Posta In Familie free porn video

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Am ajuns amandoi, repede, la concluzia ca este mult mai excitanta viata conjugala, daca o combinam cu aventuri in afara familiei. Asa ca, fara sa abuzum si nici sa ne luam la intrecere cine inseala mai mult pe celalat, ne-am lasat in voia placerilor de a avea amanti si amante. Dar gusturile noastre difereau foarte mult.

MIRA. Una din primele dar dintre cele mai rascolitoare partide de sex, am avut-o prin Gusti. L-am cunoscut in sera cand ne-a sunat la usa, intreband de sotul meu. Un tip suplu, cu miscari de felina si priviri infocate. Facuse armata cu sotul meu, Sandu, si, intr-o delegatie de serviciu fiind, a trecut sa-l viziteze. Desigur, Sandu a contramandat iesirea noastra la local, spre bucuria mea, si l-a oprit la cina, ceva frugal, pregatit rapid. Imbracata pentru local, ramasesem in rochia de seara, cu spatele gol si o despicatura ce imi dezgolea, lateral, complet piciorul. Inca din primele minute am simtit freamatul acelui barbat, ma devora din privire, starnindu-mi dorinta de a fi in bratele sale, sarutata pe sani, pe gat, pe intreg trupul. Nu am lasat barbatii sa cada in amintiri de catanie, si dupa cateva pahare de vin, am pus muzica lenta, provocandu-i sa ma invite la dans. In timp ce dansam cu sotul meu, imi unduiam trupul, soldurile rotunde si-l priveam pervers pe Gusti. M-a invitat si el, iar Sandu, fara intentie, a plecat pana la toaleta, dandu-mi astfel posibilitatea sa ma lipesc toata de trupul lui Gusti. I-am bagat piciorul dezgolit intre picioare si i-am simtit barbatia in semierectie. Era excitat, dar si nedumerit de gestul meu. I-am incolacit gatul cu bratele si i-am soptit la ureche, sa nu-si faca probleme de sotul meu, ca lui ii place sa ma stie libertina. Apoi, intr-un inceput de sarutare, l-am mus**t de buza. M-am indepartat putin de trupul lui doar cand a intrat Sandu. Observase, si parea un pic stanjenit. Am mai glumit, am mai baut, ma uitam la Gusti cu subintelesuri ascunse, iar el imi raspundea, tot din priviri. Sandu a inteles jocul meu, abea cand l-am invitat pe Gusti in bucatarie, sa ma ajute sa fac cafeaua. M-a urmat, incurajat de indemnul sotul meu: du-te, ca nu te manaca. Acolo, tot eu am avut initiativa, lipindu-ma de el si sarutandu-l cu patima. Mi-a raspuns, ma saruta, salbatic, pe gat, cu o mana imi pipaia un san, cealata mana o avea pe fundul meu. Greu m-am abtinut sa nu-l deschei la pantaloni, sa i-o scot, si sa-i spun sa ma aiba, acolo, in bucatarie. L-am tras, inapoi, in sufragerie, zacand sotului meu ca am renuntat, totusi, la cafea, deoarece Gusti ar trebui sa se culce, pleaca in zori. Barbatii au fost surprinsi, nu se discutatase de asta, dar dupa ce am spus ca poate sa folosesca baia pana eu ii pregatesc camera de oaspeti, au inteles amandoi. Invitatul nostru a plecat la dus, iar eu l-am rugat e sotul meu sa nu faca scene, il doream pe cel ce ne vizitase si nu mai vroiam sa aman pana, eventual, a doua zi. Lui Sandu nu i-a convenit, dar a acceptat, retragandu-se in dormitorul nostru. L-am asteptata pe Gusti in camera de oaspeti, ma schimbasem, mi-am luat numai halatul transparent, goala pe dedesupt. L-am atacat din pragul usii, de cum a intrat. L-am descheiat la pantaloni, i-am scos-o si, sarutandu-l patimasa, am inceput sa i-o frect. Limba lui mi-a cautat limba, a intrat in gura mea, mainile i le simteam pe sani, strangandu-mi in acelasi ritm pe amandoi, sau, ciupindu-ma de sfarcuri. Am ajuns, repede, goi, cu Gusti peste trupul meu. Ii incolacisem soldurile cu ambele picioare, iar el ma penetra salbatic, sarutandu-ma si muscandu-mi sanii. I-am zgariat spetele cu unghiile si cand i-am auzit geamatul de durere si placere, m-am terminat intr-un strigat prelung. El nu se terminase. Cu organul in mine, a inceput sa ma sarute pe gat, apoi, cu excitatia ajunsa la maxim, s-a daruit penetrarii intr-un ritm rapid, tot mai rapid, pana cand, tremurand, si-a scos, cu o mana, penisul din mine, si l-a frecat repede deasupra trupului meu. A juisat, stropindu-ma cu sperma pe abdomen si pe sani, iar eu mi-am intins toata sperma peste tot. S-a prabusit, gafaind, iar eu m-am strecurat de sub el si, goala, am intrat in dormitor, unde stiam ca ma astepata sotul meu. Sperma nu se uscase complet pe trupul meu. Sandu s-a uitat la mine, a vrut sa spuna ceva, dar eu i-am sfasiat camasa, rupandu-i toti nasturii si m-am lipit cu sanii de pieptul lui, incepand sa ma frec de el. Sperma lui Gusti, aflata pe sanii mei, se lipea de parul de pe pieptul sotului meu. Nu a trebuit sa-l indemn la nimic, pentru ca Sandu, excitat, si-a scos-o, si zicand ca vrea sa vada cum este sa aiba sotia in posta, m-a trantit pe jos si a inceput sa ma penetreze cu voluptate. Ma intreba daca imi place sa fiu fututa de el, dupa ce am fost regulata de Gusti, si intrebarea asta m-a adus la un nemaipomenit orgasm. Putin mai tarziu, sub dus, mi-am dat sema ca in noaptea ceea am sa fac neveta intre dormitorul unde era sotul meu si camera unde il culcasem pe Gusti. A fost ceva incredibil, imposibil de redat prin cuvinte.

