Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI
- 2 years ago
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Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi.
Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini – bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz – major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.)
Tetka mi tetin mi ziveat vo istiot grad/drzava kade i baba mi.
Majka mi i tetin mi bea izlezeni za da kupat nekoj stvari za rucekot i za tie nekolku dena dodeka im bevme na gosti. NIe speivme vo kukata na baba mi.
Jas se sutkav i, dodeka tetka mi zaedno so baba mi spremaa rucek, a tatko mi gledase fudbal so mene. Po edno vreme mi snema cigari i morav da izlezam so kola do gradot za da kupam. Na izleguvanje tetka mi me zamoli da odam ako mozam do kaj niv da ja zemam tortata posto ona ja zaboravila da ja donese. za rucekot.
Zapaliv kolata, i otidov do kaj niv posto ionaka imav vreme dovolno vreme dodeka da bide rucekot, a i da napravam usluga zasto sekoj veke bese so nesto involviran.
Kupiv cigari , i na vrakanje, svrtiv do kaj tetka mi za da ja zemam tortata. Stignav vo ulickata kade sto e kukata na tetka mi, i se parkirav dve kuki podole posto pred nivnata kuka nemase mesto zasto veke bese parkirana kolata na tetin mi ( koj bese izlezen so majka mi do pazar i do grad za da napravat shoping).
Malku mi padna cudno toa, zasto ne ocekuvav deka ima nekoj voopsto kaj niv, no pretpostaviv deka moze pominale da zemat nekoj stvari od tamu pred da se vratat.
Inace kukata na tetka mi e posledna na krajot na ulicata i e na periferija na gradot i skoro da nema voopsto luge tamu i vo okolnite kuki, i e mnogu tivko.
Dodeka odev nakaj kukata pominuvajki pokraj garazata, kako da slusnav stenkanje koe idese od pozadina,kade sto e shupata. Od pocetok mislev mi se pricinuva ali resiv poleka da vlezam vo garazata koja imase vrata koja sekogas bese otklucena, i od grazata imase vtora vrata koja vodi od d**gata strana kon shupata. Koga vlegov vo garazata, veke bese znaev deka ne mi se pricinuva , tuku deka stvarno slusam stenkanje. Srceto pocna da mi cuka jako, delumno od strav sto pretpostavuvav deka ke vidam, a delumno i od vozbuda ( posto veke sum slusal majka kako ja dupat, i me potseti na toj pat a i go prepoznavav nejzinoto stenkanje), Plus, se palev na tetin mi malku, koj bese pravo pastuviste.
Posto garazata bese prazna, bese lesno da dojdam do vratata na supata, koja bese od nekoj glupi daski samodelski napravena, i imase dovolno golemi procepi na poveke mesta za da mozam da biram od kade ke poglednam i gledase kolku-tolku OK vnatre vo supata – i posto vo supata imase eden prozor imase mnogu poveke svetlo (+ sonceto bese od taa strana) otkolku vo garzata koja bese skoro temna- pa mozev da zirkam so se desava bez da moze da me primeti nikoj.
Se navednav i uste od prva imav direkten pogled na majka mi i na tetin mi vo supata! —— ona bese samo po gradnik, podignat preku cickite, taka da cickite i bea nadvor, bese fatena za rabotnata masa kaj so stoi mengemeto , so podignata suknja i gaki simati do dole i ostaveni samo na ednata noga- na gluzd… potkleknata, so glava zafrlena nanazad od uzivanje kako stenka, a tetin mi i ja lize pickata i i go smuka klitorisot, kleknat pred nea na kolena u prasinata, gol nagore, samo po bela maica, a kosulata pozadi nego zakacena na kolickata za malter , i ja drzi za butini suknjata krenata so dvete race so glavata megu nozete nejzini i i ja lize .. smuka…. Imav zirkano kako tatko mi ja ebe so d**g kako pomal, ama neznaev deka ona na samo go izneveruva tatko mi- toa so mazot na sestra i ebate!
Kleknav na zemja posto mi se tresea noze, a i posto mozev da sum postabilen dodeka gledam i mozam podobro da se namestam na procepceto i da vidam ubavo s so se desava na dva metri od d**gata strana na vratickata..
