Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI
- 2 years ago
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Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi.
Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini – bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz – major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.)
Tetka mi tetin mi ziveat vo istiot grad/drzava kade i baba mi.
Majka mi i tetin mi bea izlezeni za da kupat nekoj stvari za rucekot i za tie nekolku dena dodeka im bevme na gosti. NIe speivme vo kukata na baba mi.
Jas se sutkav i, dodeka tetka mi zaedno so baba mi spremaa rucek, a tatko mi gledase fudbal so mene. Po edno vreme mi snema cigari i morav da izlezam so kola do gradot za da kupam. Na izleguvanje tetka mi me zamoli da odam ako mozam do kaj niv da ja zemam tortata posto ona ja zaboravila da ja donese. za rucekot.
Zapaliv kolata, i otidov do kaj niv posto ionaka imav vreme dovolno vreme dodeka da bide rucekot, a i da napravam usluga zasto sekoj veke bese so nesto involviran.
Kupiv cigari , i na vrakanje, svrtiv do kaj tetka mi za da ja zemam tortata. Stignav vo ulickata kade sto e kukata na tetka mi, i se parkirav dve kuki podole posto pred nivnata kuka nemase mesto zasto veke bese parkirana kolata na tetin mi ( koj bese izlezen so majka mi do pazar i do grad za da napravat shoping).
Malku mi padna cudno toa, zasto ne ocekuvav deka ima nekoj voopsto kaj niv, no pretpostaviv deka moze pominale da zemat nekoj stvari od tamu pred da se vratat.
Inace kukata na tetka mi e posledna na krajot na ulicata i e na periferija na gradot i skoro da nema voopsto luge tamu i vo okolnite kuki, i e mnogu tivko.
Dodeka odev nakaj kukata pominuvajki pokraj garazata, kako da slusnav stenkanje koe idese od pozadina,kade sto e shupata. Od pocetok mislev mi se pricinuva ali resiv poleka da vlezam vo garazata koja imase vrata koja sekogas bese otklucena, i od grazata imase vtora vrata koja vodi od d**gata strana kon shupata. Koga vlegov vo garazata, veke bese znaev deka ne mi se pricinuva , tuku deka stvarno slusam stenkanje. Srceto pocna da mi cuka jako, delumno od strav sto pretpostavuvav deka ke vidam, a delumno i od vozbuda ( posto veke sum slusal majka kako ja dupat, i me potseti na toj pat a i go prepoznavav nejzinoto stenkanje), Plus, se palev na tetin mi malku, koj bese pravo pastuviste.
Posto garazata bese prazna, bese lesno da dojdam do vratata na supata, koja bese od nekoj glupi daski samodelski napravena, i imase dovolno golemi procepi na poveke mesta za da mozam da biram od kade ke poglednam i gledase kolku-tolku OK vnatre vo supata – i posto vo supata imase eden prozor imase mnogu poveke svetlo (+ sonceto bese od taa strana) otkolku vo garzata koja bese skoro temna- pa mozev da zirkam so se desava bez da moze da me primeti nikoj.
Se navednav i uste od prva imav direkten pogled na majka mi i na tetin mi vo supata! —— ona bese samo po gradnik, podignat preku cickite, taka da cickite i bea nadvor, bese fatena za rabotnata masa kaj so stoi mengemeto , so podignata suknja i gaki simati do dole i ostaveni samo na ednata noga- na gluzd… potkleknata, so glava zafrlena nanazad od uzivanje kako stenka, a tetin mi i ja lize pickata i i go smuka klitorisot, kleknat pred nea na kolena u prasinata, gol nagore, samo po bela maica, a kosulata pozadi nego zakacena na kolickata za malter , i ja drzi za butini suknjata krenata so dvete race so glavata megu nozete nejzini i i ja lize .. smuka…. Imav zirkano kako tatko mi ja ebe so d**g kako pomal, ama neznaev deka ona na samo go izneveruva tatko mi- toa so mazot na sestra i ebate!
Kleknav na zemja posto mi se tresea noze, a i posto mozev da sum postabilen dodeka gledam i mozam podobro da se namestam na procepceto i da vidam ubavo s so se desava na dva metri od d**gata strana na vratickata..