SANDU. Sa-mi trag pula, nu zic ca nu mi-am futut nevasta in draci, in acea noapte, eu de doua ori, Gusti, in celalata camera, cu trei futaiuri, da de atunci nu am mai fost complexat ca altcineva imi fute nevasta, ca pana atunci, si dimineata, Mira se culcase, l-am condus pe Gusti la gara, fara sa schimbam pareri despre ce s-a petrecut, ca si cand nu s-a intamplat nimic. Dar pentru mine altul a fost futaiul ce m-a scos din minti. Ma chemase Relu, un fost prieten din copilarie, logodit de doi ani cu Carmen, o bucata de gabaret, dar cu tata simadicos, nu-i dadea voie fetei sa sa marite cu Relu, si baiatu nu dorea sa o inapoieze tatalui ei, fara sa o murdareasca un pic, asa ca a imbatat-o, a legat-o si m-a chemat pe mine si pe inca unul, nu-l cunoasteam pe al treilea tip, sa ne distram un pic cu logodnica sa, inainte de a-i da papucii. Carmen asta, o bruneta focoasa, cu sanii ca doua mere taranesti, era legata cu amandoua mainile de pat si se holba la noi, zicandu-ne sa nu o futem prea tare si sa facem pauza, intre futaiuri, iar Relu ne-a propus sa o jucam la zaruri, cine da zarul mai mare, o fute primul. A fost al treilea, cel pe care nu-l stiam, Relu s-a pus in genunchi, deasupra capului ei, i-a bagat pula in gura si i-a zis ca noaptea aceea sa-i ramana in minte toata viata, cand s-o fute mai bine cu viitorul ei sot, sa-si aminteasca de noi si dai la supt, in timp ce al treilea, cu pula in pizda, eu ma uitam si beam bere. Relu i-a umplut gura de sperma, iar al treilea s-a golit in ea. Atunci Relu a dezlegat-o, a trimis-o sa se spele, si cand s-a intors din baie mi-a dat-o si mie, tipa a vrut sa ma sarute, dar eu mi-am tras capul si i-am zis ca in gura ei poate sa intre numai pula mea, nu si limba mea, doar trebuia sa o umilim, Carmen s-a pus in genunchi, in fata mea si mi-a luat pula in gura, sugea si lingea, iar Relu si cu celalat se uitau si asta ma scotea din minti, mi-a placut sa fiu cu pula in gura lui Carmen in timp ce alti doi barbati se uita la ea. Am facut posta in gura fetei, toti trei, iar ea ne-a simtit gusturile spermelor si Relu a pus-o sa descrie gusutul fiecaruia dintre noi. A fost tare de tot, la plecare, Relu i-a dat trei sute de euro si i-a zis ca atata face ea, pentru toata perioada cat a futat-o ca logondnica, plus acea noapte, mai ieftina ca ultima curva. Mira nu a inteles placerea mea.