Tenin mi ja lizese taka nekolku minuti , i posle i ja butna dolniot del od suknjata u pojasot, i ja fati odpozadi za gazovite, i use tolku ja priblizi do nego i prodolzi uste strastveno da ja lize majka mi —–mozev jasno da mu go vidam jazikot kako odi gore dole megu sramnite usni.. kako ja ebe so jazik i kako i go lize klitorot so vrvot na jazicisteto. Dodeka ja lizese, ona go fati so ednata raka za glavata za da uste tolku da mu ja nabie glavata u pickata,a so d**gata se pridrzuvase za masata i stenkanjeto i stanuvase poglasno i disenjeto pobrzo, Po nekoja minuta lizenje, dodelka ona mu ja drzese glavata na nejzinata picka i poleka pocnuvase da se trie so kolkovite od facata negova ,on go otkopca slicot i kaisot i go izvadi kurot i pocna da go drka….. izvadi KAMEN tvrd kur, debel – malku potenok od nivea deodorans- svitkan nagore u korenot so pogolema rozeva glava i cel so veni od so bese tvrd. Prodolzi da ja lize i ona da mu se trie od faca, prodrkivajki go, i od vreme na vreme kako kuce pomuvase i go butase kurot po nejzinata nogata dole. Kako so ja lizese i ona mu se triese od facata i ocigledno bese dosta napalena i ona a i on, tetin mi naednas se trgna, ja soblece i maicata od nego, i ja zakaci na mengemeto, si plukna po pickata obilno plunka i pocna da ja slapa nekolku sekundi i poleka i go nabi sreden prst. Majka mi samo krikna, i pocna da dodava i ‘aaaa’ vo stenkanjeto.Pocna da ja ebe so prst, a so d**gata raka si go drkase kleknat u prasinata pred nea i ja gledase u faca . I sibna dva prsti po minuta, i pocna da i go lize so vrv na jazik i da i go cica klitorisot .. i pocna da ja ebe so prstite se jako i podlaboko. Gledav kako mu se gubat prstite vo pickata na majka mi, mu go gledav bicepsot kako se napnuva u ubava tvrda topka dodeka i gi nabiva se pobrzo prstite kolku moze, i mu go gledav ubavoto telo so vlakna po gradi i po stomak…bev kamen tvrd sto od sto gledav ona kako stenka dodeka on i buta prsti i toj tvrd biceps kako mrda dodeka i go pravi toa, i od negviot preubav kamen tvrd kur koj ponekad sum zamisluval kako izlgeda. Ona se fati so dvete race za masata pak i pocca da stenka se poglasno i po nekontrolirano a on ja sibase so prsti u picka, i ja lizese potpren na nejzinata noga so kur…… ja pocnav da go stegav mojot preku trenerkite i go masirav na toa so go zirkav… Majka mi pocna da mesa so kolkovi i samata da se nabiva i da vrti nabiena na golemite prsti u nea …. i u eden moment pocna da se trese i da vika samo, AAA aa!! AAAA AAAA!!! AAAAA!!!!!… Pocna da mu svrsuva nabiena na rakata negova deoeka on kleci pred nea- a i pocna da i zbori ‘ A TAKA, AA TAKAAA.. TAKA TE SAKAM-NABIVAJ SE SAMA!’
Pocna da ja ljubi po noze nadole.. gi izvadi prstite, i i gi simna gakickite od nogata dodeka ona se smiruvase od orgazmot , stana i pocna da gi soblekuva pantolonite preku cevlite uste na nego i go cuv kako i vika – malku navalen nakaj liceto nejzino- ‘ ME NAPALI EJJ-ZNAES LI KAKO KE TE EBAM SEGA!?’ … Ona samo mu rece ‘ EBI ME!’ i se zalapaa strasno.
Dodeka se lapaa, i pomogna da go simne gradnikot, i go frlija na alatite na masata …. Dodeka bese navednata gola i ja precekoruvase suknjata da ja soblece, tetin mi ja udri so tvrdiot kur nekolku pati po butinata…Kako se ispravi ona i ja frli uknjata vrz mengemeto , on od zad grb, ja grabna za cicki i pocna da ja ljubi za vrat. Jas go stegav mojot koj od trenerki…bese kamen tvrd, ke puknese…i osekav od nego tecese veke bistar sok… go izvadiv poleka , go namackav glavicot ubavo so nego..i skoro da ne svrsiv. Od agolot , nemozev da vidam kade mu e kurot nego zasto sega veke bea svrteni skoro nakaj mene, no zatoa mozev da ja vidam majkami kompletno gola pred mene, vo necistata supa, so edna raka kako go gali po glava pozadi tetin mi , a so desnata se pridrzuva za masata. Nego mu ja gledav glavata, jazikot i mustakite ( posto bese glava povisok od nea )…i racete koj i gi mesea dvete cicki, a ona samo se vitkase dodeka ja lubese on i poleka se pusese … pretpostavuvam deka i u toj moment i go stavi poleka, zasto ona pocna da ja zafrluva glavata , gi zatvori ocite , i se poveke pocna da go buta vratot nejzin na ustata negova dodeka ja lizese po vrat, i da se se pupi i kreva kolkovite se poveke i da se giga na prsti potkleknuva u baven ritam. Pocna da stenka pak…i po sega imase i po nekoe ‘OHHH’ ..koe se ocesto stanuvase vo OHHHHHHHHH, … pa pocna da septi polekaa…DAAAA… Jas veke nemav sumlja deka ON e vo nea-CEL! ….spusti edna od negovite sepi na pickata nejzina i mozev ubavo da vidam kako so sredniot prst poleka ja cepka po picka, a d**gata ja drzese cvrsto za cicka koja mu se razlevase od sepata—- a ona,… ona se poveke sama se nabivase i go vitkase grbot i se podigase na prsti… Pocnaaa da ubrzuvaat… ona pocn da stenka se poglasno i da vrti so glavata…on isto pocna da stenka i pocna da i vika ‘ AHHH XXXXX* [ *imeto na majka mi], AHHHHH XXXXX!!’
Jas go drzev za mojot za koren koj kapese od so bev napalen od gledkata kako tetin mi ja tuca majka mi, i ustetolku se napaliv koga mi tekna deka on ustvari gi izebal i dvete sestri!…..
