Darui indian porn

2 years ago
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Naruto Getting even

X - x - X - x - X The Byakugan is one of the most powerful Doujutsus in the ninja world, it allows the user to see their opponent's chakra network and great distances, something that the Matriarch of the Uzumaki takes advantage of, wanting to surprise her loving husband, who must be tired of dealing with Kumo's delegation. Unfortunately, the kunoichi saw something that teared her apart. "¡Hokage-sama!" The screams of the woman, coupled with the view that her Byakugan granted her painted...

3 years ago
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Step Father Daruis 5

He led me to the table and made me sit in a chair. He started pulling mypanties off, I lifted my hips to make it easier. When he had them off he spreadmy legs wide, leaving my skirt on. He looked right at my tight little pussy."You're so wet Arri." He put his face just an inch away from my pussy. "It's myturn to taste it."My whole body jerked when I felt him lick my clit. "Oh my God. Darius," I moanedas he licked down my pussy to tease my hole. He moved back up and sucked my clitinto his mouth....

3 years ago
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Lapte de mama 9 10

Lapte de mama (9). O femeie rasfatata.Autor: Desir Ardent(9.1) Romanta intre o mama si fiul sauDiana avea capul pe pieptul lui Doru si i-a soptit la ureche planul sau despre Costi, care il va ajuta sa se integreze mai bine in grup, sa nu devina invidios, etc, etc. Euforic fiind, chiar de 69 de ori euforic!, in urma terapiei sexuale primite de la Diana, Doru l-a acceptat imediat si a repetat scenariul ca sa probeze ca l-a inteles:- Deci eu imi fac de lucru in bucatarie si dupa ce treceti voi in...

3 years ago
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amant de meserie capitolul 2

17 ianuarie 2007 – 12 iunie 2007 O lipoveanca de 28 de ani pe care am intalnit-o pe mirc. Era 17 ianuarie. Locuia intr-un satuc din judetul Tulcea, in care comunitatea lipoveneasca era majoritara, Jurilovca. Fizicul sau era bine proportionat, rotund pe alocuri,exact asa cum imi inchipuiam ca poate fi femeia perfecta in viziunea mea. Avea ceva specific, o frumusete pe care o poti intalnii doar la rusoaicele autentice. Rosul pe care il observi in obrajii lor, il avea si Corina. Sanii sai erau...

3 years ago
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Legaturi periculoase II

Trecuse deja mai mult de un an de la acele intamplari si ma convinsesem ca Ildiko avusese dreptate. Devenisem si eu sclavul sexual al directoarei. Cel putin o data pe saptamana ma lua cu masina, sub diferite pretexte, direct de la birou, fie dimineata, la pranz sau dupa program si ma ducea intr-un apartament din centrul capitalei ca s-o fut. Devenisem dependent de sexul cu ea, ca de un drog de care esti constient ca nu-ti face bine dar de care nu te poti debarasa. Femeia asta era incredibila,...

3 years ago
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Schimb de dame

Povestea urmatoare este uluitoare si poate unora le va parea neverosimila. Am scris-o bazandu-ma pe fapte si intamplari reale. Subiectul este destul de sensibil si de controversat, asa incat le recomand cititorilor s-o trateze ca pe o simpla fantezie. Sper totusi ca o sa va placa! Enjoy it!……………………………………………………………….Numele meu e Sergiu, am 32 de ani, sunt absolvent al facultatii de Drept si in momentul de fata sunt angajat ca jurist la o societate comerciala din capitala. Sunt saten cu ochi...

2 years ago
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Dupa douazeci de ani

Am scris povestirea urmatoare la insistentele unui bun amic. Intamplarile mi s-au parut extrem de interesante si subiectul incitant. Textul este destul de lung, dar sper sa aveti rabdare sa-l cititi pana la capat; cred ca o sa va placa!……………………………………………………………In urma cu un an, cam pe la inceputul verii, am primit un telefon de la un fost coleg de liceu care incerca sa organizeze o reuniune a clasei ce absolvise colegiul cu douazeci de ani in urma. M-a intrebat daca sunt dispus sa particip si...

4 years ago
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Turbulente II

Am sarutat-o bland pe pleoapele ochilor, i-am lins obrajii incinsi si buzele calde, am coborat pe gat, pe piept, i-am dezmierdat in maini sanii si i-am supt sfarcurile erecte, facand-o sa se infioare si sa geama infundat, cu glas scancit. Am continuat, centimetru cu centimetru, pana la burtica, spalandu-i cu saliva buricul, lingandu-i coapsele, pipaindu-i pubisul. Chilotii leoarca emanau un miros pregnant, imbietor si excitant de pizda uda. I-am lins de cateva ori ca sa ma satur de parfumul ala...

2 years ago
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Mama iubita

...Petrut iesi din dormitor pe jumatate somnoros . Avusese iarasi niste vise erotice teribile, deh, ca oricare militar in termen. Acum, venit in concediu de doua zile,era chinuit de dorinta apriga de a avea urgent o fata, o femeie. Trebuia sa stranga in brate un trup de femeie si asta cat mai repede posibil. Arunca din mers o privire spre baia la care usa era deschisa si ramase fulgerat, fara aer in piept. Fundul rotund, doua buci de cur care se conturau de sub capotul subtire de vara, doua...

3 years ago
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Croaziera de lux

Sprijinita cu ambele brate de balustrada inalta a puntii superioare, urmaream cu emotie desprinderea lenta a mastodontului plutitor de cheul portului. Lucram deja de doi ani pe vase de croaziera, dar acum ma aflam pentru prima oara la bordul unui vapor de asemenea dimensiuni, un adevarat “orasel plutitor”. Era o bijuterie de lux pentru clienti de lux, dotata cu restaurante, baruri, magazine si buticuri, terenuri de sport, piscine, sali de cinema, cazinou, spatii de joaca pentru copii, avea...