Tenin mi ja lizese taka nekolku minuti , i posle i ja butna dolniot del od suknjata u pojasot, i ja fati odpozadi za gazovite, i use tolku ja priblizi do nego i prodolzi uste strastveno da ja lize majka mi —–mozev jasno da mu go vidam jazikot kako odi gore dole megu sramnite usni.. kako ja ebe so jazik i kako i go lize klitorot so vrvot na jazicisteto. Dodeka ja lizese, ona go fati so ednata raka za glavata za da uste tolku da mu ja nabie glavata u pickata,a so d**gata se pridrzuvase za masata i stenkanjeto i stanuvase poglasno i disenjeto pobrzo, Po nekoja minuta lizenje, dodelka ona mu ja drzese glavata na nejzinata picka i poleka pocnuvase da se trie so kolkovite od facata negova ,on go otkopca slicot i kaisot i go izvadi kurot i pocna da go drka….. izvadi KAMEN tvrd kur, debel – malku potenok od nivea deodorans- svitkan nagore u korenot so pogolema rozeva glava i cel so veni od so bese tvrd. Prodolzi da ja lize i ona da mu se trie od faca, prodrkivajki go, i od vreme na vreme kako kuce pomuvase i go butase kurot po nejzinata nogata dole. Kako so ja lizese i ona mu se triese od facata i ocigledno bese dosta napalena i ona a i on, tetin mi naednas se trgna, ja soblece i maicata od nego, i ja zakaci na mengemeto, si plukna po pickata obilno plunka i pocna da ja slapa nekolku sekundi i poleka i go nabi sreden prst. Majka mi samo krikna, i pocna da dodava i ‘aaaa’ vo stenkanjeto.Pocna da ja ebe so prst, a so d**gata raka si go drkase kleknat u prasinata pred nea i ja gledase u faca . I sibna dva prsti po minuta, i pocna da i go lize so vrv na jazik i da i go cica klitorisot .. i pocna da ja ebe so prstite se jako i podlaboko. Gledav kako mu se gubat prstite vo pickata na majka mi, mu go gledav bicepsot kako se napnuva u ubava tvrda topka dodeka i gi nabiva se pobrzo prstite kolku moze, i mu go gledav ubavoto telo so vlakna po gradi i po stomak…bev kamen tvrd sto od sto gledav ona kako stenka dodeka on i buta prsti i toj tvrd biceps kako mrda dodeka i go pravi toa, i od negviot preubav kamen tvrd kur koj ponekad sum zamisluval kako izlgeda. Ona se fati so dvete race za masata pak i pocca da stenka se poglasno i po nekontrolirano a on ja sibase so prsti u picka, i ja lizese potpren na nejzinata noga so kur…… ja pocnav da go stegav mojot preku trenerkite i go masirav na toa so go zirkav… Majka mi pocna da mesa so kolkovi i samata da se nabiva i da vrti nabiena na golemite prsti u nea …. i u eden moment pocna da se trese i da vika samo, AAA aa!! AAAA AAAA!!! AAAAA!!!!!… Pocna da mu svrsuva nabiena na rakata negova deoeka on kleci pred nea- a i pocna da i zbori ‘ A TAKA, AA TAKAAA.. TAKA TE SAKAM-NABIVAJ SE SAMA!’
Pocna da ja ljubi po noze nadole.. gi izvadi prstite, i i gi simna gakickite od nogata dodeka ona se smiruvase od orgazmot , stana i pocna da gi soblekuva pantolonite preku cevlite uste na nego i go cuv kako i vika – malku navalen nakaj liceto nejzino- ‘ ME NAPALI EJJ-ZNAES LI KAKO KE TE EBAM SEGA!?’ … Ona samo mu rece ‘ EBI ME!’ i se zalapaa strasno.
Dodeka se lapaa, i pomogna da go simne gradnikot, i go frlija na alatite na masata …. Dodeka bese navednata gola i ja precekoruvase suknjata da ja soblece, tetin mi ja udri so tvrdiot kur nekolku pati po butinata…Kako se ispravi ona i ja frli uknjata vrz mengemeto , on od zad grb, ja grabna za cicki i pocna da ja ljubi za vrat. Jas go stegav mojot koj od trenerki…bese kamen tvrd, ke puknese…i osekav od nego tecese veke bistar sok… go izvadiv poleka , go namackav glavicot ubavo so nego..i skoro da ne svrsiv. Od agolot , nemozev da vidam kade mu e kurot nego zasto sega veke bea svrteni skoro nakaj mene, no zatoa mozev da ja vidam majkami kompletno gola pred mene, vo necistata supa, so edna raka kako go gali po glava pozadi tetin mi , a so desnata se pridrzuva za masata. Nego mu ja gledav glavata, jazikot i mustakite ( posto bese glava povisok od nea )…i racete koj i gi mesea dvete cicki, a ona samo se vitkase dodeka ja lubese on i poleka se pusese … pretpostavuvam deka i u toj moment i go stavi poleka, zasto ona pocna da ja zafrluva glavata , gi zatvori ocite , i se poveke pocna da go buta vratot nejzin na ustata negova dodeka ja lizese po vrat, i da se se pupi i kreva kolkovite se poveke i da se giga na prsti potkleknuva u baven ritam. Pocna da stenka pak…i po sega imase i po nekoe ‘OHHH’ ..koe se ocesto stanuvase vo OHHHHHHHHH, … pa pocna da septi polekaa…DAAAA… Jas veke nemav sumlja deka ON e vo nea-CEL! ….spusti edna od negovite sepi na pickata nejzina i mozev ubavo da vidam kako so sredniot prst poleka ja cepka po picka, a d**gata ja drzese cvrsto za cicka koja mu se razlevase od sepata—- a ona,… ona se poveke sama se nabivase i go vitkase grbot i se podigase na prsti… Pocnaaa da ubrzuvaat… ona pocn da stenka se poglasno i da vrti so glavata…on isto pocna da stenka i pocna da i vika ‘ AHHH XXXXX* [ *imeto na majka mi], AHHHHH XXXXX!!’