Majka mi veke bese tolku navednata i napupena, sto on se ispravi naednas, ja fati za ramenici, ja zavtre za da moze ona da se fati ubavo so dvete race na masata.. go podizvadi, i i go zacuka cel naednas!!! I ostana taka vo nea nekoj 10 sekundi….
Veke vaka pak mi bea stranicno svrteni i mozev da vidam SE!… go vidov kako i go izvadi skoro do kraj do glavic, i pak so seta sila i go nacuka! …i pak ostana vo nea…
Majka mi zbesna… pocna da ispusta krici i da mu mesa na kurot, se nabivase ..kako da saka da mu go izede so pickata…
‘TI SE SVIGA, A? TI SE SVIGA LI?!’ ja prasa tetin mi, ama ovoj pat glasot mu bese ostar.. toa me popali uste poveke… posto sega veke zborese so nea kako so nekoja kurva…po strogo…
Pocna da ja ebe,…. go vadese poleka i malku poostro i go zacukuvase cel i go zadrzuvase vnatre.. mozev da mu go vidam cel kur kako mu sveti od nejzinata vlaga dodeka go vadese … majka mi samo ofkase, i disese prevozbudeno…bese vlazna i gladna za kuristeto na tetin mi…. On pocna da ubrzuva so nabivanjeto u nejze, uste ja drzese za ramenici, cel gol, samo so crni cevli i so beli sportski corapi na nego… ‘MINATIOT PAT ME POLUDE, EJ’ i rece tetin mi…… .i i go zabi jako….’ GO DRKAV NA TEBE POSLE MESEC DENA’….. pocna da ja ebe pobrzo, pojako….majka mi samo go vitkase grbot i go prcese gazot poveke i stenkase so faca zalepena za rabotnata masa….
‘NAPUPI SE POVEKE, DAJ MI JA CELA’ i rece tetin mi i ja fati za polovina dodeka majka mi gi podotvori nozete, i go isprci gazeto kolku moze da moze cel da i vleze… pocna da ja kova na masata…ona stanuvase se poglasna a tetin mi se pogrub…i go nabivase cel , ostro, so dobar konstanten ritam.. slusav samo pleskanje na negovata karlica od nejziniot gaz ‘pau, pau, pau, pau…’… …Majka mi pocna da vika – -‘O MAJKO…OOO MAJKOOO’ , i toa kako tetin mi poleka ubrzuvase, taka i majka mi pocesto i poglasno vikase ‘ OOOOO MAJKOOOOO… EBII MEEEE… OOO MAJKOO..OO MAJKO.OOO MAJKOOOOoooo….’ ..’EBIIIIIII MEEEE ZZZZZeee [na tetin mi imeto], … EEBI MEE’… glasot na majka mibese kako da ke zaplace i samo stenkse i vikase nekontrolirano ‘OOOOH ZZZZZ… OOOOOHHHH MAJKOOOO!’ … Dodeka mu go vkase imeto i on i se zabivase u nejzinata picka dlaboko – ona pocna da svrsuva pak… se trese, vikase, pretase i se vitkase na masata i da se vitka ….Pocna da dise dlaboko kako da snemuva vozduh i da offkaaa-…disese brzo i pokusavase da i se smiri teloto od orgazmot koj i traese sigurno 20 sekundi, pa i vise…
Jas ispicav po vratata na supata … srceto ke mi izlezese od gradi od so bev napalen! ne mi se veruvase kakov mazjak e tetin mi i kako ebe.
A, tetin mi prodolzi, bez da zapira – ja ebese i ja drzese za polovina, i ja nabivase na kurot kamen tvrd , bez da podzapira..vleguva i izleguva kako masina nekoja…. ‘DAJ MI JAA, ISPRAVI SE UBAVO!’ strogo i rece tetin mi… ‘ NE, NE..CEKAJ ZZZZZ…CEKAJ MALKU’-mu vikase majka mi dodeka i vleguvase kuristeto,…. ‘ DAAAJ MI JAAA!’ i s’rza tetin mi glasno megu zabi..bese namrsten u faca! Majkami posluzno gi naprci pak kolkovite i gazot… i on prodolzi da i go nabiva zestoko do posleden cantimetar u nea, potklekna malku za da vleze CEL… od majkami samo pak pocnaa da izleguvaat nekontrolirani krici na uzivanje (ili bolka)…pocna da ja vrti glavata , i da mafta so racete po masata kako da bara da se fati za nesto….’AAAAAHHH…AAAAAAAHHH’… ja slusav majka mi…. i posle par minuti takvo zestoko nabivanje pocna pak majka mi da vika se poveke i nekontrolirano ‘ OOOHH MAJKOO, OH MAJKOOOOOOO…LELE..DDAAAAAA….DAAAAAA…..DAAAAAAAAA’.. Tetin mi i go zabivase krvnicki, ja rasturase propisno, i od pickata veke se slusase slapanje , i se gledaa sitni kapki kako prskaat na svetloto koga go nabivase u pickata… naednas za nekolku sekundi majka mi zamolkna skroz, ja snema ….i pocna pak da se trese i da se vitka u orgazam- nepolni 5 minuti posle prethodniot orgazam ..i ovoj pat naednas bas silno vikna: ‘ AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!’ .. se tresese i maftase so racete kutkajki edna konzerva so strafovi dole i par strafcigeri na zemja…i na kraj se fati za kraevite od masata dodeka se tresese i vikase dodeka imase tret orgazam i najjak . Tetin mi samo se smeskase pod mustak , podzapre i i go vadese poleka i i go stavase poleka dodeka majka mi se tresese uste na kurot negov. Bese uste tvrd…
Bea ispoteni i dvajcata…a mojot bese kamen celo vreme i do drkav na ludata situacija so ja gledam
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ ja prasase tetin mi….majka mi samo tesko disese opustena na masata
Go izvadi …i se navedna i ja pogledna pickata…. samo cuv kako napravi ‘UFFFFff’ … i i pomina so dlankata po pickata…i do prodrka kurot so istata raka
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ pak ja prasase…majka mi rece ‘DA’ i pocna da se isprava od masata… zastana , se svrte i se nasmejaa…
Tetin mi ja fati so dvete race za glava ‘ PAK ME POLUDE’ , i pocna da ja ljubi, da ja faka za cicka i za gazot.