MIRA. Nici nu vreau sa inteleg porcaria asta, a fost prima data cand mi-a fost rusine ca sunt sotia lui Sandu

SANDU. Dar cand s-a futut cu Gusti si eu eram in cealata camera nu i-a fost rusine ca eu sunt sotul ei

MIRA. E altceva, perversiunea e perversiune, libertatea sexului e si ea, libertate, iar mojicia e pentru porci, in sfarsit, ne-am impacat, eu facand concesii, ca, are si Sandu dreptate, unde mai gasesc eu un sot ca el. Va pup, si pana la viitoarea intalnire, sa va ganditi mai mult la mine decat la sotul meu.

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Incredible ChangesChapter 279 Meeting the Families

Never thought of it that way. Mary and Skylar’s fathers had many wives. Did they not come from outside of their family? Without the four girls here, I’m sure there will be other families who encourage their daughters to try to have me impregnate them, just to keep up with the Jones. They are going to be out of luck. To keep from being a distraction from “business,” I went to my room to dress in shorts and a button-up, short-sleeved blue linen shirt, plus sandals. I didn’t know how to call...

4 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 2 The Sugar Daddy for two families

Montu Kumar saw a chance here and Montu said to Asha. Ok Asha You can try them and see how you look in these saree and jewellery .. If You like them after you wear them .. Then you can decide to take them or leave them. Try them to check if they suit you. She said Sahab I am feeling sticky due to sweat and wanted to take a bath and then wear these new clothes.. Montu Kumar said Ok I am in no hurry to sleep and tomorrow is Sunday. He was also feeling sticky due to sweat and also wanted to...

1 year ago
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Alexa Chapter 14 Families

Alexa Chapter 14: Families The next few weeks following our trip to Como Park saw our lives settle back into more of a routine. Classes had started backup, which began taking up most of our time. I went to all my classes as Alexa. Alex was becoming more of a memory. While many of my professors and classmates said nothing, there were still a few that found my change disgusting. A heated discussion in a class one day brought a fellow student named Ericka to an open display of...

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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 3 The Sugar Daddy for two families

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi ...

3 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 6 The Sugar Daddy for two families

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi...

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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 4 Sugar Daddy of Two families

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi...

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United families

Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for you are you enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. As you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. It is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts...

4 years ago
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Blending Families

He got the widow, her daughter, and his step-daughter in his bed. More a romance than a stroke story. It takes a while for the characters to ‘hook up,’ but there’s romantic sex, spanking, first time sex, foreplay, post play, and incest-in-spirit if not in law. Many thanks to OneSilky for her assistance in editing. * ‘Dad, can you pick us up?’ It was his daughter, Tara, sounding a little angry, a little scared, a lot flustered. ‘Mr. Freeman was supposed to, but he’s way late, and isn’t...

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Two Families

My father was searching for a good alliance for marriage. He was very particular about heavy dowry. As such many matches failed. But all of a sudden my father took me to a family to finalize their daughter. The house is very good but not so rich. And the girl was too sex. On our return journey I asked my father “can they give us the heavy dowry. To my surprise he said there may not be any dowry. You will enjoy life with this marriage. I said how . . ., You will see is the answer. The marriage...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 442 Bad Families

I wonder what his story is and why he got drawn to Ellen. Ellen sent in the boy she had found to play with here, and as soon as I saw him, I knew him. I watched the realization on his face when he sort of recognized me. I showed him a picture of me from before Paula’s accident. He asked, “Darren?” in his family language, to which I replied, “Darren is dead. I’m David.” “You smell like Darren and have his eyes,” he whispered in my ear. I whispered back, “I also have children with Mary,...

2 years ago
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3 Families

PROLOGUE: HOMEWARD BOUND While I have abonded this story after Chyoo broke down and glad to see a new site up and running in its place I have taken the story to Literotica and invite everyone who likes this story to check it out over there and as well though I am also posting new content here under the extra's at the bottom. And feel free to help upvote it at Literotica and thanks for reading my story. New Version Here Rico Louis It was a...

1 year ago
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12a Archdeacon StreetChapter 14 Unplanned Families

"I dropped Sally off at school. She's got classes this afternoon." Delia twisted the control knob of the washing machine. Water began to gurgle. "Good of you to look after her. And thanks for bringing all her washing round. Her jeans and stuff." Russ looked at her. Delia's face was blank. "I'd have expected a phone call from her. She is my younger daughter, after all." "She couldn't call you from 1928." "They had phones in 1928." "Yes, but..." She turned round, grinning...