Jas go drzev za mojot za koren koj kapese od so bev napalen od gledkata kako tetin mi ja tuca majka mi, i ustetolku se napaliv koga mi tekna deka on ustvari gi izebal i dvete sestri!…..
Majka mi veke bese tolku navednata i napupena, sto on se ispravi naednas, ja fati za ramenici, ja zavtre za da moze ona da se fati ubavo so dvete race na masata.. go podizvadi, i i go zacuka cel naednas!!! I ostana taka vo nea nekoj 10 sekundi….
Veke vaka pak mi bea stranicno svrteni i mozev da vidam SE!… go vidov kako i go izvadi skoro do kraj do glavic, i pak so seta sila i go nacuka! …i pak ostana vo nea…
Majka mi zbesna… pocna da ispusta krici i da mu mesa na kurot, se nabivase ..kako da saka da mu go izede so pickata…
‘TI SE SVIGA, A? TI SE SVIGA LI?!’ ja prasa tetin mi, ama ovoj pat glasot mu bese ostar.. toa me popali uste poveke… posto sega veke zborese so nea kako so nekoja kurva…po strogo…
Pocna da ja ebe,…. go vadese poleka i malku poostro i go zacukuvase cel i go zadrzuvase vnatre.. mozev da mu go vidam cel kur kako mu sveti od nejzinata vlaga dodeka go vadese … majka mi samo ofkase, i disese prevozbudeno…bese vlazna i gladna za kuristeto na tetin mi…. On pocna da ubrzuva so nabivanjeto u nejze, uste ja drzese za ramenici, cel gol, samo so crni cevli i so beli sportski corapi na nego… ‘MINATIOT PAT ME POLUDE, EJ’ i rece tetin mi…… .i i go zabi jako….’ GO DRKAV NA TEBE POSLE MESEC DENA’….. pocna da ja ebe pobrzo, pojako….majka mi samo go vitkase grbot i go prcese gazot poveke i stenkase so faca zalepena za rabotnata masa….
‘NAPUPI SE POVEKE, DAJ MI JA CELA’ i rece tetin mi i ja fati za polovina dodeka majka mi gi podotvori nozete, i go isprci gazeto kolku moze da moze cel da i vleze… pocna da ja kova na masata…ona stanuvase se poglasna a tetin mi se pogrub…i go nabivase cel , ostro, so dobar konstanten ritam.. slusav samo pleskanje na negovata karlica od nejziniot gaz ‘pau, pau, pau, pau…’… …Majka mi pocna da vika – -‘O MAJKO…OOO MAJKOOO’ , i toa kako tetin mi poleka ubrzuvase, taka i majka mi pocesto i poglasno vikase ‘ OOOOO MAJKOOOOO… EBII MEEEE… OOO MAJKOO..OO MAJKO.OOO MAJKOOOOoooo….’ ..’EBIIIIIII MEEEE ZZZZZeee [na tetin mi imeto], … EEBI MEE’… glasot na majka mibese kako da ke zaplace i samo stenkse i vikase nekontrolirano ‘OOOOH ZZZZZ… OOOOOHHHH MAJKOOOO!’ … Dodeka mu go vkase imeto i on i se zabivase u nejzinata picka dlaboko – ona pocna da svrsuva pak… se trese, vikase, pretase i se vitkase na masata i da se vitka ….Pocna da dise dlaboko kako da snemuva vozduh i da offkaaa-…disese brzo i pokusavase da i se smiri teloto od orgazmot koj i traese sigurno 20 sekundi, pa i vise…
Jas ispicav po vratata na supata … srceto ke mi izlezese od gradi od so bev napalen! ne mi se veruvase kakov mazjak e tetin mi i kako ebe.
A, tetin mi prodolzi, bez da zapira – ja ebese i ja drzese za polovina, i ja nabivase na kurot kamen tvrd , bez da podzapira..vleguva i izleguva kako masina nekoja…. ‘DAJ MI JAA, ISPRAVI SE UBAVO!’ strogo i rece tetin mi… ‘ NE, NE..CEKAJ ZZZZZ…CEKAJ MALKU’-mu vikase majka mi dodeka i vleguvase kuristeto,…. ‘ DAAAJ MI JAAA!’ i s’rza tetin mi glasno megu zabi..bese namrsten u faca! Majkami posluzno gi naprci pak kolkovite i gazot… i on prodolzi da i go nabiva zestoko do posleden cantimetar u nea, potklekna malku za da vleze CEL… od majkami samo pak pocnaa da izleguvaat nekontrolirani krici na uzivanje (ili bolka)…pocna da ja vrti glavata , i da mafta so racete po masata kako da bara da se fati za nesto….’AAAAAHHH…AAAAAAAHHH’… ja slusav majka mi…. i posle par minuti takvo zestoko nabivanje pocna pak majka mi da vika se poveke i nekontrolirano ‘ OOOHH MAJKOO, OH MAJKOOOOOOO…LELE..DDAAAAAA….DAAAAAA…..DAAAAAAAAA’.. Tetin mi i go zabivase krvnicki, ja rasturase propisno, i od pickata veke se slusase slapanje , i se gledaa sitni kapki kako prskaat na svetloto koga go nabivase u pickata… naednas za nekolku sekundi majka mi zamolkna skroz, ja snema ….i pocna pak da se trese i da se vitka u orgazam- nepolni 5 minuti posle prethodniot orgazam ..i ovoj pat naednas bas silno vikna: ‘ AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!’ .. se tresese i maftase so racete kutkajki edna konzerva so strafovi dole i par strafcigeri na zemja…i na kraj se fati za kraevite od masata dodeka se tresese i vikase dodeka imase tret orgazam i najjak . Tetin mi samo se smeskase pod mustak , podzapre i i go vadese poleka i i go stavase poleka dodeka majka mi se tresese uste na kurot negov. Bese uste tvrd…
Bea ispoteni i dvajcata…a mojot bese kamen celo vreme i do drkav na ludata situacija so ja gledam
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ ja prasase tetin mi….majka mi samo tesko disese opustena na masata
Go izvadi …i se navedna i ja pogledna pickata…. samo cuv kako napravi ‘UFFFFff’ … i i pomina so dlankata po pickata…i do prodrka kurot so istata raka
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ pak ja prasase…majka mi rece ‘DA’ i pocna da se isprava od masata… zastana , se svrte i se nasmejaa…
Tetin mi ja fati so dvete race za glava ‘ PAK ME POLUDE’ , i pocna da ja ljubi, da ja faka za cicka i za gazot.
