Tradition free porn video

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The wind howled.

Tom looked out of the shallow cave, right hand on the rough stone of the entrance. Rain was going to come. He could see that. Could already hear the thunder. His parents were going to worry. He hoped they were going to worry. They might not. They might not know he was gone yet, or assume he was at some friend's house.

They might not know he had run away.

The fourteen year old looked down at the new backpack leaning against the cave wall. His parents had bought it for him. For Scouts, they had said. A new four man dome tent, complete with rain fly, was bungee corded to the bottom of the frame. Also from his parents. New canteen, new mess kit, new everything.

They had not heard him when Tom said he had quit Scouts.

They never heard him. Not that he had noticed. They were busy. With work, with each other, with every aspect of life but their son. Maybe he was too good. Too ... no, not perfect. Hell no. He was far from that. But he never got into trouble. Never gave them cause to think he needed to be watched.

So they didn't.

Still, this was stupid. Running away was stupid. You didn't solve anything that way. What was he expecting to do out here in the forest? He had a few days worth of canned food, a hundred dollars, and a tent. That was no way to start a new life.

Thunder cracked.

It had been stupid to quit Scouts. He could have looked for a new troop. Started over with a new group of kids who didn't know him, who had the same interests. He could have done that. He liked Scouts. Liked the camping. The fact the new Scoutmaster was an asshole wasn't a reason to just quit. Just run away.

He always ran away...

It was like the sky unzipped. Rain began pouring down, blowing sideways past him. He reached his hand out, palm first. It was like a wall, a forcefield. Pulling his hand back, he thanked the god he no longer believed in for the cave. It was a nice one. Not too deep. Turning, he looked again at the back wall, maybe ten feet back from the entrance. Maybe cave was too grand a name for it. An alcove. Deep enough for shelter, not deep enough to hide some animal also sheltering from the rain and wind. He hoped. Eyes going back out into the rain, he hoped some wild animal was not now racing back to its home. He looked behind him again.

A girl was there.

He jumped, sideways, body and mind placing the strange sight somewhere down below the storm in its ranking of danger. His back came against the cold rock face, jagged edges pressing through his t-shirt. His eyes focused.

She was nude.

Not just nude. White. Not the pinkish flesh which passed for white in the categorizing of races. No. Her skin was pure white. The white of snow. Of the unreal. She stood before a blackness which had not been there before, a tunnel stretching forever into the unknown. Her hair, too, was white, if darker. Blue eyes, large, but with pupils small as if unused to the light. She blinked. He blinked as well. She was about his age, or the mystical equivalent, smaller and slenderer as many girls in his class were. Her breasts were half orbs, prominent, tips black. He then noticed her lips were black, as were her finger and toe nails. Between her legs, a patch of light grey hair.

She stood there silently. Blinking.

His first thought, once he was capable of thought, was that she had to be cold. He was chilly, the light jacket he had worn discarded next to his pack. Her nakedness was too unreal to cause a reaction. Tom hardened, though, from her beauty alone. It was an unearthly beauty. Inhuman, yet achingly human. His throat dry, he swallowed.

"Who are you?"

It came out nervous, terrified. The girl blinked, head cocking to the side. She reached a delicate hand out.

"Come with me."

Her quiet voice almost seemed to echo. She was a ghost. A demon. A succubus. A nude succubus here to kill him through sex. A wonderful way for a virgin teen male to die, yes, but he wanted it to be Alice who did that to him. Not some unreal demon girl. For some reason not as frightened, as if speech had removed some of the more terrifying options, he stood up straight, back leaving the protection of the rock.

"I said, who are you?"

"Your mate."

Mate? Damn, it was a succubus! She blinked, lowering her arm. Her hands clutched each other before her.

"Please. Come. We need you. We need you to mate. To survive. You must come. Please."

"Come where?" He looked behind her. Blackness. Blackness which had not been there, could NOT have been there. This was no secret door which had opened. It was magic.

"To our nest. To my sisters. Please. Come."

He had wanted to run away. Wanted to run away from his life. In his daydreams, Tom had fled countless times, gone on adventures to far away lands, magical worlds. Now that the choice was firmly before him...

"Will I return? When I'm done?"


She was honest. That was good. He licked his lips, eyes locked with hers.

"Will you hurt me?"


"When do we go? If I go."


Now. No time to think. No time to consider. One chance. To say no, was to forever wonder. To say yes, was to never see family and friends again.

The girl moved a step forward.


God, she was beautiful...

"What is your name?"

"My sisters call me Tani. Please, be our mate."

Tom closed his eyes. He was only human.


