neck," he told him. With a shaking hand he reached back and felt under the long hair and could swear his heart stopped as he felt a round metal plate there. "No!" he shouted, "Nononononononono," he repeated pulling himself into the fetal position as he rocked back and forth trying to come to terms with the situation he found himself in. It just doesn't make any sense, he reasoned, only people who just died were made into Neko Necro's and he was sure he didn't die. And even if he did, shouldn't he be just as mindless as the Neko Necro's he saw then? After awhile Zack had finally calmed down and slowly got up. the guy wearing his body was still with him and Zack noticed that there was a tail attached just above his rear too. "Is that a cheetah's tail?" he thought vaguely as he turned around to look at his own tail. As he turned his head, black hair whip in his face and saw a long black tail. He grabbed it and gave it a squeeze feeling a slight pain as he did which proved he now had a tail. The guy in his body gently pushed him over to a mirror on the wall. When he looked into it, he saw the face of the Neko Necro he first saw before he got ran over by the van. He stared at the cute face with big (to him) breast on his chest. As he stared at the woman he saw his tail flick behind him. He grabbed it to hold it still to keep it from distracting him from his small feminine body. His body came up beside him and put his hands on his small shoulders, "Welcome to project E.V.O.L.V.E.," he said with a note of snark and distaste. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope everyone has enjoyed this as I think I'll be adding future stories to this little universe. I would also like to open this up to others as well if any would like to contribute. Just please contact me first and I'll send the universe rules. Thanks for reading.

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Wake Up

Wake Up My name is Diana Smith I am 47 years old. I am leaving prison today after 2 years of a 3 years sentence. I am leaving not a woman prison but a man prison as a TS I was sent to such a place I have spent 2 years under rule 43 solitary confinement with all the bloody nonce?s I hate scum that do kids but I was in with them on D wing. Why was I in with that lot of dog filth the reason was simple as a TS I would in general population be raped and raped. But still on the way out...

3 years ago
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They Were Residing In My Flat Part I

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...

3 years ago
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Strapless Black Dress

Strapless Black Dress Mom always said that a girl needs a little black dress. That was why she bought one for my sister. In this case the dress was strapless, quite short, and sexy as hell with a plunging back, a V-neck, and a slit up the side. At fourteen with her breasts still developing Penelope was worried about her dress falling down and exposing her fantastic boobs. Mom laughed at her and told her that the dress would not fall down. Then she told her to wear it around the...

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Overheard Conversation

It was early afternoon. I had been delivering some pottery to customers around the area. My wife and I had a small business out of our home. I had told Jessica that I'd be home around six in the evening but the trip had been quicker than I expected and I was arriving home two hours earlier than that.I parked the van in the barn. Then I got out and walked over and entered the kitchen through the back door. It was open as always during the day. We lived in a modern log cabin down in a hollow in...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 7 Whipped

Shortie picked a vicious looking cat-o-nine-tails and Soushi a shorter single tail whip. They swished and cracked them harmlessly in the air while Makuto removed Jim's gag. "We like hear you scream," he grinned. Swinging the cat in a wide arc, Shortie brought the thongs down hard across his victim's back. Jim groaned loudly from the pain. I wished I could have done something to stop it but I was immobile. We'd been told the Japs were not allowed to draw blood but I wondered how closely...

3 years ago
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Exhibitionist teacher shares a summer house with a female student Part III

When Mr. Forte visited the pool earlier in the week to get some reading assignments done, he was made well aware that the pool and hot tub were not just “Clothing Optional” as the posted sign said, but the expectation of the residents was that it was clearly “nude required”.As he read his assignments in his running shorts on Wednesday, Kelly and Brian, two other housemates came down to use the pool and get some reading done as well.  As soon as they arrived, they both stripped completely nude,...

1 year ago
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iWant To Go Further 1

(sequel to 'iWant To Kiss')[Carly and Sam are still early in their relationship. When the more experienced Carly wants to go faster, how will Sam take it?]"Hey Spence."His surprised face was the second-best thing Sam saw that morning. The best had been Carly sl*eping next to her, but then again, it was hard to compete with that. Poor thing must've been tired. Not that Sam had anything to do with that. It wasn't like they'd spent the previous night making out until 4:30… honest."I didn't know...