Majka mi go fati za kur i mu go stegase. On ja ljubese po vrat i ja podrkrevase i i se triesese so kurot u nejzinata raka po stomakot . Ona so raka pocna da go mesti na kaj picka i da mu se trie i ona on nego. ‘TREBA DA IDEME, NE CEKAAT EJ’- rece tetin mi i potklekna i i go stavi glabicot na picka. ‘TREBA’ rece majka mi…se svrte i legna pak napupena na masata so levata noga krenata so koleno na masata . On odma i prijde, potklekna i poleka i go stavi cel odednas…i pocna poleka da ja ebe…posle nekolku minuti go izvadi, se navedna i i ja pogledna pickata. Jas mozev da ja vidam stranicno od krenatata noga kako e mokra i so otvorena dupka….i butna prsti poleka..i pocna da ja ebe so prsti taka a so d**gata go drkase…ona pak pocna da stenka … i stavi po minuta,4 prsti i i gi butase prstite kako perka poleka vnatre-nadvor od pickata, i u eden moment pocna poleka da gi vrtti dodeka ja ebese taka…Ona pocna da stenka i se fati so racete pak za masata…. Tenin mi prodolzi da i butka taka 4 prsti drkajki si go kurot, pravejki i skoro polukruzni dvizenja so dlankata u picka a majami samo tesko disese i ispustase po nekoe tivko ‘OOOOOOHH’…
Poleka proba da i ja stavi celata dlanka sose palecot…Majka mi pocna da vika ‘OHHH ZZZZZ NE…NEEE ZZZZZ,,,,OOHH … OOHHHH’ . Koga i vleze so celata dlanka u pickata tetin rece samo ‘UFFFFF XXXXX’….i poleka pocna da i ja vrti vo pickata..majkami samo prodolzi da vika .. ‘OOOOHHH NEEE, OOOOOHHHH … OOO MAJKOOO,,, ‘… i on pocna mnogu poleka da ja izvlekuva i pak nabiva cela tupanica u nea i pocna da stenka dodeka ja gledase raka cela u picka i ubrza ritam i pocna da ja ebe so se poveke vrtenje na rakata vnatre..i da pravi ‘UFFFFF’ dodeka buta.
I ja izvadi dlankata do pola i poleka pak ja butna do zglobot u nea! Majka mi samo niz zabi vrisna 3 pati ‘OOOOOO ZZZZZ’ i pocna da svrsuva i da se trese i vie nabiena na rakata negova. Tetin mi u toj moment pocna da vikaaa ‘AAAAAAAA TAKA, AAAAAAAAAAA’ i pocna da sprica mlazevi nakaj vratata .. go gledav tetin mi kako prska sperma po podoti po gazot na majka mi. Ona ustese tresese i vikase ‘OOO’ ‘OOOO’. Otkako se smiri majka mi, poleka ja izvadi rakata od nea… Majka mi poleka ja simna nogata. Tetin mi najde partal i ja izbrisa spermata od gazot na majka mi, i si pocna da si go brise kurot…’TREBASE DA TE EBAM USTE PRVIOT PAT KOGA BEVME U GRCKA’ rece tetin mi i pocna da se oblekuva maicata , dodeka majka mi si go zakopcuvase prslukot.
Jas poleka se izvlekov od garazata, i pobrzav nakaj kolata za da uspeam da stugnam nazad i da slucajno ne me zabelezat ,ajka ,i ili tetin mi.
Na tetka mi koga stignav deka i kazav deka ne sum mozel da najdam takvi kakvi sto pusam pa sum moral da nekolku mesta da odam, i za tortata mi teknalo tek koga sum stignal. Se ponudiv da odam da ja zemam, zasto moja greska bilo. Na pat natamu , na pola pat se razminav so majka mi i so tetin mi vo kola.