His eyes shot open as the girl threw herself at him, arms wrapping around his body. Her face burrowed into his chest, her skin as warm and soft as any girl he had ever imagined.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She seemed to be crying. Tom found himself wrapping his own arms around her. He was holding a naked girl. A beautiful, naked girl. Her body suddenly pulled away. He released her as she stepped back. He could swear she was blushing, the white skin of her neck and upper breasts as well as her cheeks turning pink. "I am sorry. I am so happy!"

"Don't be. Sorry, I mean. I'm glad you're happy."

He could see a thought cross her face. Every emotion seemed to appear on her the instant she felt it.

"Oh! Your name! What is your name?"


Tani nodded. He could see her mouth the word silently. She smiled.

"Tom. That is good. We will make you happy, Tom. So happy. Come. Come with me!"

She motioned to the impossible darkness. He nodded. This was it. Moving across the cave, he grabbed his jacket, putting it on. With a grunt, he picked up his heavy pack, fortuitously filled with all he thought he needed in this world. Settling it on his shoulders, doing up the belt around his waist, he nodded.

"Lead the way."

The light behind them vanished.

Tom froze, foot half lifted. He was in darkness. Total darkness. Panic rose in his his mind.


He didn't know if she did. Didn't know if she was still there. Didn't know if he was still there. He turned his head. Nothing. The cave entrance was gone. The cave was gone. He was in some unknown evil dark cave with monsters...

As the heavy pack on his back shifted, he let out a groan at his stupidity.

"Oh, for the love of ... wait. Let me get a light." A minute into their journey, and he was taking the pack off again. Tom eased it to the ground, not sure at first if there was a ground besides where his feet were. Feeling his way around the nylon pockets and plastic zippers, he found the one he needed. With practiced hands, he undid the fastener and reached down past some rolled socks. His hand grabbed the plastic grip of his heavy duty flashlight. Careful that nothing else came out with it, he removed it from the pocket, finger on the switch.

He hesitated.

What would he see? A nude white skinned girl? An empty cave? Or ... would he see her true form? See the creature which had disguised itself to lure him down to its lair? An inhuman monster, ready to tear him apart and feast on his flesh?

The light turned on.

He had it aimed at the floor, ready to bring up the flashlight like a weapon if need be. The stone tunnel around him lit up in its glow, rocks black and brown. Five feet away, the white skinned Tani stood, eyes blinking. He could see, actually see, her dark blue irises shrink down, a defense against his illumination. Tom aimed the light farther from her.

"I'm sorry about this. It only has one setting, but I need it to keep going."

She nodded, looking around them.

"So bright..."

The fact he had no spare batteries suddenly entered Tom's mind. Well, he'd enjoy sight while he could. He stood again, slipping his pack back on. Tom aimed the light down at his feet.

"I'm ready. Let's go."

Nodding, the girl turned, bare feet leading them onward.

The path wound downward. Tani did not speak, although she did look back at him, happy and smiling, now and then. Tom kept a few steps behind her, keeping the girl's back in view. Part of him justified this as wanting to keep her in sight, for when she turned into a monster. Another, a larger part, just liked looking at her bare back. Her butt, too. He had never seen a bare one move like hers. The teen found it ... fascinating.

They passed other tunnels, extending off into the darkness. Tom would shine his light down them, half in fear he would actually see something. Their path seemed straight, to the point where if he knew where to start he thought he could retrace it. There would be no entrance when he reached the point at which they had entered, but at least he could get there. That eased his mind a bit.


Tom stopped, leaning a shoulder against the wall. The rock here was smoother, as if weathered by water. Tani stopped where she was, turning, eyes questioning. The girl took a step towards him.


Tom could not help but laugh, the sound coming out as half a sigh.

"I'm tired. I need to rest."

She considered this. After a long moment, the white girl nodded.

"Yes. Rest. You must rest."

"Thank you." He unbuckled the belt holding the bottom of the pack to his waist, letting the shoulder straps slide off his shoulders as soon as the fastener clicked. It fell to the floor with a soft plop. Turning so his back was against the wall, he slid downward. His jean enclosed butt found itself on smooth, warm rock. The warmth surprised him. His flashlight had been in the hand closest to the wall, so he had not felt it recently. Placing the light on the ground, letting it roll until the switch provided a natural brade, he placed his palm on the ground beside him. The rock was indeed warm. So, too, the air around him. The girl's nudity was beginning to make more sense.

"I need a drink." Detaching the canteen from his waist, he brought it up to his lips. The water was still cool. It was half gone, though. These creatures had better live near drinkable water, or his food supply was going to be the least of his problems. Looking up, he saw Tani squatting before him. Her legs were spread, giving the teen his first glimpse of a pussy. The outer lips were black, matching those on her face, but he could see a bit of pink between them. His eyes quickly returned to her face. "Um ... do you drink? I mean, do you drink water, like I do?"