Majka mi go fati za kur i mu go stegase. On ja ljubese po vrat i ja podrkrevase i i se triesese so kurot u nejzinata raka po stomakot . Ona so raka pocna da go mesti na kaj picka i da mu se trie i ona on nego. ‘TREBA DA IDEME, NE CEKAAT EJ’- rece tetin mi i potklekna i i go stavi glabicot na picka. ‘TREBA’ rece majka mi…se svrte i legna pak napupena na masata so levata noga krenata so koleno na masata . On odma i prijde, potklekna i poleka i go stavi cel odednas…i pocna poleka da ja ebe…posle nekolku minuti go izvadi, se navedna i i ja pogledna pickata. Jas mozev da ja vidam stranicno od krenatata noga kako e mokra i so otvorena dupka….i butna prsti poleka..i pocna da ja ebe so prsti taka a so d**gata go drkase…ona pak pocna da stenka … i stavi po minuta,4 prsti i i gi butase prstite kako perka poleka vnatre-nadvor od pickata, i u eden moment pocna poleka da gi vrtti dodeka ja ebese taka…Ona pocna da stenka i se fati so racete pak za masata…. Tenin mi prodolzi da i butka taka 4 prsti drkajki si go kurot, pravejki i skoro polukruzni dvizenja so dlankata u picka a majami samo tesko disese i ispustase po nekoe tivko ‘OOOOOOHH’…
Poleka proba da i ja stavi celata dlanka sose palecot…Majka mi pocna da vika ‘OHHH ZZZZZ NE…NEEE ZZZZZ,,,,OOHH … OOHHHH’ . Koga i vleze so celata dlanka u pickata tetin rece samo ‘UFFFFF XXXXX’….i poleka pocna da i ja vrti vo pickata..majkami samo prodolzi da vika .. ‘OOOOHHH NEEE, OOOOOHHHH … OOO MAJKOOO,,, ‘… i on pocna mnogu poleka da ja izvlekuva i pak nabiva cela tupanica u nea i pocna da stenka dodeka ja gledase raka cela u picka i ubrza ritam i pocna da ja ebe so se poveke vrtenje na rakata vnatre..i da pravi ‘UFFFFF’ dodeka buta.
I ja izvadi dlankata do pola i poleka pak ja butna do zglobot u nea! Majka mi samo niz zabi vrisna 3 pati ‘OOOOOO ZZZZZ’ i pocna da svrsuva i da se trese i vie nabiena na rakata negova. Tetin mi u toj moment pocna da vikaaa ‘AAAAAAAA TAKA, AAAAAAAAAAA’ i pocna da sprica mlazevi nakaj vratata .. go gledav tetin mi kako prska sperma po podoti po gazot na majka mi. Ona ustese tresese i vikase ‘OOO’ ‘OOOO’. Otkako se smiri majka mi, poleka ja izvadi rakata od nea… Majka mi poleka ja simna nogata. Tetin mi najde partal i ja izbrisa spermata od gazot na majka mi, i si pocna da si go brise kurot…’TREBASE DA TE EBAM USTE PRVIOT PAT KOGA BEVME U GRCKA’ rece tetin mi i pocna da se oblekuva maicata , dodeka majka mi si go zakopcuvase prslukot.
Jas poleka se izvlekov od garazata, i pobrzav nakaj kolata za da uspeam da stugnam nazad i da slucajno ne me zabelezat ,ajka ,i ili tetin mi.
Na tetka mi koga stignav deka i kazav deka ne sum mozel da najdam takvi kakvi sto pusam pa sum moral da nekolku mesta da odam, i za tortata mi teknalo tek koga sum stignal. Se ponudiv da odam da ja zemam, zasto moja greska bilo. Na pat natamu , na pola pat se razminav so majka mi i so tetin mi vo kola.
Koga stignav kaj tetka mi vlegov vo supata kade do pred 30tina minuti tetin mi ja rasturi majka mi/sestratat na zena mu .. negovata sperma bese uste na zemjata i po masata…. se nadrviv pak. Otidov u kukata i zemav noseni bokserki negovi , go staviv partalot so ja izbrisa spermata negova i rakaa so mu bese u picka .. i si go izdrkav napupen na masata kako majka mi, zamisuvav kako me dupi mene taka vatreno i kako mi ja polni ustata i me prska po lice , dodeka mu go mirisav vesot i lizev spermata.