Koga stignav kaj tetka mi vlegov vo supata kade do pred 30tina minuti tetin mi ja rasturi majka mi/sestratat na zena mu .. negovata sperma bese uste na zemjata i po masata…. se nadrviv pak. Otidov u kukata i zemav noseni bokserki negovi , go staviv partalot so ja izbrisa spermata negova i rakaa so mu bese u picka .. i si go izdrkav napupen na masata kako majka mi, zamisuvav kako me dupi mene taka vatreno i kako mi ja polni ustata i me prska po lice , dodeka mu go mirisav vesot i lizev spermata.
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Shay reread the email again and smiled with excitement. After all this time she would finally get to meet him in person. She nervously wondered if she would disappoint him. Would she please him? Would he reject her or simply use her as a piece of meat to be discarded when he was done? The email said he would be in town that afternoon and to meet him at her favorite restaurant. He sent a package to her ahead of time with the items he wished her to wear for their meeting. A red low cut top, a...
Josie Maxwell stretched her long legs, giving in to a yawn. She was one of the last people in the Business Class to have her reading light on in the otherwise darkened cabin. The letters of the report in her lap began to blur before her eyes, but she was almost finished. The Maxistores were experiencing a very tentative comeback. They would be able to post a black zero for the last quarter, mostly due to a windfall in pre-Christmas sales of iPods and related merchandise. Also, the five...
*** “Well then sexy boy, I guess I’m gonna have to show you an experience that you will never forget!” “Oh and what do you have in mind there Danny boy?” “Ha-ha, wanna find out?” “Yeah...” Jake replied lovingly before kissing Daniel quickly on his cheek, “but that can wait ‘til later. We really need to get back home. Your parents are worried sick about you!”. Contemplating in his head, Jake suddenly felt a wave of guilt rush over his entire body. He felt guilty not because of...
Hello. Here we are Anish and Ayesha from Kolkata, another fucking. We are very thankful to all viewers of ISS site who read our stories published in this site earlier and posted their compliments to us. After reading various sex stories regarding wife swapping in Indian sex stories net we have found more courage to write our new experiences to all you viewers and waiting your comments in our email address. Please read and enjoy it. I (Ayesha) and my husband Anish were having good sexual life...
Third in a series of reader questions with Alexandra Moore, author of The Dogging Diaries: Q. You seem to have quite a fashion sense when you were dressing to play. You were pretty detailed with what you wore for the events mentioned. Surely there must have been more about your thoughts on sexy fashion. Your fashion ideas may be valuable to other t-girls. Can you share your recommendations on what worked (clothes, makeup, shoes) for you? A. Great question. How much time do you...
The cab pulled up to the small apartment building on South Beach. The passenger started to open the door but stopped as the driver put her hand out."Hey Angel, you've been promising me something for weeks now and I think today is the day that you settle up," the driver said. "I ain't been giving you all these discount rides for nothing." The driver was a rather haggard looking woman who's name is Betty. She was nothing to look at, driving a cab for 30 years and smoking for 35 had left her dried...
There is no vacation at the Academy. You are there until the Instructors decide you know what you need to know. No weekends off, no vacations or holiday trips back home. Oh sure, now and then a cadet goes home to attend an important function, a wedding, a funeral, a coronation, but those are the rare exceptions. Even the seasons barely seem to pass here in these central climes. But we are able to mark the passing of the years with the passing of our fellows. Eight months after my arrival,...
It's a warm Saturday morning and we have plans for a picnic in the park. It's been a week since we last saw each other, our schedules keeping us too busy for anything more than late night texts and voice chats, so we're both looking forward to the day ahead of us. You park in front of my house and walk slowly up the path, taking time to feel the sun on your back and stopping for a few moments to watch my cat chase a butterfly across the yard. Finally at my door, you smile as you lift your hand...
BDSMHi sexy indian sex stories dot net readers.How are you all? I’m your Viraj here with another hot and sexy story.Hope you all will enjoy it. Feedbacks are welcomed at Let’s come to the story. Mine is a well-settled family at Bhopal.Father is a Principal at a Government College and my mother is a professor in a private institute.We are a family of 4.Me, Mom, Dad and My sister Rupa.I’m elder to her by one and half year. I’m in my 20 and she is 18 now. I’m a student of commerce and she has just...
IncestHe pulled out his cell phone, unlocked it, and scrolled to a specific video he wanted to show her. “Watch.” He spun the phone around and hit play. On the small screen a full body mannequin with the same collar she wore can be clearly seen in the back of a truck. After a few seconds, the truck begins to slowly pull away down the road, the crunch of gravel crackled through the tiny speakers of the phone. When the truck reached a point about 50 to 60 feet away from the camera a distinct ‘pop’...
___________________________________________________________________________ Mat stayed overnight. I loved it and I remember that I didn't want to fall asleep, wanting to savor every minute of the time we had together. We talked far into the night. Not about what would happen with our now changed (and messed) relationship but about our past. We had talked about some of these things before on our afternoons and evenings together but it was different now after we made love. I told him about...
It had been an hour since my husband, Roger, and I had fucked in front of complete strangers on the beach in Skiathos. We had relaxed and enjoyed the warm sunshine on our naked bodies. It was a liberating experience, and flashbacks kept flooding back to me, putting a smile on my face.I still can't believe we did it. I have no idea what came over me. Except Roger, and maybe a little alcohol. The thought of all these people watching us having sex right here was making me feel horny...
ExhibitionismThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you wish to publish or adapt this work outside of this license, please contact me for options. The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright © 2013-2016 Sam Dynes. All rights reserved. It was only until I felt the thump of the car hitting the pavement of...
Loni's little pussy was soaking wet by now, and it was throbbing. She knew that she would be coming soon, for she always came when she sucked her daddy off. Her cheeks hollowed inward as she sucked him harder. His broad cockhead bumped into the soft tissues at the back of her throat and his long shaft twitched on her tongue. Loni swallowed hard, taking almost half of his huge cock down her throat. For long moments, she deep-throated her daddy, making him groan louder and louder with each...
Short and Sweet today... ✧ ✧ ✧ A hooker is standing on the corner when a cop walks up to her and said “I told ya you can’t be selling sex on the street”, and the hooker replied “I’m not selling sex, I’m selling condoms with a free demonstration”. ✧ ✧ ✧
You opened the door to your room and shut it behind you. Dropping your bag on the bed you pulled out your brand new and now favorite possession, the Porn Experience. By luck you found out about it when you did because their was a mad rush to get it and you only got it because you were one of the first 10,000 to pre-order and from what the company who produced it told you your order for the Porn Experience was the 99,831th order. You looked down at the helmet that had the products names and logo...
The colonel's wife must have been a burden to him. He was a New Englander, from Rhode Island I believe, and she was a New Yorker, from one of the old Dutch families. He was dark and hawk nosed with eyes like flint. She was blonde, blue eyed and ripe as a summer peach. They were both ambitious. As we retreated, the group of camp followers with Washington's army dwindled and shrank to a pitiful, and mostly ragged, few, but the colonel's wife and her entourage, were a shining and welcome...
Sexually starved big ass Latina milf stepmom Carlita meant business when she slipped on her sexy leopard lingerie and masturbated waiting for her big cock stepson Milan to find the key on the floor and cum to the room and open her hot moist pussy. Milan was not sure about going thru with this but he could not deny her huge appetite for cock nor her huge sweet big juicy ass spread wide for eating and his hard cock pounding her balls deep. Carlita on her knees feasted on his big cock for his...
xmoviesforyouFather Francis X. Williams watched the fat man walk into the gift shop alcove in the back corner of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and slowly, quietly, pursued him. Francis, though he preferred Frank, didn’t know why he followed the man. There was nothing particularly interesting about him. It was hard to tell what ethnicity he was, since his face was covered in half green and half white makeup, and his hair was dyed an obscene orange—which is what one expected to see on St. Patrick’s Day. The rest...
As I walked down the stairs to the smell of freshly sizzling bacon, the sound of a large breakfast being made for the family, I realized I was terribly bereaved. I felt a sense of emptiness inside that grated on me really hard, and I was having trouble dealing with it. I stuck it down into my subconscious and left it alone. John and Kimmy had taken the workers back home last night, I was too distraught to do that. Everyone saw that, and they organized two van loads back to Fargo without me...
Truth or Dare - The Continuation Written BY: Amber2165 I was embarrassed and humiliated. I had no idea why I was crawling on all fours licking cum off of a table dressed in a maid's uniform, and at the same time I could not stop myself. I made my way to the bathroom and closed and locked the door. I sat on the floor crying and trying to make sense of what was happening when April knocked on the door. I did not answer the door so she knocked again and told me to open the door....
You are a freshly minted, 18 year old canine girl born into a fairly sheltered village at the edge of the Great Forest, and you have never known the touch of a man. For the last several days, you've been feeling increasingly off in ways you can't quite explain.
Hello friends! I am Abhisekh…. I always love to do sex rather I am a sex maniac…. My options for sex is unlimited. No age no barrier. I love aunties young teenage girls married women widow everybody….. I am a daily visitor of this site and also watch porn films every night. Any aunty or teenage girl want to make friendship with me then please make sure you send me your comment or friendship proposal in my email “ My age is 20 and today I am going to tell you all that how I seduced my sister and...
IncestIntroduction: Steven fucks Lisa on top of her sister. I left a hotel key for Lisa at the front desk. Hours later, around midnight, she swiped the key and walked through the sitting area. Greeted by warm den-dim light, she halted in the bedroom doorway. A fuck-nasty sight made her visibly shudder. Her younger sister, Loretta-the vivacious, nineteen-year-old, dream-bodied kitten-pawed on all fours on the king sized bed. Lisas younger sister ground her fabulous ass in the air-a little...
As all you know from reading my other stories that I'm a very lucky man that is married to a sexy lady that enjoys cuckolding me every chance she gets. The best way to get what you want is to ask for it. Right afrer my wife first had sex with one of my buddies and she told me about it I started telling her what turned me on. I told her I'd let her know everything that excited me and that she could work out how she used it when we have a cuckold session. One of my biggest turn ons is women's...