She nodded, body adjusting. Her legs seemed to move apart farther, the muscles under her skin well defined.

"Yes. We drink water. I will drink when we are home. I will not take your water."

Well, that was nice of her. It could be she needed some sort of magic water, naturally, and drinking it himself would turn Tom into some sort of slave/monster. Too late to do anything about that. Leaning back, he closed his eyes as his hands automatically screwed the top back on the plastic canteen. He placed it on the ground beside him.

"Do you mind if I take a nap?"

Instead of a reply, or perhaps as one, he felt her hand between his legs. Tom's eyes shot open. Her white fingers were gently tracing the shape of his half hard dick under the denim. Her blue eye looking longingly. Tom wet his lips.


He felt and heard his zipper being pulled down. Slim fingers reached into his pants, into the gap in his boxers. He gasped as warm fingers curled around him, pulling his manhood out. A sigh slipped from her lips. As he watched, unbelieving, her head lowered. She ... sniffed him, nose running the length of his dick. Her eyes half closed.

"I have waited so long. WE have waited so long. I can not wait." She turned, getting on her hands and knees, ass presented to him. Tani's head looked back over her shoulder. "Mate with me. Please."

Tom had dreamed of moments like this. Of some strange girl just offering herself to him, of just the act of sex, with none of the emotional crap that got in the way. Yet he wanted to run away. It was ... wrong. This was so wrong. But, again, if he ran (and where would he run to?), he would never know. Forever dream of going through with it, of what might have been. Half thinking he was in a dream, Tom got on his knees behind the nude unreal girl. His cock, quivering, pulsing, found itself mere hair widths from the pink opening offered to him. He could smell her. Smell the essence of her. He wanted to get down, put his head between her legs. Inhale. Instead, he grabbed her hips ... and thrust.

Which gasp and moan came from which of the mated pair, neither could say. Tom felt himself engulfed by heat, wetness. Almost as soon as that registered in his overwhelmed mind her body seemed to clamp down, grasping his cock. He tried to pull back, and couldn't. A moment later he didn't care. She was ... milking him. The flesh seemed to ripple and pulse around him. He grasped her hips tighter.

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Olivia found Saturday to be a repeat performance of Friday with the exception of Reed calling the moment he saw her mother pull out of the driveway. "Hey Liv, where's your mom going and how long is she going to be gone for?" "I don't know, she said something about going over to a friend's house and that she'd be back around lunchtime." "What friend?" "I don't know, I didn't ask," replied Olivia as she sat on her bed relaxing in her pj's. It was the longest she'd gone...

2 years ago
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Strange Fruit

Ruby stuffed her arthritic hands deep into the folds of her warm Barbour jacket. Wind shivered through the bare tree limbs. With it came rain: icy horizontal rain that crept inside the snug shelter of her hood and pricked at her face. She gritted her dentures together and trudged on through the woods. Wet leaves, fallen on the ground, clung to her Wellingtons. She whipped one clawed hand out of her pocket and tossed a red rubber ball ahead of her. Her Alsatian puppy bounded off in pursuit. The...

2 years ago
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LA FunChapter 39

Donte and I had discovered the control room for an enormous amount of surveillance equipment and disconnected everything we could and shut down the various drives recording activities of the many cameras. We now knew nothing could be sent out of the house. Donte went to reconnect the internet to the house. I went into the kitchen and asked Wanda, "You guys have a pretty sophisticated alarm and home security system. Does the alarm company often send someone by?" "Oh, yes. The man comes...

4 years ago
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that one girl part 2 the coffee

Images were streaming through my head as i lay there,rolling around to try to get some sleep before the next day.The first was the picture of the first girl i had ever had a crush on,her name was tara and she worked at the local hairdresser, she was around my age at the time, only 2 years older than myself Probably doing a work exeriance.She was smart,funny,pretty and there was something about the way she washed my hair before it was cut that got me blushing and that...

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Earths CoreChapter 5 Dealing With The School Principal

Eden Formation's principal frowned at Zax's threat. "Don't overreach, boy, accept my invitation. Let's go to my office". "Fifty seconds!" Zax growled. Reminiscing over the scar on Anet's back, it was not about killing Binjo and his brother anymore, he wanted to inflict pain on all who should have taken responsibility instead of letting Anet suffer at home. "Principal Ram, is that truly a human boy?" The vice principal asked behind her back. With the appearance of the school's...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 40

Milligan completed his inspection of the HAC and departed to continue his inspection of the Navy Yard. The Horde discovered "Offspring". Whenever some of them were at loose ends, they would take "Offspring" for a run out to near space. It would have been hilarious to the Flock, listening to Flag Officers squabbling with Chiefs as to who would be coxswain, except that they were being worked hard whilst intruders were playing with their toy. However the 'put out' feeling was being...