3 years ago
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My Naughty Mother part 1

Part 1 By Docker5000 Introductory. Marion is a happy married house-wife living in a small town in 1950’s America. She has one 18 year old son. However Marion finds that her sex drive is running out of control and her husband is unable to keep up with her. So she starts looking for other partners to satisfy her sexual desires. James Cartwright was just stepping out of the shower. He felt very tired and he just wanted to go back to bed. However that was simply out of the...

2 years ago
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The Test

The_Test.txt by Cindy V; femdom, TV, humiliation "Oh, please take me out, Andrea. I really think I'm ready." Candy was pleading with Andrea. Candy was one of Andrea's sissy slaves. She wanted Andrea to take her outdoors, fully crossdressed, for the first time, to try to pass in public. "Now Candy," Andrea replied in a motherly tone. "Do you really think you're ready? Remember that Saturday a few months ago at my office?" Candy had been Andrea's sissy for several years. Andrea...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise

For the first time in almost a year you go home It’s the day before your birthday and your mom told you she was planning a special party for you. You got so excited when you heard that. College sucked there was no hiding that and home would be great to see. You hoped that your sister would be home too. You hadn’t seen her much less talked to her since last Christmas after she missed the next due to a storm. Your Mom didn’t say who she invited but you expected more than just her. You arrived at...

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Mommys Twisted Little Fucker

There are many people that decide to read stuff they know they will think is worthless trash and then make an insulting, negative comment like, "You're sick! You're pathetic! I hope you die," after reading the story. I know that no matter what I say and no matter how much I warn you, you people will still read the story and then post a negative comment. This is because you are supercilious hypocrites. Why on earth would you read a story with sick codes that do not appeal to you and...

3 years ago
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RubyChapter 19 And Baby Makes Three

Greta had already delivered her baby son right on time. She became a constant visitor to the Haggard household. "You know, Ruby, this little wooly booger looks just like his daddy," she told her friend and laughed. "He's got this mop of black hair, he's wrinkled all over and he's ugly as sin." Ruby laughed, "I bet Stanley is a real proud daddy, isn't he?" "I'll say. Man, when we go to temple that ugly little Jew is so proud he almost has the rabbi convinced you Christians made a...

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Poker WifeChapter 6 Lisa Becomes A Porn Star

While Lisa was upstairs showering, Scott had already begun the task of editing a master of her first performance of the evening. Being a low budget porn director, he could have the master ready in half an hour, not feeling the need to be to meticulous in the process. After all he couldn't sell this tape. Yeah right! He'd fake some releases and put it on E-bay tomorrow. With any luck he could make a few extra dollars off of it in no time. While Scott continued his work, and Lisa was...

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Summer Can KillChapter 7

Thursday 11.00am A busy week and a busy day, he thought as he prepared the documents for the last chore of the morning. Meetings all the way and he'd had to cancel one already. Time passed slowly on Mondays and Thursdays, and he was never sure if he wanted lunchtime to come or whether to savour for a little longer the dancing expectancy that coursed through him. He wondered how apprehensive the little slut felt. He'd teach her a lesson or two today, definitely, and then maybe another one....

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Legendary Takeover

You were walking on the street dissapointed. You recently lost your job. Your girlfriend cheated on you and you were now homeless. You didnt have much to go on in your life. But still you were determined to live your life and make it better for yourself. Filled with new determination you walk across the street and before you had a chance to get away, you got run over by a car as your vision went black. When you regain your senses you realize that your on grass and you could hear voices. You...

2 years ago
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A Rough Night She gets some rough handling

I sat on the edge of the bed, biting my nail and ruining the smooth polish I had applied earlier. The red of the digital clock illuminated the dark room and my lashes fluttered as the clock display switched to 10:38. On February 14th at 10:38, I finally admitted to myself that I would spend the entire day alone.I should just go to bed.I sighed.I thought of the last time we had been together as I pulled open the drawer to the nightstand. I thought of how he had slowly stripped my clothes off,...