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Helen is 5 foot 3 inches in height, long blonde hair, blue eyes, she has a medium build and 40 D breasts, she works in a shop on limited hours, so she has plenty of time alone and as I work nights, we don't see much of each other, but we are saving up to get married in the summer. While she is not working, she meets up with friends and does girly stuff like shopping and chatting. We was out one night with friends and she was fairly drunk. She was dancing with her friend on the dance...
Jenny put three pancakes on her plate and covered them with both flavors of compote and piled the whipped cream high. She scooped a tiny bit on her finger and fed it to Gracie. "Uhhhh.." Gracie moaned and sucked Jenny's fingers greedily. Gracie dipped her pinky into the bowl of warmed up Maple Syrup and fed it to Jenny. Jenny lustily lapped the sticky syrup from Gracies finger and let out a wet moan. "Ohh girl we better be careful or we're gonna have to take another bath!" Both girls...
The Broken Watch: 11. "Yup, that's me. The All-Mother," she said, grinning. "Pleased to meet you, Sekhmet. Do I bow, grovel or shake your hand?" I asked. A background chorus of gasps, sharp inhalations of breath, shorting through nostrils and other displays of huffiness accented our conversation. "Hel, it's enough that you know who I am." "I know what you can do, too," I said. "But you're not afraid?" "Nope, I know you're going to do what you want to me, with me, or for...
Hi friends, I am Rishi. I am going to share my romantic journey with my beautiful mother and hot sister. Many men have the desire to fuck their own mother and sister. But very few of them are successful in it. I am Rishi, my age is 22 and I belong to a small family in the town of Purvanchal. My family consists of me, my younger sis Priti (her age is 19 years), and my mother Shweta (her age is 39). I am good at studies from the beginning but I was a very dirty-minded boy. I started to watch porn...
IncestPhyllis ordered the custom-made urinal costume a week ago, and today it finally arrived. It was a strange outfit, which required the wearer to sit on the floor with their knees crossed and their arms behind their back. A heavy plastic casing was affixed to their front, looking like a large deep urinal. The face and chest of the wearer - made up in gloss white - were exposed in the bowl, and the exit pipe led to their groin area. The man who'd designed it remarked to Phyllis on the phone that it...
We have a family of 4, mom, dad, sister and me. My parents married early, mom is 39, dad is 43, sister is 18 and i am 19. Like anyother family, i always knew we are a closely related family. We are pretty open on discussion, however we never talk on sex. We have a fairly large house, with a masterbed, two rooms for us, an empty guest room, a servent room for maid and a bed in garge for the driver. What happens in home, i am not ken to know, but my commonsense says, the driver is having sex with...
IncestJune 5, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio “What do you want to do tonight?” I asked Emmy after she got into my Mustang on Friday evening. “Anything,” she said with a smile. “Whatever you want!” “There’s a new skydiving place that opened in Clermont County over by Cincinnati. I saw an ad in the newspaper.” “OK,” she laughed, “maybe not ANYTHING!” “Too exciting for you?” I laughed as I put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. “Too risky! What happens if your parachute doesn’t...
When Helen was tired from fucking the two horny men, they all fell asleep in the motel room till early the next morning. Helen awoke early and slowly pulled back the covers on Gordon and exposed his cock. Her cunt-smell was still on his cock and she could taste his cum as she started to suck his fat but soft cock and as she sucked he began to get hard in her mouth.As he woke she motioned to him to be quiet as she sucked his fat cock so that they didn't wake her hubby beside them. She wanted to...
Es war am Vormittag. Susanne L. hantierte in Ihrer Küche. Die Kinder waren in der Schule. Susanne war eine 1.70m große Blondine mit halblangen Haaren , 41 Jahre alt und Mutter von einem 17 jährigen Jungen und einem 16 jährigen Mädchen. Vor Ihrer Heirat hatte Sie ein Sport-Studium gemacht, bei Ihrem ersten Kind allerdings abgebrochen. Da Sie aber noch regelmäßig Sport trieb, war Ihr Körper noch ganz knackig, strammer PO und mittelgroße Brüste mit noch geringer Tendenz zum hängen. Susannes Mann...
MILFBook 4: Time Walker Part 1b Chapter 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tabatha watched while Lisa sat on the floor with Ethan. At the ripe old age of four, Lisa was only a year older than Tabatha’s son. But she wasn’t the same species. The vampire species evidently matured, at least physically, at around five years of age. Lisa looked (and acted) like a bratty fifteen-year-old girl. Tabatha had figured out how to get Béla’s daughter to behave while she babysat her. She’d bring Ethan with...
My mom had just dropped me off at my dads for the day, they had been divorced for a few years, and I usually spent Sunday after church with him, but this sunday would be different, I had been planning this Sunday for a very long time. I had just turned sixteen and I guess my hormones were raging, with sex ed in school, and all my girlfriends doing it, I new my time had come too, but I wanted my first time to be with someone special, and that someone special was going to be my daddy. As soon as...
