Licking both sides of the stamp
- 3 years ago
- 35
- 0
You wouldn't think that something as small and inexpensive as a postage stamp could fuck up a marriage, but one of them, or rather the lack of one of them, did just that.
I wasn't supposed to be there. There had been an accident at work. Joe Bivens hadn't been paying attention and as a result the turret lathe he had been operating took the little finger off of his left hand and I was elected to take him to the hospital emergency rooms. Once they had Joe in one of the treatment rooms I gave them my cell phone number so they could call me when he was ready to leave and I left. I decided to go home and have lunch while I waited for the call.
My wife Wendy was at work so I was home alone when the mail came. There were a couple of flyers, the water bill and an envelope with the stamped message from the Post Office on it saying that it could not be delivered without a postage stamp. I didn't recognize the addressee, but it did have our mailing label on the upper left hand corner of the envelope. Wondering just who Brandon Winters was made me just curious enough to open the envelope.
There have been times since then that I've wished that I hadn't, but then I'd tell myself it was better to find out sooner rather than later. What I read stunned me.
"My dearest Bran,
We have only been seeing each other for a month now and so far it has been the best thirty days of my life. You make me so fucking happy. Whenever I see your face my heart lights up and my tummy gets not just butterflies, but it feels like planes, birds and shooting stars are flying around inside me as well. Every time I look into your eyes I lose myself completely.
I'm always thinking about you 24/7. I swear that I've never been this happy with anyone else in my lift. You tore all my pain away and you get my mind off things when I am at my lowest. I've told you all my flaws and yet you still see me as perfect. You make me feel as if I'm actually worth something.
You are the light of my life, the other half of my heart and the peace in my mind. I love your eyes and I could just stare into them for days. I can't wait until we have our three day weekend together. I'll be a basket case until it gets here.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you and never let you go. You can't even comprehend how much I care for you. Our daily phone conversations and our weekly long lunches at the motel (tee hee) are barely enough to keep me going.
I love you so much.
Your baby girl
I sat there holding that letter in my hand stunned beyond belief. At first there was confusion at some of her words. "You tore my pain away." What pain? The last thirty days the best of her life? She was either lying through her teeth to this Brandon guy or she was more accomplished at acting than anyone in Hollywood or on the New York stage. I couldn't believe that the last seven years were all an act on Wendy's part. They had been the happiest of my life. The two of us had been happier than two pigs in a large mud puddle.
It couldn't have been an act on her part. It just couldn't have been. And yet her own words kept leaping up at me from the page. She had been meeting him at motels for long lunches? Why? I'd seen no signs that she was unhappy or dissatisfied with me. No lack of affection at all.
As I stared at the pages in my hand I did know one thing however. The three day weekend she couldn't wait for? She was not going to enjoy it at all. At least not if I could help it. Supposedly her best friend Joyce had won a three day spa visit for two and she and Wendy were going to go and be pampered. Three days of beauty treatments, massages, mud packs, mud baths or the like. I wondered if Joyce had a lover on the side also or if she was just going to cover for Wendy. No matter. I would probably be having a talk with Harry before that weekend occurred.
The hardest part for me would be behaving normally around Wendy. I couldn't let her know I had the letter because she would without a doubt call Winters and let him know I was onto them and I couldn't have that. I didn't want Winters to know I'd be coming for him. First order of business was for me to get more information and I knew just who to go to for it.
I showed up at Carl's Chop House ten minutes before Joyce got off work at four and took a seat in her section. When she showed up with her pad and pen and asked what I'd be having I said:
"Coffee and a few minutes of your time when you get off work. I have some information that could have an impact on your marriage to Harry and I would like to discuss it with you before talking to Harry."
She left without a word and then came back with my coffee. She set it down in front of me without a word and left. As I sipped my coffee I wondered what Joyce was going to do. Would she join me once she was off the clock or would she skate out the back door and call Wendy to ask her what was up? It was a gamble on my part, but I was betting that she would be more worried about her own marriage than about what Wendy might know.