1 year ago
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Club X

Club X is like no other bar I have ever known. It is nothing less than a monument to the nude male form, a self indulgent hedonistic extravaganza. From the outside, it looks like nothing at all but surface appearances can be deceptive. Tonight will be my third visit in as many weeks and each has proved unforgettable and utterly exhilarating resulting in total satisfaction. But then again, I love sucking the sperm from other men’s cocks!Once past the anonymous surface security I descend a steep...

3 years ago
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The Games Part Sixteen Concluded

THE GAMES PART SIXTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you! And...

2 years ago
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Sanuras Tale Part 2 A MORFS Universe Story

MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 2 By Britney McMaster Chapter 7: Discoveries My head was throbbing as I regained consciousness. As I looked around at the rubble surrounding me, everything that had happened came rushing back to me in a torrent of confusing memories. *What the hell happened?* Looking around, I surveyed the damage. I seemed to be in the center of the damage. Lying in front of me was the splintered remains of our table. *Where is everyone?* I started frantically looking...

3 years ago
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my two wives part 1

Introduction: misterjedi MY TWO WIVES PART I I am not the author of this story. Chapter 1 JACKS NARRATIVE I first met Carol when she was a virginal 16 and I was19. We got on well together, and after dating for a couple of years we had gotten married, when she reached 18. She was no stunner by any means, but was very attractive, 5 feet 6 inches tall, slightly over weight but not fat, with a beautifully proportioned figure. In fact she had the best breasts I had ever seen, or felt –...

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Esme Chapter 8

Thanks to everyone at Transcripts TG Fiction for all their support and help, and to everyone who's taken the time to comment and stuck with our story. Chapter 8 "God, I hate this," Esme said, pulling down on the hem of her skirt. "It's like some kind of cosmic joke." Freya replied, "It's not like I held a gun to your head and made you wear a skirt." Esme wobbled about on the heels. "It's not that. Girl's clothes," and she saw Freya smile, "make you stand differently. They...

4 years ago
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A Smile That Can Make Panties Drop 3

Sammi's eyes were closed, but she knew something was different. The pillow she was on didn't feel the same as her usual one and she realized she wasn't wearing anything. I always sleep in panties and a tank, why am I naked? And why does my coochie feel like it's done an F45 workout?All of these thoughts went through her head in less than a second - and then she remembered. Her eyes screwed tighter closed, and then she opened the left one to a slit. To her left, her boss' hot boss lay...

Straight Sex
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A TRUE FRIEND 3This is another story about my friend Barbra once again it's true as are the other stories I have recalled.It was a warm day I was at home on holiday from work for 2 weeks the wife had to work as she could not get the same time off she worked from 10 am to 4 pm 5 days a week. I had done all the jobs in the house that needed my attention even as far as getting things ready for dinner that night. Trouble was it was only just after a 10-30am bit of a boring day k**s at school till 4...

2 years ago
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© 2002 The sweep second hand inched ever so slowly. "I swear they must slow these clocks down after lunch", Carrie spoke under her breath. "Five... Four... Three... Two... One! Come on Kel we're out of here!" As she flipped the switch on her computer. "Carrie, you are not supposed to do that. You're supposed to wait for it to shut down" "I don't care Kel, you flip the switch and its on, you flip the switch and its off. Instant just like that. Besides I don't have the patients...

4 years ago
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Dungeon MasterChapter 5 Discovery

Three days later Sun and Erina returned with their Battle Slaves. We, that was Ora, Jessica and I, met them at the stream. Seeing the team looking healthy, I was relieved. Kinda. Their packs were full of smoked venison and fresh herbs which meant that it wasn’t them that encountered trouble. We welcomed them back and after a bit of excitement, explained the issue. They wanted to go back out and search for Wen’s team but I forbade it. Inside, I received Sun’s report; which was basically no...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Part 1

Last week me and my girlfriend seemed to be in a bit of a slump in our sex life, which doesn't happen very often at all. We have tried many things, and done so in many different places. Our sex life is more than healthy, but we had both been incredibly stressed out the last few weeks and hadn't had much creative thought. One night after spending the evening watching movies, holding eachother close on the couch, we both started to get hot. I was kissing her neck softly and rubbing her tummy,...