2 years ago
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Legaturi periculoase I

Aceasta povestire se bazeaza pe fapte si intamplari autentice. Personajele sunt reale, insa le-am schimbat numele cu unele fictive pentru a le proteja adevarata identitate in spatiul public. Este istoria erotica si sentimentala a unui bun amic si eu am incercat s-o scriu asa cum mi-a relatat-o el, cat mai exact cu putinta. Enjoy it!………………………………………………………………………..Buna, ma numesc Radu, sunt brasovean, am acum 30 de ani si va voi povesti intamplarile prin care am trecut in ultimii ani si care mi-au...

3 years ago
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Povestea Angelei

Am cunoscut-o pe Angela acum doua luni cand mi-am programat o sedinta de masaj la salonul ei din capitala. M-am lipit de ea si, pana sa-mi vina randul, ne-am imprietenit la toarta. Angela e o fata de o frumusete divina, iar povestea ei este de-a dreptul impresionanta. Dupa multe ezitari si-a dat acordul s-o scriu eu si s-o public pe site-ul asta. Lectura placuta!…………………………. Totul a inceput cu sase ani in urma; aveam 19 ani si eram o fata simpla de la tara, o moldoveanca cu parul auriu ca spicul...

2 years ago
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Turbulente I

In vacanta de vara a anului trecut am hotarat sa mergem pentru vreo 15 zile in Delta Dunarii. Motivele au fost diferite: eu nu mai fusesem niciodata pana atunci in acel colt de natura pura, unic poate in Europa (eram curioasa); sotul meu Alex este un impatimit al pescuitului si saliva la gandul “monstrilor” pe care-i va captura cu mana lui din Dunare; mama mea Elisa ne insotea pentru ca nici eu si nici Alex nu ne imaginam o distractie de vacanta fara ca ea sa fie prezenta “trup si suflet” (la...

3 years ago
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Intr-o seara racoroasa de primavara timpurie, o femeie necunoscuta m-a oprit cand ieseam de la cursuri pe poarta universitatii: “Anatolia, te caut de un an de zile… te rog sa scrii povestea mea; asta e jurnalul meu intim”. Mi-a pus in brate un caiet si a plecat la fel de misterios precum aparuse. O vazusem doar cateva clipe… era frumoasa, avea cam 35 de ani si niste ochi mari si tristi. Am destelenit cu greu zecile de pagini scrise marunt si incalcit, insa in final am descoperit o drama...

3 years ago
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Posta in familie

Am ajuns amandoi, repede, la concluzia ca este mult mai excitanta viata conjugala, daca o combinam cu aventuri in afara familiei. Asa ca, fara sa abuzum si nici sa ne luam la intrecere cine inseala mai mult pe celalat, ne-am lasat in voia placerilor de a avea amanti si amante. Dar gusturile noastre difereau foarte mult. MIRA. Una din primele dar dintre cele mai rascolitoare partide de sex, am avut-o prin Gusti. L-am cunoscut in sera cand ne-a sunat la usa, intreband de sotul meu. Un tip suplu,...

2 years ago
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poveste de familie

POVESTE DE FAMILIE Ma numesc Ioan. Am 35 de ani si sunt casatorit de cateva luni cu Aura, o tanara de 24 de ani. Locuim in aceeasi casa cu sora sotiei mele, Daniela. Ea are doar 14 ani si e sora vitrega a Aurei. Trebuie sa va spun ca sunt foarte indragostit de Aura. De aceea, aproape in fiecare noapte imi arat dragostea, futand-o la greu. Are un sex-appeal femeia asta… cum o vad - in camasa de noapte, cu chiloti sau fara - mi se scoala si trebuie s-o am…am facut sex in toate pozitiile, i-am...

3 years ago
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Sunt o nevasta curva

Uneori, în viata ti se întâmpla lucruri la care nici macar nu te-ai fi gândit cu un minut înainte ca ele sa se produca. Spun asta pentru ca eu însami am fost în mai multe astfel de situatii. Ultima, si cea mai tare - chiar de Martisor. Eram acasa în concediu medical. Nu ca eram bolnava, dar nu aveam chef de munca. Pe la opt dimineata, dupa ce fiica-mea a plecat la gradinita, mi-am facut dus si, numai cu tricoul cel lung pâna sub fese pe mine, m-am bagat în pat. Nu trec doua minute si aud...

2 years ago
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Am 31 de ani si sunt destul de impacata cu ideea ca nu sunt o persoana cu prea mare succes. Nu sunt cea mai frumosa femeie am 175cm, aproximativ 73 kg, saten, sau ceea ce a mai ramas din parul meu era saten, oricum arat asa cum se spune ca ar trebui sa arate o femeie.....putin mai bine ca dracu.Mai mult decat atat, datorita aspectului meu deosebit, era normal faptul ca nu avusesem prea multe relatii si nu am nici la vremea asta. Casa in care locuiesc, are foarte multe lipsuri, mai ales ca nu am...

4 years ago
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Went For Computer Service Gave Service To Aunty

hi Na peru Prabha. This is my 1st story Please forgive the mistakes….. Iam from Bengaluru, I work as Android App developer in a reputed company. Heroine of the story is Yasmeen, uploading the story after her permission, am gonna narrate this story in Telugu (My Mother tongue) any females all around Bengaluru feel free to contact me on Nenu oka sari Yasmeen (Na Friend Valla Cosine) valla intiki vellanu okasari computer related issue unte solve cheyadaniki, aa issue ni solve cheyadaniki naaku...

4 years ago
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My Story Ch 06

I woke from my slumber and realised I was in O's bed. I let a satisfied smile spread across my lips and snuggled in to the duvet. I could still feel the wetness between my cheeks from last nights passionate and sexy 'love making'. It gave me a feeling of complete satisfaction and fulfillment. O was pleasuring me in ways I'd never experienced and it just gave me an overwhelming feeling that I put my complete trust in him, and yes, I was definitely falling for him. I was hoping for a repeat...