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The Dom Next Door

The elevator door felt cool against my forehead as I leaned into it. “You’re not going to knock on Eva’s door,” I whispered. “You’re going to walk past, go home, and have a quiet evening.” Eva, the black haired beauty with a penchant for black skirts and low cut tops. Eva, who made knee high black boots look good. Eva, who I had gone out with a few times, until she told me that she wanted to tie me up and give me the pleasure that can only come from pain. I had been disgusted at the time but...

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Three Cheers for Ellen

Three Cheers For Ellen (Revision) By Ellen The Cheerleader Uniform, I can not think of an outfit more appealing to a cross-dresser than the set of these clothes. In Junior High School, High School, and College I admired and wished many times how I could get my hands on the ensemble. Luckily I did have my luck at scoring a complete uniform. My fantasies however never turned out as good as the one that I share with all of you. Thanks for all the kind reviews just on the...

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BackroomCastingCouch Renee 34 Years Old

Paralegal Renee is here today to see if she’s got what it takes to be a star in the biz. She’s 34 years old which is a little older than our typical casting candidate. But what’s that old saying? The older the berry the sweeter the juice, or something like that? That’s absolutely the case with Renee. Renee is what I like to call a freeaaaaak. She knows exactly what she likes, and she’s not afraid to ask for it. It’s a pretty nice change of pace. If we’re being honest, I dropped the ball on this...

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Sexy Girls

Reddit Sexy Girls, aka r/SexyGirls! If you know about the /r/prettygirls subreddit, but you don’t visit it because you can’t jack off to that content, then /r/sexygirls is for you. You see, this place has some of the hottest babes in the world, and the only rule on the sub is that they can’t show off any nudity. This still doesn’t mean that this place won’t get the occasional flash of titties that the mods are quick to delete, so don’t start browsing this place while you’re at work or...

Reddit NSFW List
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Our Future

My husband Paul and I met online. People laugh when I tell them that. We are so much in love and have so much in common they don’t usually believe me. We lived worlds apart but we are so alike it’s scary. I had been struggling to make ends meet for a while sometimes working as many as four jobs just to survive. This bothered Paul very much. He was always encouraging me to quit my jobs and made me promise that once we were married I would quit them all or at least cut down to one. We planned...

1 year ago
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Manure Fetish! You motherfuckers ready to see some serious shit? I’m not talking about time travel or hardcore anal fisting, I’m talking about genuine, bona fide, 100% real fecal matter. This one’s a little bit different from your typical scat site in that the poo comes not from lovely lady assholes, but from animals. That’s right, you lucky farm fucker, ManureFetish is all about bitches playing around in the bovine shit pits of a big-ass cattle ranching is a pretty...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Insta Girl 8211 Part 3 The Fun Continues

Hey friends, Mick at your service again. Thanks for reading my previous stories and for your helpful feedback. If you have any suggestions for my story I would like you to please tell me. For new readers let me introduce myself to you. I am Mick. 20 years old. Basically, I am from Pune but studies have brought me in Mumbai. I am 6 feet with an average body. The story from where I left it in the last part. N: Do you want to make me pregnant. M: No. Do you want to? You are going to eat a pill. So...

2 years ago
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Getting Old Is a BitchChapter 3

Tom didn't want to appear to be too anxious so he forced himself to wait three days before he phoned Sharon. She sounded very happy that he phoned her. He asked her out to dinner this Saturday and she accepted his invitation. He was eagerly looking forward to this next date with her. On this second date when she opened the door she looked better and better if that was possible. The dress she was wearing emphasized her womanly curves and had a scooped neckline. The tops of her breasts were...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 35

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...

1 year ago
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Horny Age Project Work With Teacher

It was a very important year for me as it was SSC, so my parents had me go all kinds of extra classes thinking that I will improve my grades, well it did improve my grades but it also got me a new sexual encounter. I was going to tuitions for math directly after school so I use to get home only by 3:30 pm then take a bath. I only got 30 min or so with Lata. This chapter is about my encounter with one of my teachers at school. I had volunteered for helping the teachers after school as a project...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 109

Saturday October 3, 1896 Crow Valley, Oklahoma Territory “Let me see that map again, Deuce,” Ezra said. He stood next to Eli and Isaac as they looked at the map. They had just gotten their first orders as Deputy United States Marshals two days ago, and the six of them were excited as they saddled up. They’d packed the night before and already had their two packsaddles loaded with tents, food and supplies for at least a two-week stay once they reached their destination. They were being sent...