I think I won that bet. I had no way of knowing if she had gotten in touch with Wendy between the time I ordered my coffee and she sat down with me at one minute after four, but I'm pretty sure that she didn't. She would be afraid to do anything before knowing what I was going to talk about. At least that was my expectation.
Joyce sat down across from me and said, "Okay Frank; what's going on here?"
"A question for you Joyce and an honest answer would be in your best interest. Are you cheating on Harry?"
"Hell no I'm not cheating on Harry. Why would you even think such a thing?"
"I just wondered if you would also be spending time with a lover on your spa weekend."
She sat there silent for a few seconds and then said, "I told her she was fucking up and warned her that she would get caught sooner or later. How did you find out?"
"She told me."
"She told you? She confessed?"
"No. What she did was forget to put a stamp on a letter."
I handed Joyce the letter with the envelope inside and waited while she read it. When she was done she handed it back to me and as I took it from her I said:
"My first inclination was to go to Harry and tell him that we were both married to cheating whores, but then I decided to keep my mouth shut and talk to you instead. You tell me everything you know and I keep Harry out of it."
"I'm not cheating on Harry."
"Maybe not, but after he reads this letter and knows what Wendy is doing and that you are covering for her you think he won't start wondering about you and what you might be doing on those three days? You want him to start being suspicious of what you might be doing when he isn't around?"
"Why would you do that to me Frank? I've never done anything to you."
"Sure you have Joyce. You are helping my wife fuck over me. You are giving her cover. You know what she is doing. You just said it yourself. You told her she was fucking up so you know what she is doing and you are helping her and if that isn't doing something to me I don't know what is. What you need to do right now is figure out what is most important to you. Your friendship with Wendy or a trouble free marriage."
"I want both Frank. How about a deal? I'll tell you all you want to know, but you never let Wendy know that it came from me. That way we can stay friends regardless of what happens with the two of you. And no, I'm not stabbing her in the back. You already know so all I'm doing is giving you background. There is one thing that needs to be straight between us Frank. Wendy is my best friend and I've known her since the second grade. I've only known you since you met her in college so expecting me to come to you and let you know she is being bad is totally unrealistic on your part.
"Besides, she wasn't hurting you. She loves you and you know she does. This thing with Brandon is a fling; a silly infatuation that is bound to die in a short time. Brandon isn't half the man you are and Wendy knows it."
"If she knows it then why in the hell this" I asked as I held up the letter.
"It goes back to the ninth grade. Brandon Winters was everybody's everything. All State as a wide receiver on the football team. All City and All State as a forward on the basketball team. Star shortstop on the baseball team and a straight A student. Great looking and his daddy owned four car dealerships and so the family was wealthy as all get out. Wendy was infatuated with Brandon. She wanted to be his girl n the worst way, but he never seemed to notice her.
"She made sure to go to places where she knew he would be just to put herself in front of him so he would have to notice her. It didn't matter what she did Brandon never gave her a tumble. In the eleventh grade she even asked him to the annual Sadie Hawkin's Day dance. He blew her off telling her he would be out of town. The night of the dance he showed up with Cindy Reynolds, but that still didn't stop her from trying to get his attention.
"All through high school she tried and tried and kept trying to no avail. Then graduation came and he went back east to some big school and life moved on. Wendy eventually met you. She loves you Frank. Don't ever doubt that. I can't even remember how many times she has told me how happy she ha been since she met you."
"How can I believe that Joyce? How can I possibly believe that after reading this letter? How can she possibly care for me as much as you say she does when she is stabbing me in the back with this Brandon guy?"
"I don't know how to explain it frank, but it is some kind of ego thing, wish fulfillment, affirmation of self-worth or something like that. I really don't know. All I know is that about four months ago Wendy was shopping at Kohl's and Brandon was there, saw her and came up to her and said hi. He told her he had just moved back to town and maybe over lunch she could fill him in on what happened to our old classmates and stuff like that. They had lunch and exchanged phone numbers because he said he was going to try and set up a reunion like party.