2 years ago
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I’m just about ready to go into your apartment, when I feel someone grab me from behind and press me hard against your front door. Right as I begin to scream, I feel a hand wrap around my mouth, “shhhh slut, I’m not going to hurt you. We’re just going to do things a little bit different tonight. Nod your head if you understand.” Right away, I nod yes that I understand. You keep your hand against my mouth, as I feel you press your hard cock against my ass. Whimpering and a little bit scared, I...

3 years ago
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Innocence Lost

© 1997 Chrissy was a sweet, sensitive young girl. She appeared to be much younger than her actual age, but of course, she had turned eighteen eleven months ago. She was short and very petite. Her skin was white and very smooth, and she had a sweet, shy little personality. She was, as they say, a late bloomer, small breasts were just starting to take the transformation from girl to woman upon her lithe form. She was shyly innocent, and she was adorable. Her fair skin was extremely white....

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere s Big Mistake

Hayden Panettiere, Hollywood’s newest young star, left the set of Heroes after a full day of shooting. The s*******n year old blonde was exhausted and decided to take a shortcut to get back to her apartment even though it took her right through the worst part of town and it was after dark. She would be fine in her brand new SUV, or so she thought. She climbed into the front seat and checked herself out in the rearview mirror. Even after a long day, she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair was...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Scarlett Mae Wife Swap Schemes

Will Pounder is on the phone with his buddy Jack. Will and Jack have arranged to swap wives for one night, and Will is making sure that Jack isn’t backing out. Jack is a little hesitant, worried that they’ll have trouble talking his wife, Scarlett Mae, into it. Will assures him that once he’s alone with Scarlett, he’ll have no trouble closing the deal. Will tells Jack that they’ll all meet at his beach rental and go from there. Later, Will, Jack, and their wives...

2 years ago
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Step one Giving In

I’ll be honest, I’m horny and I’m absolutely sick of waiting. I’m a 29 year old virgin and I’ve decided it’s time I do something about it. So tonight I dressed in a red and black wrap dress and black stiletto heels. After a quick fluff of my hair I was ready. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I knew what was going to happen when I got there. I went to a club called ‘Body on me’. The music was loud and the place was packed. I hadn’t been in the place for a good minute and already I had four...

3 years ago
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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 12

Hi this is Steve back again with the 12Th part of my story series.. First of all I would like to apologize to my readers about the delay that has happened in posting my current part. The reason for this I have described at the end of my part..In fact I couldn’t find time to pen down even this part but due to increasing pressure from my readers,i have managed to chalk up a limited part purely for the sake of my beloved readers.. Though it might not be as long as my usual stories, I hope that it...

4 years ago
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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 7

The exact function, or name, of the thing was unknown. It was old, that was certain. Older than the oldest teen who had ever played on it as a kid. Metal pipes, freshly painted, wooden planks old and smooth. They called it the Sled Run, or sometimes Sled Hill, as that's what they used it for in winter. In the summer, they just climbed it, ran down the long, wide wooden slide at unsafe speeds or tried to climb up the incline. The covered area up top was large, a good place to rest and talk...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Marriage

The Perfect Marriage Lisa and Frank had been married for 2 years, but they hadn't consummated the marriage yet, at least not in the traditional sense. They had been "going out" with each other for a short while before getting married. Frank had been given the company that his father had run. But when both parents were gone, he had been trying to run it himself. And not successfully. So, he had hired Lisa, who was very attractive to help him run the business. Soon, she had the...

2 years ago
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Cross Country Vayage For Sex 8211 Part II

We all got ready to look around Liverno City. It was almost noon time. Before we go out, Nila Used my ‘One sim card’ mobile to call her friend along with their parents in a’telecom’call to convince them. We disembarked from the ship but, the weather was not so favorable. We walked through the shopping thorough fare and bought some souvenir and gift items. We walked along the broad walk and shoreline. We had lunch in a restaurant . After the lunch Nila went to the bathroom. I asked Mila,”did you...

4 years ago
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Wife s FunChapter 4

I decided that I needed to rest also, and so I went to lay down after Jason left to take care of his girlfriend. As he left he called back to me saying "thanks for the fun, and I really look forward to watching more of your wife" "Anytime I can help I will do what I can for you. And I hope that you can work things out with her and have fun" I replied. As he got into his car and backed out of the driveway, I had a flashback of last time someone left the driveway in a vehicle. That was...

3 years ago
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A New LifeChapter 4

I was reading the other day about some of the strange things that children believe, and I guess we all have some strange recollections. Me? Well when I was about five my dad bought one of those things for embossing your name and address on note paper. It was not unlike a hole punch, except that it had male and female blocks in its jaws between which you put the paper and then pressed down on the handle and hey presto! Your address. The blocks could be replaced when you moved house, which to...

4 years ago
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Charlie Goes To College Charlies Adventures 5

Introduction: This has to be my favorite chapter yet, I hope you all enjoy. Please rate and review! And most of all, I hope I make you all as horny as I was when writing this. Enjoy ,) Thats the last one, Michael says as he stretches, putting the last of my and Alis boxes in our new on-campus apartment. Ali claps happily, wrapping her arm around her dad and then me, pulling us into a group hug. My heart stammers at my closeness to Michael, my ex-lover. I dont think you can really call him my...

3 years ago
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Black Love Shines Eternal

My name is Steve Sinclair. A big and tall young Black man of Haitian descent living in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. I got lots to tell you people. Some of it is pretty hot so you better sit down. I’m originally from the City of Boston, State of Massachusetts. And I moved to the Province of Ontario for school. Higher education is cheap in Canada for permanent residents and citizens. Higher education is expensive for everyone in America unless you’re related to Bill Gates. I flunked...