Incest"Oh, no." Amanda's gait slowed now as she approached her house. The small twinge of fear she had first felt when she had turned the corner, when she was still far enough away that she could be mistaken, now became a twisted knot of anxiety settling into her stomach. Now that she was close enough, there was no denying the very distinctive blue-gray Chevy with the nicked front fender and the ding in the driver's side door. Amanda's heart sank. She was afraid to go inside now. What state...
Introduction: For a friend, you know who you are Lauren stuck her head in the kitchen to let her mom know she was going to visit her best friend just down the street, and her mom called back that dinner would be ready in a couple of hours. Her reply was in vain, as Lauren was already out the back door and crossing the yard, headed toward the path through the woods to her friends house. Their house was actually the next house down the street, but there were a couple of empty lots in between that...
The story starts in early June of 2002. My boss called me into his office and told me that he was going to have to file for bankruptcy and then he told me not to worry, that my final paycheck would be covered and then he asked me to stay with him until the day that he actually had to close the doors. He had been good to me during the five years I'd been with him so I said I'd stay. Over the coming weeks I worked with vendors who came in and picked up merchandise and credited back to Dale's...
CHAPTER III – Mobu’s Big Black CockOn Friday evening, Mobu arrived as agreed at Becca’s house. During the previous week he had thought a lot about how he would court and seduce Giselle. He thought about what Becca had told him about her friend’s marriage in crisis, and wondered how Giselle put up with her miserable husband Francesco, who was not able to give her the sexual satisfaction a woman like her needed. He had no doubt that he would be able to conquer Giselle, and add her to the list of...
InterracialToday, we're taking a look at X Fantazy aka X Fantasy! Are you all ready for one of the sexiest free porn tube sites on the planet? I hope you are cause aka is one of the biggest repositories of free porn videos on the planet. You won’t believe how huge this place is and all the amazing things that you can do here. But we all know the one main thing that you’ll be doing here, and that’s jacking off to the thousands of videos on this website without any limitations...
Porn Search EnginesParis; 2020. I had been wandering around aimlessly for more than an hour, after finding the Gare d’Orsay art museum was closed because of the Covid-19 Lockdown.I’d come to Paris expressly to study the famous museum’s furniture collections for my doctorate back in London. Frustrated, I headed for the old station buffet, which thankfully was open for business – though thronged with similarly-disappointed tourists.I found a quiet window seat and ordered a large glass of the House Red, but when a...
SupernaturalDave lay on the edge of the large bed in his home spooned in behind a beautifully naked Joyce. She was snuggled against his body in a way that she whispered to him ‘maximized contact’. His morning wood was lying inside her very full vagina. His arms were wrapped around her in a way that allowed each of his hands to cup one of her opulent breasts and feel the aroused nipple against his palm. Cricket, Dave’s fifth wife, slowly rose and descended atop Dale’s body only inches away. His hard cock...
Maria treated Bessie and the area around her like a crime scene -- short of calling the lab in -- before we got her to the bike shop. Then she took me home and I went from her comforting professional care straight into Mom's warmly welcoming arms. Never was I so glad that my mom is my Mom, with a capital "M." If it had been Missy's bike, her mom would have said, "Oh, it's only a bike. Do you think we need new curtains in this room?" Missy's dad would have said, "Don't cry, sweetie,...
Lawyer to sub - 2February 14, 2011, 4:18 pmThe rest of the first night was great as Sarah shared her limits and desires to please a strong forceful Master and to become almost his slave. Her one limit was that her partner was not to find out but that she was open to any and all possibilities that I could think up. I offered a few to test if a no might be provoked from her sweet lips. I started with her being shared in a group scene and the answer was yes when. Then other DOMs using my sweet...
Dr. Ethan Miller gazed longingly at the lumpy, hard couch that inhabited one corner of the doctor's lounge. A couch that he had intimate knowledge of, having spent many long nights trying to get comfortable enough on it for a nap. Tonight, he didn't think it would take much. It had been a killer of a week. A flu bug had kept a lot of the staff home, leaving them at a skeleton crew. Not a good thing for a major metropolitan hospital. With his iron constitution, he had been immune and had...
Introduction: Jessica agrees to meet her online cannibal friend Jerry who will make her fantasy of becoming meat come true on his farm with her girl friend Stacey agreeing to be the one who cooks her. The Final Cut Cant we all just get A-Long Pig? Story: #34 Copyright 2005 Written: August 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel & Anonymous friend Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected])...
I knew it wasn't morning yet since I was still very tired and sleepy. It took a minute for me to realize that I was being awakened by an enthusiastic mouth or mouths. There were giggles coming from my midsection as my ego was being given some very nice attention. One of the women came to my face and kissed me as soon as my hand swept over her body. It was Lisa who talked in my head instead of vocally. "I'm sorry to wake you, but we three missed you terribly. All three of us wanted to come...
Hi All, this is my second sexstory and as stated I post only what has happened. Also please do not reach out to me on how to approach women for sex as I never do that or for any contacts as I won’t revert you. Coming to story, I am working in MNC recently shifted to Pune last year. I posted a story with my interactive session with the doctor and how we ended up having Pleasure. After posting of the story, I got many ping and email but there was one unique one. Her name was Surbhi( name...
This is a 100% true story about my first gay experience.Sorry for the long story!!Five years ago, I was 21 and in a boring relationship with a girl and my sex life was stuck at missionary once a week.I always liked kinky sex and fantasied about everything. If it was weird and different then I was turned on. Nothing 'normal' got me excited.Having had urges about sucking a cock since I was in school, I wanted to try and find someone who was up for some discrete fun. I ended up placing an ad on...