"He called her two days later and asked her if she would have a drink with him after work so they could talk about the party. She met him and they talked about where to have it, what kind of party it would be and the like. He called her a couple of more times and they talked on the phone about this party of his and then one day he asked her to meet him for lunch. Over lunch he confessed that there wasn't any party and it was just a way he could see her and talk to her.
"Try to image how she was feeling Frank. The guy she had chased after for four years of high school was now wanting to get together with her. It fed something inside of her. The more he asked to see her the more she felt like ... Oh hell; I don't know. Anyway, she started having lunch with him and meeting for drinks after work with him and all the time he was coming on to her. After four years of chasing him he was now chasing her. I honestly doubt that he would have gotten anywhere with Wendy if you hadn't had to fly back to Michigan to settle your father's estate."
"What in the hell did my father's estate have to do with anything?"
"You were gone four days Frank and while you were gone Brandon put a full court press on Wendy. She had dinner and drinks with him every night you were gone and they went drinking and dancing on two of those nights. She never intended it to go anywhere Frank; honestly she didn't, but on the first night they went for dinner, drinking and dancing something happened. It just happened and Wendy couldn't even explain it to me. They were having a good time and suddenly they were in bed together. She wasn't drunk or drugged; it just happened.
"She called me the next day crying. She hadn't meant to do it, but she had cheated on you and she felt guilty as hell. She wanted my advice. Should she call you and confess over the phone or wait for you to come home and do it face to face. I advised her to do neither. It would only hurt you. I told her that it was a one time regrettable mistake and what you didn't know wouldn't hurt you. I told her to put it behind her and then do her absolute best to be the best wife for you that she could be.
"She only went out with him on the fourth night to tell him to leave her be because she was a happily married woman. When she told him that she had to quit seeing him he asked her how she could do it. He told her that they were meant for each other and she asked if that was true why had he ignored her for their four years of high school. He told her the reason was because he knew if he got together with her he would never be able to let her go. He had his life all laid out and a wife would have held him back. He had to fight his desire for her so he could go off and be the big success he wanted to be in the NFL. He told her that he knew that once he had achieved his goal they would find each other because they were meant to be. Wendy told me that she knew it was all bullshit, but somehow they ended up back in bed together.
"She couldn't explain it to me because she said she couldn't understand it herself. She told me that it wasn't the sex because you were a much better lover than Brandon. In fact she played you up so much that if I wasn't ass end over teakettle in love with Harry I'd have been tempted to take a shot at you myself. What I think happened is that she spent so much time and effort on him in high school that now he was with her she just couldn't walk away from him. His being with her somehow justified all the effort she put in in trying to get him to notice her."
"That shit sounds all too deep for me. For me it is as clear as day. She stabbed me in the back by fucking another man. I might have – just might have – gotten by the one night, but that trip to Michigan was four months ago and she is still seeing the cocksucker. Meeting him in motels for long lunches and setting up three day weekends with the asshole. How did you get sucked in to being a part of the Fuck Over Frank club?"
"I'm not part of any club like that."
"Of course you are. You are setting up a three day weekend for them."
"I didn't set up anything for them. The spa visit is legitimate and I invited Wendy to go along with me. I had no idea she intended to use the weekend to meet Brandon until day before yesterday. That's when she told me that Brandon had made reservations at a hotel close to the spa. For what it is worth Frank I did tell her that she is being stupid and I also told her that I wouldn't lie for her if it came to that. She told me that she was going to use the weekend to end things with him."
"That just doesn't jibe with what she wrote in the letter to him."
"All that is Frank is her telling him what he wants to hear. It is just Wendy being Wendy. You know how compassionate she is. Build him up so she can let him down easy. Make him feel good so he won't feel so crushed when she tells him she has to go back to being a good wife for you. And she is that Frank. She is and always has been a good wife to you. Even with this silly fling with Brandon going on she has never shorted you when it came to showing love and affection and though she has never mentioned it to me I'd be willing to bet she hasn't shorted you sexually either. She is yours Frank and both Wendy and I know it even if you may doubt it. What are you going to do?"