4 years ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XIII 18 A Choice of Families

"But she's my sister! I can't let my sister stay a slave, even if she has been let live her own life most of the time." "I will not give her up!" Harrison said. I had just returned from the really cool bathroom they had there, my smile from having to step over the massive pileup of sleeping Etas fading fast. "Where's Sarah?" I asked, noticing she wasn't in the room. "She gone to get Tommy," Harrison said. "Your companion here is not seeing things very clearly. She's my wife,...

1 year ago
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Female DelightsPrologue Families

Prince Abdullah had acquired a second wife in London when he made Madeleine Lascaux pregnant in the year after he married his first wife, Amelia, whom he had renamed Princess Zubeydeh. Madeleine was the insipid little daughter of a French diplomat who, at 22 was already considering herself 'left on the shelf'. He met her at an early evening reception in the Kobekistani Embassy; he was bored and she was the only female there that he did not already know. Most of the others had already been...

3 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 5 The Sugar Daddy for two families

Maanvi started to give him food as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her. In the last part 4 you read “He kept his thumb inserted in her pussy for a few seconds longer during the up down massage of her legs, the massages started...

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Even in The Best Families

** But have you ever even thought about doing anything improper as far as Shelley is concerned Greg?" She was staring at her husband as one might a laboratory specimen. "Be honest with me, I promise I won't hold it against you hun - I'm just interested. "Jesus Christ," Greg was thinking, "What father if he was honest had never once looked at his teenage daughter, if only in a moment of surging hormonal...

1 year ago
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Tea For Two Families

Part One The air conditioning had just cut on when the door bell chimed. "I'll get that, Angela. It must be the Taylors. Are the children ready?" "Yes, Miz Brown." "Make sure they're clean, then send them to the foyer." Beth walked past the mahogany dining table to peek through the sheers. Yes, there it is: Vicky's silver El Dorado. Beth closed the sheers, glided around the corner buffet toward the pocket doors. "Freddie! Sandy! Hurry! You mustn't keep your guests waiting."...

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Happy Families

1. A Daughter in Flagrante Delicto Barbara was in her early thirties, a good looking housewife with two beautiful children, Jack who was 15 and Sophie who was 14. She had a lot to be grateful for but she was also bored with life. The children didn't need her like they used to and their father was so involved with work at this point in their lives that it all became a bit dull. For some time her fantasies had been growing more and more outrageous, spurred on by the lack of any suitable outlet...

3 years ago
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White DelightsChapter 34 Happy Families

The following evening the Chief Eunuch was not put out in the least when he was ordered to prepare the two new wives and Princess Zubeydeh to go to the Emir's bed together that night, but prudently he had three separate teams of bath girls and eunuchs prepare the women, each in their own quarters. Thus it was a surprise to all three of them when they met in the corridor, being escorted together to the Emir's bedroom. There, all three knelt at the foot of the bed. As they did so Ayda asked...

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Absolute DelightsPrologue Families

She was a natural blonde with a slim figure and good teeth. Her hair was worn shoulder length and straight. Amelia Smith was just twenty and reading medicine at the University of London when she met Prince Abdullah from the Emirate of Kobekistan and fell head-over-heels in love with his dashing good looks and enormous fortune. Dinners at restaurants, the like of which a country doctor's daughter could only dream about soon led to visits to his sumptuous apartment overlooking Hyde Park. She...

4 years ago
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The Benefits of FriendsChapter 38 Of Fantasies and Families

As we arrived at the baggage claim area, I was surprised to see Rhonda standing there with a huge grin on her face. We hurried over to her, and I swept her into a big hug. "You didn't have to do this. We were going to take the bus back." She smiled up at me. "I had to come to the city anyway for something else, so picking the two of you up wasn't a problem." She looked down for a moment, then back up, and quietly added, "To tell the truth, I've missed the two of you. It's been damn...

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True Friends and Family

True Family and Friends A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book...

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Christmas With The Family

Christmas With The Family   An Original Work by Donato, Copyright 2007       Harry and Todd had been friends since grade school and now were freshmen at the same college, State University. It was almost Christmas and Todd had invited Harry to stay with he and his family as Harry's folks had been called out of town on a family emergency. It was the first time Harry was not to see his folks over Christmas and he was really down in the...


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