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Making the Most of Our Second ChancesChapter 15

We woke up the next morning feeling quite refreshed. I looked into her eyes and got an indescribable feeling fell over me. "I love you Mark. You saved my life, cared for me when no one else seemed to care. You were always there to give me companionship while we grew up. I cannot describe how being with you makes me feel." "Jenny my love, words have not yet been invented to describe the feeling I get when I'm with you. Every day, when I wake up and find you lying next to me makes my...

2 years ago
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Every Day Will be Like a Holiday

Even though my son Brandon was nineteen and in his second year of college, he still liked to alternate the years he spent holidays with me and his dad. This year was my year for Thanksgiving, and since my parents were in Sarasota for the winter, Brandon and I were left to fend for ourselves. Or so I thought. ‘Hey, Mom,’ Brandon said to me when he came in for the holidays. ‘I know we have plans for Turkey Day this year, but Kellie invited me to her dad’s house, and …’ I knew this day would...

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Katie was excited as she dressed for her date with boyfriend Roscoe Peterson as she,d decided to let him fuck her tender young snatch rather than keeping him happy by blowing his rather large fat trouser snake. She,d originally been terrified her tight cunt couldn,t manage such a cock, but after her best friend Emma introduced her to fisting she Wasn,t as tight as when her now single parent father Tim had taken her cherry. Katie was a nubile young girl who at fifteen when dressed up could...

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Lonely wife

Wrote this story several years ago. The whole story is fiction.Enjoy!I was sitting in a bar like I always do in Friday evenings. Hard working week behind and nothing beats relaxing like a cold drink. I noticed a pretty Asian girl opposite side of the counter. She was stunning with long curly hair. She looked somewhat bored so I approached her.'May I sit here?' I asked politely and motioned the seat next to her.'Sorry, I'm waiting for someone' she replied.'Ah, okay. Let me keep you company til...

3 years ago
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Spiritually Led

"Morning Bethany, how are you?" I said with a smile to the pretty blonde who lived in my building as she passed me in the hall. "Your cat shit on my doormat again." She said, stopping briefly. "I uh, I've never owned a cat." I replied. "K then." She said then walked away. I tried to engage her in conversation as much as I could, to be honest I'm not sure why I did, she was tall, had the body of a playboy model with real nice breasts and a pretty face and usually she'd usually...

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River Ch 09

My lazy stay-at-home Friday, started wonderfully with that car-based release of pressure. After putting our clothes back on with fumbling fingers and trying to fix both my and his hair, whilst looking guiltily out of the windows of his car, John drove us back to the grocery store. We gave each other one long, loving kiss and said goodbye. I slowly walked to my car and then equally slowly drove home, head again filled with sensory memories that needed to be processed. I walked like a...

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Your Wish Come True revised Chapter 9 Discoveries

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer STILL rather stunned and excited by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she...

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Lizzie Moving InChapter 6

Tuesday Aug 9 Went back to school today for our swim test. I found a nice quiet corner of the locker room to change in. I didn't feel like putting on extra sunscreen just for the test so I pulled on an old baggy wet suit I had left over from Halloween a couple years ago. Not only was it black but the previous owner had painted little skeleton fishes on it. Very cool. For Halloween I wore it and Em painted my hands, face, and feet, to look like a skeleton. I had to roll up the sleeves and...

1 year ago
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh Part 23

Hello dosto aap sab ne meri pichli kahani mein padha ki kaise Ramesh aur Sudhakar uncle ne meri mummy ko us ghar mein rat bhar choda. Subah jab meri mummy ghar aayi toh unhone ne kaha main sone jaa rahi hu aur woh kamre mein chali gayi. Kariban 20 minutes bad main ander gaya. Mummy bed pe so rahi thi pet ke bal, unka skirt utha hua tha. Maine notice kiya meri mummy ki kachhi nahi thi kyuki thoda unke chutad ka bhag dikh raha tha mujhe. Main mummy ke bedroom se attached bathroom mein gaya. Waha...