4 years ago
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Sex with my cousion sister

Hi myself rajveer.i am the regular reader of indiansexstories.The incest part of it arouse me mostly and make my memories freshen when i have had sex with my cousion sis.well it happens 3yrs back when i am studying in my b.tech.I was living in there housein village as i am doing my course and it make me near by to my college.So in our home me, my sis, mamiji a house wife,mama ji a serviceman and else everbody living abroad and just come once in year. well about her name is preet, she is sweet...

4 years ago
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Fuckout Nude Vegas

My first story based on the Fallout: New Vegas. Looking to make this very interactive with many options to reach the conclusion. Current and future themes include Male/Female, Female/Female, Male/Male, Solo Female, Solo Male, Human/Robot, Human/Super Mutant, trans content, and more. You can only see pitch black with spots of light coming through the sack covering your face. Your mouth is covered and your hands are bound. You can hear muffled talking, as you try to wriggle free from your bonds,...

2 years ago
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The Devil s Pact Ghost of Paris InterludeChapter 6 The Father

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading! Saturday, September 21st, 2013 – Randolf Cummins – Paris, Texas I sat at my desk in city hall, nursing my scotch, worried sick about my baby girl. Darleen hadn't come back from her dance class. Her car was still parked behind the school, and it was like she had just vanished. Which wasn't like her. She was a good kid. Straight A's, never in trouble, always home before her curfew, and helping out around the house. Which was a blessing since her mom had...

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You are Kiren Bloodfang, a half-orc (Orcish mother and human father, actually). Generally human in appearance, but bigger, hairier, stronger. Smellier, too, if you're being honest with yourself. You grew up in human lands with your father, and inherited a lot of the same values and skills. From him you learned tracking, forestry, hunting, and generally being a stand-up person. Generally you blended in as a "big kid", as long as you were taking enough baths. But as you hit your teens, and kept...

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The Labors of Jasper Episode 15

20Jas0015, The Labors of Jasper Episode 15; 6143 words Jas found a crater where the house had been. It looked like it had been hit repeatedly by orbital weapons. She got down off her chevaline and inspected the crater. It was still smoking. She looked up into foggy sky. Then she looked around. The outhouse was still standing, precariously perched on the outside rim of the crater. The boathouse and dock were covered with dirt and gravel, but otherwise undamaged. She...

4 years ago
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21 ndash Maire Begs Steve to Allow an In Shop Blowjob

I had a busy afternoon. Right around 4pm, Steve walked in with his big grin. I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek. “Hi” I gushed softly. “Have you been drinking?” I asked, pulling back to look at him.“Yes. Yes. Just a beer and a couple of shots of Redbush,” he said with a grin. “Did Jackie come in?” he changed the subject.I gave him and overview of Jackie’s shopping spree without revealing specifics on what she purchases (on his account). Steve was pleased. I assured him that he was...

2 years ago
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Sweating to the Oldies

Not to sound conceited but I was looking pretty good. It was 1980, I was 23 years old and in the best shape of my life. I'm 6ft tall, 190 lbs, fit, brown hair I had recently broken up with my girlfriend but wasn't going to let that keep me from having fun. I was off to a local gay bar I hadn't been to in months to see if something interesting would happen. I had gotten myself partly erect, put on a cock ring, pulled on a pair of skin tight jeans (commando) and a tank top. I worked out like a...

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When I first asked Angie to keep me accountable for my drinking, I didn't realize just what I was getting myself into, but I knew that something had to change and I was ready to try anything.  I was on probation for a DUI and had subsequently lost my job over too many missed days. When I couldn't pay rent I was kicked out of my apartment.  Fortunately, Angie was my neighbor.She had been two grades above me in school but she knew me because I dated her sister briefly.  Angie lived with her...

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A good time at the sauna

That late afternoon I was in the cold winter at New York, doing some shopping with my loving husband. Victor had always hated the wind and that day the city that never sleeeeps was really windy… and cold.The crowded streets were quickly becoming deserted, as my husband and I were trying to find some place to shelter from that cold biting wind. Suddenly, in a dark alley, we saw a sign-post, directing towards a sauna. I told Victor it would be warm there inside. He nodded…We entered the sauna and...

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Maid fucked

The MaidFriday evening, as part of my cleaning business I arrived at a large residence. You opened the door and welcomed me. You then went off to your desk and back to your work. Meanwhile I took my coat off and got all my cleaning things out. I finished cleaning your bathrooms, hallway and started cleaning the rooms. I walked into the living room in my maid outfit and began cleaning and dusting off the bookshelves. You peaked at me from other room without me noticing as the clicking...

4 years ago
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DeborahChapter 44

The honeymoon was over in a flash. They were blessed with fine weather and could walk or go sightseeing as they wished. It was a time for talking and laughing and loving. The more time they spent together the deeper grew their love and the intertwining of their minds. They arrived home mid-afternoon to find a note from Sharon on the kitchen table. 'There's cold pie and salad in the fridge. Enough for three, ' it read. 'Hope you had a lovely time. See you Wed. Lots of love....

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Period of Adjustment Ch 01 04

This story will be submitted in four multiple chapter parts. It has been edited by ErikThread and DaveT with skill and care. Any errors are mine. Author’s Note: CSIS: Canadian Security and Intelligence Service. It looks after external security, but often crosses over RCMP internal security lines. The relationship between the two is strained, at best. To the best of my knowledge, there is no such department as ‘Section 3.’ S.Q.: Sûreté du Québec, the Quebec Provincial Police. The...

2 years ago
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MyGirlfriendsBustyFriend Shay Evans 23351

Sean’s trying to plan a huge surprise party for his girlfriend, and her pal Shay Evans is giving him a hand. The trouble is, Sean can’t concentrate because Shay’s giant jugs are staring him right in the face. His woman doesn’t have big tits like Shay does, so Sean can’t help but stare at them — until he gets caught! Shay’s annoyed by her friend’s boyfriend’s wandering eye, but she lets him take a peek at her peaks so they can finally move on with things and focus on the task at hand. But Sean’s...