“Do you think we’ve gotten far enough away?” the witch asks, coming to a stop to bend over with her hands on her knees, huffing and puffing. Hazel is just a few yards ahead of her, breathing just as heavily. “I doubt anyone is still following us.” “I’m more worried about that cyclops.” “And to think he was such a nice guy,” the cat remarks with a shrug. “How exactly did you manage to get us a rom anyway?” “Let’s just say that I used my persuasive charm.” “You don’t have any charm,” the...
One of my very good friend Nihal, who is working abroad, was in station last month. He used to visit my home often. I never had any doubt about in my mind about him, as he is very nice person. But one thing is sure that he is very handsome man, any female looking at him will surely like to meet him once. One day when my wife had gone to her mothers home with kids my sister had taken off from court for the reason which I dint know. I had forgot some important document while going to my office so...
IncestThe Question By The Professor I'll answer your question, but before I do, I need to tell you a story. It's a story about me - about who I am and who I was. It's a long story, so settle back and I'll tell it to you as best I can. My name wasn't always the name I use today. My given name was Larry... Larry Boyd. That's right. That's what I was. If you want to leave now, you can. I'll understand. No? I'm impressed. I... I didn't think any man would still be sitting there after I...
Thank you Tigersman for editing this chapter. This chapter and 2 and 3 have been revised and edited to all my mistakes are now covered up. * The bar was packed as usual on a Saturday night. It was the place to be, whether on a date, looking to make new friends, or just unwind after a long week. The Brownstead Brewery always felt like a welcome to place to anyone. However on this particular night, Keith didn’t want to feel welcomed, didn’t want to feel happy. He just wanted to get his mind off...
A Greek and an Irishman were sitting in a Starbucks one day comparing their two cultures. Over a double latte, the Greek mentions, “We built the Parthenon, you may recall, along with the Temple of Apollo.” “Aye, and it was the Irish that discovered the Summer and Winter Solstices.” “But it was the Greeks who gave birth to advanced mathematics.” “Granted, but it was the Irish who built the first timepieces.” replied the Irishman. Knowing that he’s about to deliver the coup de grace, the...
A Chance Encounter: Part 1 “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Katie had just finished a long day at the office working on several high profile client accounts. All she wanted was to go home and make a nice quiet meal with a good strong drink for herself before she had to hit the sac to rest for what would inevitably be an even more stressful day tomorrow. Now this. Her car shook and rattled violently, there was some sort of white steam billowing out from under the hood and of...
hello boys and girls.main anmika haryana se hoon,mumbai me padhai karti hoon.meri age 23 bahot cute dikhti hu. college me ladke fida he mujhpe. ek din jo mere liye kayamat ka din tha.jab me mumbai me thi.pehli baar mere uncle ke ofice akeli jaa rahi thi.mere uncle city bank me job karte hai.achchhi post pe din me bas saturday tha to milne chali gai.kyu ki mein account ka study karti hoon. 14 wi majil pe unka office tha. lift se jana tha. me lift me gai to waha ek handsome ladka...
************************************************************************This story is the continuation of the story titled ?Happy Birthday Angie?, although this can be read even if you haven’t read the first story yet. Feedback is much appreciated, especially if it is positive and constructive.************************************************************************Happy Birthday Angie IIElite was the best new restaurant in the area and Angela felt a surge of self-satisfaction as she stepped...
(Author note- Added a kingdom hearts 2 thread in Tranverse town section) You are sitting on the beach relaxing. You remember the long adventure you ounce had in a distant land. You lay next to Kari your true love "I'm going to go for a swim" She says laughing. She runs into the water and dives in. Suddenly the water turn black as oil. it forms a black hand and grabs here. It takes her down into a portal. You run to get her. Monsters come out of the ground. A keyblade forms in your hands. Kari...
She looked out on the grey world outside her kitchen window, a wry smile on her lips as she considered that view a metaphor for her life. It was not that her life was bad; it was actually quite good. She had married well. John was a good husband who had a great career. He had given her three children, but they were the only color in her world. When they were at school, she was home and her world felt empty. And all too soon the youngest would be off to college. She knew John loved her, but he...
Love StoriesToday with my younger sister in law was the best day. She can really satisfied my manhood and I was very proud of myself. So bizarre for myself and wonderful. Wish I had taken pics and video the whole thing. but probably next time when I get another chance with her and my older sister in law. Well it all begin about this afternoon. Her name is MaiLor Vang. After I was finished with my work and came to my parent's home. That time was 2 pm in afternoon and they were already long gone over state...
Julie: I phoned my partner Beth at her house to tell her how I had been involved in some excitement over the weekend and wouldn't be in till late. I hadn't slept at all well. In fact, my mind was in such turmoil as I lay in bed with this strange and fearsome man who acted like Conan the Barbarian one minute and a shy teenager the next. He frightened me. I saw him humiliate those men. He hurt and injured them in ways I had never imagined possible. He seemed to become a demon of destruction...
Introduction: A story about a young man's introduction to love... I was 14 years old and in grade 9. I never really wanted to take music lessons but it was a forgone conclusion in my family. Both my parents were very musical. My mother was a backup cellist in the cities symphony and my father had taken music lessons his entire c***dhood. My parents had tried to get me enthused about some instrument – any instrument, but to no avail.I had played the violin for a few years (an extremely painful...