"I don't know Joyce. I have a lot to think about and I just don't know. It might help the process if you don't let her know that I'm aware of what is going on. I'm not sure that the confrontation that would take place if she knew that I knew is something that we could survive."
"I know Wendy Frank and I know that the two of you can have a long and happy life if you can find someway to get past this."
"I can't promise anything like that Joyce. I know me pretty well and I'm not at all sure that I want to get past it even if I could.
I do indeed know myself pretty well and one of the things I know about me is that I won't put up with being fucked with. I found that out in the eighth grade. Even though a growth spurt in the early years of high school that brought me up to six feet I'd been small for my age in elementary and middle school. As a result I got picked on a lot by guys that were bigger.
The first time it happened was around the third or fourth grade and I went home crying. My mom asked me what was wrong and I told her. Then she asked me what I had done to the kid that beat on me and I told her that I'd done nothing to him since he was bigger than me. Then she told me that he would keep on picking on me because he knew I'd let him get away with it.
"You don't back down from bullies Frankie; you go after them. You let them know that if they mess with you they will have to pay for the privilege with pain. The easiest way to put a stop to it Frankie is to let them know that you will not settle for letting them use you as a punching bag. It doesn't matter if you win or lose baby; what matters most is that you fight back.
"You do not give anyone a free ride.
"The bullies will see that and they will leave you alone. Most will anyway although there will always be one or two stupid ones who are too dumb to learn. Just make sure you make them pay baby. Remember honey; no one, absolutely no one gets s free ride."
I listened to mom and I took what she said to heart and the next time a bigger kid came after me he got a bloody nose for his trouble. I got a black eye and a split lip out of it, but had the satisfaction of seeing his blood on the front of his shirt. Mom was right. After a couple of more scraps the bullies decided that it wasn't worth the effort to fuck with me.
It wasn't until the eighth grade that I found out how far I was willing to go if someone bigger than me fucked with me. There was a kid in my class named Elmore and he wasn't any bigger than me, but he liked to fuck with kids because he had a big brother who was in the eleventh grade and if you did anything to Elmore his brother Marcus would come down on you like a ton of bricks. Marcus was big and bad. Six foot four and over two hundred pounds and you just did not mess with his little brother. Elmore took plenty of advantage of that fact. Secure in the knowledge that everyone knew Marcus would fall on anyone who messed with him Elmore screwed with anyone he felt like screwing with. Eventually it was my turn.
Elmore's locker was right next to mine and one day between classes I was at my locker changing books when Elmore came up to me and pushed me saying:
"Out of my way twerp."
I pushed him back so hard that he fell on his ass. He got up and came to me and poked a finger in my chest, but before he could say anything I grabbed his hand, bent his finger back and shoved him away from me so hard that he fell on his ass a second time. Several other kids saw what happened and they laughed at him. I got the book I needed for my next class and walked away leaving a crying Elmore sitting on the floor.
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First TimeME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:PART TWOME AT THE BACK OF THE PLANE:Maggie got up first and I watched her go to the back of the plane, with a quick look around I got up and walked to the same toilet and knocked twice, she opened the door and pulled me inside. We started to kiss and my hands were all over her and so were hers. I was grabbing her at her cloths ,I unbuttoned her green top she had on ,which showed off her well cupped breasts in a lace bra, in matter of seconds I had it off my mouth...
After being drenched by a motorist, Kane took her home. Annabella forgot to close the bathroom door and didn't know Kane was watching as she showered and masturbated. He got under the shower after watching her cum. He took her virginity, telling her 'he would teach her a lot more if she agreed.' Would she? Did he? Sitting on the bed, licking her lips, she watched as he fisted his cock. She could see pre-cum start to glisten around his helmet. Thinking to herself, 'What would he teach...
Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else. This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of almost 30 chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail,...
Chapter 1: At the MarketJohn and Craig were old friends, right back to when they were both k**scausing trouble around the streets of South London. As they grew intomen they'd both had a keen eye for the girls and had no shortage ofsuccess. They made a good team.John was a natural leader with his broad shoulders, 6ft 2in height, darkhair and handsome features. The girls would all swoon over him. Craigwas usually happy to provide back-up, chatting up the best friend ofJohn's preferred girl...
The new housekeeper had returned and quickly unpacked her few meager possessions. Claire and Drummond had invited Shanti to dine with them that evening as their guest, a gesture to get things off to a good start and to introduce her to their son and daughter. The young woman was seemingly reluctant but finally, upon continued urging, especially from Drummond, agreed. As she was dressing for dinner, there was a knock at Shanti's door. Pulling the sweater on hurriedly, she opened the door to...
This was basically the moment I lost total control on Mimi for that day. The pandit then asked them to take those 7 ‘Pheres’ around the holy fire to seal their wed-lock. After that, he took the sindur and asked Arun to put it on Mimi’s forehead. He did so happily. Surprisingly, Mimi was blushing when the sindur was being applied on her forehead. It was a first for her. But, yes she was looking awesome with the sindur. The entire thing took about 45 minutes and we went down. On reaching the car,...
I looked good as he came to open the door of the cab for me, I knew I did and I also knew that he thought so too, "Hello darling" I said as he smiled down at me and held out his hand, "Hi mum" he said and just the briefest of glances between my legs when I got out, betrayed the relationship between us, "You look gorgeous" "Thank you darling" I took his arm and together we walked into the interior of the hotel, where he'd booked a table in the restaurant as well as reserving a room...
I’m not good at school, and with this big test coming up, I’m going to be totally fucked if my nerdy stepsister Sera Ryder doesn’t help me out. But when the stubborn girl won’t budge, I steal her glasses to make her pay! The only way I’m giving them back is if she sucks my thick cock. Turns out, she’s not as prude as I thought she was. And when I catch her reading an erotic book, she shows me some of the filthy things she’s been learning. A couple days later, I show my stepsister that I passed...
xmoviesforyouKim continued her assault on Lisa's red hot, hard nipple. She kissed Lisa's neck some more and then started to make her way down her friend's sexy body. As she was doing this, Lisa laid down and Kim fell on top of her. She then took Lisa's hard nipple into her mouth and began to suck on it. She also went back to rubbing her hot, sensitive clit. Lisa moaned as Kim devoured her hard nipple. Lisa's hand also found its self back down between her sexy legs and she was going to town on rubbing her...
Drew looked at the clock. 6.15am it blinked at him. He rolled onto his back and fondled his cock. Thursday at last, he'd been waiting all week for it to arrive. It was still too early to get up. He couldn't drop the dog of at Geoff's place until 8 am. He stopped playing with himself, he didn't want to get hard and have to jerk himself off. He was saving himself for Tess and Dave tonight. He had been all week. He thought back over the past week and how hard the goodbye to Dave and Tess had been,...
BisexualI payed attention to the assignment I had to do. In the top right corner of a loose leaf sheet of paper, was my name Ashley Donce, the date was April 30, and it was period 9. There were about 30 math equations scribbled across the sheet, and I seemed to be the only one doing it. Amongst me, were the sluts, and the jocks, and that one strange kid who alway bought strange foods to school. Then there were the alternative people. The Emos, Loners, Goths, and Scenes. They just sat in the corner,...
EroticOnce again I want to thank my editor ‘Wires’ for his assistance with this story. His work made the final product much more readable. As always, however, any errors remaining are mine. I did tweak this one a little after he returned it. ***** Garrett Mans came slouching into the kitchen of his mother’s house late once again for supper. The 19-year-old well-built boy was completely unable to keep to a schedule and it drove his mother into fits of anger that sometimes threatened to become...