2 years ago
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Mallandrinhas, malandrinhas,...? How the hell do you even pronounce this? Anyways, Latino babes are some of the most beautiful and sexy women on earth. These women vary from petite, curvy, tall, short, dark, light, tan, dark hair, brown hair, and blonde. They are incredibly sexy and funny with bronze skin, and because they live in hot countries, these are the kind of chics who are used to walking up and down during the day in scanty clothes. This should tell you that these babes really give...

Latina Porn Sites
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Emma Watson rsquo s African Adventure

Emma loved the feeling of the African sun pouring down on her topless body as she suntanned on the back of their fifty foot yacht! There were only a few men on board: Jack, her guide, the yacht Captain, and two ship hands. Emma was pretty sure they were either sleeping or busy taking care of the yacht.Emma was being careful to not sunburn her titties! So she had put a liberal amount of SPF 30 sun block on her white tits! She wasn’t out to get them tanned, she just loved the heat of the sun on...

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Farm Girl 2 20 Year Class Reunion

Following the summer of  ’83 Eddie went away to college and I remained home on the farm and attended a local college taking up business. Throughout Eddie’s four years of college we remained in contact and went out together on various holidays when he came home and also during the summer months. Regardless of what the future held, Eddie and I were glued for life.  During those years I also met Tom and though we were not under any commitment to each other we went out together a lot and became...

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Shifa Khan 8211 My Wife In A Crowded Bus

Hello people…how are you guys doing?This is shiraz again with another incident about my wife Shifa who is turning into a naughty housewife. I hope you guys have gone through my first story titled-“My wife shifa is a slut.” I got a terrific response from horny readers which is why i’m happy to share another experience i had.This story may seem long but i am sure you’ll love it! About me?My name is shiraz,28,working in a MNC in Bangalore.My native is Mangalore and i got married 3 years ago to...

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Mrs B part 2a

She sat back on her haunches, her hand still firmly gripping my rock hard cock through the duvet, and wiggled her shoulders making her towelling jacket fall from her shoulders and so openly expose her beautiful breasts to me.I was rock hard before seeing her dark beautiful breasts and even darker nipples, hard and full unlike any I’d ever seen in the flesh before. But now it felt as if I was going to burst out of my skin. I lifted my hips off the bed to rub myself against my hard cock, I...

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my wife loves young black dick

My husband loves me to show off, especially for African American teen boys. I am 44 years old, 5'10" tall 135 lbs. (measurements 35C-22-35. My husband always wants me to dress in short, short dresses or skirts and low cut tops, or tops that show my flat tummy. I love to dress this way, too, because I like the attention I receive, from just about everyone. I really love what I do to the young teen boy studs.My husband has been showing me off for, over, 9 years, now, since we started dating, in...

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A Love TimelessChapter 3

“Corinne DeLoie had another public meltdown last night, this time in a restaurant in Beverly Hills. According to a witness in the restaurant at the time, a server or a busboy, or someone from the restaurant staff, came over and whispered something into her ear, and she just about flew into a rage before storming into the bar area and screaming at, of all people, her mother. I mean, this is the woman that gave birth to her, got her started in Hollywood, and managed her career until—” Harvey...

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Gay mouth and ass fucked

It was the summer vacation and I was home after my third year at university. I was twenty-one at the time. I went out as I did most days for a ride on my racing bicycle along the narrow farm roads in the countryside. I decided to stop for a drink and so came to a halt at the entrance to a field and leaned my bike against the gate. Soon another guy on a mountain bike pulled up by me. He was about 40. He started chatting to me about the view across the fields. I noticed that he was wearing a...

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Double Switch Ch 03

A Note to the reader: Double Switch is a novel with a Prologue, an Epilogue and 18 chapters. The Prologue has been on this site for some time. Unfor¬tunately, the censors at Literotica rejected my first and second chapters. I have rewritten them, making sure that no overt sexual activity takes place until the participants are 18 years of age. All of the major characters are completely fictional and bear no resemblance to actual people, living or dead. To understand the story, you need to...

4 years ago
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Its The Most Wonderful Time of Year

The house was filled with people, all enjoying the annual neighborhood Christmas party. There was music, drink and socializing but I was focused on one particular guest. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. He was handsome with dark hair, soulful brown eyes and a smile that made even the customary Christmas lighting seem dull by comparison. It was those magnificent dimples… yes, those delicious dimples that made his smile that much more radiant. The noise and jostling of the crowd was like a...

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The LotteryChapter 49

When Jack and Kim pulled into the school parking lot, Megan was waiting for them. Jack parked next to her car, got out of his truck and put his arms around her when she sprang against him. The two kissed and held each other as Kim looked on. Tom and Sally walked from his truck and joined the three teens. After everyone greeted one another, Kim pulled Sally out of earshot of the others. "I think somebody got laid last night," Kim giggled, glancing at her brother and Megan. Sally watched...

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Darkest DaysChapter 2

“I need to ask you something,” Robert says. “Ask away,” the girl replies almost in a singsong kind of way. “That’s first time, did you enjoy being fucked?” “Of course I did.” She answers biting her lip. The memories of losing her virginity come unbidden, making her squirm. “It hurt at first, but it felt a whole lot better after a bit. And the next day it barely hurt at all.” The soapy water sloshes gently in the tub that the girl occupies. Robert leans back on the toilet seat cover and...

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London Calling Fun Time

Hello to all readers it’s been a long time have added a story to this site. I love reading a good story and have always come to this site read them. Off late and I have noticed that most of the stories added here belong to fiction genre. Yet the author tries to describe them as true incident that happened to them. What I would love to see is a bit of honesty as authors it is our duty to tell our readers the story they are reading is fiction and work of imagination and if it is real, portray...