4 years ago
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Wife As A Call Girl

This is the story of an Indian housewife seema who wanted to be a call girl for a night and fucked hard at least 6-7 times. Her husband never fucked her more than twice a night. All along she had this fantasy but never dared to speak to her husband. One night while watching wife sharing sharing video, she asked her husband som – have you ever thought of getting me fucked by another guy for fucking..?? (tumne kabhi socha hai kya ki mujhe koi aur aadmi chode) som was shocked..! He never expected...

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Math Class Student vs Teacher

I was new at the school. Only been there for about month before classes started in late August. I was the track coach part time and did not start training for cross country until the end of September. I kept in good shape with flat abs to go along with my 6ft 4 frame. I had to run to keep up with these k**s at the school.I did not start until 2nd period on Mondays, so I got in early to set up my desk and write my name on the chalk board. The bell rang and the door to my class open. In came each...

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Saturday office

Hey my name is shailendra I hate working on Saturdays. I didn’t have to go in however I was behind on a few things and instead of rushing thru things on Monday, I came in on Saturday, about 11:00am, to get a bit ahead of the game. What I didn’t expect was for Saranya to be there. She was not some drop dead gorgeous woman but was very hot, in her own way. She was in her late 30’s so a bit older than me with shoulder length hair and long legs that just kept going. She was in pretty good shape as...

1 year ago
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Something Personal Ch 02

Nina inspected her reflection, adding a bit more eyeliner to her cheek to perfect the whiskers of her cat costume. She had waited too long to think of what to wear and ultimately fell back on what seemed easiest, all she’d had to buy where the ears and tail. Checking the time, she grabbed her keys and hurried to the pub to meet everyone. Gavin stood out immediately. Wearing an Ironman mask that covered his face, she would have been able to pick him out of the crowd just by looking at his broad...

3 years ago
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The Further Adventures of Kitty Girl Part III

She toyed with me mercilessly, keeping me so wound up I began to wonder if I someone could die from being denied on orgasm. The conclusion I came to was unsettling, as every nerve ending began to scream, an overload of promised pleasure becoming too much to bear. I began to beg, telling her I would do anything, and I meant it. She pinned me once, lay on top of me until I was both still and quiet, demanding my attention with her level stare."Anything, Rachel?"I swallowed, wondering if I would be...

4 years ago
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Eatting Out

Eating Out By Matthew Phillips The Decision: It was a normal Friday night at the Williams household. Tommy and Suzie were home from school for the weekend and were already playing. Their mom, Beth, was in the kitchen trying to decide what to make for dinner. "KIDS...I'm tired of trying to figure out what to cook for supper." Mrs. Williams complained to her children. "Call Dad mom he usually has good ideas about that type of thing." Suzie suggested. Thinking it wasn't a...

2 years ago
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Raider and the Lost Lamp Ch 01

For the first time in over a thousand years, light crept around the corner and down the ancient staircase. Panning her torch slowly around the wide hallway, eminent archaeologist and Tomb Raiding person, Clara Roft cautiously advanced. After briefly eyeballing the steps, she began descending them, heading towards a cobweb-covered wall at their base. As she came to the wall, she continued to direct her torchlight on it, while gently brushing the cobwebs away with her free hand, her parched but...

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My Training Begins Gay

I started sucking cock years ago and got pretty good at it. I still blow several of those guys I started with to this day. I sometimes picked up strangers at bars when I went out and I would blow them in their car or we would get a motel room. Then one night a few years ago I was extremely horny.It was a rare that I didn't have a cock at all that day. I went out to a bar with one thing on my mind, find a guy and blow him. That night I met Clark, we started talking and after a while I got up the...

3 years ago
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How I Got Tied Up With My Husbands Friends

Chapter 1 "Let's do something different, Mike. Seems like we do the same old things, suck and fuck, and yes, it's nice, but I really want us to try something that will make my pussy just go wild. Like when I was first having sex. I couldn't get enough, I just had a buzz in my pussy all the time. I wanna feel that buzz again. I mean, I'm twenty-six, not seventy-six. I want that buzz again." "Sounds like you need a new vibrator, Gina." "No, I didn't mean, buzz, exactly like that, I...