Naruto Uzumaki: Male; Blonde Messy Hair; Blue Eyes; Orange Jumpsuit. Generally loud and outgoing, and is always open for a fight to help him get stronger. Eventually wants to be Hokage. Small cock. Sasuke Uchiha: Male; Black Straight Long Hair; Brown Eyes Can turn red/black when activated Bloodline); A white rope top with a black baggy pants with a purple belt. Generally quiet and "cool". Never wants to lose a fight and will eventually wants to kill his traitorous brother, Itachi Uchiha. Large...
I stay at Mira Road in Mumbai, which is distant suburb of the city and I am 26 years of age working for a financial firm in the city. We never had a problem getting maid servants for household work since there were many of them in this place. So much so, that there was competition and quite a few of the women were left without work. Two years ago when I moved in, I spread the word that a servant was required at my house, I got many ladies who were interested in coming and working. I was clear...
Small shack in the outlands. Nothing particularly shabby – nothing too suspect, either. We’ve kept secluded enough for now. The condensation on the bathroom mirror makes it slightly more challenging to shave the amateur beard that attempted itself over this last week – a long razor, left in one of the nearby drawers, put to use immediately. I wince at the small sharp pains – unavoidable, I suppose. I clean off the spots of blood with a dirty white towel, no longer virginal post-shave, and...
I was 18 Yo and had just discovered how much I like Gay sex in a Gloryhole. A week later I was back, on a Friday night, to have some hot sex with older guys. I walked in in short-shorts, looked all the guys up and down, and bought another 5 bucks in tokens, so I was going back to the booths for a while. I got into the back and let my eyes adjust..then slutted my nice round ass all the way back to the back booths where the Gloryholes were big enough to climb through, and no doors or locks on the...
They were scarcely through the front door before they fell into each other's arms. "Oh, my Nick," whispered Sally in his ear. "I miss you even when we're only fifty feet away from each other separated by my beloved Megan. I see you properly at lunchtime but I can't show you my love as I want to in case someone comes to see you. Nick, I enjoy my work. I enjoy the people I work with, thanks to you, but I have that longing to be with you, to be able to touch you, to kiss you, to be...
Hi. This is Sourabh again with another hot story. This is also as usual a true story and about me and a married wife from Lucknow. So the story goes like this. I had to go to Mumbai for an official tour. I reached Bhopal station and boarded the train and had a side lower berth reserved for me in the 2nd AC coach. I adjusted my luggage and since I had no other work, I decided to sleep and thus lied down and closed my eyes. After a few min, I heard a soft voice “excuse me” and I opened my eyes to...
Ok so it all happened this one and brittany were talking dirty on the phone, she was breathing heavily as she put 2 fingers in her tight wet 18 year old pussy and i was breathing just as hard while rubbing my hard lubed up 8.5 inch dick. idk what got into her that night but she was way more open than usual. she kept asking me if i have ever been so horny that i thought about cumming in mt own mouth...i didnt know how to tell her yes but the thought of such a sexy girl asking me that...
Charlotte Stokely and Georgia Jones are in their respective rooms trying out some new outfits. The girls are gonna hit the clubs hard and want to look perfect. When Georgia walks into Charlotte rooms, Charlotte can’t believe how hot she looks. Georgia, in turn, thinks Charlotte looks amazing as well. The truth is, both girls look smoking and are going to paint the town red. Charlotte wonders if she should wear a bra or panties but Georgia thinks that she’s better off going commando,...
xmoviesforyouPLEASE NOTE: This is part of a completely fictional series about a single father, his daughter, and her friends. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Brief synopsis of events so far: Jamie, teenage daughter of single parent Bill, asked him a question about sex. One thing led to another. When this chapter begins, Bill and his daughter have been having wild and satisfying sex almost daily for a few weeks. Jamie's best friend, Kiersten, who is spending the weekend...