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New Gig New Friend

It's been awhile since I've posted, and thought it was ok - until very recently. I changed employment (even tho I'm retired, I'll never quit working) and have a new female director to whom I report. Jann is a good person. Proportional build except for rather generous tits. I'd guess her to be a 36D, but that's strictly a guess. She has nice skin, and an excellent mouth. Anyway, I stopped into her domain (as I knew her before) just to chat a bit. One thing led to another, and the matter of...

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My first Poetry in English: Be gentle with me! If you say it isn't Poetry in anyway. So there is something to think about. Challenge I was surrounded by a white, bright light. There was nothing I could see. There was nothing I could hear. There was nothing I could feel. Silence. Suddenly somebody speaks to me: 'Listen I have chosen you! I will give you a gift and at the same time I will challenge you! You're female, but you will live in a male's body. You will...

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My First Orgasm Was With a Girl

True story about my first sex with a girl when I was 15. My sophomore year of high school, when I was 15, I met a cute little Mexican girl in Spanish class. She was hot! Beautiful toned tanned legs, jet black hair, great ass, flat stomach, B+ tits (whose areolas I’d later discover were dark pink and perfect). Really hot. Her face wasn’t ugly but she was no makeup model. But the overall package. Wow. At 14 she had reached her full mature height of about 5’2″. A little about me. I, too,...

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Honest, open-minded and sincere white male: 5' 11", 180#, green eyes, brown hair. I am nice looking, intelligent, great sense of humor, (very, VERY) submissive male seeking a woman (preferably a switch (dom/sub), she would receive the best of both worlds. I am starting to think I will never find the woman of my dreams. I want a woman that I can treat like a princess and spoil. One that would love to be totally submissive to BLACK MEN. We would be best friends, but her sexual needs would...

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Crossing over

In the year's that you've been married, you and your wife have rarely spent a night apart, so you'd be telling a lie if you said you weren't somewhat thrilled about her week long business trip outnof town. You already had mental plans to drink too much, sit around in your boxers, maybe smoke a cigar or two and watch porn on the big television in the living room. It was a far cry from your bachelor years, but as a happily married man, you would take what you could get. You took the day off so...

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My RapistChapter 2 Satiable

I've occasionally read pornography. I'm a healthy red-blooded American woman and I have internet access. Sometimes I'll wander on to the occasional porn site and read the stories. (I much prefer the stories to the pictures.) I have a fantasy life, and sometimes I use the stories to fuel that life. One of the common threads in pornographic writing seems to be the never-ending lust of the female protagonists. 'The ten guys that have been giving me this gangbang are pretty tired. I'll just...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody FlintkoteChapter 25

The Farr 3.7 needs a trailer. Something I can do myself. It looks like a pair of bedrails ... maybe three rails would be a better fit. Hmm? A simple T ... one long handle with piece of pipe ... maybe a straight bicycle handlebar with one grip bolted in for a handle. a six foot ... maybe five and a half crossbar with axle stubs welded or U bolted through each end of the cross. A couple of angle braces ... small wheels ... Rex Industrial ... the Harbor Freight of Dunedin. “Jimbo?” I’d met...

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The Drifter Chapter Two

When we entered the house, Carla’s grandfather was just finishing his sandwich and washed it down with a bottle of beer. Her grandmother, a tiny, thin woman with gray hair tied in a bun, sat next to him at the round oak table with a cup of tea and half a sandwich on her plate. I noticed she didn’t eat the crust. Our ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread were waiting for us on pale green plates. A pitcher of lemonade sat in the center of the table and next to our plates were two empty mason...

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Sakamoto Realties Part 2 Akiko

Akiko went over the numbers again. They came out the same as they had the fourth time she'd run them; her business wouldn't last through the month. She slammed the ledger close in disgust and cradled her head in her hands. What was she going to do? All of the guys at the old real estate place told her she couldn't make it on her own. They'd said that there was no way a someone could get an agency up and running in this economy. That had only fueled her on. In the end, it looked like they...

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My Mom Sister And Masi Fucked By My Best Friend

I live at my home with my mom and sister but this week we were visited by my aunt(My mother’s sister) who came to live with us for a month. i call her masi and she’s really a fun loving and open-minded person and she has always been like a friend to me and my sister. She never got married so me, my mother and my sister is all the family that she has. We used to have a lot of fun together, visit places, go to movies, shopping etc. with her. Now let me give you a little detail about my family,...

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From Squirt org

I had already gone to bed that night, but woke to laughter from the other room, so I got up to see what was going on. My two college-age houseguests were staying in the TV room, basically camping out on the couch and floor rather than sharing the bed in the guest room. I had met Josh before, the son of a co-worker who had moved out of state, and Will was his best friend. They were traveling to a summer job, and Josh's dad had called asking if they could stop over on their way through. I suspect...

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A Well Lived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 16 A Southern Belle a Surprise Proposal two Cheerleaders an Old Flame and a Girl Back Home Part I

October 1981, Chicago, Illinois I went to my room, closed the door and dialed my old number in Milford and Stephanie answered. “Hi, Stephanie!” “Hey, Big Bro! How’s Chicago?” “Pretty good. A lot of stuff is happening. But I have a favor to ask. Well, really, it’s a favor from Ed. I’m coming home this weekend and I was wondering if I could borrow the keys to the apartment.” “You and Kara? On Saturday? I’m sure the answer is yes. Where are you staying?” “I was going to call Mrs. Spencer...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 439

Say thanks to Dorsetmike If a cow stops giving milk is that an udder failure? It’s weird being the same age as old people. When I was a kid I wanted to be older ... this is not what I expected. Chocolate is God’s way of telling us he likes us a little bit chubby. If you’re going down a river at 2 MPH and your canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix would you need to re-shingle your roof? Say Thanks to jimq21 Lovable Inflatable Christmas Louise As a joke, my brother used to...