I flashed in and out of consciousness, not sure where I was or what state I was in. I could feel the sensation of being carried, but I was so fatigued I could barely move. I had been fed something to drink and the effects of the poisons seemed to have been lessened by it. The next time I had come back into consciousness, I felt like my body was burning up; I had never felt a fever such as this and I struggled to try and get some help, but my body would not move. I could hear arguing on the...
Note from CutePatti: Of all the stories I've written, this is my favorite. I know most of you probably like the more 'sexual' type of stories that I also write, but this sweet story captures what I think all of us 'girls' would love to experience. A happy ending with lots of promise! Hope you enjoy it ----------------------------- The Week-End Guest an original story by CutePatti Jeff stood at the front window looking out as the car pulled up in front of his house. His mom had...
We sat quietly in our car at the hotel car park for a few minutes. Though neither of us spoke we knew exactly what the other was thinking, we may have only been married three years but we had lived together for five years before that. We knew each other very well. Becky and I could be at different ends of a room and from just a glance we knew what the other one was thinking, we were that close. We may not have been at opposite ends of the room now but there was a lot of distance between us as...
Hi friends mera naam sonali hai 26 yrs, 36-29-38 fair color and sexy lips and eyes. I am an MBA and working in a MNC in a gud position. Main aapko mere colllege ka kissa batana chahti hun jab mein 3 din tak 4 ladkon ke saath maze kie the aur sach mein maza aa gaya thaa. Baat us time ki hai jab main college mein tha, mere BF ka naam Rahul tha, uska 4 doston ka group thaa Rahul, Ajay, Rocky and Puri. sabki gf ki, lekin last talk aate aate sabka breakup hou gaya tha bas mujhe aur rahul ko chod...
Dexter Marks was his team's star quarterback. He stood on the sidelines watching the last few minutes of the game tick by. His team had possession of the ball and were not about to give it up. They were so far ahead in points that the coach put some of the second and third stringers in to give them some field time. Dex gave each one encouragement as they ran onto the field.Dex was tall and well built for someone so young. His blonde hair, blue eyes, and chiseled features had caught the eye of...
IncestIt was Carl's birthday party, and he had invited the five out to one of his parent's time shares to hangout for the weekend. However it soon became clear that there wasn't much to do around the actual house. So all five of the friends, plus Carl began to explore the old home to see what they could find. All seemed lost before Adam, the one jock friend, no one liked. But no one could actually come up with a reason to kick him out of the group, announced the he had found a board game up in the...
TranssexualMy Sister Wants It Up Her Ass Mom came into my bedroom one night after I had fallen asleep. She rubbed my back until I had wakened up. Then she whispered, “Your sister just came home crying so keep your voice down.” I asked, “What’s up?” Mom whispered, “You know that she took a vow to remain a virgin until her wedding day or her twenty first birthday, which ever comes first.” I replied, “Yes, then she gets grandpa’s inheritance. Otherwise it all goes to an animal...
"You want to fuck her, don't you?" I looked up at the stars. I wondered if one of them was a deity I could beseech. "I know we've had this conversation before, but to refresh my memory. Who do I want to fuck? And why?" "Allie. You lived with her for five days." "One, I'm a teenaged boy. I'm red-blooded and full of hormones. Two, Allie is a beautiful, athletic, and limber girl, plus she has red hair. Of course I want to fuck her." "That's okay. I understand," Tami said...
Sixty-Nine With DaddybyCandy can©Two weeks before her birthday Paulette's mom, Maria, introduced her to Tom. Maria seldom dated, and when she did, usually the men stuck around for a month or two then dropped out of sight. Paulette was happier when her mom had someone in her life, if for no other reason than it gave her mom less time to meddle in hers. But Tom was different. At fifty-five years old, he was almost 20 years older than Maria. Within a month they were engaged to be married.Tom was a...
Tim Johnson walked down the hallway to his older sister's bedroom he dearly wanted to copy the new music CD that she had bought earlier in the day. He lightly tapped on the door and waited for a reply, but no reply. So he tapped it again and patiently waited, still no answer. He reached to the door and gently turned it and couldn't believe his eyes. His sister Brandy, lay across her bed, her nightshirt pulled up exposing her fat 38-inch breasts and as he looked down he couldn't believe how...
(I’d like to thank Ken for a final proof of this.) It took two weeks, but Lynda was ready. The first thing that Monday morning she did exactly as Steven had asked, she made an appointment to see the US Attorney for just after five that afternoon. “I’m going to need time to set things up. When you speak to her just tell her what I asked you to, no more and no less,” he said. “What if she asks me questions?” “You shrug. You have no idea. I was being very secretive. Remember less is more in...
My name is Rachael and I always had a thing for women and face sitting with women. I always would be the submissive type in the relationship. I 'm cute, 5 '5", 125 pounds, with beautiful long blond hair that goes past my shoulders with some cute freckles on my face. I 've been told I have a great body too. One Saturday night I met my match when I went out to this bar in the city. I was wearing a black short skirt with thin see through silk blouse. I had some of my cleavage showing through my...