4 years ago
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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 10

My plan was, upon getting into the apartment, I'd show the group around and then focus on packing a room at a time. We all sort of had to be in one room together so I could play a traffic cop deciding what went where. You know, if something was mine to take or belonged to the landlord and had to be left in the apartment. Or if ultimately, it was to wind up in the dumpster. To put it simply, I had a one bedroom apartment. It had a nice large kitchen, with a breakfast nook, where I took most...

1 year ago
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Backdoor Bathroom Voyeur

It was a cold fall Friday night in my normally quiet college town. Myself and one of my roommates, Jay, were at home making a game plan for the evening. Our other roommates had already headed off to happy hour and we assured them we would meet up with them later. We were sitting around in our boxers, smoking joints and downing one beer after another. We generally hated the atmosphere of happy hour and preferred to get drunk on our own before hitting the bar scene. Suddenly the phone rang and...

2 years ago
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Last Part

(Eloise) Sometimes he looked at her in a certain way and it no longer seemed possible to speak. There were words right in her throat at the moment, climbing up her tongue and then slipping back down again and again like Sisyphus’ boulder.He led her to the wall, pushed her gently to the floor, then stood in front of her. The robe was fuzzy and warm on her, but she could feel the air conditioning on her breasts and sex.He crouched down to one knee, like a coach giving a pep talk. “Ever touched...

First Time
4 years ago
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Friends wife

I have lot of friends since my childhood and one of the friend is Divakar. Divakar is also handsome & atheletic built, but not as tall as me, about 5ft 11in. We are very close friends since childhood.. We hang around most of the times, having fun, etc. He is also working in another MNC in Madurai since came out of college. Since Divakar is from the orthodox muslim family, he was forced by his family to get married as soon as finished college.. He was trying his bet to avoid the same, as he did...

3 years ago
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Transformation Of My Indian Slut Wife

Me bhopal me rehta hu. Meri age 48 height 6’ weight 78 meri or wife ki age 42 height 5’.8” weight 56 he. Me ek private company me executive post par hu. Me modern thinking ka hu aur meri wife ekdum simple house wife he. Me usko modern banana chahta tha. Maine kai baar usko jeans, top, skirt pehnne ko bolta and purchase karne ko kahta par wo mana kar deti thi. Hum dono ki is baat par kai bar ladai ho jati thi. Par kutch dino se wo ekdum khush rehne lag gayi thi. Kyoki ajjkal uski ek nayi friend...

3 years ago
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Me With Stranger In Night Journey

Hi I am a regular reader of ISS. Almost every story I read in ISS. I am Sumon a bisexual guy. Now I am married and I have lot of real sex encounter in my real life from my childhood. And I want to share my entire encounter one by one with you guys. As this is my first story so please forgive me for my writing mistake. I live in Dhaka. I love making friends with new guys. I love sex more than anything. Sometimes I feel If were a girl I do sex all the time because it is very easy for a girl to...

Gay Male
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Fun With Neighbour8217s Girlfriend

Hello Everyone, I am Aakash from Bangalore. I am 24 years old working in IT company. I am staying at flat with my friends. It’s penthouse with adjacent terrace which is common between us and our neighbour. Our neighbour uncle has one son who was studying in college 3rd year. Most of the time Uncle-Aunty used to stay in Mumbai and son used to stay alone. His name is Vijay. We have hardly talked in past. He has a girlfriend which he used to bring home all weekends. Her name was Priya (came to...

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Fucked My Own Aunty Chachi

Hello everyone, I am Akshat Jain22yr old from delhi. Height 5.9’inches. Fair complexion. I like both girls and mature married womens with nice boobs and big asses. I am Currently staying in mumbai for my post graduation studies. I belong to a joint family of 7 members. My mom dad younger brother. Uncle and aunty (chachi) and their 7 yr old daughter. I have been with many other girls and womens. But it was my first sexual experience thats why i m sharing this as my first story. Please ignore i...

1 year ago
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Uncles Sissy Bitch Part 1

Chapter 1 My name is David. I am 18 years old and just finishing high school. I live with my mom in a small apartment. We struggle a bit as my mom has had problems in the past and my dad’s not around and never has been. I don’t know anything about him my dad and I don’t want to. Mom works really hard, holding down two jobs to make ends meet. She works in a local store during the day and a late night diner most evenings. It means that I fend for myself most of the time which is fine....

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