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Jims WorldsChapter 14

Jasmine just couldn't let go of the thought, "Why had the bandits continued to attack the panda archaeologists even though they had to know that the effort was futile?" Finally, she could take it no longer, she just had to know the answer! She scheduled some time on one of TWT's long range trans-coms and began searching for the bandit stronghold on Jasong, the panda planet. She found it and watched the activity long enough to identify the leader of the group. When she judged the time was...

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Jasons Story Chapters 38 44

Author's Note: Thanks to Joni W for her help in editing. Comments always appreciated. Chapter 38 Early the next morning, Jason and his father took The Kristine out on the lake and over to their favorite cove for fishing. Once they got settled in, they baited their hooks and cast their lines in opposite directions. As they watched the sun rise to the eastern side of the lake, Jason poured them both a cup of coffee and opened up the box of Entenmann's chocolate covered...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Alexis Fawx Sabina Rouge You Make Me Crazy Horny

Alexis Fawx’ is so confused by her lust for younger girls…or really girls in general, so she visits her therapist, who is helping her get to the heart of her desires. Alexis thinks it has to do with a neighbor girl named Sabina Rouge who made her feel a certain way when she caught her in the bath, and the passion that ignited…Alexis finds red-headed, petite teen Sabina Rouge in her bathtub. Alexis advances towards her, mesmerized by the young girl’s appeal. Both embrace,...

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What Am I Doing

I don't know how I even got to this point. I mean I am standing here with this boy, young man, both of us naked. His hard young cock ready to fire it's load deep inside my womb, his hard cock ready to send his young sperm swimming thru my body in search of an egg to fertilize. My pussy wet and ready to take his seed. I have wanted this moment for a long time. Josh is a good looking young man in his last year of high school and my neighbor. I have fantasized about this moment for years. And...

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My name is Norik Rugget. When I was just 20 years of age I made the choice to enlist in the Vietnam War. It didn’t hit me at first the consequences of my actions and if I had the chance to change the past I don’t know what I would do. To completely understand my story I have to start from the very beginning . The date was June 9th 1967. The war overseas was in full effect and new young blood was needed to replace the old in the fox holes of North Vietnam. I was 20, young and eagerly...

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Second Chance

What puzzled her was that even though her parent’s finances were shaky, they always seemed to have the money to send her to prestigious private schools. She had earned a bachelor’s degree, an MBA and now just completed her law degree, all from Ivy League universities, along with experience in prestigious management consulting companies in between her degrees. She asked her mother a few times over the years how they could afford her schooling, when they often had trouble paying their other...

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Runway 31

Chapter 31 Brenda greeted Tiffany when she came in to work the following day. "Hi Tiffany, how was your Thanksgiving, did you spend it alone?" Brenda asked. "It was wonderful, maybe I should say it was perfect," she replied. "Really, what did you do?" "I spent the day at a homeless shelter and the evening at Paul Bennington's apartment." "Who is Paul Bennington?" "He's the CEO of the department store chain I was modeling for Wednesday evening. He asked me to join him for...

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My Boss My Lover

Carol’s Story ‘Carol?’ The deep sexy voice came through the intercom. ‘Can you come in here for some dictation, please?’ Carol looked around her already messy desk and took a deep breath, pressing the intercom button she responded to her boss. ‘Sure, Joe, I’ll be there in a minute.’ Putting the last letter in an envelope, she began to think about her boss. She didn’t mind taking dictation from him, in fact it was a pleasure, despite the fact that it was a half-hour until quitting time, She...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Chapter 1 The Pirates Claws

Book Six: Heart's Longing Chapter One: The Pirate's Claws By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Xandra – Black Glass Aerie, The Island of Birds I knelt on the edge of my parent's nest on the steep cliff my people lived upon, my feet dangling over the side, staring at the black rocks of Mount Peritito choked with vines. I tried not to look at the large pyre being laid on the aerie's largest outcropping, situated just above the jungle's top. The large logs had already been laid for the...

3 years ago
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Artistic Licence

My name is Calvin Sears, and I'm an artist. At least, that's what I wanted to be. Growing up, I loved all forms of art, so I went to college and got myself an art degree. I knew it would be tough to make a living with my art, but I always figured I'd be the exception. That was over 7 years ago, and the closest I've come to being a professional artist was a showing at a small local gallery, and being asked to draw the back cover illustrations of an awful children's book. I'm now working a...


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