Well, I finally got a chance to nail Claudia, my best friend's girlfriend, after years of waiting and getting ever so close several times before. As you might remember, Lou has been my best friend for about 27 years and a number of years ago we began having threesomes with his girlfriend, Claudia, although she had steadfastly maintained a "no fucking" rule with me. Eating, fingering, playing, blowjobs and handjobs were always allowed, and she never left me hanging, but no fucking. Well, that...
David walked me home, telling me as we came out of the woods, where he lived. I couldn’t believe it; we only lived two streets away from each other, yet we had never bumped into each other. As we got to my front door, he took my door key off me, but, before he opened the door, he pressed me hard against it, pressing his lips to mine. I could feel him stirring again.‘You want to come in for a coffee?’‘That would be nice, you remember how I like it?’ he asked smiling.‘Oh yes, I do.’With that, he...
OutdoorA married couple is lying in bed one night. The wife is curled up, ready to go to sleep, and the husband turns his bed lamp on to read a book. As he’s reading, he periodically reaches over to his wife and fondles her special area. He does this a few times, but only for a very short interval before returning to read his book.The wife gradually becomes more and more aroused and, assuming that her husband is seeking some encouragement before going further, Gets up and starts stripping in front of...
I hopped in the shower and got ready as quick as I could. It had to be quick shower because it was about a 15 minute drive to her place. I got out and knocked on her door. She answered and invited me in. I asked her if she had any ideas where she would like to go for a drink. She said there was a bar just down the street that played Rock music. the bar was about 10 minutes away. We went into the bar. There was no cover charge and there was a band playing. They were playing...
School girl Addison Lee has more than physics on her mind when she invites over her nerdy study mate Eddie Jaye. The only thing she wants to study is that big black cock of his. She knows that wearing no panties under her short skirt will be sure to get his attention. She was right when he pulls out that big black cock letting her take complete control with her hands and mouth as she slobbers all over his shaft! He bends her over in doggy and throws that skirt up so he can drill his hard cock...
xmoviesforyouThis is a true story that happened to my wife while we were separated some years ago. Sally had a room mate named Susan and they were both nice looking ladies and still are for that matter. They were similar in appearance, build. hair color, breasts size and could pass for sisters. Hell I even wanted to do Susan myself but it was too close and could have killed what we still had. They were regulars at a local bar and dance hall and most every weekend you could find them there dancing and...
Call girls surely have some wild stories to share and in this Penthouse porn show and tell, blonde vixen Adrianna Nicole relives her kinky encounter with Chris Johnson who has a thing for duck tape, anal, and cling film. With the stud’s mouth firmly taped shut, the naughty nympho gives him a blowjob and then slides her shaved pussy down on his dick in cowgirl before turning around to get ass fucked in reverse. They end with him fully wrapped in green plastic wrap and an extra $300 in her...
xmoviesforyouThe next few days were busy for Steve Harrington and he didn't have time to play with his new "toy." When he and Kimberly occasionally ran into each other, she looked the other way. A quick squeeze of her ass was the only reminder that he was free to do whatever he wanted. Friday afternoon finally arrived, finding Steve caught up with his work. It was a long, stressful week and he wanted to have some fun. He called Kimberly into his office. "Close the door and sit down," he...
The place he directed her to was a tiny hole-in-the-wall that she would have never given a second glance. She realized how hungry she was the instant she walked in, through the door Bob held for her, and the odor of wonderful, delicious things hit her like a sledge hammer. "Vinny!" Bob called out to a man, standing at the grill, wearing a white paper hat. Vinny looked over his shoulder, grinned, and held both hands up in the air, a spatula still in one. "You got me, copper," he said....
Shay tossed and turned that very night. The memory was still fresh in her mind of watching Kacie masturbate and orgasm next to her. Staring upon the sweet innocent face of this young budding woman who now lay silently asleep at her side.. Watching her ample chest rise and drop with each take of breath she took. Just watching Kacie made Shay grow a little moister between her thighs. She'd watched this young woman grow up for the past few years. She'd been a close friend of her mothers all that...
LesbianHannah had been my submissive for about nine months now and while she couldn't do everything that some other submissives could do - she couldn't kneel in front of me for example - there was no questioning her desire to serve and her devotion to me as her Master. She would do her level best to accomplish any task put before her and she found alternate ways to do other things. She proved herself time and time again and I couldn't have been prouder of her. She wanted to be of service to me and she...
BDSMThey traveled to the Regional Medical Center, hardly a typical tourist destination, but it was the most central location amongst five nearby hospitals, Owen College, Southwest Tennessee Community College and a couple of shopping centers and residential neighborhoods. While not a likely place to spend the day, it was certainly near a large number of people, especially since it bordered Route 240, which bisected the city. Before he entered the hospital itself, Alex divided the girls, telling...
The next three weeks followed the pattern of the first: Class on Tuesday, work on our paper on Thursday, and then dinner at Joey’s on Sunday after we did our final review. In between, Joey and I spoke on the phone a couple of times a week. I really enjoyed the time I spent with Joey and Sarah, it was a pleasant change of pace for me. Joey was unlike any young person I’d ever met. He was a very intelligent guy, but he had zero interest in college. He was very personable, but he did not...