Book 2: Magic's Clash Chapter One: Spidery Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Journeyman Mage Faoril – Esh-Esh, The Magery of Thosi “Why are you jerking him off?” Saoria asked as she lounged on her bed in her red robes of a Journeyman Mage, her long, dark-brown hair spilling across one shoulder and the swelling rise of her large tits. I always felt so inadequate around her. My breasts were nice, round, and dwarfed by the lush pair...
Hello friend, I am yogesh. Mai Meerut se hu, 24 year ka handsome or shy boy. Aaj m ek aise kahani btane ja rha hu jo apko btayegi ki agr ladki ko sex krna ho to wo bhai k sath b kr leti h. To dosto aj se 1 saal pehle mujhe fb pe ek ladki mili jiska naam tha Manisha. Uski umr 22 saal or figgure 30-28-30. Ek dum mast thi ye mujhe jb pehli baar use dekha tb pta chala. To jb maine use friend request send ki usne msg kra who r u? Maine kaha tumse dosti krna chahta hu. Usne kaha mujhe jante ho. Maine...
Late in the morning today, I headed over to an area near the airport where there are lots of different adult establishments. I had only ever stopped in this area one time before and got a not too expert blow job in an arcade. I thought I would explore some more today and see what turned up. My plan was to stop at the place that I visited before, but I figured that I could move on if the parking lot was pretty empty.The store I was heading for is one of those establishments at the rear of a...
Mom and Dad were both pretty quiet in the morning. I didn’t really notice much because as soon as I’d eaten breakfast, I went to my room and finished sketching in the details for my next painting on the canvas board. Ms. Clayborn would be surprised when I took a new finished painting to school with me after the break. I just hoped Annette and Morgan liked it. I found out soon enough. It wasn’t lunch time yet when I heard a shout from the entry and feet pounding up the stairs. “Honey, we’re...
You have paid a visit to a girlfriend who lives on the edge of the Bad Lands. Heading for home you took a wrong turn somewhere and now were in the middle of the desert. When you turned around on a dirt road to retrace your route you heard a loud bang and now you car is shaking badly. Getting out and walking around to the passenger side you see your right front tire is flat. 'Damn, damn, damn'! Opening your trunk you get out your jack and use it raise the right side. ...
Fu Sazanami took a whole shot of hot cum to her mouth the last time we saw her. She belongs to the uniform club which means she puts on her old uniform and waits for men to ask her out. She could wear her old HS uniform or even her gym outfit from HS or maybe her old swimsuit from her HS swim class. Whichever it is, you know that someone is going to have a fetish for that uniform and ask her to satisfy some sexual fetish they have. Today she is looking hot in her old swimwear. She loves to show...
xmoviesforyouIntha anubava suga nilai niraiya pengaluku udhaviyaaga irukum, neengal aangal pengalidam ena ethir paarkiraargal enbathai anaithaiyum neengal therinthu kolalam. Pothuvaaga aangal avargalin siru vayathilr sunniyai pidithu vilaiyaaduvaargal. Avargalin sunni sariyaaga 10 vayathil irunthu valara aarambikum pengal kuthiyil oothu udal uravu kola. Naan oru aanaga en kathaigalai ungaluku sollugiren, en peyar ashok vayathu ippozhuthu 30 aagugirathu. En kaama anubavangalai naan ungalidam pagirnthu kola...
Months of contemplating and fantasizing about being ravished by a black man, and teasing black men, had made me ready to consider taking the next step. My husband Bob had got me into this. He had become a fan of interracial pornography and spent a lot of time online. Looking at it online was then not enough for him so he arranged for black men on a couple of occasions to fondle my breasts. Bob took pictures while the black men groped me; I know it turned me on, and I guess it was a big turn on...
First Abduction She heard a noise but kept walking. She was just being silly and scaring herself. She had just finished working and decided to walk home that night, as it was cool and slightly breezy. There, she heard it again! She laughed, probably a cat. She turned the corner and as she passed the alleyway, a hand came out and covered her mouth and yanked her into the alley. A soft hood was thrown over her head and she was shoved into a car. She was too startled to do anything but gasp...