FetishShemales: An Appreciation By Cal Y. Pygia Androgyne, futari, girly man, he-she, intersexed, hermaphrodite, kathoey, ladyboy, newhalf, shemale, tranny, transgender, transsexual--there are lots of names for chicks with dicks--maybe too many. As whenever such a case presents itself, it is helpful--no, mandatory--that one define one's terms. As used in this essay, "shemale" is reserved for pre-operative transsexuals who have decided that breasts have made them womanly enough and that...
Note : This story is completely fictional! "If you don't mind my asking, Mister Tucker," Natalie asked as she shoved a cup of hot coffee at him, "it seems you guys are awfully young. And this place has been closed for twenty-five years?" "Gosh no, sweetie," he laughed, barrelling his bib overalls, "wife don't get nothing right most of the time." He sipped the coffee. "Not bad brew for a blond." "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" "Hey now, dearie, don't get your shorts in a knot." "I'm not...
IncestThis is purely imagination and the characters do not relate to real life. Tell me what you think and plz don't be all negative!!! __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ I'm Zoey. Zoey Atkins and I'm 18 in a months time. I've got golden brown hair, ocean blue eyes and a C cup bust with smooth round ass. It was a normal day at school and I was staying after school to finish some course work off....
Introduction: Cindys twin teenage boys dedicate themselves to seducing their gorgeous mother, her breathtaking sister, and her luciously ripe bodied cousin, with randy results VERRY INCESTUOUS RELATIONS BY: JIWJIW11 CHAPTER 3 TITLE – Gorgeous Broads, Girl-On-Girl Incest & Sudden Changes A. Waking Up Ravished / Just Like The Good Old Days: The next morning Cindy was awakened by the sound of her husband Bill taking a shower. She lay there for a couple of minutes, with her eyes closed,...
July 14, 1984, Milford, Ohio “Good morning, Mike! Good morning, Clarissa!” Doctor Mercer said when we walked into her office early on Saturday morning. “Hi, Doctor Mercer!” we both replied. “Clarissa, did you want to talk this morning?” Doctor Mercer asked. She shook her head, “No, I’m fine. Mike can tell you everything.” “OK. Mike, come on in. Clarissa, there’s a deli that serves great coffee on Route 50, just past the Frisch’s and before the Wendy’s, if you want.” “You know what, I...
"Well, if gifts aren't allowed, is there any other way I can thank you, sir?" she asked, softly. She was dressed in an even more risqué manner than usual, in a white boob tube and a very short denim skirt. Her knees parted, raising the skirt and showing me more of her smooth thighs.I gulped at her blatant innuendo. "No, Julie, I can’t…""Don't you find me attractive, sir?" she pouted, tossing her blonde hair. "I’ve noticed you looking at me. A lot." She stretched her shoulders back, pulling the...
Office SexAlice threw her head back and groaned as I thrust into her from behind. It was an animalistic sound, primitive and nonverbal. I gripped her hips more firmly and slipped my cock nearly all the way out before pushing deeper. As I did, I felt Julie moving below us, her tongue teasing us both.Julie was lying on her back with her head at the foot of the bed, straddled by Alice facing the opposite direction on her hands and knees. I was standing a bit awkwardly, with my legs parted to leave room for...
Group SexIndia Summer just got some wild news form her doctor. It turns out she has a rare condition where her clit is actually located deep in her ass! The biggest problem with this news? It’s about 6 or 7 inches deep in her ass and her worthless husband doesn’t have that much dick to spare. Right after she hears the news someone from her internet company comes to the door to offer her better service, but she has a different kind of service she’d like to get instead. After she tells him about her...
xmoviesforyouI thought about the next day as I lay in bed waiting for Katy to return from the bedrooms at the other end of the house. I must have been more tired than I thought because the next thing I remember was waking up spooned to Katy the next morning. She was softly snoring and I slipped out of bed and dressed without disturbing her. I went to my home office and called in to Tom and told him that I wouldn't be in. I told him to mark me down for a personal day. I was about to call Gil when the...
It’s time for the newest challenge going around social media, and Coco Lovelock wants to be one of the first to try it out. She enlists her stepbrother, Jay Romero, to help her out. Coco tells Jay that she’s going to put on a blindfold and he’s going to put various things in her mouth to taste. She stresses that she will try anything that hot girls will put in their mouths. As Coco kneels with her mouth open, Jay does just what she has asked. Eventually, though, Jay gets the...
xmoviesforyouAs Mimi was putting on her make-up, I came close to her and stole a kiss and said, “I guess this is the last kiss for today that I will be allowed.” She turned towards me and smooched me hard. Real hard. “You will always be my priority. No matter what. Whenever you feel awkward, just tell me and I will end up things as soon as possible.” Me: “Thanks. I trust you. Enjoy, without any inhibitions. You have already shed most inhibition of yours. Now if you want you can do whatever you like. I will...
We ran into Italian hottie Sara Diamanté in the streets of Spain. This chick has a perfectly fit body and is down for almost anything. Once meeting our friend, Potro de Bilbao, She instantly asked him to fuck her in the ass. This chick can take dick like a champ. She loves getting fucked. We moved over to a slightly more secluded area for the fun to begin. First, she gagged on his cock in several different ways. From there, she begged for her asshole to be stretched. And that’s exactly what...