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MyGF April Brookes April Comes

April Brookes was hanging out with Ken in the hotel lobby flashing him with the goods. They almost got caught as a hotel employee walked straight into a flash. They moved their operation to the hotel room. On the way Ken got a quick blowjob in the elevator. In the room April stripped naked and started to play with a vibrator that was on the bed. In and out and horny she was. So they fucked. First she was on top. Riding. Then Ken took her doggie and last not least. Everybody’s favorite...

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Polizistin ist eine Zeugin gegen Zuh lter

Kim Krüger, die 40jährige Polizeioberrätin wurde Zeugin, zusammen mit einer Bardame, wie der junge Zuhälter Boris zwei seiner Prostituierten mit den Fäusten erschlug. Er wurde verhaftet und vor dem Prozeß wurden die beiden Belastungszeuginnen unter Polizeischutz gestellt. Kim wusste nicht daß sie selbst mit ihren gut schulterlangen, leicht gewellten brünetten Haaren, den wunderschönen braunen Augen, den kleinen, festen Brüsten, der Wespentaille, dem Knackarsch und den grazilen Schenkeln...

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Kathy Flashing and Sex At The Brickyard

You have a lot of ‘firsts’ in your life when you’re sixteen. Just a couple of months after flashing at the Indy 500, I flashed at the Brickyard 400. I can tell you one thing, the good old boys of NASCAR are a bit more aggressive than those Indy car guys. Oh, I think you could say a lot more happened. It sure surprised me. As for me, I'm still crazy about flashing. I took some new measurements and apparently, I'm still a growing girl. Now my measurements are 38D - 19 - 30. My big breasts are...

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Let 8217 s Swap This Weekend

Before we move to the story, let me introduce myself. Neeraj here from Kolkata, aged 33. Feel free to connect with me on hangout – kolkataboyneeraj. Let’s get onto the story about . Rahul was a mid-aged guy from the city of joy. He was working with an MNC, and he was handling the team of Kolkata. He was successful in the front of his career. Priya was his colleague and used to work in the same office before they married each other. After three years of marriage, they were blessed with a baby...

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Confessions of a Slut

I am a slut. I make no apology for it, I offer no excuses. I like sex and I am a slut. I am also not ashamed to admit it either. Yes I know I am a woman and shouldn’t be saying these things but why shouldn’t I? A man can fuck as many women as he is able to get into his bed and be lauded for it. He will get pats on the back from his mates and be given fanciful names like Stud but a woman can’t. She gets labelled with derogatory names like slut and whore just because she likes sex.

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African Prince 3

Chapter 3Mikey sat on the couch watching TV. He heard a car doorin the driveway and he looked at the clock. It was10:00pm. His Mom was back already? He got up and walkedto the front door. Just as he was reaching for thehandle to open the door, it turned; the door opened;and his Mom came in. The look on her face was nothappy. She said hi matter-of-factly and walked pastMikey. He wasn't sure what to think."What's the matter Mom? He wasn't good-looking afterall?" Mikey asked, not sure if joking...

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Angel of Seduction

Kristen McNally was lost. She had been trying to do the weekly grocery shopping, but had gotten turned around again. It was so hard finding things in a new town anyway. Couple that with having to learn how to drive on the left side of the road, and she was having major problems. Kristen and her husband, Ben, were visiting Australia. He was a martial art instructor who conducted seminars and worked with instructors all over the world. She helped him with the logistics of travel, record keeping,...

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The best sensual lesbian sex ever

The phone rings its my long time love Keisha calling me about the plans we both made going to the club thia weekend.Hey girl just calling to seehow you are doing so we still on for the weekend?Honey yes can't wait to wear the new dress I've have brought you are going to love it and I do look very sexy in it too.Mmmmmmmm can't wait to see you it sweetie,you always looking good and sexy whatever you wear baby.But if you are looking too sexy now you know it just might get my pussy very wet.Keisha...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Megan Sage Thats What Family Is For

Tensions are high in Megans household. Her room had mold in it, so shes forced to sleep with her pervy stepbro. On top of that, her stupid little dick boyfriend is being a prick. It seems like she has no one to rely on. Thats what family is for ;). Megans dirty stepbrother gave her all the dick she needed to feel better. Not only did Megan not mind blowing his pulsating cock, but she craved it. Her older stepbrother really helped Megan understand not just what its like to be with a real man,...

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Marce turns Shari onto Lez sex

Well, where should I start with this one??? Hmmmmm well let's see, this time I am joined by a horny girlfriend who also is a slut just like me. We both love to suck cunts and cocks. Are you interested now? Knew you would be ...... I am a tall woman with a body to match, and my girlfriend is similar. We are BBW and love to suck and fuck and be used hard. I think you should also know that I am a natural red head and YES I am horny. My girlfriend ... oh my name is Marce and her name is Shari .......

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Lawman From HellChapter 2

Sister Aldee exclaimed loudly. “OH MY LORD!” as she looked at Sister Agatha with a red face. Both women burst into uncontrollable laughter as the young savage mounted and led them to find Mr. Pollack. “White man dead!” Eutah told them, pointing to the man lying on his back, his eyes and mouth open, flies covering his face. “You kill?” Sister Agatha asked, pointing to Eutah. “No kill. He die.” “Good. I mean good that you didn’t kill him.” “Yes, good.” Eutah knew it was good the old man...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 182

Jeff sat in his usual place at the head of the table. Frank Wainwright sat to Jeff's right as the family (minus four who were eating with Margaret and Tina in their suite) ate lunch. All the Alphas ate a lot, and Jeff usually ate more than most of them, but today, he was hungrier than usual. He had gone through his first plate and was already started on his second one. "Looks like you're a bit hungry today," Frank tactfully said. "I didn't see you after breakfast. What did you do to...

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Gina s Life Ch 06

Maria wasn’t at school, but I doubted if Lucy could resist telling her I was now pregnant. I tried phoning her at break time but I didn’t get an answer. Anyway when I got home after school mum would be home. I guess that was more than enough to be going on with. Martin walked me home after school. ‘Can I come in with you?’ ‘No, I don’t think mum would cope with that very well.’ He shrugged his shoulders and handed me my school bag. Mum looked at me for a few seconds as I just stood in the...

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Revenge Sex By My Girl Friends Friend

Hi everyone, This is my third story and today i want to share my experience on the secret encounter i had with my girl friend’s friend during college. This happened long after my encounters with my girl friend Neha, which i have mentioned in my previous stories. Neha and Me had been together for more than 3 years now. She being my senior had passed out of college and since we were in the same city we were in touch. I know for certain that her friend Divya had a crush on me. Divya is from Coorg...

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The Filipina

The Filipina ? One ? ??????????? ?May pagkain po kayo?? ??????????? Hope in the brown faces crowding the window underlined the children’s question. But Mia shook her head with an apologetic smile. ?No, I have no food for you. Maybe later, I’ll have something, okay?? ??????????? She watched the children run off along the narrow street, barefoot in the dust, eagerly followed by a bony and yapping dog. Since the Japanese had come, food had been less plentiful; the black market choked what supplies...

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DickDrainers Julz Gotti I Know Some Things This Intern Can Help Me With

Julz just started classes this semester and she’s liking the way her schedule turned out! No classes before noon, no classes on Friday, mostly easy professors….it’s lit! Julz can’t believe her good luck, especially since she registered so late! Her counselor told her that she was going to need to pass all these classes to graduate on time since she messed up last semester. Now her schedule isn’t completely 5 stars…there’s this random internship that she...

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A Binding RelationshipChapter 31

I sit on the edge of the bed watching Nick take his pants off. I want so badly to just walk up behind him and take his wrists and tie them behind his back and make him kneel before me. I want to take the blindfold out and cover his eyes and make him wonder what I am up to. I want to take him to the bed and hover over him, let him smell me but not let him lick me. I have to do it soon! I have to stop being so chicken. I stood up to Teddy and he was someone that I didn't even know. I didn't...

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Spanker Joins A BDSM Society Part 1

A few weeks after Spanker’s sex session with my wife Deb (see “Session With Spanker”), Spanker invited me over to do the same to his wife, Ann. Believe me, I got so hot that I came twice in Ann’s sweet brown pussy. She is hot and willing!Spanker and I began to swap wives regularly. Spanker didn’t know that Deb and I were members of a secret society of couples who liked to swap wives and punish them. As I got to know him, I realized that he and Ann would be ideal members, so Deb and I invited...

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Enjoying Priya In Coorg

Hi :), Lemme introduce myself, I’m a 22-year-old engineer fresh out of college, working in Bangalore. I’m 6 ft tall, have a skinny and athletic frame and a 7.5″ sausage with 5″ of girth. You can provide me your feedback on or kik me on layinglowmo. ;) This incident happened in the 3rd year of college. Coming to the story, it had a long and tedious semester in college, we were all drained due to the excessive workload and a few of my friends and I decided to head out for a weekend retreat. One...

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White whore on the slave plantation part 2

James returned to the house as dusk fell, “Where is Jessica, I thought she was with you?” Maria asked. “She went skinny dipping with the slaves, so I had her collared and branded,” James informed her. “Very funny, so where is my daughter?” Maria asked. “Chained up naked in the slave house as a kind of naked whore,” he explained. “That’s not funny!” Maria protested, “I know she is wilful and out of control.” “Not any more she’s chained up in the hut, there was a whole row of...

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The Neighbors Suck Like Us Chapter 5

The teenagers actually watched the end of the movie, necking only casually now that they had both gotten their rocks off nicely and the urgency was gone. When he kissed her, Jerry could taste his jizz on her tongue and lips and she moved her mouth sensually on his, as if the naughty girl was giving him a hint of how it would be to get head from her, demonstrating how skilled she was at sucking. They were both feeling quite randy again by the time he drove her home. They kissed a fond and...

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My summer Boss 8

“Better?” I asked from my perch on the sink. “Mmhmm.” She purred, wobbling a little. I think her head was still a little messed up or she felt sick, I wasn’t sure. She dried herself off with a towel, well aware of my amused scrutiny. “What’s so funny?” I gave her a lopsided grin, eyeing her body. “You’re just cute, that’s all.” She looked herself over and idly scratched the side of her mouth, before turning her eyes back to me. “You think I’m cute huh? That...

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Big Butts

My name is Ted, I'm 19 years old and I live with my parents and sister Lisa. Lisa is a year and a half older than me and we both go to college - me at a community college, her at the university.Growing up, I never looked at Lisa sexually. Sure, when hormones were raging, I might have glanced at her chest every once in a while, but that was it. She was always just my sometimes annoying older sister.That changed, however, last year when I was passing her room one day. She had just gotten out of...

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Fuck For Grades

Fuck For Grades - Jason Fleming?Do you remember everything now? Or shall we go over it all again???No?no?I have it all now. I have it. I’m ready.? ?And you remember what I have said – I ask the questions and I get full answers???Yes. Yes. I know what you want.??Well, it’s what you want, isn’t it???Yes. It is. It’s what I want. I just?.I just didn’t know how much I’d have to do.? She wiped away the last of her tears.He turned the camera around on its tripod and pointed it at the naked, pretty...

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CuckoldSessions Mellanie Monroe 08 14 2022

Mistress Mellanie Monroe deserves only the best, from a dutiful slave to tend to her every need and multiple Big Cock Studs to fuck every hole she has. First we find Mellanie with her rubber slave kneeling and rubbing her stocking clad legs in a whorshipful manner and then helping her on with her sexy boots. All the while she is telling that sissy cuckold bitch that she has two Fat Cocked studs on their way. Before that though she expresses her sexy sadistic urges by spanking her slave with a...


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